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- 21 T, C-. fill' ad~ I Ro Russ i an and.. 1! j A: l ~ DIC at a- -pem .1 1. -Th6, ~ intensiis, of ~6* s u its - an qaa pi me ~s4hat'chcot sw ficiie spaii [cf.-6 4'enver guire finie... tf-,1114onjution tht I ~xfiW Alan ep 11 N allbfi' rint A dans, till &M dlii~ j (1952), 143-146, ar ian. (Rom neb __ surnruari(~),, - wpv~rnerd Of-ah incomprekAle -ac~6 AAL plate, rding- to chettatlicih OA-A tion~. through the - - '"t re~iWtA Me milen ho findthat M V6iwx-l4,er is developil in a Foi ider rived -at Which i~--virtnally the J~..ap tered:ir, of _ afobi _Mkries des ailes monolAmes Lzy.: Acad RomAne. Mern. SmI. ,,'ti. y sij;iple j ' iut ~.d hors et ne.4he moven iout in ermi : i Maw WIV4 P ag1k 4111. 1 19. uss'. an ITI R d - h hor aL eow 6 :ib , ;0101 --iWitig Bn pit! cite, F Ibe fW -b t- 1 ai be ind P. 0 b6ot t yp -a to 0010SL C es . ie- 7 13 Jhat-.zt4,'dkehmjuWi igAhe, imago lqng I without se ~e but ivitkappr opriakly modifiM chard i' and tiNi; 6 flushas bern foun d by slandard rnv:htKN, the indi3wd d04Land the spanwise -lift distributicn can (wfly b~ co~ nPI Ed lar the original wing-fuselage c arnbi- uation. JI~iete (Aberdeen, Md.). W, F77 77~ U14 Wan OA: flo so .... ........... Me: system -rttix~ at tlie-- Ve Org e andistarl)-ed flow. at Alach n.urnber M. Lef.- VC, IX e nen 0 A~iL!r~w -~cprvt_o to 11 il~= n6fio-j of 4~ -The author con-.~,,Ars flalys ~about Wab OUr I fkt~p&te ~NingS With Due 0 NO sub "dt' ruc r, Int ge sonic leadii g edges, h q 5ubso i t aili I and either sub- DT Supei-sonic leading edc; and at Jt sets of callied fins cpuaposed pi pair. 0 -,3uch plates I hi -ed atiti- synImetrica fly- Uith iespect On X-M(w s t,,nients p" th 0 -Mac) ~Pn~' XIS NY ' CM. the-bDundary et n-qi'j)~J_ or f Diving* 1: ap~PIM61 .1; is-con t es Stan , Fbr At 51 ti knip. discussed j", 1= I and M, cone can b" mapp-15;d 0 1 A 1e reJ- and imagin iry axes of a nL%v co-npli:x plan,- by e tarY By'interpitking 11, '1;~ Lk StIvil fl"t I kill (21 an flow, constant on cerij Is ht - anto acr TI,. ~,if segniews, and-by taking --ount tbc ii gngulv~itit s "Wred at leadillgedgr-3. etc., ,able to fine explicitly in tenns of 0einimtati In -r!-.,smg N%)Ftex and douLL'.4 i! t A by sup j A. f - I lie, D' P(Wanct, el j)c 1, IT rms, ovix -7 ~7. the front surface can be obtained fr,sm th(t thick-nesg distribution as in the prmding paW.r. Ile author cort. if~-turtts that nv~-' the reaT surfaces. to the accurm v A (i--r as,!I?, &ratlo 4t! 61 --lbifluerict des ,it e, '91 mr1w zfttdce. S Lr F ulment rupemniqu autour - wess.LMng-uwLb ft con;-ques, a ipaiss%mT et incidence lsvaria~de& Com. k~ad. R. P. Romine 4,271-263 ~ 1 -45-4) CA W OLI, E. ; ORVEANU, T. CARAFOLI, E. ; ORVEANU, T. 14ecanicaifluidelor (Fluid Mechanics): a book review P. 31 Vol. 1, no. 11 NoV.1955 ARIPILE PATRIEI TECHNOLOGI Bucuresti, Rumania So- Eastern European Accession Vol. 5 No. 4 April 1956 CAWIIII DUkqTRESCU Biconic narrow delta wings with variable incidence in supersonic currents. p. 237. Academia Republicii Populare Romine. Institutul de Ylecanica. Aplicata. STUDII SI CLT.CETARI DE MECANICA APLICATA. Bucuresti. Vol. 6. no. 3/4, July/Dec. 1955. So. East European Accessions List Vol. 5i No. 9 September, 1956 CARAFOLI, E. Scientific research for improvement of the material base in the field of machine construction. P. 93 SUPP1. to v. 3, 1955 ANAISEIS Bucuresti SO: II onthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL), IL, Vol. 5, no. 12 December 1956 J-711 f we ing pp. 936), by.nix-j of bl-piips in $*Y~Lpthrsi;q *stmlsk impl ,n lmr- ized ol oim4l thenry- L Vectcq =4ytiz 116); 2. Thermodymunirs 04), ). 154patioc o! Mr (2t7); 4. Pi *Apbun 5. Fom:, of eqVation'l (11); C'. St"Lly (low traoup.1 pirA.S find noZZIes (11); 7. Plane sbvck waves (24), S. App!lcatib, is of one- Imc'nsionx) llow,M), ~~.Sub3ojilcllciw*120; 14D. InIltance of $04y, 2ponwing al (Wit Spuis (53); it, Sobsouic two- 1z velocIty VA, 12, Crifrespond, ell _fomuta i~ _46W wftf~ atcvIttkii (!8j; 15. Tmucitil c selime (20; 14. Twidlmms2o 15 1 Wy of f -,X- lqio~om); .~rolcal Pow (17~ 17. 1 risilp of nrp_.~Uma i id ofi~ profites insecot sons sup:r.pnm sueam; Super Of c6tal 32k 20, Api in oi*lWiria smil eflo Drs Wit -01 (19); 23; Mtftas got i~vpz~~k tpapli (16);,24, conic,11i dchcas" lum: w Ibin inizii of rlz 6 21) w v 231 u "Fi p qu ( i " i l _ ............... Its .... .. . .. . ` . . R.A.-FOL I CA ...... ---- -- flit atpi notmaj to the vingo (27 )1 L, 64-vd floves,01 ~IfKrtti&t* (50Y V Unateidy flow* (24) ' r -POP' kt~At 1e h ( 710 rtiwdxd iii, Iri~oiWitc: in Imp ~naut_ ttspvc ta; mentim of Evrard'A -6, th WS'Sox Ln*ing/bo,4 6i eary, 6 Wooer In: tran r of Cole. GO ~erley, Vincent- at rsopic Ilva ~ Treatment oi t MURRI M _ , t teadjflo~v close)' 4P:(,x,kMktCs tilbeir I ith reference) that of Ics-highs ed, m PC I IDIF,",01filid LFCJV. P15. _103. cb%P. U I. Iength, unw-ven cove re-s of evem zcs, tnej aii~L avd-most imps 61 =y lindex. retdrix t~,Dk U.-IsuitAble 25 tezt. I t1k.-ticlimp ;;Dd zrorarcI4 "tIma C-sy find drtaaltd grotrarot of I jg~~Itzs v~xliiib!r, biimvlewer Kdievem eptciatited SrAFIs (601 lq:"Caubl;dgr monol raphs. on IDechanics a ArIled mx)~-Imtirzll) mire tHicient I or this putpose. tk 7 MiLm USA ------------- -- In'Z'h'lj,q7am,M d .Dittol iii, where ii IV Lu WL GJ iii U-,- th; DU Uq caboicitnt( ~,Jax tisull a n cc; iop,: -eA aj Q ya .Wing, --r Y. calcul Otedftn~ And i on, t6 are.,; i lc 4 TP HomogeneouB Bup)rsonle Flow Angular Wing I/ Cgrafoli, Elie Vicoulement I and Horovitz. Blatrice. supersoniqu* honiogtne, d'ordre suptrieur, autour d'une &He anrulalre A plaque normale. Acad. R. P. Romlne.. 14% -974. (Romanian. Stud. rc. Mec. Apl. 8 (1957), 959 Russian anti French summaries). Consider a body composed approximately of two.: sectors of the xlx2 and X11.3 planes, with common vertices!. at the origiii. To find the linearized supersonic flow about' it parallel to the xraxis with velocity djs~ufio on wing and plate of a type described below, the authorle, seeks a velocity potential. O(xi, xa, xa) that is homogene- OM151. of order n in zi, X3, X31 By Euler's formula the velocity' o Poneals u=Ojoo, v--lboia, w-Oooi are expressible! m c as Imear cambination Of 0jqr-"/DXiV8X&f8Xsr, P+: nctionn q+r=n, with coefficients Mt are known fu of 22. Y~--XEIXI. and x=x2,1xj. On the wing, approximately: the ~~-Ix3 plane, for example, -I)Itvjxi%-I=-: in (n where C,1-10 is a binonual.coef-' f 0 L -j A)l It' ~T~ 71;; 1 V W), J -Vw I ME and [Daescu M. - Germtol theory of 3M. Ccarnfo 5T Rgivan p tsu;a Jjstrltll:~ (in French), Acad.'Rrpjwb.' Pop. Rprtive. Rev. Macam AppL 3, 2, 5-21, 19M Authots discuss the so-called reverse problem which consists In detern-jaing the surface form (the warp) of a triangular wing in imal"D LQX~M! the pressure' coefficient distribution being given :under thu hirm of it highem,rder homogeneous polynomial,' The - ~cases *Ilc:h deftne the prollem, are then presented, pointing out that eacl. ott thes e cases may be reduced to a direct eqUvalent It follows that th reverse problem may he treated in the in proble :same wnj at the direct problem, nemely through the ~ydtcdynAmiq analogy previously proposed by Cuafoli. Ifowevet, in addition to K the singtIpAtlex used to solve the direct problem, a logatithatic sinSularl ty must be introduced at the ozlSio. It Is in this way that 11'j ;the soicit lori Is obta;oed. General solutions Rm given for the tUck' wing wlt1ijjbjjjWzjeadInS edges, lot the thick wins with one j .. .... superson lc le*Jlnx edge, ad for the thin wing. Practi,W applicadoz.8 bu:lude conical zootioct& of the first and second a rat". T. Orovtsos, Ro W L :!g ~J Carafoli, E. ; Horovitz, B. Cruciform wings; mixed probloms of triangular wings fitted with perpendicular plate in suporsonic flow. p. 819. Academia Republicii Populare Romine. STLMII SI CERCETARI DE ~ECANICA APLICATA. Bucuresti, Rumania. Vol. 9, no. 4, 1958. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) W Vol. 9, No. 2, January 1960. Uncl. Garafoli, E. ; Nastasej, A. Study of thin triangular wings with forced symmstry in supersonic flow. p. 833. Academia Republicii Populare Homins. STUDII SI CERGETARI DE 14ECANICA APLICATA. Bucuresti, Rumania. Vol. 9v no. 4t 1958. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC Vol. 9, No. 2, January 1960. 'Uncl. 9040 RUM/8-59-1-1/24 AUTHORS. Carafoli, E.. Sgindulescu, S. TITLE: Aerodynamical Characteristics of Ailerons Having a Harmonic Oscillation in Supersonic Region \ PERIODICAL: Studii qi Cercetiri de Mecanic6 Apliaat~, 1959, Nr 1, PP 7 - 4o (Rum) ABSTRACT: This is a study on harmonically oscillating motions of ailerons atround a joint. The authors establish in a preliminary section all important data, as follows: Considering a system of ocordinates Ox x2x , the - "'Zc1,,. U~- hypothesis of small disturbances is given in Equation 1, In - is the speed of the nondisturbed flow directed after the Ox, axis, a, the speed of the sound, Me,. the respective Mach n1mber and V (Y: llx-,,'x3, t) the motion potential. Notating the pulsation of a pe.-Iodic motion with W the authors introduce the Equation 2; "h" being a reference length, 'e.g. the wing chord. In case of a harmonic oscillation mo-tion, the motion potential could be [Ref 1] expressed in Equation 3, in whi3h the reduced potential 0 (X is independent from the time, and its der-1vation in ratio of x3 s e vertical reduced speed", according to Equation 4. Computing the partial derivations of the motion potential and suLstituting Card 1/ 10 them in Equation 1, the reduced potential are given In Equation- -9. L, &)410 RUW8-59-1-1/24 Aerodynamical Characteristics of Ailerons Having a Harmonic Oscillation in Supersonic Regions Considering a polygonally shaped aileron which has an oscillating motion of small frequency around the joint 00, the oscillating motion cf the OA'A'Ox surface can be obtained by superposing the following harmonic 1 4. oscillating motion lRef 21 e-L G-" of the 0A'A' surface around 1 2 the OA21 axis, and S I eitj t o? the 6A I q surface around the ON1 imaginary axis (hgure 1)o Decomposing 7Ae first oscillatilig motion into its components and using the previously established general formulas [Ref 2], the authors deduce for the elevation of the point P of 1:1he co- ordinates xl,x.,,, (Equation 7) respectively for the vertiEal reduced speeds: ~2x, i + (Nr 8'). Pro- 0 = -E2, (Nr 8) and i ElX2 sc,z oesding in a similar way In case of the second o L1 ating motion, the elevation of the point PX of the coordinates x1, x2P is axpressed in- Equation 9, and the reduced vertical speed by.- fro = %, (Nr 10), r i -j- [Elx2* - E 1 + (Nr 10'). Based on the foraralat~ 8 2x1' the reduced poteniials of both oscillating motions are expressed by: 10; - ~ 3 + I -A -(~ , ~?' . (~*l + I h 1* , (Nr 11). The expressions of the pressure '&f Heients C and "' c'an bl-oo~tained fr*om the pressure C~ equation of a nonpermanent moi~on given In Equations 12 and 121. The Card 2/10 reduced axial speeds: 80410 Rum/8-59-1-1/24 Aerodynamical Characteristics of Ailerons Having a Harmonic Oscillation in Supersonic- Regions D Val U0 Ia U0 5 *'- (Nr 13) can easily be determined by using the results of previous works,[Refs 4 and 5]. Using on the other hand the formulae of Baler for the potentials ~ 1 and 1+9 , the authors obtain: ~ 1 = xj(uo + yv ), and 0* XI* (lift 'r tNr 14), and considering the cornection '10)etween thelr;spective 0 + yvl*) ID reduced speeds, deduced from the compatibility relation, the potentials 01 and (Vl can be easily determined, if UO respectively u" are Imowm. The authors then are examining polygonally shaped aileronsowith subsonic and supersonic leading edges, triangular ailerons, trapezoidal ailerons, trapezoidal ailerons with subsonic and supersonic edges and rect&A-igular ailerons. At the study of harmonic oscillations of ailerons with subsonic, or supersonic leading edges, the joint can have every position irL ratio of the Mach cone. The expressions of the reduced axial speeds and of the potentials of both oscillating motions have been determined in a previous work [Ref 2] and are not derived any more, but only mentioned, since they define the pressure coefficients G and C*. In case of an oscillatLng p motion of the OAjAp' surface (Figure 2), iRe aileron has a supersonic and Card 3/10 a subsonic leading edge (OA'), as well as an OAL edge, which makes the 1-j 80410 RUM/8-59-1-1/24 Aerodynamical Characteristics of Ailerons Having a Harmonic Oscillation in Supersonic Regions reduced vertical speed to have a leap of 0 value to left and of P3 value to right for the homogeneous of the first order and from 0 to P 1 ?or the homogeneous motion of the second or-der. In these conditions the authors establish the expressions u (Equation 16) and 4), (Equation 16") for the homogeneous motion of the f?rst order, and u1 (Equation 17) for tshe homo- geneous motion of the second order. Studying the oscillating motion of the dAJA' surface the authors consider an aileron with supersonic leading edges, t9e reduce'do vertical speed being zero, and ~ 0 being in its interior. The homogeneous motion of the first order is given by u0ft (Equation 18) and ~' (Equation 181). In case of the homogeneous motion of the second order, the red-aced axial speed can be obtained by the expression U' (Equation 19). The authors then compute the lift coefficient, G zl1 being the partial lift coefficient as an effect of, the first oscillating motion and Cz, resulting of the second. oscillating motion. If the joint OVI is subsonic, -the lift coefficientE can be computed according to Equations 23 and 231. For the computation of the proper lift coeffi-,,ient of the proper aileron .9 the authors deduce the: expressions, 25 and 251. in case of a supersonic OOK joint, the partial lift coefficients are more simple than Card 4/1o in the Equations 27 and 271. At the calculation of the resistance co- F% j" 10 RUM/8-59-1-1/24 Aerodynamical Characteristics of Ailerons Having a Harmonic Oscillation in Supersonic Regions efficient, the contribution of the total power produced on the alleron, ,contribution of the power which acts only upon the mobile 0AIAPY, surface, and contribution of the suction which appears only in case of subsonic leading edges have to be taken in consideration. The resistance coefficient el C at the advancing is given irt Equation 29-:- 8 being the area of the Xf m It if OAlAjO* mobile surface. The axial disturbance speed u , given in Equation 33 is deduced from the Equation 3. Replacing l" and by the expressions 16, 161 and 17), making x --o.1 anT putttinxg into eVlence the factor ~r_r, the expression for (u), - 1 INr 34) is deduced. The suction, force So can now be calculated by a simp e integration. The authors finally deduce the expression for C (Nr 35) which is the same for every position of the joint against the Ax9h cone. This term becomes imaginary if the OA11 leading edge baoomes supersonic. Notating with C the co- efficient of tile rolling moment of the first oscillating motion imd with V the coefficient of the rolling moment of the second oscillatil)g motion, ike total coefficient of the rolling moment can be expressed by Equation 36. If the joint 00y' is subsonic, the coefficients of the rollirg moment are given by the expressions 37 and 37'. In case that the joint OW1 is Card 5/ 10 supersonic, these coefficients are given by the expressions 39 w,-.d 39'. RUM/8-59-1-1/24 Aerodynamical Characteristics of Ailerons Having a Harmonic Oscillation in Supersonic Regions The coefficient of the pitching moment is given by: C M C *~ 0~ :,_ (I _ h C (Nr 40), ma ml M h z in which the coefficients of the pitching moment appearing as an effect of the two motions CM1 and CM111 are given by the relations 41 and 411. if the joint is subsonic, the coefficients of the pitching moment are given by the expressions 42 and 421. The coefficients referring to the proper aileron, are given by the relations 43 and 431. If the joint is Super- sonic, the coefficients of the pitching moment are-supplied by the Equations 44 and 441. 7he coefficient of -the control surface moment cmea can be ob- tained from: Cmca - Cmal + qG1 (45) in which Cmcl results from the first motion and CQ from the second oscillating motion. The partial aero- dynamical coefficients which interfere in the formulae 46 and 46' refer only to the mobile surfaces. The authors then proceed to the calculation of the coefficients of polygonal ailerons with a supersonic leading edge. The OA21 edge of the OA'A' surface (Pigure 4) causes to the reduced vertical 1 2 speed a leap of 0 value to left and of P 0 value to right, for the homogeneous motion of the first order, respeotively from 0 to ~ 1 for the homogeneous Card 6110 motion of the second order. In -this situation the authors have already 8041c) Rum/8-59-1-1/24 Aerodynamical Characteristics of Ailerons Having a Harmonic Oscillation in Supersonic Regions established in a previous work [Ref 2] the expressions for the reduced axial speeds and reduced potentials: uo, ~ 1 (47 and 47) for the homo- geneous motion of the first order and u (Nr 48) for the homogeneous motion of the second order. Regarding the oscillating motion of the O*A~A' surface, the reduced axial speeds u". and u * respectively the s poten are defined IV the relationo (18, 16 ;n~ 181). in this situation the pressure coefficient C`~'(Equation 121) remains unchanged, a fact which causes that the partial Paerodynamical coefficient remains also unchanged. The lift coefficient of the subsonic leading edge can be computed by the relation 20. The lift coefficient referring to the whole surface covered by the Mach cone, the 00*-Joint being subsonic, can be computed in relation 49. If the 000 joint is supersonic, C zi is supplied by the relation 51. Resistance coefficient at the advancing: il' the leading edge of the aileron is supersonic, there is no suction force, thus the formula 29'i simplified in Formula 52. If the 00" joint is subsonic, I t~3 C will be replaced by the expression computed for the entire surface aftected by the oscillating motion of the aileron. q and C ZI wi,11 be Card 7/ 10 replaced by the relation 251, respectively 50. S and-ISM ~~re the surfaces 904D, RUM/8-59-1-1/24 Aerodynamical Characteristics of Ailerons Having a Harmonic Oscillation in Supersonic Regions OAIDI respectively OA'AA011 (Figure 4). If the joint is supersonic, U., islZge' lift coefficiQ of the aileron and Cz:L and Ct are given'by the formulae 51 and 271. The total coefficient of the rolling moment in ratio of the Oxi axis is given by the formula 36. If the 00"' Joint is subsonic, the coefficient of the rolling moment is given in relation 53. The same coefficient of the proper aileron is given by the relation 54 and in case the joint is supersonic by relation 55, C* being given by Nr 391. The coefficients of the pitching moment are given in case the joint OOA is subsonic by the expression 56; in case of the prope; aileron by the expression 57 and in case that the joint is supersonic by the ex- pression 58. The formulae which allow the computation of the control surface moment were previously mentioned in Ecluations 45, 46 and 461. The results obtained above can be also used for the computation of triangular ailerons. In case of trapezoidal ailerons with a subsonic leading edge, the expressions of the reduced-axial speeds and reduced potentiala can be deduced from the relations of the polygonal ailerons. The partial co- efficients of the first oscillating motion are given by expressions 60, card 8AO 61, 62 and 63, and for the second oscillating motion in expressions 64, RUK/8-59-1-1/24 Aerodynamical Characteristics of Ailerons Having a Harmonic Oscillation in Supersonic Regions the partial coefficients referring to the entire surface affected by the oscillating motion of the aileron. Finally the authors present a table of constants. There ares 5 diagrams and 5 references, 2 of which are English, 2 French and 1 Rumanian. SUEMITM: October 28, 1958 Card 10/10 V~ CARAFOLI 3 E. ; 11AT P-E.IJIC U, D. Supersonic flow around the system carrying a conic winc fuselage. In French. D.377- RT111E DE MECANIQLE APPLIQU-1- (Academia Republicii Populare Romine. Institutul de Mecanica Aplicata) Buciiresti, Rumania Vol. 4, no. 3, 1959. Monthly 1-ist of E-stern European Accession Index (EDI) TL vol. 6, Nlo. November 1959 Uncl. R/008/60/000/001/001/oog.. 0. fo 12. ID A125/AO26 AUTHORS: Carafoli, Elie and Mateescu, Dan I TITLE: General Method of Determining the Interference of Wing and Conical Fuselage in Supersonic Regime PERIODICAL. Studii 91 Cercetdri de Mecanica Aplicatd, 1960, No. 1, pp. 11-4'r TEXT: In a previous work (Ref. 1), the authors presented a method of solving the problem of supersonic flowlaround a wing/conical fuselage system. In subject article, this method is extended to.the case of a wing with edges on which there are incidence and inclination leaps, thus establishing a general method of solution of the supersonic flow around the wing/conical fuselage system. Considered is a wing/fuselage system (Fig. 1), where the fuselage axis has the incidence - 0 against the undisturbed flow U. , and the wing hiLa a constant incidence and inclination. The authors assume that the fuselage has reduced dimensions against the Mach cone (B202 -:~~ 1), that the incidence and the inclination, as well as the M 0 incidence of the fuselage are small enough for the application of the theory of small disturbances. The stream around this system can be decomposed into: I) symmetric axial stream around the isolated Card 1/4 R/008/60/000/001/001/009 A125/AO26 General Method of Determining the Interference of Wing and Conical Fuselage in Supersonic Regime conical fuselage without incidence; II) motion around the conical fuselage/thin wing system; and III) motion around the conical fuselage/symmetric thick wing system. The authors treat the last two motions and first present the usual notations and formulae. For the solution of the problem they deduce the boun- dary conditions of the function U . Based on the function (13) and the compa- tibility relation, the solution of the motion is expressed by (14). The boun- dary conditionslare now more-simple and can be expressed by (15), (16), (17) and (18). Based on the conform transformation (3), the relation (19) is cb- tained for the X plane, from which result the boundary conditions (20). (21), (22) and (23) in the X-plane (Figs. 3a, b, c). The function 4) a presents the same singularities (24~, (25) wS (26), and satisfies the boadary condition (23) as the function thus: - = "U a, (29). Replacing - by its value from _ff~ dX (19) in the relation ), the axial disturbance speed u, ~hffi is a real part of the expression (30) is obtained. rU a and C a of this expression represent the solution of the conical stream around the fictive wing. Thus, the problem of the supersonic stream around the win&/conical fuselage system has been re- vAra PA R/008/60/000/ool/ooi/009 A125/AO26 General Method of Determining the Interference of Wing and Conical Fuselage in Supersonic Regime duced to a conical stream around a fictive, isolated wing with variable incidence. In paragraph 3, the authors determine the solution of the problem for differ- ent particular cases selected in such a way that, adding the effects, the so- lution of the general case of the wing/conical fuselage system could easily be determined if the wing incidence is constant on the sections. They first treat the case, where the whole system has the same incidence and then some cases where the wing has incidences oD the sections which are different from that of the wing. The following particular cases are examined: 1) The wing and the fuselage have the same M 0 incidence; 2) The wing has an MO incidence on the M A, section, the rest of the wing and the fuselage axis having no incidence; 31 The wing has an incidence OC2 on the A M2 section, the rest of the wing and the fuselage axis having no incidences; i) The wing has an M incidence on the A2M2 and AlMl sections, the rest of the wing and the fuselage axis having no incidence; 5) The whole wing has an M incidence, the fuselage axis having no incidence; and 6) Application examples, where the authors present the expres- sions of the axial-disturbance speeds for the most interesting cases., Finally card 3/4 R/008/60/000/001/001,1009 A125/AO26 General Method of Determining the Interference of Wing and Conical Fuselage in Supersonic Regime /C/ they treat the motion around a conical fuselage/symmetric thick wing system (Fig. 4). There are 3 figures and 3 references- I Rumanian, I English and I Austrian (German). SUBMITTED: October 29, 1959 Card 4/4 8h648 4 R/008/60/000/002/001/007 10 ON A125/AO26 AUTHORS: Carafoli, Elie, and Mateencu, Dan TITLE: -19iip~erson~ioFlow' Around a Conical Cross-Wing~ ~seiag System PERIODICAL. Studii si Cereet9ri de Mecaniog Aplicatg, 1960, No. 2, pp. 325-337 TEXT- The authors treat the problem of flow around a conical cross-wing - fuselage system1provided with a normal plate (Fig. 1), for the case where the leading edges of the wing and of the plate are subsonic and the angle of imidence of the fuselage differs from those of wing and normal plate. The study starts from the hypothesis of minor disturbances, taking into account that the dimensions of the fuselage are small enough in relation to the Mach cone, and that the angles of incidence of wing, normal plate and fuselage are also sufficiently small. The general flow around the system investigated is decomposed into three movements- the Ist is the axial-symmetric flow around the bare conical fuselage - which is known -, the 2nd is the flow around the system symmetric plate/fuselage - which was the object of another paper by the same authors (Ref. 1), and the last one is the flow around the system cross-wings/fuselage, with the plate and the fuse- lage being without lateral angles of incidence; this latter movement is the sub- Card 1/2 84648 R/ooB/60/000/002/001/007 A125/AO26 Supersonic Flow Around a Conical Cross-Wing/Vuselage System ject of this paper. The problem Is referred to a conveniently chosen plane where it is reduced to the problem of determining two simple movements: a coni-/ ca" one around a very thin cross-wing, and a plane one around a circle. The au- thors give the general expression for the axial speed of disturbance LL, indi- cating the method of determining the constants. There are 3 figures and 4 Ru- manian references; 2 of these were published in English and 2 in French. SUBMITTED: February 12, 1960 Card 2/2 AUTHORSi TITLE- PERIODICAL- R/008/60/000/003/001/007 A125/A026 Carafoli, E., and Sa"ndulesou, Harmonic Oscillating Motionof Tails at Supersonic Speedi Studii 91 CercetAri do Mecanich Aplicat9, 1960, No. 3, pp. 557-568 TEXT: Subject article analyses some problems regarding the non-perjr-.anent eupersonio flow around a tail referred to an orthogonal system of coordinates OXIX03. Supposing that the points of the horizontal and vertical surfaces have a harrho-nic motion (Ref. 2, 3),the components of the normal speed on the horizon- tal and vertical surfaces are defined and the components of the reduced normal speed are determined by the expressions (6a) and (6b). The pressure coefficient shows that for the determination of the pressure on the tail it is necessary to know the reduced axial speeds and the reduced potentials. This way a seriffs of problems regarding the harmonic flow around the tail can be solved. The authors examine two cases: a tail moving in a disturbed and harmonically non-stationary flow behind the wings (due to the vibrations of the wing); and oscillations of the tail around the center of gravity of the aircraft. They first consider an oscillation of the tail of small frequency and amplitude around an axis, having Card 1/3 85031 Harmonic Oscillating Motion of Tails at Supersonic Speed R/008/60/000/003/0()1/007 A125/AO26 any position in the space. In this casethe reduced vertical speed on the two surfaces can be determined. The problem is finally brought to the study of the conical motions of the first order defined by the potentials(~ 1 and (P'4, and of a conical motion of the second order defined by 4)2- The reduced speeds cor- respond to the harmonic oscillating motions of an isolated wing, identical in shape with the vertical surface. The conical motions corresponding to the re- duced speeds are studied considering the interference. The pressure coefficient of this motion is expressed by the relation (17), which can be expressed by know- ing the expressions (18), in which uo and 4 are the reduced axial speeds of the conical motion of the first order and u1 the reduced axial speed of the conical motion of the second order. Using the general results previously published in (Refs. 6,7) u0 Is determined by, the expression (25) and ux by (30). Starting 0 with the formula of Euler (31) the authors deduce the reduced potentials of the conical motion on the horizontal (1~10r) and vertical ( 4) jv) surfaces, express- ed by. (35a) and (35b). Starting agaln w1th the formula of Euler (37), they de.- duce t~e reduced axial speeds of the conical motion of the second order on the horizontal (ulor) and vertical (u1,) surfaces,expressed by (43a) and (43b), The Card 2/3 85031 R/008/60/000/003/'001/007 A125/A026 Harmonic Oscillating Motion of Tails at Supersonic Speed authors finally determine the constants used in these expressions. There are 2 figures and 9 references- 6 Rumanian (4 published in French, 1 in English and 1 in Rumanian), 2 English and I Soviet. SUBMITTED: March 9, 1960 Card 3/3 0. 9W AUTHORSt Carafoli, Elie, and Ngstase, Adriana 23654 R/008/60/000/004/001/013 A125/Ai26 TIM: Thin triangular wing of minimum drag In supersonic stream PERIODICAL: Studii gi CeroetKri de Meoanioa Aplia4g, no. 4, 196o, 817 - 833 TEXT: The authors determine the shapm of-a thin non-symmetrioal trian- gular wing, having a minimum drag, when lift, diving moment andplane projection are given. 4 treating the non-symmetrical triangular-'wing, they are considering the general case which is then applied to delta wings, polygonal wings and tra- pezoidal wings, az performed in a previous paper (Ref. I.- Elie Carafoli, Adriana Nastfise, Aripi trapezoidale de rezistenJA minim& tn ourent supersonic. (Triangu- lar Wing of Minimum drag in Supersonic Stream) Comunicare flawra la Primul Clon. gres Unional. de Mecanial teoretica" 91 aplioatlt de la Moscova, Ianuarie 27 - Fe- bruarie 3, 1960 [sup tipar, In revista sovietiol Mekhanika]). Furthermore, the authors assume that there is an additional separation edge OC on the wing (Figure 1), which can eventually be taken as the joint of a leading-edge flap. Suction forces appearing on the subsonic leading edges have been included in the calaula- Card 1/ 3 23654 Thin triangular wing of minimum drag .... R/008/60/000/004/001/018 A125/A126 tion of the drag. Considering the general expression of the axial disturbance speed u given in a previous work by E. Carafoll, M. Ionescu (Ref. 13: Ecoulements conique d1ordre supbrieur autour des ailes triangulaires minces ou A 6paisseur sym6trique. Revue de Mboanique Appliqu6e, 1, 1957), the authors could systemize the (jaloulation in such a manner that the determination of a triangular wing with separation edge and minimum drag in reduced to the calculation of a single type integral, which they designate I and for which they give a formula-of simple algebraic recurrence. The auIrs then indicate the application afthe fiL4 to all wings with minimum drag being used at present: delta wings, trapezoidal and rectangular wings, and polygonal wings. There are 3 figures and 14 references 5 Soviet-bloo and 9 non-Soviet-bloo. The four references to the R*Iish language publications read as follows: E. W. Graham* The Calculation of Mifiimum Supersonic Drag by Solution of an Equivalent, Two-dimenhonal Potential Problem. Douglas Aircraft Report, SM-22666, Dec. (19-%); - Note on the Use of Artificial Distri- bution of Singularities in Supersonic Minimum Drag Problams, Douglas Aircraft Corporation, Report No. SM-23022, Dec. (1957); E. W. Gritham, A Geometric Prob- lem Related to the Optimum Distribution of Lift on Planar Wing in Supersonic Flow. Journal of Aero-Spaoe Siences, Dec. (1958); Kainer, Calculation of the Optimum Supersonic Delta Wings. CONVAIR (Sar. Diego) Report ZA 259 Oat (1957). Card 2/3 23654 R/008/60/000/004/001/,318 Thin triangular wing of minimum drag .... A125/Ai26 Figure 1: Non-symmetrIcal triangular wing. EMIUMV-1- (Bukharest) LCarafoli. Elie] Theory of simple and cruciform aelts, wings in a supersonic flow. Insh.sbor. 27:17-28 160o (KM 13t6) (Airfoils) (Aerodynamics, Supersonic) CARAFOLI, Elie, acad. Development of scientific research in the Institute of Applied MIchanica of the Rumanian AcadezV. Studii core mee apl 11 no.6: 1345-1360 '60. 1. Membru al Comitetului do redactie ei redRetor responsabil, "Studii 9i corcetari de mecanica aplicata.11 10.12(o "' P 3 96 R/008/62/013/002/001/009 D272/D308 AUTHORS; Carafolij Elief and Mateescu, Dan TITLE: Interference between wing and body in high order conical flow P13RIODICAL: Studii si cercetdri de mecanicd applicatd, no. 2, 1962, 275 - 294 TEXT: As a continuation of previous studies on the conical superso- nic flow around simple or cross-shaped wings with conical body (.Re- vue de M6canique Appliqu6e, Acad. R.P.R.f no. 3, 1959, no. 2, 19609 no. 3, 1960, no. 3, 1961) the system wing-conical body, placed into a supersonic current, is studied in the case when the wing incidence is distributed in the wing plane according to a function, which can be represented as a sum of homogeneous polynoms of different orders. This case is considered under general conditions, when the vertical velocity distribution on the ving is different on its various por- tions separated by vector radii drawn from the tip. It is assumed that the wing is fitted with ridges which separate two different re-- gimes of incidence distribution. The method developed permits easy Card 1/2 Interference between wing and body ... 0 R/008/62/013/002/001/009 D272/D308 solution of the problem in the case of nonuniform flow, as well as of the Droblem of low frequency oscillations of the same system, which in fact reduces to the study of two conical motions of diffe- rent order. The case of the thin wing is treated first, considering for this purpose a conical motion of n-th order around the system, the axis of the body being parallel to the undisturbea flow velocity and the wing incidence, and hence the vertical velocity on the wing being distributed in the form of homogeneous polynoms of (n-l)th or- der. It is then proved that the problem of the supersonic flow araxnd the system considered, can be reduced to determination of a ce3'tain function corresponding to the flow around a fictitious wing only with a certain incidence distribution. This function and its con- stant parameters are determined. The method is then extended to the case of the 'system body-thick wingg and to the system wing-conical body placed into a non-uniform flowp determining in each case the function and its constants. There are 4 figures. SUMUTTED: December 27, 1961 Card 2/2 349ja 21/0 03/6 2 / '000/001/001/007 3-272/D304 A'oTH-OH3 ~~~~and Ghia-Nastase, A-riana "i -1 ic-:~- T 15- L-' - -nipmalm dra- problen of the winr of SymrAot"-icai t Li ness 1-t Supez.-Sor-ic flow 3 IC'L: '--ecanicA a -2, 11-24 plicatAkno. 1, 190 T ---'X, 12 T'-,--,e ouri)ose of tl-le study was to deteraline the s-'-ape 0: -Lne 0 ini-lum di rag surface of a win- with Symme' Gric thickness, havip-,f,,-, rai t3 in suoersonic currents. It is assumed that several Seomctricrd corldliuions are given -- the plane projection (an asy-1::ietrica-- an-de), the volune of' the wing, P the w4ncr on J-~s -D the closing o- - 0 - leadin- a-ad trailing edges, thle continuity of the iv'ing surface a-b C:) 61--e crossing o-f --,)- ed:-e; for ---,eneraliZation, it J--- also ass,,Lmed -'D Wlat the wing is fitted with a separation rld~e. The vE.-ri-at-Jonal C~ U me-t,hod was chosen for the present study, but -for the axial per- Uurbat-Jon velocity u the aut-hors used an e-x-pression derived '--,y E. Carafoli and 111. Ionescu (lle----. 11i : '-Revue de 1116ca-nique "Lp-Lique'e, no. 1, 1957). The uroblem is reduced to a sinzle Uype of intuel-ral Card 112 R/003/ 7 ')~2/000/JO1/JO1/CjO7 -Droolem of th--:~ winr-, I ': Ei-zimum. drag D2 2 304 which is denoted by I., a.---d for whicl-I a simple Elgebraic recurre-n-ce 0 formula is -iven. The results are discussed, indicatinLt;'- tuIiat they can be particularized viith- case, obtaining several %Prings of P:f-ac- tical importance -- t1le delta wing, th.e trapezoidal win-, t1re rectangular wing, and the poly-onal wilng. These winas a--e then analyzed in tuh-- two possible cases for each vrith or wi th.ou7, ed,,-es -- by means of the relations obtained the 1-ge-neral ca-t3e. It is. concluded thc-tt tbesc results will enc-;.ble the ~;t'.,dy of vrincs -;~ '--enerai shaDe with nmi'nimum drag as well as of thick ;.-i s 0 11 U~ n'- vided with- norl~-,al olates ai,d ~jj-e 21 Coures and 14 rel'orences: 8 Soviet-bloc and b non-Sovi-ut-bloc. r-;'.,.e 4 most, recent references to the Bnrr~"ish-lan-uiL-e ub 1 4-1 c a t i :) n s ~> 13 read as follows: W. .7. ulraham - Douglas --Ii~-craft Corz)3i-a-v--'I Dn po:---ts, S. 11-1. 2206606, Dec. 1956, S. 1% 23022; 1.!. 1. Gra-'---am a.,,d I-Pa . Lac--erstrom, D. A. C. R. , S. .11. 23901, !larch 1~160; P. S'trand nimu-m %linr, V.'ave Dra- with Volaime Constraint. journal ol' A-ro Space "Icience, ALI,-USt (1960). SU31;T"TED: October 11, 19051 Card 2/2 CARAFOLI, Elie, sead. S=e theoretical considerations on lateral fluid Jets. Studii core mee apl .13 no.5.S.1061-1072 162. 1. Heikbru al Comitetului do redactio pi redactor responsabilo "Studii si cereetari de uscanick aplicital. . CARMLI # K.; EZRHMM, C. Aerodynesic characteristics 6f profiles in supersonic- hypex-sohic flow in the 6aso of neglecti~ig the pressure losses due to shook waves. Fav mec appl 8 no-5t729-744 163'o -.CAMFOL-I, E.; BEREENTE, C. Aorodynamic characteristics of profiles in supersonic- hypermonic flow in the case of neglecting pressure losses due to shock wavea. Studii cere meo apl 14 no.4,751-.767 163. I'AP,404r')'W,~ 7 Carat AUTI OR: -'~;TITLE De terin ~to shock-.wav-ed 'SOURCE R - ---.'.'TOPI.C- -.TAGS-:-- :A -,proil-le ~.presis~ ...ABSTRACTi b h ndetermining. -app quee ca nalytical exp .--dynamic prof i V waves area. -,Cord.- SD FVII I C~,E r b hat'i-ow-7; f-`,th;q zl; ~.72L' 7-j! -:El hi -;Z, 'If MOO- TPd "/J5-;s-A/h%h 3 -d-Vdt-- -I'-- c6afficients rn-aAAo,b-6-Mv- efifi6 hout GiW ptegration. The r Is usti-here for the c mination- (t4tiAn a supers bter zoidhl wing having the minimum drag, as. well aB t .-Plong projection (assuniW1 a symmetrical trapezol VIM, :.00 J., Olt do it SOV.- do flow) of the surface of a thin lift, pitob, isentral proftle, and the prig. has: 65 forraulas and A k "M -L 1-5723 A( T72/' FCS )~IrDw ikA01.) 31-1 ACC NR. ArimO145 SOURCE CODE: RTJ/0008/65/019/004/0991/1007 Radulescu, S. AUTHOR- CaT!L- ORG: "Tralan WWI Institute of 11uid Mechanics,, Academy of Rumanian R. S. (ii&titattd de mecamica fluldelor 'q'r--aTa-n-Wa" al A-c-ademlei R. S. Romania) TITLE: The supersonic flow around a, thin delta wing In drift SOURCE- Studii st cercetarl de mecanica aplicata, v. 19', no. 4, 1965, 991-1007 TOPIC TAGS: aerodynamics, supersonic flow, thin wing, delta wing ABSTRACT: The action of the drift on the ite ic c~' jodynam aracteristics of a thin delta 3KIM is Investigated In the case of supeTsonic conical flows. By applying the residues method, the aerodynamic coefficients for a wing in which both edges wre subsonic, are calculated. For a wing with a subsonJe and a supersonic edge, only the rall and turn coeff icientis are given, because the smallvalues of the dL Aft have Ft negligible effect on the coefficients of attitude# resistancet and drag, Orig. art. has: 104 fannulan. 0 SUB CODE: 2d SUBM DATE: 28Apr65 ORIG REF.- 002 Card -1 ACC NR, ~P 6 Y7106 2 7 50253~3 SOURCk CdDE: AUTHORs Carafolis E., ORG: Institute of'Flui.d.Machanice of the Academy of the R,P.R,., Bucharesf-_ TITLEt Extension of conicAl motions to quasi-conical motions SOURCEt Revue Roumaine des sciences technique. Serie de mecanique applique,, v. 109 no. 39 1965, 627-635 TOPIC TAGS: motion mechanics, conic flow, swept wing, pressure effect, pressure measurement, surface pressure, aerodynamic characteristic ABSTRACT: Problems of conical and quasi-conical motions as applied to modern types.of aircraft were analyzed. The author extends the conical and high-order conical flows to the so-called $1pasi-conical flows, to, essure on the) calculate the EE_- , surface of .1jing i-dr on the wing-body sys- tem.Ainploy-ed In aeronautics. For simplificativng only methods and in- dic9tions were given witho lot developing all the applications in the 1 .1 case of,high-order conical r quasi-conical motions. A more detailed analysis a-d- more general. applications swill be -gT-veh in future-voikso OrIge. Art*' hast 4 figures-and 40 formulas. [Based on author's abstracQ_ -SUB - OODE2. Olp 2J0/ suBm DATEt - i9reb65/ oTH Ru , om INT), Card I/V f~K_*i At-k- INK: JW:)V.L4W,~P Awl, bWAVE WDS: KU/VL).LY/D:)/U.LU/UUL-/V40Y/UW4 AUMOR: Carafoli, E.; Mateeecu, D. ORG: Institute of Applied Mechwics of the Aegd= =I gj~ -of Oe Bom an Peo 'Pub Lic 'Flnotitut de Mecanique App3ique de l'Academie* de la, Republique Populaire Roumaine) TITLE: A class of Delta wingolbose incidence and-slope vary in accordance with homogeneous ftmetions under MMrsonic conditions SOURCE: Revue Roumaine des sciences techniques.. Serle de mecanique appliquee.4 ve 10, z~pa 2# 1963j 489-504 TOPIC TAGS- Delta-ving, perturbation, function, wing incidence ABSTRACT: Higher-order conic motions.are applied to the study of triangular wings with variable incidence and slope (or corresponding vertical velocities), ulling >(O homogeneous functions of various orders. To this.end, the problem is reduced to a study of a wing having an unbroken interval of,basic stops which makes it possible to use the results obtained by the authors in their previous studies. As practical examples, the expression is determined for the axial velocity of perturbation for a series of thin wings of symmetrical thickness mhose incidence and slope vary in ac- cordance with homageneous,functione of the order of zero and one. Orig. art. has: 6o formulas. [DWI SUB CODE: Ol/ SUBM DATE; 0Tjan65/--Mar65 OTH REF.- 002/ 'Card 1.11 L 34383-66- EWP(m)/EWP(w)/T-2/EWP(k) WW/EM ACC NR, AP6022636 SOURCE CODE: RU/0019/66/011/003/058T/o613 AUTHORi Carafoli, E .1 Berbente, C. I' ORG: [Cwafoll) Institute of Fluid Mechanics, Academy of the Socialist Republic of Rumania; [Berben-te-T-Porlytechnic Institute G. Gheorghiu-Dej , Bucharest TITLEt Determination of pressures and aerodynamic characteristics of delta wings in supersonic-moderate hypersonic flow - 11A4 -I SOURCE: Revue Roumaine des sciences techniques. Serie de mecanique appliquee, Y. 11, no. 3. 1966, 58T-613 TOPIC TAGS: hypersonic aerodynamics, aerodynamic characteristic, aerodynamic drag, lift, wave drag, pressure distribution,three dimen- sional flow, delta wing, angle of attack ABSTRACT: The formula for calculating the pressure distribution on aerodynamic profiles in hypersonic (M. = 7) flow previously derived by one of the authore is applied to the case of a three-dimensional flow regime, in which an equivalent deflection 0 is introduced instead of the deflection T of the flow, which can be expressed only in terms of the axial disturbance velocity which is denoted by u and is deduced by the small disturbances method. Consequently, the formula has the advantage of being a function of this velocity alone, whose expression Card 1 / 2 L 34383-66 ACC NRs AP602263 is perfectly determined from the conical flow theory for all cases of current application. The relative effect of the boundary layer on pressure distribution at various M in discussed. The conical thick wing, the delta wing with constant slope, the double conical delta wing, the rectangular wing with diamond-shape profile, and the wing with double parabolic profile were considered. Comparison of the results with available experimental data concerning both the pressure distribution and the overall aerodynamic characteristics shove that the formula may now be successfully employed in,,exact calculations of the aerodynamic characteristic of various profiles in the wide range of angle of attack (up to IT*) and Mach numbers considered here. Orig. art. hast 18 figures and 63 formulas. CAB] SUB CODE: '20~ -SUBM DATE: 28Jdn66/ ORIG REFt 004/ OTH REFs 003 ATD PR9SGt_,~-,jS_j Iv 2 ACC NR, AP6029839 AUTHOR: Carafoli, E.; Pantazopol, D. SOURCE CODE: RU/0019/66/011/004/0379/0892 ORG: Institute of Fluid Mechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Socialist Republic of Rumania (Institut de Mecanique des Fluides, Academie de Is Republique Socialiste de Roumanie) TITLE: Deviation of a two-dimensional supersonic flow by a jet-flaD SOURCE: Revue Romaine des sciences techniques. Serie de mecanique appliquee, v. 11, no. 4, 1966, 879-892 TOPIC TAGS: supersonic aerodynamics, hypersonic aerodynamics, jet flow, gas jet, jet flap, shock wave ABSTRACT: A simple method i resented for determining the deviation of supersonic and hypersonic plane-paralleNplows of an invisci~~as_produced by an auxiliary thin' jet layer (jet-flap). This method is based on a formula derived previously by Carafoli which makes it possible to determine the pressure coefficient in terms of the deviation angle, and which may be applied either in the case of compression behind a shock wave or continuous expansion, over a wide range of deviation angles. Approxi- mate parametric equations for the jet trajectory and the maximum range of variation of the pressure coefficient, a .and simplified formulas valid for small deviations re ACC NR- AP6029839 derived. The results of numerical calculations presented in graphs and tables are given as illustrative examples. Orig. art. has; 4 figures, 44 fo-Lmulas, and 3 tables. [ABI SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 3011ay66/ ORIG REF: 005/ OTR REF: 006 7. Cc d ? L o8547-67 4P (w) /EVIP (k) IJP(c) ACC NR. AP6035397 SOURCE CODE: RU/0008/66/023/005/1343/1353 AUTHOR: Carafolf, E.; Mateescu, 11. ORG: Institute of Fluid Mechanicii, Academy of the Rumanian Sociaj!jL Reputq_A.c (ins tfEU'Cul-d6'-m'-e~d~i-~'a--iluidelor al Academiei Republicii Socialiste Romania) ?b I t' TITLE: The harmonic oscillatory movement of a win& conical body system under supersonic conditions SOURCE: Studii si cercetari de secanica aplicata, v. 23, no. 5, 1966, 1343-1353 TOPIC TAGS: harmonic oqcillatiov, conic body, supersonic flow - ABSTRACT: This work studies the non-constant suporsonic QQ"r9_vnd_t_he _ing=p_ -w omjjc~aL body system where the harmonic oscillatory movement is of low frequency. Considering case of the harmonic rotation oscillations of pitching and rolling, as well as of translation along the vertical axis, the problem is reduced through analogy with the case of detached wings to the study of constant conical movements of the order of 1 and 2 around the wing-conical body Bystem. In order to determine these, the authors use the results obtained in theiv previous works. An expression of the coefficient.-- of pressure is obtained wish a view towards ascertaining the distribution of pres- sures upon the system under conalderation. The problem studied here is applicable ,to the development of supersonic aircraft. Orig. art. has: 51 formulas and 3 -figures. SUil COW:,: 20/. SUBM DATE: '25Ma-r66/ ORIG REF: 006/ OTH REF: 00W ATD PRESS:5104 uDc: 533 WWIEM L 10017-67 EJVP W/EWP (W) /E Lqp (Nt Jjj~~L ACC NRi AP6036267 %";OURCE CODE: RU/(!(~lVf6'6-fO-fl-1005~/12Z9i-/123 AUTHOR: CarafolL,'! -Elie; Mateescu, Dan '51 ORG: Institute of Fluid blechanicalAcademy of the Rumanian Socialist Republic TITLE: Harmonic oscillatory motion of a wing-conic fuselage system in a supersonic flow V/ SOURCE: Revue Roumaine des sciences techniques. Serie de mecanique appliquee, v, 11, no. 5, 1966, 12219-1239 TOPIC TAGS: supersonic aerodynamics, conic flow, unsteady flow, aerodynamic roll, aerodynamic pitch, harmonic oscillation ABSTRACT: The present paper is concerned with a study of supersonic, unsteady floiia over a wi R-conic fuselage system subjected to harmonic low-frequencX oscillations In this case, the motion of the wing-conic body system considered here (Fig. 1) is*V composed of the following three riotions: 1) harmonic oscillatory pitch about the Ox2-ax's; 2) harmonic oscillatory translation alon g the Ox3-axis; and 3) hamonic oscillatory roll around the Oxl-axis, assuming that.these oscillatory motions are 'of small amplitude and that the transverse dinwnsions of the fuselage lire sufficiently reduced with respect to the Mach cone. Thin problem is reduced to the study of three supersonic steady conic flows, two of which are pu .rIe conic flows over a -Ang.-conic body system, but the third is.a vecond-ordex conic flow over the same system. - Solutions for these flows can be obtained by using the method developed previously Card 1/3 T IA017-z by the authors. The ;mial perturbation velocities for various positions of the leading edge of the wing with respect to the Mach cone were calculated, and an expression for the pressure coefficient in the cases of subsonic and supersonic Card 2/3 L 10017-67 ACC NR% AP6036267 leading edges was derived from these calculations. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 60 formulas. SUB CODE: 201 SUBM DATE., 29K-ir66/ ORIG REFt 006/ OTH REF.- 0011 ATD PRESS: 5105 313 egk ACC NR. AP7003247 SOIjRCE CODE RU/0019-/66/011/006/1365/1371---) AUTHOR: Carafoli, Elie ORG: none TITIX: Application of quasi-conivil motions to the thcory of wings with curved leading edges SOURCE: Rev roum scien techn. Ser mecan applp v. 11, no. 6, 1966, 1365-1371 i TWIC TAGS: supersonic aerodynamics, delta wing, conic flow, thin wing, flow veloclt~6 pressure coefficient ABSTRACT: This paper deals with application of the so-called quasi-conical'motions to the theory of modern forms of aircraft wings. A detailed analysis based on the author's previous work (Revue Mumaine des Sciences Techniques-Mecanique Appliquee, v. 11, no. 6,'1965) concerning Ehe quasi-- conical potential of motion around wings with subsonic curved leading edges is presented. An expression is derived for the quasi-conical potential resulting from the aonical potentiAl corresponding to a wing with straight leading edges. Formulas are developed from this expres- sion for the axial disturbance velocity and the pressure coefficient is deduced for a flat wing with subsonic curved leading edges. The results Card 1/2 UDC: 536.421.1 WcCWR-: --A~-766*320 obtained here can be applied to wingd of'gothii-~ - shdpe em-plo-y'ed in- s"u-p-ij- sonic aerodynamics and the procedure may be extended to wings whose central arbitrary shape, to cruciform wi.ngs, etc. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 42 formulas. SUB CODE: 2 SUBM DATE: 05Apr66/ ORIG REF: 001/ ATD PRESS! 5112 So! ACC NR- AP7003248 AUTHOR, Carafoli, E.; Staicu, S. ORG: [Carafolil Institute of Fluid Mechanics, Academy of the Socialist Republic of Rumania; [Staicu) The "Gh. Gheorghin-Dej" Polytechnic Institute, Bucarest TITLE: Antisymmetric thin delta wing with flow separation at the leading edges SOURCE: Rev roum scien tecbn. Ser mecan appl, v. 11, no. 6, 1966, 1373-1386 TOPIC TAGS: supersonic aerodynamics, supersonic flow, delta wing, flow separatioD, vortex, conic flow, pressure distribution ABSTRACT: A supersonic flow around a thin antisymmetric delta wing whose two halves are at the same angle of attack but of.opppsite sign is considered, with flow separation taken into account. The effect of the flow separation at the subsonic leading edges on the flow pattern is investigated. This. effect results in the occurrence of two concentrated vortex nuclei of the same intensity and -sign having, however, antisymmetric position with respect to the axis of symmetry of the wing (see Fig. 1). ;Card 1/3 ACC NR% AP7003248 Fig. 1. Wing and flow configuration ACC NRI ;SUB CODE: ATD PREM AP10032148 The formation of vortices induces a complex field of downwashes'which alters tile flow in such a way that the pressures are finite at the edges., The distribution of downwashes leads to a system of three fictitious wings whose superposition yields a resultant fictitious wing which is equivalent, e' to the real wing for Wiich tile axial dis- from th aerodynamic standpoint, 0 1 turbance velocity has the expression: U = Ue + Ut Uc and which will be antisymmetric with respect to tile oxl-axis of symmetry and continuous at the origin 0. Since the flow remains conical, the pressures on the upper and lower surfaces of the wing and also the aerodynamic characteristics may be determined. Pressure distributions for various wings and different angles of attack at M = 1.9 and the variation of the rolling moment coefficient in terms of thZ angle of attack and various parameters of slenderness of the wing are presented in graphs for the cases of distributed and concentrated sourcer3. The. simplif ied case of a concentrated source is also considered,, Orig. art. has: 5 figures 'and 491oiviulas. 20/ SUBM DATE: 29Jun66/ ORIG REF: 003/ OTH REP: 003/ 5112 3 ,.CMGUO Ion How the trade-union comittees execute their Jurisdictional attributionie Mum& sindic 6 mo.6:35-37 Jo 162. P al comitstului sindicatului Fabricli de mape 1. Preoedi4 plastices, Pnuresti CARAIANI, L. Calculus of See-D?,-,e Throagh Jettieg of Homogenous Earth in Unstationery Regime. Hidrotehniop (Hydrotechr-clof-v), #4:1,?o:Aur~ 57 C. 7 rl: all .DI--oj~-Uijj. 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Studii cerc biol. anim 15 no.1:45-63 163. CARATON, Fremcisca Elena ---- New representatives of the CytherVae (Ostracoda - Podoeopa) family ori"tin~g from the Rumanian Pontic waters. Studii cere biol izilm. 15 no,3%319-331 163, 1. Gomunicare-prezentata do M.A. Ionescus, membru corespondent al Academia R.P.R. CAPAION, Francisca EJena Observations on the OBtracoJa in the briny witter anti Purersaline brisina of the lbumanJan Black Sen littorul. Studli cerv. biol ,. zool 16 no. 4:271-')8'L 164. 1. Laboraotry of Anima2 Taxonomy, "T.i.-air-r. instit..)te of Biology. CCKLMSCUp T., ing,; CARAMAN A irZo Criteria for the tariffing of electric power as reflected in the policy of development of oil and chemical industries, in R%mmmia. Petrol. A gaze 13 no.7--321-325 J1 362. 1 1 CARAMAN, E., prof. inv. mediu (Bucurest3j Application of the residue theorem. Gaz mat fiz 14 no.7: 352-358 i1 162. GATALINJ F., ~llc . ~iTl*""41." 1. i i I; " .1 1--X. : SEFBAN. 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