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CET,?J-LkK J -=~-2xj TECHNOLOGY Periodicals: RIEH,,;ETIYA Vol. 9, no. 2, Feb. 1959. GLRM-K, J., Comparison of parameters of barrel boilers. P. 64. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EhAI) LC Vol. 8 No. 5, !,~kv 1P59, ~Unclass. Country : CZECI,10,13LOV.J' M. T CatcCory: Nunn ::Lna PhysioloGy. Physi~Ar,LT of Labor aml S,)--art - ,,'.bs Jour: MDicl., N 19, 19581 39297 AuVaor E. Inst a- Title The Chaii6es f tSL Dynamics ~f thL. 1%;art i)-. Dancers FollcidnL; Vit. W,rl,.cut ,md Under Wrldn~, Ci.rLlitiuns, Deterained v.,.t', tiv .'.id of a OriC; Pub: Casop. lCh:1M CLsh-ych, 1957, 96, N,, 37, 1163-1174 Abstract: In tventy )r,~fossicnal dancers (10 ior, mid 10 vonert, avor--Z~c. aL;e 23 years) thu pulse frcquency (P), the syst lie vclune (SV) and the iiinute vc.1m, (W) were i1:.VL3t-j.(,nted durine and aftcr v-rk with Card 1/3 Countr7 : CZECHOSLOWMI, T CataGcry-. Humn and;-r-l Physiclogy. Fhysi(,1c1(.y 7f Labor and Sport. Abs Jr-ur: RZhDiul., N 19, 1958, BM7 the aid of rlic-plethysmograph. FULvinL; simll exertion, aIL indixes increased; P rcturnod to the criginal val-au within 2-3 ninutes, and SV and MV vithin 5-7 :.dillitc-s; censequently all i4idixcs fell below- the rust v~,.Iucs. The MV iiidixQs at rust, but neasurud ir-Owr the wc-rhinL; a-nLliti iis, were hiGher V1211 V., Sf-- LItained in the mt, ry, this clevat'~~ ii bciiuL caused by an incrcasQ k.f SV. At the ti;.,c f Vic wcrk load (dauce) MV iicreased either c-n cnc.-c-iLit cif P, or SV, ur i ficcLunt of bcth indixcs. Only in one case with clinic.~.l and subjectivu (.vi(Ic;ncc cf cvartraininG was ~bservcd a decrease f all the investigated v--Iuus. Two Card 2/3 T-128 Country : CZECIIC'I'ILOV,,Kl;, T CitcCcry: Humn and Physiolo(x. P-hyii:l,,a -f Labor aad Sjj- rt . Abs Jcur: MDiol., No 19, 19$3, GMT types of reacti,as were mted aftur a six rinute dance: 1) shifts of P., SV, an-I MV diately aftLl' Lxortion with a fUl,wiaU decrease; 2) with m-xi-.-.i:,.I increase of P and MV - 1,w values of SV , equallinr- almst the oridinal valuc.; in the clursQ T Vic first rainute cf rc-spirati,n, ele- vation :~f SV t ,-k place (apparently due tu long- theninG of the diastc-le, caused by rapia restcra- tion .:,,f P) V V Rozenblat. Card 3/3 CERMAK, Jaroslav, in~. Impressive activ-1-ty of the Czechoslovak Scientific Technolo- gical Society at the 1963 Brno International Fair. Tech praca 1,,5 no.11:9";.9-920 19163. 1. Ustredni rada Geskoslovenske vedecko-technicke spolec- nosti. CEWIAK Jaroslav inz. Program of the Cztehoslovak Scientific Teclinologicaa Society for the 6th Brno International Fair 19o4. Tech praca 16 no. 4:300-302 Ap 164. 1. Deputy Secretary for Organization, Central. Council of the Czechc,91ovak Scientific Technological Society. CERVAK, Josef A simple method for registration of the curvature and mobilitlr of the spine. Acta chir. orthop. trauma. cach. 29 no.3:269-1273 Je 1621. 1. Institut telesne vychovy a sportu, fakulta University Karlovy v Praze, (SPINE) CEMK, Jaroslav, HOr Medical control of pbVsical education and sports, its organization and tasIm. Prakt.lek.,. Praha 35 no.89173-177 20 Apr 55. 1. Katedra teleene rychM a telovychavneho lek&ratvi LITU v Prace, pradnosta prof. MUDr. J.Kral. (PHYSIGLL IDIJUTION AIM TRAINII'DO in CzeA., med. control) (ATEIRTICS,' in Czech, mod. control) CERMAlf j'1R1 t DiAr: 4E2c(j)/4E3b/4E3d ~ 3 -- k/l,ctive alloys for the direct synthesis of methyle4tqr,- silizes. jaroslav 2Hka, Jill terinfil, and Viclay Mazoch. Far. 87,0,T6;*SFff.-I*5, 1057. Ine pr;kc~s of allowing. alloys of Si, Cu. and At to temper in an oven for 13-12 firs. above the cutectic temp. (BOD-1100*) and 6-10 hrs. at a sul~cutectic Witip. (600-800*) gives products that bring about a higher conversion of Si (80-W%), a greater yield of higher methylated chlorositanes, and a better reproducl- of the procL--:;. Fuse in a C crucible 42.75 kg. Si (99%Si)for3his.-.tnd:'.' 1470'inagas-heatedoven. ? add 7 kg. cathode Cu in blocks and, after the Cu has melted (urprox. 15 min.), add 0.25 kg, At in sheets. Mixthectia- tents with a rod. After'-) nim. transfer the molten inass to another prewanized C crucible. keep for 0 firs. at 870* and for another 6 hrs..ql 700% anti then allow to coal gradually N for 6-10 hrs. In another example the Si:Cu ratio is 85.6:14 and the alloy Is tempered for 10 PArs. at 1000* and thtti-allowed to cool slowly for 12 firs. L. 1. UfbAstk-- CZECHOSLOVAKIA Organic Chemistry. Synthetic Organic G Chemistry. Abs jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 18, 1958, 61024. Author Miroslav Sasin, Jiri Cermak. Inst Title Synthesis of Triphenylpentamethylcyclotetrasil- oxane. Orig Pub: Chem. listy, 1957, 51, No 9, 1766-1767. Abstract: Triphf-nylpentamethylcyclotetrasiloxane (III) was separated from products of methylphenyldiethoxy-;.- lane (I) and dimethyldichlorosilane (II) c-o-hydroly- sis, 1 liter of water is added drop by drop to 3 moles of I and 1 mole of II in 500 ml of toluene, Card 1/2 i CZECHOSLOVAKIA / organic Chemistry. Synthetic Organic G Chemistry. %, Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 18, 1958, 61024. 0 Abstract: and 30c,' of III is separated boiling point 1500/ 0*05 min, melting point -360: n25D = 1.51134, d25 25 := 1.0805. Card 2/2 43 Distr: 4r,2c(j)AE3d VRecovering mefayl the direa synthesis af me~ ifi 15. ITI-51-F-717n ;i p - olvi )I i.Xl -of CH4, 11. CIla, and moh%lchli tro lsihi iE, jms.S~vd ttvvr ilc:ivc-' C,AleCl i,;.d)sorbvd qumit., wherem the oilirr cmul w-susl pass 4nabsorbvd. I.. J. tvrvyrt~- CERMAK J A conference on tho-orgAnic siliceous compounds in Leningrad. P. 87 CMICKE PRUMYSI. (Ministerittvo chemickeho --prumyslu-) Pralia, CzechoslovaUa Vol. aJ No. 2, Feb. 1959 Monthly List of East %ropean Accessions (EFAI), LC, Vol. 8, NO; 7, Jul,7.- 1959 Uncl. CEPI-M I DOSTAL, P. Polarographic determination of the Si-H combination in presence of Si-S:L in polyorganosiloxanes. Coll Cz Chem 28 no.6:1381+-139) Je 163. 1. Forschungsins-bitut fur orgaiiische Synthesen, Pardubice Rybitvi. CERMAX J inz. *Labotron; an electronic laboratory* by Giancarlo Contessi. -Reviewed by J. Cermak. Slaboproudy obzortSuppl.: Literatura '24 no.4:L29 -163. fvg]RHAN, Zan Mowchromatization ckf X rayo-,.~ Cs cas fyo 13 no,3:219-W 163, I* Ustav fyiiky pevnych latakj, Geskoslavenska akademie ved., PrabAo CERMAK, Jindrich, inz. ~3c. rallculation if the tranxmls~2i,-.n properties of loT.,- -rs--vency ca:14-10 lines for high froqu6zcy a:il ~ra,!3,mlssicns. .91 -zb-;prouiy 0 obzor 25 r..o.3;131-144 it- l61,.. 1. Rasaarch Instit,itts of' Toleconmunientions, Pragus. 'ACCESSION NR: AP40414597 Z/0055/64/014/008/0629/0645 AUTHORt Cermak, J* TITLE: Chroma focusing of x-ray diffraction lines an&aa achromatic camera !SOURCE: Chekh~scovatskiy -fizi*cheskiy zhurnal, v. 14, no. 8, 1964, 629-645, 6561 TOPIC TAGS: x-ray di.ffraction, achromatic camera, chromatic focusing ix ray spectroncopy, diffraction fine ABSTRACTz Conditions for simultaneous suppression of the wave- len gth component (broadening) and the instrumental component (broadening) of x-ray diffraction lines are analyzed. General expressions were dc-- ,rivedfor wavelength and intitrumental broadening, caused by not Allier- Ing to chromatic focusing conditions (also geometric focusing candi- tions) in any experimental geometryl assuming the use of a Johann or Johansson monochromator and measurements of diffracti-on lines oa the same aide of the specimen as in the incident beam (reflection geome- try). The conditiona for i-.hromatic and gec'metric focusing were ob- Card 1 2 ;ACCESSION NR: AP4044597 tained as special cases of ithe derived expressions. It was found that conditions for perfect geometric and chromatic *focusing of the d1f- fraction line can be met readily. General considerations and computa- tions for a given experimental setdo are described. Several rules are suggested for optimum choice of the parameters for simultaneous focusing of a pair of lines. An achromatic camera which is suitable for this sort of measurement is described.--The profile of a line with 0 a 74.3 degrees (the 331 li:ie of annealed aluminum) obtained iwith an achromatic arrangement and that obtained by means of an.ordi-. 'nary back-reflection were compared and the advantages of the former ,(especially in view of the fact that ho elaborate experimental equip- :ment was required) wer 'e made evident by photometric records, Origo ;art. has: 5 figures, 10 formulast and l.table. ASSOCIATIONt -Institute of Solid State Physics, CzechAcade Sciog irrague 'SUBMITTEDS 30Dec63 ENCU 00 SUB CODE: OP NO REF SOVt 000 OTHERt 000 Card 2 / 2 PROGIIAZKA, J., prof. dr,,; BRZEK,V , CEFOIAK T * R,!*PR,'YS,J.; SiDLER, L.; JEDLICKA, J.; JUPTI, I. - P Rq,eriences wit~n the surgical treatment of acquired aortic stenosis. Rozhl. chir. 44 no.'L:1-7 Ja 165. 1. 11--hirurgicka klinika lekarske fakulty Karlovy University v hradi!i Kralove (pTednosta: prof. dr. J. Prochazka). CERMAK, J.; TUMA, S.; ZITIETAL, A. Volume of the heart and its relation to the height, weight and bndy composition in obese boys. Cesk. pediat. 20 no.10: 867-872 0 165. 1. Vyzkumny ustiv telovychovny v Praze (prednosta doc. dr. E. Eiselt, CSc.) a II. detska klinika fakulty detskeho lekarstvi Karlovy University v Praze (prednosta prof. dr. J. Houstek, DrSc.). CZECHOSLOVAKIA Laboratoy(y Equipment Instruments, Their Theoryj Constructions Application. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, NO 19, 1958, 64287 Author X&=ak Jan Inst Not ji_v_e`R`-__j Title An inptrument for the Analysis of Component Doublets on a Diffraction Roentgenogram. Orig Pub: Ceskosl. CaBOP. fYs.o 1957, 7. No 6, 732-739 Abstract: Describes the potentiometer method of separating the Ko(, and KNL components of photometric- curve roentgen-diffraction pictures obtained, for example, by means of G-M counters. The operating principle is realized in a simple instrument that permits separating the component doublet Kiqjrom the curve through selecting resistances Card 1/2 47 CZECHOSLOVAKIA / Laboratory Equipment Instruments, F Their Theory, Construction, Application. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 19, 1958, 64287 Abstract: proptrtional to the first humberg of the equation ~ (x)j which chara~cterizes the L-ilrvb K-ij . An eval"tion Is giv6n of a series of fadtors that intDience the hcourkdy of the.m6thodi errors; in determining the relation of the intehsi- ties of the separated componenets, inaccurate determination of the background, disregard of the lines 03 and loft, and others. Card 2/2 CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Solid Stitte Physics - Structural Crystallography E-4 Abs Jour &-f Zbur - FLzilta, No 1, 1959, ljo 824 Author Comak Jan Inst -To-tc-iVen Title Instrument for the Exl:ansion of the Resolution of the Can- ponents If vA 11 KA 2 of the Doublet on X-ray Diffraction Photographs. Orig Pub Chekhosl. fiz. zh., 1957, 7, No 6, 748-756 Abstract Me profilev of the K-~l and curves is assuiied to tic the same. r it ~; es Of KA 2 and Kcder., W~icb arc, Comlecti3d iz a nz?~M ser Similar to ovat Used In -A scalo-w-two c'trcult, -11w systern is L-Wysed in dotall. It ti hh", n that itzi prac- tical value 13 zr;aher lin Ited, -S)nco It siren rt-Rection-- alcng The line. The v XoNam is solved 1:q umploying a bridgeLl-T T~ov~rk fiet Abst:T~ 129 Tb-E~ d"ice r insimz of mfj ird4c t- ive &:emen.5, a series inpedzmee of the axt type ~-'Pd k parz,Uel imp,2-2aace. -1b, cirealt to vaTm!Ae af spereti~; -ra g:"aa up CM4AK, J - A vacuum-tube filter. P-50. (Sdelovaci Techni',ca. V01, 5, no. 2, F'A. 1957. Czechoslovakia) SO: Ilonthly List of E-ast European Accession (Ea-L) Ir., Vol. 6, no. 7, Jul~, 10157. Uncl. . . . . . . . . . . . V follawir.3 network 13 anab-Ard. a two-i 'S im al cha.- "a "zlet:m==!5 R3 =d R~ In mries va one ,I th a om&rft ra aM iR Urntmted -alth :tk ba lawN ID-g tLop-dwiv e 9-,; output Imm R, w.JR; Is Wren to a line Lermbi2ttd vith an lmpedam'e '~j (in re-celvIng a" point betwc-an It, -M R, -'d ~hc b~-j E WL- to L ~~ ltlrl..L~Luj .11h .= I C, atl~-~M-n EVIV-v: :i;, TvS ~l :Z 7 ji. k r C/ A A 1,- 0 R I E &s Jour Ref Mar Fizika N o 199,8,p No 6421 k~--hhor I:~.St ror ii t1l Eqzdval!5=~ CircizLt-o. c;f Orig Ptib EKW-*pr.70,y obzc-r.. -'L95-,,, 1e., No 5., 299-303 Abs"ract, Emudna:',-.ia:~ of the of for the tran3mission of week r,-'. h,18~b. The circ-A-1; 16 cELI--.-- el accc~='~. f;:.r tlbs, !l'ollactor cappacitwo.ce and cf the re!5~,zc!-Ara 'L.:. the gain. !he of tkte for 'c5e iZ Veriffea Iq meas*zreme:.,-,'I-s made o:-, mmlZlfier Cevrta-.:~, rf,~cammep.,-h- tions are given cmeex-rdag tLe prel-lcm cf broade-iz:.g t-he band of the amplified freq~zacies. !~ffl-.1iogmphy, 16 Card 1/1 M~:,-M, J. ; MVLIK, J. A telephone repeater with nc-gative impedance. P. 7. (SDELOVACII 7E.C.HEIKA) (Praha, Czechoslovakia) Vol. 6, no. 1., Jan. 1958 SO: Monthly Index of East Ruropein Accession (EEAI) LC Vol. ?, No. 5. L958 1 Ir: L!:!~ L F U:- If! P 1~~ 15 eR-'~ t! L).)t inim 5t&j)jIj;y and p:,z, !I Lhe rep-AL-r 1~ ro CA thr title Huwvy! r -i'mcc. tn pr--ct;ct an a 9erj,-5-t)pe type z !,l, rvpeatrr, which wtre set a,.,I( the 111P.1 ;u aze Lille Mle mc-45UT~M~F;:. prtfera:~iv v -"i,) j, C-~ F- RM 621.3837. 6936. TFUNSISM NOISE. J.4bermik. Slabopro-uW bRoir-, Vol. 10, Jqo`P FEW-" 68). In Czecb. Ava"blie sources on the subject are surveyed and It to pointed out that transistors exhibit two kinds of noise. At frequencies well below the triwsistor cut-off fropency, the noLse spectrum decreLses logarithmically with frequency; here the notse has the nature of the flicker effect.. At higher frequencies, tnAzUtors produce whits notme which oan be attrOxAed to, emitter current, cut-off collector current, partAtloa effect and bass realsts e. Some measurements were carried out to determine the overall notse In several British, Czechosloval. and Soviet translatorih Curves of nolas figure as a of Dllectdr and frequency are plottat".~ nose seem to confirm resuqs obtained by other lavegtlgd~lrl % ChTM.K, J. "Internal feedback in tranoistors.11 P. 15b. SUBOPROUDY OBZOR. (MNISTERSTVO PRESNEHO STROJIREWTVI, MINISTERSTVO SPOJU A VEDECKA TECHNICKA SPOLECNOST PRO EMTROTECHNM PRI CSAV.) Praha, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 20p no. 3j Mar. 1959. Monthly List of East European Accessions (ERAI), LC, Vol. 8., No. 9, Septeduer 1?59. Uncl. CERM, Jindrich, C.Sc. The use of compandors in carrier telephony systems. Slaboproudy obzor 21 no.9:514-.-;20 S 160. (EEAI 1011) 1. VyzkumW ustav tolekomunikaoi, Praha. (Telephone) CERMAK, Jindrich, inz. Ten years of Jane-tion transistors. Slaboproudy obzor 21 no.9:.554-556 s 6o. (Transistors) (EEAr ioa) CEIII-w., Jindrich, Jxr.. Transmission of tieveral programs over low frequency wire bro-r-deasting. Sdel tech 9 no.9048 S 161. CERIUK, Jindrich, inz. "Technology of tranBistor switchgearst' by Jaroslav Budinsky., Reviewed by Jindrich Germak. Slaboprmidy obzor 23 no.8:M)8 Ag 162. CERMAX, Jindrich., inz. Small diam8ter coaxial cables for carrier telephony systems. Sdel tech 10 no-9:333-335 S 162. ---C -inz * Reliability of semiconductor components. Sdeltech 10 no.12:442- 4" D 162 * I- GEMAK, Jindrich, inz, "Tranniatoro-fr. -thoory and practioo" by flolonda and Jurkovic. Reviewed by Jindrich Germak. Sdel tech 10 no-10:398-399 0 162. . I GMAK, JAndrich, inz. "Scientific litarature on eloctronic semiconductor equipmen"D; biblio- graphy 1945-19550. Reviewed by Jindrich Cermak. Sdel tech 10 no.10: 399-400 0 162. GMW, Jindrich., inza 1~1~ se code moulation carrier telephone systems. Sdel tech 11 1.4:123,,U5 Ap 063. CFMAK, Jindrich, inz-. - I:-, -' -, High-frequenoy measurement of junction cables. Sdel tech 11 no.7::242-245 Ja 16.3. CERMAK, Jindrich, inz. 4._. --. ~ ;~~_-~,~ ! Design of a three-stage direct-coupled amplifier. Sdel tech 11 no.10:372-313 0 163. CERMAK, Jindrich, inz. "Calculation of low-frequency transistor amplifiers" by P.A. Popov. Reviewed by Jindrich Cermak. Slaboproudy obzor.-Suppl..: Literatura 24 no,,8-.L57 163. CERMIAK JjUdrUh, inz., VSo. =A.-Am VolWe and time quantization of signals. Slabopr6qdy abaci, 24 no.10063-570 0 163. 1. Vyzki=V ustav telekomunikacd, Praha. CERMAIK.,_~jpqKich, inz. ---- Exponential. oscillation generatoir. Sdel tech 12 no. 3:96 Kr 164. CERMAK , J. , inz. Solution of the pirt production control in the Soviet Union. Sdel tech 12 no. 3:111 Mr 164. CEP.14AE, j. inz. T~r-.; Zlavnr.',~a, J., inz. Evaluation of Slam fjoncratov (iffir:;,ney by d"gital cnispuv~i*.~. Strojirenstvi D, ro.4; 21,.3-25P Ar '64 1. Institute rif Info vrou, t, ion Thocry and A"Utomation, Cze-hos~'~lvLl- Acaci,?,rny of Sciences, ilrague. L 34556-66 ACC NR; AP602550c SOURCE CODE: AUTHOR: Cermak Jindr. Engineer) --.WQ 3 ORG: nonA'. TITLE: Experimental multichaimel apparatus using pulse code modulation SOURCE: Sdelovaci technika, no. 12, 1965, 442-448 42/0448 TOPIC TAGS: pulse code modulation, communication equipment, semiconductor research, circuit design ABSTRACT: The article describes equipment developed at tO~Tqelecommunications Research Institute. Diagrams of the circuits are presented and discussed in detail. Laboratory tests have been conducted to determine the reliability of the semiconductors. The resu~Lts of measurements are given. Orig. art. has: 20 figures, 5 formulas and 1 -cable. 1JPRS-' 34,6911 SUB CODE: 17, 09 / SUBM DATE: none / ORIG REF: 003 / 'SOV PM: 031 OTH REF: 009 lyII/ CERM-11, Jindrich, Iriz,, Transmission of 'CeIg-vinlon video signal by pu2ae coda modlllhtiVr~ Sdel tech 13 no.1:25 Ja 165. ADD Inubb S -are as 16 OWS. 2t n ;e-'SaTy 0' and-sufficien --- ------- Perl W 1! .... .... . .. :-trot. equal- to. umbr-.. a--, suffitient spluti , o: -a-: Ch S I itions belonging 0l t aractcristic approach 266 as xri is-thM tbe~ map) He e. _b-_IeS3lt))= L Ac:6dssorne of his rest, Ai onhomogncouiiqtiations, Cermak, J. Professor Kaucky at sixty. P. 126 CASOPIS PRO PESTOVANI MATEMATIKY. (I'leskoslovenska akademie ved. Matematicky ustav) Praha Vol. 81, no. 1, Apr. 1956 6ource: REAT - LC Vol. 5. No. 10 Oct. 1~56 ; I ChRKkK, J. "Lerch's contribution to the general theory of functions." P. 419 (Prace) Vol. 29, no. 10/11, 1957. Prague, Czechoslovakia SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC. Vol. 7, no. 4, April 1958 C Iwm, J. "Ierch's contribution to the theory of im"inite series." P. 433 (Prace) Vol. 29, no. 10/11, 1957. Prague, Czechoslovakia SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC. Vol. 7, no. 4, April 1958 AUTHOR: TITLE: S/058/62/000/003/036/092 A06iAioi CermAk. J. Neutron density distribution in i;he vicinity of a partly inserted black rod in two-group approximx~ion PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 3, 1962, 55 - 56, abstract 3B450 ("Chekhosl. fiz. zh.", 1961, v. 311, no. 9, 652 - 659, English; Russian summary) TM: An unrefl6cted cylindrical reactor of finite height with an empty cylindrical channel in the center is considered. An absorbing rod, black for thermal and transparent for epithermal neutrons, is inserted to different depths of the channel. The boundary condition throughout the channel length is -_,onsidered as some operator (Kl, K2) affecting the neutron density function. It is assumed that the boundary,conditions on the channel. surface, on the spot i-hiere the absorb- ing rod terminatos, vary discontinuously. The solution is written down as the sum of products of trigonometric functiono (dependence on height) by some combinat'. Ions of cylindrical functions, satisfying the boundary conditions on the external re- actor surface. The operators K, and K2 are represented using trigonometric func- Card 1/2 S/058/632/000/003/036/092-~ Neutron density distribution in... A061/AIOI tions. The problem is then one of an infinite system of linear algebraic equa- tions. By a reasonably limited number of equations it is possible to determine 'the neutron density distribution in the vicinity of the rod and its effic!:'.ency. A numerical example is given. B. Kochurov [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 CERMAK, Rri, inz. Silicons. Tech praca 15 no.3:214-218 Mr 163. 1. Vyzkumny ustav organic)-yah syntez, Pardubice - Rybitvi. CERMAK22 i; UVORKA, Jiri Use of pignal-flow graphs in the acmtrol technique. Automatizace 6 n0.3:60-64 Mr '63. 1. Ustav toorie informace a autom~;Izaoe, PrOa. CERMAK, Jiri, inz., CSc. ,~~ __I... ------ --_ On the theorem of Initial and final -value of a function. Automatizace 6 no.92223-224 S 163. 1. Ustav teorie informaco a automatizace, Ceskoslovenska akadeide ved. CERMAK, Jiri; ZEZULA, Jaroslav On the theory of cylindrical air holes in reactors. Jaderns. energie 9 no.7:234 Jl 163. 1. Ustav jaderneho vyzkumu, Ceskoslovenska akademie ved, Rez u Praby. , 117 ~~E(j':OSLOVAKUA CEK.~L~--~J; J. Research Iii-oti tute of Organic Sy-atliesis ~Forse,il-ui6sinz,:'L,,i-'U-u'u fuer or-anische Syntliesen), Parciubice-lllylbitvi (for both) llra;-.-ui:~, Collection of Czcc'wslov;;,.k 'C"llemical C;omunicatioiis, -..o 10, 1965, PP 3276-3263 "On the Identification of Cojajowads frola tulfte Direct Syntlicsis 0 T.T etl-.-,r cl lorsjj~vqc. -, - l h PETEERKA, V., inz. GSc.; CE1U-9-K, J., inz. C3c. Analytic expression or some relations between the thermodynamic parameters of wet steam and overheated steam. Strojirenstvi 14 no-5:351-354 Ki 164. 1. Institute of Information Theory anti Automation, CzechosloNak- Academy of Sciences, Pragiie. 1- I LUCANSKY, A.; MATISKO,J.; Spolupracovali: SNEZNY,I..; LESKO,V.; BIBOVA, A. Clinical and laboratory research ort the similtaneaus administra- tion of procaine and mesocaine. Ro:shl. chir. 43 no.6t/+(Y7 - 413 Jo 164 1. Chinirgicke oddelenie aM v Prosove (veduci: MUDr. J. Brtka) a Ustredne laboratorium OUNZ v Prenove (veducit MUDr. J.Matisko). CERRAK,--~J,4_4~!., inz, Phenol liquidation by the adoorpticin on flotation coal sludge. Paliva. 41 no.11041-343 N 161. 1. Banske projek;ty, Ostrava. CERNY, LubozLr; MESAROS, Ernest Pathologicomorphological changes of svine gall bladder and their relation to microbial flora. Vot madicins. 8 no.6:401.- Ij,08 D 163. 1. Departments of Pathological Morphology and Microbiology of the Research In:3titute of Veteriniwy Medicine, Brno- Madlanky and Institute of 7Dathological Horphology of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Higher Schnol of Agriculture, Brno-14adlanky. Head of the Institute: [doe. MVDr. ] M.Zendulka, HUDLER, Libor; JOUCKA, riri; SDW, Rri; 0 -.Josef; PAZDEW, .Taroslav. Cylindrical rotating oxygenator. (Preliminary rejxmtle Sborn. ved.prac.lt3lc.fak.P'arlov.Univ.(Hrad.Kl7al.) 6 no.3't2-39~-P~ t63. 1. Chirurgicka klinika (prednostat p:rof.9 MUDr. T.Prochazka); Katedra, veleene cIdTurgie VLVDU (prednostal doc., MUDr. A. Benear) a Ustredni biochemicka laborator (prednosta MUDr. J.Jicha)p Universita Karlova. CEMAKY josaf , Irrof., inzh. dr. (n-aha) r__ __ the devalopment of inside heat In flUjj.4 Ion of furnac,3 walls undor heavy utreBB. Stroj caB 14 no-5:406-425 163. C-,, P! A,',( Jo - -f' Use of -c)refnb-.-'1c&t4-,d reinforced cuncrnte supDort rle- ments as substitute for timber in making artificial roofs for st-opes. Rudy 12 no.4-122-126 Ap 16-4. 1. Development Center, Central Adtolnistration of the Research and I-lining of Radioactive Rau Materials. CZECHOSLOVAHM UDC .71(:612 613 .766.1)-039-33/.34-0736.61 CMUK Jaroslav- Research instit-ute for Physical Education (Vyz- kumny Usua7~1T'eA_ovychovny), Prague, Director (Reditel) Docent Dr E. EIS MT. "Efficiency of Intermittent Work Compared to Continuously Ter- formed Work of the Same Volume." Prague, Pracovni Lekarstvi, Vol 18, No 6 - 7, Aug 66, pp 279-282 Abstract /Author's English sumt-iiary modified,.7: Continuous work 1 00FIT2-OmIn 90 turns o:.i a bicycle ergometer was compared to work performed at intervals: 200 W / 5 x ~ min. In athletes trained to perform-. with a sustained efforthiRher efficiency was found in the intermittent work. Other . Athletes, performing nor- mally for short perioda of efLL'ort did not st-iow this phenomenon. 1 Figure, 2 Tables,, 8 West-ern, 2 Czech, 1 East German reference. (hanuscript received 3 Doe 65). 1/1 hn O'EMU'U', K. "The X-ray width of joint fissure on the lev of cattle." "The contribution to the treatnmant of anthrax". Inst. for Rentgemlogy & physical Therapy, Vet. Fac., U. of Zggrab. Vet. Archiv. 22 : 241-244, 1952 (.'0.'z LA, V j K. CI:',NI;-kY, r. EV'KOVIC and ".. AjN,11~'ASIC (Aft ilia nct qLated)., inn rsId Glan'ik, Vol 16, Io 12, 1967; pp 11R3-1186. Ab,I:trac.-, lc-lerlnArt stirnary modified7: (if '.26,, lt~irsr-s seer, 19J15-196", 92 rj,;,l ImbI.4ca" hernfa; 52 Were Upon, willh. '1411 succcss--,.i 1,~(, e c ir - e r, c Camprel,.LnsIve 4 1 -hd surp.1cal Of Lechriiq,,~(,, 6 '.JE:stirr and I. Czcch reforer.,~(,. pf" -COUNTRY Czechoslovakia CATEGORY ABIS. IT0,1M. 573?8 M) TH OR -_'~_rmtik, K. anti liutla, V. , -..j 3"". No't-jr-1v9n T ITL-:~ The Registration of Column Read Temperatures 0.~ ICi . p U 13. : Chem Prum~rsl, 8, No 10, 523-525 (1956) A B '~ T FLA OT : A resi8tazice thermometer with amplifier and re- cording milliammeter has been used in measuring column head temperatures of laooratory distilla- tion columns. The accuracy of the measurements was Ye. Stefanovskiy Apparatus tot rastsur4ment 'efactric conduc*b olocualyto solatiou., Zdmik ~ok' and Zarel Ccm&k ci 0( M, ter's auxil- lary bZf e= In -d grom.dint, The deicribed i=dj _I d IIPP. 4 Yj 80,48 Z/037/60/000/006/001/olu V61 E073/E535 AUTHOR,, Cerm~k, Karel TITLE: Irreversible Change in the Electric Resistance of a Thin Tellurium.Layer Diiring Artificial Ageing PERIODICAL: Ceskoslovensky casopis pro fysiku, ig6o, No.6, pp-517-520 TEXT: Weale (Ref.1), Levinstein (Ref.2), Scott and Sennett (Ref-3). Bond (Ref.4), Preuss (Ref,5) and Mayer (Ref.6) studied the influence of tempering on the electric resistance of thin layers. Their results show that the electric resistance of thin metal layers is subjected to changes during the natural ageing or tempering and that these changes occur as a restf1t. of changes in the strut-,ture of the layer. Tempering may also lead to destruction of the layer. The authors studied the pronounced increase of the electrical resistance of thin tellurium layers in the temperature range 190*C. The structural changes occurring in such a case were investigated as a function of the resistance of a thin layer on the frequency of the current which passes through the layer. The measurements were carried out on 10 x 15 mm thin layer specimens of spectrally pure tellurium produced by vactium evaporation on a glass base at room Card. 1/3 8h9L8 Z/037/6o/ooo/oo6/ool/OlO E073/E535 Irreversible Change in the Electric Resistance of a Thin Tellurium Layer During Artificial Ageing temperature. The contacts were obtained by depositing a thicker layer of tellurium at the end of the specimen by repeated evapora- tion in vacuum and screening of the centrinl part of the specimen. The current was fed in by means of inechanically clamped copper electrodes ensuring a good contact, as was ascertained by means of resistance measurements at, lour frequencies. The specimens ivere heated in an electric furnace. The d.c. resistance was measured by means of a resistance bridge, the a.c. resistance was measured by means of a loss angle meter RFT, type 193, in the frequency range 150 kc/s and 10 Mels. The changes in the d.c. resistance in most cases did not vary by more than 3% of the value at the beginning of the measurements. After terminating the measurements, the tellurium layer was evaporated and the conductivity of the glass base measured ; this was found to be negligible compared to the conductivity of the layer. The results obtained for three heating cycles and also the results of the frequency measurements before and after the first heating cycle and after the third heating cycle are given. Analysis of the measured electric resistance as a function of the frequency Card 2/3 8149;~ i 8 Z/037/60/000/006/001/010 E073/E535 Irreversible Change in the Electric Resistance of a Thin Tellurium Layer During Artificial Ageing shows than an irreversible change of the resistance occurs at about 190 OC and this is caused by breaks in the cohesion. of the individual amorphous regions and also by cracks that form In the layer due to its destruction. The resistance of the amorphous regions increases irreversibly and so does the DC resistance of the thin layer. There are 2 figures and 14 references: 2 German and 12 English. ASSOCIATION: Katedra matematijZy a/fysiky, Vysoka' --�koja chemickotechnologicka g Pardubice (Chair of Mathematics and Physics, Chemical- technology University, Pardubice) SUBMITTED: March 9,, 1960 Card 3/3 23071 Z/037/61/000/002/003/003 E133/E435 AUTHORS: Cermak, K. and Horafk, J. TITLE. Photovoltaic Effect on. a Thin Film of Cadmium Telluridia PERIODICAL: Ceskoslovensky"'6asopis pro fysiku, 1961, No.2, pp.14i-148 TEXT. The photovoltaic effect of cadmium telluride has rficently aroused interest because of the possibility of its use in tiolar batteries. Various authors reported measurements of the photo- voltaic effect between cadmium telluride and various thin nurface layers. The present authors studied the photovoltaic effoct of thin films of p-type cadmium telluride evaporated onto a motallic substrate. The cadmium telluride was evaporated onto a layer of either tellurium or aluminium and the second contact was formed by metallic cadmium. The cadmium telluride contained less than 0.001% of Cu, Pb and Si. The evaporation was carried out at room temperature at 10-5 mm Hg. The area of the layers was about 0 5 or 1 cm2 and the thickness 19.611 and 0,2 ~t, The resistivity 0~ the layer was approximately 10' ohm cm. Three samples were used for the measurements: a) Te-CdTe-Cd (smaller resistance); b) Te-CdTe-Cd (larger resistance); c) Al-CdTe-Cd. Card 1/3 23071 Z/037/61/000/002/003/003 Photovoltaic Effect E133/E435 All the cells showed non-linear d.c. characteristics both in the dark and under illumination, The maximum resistance occurs when the cadmium contact is positive. This is in agreement with the aSSUMption of a p-type layer of Cd,re which is also in agreement with the thermoelectric and photoelectric e.m.f.'s. The samples ,were highly unstable. From a.c. measurements of the resistance and capacity, it seems established that a barrier layer of the Schottky type exists in the cells. The internal resistance ford from measurements of the photoelectric tD.m.f. was 4.65 x 10 ohm for sample (a). . The photoelectric ciu:-rent has been found linearly proportional to the absorbed radiative energy within the full spectral range. The photovoltaic e.m.f. increases linearly with absorbed energy up to about 10 W but shows a tendency to saturate at higher energies. Samples studied by the present authors did not show a maximum in their photosensitivity within the range of the wavelengths investigated, while commercial CdTe cells do show a maximum within this range. There are 7 figures and 11 references: 3 Soviet-bloc and 8 non-Soviet-bloc, Card 2/3 23071 Z/037/61/000/002/003/003 Photovoltaic Effect ... E133/E435 ASSOCIATION: Katedra fysiky, katedra anorganicke chemie, V VysokA skola chemicko-technologickal Pardubice (Chair of Physics, Chair of Inorganic Chemistry, School of Chemical Technology, Pardubice) SUBMITTED: July 29, 1960 Card 3/3 CEFOIAK, K.; SOLC, Zdenek A simple device for measuring the thickness of thin films. Je=3a mech opt 6 no.11:344 N 161. 1. Vysoka skola chemicko-technologicka, Pardubice. 34693 Z/037/62/000/001/007/007' B073/E535 C) (//~ 0, AUTHORs TITLEt Diffusion of silver in a thin cadmium telluride film PERIODICAL9 Ceskoslovenaki casopis pro fysiku, no.1, 1962, 84-85 + I Plate TEXT% To elucidate the cause of formation of an ohmic contact of silver with cadmium telluride, the diffusion of ijilver into thin layers of cadmium telluride was studied. The specimens on which the measurements were carried out were produced by vacuum deposition of a thin film of silver at the ends of 4a glass base and, following that, depositing at a vacuum of 10- mm Hg a thin layer of cadmium telluride. The thus produced specimens hadl. a p-type conductivity. At the spots where the deposited thin cadmium telluride lay*r covers the silver layer diffusion of silver into the cadmium telluride may occur. both at elevated and at normal temperatures. The result of diffusion is a visible change in the absorption of light if the layer is transparent or there is a change in the thickness of the layer, which can be determined from the shift of the interference rings in Card 1/3 Diffusion of silver in a thin ... Z/037/62/000/001/007/007 9073/E535 monochromatic lights Diffusion of silver into the thin cadmium telluride layer causes an increase in the thickness of the layerg which is probably due to an expansion of the crystal lattice, This may damage or completely destroy the layer at the points of contact,, i.e. at points where the silver layer is covered by a layer of cadmium telluride. "Jumps" in the interference rings indicate that the "diffusion front" proceeds from the two contacts to the middle of the layer, The diffusion depth y was found to be proportional to the square root of the diffusion time t and it can be expressed by the equation of C. Wagner (Ref.2.- Handbuch d. Metallphysik, Leipzig 1940) Y2 = 2Dt, D being the diffusion coefficient, The temperature dependen--e of D can be expressed by D = D exp 0 RT Card 2/3 Oiffiision oc -Ailver j.n a thin Z/037/02/000/cio 1/007/007 1",07VE,915 vllevp I'j i.s t1w act ivat. ton enorfxv of tbe di fills i on j R i S a gas colj.~: t;m L Provi.olls 11w;$ -u 1-f-Inel) I-S -M-lowed tilat 1) is aholit 6 .1 11 0 to - 10 (,.ill /day and (A i .9 aboti 1. 1 , /f - 1.0 c a I. /in o.1 Mo r e I (-d meastirements are bving Illade oil tile progri-q!ss of di ff:il-Kion and oil tile Plectric resistance, tbe structure and the pbotoetectric conductivity after diffusi,on on tlij.n filins of these and other tpl.Luridos and selenides for which similar plienomena are to oe anticipated, There are 2 figures and 2 references: both non- Sox, -I e t- bloc, The English-language reference reads as f'ollows; i(or-Li. Nobel 1). : Philips Res.11epts .19 (1959), 361. -j ASSOCINTION: Katedra fvsiky VSCHT, Pardubice (Physics Chaix, vscH'r, Pardubice) SUBMITTED: June 14, 1961 [Abstractor's Note: Abridged translation Card 3/3 MARK, Jiriy inz.;-CF.M4AK Karel,, PI-bir. Chemical analysiB of ZnCdSb ttlloys. Hut listy 17 no.10:735-738 0 162. 1. Us+Av fyziky paynych lat43k,, Ceskoslovenska akademie ved, Praha. CERYAKY Karel Index of refraction of cadmiim telluride. Sbor ~-L"ChT Pardubice Pt.2t57-39 163. Diffusion of silver in the thin I.-iyer of tellurJ-1im. I bid . 214 1-4.7 1. Chair of Physico, Higher Schocl of Che7-ftcai Pardubice. L 3530-66 EWT (1 )/SVP(i,)/EWP(b) IJP(c) JD/AT ACMSSION NR: APS018476 CZ/0066/65/015/407/0536/0539 IV AMMOR: Horak . J. Ict K. MU: Preparatim and VhotceUctric FToperties of bismuth sulfidioda 'S(XMM: Chekhoslovatskiy fWcheskiy 2hurnal, v. 15 . no. kit 1965, 535-538 IDPIC TAGS: bismuth oDrpxmd,, Ctric property, spectral distributicnt crys- tal inperfecticns thmmLectric power, crystal lattice structure "AM 7RACT: , Mie article. de,31s ,dth preparation of BiSI crystals . which exhibit semi- ccriductor properties, and with the spectrel distributicn of their pbaroeffect* Teedle-like crystals 4 - 12 mm long were synthesized from pure bismutis sulfur, and iocUne in a quartz aapoul~ in pure nitrogen at 0.2 mm Hg and 430 * 20C. The coma; was found to be ort-iorhmbic and belarigmg to the spaoe gmup D 16& M* Sam. 1h iplets omtained traces of less than 10 Cat W, Sit Set Mg, and Al. 7he photD- electric current was meas-amd as a function of the wavelength with aZeiss mmo- dutmtor and a stabilized tungsten-limp source. 7he spectral distrijmdon of the !internal PhOtOeffect fbr two different crystals obtained frm the sami batch is, 'slxpwn in Fi 1 of the En:losure. An important feature is that the difference in .9 Card 1/3 L 8530-66 ACCESSION NR.,- APS018476 the intensity a!t the nkn== not only varies from crystal to crystal but varies in the same crystal if the phAocurimt is tumed on and off at different places of the crystal. 7he wavelengths of the maxima dD not change, but the rWdo of the heights~ changes appreciably.' A ph)tovoltaic effect was observed in almst all the prepared'! crystals., 7he spectral attribution showed two distinct w-4w at 700 and 790 rim and an indication of the modmm near 660 nm. The existence of a phottivoltaic. V01-: ,um effe(t gives evidenoe of certain non-uniformity of the m:ystal. AvIi UWUIry reasummints indicate that the changes in- the heights of the maxima an-. connected with the anisotropy of the BiSI orthorboa-bic crjstals. 7he 2ocatim of'jie mmdm (785 rm) is in good agremat with meas by others. From the pcaarity of the thermoelectric power it is deduced that the crystal has n-Vjpe cm&tct) vity dicag i the -o-a)ds. Beat treatment in an inert atmosphere up to 20OCincreasez. the trilb oonducti,yity without any diange in the whveture of the crystals* OriF- axt. has; 2 filMes. ASSOUMON: Institute of Chenical Teciv!2~My PazNk&ces-,,C-ZeA:711-c-wlaovaida 1SLUETTED: G8Mr65 ENCO. 01 P SOVS OIDD ozHr.R t7d V3 SLIP ODIE:. AS J Fi& 1: Sp:ctral distribution of photo-wn- 411 Ictl t uc yo y cffect of BiSI crystals, sample; I I and 2. Curve I sample 1, curve V sampI3 I when crystal is turned round c-axis. PcW rizing stress 82 V, frequency 445,4:PN' roxn temperature. Signal d in parts of scale. Card 3/03% ACCR-i --TM10707 CZ/0Q_3 SOURCE CODE: i,76/006; 4/0287/0287 AUT11OR* Cermak, Kar!1 (Pharmacist) lyi3titute of Phzsics of Solids, CSAV. Prague (Ustav fyziky pevnych latek, CSAV) TME: Chemical analysis of solid solutions ZnSb + CdSb alloyed with ir.dium SOURCE: Hutnicke listy,. no-.4, 1965, 287 TOPIC TAGS: metal chemical analysisp solid solution, indium alloy, zinc, cadmium, antimony, chelate corrip.ound,-cyanide, formaldehyde, bromate, titrimetry ABSTRACT: Analysis of Zn8b + CdSb alloys containing about 6.5% of In is discusseds 3b J.s distilled oll'. ns a bromide, Zn and-In are separated from Cd in an ion exchaq;or. In is determined Ichelatometrically in an ammoniated tartaric acid mediump where Zn is inactivated by cytinideo Zn is determined after the oymaidel action has. been romoved by formaldehyde. Sb is determined from a separate sample by bromate titration. Orig. art. has: 1 table. LJPRS] S.UB CODE: 07P 11 SUBM DNTE: none ORIG REF: 003 OTH REF: 001 r-*~("Ejj- T.IP(c) JI) ACC NRt Ak025208 SOURCE CODE: CZ/0008/66/000/"C,02/0247/0249 AUTHOR: 1fruby, Arnost; Ce rmak, Karel; Mikulas, Hiroslav ORG: Institute of Phy!ics Of Solids, CSAV, Prague (Ustav fysiky pevnycb latek CSAV) TITLE: Preparation of pure padmium SOURCE: Chemicke livty, no. 2, 196e247-249 TOPIC TAGS: cadmium, metal purification, chemical precipitation, vaculmi d15tillationp semiconducting material ABSTRACT: The authors suggEist a method for further purification of Gd of a purity 99-999% which is used in the preparation of semiconductors. The method is based on precipitation of various impurities from a solution of Cd sulfate. Some metals are precipitated by electrical current, and others by reagents. The purifi(-;.,d product is distilled under viacuum. The purity of the product was about 99.9999%. Orig. art. has: 1 table. [JFR3: 350971 SUB CODE: 11, 07, 20 / SUBM DATE: 22Dec64 / ORIG REF: 004 / S97 REF.* 001 OTH REF: 002 Card 1/1