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CIM14DDAMVA, N., sloner' Grab@ for holettrog slabs without using lifting hingan. Na strole Nooks 1 U0,9:28 a 158. (MIRA 11112) (Hoisting mehinerv) CIMODANOVA, V. B. 117- Galculation of parameters and starting characteristics of salient- pole synchronous machinery with massive poles. Sbor. reb. po vop. elektromekh. no.68235-W 161. (MIRA 14:9) (Electric machinery, Synchronous) CHLMCDABOVA,, N.B., inzh. Calculation of parameters pole syncbronous machirAs 32 no.5:65-68 My 161. (Electrio and starting chexacteristics of salient with massive poles. Vest. elektroprov.. (MM 15:5) mchinery, Synohronous) CIMMODAMVA., N.B., inzh. Appropoe of wCalculation of parameters and starting characteristics of salient-pole synchronow machinee urith solid poles." Vest. alektroprom. 33 no.5:72 Vy 162. (MA 15:5) (Electric machinery,, Synchronous) .1 MULLIN$ M.A., "ADOSTINY A.P.; CUMDANOVA, Ye.S. lievalopwnt.of the-continuouil method for the production of polyisobutylene with 1000-3000-molsoular weights. Xhim. i tekh. topl. i mael, 165. (MIRA 18:10) 1. Yefremovokiy zavod sintetichaskogo kauohuka. L 01OU:�k JWT(m)1VF(G)1ZWPLj)1T DJ/RX ACCESSION WRI 'AP5012983 UR/0065/65/ooo/oOsM19/0024 542.61.002.2 AUTHORI 4qLvv9 V.IDintsee A N'v or". Y.. Povova' L. CSavostin! A: 1 R, FT TITLE: Development of a continuous V. as for production of lene w t soledular weights of 10,000 and 20,000 -24 SOURCE: XhImLys, Ltakh * oglya toplb L easels no. 8, 1255, 19 TOPIC TAOSs 49abutyleme, -polymerization. lubricant additive. fuel thLck*n*44,v Lnuous process for pr*- ARSTRACTs The objective of the study was to develop a coot weights 010,000 (commerc ductLon of, AyLsobutylene with molecular Lal oil addL- r" I P-20 LO 20,000 .1. These sufttimse am us~o in tLve P-1 addLtivo P-20, 4 1 manura-caltEvournFautomoti. =.PL60!;aLL!94ftd ac a*";, MbricatLag oils.~ Iso- al 'ec T cea I buty1m nt Triul-aNkle solvent Ut Pontans, and Others) UBU4 Alms (in ethyl 'W meftyl ablari6m). a a catalyst. Flow-sheat of the industrial sale 17"Visation unit is show in fig. Iof the tacloswe The lbear veloalty a PO atift-sixtue 3-8.5 a/sec-ead AM beat ezdm~w::.' af'tbe rem VWd 7 M033 APSOl" one is I as Per a liters of r*wtw vo*bg volms. The qpfjj~ polymerisation Corldittaft we, wt. % of AIC13 b;ssed on Isabutylom, 35% Isabutylaile 14 the feedstock and 9 to 109C below am In the on" of P-10 "tiv*i Y41 butylene to the feebtock -ad 2M below sm to the awe of P-20 0ddItIv*- he speat to molecular weLgbts wme homagencus product Is obtained ftall t S,", operstipg Isabixtylimi po2pserizaticin veactor tWo. hall a bateb-type reactor. 01~14- art. h468 4. ~Ivjv?s it tablell. UIOCIATZW VKI W1 Tsfrmiviakly~ saved syn- - thotle Rubbw MR Owl act a MeLl A IBUBKT=s NMI 001 2/8 '. 01031-". L ACCEG*ii*' irRI AFS019983 EKCLOSURE: 01 Fig. 1. 1--vacuum line; 11-7 AV 'ethyl chloride to the unit; 111--air line; IV.-Faseous aff4mia from the t; V--iso- F butylens to thc Vl--i*O- butan* to the unit; V11--li- quid samonia to the unit; N111--nitrogen from the cylin- dare. 1--amisonia-cooled reser- voirs containing Isobutylene-' -aster- isobutane uixiure; 2- ing tank with catalyst wolu- tion; 3--rotameter on the feed 4 line; --polywrization reaci- ing mi mlx~zjS by bubbI gen through the solution at abus 25-350C; 5--mistoring tank with ethyl alcohol (for deactLlr~#Rg catalyst. pment In the product) i 6-- " seperatar (two In a unit) S pass-an removed during 1-2 hour beating at 100-1200C un6ar agitation, 7--polyiso- &--aatal Wtiism roduct drali ki- v t l th l hl d AICI id b G sm e , up ys P l. sse c e or e an , e l m y for-I hr at'254. eastalmr, Ago A PRIDANTSE-VA, le.A., nutiolinly., srtrurhiik; FONIROVSKIY, V.14. (Kharikov); G ) A.P.; VOR-H!"llyo , iliACHPI D.P.) kand. biolcg. VA, ~cy Ye.v., kand. sellskokhoz. nauk; lUiL]NICHENKO, A.N.; PMtUSHOVA, kand. sellskokhoz. rauk; OVCHARENKO, G.V.; FLORINSKAYA, G.N.; DROZDOIISKIY, E.M.; EIRCZDDVSKIY, E.M.; MATLASHENKO, Ye.V., aspirantka Brief news. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 9 no.7:50-53 164. (MIRA 18:2) 1. Dallnevostochna~a opytnaya stantsiya Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-issle- dovatellskogo instltuta rastpniyevodstva (for Grachev). 2. Ylleyevskava opytnaya stantsjya sadovodstva, Cherkasskaya oblast' (for Vovchenko). 3. Vel--'kolukskiy sellskokhozyayslmienn~7 ingtit-ut, (for Chemodanova). 4. Altavskaya olWtnaya stants; a sado-vodstva, BarnaiLl (for I'lalin-'chenko). 5. Nikitskiy botani- cheskiv sad (for Petrushova, Ovcharenko). 6. Moldavskiy institut sadovods'u,.ra, vinogradarstva i vinodeliya, Kishinev (for Flarinskaya). 7. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy zonalln~yy institut sadovodstva nechernozemnoy polosy (for Drozdovskiy). 8. Tadzhikskiy nauchno- issledovatellskly i;lntitut sellskogo khozyaystva (for Platlashenkc). 4. 5344-64 ACC WR- AP5026793 SOURCE CODE: UR/0286/65/000/017/0074/007-7, INVENMRI,,~Yoronirv, G. I.;, Polivoda, At I.; Pirogov, A. A.; chamodurov, N.-,X-A,* , Udalovai F. A. 10 ,,ORG:. none TITLE:, Apparatus-for*,dooin-g and dilution of liquid media. Class 42, ~Noc 174384 [announced b Orp y anization of the State Committee on Lv-ia_,m__ tion TechnLoqklogj, SSSR (Organ -izatsiya gosudarstvannogo komitetapo aviicsionnoy tekhnike SPSR) .SOURCE: Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarnykh znakov,. no. 17, 1965, 74 TOPIC TAGS: fluid density, fluiddensity measurement, fluid mechanics ABSTRACT: Tbts author certificate describes an apparatus for dosing ~dnd dilution of It contains a slide valve distribution... Sys tem actuated by: two :control.' solenoids , a preliminary dilution cham- :ber.with a piston and return.spring,, and a final dilution chamber with a pistoni,cotitrdlled by, a programmed reversible electric motor (see rig 1). in -order to render the~.process automatic, the preliminary_- Card 1/2 UDC.- 681.121.12 L--5~44-66 KHEYFETS, M.A.; ZAKORDONETS, V.S., Pririiff-ali uchartiye: Pi"INUZATOVA, MIM.t- CHEMODUROVA, O.P.; KULAKWA., I.!. Inequality of accumulation media for various types of Salmonella. Zhur. mikrobiol... epid. I immun. A.C., no-4:1017-113 Ap 1630 WIRA 17:5) 1. Iz Leningradskogo opornop punkta Vseso~,uzxiogo nauchnom.: issledovatellskogo instituta myasnoy pronVshlennosti i 13entrall- noy laboratorii Leningradskogo myasnogo kombirata. NULLIN, M*A.; SAVOSTIN,, A.P*; ANOSOV. V.I.: CHMOD"OYAO :16030 Stabilization of mineral oils thieltened with low-molecular polyindbutylenee Xhime 1 takhatopl. i musel 4 no,1:49-52 Ja 159., (KM 12:1) 1. Mentrallnoya sawodskaya laboratoriya Tafranovskogo zavoda vintaticheskogo loguchuka, (Lubrication mind lubricants) (Propane) (Dapolywrization) CMIODANOVA * V. Chemodanova, E. V. "Measures for Rust Control of Gooseberries and Currants," Sad'i Ogorod, no. 5, 1948, pp. 28-29, 80 Sa13 So: SIRA SI - 90-53, 15 Dec., 1953 MODAM - a IVA, Ye.V., dots.: UZWVA. S.V.. assistent. Cormon corn rust. Zashob. rast. ot vred. i bol- 3 no.3:57 K7-Je '58- (KIM 11:6) Is Daepropetrovskly sel'skokhozyaygtveuny7 Inistitut. (Uredlueas) CHEMCDANOU, Ye*V., kand. eel I okokhoi.nauk 2d% dinitrorhodanbensong againot ths American powdery mildew, of gooseberries. Zashch. rest. ot vred. i bol. 6 no.8:30-31 Ag 161. (MINA 15-.12) 11 VeI-*o1vkakiy sellskothospyetvanVy iiatitute (Gooseborrion-Disoases and posts) (Mil*) (B)onzens) CEMDMTI AOA. Joint hange with clWlng device for turning roller machines. Rate. i lsobr.predl. v stroi. no.113:27-28 155. (KM 9:4) (Tanks) CHIMODUROV, -k.AL. Id T5Fo--vIvg calipers used for checking tank rime. Rate. i isobr. predl. v stroi. no.2:62-64 057. (MIRA 11:1) (Calipers) (Tanks) SHRGSTAV, A.A.. red.; ANPI1kWV. I.M., red.; ASSONOV. V.A.. red.; BABATANTS. N.A., red.; BABCKIN, I.A., red.; BALAKUTOV, A.D., red.; BOGOROD- SKIT. N.Y.. red.; BOLONENK0. D.N., red.; BUCHNIV. V.K., red.; VAKHMINTSXV. G.S.. red.; VORONKOV. A.K.. red.; GARKALEZO. K.I., red.; GORBATOV. P.Te.; red.; GOLOVLEV, V.Ta.. red.; DCKUCHATEV, M.M.j red.; DUBNOV. L.V., red.; TOTHIAV, A.D.. red.; TAREKEMO, Te.1.9 red.; ZSNIN. H.I.. red.; IRIVONOGOV. K.K.. red.; KUPALOV-TAROPOLK, I.K.. red.; KATSM, T.G., red.; NIKOLAYZV, S.I., red.; ONISHCHUK, K,N., red.; PXMV. K.P.. red.; PILTUGIN, B.A., red.; PLATONOVA, A.A., red.; PCLSSIN. Ta.L., red.; POKROVSKIT. L.A.. red.; POKSM, D.Teeg red.; POLYEISMN, A.Kh., red.; REMUM, V.P., red.; SHWV, N.A.9 red.; SIWTUNKO, I.T., red.; FIDEM, A.A., red.; CHAKHR CHN, A.G., red.; CH31MODUROV-._,K..Ta.,, red.; SIUKAKOV, A.A., red.; TARZ- KAMO, N.Te red.; ARTSEVSKIT, T.N., red.lzd-va; ATTOPOVICH, M.K.p EStandard safety regulations for blasting operations] Edin" pravila bazopasnosti pri vzryvnykh rabotakh. Izdo2e Kosk'vaq Goo, lit-ry po chernoi i tovetnoi metallurgii. 1958, 318 p. (MIRA 13:1) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.Ro) Komitet po nad2ora za bazopasnym vedeniyam rabot v promyshlonnosti i gornoma nadzorm. (Mining enginearinf;--Safety measures) CEMOWROV, V. ~- Competition of public hoalth groups. Soy.kras.krest 4 no.1:20 Ta-Ur 154. (NLRA 7:4) (Red Cross) ZAKORDOIMTS. T.S.. CHEKODUROVA O.F. Blective medium for the recovery of Ischerichla holie' Gig. 1, sano 23 no,8280 Ag 158 (NMA 11:9) le Iz TSentralluoy laboratorii Leningradskogo syssokombinatao' (BACTER101MY-WWM AND CULTUIM X9DIA) (ISCMIMIA COLI) KHEYFFTSP M.A.; ZAKORDONETS, V.S.; PANKRLATOVA, M.M.; CHEMODURO'VAP O.F. Rapid method of microbiological control of sausage production. Vop. pit. 23 no.2:87-88 Mr-Ap 164. (MMA 17: 10) 1. Iz TSentrallnoy laboratorii L-eningradskogo nyasnogo kombinata. CH-7-OLICSOV, Yu. B., Cand Biol Sci ---A,f'On the secxG'6orZF lid ey-- cretory function of the liver in sheep." Onsic, lq~,8. 20 pp (Ian of i~gricultura UssR. Onak Stnte Vet Inst), 1"0 copies (17bi27-159i 119) CM40LOSOV. Yu*B, Experimental change in the active reaction of We in sheep. Trudy Oren. Ad. Vses.-fiziol. ob-va no,2:165-3(0,-160. - (kURA 16:6) 1. Kafedra fiziologil zbivotny" (zav. - prof. Ye~T.Kh=tskiy) Orenbur skogo sel'skakhozy&ystveawgo instituta. NILE) (40ID-BiS EQVIUL~RIUI) 1 - ZUTKOV, N.B.;CBEPISHIMMITIV, Mh. Reiter's syndrome furethro-oculo-3ynovial syndrome, Fissinger- Ieroy-Reiter syndrome). Suvr. med. (Sofiia) 15 no.5:40-46 164 SMOLYAR, P.; CHDWS, V.; ZAPOROSH=, G.[Zaporoshchuk. H.] Oar workshop practices. Kakh. sill. hasp. 9 so. 6:31-32 Jo '58. - (MIRA 11-7) 1. Dshalinelks mashinne-traktorsaya stentstys, linsitalkai oblasti. (Vinsitsm Province-Kochins.Aractor stations) SHOLYAR, P.I., CHNWSq V.S. Using grain threshm to tbroshing pass. Nekhe oil' hoops 9 no. 8:17 Ag 058* (MIRA 110) 1 Golovnly Inshener Dsholinalkago redlotekhnichuogo skladu. Vinnitalkoi obleatt(for Szolyar)e 2e Zaviduyuchly waysternoyu Dshultualkogo rodiq~ekhnichnogo skledu, Vinnitalkoi ablasti(for Cheraus). (Pose) (Threshing machines) SMOIZAR, P.1,; --CHFJ4LJS V.S. - -- ---s. I -- Z;;!~ For timely and good repair of collectIve fare sachinery. Kekho sIll.hosp. 10 no.l*.12-13 Ja 159. (KIRA 12:4) 1, GlavW 1nahener Dsullnelmy remantno-takhnichookoy stentall. Vlmltskoy Oblastl (for Smolyar). 2, Zxw*duyushchly wasterskay Dshulinskoy remantno-tekhntcheakay stantall. Vilmitskoy oblasti (for Chemus). (Agricultural uschinery-Kalutenswe and repair) USSR/Cultivated Plants - Grains. 14-2 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biolo, No 7, 1958, 29714 Author : Gradoboyev, N. 2 Ch :iyakina, At Inst -------- Title Corn on Solonetz Soils. Orig Pub S., khe Sibiri, 1957, No 5, 35-4o Abstract Observations made for a period of two years at the Nazyvayevskiy variety plot and in the sovkhozes and kol- khozes of Omskaya Oblast' have shown that the earn yield does not depend on the degree of soil salinity, but rather on the thickness of the arable horizon. Corn my be rai- sed successfully on solonetz soils having a thickness to its compost-composed arable horizon of more than 18 am. It is recommended for soils less than 18 cm thick in their arable horizon that corq)ost or manure be applied, the seed- ing rate be raised and that broad-raw sowing be used. With wide-row sowing the cob yield varied, dependinG on Card 1/2 38 - USSR/Cultivated Plants - Grains. M-2 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 7, 1958, 29714 the salinity of the soil, from 97 to 160 centners per ha., with square cluster pla%ting from 43 to 106 centners per ha. Card 2/2 -!-. 7--.---- -- CIIZ`n~u',IN~?', A. P. "The srm tom complex of Lirassibilit- of I. -.nI - a cL, . p - ~r 4- 1, 0! t SS:~ 'n 1 tra resembling nephritic colic in the prescncc of a utcrine calculus", Trudy gos. m,cd. in-ta, Vol. !1, 1948, P. 320-22. SO: U-4393, 19 August 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey', Nlo. 22, 1949). FITENKO, N.F.* doktor med.nauki CILEMYANOV, G.G.; SAUNOV, S.V. Angina incidence among miners of the Sadonsk ore deposits. Zhur. ush. nos. i gorl. bol. 21 no./+:61-63 Jl-Ag 161. OUFA 15:1) 1. Is kliniki, bolesney ukha, gorla i nosa (sav. - doktor med.nauk .N.F.Pitenko Severo-Ose ogo % tsinskogo instituta. I n Yll SES go HMIENE) (THRUT-DISFASLS) 39193 A00 S/241/621007/005/004/005 1015/1215 AUTHOR: Chemyanov, G. G. TITLE: Effect of homologous bone marrow transplant on radiation sickness complicated by a close bone fracture PERIODICAL: Meditsinskaya radiologiya, v. 7, no. 5, 1962, 49-53 TEXT: The experiments were carried out on 58 male rabbits aged 6-7 months weighing 2-2.5 kg. The animals were divided into two groups; 22 rabbits of the first group were subjected to a single whole body irradiation (900 r) and an induced closed fracture of the radius with subsequent intracostal injection of physio- logical sobition; the second group (26 rabbits) was also irradiated and injured, instead of physiological solution, they received intracostally fresh bone marrow. The experiments, by methods that are fully described, show that the introduction of bone marrow did not cause any special complications. The transplantation of homologous bone marrow had a good effect on the hematopoietic system, improved the course of radiation sickness and increased the rate of survival of the affected animals. The formation of a callus and the recanali- sation of the bone marrow occurred more rapidly in the animals which received the homotransplant than in the controls. There are 2 figures. Card 1/2 Effect of homologus; ... S/241/62/007/005/004/005 1015/1215 ASSOCIATION: Kliniko-radiologicheskoycotdaloniye(zav.-dolsentV.A.Polyakov)Tscntral'nogoinstituta ttavmatologii i ortopedii (Clinico-roentgenological department (Dir.: Docent V. A. Polyakov Central Institute of Ttaumatology and Orthopedics). SUBMITTED: November 17, 1961 if Card 2/2 TORUSHIT. P.D.0 dotsent, kwAokh4mJoh*9kIJ& nauk; CHU, N.G.. assistant, JawdUkat Walchookikh nauk Use of radlolootopoo for tho Invoetiption of pbralco- chamloal processes taking place inside the boilers of simple wdtse TrWy XPI 47:133-ug 158. . (M=L 13:5) I* Novochorlwokly ode= Trulovogo Imenogo Znawnl pollteldmIchaskly Institut Ins Sorgo Ordshonliddse, kafedra o'bahchaV I noorpulabookoy Mull, Oollers) (Radlolvotopes) CHIN, H.G. - - Iffect of a magnetic field on metal corrosion and scale formation during the boiling of solutim. Izv.vyS.uchob.zav.-, khis.1 khim takh. 3 no.1:158-161 160. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Kafedra khtmit Desproftershinskogo vachernvago metallurgichaskogo instituta Iment N.I.Areenicheya. (Boilers--Incrustation) (metals--Corrosion) (Magnetic fields) -CMNS N G , FEDOROV, O.G.; IMVRALEV., ]~.D.; POLETAYEV, B.L.; ZAIKIW, I.P. Study of the extormL carTaxion-of.,the.pipeo.of a vaste-heat boller. Prom. energ. 15-no.,8.-30-34,AgJ60. (MIRA,15:1) I (Boilbro-4orrosion) (Steam~ipss--Corrosion) 25066 3/080/60/033/010/018/029 D216/D306 AUTHOR: Cheny N.G. TTT' V: Ili ~ -c-Ang corrosion Inhibitois PElilODICAL: Zficarnal prIlKladiloy khllul.' 2'5CO 2305 TEXT.- Ln a iz:-:ar:~b. for poss:ible ways of siippre3sing gated ivaz3te water from chemcal i--oke wc,rki~, -Y after ihc- quen,bing of -c!cke. The e d : uici at e --n la. n ed i :,~ -he 9 e wt., -L e -.--a we riE. -- c 11 e,C tiv e1 y known -as t-he "kX j Ph of their proTective properlies -- -Lhis JLnhib--LtD!' in ---'ectrol y-.i : scllu-,i~-n~ Litnw:r normal A st-idy of lo2al corrosion vsiis :!-,-.irr-JLed r)ut in a steel a-Ppa"ralus With a separate bottom whicl simultaneously ser-,.red a.~ a test, zpt~ ,4 - 03 'If e t P --Lmen- To-B-s oere carried out ai normal temper- tur. vi I! ir, In Uie iat-~Fjr case corros'.01., (m heated metal -urface. The specimens were mr-iue from low :;-.,Ybgrj Card 1/4 25066 S,,'080-/6L-)!'03 7, D ""0 1 .5/0 2 9 Pitting corrosicn. inhibl-tors D216/D306 steel "'().OB % C, 0.35 ~- rVai. 0,~O-I- % Si, W5 % S and % P). pr-ior '0 each. test, their SlAri . Was thoroughly cleaned with eme- ry ,paper and de6reased w-11-h -L ~ The tests IaeTed -17!:,r 90 days at orjanary al'Id Uj) to 16 days �n hea-,~-d -~.,I'Iutions. The riei-~,ire and dogree -~f locall was ~-stima-Tea the tests by vls:ial ~~omparison o-f the ape-,imens wiTh. ea--h o7her. in addition., surfaces which had :~u'-'fer~,--d direct corroilc~n the a6grei~sive med-,%Ani were phutvograpbed,, The overall rate ol' corrosion was detr-raiiiied 6:.ravinieturica-11-Y, For Investigating p.4~t-tlng oorro!Lion ,j;e exp.~riments ivc-re carried ou,' in solutions containing inhibitors 1-n comb,-na-ion. wi-rh chlorine Ions which promo-te localized :~,-)rrosl- on. In one se-jr~,- of the specimens were subjected to corrosion under the ac-tion. of solutions of the followina composi- tion: 400 rijg/l NaCl + 50 Na PO z 400 mg/l 50 mg/I NaNG 3 V 1 3 400 mg/l NaCI 4 50 mg1I K2 Cr 2 07; 400 mg/1 NaCl + 50 mg/I Na~,HPO 4; 400 mg/l NaC-15 in anoTher series of tesis the specimens were pla- ced in solutions of similar composition but with additions of 0.5 % Card 2/4 25065 S/080//60/033/010/018/029 Pitting corrosion inhibitors D216/D306 inhibiTor KX. The experiments were carried out under conditions of natural aeral.,ion at normal temperatures and at pH values of appro- xlul~~)tely 7. Ftnally. a eeries of experiments was carried ou~k. at a ph c.4 I arvlt~-, condittons -,if short-term heating of -!.-'ne solutions. Th.eae expe.r.4ments las:ed only 10 hours. The -LeEit Bolution contai-, red -250 ing/I NaCI and 70 mg/1 Na 2SO., such a zsait mjl_xt~are being an im:ItaTion of the composition of river waTer, The author conciudes that many inorganic inhibitors which promote the formation of pro- I.-ective filma on the surface of corroding me-tal In -the absence of ohlorine, ions, as a rule. promote pitting co'rrosion when the latter are present,, sin,:;e they tend to destroy such films. The AnhIbitor KX fully pre-Tents pitting corrosion in aggressive media both at normal tempera-uures and in boiling solutions; In the latter case it increases the uniform. corro5ion on the heated metal surface. There are -;:' fligurea~ I table and 6 referencest ~5 So,,,iet-bloc and I non-Scviet-bloo. the reference to the English-language pulplaca- tion reads as follows: FAL AzIz.. J. E-lectrachem. Scc, 10~1',' 120, 1954, Card 3/4 25006 SION "60/033/010/018/020, Pitting corrosion inhibitors D216XD306 ASSOCIATION: Dneprodzerzbinskiy vecherayy metallurgicheski.y instit- ut (Dneprodzerzhinsk 'Evening Institute of Metallurgy) SUBMITTED: O-:tober 12, 1.959 Card 4/4 25067 S,lO8O,l6Olo'z3lO--- 010-1 ND D216/`.D'306 AU'll"iDIR, " h 7 G, I j .i 4 k ?1,9 T0 r ks' L -11 r Tl~ z- t h r y -6 0 7 f, viater ~j,.j re 51 j e - , A Al Iz- 2 r to t er r ee ro r. --,.r r o ~Y in; yX the PrO-:e 3ti-ve op:~rtl-s of waste e r is shown Ar a ~5()()7 S/ .080 '0/033/010/01- 9102 9 Ap i.) o. a U c;n f -i,:~ t' e via t er s 1) 2 *1 6,7D 05 0 6 .;V-Z ac 'f,laince of tewpecattiz-Te. or, the. prote~~t.";L,,,e ~roper- jil;en In order to deterrnine the infIuEC,-,C !a. 1: a.1 I I o-,%, of KX, mec~ium and e I Tr 5 in KX 0.001~, -,-A * a .4 ';- I . , ~zcja ii, o,,,,, Cori C I)s 1! ;iind +hat cauez; i, C _' . C, ~~ I I -7,erts pra,_~ti~~ally r-, -:ei-e at eta! on r'Le a c. t 431, '*trt Wbe2l p-:-eSer- T 111 ~-!10 be,: onle s ~; onn)l - Z nd retalir,.9 IZI U r 1: I - - v e. -, j g i5 of teFit_nnp~ No pitting corr-c-a-fc.-I was . peric~ Nc!(;H,, partLi--ularly ~.vhe-j-z present in larlge r2oiicen- .ra--lons, I'S of th-is type of corrosion. Lov,, r-sirb, n P_ 3 1 IWA I - e-,a:s wer,-, u---d ~o z~~t-udy the ,)rouerties of YX in -,;,cid me a k PH and 5 fic I r, H 2 so 4- ana FING, were used trj acidify the; waste via7:--j. It -':)i:,,nd that -.he metal is attacked at a greaTer rate zu-1phuri- &nf). hydrochloric. acids than in nitric acid. This app~.,are to b- dv-AE- to the aggreasive action of Cl'- and SO 4 2- ions. Tbe -a-u-jjor r-;ricnludes that waste water from, chemical coke work3 can C a:r d -2 / 3 250b7 S/080/60/033/010/019/029 Application of waste waters ... D216./D306 be used for protecting metal in primary gas refrigerators and in thermoelectric power stations of chemical coke works and metallur- gical works. The optimum concentration of KX inhibitor in neutral, ".1kaline and acid media was found to be 0.5 - 1.0 cpf. There are ' i figures, 2 trables and 6 references-. 5 Sovie-u-bloc and 1 non-3ov:ie*t- bloc. The reference to the English-language piablication reads as follo-as; G. Nilsson, Chem. Techn., 10, 4B1, 191-5-18. Ai;SOCTATION: Dneprodzerzhinskiy vechernyy metallurgichoskiy insti- tut (Dneprodzerzhinsk Evening Institute of lletalliir- gy) SUBYITTED: October 12, 1959 Card J)/3 28U7 S/153/61/004/004/013/013 E071/E435 AUTHOR: Chen, N.G. TITLE: A new inhibitor of corrosion from wash products of the coking industry PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Khimiya i khimichoskaya tekhnologiya, v,4, no,4, 1961, 68o-685 TEXT., Coke-oven effluents are usually.used for quenching coke but ,if the effluent is taken before quenching and treated with carbon dioxide to a noticeable clarification (PH a 5) then on its ~ evaporation a substance is separated (5 to 9 g per litre) which has corrosion inhibiting properties. It is called KX-l (KKh-1) inhibitor. It can also be used directly without preliminary separation from the solution. It is'pointed out that the solution not treated with carbon dioxide causes severe pitting corrosion. In the paper, the results of an investigation of the protective properties of this inhibitor are given. The investigation was carried out on specimens of carbon and low carbon steels, at normal temperatures, with a complete submersion of the specimens under conditions of natural aeration. The inhibitor was obtained from Card 1/2 tl~ 26447 S/153/61/004/004/013/013 A new inhibitor of corrosion E071/E435 the yearly average effluents of two coke-oven works, It was found that KKh-l in concentrations not lower than 0.5% shows good protective properties at usual room temperatures, in the pH range of 5 to 8~ The protective capacity of the inhibitor decreases to about 60% of the initial value after 35 days. The chemical nature of the inhibitor was not mentioned. There are 6 figures, I table and 8 references; 6 Soviet and 2 non-Soviet. ASSOCIATION. Dneprodzerzhinskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod.-VTUZ Kafedra khimii (Dneprodzerzhinsk Metallurgical Works and VTUZ, Department of Chemistry) SUBMITTED,, Card 2/2 December 1, 1959 CHEN. N.G. Proteetive properties of phenol water. Koks i khim. no.8:45-48 ,62. (IMA 17:2) 1. Dneprodzerzhinskiy metallurgichaskiy zavod-vtuz. CHEN, N.G.- KOPTEV, G'~P.; EEREZNITSKIY, S.G.; SORKIN, M.N.; BOYARSKAU, R.R. -Z=Zt-~7~ Preventing corrosion and scale formation in primar7 gas coolers. Koks i khim. no.9:49-53 262. (MIR& 16:10) 1. Dneprodzerzhinskiy metallurgicheskly zavod-vtuz (for Chen). 2. BELgleyskiy koksokhimicheskiy zavod (for Koptev, Bereznitskiy, Sorkin, Boyars"). (Cooling tawers) (Corrosion and anticorrosives) Corrosion control of coke quenching cars. Koks i khim. no.10:31-33 162. (14IRA 16:9) 1. Dneprodzerzhinskiy wtallurgichaskiy zavod-vtuz. - (Corrosion and anticorrosives) (Goke industry-Equipment and supplies) CHEN N G GOLIDSHTEYNI, B,I,; IONINAp M.A. ut - Studying the anticorrosiv and antiscale properties of phenol waters of the Yonakiyewo kke and Coal Chemicals Plant*. Koks I khim. no.lDt46-49 -163.- (MW 16:11) 1.-Dneprodsershinakiy notallurgicheakiy zavod-vtuz (for Chen). 2, Yonakiyovskiy koksokhisicheakiy zavod (for Golldshteynt Ionina), CM, N. G. Ccntrol of local corrosion and scale formation ir. water-cooling systems f by-product-.6oke industries. Zhur.prikl.khim. 35 no.3:576-582 Mr 162. (AvJRA 15:4) ,(Heat exchangers--Corrosion) S/068/63/000/001/003/004 E07l/El36 AUTHORS: an* N-G-s Sorkin, N.M., Peden, A.A., and ogan, M.G. TITLE: An investigation of various methods of combating the scale formation and corrosion of metal PERIODICAL: Koks i khimiya, no.1, 1963, 46-57 TEXT: A comparative investigation of the effect of magnetic,' phosphate and "coking works" methods of treatment of water used for cooling in heat exchangers was carried out in a laboratory. The "coking workall method of treatment of cooling water consists of adding to it the works phenolic effluent. This method*was the most effective in preventing scale formation. The magnetic treatment decreases the corrosive action of the water only insignificantly. Moreover, an intense corrosion of metal was noticed in the sector of direct action of the mar7.ctic field. Sodium phosphate in a concentration of 2 (cric. a F205) does not inhibit corrosion, but in a mixture with ~.~~-..Iciuma bicarbonate (10 mg - equIv/lItre) has a protective Influence. Phenolic water from the coking works has a particularly strong card 1/2 An investigation of various t&. s/o6b/63/000/001/003/004 E071/Elj6 passivating effect on metal if it contains some creosote oil. The presence of a large amount of tar in the water leads to the activation of metal. There are 2 figures and 2 tables. .ASSOCIATIONs Dneprodzerzhinskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod-vtuz (Dneprodzerzhinsk Metallurgical Works - vtuz) (Cheng N.G.); Bagleyskiy koksokhimiqheskiy zavod (Bagley Coking Works) (Sorkin, M.M., Pedan, A.A. and Kogan, M.G.). Card 2/2 ,,..NGG.; BAZARNYYi V.F. ,_ q~W. Protective properties of certain passivating agents. Izv. VySe ucheb, zav.; khim.*i khim. tekh. 6 no.3:504-510 163* (MMA 16:8) 1, Dneprodzerzhinsky zavod-v~uzq kafedre khimii, (Corrosion and anticorrosives) FEDOROV, O.G., inzh.; CHEN, N.G., kand. khim. nauk Effect of washing on the corrosion of pipes in waste-heat boilers. Prom. energ. 19 no.1:33-35 Ja 164. (MIRA 17:2) CHEN, N.G., kand.khim.nauk; FFADOROV, O.G., inzh. Prevention of the corrosion of the external surfaces of waste-heat boilers. Prom.energ. 19 no.7t2l-23 Jl 164. (MIRA 181-1) - CHEN, N.G.; TRAYGER, I.N.; SOLOV'YEV, L.L.; KRKINA, R.Ye.; YUDIN, M.I. Acid pickling of steel with the use of a new additive. Stall 24 no.5:451-452 IV 064. (MIRA 17:12) 1. Dneprodzerzhinskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod-vtuz i zavod "Zaporozhstall". CHENY N.G. InhAbitor of acid corroolon. Zhor. Prikl- khlm~ 37 no.9: 1958- 1965 S 164. (ILTRk 17: 10) iCHFX, N.G., kand.khim.nauk (Dneprodzerzhinsk) I . . New plan for purifying and using waste waters from bym-product coko plants* Vod. i san. takh. no,1:24-27 A 165, (MMA 1813) L 1734-66- EWT(m)/EPF(c)/IWA:(d)/EWI(t)/Ek[P(k)/E~?(z)/EWP(b) MJIiIJDIWB [ACCESSION NRs AP5023350 'UR/0304/65/000/005/0082/0c)d 30.1 620.179-3- 4q AUTHORS: Chen,, No Go. (R%Rineer) I Fedorov Yue Vr.(~~gineer) I Boobarov 'to 9 - , ~Rigineer) "-P e F (Eagineer); Shust, T* Fe (ftxjneer)j--sto1bova, Ye, As qq Bagineer) TITLE: Application of cc sion inhibitor KKh-2 in etching of steel ducts SOURCER Mashinostroyen4e, no. 59 1965P 82-83 TOPIC TAGSs ~corrosion inhibitor, rust inhibitor, cokeg ammnia, nitric acido, sulfuric acidt hydrochloric acidg,metal etchingy carbon steel, stainless steel/ Kh18NlOT steel, KKh 2 inhibitort ChN inhibitor ABSTRACTs A new corrosion inhibitor KKh--2 is proposed for use as an additive to etching compoundse Consisting o f organic and inorganic waste products of the coke-chemical industry in amwnia water, the inhibitor is highly effective for protecting carbon steels against sulfuric, nitriop and byWchloric said solutions and against alkali'* Tests at th6 Zhdanovskiy sairoa,tyashe ostroyeniya. (Zhdanov Heavy Machinery Construction Plant), with KUNIO= steel proved L the inhibitor to be three times more effective tImn the previously used additive. Card 1/2 j L 1734-66 ACCESSION. NR: :AP50?350 When tested on carbon steeli it not only produced the desired effects butt ,unlike other inhibitorev it did not increase the time necessary for etching; it. also reduced both the waste of metal and the acid used* KKh-2 is recommended as an efficient and cheap inhibitorin steel etchingg especially for metallurgical and machine construction entablishments.located near coke-chemical plants* Orige art* has: l,tablee ASSOCIATIONs none SUBKMEDs- 00 ENCL: 00 SUB CODEs IN, IN NO REP SOTS 000 OVHERs 000 Card 2fi _q _~-qq BOCHAROV, V.A.; FURSOV, P.F.; SHUST, T.F.; DEKTYAREVA, V.K.; 'MROUINA1. R.R.; YUDIXA, S.M. Reducing the etching of welded jointo in carbon and stainless steels by acid solutions. Zashch.met. 1 jio.6t726-728 N-D 165. (MIRA 18tll) 1. Dneprodzerzhinakiy metallurgicheskiy zavod-vtuz. ~L 27343-66 EWT(M)/:T/I~ii(d)/EWP(y)/Fft,~(t) IJP(6) p/wwm AP6008631 SOURCE CODE. UR/03 8 ACC BR: 65/65/001/006/0'726/072 AUTHOR!~;.,, hen.-N& Gtj Boch&ov V. A. Fursov, P F Shust T F D ek E6 V *Ka I Borozdina, R. R. ORG: ~ DneprodzerzhinskISatallurgical Factory t V UZ (Dnepr0'_d_Z;_z"MkIy meta=UrgREesa_y_z_avo_a-*tuz) II:'TITLE: On the inhibition of corrosion welded Joints of carbon and stainI of one steels SOURCE: Zash chits. metallov, v. I no. 6, 1965, 726-728' -TOPIC TAGSi.. steel, stainless steel electrochemistry, carbon steel, anti- corrosion agent., corrosion, aro velding, corrosion inhibitor lKhl8N9T steeli, St-3 steel., M8N9T steelt IM-2 anticorrosion agent ABSTRACTs This investigation was conducted to*check experimentally the effec-w' tIveness of the agent KKh-2,, described byN. G. Chen (Zh. prikl. khimii, 1964P 37,, 1958) as. an inhibitor of corrosion in welded Joints of carbon and stainleas steels during the pickling process. The extent and nature of corrosion were determined metalloarai)hically. Polarization curves for the welds and for base uDc: 62o.193.41 -7-7-7- - - - - - - - - - - 4t L 30233-66 -EWT(m)ZEWP(t)/ETI IJP(c) j!MJD/JG ACC NRs AP6013885 11~~) SOURCE CODE: UR/0073/65/031/011/1207/1714 AUTHOR: Chen, N. G.; Kramarevs, V. A. ORG: Dne rodurshinsk Netallunical Plant and Higher Technical School Arsenichev (Dnepm%29rs Inskly metallurgichaskly savod-vtus) TITIZ: Acid corrosion of steel as a function of chemical composition SOURCE: Ukrainskiy kbimicheskiy shurnal, v. 31, no. 11, 1965, 1207-1214 sk,t*A TOPIC TAGS: s?an rate, corrosion inhibitor, sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid 3KP steel, 08KP steel, 30XhGSA steel, lKhl8N9T steel, Yu-3 steel, KKh-2 corrosion in- hibitor 1~ < ABSTRACT: The soluti te of sev an It fn differe,~ brands of steel (jKP, 08!T~ 20--pipe, telegraph steel, 30KhGSAV MISNff~ and Yu-3) as studied in sulfuric and hydrochloric W- - . -ac-IT.K. KKh-2 corzoalon, hibitor being used. The solution rate was found to depend on the chemical - ositi of the steel. In order of decreasing corrosion rate, the steels can be arranged as follows: in 10% H2SO4, Yu-32,30MGSAnelegraph steel>20-pipe'.'o >O8KP3,03KP),lKhl8N9T; in 10% HCI~, Yu-3>telegraph steel>,2?-pipe2,O8lM-O3KP>lKhIBN9T> >30KhGSA. Alloy* entsti(silicon and chromium)'Mcrease the acid resistance of .,4.f g compon the steel, whilWI:an anise and al-u-mliumnWa-te a --transition of the steel to an active L_ state. The effect of temperature on the 6*rosion rate In the 30-900C range and the_ change in the potential of the steels as a function of time vere determined. The KKh 21 UDC: 626.197.3 L 30233-66 ACC NR: AP6013885 inhibitor protects all the steel brands studied against corrosion, but most effectivem ly those steels which actively dissolve in acid (Yu-3. 30XhGSA)q For most brands, KKh-2 is a mixed cathodic-anodic corz sion inhibitor. Orig. art. has: 8 figures; 2 Weak lktmllmrm$ea v4do ~4~ Sub"" MISCOUSIV9 V. Ap me 36 IOW une some mou. oftims set Imampopudemot as "nestles 11"Utm- Vw4b one"" of as womme "a IN derivauvemp oft.) ad Imummole fort, cqpmmwl, Image Almidwo md saw ammosom mum) Smiled Ia. eff4w to all"Ids" "n.mewhoolum of its astlem. -90 8 1 ad ISONIPRIO VMS ggpented by outromm me tested es Ste 3 atma. Um somossim zwom mus defter- ..slow 0 ~- Is 2019 "4 at gem be" OR p - 0 ad 401018041 a" moose palm- lefties amrves mom Plotted Ia off4w to doemoulas do Strom or do main Imovideml. -": SOMPSomm" of as Im"bitere So lafteemahm of 000019 200094MILS ad b~~ low I" said lamemems dw evemiteme of tm emomme pmeems. 30 am of altro- ,bmmmwo VU46 Is a on", doolarlmory dow motbodle as same, disooluum at ft. 3 Slool Is 5204 sued"" OMOW16 ad ONO- bommose tobse, ploom with emu a O&W bublelfte as gem oneou" omm"Ift Ukd L M Nb AIGOLUM UMUWM-- Pmmt In MOD4 zOm'aw ewwmlitW at boa am %dwgm dgsdm"o SM Its - few* at as adoftvuvo ad bublow a on so do Oda serfealm" at wal-3 Us" to dw, sumawles oat tbe bumum of as emomwee V~~ to OEM" w:-ow"Go-salve owv~tv at ~ "dim - bmuorg Mo "me an b"Utift me an mosaw bmlvu in smUss an- famistum of. an I ob"s Imp mud bli i4~ to Mli, @MKS ws~6~'. ads* am ihms -:2, Zk tW ZP- -it 01. rm 3r. ,~j pp. Xi ACC NRt AP6015902 W- SOURCE* C'ODE:-*d/-60-7-3/65/031/012/1323/1333 AUTHOR.* Chant No Go; Fedorovg Yu. Vo ORG: letallurgical Plant and Higher Technical Scboo im. M. 1. Arsenicbev (I)neprodzerzbinskiy metallurgicbeski-y zavod-vtuz) TITLE: Investigation of the protective properties of KKb-2 corrosion- inbibitor/,ond its application SOURCE: IUkrainskiy kbimicbeskiy zburnal, v. 31, no. 12, 1965, 1323-1333 TOPIC TAGS: corrosion inhibitor, steel IP".t-j 6V I CADA 0 AKh-x OWWAors- CvAi"40-' S+54t&A) OF4046*AA)34(feAU, Y.1-14t&AI J4ffhGsA ~=KJVAFZA lis very complex, ABSTRACT: The composition of KD-2'lcorrosion inbib tor It contains more than 60 or 70-aMerent mineF-els and organic compounds. The basic components of the waste water after the ammonia column in various plants varies within the following limits (ing/liter): total ammonia 200-600; phenols 300-760; tbiocygnates 200-620; cyanides 5-26; resin 80-300; pytocateebol 36-50; resorcin 29-110; pyridine 50-100o In additiong KKh-2 contains indole, cresols, xylenes, indene, benezenev amylenes, thiophene, picoline, naphthalenes, tbiosulfates, sulfsteep chlorides, and other compounds. On evaporation of the waste water there Is obtained up to 9 gram/liter of a dense precipitate,, which consists of 1/2 73DC: .L 36052-66 ACC NRt AP6015902 40 83% ammonium chloride, 14% ammonium tbiocyanates and 3% of other compounds. Of the above substances, the strongest inhibiting effect is exhibited by pyridine and indole, but these substances ore present in the waste water in a very small concentration which is insufficient to retard the corrosion of a metal. However, the total content of these substances and other surface active agents in the waste water is sufficient to protect metals in acid solutions. Experiments on the protective properties of KKh-2 were carried out in solutions of sulfuri bydrocblortc6 anrni c &W, Tbepmtal samples ere prepared from t a . 0- types St3jPO KP,1-'3-KPFiUL-P30KhGSA1-%nd 3OKhSNVPA steels) The experimentir -resu-lts art abown in tabular and gr phic 11017mg It is concluded that the substances contained in the wa:te wate* from the ammonia column in *chemical coking plants have a high surface activity# and can therefore considerably retard the corrosion 'of steels in acid solutionso Origo art, bad: 9 figures and 2 tableso' SUB CODE: 119 07/ SUBM DATE: 12Mar64/ ORIG REP: 008 Work capacity and work organization of women following treatment for cancer of the cervix uteri. Vop. onk.' 7 noe 4--81-92 '61* (MIRA l4s4) 1,. 1z ginekologiobsokogo otdolonlya (zavo - doktor med.nauk V.P. Tobilevich).Instituta onkologii AMN SSSR (dir. - deystvitelInyy chlen AMN SSSR Profs A.I. Setabrov). Adres avtora: Leningrad, P-1299 2-y Berezovaya aLq 39 Institut onkologii ANN SSSR. (UTERUS-GANCER) (DWABILITY EVALUATION) koj t,*,!! Gns t:za ("n, Zj -t. CF11!N:0KAL, V. L. Chenakal, V* L. "The nature of light in the views of Foassian naturalists of the 18th and the beginning., of the 29th centuries," Trudy ire-ta istorii yestestvoznaniya JAkad. Nauk SSSR)j, Vol. 111, 1949, P. 173-99 SO: U-52hl 3.7 December 2953, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykli Statey, No. 2-15, 1949) 71IMNIADT , 71". L. : -~ ~ - - -t -, , - ; -f-.. , t'-_- GREMUL, V. L. 96"If an the history of Rues"M astronomy; observational "troamw in pussla in tkw 17th wW beginning or the 18th senturies Mooku, Ind-we Akademil nauk SSU, IZI. 190 p. (Akadadia am& 3=9 Nuest K. T. Lamonosova. Serils. *ltogI I problesq no-*18) (~2.211)5) 1. CHENAKALl V. L. 2. USSR (600) 4, Astronomical Instruments 7, Alskeel Ivanovich Kolotoshin,, master craftsmen of M. V. Lomonosov's astronomical I Instruments. Astron. shur.j, 29, No. 5p 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, February 1953. Unclassified. CHFXAKAI V L USSR 600 Astronomy "Outline of history Of Russian astronomy.' Prirods, 41 no 4, 05Z 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, JIQIN -195~, Uncl. 2 C 1-H P"; e-. ~A` o cisoy. Ut A. Bezzborodov and V. M, Clicnaknl (161'. v nonosov.%liuscou, Mad, Sk-Z"(1.5. Wnl9MMdyT,,,: new chem.,knOyses af t~lhey am interesLing beimuse of thk, sptennt!c 01. -416da.-reatenL-, C%0(6.1%aud -,y: Seal., m%~-re4 433Ac,', wld,00 n M i'1. th - AAs i 3nd IA-O' in INvo O'f- - Pffects of. the Pddn of SbiO- 0-2~ iv zo in it blu-2 &zs), - lemat glassex); 43F Moo, cuo ~,4 %jith the aWykE are inlgood agreetrieut,,~'vith the ~Ctor pyril. b- ruw matcA. in lWab. jaur:aala of 1751~2; And Elie -SeventY C-401. 'r'alcbc-4 -,va, Lind he I knc I for the pioducti3n of tninak The gi es. 1 6lomd glaft, for 3ewelry ia,in t1olise',- CLC. Mses bpul prepil. tint by yfitthl5, thc ba-ch~ ve in rlu*t rid by!Ainlon A ith tbt~pig- withoat -thd: pigments,. nrd secol meptS added. H EP H h J9 .1.) V. i-4 I&MOSOV, M.V.; VAVILOV. S.L. akademik, rodaktor; KRAVITS. T.P., redak- tor; VINOGRADOV, T.T., adadsimik, roda"or;TOPCHIYEV, A.T., aksdemik, redaktor; A&FSHUDAROV. S.G.. redaktor; ANDREW. A.I.. redaktor; BLOK. G.P., redaktor; MMS31YBV, A.A., redaktor; KNYAZBV, G.A., re- daktor; CHINAZAL, V.L.; PBVMM. R.S.. t9khnicheskiy-rek&ktor [Complete'collected. works] Polnoe sobranie sochinenil. Moskva. lzd- vo Akademii nauk SSSR.' Vol.4.[Vorks on physics, astronomy, and in- strument construction, 1744-17651 Trudy po fizike, astronomil i pri- borostroanitu 1744-1765 gg. 1955. 830 P. (HIMA 8:6) 1. Chleni-korrespondent Akademil nauk SSSR (for lr&vats, Barkbudarov). Obylics) (Astronomy) (Instruments) CHENAKAL, V.L. I,- -1~-.~,~-~~-'-~:-~~:-.I~~'~_wl-- Two unimown designs dating from the middle of the 18th centur7, the observatory of the St.Petersburg AcadeiV of Sciences. let.-astron.isel. no.1:9-48 155. (MM 9:12) (Leningrad--Astronomical observatories) CEMAKAL, T.L. ". . I - - .-. Observatoz7-of'the.3t..Petorsburg Academy of Soleness at the and of the 1830's. let,-astrou. Imal. no.2:141-152 156. (leningrad--Astronomical observatories--History) (KM 10:6) CHIRAKA , V.L.. St, Petersburg meridian. Istl-astron. isol. no.2.-153-170 156. (Ionlograd-Loqg1tude-Prise vwrldlan) (KM 10:6) c,"E-N A Kh !-, 3(l) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/1379 Istoriko-astronomicheskiye iseledovaniya, VY-0. 3 (Studies In the History of Astronomy, Nr 3) Moscow, Gostekhizdat, 1957. 7o6 p. 2,000 copies printed. Reap. 13d.: Kulikov3kiy, P.G., Docent; Ed&.: RakhlIn, I.Ye. and Reznikovskiy, P.T.; Tech. Ed.: Akhlamov, S.N.; Editorial Board of Series: Vorontsov-Vellyaminov, P.A., Professor, Kukarkin, B.V., Professor, Kulikovskiy, P.G., Docent (Chairman, Committee of the History of Astronomy, Astronomical Coun6il, USSR Academy cf Sdences) and Perell, Yu.G. (Scientific Secretary, Committee on the History of Astronomy, Astronomical Council, USSR Academy of Sciences) PURPOSE: This book is intended for both the specialist and the gaimil robLder Interested in the development of astronomy in Russia. COVERAGE: This volume, a collection of artlclps by different authors, ,,is-:the third in a series on the history of the development of as- tronomy in Russia. Volume 3 deals with the development of the an- trdnomical sciences in the USSR from earliest times to the present day. The articles describe such early observatories as the first astronomical observatory of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences Card 1/4 Studies in the Histqry (Cont.) SOV/1379 and those founded In Central Asia in th4 XIII century; lheV,further describe the life and contributions of such outstanding Russian astronomers as A.D. Krasillnikov, S.K. Kostinskly, G.A. Shayn,. N.A. Tachalov, S.P. Glazenap, and I.M. RabinQvich. One of thenore Important articles, by Prof. 0.A. Mellnikov, Soviet astrophysi- cist, treats the development of astrospectroscopy in pre-revolu- tionary and modern Russia. The editorial staff expresses Its thanks to G.A. Tikhov, Coiresponding Member of the AN SSSR, Pro!- fessors P.M. Gorshkov, N.N. Neuymina, Ye.S. Berez *anskaya and N.M. Shtaude ror their suggestions and assistance In reviewing the ma- terial. The articles are accompanied by numerous photographs, dia- grams, and extensive bibliographies*. TABLE OF CONTENTS: From the editors 5 Hellnikov, O.A. On the History of the Development of Astro- spectroscopy in Russia and the USSR 9 Card 2/4 Studies in the History (Cont.) SOV/1379 ARTICLES AND REPORTS Chenakal, V.L. Observatories of the Petersburg Academy of ,,Sciences in the.18th Century 261 Chenakal,_V,L. Design, Construction and Installatlon of In'strusnents in the First Astronomical Observatory of the Petersburg Academy of Sciences 429 Nevskaya, N.I. A.D. Krasillnikov - The First Russian Astro- nomer 453 Novokshanova, Z.K. Pulkovo Technicians - Creators of Astro- nomical and Geodetic Instruments 485 Mamedbeyli, G.D. The Maraga and Peking Observatories in the XIII Century 517 Korytnikov, S.N. S.K. Kostinakly and Engellgardt Astrono- mical Observatory 531 Card 3/4 Studies in the History (Cont. SOV/1379 Perell, Yu.G. Voltaire's Cosmological Ideas 541 Pikellner', S.B. 0.A4 Shayn (1892-1956) 551 14ATERIALS AND DOCUMMTS Deych, A.N. Biography of S.K. Kostinakiy (based on archive material) 611 Ostashchenko-Kudryavtsev, i.P. My Teachers 625 Ostashchenko-Kudryavtoev, B.P. Storm of 1898 in Pulkovo 641 Rabinovich, I.M. Soloino Gubertual Sundial 645 Suslov, A.G. Student Astronomy Groups In St. Petersburg in 1902-1914 649 Fi~om I.M. Simonov's Seient1fic Correspond6nee 659 Selected Bibliography on the History of Astronomy Published in USSR-and Other Countries in 1955 and 1956. 691 Author Index 700 AVAILAB,LE: Library of Congress Cird 4/4 GHjIkM&_V*Le Kinor observatories of the ft. Petersburg Acadegr of Sciences in the 18th century. Ist.-astron. Isel. n0.3:261-428 157. (KIM 11:3) (Leningrad--Astronomical observatories) GRENAKAL, T. L. I . 1, ~ 1~~ '~'T - _-~: - :-~ , - , ' Design, building, and xupplyingwith instruments of the first astronomical observatory of the ft. Pletersburg Academy of Sciences. let,-astron. IssI. no.3.-429-451 157. (MIRA, 11:3) (Isningrad-Astronomical observatories) CHMIAKAL, V.L. S.I. Vavilov as a student of N.V. Lamonosov's work. Truo lust. Istoest,I tekh. 17:44-65 157. (Km 10: 7) (Vokvilov, Sergel I"novich. 1891-1951) (Lomonosov. Mikhail Usillevich. 1711-1765) CH E-N R 1