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K~V~ 6 idsm/ Physics - Spetrophoto0etry CWA 1/1, Pub. 43 - 28/62. Tit IBM010ya, spectr7Ophotciistric method for the study of the chemical sensitization.of photo emulsions Par Lodical IIzvi AN SSSR Sbr .. fix.~ 32/~ ~-6894W Nov-Doe 1954 AbarLract IA -dif f erentUl; P'pedvroph Otometric methododeveloped by Ye. A, Kirillov was utilized for the Arst- time for Us study of centers formed during chemicalj, reduction and sensitization processes of silver bromide emulsions. The sensitizzation wis: accomplished by immersion of the layer in a hydrazine solu- tion, The effeots of sensitization and aging were determined spectrophoto- metrically and then covpRred photographically for the purpose of determining the light sensitivity of the emulsions, Results obtained are briefl'y des- cribed, One MR-rafereace (1951). Graph. lwtitution *.The I. I. Machraov-State.Univeraityp Physics Instep Odessa Submitted rff /J'o 1001- '-:'USSR/Chemistry - Physical. chemistry Card 1/1 ~Pub. 22 - 27AS AuthDrs KirMov, E. A.; Broun,, Zh. L.; and Chibisov K. V., Memb.Corres. of Pd1 SSSR Title Study of the chemicalsensitization of photo emulsions. Effect of the re- ducing agent, :.Peri;bdical Dok. ANsSSR 98/~, 427-430, Sep 23., 1954 Abstract t Reduction sensitization experiments by treating a Liprnann AgBr emulsion in the fom of layers applied on glass slides,, with a hydrazine (N2H4 * H250 4) s6lution, are described. 'The absorption spoctrum of the emulsion layer, treated in a hydrazine sollution., was measured and the results are shown'in graph. It was found, on the basis of spectrophotometric measurements, that the physical essence of sensitization with hydrazine, consists in the. fca"na- tion of silver centers which increase in number ani size during increase in concentration of the solution. Three USSR references (1948-1953). Graphs. lnotittAibn-, The 1-. 1-. Mechnikov:State-University.. PhYoica Institute, Odessa J, May.6j, 1954: A of Itho Qh~inlcaj simuilization of is lihrjt(j- cintilrilwi, Tho uffeas of cf)mpounds Aith k4blIt, SAftli. P, A. L, Ortit'il, awl. K. V, 01:1liviv ljjqtL~ I!lljv,. Aikllt~v 'Ituff, it, . 102, 1 15111,112(111174t); ell. C. 1. 41), U-91"k, - W 'I'liv tole A I 11"'l'! S ili tile., ClIvIll. t4 photfl- Ila, by the ~:mw- Ill't 1e j ii thors lo invuhl 4:.1 t, ".0 ilk.- I i'm i4a 3l- ( C. I - 49, 12i);Mlij 1, Thi n Jj 'ver, id Lipp- iimwi AgOr umilslon wit, triatttj for I inin. "t 2411 will] , , -1 allolt, 1. l;ijll.i. if Ellizillwa Cmitt'. 0,*-- x 10-1 and 0.3 It) I all"I Wj plic)l(l. :0)II11111"'m ill . r1ftiml 'ilwi-IN FeWfoll %% grtlihilt propurtit,s inijival" tl.i~ Immitilm of flell, 1'elivity c., aturs in alk. ximiLr Iti,prolierlius to tliosl; fritilled. Wn the'l-lillonuna tinulsion was tmitcd with b) W thiourc-A -it iii omii pll~ in "inwrted" silecLirum of finc wil:Jurc was oliu-bif-J, ijulit-Ating a titstructiou of the prim.try o-weri. NVith a thillurva cuarn. .4.0.3 X Ill I llstlight 6,1'. wi(Il 0.3 Y I it. I l"Illk-ji. it 114, -1))W.1 to 4111illl 11, '~iltlv w.,ulliptimin -aw S*1f9l;t*Ntl*d If- Nfit0lell'. couctptiun (4 paAstive holu tmpA as coutributitit tit fight ~.+Mtlvity illivaus law NUtchell, C-4. 48, WK h,1. Ag "inters formed in the nonmt imillsion are fDrined doriul; tile iiAitir.1 ripening principally inside the equats and act astlicamplorbof the "poehlyebobs" and ol the Br Atoms. Relatively large amorphic Ag centers, located principally on the wirface. are the acceptors of the photolelectron3. While bi4b_kiMs Ucenbirsare their functiow. T'he rok of 8 compils. (wW of MHO con- flists In the aceckration of the Chem. ripening at The cost of - auluicrewd conen; of at. As centers. W. M. Sternbexit --- ------- CHIBISOF, X.Y, . I-M-00-0 "Principles of the thes,37 of photogrqftie proosissesol* 2 *d. UoK. Utushev mA V.-I.Shoberster. Astleved by Ir Chibleov. ZhUrerAuche 1 prIk1. f ot. i kin. 1. no,1:77-78 Ja4 15;.' (MMA 9: 10) (Photographic ohmIstry)(Utushcv, U.N.) (Shoberatev.V. 1.) C1111315c"V V Category : USSR/()pt..JCF. p~ j,'g,q Ab a Jour ; Ref MmT: - 2;-;.~IkA, A- j., 19F7 N, ~-6581 Author : Brour... 2.1h..t., kz* I.Jjev, Yc?,.A., C."Ilbisov, K.V. last Rbcysics I'Yjq_L th-~ Title Spect.-~.-DIA1,+i :'r ~'.r C-temical SeAsitizatioa of Photographic Bmulsiz~s. _Mft. Orig Pub Zh. nauch, i f-,tc tc , 1956, 1, No 2, 98- 0 Abstract Chemic9l vas vit'h 19yers of Lipman emx1sion, first K-1.1 pracpsa~ai I:-.- a zt-'I-atlom f:7f ti:z chloride, thiourea, or thioZinmnine at 20P f--~~ Wz~r,,tE:s., Afte~~ the laye:r, was washed axLd dried, the ab- SOX-fftj~._ Sp-:;~Ijtt'M VaS jalt'S ft &4ubie monochromatdr I-ram the ratio to tLe !%YF-Z' fl~ thz-, t7v'%')--80-0 mu regicn, with irme-rvals of 2.5--5 mu (usirg th~~ mtethcl), To Istermine. the photographic action of these soluticc-S., tlk:~ comIA-W"Is wrsrs exWsc-_I a,-A developed in a glycin developer. The light Se-FLeltivity- %-n,s.dete~imtned from the threshold (using the Ecler-Hecht wedge). It was that vh.~-n th.= I_nye~~ -?f Idpwa emmlsion is treated vith re- ducers b. Ti t= -r vi,th compounds with labile sulphur (thiourea or thyozj_-..,aao:-_ 8.-UmI-Lcf~_me:djum) Ir- ceitai- concentrations, me observes a flne with the structure rzoduced by photochem- ice.1ly-dy"....--a &V_irv~or cx by v8cuim spattering of silver. An analogous I CHIBISOV, K.V. ftftwafi~~~ Defense of dissertations. Zhur.nauch. I prikl. fot. i kin. 1 no.3:236 H.v-Je 056. (Color photography) (MIRA 9:9) i CHIBISOV. N.V. ODoeweents on the history of the Invention of photography; corresponde%ce of J.N. Nispes, J.M. Daguerre. and others' ("Trudy* ol the Archives of the AcadmW of Sciences of the U.S.S.R., no. 7). Reviewed by K.T. Chlbisaw. Zhur. nauch. i prikl. fot. I kin. I io.4:317-318 JI-Ag 156. (MM 9- 10) (Phetagrapbr-History) (Nlepc*. J.1.) (Deguerre. J.9.) -Eon= I imqmpm 7=t !P;v7 "Inroat4tatlans o! the rktu f K It, 11 4 4. "~ ~ -rk' Will 41 amorphous Parlicles incANI.WS the CJUBISOV, I.V. Q-0mm"iPmalk Swmmari of the work of the International Conference on Scientific Photograpby, Zhur. nauch. i priid,, fot.1 kin. 2 no,1:65-68 J&-F '57. (Cologne-Photography-Congresses) (HLU 100) ITSSR/General Problems. Methodology. History. Scientific A Institutions and.Conforences. Instriaction. Ques-It.-Jons Concerning Bibliography and Scien- tific Documentation. Abs Jour Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 3, 1958, 6813 Author K. V. Chibisov Inst Title ',.-'Io*-nk of Soviet :.'cientists in 'L:',phere of ;.Nicory of 111-iotoi3raphic IRmulsions Orig Zh. nauclm.* i prikl. foto-r. i kinematorr., 10j'57: 2., No 5, 3?2-389 Abstract- Review (covering 40 years) of most imDortant works. BiblioGra-phy with 116 titles. Card 1/1 CHIBISOV, K.T. . a mm" The nature of p1hotographic sensitivity. eip, nauch. fot, v01, 3:5-)8 157. NURA 10:6) (Photographic sensitometry) CHIBISOF K - ~- Photography qs a method of research In science and technology. Sav.foto 17 no.1:3-6 Ja 157. WU 10:7) l..Chlen-korrespondent Abadvell sank SM. (Photogrephy-6ddentific applications) 041BISOV, K.., . , 1-mmummm I - 4~ . . Summary of the work.of the International Conference on Scientific Photography. Say. fate 17 ne.4:60-62 Ap 157. Mu lo:6) (C41agne--Photography-.Convolsax,) AUTHOR: Chibisov, K. V., Corresponding Member AS USSR 3o-2-25/49 TITLE: Conference on Scientific and Applied Ph,tography (Konferentsiya po nauchnoy i prikladnoy fotoGrafii) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1958, ITIr 2, pp 9o-91 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Called by the Hungarian Society for Optics and Motion Picture this conference took place in Budapest from September 11 to September 14, 1957.12 reports were made by Hungarian and 14 by foreign specialists. The participants visited an exhibition of photographic cameras and of photographic material of Hungarian origin, as well as the production of motion picture films photographic films and photographic paper. This conference dealt with problems of the nature of light-sensitive photographic films, the photographic activity of gelatine and its synthetic substitutes, sensitizers and others. Questions of emulsion technology, of colour photo- Graphy, of the developing process and of photographic sensitometry. The conference decided to establiah a regular Card 1/2 exchange of publicationsand systematic meetings of Conference on Scientific and Applied Photography 3o-2-25/49 specialists of the people's republics. Moreover, such conferences should be held at least once a year. AVAILABLEi Library of Congress 1. Conferences-Photograp)W-Budapest 2. Photography-Hungary 3. Photography-Equipment- 4. Films-Applications Card 2/2 CHIBISOV -- - Conference on scientific and applied photography In Budapest and the phntographic and cinematographic industry of Hungary. Zhur. nauch. I prikl. fot. I kin. 3 no-1:73-75 Ja-F 158. (MIRA 11:21' (bidapost--Photography--Gongre~Bes) (Rungary-Photography) (Hungary-Ginematographr) SOV 77-3-4-23/23 AUTHORs Chibisov, K V * Bogomolov, K.S. TITLEs The Stat of Photographic Science and Industry in Japan (So- stoyaniy: fotograficheskoy nauki i promyshlennosti v Yaponii) PERIODICALt Zhurnal nauchnoy i prikladnoy fotografii i kinematografii, 1958# Vol 3, Nr 4P pp 314-320 (USSR) ABSTRkCT: The authors review the vArious spheres of activity in theoretic- al photography and in t%e photographic industry in Japan. There are 2 photos and 3 tables. 1. Photography--Japan 2. Photography--Theory Card 1/1 uscomm-Dc- .556o6 CHDISOV. I.V. -. 4OPI_ Present-day lnterprotati0n� of the formation of photographic sensitivity. Ahluenauk I prom. 3 noo5:556-567 .)6. Nzn 3LI: n) 1. Chlenpkorrespondent AN SSSR- (Photographic emulsions) Present Opinions in the Field of the Photographic 71',-27-3-2/7 Emulsion Theory geneity of the defects of admixtures,as well as of the uniformity of chemical sensibility (as a reduction pro. cess) (see diagram 6 and 7).. The author investigated the actions on the spectral sensitivity to light of the pri= mary centres, the changes of concentration by means of chemical maturing. For this purpose the distribution of sensitivity within the range J~ = 400-800 MJL at non- sensitized emulsions (at various moments of the second maturing) was investigated by means of spectral sensime= try, For the dttermination of the joint binding between S79 Smso and SKk6,,-sensitivity the change of these quantities since the second maturing was compared (see diagram 6). It strikes in this comparison that the in= crease of sensitivity (SX%5O) since the second maturing to the maximum considerably la-a behind the increase U of the integral. sensitivity (s-j. in this connection the increase of the lon,; wave ,,.cnsjtivity is ,ard 2/3 of the same order as with SV.. Tlherc!fore, it. if-, -,jsu!~Ied -Present Opinions in the Field of the Photographic 74-27-3-2/7 Emulsion Theory that chemical maturing is more effective than the long wave or integral sensitivity. 1.1oreover, the author describes the bromine iodine containing emulsions on which occasion he finds that the iodine ions equally act on the integral and "blue" sensitivity which increases their value to the maximum. The dependence of the sensi. tivity on the content of silver iodide in the emulsions is illustrated in diagram 7, and the lanciform phenomena of the increase of sensitivity after the addition of hydrazine sulfate to the emulsion on diagram 8. Also the reciprocal bindings between the own and the added de. fects of the emulsion crystals are of interest. It was found that there is always an interaction between the own and the added defects of the emulsion crystals. Finally the case of the hidden shoping in chemically non sensitized micro crystals is discussed: this pro= cess takes place in two stages. There are 9 figures, 2 tables,and 56 references, 31 of -.rn Soviet.. 1. Photographic emulsion---Theory CHIBISOV, K.Y.; BOGWOLOV, K.S., Imud. khim. nauk ............... wwwow'"~ Fourtb symposium on photographic sensitivity. Test. 0 SSSR 28 no. 6:95-4 Ja 058. - (14MI 11:7) 1. Chlon-korrespondent AN SSSR(for Chibisov). (Tokyo--Photograp'nic emulsions--Congresses) AUTHORS: Karpova, A. L., Mikhaylova, A. A., SOV/2o-121-1-37/55 Chibisov, Corresponding Member, Academy of Sciences, USSR TITLE: On the Photographic Activity of Gelatin (0 fotograficheskoy aktivnosti zhelatiny) PERIODICAL: Doklady kkademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol- 121, Nr 1, PP. 133 - 135 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors tried to remove the admixtures from gelatin by means of adsorbers and to separate them by means of an electro- dialysis with the aim to investigate the influence of these admixtures on the chemical "ripening". Various adsorbers exhibit a selective action and only some resins with ion ex- change were suited for a practically complete removal of all active admixtures. By this the different gelatin samples were given the same properties and turned into slowly acting gelatin. Also electrodialysis removes the active admixtures and renders gelatin inert. If a five-chamber device is applied the admixtures can be separated in the form of an anodic and a cathodic fraction by electrodialysis. The substances of the cathode fraction do not directly interact with the silver Card 1/3 ions. The compounds with unstable sulfur, the reducing agents, On the Photographic Activity of Gelatin SOV/2o-121-1-37/55 and the complex forming substances of the first kind, however, turn into the anode fraction. According to photo- graphic investigations, the solution of the cathode fraction slows the ripening down while the anode fraction accelerates it. The photographic effect of the gelatin during ripening is realized by its two components: The macro-component, i.e. the albumins of the gelatin, exhibits a protective effect and acts reducingly; the micro-components control the velocity of the chemical ripening. There are 3 figures, 2 tables, and 3 referenceaq ' which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy kinofotoinstitut (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Photography and Cinematography) SUBMITTED: March 18, 1958 Card 2/3 On the Photographic Activity of Gelatin SOV/2o-121-1-37/55 1. Photographic emulBions--Separation 2. Photographic emulsions--Chemical reactions 3. Photographic emulsions--Properties 4. Adeorbents--Performance Card 3/3 23( SOV/77-4-3-4/16 AUTHORS: Karpova, A.L., Mikhaylova, A.A., Chibisov, K.V. TITLE: On the Photographic Activity of Gelatine II. An Increase in the Kinetic Activity of Gelatine PERIODICAL: Zhurnal nauchnoy i prikladnoy fotografii i kinemato- gratii, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 3, pp 183-192 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This is a study of the effect of sodium thiosulfate on -the second ripening process of gelatine solutions, shown on the example of three different galatine com- ponents. On the basis of experimentally obtained data, the authors deduced a general equation, expressing with it the deDendence of the rate of second ripening on -the quantity of natural and added accelerators. Parallel to these experiments,'.the authors studied the effect of other sulfurous sensitizers and also of bromine (silver) ion concentration. Different quantitites of sodium thiosulfate and the solid phase Card 1/7 separated from the colloid of the first ripening pro- SOY/77-4-3-4/16 On the Photographic Activity of Gelatins. II. An'Increase in the Kinetic Activity of Gelatins cess were added to solutions of gelatine with different activity coefficients. The solid phase contained 3 mol. % AgJ in addition to AgBr. The authors started from the assumption that in the stage of chemical ripening sodium thiosulfate acts only as a complex- forming substance, causing acceleration of chemical ripening. The added quantity A', therefore, was added to the quantity A of natural accelerators in the ge- latine. These data, in connection with the quantity B of' natural retarders, served as the basis for the calculation of the activity coefficient (K = A + A' 13 ) -P Table 1 demonstrates the results obtained. It con- tains in addition the values r, (time reauired to reach the maximum light sensitivity) and ro (r. = k%). The values r were calculated with the aid of the curves of Card 2/7 change in light sensitivity for each concentration of SOV/77-4-3-4/16 On the Photographic Activity of Gelatine. II. An Increase in the Kinetic- Activity of Gelatine Na2l'3203introduced into the emulsion. This calcu- lation was carried out., to demonstrate the subor- dination.of the values to the already found /-reference 2 7 linear dependence between the acti- 7ity coeffici'6nt and the rate of chemical ripening and, consequently, to confirm the assumed role of Na2S2O3 in this process, The results confirm this assumption, showing that Na2S2O 3 behaves like those natural complex-forming components, which have most affinity to the silver ions. The obtained values are chELracterized by two prominent features: 1) A strict dependence of 'ro on the conditions of emulsion syn- thesis, and 2) fluctuations of the individual values of this magnitude within parallel experiments. This Card shows that Tv (time required to reach the maximum SOV/77-4-3-4/16 On the Photographic Activity of Gelatine. II. An Increase in the Kinetic Activity of Gelatine light sensitivity, if k=l) is a very sensitive magni- tude indicative of the observation of constancy of the established synthesis conditions. On the basis of their experiments, which confirmed the role of Na 2S203 as accelerator during the ripening process, the authors enlarged the previously obtained formula To - A& by adding At to the numerator of the ac- tivity coefficient. The equation (in its final form: A'. ro B I - A), on the basis of the dependency P7r( see graph 1, which represents this depen- enc~ f3r the three series of experiments in table 1), mak'6~ it possible to determine the content of acce- lerators and retarders in gelatine. In order to cla- Card 4/7 rify the role of sodium thiosulfate, the authors SOV/77-4-3-4/16 On the Photographic Activity of Gelatine. II. An Increase in the Kinetic Activity of Gelatine considered it suitable to compare its effect on che- mical ripening with the effect of other compounds with an unstable sulphur component. A study of the effect of thiourea, sodium tetrathionate and tri- thionate and potassium rodanide revealed that, with the exception of thiourea, these compounds are not subject to the general equation (graphs 2-4). They showed a retarding effect on the ripening process. Finally, the authors studied the effect of pAg (pBr) on the kinetics of chemical ripeninS. Graph 5 shows curves (based on previously described experimental data), which represent the dependence of the rate of ripening on pAg for bromine and bromo-iodine emul- sions. The curves (table 4) show the complicated character of this dependency. A further factor is the instability of the maximum light sensitivity (section Card 5/7 2 of graph 5), which can be reached at various values S011/77-4-3-4/16 On the Photographic Activity of Gelatine. II. An Increase in the Kinetic Activity of Gelatine of pAg. Optimum pAg can be assumed in the case, -,-.,hen the maximum light sensitivity has been reached. The strong effect of the nature of the Selatine component on this phenomenon however has to be taken into con- sideration. This factor also plays a role in the de- pendence of the change of maximum sensitivity on pAg. The last section is a theoretical generalization of the results. Table 4 is a synopsis of the effects exercised by the various substances on the rate of ripening, the maximum of light sensitivity and the fog phenomenon. The latter is considered in connec- tion with the maxima of light sensitivity. The authors mention the Soviet scientist V.A.Bekunov /-reference 7-7, who proved the linear dependence (pAg, 1 There to Card 6/? are 5 tables, 5 graphs and 8 references, 6 of which are SOV/77-4-3-4/10" On the Photographic Activity of Gelatine. II. An Increase in the Kinetic Activity of Gelatine Soviet and 2 Englinh. ASSOCIATION: Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy kinofotoin- stitut (NIKFI) (All-Union Scientific Research In- stitute for Motion Pictures and Photography (NIKFI)) SUBMITTED: 22 August, 1957 Card 7/7 23( AUTHOR: Chibisov, K.V. SOV/77-4-3-14/16 TITLE: Great Jubilee. The Seventy-Fifth Birthday of Pro- fessor Ye.A. Kirillov PERIODICAL: Zhurnal nauchnoy i prikladnoy fotografii i kinemato- grafii, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 3, pp 237-238 (USSR)- ABSTRACT: This is a review of the scientific, pedagogical and organizational work of Professor Yelpidifor Anempo- distovich Kirillov, written on occasion of his 75th birthday. Since 1921 the scientist has been a pro- fessor at Odesskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Odessa State University), where he holds the chair of experi- mental physics in the physico-mathematical department. There is 1 photograph. Card 1/1 SOV/20-126-5-30/69 On the Spectral Properties of Optically Non-sensitized Photographic Emulsions ripening of the emulsion for different *X, with the kinetic curves of the total light sensitivity (Figs 2,3). The fine structure of the absorption spectra indicates that the crystal- lization of silver bromide is in the first ripening accompanied by the formation of impurities consisting of silver nuclei. The latter have an immediate effect upon the total sensitivity as well as the sensitivity to blue light. The sensitivity to long-wave light increases only slowly during the time for ripening and is not determined by the amount of AgJ, which in- creases only the concentration of the primary nuclei (silver nuclei) and the total sensitivity and the sensitivity to blue light. According to Mitchell (Ref 7) the following is assumed: The sensitivity to long-wave light is caused by a kind of co- agulation of the nuclei to larger units. The concentration of these units remains inconsiderable compared with that of the primary nuclei. Experiments made by Ye. P. Kramaley (Ref 8) show that silver may occur in the emulsion also in atomic or molecular state apart from the colloidally disperse form. This is assumed for the primary nuclei (I) which, therefore, con- Card 2/3 sist of A92 , are in equilibrium with AgBr, and are adsorbed in BOV/20-126-5-3o/69 On the Spectral Properties of Optically Non-sensitized Photographic Emulsions the lattice defects of the microorystalo. They cause the total and blue light sensitivity. The secondary nuclei (II) - the units - determine the sensitivity to long-wave light and repre- sent the sublatent nuclei. The third kind are the catalytic developmental nuolbi (III). They consist of amorphous silver particles with a high energy potential. They are fcrmed during the capture of photo electrons by the positively charged sub- latent nuclei (II). The transformation (I) - (II) - (III) takes place in the course of ripening of the emulsion as well as under the action of light. These impurity nuclei take part in the formation of the latent image. There are 3 figures and 13 ref- erences, 7 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy kinofotoinstitut (All- Union Scientific Research Institute of Cinematography and Pho- tography).Institut fiziki Odesskogo gosudarstvennogo universitets, im. I. I. Mechnikova (Physics Institute of Odessa State Uni- versity imeni 1. 1. Mechnikov) SUBMITTED: April 1, 1959 Card 3/3 A PH= I Wa ZOWMTION SOV/4159 Akademiya nauk SSM. Komisaiya po naacbnoy fotografil i kinematografti Uspekbi nauchnoy fotografii, tom 7: Prirods fotograficheskoy ebuvstvitellnosti. lzgotovlezdye galoidoserebryanykh fotogrefichaskikh sloyev. Opticheakays sensibilizatmiya igipersensibiUzatsiya. Khimiko-fotografi- cheakaya obrabotka avetochuvatvitelInylb sloyev (Nature of Photographic Sensi- tivity. Preparation of Haloid-Bilver Photographic Layers&Optlcal Sensitizing and Hyper-%%naitizing. Chemical-Photographie Treatment of Photo-gensitive Uyers) Moscow.. 1960. 260 p. Errata slip inserte&, 1.,800 copies printed. Editorial Board: K.V. Chibisov (Reap. Ed.) Corresponding Member, Academy of Sciences USSR.. V.I. Sbeberotov (Deputy Reap, Rd.) Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Docent, Yu. N. Gorokhovskiy, Doctor of Chemical Sciences,, Professor,, G,A, Istomin) Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, and I.I. levkoyev., Candidate of Chemical Sciences; Rd. of Publishing House: K.I. Warkhilevich; Tech. Ed.: GA. Siskina, PWWR: This collection of articles is add seed to those working in theoretical and applied photography and cinematography, and to researchers in the chemistry Card 1/T nature of Photographic Sensitivity (Cont.) SOV/4159 Sheberstov.. V.I. Aging an& Stabilization Processes of Photographic layers 25 Solavlyev.. S.M.,, and V.A. Dwitriyeva. Aging of Photographic R'sall ions and Quantity of Illumination During Exposure 50 Vendrcvskiy.. K.V. Effect of Preparation and Processing Conditions of Photographic layers on Deviation ft= the Law of Interchange 57 Poshkovskiy, Th. Sh. Zffect of Chemical Sensitization on the Sensitivity of Photographic Emulsions at Low Mvnination Intensities 77 I.P.., Yu. A. Krakau., and P.T. Sidarenkova. Role of Thiocyanogen Ions in the Chemical Sensitization of Photographic E-11 I With Gold 87 Novikovj, I.A,j, and N,S, Gafurvvm. Investigation of Effect of Sodium Thiosulfate on the Photographic Properties of Ma3l ions Sensitized With Gold 96 card 3A Natwe of Photographic Sensitivity (Conte) WV/4159 Novikov., I,A. Change in the Dispersion of Small Grain ffmasions in the Cheideal Aging Process 103 Kirillov., N.L., Yu. G. Chikishev., &L-1 V.L. Ze3.ikmn, Continuous Processes in the Synthesis of Photographic Emulsions 108 7.elikman, V.L.,v and Ye. Be Ecmdratlyeva. Gelatin Concentration in the First Aging 3.15 Levi., S.M. Modern Concepts of Gelatin Structure Zimkin., Ye. A.., and 8.1. Paronik. Albuminous Type Admixtures 320 in Photographic Gelatin 134 Levi, 8,M. Modern Concepts of the Rheologic Properties of Gelatin Solutions and Photographic E-1 ions 137 Uvarova., V.M,., and V.A. MalItseva, Search for Ways of Improving the Structural Medhirnical. Propierties of Photographic Layers for Nuclear Research 150 Card 4/7 Natare of Photographic Sensitivity (Cont.) SOV/415, Ze3ikm!Ln.. V.L., Hetkods of Tenn' Photographic Mallsions 161 Levi,. S,N.,, Effect of Wetting Agents in MUttwes and DUr4ag .~Jttlayer Coeul-tg 170 Rodicheva,p Elementary Composition of ftclear Photographic Roll ions 178 II. OPr= ~IMZATIM AND 91 ITMATM Borin, A.V. 1mvestigation of Concentration Effect Daring Optical Sensitization of Photographic RwOsions 183 Pokrawskaya, Xj, Investigation of Interaction of lbroeyanines With Silver Ions in Solution 191 Solarlyev, S.M, Hypersensitization, of Infracbromatie Loyers 201 Card 5A Nature of Pbotograpbic Sensitivity (Cont.) SOV/4159 and. X.X, Parfenovs. Methods of Increasing the Stabi3ity of Hyperseusitized Infrachromtic Film 210 in. cma= 33G OF LMK WSITM LAME Bukin I .0 ft. 1. (Deceaaed), Iuvestigation of Ta6cal ITfects in Developmut ancl Their Effect on the Quality of Moving Picture 219 Kirillov,, N.I., A,X, Toytsekhovskaya., and N. Ye. Kirillova. Investi- gation of the Stabi3ity of Coomraial Bleaching Solutions Used in WIVI Processes 230 Kirillov, N.I., k.M. VoytsekhavakVa.. and N. Ye. Kirillars. Utilization of Varicus Fi3dng Solutions in NW1 Processes 236 Kirillov, N.I.p AX Voytsekbovskqa., and X, Ye, Kirillcra. Investigation of Thermostatic Aging of a Color Picture on a *21tilayer Film Treated in Varicw Processes 240 Card 617 . Nature of Photographic Sensitivity (Cant.) SOV/4159 . Arnolld., To, 8, Problem of the Prodevelopant of Nmlt:Llayer Color Negatives 2)!6 LlUfftbehlw, G.D.,, and S.A. 5hiptsyn. Problem of Btorqp of Developers 253 AVAILAWA: Library of Congress CIO& 7/7 JA/lab/ma lo-2k-6o KARPOVA, A.L.; CHIBISOV, K.T. Additional reflections on the nature of the photographic activity of golatin. Zhur.naucb.t prikl.fotA kin. 5 no.4:301-308 Jl-Ag 160. (MIRA 13:8) (Gelatin) (Photographic emulsions) CRIBISOV, Ia. Chemical sensitizing in the ripening of the photogrpphic emulsion. Zhur.nauch.i prikl.fot.i kin. 5 no.1:65-74 '60. (wu 13:5) (Photog?aphio emulsion) 23(0) AUTHOR: Chibisov, X.V , Corresponding S/030/60/000/01/025/o67 -X*W16r4Tf-t?1~"*6ademy of Sciences B015/B008 USSR TITLE: Collo2uium on Scientific Photography PERIODICAL, Vestnik Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960, Nr 1, pp 72-73 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The Colloquium was hold at Li4ge, Belgium, from September 14 to 19, 1959, and had been convened by Li4ge University. The program of the Colloquium consisted of 3 comprehensive problems: factors and the character of photographic sensitive- ness; optical sensitivenessi essential photographic processes. The following reports were given on behalf of the Soviet scientists: V.A. Bekunov reported on the influence of gelatin on the kinetics of chemical maturingi X.V. Chibisov reported on the character of chemical sensit'Lieness; 1.1. Levkoyev, E.B. Lifshits and S.V. Natanson reported on the light r.-boorption and the sensitizing action of the cyanogen dyes in dependence on their structure; S.V. Natanson characterized the adsorption of optical sensitizers on silver-halideal Card 1/2 A.B. Terenin and I.A. Akimov analyzed the optical sensitiza- 1- I." Intermtional Colloquium on Scientific Photograpby. Zhure .-L-) usuohA prikl.fot.i kin. 5 no,3:234-238 MY-Je 160. (KIRA 13:7) (PbotograpIV-Scientific applications) I- CHIBTSDV, K.V. .1-1 Nature and formation of photographic sensitivity (Leased on the Mitchell theory). Usp.rmch.fot- 7 13-24 16o. (MM 13:7) (Photoebasistry) LIVITSYAYA, R.A.: BROUN, Zh.L.,,','CgjBISOV, X.V. Transformation of the additive centers during accelerated aging of photographic emalsions. Zhur.nauch. i prikl.fot i kin- 5 no-5: 361-363 S-0 160o (MIRA 13:12) 1, Institat fisiki Odesakogo universitsta Imeni I.I.Mochnikova i Kafed.ra uchabnoy i nauchnoy fotografii i kinematografii Mookovskogo gosudarstyennogo universitsta. (Photographic emulsions) QLHPkSOVf K.V. Ways of increasing the effective sensitivitX in pboto&raphy* Zhur. nauch. i prikl. fot*i kin. 6 no.1:67-74 Ja--y 161* (MIRA 34:3) (Photograr,hy-Research) CHIBISOV,, X*V.;_SMC-WIC, L.,[translatorj Photographic sensibility. Kem-ind 10 no.4zSuppl.F- 52-53 Ap 161. 1. Akademija nauka SSS, Moskva (for Chibisov),, MELINICHUK, L. P.; BROUN, Zh. L.; CHIBISOV, K. V. Localization of the topochemical reaction during the rapid aging of photographic emulsions. Zhur.nauch.i prIkLfbt. i kin. 6 no.4:301- 304 JI-Ag 161. (MIRA 14:11) 1. Inatitut fiziki Odeaskogo universitats. imeni I. I. Mechnilkova i Kafedra uchabnoy i nauchnoy fotografii i Pinematografii Moskovskogo universitata. (Photographic emulsions) GMWVSKIY, Yevsey Mikhay1ovidh-,,--AWIBIPOT. K.T., otv. red.; PRO- KOF'YZYA. N.B., red. izd-va; V=6V-A-.-Y--T--, tekhn. red. (From silent to panorsiato motion ple'tureal Ot nemogo kino k ponoramnomu. Moskva, Izd-VO A)wa. nauk SSSR, 1961. 147 p, (MIRA 14:5) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Chibieov) (Notion pictures) VALyUSO Nikolay Adamovichl CgBISOV K.Vof' otv. rod.; GUS'KOV, G.G., red, izd-va; MAWIl YO.V-o t0 . red. (StereoscopylSteroookopiia. Moskva, lzd-vo Aktd. nauk SSSR, 1962. 376 p. (MIRA 15:U) -~44'912 - 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Chibisov). (stereoscopy) CIII-DISOVY K.T. atructnre of the impurity absorption spectrum of silver halidee. Zhur.nauch.i prikl.foto i kine 7 no-3-226-P-28 $62. (HIRA 15;6) (Silver halides ... Sp-,Ara) V. CIBISOV,j.V.;-SANDOIJC, Dranka [tranalatorl Metbods of-luor,eaming effective mewitiveross.iA photograPhir- oyotems. Isidja uAndustriji 2,2 no.2:6o-63 f62. CHIBISOV, K. V. [Basic problems of the chemistry of photographic emulBionB] Oenovy problemy khimil fotograficheskikh emullaii. MosIm.. Izd-vo Mosk. univ. NIKFI, 1962. 121 p. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for ChibIsov). (Photographic emulsions) _5D JD 0 EWT(Q)~LNT(m)/BDS AEM_/A ACCESSION NRs AP3001659 3/0077/63/008/003/0174/0184 AUTHORt --Kraush, L. Yap-1 Ly*s9nko,'L.,P I Chibisays K2_ V, TITLE: Investigation of substructure in silveiybromide nicrocrystals ........... SO~RCEs Zhurnal nauchnoy i prikladnoy fotografii,i kirA-matografiis, no. 39 1963v 174-184,, vol- 8 TOPIC TAGSs photolysis, polyhedric substructure,, silver bromide., electron stage ionic stageo crystal lattice, microcrystal- i. ABSTRACT: The model microcrystale up to 50 Micron in size used in this investi-i .gation were obtained by spontaneous evaporation of a saturated silver bromide solution in 15% armwnia. In order to bring out their substructure these c stals X7 .were etched by exposure to ammonia vapors., to a 1% solution of sodium thiosulfa~e,. :or to dilute methol-hydroquinone solutiqn, taking care to permit the etching to !affect only the surface of the crtstals artial breakup, without causin, for their p g ;dissolution, The crystals were exposed to daylight, as well as irradiated with: a quartz mercury lamp. It was found that the spots of the crystals which were qfected by such treatment were those where some defects of the lattice structure 'Card 1 J !L 185ih-63 Ids AP30016 9 1.ud already existed, presumably formed during the growth of the crystals, Micro- ir7stals were generally more affected than large crystalse Gaseous ammonia, as -.fell as photolysial, was capable of separating well-shaped tablets into separate parts. These observations ate in accord with the already known fact that in 'photolysis of silver bromide crystals the deposition of free silver takes place jalong the boundaries of the polyhedral structureo Orige art, hass 6 pictures* AMOCIATION: Kafedra uchebngy i nauchnoy fotografii i kinematografii Moskovskiy gosudarstvennogo universitati (Chair of Instructive and Scientific Photography and Cinematography, Moscow State Univers SUB14ITTkZ2 15bec'61 ACQs l2Jun63 ENCLs 00 I SUB CODEs CH NO REP SDVs 001 OTHM, 021 Card 2/2 BROUN, Zh.L.; CRIBLSOVp ]~.V. Comparison study of the chemical and physical developing. Zbw. nauch.i prikl.fot.i kin. 8 no.1:59-61 Ja-Feb. 163. (KMA 16:2) 1. Nauchno-issledovatel'skly Institut fisiki Odeaskogo universitsts, i kafedra uchebnoy i nauchney fotografii i kiriematogr&fii MoskOTakogo gosudarstvennogo imiversiteta. (Photography-Developing and devlopers) it BEWLZ,, V.M..-, CHIBISOV X,V Relationship between.the luminescent " piptographic prop- erties of emulsion 1hyers. Miur.nauch. i prI4.fot. i kin. 8 no.5:334-337 &-0 163. (MMA 16:9) CSIBISZOVI K.W. [CHIBISOV)-K.V.)p dr. (Moszkva); FOLSTER, Alfred, dr. - [trans3.ator.']'- Topograph:.'eal properties of chemical sensitization of photograph.'c emulsions. Kep hang 9 no.6:161-163 D 163. L S/020J63/149/062/ 3 028 BM/B186 AUTHOR6:., ''Brount Zh. L.' -'Kirillovo Yes A, t sukitiv_' ~V- 9 Corresponding.Hember-AS USSR _TME: The discrete character of the extrinsic spectral ph6to- sensitivity of photographic emulsions 56 PERIODICAL: Akademiya-4-1.pguk.;1.5SSR1. Dokladyt v. 149# no. 2t 1963, 353-3 TEXT: The extrinsic spectral,~botosensltivity of photegraphic emulsions was studied by the differential method which determines.the relative sensitivity to1ight- 31 8 t/S,.% - H,-%,O/H4,t. S is the spectral Aw _-photoeensit-ivity--and--H__ the-monochromat4v:- radiation- energy-which- gives rise to- a-Pertain --- the. light Sensitivity) -durjmg-F____-- -the grgund-state ofthe,-O~ul6ion .(0) and,in a definite instant (t) of 0 hemi oal- - s on sit izati-on f-- respe ct tirely*---The -- aut hors - stud i ed: a -Li P'pmann waver bromide: emulsi aen iti d:with gold chloride, and normal 0 a Be chemically ripened emulsions. The. curves of the extrinsic spectral photosensitivity iDf the Lippmam -emulsion showed: selective bands with coincident maxima'at a:different.dogree of sensitization; during Card !ACCESSION z--- AP4013973 S/0077/64/009/001/0038/0046 4XTHORS. Broun, 21. L.; Varshavert B. G.; Mellnichnukl L. P.; Chibisov, X, V. iTlIM: Interaction investigations between spectral sensitivity and admixture I !spectral absorption of photographic emulsions SOURCE: Zhurnal nsuohnoy i prikladnoy fotografii i kinematografii, v. go no..1, 1964t.38-46 ITOPIC TAGS: spectral sensitivityq photographic emulsion, silver bromide, admixture center, gold sensitizer, discrete bands :ABSTRACT: The possible existence of a discrete character in the spectral sensi- Itivity of an optically unsensitized photographic emulsion has been studied. First, Ithe magnitude of relative spectral eensitivit;r SIA - HA ~Hp,,t (HN - enerry of Imonochromatic radiation) is calorlated for various values ofp, and, secondly# a Isilver bromide Lieppman emulsion is used to observe carefully the thin structure of 'the admixture center speotrap using the differential method with a gold sensitizer. 'The spectrosensitometer ISP-73 is used to determine S.,%,- in the wave-length interval 1420-7('0 m It is shown that the admixture spectral sensitivity is distributed in !ACCESSION NR: AP4013973 Idiscreto bands both in the limits of fundamental 0sorption of silver halogenide and' lin the long wave-length region, with a spectral position corresponding To thin Istructured bands of the admixture spectra. A discussion is given on the role playe& by these-centers on the emulsion layer under the action of light. "The authors are ~Srateful to Professor Ye. A. Kirillov for evaluating this-work." Orig. art. hast _;6 figures and 2 tables. :ASSOCIATION; Odesskiy gosudarstvenny*y universitet im. I..I. Meohnikova (Odessa ~State University); Vseopya=04~y nauchno-iseledovatellskiy kinofotoinotitui; (NMI) 011-Union Scientifio.Researoh Notion Picture Institute) ;SUBMITTED. 13Hov62 DATE 16q't i4re~64 ENCL: 00 ~ISUB CODE: PG NO REP SOY&* 017 OTMM a 0~3 '6rd BELOUSf V. Luminescence studies of the role played by admixed silver centers in the photolysis of silver halides. DokI. AN SSSR 156 no. 1: 121-124 My 164. (MMI 17:5) 1. Odtaskoye vyssheye inzhenornoye morskoye uchilishche i Moskovskiy gosudarst,.renny)- .miversitet im. M. V. Lomono3ova. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Chibisov). CHIBIS-OVP- KI.V, 1. :Introductory address delivered at the l3th Conference an the Scientific Applications of Photograpby. Usp.nauch.fot. lOz5.-6 164. (MIRA l7t1O) PYPIVITSKAYA, A.B.; MLINICHUK, L.P.; BROUR, Zh.L.; CHIBISOV, K.V. -. ............... . ......... Evolution of additives' centers ripening and accelerated aging Par' 1: Changes in the spectral ripening and accelerated aging. kin. 9 no.5:321-327 S-0 164. during the process of after- of photographic emulsions. absorption during chemical Zhur. nauch. i prikl. fot. i (11411RA 17: 110) 1. Odesakiy gosudarstvennyy universitet iraeni Mechnikova. ,; KALIMANS011, ES. CHJBJ~OV, ZV I Effect of surface additive centers on the deep light sensitivitY of photographic emulsions. Zhur. nauch. i prikl. fot. i kin. 1.0 no.4:292-294 JI-Ag 165. (PIMA 18:7) 1. Vsesoniznyy nauchno-issledoratel. I ski y kinofotoinstf-tut (111iKiPI). BRWN, Zh,L,; KIRILLOV, Ye.A. [deceased]; C~t~kJLSO --Y& K. ~., Comparative study of the chemical ripening and photolysis of photographic emulsions. Dokl. AN SSSR 161 no.3-.624-626 Mr 165. (KRA MO 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Chibisov). KIRILLOVY YO.A. (del-ea:,iad3,- GOL"DENDFRG, A.D.:: hT.33TFROVSKAYA, Y&.A.,- CHIBISOV.--K.V4. AbBorption features of collo!dal solutions and dT-j layers of certain organic Pokl. AN SSSR 161 no.6-.113711-131-74 Ap f65. (MIRA 180) 1. Nauchnc-Is3ledovatellskiy institut fiziki Odesskogo gosudarstven- nogo universlt~eta im. I.I.Machnikova. 2. Chlerkormspondent AN SSSR (for Chibisovi ACC NR-, AV7010713 SOURCE CODE:' UR/0020/66/170/005/1121/1123 AUTHOR; Broun' Zh. L.; Chibisov 11, (Corresponding I-Amber AN SSSR) P V ORG: none TITLE: Nature of centers of the latent Image and latent fog SOURCE: AN SSSR. Dokladyv V. 170, no. 5, 1966, 1121-1123 TOPIC TAGS: STET image, photographic cmulsion, optic density, spectrophotometry, photographic densitonater / SSF-4 spectrophotometer, IIS-12 spectrometer SUB CODE: 14,20 ABSTRACT: The authors studied the differences between the' fomation and pro- perties of centers of latent fog and the latent image. The study is based -on an investigation of the kinetics of chemical aging and photolysis from data of 1".rect observations which were compared with the pattern of the dc- veloped fog and image. Since the differential method for measuring optical -densities at various moments of aging and photolysis was used for direct ob-. .servation, information was obtained not only on the quantity of free silver formed, but also on its degree of dispersion since the latter affects the covering power. The study of chemical aging was based on a normal iodobro- mide emulsion with specimens taken after various periods (up to 128 hours). gelatin sAution (1:20) and the optical den The specimens were diluted in a Card 1/2 UDC:_ 535.34 ACC NR: AP7010713 sities of the dry layers were measured (after desensitization in pinacryptol yellow) on an S.5F-4 spectrophotometer at 710 mP with respect to zero aging. These same layers were developed (Metol hydroquinone developer, 1:5) and measured at the same wavelength. The phqtolytic study was based an a silver bromide Lippmann emulsion Ox concentration). The emulsion layers were ex- p,.)sc:d to the light of a mercury.lamp and darkening was measured with re- spect to'the initial layer on Ye. A. Kirillov's unit at 710 mij and on the IKS-12 spectrome*ter at 926 mv. The layers were then developed (Metol hydro-: quinone developer, 1:20) and measured'on a photoelectric densitometer. The resultant curves for aging (latent fog) and photolysis show pronounced per- iodicity. The periodic nature of these curves is retained on curves for the developed fog while development of the exposed layers results in an ordinary characteristic curve. Analysis of the experimental data shows that centers ,of latent fog have no cat.Uytic activity in the useful aging region (up to ), while the centers of the latent image, which accumulate rapidly dur- max ing exposure, show high activity. This is the fundamental feature of a photographic emulsion responsible for selective development and the possi- ~magp!; bility of producing an .Ori g. art. hast I figuro. fJFRS: 40,3--i71