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History of the development of the Caspian aid Baikal seals. Trudy Zool.inst. no.17:200-216 155. (MIRA 8:10) (Seals (Animals)) -vich- BIAGWXWMV. I.E., red.; SIDCAOVA, Zqnstmmt~w re &.A. , JLI ETransformation of the animl*world in the U.S.S.R.] Aroobrasovanie shivotn o sire 8=9 Moskva, Sovetakela nsuka, .1957 314 p. lAnimls) NINA 11:2) CHAPSKIY, K.K. Present state and problems of the taxonomy of pinnipeds. Trudy sov. Ikht. kom. no.12:138-149 161. MRA 14:,6) 1. Zoologicheskiy institut, AN SSSR. (Pinnipedia) CHAPSKIY, K.K. Some ecological aspe--ts of seasonal range dynamiqs of the White Sea population of Greenland seals (Pagophoca groenlandica). Trudy sav. Ikht. km. no.12tI50-163 961. (MIM 14:6) 1. Zoologicheskiy in3titut AN SSSR. (White Sea--Seals(Animals)) TGK=,, Avenir Grigorlyevich,, prof,; FAVLOVSKIY., akademik,, glavMy red.; CHAPSKII BYKHOVSKIY., B.Ye.~,, red.; GROMDV, I.M.0 red. -liREENt A.S. V* red.; STREUM, A.A., p , red.; SKAWATO O.A.., red.,--SHTAKELIBERG A.A.' red.; HAMOV., B.M.., red.izd-va; ROMANCIVO G.M., to_iL,red9.;-'N*ICHKOVAJ, W.D., [Getaosaw ~ of tbe BW or~ the U.S.S.R, I Kitoobraznp femmy morei SSSR. NDskya, Is6-vo Akad.nauk SSSR., 1962. 23.1 p. (Opredeliteli pa fauns SSSR, no.79)0 (KMA 15:8) 1, Direktor Zoologichookogo instituta AN S33R (for Favlovskiy). (Gotacea) GROMOV, I.M.; GUREYEvv A.A.; NOVIKOVp G.A.; SOKOLOV, I.I.; STRELKOV9 P.P.;_qHAWjj, -VWVSKIY, To.N., akadmikp glav. _&~.; PI red.; B=VSKIY, Me., red.; NONCHADSKIY, A.S., rad.; SKARIATC, O.A., red.; SHtAKELIEFM, A.A., red.; SMIRNOVA, N.V., red.; SMIRNOVk, A.V., takhn. red. [Mammls of the U.S. S. R. Mlakopitaiushchie fauny SSSR. Soot. I.M.Gromov I dr. Moo", Izd-vo AN SSSR. Fts.1-2. 1963. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Zoologicheakiy institut. (mamals) PAVLOVSKIY, Ye.N.j, akad... glav. red.; ZENKOVICH, B.A., red.; FT-EYNBERGj, S.Ye.,, red.; red.; MAKAROV, B.M., red. [Marine mammals) Morskie mlekopitaiushchie. Moskva, Naukaj 1965. 317 p. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Akademi-ya nauk SSSR. Ikhtiologicheskaia kommissiya. 2. VsesoyuzMy naucbno-isoledovatellskiy institut morskogo rybnogo khozyaystva i okeanografii (for Zenkovich). 3. Zo- ologicheskiy institut AN SSSR (for Chapskiy). BORRINSKIY, Nikolay Alekseyevich; KUZNETSOV, Boris Aleksandrovich; KUZYAKIN ' Aleksandr Petrovich, prof.; VATALI, V.F.., doktor biol. naukv retsenzent; SOKOLOV., I.I.v doktor biol. mauk, retsenzent; CHAPSKIY,,A,~.-, doktor biol. nauk, retsenzent; GROMOV, :1.M.,"iai~d.-'biol. naukp retsenzent; KHUNTSKARIYA, Ye.N., red. (Guide to the mawals of the U.S.S.R.; a manual for students of pedagogical institutes and teachers] Opredelitell mleko- pitaiushchikh SSM,- posobie dlia studentov pedagogicheakikh institutov i uchitelei. Izd.2., iapr. i dop. Moskva, Frosve- shchanie., 1965. 361 p. (MIRA 18:5) KHASHCHINSKIT. Viktor Petrevic. prefeilsor. redaktor; NAGHAJUAN, Sergey Artenlyevich; CHAPSIIT. O.U., redaktor; YODDLAGIIIA. S.D., tekhnicbeskly rodaktor. (construction of electric lines and systems In the village] Strottelletwo sel'skM elektricheskikh Unit i setei. V.P. Khashcb1askoge. Moskva, GasAmd-ve sel'skekhos. lit-ry, 1955. 123 P. (MLRA 9:1) (Blectric Uses) (Awal electr1fication) C.;U AVIMOTe Fillpp Tovd1okinovich, kmndidat seltakokhosyaystvannykh neuk; CHAFSKIT~ O.U., redaktor; MOLMSOVA, N.G., tokhnichaskiy redaktor [11schinery and implownts for.the care of orchards] Kashiny i orudita po ukhodu sa sadon. .X6ikv&.,Gos. tid-To sellskos.lit-ry, 1956,''* 1.57 P* (KIBA 10:2) (Prult culture) (Agricultural timplements) GHMOLISKIT. Nikolay Fedorovich; -CILAPSKIT, O.U., red*; BARMOVA, L,G., [Reconditioning of parts of tractors and agricultural machinery by welding and building-up] Toostanovlenio detalei traktorov i sel'skokhosisistvanufth mashin evarkol I naplavkci. Moskva. Goe.izd-vo sallkhos.lit-ry, 1960. .145 p. (KIRA 13:9) (Tract ore-41a intenanas and repair) (Agricultural machinery-Mmintenanos, and repair) CHERNOZUBOV,, K.P.;SW-9z"-U-* red.; FRIDMAN., Z.L.9 tekbn. red.; BARANOVAv L*G.s tekbno red, [concise U'anual for rural electricians] Kmtkii spravoobnik sell- skogo elektrifikatora. Sost. K.P.Chernozabov, leningrad, Izd-vo sel"khoz, lit-ry zhurnalov i plaatov,. 1961. 430 p. (MIRA 15:1) (Rural electrification-Handbooks., manuals, etc*) ZIIDA14OVSM , Nikolay Stepanovich; ZUYEV, Aleksey IvenovichV CHAPSM, BARANOVA, L.G., tekhn. red. (Testing and running of tractor engines without braking (under operating conditions)]Bestormomaia proverka i ob- katka traktornykh dvigatelei (v ekspluatatsionrqkh usloviiakh) Leningrad, Sellkhozizdats 1962. 53 p (MIRA 15:9) (Tractors--Engines--Testing; ANTIPIN, Veniamin Georgiyevich; GRIGORIM, Sergey 1-likhaylovich; LUR"YE, Abram Bentsianovich; CHkPSKIY, O.U., red.; BAIW,'OVA, L.G., tekhn. red. [Grain harvesting combines and the organization of combine harvesting of,grain crops]Zernouborochr7e kombairW i organi- zatsiia, kombainovoi uborki zernovykh kulltur. Leningrad, qqll- khozizdat, 1962. 383 p. . (MIRA 15:10) (Combines (AgricUtural machinery)) (Grain-Harvesting) ZUYEVY A.I.; GIAZUNOV, P.D.; DANILETIKO., N.M.; KISELEV, I.N.; STRELKOV, M.N.; IOFINOV p S.A., prof., red.; red.; BARMOVA, L.G.,; FRIDMAN, Z.L., tekhn. red. [concise matmal for the agricultural machinery operator] Kratkii spravochnik mekhanizat6ra sel'skogo khoziaistva. (By] A.I.Zuev i dr. Moskva, Sellkhozizdat, 1963. 583 p. (MLIA 17: 1) (Agricultural machinery) -- - - - -- - --- -- --- ---- - --I PEVZNER, lakov Davidovichi CIIAPSKIY, O.U.0 red. [Organizing the repair of agricultural machinery) Organi- 1~1 zatsiia remonta mashinv selalkom khoziaistves Izd93*j parer. i dop. Moskva# Kolost 1964e 359 P. (1-11IRA 17:12) 1 MOZHAYEV, Vladimir Nikolayevieb, prof.; CUPSKIY. 0.U., red. [Electrical equipment of tractors., automobiles; and combl,ues] Blektrooborudovanie traktorovp avtomobilei i kombainav. Izd.4'. laningrad, Kolos 1961+. 21+7 p. WRA 18:2) ';BDRSHCHOV, Timofey Sergeyevichp dots,; CHAPSKIY, O.U.p red. [Earthmoving machiner7; the organization and technolofT of earthwork) ZemleroiTWe mashiiW, organizatsiia i tekh- nologiia zemliazWkh rabot. Izde2ep perer. i dop. Le- ningrad.j. Kolos, 1965. 366 p. (MRA 18:6) D"IDOVICH, Semen Markovich; O.U.., red. (Design and working pr~nciplee of ~~ractors and automobiles] Ustroistvo traktorov i avtomobi-lei. 2., perer. i dop. izd. Leningrad., Kolosp 1965. 510 P, (MIRA 18:6) GIND. Sergey SergWericb; XWHCHINSKIT. T.P.. professor. redaktor; CHAPSKIT, P.D.. redaktor; TODOLAGINA, S.D., tekbnicheskiy redaktor. [Research and survVing for the construction of rural IWdro- electric power statiomil Obaledoyanlim i lsyskanila dlia mtrk- tel'stva sel'skikb GIS. Pod red, T.P. Mashebinskogo. Moskva, Gos.tsd-vo selkhos. lit-ry, 1955. 178 P. (Microfilm] (MM 8:9) (Hydroelectric power stations) A P r5 0 Vy AUTHORs Kazantsev, Ye.l. and C 3-56-6-20/34 TITLE% Students Help Industry (Studenty - Proizvodstvu) PERIODICALt Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly, 1958, Nr 6, PP 77 - 81 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Many years ago the Urals Polytechnical Institute began to examine the question of the students' proper shop training. It was the instructors intention to familiarize the student with the enterprise in which he is likely to work and to train him to give actual help to the enterprises while he is still studying. In 1952, a conference of the Studencheskoye nauohno- tekhnicheskoye obshchestvo (Students Scientific7Technical So- ciety) issued an appeal to all students to carry out at least one-project during their training period that would be of assistance to production. At the beginning of the 1957/58 school year it,was decided to ascertain, in cooperation with the BRIZ chie;Cs of the industrial enterprises of Sverdlovsk, which questions the plants are particularly interested in. Under the supervision of the Candidate of Technical Sciences, Dotsent O.A, Ganago, instructor of the Chair for Treating Metals Under Pressure, students of the Metallurgical Faculty Card 1/3 carried out several projects which were important from a Students Help Indxwtr7 3-58-6-20/34 practical :point of view. Thus, the 4th-course students de- signed a manipulator for a horizontal forging machine making the blanks for bearing casings at the Sverdlovskiy sharikopod- shipnikovyy zavod (Sverdlovsk Ball Bearing Plant). The author enumerates a number of other works carried out by students for the enterprises. At present the institute maintains connectiohs with the Verkh-Isetskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod) (Verkh-Isetsk~ Metallurgical Plant), InstrumentalInyy zavod (Tool Factory), Zavod bashennykh kranov (Tower Crane Plant), Uralaashzavod, Uralkhimmashv Uralelektroapparat, and others. Dealing with the deficiencies in the students' coordination with industrial enterprises, the author points out that the students work load prevents them from developing relations. Some chair workers and directors of many enterprises (even the Urallskiy zavod tyazhelogo mashinostroyeniya - Ural Heavy Equipment Plant) are not inclined to become engaged in developing this coordi- nation. Among other recommendations made by the author, there is one to the effect that the pre-diploma practical training be extended to 8-12 months as against the present 1-12-- - 2 months. This will enable the students to work in various capacities at the factories, and Aiill help them to gather material for the graduating thesis. ..Students Relp'ladmtry. 3-56-6-20/34 land S. M. Kirom ASSOCIATIONs Ural'skiy polit-ekhnicheaki inatitUtA(The Urals Polytechnical Institute. lawl B. K.; 11W Card 3/3 3-56-7-31/36 AUTHORS: Sitnikov, O.P., Candidate of Technical Sciences, and Chaptsov, R.P. I---------- - TITLE: The D.C. Electronic Analyzer (Elektronnaya moJell postoyannogo, toka) PERIODICAL: Vestnik vysshey shkoly, 1958, Nr 7, P 83 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The d.c. electronic analyzer was built by students of the Kafedra apparatury avtomaticheskogo upravleniya radiotekhni- cheskogo fakullteta Urallskogo politekhnicheskogo instituta (The Chair for Automatic Operation of Equipment of the Radio- technical Faculty of the Ural Polytechnical Institute). it was built in 1956-57 and all parts were constructed by students. There is 1 photo. ASSOCIATIONt Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy institut imeni S.M. Kirova (The Ural Polytechnical Institute imeni S.M. Kirov) .Card 1/1 CHAPURIN, F. K., Candidate Afforestation - Kuban Practices in growing shelterbelts from spot seedings in Kuban. Dokl. Akad. sellkhoz. 18, No. 1, 1953. a,* Alrohiolojild.,N6.1. %V3. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June 1953, Uncl. K, CH&PURIN. F., k&nd.selmkokhosvaymtvennykh naut Planting oak In cluettro in the Kuban. Naulm i pered.op.v sollkhos. 9 no.12:30-31 D '59. (NIU 13:4) (Kuban-Oak) CHAPEMIN, I.A. Fe.r widespread adoptiou of all-metal saw blades. Tokstprom. 25 n9.11:23-25 11 155* (NLU 9: 1) 1. GIavW lashoner fabrikI 61rassaya vetkal. CHAAMMUN 1. .. --Nwu~ Automatic starting device as a roving frame. Takst.pron. 16 no.6-. 55-36 j0 9~60 (an 9:8) 1. Gl&vWy lasbeaer fabrlkl almonays vetka". (Spisilac machinery-Attacbmats) GIAPURN, I.A. ,,, ,,esw.w -,; t- luedsslol~g @liver arrazi;ing on carding machines to Increase the sliver in the can* ubu,,tokh opyt. Cap] no.16:13-17 156. (Cardingim;;bes) (MIRA 11 - 11) ZOBOVJ, Ye.V.; SHCHELKUNOVA, M.S.;. BABANOVA, Zh.I.; CHAPUR.0, V.I.; SHEMELLIVA, V.A.; DYULIGER., T.B.; GINKU,, A.I. Anticorrosive coatings of the internal surfaces of tanks useCfor the storage and processing,of wine and juices; preliminary report. Trudy MNIIPF 2:43-55 162. (MIRA 16--4) (Wine and wine making-Equipment and supplies) (Corrosion and anticarrosives) ABIM, A.V.; DIYAKQN, I.A.; 11" NOW " - , PROSKINt. Cift-PURTINA, L.F. ,A , . I... 1 0 11 Modi f !cat i on 3f copper ycocholate. Zhur. neorg. k-him. 10 no.3- 6~8-635 fdr 165. (IAJPJ- 18:71, 1. 111'stit-af, knindi AN MolIC-431'skoY SSF. . I ABLOV, A.V.; PROo'KINA, N.N.; CHAPUPURA L.F. ,:-frared absorption spectra of the products oll the addition of aromatic amines to coWt, zinc, and cadmiiim halides. ZImr. neorg. khim. 10 no.6:1350-1354 Je t65. (I-IIRA 18:6) 1. Institut kbirnii AN Moldavskoy SSR. ABLOB, A.V.; CHAPURINA,L.F.; BELICHUK, N.I. Infrared absorption spectra of metallic derivatives of diacetyloxime bydrasons. Zhur.nearg.khim. 11 no.102-75 Ja 166. (MT-TtA lgr-l) 1. Institut khimii AN Holdavskoy SSR. Submitted June 8, 196Z,. ZHMAVIS Vs, V.,, strakhovoy d-olonsti-mallmhohik lesa; CHA RINAj,-~M strakhovoy'dolegat,-~-podkatddtow-(Nyandow, Arkhangelinkov obl.) Dontt pass trS. Okhr.truda i soto,strakh, 6 no,.lal6 Ja 163, (MIRA 16sl) 1. Nyandowkiy lesopunkt.-Arkhw*e1-'skoy obl, (for Zhuraviev). (Archangel Provinee-Lumbering hygionie'aspects) CHAPU BORTSENKOv N.G.; CHERNOVA, I.A.; CHEMIY, F.A.; BELOUS,G.V. Results of dispensary service for convalescents following infectious hepatitis. Nauch. informe Otd. nauch. med. infom. AMN S=no.U28. t6l (MMA 16M) 1. Institut infektsionnykh bolezney (direktor - chlen korres- pondent AM SSML prof, I.L.Bogdanov) AM *SSSR, Kiyev. CHAPTJRSKA,Y.k-BAZMOVA, N. A. Jul 53 USSR/Medicine - Dysentery "Carrying of Dysentery Bacilli, Symptomless Forms of Dysentery, and Disguised Forms of Dysentex7,0 N. A. Chapurskava-Bazhenova Zhur IMcro, Epid, i Immun, No 7, PP.32-33 Carrying of bacilli occurs principally in cases of symptomless or disguised dysentery. In suchmses, the presence of the infection can generally be established by rectoromanoscopy, because changes of the mucous membrane are present in the distal. part of the large intestine. Occasionally these changes are absent, i.e., healthy persons carry bacilli. The symptomless course of dysentery may be alternated by typical acute clinical dysentex7 (hemocolitis). This work is based on data obtained in 1949-51 at the Clinical Dept., Inst of Infectious Diseases, Acad YAd Sci USSR. 267T44 0 BacterIal carriage and asymptonatic and latent forms of 4yeentery. Sovet. ued* 17 uo&4:16-18 Apr 1953. (GIXL 24:4) 1, Of the First Clinical Division (Road -- Prof. B. Ta. Padalka) of the Institute of Infectious Diseases (Director - Prof* I. L. Bogdanov) AcadwW of Medical Sciences UWA. : . BAZFILMVA, N. A. Certain aspects of the spidentology of dlpbyllobothriasis In Leningrad Province. Ned.paras. I parax. bol.24 n0-3:242-248 ji-S 055. (MLRA 8:12) 1. Zavedurushchaya lonloVadakoy obl"tuoy protivomalyarlynoy stantslM. (TAPMOPX INMTIONS, spidemlolwo di"llobotbriamis in Russia) 4 KH=MO, G,I,, Prof.. red.; NAKSWOVICH. N.A.* prof*, red ,,,-AXAZAW-IDT~A. -N.A. starshiy uimahnyy'so%rmduIk, red.;'LIKHTOROVICH, P.K., red.; DUBIISUU, Te.A.v~rsd.; GITSBM, A.D., tekhredo [Dysentery; spidefdoloat pethagenestai. clinical aspects. and therapy] Disenterlim: spidemiologlia, patogenex, klinika i tera- pits. Red.kol. G.I.Khorpuko 1 dr. Xlev, UM, 1959. 270 p. (MMA 13:5) 1. Akadeviya maditsinakikh nauk SM. Moscow. Institut Infektalon- uykh bolesneye 2. InstitutIInfektalonuM bolesney ANN SM (Kiyev) (for Khomnko, Naksluevich, Likhtorovich, Dabinskays). (Vfszv=Y) a av4--a:.,hqova, 14. P., ~anchenko, T. Y'., Golub, N. I. -ahu -�k Ch Maya, L.PM., Chernova, Borisenko, N. G., Danileychenko, I. A., and Kirichinshaya, 1. A. Detection of abortive and latent forms of poliorWelitis and of the "healthy" virus carriers in the closest envircnment of the patient. !bterialy nauchnykh konferentsii, Kiev, 1959. 288pp (Kieskiv Nauchno-issledovatellskiy Institut Epidemiologii i Rlikrobiologii) SOY/78-4-2-11/40 AffTHORS: Grinberg, A. A.p ChapurskiIY, 1. N. TITLE: Acetyl Acetonates of Bivalent Platinum (Atsetilatsetonaty dvukhvalentnoy platin.') PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorgauicheskoy khimii, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 21 pp 314-318 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The orange and light yellow acetyl acetonates of bivalent platinum, which are soluble in water, and the cax,-ry-yellow acetyl acetonates, which are insoluble in water, were in- vestigated with regard to their production conditions and phlysico-chemical properties. The orange salt is easily soluble in water (-4-73% at 150), difficultly soluble in alcohol and practically insoluble in ether, chloroform, and benzene. The formula by Werner was proved by the analyses of this salt (Ref 3). On account of the determination of the molecular electric conductivity the following coordination formula has been suggested for the orange salt: K 1 Pt A Ac H CO-CH=CO-CH Card 1/3 re i 61 IC 3- 1 31 SOV/78-4-2-11/40 ~,cptyl Acetonates of Bivalent Platinum The formula of the light yellow salt is-. K Pt Ae Ac The light yellow salt is also easily soluble in water and difficultly soluble in alcohol. The solubility in water is -10.2%. If.hydrochloric acid is added, an amorphous yellow precipitate separates out of the aqueous solutions of this salt. It is difficultly soluble in water and easily soluble in organic sol-,rents. The,canary-yellow acetyl acetonate is insoluble in water but easily soluble in organic solvents, as,benzene, alcohol, chloroform, and carbon tetrachloride. By:analyzing this compound the following formula was found: Pt(C5H702 2. The molecular weight of this compound is 388 (calculated 393-34). The solubility detarmination of Pt(C5H70Z )2- in-benzene and.alcohol at 250 showed the following results: L 250in ethyl alcohol ' 26.5.10-3 9-m01/1, L250 in benzene - 4-10 g-mol/1. The determination of the molecular electric conductivity of the weak aqueous solutions shows that the yellow salt and the Card 2/3 orange salt are binary electrolytes whereas the insoluble BOV/78-4-2-11/40 A:cetyl Acetonates of Divalent Platinum platinum diacetyl acet.onate is no electrolyte. There are 1 table and 4 references, 3 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy tokhnologicheakiy institut im. Lensoveta (Leningrad Technological Institute imeni Lensovet) S'UBMITTED* November 3,,195.7 Card 3/3 Acm;=K m, APW13533 3/0181/64/oWO02/0632/0634 AUTHOR s Chapatovich Y To. TME: Change in the width of the forbidden zone of tellurium under 4rdrostatio pressure SOURCE: Mike, tvardogo telas-v. 6a no. 2a 1964t 632-04 TOPIC TAGS: forbidden zone., telltudum,, ~zono width, forbidden zone width., hydro- staUc pressure., pressure dependence,, optical method., electrical methods, lattice defect ABSTRACT: The author fo nd deviations in values of. a pr sented in the data of various authors: a - one pressure). He (11-4 (E w width of forbidden s P therefore examined single crystals of To tp draw - coqWXsonse For unannealed samples a was found to range froti -1.0010-2 to -1,3*10--7 ev/atm, After heat ing at a temioerature of.200C for 20 hours,, all Investigated samples gave a value of -(1.6+ 0.1)010--' ev/atm. The author.concludes that the value of a in To is sensitIve to lattice defects and increases with'diminution in number of defects (after hoating), The value of a obtained by the optical method does not agree Card 1/2 ACCEMON NR:, AP40135331 with the value obtained by the elatrical awthod. The optiesl3y obtained value isneaw-the theoretical value, OThe author expresses his sinceire thanks to L. F. Vereshchagin, Corresponding Member U SSSR., for his guidance in the work." Orig. art. hasi 2 tables and 3 formulase A=IATION& Inatitut finiki "okLkh daylenly AN SSSR# Moscow (Institute of Physica of High Pressures AN SM) SUBIMMs 03ku&63 DATs AcQs oxar64 ACLs 00 SUB GODEs PH No RU SOVI OMRI On Cowd 2/2 CHAIPUMVICHI ligh-pressure multivire olectric lead-in* Prib. i tekh. eksp. 9 so.0193 Jl-Ag 164. (MM 17s12) 1. Institut fialki, vyeok:Lkh dawleniy AN SSSR. BMINA. J/ /V~ / ~ Y V.S.; KtWANSEATA. T.N.; CW72;~. -, Recurrence of eleventary synaptic processes with a mridloul t of elroulation. budy MP no.56:-71-93 157. (11M. 101y87 (Yateorology) 1U A A- 3M PRASE -I BOOK WWMUION SOV/3031 Mageowe Tseutralfnyy. InstItut propozov Voprogy delgosroohn7kh proposay (Problem in Ima-Hange Forecasting) Moseow OldrometeoUdit (otd.) 1958, 104 p, (Series: Its: Trody., Tn- 73) 1,9100 copies printed, Sponsoring A89my: UM. Glavnoye Wravleniye g1draneteorolosicheskay s3n:hby* Mt. (title pW).- V.K. ftrpmsk",- M (inside book): V.I. TaruW~nnova; Tech* Id.t IM, Zarkh ftle Isaw -of the2ustitutels TraimactIons to Intended for meteorological Wid hydrographic speelallsts working In thefteld, of long-rengs weather fore- Casting. WYERAGE: This collection of articles deals vith aspects of extended veather forecasting. IndIvId=l articles disaws: synoptic conditions of vind regims mftt favorable to shipping along the Northern Sea Route [Soviet Arizue. Seas];. synoptic conditions vndierlyiAgI~a contimnow ice covez In various parts Card l/ 3 Problems in Iong-Range ftrecastl". BOV13031 of the Sea of Azov; a method for eampiling dally schematic 500-nb -contour Alaps (AT500) for 3 days by utilizing an'equation of the conservation of vortex velocity and temperature regLme- a method for the advance qMQu stion of the baric field for periods of A., 48, and T2 hours; the determinstion of definite relationships for forecasting air temperature for a natural synoptic period. The results of actual tests in a series of investigations in extended forecasting we cited. References accompany each article. TAZZ OF CONEWTS: AntjpM,,LYe.G. Synoptic Characteristies.of the Wind RegLme in the Southern Part of the Barents and Karskaye Seas During the Navigation Period 3 Khesin,A, B.G. Synoptic Conditions of Freezing In the Sea of Azov 29 Mazova,, O.N.,, and NA, aWwygLua. Camp"14n Mean ProPostie 500-:nb:Ofttour Maps for 3 Dap 51 arkett, Z.L. Forecasting Press"" Plelds for 2-3 DWN 5T Card 2/ 3 Problem in Long-Range Forecasting MV/3031 Computing Propostle Press= Fields for -kettiv Z.Ls and O.M. Yakushffa. 2-3 Do" 73 D.Ae Ped', and R.M. A11tvarder. Me poirecasting of Air Temperature for a Natural Syncytie Period 94 Averlmkh, S.K., and V.A. PosdayekM. ReftIts of Utilizing the Findings of investigations in Comildling Extended Weather Forecasts 100 HAM=: Ltbr=7 of Congress TM/jb Card 3/3 12-19-59 ~UTRIYEVA, Yu. N.; CHAPYGINA, N. M. ------------- Selection of analogues using machines. Meteor,i 4:38-39 Ap t64. (MIRA 17:5) 1. TSentrallnyy institut prognozov. -10 -TIT" 0 9 L -a-ft-F. -A&_H AT-tv. A Aj)"p lose4l -isidest ON (valo") modeM1. Kutger UTI.1 * a Tn". tab. biochvhim. O"Id. u. A. V. 4 .011 PAO m (t AMOV44)(is mulmimu).-A whiemucad 00 I WAMy WaS tWWt of the jadiM cgotest Q( varioui tkAics (A water (kkvmq'fkm*# u0muffies, "vervairs. etc.) in the Karelian. DeqW-M s. krrmopr%k. and Nlotow -00 tftWm. The Wine. camusts vatir from 0 to LK inkrogratm jx-r liter. -00 In two con it w" as high as 2.6 and 4.3 1wr liter. r -00 C*0 00 re 0 .00 '00 W* 0 N I T, A " a I ; $A A s a u 0 14 0 1 IF a sla 4 2 a 0 0.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 AUTHORS: Breger, A. Kh, Ormont, B. F., Kutsev,; V. S., 78-3-30/35 Viting, B. I. and Ghapyzhnikov, B. A. TITLE: The Use of Brake Radiation of a Betatronfor Characterizing the Oxygen Content of Semi-Conductors and Metallic Materials (Particularly Titanium Oxy- Carbides). (Ob ispLoltzovanii tormoznogo izlucheniya betatrona dlya kharaktariatiki soderzhaniya kisloroda v poluprovodnikovykh i metallicheakikh materialakh (v chastnosti, v oksikarbidakh titana) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Neorganicheskoy Xhimii, 1957, Vol.II, Nr.3, pp. 696-699. (USSR) ABSTRACT: This is a preliminary report on the development of a radio-activational method for determining non-metallic Impurities in metals and semi-conductors. The possibility of deter Ti ning oxygen in the system Ti-G-0 from the reaction 0 (r,ft)0-L0 with the use of brake radiation from a betatroh his been demonstrated. Preliminary calibration curves for preparations with not less than 1% oxygen have been constructed. The method Card 1/2 is non-destructive and requires about 10 min per 78-3-30/35 The Use of Brake Radiation of a Betatron for Characterizing the Oxygen Content of Semi-Gonductors and Metallic Materials... determination* There is I figure and 7 references, of which 4 are Slavic. ASSOCIATIONs The Physico-Chemical Institute Imeni L. Ya. Karpov, (Fiziko-khimicheakiy Institut im. L. Ya. Karpo*a,) SMITM: August l5j, 1956. AVATTA Library of Congress. Card 2/2 Z IVAI lit, 'All Jill I ate I BRWrER, A.11h.; ORNORT, B.7o; VITING, B.I.; GRIZHKO, VoX.; KOZLOV, ToAo; KMSIT, V.S.;_CHAPT2EDWIXOT. BoA.; CHXMI, L.T. Radloactivation method of determining o3qgen in semiconducting mg%erials and metals on to basis of the photonuclear reaction 016 (-Cn) 015. Trudy kom.anal.Wm. 10:137-141 '60. (NIBA 13:8) 1. Pisiko-Watebeekly Institut In. L.T&Aarpova. Moskva. (Otaygen-Analysts) (Oa7gen-lootopes) (Semiconductors-Gagen content) 5/120/0-2/000/002/003/047 E039/E420 AUTHORS: Chepell, L.V., Viting, B.I., TITLE: Exposure inside the accelerating space of a betatron PERIODICAL: Pribory i tekhnilca eksperimenta, no.2, 1962, 23-26-- TEXT: For a series of physical and physicochemical investigations, it was necessary to significantly increase the specific induced activity of samples exposed in a betatron or synchrotron. Samples are normally placed outside the accelerator at a distance- of not less than 20 to '30 cm from the target. In this-paper two new methods are described for exposing solid and liquid samples inside the working space of a betatron giving an increase in the- V/ specific induced activity of 20 to 100 times. The first method makes use of an internal pocket with dispersion foils and-is a modification of a previously described method. The pocket consists of a glass tube of 30 mm bore with a flat topped platinum cap at one end attached by means of a Kovor collar. At the other end of the tube is a vacuum seal for mounting the pocket in the apparatus. Eddy current heating is insignificant; an e.quilibrium temperature of 70% being obtained% The glass tube Card 1/2 S/120/62/000/002/003/047 'Exposure inside the ... B039/E420 is coated"with an earthed layer of "Aquadag". The effect of the dispersion foils on the distribution of the electron beam is examined by means of autoradiographs of exposed-singl:e crystals"of rock salt. The second method makes use of two glass tubes which terminate in a small volume - 2 cc in the worlcing space of the betatron and can be used to expose liquids to the fast electron beam. Both methods can be used for obtaining small quantities of artificial isotopes and also for exposing a s'eries of materials to fast electrons without stopping the beta on. Absolute-values of the induced activity for plates of C3~ volume 10 x lo x o.5 mm3 exposed in the pocket are - 0.5 *A curies with a radiation intensity of 50.rpm at a'distance of I m from the target. These methods*are used for the radioactivation analysis of metals, sem1conductors and some hydrocarbons and polymers. There are- 8 figures and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-khimicheskiy institut (Institutelof Physics and Chemistry) SUBMITTED:. June 7, 1961 Card 2/2 0 M 15p linear electron4ocelorstor C..*up 21.1 ABSTRAM This As -a contimation'of studies which authors 1previcuely conducted with respect to developedradiogativatiork method for dot Son which %So- ermining M tale.and,,somicondu suitable to other object& (me ctors). Authors state that a.furtber sugmentWon of the methods,sensitivity can be attained 'by, -_using. pOverful-sources.. of-- electromagnetic - rediat1w (lineei a- loot r-o-n" accelerators) and by -perfecting. the measurerient- of the activity of 015 on tbe, "backgraimd" of other isotopes which a" Somd'in the analyzed material by Aotonuclear, reac time, - Present work Is an examination of a special mflhod for measurm Ing the activity of the 015, isotope on ht - "backgroundw, of the C isotope* The 611b (Gamma I Vhotonuclear reactiom vhose threshold a 15o6 Nov, forms the positron-aotive isotope 015,withs. half-life period of M ascends and positron- V U90.43 A IMMMON JM# AP3W"61 Mira; of I.M1 Nov.- -The- relaticalship of the'reactions ads& to the Ganaqmazita - energy Is shom ilk a figures This #gure 'also comtains the 9-for the depen- Idence of the size In tbe.suorgy for ~ the': reaction 012(6UM9 )ell *Ich forms the, tive 01 isotopew Authwis then discuss signill t positron-ac ft of he curves, which were obtained with radiation of various energy@ The Gima-radistion source' was the betatron fron the: Institute* ~.Tho ,analyzeId samploor were irradiated inside of tbo'botatron'sFacceTeration cha The analysis meth- .od was worked out on samploa of artificial and natural rubbarA The activity of the vanple was measured with &,.device consisting of a scintillation counter and recordere Ths~ scintillation ecuater Included a photoelectron sultiplUr and plas- tic scintillator. The samples were irradiated for 2 ninut*aj, And after 30 seconds elapsed after termination of. irradiation't. the measurements of aptivity bog=* Data obtained was plotted onto a deo6y.curvee A-formula is giv~n.for computing the oxygen content, "Authorawish to-tbahk A. S. Kuz1mJnekiy,-- Khs4ro6r 1'1'1~._ V*--F %ertko-va-fora--tiumb~r-,of~~-:~i 'the -1 d., ie'04li 106i- -a' -and;fordi the, hst$ Y5.ftgures, I table and 1 gcu,EL"_ 'Karoova. Yo-scow ASSOCIATION: -khimicbeskiy inistiti (Phvsico-wghernical InE=Mkta) 00 SUBMITTED: O8Sep62 'DATE ACQ:oBAug63 M -OTHER: 008 CODE: EL NO REF SOV: 008 iA: L 46173_66 I-NT (M) / 7-,!P ( J ) /T TJP(c) Dj/RM ACC . NRs . AP6021206 CA) SOURCE CODEI UR/0138/66/000/003/OC49/0033 AUTHORI Che2g!A L. V.; B A ; Mikhaylovap G, N.; Zhuravskayaq Too Va; KUZ'iidnskiy9 As So ORGI PhyAcoohemical Institute In. L. Ya. Karpoy (Miko-khimicheakly institut); Scientific.Research Institute of the Industa (Cauchno-issledavatellskiy insti- tut rOzinOY07 proMehlernmm I) TITLEs Radioact method ~'/_ determining oxygen In elastomers during their proceasi and aging SOURCE: Kauchuk I resinas no. 39 19669 49-53 TOPIC TAG58 oMent elastomerg radioisotope ABSTRACTI A method has been developed for determining the oxygen content of polymers directly during their processing and aging# the sample being unaffected by the analy- sis. It consists in activating the nuclei of oxygen and carbon present In the polymer by'means of gamma radiationg then identifying the radioisotopes formed. Since the radioisotopes 015 and c1l ar? formed simultaneously during the irradiation, in order to measure the activity of o 5 against the background of C11, a technique of discrimi- nation involving the use of a laboratory scintillation analyzer was employed. The method was first applied to the study of the oxidation kinetics of raw and cured rub- bers during rollings vulcanization, and radiation agi $_And then to the determinationki ICard 1/2 uDcs 678.4/.78543044621.039-4183 L 46173-66 ACC NRt AP6021206 of wcygen in an unfilled NK-bass, rubbeiVat various stages of vulcanization in the press. The method can &I-so-U-u-sia-ti-Rudy the develoyment of oxidation processes associat6d with wear MA fatigue It!Vrubbers. Orig. aft. has 1 4 figures and I t.U.. %X - 1.5 SUB CoM 11/ SM DL791 25NU(A/ OW WI 003/ MH =1 002 Mt PORITSKIY,V.I.; CHLRLKAI)ZK,G. Conferences of readers of "Keteorologils, i gidrologiia." Netero.i g1drol. no.2:51-52 1 152. (Km 8:9) (Meteorology-Periodicals) KUNCHEY.K.N.4 CHARANDHIXV,D. Yavimm in adults in the Bmrgas region. Suvrem. sed.,Sofia 11 n&.2- 3:126-132 '60. 1. 1z Okruzbnata bolnitaa - Darips, Gl. lekar:Zh. Siakolov. (FAVISM epidemiolo) ACC NRV AM024659 SOM= CDDE; YJR/0048/65/029/009/1774/1776 AVMOR-. Dqzilevs~ff_a G.A.,* Ivashnin,-A.N.: Kranotkin. A.F.: Filatav, YM.; ChxrakWh A. IN.. ORG: P!YsIcs Institute In P.N.Lebedev, AcadM of Sciences, SSSR (Fixicheskiy in- stitut Akedenii nauk SSSR) TITIZ: Hadiononde for measurement of x rays in the stratosphere /Report, All-Union_ Conference on Cosmic R -ZLAu _aL PhLo a t ARRL1tLA!L _gqsAjkl~4/ BOUHM: AN 899R. Izvestlya. Serlya fixiaheskaya, v 29, no 9g 1965, 1774-1776 TOPIC TAGS: x ray,.stratosphere, secondary cosmic ray, radiosonde ABSTR&CT: There are briefly described two radiosondes for measuring x ray in the stratosphere. IBoth Instruments. -vImploy NaI:T1 sc-intillatorsVind vacuum tube electron- ics and are battery powered with transistor voltage convertors The lighter instru- ment weighs 2.5 kg and records photons with energies above 3D-35 keV. Thesecond in- strument weighs 6 kg and its threshold Is adjustable from 20 to 360 keV bya system of relays, so that photon energy spectra can be recorded. Schematic diagrams are given for both instruments, but not *for theirpower supplies or for the relay system. Alti- tude versus counting rate curves recorded over Dolgoprudnyy are presented. Orig. art. has:.4 figures, BUD GODE: NP'Op EC/ SUBM DATE: 00A OMG RM, 002/ OTH OF: 000 um ILA ACCESSION.NR: AP5026221 UR/0048/65/029/010/1800/1804 i-AUTHOR: 0harakhch'zarri A. N4 'Charakhch'Xan, T. N. TITLE: Several problems on the. generation -of cosmic rays by the sun and their tion Into-inte 'lanetary space- propaga rp SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya.~ $eriya fizicheskaya, v. 29, no. 10, 1965, 1800-1804 TOPIC TAGS, differential energy spectrum proton, exponential ftmction, proton spectrum, corpuscular stream, :chromospheric flar interplanetary space, solar a t, -Ahe ren -energy spectrum o -~protons-_- asuresence--provedAbat -'difft tial- -funct on wit the exponent y -6 when.-the, 60ri~ised as h Pay ''energy is several hundked Mev. -The exponent y of the proton spectrum was found to equal 3 -before the arrival of corpuscular sireams from a chromospheric flare, and it reached the value of 6,when the-eartb was in ne stream of a chromospheric .1-flare., The spectral exponent, 3 relates to protons freely diffusing into inter- -BU -planetary space from the sun,:~ d,.the-exponent 6 must be related to an additional a ream of protons carried by magnetic, traps. One part of solar-protons propagates,' freely and reaches the earth earlier than -the other, iihich is trapped by the.,. Card 1/2 7777 13645-66 TAccEssiON NR: AP5026221 J...magnetic field and propagates:91owly. -The constancy of energy spectra of flares that the.particle 'acceleration in flares is constant and does not depend upon solar atmospheric processes. Two graphs in the original article represent data of measurements. of differential spectra bf protons, cl-particlesj, I 'arid nuclei of the M group. Spectra of protons and a-particles of two flares are represented by the same curves. A table in the original article contains ratios of the number of a-particles to the number, of protons and the number'of nuclei to the number of protons determined from various,flares. The first ratio is usually equal to 0.25, and the second ratio is always equal to 0.14 in the cases shown in the table.. The formation of spectra of charged particles of cosmic rays is very. j, complicated and has no relation to the. chemical elements in the sun. Orig.,art... has: 3 figures and 1 table... [EGI j,ASSOCIATION: Fizicheskiy institut im. T.: N.' L~bedeva Akademii nauk SSSR (Tnatiture I of Physics, Academy of.Scieng~ ~SSSR); Institut yadernoy fiziki Moskovskogo 55' gosudarstvennogo M. V. Lononosova (institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State Uniijersi~y) SUBNITTEDI_ 00 -00 SUB CODE: AA NO REFISOV, 009. OTHER,. ,008 ATD PRE~S -21 C ard 2j~~Jg IF 6/h fWT(1) G ACCESSIOK~R.l 'AP5026222 UR/0048/65/029/010/1805/1806 1 AUTHOR: Vernovi S.'N.; Charakhch!Xan, A N. Babarykin, V.-Y vich V. V S,tozhkov.' Yu. I.; Charakhch'xan'. I TITLE: Measurements of the-intensity.of cosmic rays in the.stratosphere above B Antarctica. T SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. SeriyA.fizicheskaya, v. 29, no. 10, 1965, 1805-1806' TOPIC TAGS.;, cosmic ray, prirnary cosmic is oute r radiation. belt, artificial radioactivity, critical energy,:.,proton ABSTRArT-:1, ,~;imultaneous',measuremeats~ 'f the intensity of cosmic'rays in h h f ti emisp erzic~ are 9_ great inportance.for inve.s. gating low-energy p rim~lry .cos 'mic ---adiationj temperature disturbaftces in the earth's otiter radiaLlim belt:, and artificial: 'radioactivity :in the-stratosphere. Although the critical i Murmansk is abo n ut~100 Mev and in Mirnyy about 10 Mev,, measurements are -carried out in atmosphericlayers above both places with a pressure of 10 p/cm2, which peneltrated_by~~protons with-energies above 100 Mev. Data obtalned simultaneously in Murmansk and'Miriyy are obtain d at diff rent e e seasons,.and 4 they arrive from differen.t.diree.tions In the atmosphere. Sounding takes place in all a~given time. 'Four times a week cosmic rays are measured with a Card 1/2 3646-W _ -ACCESSION NR., fAP5026222 -pingle counter-and two-times with a special.teles'cope. Results of measurements 1. .1 are rep re sen h ted grap ically., The difference between Murmansk and Mirayy varies, depending upon the season of -'the- year. The difference is small when the pressure is between-20-and 200 b 9/cm2 The difference increases at other pressures. Orig. art. has: 2figures. ASSOCIATION: Fizicheskiy institut im-P. ,..N. LebgAeVa Akademii nauk SSSR (Institut'i of PhYsica,_'AcadegZof,SS;!dM, Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut yadernoy fiziki Moskovskogo gosudarst%nnogo universit6ta i M. V. Lomonosova (Scientifie Rese.arch Institute of Nuclear Physics - Moscow ~,Sta te'UniversJU); VIII Sovetskay4 ant arkticheakaytt ekspeditsiya- (VIIk'Soviet Antarctiv Ex0edition)-, SUBMITTED: 00. AA, SUB CODE: 95 1 -REYSOV.*~ THER, 00 PRESS: 0 0 ATD j --V " 4 . 1 P , AJ . AGESHIN, P.N.; KOLMEYETS, Ye.V.; CHARAIHCHIYANR,A.N.; CHARAMHOHIYAN, T.N. Secular variation in coamie'ray intensity in the stratosphere during the period 1962-1964, Izv. AN SSSR.Ser.fiz. 20, no.10.1901- 1902 0 165, (guru i8::Lo) -66 )/KiiT-,(l)/EEC,(k)r~/FCC/E:WA(tL) Gg~ L2321 MqT(d C ESS ION NRI AT5023618 UR/0000/65/000/000/0454/0460 AUTHORSs Vernov, S, N,; Lizutin,, L4:L4; Charakhch Charakhch'ZM, T No 7 TITLE: OuterI Van Allen belt and bursts of x-rays in the stratosphere a-ty SOURCE., Vaeson!znaya konferents&a po flike kosmic skoffo orostranstva. Hoscowt 1965. Issledovaniya koemicheskogo prostranstva (Space research);* trudy* konferentsii. Moscow., Izd-vo Fauka, 1965s 454-460 TOPIC TAGSs radiation be x ray,, stratosphere, magnetic storm, solar activity, Nan Allen belt 'ABSTRACTi Observations of bursts of x-rays in the stratosphere, which are apparently the result of bremsstrablung of high-energ7 electrons trapped in the magneti o field of the earthi are discussed, The work and results from a number of American and Soviet groups are described& The results of observations made during 1964 above Murmansk and. Hirqy are presentedp giving. the integrated photon energy spectra and the dependence of count rate on pressure for the four events described,1 By comparison with the previous resultsp it was found that increased radiation in 1/2 L 106-66 w(i)/~Fcc/zm(h) oS/GW T/0_5-71 ACCESSION NR: UR/0000/65/000/PQQ/054 52 AUTHOR: Charakhchlyan, A. N.- -Charakhch'Xan..T. N..~ TITLE: Generation of cosmic rays n the sun o SOURCE: Vsesqyuzng&:konfe po fizike kosmicheskogo prostranstva.'. Moscow,1 1065~ is'oledovaniya kosmicheskogo prostranstva (Sbace research); trudy konferentsii.' ~Jmoscov, iza-vo.Nauka, 1965, 54M52~ TOPIC TAGS:. chromospheric flares cosmicray bursts stratosphere, primary component 'e~ic-storm' ionospheric perturbation, -energetic spectrip, galactic cosmic rays I ,pgn iib66rptlon curve ABSTRACT: Three strong chromospheri c flares occurred in 1959 followed, after.inter- vals of several days, by bursts of cosmic rays in the stratosphere with intensity ot the:primary components 2oo, 8oo, and~2800 times greater than the ordinary level. Bursts of cosmic rays folloved'chromospherie,flares at intervals of several hours,,,-,- and magnetic storms and ionospheric,p~erturbations toll owed, theri at ~ntervals,'of : ap- proximately-one day. Energy spectra-of protons-in-primary cosmic rays were studied! by,measuring,the absorption of protons in'the upper layers of the atmosphere. The- intensity.of cosmic rays of.galactic origin attained a maximum at 16-22 km and: de- C04-a/2 ~ACCEGSION NR: AIT5023637 creased at higher altitudes. No maximum vas-observed at high latitudes, n- and the.i tensit~- increased gradually with ~Altitude. The numbers of particles created at vari- ous heights during bursts were measured, and measurements of the numbers of particles at the same heights carried put before bursts were ~compared. The differences were then used for constructing-absorption c Iurves as functions of the pressuie in the stratosphere. It was concluded.froin:,comparing the absorption curves of many bursts:* that the indices-of differential energy spectra of protons measured before-the ar- rival of solar,corpuscular streams from chromospheric ffares and haviig"enekgies of millions of electron-volts lie near:3.0. I.ndices of the same proton spectra measured after the arrival...of corpuscular .'streamB were near 6.0. This difference in indices~ was explained by two kindo.of protons. Proton spectra,.vith indices near 3.0 belongi to protons- -the sun and diffusing freely into* interplanetary space i and spec leaving ons car- tra with indices near to,.6.0 belong.i to.-supplementary-streams of fast prot -ried-by magnetic traps.- i' -tas I.table. [EGI figures and Or '~'i 'Ft ASSOCIATION: none .SUBNITTED: 02seP6 j SUB COM AA -5 Eam. 00 SS. 0?7 003-1 NO -REF BOV:~ 0 ATD PRE 05 cc q ky ;2; .7. 'Um/Nuclear Physics - Comic Radiation Sol? Nuclear Pbysics - 21mentary- Particles Vve of -a- Hodoscope to Study Particle Sho~ers Generated in lead by Comic Rays in the Strato-' sphere," S. N. Verncyv, A. N. Charakhofilyw~ Phys lust, Imeni P..,,N. labodev, Acad Sci USSR, 3 VP -Vok Ak Nauk SSSR- Vol InI, No 3 Xawaim - shows arrangewnt -of counters. Tbree 4o~ntere-fcrm the so-called telescope, and nine w. a secondary counters. Hodoncope consisted of Aseessary nueber,of independent amplifying channels eci~wcted to each secondary counter. Anplifying 30111 ItrwNuc.lear Physics Radiation-(Coutd) ~Glrcults of secondu7, counters vww generally 'illosed, and, discharges in, -aw~of .--tkte. counters 4ere not reglutered unless the - neoessary- triple. Oancurrence occaried in the telescope. Sub- :~Ultted by Aced S. 1. VavI joy; 13 Jul 48. USSR/Nuclear Physics Cosmic, Itayi 1)ic 49 Hodoscopes "Investigation of the Structure of Sboverd,Cre-, bated by Primary'Cosmic Rays*in .the Stritospherep* S. N. Vernov, A. W. Charakhchlyan, Phys Inst ineni P. N. Lebedev, 3 pp 4 *Dok ~Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol IXIX, No 4 Give results of studying structure of sbo~ers Created by primary cosmic rays in lead and I alu- sdn=. Specially constructed portable. h 0- raised to the stratosphere in sounding palloons used for measurements. Data 155-T-49- pM/Nuclear Physics cosmic Rays Dee 49 :(Contd), tra]asmitted by radio and recorded on fast-zioving ''fi*, at receiving point. t Shavers created by ns i"r,- y,cosmic. r,ays in lead contained co ,.A;'*4.:more particles than shwers formed im4lu- This' :difference in'niviber of jwtic~ a inaicates electron-p is pres*n .t hoton component -Its Submitted by Acad D., V. Skobiai yn 20 A,4g 49, 3:55T49 CIURAKHMIYAN, A. N. CHAFAIGIC111YAN, A. N. - "Investigation of the Altitude Relation Between the Number of Electron-Nuclear Showers and the Intensity of the Penetrating Porti6ns of Cosmic Rays in the Stratosphere at Various Geomagnetic Lati- tudes." Sub 24 Nov 529 Physics Tnst imeni P. N. Lebedev, Acad Sci USM. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Physicomathematical Sciences). SO: Vechernaya Moskva January-December 1952 C11A INIACTER OF THE ABSORPTION OF COSMC- T VAIUC-US ALTrr'-)FS N Y-W-02V uf dit Jr at Tf. iT: 727 ~V: XV MIGATION OF ORIGL'; OF CW. C RAY.Qq& 0 ' 1~4h[7,S W THE STRATOSPHERE AT GEOMAGNETIC 'N. P -~ 1,,. A~N' "kh& -, .,d LAMUM 51 livest, Akad. Nank S,S_ It. St Oct. (In Hu"Marl) ne Mudbil, dAttl lot v oleon srk'CiM fCnPT3`I0n sl.~tpsphoro and IhPIr Or:;y schonn, ni3kc itle to Calcultdr,. tho'clEcirno-phillon Co1quntia throtigh the gfai&A~)drv wid 16 del vrin lilt- abv Ovel"'n it Virlous ckV-Atlong, to d0crinimL the tviallun ;1 trip. uuniber of p3rUcles to the 6vvmloa, In IrAnurl"Won Interval, of oJ to 0.1), 1.2. 10 2,012.0 to 6.6; W C"IS to 11.3 R En%-! KhsS or MulnWni, Was rnadevillb the roonit-r leleseqn, at 51'N latitude. 11w invasurernents at the particle nkvrnbvr~ in the '21S were rna&. slillull2avously with four indicated I3tVr% telescopes in a single exposure of the cpluipmvni intlw Stratosphere. 1*0 series of n1vasurvilients ralv reiMts vo!ncidedwilhill the 11.1it-m which of %talWlcal vrror. Tbr PreEwnce of 9 lArge kitimillvr of low-tilergy clectrons -it Shattow depth, Ill.,. contfrwois saftentng of vicetran trwiq- and the greal effect mission aKctr& with reducing 0. ol latitudes am low-encriOi electrons call for new Essump- tions about tbt% existence of a sprclal mrihanisni for gvnP.- in ating colvetrom-Vaoton rarnIv,,wits of tow viii s~s iv (TAT) -U,1-113 OJV SUNIP21IS-i"I llclu"I 1,Ln-. simailig ',mjt~kotulu Jill ul 1.1111-Allffs fin "Pt tiva Sl,?Moqq aply asatf) pa.% pilim'i 'IlLt. -slailly su p go 1-tml ~d.3s -j~j 'mjjum'~' me qjvAoir,~ apis ju sapitird 1- 17 4~qku-. .,jqrjjjjj~u.3 -a Al iptul Plet.olf, Ulf 'vo. rjl;: WrA.11~1.fl. 'iit .71'j -Jay !!T.*~Y_ --mindsolvius ala ST 'Diamb tis inv %%OuirvN o f 2q (5) SOV/56-35--5--5/56 AUTHORS: Charakhohlyan, A. N., Cbarakfich',,an, T. P. TfTLE.- Measurements of tiie Intensity of Cosmic RAiation in the Stratosphere at Various Aitittdes and Latitudes (Izmereniya intensivnosti kosmicheskogo iziuchen-1ya vstratosfere na raznykh vysotakh~ shirotakh) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimental'noy i teorati.-z-heskoy fizikiq 1958, Vol 35, Nr 1q, pp 1088-1102 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This very detailed and compreheraive rork contains results obtained by measuring the alt_-'~.udrz--dependence for particles. of various ranges of the soft f~om-pon~,~nt of cosmic radiation. .1 ax--3 5*1 north latitude. Measurements were carried out at ; 0 The altitude dependence of e1e,-t_o,-a L-f a gi-ven energy is computed by meana of the enerD-, sp~.rtrum of muon production in the atmosphere. Calculated results agree well vith measured results carried out at 310 north latitude, which indicates that the great majority of soft component particles consists of electrons produced by pions. Decay scheme: Jr + e-+ + 2V and no -), 27. Analysis of ex- perimental and calculated values for 51 0 north latitude in- Card 113 dicates the existence of an electron surplus with ranges below SOV/5-5-35-5-5/56 Measuremerts of the Intensity of cosmic Radiation in the StratoSphere at Va~~ious Altitudes and Latitudes Card 2/3 2 0 2 - 3 9/cm .This phenomenon, which is very marked at 51 is probably aawed by I-quanta omitted in the atmosphere in reactions involving neutron evaporation. Theenergy flux carried away by these surplus short range electrons comprises 10,ilo' of the total energy flux of the electron component in this latitude. The magnituge of th8 cosmic ray energy fluxes at the latitudes of 2 , 31 and 51 was also.determined (Tables 4, 5). For the energy spectrum of primary particles an expression was derived with the help of the data concerning energy flux as vell as of those concerning the intensity of cosmi6 radiation particles on the boundary of the atmosphere at 51 and 31 0north latitude. For the primary cosmic particle flux on the equator (N + 1.1 ) a new value was computed as p a 2 amounting to 0-487t 0.04 particles per . 3teradian. In conclusion, the authors thank Professor S. N. Vernov for his interest and for discussing results, and they also thank I. P. Ivanenko for valuable adv-i~~e. Thera are 8 fijures, 5 tables, and 23 references, 114 of which are Soviet. SOV/56-35-5-5/56 measureTments of the Intensity of Cosmic Radiation in the Stratosphere at Various Altitudes and Latitudes ASSOCIATION: Pizicheskiy institut im. P. 11. Lebe3eva Akademii nauk SSSR (Physics Institute imeni P. N. Lebodev of the Academy of Sciences USSR) Institut yadernoy fiziki Moskovskoz.:;,-, --,-.gudarstvennoro universiteta (Institute of Nuclear Physics at Moscow State University) SUBMITTED: May 12, 1958 Card 3/3 dharakh4n, A. N. WAMRMU OF COSMIC RAY VARIATIoll IN THE STRATOSPHERE" B. E. Samosudov, S. N. Vernov, V. F. Tulinov, A. N. LISharakhchian and T. N. Charakhchiam Beginning with JulY 1, 1957 (when the IGT programme began) regular measursMents have been made of cosmic ray interzitY In the 5tratOsPhers at geomagnetle latitudes of 510N and 640N, while since March 1958 similar measurements have been taken also at geomagnetic latitude of 410N. The measurements are made with a single-G-M. counter. During this period 840 sthatosohere cb3arvations were made. 1. The data gathered have helped to establish the existence of a 27-day variation of cosmic rays in the stratosphere, The sh" of the averaged wave is close to sinuscidal while the period is.27 or 28 days. The wave amplitude, however, changes more than 5-fold in the observed intervals. The obtained values for the amplitude of the 27-day variation'.in the-stratosphere are' 8 to 10-fold that of similar data on the Earth. 2. The existence in the stratospher ~o of long periodical variations of cosmic. rays of extra-terrestrial origin has.been discovered, ~. Values have been obtained for the cosmic ray latitude effect between latitudes of 64N. 510H and 410N. It has been ascertained that the latitude effect between 64ON and 51ON undergoes substantial changes with time. The latitude effect between these latitudes in the maximum of the intensity curve amounts on the average to several per cent# and goes up abruptly with increase In altitude of observation reaching 35-20A at an altitude of approXimately 30 km. Several cases of abnormal increase in eharakhehian, A. N. (contimed) cosmic ray intensity in the strato a.phere at the latitude of 640N have been discovered. 4. A correlation between 27-day variations of cosmic retiation and the floccu3a on the Sun, and a correlation between the long period cosmic ray variation and Sun spots has been established. Report presented at the Tnternaticnal Cosmic Ray Conference, Moscow, 6-3.1 Ju3jy 1939 21(7) AUTHORS: Vernov, S. N., Correspondinj Member, SOV/2o-122-5-11/56 Academy of Sciences, USSR, Tulinov, V. F., Charakhch'y&R,. A. N. TITLE: The 27-D.-..y Variations of the Intensity of Cosmic Radiations in the Stratosphere (27-dnevnyye variatsii intensivnosti kosmicheskikh luchey v stratosfere) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol 122, Tir 5, PP 780 - 791 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors carried out a long series of measurements of the intensity of cosmic radiation in the strato- ophere by means of spherical probes. These measurements form part of the program of the Inter- -national Geophysical Year; they were duly begun 01, July 1, 11957 at t-mo geor-agnetic latitudes: 1) near Moscow A = 510, station Dolcoprudnaya, Nauchnaya stantsiya Fizicheskogo instituta AN SSSRNcientif"ic Station of the PhYsics Institute AS USSR and 2) Card 1/4 near I'lurmansk 01 = 640, station Loparckaya, Severnaya The 27-Day Variations of the Intensity of Cosmic SOV/2o-122-5-11/56 Radiations in the Stratosphere aauclmWa Stantsi a AN SSSR (Northern Scientific l N y Station AS USSR )). The present paper gives some results obtained by measurements carried out at the latitude of 510 from JUl,r 1, 1957 to February 1, 1958, and at the latitnde of 640 from July 1, 1957 to October 1, 1957. These measurements ivere carried out by means of the radioimeteoro~raph RK-1, which contained &~hin-walled self-quenched counter of the typc STS-6. The -aulses of this counter were trans- mitted by "ievno of a radio-transmitter. A short report is riade on the measurements of the height and on the gauging of the counters. The authors describe the results relating to the maximum of the intensity curve in the pressure interval of 50-90 9/cm2. These results, which are shorn by a di,gram, seem to ind4C-_te a periodicity in the variations of the intensity of cosmic radiation in the strato- sphere, viz. for both of the aforementioned latit-odes. In the stratosphere the amplitude of the vmve is Card 2/4 from 8 to 10 times as ~;reat as the amplitude of the The 27-Day Variations of the Intennity of Coomic SOV/2o-122-5-11/56 Radiations in the StratosDhere wave on sea level. Therefore the variations investigated are to a great extent caused by the primary cosmic particles of low energies, According to the data available for maGnietic storns there is not in every case a connection between the varilition of the intcnoity of coamic radiation and t---4e existence of magnetic storms. A semiDeriod of the aforementioned variations lasted 14-3� 1 days. Next, a procedure for the more exact determination of this period is discussed. The authors thank P.N.Ageshin, V.V.Bayarevich, A.G.Bednyakov, V.A.Gladyshev, A.I.I.Istratova, A.F.Krasotkin, Yu.N. Komarov, F.Kh.ldochakov, I.K.Marsh-anov, -and G.V. Chur- banova for preparing the apparatus and for carrying out the experiments; they further thank Ye.S.Glokovq., L.I. Dorman, and A.Ye.Chudakov for their discuss:ngthe resuits obtained .. There are 3 figures and 5 refer- ences, 2 of which are Soviet. CaD~-d 3/4 I The 27-Day Variations of the Intensity of Cosmic SOV/2o-122-5-11/56 Radiations in the Stratosphere ASSOCIATION: Fizicheskiy institut im. P.N.Lebedova Akademii nauk SSSR (Physics Institute inioni P.N.Lebodev of the Academy of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTED: May 24, 1958 Card 4/4 CHARAKHCHIAN, A. W. "Energy spedtrum of primary cosmic radiation" A. N'. Charakhchian. T. N. Charakhchian Based on intensity data for the electronic 4- -mesonic a;Zd nucleonic components of cosmic.radiation at geomagnetia'latitudes of 20. 32.0 and 51'. values were obtain- ed for the total flux of cosmic radiation energy at these latitudes, Furthermore, using cosmicradiation intensity data at the boundary of the atmosphere at latitudes of 510 and 310. an expression was obtained for the energy spectrum of primary cosmic particles. A new -i9lue was obtained for the primary flux of cosmic rky particle (Np + Ni\-) at the equator (20), namely 0.48 + o.04 particles min-1, cm72 sterad-f. report presented at the International Cosmic Ftay Conference, Moscow, 6-32 July 1959 VMMV, S.N.; TUMBOV. Y.7.; CHARMCHITAN, A.R. Measurement of cosmic ray variations in the stratosphere. Tar. koss. luch. pod semeg na ur* saris, I T strat. nool:48 159. (MINA 13:2) (cosmic rag)