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L 01 if th vduld'be shorter and f - t ru, IqUUIi ty (~f. Prodacts e' xesdti6n --time ~he -h pat cap-a-C-Ity,-of -a: gi-vn~a plant vic-tuld be-,,f.,tansiderably increastd. This- would in C-ffect-. lit in cost of t-b- fatty mteriai preparc-a by -Cue oxida~tion of Paraffin vax. This P9.&Aculax cf;~~Ts scme vork on efforts to ad.dize paraffin Vax f--r shoxt perioda ~-f tize in orUz of one nivote vhille uztag ten,-,ratarres in the xioge. of 2CL) t,-~ Tj~_e Clai" IhAi' tht~ '~%Ptl'n= tempera- tuxv,; ram4te, is 3ce) to !*_)-:~C arr& --pox-t- :* i,*Iatively r-'f_kpirl oxVIFAtt-on at those tempersturep shr_%rinZ neutxal�zatic~a n,.;Mber or acid UIZZS-Z-~ VaIIIC'S In tIIP~ ranF3e '.) f :20 for -W)e one mirwt,.: of contact. tije. it is furtzaer claimed th..%t the am~,Xznt of bydroxy acids forme-d. Is essentially.rAll. , The dats in the table on page 135111 -indicate the presence of n-v hydras fxids, hovever. it, all5o shows -that tae hydX0.4yl number, _J-; relati-vely high (1.140 t-o ItjO). Althou& ihe met_h-::~d of analysis fox bydxoiq,r i~ci&; is n~-t F-h,_ann there vl.~uld b-a 'zotre question as to whether or not -tl;-:Lr analys_;5 is coxr~zt if thsy hav-- a ldgz hydro.VI wimber yet c-laim the vra~tical AbBence of hyd_v;,xy o~This fyp,-, of usirg the relatively short Contact time at an increased sbou.1d lend Itzelf -to some form oil a continuc'us proce-os. Menritioned in, the paxticulur paper.- mst of the orld-56tion. prccedl=e's :.Vaich haye beea in c ii-aie in Germauy aud in othe17 10.CatiO."S, b-I'M it~aeU :batch processes. Tu gerv-rs~l. there v-,itld be certain ecortomic adirantages if tbe :~,axldatdoa Pro'-pAuxe coill be ;-:~ad=t5cl oa a continaous, bEtsls. Thr. Germ%n ljtf~ra- ~ture reports a nvin'be:r of effoxts to develop a contiraucus process, however.,, the ':c.r,ntj.:nuo!.)z O-P processes 11~11re re-Blarted in a degradation f producat qua-lity. -hl I.- - +lie sa Clil 113StItUte: .21it + as sppax-~ i~tly _'do Od64 -,~61jL gi Or. the Food. &n& Refrioration InImovEry MY indicate -that, the Soviet Union is concernecl inAbis pax-timlax V'irk vith the problem of :pr--p&riDg edible fats f-jim the oxidation. nf paraffam. This volild be a continuation or further vorl-, on tb~- type of process that oper~ited in Germany during , Wo rld War II. Me fact that cOnsideMble er~phssis Ii p,-ed on the absence ol kydr.:->W acias.vhi::~'h wou:,A4 lie vex7 undesirable in any,type of eiLible fatty mteri&l,, P-,rther indir-ates t-hat these investigatori intexest.,,-d in the utilization of the oxidates for edible futs. Since -the pr-_paz~tdna of t1 te edible fats type of oxidized material vr~ 4 e:f it t-he Ora I C Order to obtaln P_ lig ht colr3,zed p:icduct vith as few unde-zirable side react-i-mr, as :11ossible ann.I -sidth cis lorw j? yield of hylroxy accid-s as possible~ it, appeqxo that Vhat the investigatore hei-e my have In mind is the operation of the process a- a higher temp-2fr-tars p~a_h a =,,.r~h tim avial thereby reda--ing the ~~ost of the prej:~X--~aurjn of the fatty mA:ert--As . The work by It..'aiF, Taper is Con- sidg-red to be Telstively 'pr-PI.Amimry Ir, rmture in thqt venzy 1ittle 1morUBT..ion on of the - i]i ".1 ti thiacal s e prope 4~s Further.- it. is to 'be, expected that at the low neutralization UUM_ bers re-pAed on, in this paper,,:' that Is in the order of 2 to 20 or 3C -that only is. sma1l. amount of hydrM be the low temperatmme process also. A ccmc-acial opemtioIa -1. avolvi ng oxidation to-only 20 neutralization -deer would not normaaly be at-Lmctive dui to tbe smC.LU amount of pwaffin converted to acids. ltoweva:r, if this cx1dation vere continued and, irt fact, re-cycled through this apps.Ta-bis,, ss -that contact tine vas increased zuffi- ciently to ralse the neut-ralization number to a value of, for examplej. 80 to 100,, it vould be expeacied that -the aw=t of hyd-ro.,xv, acids would increase even at lov tempexatuTes ctxidaticns~ J-,q using the high temperat=es invollred. -here there is a possibllit7 that the.-rate at which the hydroxy acids increase with regard. to neut-ralization wumber might be greater tban at the -lover temperaturres. It. is interesting to, note here~ havewr,, -that the Soviet Union apparea-Cly is contituingto v-crk. vith Some vigor on varioas phases of oxidation work and attempti.iiag to impz-cre the.-existing: axielation procedures as well az developing Tariou-s utilizaTlons! f or t-he axldatte.R. Reactivity of Ptrostfinle and ids and their A. N'lisov and A. Technol. fl-.,`Frl~,w~: s1r. ~ObsftrRn-xhifls. 23, , i,. "R-7-1-Iletrosclinic ncid and its ow-15(i . ,. ,. ~4'8' 5il 7 Me.. Pr. ~ and III.CH. ~,tcrs usi&%u oxiciation with Y-NfnO4-q26-55'And h3drogvwttion over llt-B~: Ojat~%' sigulfiewals- more rapidly than do petroselaidic acid and its 0 'S Aing mtem The mte of hydralyAs of the petre- ' ;LIrr.L.1l11.1.1Cld (Slus by ale. KOH, hoi-vi:ver. is wariller tbout- that nI the curieq)ouditig lw(r%;~Oaidatcs. ThcsL resolu indicate Itut. petruselittic ncid is it cis Isouter, while petro- sclaidic acid i% the trani koincr. 'I'he cm,:rs %yere prcpd. 'froin the ROTI and vie dusiteduchl in the prequice of 112SO1. Alk)-i PrVoselimules: Afe, I),, 158-OW; Fr, h,-, 198-200% AM,, 1), 218*, dis 0.0316, nl,,O 1.4825. PeIrwelai"es: Me, th-z 104-~*; Pr, b.- 2W'; PACII., bs -"0, do 0.9372, n?, 1.4812. G. ht. Ko., byx6mr, A* I# USSR/Chemistry Card 1/1 Awthors Plisovt A. K.; a Alkovets A nd, L As: Configuration and properties 0- funsatiuftted aciAs and their derivatives. Tij, Fart.2.- Propertits of cinnamic acids and their esters** Periodical Zhur, Ob. Xhim, 24', Ed-,-5s 852 -:8561 MaY 19 54 Abstract The synthesis of pr~opyl ether of cis-eirmamic acid is describe(i. A dif-m~ ference was established in the relative rate of hydrogenation of cis- cinnamic~a and trans- cids. Pis-cinnamic acid attracts hydrogen with greater easea. Oxidation of cinnamic acids and their esters taI:es place at different rates!, dis-ocinnamic acid and its ester oxidizes faster than trans-einnamic-acid and.its ester; the esters oxidize slower than the corresponding icidso The configuraltion.of the cis-form of cinnamic eluoidated, Three reference34, Graphs* Inabitution' T.he.Institutd-of Fbod Industr7,.Odessa,. Ukr-SSR SubAtted November.24-1953 PLISOV,A.K.; BYKOVETS,A.I. Gonfiguration and properties of unsAturated acids. Part 3. Re- activity of (b- [A-furyl]-acrylic acids and their eaters. Zhur.ob. 25 no.6:1194-ilgg is '5,9. (MLU 8:12) 1.10desskiy in8titUt Diahchevoy i kholodillnoy promyshlennosti (Furawwrylle acid) A A ' 11 PO -~&MkQ4 JtSmd esters oftht!~-. vc:e prcpd. aU4 &c;UaztdMI,- bmZY1 rcacdcas of os dation rogmution (U), "d I b d l its epm a landEo p-truntlenic ncid and Waceed VrItV fhtr speed than tli-.t of pel-rosclaidic-56-1 iLnd 49 c9te-n. I pr t tim prucceds slower than that al Sealyl pctIa5uhIBiiE. light Yclk-W, 216% d. , yalow Ilenzy) PLlroselxWu , , -As 1 2 , , od AUTHORS: Plisov, A. K.-, Bykovets, A. I. SOV/'156-58-3-35/52 TITLTI.: The Thiocyanation of Oleic and Elaidic Acids and Their !~,stera (Rodanirovaniye oleinovoy i elaidinovoy kislot~,i ikh efirov) ,,RIC-;jI'AL, auchnyye dok.lady vysshey shkoly, Khimiya i khimicheskELya tekhnologiya, 1958, Nr 3, Pp. 540-541 (USSR) .~.BSTFAC T: Thiocyanate solutions are used for the quantitative analysis of fatty adid mixtures. It was found that the rate of thio- cyanation of oleic and elaidic acid is different. The thio- cyanate number was determined by means of the titratio-n method, and the deposition in percentage of thiocyam te was calculated. The experimental resul'ts showed that the cis-form of the fatty acids is more quickly thiocyanated than the trans form., and that the free acids can be thiocyanated more slowly than the corresponding esters. Quantitatively the thiocyanation reaction of the cis and trans forms of elaidic acid and its esters resembles the hydration reaction of these compounds. There are 1 table and 5 references, 4 of which are Soviet. Card 1/2 SOVA56 -58-5-355/52 ~)he Thioc,,---.-,i-c-n o" r4nd Blaidic Acids and Their Esters ASSOC TA", I 0~.": Kafedre nrganicheskoy khimii Odesskogo tekh- nologichosko-go inotituta. pishchevoy i kholodillnoy promysh- 't~nno:lti (Chair of Organic Chemistry at the Odessa Technolo,-ica---' Institute of 7ood. and Refrigeration Industry) SUMITTED: November 25, '1957 Card 2/2 PLISOV,.A,K., BOGATSKIY, A.V.; W'~OVIITS, A.I.; BOGATSKAYA, Z.D. l4rnthesis of new sulfamide coupounds. Ttudy OTIPiKhP 9 no.2:97-100 159. (MIRA 13:9) (Sulfamide) BYKOV.VSEV, G.I. (voronezii) "On limit equlibrium of anisotropic plates and shells of revolution". report presented at the 2nd All-Union Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Moscow, 29 January - 5 February 1964. PROTSY A.L., inzh.; VOYEVODIN-, G.V., inzh, BYKO.VNYY YA.I., inzh., Z, MAVRITSYN, A.M., inzh.; nTROSYAN, T"r--TT- MMMKOLKIN, V. I. Performance of the t~nmsfox r neutral line's in strip mines. Prom. energ. 18 no.59-32-37 My 163. (MMA 1616) 1. Yurkovakiy ugollqyr raxrez, g. Vatutino (for ?Cots). 2. Treat po ebytu ennToproftktaii Upravleniya energeticheskoy prcWBhlennooti Bovebw maro4nogo khozMstva Fermskogo ekonomi- cheakoko adminiatraUTuago ra~vona (for Voyevodin). 3. Uprav- leniye nerudnykk IskaOgywWkh Ministerstva avtomobillnogo tyan ta i shonsayifth dorog UkrSSR (for B.Vkovnyy). 4. Kor- __Cpor alpy treat ugolln;ft predpriyatiy (for Mavritsyn). 5. Goa- gortakhinspektsiya I-rarknakoy SSR (for Petroayan). 6. Zhigu- levskiy kombinat str,Vmaterialar (for Shchakolkin). (Strip.mining-Blectric equipment) (Electric power distribution) 13YKUVOYj, Zh. Soviet gold prospectors. Znan. sila 36 no,, 4:9-11 Ap 161. (MIRA 14:4) (Gold mines and mining) ACC NR AP6025587 V SOURCE COM UR/0413/66/000/013/0020101)20' INIVEMIM: Knunyants, 1. By,khovskayn, E. G#; Frosin, V. N.; Sizcov,"fu.Ai ORG: none I TITLE: Metliod of preparation. of 2-(N-alkoxy-li-alkyl)aminoetliyle mercap.- tans. Class 12, No. ~83204. [ Miliatry Academy for Chemical lProtection (Voyennaya akademiya.khijaicheskoy zuslichity)] SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztay, tovarnyye znaki, no. 13, 1966, 20 TOPIC TAGS% alkoxyalkylaminoethyl mercaptan ethylene sulfide, dialky1hydroxylainine', ;'I'L P'~ ABSTRACT% In the proposed method, 2-(N-a1koxY-N-alkyi)aminoet y1 mercaptans are .obtained by the reaction of ethylene sulfide with N,O-dialky1hydroxylamine at 90-1000C in an organic solvent. 1W,, A, - 50; CBE No. 101 SUB CODE: 07/ ISUBH DATE: 213Sep651 Card 1/ 1 UDC1 547,269,11233,0 A 0-41- 0-0-0 0 6 0 0 CP a 4 ) 1 4 a 0 1 1 0 11111114"16 11 L? 13 J~ 0 h V A 0 t~ AU 6d O'CO a L -AL-It r 'A CC IV tt.. I a e. is Colarimetrii delemination of vapor@ ot nitrobemene, wobetutene. atifline and bentidine in air. M. s. HvL. lite att;tlv%i,llv known ail in 41clail. 111'. -00 air i~ Pa.,-tA through a nitrating avid to vonvot 11IN(l, 0 Z into C411ANO.), anti atotwitzent: into (03%Coll.N: 1, 600 00 The latter reacts with glucose anti Naoll Ili give ail in. =06 tcuw blue (cf. How, C. A. 26, IS77). in 00 NlvxCO with NaWl givet a viA,1 st-action (SIvitanov. -200 00 So$ deb""d IMPORNISAAmlard In Ho), =900: henzidine gives a bbe ~ ,ac with FrCl. and Naull 00 a (Witt, 114'r. 10, M74(19" ), -W PhNHj gives withNRCIO 90 and PhOll to pak.taue Indophertol reartit,n (Ahkireva, !21 .0 0 C.-A. 23. 1N77). Fv Z- tie L A atI A LLU *GKAI. LITINA YURICL AISIPICATIOlt Ve -A v fl- PA I 1 11 CW W -a I WO do a -i I u a all wit t' 1, 11 KILD I !VA 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 6;9 9 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 9 0 0 9 0 41 0 0 ~ 0000 000 0 0 00090 0 0 0 6~9 0 00 0 goes a 0 0 0 0 * 0 0091 317 7 T T T Ir I T. 1% 1 ,FS, A 72 -11, 11. , P I A a L; I Saptaipprapar dersitnination Of that T&ING of-bopitena and 0 A 1191meaginthemr. N1.-; l!) kho,l4lays. ZdlvlOlhjyI Lab. t 11, oil Ilitrittion of -0 t 11 N l WC d d to wit o un . et con itions at which ( ' 0 062 latuatne is nitrated t U11. (N%)a 6 hydiolned with the forniation of plitzolatim, 00 Ill inviol. in org, it4vgmt%. Since underSitift no chsnpile, benitent can be drtd. in the PrCMUCC t4L toluene in ,r 0 -1:1. Of kriour will% ll~iw. Toluene i- deld. Via MeC.111. N.h).Ioah An. uill, Ilaw. CJl.jNkhI,giv-o--4K h- 1 l i l1 P 001 1 p% o 1"T TOLI, lite %it Milliv nto P Igna in .411-) likilAting * tuht (1U X. W N11,M), dtird at not hijiliq thalu ill . 00 div" in 1U ud. of concil. HaSO.). Keep the al)wglwrs 00 On in boiling watur Inith for 30 min., cnol, poor the ~4llu~. 8 LITIRAILAtt CLASIMPKATION to", %Vllasa .19 Gv cut 71 in 41 6 it III it 4 11 5 Ig 11 it 01 U -0 0 1XIIII -41-4114-IN lilt" A ILIA Willi 1~.' Jill. .4 -00 W'"Vl- S'"W ill%! twice Willi 2 1111. Of VtAICI. coult-ine the 114aids in file 'Alne ". nal'i divide Ill, 100 li'luid Udo:' eQwd juit-11 Hai-. detX. betitclic it, one of tjwjo -00 And toluene in tile otlut. To dri. bearel". . "Cutralige the saniple with 4101,`~ NaOll, add excess Naull j0.5 tat.). let 'land fiff 30 min.. tran.,fer- the u4n. it) a wpg. found. -,%I, twice with Ill-tnl. portions Of ether. -1). the ether I00 ~414. 11.411 it... -all it i'll.. R 4. 1 4.11-. tile 1111W "kill;% dil"111.1 1-4'mldln~f bv 41 4 luhl~'g, h-t tl,~ t", t 1 00 haill, to vvAp- all ether. blow Lilt t1liOugull'the 5.111. to ro 0 I en'Gvc all tt'res of ether. %t,q,rwr the t"t tube. W"h it Willi NIC'Co. tran,fir the Nie'Co ~nlo 17r0 0 t0& "'I"rill"fic tt~%t 11111m. WAxh tile tr%t tulv withMejC0. i unit I-ring iliv %0. ill lip opt. .%lid ji.tW, "d if 5TV Koji to A nd. of pill, .1111. Roll -1111"414 flir C"a , Willi it #A-fir* P '44 Ilt,1101AIII M411.. Jill, Mjl%l "I Its* Of tile 'IrIn. to 0M. woo lilt. (It hirtiflent, in tj Jill. *ro det. hillo lie. nentripplise the Lod luition of the ~-In, the %4n. to a -~I~&xury funnel, ext. twkv With IL)-gnl. jxr- tkmt of etbrr. scp. The ether win. from the Alt obl.. r-P. the tiller. and d6lolve the rmidue it, 10 1,11. of MH. Add 0.05 fill. of 3% Koji to 5 fill. 01 the .,In. too and mapate afteir 5 min. the %jok-t color romed will, a Mimofstan't"%nins. 5referencL,. W. R. Itnin too 0 It too &--1 t CK 411 I I a ew 0 N a -1 111, IN 0 Al a T--g-xp- IIs 011110 MIMI Y. E4 ADeterminatiall of Zeno v b r 2ri fa the abnospbere. he Prom. A47, 2W-9,The S. HVkhov3"ya -KhlM y 7 ' ' j 'e f muUmd on nitration, extn. of the dinitrate formed b b with acetove, and colorimebic estn. The air is bubbled. l f f O h Chwdcal Abst# e rate o erate o H soln. in coned. H2S 4 at t at through a 10% NHjC ` - 48 go #1A 9 Ac d - 0 an 10-15 I./hr. The soln. is poured into satd. NaOAe and ~d ' . . 'henoll'Itth.l'in 25% NTf4OH until alk. to phenolphtWein. TjeutralizM with -16, 1954~ ncn The dinitiobenzcne Is extd. with acetone and JU conen, and 10 C4emltstry d estd. colorimetrically against prepd. standards. 1.,B capetlovi Oct 48 al "Nstermination, of Tetraetbyl Lead in Organic O"Ir i~ti"i $ 0 "K a ~Mykhoysbaya'. Inst of Labor ffygi"': 9~i4!.Op~-~*tlonal Xseases, Acacl, Wd Sol SIM A-pp Oig I San- No 110, U84dLMOthods described for studies on circulation'of lead In the organism. -)bde awaive's, Ucod, I1=1 flUl&, bMin, and llyer- of xnjzhl~ 1~olsomad by tetr&*tby1 lead. *th6d of extractlegiv-.1"', df~'tetraetb7l ls&A. f*oz substrates 'by a carrent.'af..": A'Mi-~--Ith'a subsec an d' OD Ion$ Oct Zeuvat Zygiehe (Oont n1trate, Is of special Interest, since laciat:164:', tlf6tetri%ethyl lea& molecule is possible vlthoii~~,'WL, dislixt6kration. Includes tvo tables on determl*ft to Dotamizatios of okkel In the dir. Xf. S. ltvklao% L Ministrv l9rulth. Muwow). Gieifwa i*.S4%tf.-IQSI the culariturtrk, diturthylglyoxime methixf of .Ictg. Ni in sit satuplest it is r"untended IhAt abmxlpent cotta". glass isual. or filter IrAper Im used for tvAlection of samp$n. Ve, Cu, and Cod preimt W more Own *.VY/IU ml. give too, high results, but The only. of the Ni dinitthyl- sl"mints in CllCla permits ready sepn. from much Fe and Cu. Cu is waK @*pd.. anti may fistrde". The vidut is more m4ble In &q. KAss. than in aq. II.Not st,his. in Koff tit NA011 Pulas. the volor takes Nk") 11flu. to (IC%chn, I'lat then 6 more statile than that secured in N11.011 mJn, %hew the almvv hamm w"r mod to ttrutrAlirv the origin412117, IINO.. Oddation can lie effmted with 3% (,N;114).%(h ot If"r ~.- 111ne in Ale. cotall. Rochelle salt. C.. M. Ko"jlKtff BYKHOVSKILYA, M.S.;POIZTAYSV, M.I. - Palarographic method in sanitary anii hygienic investigations. Gig. sanit.. Moekva no.12:47-50 Doc 1952. (GLML 23:4) 1. Of the Institute of labor Hygiene and Oe-cupational Diseases of the Academy of Medical Sciences USSR. BTKHOVSKWrA, Xar.iya Sol omonoynA; GIMEW, Slav& LIvoyna-, IR&LIZOVA, OlIga LI redaktor; BOBROVA, U.N. , tekhnicheakiy re- daktor. [Practical gaide to Industrial sanitation cbemistry] Fraktichaskoe zu- kovodstvo po prosyshlemio-sanitarnoi khiaii. 1. [Organic compounds] Orgenicheskle soodineniia. Pod red. O.D.Ihalizovot. Xoskya, Goo. isd- vo tied. lit-ry, 1954. 3!;6 P. (MLRA 8:1) (Industrial hyglea~) (Chemistry, Organic) All USSR/Aa:tl ytical Chemistry Analynis of Inorganic Substances G-2 Abs Jour : Referat Zhur Khimiya, Ro 2, 1957, 4749 Author : Bykhovskaya, M.S., Bab*.ua, m.r. Title : Determination of the Content of Lead, Zinc and Thallium in the Air, by the Spectrographic Method. Orig Pub : Gigiyena i sanitariya, j.956, 110 7, 26-30 Abstract The vork was cav ouit Wth an ISP-22 quartz spectro- graph using a sl~ I. U'6 Lh Of 0.015 mm; darkening of the L , lines was measural ~h a IIF-22 microphotometer; quan- titative deteraiiiations were carried out by the method of three standarde. On ex,,-itation of the spectra in a carbon arc, of 6.1r,-ct or alternating current, sensitivi- ty of the methoe -.;az :,f C.01 mg Pb in the gas cloud of the arc, or of 0.03 ng in the vample, and of 0,01 and 0,03 mg Zn or of' 0,003 and 0.01 mg Tl, respectively. On an excitation of the spectrum in a condenser spark the sensitivity of the determination is considerably lower. 9) Card 1/1. 28 - USSE/Arialytical Chemistry Analysis of InorL~;anic Substances G-2 Abs Jour Referat Zhur Khimi~,a, ~o 2) 1957, 4749 Spectrographic del.crm.'-nation of Pb is interfered with by Sn) Cu and 7u, aild oansitivity of Pb determination is not hiCJier than the*-heplheloraetric determination as PbCr04- Zn can be determined in the presence of 5-fold excess of Cu) but sensitivity of the method is lower than that of the chemibal metbod. 'The conditions of determination of Pb, Ill, (0.01 mg) and zn are described. 15 ft AA ss Card 2/2 C.9 SOV/137-58-8-18136 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 8, p 275 (USSR) AuTHOR: Byk~o~v~, TITLE: Comparative Evaluation of Some Methods of Determination of Beryllium and its Compounds Applicable to the Analysis of Air (Sravnitellnaya otsenka nekotorykh metodov opredeleniya berilliya i yego soyedineniy primenitell no k analizu vozdukha) PERIODICAL: Gigiyena truda i prof. zabolevaniya, 1957, Nr 6, pp 49-53 ABSTRACT: A review of colorimetric, fluorescent, and spectrographic methods of determination of the amounts of Be in various substances. The use of trilon B for the elimination of the effect of the interfering cations and the separation of impuri- ties with the aid of paper -chromatography separation was in- vestigated. The most sensitive of the methods is the fluores- cent one with morin, which forms an intracomplex compound with a yellowish-green fluorescence under ultraviolet rays. Sulfates, chlorides, and nitrates decrease the intensity of the fluorescences, The minimum determinable amount of Be is 0. 0 1 -y in aqueus solutions and 0. 05 yin solutions Card 1/2 of neutralized acids. Of the colorimetric methods the best SOV/1 37-58-8--18136 Comparative Evaluation of Some Methods (cont. ) is the one with beryllon P. The minimum determinable amount of Be is 0. 5 The spectrographic method of determination of Be has possibilities. The paper chromatography separation method can be used as a semiquantita.tive one for the determination of Be in the presence of Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, and Al. K. K. 1. Metals-Analysis 2. Berylli-um-Determination Card Z/2 N,~ HISH lit 5~1:1 31 A p S ii V 1 IV, I v it Vt UNP SIN' 't 44 I UM At 11fNiffav JIM R 9Z4 1~4_11 14 i ja " -7 ys PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/5332 B khov~a~Mariiya Solomonovna, Slava Llvovna Ginzburg, and Ollga "P~ triyevna allz~6v-a - Metody opredeleniya vrednykh veshchestv v vozdukhe i drugikh.sredakh; prakticheskoye rukovodstvo (Methods of Identifying Harmful Sub- stances in the Air and Other Media; Practical Handbook) pt. 1. Moscow, Medgiz, 1960.. 311 p. 6,000 copies printed. Ed. (Title page): O.D.Khalizova; Ed.: M.D.Babina; Tech.Ed.: A.I. Zakharova. PURPOSE: This handbook is Intended for Industrial hygiene and sani- tation inspection personnel, specialists working in the field of Industrial hygiene chemistry at research institutes, factory laboratories, epidemic control station laboratoriesl eta. COVERAGE: The book, which was recommended for publication by the Redaktsionno-izdatellskiy Sovet Akademii meditoin8kikh hauk SSSR C a rd -1-/2E~' Methods of Identifying (ContO SOV/5332 (Editing and Publishing Council of the Academy of Medical Sci-, ences of the USSR) Is published in two parts. Part I, the present work, is entitled Neorganicheskiye I metRllorganiahe- skiye soyedineniya (Inorganic and Organometallic Compounds), and Part II is entitled Organicheskiye soyedineniya (organic Com- pounds). Both parts of the book discuss analysis methods for the grqat majority of substances which are important industrial air contaminants whether as gasesp vapors, or dust. The most up-to-date methods of phyaJeal and chemical analysis in their application to the chemistry of industrial hygiene, the electro- photometric, the chromatographic, the luminescence, the po'laro- graphic and other methods are dealt with. Considerable attention is given to rapid analysis methods. The handbook does notp in the opinion of Professor A.A.Letavetj Member of the Academy ot Medical Sciences USSR, who wrote the preface, give due attention to con- tinuous analysis methods which feature the graphic registration of concentrations, nor is due place given to the design and manufac- ture of equipment and apparatus for the analysis methods discussed. References accompany each chapter. C jj,M-S.; VORONTSOVA. Ye.I. _JffKHDLjP Determination of renacite-4 In the air of productiou.shopse Xhis. . prom. no,e-.685-686 D 160., (MIRA 13:12? 1. Institut gigiyeny trQda I profsabolevanly AM SSSR. (ftbber Indust%- gisuic aspects) Pess 1~ BYKHOVSKAYA, H.S. (Moskva) ------------------ Third All-Unim Conference on problems of industrial and sanitary chemistry. Gig. truda i prof. zab. 4 no.11:61 N 160. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Institut gigiyany truda i professionalinykh zabolevaniy AIIN SSSR. (CMUSTRY., TECHNICAL-CONGFMSES) (SANITARY CIOUSTRY-CONGRESSES) .-BYKHOVSKAYAt M.S. a) Determination of beryllium in biological media. Gig.truda i prof. zab. no.11255-57 261. (MIM 14811) 1. Institut gigiyeny truda, i profzabolevaniy AIIN SSSR. (IMM-TaUM-ANALYSIS) BYKHOVSUYA, M.S. (MO13kva) Determination of zirco*w and its oompatwds in the air of industrial plants. Gig. truda i prof.zab. 5 no.6:54-57 Je 161. (MMA 15:3) 1. Institut gigiyeny truda i professionalInfth zabolevaniy AM SSSR. (AIR-AULISlS) (ZIRCONIIJM-,Uwmls) BMOVSKAYA -MO..-;_ORIA)VA, I.A. Separate determination of -laganese,, chromium, and iron in the air by polarography. Zav.lab. 27 no.5:540-542 161. (MMA 34:5) 1. Institut gigiyeny truda i profzabolevaniy Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR, (Manganese-JUmlysle) (Mmomium-Analysis) (Iron-Analysia) BYKHOVSKAYA, M.S., rid.; PDMNOVA, Z.M., red.; KH&=VA, O.D.-, oty. .A.I., re&; PARAKMA, N.L., tekhn. red. [Nov develo ments'in the field--,of--cbemical analysis in sanliift7 engineering Novoe v oblasti sanitamo-khimichaskogo analiza; ra- boty po promy9blenno-manitamoi khimii. Moskv&-, Medgiz, 1962. ~.263 P. (MIRA, 16: 1) (CHEMISTRY, ANALITICAL) (SANITARY ENGINEERING) B_TKH10)VS1WA, Ill. S. PHASE T. BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/6076 Peregud, Yeva Abramovna, Mariya Solornonovna By~~v kaya, and Yelena Vladimirovna Gernet t3ystryye metody opredeleniya vrednykh veshchestv v vozdukhe (Rapid Methods for Detecting [the Presence. of) Harmful Substances in the Air). Moscow, Goskhimizdat, 1962. 272 p. Errata slip inserted. 10, 000 copies printed. Ed. (Title page): I. M. Korenman, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor; Ed. : 1- N. Oderberg; Tech. Ed. : V. V. Kogan. PURPOSE: This book is intended for chemists in scientific research institutes, factory laboratories, sanitary- epidemiological stations, and poison-gas treat- ment stations. COVERAGE: The book deals with rapid methods for the detection of harmful substances in the atmosphere in factories, wells, tanks, chemical apparatus, -M ventilaticndrts. A detailed description is given of apparatus for collecting Card 1/4 ',_7 Rapid Methods (Cont. SOV/6076) samples, sampling techniques and procedures, and reagents for toxic (.,.on- centrations of ammonia, nitrogen oxides, hydrogen sulfide, carbon disuffide, sulfur dioxide, etc. The use of pencil indicators for rapid indication and quantitative determination of poison gases in the air is -listed As a new ~ech- nique. The introduction notes thafthe Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut okhrany truda (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Industria-i Hygiene) in Leningrad aided in the development of the linear -colorometric method for the determination of toxic concentrations in the air. Ye. D. Filyanskaya, T. N. Kozlyayeva, and I. G. Vorokhobin also contributed to the development of the linear -colorometric method and designed some of the equipment used. Individual chapters are accompanied by references. TABLE OF CONTENTS: [Abridged] Foreword Introduction 9 Card 2/4 0- BYKHOVSKAYA. M.S. Determination of manganese cyclopentadianyltricarbonyl in the air. Trudy Kom.anal.khim. 13:115-123 163. (NIFA 16,5) ,11. Institut gigiyany trudy a professionallnykh za!b?levaniy AMN I WSR. (Air-Analysis) (Atnganese orgmic compounds) 4. I 127-79-63:'~ M,/!PC1C,' -Fe-4/ .4:.,W4/MAk/B Wo Mk MO.) 0i ACCESSION NR:. AP3001 U31 8/0032/6~/029/006/0667/06,68 AUMM ska S _By*kto_t_ya in t~he wL-r TITLE; .:Detendnation of aWltricp-rbonyl-mang;enese~va*oors' ISMCE: Zavodskaya, laboratoriya':'~V.,! 29, no, ~61 1 ~63 667-6C8 .4 -TAGS: eyelopentadienyltricarbonyl-~.m=ganese, anti-Im6ek substzzce, adsorption, sLica gel Al ABSTRACT: :Due to the effective ~knock -ir MrU qpettW of cyclopentadienyltri- carbo4l-mangan6se (CP51) for--~inteftal~combustion engines (as well its 50 as timez,lower toxicity as ~,.crq3ared with Utraothyl ltad) it was deemed desirable, to work out a method for t1h edeternination, of: its vq~ors in the air. To this end 20-200 liters of airvere absorbed, -by 2 grew -of granular silica. gel, followed by-treetment with-concentrated nitrid and sulfuric acids with heat ing. Af ter diluti= with -=ter, the anti.-kilock substance was extracted by ethanol, the solution sifojected for 10,minutes to ultraviolet irradiation, the alcohol evapo-~ -irated, and the residue oxidized by znulfiwic acid vith potassium p~riodate. 'r The ulting substmice was subjected either to photometric determination at a'wave res length of 520 Millindcrons or to polerographic evaluation" starting with:-0.35 t. The accuracy'of the method is~ Card Aja I Institute of bor:Hygienq., and Profe~ssional~Diseasess.'Acadetny of Mad.,.S ie~aes, ZEFIROV, N.S.; YURIYEV, Yu.K.; PRIKAZOHIKOVA, I.P.; BYKHOVSKAY4. M.Sh. ,-- , - !.~ I"_ 3,6-Endoxo-eyelohexanes and -cyclohoenes. Part 12: Stereochemistry of nucleophilic addition on a CZC bond in the systems of 316-e,ndoxo-eyelohexene and 3,6-endoxo-eyelohexadiene. Zhur.ob.khim. 33 no.7:2153-2158 Jl 163. (AURA 16:8) (Cyclohexene) (Cyclohexadiene) (Stereochemistry) Card 2/2 VOLODARSKIY, N.I.; BUOVSKAYA, I.P. A - Effect of varying soil moisture on tobacco crop in connection with the developmental period. Dok1.AN SSSR 95 no-1:187-190 Kr '54. WaA 7:3) 1. Xubanskiy sel'skokhozvayatvannyy institut Krasnodar. (Tobacco) (Boil moisture) ,BYXOVSKAYA,.Lj.- "Mffeet of Water-Supply Conditions on the Growth and Yield of Tobacco." Oand Agr Soi, Kuban Agricultural Inst, Min Higher Bducat ion USSR, Krasnodar, 1955, M, No 11, Mar 55) SO: Sum 11o. 670, 29 Sep 55 - Survey of Scientific and Technical Die- sertationa. Defencled at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (15) Country USSR CATEGORY A3S. JOUR. PZBiol,, -io. /f 1959, No. 87183 14 . B INST. :t'-.c,identy of 6ciences U6""h .TITLE : Dynamics of Growth, and Crop Develop. ment of Tobacco 11nder Different Conditions of Water Supplying to the Plants. ORIG. PUB. tSb- Bioi. osncvy orosheyrem, zcmled. 1-,Gsccw, 1 A B'D T RA C T- Lxl~erimelntal growing and field trialr carried cut in at, the Kuban Agricultural Institute have- shown tu~~at durlDg the first phase of growing (seedlings period bind period of vernalization) the pletnts c--7-n with- stand riore or less prolonged drought without impairment of svnthetic activities and ultimate yield. Mcderate araount 0~ dur--rng t" is period, elicits In t1he yo,Ulng r-.I,,r.ts adaptative reactlons %,?hich bring about considerable eni.anceii;ent of synzhetic -activity after their r.'nange-over tc copious supply of water. The second phase of rrowth (t)-e 1 age coinciding wit'l. the period. of intensive growth) requires an ample supply of water. Diiring this 7:eriod inadequate humid if it~at ion results in shar- lowering p -1ARD I /~ Saut-icb, Z.H. 1, (), ~ 7"" J;.? V 1.~ . Q . I . , -I U,l-_'.SR Cj-'.MMRY -1 2J. J OUR.IRZBiol., No. lfj 195/, No. 9,71?,3 OaIG. PUB. 1133TRACT Of yield. During the next f0110111ing PLI-Icd (bcginyiing of flowering), when the formation of leaves of 7:-iiddle and lower tiers is essentially completed, water .ip-,ly conditions no longer exercise a substantial influ- ence on the yield of leaves. On Lhe basis of the sec'Llred data there:., has been developed, for the areas of irrigated tobacco crcps, a system of watering of tobacco during the secdlings- and field periods, in accordance witl'. which r,ode.-~ite i.-rigation is p.-ovided at the beginning of crowtl,, and a copious sufjtly of water -- up to the start of f"Lowering, which is then followed by moderate irrigation up to tLe harvc-sting of Itlie --,eaves.-- L. A. Lointakina. CARD: 2/C2 ACCESSION NR: AT026438 S/3082/63/000/008/0027/0033 AUTHOR: By*kovskaya, K. E.; Novskaya, A. I.; Trostnikov, M. V. TITLE: Recurrence of natural synoptic periods In Siberia and the Far East SOURCE: USSR. Glavnoye upravlenlye gidrometeorologic'haskoy sluzhby*. Sbornlk rabot po regionallnoy sinoptike (Collection of works on regional forecasting), no. 8. 1963. 27-33 TOPIC TAGS: meteorology, natural synoptic period ,weather-forecasting, long-range weather forecasting ABSTRACT: V. G. Shishkov (Meteorologiya I Gidrdlogiya, No. 4,-1957)-studied synopt-i tic macroprocesses in the area from the west coast of North America to the Yenisei, defined the recurrence of synoptic macroprocesses associated with quasi-periodic waves in the atmosphere, and on this basis proposed a method for weather forecast- ing one month In advance. Two prognostic schemes were proposed. No Investigations---. had previously been made to Improve the method for preparing monthly weather fore' casts for the territory of the second natural synoptic period; this has now been done, and an investigation has been made of the applicability of Shishkov's prog- nostic schemes to the territory of the second natural synoptic period, specifically, Siberia and. the Soviet Far East. The study was based on daily synoptic charts and Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR; AT4026438 1pressure pattern charts of the northern hemisphere for 0300 hours Moscow time for the period from December 1956 through August 1958. During this period there were 115 natural synoptic periods. A study was made of synoptic processes for 45, 75. 90 and 150 days before each of the Initial natural synoptic pirlods from the cast- ern regions of the Atlantic and 45, 75, 90 and 150 days after the Initial periods In the territory of the second natural synoptic period. It was found that in jong-. range weather forecasting it Is possible to use Shishkov's scheme 1, la with con- siderable success, while scheme 2 2a gives unsatisfactory results. Full compre- hension of this analysis requires familiarity with Shiskov's paper cited above and its further'development (Trudy TsIPa, No. 71, 1958). Orig. art. has: I table. i.ASSOCIATION: Glavnoye upravlefilye gidrometeorologicheskoy.sluzhby* (Main Adminis- tration of the Hydrometeorological Service) SUBMITTEW.- 0011 DATE ACQ: i6Apr64 ENCL; 00 $U8 CODE: AS 140 REF SOV: 004 'OTHER: 000 Card 2/2 CHAZOV. Ye.l.; USHKALOV, A.F.; KLEMBOVSSKIY, A.I.; Pri-nimala uchastiye BYKOVSKAYA, K.N. (Moskva) Early arterial changes in experimental atherosclerosis in monkeys. Arkh. pat. 25 no.11:29-37 163. (MA 17:12) 1. Iz patologoanatomicheskoy laboratorli (zav. - doktor med. nauk, prof. P.M.Vikhert) Institute. terapii (dir. - daystvitel',ryy chlen AMN SSSR pror. A.L.Myusnikov) RV SSSR. BYKOVSKAYA, K.N.; VIKHERT, A.M. (Moskva) &- perimental glomerulonephritis induced by cavelti Is method. Axkh. Pat. 27 no.1:23-31 165. (MIRA 18:4) 1. Instltut terapij. (dir. - deystvitelln~7 chlen AMN SSSR prof, A.L.Myasn-1kov) AMN SSSR. CI'S e scillE-tions JullAug 46 "Spo#taneous Electrical Oscillations in Low-Pressure Ard Discharge," B. Granovskiy, L. Bykovskayaj All-Union Electrotech Inst, 9 pp "Journal of Physics USSR* Vol X, Ho 1+ ftudy of four modes of spontaneous oscillations of cia-rent and voltage in a low- pressure mercury-are disebarge arising in a circuit, lacking both capacitance and random voltage oscillatiors with an, anchored cathode spot; regu3irjoscillations of low radio frequencies; and acoustic frequencies. Discussed possible mechanism of their generation. Receivep 16 Nov 1945. PA. 54T49 "Thc activit of vitamin J-' in coin-b-inati-on with otlhcr Lro-,,,,,~I~,c7jc Y ai!tnts on tl',~~ constrictive activit, of t I-c u' U t-trus", Trudy -::oi. 194", 1). 2-?0-211~. SO: U-4353, 19 Au,~ust- 53, (L,:!ltlopis 'Zhurnal lnvlkh, 5'latt-yl, I.o. 22, icill,c). - -1-A-. 1. BTKOVSKAYA, L. 1. "A case of malignant vkvo,,na of the hepatic Trud'-. 37-01. goo. ritd. in-ba, Vol. 11, 1948, P. 340-43. SO: U-4393, 19 Aut-,ust 53, (Letopis 'Z:iurnal lnyldi 51.-aLe,~jrl, No. 2"j 19'0). 4 10 BTKOVSKAU, L.I. Istrogen metabolism in women with fibromyom of the uterus. Akush. i gin. 35 no.5:86-94 S-0 159. (MIRA 13:2) 1. Iz akushersko-ginekologicheakoy kliniki Smolenskogo maditsiziskogo Instituta (saveduyushchly kafedroy - prof. S.M. Kleyn) I endokrito- logicheekoy laboratoril (saveduyushchiy - doktor biolog.nauk Te.A. Kakushkine.) Institute, akusherstva i ginekologii Ministerstva zdravookh- ranenlya RSFSR. :(XSMGIMS, metabolism) (UTIMUS, neoplasms) (LBIOXTOMA, metabolism) BUOVSKAYA, L.I., dotsent Clinical and anatomical analysis of uterine fib,romyomas Jn relation to age. Trudy SMI 17:51-61 163. (!-',IRA 18; 1) 1. 1z kafedry akusherstva i ginekologii (zav. - dotsent K.K. Komeshko) Smolenskago gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo instituta i endokrinologicheskoy laboratorii instituta akusherstva i gi- nekologii Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya PxSFSR (zav. laboratoriyey. prof. Ye.A. Kakushina). BUOTSKILY sTAYL, N.I.; POWOIMU. N.S. Ye V.;, FOU Absolute chronology of Mesozoic and Genozoic volcanic and intrusive formations in the Olga-Tatyukhe area. Sov'.geol. 3 no.5:107-114 My 160. (KMA 13:7) 1. VaesoyuzWy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy geologicheskiy inatitut. (Tetyukhe region (Maritime Territory)-Geology, Stratigraphic) BYKOVSKAYA, Ye.V.; POLWAYA, N.I. Absolute age of volcanic formations in the Badzhal and Burein 1hinges. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geol. 25 no.10:86-91 0 160. (MIR& 13:10) 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatelieldy geologicheskiy institut, Leningrad. (Badzhal Range"-Volcanoes) (Burein Range--Volcanoes) BYKOVSKATA. Ye. V. Petrochemical characteristics of He9ozoic and Cenozoic volcanic rocks on the eastern'slope of the southern Sikhote-Alin' iit~- Zap.Vues.min.ob-va 89 no.2:195-207 160. (MIRA.13:7) .Pikhote-Alin' Range-Rocks, Igneous) BYKOV~~Y#,--Ye.V.-;_RO7T-DUI, V.K. Geological position of ignimbrites in different volcanic zones of the Far East. Trudy Lab. vulk. no.20:151-156 161.(MIRA 14:11) 1. Vsesoyuznyy geologorazvedochnyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut Min2sterstva geologii i okhrany nedr SSSR. !(Soviet Far East-Volcanic ash, tuff, etc.) 0 BYKOVSKAYA, Y119 Vot CAND GEOL-MIN Scig T"c $TRATIORAP"Y AND PETROLOGY Of THE UPPER MESOZeIC AND CENOZOIC VOLCANO- GENIC FORMATiIONG OF -.11W 0LlOA-TEnTYUKHIN8KiY RAYON* LENIN- ORAD9 1960, (MIN of HIG"KR AND 8Kc Spcc ED R8F8R9 LENINGRAD ORDERS OF LENIN AND LABOR RED BANNER MINING INST im Go Ve PLEK"ANOV). (KL9 2-619 201). -46- ,BZOVSKAYA, Ye.V. Isolation of the coastal area of the development of volcanic rocks of the Sikhote-Alin' Range into an independent structural zone. Trudy VSEGHI 73:49-56 162. (MIRA 15:0 (Sikhot"3-tn' Range-Geoloo., Structural) ' (Rocks 2 looms) L 6examt1gation of the structure and propertiez-61-93[W beteramil tnolvbdenum ard tunMen communds with radmaive indicator-s.-V. 1. SD'Itsytt And VIA, - DUO- q a --77 '40~ MoP'j W 0. and 11#2 were used in the study of the W and Afo Compds.' ond MOVAOMILO, Tlieratcolexchangeuf Nfo%between the active NajMo*04 and the Inactive NaJltjP(NlozOz),j.I8 11,0, at a pH 1-2- 11.0 (obtdincd by acidifying with HNO~) was measured in time intervals of.15 min. to N lirs. It is almost instantane. am at low p1l values, and slower at lower acidity. The rate of exchange of inner-sphere constituents was studied with titelitteo-N~iAll%V*90ii).201140.itid the inactive silks. n2olybdie =W iu an acid soln., and (A the active luteo phosphatungstleacid with inactive N.L,WO,. W. AL.S. Ag i I Al 1 11 CIL e.11 g. . Mon r I Jul in I 0H 1 j 0 ;- a t 'q j 0 ; -a - 0 -!g J m i' BYKMKAYA, Yu. I, GRIZIK, A. A. , and HARUNINA, N. L "Use wid mthodology of radioactive indicators." report presented at The Use of Radioactive Isotopes in Analytical Chmistry. Conference in Moscow, 2-4 Doc 1957 Ventnik Ak Nank &95R. 1958. No. 2, (author Rodin, S. S.) BTKOVSKAYA, Tu.I. Determination of tungsten and niobium in high alloys. Trucly kom. anal.khim. 9:323-328 '5&0 (KM 11:11) (Tungsten-Analysis) ( Niobium-Ana3ysis) BTVDV.SXATI. Tu.1. . Determination of niobium when large quantities of titanium are present. Trudy kou.swaAhIm. 9:329-332 158. (MIRA 3.1: n) (Nioblum-Analysis) S/137/62/000/003/188/19-1 A154/Aioi AUTHORS: Ponomarev, A. I.; Bykovskaya, Yu. I. TITLE: A new method for determining small amounts of carbon PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 3, 1962, 12, abstract 3 K 65 ("Tr. In-ta metallurgii, AN SSSR", 1961, vyp. 8, 237 - 241) TEXT: A method was developed for determining small amounts of C, completed by colorimetry. Use was made of the possibility of determining C from the runount of U reacting with BaC03 with formation of a complex salt difficultly soluble in water. To carry out the determination a device was designed in which BaCO is ob- tained by absorption of CO formed in ignition of C in the sample, by a Low, solution in a cylindrical ~~el with a porous filtering plate. 5 ml of a U02C12 solution is added to the BaC03 . The resulting precipitate of barium-uran- ium complex salt is disso'lved in kl. The solution is transferred to a 50-m1 re- tort and brought up to the mark. Colorimetry of U is carried*out by arsenazo. A specific volume of the examined solution is put into a 10-m1 calibrated cylinder, a 25 % solution of urotropine is added until Congo paper turns red, a 0.005 % Card 1/2 S/137/62/000/003/188/191 A new method for determining small amounts of carbon A154/Aioi solution of arsenazo is poured in and the volume of solution brought up to 5 The intensity of coloring of the obtained solution is compared with a scale cf standard solutions of U. If the amount of U which has reacted with the BaCO-7 is known, the n the 0 content of the sample can be found from a calibration currlej. The sensitivity of the method is 10,r of.C. L. Vorob-1yeva [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 . FONOMMV, A.I.; BYKOVSKAYA, Yu.I flew type of absorption vessel for the volumetric barite method of carbon determination, Trudy Inst. met. no.8:242-= 161. (~~ 14:10) (Microchomistry) (Carbon) BYXOVSKAYA, Yu.1. Quantitative isolation of tungsten. Trudy Inst.met. no.10:23c~- 243 162. (Tungsten) (Hydrolysis) (IMU 15:8) BYKOVSKAYA; YUI. Trilonometric indirect method'of detex-mining tungsten. Trudy Itst. met. no.10:24.4-245 162. (MIU 2-5:8) (Solutions (Chemistry)-Analysis) (Tungsten-Analysis) BIKOVSKAYA YUJI - - 1- - - I I - .1, - 1--.- Potentiometric determination of small amounts of carbon. Zhur..- anal;khim. 17 no.5s6O7-610 Ag .162. JMIRI 16:3) 1. A.A..Baikov Institute of Metallurgy, Moicow. (Carbon-Analysis) .(Poten'tiometric analysis) I BrKOVSMAP YUSIS Methods.of detez-*ning small quantities of carbon, Trudy Inst. not. no.12068-~75 163. (KnU 16s6) (K9tajs--An&jysjg (Carbon---Analysis~ 4 VR/ M5016875 BOOK EXPLOITATION FA 669:543/5454-543.42- onotnarev j- 43 Chemical and spectrum jnslystI3 in metallurgy; a practical h.2ndbook (Rhimicheskiy i spektTal nyy analli v metallurgii; praktitheskoye rukovodstvo) Moscov, Izd-vo "Nauka", 1965. 382 p. illus., tables, index. (At head of title Akademiya nauk SSSR. Gcsuderst-vennyy komitet po chernoy i tsvetnoy metallurgii pri Cosplane SSER, Institut metallurgii im. A. A. Baykova) Errata slip inserted. 3000 copies printed, TOPIC TAGSt analysis* chemical analysis, physicochemical analysis, ral analysis, slag analysis, steel analysis, iron analysis, spect alloy analysis, pure metal analysis, element determination, rare eartb element determination, impurity deternination PURPOSE AND COVERAGEi This back is intended for specialists and workers at scientific-research and plant labOTMtOTItS. The book describes chemical, phyaicachemical and spectral nethods of analyzing slags, steels# irons, various alloys, and some pure C L 159716-65 AN5016875 -A - metals. The detaTmination of rare and rare-earth elements Is out- lined. Part I of th'e book deals with the analysis of slags and the determination of basic elements and usual impurities, and describes methods of determining rare-earth elements.~kPvrt Ii deals vith the analysis of cast frona and steels and describet, the determination of asual components and tungsten end molFbdenuu in the presence of ni*bium. as well as the determination of Citantalum, niobium and cerium. Part lliiinclud~a analysis of metallic chromium. niobium, titanium, nickel,ind their alloys. Methods of determininji cerium, indium, and g aI Ium In riets'.9 and alloys are discussed itlong with the determination of rare-varth elements by applying the chromatographic method. Part IV deals with spectral anslysit including phot-o-graphic and other various methods. The follovix.g members of the Institute Of HetAll1ri-ZY participated in the vcvki A. A. Astanina, V. S. NaRibin, N'. a Y. -Te-a e-1 Kunenkova, Yu, 1. Bykcvek a, L. 1. ago, T; S. Gertseva, A. S__ 'A. N. Pifevnbe! M - 'L 58716-65- AM5016875 TABLE OF CONTENT (Abridge,fl% Foreword 3 Part 1. Ain aysis of ilagil 5 Part 11. Analysis 0f CasiPirons and Steels 116 ~~,-~Part 112. Methods for Determination of Individual Elements in Metals and Allcl - 259 11. Analysis of chromiul%n~ Its alloys -- 266 8. Determinaf-ianof yFtr'iur and chromium in lyttriuT-chromiism alloys -- 173 9. Determination of ch mium in chrolmium-rhenium-alloys --- 275 111. Analysis of niobium And its alloys -- 76 4r Deternination Of tungsten and niobium in hiobium-tungsten diloys -- 285 S. Rapid determination of aluminum in niobiuqc-sluminum-g-~-T 10 alloy -- 291 3/5 card L-.58716.65 AMAM6875 .10 m in niobi Bichronatic method of determining molybdenu Um- base alloys 292 116 Determination ol! niobium and gtlliu in niobium- gall 111m alloys -- 293 u An titaniu 13. Polarographic dateTMination of titani m m- niobivm alloys '.with titanium content up to 65%) 9 5 Ch. VIII. Determination of aermanium~-I- 314 1, Weighing method of determining germanium in germanium- irori alloys -- 31.4 IA 2. Determination [of germanium] in silicon 315 t"I 3-.0colorimettic detormination [of germanium) in.indium- antimony alloys 315 4. Determinati luriuAnd germanium in vilicon- i6f silicon, tel allbys 315 10 5.. Determination of thallium in germanium-thallium4AIloyv 316 6. ColoTimetric metliod of determining antii~ony In metallic gerriabium -- 317 ~grd 4/5 ze vecerminazz.on 3. Determination 4. Determination alloya -- 323 5. Determination 6.t-Polarographic antimony and in r1i;anium-lualum alloys -- jzz in geirmanium-indium-phorphorus alloys -- 323 in nei)dynium-indiun-magnectum-zirconium -I 1 1 In ol:i.icon-indlun-vanstliur~-lalloys -- 323 deternination of cadm1un purities In indtum- in gallium-antimony alloys. ~- 324 Ch. XI. Polarographic Determination of Impurities in Yttrium Alloys -- .328 Part IV. Spectruto Analysis of Steels, Certain Alloys, and Purt "Materials --.3311 SUB CODEi KH OTHM 013 Card. 5/5 SUBMITTED: 19Ja-n65 NO REF SOVt 1-'13 L -3438-66-.: - M4TW/FW-W/ke113). /V C) ACCESSIONNR: ATS023102 UR/0000/65/000/000/0285/0289 AUTHOR: Bykovskaya, -Yu. -1.0- TITLE: Determining the lower deg rees of the oxidation of niobium in-the electro- lysis products during the production of.pur,6 niobium SOURCE: Problemy bol'shoy metallurgii i fizicheskoy khimii novykh splavov (Problems of large-scale imetallurgy.and physical chemistry of new alloys); k 100-: letiyu so daya rozhdeniya akademika M..A. Pavlova. Hoscow, 1zd-vo Nauka, 1965# 285-289 v TOPIC TAGS: niobium,, high purity metal titrimetry ABSTRACT- The object of this investigation was to determine the quantitative aspects of the partial reduction of Nb occurring in the process of the product- ion of pure Nb by electrolysis-and to. develop a fast and reliable method of de- termining the reduced Nb. The bandling of solutions containing Nb with the lower degrees of oxidation involves considerable di~jficulties, since, owing to the suf-,M -the system Nb obium J.9 ficiently negative potential of /Nb54, 8 - -0.37 v, ni very readily oxidized in air, changing into compounds with higher valences. It L r 3438-66- ACCESSION NR: AT5023102 follows hence that work with 14b'compounds with lower valences requires a rigorous ly inert atmosphere or indirect methods of Nb3+ determination, e.g. through inter:! action of Nb3+ with Fe34- so as to form Fe2+ which ic sufficiently stable in air and may be titrated by means of an appropriate oxidizing agent without resorting I. to an inert-gas atmospherb. Bac'k-titration also is possible, e.g. through the reaction of the oxidation of Nb3+ by amonium vanadate (NH VO 3) with subsequent i t1tration of the excess NH4VO3- Proceeding from these prQses, three different methods of determining rqduced niobium (Nb 0 are proposed. The first method is 2 g4 based on the reaction Nb3+ + Fe3+ , Fe2+ + N i.e. on the interaction between reduced Nb and trivalent Fe and subsequent oxidation of the resulting divalent Fe bV+%4C+r207 solution,..The second method is based on the reaction Nb3+ + V5+ Nb i.e. on the interaction between the reduced Ub and pentavalent va- nadium (NH4VO3) and subsequent titration-of the excess NH V03 with a 0.5 N so- 4 lution of Mohr's salt. Finally, the third method consists in the direct Aeteisni- -tion n a -of reduced Nb, i.e. titration by some oxidizing agent, e.g. iron': alums, within a tightly sealed system and in the presence of a strong currenit I inert gas (CO ). It is shown that the behavior of' the reduced Hb, is the same ol whatever the med?%~~ (H2S041 R3P041 Rcl).used to decompose the specimens, clearly Card 2/3 BYKHOVSKIY, A. [Bykh~islkyi, A.), kand.fiz.-matem.nauk; RAVIKOVICH, S., I-a-;d=.i.-matem.nauk Eye and colors. Nauka J zhy-ttia 12 no.9s25-26 S 162. (MM 16:1) (Color sense) BY-KOVSI,IY, A. D. Novye metody tenrdcheskoi obrabotki otvalov i lenekhov. I-Ibsinla, Yaz-h'--J-z, 190. 490) P. Mus., 18 plates. B~lbliop--aphy: P.(51). (Ifew methods o! heat treatmemt of moldboards and plowshares.) DLC: Tjl482.BQ, SO: Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering in the Soviet Union, Library of Congress, 1953- BYXDVSIEIY, A..F. Rhinoeytoecopy in, influenza, Vapoviritse 4 noo2*.143-145 Mr-AP '59- 09IRA 12:6) 1. Kafedra mikrobiologit 11~wokogo meditainskogo inatituts. (INFLYANU. pathol. nasal cytole changea (Hun)) (NASAL GLVITT. pathol. in influenza (Rum)) RAVICH-SHCHMMO, H.I.; 3AULU, V.I.;_BMVSKIYv-A.F* Use of paper disks In determining, penicillin concentration in whole blood. Iab. delo 5 no.1:42-46 Ja-7 159. OCM 12:3 ) 1. 1z kafedry biologicheskoy khimii (zav. - prof. M.I. Ravich- Shcherbo) i kafedry mikrobiologii (zav. - Drof. A.M. Brusin) M=skogo meditsiuskogo institmta. (BIOOD--AXALTSr~ AND CnMISTRT) (PENICILLIN) AVAKYAN, A.A.; ALITSHTEYN, A.D.; KIRILLOVA, F.M.,- BYKOVSKIY, A.F. Means for t)2e improvement of laboratory smallpox diagnosis, Vop, virus. 6 no.2:196-203 Mr-Ap 161. VIRAL 14:6) L Laboratoriya 116rrologii virusov i elektronnoy mikroskopii Instituta po izuefieniyu po3.iomyeli* AMN SSSRI . Moskva. W~Luox) - BYKOVSKIY, A.F.; VORONINfi, F.V. Anatomy and ontogeny of tbe ado~rxvJ Vop. vinzzs. 10 no.2:15f,-164. Ingtitut epildemiologli i SSSR, Mosk-va. BYKOVSKIY, A.F. Improved method of embedding objects in methacrylate for pre- paration of ultrathin sqctions. Vop.v-Irus 6 no.4:500-503 Jl-Ag 161. (MIRA 14:11) 1. Institut po izucheniyu poliomiyelita AM11 SSSR, Moskva. (TISSUE. CULTURE) (BIOLOGICAL SPECIMENS-COIJZCTION AND PRESERVATION) I BYKOVSKIY A F - BAZYLEV, P.M.; PROKHGROVA, E.M. 1--1**I?i Electron microscopic study of the virus of Aujeszky's disease. Veterinariia 41 no.12:13-15 D 164. (MURA 18:9) 1. Institmt epidemiologii i mikrobiologii im. Gamalei (for Bykovskiy). 2. Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-kontrollnyy institut veterinarnykh prepa-rator (for Bazylev, Prokhorova). _L, 18443-63 EPF(c)/FWT(m)/BD3 Pr-4 RMIWW ACCESSION NR- AT3001898 S/2912/62/000/000/0079/0082, 57 AUTHOR: ~Xokhovskiy, TITLE: Mechanisms of th~ growth of,naphthalo rystals from a fusion SOURCE: Kris tallizatsiya i fazovfye perekhody*- Minsk, Izd-vo AN BSSR, 196Z, 79-82 TOPIC TAGS: crystal, crystallization, crystallography, naphthalol, growth, mechanism ABSTRACT: The paper reports the author' a analysis of experimental data obtained by L. 0. Meleshko (IFZh, v.3, 1960, 96) to identify the crystal-growth mechanism. that prevails in the growth of naphthalol (NL) crystals from a fusion and, more specifically, the 3 modifications found by Meleshko, namely: (1),Dark-'crydtals; (2) milky-white crystals; (3) crystals with an altered external shape. A plot of log v/( &T~=log A-U Z/RT (where v is the linear rate of growth of the crystal (LGR), A is a constant, U,, is the energy of activation (EA), and T is the tempera- ture and AT is taken from To.930G) versus'I/T adduces a strong argument in favor of a dislocational growth mechanism of crystals of the dark variety of NL from a fusion. The. numerical values for the constants were found as follows: r-,,4 j/ 7 1844343 ACCESSION NR: AT3001898 A= 3.8-105cm/ see; U?= 17.6 kcal/g-mol; at supercooling &Tls in excess of 400, it is found that v decreases more steeply with a lowering in T; this is found to be 'in accord with the theory of W. B. Hillig and D. Turnbull (J. Chem. Phys., 1956, 914). The results presented here indicate equally convincingly that the milky-white variety of NL crystals grows by the mechanism of two-dimensional nucleation. Xwould be of great interest to obtain direct experimental data on the mechanism of the crystal growth, for example, by an observation of the various stages of their growth. It would also be of interest to investigate experimentally the kinetics- of the transformation of one crystalline form of NL into another. "In conclusion I- .:take this opportunity to express my gratitude to Candidates of Physico-Mathemati-:. cal Sciences M. A. Krivoglaz and A. A. Chernov for their interest in my work and their discussion of its results. Orig, art. hag-I figure. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 16Apr63 ENCL: 00 .SUB CODE: CH, PH, MA. NO REF SOV: 005 OTHER:- 003' SVIRIDE14KO, Sorgey Klinrito-novich; BAFLAB-TARLE, Matuet Yelevich; MIZHEVSKIY, Lev Leonidavich; RASHKOVICII, Mikhail Pavlovich; SRIBMR, Leonid Andreyevich; SHRAGO, Leonid Konstantinovich; ORLIKOV, M.L.p kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; ROYXIOV, A.I., inzh., red.; HYKOVSKIY, inzh., r~dq GORHOSTAYPOLISKAYA, M.S., tekhn.--re-a-. [Program control of jig drilling machineslProgramrnoe U'pravle- nie koordinatno-sverlillnymi stanksmi. Moskvaq Mashgiz, 1962. 87 pe (101A 15:9) (Drilling and boring machinery-Numorict-a co!atrol) PYASIK, losif Borisovich; TURPAYEV, A.I., kand. tekhn.naWc, retsenzent; GOLUB, V.14., inzh., red.; HYKOVSKIY A I inzh., red.; GORNOSTAYPOLISKAYA, M.S.,-U5EE-. red. [Ball-screw mechanisms) Sharikovintovye mekhanizuy. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1962. 122 p. (NIRA 15:3) (Gearing, Worm) (Ball bearings) MATSIYE;VSKIY, Anatoliy Gavrilovicb; ERLIKH, Lazar' Borisovicb; Prinimali uchastiye: SLEZINGER, I.N., kand.tekhn.nauk, dots.; 120LUC-R, L.S.; inzb.; RABINOVICH, I.Sh.., inzh.; SVIRIDENKO, S.Kb.,, red.; ORLIKOV,, M.L., dots., retsenzent; BYKOVSKIY, A.I.,, inzb,.o red.; GORNOSTAYPOLISKAYA, M.S., e 0 a [Efficient organization of maebine-tool design) Ratsionalizatsiia raschetov pri konstruirovanil stankov. Pod red. S.Kb.Sviridenko. Moskva, Mashgiz.. 1962. 127 p. (MIRA 15:7) (Machine tools--Design) DOBROVOLISKIY, Viktor Afanas!yevich; ZABLONSKIY, Konstantin Ivanovich; MAK, Solomon LIvovich; RADQHIK, Aleksandr Semenovich; ERLIKH, Lazar' Borisovich; FYATNITSKIY, A.A., prof., retsenzentj ACHE*N, N.S..,.doktor.tekhn. nauk, prof., otv. redi.; BYKOVSKI inab.,, red.; GORNOSTAYPOLISKAU,~H.S., tekhn. ;4d-~~Y ~` , [Machine parts] Detali mashin. 12d. 6., dop. Moskav, Mashgiz, 1962. 601 p. (KIRA 16--5) (Machinery) DYKOVSUYt A. S. USSR/Geological Prospecting Coal Fab 1947 "Certain Regularities Observed When Studying Coal and Their Practical Significance," I. A. Khrizman, A. S. Bykovskiy, 4 Pp "CR Acad Sci" Vol LVt No 4. 4-343-46 z While searching for method to check analytical data determining calorific value of coal, authors discovered functional relation between calorific value and com- bustible mass was specific for each coal deposit. To clarity this relationship authors used materials from Central Laboratory of Bashkir Geological Administra- tion obtained from tests of following brown-coalcleposits: Alsheyevskoye, Zilimskoye, Krivlevskoye, Kvyurgazinskoye, Staro-Mikhailovskoye, Surakaiskoye,, Talalayevskoye, Ushkatlinskoye, including data from Donets basin, etc. Presents results graphic- ally, Submitted by P. I. Stepanov, 16 Sep 1946. PA 53T36 BYKOVSKIYp B.M.; SHOOVALOVA.. V.A. Memory cell for feeding electroluminophor inditators. Avtomi 1wib. no,I: 85-86 iso-Mr 163, (NIP,& 16;3) 1. Lisichanskiy fiIial Inatituta avtomatiki Donetskogo soveta narodnogo khozyaystva. Ohgnatic memory (Calculating machinea)) BYKOVSM. B. N. stre.nith Of Materials Pet 51 i Varistion-of,.Strength of Real Materials Under 'Thur Tekh Fiz" Vol XXI, No 10, PP 1178-1163 It'vas founa. that materials like vood or con- c7rete brOak. down under prolonged load at ten- sion beiov their tensile modulus. Author con- siders material as pUstic viscous body and de- rives suitable formulas (cf. Ya. 1. Freukel ".111initic Theart 6f- liquids, -1 1945; A. R. sy,n,: 19h.of ZqiIj*ent TkIdug Into 'Acdount, t1ke: Plastic Properties of Materials, 1949). subi4tted.6 Jun 50. 193T32, bu rn in', i'll COU: purulent i7v' Trudy 5. n~td- in-ta~' ;L)1. 19 Lurfust 53, (Lf~topi5 'Vi-arnal