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BALATEVA, I.A. (Mookva); CIMPRASOVO-Y.A. (Nookva) Method for delernining initial deviations of a gMeORPROO, Izv. ALN SSSR Otd. takh. nauk, Mekh. i mashinostr. no.2%136- 137 Mr-4 163. (MIRA 16:6) (Gyrocampaoo) PIP%, [CaloWAtIon of potential flow aromA Isolated profiles azA hydrodynamic cascades] laschat potentsialtnago obtekanile, Iso- l1rovannykh profilel I g1drodinamichemkikh reshetok; avtorefe- rat dieserWall, predstaylennol na soiskanie uchenoi ntepml kwAidata telfticheskIM zmuk. Nauchuyi rakovoditell G.O.Tumm~ ahoy. gusn'. Mususkil avlatsionnyi Institut. 1955. 9 p. (Aerodynamics) (RUA 9:3) OMURA=$ T.P. ww profiles'and'msoafts of aibltraz7 sbape, Irr,, r1se ucheb, save; ave takhe no,2tl2l-IV 15B,* (N13A 11t6) 10 Mumaskly &vUtslamWy lustltut, Wedra aerocUmalki. (]Plvdd 4ynwdos) 82797 27 S/124/60/000/004/007/02 A005/AO01 /0. 60vo Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1960, No. 4, pp. 42-43, # 4491 AUTHOR: Cheprasov, V.P. TITIE: Calculation of the Potential Flow Around Isolated Profiles and Hydrodynamioal Cascades PERTODICAL: Tr. Kazansk. aviats. in-ta 1958, Vol. 38, pp. 43-56 flow aroud a single wing profile and similar to the known Theodorsen-Serebriyskiy method. Mapping the exterior of the prescribed profile onto the contour exterior, approximating the circle, is performed~by a mapping funcTIon determl-ning the con- formal map of the theoretical profile exterior, similar to the described, onto the circle exterior. Mapping +this contour onto the unit elrole exterior with an accuracy up to minute quantities of second order is performed by the M.A. Lavrent, yev function or its certain generAlization. The author recommends to use, for plotting the theoretical profile, the S.A. Chaplygin mapping function. An analogous solution is obtained for the cascade of arbitrary profiles. Assuming that-the function is known, which states the conformal correspondence between the points TELT: A calculation procedure is expounded, dealing with the potential Card 1/4 82797 S11 24/6o/"/bo4/0o7/02-.1 A005/AOO1 Calculation of the Potential Flow Around Isolated ProfileS and Hydr-odynamica:L Cascades of regions outside the cascade of the unit radius circles and out.side -the cascade of the theoretical profiles, whereat the latter cascade is z:Lmilax to the pre2cribed cascade, the author used this function to mapping the exterior of the prescribed cascade onto the casoade.exteri.or,of the contours similar to the circles. In this way, the problem vis reduced to determining an analytic funct ion, wtd' ch ma the cascade exterior of the acntours s1.milar the circles ont-_i the circle cas- cade exterior. The latter function is found in the form-, Q* F (t) I n + E Cn n=o 101 i4D where t 1 = rle is the circle cascade plane, re -s the caseade plane of the contours similar to the circles, F1 Card 2/4 82797 8/124/60/000/004/607/027 A005/AOOI Calculation of the Potential Flow Around Isolated Profiles and Hydrod~ftnamieai Cascades is a function introduced by E.L. Blokh as the periodical part of the complex potential of the circulationless flow around the circle cascade. The cceffi~ients Cn = An + iBn can be-found by solving the algebraic equation system obtained from the relation r1,. when the contour equations 4re presented in the t plane in the forms ~=. [1 +A r (4) ] e' + ikt (k = 0, _+ 1, + 2, ...' 00 ), and the 6r (4) function as a Fourier series. Then, the coefficients Ar, Bn can be expressed by the Fourier series coefficients. The method of successive approximations for determining the coefficients Ans Bn is expounded, whereat the convergence rate of the suooessive approximation procedure depends on t14 degree of similarity of the theoretical profile cetscade to the prescribed profile cas- cade. The plotting of theoretical profS14 cascades is carried out usibg a mapping function representing a generalization of the Chaplygin function for the case of Card 3/4 82797 s/124/6o/ooo/0o4/oo7/027 A005/AO01 Calculation of the Potential Flow Around Isolated Profiles and Hydrodynamical Cascades a profile cascade by means of the. E.L. Blokh function Fl so t1hat the fune- tion obtained yields a conformal mapping of the circle cascade exterior onto the exterior of the theoretical profile cascade of the same step. The formulae for calculating the velocities along the profile cascade contour are given and the oomparison.of the computational and experimental velocity distribution along the profile contour of a dense cascade Is carried out, which consists of thick strongly buckled profiles. A.S. Ginevskiy Translator's note: This is the full translation of the original Russian abstract. card 4/4 SOV/124-59-10-11561 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1959,' No. 10, p. 74 (USSR) AUTHOR: Cheprasov. V. P 26 -T=- Equations of Curvilinear Motion of an Elastic Blade. MiODICAL. Tr. Kazansk. aviats. in-ta, 1958, Vol. 43, pp. 87-102 TM: The system of five differential equations is established for ealoulating the rotor blade motion, when a stroke governor, horizontal and vertical hinges, and a skew-control automat exist. It is assumed that the angular velooity of the propeller blade turn amounts to less than 0.1 of the angular velo.oity of revolution; the calculation of the aerodynamic loads is based on the hypothesis of steadiness; the induced velooiry is given as a trigonometric series. I G. I. Maykapar Card 1/1 88859 5/044/60/060/007/013/058 CIII/C222 AUTHORz Choprasov, V.P. potential flow around of isolated TITLEs Calculation of profiles and hydrodynamic grids PERIODICALt ReferatiwWy shurnal. Matematika, no-7, 1960, 79-80- Abstract no-T546. 19589 38, 43-56 TEXTs The author considers the calculation of the potential flow around of isolated profiles and of grid profiles of an arbitrary form by an incomp-ressibl* fluid. The author's method for the calculation of the potential flow around of an isolated profile is a certain modification of the well-known method of Thoodorsen-Serebriyakiv. The nature of the authorts method consists in the following: We assume that it is possible with the aid of the known function to construct a theoretical profile c which is little different - according to the position and the curvature - from the given profile"O' so that is satisfied with a possible exception of a finite number of points. Here S (a) is the length of the piece of the normal of the profile c Card 1/5 88859 S/044/60/000/007/013/058 Calculation of the potential flow... C111/C222 O_j Oft# between c and c. L;! BM be the external region with respect to the given profile, whi D a is the external region with respect to the theoretical profile c; let 43. f(z,c) be the function which maps conformally the region D(c) onto the exterior of the unit circle c: I W1>0 I For this ma, ping, to the profilefe in the W -plane there corresponds ,_P the curve c1twhich is little different from the circle cilcal. 1. The author uses the approximation formulas for conformal mappings of little different regional namely the approximation formulas of M.A.Lavrentlyev, for the conformal mapping of the exterior of regions being little different from the circle onto the exterior of the unit circle. He gives an approximate construction of a function jr - f(z,Z), f(w e) - co, fl(w ;`c)~~O which maps conformally the exterior of the given profile"F" i.9. of the region D(I) being little different from the re n B(c), onto the exterior of the unit circle cs 1'51- 1 of the planegie. I +ivt. Using the equation of the curvele."Win the form r-* , # ) W OCIAN 11+6 ( then for the mentioned sapping Card 2/5 88859 3/044/60/000/007/013/058 Calculation of the potential flow... 611/C222 2% L, I -it *5-f (z P^O) -f (z, 0)-Ss*(t) 1+f(z.c)o dt ZR 1-f(Z,O)e 0 f (OD , 01 - OD , f 1 (00 101 > 0. The correspondence of the points of the regions D(rc') and D(c#') in fixed 'by the inversion of S.A.Chaplygin's function z -((4_1)29 (2) "3+ EO where % -io +i 'Lo -the parameteisof the calculation are chosen so that th* th*oretical profile constructed with the aid of (2) in little different from-o in the sense of (1). Here the Fourier series of the function S*(Q,) (01 (%Cos no1+b nain no,), (3) n-0 Card 3/5 888-59 5/04 11 Y60/006/00T/01 3/058 Calculation of the potential flow... C1 C222 an a b ' 0( 1- ) will be absolutely and uniformly convergent. The n n2 author uses the development (3) and finds the approximation expression of tho sought mapping function in the form OD 0 W_ 2: _n (4) n-I Wn-I whore a. an+ibnl and the series (4) is absolutely convergent in the region ~a~ I. Furthermore the author uses the well-~known method of the expansion in terms of powers of the small parameter (L.V.Kantorovich and V.I.Krylov, Approximation Methods of Higher Anaiysis, M., 1952 and seeks a more general function which maps the region D(Ic onto D~clt) in the follo'w'in-r form ~-14+2 Eyp"(w), (5) kal - W, III I > 0, Card 4Y5 dW 00 88859 S/044/60/000/007/013/058 Calculation of the potential flow... CIII/C222 where f, is a fixed positive magnitude, Pk(a) at first are unknown functions being holoaorphic outside the curve T and having a single pole 4)- co in the neighborhood of which they are representable in the form 00 11t:v k Pk((O) - 1: ..#=-I tak A method for the successive determination of the necessary number of functions P(La) of the sequence tPk(&o)j in given. After the ideterminat- ion of the mapping-funation'fo f(z,le) the velocity field in the flow plane is calculated with usual methods. Examples are given. The problem of the flow around of an arbitrary profile grid is solved with an analogo" method; here the author uses the functions introduced by E.L. Blokh and.Te.I.Umnov. - Abstracter's notei The above text is a full translation of the original Soviet abstract. Card 5/5 ACCUSION M: AR4014M amn/o/w/wi/A031A031 SOURCX: M. Avtomatike, teleuskbmika i "ftbiglit9lonsys tekMika, 19"1 M0~ to Abe. 1A205 AMM: Chapromm, V. Pe T17LB: One problem in the systbosto of optimal control with regtric-tLeas an the Oboes Coordinates and os the rate of change Lo the controlling action MT8D SOURCX:. Mr. Konsook. swLato. in-to, vy*p. 75, 1963. 91-101 IOPIC TAM: transient process, control system. exponential stability, control trajectory, restricted control, optimal control, dynamic programming, control system synthesis TRAMIATION: Us. analytical structure is examined of regulators for systems Whose transient process" have a proscribed exponential stobLILty, The control low is sought whLok provUse the expomtLal stability, smotboses of trojectorles, and yields fte "mimmo valve of the functional 00 2(Z' )dtg Card 1/2 AOCBMGN Nat AM14663 where x is the n-dimensional vector of the phase state of the system, mind the r-disensional vector of the control force. It is proved that control As' 0' can be constructed by using the two Lyapunov funeti(ge VO (a. 0 and g(s,t). Have f izrtti:~q:-uidratic form of x and MW LYOPMOV functions. is a positive-de Met "tisfy certain conditions which are necesery and @off icient for optimal control in the sense that functional Uis minimum. and *off icient for exponential stability and amothasse of trajectory. Proof is given fee the sufficiency and necessity of these conditions. Necessity is proved by the mathod of dynamic programming. An example is given of determining control in a second order system having a restricted rate of change in the controlling action. Orig. art. has 12 refs. A. K. ZNCLt 00 DAB ACQs 197ob64 SU cant as Card 2,/2 USSR/Hwan and Animal Morphology (Normal and S-2 Pathological). Nervous System. Periphz-- ral Nervous Systen. Jour: Rof Z-hur-Biol., No 16, 195082 74308 l'uthor Cheprasova -17 Inst i4;~;a~adffe`fti cal Institwto, Title On the Quastion of Duodenal Innervation in a Dog (Experimental-Morphologic Study). Ori,i--- Pub: Tr, Stalinabadsh. ried. in-ta, 1957, 257 191-197 L,bstract: Fou:? sarias o--f' coporii--iontts i:ero conducted on dogs; in tho lst, resection of the sto- mach according to Billroth I vas performed; in the 2nd, thj right, and in the 3rd, the left somilunar ganglion of the solar plexus Card. 1/2 USSR/Ruicu-i and la-urial 111or-i-A-101ogy (Nornal and S-2 Pathological). Nervous Systori. Pariphe- rc,l Nervous System. Abs Jour: Rof Zhur-Biol.j No 16, 1953~ 7-1308 vas ronovod, and in the 4th, subdiaphrag- i-.ial va-gatomy was performed, It uas datermlinud that the sourco of duodenal innervation is the loft and right somilunar gcanglia of the solar plexus, anO that in the conposition of th,-, fibers uhich innervate the duodenum there are modullated and nonnodullatid -nerve fibers, The participation of fibers o--" the vagal norva in tha innurvation of the duode- nw. vas confirnod, -- D, D. Ivanov Card 2/2 C(ESTANTINBSCU. N.,; DUGA. M..; DUCA. B.'; CHEPTU, A. Bzperimental paralytic rabies curod. or autostorilized in partially lasualzed animals, Stud, corcet. Infranicrobiol., Bucur, 6 no.1-2:9-16 An-June 55- 1. Institut do Infroalcroblologto &I Academial R.P.R. at Institutul. do medialua, din last. (RADIRS, experimental In rate partially immunized with Feral vacc., recovery & autosterillsation) (VACCIUS AND VACUUTION rabies vacc.. Feral vaccine in wTer. rabies) COMANTIMCU. I.; STIM, A.; CffXPTPA, A.; TAIMM. C. Wfect of the schedule of therapy in antl-rabies vaccination before and after Infection. Stud. cercet. infromicrobiol., 3kour. 6 no..3-4:375-387 July-Doe 1955. (MBIM, prevention & control Taco. vith Fermi vaccine, prev. & ther. results in exper. animals, off. of timing & don. of vaccine before & after infect. with street virus) (TACCEM AND TAMUTION rabies, Fermi vaccine, prew. & ther. results In aTer. animals, off. of timing & dos. of vaccine before & after infoot. vith street virus) CONSTAMINESCU, N.-, STIRBU, A.;,g';j6 6, TAINDEL. C. Study of the comparative protective action of rabies antissrum and pbonolated vacetnoas In experimental rabies. Stud. corcet. Infranicroblol., Bucur. 7 no-3-4:423-470 July-Doe 56. 1. Comunicare prosentats, in mdinta Institutulut do Inframicroblologle al Academiet R.P.R. (RABIMS, experimental co"arattwo off. of rabies antiserum & phonolated vaccines) (IMM11 SMM rabies antissrum, protective off. In exper. rabies, comparison with phonalated vaccines) (VACCINFS AIND VACCINATION rabies phenolatcd vaccine, protective off. in exper. rabies, comparison with antisoruig) MWIA / Illeroblolosy. 1119robee.ftthosenle to VAn and P-5 Asisels. llseUrla. llaclarls or the intessimmi croup. Me Sears Ilat Zhur4lol., as 10. 29W, U123. hathem, i llestoremes. N.; ftpovicto b6-. Fovac, B.- Libreem a 21O1211ML-Awlieletorevou, 9.1 Porviel, N. Gorm. cheptes. 0 gives. "us I e:%4etloa of Spread In Ruwasis of fierologleel 0 Intestinal fteillus Causins :k3t%rtltl9 Uldrem. ft% POO llew. alarobiol. parnaltal. M spelw1ol.. 1956, 1, go 3. 46-49; 41-53, IL, 4, To 10. AbsUsslis tho fetes of M bealthy obtl4m from 5 callest- Ives and at 300 abildrea with enterlits were studled. 13 strains or patbo,..enlo serotypes of 1/2 44 MONO"$ ut"tlnl baslues (5.1%) were isolat 1:nd IT- titled tras the waltar ebtlarea. or " taw . 3. or MW oftelme WIMS" to %me oull", Is UM We of 0251M am C.0 - to ths t o53.n. w wo -me of vateritis No ... =Yr. .. messes; 100 or usas 46 1" wars Wa2tullsed. Among we latter. is M or Me *as" a pathagamia 110MYPS of ~Jxtsw%Lswl Monies OUI In gas r0mg Me tM Me &Us Isolated, from ni" ft"At a blame. of me "miasma Soo ju Shu4m. $no OUISM Me Wo"lielk Is 5 ""a MIN In ass 441119. 011111119 in abougg, some Claims is is safte. Sme, swumme @saw". im. TUA4. Abe hw4 OW Skv-81ol., no is, AwIbw s torossm. V.. Pmoviel. N.*. lime. a.; I ftsa? of Ile In bmals, of scrolosLoul r utes.=41 11moulas asuslas finterttle 1.90-luodron. Me Pohl Now. alarobial.. parmaltol. @I oplearlol.. 19". sm"le. ""Iostemi Ilnoll at In"MUMIL portant role in the bwluus vala play as U4 etiology of asterltis In shildrom, sapostally Is "A appearame of 0 so"o-emptis SpOwde Is"" 1/8 43 an Gasometer" man S.1% of m" 14M. f Silo; 1"a gar ft pip. "fitu. ebm. sets. voilm" sumes AP. sioswi and I:= Tn. two is a" UA aum" OU Me 4"m1g. Xg 1@ 6% In swim pup. 11. Fels. VO'fX, A.A., Insh.; MMMTAXOT, A.M., inzh.; GHAMOVO V.T., inzh. (Irkntak). Mechanized slag reawal. %t' i put. khos. no.1:29-30 J& 1589 (Slag) (Conveying machinery) (MIRA U.:!) SHFUNTOVA, M.U.; SHNATM, YO.Ye.; CHEFUG09 S.V.; LAZAREVA, L.V.; MASLOVA, L.G.; ROSHCHINA, V.I.; Prinimali uchastiyes. PAVIENKO, V.M.J. starshiy laborant; GERASIMOVA, L.I., starahly laborant Pentose hydro3,vais of cottonseed hulls and corncobs vith hexose hydrolyzates. Sbor.trud. NIIGS l1t7-15 163. (MIRA 16:12) i nz h. Ways of elimInating nonproductive idle time of ships in ports. Nor. flot 19 no-7:6-9 Jl '59. . (Mi3k 12:10) l.Slushbs, Tortov i morskikh putey Kaspiyokogo parokhodstva. tHarbors) (Icading arA unloading) CHWUMUIN, Ljoh. Practical Droblems in standardizing the loading and unloading of sbips in a& harbors. Mor.flot 20 no.10:7-9 0160. (WIRA 13:10) 1. Sluzbbe ortoy I morskikh putey lasplyokogo parokbodetva. Nargo handling-Standards) IMA-IN-L. insh. Increase the responsibility for freight carried in mixed COINAunications. Nor. flot 20 no. 12:4-5 D 160. (MMA 13:12) 1. Slushba portow I morskikb putey lasplyokogo parokbodstva. (Freight and freightage) CHF,PUIUIALIN I aspirant Ways to improve the methods of calculating labor productivity indices for loading and unloading operations in sea harbors. Mor.flot 22 no.1:6-9 Ja :62. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Institut komplekanykh transportnykh problem. (Gargo handling-Labor productivity) (Longshoremen) ZININ,, V.; PAPER, A.; CHIPUKHALIN,.-.;., aspirant The plinning of sea harbor operations should meet modern obJ*ctives. Mor,.flot 23 w,9:24-16 S 163. (KMA l6al) 11 Nachallnik otdola truda i sarabotnoy platy raspiyokogo parokhodstys. (for Zinin). 2. Nachaltnik planovogo otcbla Bakinskogo porti, Wi &Par) Institut ~mpleksvykh ';e transportnykh problem (for C pAhalin). CHEPUYJIALIN . I.. aspirant Regulate volume measarements in the loading and unloading of cargo in harbors. Mor. flot 23 no. 22:12-14 D 163. (MIDA 17;5) 1. Institut kompleksnykh transportnykh problem. miEpuis, -~. I. "Reserve Carlion Anhydrase, "d Blood During Expf'rini'mt-al PT'almorl-irl." Gftncl 11-A Sci, Loning:rad Votasrinm-y Inqt, LeAningaid, I 1 (RZhBiolR~,in,, No 7, Am 55 ) L" SO: Sirl.No- '704, "':' 'Nov 55 - of Sciontl- fic -nid Technic--l Disoert-ations Defended at trSSR Hir-her Educationd Institutdolis (16). CIIEPULIS, I.P.9 C.-Ilid Agr 3ci-(diss) " Growth,, productivity, and cc,.Tt~~in bi.oloi-ic;:,, 9. of and purobred kma'un- -r~- +k-A dcr Conditions of Id' --nion SSR.'% Lont 191)3. 22 ,)p (Eill of Arr 'USS-11. V W Lcn V,-;t Inst. Olmir of Animal hurbimclry), 100 copiCz (R1,20-58,114) GABRIOLAVICHUS, V.I. [Gabriolavicius, V.I; CHKPULIS, I.I. [Cepulis, F.] Percussion of the ventral part of the abdominal wall in traumatic reticuloperitonitis. Veterinariia 39 no.1:49-51 A 163. OaRk 16:6) (Peritonitis) (Percussion) (Lithuania-Cattle-Diseases and pestB) YANOLUS, B.P. [Janonis, B.I. dotsent;.j~ LCepLdis.. 1.1, dotsent; BAKUNAS, I.I.0 ordinator Rumenography in traumatic reticulitis of cattle. Veterinariia 40 no.9: 53-55 S 163., (MIRA 17:1) 1. Litovskaya voterinarnaya akademiya. Name: CHEPULIS, Stanislav Pavlovich Dissertation: Dynamics of dental carriao Degree: Doe Med Sci Affiliation: Kaunas State Hed Inst Defense Date, Place: 13 Jan 54, Council of Inst of Experi- mental Medicine, Acad Sci Lithuanian SSR Certification Date: 16 Mar .57 Source: BMVO 13/57 cumm, V. Stratigrap1w of the Plaistocerw deposits in Lithuaidan SSR. P. 53 (mokelirdai Framaind) Vol. 4. 1957, Vilnius, Lithuania SO: MONMY IMX OF LAW RWFHAN ACCESSIONS (MAI) ID. 'YM- 7. NO. 1, JAN. 1958 CEPMYTES VALMIJA. Idetuvos zww3 p"Irsius. Vilnius, Valistybine Mines ir mokelines literaturoa leicbrkla, 1957, 99. (4) p. (Pazinkine Lietuva) The relief of Idthuania.) SO: KMTHLT IN= OF UST 33OPM ACCLSSIONS (EM) LC, VOLo 7, RD* It JANo 1958 . 4 L Z: / CEPULYTE, V. The geomxwphologica.1 map of Lithuanian SSR. p. 265 (Mokelinlai Pranealmal) Vol. 4, 1957, VijMus, Lithuania SOs MWTHLY DW OF EAST EUROPEAN ACCESSIONS (EEAI) LGp VOL. 7, NO. 1, JAN. 1958 (;.--TULYTE, V. I GE00PAPHY & CSSOLOGY MOVSLIPLU PRPW.SIMAI. CEPULYTTE, V. Geomorphological districts of Lithuania and their geologic development. p. 23. Vol. 6, 1958. Monthly List of East European Aecission (EEAI) LC Vol. 8,, No. 3 March 1959, UnIlass. CHIPULITZ,. V. A.[Copaytes V.] Various conceptions of the term end noralnes Llet &k darbai B no.ICL95~--106 16:L. (UAI 10:9) 1. Institut geologli i geografil Akadeali nauk Litovskoy SSR. (Moraines) GRIGYALIS, A.A.[Grigelis, A.], kand. geol.-min. nauk, -+.v. red.; VOPSAVICHYUS, V.P. [Vonsavicius, V.1, red.,'GtdYALIS, V.K. [Gudelis V red.; DALINKEVICBYUS, I.A. [Dalinkeiriciu:, red.; KAZAKOVA, V.A., red.; KISNERYUS, Yu.L. [Kisnerius, J.]. red.; CHEPULITE V (Cepulyte, V.], red.; ASSOVSKIY, A.V., [Study of the geology of the U.S.S.R.) Geologicheskaia izuehemost' SSBR. Glav. red. A,N.Assovskii i dr. Villnius, AN Litovskoi SSR. Vol.43.[Lithuanian S.S.R.; the period of 1800-1955] Litovskaia SSR; period 1800-1955. No.l. (Published works) Pecbatrye raboty. -1962. 257 p. (MIRA 17:8) 1. Institut geologii i geografii AN Litovskoy SSR (for Grigyalis). CMWULM, V.A. [Cepulyte9V I Buie bimde of marginal formationo in Lithuania and adjacent areas. Trudy AN Lit. SO. (MIRA 17883 1. Institut geologli I geografii AN Litovsko7 SSR. CHEFULITE, V.A. [Cepulyte, V.] Stratigraphic division of Quaternary sediments in the vicinity of Vilnius. Trudy AN Lit. SSR Ser. B no.3:53-86 163. (MIRA 18:3) 1. Institut geologii i geografii AN Litovskoy SSR. -V.A. [Cepulytep T.A.] Phase bands of the rellef of the Recent Quaternary glaciation in the southeastem part of the Baltic Sea rMinn. Trudy Kom. chetv. per. 2102-98 163. (MIRA 16:10) 1. Institut geologii i geografii AN Litovskoy SSR. CHUMIM, V.A. (Cepulyte, V.] Stratigraphic division of Quaternary sediments in the surroundings of Kaunas. Trudy AN Lit. SSR. Ser.B no.107-103 165. (MIRA 18:7) 1. Institut geologii i geografil AN Litovskcy SSR. CiARUNKSHTENE., S.S.(Garunkstiene, S.]; GRIGYALIS, A.A.[Grigelis, A.], kand. geo.-miner. nauk; VmNsAvimus, v.p.[vonsavicius, V.1, red GAYGAUS, A.L(Gaigalas, A.], red.; DALINKEVICBYUS, LAIDalinkevicius, J.), red.; KAZAKOVA, V.A., red.; KISVERYUS, Yu.L.[Kisnerius., J.], red.; CWLkkM---.-Y.PA& [Cepulyte, V.]., red. (Study of the geology of the U.S.S.R.] Geologicheskaia izu- chennost' SSSR. Villnius, Mintis. Vol-43. No.l. 1964. 244 p. (MIRA 18210) .CHEPULISK V.G.-_-- - Y$ - ~T Device for'fitting pump rotor wheels. Mashinostroenie no.403 J1- Ag 163. (MM 17:2) -q I OKARA, V.G.; CHEFUR; Ajob Conti=ous line for the production of wide-flange I-be=s, Biul.tokh.-akon.inform. no.12:3-5 '-61. WIRA 14:12) (Rolling mills) AKOF YAN A.S., red.;_.SWTUR,__AD-, red- [Index of teabnicai specifications for the Ukrainian S.S.R. as of Jamary I, 1961]Ukazatell respubManakikh tekbnicbm- skikh uslovii USSR; po eoetoianiiu n& 1 ianvaria. 1961 gods. Izd. ofitsiallnoo. liev, Otdel novoi tekhniki nauchno-isel. i proektnykh orgmizatsii. Podotdol standartoy, 1961. 73 P. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Ukraine. Gosudarstvannaya planovaya kouiseiya. (Ukraine-Standards, Engineering) DANILEYKO, Vladimir Ivanovich[Darqleiko,, V.I.]; CHEFUR, B.D., red.; LIBERM, T.R., tekhn. red. [Life under space-flight conditions].Zlqttia v umovakh kos- michnoho pollotu. Kyiv, Vyd-vo Akad. nauk URSR, 1961. 79 P. (MIRA 15:4) (SPACE BIOW), (SPACE MICINE) 1~ ED impf C~14 F 'PUq' USSR[3hysics Conductivity Of H912 semiconductor FD-3126 Calr?*Lj'F~~ ~)Pub. 153 - 1119 Author : Chepur, D. V.; Petrusevichp V. A. Title : Additional conductivity of HgI2 under the action of x-rays Periodical : Zhur. tekh. fiz., 25, No 9 (September), 1955, 1523-1529 Abstract : The authors discuss the problem of developing and studying the photo- electric properties of effective semiconductor receivers of x-rays and the fact that certain semiconductors when irradiated by x-rays change their resistance by tens and hundreds of thousands of times, which therefore can serve as indicators of x-rays of even insignificant in- tensities. They note that S. V. Svechnikov (ibid., 22, 8, 1952) demon- strated that high sensitivity to x-rays is observed in CdS sinae-crys- tal, vhich is used now for certain practical purposes but is in limited use because of its considerable lifetime of photocurrent carriers. The authors discuss their experiments on BJ2, which shows extreme sensi- tivity to x-rays and considerably less inertia than Cds as indicated .L all by oscillograms of photocurrent pulses (photocurrent in Rg12 ' 5 to zero in time equal to 0.001-0-002 second). They study the voltampere characteristics, lux-nApere characteristics, the sign of the photocur- rent carriers. They establish that the photo oensitivity of Bg12 es- sentially depends upon spectral composition of x-rhy nidiation and C~wd 2/2 FD-3126 increases with the brightness of the x-rays. They show that the photo- current carriers are electrons and that the photo-resistance of 11g1I2 is of sma.11 inertia (time of relaxation equals about 0.001 second). Mumi- nation by visible light can condition the increase in photocurrent-by several times. The magnitude preparation of Hg12 specimens. The authors thank Professor V. Ye. Lashkarev, Active Member of Academy of Sciences of Ukrainian SSR, for his advice and interest. Three references: e.g. I. V. Poroykov, Rentgenometriya. Institution : -- Submitted : March 28, 1955 up I CHEPU , D.V. -.... L-- Photoresistance of polycrystaline mercury iodide plated.-,Nauk . povid. KDU no.1:30 '56. WHA li:4) (Mercury iodides--Optical properties) (Photoconductivity) Very sewiltive to a b= uso vith batd X-=y.5L, Tht K-1-y" Lrm~ Gt--.~at a phota T, vp~ can Lt ;,L, i i,*~ ed t. light. HgI, en be used thn Yuy f,-.- Of -4k. \0 .X- 10- Category : UM/Zlectricity - Sm1conductors Abs,Jour : Ref Zhur - Fiziks., ND 2, 1957, No 4214 Author : Phe_~~Red'kajp O.A. Title : Iffeict of Tsioperature an the Photoconductivity of polycrygtalline MAtes of W2' OrIg Pab : Zh- tekbn. fiziki, 1956., 26, No 3, 553-559 Abstract -. Pblycrystskijin layers of HgI2 vere prepared by evaporating the salt on the surface of a quartz plAte and by further melting the-obtsined layer bL-tveen tvo quartz plates. The layers vere then separated and eldctrodes deposited on'them. The iesisti,4ty of Pe layers was opped to 100 -- 10P oba ca upm approximately 1o13 ohn C*-and dr' illumination. The dark current and-the p4otocurrent increased vith The transformation of the red modi incz*a,sing temperature. fication of H9I - i I t - 1 1. 11 .06e 0 2 n o a ye ov at 125, is acccapanied by an increase in the dark resistivity and photoresiotiVty.. L7he _Spectral CharacteAstic bas one -xi-wo- in the''Utraviolet region, and another at,4 max :--590 millimicrofia. Thereasing thetempirature .increases. max . IS10- compm- eats of photoconductivity vere observed vith -~- 1o-1 seconds and Card 1/2 L Category : USSR/Electricity - Semiconductors. G-3 Abs Jour : Ref 7v- Fizika, No 2, 1957, No 4a4 2 x 1o-3 seconds (at 200). Illumination with white ligbt causese to increase. The photosensitivity diminishes vith~the freTtency at 200. It 'was f&m& that the-mobilit;( and ~oncentriition of the carriers are 10 cz2/v. sec. and 5 x 107 cm-3 respectively. The quantull yield is 5%. Treating the layer with'IM with subsequent #ying~bo -- 6oo) and cooling to room tempera;J-e increases the pho- to senditivity by 5 -- 10 times. A similar result is obtained by addin Te. Card 2/2 t2q~, 14um" of the Y of 4L ,j AUTHOR ChEPUR, _P~ PA - 2587 TITLE -PE-oto-oleetrical and Optical Properties of H 912* Fotoolektriehes" i optichoskiye BvOY~tv& H J2 - Russian FMIODICAL Radi~qtekkaika i Elektromika, 1957, Vol 2, Nr 1, pp 278.286 (U.S.S.R) Received 5/1?57 Reviewed 6/1957 ABSTRACT Lecture delivered at the All Union Conference for Semiconductors in No- vember 1955 at Leningrad. This paper deals with the following 2 problww: 1. Explanation of phenomena of electron processes due to absorbed olectro- magnetic radiation. 2. Relation between optic and photoelectric properties and the reasons for the particular characteristic features of individual samples. A procedure was developed for purposes of breeding monocrystals from a solution in acetone from a melt and by the evaporation of He from the solid phase and in order to Produce polycrystalline plates ;A~ Rlms. The same results war* obtained by investigations carried out both with monocrystals and plates. Rectangular and sinusoidally modulatied light produced by ordinary mechanical modulators was used. The life of photocur- rest carriers was determined according to the descending branch of photo- current pulses. It depends on the wave lenght and attains its maximum at wavol*nghts which correponds to the maximum of photosensitivity of the sample concerned in the visible'd6main of the spectrum. Additional illu- mination with constant intensity with white or monochromatic light at a wave I*jkgbtk of 55c, m increases the life of the photocurrent carriers. If Card 1/2 temperature rises to 4o-5oO C the time characterizing most samples rexa. Photo-slectrioal and Optical Properties of HgJ2- FA - 2587 in uachange. In tho'case of a further increase of temperature life dil- minshes noticeable until photoactivity eiti9te (the red modification turns yellow). Results show thit H,J2,ma,, boused for the production of effi- eacious photoresistances. 8 ill. and 6 citation from publications in Slav languages). A&SOCIATION State Universities of Kiev and Uzhgorod ME= BY SUMMED AVAUMLE Library of Congress Card 2/2 CHEPUR, D.V., Cand Phys Math Sci -- (diss) "Photoelectrical merr&~nr-i duV4& and optical !,,roperties of hi-4o,144is eC ~ .11 Kiev, 1958, 12 pp (Min of Higher bducation UkSSR. Kiev State Univ) 150 copies M, 50-58, 120) - 15 - 67202 A it. 7700 SOV/58-59-7-15782 Translation from: Referativnyy Zhurnal Fizika, 1959, Nr 7, p 16l (ussR) AUTHORS: ~12404-r, D.V Nasekovskiy, A.P. -7717--M~ TI TLE Effect of Admixtures of Tellurium and Vapors of Certain Substances on the Photoconductivitytbf Polycrystalline Plates of Mercurous Iodide PERIODICAL: Dokl. i soobshch. Uzhgorodsk. un-t, 1958, Nr 2, pp 23 - 24 ABSTRACT: The authors demonstrated experimentally that even minute amounts of Te (less than 0.001%) have a substantial effect on the mainitude and character of photoconductivity in polycrystalline plat-ei of mercurous iodide. In the presence of admixtures of Te photoconductivity increases, inertness ordinarily decreases somewhat, and spectral characteristics spread appreciably in the direction of the longer wavelengths. As the concentration of Te is gradually increased, photoelectric sensitivity rises, while specific resistivity and inertness fall off. The enhanced Card 1/2 sensitivity and reduced inertness point to an increase in the quantum 67202 SOV/58-59-7-15782 Effect of Admixtures of Tellurium and Vapors of Certain Substances on the Photo- conductivity of Polycrystalline Plates of Mercurous Iodide yield of the photocurrent. A significant enhancement of the sensitivity of the in- vestigated samples was also observed when they were placed in an atmosphere of vapors of a=onla, acetone, and ethyl and Isoamyl alcohol. N.V. Vasillchenko Card 2/2 U654 S/058/62/000/010/073/093 Ao6i/Alol AUTHORS: Dovgoshey, N. I., Chepur, D. V., Popovich, P. Yu. TITLE: Dependence of the degree of photosensitivity of mercuric iodide samples on the frequency of ah applied external field PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizlka, no. 10, 1962, 45, abstract IOE349 ("Dokl. i soobshch. Uzhgorodsk. un-t. Ser. Fiz.-matem. n.", 1961, no. 4, 52 - 53) TEXT: It is shown that the sensitivity of mercuric iodide photoresistance cells fed by alternating voltage exceeds by several times their sensitivity in the case of constant voltage feeding. The explanation is that an alternating field does not permit the formation of a space.cha~ge that would lead to sample polarization. [Abstracter'& note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 Jk 4F. AUTHORS: TITLE: 39]Jil S/058/62/000/006/132/136 Ao62/A1O1 Kopinets, 1. F., Chepur, D. V. Effect of vapor-a~dsorption of certain substances on the static characteristics of photoresistors made of mercury iodide PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 6, 1962, 29, abstract 6-3-57Y ("Dokl. i soobshch. Uzhgorodsk. in-t. Ser. fiz.-matem. n.", 1961, no. 4, 54 - 55) TEXT: The effect of vapor adsorption of certain substances on the photo- conductivity of mono- and polycrystal specimens of mercury iodide, HgI2,was in- vestigated. Vapors of ether and ethyl alcohol substantially increase the photo- sensitivity. Vapors of isoamyl alcohol have little effect. Vapors of benzol have practically no effect on the photosensitivity Of Hg12 specimens. The influence of the vapors is explained by the fact that adsorption considerably decreases the surface recombination rate of the photocarriers by increasing their life duration. Tbis fact is confirmed by the investigations of the photoconductivity kinetics. Vapor adsorption leads also to an increase in the dark conductivity of the speci- Card 1/2 0 S/058/62/000/006/132/136 Effect of vapor adsorption of ... Ao62/A1OI mens and a change in the shape of the spectral characteristics of the photocon- ductivity. There are 2 references. V. L. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 L 10620-65 ---------- 7 "A (k QV t--- W F-1- atAs 'A C C ESR 0 N NTR -AT4046106 JG/RM UTHOR: Chepur, D. V. .Dovgoohey, N I., fjopinets, LF. TITLE: The stablUty of i*erlffiou and pogsibility of practiettl application o "Pl~-BISWW OLM�mroue 10me SOURCE, VzbgowL'-Un1vers1tet. Doldatkv* I soobshobenlya. Seriya Dzi. -mathe ko mati- ohsB~ikh nm&, no. 4,, 1981, 6142 TOPIC TAGS: photor6blf~or, photootonductivity, eleatwde, roentgenography, mercurous Iodide Ai3STRACT: The RuthO tote briefly that photoresistorn of mercurous Iodide have a period of llaginjWl, which lajit6 for a few clays, and din-ing which the sensitivity usually decreases by 30-40% (in rare cases by upto 6G-70%). After this period of aging, the changes cease and the operatlonof the photonsistor is quite sit-~le. Experiments lasting. 8-12 months have shown that many of tbe pbotoconductIvity characteristics do not vaxy with use. However, Uhe electrodes do seem to play an active role In guaranteeing the etabMity of operation of the photorealabor; coating the elnt:rodes with a thin film of polystyrew or C.,d 1/2 -~ i .-- I f, . - - . ... I . ,:t ~ - I . . . .. , . - I , i.' ; , . . I ~-,. , S/058/62/000/006/033/136 AO61/A1O1 AUTHORS: Turyanitsa, I. D., Chepur, D. V., Koperles, B. M. TITLE: A photoelectric study of absorption, reflection, and dispersion of mercurous iodide specimens PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 6, 1962, 33, abstract 6V220 ("Dokl. i soobshch. Uzhgorodsk. un-t. Ser. Fiz.-matem. n.", 1961, no. 4, 6o) TOM The curves of absorption, reflection, and dispersion of mercurous iodide single crystals and polycrystalline films were measured at. room tempera- ture. The principal absorption maximum was situated in the ultraviolet, and the additional one (580 ma) was due to stoichiometric iodine excess. The reflection factor was w,10% and > 20% in the red and violet spectrum regions, respectively. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 - CHEFUR,.D.V.; DOVGOSHEYV N.I.; TIMOSHIN, V.P. Now variant of an apparatus for studying the rectifying properties of low-power semiconductor diodes. Dokl. i soob. UzhGU. Ser. fiz.-mat. i ist. nauk no.5t64-65 162. (IMRA 17t9) 0; )PT'(Q jpq (m) IB-;)S AFFTC/ASD RD~I/JD ACCEtMION ?M-. AT3002997 S/2927/62/000/606/0141/OIA-4 :AUTHOR: Dovvah~' N. I.;;- C? Do-Ve TITLE: Properties of film detectors based on cadmium selenide [Report of the All-Union-Conference on Semiconductor Devices held in Tashkent from 2 to 7 October 1961 j SOME: Elektronno-dy*rochny*ye perekhody* v poluprovocInikakh. Tashkent,, lzd-vo ,'AN uzssR,, 1962, 141-144. TOPIC TAGS: cadmium detector ABSTRACT:: selenia Two,obJecWare described In the article; (1) a cadmium. film ;detector developed by.the authors and (2) a special electronic outfit for testing Copper, brass aluminum, and nickel-plated irori (roved the best) PUTES WERE VACULJW'SPRAYED -WITH CdSe, formed, and tested. Depending on.the thick. iness of CdSe film, the best duxable-formation voltage was found to be 10 to 70 v. Variation of cheracteristics.with the time of continuous operation (up to 30 iin) vas.observeds. rectification factor changed from 200 to 1,000 in some cases. A special electronic tester vas. developed for meas ing current-volt ur age'and dynemic characteristics-and for forming and welding the rectifiers.- The tester and its operation procedures are described in detail. Orig. art. has: 1 figure. V/v vr DOVGOSHEY,, N.I.; CHEP~R ~j ~D.V. _, Unit-for investigating rectifying properties of low-power crystal diodes. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; prib. 6 no.6:137-139 163. 1. (KRA 17:3) 1. Uzhgorodakiy universitet. Rekomendovana kafedroy obshchey fiziki. L 31wi 6-66 (b) IJP(c) RDTJ/JD/GS ACCESSION NRt AT5020487 UR/0000/64/000/000/0405/GW AUTHORSt Chepur,.D, V Do maity, N. I.; Goncharenko Ye. T. TITLEt Concerning contacts and certair properties of mercuric Iodide photo- resistors SOURM -'-4M*e'ihVU'za*~D ko~ferent zike I a PLf (poverkhn6athyye-i kontaktn" 1 diodikikof 8 yavleniyn). Tomsk., 62, _Lpo upr Poverkhn.ostnyye I ko'ntalit 'We yavlenlya v poluprovodnikakh (Surface and contact phenomena in semiconductors)#* Tomsk, Izd-vo Tomakogo univ., 196/+, 405-413 TOPICTAGS: mercuric iodidei photoresistbri photosensitivity SG 2M electrom- eter -IZA 2 comparator,, ZG 10 audio oscillatoro 1321 V voltmeter 7~6 admix- ABSLlc~i- satperimenth-vere performed with Purd and Impure (with q2lqmiu ture) mono- and polycrystalline specimens of mercuric iodide to determine the effect of contacts and to study the aging of photoresistors and eons of their properties In variable electric fields. The specimens were prepared and -the meas- urementowere made by the procedures and apparatus described by~ Do V. Chomw (ZhTFt 25, 34., 1955). The field distributions along the "cimend were plotted by the movable-probe method with platinu*-vire electrodes with a diameter of Cord -L 3446-66 0 ACCESSIO11, Nk: - AT5021487 003 mm. An SG-2H electrometer was used to measure voltage, IZA-2 compare- was used to measure the, distance between the probes.. A ZG-10 audio oscilla- tor and.a 1321-V vacuum-tube voltmeter were also used. Aquadag and platinum were found to be the best contact materials for Hg~2 photoresistore; their use provided linear volt-ampere characteristics under Illumination and in the dark. A typical aging curve for one of the- specimens is shown in Fig, I on the Enclosure. The use of variable instead of constant electric fields led to an increase in photo- sensitivity by a factor of 1*5-2p and also to an improviment in stability, Orige ,art. has: 6 graphs and 1 diagrams ASSOGIATIONI none SUBMITTEDs 060at64 ENGM 01 SUB GODEs SS NO _RM SOVI 010 OTUM 001 Ccrd 2/3 LEr - -7- -77- UT, m, /M" c I ITIMiP, t' /EWP lb IUPIoll JDIjGS L 1447-11 E ACCESSION NR3- AT5020468 ufi/oooo/64/006/000/0414/0421 AUTHORSi AARinets, 1. F.: KU7,netsova, So T.;_ Ch2MFJ6A&"- TITLEs The effect of adiorytionlof the vapors of certain substanq6s on the photo- electric properties of mercuric iodide naucZtekhnicheskga*konferentsiya po fizike SOURGEt Meshvuzovskaya !;~JZ* voiuvrovoaniKov tpoverKmi0UUU"V JL KV11UtM1jL1YjVW jVUV-ZW1LJY42j* AVLUP~j PoverkhnostrWye i kontakbrWye yavleniya v poluprovodnikakh (Surface and contact phenomena in semiconductors)*. Tomsk, Izd-vo Tomskogo univ., 1964, 414-421 TOPIC TAGS: adsorption, mar curie iodide, photoelectric pl~opertn carbon dioxide, mathanegbydrogen peroxides ammonia, benzenes methanol,, ethanol, other, acetones cryostat,, dark conductivity,, semiconductor/ KL7/9 galvanometer ABSTRACTi Experiments were performed on the effect of adsorption of carbon dioxide., mothanep waterj hydrogen peroxides ammonia,, benzene, methanol., ethanol# ether, and acetone on the dark conductivity) static characteristics# and kinetics of the'photoconductivity of single crystals-and polycrystalline ingots of red The work was performed to obtain information on the affect of characterictics of red Hgl2& Specimens with thick- surface phenomena on the &be" I Card. ---- - -.. - - - -1- -- --- --L- -- - , - .- - ---- - - - - - -- -- . - -- - - , - . - -1 .- - -- --- -- .-- -- ---- --- --- = - - - -------- ACC N ARGO33781 SOURCE CODE: UR/0058/66/000/007/DO89/DO89 AUTHOR: N. L; Chepur, D. V.; Nikolyuk, R. G. Dovgoshey, ------------ TITLE: Some optical properties of thin CdSx. CdSel-x films SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. 7D717 REF SOURCE: Sb. tezisy dokl.'k XIX Nauchn. konferentsii. Uzhgorodsk. un-t, 1965. -Ser. fiz. * Uzhgorod, 1965, 34-39 TOPIC TAGS: absorption spectrum, cadmium selenide film, reflection spectrum, cadmium sulfide film, metal film, reflection coefficient, mirror reflection, diffuse reflection, reflection, opties, optical property. solid solution, substitutional solid-- solution ABSTRACT: A study was made of reflection and absorption spectra in the 400 700-m,d,z, range, of thin CdSO 25* CdSeo 75 films, 0. 4-0.8-/44 thick (the indices indicating the weights of the Gilial components), obtained on cold and heated (up to 300C)backings. All the. films showed an inverse dependence of the effective coefficient of reflection R on the thickness of the film at all temperatures. This is explained by the fact that R is determined both by the mirror and diffuse reflection. 1/2 ACC NR: AR6033781 A lower R value in films deposited on cold backings is explained by the smoothing out of the microrelief surface when a layer is deposited on a heated backing. The absorption spectrum of films deposited on hot backings is shifted toward the long- wave region, which is due to the somewhat larger amount of CdSe in the films than in those formed on cold backings. The conclusion is reached that CdSx. CdSel-x films represent a substitutional solid solution. S. Bureyko. [Translation of abstract] SUB CODE: 20 .card 2/2 L OC,,05h-67---EWT' -- D/AT ACC NRz AR6031889 SOURCE CODE: UR/0058/66/000/006/E-095/EO95 AUTHOR:' Semak, D. G.; Chepur, D. V.; Goyer, D. B. TITLE: Photostimulation and photoelectret state of mercury iodide single crystals SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika. Abs. 6E748 REF SOURCE: Sb. Tezisy dokl. k XIX Nauchn. konferentsii. Uzhgorodsk. un-t, 1965. Ser. fiz. Uzhgorod, 1965, 47-52 TOPIC TAGS- electret, single crystal. mercury iodide, electrometer, photostimulation ABSTRACT: It has been found that HgJ2 single crystals possess electret properties at low temperatures. Investigation was carried out at 77K on single crystals of the red modification of HgJ2, grown from a solution in an acetone. To detect the electret state, a standard procedure.was used for measuring the polarization value according to the initial deflection of the electrometer upon depolarization by light. It is shown that the photoelectret properties Of ngJ2 are related to adhesion in thia. compound. F. Nad'. [Translation of abstract] SUB CODE: 20 Card Mc MR, 6 1IN) 4 SOUNI-CE, CODE: UIZ/00511,1/66/ooo AUTHOR: Turyanitsya, 1. D.; Chopur, D. V.; Lada, A. V. TITLE: Absorption and photoconduciLivity of mercury iodide SOURCE: Ref. z1h. Fizika, Abs. 6E790 REF SOURCE: Slo. tozisy dokl. k Nauchn. konfernetsii.- Uzhgorodsk. un-t, 1965. Ser. fiz. 'Uzhcg~orod' 1965, 65-68 .0 0 ":Ii CT.-~GS: morcury iodide, mercury iodide absorption, morc y iodide ur notoco-duct-vity ABSTRACT: Optical absorption and photoconductivity of HgJ sinfrle crystals was investifyated. Prolonged exposure of HgJ crystals to light results in a chemical Lransformation of I-IcfJ to HrJ,) with the separation of 1-1g. Consequently, the HgJ sinlole c rystals were grown in the dark. 11-J was found to be transparent over a wide speciral reo-ion.' A noticeable absorption starts with 5560 A reaches its maxinium at 5600 A and then decreases again. From one specimen to another, the absorption coefficient in the maximum fluctuates within card 112 L 09,',011-67 ACC NR: AR6031894 700-1000-cm Therefore, there is reason to consider that the maximum at SM A is not the basic maximum. It was found that Hcri also possesses considerable photoconductivity with a maximum of sensitivity (at room temperature: in the vicinity of 55OU'A . The temperature coefficient of variation of the half-w:dth of the absorption band of I - 10-3 $is ev/defrrees is determined on the ba 0 of temperature dependences of the-optical absorption curves. (Translation of abstract] SUB CODE: 20, 09/ r SOURCE CODE: UR/0058/66/000/006/E097/1C-097 ACC NRI AR6031892 AUTi1OR: Magda, 1. N.; Semak, D. G. Chepur, D. V. TITLE: The photodielectric effect of WgIcury iodide SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. 6E765 REF SOURCE: Sb. Tezisy dokl. k XIX Nauchn. konferentsii. _Uzh o_rQdAL_U1x7_t1' 1965, Ser. fiz. Uzhgorod, 1965, 72 TOPIC TAGS- photodielectric effect, dielectric constant, space-charge, grain -boundary; mercury iodide ABSTRACT: The photodielectric effect has been detected in HgJ When HeJ 2* 2 placed as a dielectric between capacitor plates was illuminated, an increase in di ,,electric constant ir-' was observed. At low temperature this change is maintained with time, and with decrease in temperature value!.P' itself decreases only slightly. It is supposed that in HgJ2 the photodielectric conductivity is linked to the formation of the space charge on the griiin boundaries owing to the electron localization in the traps. SUB CODE:. 20, 09/ :,rd EW Tni) / EWP ( tEr IIJKC) j D/GG L 083~4-67 EWT(m)/EWP(t)/ETI 1JP(c) JD/" ACC NRt AR6017156 SOURCE CODE: UR/0275/66/000/00l/B03i/_i_6Y2_ AUTHORt Chepur, D. V.; Dovgashey, N. I.; Gcacharinko, Ye. T. .-i~: TITLE.- Concerning contacts'and certain phatcresistive properties of !Ircury WWI& SOURCE: Ref. zh. Elektranika I ye" primeneniye, Abe. IB251 REF SOURCE: Sb. Poverkhmastne I kntakft. yavleniyt v poluprovodnikakh, Tomsk, Tons- kiY un-t. 1964, 405-413 :TOPIC TAGSr photoresistance, phatoresistor, photoconductanoep phatocanductor, mercury, compound SLATION: The effect of the-contacts, the aging process and certain other proper- ties of mercury biiodide photoresistors are investigated. The photoresistors were pre4 .,pared from pure mono- and polycrystalline samples and from samples containing selenium impurities. The experimental investigations showed that it is most expedient to use aquadag or Pt which are quite stable over a wide temperature range. Curves are pre- sented showing the electrical field distribution in the samples immediately after the deposition of the aquadag electrodes and after thorough drying-, these curves prove that the photoresistars with freshly.deposited contact have only a very low transfer re- sistance Aersas after the drying of the electrodes the transfer contact resistance Cab be measured. The H9J2 phator4sls 4gi the first 10-20 hre tor, ~ng process occurs during UDC: 621.383.42M6.15149 Card 1/2 L 08334-67 ACC NRt AR6017156 "0 after their preparation and leads to a,60-70% reduction in phat"ensitivity; thereaf- ter, the change in photosensitivity becomes negligible* The use of AC fields causes- It an increase in photosensitivity by a factor of 1.5 to 2 and Ispreves the stability of the photoresistors. The volt -current characteristics of MgJz phatoresisto retain i air linearity but change,the"nding an whether AC (frequency 200 cps) or Do in used. The location of the*peak spectral response of, thik phatoresistore at 5800, 1,:~7i ~i; -U ref Ve Shch In independent,of the frequency- pf:tht' applied fie]A'i.~'~ erencese4 -v SUB ODDE: 120 lip T.1, N 4~- t3i x, -.7 Q- '7s -tl t j 17, '1-' %If V not Card L 09382-67 , ija(m)/E&(WL-T1--1j -- L . I A= NXI Ah6033773 SOURCE CODE: UR/0058/66/000/007/Ao5o/Ao50 AUTHOR: Doygosh!~y. N. Chepur, D. V. G mdill, 1. A. Nikolyuk, R. G. Yatskovich. 1. 1. TITLE: Miciorelief and structure of thin film of cadmium'-'sulfide and cadmium T- 1-7 selenide SdURCE: Ref.-. zh. Fizika, Abs6 7A42'6 REF SOURCE: Sb. Tezisy dokL k MX Nauchn. konferentsit. Uzhgprodsk. un-t 1965.' Ser. fiz. Uzhgorod,, 1965, 25-29 TOPIC TAGS: cadmium selehide, cadmium sulfide, thermal spraying, cadmium*--.. film CdSx and CdSel-x-'films were obtained by thermal spraying under 10-4 mm) on cold glass backings and glass backings heated to 120, 200, vacuum 250. and 300C. Cadmium sulfide and cadmium selenide powders mixed in a specific ratio served as the source material. The films consisted of small crystals of fine crystals of. a substitutiona1solid, solution of,CdSx CdSej-x~ It was fbund.~: grain.orientation with an that the films have a hexagoh4 s:~s 10001j.perpendicu*...- td the backing. Too non-corrasmndence of the,source material composition and the CArd 1/ 2 ........... L 09382-67 ACC Nib ' 6033773 R A 4 N ~- - . ' , " i t. J wag sbown~ Iflliis actair. -4-. tr po'. [7 rans tidn c t la . B lw~. 07 L S 0, 2/2 Ccwd -Loaft-6i Ew(m)/Ewp(t ACC NRI ' AR6033772 1JP(0 JD SOURCE CODE! UR/0058/66/o00/007/A050/A050 AUTHOR; Dovgoohe_v, N. Phepur,, D. V.,, Gryadilli 1. A. TITLE: Effect of the temperature of the glass backing on structure of thin films of J':" ..:Cadmium nelenide nd_AMUWA ZOURCE: Ref. zh. Fisika, Abe. 7A425 REF SOURCE t Sb, Tesisy dokL k XIX Nauchn. konferentelf. Us oro k un-t hg do 1965.'Ser. fiz. Uzhgorod, 1965, 30-34 ,.TOPIC TAGS: cadmium selenide, cadmium sulfide, cadmium film, film ,;.orientation ABSTRACT: CdSe, and CdS films were obtained by thermal spraying of the respec-' '-tive compounds on cold glass backings and on glass backings heated to 60 to 400C. All CdS ft Ims were shown to be grain-oriented. With t a 60C, the fine crystals of n the films are of a hexagonal modification with an axis [00011, perpendicular. to the -backing. With tn = 100-200C, a cubic CdS modification appears with an axis (1111* perpendicular to the backing. The CdSe films are likewise grain-oriented. When tn 60-100C. the hexagon axis 100011 is perpendicular to the backing plane. The [Ced 1/2 L 09381-67 ACC MRs AR6033772 CdSe cubic phase appears when tn,>. 150C.'. P. Agalaradso, abstracter, n of abstract] i ., .SUB COM. 11. 071 7 . j : - - 24 -A, Cii4 ACC NRI -AR6031890 SOURCE CODE: UR/0058/66/000/006/EO95/EO95 AUTHOR: Turyanits.a._j._P,,:'Chepur. D. V.; Golovey. M. I.; Solyanik, E. Yu.; Gurzan, M. 1. TITLE: Specific characteristics of antimony iodide photoconductivity and absorption SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika:. Ab~. 6E749 REF SOURCE: Sb. Tezisy dokL k XIX Nauchn. konferenteii.'Uzhgorodak. un-t, 1965, Ser. fiz. Uzhgorod, 1965, 58-65 TOPIC TAGS: iodide, antimony, antimony iodide, x ray structural analysis, dark current, main absorption band ABSTRACT: The photoelectrical and optical properties of SbJ3 specimens obtained by crystallization from the vapor phase in air or vacuum were investigated. X-ray structural analysis showed that the specimens obtained were single-crystals and that those obtained under vacuum were more prefect than those grown in air. The dark current depends exponentially on the temperature and has an activation energy of 0. 9 ev. The width of the forbidden band determined on the basis of the longwave boundary of the main absorption band corresponds to 2.14 ev. It follows, therefore, 1/2