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USSR/Cultivated Plants - GmIns. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 7, 1958, 29716 M-2 Author : Cherednichonko,, M. Inst : The Ukraininn Scientific Research Instituto for Agricultu- ree Title : Corn Raising from Seed, Orig Pub : V sb.: Vopri razvitiym so kh. Poleslya. Kiyev, AN USSR, 1956 (1957), 19-28. Abstract : In field crop rotations of the Buchanskly Auxiliary Site of the Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute for Agri- culture Bor'ba variety com vas sow at the rate of 25-30 ka/ha. for gmin crops. According to the findings of 1950- 1951 the best planting time is 10-20 days right after the early spring crops are sovn. When the cobs vere stored in a warm place and plDmting took place on 17 April and Card 1/2 USM/Cultivnted Plants - Grains. M-2 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biolo, No 7, 1958, 29716 18 May there vas 91-97% germination in the field, and viien stored in a cold place 38-78%. The optimal density for the plant stand according to the data of these Werimnts in 1951-1952 is 60 x 60 cm with 2 plants per cluster. In tests with fertilizers the maxiimm grain yield boost (20.9 centners/ha.) on the average for 1950-1953 was gotten by applying 20 tons/ha. of manure and Ngfe~~Oto the autumn plaw land. Exposure of the cobs pri r esting in the stage of vaxy ripeness lowered the grain moisture by 4.6%. Card 2/2 - 40 - K,-IL""i'll"Ti, CIMIRF.DNICHENY02 N.G.) inzb. the tyiall,ty of speat jalnrs of tunggten Said nichl ` 7 Im Irp.-lb;a Svar,proiz- . no.12?11-13 B 965. (~ff-R-A -181.12) '10 jfilosk~-vaku7v vy:3shayep tekltnicthtiskop uchilishobe 'Ama Mumna * L S3489-66 EWTW/E~TW# Vt~ikv)/T/*( /EWP(k)/0P(h)/EWP(1) WEM it'd NR' A 6012282 JD/HM/EM SOMCZ CODE: Ult/0125/65/000/011/0044/0047 AMM RA anov, ff. L.; Cheredifebooko, W. 0. AL_ '9' ii.'Bsuman, TIM: Zvoluation of the plasticity of tin resistance-welded cross joints of. lainiaturized electronic _WMt8 MMCR: Avtoostichookays ova*&, no 11, 1965, pp 44-47 TOPIC TAGS: resistance welding, spot welding, electronic component, plasticit.7, test stand ABSTRACT: Jointq&of this kind often display low plasticity, which causes their pro- mature fractureAftince the existing test methods are not always suitable for quanti- tatively evaluating the plasticity of these joints, the authors suggest a new method of such evaluation which takes Into account not only the shear stresses but also the bandinS stresses acting on these joints, with jital reference to the highest- stressed sectors of the spot-welded crosm7for which no reliable text method has previously existed. The principle of the new test method is as follows: a torque is exerted on one of the finished components with respect to the weld zone, under. a constant load (constant tensile stress), with recording of the angle of rotation at cmd 1/4 UPC: 1- 6ZI-1 IMC L 33489-66 ACX Nib AP6012282 which the Joint fracturm To this and, component I of the weldment (Fig. I,&) In ZHM b fig. 1. Schematic representation of the fracture-angle tests of cross joints under static loading: a - first version; b second version clswpW between the sponge tips of a specially designed setup (Fig. 2), while at the, am* tim a constant tensile stress P is applied to component 2 of the same weldment, causing it to smoothly revolve about the weld soot In the direction of arrow A until Cd 2/4 33489-66 ACC Mlt' AP6012282 Fig. 2. Schematic representation of the ~devices for det*miulug the fracturo under static loading: I I ~%Jp it Miff a first version; b second version A-A I_ Cmd 3A SMEMIKOVp Aram ArutywovUh; FKAARDVSKIrv S.F.9 Itand. tokbn. naukq retosumt; 1:11~'M)p N.Yaep kand, teklm. naukq retoon- sent; DINIR i red. j ALMARIDUMNO M.A.9 red.; SHISH- WVAq LaMey tekbn, reds~. [App3led metbodo of the theory of random functional Prikladays 100- tody teorii sluchalrqkh funb:tsi~j Leningrad, Goo. soiusnoe ind-To mdostroit. pragraMot 1961. 251 P. (KMA 14a8) (Probabilitlea) VOLODIN, Boris Grigorlyevich; GANIN, Mikhail Pavlovich; DINER, Isay Yakovlevich; KOMVM, Lazar' Borisovich; SVESHNIKOV, Aram Arutyunovich, doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.,- STAROBIN, Kalman Berkovich; GINZBURG. R.I., kand.tekhn.nauks retsenzent; CHEWNICHOKO N Ia., kand. tekhn.nauki retsenzent; SHAYMICH, A.I., [Manual for engineers on the solving of problems in probability theory; collection of basic formulas,, typical solutions,, and problems for exercises] Rukovodstvo dlia inzhenerov po resheniiu zadach teorii varolatnostei; sbormik osnovrqkb formalp tipovykb reshenii i zadach dlia, uprazhnenii. [By] B.G.Volodin i dr. L-e- ningrad, Sudpromgiz, 1962. 422 p. (MIRA 15:7) (Proba'-'lities) C tj L J-'C- ~O CHMDNICHImn A- Certain features of the distribution of ore deposits in the northern part of the Sakmagan Valley of the Krivoy Rog Basin. Visnyk AN UM 28 no,9:33-41 8 157. (MM 11:1) (Irivor Rog Basin-Ore deposits) /V / C. 14 K i~-, c BBLEVTSIV. Ta.M. [Bielievtoov, IA.M.1; GEOMDNICHNNIO, 0.1. [Cherednychenko, 0.1.] 1 ~ . - - r'- Structural conditions for secondary transforrAtions In iron ores of the Krivey-Ug. Awlike Visoft AV URGR- 29 not-2-.50-52 P '158. (MIRA 11:4) l.Chlen-korrespondent AN URSR(for Beleyteev). (XrIvoy Rog Basin-Iron ores) 9 P.; PESENKO, A. Durability of piston rings. Avt. transp. J2 no* 5:17-18 My t64. (MIRA 17:5) C-FuMEDITI10�D~':l--,;K0, P. A. Cherednichenko, P. A. - "Rapid elojj&;.t~on of ta-pe by Parko 1 -c-hines," TrUly - I Te?h,n. kon" tsii r"otnikov rtokol. Prom-:M, lloscow, 1948, p. 64-68 SO: U-36oo, 10 JulY 53, (Letopis 'Zhimal InyYn Stctey, No. 06, 1949). A CHE&4;DNICIDIII,4,KO-,-F.i4.,-mashinit%t toplovoza Fire prevention equipment for diesel locomotives. Elek.1 tepl. tiaga, 5 no.lOtI6-17 0 '61. (MIRA 34-.10) (Diesel locomotives-Safety appliances) (Fire prevention) CHEREDNICHENKO, P M mashinist teplovoza Persistently strive to improve the T93 diesel locomotive. Ilek. i tapl. tiaga 7 no.60 Je 163. NM 16:9) (Diesel locomotives) PORIJTSKIY,, G.V. [Porutslkyi, H.V-I; CHEREDNICHENKO, S.V.; FERENBOK, Ya.L. Production of superphosphate enriched with petroleum growth inhi- biting substances. Khim. prom. (Ukr.] no.3:48-49 JI-S 164. (14IRA 17:12) CHERED91CHENKO, S. V. Ukraine - Yangel-Wurzel Raising feed beets in the southeastern Ukraine. Korm. baza 4,, No. 3,, 1953. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, L:Lbraz7 of Congress, LM 1953. Unclassified. 1. CHEREDNICHENKO, S. V. 2. USSR (600) 4. Wheat 7. Increase the productivity of spring wheat* Smagron 11 no. 1, 1953 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, March 1953, Unclassified. TLASTUK, P.A., akademik; PORUTSKIT, G.T.; CHEMNIMMO, Follar thiamine administation and the growth of the plant in the flowering stage.. Dokl.AJr SSb 112 no.4:769-77l 7 '579 Mu 10:4) 1. Akadestya, nauk USSR (for TIOYuk). (Thiamine) (Corn) 41 Country U 9.53'R Category Plali:0, *Pja7l!.ology. 14"Liloral NutrItIon. Abs Jeur. 111 lin.fIS3539 lmth-'~'r Vlasyuk, P..P..; Porlitskiy, G.V.; Qberodnichenko.s.., Inatit-Ute : Aead. Scian6ea USSH Ti-~A-e : Non-Root Side -Dze -_sinp with Thl-inino mid Plant Growth &v!iag Tlores~'.__noe OrjC DA1. MIT 93-ISSR, 1957, 111.2, No. 4, 769-771 pul). .Abstract : Top-dres3in a "n 4 -th tdiaznin.:~ during the flower.; Ing poriod flnofiawldl ox-partmants with both stable hr.d radionctiva preparates) stli!nilated the vertl- cal gi~owth of tho stnike eird intonalfied the growth of ibe reproductive organs during flo-wer- Ing, yieldirg a s2lght boost In the graAn harvest A direat co:o7elatlon was nntad t-,tweer. the plant. and tha activity or the vol~itklilo organic seare- tions of the plants, wfAch was d6-t!!rr1ned 'by Country MR CDO.pory Plant Physiology. Mlnorql Nutrition. Nn. '11) 1958. Vo. 48539 Institute Title rig. -Pub. - bstract -. riluasurini-, the gootropio f1cinire they, had produoad,, -44.1. 1~-risova Card, 2/2 S. V- A922018 VLLSYU99P.A., PORUTSIXY9G.B., CHMDICHMO,SJ.9 P1 2941 and DOWN,S.N. TITL51 The Effect of Supplementary Feeding by Way of Aerial Oigans upon GermlvAtlon,Power in Soving Material. (Vliyaniy4v-uekornevoy podkormki as pomyshchen4t vokhoshesti mmennogo material&,, Russian) PIRIODICkLi Doltlady 1kademil lauk SSSR9 1;;79 Vol 113, Nr 1-9 yp 214 - 216 (UeS.S.R.) .1 .1 Reasiveds 6 / 1957 - RaTieweds 7 / 1957 4WTHLCTe In their experiments on the Influence of teeding by way of serial organs with solutions of phytohormonis, trace't elements and radio- softirs substances the authors succeeded in rendering it possible* for the seed to supplement Its contents of nutritive substances and hormones. On this occasion the ability of selective assimilation of the plants was utilized for the purpose of improving growth, resistibility against frosto eta. In this case the amount or these substances most be near. to the normal cobtents in the seed. The radioaetive, substances offer now possibilities by means of a mate active utilization of the various milieu eleownts. If the amount of these substances exceeds certain limits, the quality of the seed is liable to suffer and there is opportunity for the formation of ob- noAcus mutations, particularly of those which deprive the plant Lof Its ability to assimilate thlamino In order to check on this Card .1/3 assertion,, the dependence of the seed propeities of winter wheat FA - 2941 The Effect of SUpplonent"T Feeding by Way of Aerial Organs upon Germination Power in 30wing MaterWo &ad corn (?,) OU the supplementary feeding was studied during.bloom,, Afterwardsp geralmstIong germ onergyq the thiamin contents and bio- electrical properties wore invostigatedp which depend on the degree of vitality of the plant. In addition, solutions of thismin, (0,005%) of radioactive thisming of stable phosphors Ond"TLdisactive phos-- phorus wore sprayed either from an seroplang orby aesns of the spraying apparatus "Urya". Supplementary feeding with (radioactive) phosphorus and thiamin considerably Increases tho.germ energy, a circumstance which Is connected with the o.coeleration of the process ofIripening and the earlier attainment of phisiological maturity. Olt the oedasion of the determination of the biological potential the degree of chaft*'in the electrical reaction was always dependent ort ths.intensity of the atimuluso The type oi change of the local bioelootrical potential in 6ovu **eda displays a clearly marked 'dopendenc* on the coefficient of polarity. At the outset the texture hod & positive charge. A further increase of the stimulus lead to an negative potential of the texturej 1-ts absolute value fluctuated consid*rablyg depending on the degree of the maturity of the seed. The stimulus itself accelerates the physiological processez in the calls which diaplay a tendenoy,to return to their Card 2/5 Pk ~ 2941 The Effect of Supploaentary Feeding by Way of Atria', Organs upoz Germination Power in Sowing Material. Initial equilibriumo The fact that no obnoxious mutations ver. generated are proved by two oircumstancest A'reduced period necessary for the reestablishment of the biglogioal potential (&*cording to KOSTYCM and VENT.) in the variation with the radio- active thiamin and the retention by the plant ar.-U& normal capaajLty for thiamin synthesis. The amount of sub6tancear'-cmnoernea were in the same order of magnitude of the natural contents of the seed. (2 tables and 13 citationz from Slav publications) ASSOCIATIONi PRESENTIM BYs SUBI(MED, AVAILASLE& Card 3/3 Institute for Plant Physiology and Agricultural Chemistry of the Academy of Science of the Ukrainian SSR, Library qf Congress 17W AUTHORS-t Poratskiy, G. V., Cherednichenko, S. V. SOV/20-124-2-65/71 TITLE: Volatile Flower Excretions and Alteration, in the Sex Characteristics in Maize (Letuchiye vydeleniya tsvetov i izmeneniye priznakov pola a kukuruzy) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 124, Nr 2, Pp 473 - 476 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The characteristics of the formation of the generative plant organs are linked with the activity of the volatile organic excretions. Carbohydrates (mainly terpenes alcohols (Refs 11, ~ , aldehydes and 14), esters (Ref 1); organic acids (Ref 15 ketones (Refs 1, 11) belong to them. Every plant species, even individual ecological types have a different pollen smell and a different composition of gas evaporations which to a different extent excite the pistil in fertilization (Ref 7)- Additional nutrition independent roots with ultra-tracer elements and radioactive substances during the time of preparation for blossoming alters the correlative interaction and the sexual specialization of the organs Card 1/4 (Ref 10). The specific reaction of plants upon the action of Vblatile Flower Excretions and Alteration in the Sex SOV/20-124-2-65/71 Characteristics in Maize radioactive substances is connected with the selective accumulation of chromium, beryllium, gallium, vanadium, titanium, tantalum, thorium, zirconium and other ultra-tracer elements in the reproductive organs as well as with the composition of own volatile organic excretions (Refs 2, 9). The authors tried to find the relation between the activity of the liquid excretions of the flowers and the alteration of the sex characteristics of maize of the type VIR-42. During blossoming the plants were additionally fed with radioactive thiamin (2-5,m. Cu. per plant) under elimination of the roots. In the subsequent generations (F J! F201fF 3) the secondary effect of thiamin upon the secretion air vitamins was investigated as well as the correlative development of the male and female inflorescences. Results are Shawn on table 1. The prevailing development of male inflorescences reduced the activity of volatile excretions of individual inflorescences in the variants 1. - 3- (table 1:1 - water = control, 2 - thiamin, 3 radioactive thiamin). Radioactive thiamin increased in the variants 4. - 6. (4 - radioactive thiamin - Card 2/4 secondary effect in F1, 5 - in F2 , 6) the number of female Volatile Flower Excretions and Alteration in the Sex SOV/20-124-2-65/71 Characteristics in Maize inflorescences, in the variants 1. however, the number of male inflorescences. From the results can be seen that the development of male and female infloreacences are not only connected with respect to their structure (Ref 5) but also by the physiology of hormonal phenomena. B~' means of N. G. Kholodnyy's method (Refs 14, 17) the authors found that the volatile excretions of the male inflorescences have a much more simple composition than the female ones (Table 2). In generation F3 the acceleration of the development of male inflorescences arrived at its climax. They excreted volatile excretions to a higher extent. In the case of female inflorescences an inhibition of development occurred in F 3' Volatile substances decreased. Malformations occurred (Fig 1). The results obtained confirm the importance of volatile excretions for the sex specialization of inflorescences in maize. N. G. Kholodnyy (Refs 14 - 17) founded a new direction of physiology of hormonal phenomena by his investigations Card 3/4 Volatile Flower Excretions and Alteration in the Sex SOT/20-124-2-65/71 Characteristics in Maize where air vitamins were qualitatively and quantitatively determined. There are 1 figure, 3 tables, and 17 references, 12 of which are Soviet. PRESENTED: September 24, 1958, by A. L. Kursanov, Academician SUBMITTED: May 7, 1958 ASSOCTATION* Predstavleno akademikom A. L. Kursanovym. Card 4/4 FORUTSKIYS G.V.; GOLOVCNAMU., V.P.; CREMNICHOW S.T. Content of trace al eime nts in various plant organs. Dokl. AN SSM 146 no.5:1223-3.225 0 162,1 (mud 15:10) 1. P.redstavlano akadendkon A.L.Kursanovym. (Trace elements) (Plante-Chemical analysis) Lim for processing and curing of meat. Kins.ind.SM 30 noa:46 159. (NINA 12:4) 1, Mogilevskly w7amokot6inat. (Mogilev-Packing houses-4knipment and supplies) a Ax ACCESSION MR.: AT4017000 S/ JO 57/63/000/000/0117/0125 AM=: . Chorednichenko A*; Fishovskaya, R. A. TITIZ: The use of mathematical statistics In the processing of data concerning t~* deactivation of materials for personnel protection and shielding 40MCB: Zashobitay*ys, pokry*tlya Y atomay tekhniko (Shielding In nuclear engineer .Ind); abornik statty. Moscow* Gosatomisdat, 1963, 117-125 TOPIC TAGS: nuclear engin"ring, atomic energy, atomic radiation, reactor shield- ins. activation, deactivation, statistics ABSTRACT: The authors note that in studying the deacti*ation capability of mater-.. iale after repeated contamination by mixtur es of radioactive substances, methods involving the statistical processing of the test results may be successfully em.- ployed. The authors suggest that material deactivation tests be conducted in the folloving order: samples of the material under consideration are contaminated by &-mixture of radioactive Inotopes.,with the sample& deactivated after & computa- tion has been made of the magnitude of the degree of activation introduced, after vhich yet another calculation is made-thim time, of the value or degree of activa- tion remaining after deactivation, In the present article, the authors discuss a unified ~yetma for the statistical processing of experimental data on the sorptio*- cold, ACCMIGH NR.: AT4017000 desorption properties of various materials. Tests ver* conducted with materials to be used for purposes of individual (personnel) protection, with a total number of sample contaminations-washings not exceeding ten. The authors made their sta- tiatical analysis (using the method of least squares) through a verification of certain a priori advanced hypotheses and through a quantitative estimation of the contribution made to the aggregate process by the action and interaction of indi- vidual factors. Fundamental to'the methodology employed by the authors in this Analysis is the assumption of a linear dependence of the value of residual acti- vation, on the repetitiveness of the contaminations. The suitability of the "Uteth- od of least squares" to a statistical analysis of this type in discussed, certain difficulties associeted with its use are pointed out and, finally, the method itself-is described Ln some detail. The authors forad that the primary advantage to be gained from the use of the mthod of least squares in the statistical pro- cessing of the results of.tests an materials for individual protection purposes and for shielding of eqmipwnt consists in the possibility this method affords of completely characterizing the satorial in question in the most compact form. 'Oril, art. has: 2 tableep I graph, several formulas. iSMIATIONs MIMS DAIS ACQ: WOW. ENCL: 00 00 -Card-. _00--COOZ: No AW sov:_._.~ 003 OTMMs 000 ---- ----------- 7%. TF N I CURSMICMMO, V.I. 4 W ! S Secular variation In the brilliance of fty's short-period comt. PkiblAlemoastronoobsero noo,,:113-104 153o (0" 7:61 (Co"t, hy, 8) I F- fr 1-~~ / I'L /v r V, I Tsmim-q'TATsm, s.z.; irizoL,sxff , G.m.; POMMAMff TO.Ao; CMUMNICMUMD. V.I. 03L tbs PrObIsm Of OOM"CtLlw solar radiation. Astz=.Bbnr.'32 no,2: 163-176 y4P-Ap 16' Kafedra astronodi XlMskego goemdaret"Ump Ualvarsitets. (Solar radiation) CMEDNICHENROp V. I. C WICHENRO, V. 1. who Role of the Corpusculsr Radiations of the S= In the Physical Processes Occurring in Comats." Min Higber 9ducation USSR. gist State U Iseni V. I. Ionin. Ydmkp 1956. (Diseartationfor Degree of CandIdete In ftysicomathentleal Science) Sot InIshmays Istoplo-0 No. 17v 2956. 67624 -%T/81-59-14-49006 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Xhimiya, 1959, Nr 14, p,92.(USSR) AUTHOR:. Cherednichenko,-V.I. T=:. The Probability of Dissociation and:Ionization.,of Atoms and Molecules in Comet Atmospheres During Ion and Photon Bombardment p.- PERIODICAL: Byul..Komis. po kometam.i meteoram Astron. Soveta AS USSR, 1958, Nr 2, - pp 10 - 19 ABSTRACT: The experimental results and-the methods of-calculating the-efficient cross sections for the processes of-ionization, dissociation and over- charging of molecules in comet atmospheres~were considered under-the action of corpuscular radiation-from th,~_suni"(mainly-protons and electrons), as well as cross sections for the processes of photo- ionization and photo-dissociation of these molecules in a field of photon radiation from the sun. The bulk of the protons and electrons have velocities of 11-15-lo7 cmlss;c. At these velocities the electrons Card 1/2 cannot play any role in the Ionization and dissociation of comet mole- ir" 67624 SOV/81-59-14-49006 The Probability of Dissociation and Ionization of Atoms and Molecules in Comet Atmospheres During Ion and Photon Bombardment cules. But it was suggested 8earlier that there exist small corpuscular flows, in wh.' the velocities attain 3.2'10 cnVsec, and which affect all ionization processes in comet atmospheres. There are 55 references. Ye. Frankevich Card 2/2 CHXMNICH,ENKO,,V.1. Role of solar corlascula, radiation in the excitation of the fluorescence of cowt gases. Mul. Kom. po komst i meteor. AN 556R no.3:19-26 158 (NIU 13:3) 1. Kiyevskiy politekbutcheekty institut. (Conts) (Solar radiation) BURKSER,.Ye.S. [Burkeer, U.S.]: ODRDILADZZ, Sh G. kand.fiz.-mat.nauk; ItII13LVDNTOffXWQ.,W. [OherfOrmche nko. V:I.ji Imud.fiz.-mat.nauk: Siff-GA-ttflt-~~6.-'v.tS6ulholi-n-~-0 V.], kand.filos.nauk '"I"vidences of evolution of spall bodies in the solir system ("Physical characteristics of coftts" [in Russian] by S.K. Veekhaviatsklis Reviewed by II.S. Burkser and others. VIsrqk AN URSR 29 no.11:70-73 1 158. (MIRIL 11:12) (Comets) (Veekhavint skit, S.K.) CHEMNICHMO, V.I. [Ch~rsdzWchenko, 7.1-1, kand.fiz.-mat.nauk Artificial satellites of Mars? Nauka i zhyttla 9 no.11:8 x '5 9. (Satellites-Nara) (HMA 13:3) 30) AUTHORs TITLE: Chereanichenko, V.I. -------------- - SOV/33-36-2-7127 The Dissociation and Ionization of Cometary Molecules in the Photon and Corpusoular Field of Solar Radiation PERIODICALt Astronomicheskiy zhurnal,1959,Vol 36,Xr 2,pp 254-263 (USSR) ABSTRACTs ASSOCIAMONs SUBMITTEDs Card 0 The author investigates the influence of the photon and corpus- cular solar radiation on the dissociation and ionization of cometary molecules. The investigation is based on observation data.on the solar radiation obtained rockets and sput- niks. The author calculates the life-time of the assumed parent cometary molecules and of the observed cometary molecules and radicals. The results are in good coincidehee with observational data. The author mentions the papers of S.M. Poloskov, O.V. Dobrovollskiyand G.M. Nikollskiy. He thanks S.K. Vsekhsvyat- skiy icnd O.V.Dobrovollskiy for advices. - There are 1 figure, 7 tables and 30 references, 18 of which are Soviet, 4 American, 3 English, 3 Frenchp I German, and I Belgian. Kiyevskiy-politekhni'cheskiy institut (Kiyev Polytechnical Insti- tute) Kiyevskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Kiyev State University) December 189 1957 Samuil Ironovich, doktor fiz.-mstem.nauk; CHEMNICMMOP- V.I.. kand.fiz.-matem.nauk.; STAROSrXM- [Now data on cosmic space; remIts of the I:ternational Geophysical Year] NoVe dann" o koemichaskom prostranstva; itogi VAG. Kiev. 1960. 37 P. (Obahchostvo po rasprostransaiiu politichaskikh I naucbnykh znanil. Ser.59 no.16). (NIM 14:2) (cosmography) CHEREDNIC E Nature of the luminoisity of Schwassman-VachmannIo comet. Astron. aber '60.1 (MM U, al) 1. Kiyevokiy politekhnidwskiy institut. (Comets-1925) S5-0 (A0 C)., 04 2., 2~ AUTHOR: Cherednichenko, TITLE: The lifetime of electromagnetic sun 8934o 3/53 60/000/019/005/005 D'22 6 YD3 0 3 V.I. solid comet gases in the field of and corpuscular radiation from the PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Komitet po meteoritam. Meteoritika, no. 19, 1960, 143-154 TEXT: This paper was read at the extended plenum of the Commit*'Cee on Meteorites AS USSR, on May 8, 1959. The lifetime of comet nuclei, which may consist either of pure or of contaminated ice and of solid CH 4P NH3 00 21 C2H2and 02N2 is of great importance in the problem of anLyzing the origin of the comets. The majori- ty of the above compounds exist on the planets and satellites of the solar systemt as has been proved to some extent by L. Whipple (Ref. 1: Astroph. J. 113, 464, 1951). In the present work, an Card 1/X 8934o 3/534/60/000/019/005/005 The lifetime of solid comet ... D226/D303 attempt is made to theoretically evaluate the lifetime of comet nuclei composed of pure solid gases, to check the results thus obtained by statistical data and to evaluate the effectiveness of the assimilation process of disintegration products OH and H by the parent molecule of H 0. The work consists of two main parts. In the first part the liietime of comet nuclei is evaluated and in the second, the author shows that the process of recombination into the parent molecules occurs at a much slower rate than the process of disintegration itself. The lifetime t of a comet nu- cleus, for a comet in an elliptical orbit, is evaluated under se- veral simplifying assumptions, the final expression being given as Eq. (7 t = 2. 34 . 102 FLDO a ~q' ) (7) m In this expression a is the major axis and q the perihelion ex- Card 211A(v 8934o S/534/60/000/019/OQ5/005 The lifetime of solid comet ... D'26/D303 pressed in astronomical units; L heat of vaporization of one molecule of solid gasp DO-- = the diameter of the comet nucleus; M = the mass of the molecule to be vaporized and density of the solid gas as evaluated from the formula nm. In this ex- a 3 pression n = number of molecules in the crystal cell, m = mass of .1 the molecule and a, =-the crystal L-ttice constant. Using the data of physical properties of various solid gases As given in Table 1: L - tO-.. '17 V M t.66 H20 0,9 8.40 18 CHI 0.52 2,08 16 .. ...... ;NHI 0.8. 5,13 19 CIN2 1,45 3.72 52 CO, 1,69 .5,21 28 qHS 0.57 4,16 26 89340 S/534/60/000/019/005/005 The lifetime of solid comet D226/D303 and assuming the albedo of all solid gases to be that of ice, i.e. A - 0.7. the author obtained six graphs as shown in Figs. 1-6. The results thus obtained agree well with those given by A. Hrushka (Ref. 8: Bull. Astron. Inst. Czekoslov., no. 2, 47, 1957). In the conclusion to the first part of the article, the author proves that the process of vaporization is due mainly to electro- magnetic, not corpuscular radiation from the sun, the recombina- tion of molecules being achieved due either to electromagnetic or corpuscular radiation. The lat-lUer two effects are analyzed in the second part of the article for the case of an 320 molecule. Two processes of stabilization are considered: 1) Stabilization of the H20 molecule owing to reradiation of field quanta.-This would occur during the formation of molecules from various radicals and atoms only and depend on the effective cross section of the pro- cess OH + H -) H2 0'5 ZA-bstractor's note: Asterisk denoting a The number of molecules Z, formed molecule in the excited state7 A 89340 S/534/60/000/019/005/005 The lifetime of solid comet ... D2~6/D303 during the process OH + 1-1 ----) H20* is derived as Eq. (23): Zi 2.04 - 10-24 cm-3 sec-1. 2) Stabilization of H20 molecules can be also achieved by the process of electron capture, The rate of for- mation of stable molecules of H20 from OH and H, with the subse- quent loss of one H20 molecule of excess energy by way of radiation due3to electron capturet is derived as Eq. (26): Z2 = 9.4-10-20 cm- see-1, which show 's that the process of formation of H20 mole- cules accompanied by the electron,capture is much more effective than the previous process. The next possible process in forming H20 is triple collision (OH + H + H20 --~ H20 + H20). when the newly formed molecule of H.0 transfers the excess energy to an- other molecule of H20 and itself becomes stable. For this case the rate at which triple collisions occur is given by Z 3 = 6.45 -5 -3 -1 o10 cm sec Finally the rate of disintegration Z 4 of mole rard 5/44 4om S/03V6Z/000/008/045/090 3,200 A001/AlOl AUTHOR: Cherednichenko, V. I. ~TITLE: line role of corpuscular and photon radiation of the Sun in outbursts of comet brightness PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Astronomiya I Geode'ziya, no. 8, 1962, 82 8-3,. abstract 8A574 ("Izv. 01. astron. observ. AN USSR", 1960,'v. 3. no. 1, 94 1o4) TEXT: The author discusses the difficulties in explaining :the outbursts' of brightness of the comet 1925 ~I by the solar photon radiation. It Is more probable,.In the author's opinion, that they are caused by -%olar corpuscular streams. The least brightness of the Schwasmam-Wachmann comet prior to the largest outburst of January 24, 1933, was 17m. Such a brightness may be caused by a proton stream of the order of fv5.66 x 108 cm-2 sec-1. *On the other hand, in order to ensure the brightness outburst of the mentioned comet of the order of 4T5 - 5m (January 24. 1933), an,extremely powerful. corpusculgr stream is necessary, - the proton velocities should be of the order'3 x 10 v /- 5 x 108 .,102 cm-3 if the glow is caused by CN IV, and nH+ emlsee and density n1j+ > 1-46102=4 Card 1/2.-.. S/035/6Z/OW/008/045/*) The role of corpuscular and... A001/A101 if it is due to C2 IV. A correlation between outbursts of comet brightness and magnetic storms is pointed out. It is shown that, within the error limits, the time span between the beginning of the outburst of January 24, 1949 (Lm 4m - 5m) and 'the commencement of the magnetic storm colnoidbs with the observed one. Magnitudes of velocity and density of a atream wer6 found, which could ensure this outburst:, nH+ --" Io3 cm 3; 4 x 10 i!-:~ v ~~ 4.5 x 106 cq/see. To ex-!, plain the outburst of the Halley comet of January 13, 1910, a stream is necessary with v,;*820 km/see and -,164 cm-a. There are 18 references. L. Marochnik [Abstradter's notes Complete translation] Card 2/2 CHERFDNICHEM- V-7- [Cherednychanko, V.I.). kand.fiz.-mat.nauk. -------- Nan in outer space. Nauka I zhyttia 10 no.8:12-16 Ag 16o. (KM 13:8) (Astronautics) DNICHENKO V I (Cherednvehanko, V.I.], kand.fiz.-matem.nauk Comets an indicators of solar activity. Nauka i zhyttia 10 no. 11:53- 55 N '60e (MIM 14:10 (Solar radiation) (Ccoets) ~0 1 ~05 8 S16091 00/003/006/008 //,/S30 D039/Dll2 AUTHOR: Cherednich kn- 7. 1.. TITLEs Ionization and dissociation of molecules and atoms in auroras -under the effect of corpuscular radiation of the Sun. SOURCE: Akademiya nauk Ukrayins1koyi RSR. Organizat6ionnyy komitet po provedeniyu Mezhdunarodnooo geofizicheskogo goda. Mezhdunarod- nyy geofizicheskiy god; informatsionnyy byulletent, Ho 3, 1961, 39-46 TEXT: The paper shows the important part played by hydrogen and helium ions in recharging processes when neutral and ionized N, 0, N+ 0+ N+ O~ and 0 1 9 2f CH particles are formed in auroras. The intensity d stribution of helium ions nHe +Pb06OO cm-3 and hydrogen ions nH+-'~90 cm-i in the helium emission A 108301 and.the hydrogen emission/i 65631 of an aurora observed at the Zvenigorod station near Moscow on the night of 10/11 February 1958 is ex- plained by the author by the intrusion of a corpuscular flux into the Earth's atmosphere; it is also considered that the majority of auroral emis- sions can be also explained by the corpuscular mechanisms of recharging with Card 1A 30W S/609/61/000/003/006/008 Ionization and dissociation D039/Dl12 excitation. It has alreadT been shown in other works that upon interaction of solar corpuscles H+p He , and He ++ with the molecules and atoms of the Earth's atmospheres recharging processes, i.e. recharging with dissociation and recharging with ionization, are the most probable. According to V. I. Krasovskiy (Ref- 4: Astr. zhurn., t. 35, vyp. 2, 1956.), 'he absence of hydro- gen emission in certain auroras is a proof of the intrusion of cor-puscular fluxes consisting of helium ions into the Earth's atmosphere. I. S. Shkloy- skiy (Ref. 6: Izv. Krymsk. astrof. obs., t. 8, 1952 ) also points out the possibility of discovering helium emissions in auroras. In the light of these facts, the author examines the effectiveness of both the hydrogen and helium ions of corpuscular fluxes in the process of dissociation and ioniza- tion of the molecules and atoms of the Earthts atmosphere. For this purpose, he uses his empirical formulae, the correctness of which has been proved in the works of the Leningradskiy fiziko-matematicheskiy institute (Lenin- grad P%pica-2-Thathematical Institute), to find the maximum effective cross- sections of various transformations of the N2, 02~ H20 molecules when bom- barded with hydrogen and helium ions (He+, and He +) of corpuscular fluxes. The results show that the helium ions He and He++ of corpuscular fluxes Card 2/4 30158 S/60 611000100310061008 Ionization and dissociation ... D039YD112 together with the H+ ions can play an important part in the dissociation of the N 02 and H20 molecules.accompanied by the formation of the 0+, o4+ I?+IKgT OH+ H~ ions and the 0 (1S) and 0 (1D) excited atoms. The 0++99 54 4 ++ I H2 , 02 emissions have not yet been discovered in auroras * This may be due to the low content of the He++ ions in corpuscular radiation, or by the fact that the lines and bands of these particles lie in the far ultra- violet, which is inaccessible to modern optical devices. Referring to the paper by V. I. Krasovskiy (Ref- 4).,in which he notes the important role of recharging with excitation in the formation of separate emissions of auroras, the author makes a calculation to find the value of the maximum effective cross-section of recharging with excitation and to explain the distribution of intensities in the aurora spectrum. Other authors have already stated that the velocityaof particles causing powerful a-uroras can be accepted as VH+ = UHe+ = 10 cm/sec. There are 4 tables and 24 references: 15 Soviet- bloc and 9 non-Soviet-bloc. The four most recent references to English- language publications read as follows: D. R. Bates, Theories of the Airglow Spectrum, IAGA Bulletin No. 15 b, Physique de la Haute Atmospheret Paris', 1956.; L. Biermann, Physical Processes in Comet Tails and their Relation Card 3/4 30 S~8 60 ~1611000100310061008 Ionization and dissociation D039 D112 to Solar Activity, Mem. Soc. Roy. Scien. Liege, Quatris~ae Serieg t. XIII, Fasc. I - UP 1955-; M. J. Seaton, Theories of the Airglov Spectr=, IAGA Bulletin,No. 15 b, Physique de la Haute Atmosphere, Paris, 1956.; M. J. Seaton, Excitation processes in the aurora and airglow, Journ.. Atmosp. a. Terr. Phys., v. 4, No. 6, 1954- ASSOCIATION: Kiyevskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Kiyev State University). Card 4/4 3.9,12-0 AUTHOR; TITLE: S/035/62/000/005/060/098 AO55/A1O1 Cherednichenko, I. The role of the Sun's corpuscular radiation in the,excitation of the night airglow PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Astronomiya i Geodeziya, no- 5, 1962, 60, abstract 5A45OT'Mezhdunarodn. geofiz. god. Inform. byul", 1961, no. 4, 52 - 63, English summary) TEXT: Night airglow characteristics are presented that.confirm, in the opinion of the author, the corpuscular mechanism of the excitation of a series of lines and bands in the night airglow spectrum. Under the assumption of the corpuscular mechanism of excitation of the glow of line A-5577 01 and band ~L3914 N2+ in the glow spectrum, the author obtains, for the solar corpuscular field proton concentration, values (1102 c~ nH+ 4-104) which are in good agreement with the data obtained with the aid of the Soviet space rocket. There are 31 ref- erences. From the author's summary [Abstracter's notev Complete translation Card 1/1 CHERHRDNIqHWX0I,-V.I. Donsity of protons in the corpuscular solar radiation. Publ. KAO no.3-1:45-54 162, (MM 160) (Solar radiation) (Protons) ACCESSION NR: AT40344~6 S/3091/63/000/002/ooft/oon AUTHOR: Che heaka,-M.-L..~_ e ~d~ TITLE: Possible elementary processes of ionization and dissociation of molecules and atoms in auroras by solar hydrogen and helium ions SOURCE; Kiyov. Univeraltet. Sbornik robot po Mezhdunarodnamu goofixichaskomu odu, no. 2, 1963. 62-72 TOPIC TAGS: atmospheric ionization, aurora, solar helium ion, solar-hydrogen ion,~atmospheric dissociation, solar corpuscular stream ABSTRACT: A study has been (,.ade of elementary processes of Interaction of heavy solar corpuscles with molecules and atoms In the earth's atmosphere- The presence of hydrogen ions in solar corpuscular streams has been estiblished. There has been only a single obsirvation of helium ions in auroras (February 195~, 7venigorod). However, V. 1. Krasovskiy believes that the absence of a hydrogen emission in certain auroras indicates the penetration Into the earth's atmosphere. of corpuscular streams consisting of helium Ions. The author therefore has in- vestigated the possibility. of various processes of transf6rmations of.N2, 02 and H20+, molecules and their decay products during bombardment by hydrogen and helium (He and He++ ions of corpuscular streams...Formulas used-for the process of Cbtd'- 1/7 ACCESSION NR: AT4034466 dissociation of molecules by ion collision without formation of ionized decay pro- ducts, the process of dissociation of molecules by Ion collision with the forma- tion of ionized decay products, and the process of charge exchange of a molecule with its simultaneous dissociation are cited, although they are available'else- where in the literature. The author presents evidence thatheavy-particles of corpuscular streams are responsible for excitation of the principal auroral emis- sions. The formulas mentioned were used to investigate various processes of trans- formation of the 02, N2 and H20 molecules during their bombardment by heavy parti- cles of corpuscular streams; the results are presented in nine tables. These tables were used in preparing charts of the most probable processes of transforma- tion of molecules of nitrogen. oxygen and water in the earth's atmosphere under the influence of hydrogen and helium Ions of corpuscular streams (see Figures 1-5 of the Enclosure). Orig. art. Kos: 4 formulas, 5 figures and 9 tables. ASSOCIATION: Kiyevskly universitet (Kiev University) SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 07hay64 ENCL: 05 OTHER: 007 SUB CODE: AA NO REF SOV: 013 _:Card 2/7 ACCUSION NRI AT4034W/b MCLOSM v Ol 6 zt 4U Se :Z: Fig. 1. Diagram of the most probable transformations of nitrogen molecules under the influence of hydrogen and helium ions of solar corp4scular streams. 3/7 :ACCESSICK MRs AT4034466 M" Z 6 6 Oi t C-q -0 If to ENCLOSUM 02 K -.:*#ei C- :,j :-j . ~-: 11 to C Fig. 2. Diagram of the most probable transformations of molecules of oxygen under the Influence of hydrogen and hellum,ions of solar corpuscular streams. Card 4/7 NRs AT4034466 03 0 5z ; Rb w OJ -at C ) at !"t C%, at to ~O Fig. 3. Diagram of the most under the probable transformations of H20 molecules influence of hydrogen (1e) ions of solar corpuscular strems. 5/7-- 96 C Od 0/ Vf 9 - 0l 140 l c O 1GjH P ; , to-.rH:L HA.101 CA c %D .3 n t U3 It c 0 cr% cr - 6 -- p -3 - 6=3.0-10" 0 -% 1 fie 0 1, fu rp o J -/f _1'1; .0 Me S? 0*.#.qe 6, z IS - 10 6-- 2.2 10'!'5 f%:V!-65 '-C~D WHITZ"DELOW THIS LINL I Vf~ 07' ACCESSION NR: AT4034467 S/3091/63/000/002/00711/0083 AUTHOR; Cherednichen I'* TITLE:. Corpuscular mechanism of excitation of ultraviolet-emissions In ouror&S SOURCE: Kiyev. Universitat. Sbornlk rabot po hezhdunarodnomu geofizichoskom godui no. 2, 1963, 73-83 76PIC TAGS: upper., atm9sphere, aurora, auroral ultraviolet emission, solar cor- puscie, charge exchangj ABSTRACT: Investigations of high auroras have revealed that they apparently are ihe result of,the'direct collision of solar H+ &"nd He+ corpuscles accompanied b y "A emission. A study I-as been made to determine the possibility of excitation of ibe ultraviolet emissions of auroras under the Influence of solar corpuscular radi- aiion. Spectroscopic *aurora) observations were made at Roshchino in 1957-1958; a number of spectrograms with HA emissions were obtained. The results are shown in. a,table.. The presence of a P,,t, emission In mos. 0~ these spectrograms and a dis- placement of the miiaximum corresponding to the velocity of hydrogen a .toms suggested that hydrogen :to7i and ions of solar origid can cALuse the observed intensity of the bands N 2P , Nj' I NG and N VK and the I I no CN lj . 'I t I Is noted that the most 2 ef f ect)-ye process 's. of excl totf;~ of N2, N2 and N 'at Ahe time of col I I sion wl th ACCESSION NR: AT~0~4467 H and H* can be prolpesses of cha6e exchange w10" excitation and dissociative charge exchange with excitatiom. Ns+H+ NO + N+ + H* - Ullit N,+14+,.(N2+)-+H,"U,, (2) -N2+ + H N; + H+ (3) I t: is shown that for theoretical computation of the Intensity of the ultraviolet emissions in auroras it is.insufficient to know only the effective cross section of processes (1), :(2) and (3). A method Is given for expressing the intensity of em ssions in absolutei units. The process of deexcitation of excited nitrogen N( P) atoms as a rpsult of collisions of the second kind With ionization, charge e9change, transfer of tfie excitation to an 0 atom or a N2 molecule and transfer ow of excitation to anielectron Is discussed. It is sh in that the process of de- 1'on collision'Is lextremely i4eff ost probable de- exi~itation by elec r ective; the m ji on Mechiiini-si~ is collision with vibrationaily excited Na molecules. The i C RAF; VIV i 1 1.,) %N -1 1 t; L I N t--- AC;ESSION NR: AT4034467 conjentration of such molecules Is determined. An estimate,'Is made of the proton concientration atthe~lower level of auroras# The Intensity,of ING 9*2 is computed.,' it Is shown that In qertaln cases the ultraviolet emissions:of auroras can be ex- plained satisfactorily by processes of charge exchange with excitation at the time of col I Ision of N molecules and 92' Ions with neutral and Ionized hydrogen atoms. It is concluded t9at electron excitation makes an apprecla619 contributiog to the excitation of the 2PG N2 bands, but such"a high temperature ds 10 OK electron-coll;sion cannot cause the observed Intensi,ty of the ING 142 bands. Orig,*` art. has: 42 formulas 'and 2 tables*^- ASSOCIATION: Kiyevskly unlversItet (Kiev Unlverslty) SUMMED: 00 DATE ACQ: 07MBY64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: AA NO REF SGV*. - 011 OTHER: 013- Card 3/3 ACCESSION NR: 4T4032225 AUTILORs CharadnLahanko# V. I. S/3089/63/000/005/0229/0239 TITLE: Role of solar corpuacular emission in excitation of ultra- violet emission of auroras SOURCE: AN UkrSSR. Mezhduvedomstvenny*y geofizicheskiy komiret. Geofizika i astronomiyu; informatsionny*y byulleten',, no. 5, 1963, 229-239 TOPIC TAGS: molecular 'on, nitrogen atom, ultraviolet emission, ultraviolet -spectral range, aurora, hydrogen. atom, dissociative recharge, reaction formula. effective cross section, homogene 'ous atmosphere, solar proton, excitation energy, oscillator strength ABSTRACT: Radiation of the molecular ion N., of the nitrogen atom 2 [NIJ, and of nitrogen-molecules N2 are predominant in the ultra- violet range of the aurora ar, ecXrum. Five spectrograms of auroras obtained in Roshchino W.~- 60 ) contained the emission line Ha vith Card 1 / 3 ACCESSION NR: AT4032225 a shifting which indicated a velocity of hydrogen atoms of 360 km sec-1. A recharge with excitation and a dissociative recharge may be the more effective processes for excitation Of N2, N+,, and N in collisions with H and RR. Formulas of reactions are given. Using effective cross sections of chemical reactions, a height of homogeneous atmosphere for the lower level of auroras, a concen- rration of N. molecules and 0 at,oms at the same level, and the concentration a-,-,id velocity of solar protons, the ultraviolet emission from auroras is &itermined. Processes of extinguishing excited atoms of N(2p) can take place as a result of collisions of the second kind conriected with ionization, recharge, delivering of exciting energy to 0 atoms or N molecules, and electrons. Extin- 2 0 guishing reactions at a recharge for the line' of 3466 A of (NII are given the effective cross section of which are 4.43,10-16,cm2and 5.25-10-1.6.CM2. The transfer of excitation from a metastable N(2P) atom to a neutral 0 atom or N2 molecule is studied. The oscillator arranSch f0A ot An N atom at the transition 4S.2p is fan - 6.3-10-'0 The rtost probable process which causes the extinAvLehi-rig ot the line 3466 A of atomic nitrogen is the process of N(2P) in callisi6n with Card 2 13 ACCESSION NRZ AT4032225 excited N2 molecules. Orig. art. hast 2.tables and 33 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Kiyevskiy politekhnicheskiy institut-1 Poly- technical Institute). 0 SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 16Apr64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: AA NO REF SOV: Oil OTHER: 013 Card 313 L 29 61-66 hm(l)/m/Ek(h) GSIGW 'AT502418$_ UR/0000/65/000/000/0046,/~O AUTHOR I Cheiednichenko V I TITLE., Dissociation and lonizatio n,of water molecules in comotary atmosph roe SOURCE: AN UkrSSR.:Fizika komet I moteorov (Physics of comete and meteors). Kiev Izd-vo Naukova duinka, 1965, 46-5o J, TOPIC TAGS: comet, solar corpuscular radiation, solar radiation, solar radiation effect ABSTRACT: Dissociation and ionization of water moleci~qs in cometary atmospheresp; caused by photon and corpuscular radiation of the n are discussed. The p0'9_ siblo transfornation processes in the solar photon field for a covet at 1AU from the sun are given with the wavele I ngth of the effective radiation, quantum flux, effective cross section, and lifetime for each process. The possible processes for water molecule transformations by solar protons are also given with-the effective cross section and lifetime for each process. It is shown that the prin-i cipal processes for water molecule transformations are charge exchange and charge exchangewith molecular dissociation with solar protons. Orig. art. basi I aqua- tion, 1 diagram, and 2 tables& card 1/2 BALYASNAYA, A.Ye.:, red. [R.'ySl!-s of the earth's upper atmosphere] FlAka verkhnei atmosfery Zeeli. Kiev, lzd-vo Kievskogo univ. 1965. 201 p. WRA 18:8) CHMMUCHOMO. Y.M.. assistant OSettiray fishing Itas for making sutures In surgical oporetionse Tosteaft. 69 uo*6:32-33 N-D 156. (NM lo:;) Is Is klialki glaszrkh bolesney (say. --~prof. N.Ye.Braynobtsyn) lherlkovekogo meditainskogo Inatituta. (BUTUUS) (FISHING-DWIAMTS AND APPLIANCIS) CHEYOMNIC1111:1INKOP V. M1. , Cand Hed ScIL -- (diss) "Pi.-oblom coj)G~n,nAxl,; tho ,.V affcct of novocaine block and car4-air other effects on the nervous system iidfth~inflammatory proIcasses in tho eye." KharTkov, 1957, 16 pp (Ehartkov State Madical Institute) 240 coDias (ELj 36-57, 103) SLYUMENMID, Lev Aleksandrovich; WAMNUCHENKO, Y.M., redaktor; GOLITSMAY, O.G.. redaktor "s a' e H.S. , tekhnicheekly re4aktori [Hemoglobin and Its reversible union with oxygen] Gemoglobin I obratimos prisoedijenie kisloroda. Moskva, Gos.1zd-vo "Soretaknia nauka." 1957. 138 P. (MIRA 16:11) (HIKOGLOBIN) Affect of a novocaine block and of some other influences on the nervous system In Inflammotory proceeses of the eye. Vestoofte 70 ao.3:3-5 W-Je.157. (KLRA 10:8) 1. Xafedra glazzykh bolesn*y.lharlkovskogo maditainakogo instituta (say. - Prof. N-Ye.Brounahte7n) (19U DISBAUS. exper. inflame, Off. of procaine block) (PROM INN. off . procaine block on exper. inflamn. of-eye) (IMPIAKKATION, expere eye, off. of procaine block) KOTLYAREVSKAYA, S.Z.; CHEREDNICHENKO., VA Intravit&Uy diagnosed tuberous oc-lerosis (Pringle-Burneville's disease) vith changes in the fundus-oculi. Vest. oft. 73 no. 2:34-37 Mr-Ap 1;60. (IURA 14;1) (TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS) (M-DISEASES AND DEFECTS) CHEFMICMKD, T.M. Dole of Listeria, infection im the etiology of endogenoua uveitive restoofte noo,48,42-43 t62. (MIRA 15211) 1. Kafedra glaznykh bolezney Nav. - prof. N.Ye. Rraunshteyr.) lhamlkovskogo meditainskogo instituta. (LISTMIOSIS) (EYE-DFLAMIATION) GHMEMCHM7KO., V.M.1, dotsent; KCINTOROVICH, Yu. I .) 'I i Rare lesion of the eye caused by the contento of an Aporia crataegi, butterfly pupa, Vest. oft. 76 no.IM-81 Ja-F'63. (KM 16&6) 1. Kafedra, glawykh.bolemey (sav, - prof. IN.Ye.Brwinahteyn) Kharskovskogo moditainakop instituta* (MUSIS) (EM9--FUMGN BDDIW) CHE~E-DIVICHENKO, V-m no md d 0111 "Mift ksm"n d be aim 111. do ~mm sew to as sew, A. x Malm cbw!:n gLm~% aad N. 1161. KWANW' AAbdf* v COW UsudOm am 1 2 "sM -b-rlo,w dw art mill. **11 4WI. thr. 914 44% 41W aim. of 61 ommot. awl Wg to IIW polat of 4n-11. d 0 awl, and The qwpocmi=.,4 4 notis orti invaimt 11W detel. d the lifts -W tm*. ti at ubkb imilamistation took PUM, Tbr I . in Akvt w" t of toor CVVWB. fA tk* mitit'. OW: deld. m* bvv -ce=w*- P GO the !W-011111- fum of tba, g - . With an v9siod. vasixt. of ftWI + (k. imitki pmm 130 mitims. 11S. ftwted to no stow of .1900 OW tow am. de pmmt howl, Vkh dw J.Wm Id swAtift. At CONt. 1, - 10'. Old a IN Il 0. 10-13 IWA.. macind to'camt as thir. 11" the low-6grimp. two, 4 IfAb WOMIN id *I& Rau' co"t.4mgm I Attmm,P.Aib~vtisk nubmatim of 8. from 11be 2 ams of 0*6. (Amlift 4d the verve so P 00 a tMiCtift 4146, 4. PNO 11W a fill 4111 P Wilk Wl"41111111 . W.11S.GrAW.t. - IST AA, o"4 9.0 am If#. low brat twd tumAdmits. coWd. hem OW VM*ts:. k 7,3 Thill I Clan *111MA9111 W slorcit"My o# Ilk' hysh.wrif Ww"i lo 04164.11 Ow 1,411--lible lbal ibr kiw-u-sup. fix"s 64 the i~ 4% 1 1 twoled. VC 'k 0 shrm" sbc high-sellip. 6 114.1 QUI Queuchins *ouhl temull in rtvitmalksot tat 11w hyllstmrfs buml. d6xupted at the h r trm;~. T11.41 -isbc CHEREDNIC11711,TKO, V. M. CHEREDNICHENFO, V. M. - "Kinetics of the Catalytic Synthesis of Methanol." Sub 12 Jan 53t Order of the Labor Red Banner Sci Res Physico- chemical Inst imeni L. Ya. Karpov. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Chemical Sciences). SO: Vechernaya Moskva January-December 1952 SIMOV. S.W., Ak-ademik; 0 ICHIWKO, V-M.. redaktor; AMTAKOVA, ?.A.. toMnichookly [Some problems In chemical klnettce and reaction capacity] 0 uskoto- rykh probleaWdi khmichookol kinetW L reaktatonnot sposobnosti. Koskra, Ixd-vo Akademil iauk SSSR 1954. 348 p. (MLRA 7-9) (Comical reaction,.Rate ofi I NALRMYAN,A.B., professor, rediktor; NKANUNLI,I.N.. professor, redanor; ic=rQ.T.X.-,.redaktor; tOLMOVA,Ye.T., tokhnichookly radmik- Echilu' Casson! phase oxidatlon of bydr*c~tr~ovwl isepayo reaktoll okivilentla ujl*io&orodci vi gasovol fass. Koakwa, 195$. 209 p. L Akabmidya nmk -SM~ lastltut khtutcheskay fIsIkI dlat (woreaselmus) loxt IOU) r i-~E~ P)--v /'Q 'Al WRITI.G.E.. redaktor; BCBXSXOV,G.K., redaktor; NAEMMMM.N.Ye., radaktor; PSHMMUSKlY.S.Ta.. red&ktor; SLINIXO,M.G., radaktor; TOMIN,M.I., redaktor; CREMNICHMO.V.K., redaktor; SHPAK.Ye.G., - -tekhnIcheskly redaktor (Heterogeneous catalysis in the chemical Industry; papers from the All-Union Conference, 1953) Gaterogenuyi katalis v khimicheakoi prorWahlennosti; materialy Voesoiuznogo soveshchantin 1953 gods. Noskya, Goa. nauehno-tekhn. izd-vo khim. lit-ry, 1955. 494 p. (KM 9:2) 1. Russia (1923~- U.S.S.R.) Ministerstvo kb1michemkoy promWahlen- nostI. (Catalysis) CEIMIMCEM, :T.N.; mmis. N.. I. - ~ - - - M.Nilic~ Iffect of Internal diffusion on the course of catalytic reactions retarded by the reaction product* Zhur,fis.khlm. 31 Ja '57. In" 10:5) I.Fis1ko-khImIcheskir Institut in. L.Ta. Xarpova. Moskva. (Diffusion) ("talysts) 1-m (Urd ' : 1/2 -38- . - - I I - c- ffE ~ c- d 0 1 c Y,:~- A t 1-5 c-3 USWPbysical Chemistry - Kinetics', cbead stry, Cat4aysla -- - - - -- - - 1 ~ /) A 1, Combustion, Uplosions,, Tbpo- 1~-q UWPhysical Chemistry - Kinetics, Combtstion, Explosionsp ftpo- Chemistry, CaUL17518. Abs JOur: FAfOrSt- MIUM1 EWLMIYSP NO 3., 1958, 7253- In the Interior-dif fusion rwv,, if the grain. Mmselms vere 4 M; in the latter come, the reaction rate is slowed down by MnAsen diffusion of MqOR in tbe catalyst pu-xes (size about 2D k). fte C02 yield at the setondary reaction 200 002 + C Is propor- tional. to the contact duratiorvand does not depend on the catalyst grain size and on CX. and it rises at the increase of CCO. kc- cording to a computation, the process in carried out under indus- trial conditions In the transitory range between the kinetic and the Interior-difftsion zmps. An the authors point outy the equa- tion (1) agrees Tualitatively vith the assumiptien that the reac- tion rate is determined by the, rate or GO or adsorption rate, and that th4 slowing down of the reaction by iitbawl is caused by the establIshing or the adsorption-cl-of cal equilibrium CO ("s) + 32 (B") CE3011 (08) - Card 2/2 k ..-39- ER E, JD N I C 0 E N 10, 24(8) PUSE I WOK M(PLOTTATION SOV/2267 Akademiya nauk SSSR. Energeticheskly institut Kinetika i rasprostraneniye plameni; sborimik dokladov na obshchemoskovskom semi.nare po goreniyu pri energeticheskom institute All &~SR (Kinetics and Propagation of Flame; Collection of Reports at the All-Moscow Seminar on Combustion) Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1959. 51 p. Errata slip inserted. 2,500 dopies-printed. Ed.: L. N. Kh1trin, Corresponding Member, V80 Academy of Sciences; Ed. of Publishing House* A. G.* Pradnikov; Tech, Ed.: 0. M. Guslkova; Seminar Council: L, N. Khit--In, Correzponding Member, UESSR Acadamy of Sciences (Chairman), G. F. Knorre, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Honored Worker in Science and Technology, Pro~ressor (Deputy Chairman); Ye. S. Shchetnikov, Doctor of Technical Sciences.. Professor (Deputy Chairman); A. P. Vanichev, Doct.or of Technical Sciences; Ve, V. Voyevodskiv., Corresponding Member, t"SSR Academy of Sciences; N. V, Golovanov,, Candidate of Chemical Sciences; D. S. Zhuk, Candidate of Chemical Scleiies; X. V. Inozentsev, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Honored Worker in Science and Technical, Professor; B. V. Kantorovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences; S. M. Kogarko, Doctor of Chemic&3~,Sciences; B. P. Lebedev, Candidate of Technical Sciences; K. A. Nikitin, Candidate of Technical Sciences; A. S. Sokolik, Doctor of Chemical Sciences; and Ye. S. Golovina, Candidate of Technical Science (Scientific Card A N Kineitics and PrapWtion of FI=8 (cont.) SOV/2267 PURPC6T: This book is intended for enginee::,s and speeiaItsts, in thermal power Prod-action, gas combustion, heat engineeriug'and =alated -Aelds. 'OVMA7IE: The collection contains three a=ticles which da-a-I with the acndbustion reaction rate and flame veloclty in gaseous nd-,c-4-u---n3 and the inflae:aee of ozone on the kiretics of hWLrocarbon combustion. References appe,-L- at the end of each &rticle. TABIE PIP CMMITS: TsukhaiLova, 0. A. Calculation of Total Reaction Rate and Plane Velocity in Gaze-oms Mixtures 3 The authpr describes the combustion process with a system of differential equations of the conservation of mms, equa~i:ins of momentum, energy, state and chemical kinetics. The article in subdivided as follovs: Derivation of an approximation formula for normal, flame velocity; DerIvation of equations for calculating coefficients of'total reaction rate; Calculation of tctal Card 2/4 Kinetics and Propagation of Flame, (cont.) SOV12267 reaction kinetics for mixtures of carbon monoxide with o.Vgen and nitrogen; Comparison of experimental data vitb 2alculated ralues of the total reaction rote of carj~w. monoxide vith oxygen; On the conformity of exact and approximate solutions. 1he.follovihg ptirsonalities are mentioned: N. N. Seienov, D. A. Frank-Kimap Z~11*do` G, A. Barskily, A. V. vich Bondareiko,. N.A. Karzhvii"N. A. Karzhavina., 1. S. Sclovlyeva, G. 1. Kozlov, I, S, Bruk, Kamentskays, S. A., N. A. Slaftn9kays, and S. Ta. Pshezhetakiy, influence of Ozone on the Combustion of Hydrocarbons 33 The author Investigated the Influence of ozone on critical conditions for the combustion of mixtures of some hydrocarbons with oxygen. Butane, Butylene and cyclohexane were investigat,~--l as it was possible to assume sustantial distiAction in their priuwxy i:-`.-eractions with ozone. The following persone.1- Ities are mentioned: N. M. Cli-kov, S. G. Efite2is, A. B. Nalbandyan, B. Ta. Stern N. A, Kleymanov, I. Nt. onova,, A. M. Markevich. Cherednichenko V. M., 1. 1. Pospelova, &ad S. Ta. Pahezhetskiy, Influence of Ozone on the Burning Velocity of Hydrocarbons. 43 Card 3/4 Kinetics and PropWtion of Flaw (Cont.) SOV1226-t The inflUOnce Of ozone On the burning Velocity of butane was investigated at atmospheric pressure J11 air- mixtures, and in 0-Kreen at a pressure of 10 mm Eg. AVAII"LE: Library of Congress Card 4/4 IM/Mg 10-5-59 5M SOV/76 AUTHORS: Cherednichenko, V, M.9 Pospe1ova, I. ff., -32-12--~/32 Fshezhetskiy, S__._Y_a-.-- TITLE: The "Effect of.Czme on the Speed of Combustion of Hydro- carbons (Vliyahiye ozona na skorost' goreniya uglevodorodov) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, 1958, Vol 32, Nr 12, pp 2673 - 2678 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Card 1/3 A mixture of n-butane, n-heptane, isooctane (2,2,4-trimethyl- pentane), and cyclphexane rith air or oxygen was burnt vith varying ozone additions. The rapid combustions were photo- graphed with a photorecorderF R -60, the slow ones with a time lapse motion camera. The combustion temperature was calculated with the help of the thermodynamical tables of the NACA (Ref 3) (Nat.Ass.Chem..Im.). The rate of combustion of an.n-butane-air mixture corresponds to g. Gerstein'~Ref 4) statements. Ozone accelerates 'the rate of combuBtion and increases the combustion temperature. The experi,~iental re- sults showed much higher values thun were to be expected according to Ya. B. Zelldovicbls and D. A. Frank-Kamezietskiy's