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ctjfiRo&lp-], ti-I. GANICNIN, A.M.; RAN=. G.A.; -Cq=VA- ". -. DOTGTALl60, M.D.; BUNIN. I.I.; OMAN. L.Gl. In amwry of Wofenpr VJ~Boowlavskll. lhlmrglia no.10:9" 0 '53. (mm 6:11) (NMoslavoklig TUdlair Nstveewlch, 1888-1953) fit CHARUGIH, A.I., prof, Staltno &rgicol Society. Now.khir.orkh. no.6:82 N-D '57. (SU=W--SOGUTM) (KIRA 11:3) 2 Surgery reo EXCERPTA MEDICA Sec 9 Vol 131 1315. APPLICATION OF A *CLAM P-SPOON' TD GUARD AGAINST INOCULAT- ION OF PAPILLARY TUMOURS OF THE BLADDER DURING THEIR RE- MOVAL (Russianteie.) - Charugin B. A. - UROL. 1957, 1 (63-65) The 'clamp-spoon' to be used in-WEE(fro-c-o-a-g-ura-tion of papillary tumours of the bladder has the form of a dental rout forceps, the end of which carries 2 spoons with contiguous edges. The instrument encloses the tumour. preventing contact between the bladder and debris from the crushed tumour. (S) ,professor X.T OvmtiaWan) ta base k1lulaheskoy bol 1n1t27 100011 A.Te. Torosfiiiova (gj&VW Trach N.I. Lyutaya) CHARUGINq V. MW Caosiopei". Astron.tair. no.217tS D 160. (MM 14:3) 1. Otdol peremmmykh swesd Moskmkogo otdoloniya Toesoyusnogo astroncoo-goodesichelIkogo obahchestvae (3tarog Variable) CIIIARUGIN --ttij- Kinematics of torsional deformations in the twisting of steel rope and some tachnolngical aspects. Nauch. zap. Od. politekh. inst. 41s51-59 162. (MIRA 17:4) CHARUGIN. V.N. f--- Internal engineering force factors and problems of technolog'Lcal improvement of steel-wire ropes with unidirectional twist. Nauch. zap. 0d. politekh. inst. 48:73-85 162. (MM 17:5) KOZYREVA, Zoya Mikhaylvirna; NAGDASEVVA, Inna Favlovna; PISKAREV, Ivan Vasil2y"izh;-CHARTJKHIN. Ivan Gavrilovieb; YAMINSKAYA, lelizaveta Yakovlevna; KUKIN, doktor tekbn. naukp prof.p retsenzent; AGADZHANOVA, I.A.j, red. [Industrial fabrics.and their use) TekhnicheskieAkani i ikh primenenie. Moskva,, Legkaia industriia., 1965. 251 P. (MIRA 18:9) 32776 S/1-35/62/000/001/007/007 A004/Alol AUTHOR: Charukhina, K.Ye,. Engineer TITLE: Scientific-tecbnical conference on vacuum diffusion welding AMIODICAL: Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, no. 1-, 1962, 43 TEXT: On May 16-17, 1961, a Sclentific-technical conference was held in Moscow on the vacuum diffusion wel-ding of metals, alloys and nonmetaIllic material% prepared and convened by the Nauchno-isoledovatel'skaya laboratoriya diffuzionnoy svarki v kuume (Scientific Research Laboratory of Vacuum Diffusion Welding) (NIL DV)v:t MTIMP and the Moscow Oblast'.Administilation of NTO MftShFROH. More than 300 participants from 37 tbwns took part in the conference, where' 24 reports were i~ead. The author of this welding method, Professor N.F. Kazakov, read a report on the present state and development of research work in the field of -vacuum diffusion welding, elucidating in detail the physical funda;6ntals, techno- logical features and necessary equipment. A.P. ShishPova, Candidate of Tachpical Sciences (NIL DSV).and Engineer B.A. Mayler (Moscow "Frmezee Plant) mad a r6po*rt- entitled "The -welding of parts for shank-type tools of P 18 (R18) high-speed steel with grade 45 steel", pointing out that the plant saved.120,000 rubles annually Card 1/ 3 Scientiffc-technical conference ... 3277(a S11351621"100 1/007/007 Aoo4/Alol only o,#!Ang to the elimination of the burntng loss of R18 grade steel and the ab- sence of burrs in diffusion welding. At present, the CABY-7 (SDVU-7) welding installation for the diffusion welding of end tools, designed by SKTBI and NIL DSV, is under construction at the "PrezerP Plant. The report of Engineers N.I. Shestakov, I.S. Zolotarev and A.S. Novgorodov (Moscow Combine of Sintered Car- 4- bides) dealt.with the vacuum diffusion welding of heaters from molLybdenum disili- cide materials. Engineers-V.N. Moiseyev (NIL DSV) and V.T. Krysin (Moscow) re- ported on.investigations of the possibility of vacuum welding bimetallic parts (cast iron + steel + cast Ironj of break shoes and friction disks of high-speed machines. Engineer A.S. Zobov ("RosmetalloproyektP) reported on the testing of vacuum diffusion welding for sel~_shirpening plane irons. A humber ot reports dealt with the development of a technology of vacuum diffusion welding In the manu- facture of electric vacuum devices (A.F. Xhudyshev, I.V. Afanasyev, Engineers, V.V. Gorbanskiy, Candidate of _Wchnical Sciences, Moscow), mercury devices (A.M. Serbina, Engineer, Ryazan'), spinning rings and bands (V.I. Lyubvin, Engineer, VNILTEXhMASh), steel cams Xbr spinning machines (V.P. Moiseyev, NIL DSV), Aentist's drills from sintered carbides (I.I. Volkov, Engineer, NIIEKbA, Mosco4,devices from titanium, copper, beryllium and phosphorous bronze (Parkhomov, Engineer-, No- vosibirsk), ceramet bits with tool holders, bits and drilling tools (G.A. Da-~ydova, Card 2/3 32776 S/135/6 2/000100 11/00 7: /CO 7 Scientific-technical conference ... Aoo4/Alol Engineer, NIL DSV and N.S. Zolotarev, Engineer, Moscow Combine of Sintered Car- bides). Engineers S.Ye. Ushakova (Gor'kiy) and T.V. Sokolova (Kuy'r--,-z-hE:v) rc- ported on diffusion welding in the mechanical engineering practice. Moreover, the following papers were read: "Joining ceramet alloys with each otih--r and with steel" (Engineer V.N. Moiseyev, NIL DSV-); "Joining of heat-resisir-ant 3t~--els In the vacuum in the manufacture of turbine blades" (Engineers K.S. Krasn-Itzkliv and A.I. Sofronov, Nikolayev Shipbuilding Institute); "Vacuum diffusion welding of titanium" (Engineer K.Ye. Charu 1r. #hina, NIL DSV); "Vacuum diffusion weld' g of t-itanium-alloy parts" (Engineer A.V. Malyutin, Moscow); "The welding of Speclal magnets by the vacuum diffusion process" (Engineer V.A. Sokolov, Moscow, "S-Lankc- normal"' Plant). Engineer I.D. Alekseyev,; NIL DSV, reported on the. state and the course of development of vacuum diffusion welding equipment, while Engineer B.D. Fovolotzkly discussed the characteristic features of designing vacuum systkms. Card 313 KAZAKOV, N.F. (Moskva); SHISHKOVA, A.P. (Moskva); CHARUKHINA, V.Ye. (Moskva) Joints in'titanim made by diffusion bonding in vacuum. Avtom. evar. 16 no.10:82-86 0 163. (MIM 16:12) 4_ ACCESS-10N- N.R-: AP4-039768 S/0125/64/000/006/0092/0093! AUTHORt Charukhinaq K* Too TITLE: Vacuum. diffusion welding of SAPI alloy SO URCE: Avtomatichoskaya ovarka, no. 6, 1964, 92-93 TOPIC TAGS: aluminum alloy, SAP alloy, diffusion welding, weld prop alloy diffusion welaing, alloy welding, alloy weld property arty, ABSTRACT: The weldability of SAP alloys in diffusion welding was investigated. Hot compacted bars,(20 mm in diameter and 30 mm long) containing 6.9% Al 0 were diffusion welded by the SDVU-2 laboratory unit. It was founi 1hat at 560-580C, under 2 kg/mmZ pressure maintafted for 45-60 min, sound welds as strong as the base metal are obt ined. I Specimens usually failed In the base metal. Welding results, h:wever4 were not always satisfactory due to an oxide film on the alloy our face which-does not diffuse in the base natal, Among the various chemical and mechanical methods applied to remove the thin film, t: bestmesults were obtained by facing the sarfaces to be Joined, :Card 1/2 'ACCSSSION MR: AP4039768 particul rly on a lathe, Ificroscopic examination duck confirmed pr tion of :ound welds showing no lack of penetration and without any : structural changes in the base istale Origo art* has: 2 fitu ego, ASSOCIATIONt none SUBMITTEDi 00 DATZ ACQ o 24Jun64 IMCL3 00 SUB CODEs NO. R&F SOV&,' 000 OTHRR: 000 Cu~rd 2/2 CHARMITITA, K. Ye6 ............. DIffuslon welding in a vaauum, of the sintered aluminum powder SAP-1 alloyi AVtom., svar. 17 no66-.92-93 is-164 (KIM A 18 2 1) -C-HARUKH.INA,.,.44~~i~jl~ygl~i.lyevri~t, inzh.; KAZAKOV, Nikolay Fedotovich.. doktor tekhn. niuk,''prof.; POLISHCHUK2 G.V., red. (Diffusion bonding in a vacuum of diversified metals] Dif- fuzionnaia svarka v vakuume raznorodnykb-metallov. Lenin- grad, 1964. 22 p. (MIRA 18:4) 0000000000000*0000 0000*000000000*000 a c a a an L a 0 a IIIIa a 1 7 w lip low 04P ow 041- 00- odr, 0-1~ 6~1,-0,41"o-4, 0,41 0 lo 10 0 0-0 4110-410 41-0- 0,0,0 0-0 0:,o 04 a o o 0 0 0 0 0 AN to TO-V US 7 VW SO ^00 , r 00 0 00, 00 ow p 00 00 :0* 00 00 oo KAL CHARMIRL, Z*N. ,. %ginser N*P.lVrlanoT&ls method should be w1dely need in fur Irj- dustry. Legiprom.17 no.3:41 Mr 15?. (MM 1040 Pur-Testinc) CHARUKHINA Z 11 kand.tekhn.nauk; KIVSHITS, Ye.A.0 mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; , N.V... starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; ZLMDINA, LP-, laborant Determining the concentration of solutions used in fur sanufacture by their electric conductivity. Nauch.-isel.trudy NIIW o.9:56- 70 '59. (Mia 14.5) (Pur-Dregsing and dyeing) (Solution(Chomistry)-Electric properties) CHARUKHINA, Z.N,,_kand.tekhn.nauk; ZMODINA.. I.P... inzh. Determijing the concentration of chromium sa~14 by the depsity of the solutions. NauchAsel.trudy NIINP no.11:37-40 162. (KMA 16:5) (Tanning) CPARUMIINA, Z.N.J. hand. telchn. rauk; ZA-BRODIIJIA~ I.?., mladshiy nnuchnyy sotrudnik Possibility of the hppli~.-ation of I~he cbrc)jratcgraF?!,,Jc alialysis for determining the clALngas occurring ir the ani!1o aefd COMPOSition of the fur hair during dressing. Nauch. is:31. trudy IIIII,T, 0922:5�4~ 163. Wtff 17: 11 T-- RODIONOVv A.M.; ZUBIN, A.M.; CHARUXHINA '.'Z.N. Changes in the proportion of the coat of hair of sheep pelts occurring during the refining process. Kosh,-obuv,prome 5 no.4:21-23 Ap 63. .(KMA 16s 5) (Fur-Dressing and dyeing) CHMUSHIN G V Determining the strike of slightly dislocated sedimentary rocks by their fractures. Izv.vost.fil. AN SSSR no.3--27-325 157. (MIRA 10:9) 1. Vostoc4no-Slbirskiy Mial Akademii nauk SSSR. (Rocks, Sedluentsr7) CHARUSHIN, G. V. Cand Geol-Min Soi -- (diss) "Tectonio parting of the dightly disr8loated sedimentary rooks of the southeastern Irkutsk amphitheater." Irkutsk, 1957. 23 pp (Irkutsk State Univ im A. A. Zhdanov), 120 copies M, .3-58, 96) -13- AUTHOR: Charushin, G.V. 5-3-7/37 TLITLE: Tectonic Cleavage of Weakly Dislocated Sedimentary Rocks in the South-Eastern Part of the Irkutsk Amphitheater (~ektoni- cheskaya treshchinovatost' slabo dislotsirovannykh osadoch- nykh porod yugo-vostoka Irkutskogo amfiteatra) PERIODICAL: Byulleten' Moskovskogo Obshchestva Ispytateley Prirody, Otdel Geologicheskiy, 1957, No 3, pp 117-135 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author describes results of investigating the tectonic cleavages of sedimentary Paleozoic and Mesozoic rocks in several districts of the Irkutsk amphitheater. He investig- ated diaclases of these rocks during more than 2 years using the method developed bi Ye.N. Permyakov (Ref. 13 ~4, 15)-, The collection of materials proceeded along two linest on the one hand azimuths of the strike lines of tectonic fie-- sures were measured, and.on the other hand, the quantitative characteristics of the cleavage were determined. About 12,000-measurements of fissures were performed. Then, the direction of rock strike was determined for each particular case according to Permyakov's "'parallelogram rule". Elements of brachystructure were also computed by Permyakov's form- Card 1/3 ulas. Local diagram-roses of tectonic fissures were con- 5-3-7/37 Tectonic Cleavage of Weakly Dislocated Sedimentary Rocks in the South- Eastern Part of the Irkutsk Amphitheater structed according to measurements in outcrops. They showed that diagonal and longitudinal cleavages occur concurrently in the southern part of the Siberian plateau. The domination of one or another type depends on the structural-tectonic properties of the territory. The shape and complexity of compounded diagram-roses depends on the character of the fold. In the case of long, narrow anticlines with uniform dip of the rocks at the sides, compound diagram-roses are simple with two rays. In the case of folds of complicated shapes, compound diagrams consist of many rays, as shown in Figure 8. Regional compound diagram-roses of tectonic fissures reflect the regional features of the tectonics of sedimentary layers. The summary compound diagram-rose, shown in Figure 8, was constructed on the measurements of tectonic fissures in all districts. It has rays parallel to the breaks of the Sayan-Baykal folded arc surrounding the southern projection of the Siberi~n'--plateau from the south-east and south-west. dome reason to suppose Card 2/3 the existence of deep breaks in the crystalline foundation 5-3-7/37 Tectonic Cleavage of Weakly Dislocated Sedimentary Rocks in the South- Eastern Part of the Irkutsk Amphitheater of the Siberian plateau with the same orientation, i.e. diagonal network of fissures. The author expresses the opinion that main forces which caused the origination of these fissures were vertical or subvertical tectonic forces. The study of rock cleavage in the plateau regions proved to be expedient for geologic mapping and surveying, engineering- geologic explorations, etc. The article contains I graph, 3 photos, 3 maps, 4 diagrams, 5 tables and 24 references, 20 of which are Russian, and 4 are in English. AVAILIBLE: Library of Congress Card 3/3 hi 01) H AV ~t < CHMSHIN, G.V. ectonic fracture@ In sedimentary rockso Pr1roda 47 no.2:92-% P '58, (xm n: 2) l.Inotitut geologli, Tootoohno-Sibirskogo filial& AN SSSR, Irkutsk. (Rocks.- Sedimentary) (Geology. Sturctural) \~~RUSHIN, G.V. Regional direction of faults In the Siberian Platform. Geol. i geofis. no.3:lW]22 160e (MIRA 13:9) 1. Tostochno-Sibirskly geologicheskiy institut Sibirskogo otdolentya AN SSSR, (Siberian Matfors-Faults (Geology)) L. T 1~& i Connection between,,bydrology andlectonics in the Irkutsk amphitheater.'~s.gecg.ob-va. 92 no.5:406-419-S-0 160. . (Siberian llatfom-Hydrology) (MMA 13-9) VOROPINOV, S.V.;-CHARUSHIN, G.V. Usisual buried frosen dislocations in the Aseyka brown coal deposit (Irkutsk Province). Geol. i geofiz. no.8z/+3-50 160. - (MIRL 3.4:2) 2.1lostachno-Sibirskly goelogiches4y institut Sibirskogo otdonanin AN SSSR. (Irkutsk Provino"sologyp S"lural) Two ways of sl-ye-edingr up the acn,,truction process of WV291w.;-~- d1agraw. SorgeaXw 4 no.9:100-~IU- S 161. (MMA 14: 11) 1. Vostochno-Sibirskiy geologicheskiy insti'tut Sibirskogo otdoleniya AN SSSR. (Geologyp,Structural-Graphic methods) (Petrography) -CHARUSHINp--GOV.; TRZHTSIlUKIT,, YU.B. First Conference of Young Scientists of the Eastern Siberian Institute of the Siberian Branch of the Acadaiq of Sciences of the U.S,S.R. Geol. j geofis. no.6:133-n4 162. (MIM 15; 7) (Siberia--Goology--Gongresses) -. CHARUS Rapid method of locating strikes of the most,pronounced joint eyotens. Sov.geol. 6 no.2:110-217 F 163* (MIA 16*4) I* Vostochno-Sibirokiy geologicheskiy iwtitut Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR. I (Joints (Geology)) (Rocks,, Sedimentary) CHARUSHIN,, G.V.; ISIYNiKO,, H.Pe; GUMK, V.A. Rwvim and bibiliagraft. Isv. vp. usbob. sav.; i rawr. 7 no.1*139-243 Za 964 r= 18t2) 1. Vostoobno4tLbirokly goologichookiy Institnt Sibirskogo ot- deleniya M- SM. (for CWL=ohin). 2. Koskovskiy goologwaswidoch- nyy institat ineni Ordsbonikidso (for lsapnkot GL17uk). CHAMISHIN, Vladimir Alek1ju4n .y#4, [How to protect yourself and anteals from helminthlasts] Kak uborecbl sebis i zbivotnykh ot glistrqkb sabolevatii. Moskva, Goa. lzd-ya selkhos lit-ry, 1958. 100 p. OGRA 1?-:l) (WORMS, IMSTINAL M PARASITIC) 9HARUSHIN, V.A. (Ullyanovsk) Free vibrations of structures on braces. Stroi. mekh. i rasch. soor. 4 no.2336-40 162. (KRA 15:5) (Vibration) CHARUSHIN, V.A. Free vibrations of a structu" on braces. Trudy TSNIISI no.18i 9U123 '620 (KIRA 16s2) (Neebanics, Analytical) (Vibration) .*r, ARNAUTOVP V.T.; BAIIANOV, V.M.; ITNSKOY, S.A.; PASTUTIROV, A.I.; SRIFNOV, L.A.; TORSHILOV,, Yu.V.; TRETIYAKOV, M.A.; UDOVr-,,',,YC,, V.G.; FRIY-E-1-1Z.0, Ye.Z.; SHCHEKALEV, Yu,S,; Prinirali uchastiye: MAKAIEV, S.V.; IKOleARMITS, G.M.; NAGOVITSYN, D.F.; NOVOLODSKIY, P.I.; VARSHAVSKIY, V.L.; XOROGCDSKIY, V.G.; KLIBANOV, Ye.L., MEDVEDEVSKIKH, Yu.; TALANTSEVA, T.I.; DUBROV, N.F.; D2EMYAN, S.K.; TOPYCHKANOV, B.I.; CHARUSIINIKOV 9.~.; KHARITONOV, Yu.A. Developing and mstering the technology of converting vanadium cast iron in oxygen-blown converters with a 100 ton (14g) capacity. stall 25 no.6-50ir)08 is 165. (1,11RA 18:6) 1. Ni2hne-jragi2skiy matallurgicheskiy kombinat (for M-akayev, Kov~~,-a- niyets, vagovitsynt Novolodskiy, Varshavskiy, Korogodakiy, Kliba-,,(ov, Madvedevskikh, Talantseva). 2. Urallskiy naucino-issl.i3dovatp--lls'A-i.-~, institut chenykh meta'1110V (f02, Dubrov, Dzemyun, Topychkano,.-, nikov, Kharitonov). NOVIKOV., A.; CHARUSHNIKOV V._ -11 We are improving inmarancee Fin."SSSR 23 no.8s66-67 Ag 162. (MRA 15: 0) 1, Zamatitell nachallnika Upravleni" gomidaretvennogo strakhavanlya po Ilrovskoy oblasti (for Movikov). (Kirov Province.-Inwancs) ACC MR& SOURCE AUTHOR:' Charushnikov; V. D. 9 ORGt Institute of Mathematics, Siberian Divisions AclLM of Sciewes M (Institut matematiki Sibirskogo otdolentya kkadenii. nauk SSW) TITLE% A minimax problen of the theory of cubature formail" SOURCIt AN SSSR. Dokladys ve 168.0 no, 1., 1966., 36-39 TOPIC TAGSt Euclidean opacs,, error functlo% Fourier transforn, topology,, mathmatic matrix, Hilbert space.. linear functional operator ABSTRACTs The cabature formila fbr &W class of functions is emmined. The error' functional of the formAs I - W,- ..' IT (X) ds - Yj cmV W611.1 where a is some domain in an n-diwmsional Euclidean Mace sni, and x is the coluam vector of the coordinates of the variable point, The quality of the cubature formla is evaluated by maw of the bound of the functional Fourier transform we used* The'topology in the spaces used is inbroducedt 7 ACC NRt AP6015077 (Z) 13 10 (E) dZ)v""' I U Iinf I U01 OL ISIHOO(AW fis A theorem Llmong all the periodic error functionals with the volume of a unit torusp the minima bound is that vhQao lattice is the reciprocal of the lattice that realises the minimm of Bn4y(H)7 in defined concretely. An ezAicit mWession of the weight function in usedo The author thanks,So LIo Soboley for formalating the problem and No Do Romazanow for discussion, Tbre -pqw was presented by S. L. Soboleys &cadamlcM; 'on-f-Em-gast'1965. Orig. at. heat 22 formulw* WD CODIS SUBM DATZ#, 2?JuU6/ ORIO We 0106 I-Cmd- 212 0- f./: 7 1 S/129/62/ooo/ol2/003/013 E073/E351 AUTHORS: Gol1dshteyn,-YaoY?.; Candidate of Technical Sciences and Charushnikova, G&A*9 Engineer TITLE: Influence of nickel on low-temperatur* brittleness of- steel -PERIODICAL: 16letallovedeniye-t termicheskaya obrabotka metallov, no. 12, 1962, 12 15 TFM: The infIxience of Ni additi n o 1.1,- 2.6 and 4. 0 s f 0.1 on the impact stirength -and.- sensitivity to lowering the brittle transition temperature was inveitigated for expevimentai inductlon-melted steels with C contents a;f 0.18, 0.33i o.45 and 0. 5oq*', and o.jL6-o.271,10 Si, O.48--0.8Ocj,0' kin, 0.032-0o0338,,'. S, 0.021-. OoO2701,: P, 0.08-0.110,V1 Cr, 0.056-0.099o," 'Al. trom forged rods, 32 x 0 i'32 mm, normalized at 880-900 C, high-temperature annealed and 0 hardened at temperatures 30 C above Ac' and then tempered, speci-. mens of 11 x 11 mm cross-section.,were cat (to ensure through- ihardeninS); low-carbon steel specimens were, iwater-quenched - the. 'others oilgquenched. The influence of'the tempering temperature (20 - 600 C) on the impact atrength of specimens water-cooled after tempering was studied and the.influence of Ni on the brittle E ard-1/2 S/129/62/000/012/003/013 Influence of nickel E073/E351 fracture transition of specimeR 15 tempered to HB 24o and 340 (0. 18%) C steels were tempered at 200 C). Steels %iith different chemical ompositions were tempered'from differ ent temperatures to obtain equal hardness. Conclusions: nickel.additions to low-carbon steel the impact -strength an& lower the brittle fracture temperaturi; in low-temperiture, tempered. steel the lowest brittle 0 fracture temperature .(-60 C) is obtained.for steel with 4.51" Ni but 'stee'l tempered to HB 240 requires oAIX 2.50% Ni f o give the lowest brittle fractu're-teoperaturo.(-50 C). If the carbon content is above 0.330,0',.nicke~L additions no_longer have a favourable effect (high-temperature tempering') and-may even become unfavourable. The quantity of*NLi required to bring about an unfavourable influence is lower the higher the carbon content. There,are 1 figure and 3 tables* ASSOCIATION~-. - Chelyabinskiy nauchno-Isele4ovatel'skiy instIttit metailurgii (Chelyabinsk Scientific-research -Inst itut eof Metallurgyt Card 2/2 5/0137/63/OW/01 ,ACCESSION'Niti, AR4014152 [,-'SOIRCEs RZh, Metallurgiya, Abe. 121419 1 AUTHCR sGolldshteynv Ya* Yeol Charuohnikovaj, 0* A*. i TITM i Iffect of nickel on the cold brittleness. of carbon steel I! UITED SOURCEs Sb. Teoriya i praktika metallurgiie Chelyabinsk# vy*po So 1963,, 132-141 4:TOPIC TAGSs Nickel carbon steelg carbon steel cold brittleness ,11 TRANSLATIONs Four fractional melts were studied; the C content, of each of which Ivas constant (0*18; 0o33; 0.448 and 0.50%), with the Ni content changing from 001 to 4-5%- ak was determined in specimeno with % equal to 240 and 340 at tem- peratures. between -120 and 4200e The effect of A on!'the properties of the steel depends on the C content and the heat treatment* When the C content is 0*18%p Ni improves the fracture and a of the steel. When the Ni content increases from 0.1 to 4.5%v the cold-brittleness threshold shifts. toward lower temperatures ,iCard 1/2 GOLIDSHTEYN, Ya.Ye. (Chelyabinsk); CHARUSIINIKOVA, G.A. (Chelyabinsk); BELIKOV, A.M. (Chelyabinsk'~ Characteristics of phase transformations, structure, and properties of manganese steel. Izv. AN SSSR. Otd. tekh. nauk. Met. i gor. delo no.4.-105-111 JI-Ag 163. (MIRA 16:10) L 10L29 '7 1J1" je ---iLD/jfvlj" --0 -,tQ~ ACC NRs AP6031717 SOURCE CODE: UR/0370/66/000/005/0075/0082 AUTHOR: Gol'dshteyn, Ya. Ye. (Chelyabinsk); Charushnikova, G. A. (Chelvabinak) ORG: none ,TITLE: Effect of additional alloying on cold brittleness of manganese steel SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Metally, no, 5, 1966, 75-82 TOPIC TAGS: manganese steel, molybdenum containing steel, tungsten containing steel, nickel containing steel, steel propi--rty, cold brittleness ABSTPACT. An attempt has been made to lower the temperature of trangition to brittle behavior (Tb) in high manganese steel (0.06-0.10% carbon, 7.0-9.07, mangallese) by -additiona.' alloying. This steel has high mechanical properties: tensile strength- over 90 Vield strength 70 kg/rmn2, elongation over 20%, reduction of area over 60:Z and toughness over N mkg/cm2. The notch toughness, however, drops sharply at temperatures below 10C. Only a very simple heat treatment Is required: annealing at 800C aud short aging at 600-6245C with subseque% quenching in 3,zater, oil, or air. It was foind that the addition of 0.5% molybdenu J-/1.2%,L s ~/and 2Z-ui-'1?Y~ers the Tb by 100, 50, and 30C, respectively, without affecting the.other properties. Orig. art. has: 6 figures and 5.tables. [TD] SUB CODE: 1l/ SUBM DATE: 12Jun64/ ORIG REF: OOJ/ OTH REF: 003/ Card 1/1 JMr. -1-1- __1. - I --- - -, --' -_ - I L 3992-66 EPA tQ-2/Elfll kM)/h Fr kn) ACC NR: -AP50223j4 UR/0133/65/000/009/0820/0823 -363' 669.168.621'. ]LB. AUTHOR: BalwMazov. S. V,,; Kadarmetov, Kh. N.; Char~ k~,~it, V-~. richimets Ponoma Tulig, N. PozdeXeV N -P : renko, Yu. G A 4 TITLE: Vacuum treatmep.VoUli id.ferrochmium A SOURCE: stall, no. 9, .1965, 820-823 L TOPIC TAGS:- fervochroms, low "rbon forrochrome liquid f arroebrome, farrochrom decarburization,"vacuum decarburit'ation- ABSTRACT: To develop a technique-for industrial-scale production of low-carbon ferrochromium, the Chelyabinsk. Scientific Research Institute-of M1etaqU_rj&!5'together with. the Che]jabinsk -Metauurgical Plant,~gonducted (1960-1964) a series of laboratory and semi-.industrial scale experiments on decarburization of liquid ferrochromium .-in a vacuum induction.furnace. The experimental-results showed that vacuum treat- ment of a 400-kg heat of liquid ferrochromium in an-induction furnace in a vacuutd of 0.6-2.0 am Hg (80-270 n1W) at 1670-1700C reducid, the carbon content of the alloy from 0.05-0.07 to 0.01--0.02% in I hr, and.even lower with.futther treatment. The chromium content of the~alloy.was practically unchangedand the loss of ferro- chromium did notexceed 32. The power-consumption for vacuum treatment was about. 500 kwh per ton of liquid feirochromium, and the carbon oxidation rate was 0.0006 to 0.0009% C/min. In industrIA-scale production, liquid ferrochromium poured into a ladle from which, after slait'rimoval, the metal is poured into the crucible Card 1/2 B C1131,01"'(1)VI V"'Df'ddE'rOV, Kh.N.; CILAEUSIMIKOVA, G.,V.; KPT(:IILVPI'S, R.B.; 1: C, 1'11~~'-'%!,~RENFIO, Yu.G.; TULIN, N.A.,- POZ-HERN, N.P.; SERGEYEEEV, A.B. Vacuum treatment cf liquid ferroclircmium. Stall 25 nc.8~820- 823 S :65, (MMh 18.,9) 1. Chelyabinskiy nfrac hno-is sled ovate! I sk iy institut inetallurgii i t"helyabiriskiy metallurgicheskiy zav-,i. CHAHU."'Y -j j.'CA, L. 1 .: "Tho dyna-rucs of conditions c1cments of soil fertility in crol-rotations T~dtl-A var.Lc~cu; dcn-sitics of Zrair o- indusl. cl,.-)T,s in Krzsrtod,~r laoscow Order of L-- ricultum, 11 Acadcrj~, L tcni K. A. TLrdry-n-ev. Szrmrkz~nd, (Disscl-~-Atioi~3 i'or -'~hc Dc-ree of Candil~,jtj2 j- 1-1-4 -, ti= 4,- "cu~ -.1 scic-ces). SO: luto.~ is' I~o. 22, 19-,50' ORkRMIIY, A.P.; SHIRSTINNIXOT. 7.A.; NOWIN. N.G., redaktor; XOVA- tokhnicheakly redaktor. (Installation of metal bridges by means of four-pole derricks] Kontash metallicheskikh mostov pri pomoshchl chetyrokhmschtovogo pod"evinika. Noskya Ind-wo doroahno-tekha. lit-ry Clushosdora KFD SSSR, 1952. 74 P. fmicroftial (MM 7-10) (Bridges. Iran and steel) (Cranes, derricks. ate.) DRONOV, A.A.; GODIK, A.N.; SHTILIHAN, Ye.I.; CHARUYSKIY.L_A.P., red.; GALAKTIONOVA,' Ye.N., tekhn. red. [Construction of small bridges and culverts from local materials] Stroitel'stvo malykh mostov I trub iz mestnykh materialov. Moskva, Dorizdat, 1953. 127 p. (MIRA 16:7) (Bridges) (Culverts) -C-L I-j F\ ALILSANMOV. Boris Sorgeyevich; ALT&WXV, A.P.; AABOLOTSKIY, F.D.; KONDMV, A.Tu.; NIMUTIV, V.I.; MMITZT, I.A.; SARIMKM, '~J.14-2UMMUT -,--=MINOV. I.S.; BABEDV. Y.F.. doktor takhni- Rff:&~Aj choskikh nauk, profe"or, redaktor; CHVANOV, V.G., redaktor; ULIKO- U. N.V., tekhnichookiy reduktor. [BLudbook for road for*mnl 9pravochnoo rukovodstyo dlia doroxhuogo motora. Pod red. T.I.Sabkova. Moskva, Isuchno-tekha. izd-vo avto- transportudi lit-ry, 1954. 450 p. [Microfilm) (PTNA 8:2) (Roads) , -L,\j -' " - ~ 1-11z" !f/' i CHARMKIT, Aleksandr Petrovich; MIXT-A XF ff, TeYgeniY' Parloviche - FORII; GRADISHCHW, Nikolay Tefimovich; KHAZA , I.A., redaktor; KOGIAN, LL., takhnichookly redaktor. [manual for the concrete worker In the construction of bridges and Iculvert@] Pesebie betousbebiku na stroitellstva mostoy I trub. Isd. 2-e, parer. Moskva, 1hachme-tek-hu.tad-ve avtotranap. lit--~-y 1955o 153 P- MRA 8:11) (Bridges, Concrete) (Pipes. Concrete) AKSILIROD. Isay Solosonovich; CHARUYSKIY, A.P., red.; WAKTIONOTA. U.N.,, takhn, red, [Safet.v ougi"ering in bridge construction] Takhnilm bezopasnostl na stroAtelletve mostur, Moskva, Nauchno-takhn, Isd-wo aytotzonsp, lit-ry, 1955. 62 p, (MIRL llt?Y (BrIda construction-Safety wasures) TBRIN. Boris Gersslu*vich; O=. Sergey Idgarovich; SEMIN. Ivan, AssarovIch. qwmqTl- A . GALAKTIOADVA, To.f ',takhatcheekly re- , A .. rodaktor- 0 d5k-fair. [Care and repair of autonobile bridges) Sodorshante I rommut, arte- doroshafth mostev. Moskva,' lauchno-takha. isd-vo awtotrasep. lit-ry 1955. 209 P. (Brldges--Repairing) (XWA.9:6~ CHARUYSIXT.A.P., inshener L6z;,, -%, Conveyer asembly and placestent of bridge spans by pushing from the back side. Avt.dar.18 no.5:20-21 5155. (KLRA 9:1) (Bridge construction) _. GIBSHMAN, Ye_.fe., prof.. KWAN, I.A., inzh.; CHARUTSKIT A.P., insh. Highway bridge constraction during the years of the Soviet regime. Avt.dor. 20 no,10:25-28 0 '57. (KIRA 10:12) (Bridge construction-History) PAKHOLIK, L.CPacholik, Ladi slay]; f~HLIUTOIXV4 M.N.[ translator]; BAWANOU, N. Ye. (translator] - CHARUYSEXIJX..~- # redaktor; GALMION.OVA. Yo. N.,tekhnicheskiy redaktor [Prestressed concrete] Pradvaritellno napriashennyi beton. Sokrashchennyj perevod s cheshokogo M.N* Kharitonovoi, N.J. Barabanovoi. Moskva, Nauchno-takhn. tsd-vo avtotranap. lit-ry, 1957. 294 P. (Prestressed concrete) GHARTJYSKIY,.A,.~,..,.,iuzh. Mking And erecting Precast reinforced concrete bridge spans. Nekh. mtrei. 15 uo.12:19-~2 N 158. (KIRA 11:22) (Bridges. Concrete) MAWTSKIY, A.P., inzh. -.. _; _H~ Judustr1allsing the construction of reinforced concrete bridge@ and culverts on bt&wmrs. Aytdoro 22 no,3:14-18 Nr 159. (KMA 12:4) (Road construction) (PrIftes. Concrete) (culverts) TCLMCEMV. Xonstantin Mirimanforich, dotpent, Imud.tekhn.nauk; CHAIMSKIT, A.F. , zed.; GALUTIONOTA, U.N.. takhn. red.; DOWATAol "m [Controllinc stresses in wtal Lrldp span structures] Reguliro- ,ranie napriashoull v mtellichaskikh proletnykh strooniiakh sostov. Moskva. lauchno-tokka.isd-vo M-ya aytonobillnogo tranap. i shossei- nj~&h dorog RSM, ig6o. 114 p, (KIRA 13:6) 1. Chlen-korrespondout (for Tolmehey), (pridges. Iron and Akademil stroltellstva i arkhitektary SSSR steel) (Strains and stresses) CRABUYSKIYO A. In support of a further rise in technical progress in bridge con- struction. Avt. dor. 24 no.10:28-W"O 961. (MIRA 14:11) Oridge construction) CHARUYSKIlp A. P.; E60CMW, B. V.; BULAMU, V. 1. Suspended asswbZy of spans vith dry joints. kvt. dor. 25 no.20:17-19 0 #62e (MIRA 15: 10) (Bridge construction) CHARUYSKIY, A.P., inzh. Standardized designs of span structures. Avt.dor. 27 no.6:22-23 je 064- (MIRA 18:4) CHARUYSKIY, A.; ANTONOV, I. Once more about slabs without reinforcement. Av'il.dor. 27 no.11:21 N 164- (MIRA 18-'4) CHARUYSKlYp A.P.p inth. Str6ngtheniq river bridge piers. Avt. dor, 28 no,%25-16 S 165, WRO 18,10) CHARUZAt J 09tandardisation of Tools.* P. 232 (S"WnWMI, Val. 3v No- 3v yamb IM, Prehav Czeabolovaida)-e - 90s Kmftly Ust of Mot 3mvpm Amess1cmat LC,, Vol. 3v No. 5v May 1954p UnclaseLfled. CHARUZA, J. CHARUZA, J. International standardization of terminology in gauging. p. 33. Vol. 3, nol 2, Feb. 195,4 NOWALISACE TECHNOLOGY Praha, Czecho'Alovakia So: East European Accessions, Vol. 5, no. 5, May 1956 CURU7A. J. - Normalisace - Vol. 4. no. 1, Jan. 19.55. Safety regulations for eccentric and crank pressm p- 12. Thesiatic plan for Igrmdisagt for 1935. p. 15. SO: Monthly List of last Buropean Accessions, (IM). LC, Vol. 4, No. 9. SePt- 1955 Unel. uhpua, J. Third Plenary Sessi6n of the International Organization for Standardi7ation. r,. 193. .i Vol. 4, no 9 Sept. 1555 NORNUILISACL ' Fraba, Czechoslava4a So: Eastern Luropean Accession Vol. 1~ No. 4 April 1956 CHARUZA, J. CHARUZAv J. Expositions help standardization. p. 177. Vol. 5. no. 8,, Augs 1956 NORMALISACE TECHNOLOGY Czechoslovakia So: East European Accession,, Vol. 6, No. 5, May 1957 CHARMAL7 Joi ins* I I . 1. ------ Now Czeeboslovak standards. Strojirenetri 1.1 no.11:873404 N 161. (Vachiner7) GH"UZA., J., inz. Nev Czechoislovak standards. Strojirenstvi 11 no.12:947-948 D 161e -CHARUZA, J., inz. Seetional shifting cylirder. Strojirenstvi 12 no.1:69-70 Ja 162. CHAR A, J." Jl;z. New standarclao Strojirenstv:L 13 n0.5:393 MY 163. i I CMU7A-s J.j, itkid': Nov otandards. Stro)irenstyl 13 no.7.-552 n 363, CHARUZA.-J., inz, New standards. Strojirenstvi 13 no.9:713 S 163. CHARU7A J...~Pz- Rew standards. Strojirenstvi 14 no. 3: 235 Mr 164. - 4, - CHARUZA, J.:, inz. New standards. Strojirenstvi 14 no.12.-962-963 D ;64. GHARUZAI, Zd,enek --------- Gownt too lasting* Sozareivi 13 no,40.13-3-18 Ap 613. .1,w Svito nopop Gottwaldovo CHARVAT A. "Principles of ensuring the efficiency of capital investments in the meat industry," P. 113* FM)ffSL POMVIN. (Ministerstvo potravinarskeho, prunyalu). Praha, Czechoslovakia,, Vol. ID.. No. 3., 1959. Honthly list of East European Accessions (EEAI)s LC., Vol. B. No, 8,, August 1959. Uncla* CHARVAT, Antonin, Inz. Preparation of the railroad line service for the 1963-61+ winter. Zel dop tech 11 no.10:293-294 163. il GURTAT, A. RP069*- Nkporiences with Filatov's tissue therapyof peptIc ulcer. fiborn, pathofysiol. trav. "a. 5~no.6:362-365 1951. (GIML 23:2Y Excerpta Nedica See 9 Surgery Vol. 9/6 June 55 3123, wwsg4~ J,,Chir. Odd. StAtilt nemocn, Pod Petfinviti, llv,kha Ill. lua liut~nthii. V o lvti hks ot t lie gn 1 [1) ladde r ROZIll... 19-54, 33/9 (471-475) Illus. 2 GHLRTAT. A.. As. KUDr ~ Solitary diverticulitle of the cooon. Roshl.chir. 34 no.6:372-YA June 55. I* Z chirurgicksho oddeleal St. obl. v.v. neuvenice v Praze-*otole. preduosta dooe XWr B.Slederle OBOUR. Aiverticalm, solitary devertioulltis, surg.) CHARVAT, A.. MUDr. Osteogenests imperfacta. Acta chir. orthop. traum. cech. 23 no-6: 321-327 lbv 56. 1. Chlrurgicke oddelent Stat. obl. v. Y. nniocnice v Praze-Motols, predn. doe. Dr. B. liederls. (OSMGNMIS IWIVWTA, ca,se reports & review (Cs)) CHARTAT, Aug. Calculi in the van deforens. Roshle chir. 35 no.8:486- 490 Aug 56. 1. Z chirurgicksho odd* newculce Pod PotrInex. Praha 111. Vlassim, produests, doe..NM. Ze Tahala# (TAS DUMNS. calculi (Cs)) GHARVkTt A. (Praha-Motol, chirurg. odd.) Perlarteritle nodosm. Rozhl. chir. 37 no.4s266-2?2 Apr 58. 1. Chirurgicke od4oloul nemocnics v Prate-lbtole, prednosta doce Dr. B. Stederle. A. Ch., Praha-Motol, chirurg. odd. (MI&RTMTIS IIODM (Cs)) I CHARVAT, A. (Prahn XVI, Had Vaclavkou 4.) li;s fi; Dlsenpq~.of the appendices spiploicae. R0 chir. 37 no.6:417-422 June _T8. I* Chirargicks, klinilm (dospelych) fakulty do'"okeho lelmrstyi, predn. doc. Dr. Z. Vabala. Pmha. (MMTIIU, IM2. dig. inflam. of appendices epiploicae (0s)) (PERMNITIS same) FIISAKDVA, B.;GH&RVAT, A.;ROTRM, V, Oar experiences with nephroye2y in & woudering kidnW. RozhI. chir. 38 no.10:666-671 0 159 1. Rentgenolog. odd. fakultni nemocnice v Praze 1 - Pod Petrinsm. vedoucl prim. dr. 1. 711sakovs, Chirargicka katedra fakulty deteksho lekarstyi. vedouct prof. dr. Jan. Inobloch Interni katedra fakulty deteksho Iskaretvig vedcucl prof. dr. Vladimir JedllckiL, (KIMM, abnorn. )