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BYST1r-j,-VSKTY, L. 3TSMWSKIY, L. Improving the technolorj of productive processes in shipyards. Nor. i rech.flot 14 no'.7:23 Jl '54. Off-"A 7:7) Nachine-shop, .practice) (Shipbuilding) BYSTREVSKIY,L., inzhener ~ Shouldering pipe flange connections. Mor.flot 15 no.6:26 Je '55 (Pipe flanges--Welding) (Km 8:8) L-M,j BYSTRBVSKIY,1-4., inshener Rudder head mounting no.8:25 Ag'55- (Shipbuilding) In tank vessel. construction. Mor.flot 15 (KIRA 8:10) -M MMUSKIY. L.M.. inzhener Somiautomtic flange welding to steel pipes. Svar. proizv. no.7:16-17 J1 155- (KM 8: 9), (Pipe flanges-Welding) BYSMWSKIY, L.N., inzhoner. Lining for flux melting crucibles. Lit.proizv. no-5:28 NY '56. (MLRA 9:8) (Crucibles) .bYSTREVSKIT. L.M. Coremaking by the pressus nothod. Lit.prolsy. n0-2:30-31 7 '56. (Coremaking) (Die casting) (NLRA 9:6) A 3YSTRICVSKIY. L.H., inzh. Reelection of the primary organization council in and Technical Asoociation of ShipbuilderB at the plant. Sudostroenis 22 [i.e.231 no.10:66 0 157. (Shipbuilding) the Scientific I.I. Nosenko (MIRA 11:2) BYSTREVSKIY, L.M., inzh. Experience in Introducing unflanged pipe joints on ships. Sudostroenle 24 no.7:66-67 JI '58. (MIRA 11:9) (Marine pipe fitting) 25(l) SO'1/135-59-'-19/24 AUTHOR: Bystrevskiv, L.M., Engineer TITLE: The Automatic Under-Flux Welding of Brass Bushin s (Avto- maticheskaya svarka pod flyusom latunnykh vtulok ~ PERIODICAL: Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, 1959, Nr 3, P 39 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Brief information is given on an automatic welding method developed at the welding laboratory of the Plant imeni No- senko, resulting in sound welded joints in 111,Mts 58-2" and "LMtsZh 55-3-1" brass bushings of UP to 50 mm wall thickness and 200-700 mm. diameter. The job requires 2 hours instead of the former 24 hours in manual welding. The method has eli- minated the consumption of tin and of the special "boron slag"-flux. The welding process parameters and the flux grades used are indicated. There is 1 diagram. Card 1/1 BYSTREVSKlYi L.M- Initiative has been supported. RTO no.4:20-21 AP '59. (MIRA 12:6) 1 -1. UcheiWy sakretar* pervichnoy organizateii Nauchno-teldinicheakogo obahchostva tmdostroitol'noy'promyshlonnosti, g. Nikolayev. .(NIkclamv-~-ShIpbuilding) BYSTREVSKIY, L. Beat innovations are introduced in the plant. NTO no.12:30 D '59 (MIRA 13:3) 1. Ucherqy sekretarl pervichnoy organizateii Nauchno-tekhnicheakogo Ashchestva, zavoda imeni Nosenko, g. Nikolayev. (Nikolaev.~Steelworka--Technological Innovations) BUTOMA, B-Te.; SOKOTDV, P.A.; BAUTEV, D.N.: SERGHMe N.M.; SHUASKIT. K.A.; TTAPKIN, M.Ta.; S?IIILqOV, V.A.; PIROGOV, N.J.; IMDORDY, N.A.; GOLTASHKIN, G.S.; KUZ1141H. A.P., AKUL111ICnV, V.P.:brigadir; GOMM, Te.M..-_j!TSTR11VSYL1T,-L.M.-. inzb.-. STXPAMV. P.S., brigadir; Us, I.S., brigadir-sudoeborshebik, deputat Verkhovnogo Soveta SSSR; USTIR3V, P.D.. slesarl-aborshcbilc; FINDGEIUVA, N.Ya.. tokar'; LFMMR, M.; ALEESEY.MV, R.Te.; SIVM1111, K., st arshiy master; OSTAFIYEV, A.I.; TROFIWV, B.A., inzb.; KOV1ffZHKIK, V.F., inzh.; MOISSYTV, A.A. , prof.-. WLTIBEV, N.V.; MDGIIMICH, V.I.; K01ffUTIN, V.I.; A14DRIYEVSKIY, H.I.; HATSIWICH, V.D., dots. Shipbuilders prepare for the 21st Extraordinary Congress of the CPSU. Sudoetroenie 25 no.1:1-25 Ja 159. (MIRA 12:3) 1. Predsedatel' Gosudaratvennogo komitata Soveta Hinistrov SSSR po sudostroyeniyu, ministr SSSR (for Butoma). 2. Nachallnik upravleniyEL sudostroitellnoy proxy9blennosti Lensovnarkhoza (for Sokolov). 3. DirektorBaltiyakogo sudostroitol'nogo zavoda im. S.Ordzbonikidze (for Balayev). 4. Nachallniki tsekhov Baltiyakngo sudostroitellnogo zavoda im. S. Ordzhonilcidze (for Sergeyev, Sbuniskiy). 5. Naeballnik mekbanichankogo tselffia Baltiyskogo suclostroitel'nogo zavoda im. S. Ordzhonikidze (for Tyapkin). (Contimind on no-xt cvtrd) BUTOKA, B.Ye. -(continued) Card 2. 6. Brigade. kommunistichaskogo truda Baltiyokogo sudostroitellnogo zavoda Im. S. Ordzbonikidze (for Smirnov). 7. Glavnyy irmhener Admiraltay- akogo sudostroitellnogo zavoda, LenIngrad (for Pirogov). 8. GlavW inchener sudoatroitallnogo zavoda in. A.A. Shdanova (for Fedorov). 9. Ilacballnik elel-trod T teekba Sudoetroitellnogo cavoda in. A.A. Zhdanova (for GolyashMrn 10. Nachallnik tsekha komnunisticheakogo truda audostroltellnogo zavoda, in. A.A. Zhdanova (for Kuzlmin). 11. Malyarnyy tsekh sudostroltellnogo zavoda, im. A.A. Zhdanova (for Akulinichev). 12. VTlavrVy inzbener Nikolayevskogo sudostroitelinogo zavoda Im. I.I. Nosenko (for Gorbenkp)t$,Ilikolayevskiy sudostroitel 'Ivry zavod iTh. I.I. Nosenko (for Bystrevsk-iy, Us. Ustinov, Finogenova). 14. Sledarno-oborocbnaya brigade. Nikolayevskogo sudostroitellnogo zavoda Im. I.I. Noaenko (for Stepanov). 15-. Eamestitel'nachallnika konstruktorskogo byuro sudostroltel'nogo zavoda "KraBnoye Sormovo" (for Lerner). 16. GlavMry konstruktor konstruktorskogo by-uro sudo- staritellnogo zavoda "Krasnoye Sormovol (for Aleksayev). 17. Sudo- stroitel'rVy zavod IlKrasnoye Sormovo" (for Sivuhbin). 111. Direktor sudoetroitallnogo zavod "Laninskaya 1-uznitoall (for Ostaflyev). 19. Sakretarl partkoma TSentrallnngo nauctino-isaledovatellskogo iiiatituta (for Trofimov)e (Continued on next card) BUTOW, B.Te.--(aontinued) Card 3. 20. Predsodatell Leningradskogo oblaatnogo pravlonly'a Nauchno-tekbuiche- skogo otdela sudostroitallnoy pronVehlennosti (for Moiseyev). 21. Glav- nyye inzhenery Konstruktorskogo byuro (for Golubev, Andryutin). 22. VrIavrW7 konstruktor Konstruktorskogo byuro (for Mogilevich). 23. Naebal'nik TSentrallmgo tekbniko-konstruktorskogo byuro (for Andriyevskiy). 24. Zamestitell direktora Loningradskogo korable- stroitel'nogo ine7tituta po ucbebnoy chasti (for Matakevicb). (Shipbuilding) SYSTRVSKIT, L.M..Insh. I AutomtIc welding of thicktmes bushings. Sudestrosuis 26 no.9:67 sl6o, (MIRA 13: 10) (Brass-Welding) (Bearings(Iftchimery)) ~A - MAWVA, Ye.; NIKITY, G.; BYSTREVSKIY, L.; G011SOR, V. From readers' letters. NTO 3 no.6:47 Je 161. (MIRA 14:6) 1. Uchenyy sekretarl oblastnogo pravleniya nauchno-tekhnichaskcogo obahchestva pishchevoy promyshlennosti Dnepropetrovskoy oblasti. (for Malova), 2. Chlen Krasnodarkogo krayevogo pravleniy-a nauchno-tekhnicheskogo.obshchestva mashinostroitellnoy promyBhlcir.- nosti, g. Novorossiyak (for Nikitin). 3. Uchenyy sekretarl soveta pervichnoy organizatsii nauchno-tekhnicheskogo obshchesti-a Nikolayevskogo sudostroitelinogo* zavoda, im. Nosenko, g. Nikolayev (fo33 Bystrevskiy). I+. Chlen Nauchno-tekhnicheskogo obahchestva vodno o transporta, g. Iloskva (for Wlosker). ~Technogolical innovations) BYSTREVSKIY L inzh. A I The whaler "Sovetckaia Rossila." Sudostroenie 27 no.2:71 F 161. (MIRA 16:7) (Whalers) e n ry BYSTREVSKIY, L.M., inzh. ----------- Nikoi.aev Province Report and Election C.~'nference. Sudostroenie 27 no.8:?8 Ag '61. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Chlen prezidjuma Nikolayevskopo oblastnogo pravlenlya Nauchno- tekhnicheskogo obshc'hestva sudostroitel'noy pro, shlennosti. (Shipbuildinfr--Congressesi BYSTREV-SMY, L.11.~ OMEMCHEN1,01 Ul.; SHTEYNTSAYG, K.Kh. Inspired work of Nosertko shipyard workers. Sudostroenie 27 no.10-.U~17 0 161. (IMA 14:12) (Kherscm--Shipbuilding) BYSTREVSKIY, L.M. Fulfilling resolutions of the technological conference on standard- ization in shipbuilding. Sudostroenie 27 no.12:80-81 D '61. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Chlen Nikolayevskogo oblastnogo pravlenlya Nauchno-tekhnicheskogo obshchestva sudostroitel'noy promysblennosti. (Shipb-ailding--Congresses) BYSTREVSK,I.Y.L Minzh. Special cart for the transportation of liquid nitrogen. Sudostroenie 28 no.2:59 F '62. (MIRA 15:3) (Shipbuilding--Equipment and supplies) BYSTREVSKIY, L.M., inzh. Conference on problems of industrial specialization. Sudostroenie 28 no.2:77-78 F 16,!. (MIRA 15:3) (Shipbuilding--Congresses) .BYSTREVSKIY, L.M., Inzh. Whaler nSovetakala Ros:Aia." Sudostroonie 28 no.3:74-75 Mr 162. (MA 15:4) (whalers) BYSTREVSKIY, L.M. Whaler "Sovetakaia RoF*iia, Biu:Lotekh.-okon.infam.GoiB.nauch.-issI - inot.nauch, i telchinhom. no.702-74 162. (MIRA 15;7~ (whalers) BYSTREVSKIY, L.M,, inzh. Conference on ways of accelerating finiahUS and assembly operations. Sudostro'enie 28 no.7:86 JI 162. (MMA 15.8) 1. Chler, Leningradakogo oblastnogo pravleniya Nauchno-tekhnicheskogo obshchestva sudostroitellnoy promyshlemosti. (Shipbuilding-Congresses) BYSTREVSKIY, L.M.,, inzh.; -KOLOSOVSKAYA., T.S., inzh.; VOLOSHIN, A.A., inzh. Conference on problems of expanding welding practices. Sudostroenie 28 m.8:61-62 Ag 162. (KRA 15: 8) 1. Chlen Nikolayevskogo oblastnogo pravloniya Nauchno-tekhnicheskogo obahchestva sudostroitellnoy promyshlennosti (for Bystrevskiy). 2. Uchenyy sekrotarl Estonskogo rospublikanskogo sovets, nauchno- tekhnicheakikh obshchestv (fcr Voloshin), (Ship-Welding) BYSTREVSKIY, L.~L.. inph. Automatic arrangement for rope winding on a test stand. no.1-1:57 N -162. (Wire rope-Testing) Sudostroenie, 28 (MIRk 15:12) BYSTREVSKIY L.M.', inzh. Developing principles of voluntary activity in the vork of primary organizations of the Scientific and Technical Society for the I.I.Nosenko Plant. Sudostroenie 29 no.2:82 F 163. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Uchenyy sekretarl pervichnoy organizataii Nauchno- -tekhnicheskogo obshchestva sudustroitellnoy promyshlepnosti. (Shipbuilding-Technological innovations) BYSTREVSKIY L.M.. inzh. Conference on the development of marine power plants. no-4:74 Ap 163. (Marine engineering-Congresses) Sudostroenis 29 (MIRA 16:4) BYSTREVSKIY, L.M., inzh. . .--rea. Seminar-conference of the Scientific Technological Society for the Shipbuilding Industry. Sudostroenie 29 no.11:79 N 163. (WRA 16:12) 1. Chlen prezidiuma Nikolayevskogo oblastnogo pravlenlya Nauchno- t6khnicheskogo obahchestva sudostroitallnoy promyshlennosti. #'STREVSKIY, L.M., insh. Plenus of the flikolaev Province Administration of the Scibntific Technoloky Society. Sudostroenie 30 no-5s69-70 MY 164. (KIRk 17 -.6) T'.14 -. , " - - - -.P . --0.9 Usp C-f in irig. -,jc~s~ rc-~ ni ~ u _-.1- 30 ylo,7 -76 -~7 - .. j 1 '&,. qgRIC -F'. Us H.; OWWQ GEOGRAPHY & GEOLJDGY Periodicals: GEOLOGICKE PRACE; ZPRAVY No. 14, 1958 BYSTRICKA, H; CECH. F. Notes on the straigraphy of the lignite basin under the Vihoriat Mountain Range. p. 124o Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) W., Vol. 8. No. 5., may 1959,, Unclass. V C AINDRUSOV, D-imitur-ij C-7-ECHOSLOVAIM PhD, Academician r a t i s 1 av a Not siven - Address: Francisclho ul. 7, ~ Bratislava, Geolo,-,icicy Sbornik, ~jo. 2, 19052, no 179-182 "Globigerine Level of Paleocene Central Car"oatluansll Co-authors: BYST13~.Q:-:~,--H.t_~hD, --d6ress: (37otz-waldovo nam. a t I s 1av a KOHLER, E., Geological Laboratory of SAV (Slovak Academy of Sciences - Slovenska Akmdc--r--.~I-n Vied), address: Obrancov mieru 41, Bratislava. bYgTATOXY~ JAR Chemical Ab8t. Vol. 48 No. 3 �QlMen kpLQ= a I~retfeu ta of th Zip Feb. 10, 1954 siamor0 dep( ::d n~Aptqr INvensk 4k NKI R-- Mineralogical and Geological.,Ghemistry v*RU. Ged. Sborn(k 3,135-51(1952) (German summary). -ith PYrite. quartt, and an Pe c1dorite, In sbAe. Chem. s%,= 2 given. Wgres are ther. --- BYSTRICKLY-J. BYSTRICKY, J. Contribution to the stratigrapby of the karst of southem Slova)da. p.27. 'No. 3.. 1955., GEOLOGICKE PRkCE; ZPRAVY. BRATISIAVA, CZEGHOSLOVAKIA. SO: Monthly List Fast Earopean Accessions. (EUL), LC,, Vol. 5., No. 10,, Oct. 1956. BYSTRICKY, J. Contribution to the tectonic structure of Lesser Fatra; remarks on the digitation of the Krizna top layer. P. 76 (GEoLoGicKE PRAcF,; zPRAvY) No. 6, 1956, Bratislava) Czechoslovakia SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EF.AI) 19, Vol. 7, No.3. March 1958 BYSTRICKY, J. Contribution to the geology of the Greater and Lesser Fatra; remarks on series. p. 80 (GEOLOGICKE PRACE; ZPRAVY) No. 6, 1956, Bratislava, Czechoslovakia SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 7, No. 3, March 1958 PYSTRICKY, J. Notes on the "Sil)run series." p. 111. (Casopis Pro Mineralogii A Geologii, Vol. 2, no. 2, 1957. Praha, Czechoslovakia) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessicns (EEAL) I-C, Vol. 6, no. 1C, October 1957. Uncl. 9-y-TRICKTO--i. "Stratigraphy of the Trias of the Slovak Karst." p. 188. (Chesky Lid., Vol 10, No. 3., 1958, Prague, Czechslovakia) GF.C1,'.RAr1jY & 0ROLC-:jY Monthly Index of East European Accessions (Er,,AJ) LO, Vol 7, No. 12, Dec 58 WSTRICKY, J., INDRUSOV. D. Significance of the sub-Heraynian phase of the corrugation on the vestern Carpathians. P. 324 KnSr SLOVENSKA (Poverenietva, dopravy. Riaditeletvo pro castovrq ruch) Bratislava Czechoslovakia Vol. 10, no. 2, 1959 Monthly list of last European Acmesions (ERAI) LC. VOL. 9, no.-I January 1960 Uncl- BYSTRICKTY~, UJ. I'Stratigraphy of the Slovak k~arst; age of the Meliata series". P. 19. GEOLOGICKE PRACE; ZPRAVY, (Slovenska akademia vied, Geologicky ustav Dionyza Stura) Bratislave, Czechoslovakia, No. 15, 1959. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI), LC, Vol. 8, No. 8, August 1959. SU,:I-*.,'--I--I'., '-tiven Names COIL'tr7: Czecl-oslovakia Acade-nic Degrees: /not given/ Affiliation: /not given/ s Casopis pr sourcet Prague, o Mineralogii a Geologii, Vol VI, No 3, 19610 pp 244-249. Data: "Pacies and Stratigraphy of the Slovak Triassic Karst According to Dasycladacea. amd Cephalopoda." Authors: BYSTRICKY, Jan KOLLAROVA-ANDRUBOVA9 Vanda Gpo 9s1643 BYSTRICKY, Jan PhD CZECHOSLOVAKIA Geological Research (GeoloSicky prieskum), National Enterprise, Mina Bratislava, Geologicky Sbornik, No. 2, 1962, pp 227-240 "New Dasycladaceae of the Triassic in the Slovak Karst" BYSTRI KY.--Jan RNDr.; BIELY, Anton, promovany geolog, kandidat geologicko- ~-- ~ -.P , , mineralogickych v ed Identification of algae, a contribution to the detailed division of the Triassic in the Went Carpathians. Geol pruzkum 6 no.9: 260-261 S 164. 1. Geologicky prieskum National Enterprise, 'Ziliana; Dionyz Stur Geological Institute, Bratislava. - -B BYSTRICKY, Karel FARM, Vladimir 4 , *--- .-- - .--I --~ Preparation of lignite. IJhIi 4 no.3:83-86 Er 162. 1. Odbytove sdruzeni paliv (for Bystricky); 2. Statni planovaci komise, Praha (for Farka). SPANIHEL, Jaroslav; MAZEL, Alois; A case of ureteral pol-irp with special reference to the diagnosis of ureteral tumcm. RoBhl. chir. 40 no.6405-410 Je 161. 1. Urologicka klinika fakultni nemocnice v Brno, Prof. MUDr. K. Newirt Ustav patologioke anatomie fakultni nemocnice v Brne, prof. MUDr. J. Svejda. (URETERS neopl) (POLYPI diag) BYSTRICKY, Z. Temporary covering of a decompression Incision with a lyophilized akin graft. Rozhl. chir. 42 no.7:488-490 J:L 163, 1. Vvzkmmy ustay traumatologio]W v Brno, reditel prof. dr. VL Novak,, DrSc. (SKIN TRANSPLANTATION) (FRACTURE FIXATION) (MORAL FRACTURES) (FREEZE DRYING) PAVLOV, O.V.; SPODYRYAK, N.T.;_Prinimali uchastiye: BYSTRIKINA, F.M.; MIKHALISKAYA, L.M.; GTFLAK, L.A. Investigating the coalis of the Kumyskuduk deposit of the Upper Sokur coal-bearing region. Izv. AN Kazakh. SSR. Ser. tekh. i khim. nauk no.2:111-1-15 163. (MIRA 17:2) RUSTEM, S.L., kand.tekhn.nauk; NIKITIN, V.N., inzh.; BYSTRIKOV, A.P. --- Heat treatment of low-module gear wheels by heating with high frequency currents on self-tempering. Metalloved. i term. obr. mt. no-3-34-38 Ur 162. (11IRA 15.2) 1. 14oskovskiy vecherniy mashinostroitellnyy institut. (Gearing) (Induction hardening) BLINKOVA, T.M.; BYSTRIKOV, A.P.; KAGAN, Ye.S.; TUZOVAJ, G.Ya. High-frequency hardening of spindle ends of machine tools. Stan.i instr. 33 no.7:33 Jl 162. (MIRA 15:7) (Steel-Hardening) B017/BO54 AUTHORS: Tyapunina, N. A., Predvoditelev, A. A., and Bystrikov, A.S. TITLE: Apparatus for Observing and Microfilming the Process of Electrolytic Polishing PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, 1961, Vol. 27, No. 1, pp. 112-114 TEXT: Films were shot to study the shape and spatial arrangement of grain boundaries, cracks, inclusions, and dislocations in metals during etching and electrolytic polishing iinder the microscope. A euvette for a metillo- graphic microscope was developed for continuous observing and photographing of electrolytic polishing and etching with magnifications of up to 1200. The following Zeiss objectives were found suitable for photographing the etching process: Apochromat 15 X, A 0.30, F = 15-7; Apochromat 40X, A o.65, F = 6.16, and Apochromat 90X, A 1.00, F - 2-77. The best results were obtained with an immersion lens. For film-shooting, the photographic camera of the microscope was substituted by a movie camera. There are 2 figures and 4 references; 3 Soviet. S/032/61/027/001/032/037 Card 1/2 Apparatus for Observing and Microfilming S/032/61/027/001/032,/037 the Process of Electrolytic Polishing B017/BO54 ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov) Card 2/2 S/07o/60/005/003/019/024/.U E132/E460 AUTHORSs , Predvoditelev, 1,,A,, Tyapunina, N.A. and By,,,trikov, A,S, TITLE. An Investigation of the Spatial Distribution of Dislocations in Cadmium 11 PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya., 1960, Vol.5, No.3, pp.432-436 5. + 2 plates TEXT. A special microscope stage has been constructed for observing the distribution of dislocations in the surface of a cadmium crystal during the actual process of electrolytic etching in a solution of one part orthophosphoric acid, one part water and two parts glycerine. The crystal was suspended in the electrolyte, chosen to have the same refractive index as the inunersion oil , only 0.2 nun away from a thin glass window in the base of the call which formed the cover slip for microscopic examination from below with a metallurgical microscope. The electrolyte was pumped past the surface to give uniform conditions and a cinematograph record was made of the surface which dissolved at the rate of 0.4 microns per minute, Various crystallographic planes were studied. The variety of the etch figures observed can be explained using a single unified picture of the dislocational Card 1/2 S/070/60/005/003/019/024/XX E132/E46o An Investigation of the Spatial Distribution of Dislocations in Cadmium atructure and the presence of configurations in the crystals corresponding to different stages of active Frank-Read sources, The nature of the distribution of dislocations in the crystal corresponds basically to the presence of screw dislocations in 1000 planes with Burger's vectors b =.a lying in these planes. A count of the spiral formation in the basal plane give a. dislocation density Of 1.3 x lo5/cm2. In the 10-10 plane the density is 3.1 x 106/CM2 if calculated from basal plane Dbservations or 2.6 x 106 from the number of lines on the prism lane, The mean distance between planes in -which spiral formation P occurs is 2.5 11, which agrees roughly with earlier measurements of the distances between slip bands in deformed cadmium crystals, Acknowledgments to Ye,,G,Shvidkovski for his advice, There are -8 figures and 10 re-ferencess 3 Soviet, 1 German and 6 English,, ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im.M.V,Lomonosova (Moscow State University im, M,V,Lomonosov) SUBMITTED: December 15, 1959 Card 2/2 BYSTIRIKOV, A.S., inzh. -.4ii"iitat!v-e determination of qu.artz by t! -~ '!:i diffr&~:to- - meter. Trudy NlIgtidlkti~amlki nos'21:133-139 163. Temperature attachment to the URS-501 diffractometer. Ibid.:140- 144 (MIRA 17:2) BYSTRIKOV$ A.S.; CHEREPAMV, B.S. X-ray diffraction examinat-ion of the formption of zircon in the system SiOl - Zr02 - V205' Zhur. neorg. khim. 9 no.5:1197-1201 * 164. (MLRA 17: 9) 1. Gosudarstvonnyv nauchno-issledQvatellskly 4nntAtut strc.~- itellnoy keramiki BYSTRIKOV., A.S., inzh. Determining zircon cont.ent in the process of :33nn-Lhesis ',,y X-ray diffractoinetry. Triicly NIIStroikeramik! no.24:16,3-169 164- (MIRA 18:7) BYSTRIKOV~ A.00., Lnzl,,, Mechanism of the formation of zii-conium-silicon-vanadium and . certain other ceramic pigmints. Stek, i ker. 22 no.6:5-8 Js - 165. (N.-IRA 18W 1, Gosudarrtvennyy nauclino-isslodavatellskiy institut stroitellnor keramiki Gosstroya SSSR. BY3TRIK Heating attachmnt for the UPS-50 I diffractomter. Zav. lab. 31 no.911151 165. (MIRA-ISUO) 1. Gosudarstyennyy hauohno-isslodovatelfskiy institut stroitellnoy keramikis BYSTRIKOV F.V. kand.sellskokhoz.nauk Experience in using manure-soil compost. Zemledelie 27 no.3t6l-67 Mr 165. (MIRA 19-.1) I J -0 NEFEDOV, A.A.; BREZHNEVO L.A.; SICHEVOY, A.P.; BYS.TRIKOVp 10,P.; MLIMAN, Ye.A. Studying the deformation of metal transverse helical rolling. Stall 24 no.5t429-432 My 164. (~M 17:12) 1. Dneprodzerzhinakiy metallurgialieskiy zavod-vtuz i Dneprovskiy metallurgichaskiy zavod im. Dzerzhinskogo. BYSTRIKOV, P.M. An energetic and experienced worker. Avtom. telerm. -4 sviazi 8 no.9tl7-18 S 164. (MA 17:10) 1. Starshiy inzh. Smolenskoy distantsil Moskovskov dorogi. I LYZOJI N., agronom; BYSTRIKO'VA- A-, zootekh,,i ; KOZLOVA, V.., bukhgalter We wiU repay our debU Habotnitsa 40 no.7:8 JI 162. (MIJIA 16%2) 1. Ko:Lkhoz "Sovetakaya Rossiya" Rudnyanskogo rayona. Smolenskoy oblasti. '.(Collecti*e farms) (Food-Prices)' T Ki vq 18.9~00 - 77464 SO~T~i33-60-2-25/30 AUTHORS: Fedorinova, Ye. G., Chernyal-, G. S. (Engineers), , -4yatr_~ ~. N. ~Technicllanj, Vinograd, M. I. (Candidate of T-echnical Sciences) TITLE: Effect of Ingot Weight on the Susceptibility of 1-2Khl3-Steels to Hairline Cracking PERIODICAL: Stall, 1960, Nr 2, pp 77-79 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Stainless steels 111U113 and Uhl3, widely used for steam turbine blades, are highly susceptible to hairline cracking. Earlier studies (see V. Speransiciy and A. Koshik, Stall, 1.940, Nr 2, PP 32-38; and M. I. Vinograd, G. S. Chernyak, and N. D, Orekhov, Stall, 1957, Nr 6, pp 560-620) revealed hairline cracks to consist of elongated nonmetallic in,_,lusions. The follow- ing methods of minimizing this defect have been suggested: deoxidation of the bath by ground ferrosilicon, use of complex deoxidizers and bottom pcuring. At "Elektro- stall" Plant (zavod "Elektrostal,"), V. S. Kultygin and Card 1/3 B. N. Popov have been studying ways of improving the Effect of Ingot Weight on the Susceptibility 77",')) 1 1 70-T of 1-2Kh!3-Steels 41"o Hairline Cracking SOVf/133-60-2-25/30 Card 2/3 soundness of lKhl3 and 21ib13 steels over a number of years. -T-heir composition is ("C: C, < 0. 15; max Mn, 0.5; max Si, 0.7; Cr) 12.0 to 14 11: same in 2Kh!3- steel except 0, which is 0.15 to 0.23%. Considerable improvements were achieved by (11 oxygen-enriched blast; (2) more thorough deoxidation; and (3) bottom pouring. The authors investigated 300-, 500-, 700-, 750-, and 1,000-ton ingots. The different-weight ingots were produced from identical melts. Macrosec- tions corresponding to the upper, center, and bottom parts of ingots were taken from 100 x 100 mm billets and studied for over 1 mm long cracks. Nonmetallic inclusions identified according to State Standards (GOST 8oi-47) on the same samples were found to con- sist of oxides and semiplas~lic silicates. Test re- sults showed 500-kg ingots to be least affected by cracks; at the same time, they are least expensive under conditions of "Elektrostal3" Plant. Most susceptible to cracking were 1.000-kg ingots. Sus- ceptibility tests according to height showed 700-, b Effect of Ingot Weight on the Susceptibility 77464 of I-M13-Steels to Hairline Cracking SOV/133-60-2-25/30 ASSOCIATION: 750-, and I,OC)O-kg ingots to be most affected in the bottom part, r.-OO-kg ingots In the center and bottom, and 300-kg ingots in the center. Ingots weighing 500 kg were found to be least affected, particularly, in the upper half. In order to enhance metal souzidiiess the authors recommend: (1) selecting optimal ingot weight; and (2) adhering strictly to the standard optimal melting process. There are 4 tables. "Elektrostall" Plant (zavod "Elektros-lall") Card 3/3 VINOGRAD, 14'1.: kand.tekhn.nauk; GONGHARENKO M.S., inzh. (deceased]; DDROPUEY V.M., inzh.; TOPILIN., V.V., fnzh.; CHEMIDIA, B.G., inzh.; Prinimali uchastiye: SHEYN, A.S., kand.tekhn.nauk; GORSKIY, V.N., inzh.; ARUIPOVA, V.P., inzh.; IAGUNTSOVA, Ye.V., inzh.; KISELEVA, S.A.., inzh; RYBAKOVA, V. Ya.iinzh.; BYSTRIKO'VA,J4-F tekhnik; BURDYUGHKIIIA, Ye.Pil tekhnik.- SOLODIKHIh-*-'I,.P.- P . tekhnik. Improving the process of making E1347 steel for bearings. Stall 21 no.6:543-546 Je 161. (MI11A 14:5) 1. TSentrallnyy nauelno-issledovatellskiy institut chernoy metallurgii i zavod "Elaktrostall." (Bearing metals) RYZHOV, Petr Aleksandrovich. Prinimali uchastiye: BUKRIDISKIY, V.A., kand. tekhn.naukp dots.; GUDKOV, V.M.p kand.tekhn.nauk, dots.; RUDAKOV, M.L., doktor tekhn.nauk, prof.; SIMKO, V.G., inzh.; N.M. , inzh.; TROFIMOV, A.A., prof., retsenzent; OGLOBLIWY D.N,p prof*, retsenzent; SLAVOROSOV, A.Kh., red.izd-va; BOLDYMA, Z.A., tekhn. red.; EPPEL', N.Ya., tekhn. red.; SHITOVA, A.S., tekhn. red. [Geometry of mineral deposits] Geometriia nedr. lzd.3., pe- rer. i dop. Moskva, Izd-vo "Nedra," 1964. 500 P. (MIRA 17:3) ACCESSION NR. AP4019225 S/0056/64/046/002/059'3/0597 AUTHORS Do-1-gopolov, D. G.; By*strik, ;P. S. TITLE: Effect of electron diamagnetism on the nuclear magnetic reso-, nance frequencies in metals .SOURCE: Zhurnal eksper. i teor.. fiz.,, v. 46, no. 2, 1964, 593-597 TOPIC TAGS: electron diamagnetism, nuclear magnetic resonance, .nuclear magnetic resonance frequency, Knight shift, Knight shift oscillation, knight shift-amplitude, KLght shift oscillation period,' Fermi surface ABSTRACT: The diamagnetic contribution to the Knight shift is Cal- culated in the quasiparticle approximation for an arbitrary disper- i'sion law. The electron rotational energy in the magnetic field is assumed much smaller than the chemical.potential. An-oscillatory dependence of the diamagnetic pa:rt of the Knight shift on th6 mag- 1/2 ~ACCESSIOM NR: AP4019225 inetic field is obtained, with thiB.osciilation amplitude proportional to the Tquare root of the magnetic field. For magnetic fields on 4 1,. the order of 10 Oe'the oscillaLng pact of the Knight shift is approximately one thousandth of'the nonoscillating part. The non- i oscillating diamagnetic part of the Knight shift vanishes for a quadratic dispt&'rsion law. An e>~~erime~,tal determination of the !,period and amplitude of the oscillations yields the form of the ilimiting Fermi surface, as in the case.of the deHaas-vanAlphen eflect. "In conclusion we Are grateful to M. Ya. Azbel' for a useful discus- a :sion of the present work." Orig. art. has: 12 formulas.. ASSOCIATION: riziko-,tekhnic-heskiy institut nizleikh temperatur AN UkrSSR,(Physicotechnical institute of Low Temperatures, AN UkrSSR) iSUBMITTED: 24Jun63 DATE'ACQ: 127Mar64 ENCL: 00 1. SUB CODE: PH NO REF SOV.:,i 001 OTHER; 007 Card 2/2 ,GD A. L W65-67 DPIM S 91-B .. ap -~kCC-NRI--AT66167516---_-*--,,,;-'-,.,,",,,-,-,-,, ~-4 ASOURCE CODES UR/ODOO/66/000/000/0083/00af- .AUTHOR: Bystritskayao~- 11-ov, M. A. ORGt none TITLE: Experimental study of the d~Mamics of conflict Irrapor Prosented at conference on problems of space medicine held In ~b~c-o~-from 24-27 Ylay 1966_7 SOURCE: Konforentslya po problemam kosmicheskoy moditsiny, .1966. Problemy Icosmicheskoy meditsiny. (Problems of sp'ace medicine); materialy konforentsli, Mosc 1966, 83-85 TOPIC TAGSz cosmonaut training, cosmonaut selection, group dynamics, space psychology ABSTRACT: in studies conducted by F. b.'dor'bovl s laboratory, the development of conflict strain characterized by lowered learning capacity has been Moted during interdependent activity. It is felt that conflict is one of the Icauses of inadequate group learning capacity. To confirm this an .experiment designed to study the characteristics and causes of conflict during group ip~c#yity y~aq conducted./ Card 1/4 L 2-1365-67 ACC NRi AT6036510 To'obiain a model of group activity which would definitely cause con- ;flict, the "Homeostat" device was used, and called the "Blind-legless" in .this system. Each subject receiving information from his own dial can only indirectly react to it because of his influence on his partner' s dial. To create an incompat-ible (mathematical) condition 'the experimentdr ded a dissonant signal to each dial. During the process of investigation, it was observed that external conflict was far more effective when the system was almost in equilibriym. The experiment was conducted in two phases: first, instructions and habit formation took place; second, dissonant signals were introduced during the solution of a problem. The sum of the modules of operator- activity parameters and the autonomic reactions of the subjects during solution of a problem were recorded. From 2 to 51 subjects making up 27 experimental, groups participated. The results for the experiment demonstrated that introducing a dissonant signal during the near stabilization of the system caused conflict strain accompanied by neurotic reactions,~vbich were reflected in disruption of the dynamic stereotype down to the loss of the habit and preclusion of solution: shifts in IkqhAyioraI..reactjons_ and shifts of an emotional- autonomic Card 2/4 L U365-67 AO: NR, M6036510 ature were also observed. Contlict reactions could be cliviclecl into two &oups. The first group, made up of the majority of the experimental groups,showed a premominance of behavioral reactions marked by emotional and speech dissipation and inadequate attentiveness. These subjects indulged in voice communications with themselves and with their, ex-perimenter despite instruction. The second group, consisting of nine of the e%perimental groups, was characterized by autonomic shifts, muscular strain (grasping the control lever), a sharp increas6 in the badc.grourd of high amplitude fluctuations in skin galvanic responses, and changes in respiratory rhythm (increased. or decreased respiration), and increased or decreased pulse. The types of behavior shown by the subjects provide the basis for considering the two types of conflict as diffuse and local. The diffuse .type of conflict, where selection of an object for conflict solution does not: .occur and subjects reject further experimentationlis characteristic of a ~Predominance of autonomic shifts. The second group of subjects blames the conflict either on the partner or.the device, e. g. , implication of the vartner or device in the conflict realm take s.:plaCq-_-... 3/4 L 11365-67 ,6:CC NR% AT0365io 7lie described conflict 'Conditions occurrring auring the multiple :introduction of dissonant signals are apparently due io the assimilation of %s1gnals closely resembling a useful signal into an "anticipation pattern"-. Mis data can be consideredin light of the research of P. K. Anokhin- Iconcerning neurosis in animals resulting from the- disaa~eement. of the S 22; ATD Re p*ort, 66-116 Ireal with the desired PurP6 e of actiyit 0 1400 -7 SUB CODEt 05,06 1 SUBM DA7Es OOMay66 ACC NRt - AT60~6~~_ SOURCE CODE: URIWWK100010061012�1013(~] AUTHOR: Gorbov, F. D.1 Novikov, M. A,; Bystritakaya, A. F.; Goraninovich, A, Aa I Karova,,H. A. ORG: none TlTiEs Homoostatic principlo in modoling group activity ffapor prosontod at tho Conforenco on Problems of Space Medicine hold in Hosco-w from 24 to 27 11aY 1966--7 SOURCE: Konforentsiya po problemam kosmichoslwy moditsiny, 1~66* ProblerV kosmiches- koy moditsiny. (Problems of space madicino); materialy konforontaii, moscaw, 1966, 129-130 TOPIC TAGS: homostasis, cosmonaut training, cosmonaut selection, group dynarizics, space psy0ology ABSMACT: Investigations conducted on the "Homeostat" model using 3 operators have demonstrated the importance of using the principle of group -integra- 'tive evaluation. The effectiveness of a group can not be prognosed by 'individual criteria; the success of the solution is determined not only by the activity of each operator, but by the nature of group interaction. An ,understanding of group strategy as a whole and the tactics -of individual great importance.- The strategy of a group must change Card ACC NR. AY66)6336 during a deepening interrelationship. 7lie pari ty principle of group activity becomes authoritarian; here, a distribution of functional obligations .is revealed ("leader-led" type). This permits isolating functional sub- ,ordination in an interacting group. The quantitative characteristics of -operator tactics according to value andihe correlation *dbefficient of visual and motor aspects of activity were found.' The depth of intercommunications can be used as a criterion of the .development (organization) of a group. It was found that a joint but unsolvable problem is a source of 'conflict stram- m**a group (this was noted in a group with .1owlearning capacity), The evolution of conflict was concluded to be a function of individual psychological idiosyncracy an the complication of - - --- " "~ I - situations -at a given moment. AD Rel;~A 22 SUB CODE: 05, 06 / SUBMDATS: OOIDW" Card BYSTR1TSKAYAt A.P. Spreading the application of standards in the Saratov Economic Council. Standartizatsiia 24 n6.5:34 My 160. (MIRA 14:3) (Saratoir Province-Standardization) BYSURITSMM- 0. 1. "On the Study of Water Sources in the Presence of Dysentery Bacteria,v a report givbnat an interoblast scientific-practical conference on problems of laboratory diagnosis of infectious diseases which was held at the Tomsk Scientric Research Institute of Vaccines and Sera, 12-16 March 19.56. sum: 1369 p. 238. BYSTRITSKAYA. L.B., inzh.; VORCINMV, V.G., inzh. Automatic control of the angular velocity of the basket of a three-phase winding machine. Energ. i elektrotelch. prom. no.2:55-56 Ap-Je 162, 1,7:10) --W 1~1111101 0 - 0;41 T n ; -.1' . I 4 1 Uji- I pp'Atiltl ..Q Mb%ft. U. 8 A. V, Kits- asaw and M, 0. fiiok4WWs:: A go a go 00 06 see- it 0-0-0 0, W;- L11 4. it h6 i, tk .1 U -1 I ";I, A i ilia with 60ad. a187% glyverol tar I hr. Add8Wml.of *1% ak-.. milit thimmidy and let stand tot I hr. Centri- fugv and waph twidlownt 4 thsteo with 2&-M nit. of air., rviefully Jinking the "diment with sit-., and tviarifulitis each time. Mix the stillatent with 1)(10 ml. of JIM after W-30 min. centrifuge. Concentrate the cbm sioln. to Im-1,N) mi. on a water bath at " rum. and not excreding Remove willaint by aratrifusing and mietutrate TrandirriualUt-hottomilkh (e.g.. Ittli) alitl city in rjnwAi%wLn0snd wQn*. For eutulAete drying keep in de%iccator for 2-3 da". libudin obtained by The outlined methoil has an activilyof2WOussits,cousparrilto 1065unit~ tithe crude. Virld40%. It waslouncl that ifirinnisbri with litff"14111 trall" II~h 900 =op 0 00 COO as* goo Xo* ago IIIIM!vl %law 411~4110- v.,.Lnv a pw a U S AT 01), 0 At IS a S It 0 It it It "D A I lit An 1; i - .1 - 1.11 Al'-o 0 0 * & * 0 0 0 0 0 & * * 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 6 6 0 a 016 * a " 0 00 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0. * * 0 0 * 0 0 0 00 00000 0 * 0 0000000 l G !le 11, 1 " le b A It L 6 A t It- --A 4 A 6YSTP, %TS i~Aya',"' properties and reactions of J dichlelf. Kilwwv. J. ("'N. (1thl. Ito. 4 A. It. 10, P.-", (1040); cf. C. .4. 35. 41MI.-Wheu OMI .11 built,. of 11IONS-111itti)[e)-tidilte (1) in 1111C ISILWIRV ulf A A:1111)'Ac bultm adjusted to 1,11 .1 -41 ate tirAted with Oml Af NMOCI. 100% dICILAUIC. (11%, do"oulle%. ".2% 1, obtal""j. Wheel 11 1, 'Imte, stable, thwohe it dectsinits. in 10 mieuths at twin tcuip. -00 if it is itupuiv, its decompti. is impid. if the I and NsUCI an tuised in S IICI. n polite., but imetweliately "ietsolves POO and (M), tie. ZZ-4s" `4-3 hwelled. III I- Glop Im"INI wheel It 1. Illated with N IIJI to RA0111. 11114 the 111min leti.hict, but a red comiml. (IV). its. 211-12', circomIN. 213'. is alst a** ftrmM. Willi NftS cler rowel. IICI, 11 tritirtmairs t- zoo in NsOll U Kiv-" mmir N(hCO.. a litown siteor. plem. I'lo. alld a little 1. I'lolml4v IN% dremill.n. F.- thf(stigh tell Ocifoliti, Ill it. id 4.1 itt-41(141 ..hl, It It-Arl, 1: coo will, formed. slid NAtWI rtv, 00 laildNa(Mr irive 40. 747; 2-mrseino4l -brornoi-nit I tqtyridinc. In. 2 14- 1 Ito 0 IV 60104111C41 he 0111411 ViChl Whe'll 11% t1l'itIVII leith '14th-1 !as* oft IwIMA k4u., 1.1 whris 11 trarl, uOt AlcNii, its I~wll Igoe I'lit- M+ .4v. of 1 1, 1.11 mr, 1~1 11.1 M 13 Ill -11 -4.1, boo "it u a w a I ter 0. a Aj a 0 v Ag ty r, 1. x fe, so A K I of u ro It Pet 010 11 !14 An a * 0 * 0 0 to 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 o 0 * *4 o a o o o 0 0 a 0 0 9 0 dik fit a a took, a a a a a a 411in a a a 0 a 0 0 a 0 0 0 6 1. A 6 I L Il 1 1 is %I u 11 W 11 M It 4 It L jk.X ji it L I H )l V a )d a As H a M: V it U It As 10 -1 -1. A- I- Ask M OL M U 1 jp (3y ST R Its A- A Y M a - - d A _ _ I - _ __ Ilysuittlinya and A, V. M. 0, ;_00 oo ir (4a, C",'(11.* 14. -4. R.) 10, 1101 700101. When s* 11" II It d l 4 d:1 . a ' Sli 1 A of I irlixt. of coned. IV 0, an ' hi S ; on, - -stitto- -i 4t)% - towel to stand Im 2 40p, it givv ws fractioll to 00% I n an sine . e ' . is nislishird, 2-Ril?O-S-bP"10$IyPdilW (11). M. 149A-4511 i vrui-, Nelther comlid. hass buk properties or fotni,t p thotleb thryllissitaw Inconed. FIsSo. most plsl~ 11114-balIK041 tnittilln. 11"UnS with ale. N&CN tw RION& olvrm fliv ting, The structurs-is are proved by rechiction to the lilt smim with NaHS. When I is redu%rd for IS nikii. with A,40.1n N401111 wilin.. it , 400 1widimo, demnsps. 2114 . Sinflawly It itit-rt 7M 000 . Andlial rrllu%t-d with A*OIt%r45inIn.. the lviwluet,mt~ ' ' ' ' too 0 0 a 4M . and - 45% S.,'i'-di4himo-2.2 4L&opyrkline, decortilh. , ' 0 dem .2371 . whell 4.1% id "'ZO., lls(') is ttratrd wit It ine I I, 2-arnim45-nilrop o 0 .1 bu It, islill It 'l1 h l l 0 d C11 am s e ., x , e n) t alessraftillsol4l) an 1 ;; 10 0 LF IIN' A-stillo-it Allitilopyli l th l I t birut" ll ZR , e !*Use way. . N' l I I (A "ni s M t 6 j b V j 0 0 - t' o - me .1 4 if -pYrs $l( (line lives Y , 1 A I S L A .1 )ALLUJI&KAL UIRMAItAll CLASSOPKA110. it ties 0-0 I Rio,, WOW> - te s iree, 41 if -r-N is Of SO -3 __T IF of it 3 4140 * is as 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 so * 00 0 0 000 A i 0 06 Oll 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 000 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 ej 24(7),5(4) SOV/48-23-10-11/39 AUTNOPS: Bogomolov, S. G., Bystritskaya, M.G. Kirillova, -3f. M. TITLE: Characteristic Bands in the Pyridine Series PERIODICAL; Izvestiya Akadeniii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya,1959, Vol 23, Nr 10, pp 1199-1201 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors investigated the infrared- and ultraviolet absorption spectra of 16 heterocyclic compoundst one part of which had already been synthetized previously. Several of them were biologically active. The samples were subjected to an infrared spectropic analysis in form of emulsions in oil. (IKS-6-speatro- meter with NaCl- and LiF-prisms), as well as to an ultraviolet analysis in form of a solution in ethyl alcohol by using a SP-4-spectrometer. For 2-aminopyridine and a number of its derivatives a tautomerism of the kind R\ R b) is possible. N)\ NH NH 2 Card 1/2 n Characteristic Bands in the Pyridine Series SOV/48-23-10-11/39 Form a is characterized in the range of high infrared frequences by the occurrence of the NE 2-absorption band; within the range of double-bonds a band with /%-,1640 cm-1 (deformation oscillations of the N112groups) may occur besides the absorption band of the pyridine ring (^-1580 cm- 1). If the molecule is of the form b, only one band of the NE-valence oscillations, and in the range of the double bonds the band of the C-N-oscillations occurs. The data obtained for all 16 compounds are shown by a table extending over one and a half pages. The data of this table are discussed. There is 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Sverdlovskiy meditainskiy instititt.Urallskiy gos. universitet (Sverdlovsk Medical Institute of Ural State University) Card 2/2 ~ m 41VOV, A.L.; BYSTRITSKAYAj,j!,V.- Passivity of copper in concentrated solutions of alkali. Zhur. fiz.khim. 37 no.8:1699L-1707 Ag 163. (MIRA 10:9) 1. Saratovskiy gostdarstyennyy universitet. (Copper) (Passivation) (Alkalies) BYSTRITSIL'IYA, P.Mjj.; MANDY, A. I. Tectonic structure of the trana-Volga portion of Saratov Pro- vince. Geol.nefti 2 no-3:17-24 * '58. (MM 12:6) 1. Treat "NizbvolgoneftOgROfi2ik&." (Saratov Province--Geology, Structural) ,---BYSTRITSYAYA, P-H- I......................... ................ . ........ .. ........ Results and 1roblems of seismic prospecting in Saratov Province. Trudy VNIGNI no.22t83-94 159. (MIRA 13-11) 1. GlavW geolog tresta NNizhvologogeofizika." (Saratov Mrovince-Seismic prospecting) BYSTRITSKAYA P.M. .9 Geological effectiveneas of aeismic proBpecting in the Volga Valley portion of Saratov Province. Trudy NVNIIGG no.1:99-105 164. (MIRA 18:6) 't MIX I is As is Ar a 0 a At a a a a A. "_P_Q.- WAX w'jMIj__L_l :-0o 00 K hq so 00., -00 09 -00 e0 of by Im rafte Ym- F- OffiL8110 MW S,Ylk. HysItil-kaya. -40 -00 i= Of NasFeFs) (C. A. T. 3M) I be M imuill ltvL;hcQwu- w" found to be 0.4 N. Tl.,Wn.%hmuldb~- -410 f*utndiwdezwdy. IstbrpFewnceof i-iv% wif*tr tic dettm. am am agmted. Lot k4b" sulfate "mxmz. C&Uw kw" vsh" a. Z. Kanlich see 09,3 coo Slow too 90 oe 2 see fes 00 see s coo 1 0 - I LrATALLURCKAL LITISAIM CLAt%WKAIIDN C_Z_ I SM1.63 .1. Q- AV 5 -~11 _71W. No is at Niglio Run itS 0; '0 -0 o o o 0 we O"O"'O'O'gooodesoose !000699040~rooooooo %46 o so a 0-:0 000 a 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 :10 0 go 0996060 00000 00 BYSTRITSKAYA, T.F. How kait-iabrics. Tskst.prom. 20 no.10:16 0160. (MIRA 13-'l1) 1. Glavqyy inshener Saratovskoy trikotashnoy fabriki. (Textile fabrics) (Knit goods) EY S -, "L' 7L"'rSYAYa, T. I., -~.'and l4ed Sci - (diss) "'Ohe rclo ni' -1;Oer In tlhe -!,I- I . - beirloloCT of a.,, sentery in Tomsk, 11 Towk, 1~,,-;O, 9 pp ( l'o"ask State I r -Lnst-;tute) (FL, 318-60, lic.) KHOMULL09 M.I.; NAUMDVA., Ye.S.; T.I. Etiological picture of bacterial dysentery in the City of Tomsk. Trudy Torh NIIVS 12:132-135 160 (KIRA 16:11) 1. Tomskiy naxialuio-issledovatel'skiy institut vaktsin i syrorotok. KHOMULLOY M.I.; BYSTRITS~ ~T.I. Sensitivity of dysentery bacteria to Btreptomycin, levomycin and biomycin. Trudy Tom NIIVS 22:136-139 160 (NIRA 16:11) 1. Tomskiy naucbno--issledovatellskiy institut vaktsin i sy- vorotok. AVDEYEVA, L.K.; BYSTRITISKAYA., T.I.; Bid-ASITVA, 1.1.. 1"','-"('1'7,t-`,'(`-.'. V.K. 11 ...... ... 1-1 Importance of Escherichia col-i in the etiology of gastroin- testinal diseases in young children in Tomsk. Trudy TomNIIVS 14:71-75 163. (14IRA 17:7) 1. Tomskiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut vaktsin i syvorotok i Tomskiy meditsinskiy institut. RYSTR=IKAVlk_---T---L,l TYMYMWOV, A. N. OA the genetio transition elass of Boils and certain dark- colored types it contains. Dold. AN SSSR 147 no.4-.93 37 D 162. (MIRA 16s 1r 1e Institut biologii Urallsk6go fiUala IN SSSR j Ingtitut obabobsy i kowmnallnoy gigiyony is-&. A. N. Sysina AMN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom V. N. SWmabevyu. (SOU formation) BYSTRITSKAYA. T.L Genesis of packed soils in the middle Ural and Kuban Valleys. Fochvovedenie no.9:59-68 S 162. (MIRA 16:1) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni. M.V.Lamonosova. (Ural Valley-Soil formation) (Kuban Valley--Soil formation)