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- So di f lf i i~ S1103Z6110221002101-21015 ) 6 %o me a&ram -Wave ha _Boiq Bo o feedback 'circuit and r4pla"s. them by-transi i3tors. After a thorough disous sion of the- properties of thii"diagram It'is -pointed out that the joint use-of transistors, and magnetic amplifiers.p armits working out amplifier 6ystems~satisfying all requirenients.regardin g; operational safety,~.quick kesponse, minimum weight, and-_.siz#.,:provided the amplification factors and Putput power are sufficiently-large.'': There are 6figures and.4-,Soviet- references., Uld ITT ED tl: Two! variants gend to Fig magnetic anplifiers. legend to Fige3 1) 'amplifier, * Ia. according ~o diagramin Fi (See,next card for.figs. f 25 6 Card 3/ -7-015 ;1/022/002/012~ S/1 031~ s s of hal f-wa've Boi 9/Bo6o ome diagram `41/ :A! T! All C I :w W9 Wy 6 Fit yeUplimefli -NJ fat lot C, tlv- Wg: W6 Ic WN .18 9 W. W. - - - - - - Card 4/6j nl 3c VASILIYEV, D.V.; MITROFANOV-,, 'B.A.; RABKIN, G.L.; SAMOKIRIALOV) G.N.; SEMKOVICHP A.A.; FATEYEV, A.V.; NOMIEVSKIT, B.-I., kand. tekhn. naukj, retsenzent; BEREZ321, S.Ya., nauchn. red.; SACHH, N.A.,, red.; KRYAKOVA, D.M.,, tekhn. red. [Calculation and design of servo systems] Proektirovanie i raschet slediashchikh sistem. Leningrad, Izd-vo "Sudostroe- nie," 1964. 606 p. (MIRA 17--4) I,-# YesIs Pay daily atLention to inni-rowr:ont of buildin.,u servin-.- !'Lm cultural and overyday nf2odz- of ycmng emstruction wor~.,orr. T otroi. 11 no.2:10-12 F 1.6 it 14:2) 1. Zamestitell mchallniku oilde3v. Upravloniya kadrov i zavo,d(,iiiy Mintran;j3troyz~. (Cc*?!)t,.uc-,I-iort workers) ALEKSEYEV, A,G.;.SIMONENK(JV, Ye.A.; CHICHEM, Yu.G. Knurling key gaps in toothed clutcheso W'shinostroitell no.3.2-.27-28 D 163. (MIRA 17:3.) CHIGHERINP Yu.G. Thread-ralling eonditions and the stnngth of rolled taps. Stan-I iiwtr. 33 no,L,29-30 Ja 'U. (PMU ~15.2) (Sorew cutting) (Taps ani dies) CHICHERIN.. YU.G. Comparative eharacteristics of ground and rolled taps made of different brands of steel. Stani inatrs 33 no.801-32 Ag 162. (KERA 15:8) (Taps and dies-Testing) -IYU. a-, Effect of rolling conditions on the precision of screw threads. Mashinostroltell no.9:34-315 S 162. (M~A 15:9) (Metalwork) AC -;,AP3OO43O17-"--~-_ CESSION. . a-i-Ras* temp era re- up.. , o' art,~ h ASSOCIATTON 5 1 A 63 ENCLs 00 . ' SUB CH SOV, 001) OTHM t 000' CHICHERIN, Yu.I.; ABROS3MOV, YU.V.; BESPALOVA,. L.T. Use of glass fiber filters for collecting dust of potassium peroxide. KUm. prom. no.5s393-394 My 163. (MIRA 16:8) WITSINO N.j SKOrNIIDDVA9 0, ; UVINAj, L. Bonus system for hourly wprkera in the sausage industry. Miss. ind. SM 31 no.4i43-46.160. (MrFtA 1427) 1. Moakovskiy nyasokonbinat (for Matyltain, Skotnikova, Chicherina)* 2. Vaesoym ouchno-issledovatel'skiy institat W ne a7asnoy proWthlennosti (for lievina). (Moscov-~ftt industry) (Bonus system) LLVINAV L.; dKOTNINOVA,, 0.1 CHICHERINA A . STOLIYAK011, M. Standard norme in the-mout industry* Ilota. trud 7 no.12.-90-94 D 162* - (MIRL l6s2) (lbat industr~--Production standards) GORBATOV, Vasiliy Matveyevich; _CJljMR-_14, 'lekorindra Nikol-ayevr1a;. , A VLASOV, Pikolay Nikolayevich; GALYATKIT 1, A.I., ra--enzent: DROBR.B.''. V.I., retsenzent; KORMT, red. [System of planned preventive maintenance and repair of meat industry pquipwntl Sigtrma I)lpno,ii;-r)redilpreiitell-ncgo rei.onta oborudovaniia mlasnol pronTsElerniusti. lzd.2., Fer,~~r. i dop, Moskvaj Fishchevaia promyshlennoat', 1065. 82 p. (3,111,Lk 16:9) 38250 9/ *30 S/169/62/000/005/092/093 -3, D228/D307 AUTHORS: 011, A. I. and Chi TITLE: Some properties of gigantic nagnetic field pulsations PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, no. 5, 1962, 32, ab- stract 5G233 (V sb. Probl. Arktiki i Antarktiki, no. 9, L., Xorsk. transport, 1961, 55-87) TEXT: Gigantic pulsations with periods of >125 sec and amplitudes, of '>, 4j-were investigated from the data of the observatories of Tikhaya Bay, Chelyuskin Cape, Dixon Island, Tikqi Bay, and Uelen for 1957-1958. The probability of pulsation genesis is greatest by day and falls almost to nil at night. The mean period of the puslations grows with a station's increasing geomagnetic latitude. This relationship is analogous to that derived by Obayashi (RZh- Geofiz, no. 6, 1960, 6991) for pulsations with shorter periods. The authors reckon that the pulsations examined by them belong to another type than that of Obayas 'hi. The-values obtained for the _..mean periods satisfaotbrily coincide with those theoretically cal- Card 1/2. Some properties of ... S/16 62/000/005/092/093 D228YD307 culated on the basis of the magneto"hydrodynamic theory, in the case of the following parameters: an ion density at infinity of NS 1& 1/2, a/ho" 24, where a is the earth's radius, and ho,is the homogeneous atmosphere's height. Obayashils data agree best with the theory if Ns = 4 and a/ho = 15. It hence follows-that in the exosDhere the ionization density distribution has a different cha- racter in the inner and the outer regions Df space. It ds possible that these regions are associated with radiation belts, particu- larly with the third-zone situated at a distance of--50,000 km from the earth. Z-Abstracter's note; Complete translation._7 Card 2/2 YANOVSKIY, B.M.1- BRYUNELLIO B.Ye.; KOVTUN., A.A.; MNETSOV9 N.S~; RASFO-POVP O.M.; CHICK&MA, N.D. --,!W ". -- Magnetotolluric sounding in the Central Russian Depres9ion. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geofiz. no.7:999-1006 J1 164. (MIRA .17:7) 1. lAnizWradakiy gosudaretvannyy universitet imeni Zhdanova. AO fUSX017 mi~" JcAb46i 18", -0~ M All Raispgp~ 40497 woiyaa--Vppros~-,zeinno 16, 98)'. The 90 -ebAxacteristies are- scale Aivt,~IaI6 of. 301 a- period Of torsional, 'DS ~'na '--.4-'.CGSX.nuits- The small size of ana he, ' -magnetic system yields parasitle mechanical osciIbktions much smaller than in --Previous designs. They are on-the order of 0-1-0-15 site. The instrtment pernn-ts re,cordin3 ~1' fluctuations ~d,th perio~Ls as low as 0-15-0.2 sec, but this poseibili- -f has nDt been reached in practice. Because of its sitnaitivity, the noise level 14; on th~a same order as the amp2-Ltude of the desired s:Lgnal in this range (0.02- 0.4. ganmas). Periods greater than. 0.3 see, hovever, can be recorded much mox~e re&dily, vith acceptxble accuracrr. With a filter systim, precisl')n many 1--'e Vithin -A 4, ...... ..-.-Txenilwaad State -Univexe + BRYUNF,T T.1 . B.Ye.; KOVTUN, A.A.; KUZNETSOV, N.S.1; RASPOPOV, O.M.; q!qC-HERINAp. N,.D.; YANOVSKIY, B.M. Studying the structure of the Central Faissian Deprese3nn by the magnetotelluric method. Uch. zap. LGU no.3240-16 16" (MIRA 18:4) GELIPERIN, N.Io; PEMK, V.L.; CHICHERINA, T.G. Packed pulse columns for extraction. KMm. prom. no.2:3.11-3.15 F 163 o (MMA 16:7) (Packed towers) (Extraction(Chazintry)) (Mmes transfer) GELIPERIN., N.I.; PERALK, V.L.; 7-AMYSHLYAYEV, V,G-; (;Ill(;HERINA,__ToG* Cylindrical mixer-sedimentation extractor. Zhur.VKHO 10 no.4462-463 165* (NIRA :L8: 11) 1. Moukovekiy inatitut tonkoy khimicheukoy tekhnologii imeni, M.V.Lomonosova. GELIPER1N) N.I., doktor tekhn.nauki PEBAIX, V..L., kand.takhn.nauk; CHICHERINA. T.G"_kaad.tekbn.n4ukj SHOHNOVA, M.H,~j ingh, florizontal multiotage atcuising extractor. ghim. i neft. mehinoistr. no.gsl-3 S 165- (MIRA :18tJO) CHICMMMVI V. 1. P and VOLKOVI D.I. (Moscov) "Magnetic Properties or Alloys Over the Curic Temperature," a paper submitted at the Internatioaal onference on Physics of Magnetic Phenomena, Sverdlovsk, 23-31 May 56 -.'-AM;MRs -:iP6019M SOURM CDDEI:- M10016/6575M/011/000RUM9. Oichenins a Z,,M~ j Al,~ ~ikovgLg A.F. M2dg GRG% Uzbek Inst ional Medicine, _AMN _AUtbekskiy institut itute of Res MR kr ditsiny AMN !-;SSR); Uzbek Republic San-i _Ejeldepiological station Ayevoy me Wzbskskaya respublikartskaya sanif-arn6--:e-of&emiologicheakaya stantslya humans and animals in MIX,: -Characteristics -of Bru lle~ktrains isolated from Uzbokistan SOURCE: Zhurnal mikrobiologii., epidemiolpgii- i immunobiologiip no. 11, 1965, 6-9 J TAGS - a TOPIC brucellosis, b cteriap bacteriology ABSTRACT: Study of Brucena cultures isolated fi= cattle, sheep, End goats an d from hutrans showed that 100 out of 161 were typical representatives of 1 Brs:,melitensii (62.1%) *ile. 31 were typical Dr. aborbue (19#1%)o Atypical ro:p,. rtiea were noted in 19 cultures of Br. melitensis (1191%) while n p culture-3 were typed Bra abortus (6.7%). The Br. melitensis straine isolated f rvh the sheep and gDats were generally typical representatives of this species of 11rucel-la. of the cultures isolated from cattle, 34.6% of the Br. m6litiensis at rMns and 13-4% of the Br. abortus a trains were_atypical- -Among-the Bra imelitalsis. cultures isolated from Vick jj~Wopleif 11 2% were atypical. These Warei obtained from individuals handlingpat4e on. fams where brdeallosis Was j prevalent.. orig. art* has% 2 tables* O~6/ SUBM DATM l6xun64/ om Am 576-851-42-01 (575-1) cc Paramgneitic susceptibility of NI - Ag and KI - W alloys. Testdlbek.un. Fer.unt.,mokh.,astrano,fixe,kblmo 13 no-4:143-146 '58. (KIRA 12W 1. Kafedrft mognetitts Moskovskogo univorisiteta, (Ifickal-silver alloys-14agnetic properties) (fficicel-tuWten alloys-Aagnetic -p-operties) CHICHERNIIMV, V. I., VOLIKEDSHTEYN, N. V., and EELal, K. P., '~Iagaetic and electric properties of rare-earth metals and their alloys. it report presented at the Conf. on Nev Trends in the Study and Applications of Rare Earth Metals, Moscow, 18-20 mar 63 J1 R.I.; KLSIYANDV. V.M.. kendidat tek1hnidhsBk1kh nauk, dotsent, retsenseat; CHIMMOV, L*G., Whener, rettienzent. memo* "OV:W [Petroleum producing nachinerr and mechanisms] Haftepromrolovre,* ekBp1UatajiVAOZUY8 MRShiny j nekhanisay. Moskva, Goo. nauchno-tekba. isd-vo neftlauoi i gurno-toplivuoi lit-rr, 1954. 343 p. (KLU 7:8) (Petroleum Industrr-lquipment &ad suppUes) Q~ AID P - 3818 Subject USSR/mining Card 1/2 Pub. 78 - 6/25 Authors : Kazak, A. S.# I. I. Rosin and L. G. Chicherov F"W WAOMMMWOM121 Title : Some results of tests with hydraulic rodless piston pumps Periodical : Neft. khoz., v. 33, #11, 34-38, N 1955 Abstract : The author describes tests with the rodless hydraulic pumping equipment operated in wc-11 shafts by circulation of oil under pressure from a high-duty pump at the surface. This pumptng system consists of a hydraulic power unit on the surface, a hydraulically-actuated piston pump suspended below the fluid level in the well) and a high-pressure hydraulic transmission tubing con- nection between the power unit on the surface and the submerged well pump. Advantages of such pumping system are: higher efficiency through the elimination of the Inefficient sucker rod Connection, especially in deep wells, and a more convenient pumping operation, A ID P - 3818 Neft. khoz., v. 33, #11, 34-380 N 1955 Card 2/2 Pub. 78 - 6/25 especially in crooked and deflected holes. The present rodless hydraulic pumping units proved to be not quite satisfactory and therefore better construction, more solid parts, and better design are necessary. Diagrama, charts. Institution : Test Construction Bureau (OKB) Submitted : No date 4, e 64 93-6-8/20 AUTHOR: Nikulichav, Ye. Pand Chicherov, L.G. TITLE: Standard Series of Submers entrifugal Electric Pumps (Normallnyy ryad pogruzhnykh tipentrobezhnykh elektronasosov) PERIODICAL: Neftyanoye khozyaystvo, 1957, Nr 6, pp. 27-32 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Oil well exploitation by means of rodless submersible electric pumps results in higher yields, longer runs without repairs, and lower cost of production. The superiority of these pumps over rod pumps has been experimentally established at the Petroleum Production Administration of the OktyabrlskLy Petroleum Industry (NPU Oktyabr,neft) belonging to the State All-Union Association of the Groznyy Oil and Gas Industry (ob"yedineniye Gromieft') and at the Petroleum Production Administration of the -Ordzhonikidze Petroleum Industry (NPU Ordzhon:Udd- zeneft') subordinate to the Miniatry of the Petroleum Industry of the Azerbaydzhan SSR, also at the TsNIITEneft1 Institute, and at the Special Design Bureau for ram pumips (OKB po besshtangovym nasosam). At present the limited number of st4mdard type (5-6) submersible electric pumps does not satisfy coil fielddemand and in order t6 solve this problih the OKB for rodless pumps hais prepared specifications for a standard series of submersible electric pumps. Fig. 1 shows the method by which the dimensions of submersible pumps and electric motors were deter-mined for wells with casing strings of 5 Card 1/--. 93-6-8/20 Standard Series of Submersible Centrifugal Kectric Pumps (cont) 6 5/8",. and 8 5/811 and minimum inside diameters of 122, 144, SM 194 mm. respectively. Pbr wells with a 7" casing string, the same pumps as for 5 3/4 and 6 5/8".casing strings were recommended, and for wells with casing string of more than 8 5/8" any pump of the new standard series All do. Table 1 gives7the diameters of the pumps End submersible electric motors. The efficiency of the pumps wasealculated with the aid of ORB formulas derived by eicperiments and verified by testing the stages of siall dimension pumps. It was established that the full efficiency of a submersible pump varies from 40 to 60 per cent depending on the dimension'and delivery of the pump (Table 2). The approximate maximum motor capacity for wells with 5") 6". and 8n casinj strin''gs was established as 40,100, and 190 kw., respectively. The length'of a pump or motor was established as 7 m. The maximum head of a'pump was calculated from data on a duplex or triplex pump powered by one electric motor. 7be possibility of coupling pumps was tested using the EN-70-1-500 and EN-40-1000 pwapp. The main parameters of pumps for wells with 5", 6", and 80 casing strings were established on the basis of the above calculations. Some of these parameters are given in Table 2. Determination of pluip delivery and head made it possible to present graphically the ranges of application for electric pumps (Fig.s.' 2 3, 4). These charts show by means of A.N. Adonin~ curves Card 2/3 the application ranges of rod and electric pumps for wells with 93.-6-8/20 Standard Series of Subsirsible Centrifugal KLectric Pumps (cont)' various casing strings. Calculations for the boundary curve took into account the use of a SKN-10-3012 ON X-1) pump Jack. On the basis 'of all the data it was decided to approve 15 types of pump.-~ differing in delivery and permissible cross section. EaRh type Is classified according to volume delivery (Table 3). For example, pumps for wells with a 5" casing string will deliver 20-200 cu. m. of fluid per -lay and so on. The pumps differ in head by 100-350 m. All 105 standard 3pecification pumpsare based on 15 ty-,%-a of stages. The'hox*ing for all standard specification comes in three olameters, 92, 114, and 150 mm. Housing of 92 and 114 mm in diameter is divided by length into four sizes and housing witb a diameter of 150 mm. comes in seven sizes, three of them o' Vie same size as the housing of 92 and 114 mm. in diameter. This, makes it..possible to standardize other pump parts (shafts, Packers). This'sUndardization should reduce the cost of pump pro- duction and individual pumps, as well as facilitate pump use and repair.. Furthermora. this will mks possible the designing of new standalo CA l- ed by oil fields - There we tTwee tablas and , Trif catior, pumps roquir AVF~I'I'4,BI,F-. 111-rar,y of Conpess Card 3/3 ALIVXRDIZAIX, Z.G.; DANIYJLYAN, A.A.: DORKMOT, 1BATMI't A*X*; PAMAYM. T.O. Edeoeasedl;, GMISML-L.O.; YUHMSM, GORIKOTA#- A.A.~. vedushchiy red.;, jMMMINA. I.A., [Calculations and designs for eqtdipment for the exploitation of oil wells] Paschat I konstruirovimie obor~dovanlla dlia skspluatateli neftiamykh okwoshin.- *skva,'Gos.n&uchno-tekhn. izd-vo neft. i go=*-toplivnoi lit-ry. 1939. 560 p. (KM 12:6) (Oil wells--lquipment and mpplies) alM PHME I BOOK EXIW.--TATION S-OV/2476 Aliverdizade, K.080, A.A. Dmiyelyan, V. 1. Dokmentov, A.K. Ibatulov' V.O.. Pakhlavuni (Deceased),-L.G. Chicherov, and S.V. Yurkevskiy Raschet i konstruiroyaniye oboradovanlya d1ya ekspluatatsii neftyanykh skyazhin (Design and Construction of Equ:Lvment, for Oil Well Exploitation) Moscow, dostoptekhizdat, 1959. 652 p. grrata slip inserted. 3,500 copies printed. Exec. Ed.: A.A. Gor1kova; Tech. Ed.: E.A. Mukhina. PURPOSE, This book in intended for engineers and technicians of oilfields, machine- li:ui~ding and repair plants, and scientific research institutes. It my also be useful to students of petroleum vuzes and deparbnents. CIOVERAGEt The authors discuss calculation azut design principles of equipment used in oil well operation. In same instances the design of production equipment is also discussed. No personalities are mentioned. Thereare 66 references, all Soviet. Card 1/4 *Design and Construction of Equipment (Cont.) SOV/2476 TOLE OF CONTENTS: Ch. 1. Equipment for Extracting Petroleum by the Floving-vell Method 3 1. Accessory equi3pment for flowing wells 3 2. Tubing head 9 3. Main peats and subassemblies of accessory equilment for flowing wells 10 4. Calculation and design of accessory eq~dpment for flowing wells 11 5. Basic trends in the development and improvement of the desigh of "cessory equipment for flowing wells 25 Ch. 2. Equipment for Extracting Petroleum by the banpressor Method, and Equipment for Gas Injection for Maintenance and Restoration of FormatioAal ftessure 27 1. Use of compressors in oilfields 27 2- Main types of oilfield compressors 30 3. Designing oilfield compressors 68 4. Theoretical principles and thermodynenic cilculation of the piston compressor 77 5. Design and calculation of the basic p&rts of a compressor 94 6. Design and calculation for auxiliary equipment 121 7. Foundations for ollfield caWpreosora 134 card 2/4 Design and Construction of Equipment (Cont.) SOV/2476 Ch- 3- Equi3piment for Extracting Petroleun by the Deep-YeI2 Fump Method 139 1. Drives for deep-well pumps, 142 2. Deep-well roA pumps 244 3. Submersible rodleas pumps 282 Ch. 4. Equi]pment and Tools for Sutpurface Repair pf Wells 334 1. Hoista 334 2. FlusAing asemblies 389 3. Power equilment 396 4. Lov~ering and lifting equipdent and tools 396 5. Drilling derrickik and masts 419 60' Drilling tools 431 Ch. 5- Equilizent for Well Sbaling, sad for Gathering, Storing, and Transporting Petroleum and Gas 455 1. Equi3padat for gathdring petroleum and jps 455 2. EqDdluent for storing petroleum at f1*1d gathering stations and tank farms 466 3- P=Ps 485 Card 3/4 Design and Construction of Equipment (Oont.), Cn. 6. Equipment for Hydraulic Fracturing o *f Formations 1. Nature of*hydraulic fracturing process amd e .quipment used 2. Portable pump units 3. Sand-mixing units 4. Truck tomk Packers Equipment for vell mouths AVAILABLE: Libroxy of Congress Card 4/4 sov/2416 543 545 553 553 555 555 558 ABRAMOY, N.A.; ALIVERDIZAIR, K.S.; ANIROV, U.N.; AR , R. 1. ; AR IYET, S.I.; BAGDASAROY, R.M.; BAGDASAROT, G.A.; BADANTANTS, A.A.; DANIYB- LYAN, G.N.; 112HAPAROY, A.A.; LIZAK, I.S.; EIRCEBMIY. M.N.; 10M- KHOT, S. 1. ; IR WAYNT, A.T.; IMOVSKIY. A.I.; I-CAUROT. G.S.; LARIONOT, Ye.P.; LISMOARTAN, N.Te.; LITSHITS, B.L.; LISIXTAN, K.A.; LOGINOVSKIY. V.1.; LYSMOVSKIT, P.S.; MCLCHANOV, G.T.; KAT- MIKAN, N.M.; CKHCROKO, S.K.; ROKANIKHIN, V.A.; ROSIN, .I.; Ru- STANOT, R.N.; SMISOV, R.T.; SMUNIK. P.I.; SOBOLEV. N.A.; TARA- TUTA, R.N.: TVOROWTA, L.K.; TEWEIGORYAN, A.I.; USACHIT. V.I.; FAYN, B.P.; QHI WIF ~.j S11APIRO, Z.L.; SEMVCHUK, Tu.I.; TSMIK, A,As: AWGOV, P.M.. red.; KARTYNOTA, M.P., vedushchiy red.; DANI M, -LTU, A..Ar; TRWINOT, A.V.,, [Oil field equipment: in six volume] Neftianos oboradovanie; v shesti tomakh. Moskva, Gos.naucbno-tekhn.1zd-vo neft. i gorno- toplivnoi lit-ry. Vol.3- [Petroleum production equipment] Obo- rudovanie I Instrumut d1la dobychl nefti. 1960. 183 p. (NIRA 13:4) (Oil fields-1quipment and supplies) RDSIN, 1.1.g MLZLKO A.S. g CHICMOTI L.G. Use of hydraulic piston piMs In 295B-199). left. khoz. 38 no.6:24-27 Je 060. (KIBA 1317) (Oil well pumps) ~lj if T'~' li r---e A IJ ~ A J A ) - - fx ' V, C-JI 1-0 ~ ~V'- 1vt - KRYK.S.XIY. V.A., insh.; CHIOMMV. N.N., insh. N9w clamPing ChuCkf, Mehlaostrolte'll no.gt2g-30 A 157. (MIJU 10:9) (Chualts) CHICHENOV, P.P. Determination of an economic value of the povar of a,;xiliary i-serve in electric power plants. 12v. 50 AN SSSR no.10:24-33 '63, WR~ -1-1%11) 1. Tomskiy politekhnicbeskiy institut. C91CHEROVi, V. I. Folklore Dez)rpved views of N. IA. Harr Pn6 his followers in tht~ field o~' folklore. Sov. etn. No. 3, 1952. Monthly List of Russ1pn Accessions, Library of Contgress, December 1952. UnclFssified. 11 CHICHMOV.0 V. i. 2, USSR (600) 4. T-pic Poetry 7* Problems of the theory of the epos and contemporary investigations of the Narty legends of the Ossetse Izv. AN SSSR. Otd-.Ute i iaz. 11 No. 5; 1952. 0 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Jpnuaa7 1953. Unclassified. Cjj.TC','771~~O-~, ,~-j , V. Prof. Folk Problem; of NO- 12, "ter- creat workv Or Peoj)les 0j, 33M 9* List Rf- Russian Accessions Lll,,gry of Congri, .33 t unclassifim CI'IICn-'h0Vj V. I. Folk Literature Outline of Russian folk poetry of the Soviet era. 4eviewed by V. I. Chicherov. Sov. kniga No. 2, 1953. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress., June 1.953, Unclassified. CHIMUTIOV v 11J.-oblems of the study of epic poetry of the Soviet witions. 1. Tr. from the Rucsian. p. 219, CESUSLOMISKA ETIVIO-GRAFTE. Praha. Vol. 3, no. 3, 10,55 SOURCE: Monthly Idst of East European Acc;~ssions (EEAL), LC, Vol. 5, No. 3, March 1956 CHICff=Vt V. ---------, GWQUPHr & GEDWGY PEMDICALt CESKY LID. Vol. 42, no. 5p 1955 CHICHEROV, V. 7he Btruggle of the Soviet science of folklore agairiat reumants of the liberalistic burgeouis theorien. Tr. from Ruavlan (Gonclusion) pe 201o Mbnthly List of But &ropean Acoessions(EW) LC, Vol. 8, No. 2, Feb. 1959, Unclasso DUSHKCIV., I.I.; MOILHANOV, V;A.; TELIKOVSKIY, V.G.,,: CHICHEROV, V.M. Some angular relational4ps in cathode sputtering. Zhur.tekh.fiz. 31 no.8:1012 Ag 161.'- (MIRA 34: 8) (Sputtering (Pbysics)) S10201/61/137/001/010/021 B104/B209 AUTHORS: Molchanov, V. A., Tellkovskiy, Ir. G., and Chicherov, J.-M. TITLE: Anisotropy of cathode sputtering of single crystals PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, v. 117, no. 1, 1961, 58-59 TEXT: This article presents the results of measurements concerning the dependence of the sputtering coefficient of the, (100) face of nickel and copper single crystals on the angle of incidence of ions. The experimental setup has been described in an earlier paper (Ref. 3: V. A. Molchanov, V. G. Tellkovskiy, Vestn. Moskovsk. univ., v. 1 (1956)). Sputtering was done with singly-ionized 27-kev argon ions; current density was 1-2 ma/cM2. The single crystals were polished and then annealed for some time in a vacuum furnace at about 8000C. After this, they were slorly cooled down to room temperature, and their surfaces were chemically etched. Surface condition and orientation of the crystals were examined by X-ray structural analysis. The sputtering coefficients (atoms/ion) are plotted versus the angle of incidence in Figs. 1 and 2. Curve 1 in Fig. 2 was taken at a Cu single crystal, curve 2 in Fig. 2 at polycrystalline copper. Card 1/3 Anisotropy of cathode... S/020/61/137/001/010/021 B104/B209 The results of analogous measurements with a nickel single crystal are shown in Fig. 3. The results found with these two single crystals are very complicated. The position of the minima is the same for both single crystals and corresponds to the angles of incidence of the ion beam, which coincide with the crystallographic axes (100), (111), and (112). The authors note the non-monotonic dependence of secondary-elee- tron emission on the angle of incidence which differs for coper by more than tirice the amount at an angle of incidence of 360 and 46 . The single crystals used in the experiments described here were grown at the Institut kristallografii Ali SSSR (Institute of Crystallography AS USSR) under the supervision of V. A. Timofeyeva, who is thanked by the authors. Moreover, the authors thank Ye. V. Kolontsova, 1. V. Telegina, and N. A. Khatanova for having determined the orientation of the single crystals, as well as 1. 1. Dushkov for assistance. There are 3 figures and 4 references: 3 Soviet-bloc and I non-Soviet-bloc. * ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issledovateliskiy institut yadernoy fiziki Moskovsko- go gosudarstvennogo universitets, im. M. V. Lomonosova (Scientific Research Institute of Nuclear Physics of Moscow Card 2/3 State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov) Anisotropy of cathode... 5/020/61/137/001/010/021 3104/B209 PRESEITTED: SUBMITTED: Card 3/3 December 17* 1960, by L. A. Artsimovich, Academician ic December los 1960 jv - 25 240 S/020 ~91/138/004/009/023 B1047B203 AUTHOR: Molchanov, V. A., Tellkovskiyq V. G.t and Chicherov, V. N. TITLEs Angular distribution of sputtered particles in irradiation of a single crystal by an ion beam PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, ve 1389 no* 49 19619 824 - 825 TEXT% The experiments reported here were made with an experimental arrangement described In one of the authors' previous papers (Vestn. Mosko univ.p no6 1, (1961)) and schematically shown in Fig. 1. The ion beam I passes a diaphragm 2 and hits the crystal 3. As a collector served the base of the X-ray film which was attached either to a plane (4_a) or a curved (40) copper plate. Fig. 2 shows a photograph of -the deposits on the colleatorg obtained in the irradiation of the (100) plane of a copper singlo crystal with an argon beam of the energy of 27' kev. The four symmetric patterns correspond to the crystallographic axeb[1'1019 and the fifth in the center to the [1003 axis. The arrows give the directions in which the depoBits were photometrically deter- mined ,Figs. 3 and 4 show the resulte. The different carves correspond Card 8/0202N~~138/004/009/023 Angular distributions ... B100203 to different R, d (d - diameter of the ionic beam on the crystal), and angles of incidence a of,the ionic beam. As can be seeng a considerable part of the atoms leaving the target lie within narrow cones whose axes coincide with the crystallographic principal axes of the target. The angular half-width is 20 . The authors state that the "intensity" of the Wehner patterns greatly depends on the angles between the orystallo- graphic principal axes and the sectional plane of the crystal. If the sectional plane of the crystal is none of the crystallographic principal planes, then the more intensive patterns lie in the directions forming smaller angles with the normal of the sectional plane. The authors thank I. A. Shakh-Melikova for assistance in the experiments. There are 4 figures and 9 referencess 6 Soviet-bloc and 3 non-Soviet-bloo. The 2 references to English-Ian 0 publications road as followss G. X. Wehnerq Phys. Rev., 102, 690 (19gu56'1; G. K. Wehner, G. S. Anderson, J. Appl. Phys., L1.9 2305 (19630T. Card 2/6 2.4049 S/020/61/136/004/009/023 ''Angular distributions ... Bl(14/B203 ASSOCIATIONs Naiiahno-iseledovatellskiy institut yadernoy fiziki Moskovskogo gosudaretvannogo upiversiteta im. M. V. Lomonosova ( Soientific Research Institute of Nuclear Physics of Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov) PRESENTED: March 4, 1961p by L. A. Artsimovichp Academician 3IJ13MITTED: February 28, 1961 Card 3/6_ b)~EWT L71 AT/J 1) A 5')' colj~% U,,(/Olfil/66/008/010/2939/291111i AUT!101i: YOV601UMOV, 1. No; M01ch,'inoVp V.'A.; Odinti;ov, Do Do; C&-4.zk:i1C1,oVV C *R' C, jl~joscou State University im, Vonnyy univorzi M. V. Lomonotiov (Moakovskiy Go3udarstr TITLE.: Ef."ect* of thermal fluctuations in a crystal lattice.-on the coel'I"icient of ion-electron emission SOURCE; Fizilca tverdogo tcla, V. 8, no. io, 1966, 2934-2944 M PTC TAGS: crystal, crystal lattic, ion emisaion, electron emission, 10 ... onocryst-al, polycry3tal, copper A3Srki'RACT: The dependence of the coefficient of ion-electron emission y on the ang _,lc of incidence 0 of ions on a target at 200 and 9,00C was 't investigated for various orientations of a-..q2pp(,r monocry-tali-and for a polycrystal copper target under bombardment j;;-p 20'jf~+*-_4_07A+- 64 a $ Kr+ iona -eitoh an oner3y of 30 kev. The polycrystal target was found to have an alziozt constant value at different target temperatures (at U.6a sane angle of ion incidence on the target). An increase in mono- crystal target temperature results in a smoothing out of anisotropy in the coefficient of emission. Furthermore, the change in the form Card 1/2 L 09897---6-7 '-ACC NR: of the curve is different for different orientations of the target. 1"he aut*hora show that tho results obtained are accurately described by the transparency model. The authors thank Ye. S. Mashkov for his. assistance in conducting the experimenta and- iscussing the re-, sults obtained, and Yu. V, May~~yAqpko for his discussion of the results, OrIge art. has: 21figurei;_ [Author's abstract] SU3 CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 23Feb66/ ORIG REP: 003/ OTH REP-. 005 TJP(c) AT,'J, "IM AP6018731 SoUnCR CODE: UEI./0057/66/036/006/1055/1057 AUTHOR: chicheroM.Mv "7 ORG-. none TITLE: Density distribution of hyd in a coaxial plasma gun before application of higb voltage to the electrodes SOURCE: Zhurnal takhnicheskoy flaiki, v. 36, no. 6, 1966, 1055-1057 TOpIC TAGS: plasma gunp hydrogen, gas diffusion, charge exchangep C-A-S DEAMITY ABSTRACT: The density distribution of hydrogen within a coaxial, plas;k gun has been measured at different times following admission of the gav, w1th the-aid of beans of 4 to 10 keV H* and He+ ions, using a technique described elsewhere by O.VoKoz1ov, at al. (Diagnostika plazmy puchkami atomov I ionov. V sbe I'Diagnostika plaxmi" Cosatomizdat, 1963). The measurements were undertaken In the hope of Improving our understanding of the dependence of the properties of plasma% bursts from coaxial plasma guns on the delay time between admission of the gas and application..of-the potential* The diameters of the plasma gun electrodes were 3 and 7.5 cu. Approximately 0.2 cX3 of hydxvgen was admitted to the evacuated plasma gun for each measurement and the density of t1ae hydrogen was determined at a seloctdd position along the gun from the attenuation of the Ion beam was due mainly to charge exchw4;s collisions* From 125 Card 1/2 ACC NRg AP6018731 3 to 150 microsec after the gas Valve was opened the mean hydrogyg density,within a centimeter or two of the point of admission was & few times 10 QtOm/cm". Thereafter the gas expanded along the gun with thermal velocities and streamed out the end of the gun (4 ca from the point of Igs admission), forming it gas cushion with an effective thickness of the order of 10 atom/cm . The number of high energy protons in the plasma burst can be drastically reduced by charge ex.-hunge collisions while the plasma traverses this cushion of neutral hydrogen. The author thanks SH.Bravermn for cou- structing the apparatus, N.G.Kovaltskiy for valuablo discustilons and advice, and S.N,Zbonkov for assistance with the work. Orig. art. has: 2 figures. SIJB CODE: 20 / SM DATE: 27Aug65 ORIC., REP% 004 / OTJI RJW: 002 2/2 hn - SERYY, Igor' Sergep-,vich; r -red. [Xicasuring ga-uges and instruments in rejair shopq] lzmeritellryi instrument i pribor7 v reu.ontno:l- master- skoi. Moskva, Kolos, 1964. 83 p. (VUlU 17:12) PROBRANTSEV, F.R.j. kand. tekbn. nauk; CHICHZV, Yu-l-,~ red.; oxoL = VA, Z.P., tekhn. redo [Nechani2ation on swine farms] Mekbani:.,atsiia na svino- vodcheskikb fermakh. Moskvat Sellkhozizdatp 1963. 142 po (MIRA 17:3), GOLITSOVv A.A.; DUDOROV, I.T.; K0104IYETS, A.A.; RAZLUKINA, 14.L.; KURZINA, I.A., red.; CHICHEV, Yu.I., red. [Vegetable farming in a mechanized vegetable-gardening brigade; experience with A.L.Karputtseva's brigade ("Bolshevik" State ?arm in Moscov Province)] Vozdelyvanie ovoshchei v mekhanizirovarmoi ovoshchevodchaskoi brigade; opyt brigady A.L.Karputtsevoi (sovkhoz "Bollshovik" Mo- skovskoi oblasti) Moskva., Kolosj 1965., 134 p. (MIRA 18t7) HALINOVSKIY, I-DWITAPUS, A.D.f~ MODULIN, Yu.A.; MUCHEV, Yu,l. rm-~-d,,: GFEBTSOV,, P.F., red. (DT..20 trwAtor) Traktar DT-20. M,,~,qkiap Kolosp 1965. 254 P- (MIRA 28-.8) ARTEMIYEV., Yu.N.; VOLGIN, I.V.; GALIPERIN, A.S.; DYADYUSHKO, V.P.; KAPLUN, I.B.; IJIVRISHCHEV, V.N.; NEFEDOV, B.B.; TELIPOV, A.S.; CHICHEV, Yu,I.p red. [Control of technical conditions of tractor parts in repair- ing; a handbook. Traktors DT-54~ DT-54A, T-75, "Belarusl," T-40, T-28, DT-14, DT-14A DT-14B, DT-20-, self-propelled chassis DVSSh-16 and T-161 Kontroll teUnicheskogo sost-ianiia traktornykh detalei pri remon4e; spravochnik. Traktory DT-54, DT-54A, T-75, "Belarus',$" T-40, T-28., DT-14p DT-.Lt,,,%, DT-1/+B, DT-20, smokhodrore shassi DVSSh-.16 i T-16. Moskvaq Kolos, 1965. 471 p. (MIRA 18:4) soy/115-59-5-5/27 28(2) AUTHOR: Chicherova, A.S. TITLEt Measuring Inner Coneswith Universal Instruments FERIODICALs lzmeriteltnaya Teldinikag 1959p Nr 5, pp 7-8 (USSR) ABS'TRACTs To gage finite openings indicating internal measuring instruments NI of the "Kalibr" plant are used in connection with 'rod-operated instruments to measure depth. The same principle was applied in the construction of the instrumentti PK-32 and PK-33 of "LIZ" Plant. In both cases there are two potential sources of error in regaru to the diameter; one lies in the -tilting of the instrument, the other one in the rounding of the tracers. The size of the error is given in the equation (1). The error wh,-.-b results for IlRalibrIf is Shovn in table 1. Table 2 and 3 show error of 111IZ" instruments. Fig.2 illustrates error in rounding. Fig.3 shows origin of error caused by tilting. F' 4 eh ms trigonometrical dependency for formula G. 'T~) y" (2). Equation elds actual diameter of steep cones measured Card 1/1 according to the 1111Z" method. There are 4 diagrams and 3 tables. OWKINj Alsksandr Ivanovich- MUUKOV., V.L.9 red.;CHICEEVA, L,I*,, red#; p TRUEMA, OON#.t tekbu. red.. ------- [Dver-all mechanizaiion of rice cultivationl Kompleksuaia me- kbanl sAa vosde3,vvaniia risa. 14o6kva, led-vo sellkhoz, ry,, 7,hurnalov i plakatov:., 1961. ln ps (MIRA 3.4:3-1) (Rice) (Fam mochanlzation) YERMOKHIN, Georgiy Ivanovich; FILATOV, Leonid-Sergerovich; CHICHEVA red.; PEVZNER, V.I., tekhn. red. (Small-scale mechanization in agriculture]Kqlaia mekhanizataiia v aellskom khoziklatve. Moskva, Sellkhozizdat, 1962. 132 p. --__(Agricultural machinery) (MIRA 16:3) KOVAL', I.A.; VAKHTELI, V.Yu.,- YERDIEW, B.S.; CHIP ity red.; SOKOLOVA, N. N. I tekhn. red. (Standardized diesel engine for tractors and combines]Unifi- tairovannyi dizell dlia traktorov i kombainov. Moskva, Sell- khozizdat, 1962. 222 p. (MIRA 16:2) (Tractors--Engines) (Combines (Agricultural machinerjr))_Engines) VALUYEV, V.V.; MAKSUTOV2 R.N.; MATYUTC, N.A.; YAKER-SON, S.A.; CHICIWIA, L.I., red.; OKOIXLGVA, Z.P., (Mechanization of the preparation and placement in soil of peat fertilizers] Mekhanizatsiia ZagotovId i vneseniia v pochvu torfiarqkh udobrenii. Moskva, Sellkhozizdat, 1963. 101 p. (14IRA 17-1) SHEVCHENK07 NEVA,, L.I., red.; SOKOLOVA, N.N., stepan ivanovich; CHIC tekhn. red. (Mechanization of straw harvesting] Mekhani#Ataiia uborki solomy. Yoskval Sellkhozizdatp 1963i 1U ~. (MIRA 16:6) (Straw-Harwesting) BARILLp A.V.; MESHCHERYAKOVV V.A.; CHICHEVA, L.I., red.; EELOVA, N.N., tekbn. red. '0.~ (Wide-range reaping units] Shiioko-zakhvatnyv shatvennye agre- gaty. Moakya, Sellkhozisdat, 1963. 190 p. (MRA 16:9) (Grain-Harvesting) (Mowing machines) VERBUKp R.M.; GAYDUCHFMO, N.P.; KRIVOKOBYLISKIY, V.F.; POLYAKOV, M.L.j CHICIIEVAbjo.I., red.j TRUXHIMA, O.N., tokhn. red.; .' -. red. [Dismantling, assembly and repair of SMD engines) Razrabotka, sborka i remont dvigatelei SMD. Moskva., Bellkhozizdat, 1963. 174 (MIRA 16:9) (14*el engines-Mintenance and repair) VODOUNCHENKO, Yu.T.; BELOUS, D.A.; GOLUBGHIK, S.F.; LD-;CHE-VSKIY, V.V.; HaETRUTOV, V.L.; YAYLKEENKO, I.A.; CHICIFEVA, L.I., red.; [Dismantling and assembling the DT-20 tractor] Razborka 1 sborka traktora M-20. Moskva., "Kolos," 1964. 174 p. (1UHA 17:8) GORYACHKIN, Vasilly Prokhorovich, akademik (1868-1935); LUCHINSKIY., N.D.# prof.# doktor sellkhoz. naukt red.; CHIPHIlk.101.9 red.; CHICHEVYu.I.,red. [Collected works in tbree volumes] Sobranis sochinenii trekh tomakh. Moskval Kolos, 1965. 3 v. (MIRA 18:7) 1. Vsesayuznaya akademi7a sellskokhoiyaystvennykh nauL imeni V.I.Lenim (for Luchinskiy). LITVINOV, M.A., kand. tekhn. nauk; YANISHEVSHTY, F.V.,, kand. sell- khoz. nauk; TIKHONCHUX, Yu.V., kand. ekon. nauk; CHERNIKOV, B.P.v inzh.; BOOANOV, V.M., inzh.;Sjjj=A,_jL ._,T .. red. (Mechanization of the placement of mineral fertilizers] Me- khanizataiia. vneseniia mineralInykh udobrenii. Moskva, Koloss 1965. 173 p. (MIRA 18:5) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - We -0- 4 6 I IQ 11 11 it w 11 11 U A A It a kk u a is 41 4j 43 64 a It L p a I - . -1, TA" . cc 0 tL4-. rr6- - ;-11, i I V. it 06 A.1t.. Cm S.,8- MOA. 3t".-A =.m-Y In S1 to of wuck time on and naphlbenk 1. the = .a a 00 a T 01 the ..., Vt.,d that fatty acids ;MONV7 C rtc=wtiv present. Rnmination and wpiL W 11COOll from Vw bydrusy- frm the bromwartiosylic wkb indicated Wit the carboxyl group 6 bound -0 0 00 tvilksts as well a% to tittaidary and Irrtion, railivish: fly wpj, the acids 09 into cyclic and fattv acids liv riwars, 411 thg4r C41 smlt-~ it was foull't tiolt tit., petro6um -04 18'roolmotpillwilwily of catty arldc 111C r"Mill lit sit evvlw And, ilicts-4- 00 i d Iftrul"ll with the U. P., so that adds U, above 218' (Co Avids) IN-1,1110 almint cldu -0 00 siveiy to pir cyclic wom *nw cousU. of W lit WWII llawrr timplillitute auds do tun '00 66 09" with Own of wi& wM B. and O-C rings. Tlw (:I wild. heptAtmPlithenk acid. =00 is really a mixt, of fatty and usplithenic acid,. a ago 0': goo so* so 0 b9 0 V -.j*,^-,-- Lee WAL LITtle.11taf CLaSsIrK.Ilow is Z*- 00.: vi i m - - - - --- t DOM 111"Ifiv. r at 1 111 KID a 1 14 MI 1 1 a Od 0 A It IS 410 0 0 *1** 0 0 0 Sla 00 6, IA Is., 10, & a I V_ k I do 44 "dim Sol". Im"Or CO./ Mis 86 /0, -WrVillim-ODOW). 1A do SOMWALUMA. J. RUSS. PAYSA with N&NIIS. Olily With IMMIS 144AMIS III 8 $MAU quantity of N N N 008 m Uf ~108111 m q7~ goo N .00 x N 0 N If N j =oe ,3 (\1m : zoo : J m C0,11 a*# 00 N goo Illof (V) '00" 100 00 Must Of Ow I is tgVQV"W MUchor4rd. Ow "vernt is $90 ==1 wo obbilm,94 the resictitost; toloe* plom ot lower jejulm. - 00 0~_Ikov, 11sill son H. is ..W.& Under tbese I'mm tile reaction riti'Ll. 0 scam uatbw4vd L a sumill quantim di MT), and 2 cn-%L hill" Of the The suncturics wem detd. by Sam enwhical C-pa. D"tion with KUPOI, at tbe b" I the I Vb~lp~vmty oLyresiima ', th% to W rgaoe~~ aftol scilds. As In 9 Ow of tM analogous tolquintilyki the Colm is drA-Yed by at- ltpfab- :No* till mian omairdivis to the felknovint nimhol"Ito," 1"Ift4fing the lautlimtsic lusu of 12 W: ti 00 "'14 oltv Jot IS -AT ;l]l; _1F Is iii A I I 1w 0 so I I v 5 As a 3 1 1, to .01 pt I- Is 00 0 o 16 ! A.", g 0_0 0 0 * 0 0* 0 0 N /\U. + CH IqTg lkclll!~T N N a mo me(~ 1- fit Somw tA dw 14 v v dy pa to vadsm I to JJL The N*Nffg rither w v to produce the tatatomet of I or ebe bripp abmt the forimation of Intem.-diary addn. prudwts to swelms. In , , 0. obove 1451. 11 was obtaimd in to% movuedtatbe I . teerystd. Irm Iliff. fonzwd colorkm bit 119% OWIM"111.0.017KI00, ClICIS. PhIll and 111:14fe. Og drriv" 114. If**. Is I "I - t rolvM. 211 s. I and 14-A v. NaNH, ove after Rt*O -.t.. of the (4bmiaitive 11,01mb)a red all.. ThisvisOractionated. &W I& and A S, of a mlat. of IV and V. bw "Im- sok YWOM IV. stil. lit FlOll, and V. -.4mr-Ow pett. COM.'r as colml~ Kk way 1. builling zz! IV ;i w ne-lks. "L 67.6-440 . bit 167". easily sol. in MO. MR. RtA Phil. owd CHC4. dffk*tdfJy sol. W cold peu. ether. 7U aq. attim. Its &UL to fiturAL 71* PDW. in strout IICI or 16S0. is twillitt nd. 1U HxCh vmm obtakitil *a ydkm Iwimm m. 184' (dmml-m). V aymd. from HIM U in hog, voltirlem amlim a. 134%*. th IA6-7'. It AiwWvrs lea nwUy Is etAd 140 E1OH 90 Phil MA IhMia thaft IV, but IS C491Y Sol- iu C110% V gives no Color ;ith ;Irk zi is mutmi to lilmn.. Tbt filch COMM. M. 211 (dr"pttt.), wW the AxNQ, cusapd. a. 2W (decomon.1- Inws W. Atru 00 10 0 of 96 1001111110916ALlIL-06 90 000090-0-0-ts 00 a too be 0000*09000 0060000 w a 1 4 1 ~ ~ 4 , it .6 * * * Ill Is Is b of if .1 .~ r.. - ' flu mxxjiv'mml l Cc W ff ;m ;a All Ism a 1 a a V a 41 a an _ A - ' t & - . , ~ '%'t r Htc "I dfld I 00 00 10 llw 1114 0 ed pbasylsled PpWkws Itomm aldehydes and ketones with ' l 00 annea L A. LAmmomms LmID P. 1. ovoirsmo, A Ross. l kyz.Chm sm. 62. ISH-60m) cf C 19 A = 1 11 1 d Pl C11 101110 U Is . . . . 2 i : ) an 110 ( ) mict with AcHl and ' ( ' 10* Nfll MS b M -00 8 0 - s mil W a dim, lulso or liminka estabrot U, give a mixt- til a-litAnt*Un i 0 vr iy w0 VOL We n~v 14 W. fy, rvsp~ the c (tWIFICAlich , 4 4-- _i-- 4_1 a h40 I Is l"' I q U AV %3 1% rt it 0" E43 via Koff ittl Kwa 1141 As o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 9~6 Se soili 000. t : 0 0 0 0 ip 9 9 0 9 0 0 111 0 0 V 0 00 00 00 so 0 111101111 111114111 041 00 00 00 00 *0 00 00 as of so 00 00 00 EV I and fractionav. Fractions A. Is. VOW% yielded some Why %puntlancou% clystil~ which wait recrinatil. twice from pot. sitlier. Tbe combined mother liquors were evapd- to resswovir the oWvvut and allp" fructivanstRy distd. The dhatitiate was; ditoolvrd in StOlf, from ankich W and IV wevit isclasted ais picratex, and rrwrittd. from boiling AcAle. Friacti,ast 111i Is. WN44t)% yielded a vassaill quantity of IV Notated th Is th ' t "N. I'atz The vield W III from I was 3-A . 1"awn. .1 IV I. I. I I %; front - ~.l Ow"erthatr for the pretta. ot V11110111saws. reaction mist. *sas "Ifirtl with lAh 1161. Ow twillral Isevittletp were C161. with 14440. Massif The Ovailthir wasiNxtiril fair 2 Ism, *p" at"I a Tlar cryulatis aim- ft4 lit K14 all atid Av%tv, W.4 h- I'lill 61"1 111.0, Illi-an aside. ad ANWO $a t1lip MOM man w idiahl litil-l-lits, ths, lit'l .61"4 VI 1140, Mehl suot fart hilu'als " #IV inside elk onal vital. with 10~0. After thybMS visid tvalls. the JR.O. list fire hase via. fractionated. The fraction b. SKI-O' stew usisakil with 15% JICI in MOIL and AcOHtad&A RwovwryafVlfrmdwemWwdliClmdtsotithn-cfyxm. from tr ether gave a Isrudild in, O"A'. Par yield cif VI from I was 13%; from V it, 0: so so 00 00 to 41114111 00 90 00 00 of 00 00 00 of * 0 00 1111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 4 1 4 If ..0 Jim "ftot ~16 6 0110MUS A-0 FVQJ`fQT'j% .Dl' lffjktQS1%ANI9 AN11 A , PA R J im. . A. 1. NUSSAMPTA. O. line (M rewt with in htl d a inqu 0-asp 0-M mom MQ, an "F= i- (corb(OOTils) 8"d 011 d d W er tag - A yM the Aere"na fatted IXOH at j M resels 24 00'% 7 3.1 (VI). 7~"On 9 bm did w"it ,h 1. 1 b MU i 0 e . tin On was, on. I 9 . eract . im.awtititylelcl. U(14 amid Nag. K0111 ~"I A lin. tit xIvr.1'1 '-~ (' ' 0 -00 (it bti), tile" at 03-6 2.) am 10-0 It. KOH rVartill dt'.%M UNS 41' A -00 "a. III W to vt 73 11 V III (X 7 and 11) f, I?t0II and C110s 6M A OH ff l I O a . . C . so n c vM Is dil dy ", , j a, KOH, rraded at 2`40, 00"Ific 3.5 bm~ pvt 5.1 it. iwesphihocarbossyrif (M), In. 252,1', ttnleutn ether k1hil ) d 14 I . an 1w n wil. In Moll, CIICS~. MOM. euM AcOll. Iuwil~ , 0 M after 4.6 Ints. PVT 1.4 ff. Owarbod wil, M. 21X%- W'. Otidallim VA.? V 7&)~aif "Inding wimAwimliv Anil oroly1wriA34- vv l1w irtw 0 " CA 11 Pvt tialy a anwil tint, to a red 1,14. Which I. fkpt eokwrd vkjkt by alkall, I.Hwljb W. 111,T1 1b 06 0 09 ova 0 0 so v: uo* - " W I s o 1 It 1, t r 96 oi* a 0 0 000 a 0 0 0 Ole 00 41 40; 0 0 0 00 0 9 so*** 0 00 gi~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 In*'* 016 o o *go 0 0 0 0 0 : a 0 A e ~ ~ - - I d I s q v It a# t$ 0 0 4 of jjI it' ji A v A_ r6 Al A &-a- -r- a n I - I-V, v -.. ~ W.- I a -- #-.1 -1. 4 4-j- -A iti a r% a.&P I*t,lmjtRl , - , .- . -- .. .-P .- . 0 06 00 .16 60 AAMI io ytd/, !Ihwtty tw sful Om r"amw ttk*a f 0.0 13 -00 :00 Cole 00 see Cog Mee bee MITALLUINGICAL LITTRAVIPINS CLAIWICATON .1. 0.1 cot *-I CK 0.. ill V T 4 Of it It Of 9 A 0 3 9 NA av to as . . " sp it 00 0 0 0 04 0 0 0 0 so : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 v tLI=m " CC 0) U4 JL f a - I.& 'I. ~ Jk 16 Ibiwa of IUU pmelatm, A R - Cilkli I It AN$ W, COI IN I K,.V, NI NI ~. A I,' K slut,110M. loomiraull' A1111 G. kV imausitoe sfwcw N".. aw_l"(Moo.~h. JS'12); Cf. 1'. A 23 2M). - 77w kwer-lojifille jfwtj.,#j.,J tjw michif r-1 f - I&hwd 611thInt el viu-1v rtv all flalw o 61 h; b i t l l d i i a 0 %, m ttling r wwn)V *cvtw an p dwi ly to .00 00 99 a 0 d 0 vir C411 Slier val"144 1"v ill llw *111.1v to "ml. .4 me-hit; Willi Ilar h-wrt 0 too :0 a k INP111`111COM 114*6, it twfillits 4-4 wil. llw OlVik. fichlo fairly ClItf.1-IrfAr (noll Ow Cwhe 6 A 11 c C 400 . 1 1: . . l 2 ", 11132. ~A "1 AN, I,& if-Y I 00 04 00 ago -00 too go use 0 1 ~ u R It is . 1 l K 4 of n to 0 S o O 0 10 0 00 *go 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 66 00 a it a 11 W u to it) m L? IS x 6 4- v 41 A! 41 r W j L U 1 11 P Q 61 A I AA (A IV 49 1 8 1 Al c. Hid Of W, A~ a& A. K CHIC-7111SAWN AMP KAtJMj11-.-%- 11mil 3wi.1111"Now jvxr,-7U-'--# L - Nteptclioll. It. P141-1 *. d: 0 rM 1. ~jwcpd. by teduction of MCCOM with N'a in in(A%t F.10), wa. converted it, I MeNtO Dr (1). find 91 -1 S., dt: 12%tC, d.' 1 :!*Z. lpy ~atll with 11Nr in theruld and 00 thru brating 4 lits. ill a wAkd ittime in a water bath. P,,tpx. !I HtCll'MvCxlr(C(4H 1, NA in:t.%0 m at.. vilItt watiaddrA IM a 1. 00 Andthrmist it'dowdAhr, ina"16(erliath; theribrreki of lite act ldvef was unard *9 with the oily layff. the F190 esswiled. and the rmWLw mliod : the IgA'.111111 It 2:111 4W 25 1 llA -Alm)nd with Koll, then rvalid !tit dtytk-*,i at liltl* and mated %itit Ifsw I. 00 (,ttxftwrd U. tit. 119-10'. 11 bested at la()~-A' until lite liberation n1l C(h had vvwrd 00 Intidurvil a.A4imHhvWWk " (M), litis 21415-111X" tibi-nnontrier in the vap4w%j, d.: 11016. .10 01WA M ffivr% All &W Cd Witi; Me rmt-t hit, U-5 M", arid chh"Ir 00 1,,m I 10 3'; mitilide in, 71-2'; lwunictenifAde tit. It., 17- C IA% M.AXC 00 Will W 1,110AJ, %saw U AV z1v I,, to 44 v a R U 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 010 ill 41 0 0 go** oo goo 4 t 0 goo Nee '-00 tioe 0 a 0 1 W of da a 3 4 0 440 0 0 0 & 0 a 0 0 0 & 0 0 0 q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0, AA l1 U 11 to awnft A- p0 getq$ So A .00 Ad. U. X S. 3 Mile ad nub, oaa 10A va 0 0 it' 4141i.7(cff rlewcoilt), ~10 (1). be 14W. waf~6~ In 11 No 85 cc. abs. WON G was dwly md&d *6 g. NN(UTIM'13C see *Vvff*VW)4 bromW md t1w -00 4 sea alixL te&uad 4 W; dw sk. vmw~ them ML of is a Sea wah saar vw codguy -00 diudvgd in the w4a. mt. d HA do etha e&L at the g* bpw ww mkcd with the Wy 008 1~ycr of tbg MCI* PFO&KI. 1110 =kL,wm*iA dw 90 Bodied wA the residue distd. .00 1 (35 9) aspond. with 10% KOH SW tbtn decalwapd. with diL HSO. pro- a 0 dd M8 . &.~CHJ.. fiiCjjg(~~)s =00 Z"-Cwamb frim C.H. tn. U(18g.) homed mt I8Via&sa&Wh~A "OR ad 000 C(h had caLsed and tbea 1019 rediod. produted 12 ff. JJWC1kN-bHCMkMH (M), b. M9441-. dl.- LOW. d-. zoo 00 1.0191. MkMSSA1WWAC41VftWM9-wkk6wOb.1W); eddchkwidc~b"107% zoo di'111-003.1ULMI; Measterb.UM."V d-0934 d: 111.9716; amide. m. 136.6- *oil 7 115-16*; Paitraws". m. IWW.' Ft.~ 21 too be Use 41 no* less* a PIULLURCACAL LF114041 CLASIVICAIMS 00 ONS -A 1.1434 .2-0 04V cat 8311il d"I 111111 a%- 163-- 7- - I F :q - I a PA I $Bodo WO119 of 2 10 a 3 1, U IS AV 000 AS" 17.0 OPIN SJUNK Man 9110wift I ft 0000 009091090-*6000 0. 0 0 0, 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 al 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W w IV 00 008 00 'r 00. v t 0- P416CM11 AfA F0100151116 --VIA us Takft besid, ""jobs faft. 00 In- miad M P. Operimis. c4mm. raw. L,,lt*4v*R. T!, IN. &I# lo 119-Mbs Sod" M-2)(JOW-Dry Va- ='--" 4 ) WWO Wemftd VA* MCI. oftimmig-&md. dft = mad add. Vkh gtbgi the mom bq. ponks ww me& alk.. and. w1th *tbw. d6nhvd ha #k. mod pbmk add sddwL Rawpas. Irmi boa sk. 036 0. pkmm. C~.CAANQJSOH. I" tnw v*b HO am nab" Obvit the I Lbaft (em". "(310,11PICIO. "W Frei Imm b aON at 00. Ww. 11.0. bw a pp Wo houldoe ww;jovw A. with IISCI, or Ja im R1 amd droy ftwis lb KIM. V. H. Ratboggan" I I L A NCTALLIO~JCAL LaIRAIM CLASWCATOO !~.d 11"Gliva - a .,1 $411611.1 "so Ogg, Got I I1 0 9 6 0 r i ; j ; ; 'r-T-1 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 q 0 0 1 00000*00*09000000004000000000000000000 00 .00 /0 .0 -00 -00 ago 9*0 see wo 0 1300 NO* 80 ,00 ago 1009 glow 60"law 91101 1 111111 m Oftv got All I 1 8 Od 0 IS 0 "1 V 0 0 A a 3 0 ma It i FA, r10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 I - . . . P '. 6 . . . ~ 0 *so *****goes w jilliprillth It% OfliubAbilkilo" Wit wit Mas 1 M CC V A it 11 At * 6. 00 A -1-4--L-L a of. uI I, I I t .- I Aj, I q. 1-1- 1- U-A w I'll-PIVI'll A =o 0 '60 xo# 100 oil 04, ~ 1 " 4 : .00 o t o to ' AA l N I 24 1 ; or a * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,l4 : 0 e 0.0 0 0 0 0 :joo 0 0 0 0 0 0 O'o 0 0 0 0 0 :: ': 60,000 00 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 CHICHIBABIN, A.Te.; MGNYV, P.O., professor, rodaktor; LISMUN, A.L., R.S., redaktor; LURIYN, H.S., tok-hnichaskiy redaktor (Basic principles of'organte chemistry) OonoyWe nachala organiehe-I skot khtnit. Isd, 6.. (stereotipnoe)o Pod red. P.G.Sergeeva, Moskva, Goo. nauchno-tsWi. Isd-vo khim. lit-ry. Vol. 1. 1954- 795 P.- (Chemistry, Organic) (MLRA ~:10) n' eviob- SOGRIT, P.G., red, [deceased); RNOUN, A.L., re R.S., red.; WRIYA, M.S., . re . EBlements of organic chemistr7l OmnoviWe Aluachals, organicheekol khimii. ltd. 5-os, parer. i dop. Pod red. P.G.Sargeyeve. Moskva, Goo. nouchoo-tokha. Isd-vo khts. lit-ry. Vol.2. 1957. 767 p. Whoulstry. Oreanic) (MIRA 11:2) CHICHIBABIN Alekseir YevzWO214b., Prinimali uci-Astiye: REUTOV, -;&A _rGO-F&OKIY, A-.I., prof.; LIBE11MAN, A.L.p doktor khim. nauk; BAGDASkR'YAN,, Kh.S.,, doktor khim. nauk; PLATE, N.A., kand. khim. nauk; KOLDSOV, M.N., Icand. khim. nauki BOTVINIK, N.M., doktor khim. nauk; STSPANOV, VA, kand. khim. nauk; MELINIKOV, N.N., prof.; DSFJPVITSKATA., V.A., doktor khim. zauk; LIBUMAN, A.L., red.; SERGEYEV, P.G. (deceased]; ROMM, R.S., red.; SHPAK, Ye.G., tekbn. red. [Basic principles of organic chemistry] Oanovnye nachala organicheskoi kb4-4i. lsd.7. Pod red. P.G.Sergeeva i A.L. Libermana. Mookup Gookhimisdat. Vol.l. 1963. 910 (MRA 16sl4e 1, ChUti-korrompond"t A* SUR (for ?WjUv), (ft#*1#t#Yj O-Pom-6), - UnCRIMAY"s K. AND S-42MINVI R.- -- "To imporve the system of conuaodity accounts, to booFt their control value," BukhEAlter, uchet, 1948, No. 12, p. 28-31 SO! U-385'), 16 June 53, (Latopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, 110. 5. 1949). TAIRNOVSKIY, I.Ya.; ODINOKOV, NJ.; EHICH~2,IN,JJI.; SYCHKOV, B.D. Torque distribution between the rolls Of IL rolling mill. fttll 23 no.12% 1099-1102 D 163. (MIRA l7s2) TARNOVSKIY, I.Ya.; POZDEYL'V, A.A.; ODINOKOV, Yu.I.; FOPGV, V.M.; CHICHIGINO V.A. Increase in metal width and the corresponding speeds of hori- zontal and vertical rolls on universal blooming, mauls. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 6 no.9.-103-109 163. (MIRA 16:11) 1. Urallskiy politakhnicheakiy institut. CHI14T411,Tasill~ Grigorlyevich; PAnL'Sr.IY, S.V.*. redaLtor;SHIZIX, S.T., IMMM--f-eTHEYFRINIny reanktor [Methodology Of teaching trig9no7jetry; manwLl for teachers in ,he secondary schools] Ketodika prepolavaiiiia trigonometrit; posolAe d1la uchitelei erednikh shkol. Moskva; Goo. uchebno-pedagog. Izd- vo MinisteratI)a prosvesitchentla RSM, 1954. 337 P. WBA 8:7) (Trigonometry--Study and teaching) TAWVSKIY, I. Ya.. doktor tekhnnauk; ODINDKOV, Yu,,!*. inzh.; CHICHIGN9 V*A.9 in3b. Rolling fames of the 1150 a]Akb mill. izv.v3rs.ucheb.zav,; 1:145-156 163o (HIRA 16t5) 1, Urallskiy pdlItekhnicheskiy institut. (Rolling (Metalwork)) Lf EW(d)/EWT(M)/EWA(A)/MMAV)/W(it)/LliP(b)/I.VP(t)/I:WP(b)/zw(l)/ JDJOW., ACCMSIM KRv.' ARSOJL3007 UR/0137/65/000/004/0009/0010 $21.771.001 BOUM Plef. sh. FAU11%Wdys, Abe. 4060 MnWRI Tarnonkly, I.'Ta.j OdInckov- Tu. 1. j Antonow. S. P. I fts&"V. A, A. I KuatobOcv. a. G. ChIchIaLn. V. UZI enko. A. 11 L.1 A _~yabchlkov. r. D.j chkov. TITIEs Canditicas for.E2!LIjnlar p Ingots on a slab sill J CITZO SOMM Tv. Ural9skop %.-I. ln:~ta - chore. wet, V. as 106%, 167-161 TOPIC TAM motal volli". "4VOIJI&I IdIl TMIATIONt The US ub siuvior volU*% bony M-21T ingats was sudied. 6 it was found that Mgme of redaction oculd be increased while the somber of passes was T%dut*6. 4tivauy stable coaditic" tor relling hem Ingots Is 23-29 Pass" we" developed and Introduced into 1"ustry. - it was food th'st t" Must - .. -~ ill djffI4~dt conditions (rolling Is 21 posses) leave a vwwrve ftv balding canditicam. f%wtbor imp"oest to Unditid by the pvAr U stand motov ived stuength of stood cWd - So di f lf i i~ S1103Z6110221002101-21015 ) 6 %o me a&ram -Wave ha _Boiq Bo o feedback 'circuit and r4pla"s. them by-transi i3tors. After a thorough disous sion of the- properties of thii"diagram It'is -pointed out that the joint use-of transistors, and magnetic amplifiers.p armits working out amplifier 6ystems~satisfying all requirenients.regardin g; operational safety,~.quick kesponse, minimum weight, and-_.siz#.,:provided the amplification factors and Putput power are sufficiently-large.'': There are 6figures and.4-,Soviet- references., Uld ITT ED tl: Two! variants gend to Fig magnetic anplifiers. legend to Fige3 1) 'amplifier, * Ia. according ~o diagramin Fi (See,next card for.figs. f 25 6 Card 3/ -7-015 ;1/022/002/012~ S/1 031~ s s of hal f-wa've Boi 9/Bo6o ome diagram `41/ :A! T! All C I :w W9 Wy 6 Fit yeUplimefli -NJ fat lot C, tlv- Wg: W6 Ic WN .18 9 W. W. - - - - - - Card 4/6j nl 3c VASILIYEV, D.V.; MITROFANOV-,, 'B.A.; RABKIN, G.L.; SAMOKIRIALOV) G.N.; SEMKOVICHP A.A.; FATEYEV, A.V.; NOMIEVSKIT, B.-I., kand. tekhn. naukj, retsenzent; BEREZ321, S.Ya., nauchn. red.; SACHH, N.A.,, red.; KRYAKOVA, D.M.,, tekhn. red. [Calculation and design of servo systems] Proektirovanie i raschet slediashchikh sistem. Leningrad, Izd-vo "Sudostroe- nie," 1964. 606 p. (MIRA 17--4) I,-# YesIs Pay daily atLention to inni-rowr:ont of buildin.,u servin-.- !'Lm cultural and overyday nf2odz- of ycmng emstruction wor~.,orr. T otroi. 11 no.2:10-12 F 1.6 it 14:2) 1. Zamestitell mchallniku oilde3v. Upravloniya kadrov i zavo,d(,iiiy Mintran;j3troyz~. (Cc*?!)t,.uc-,I-iort workers) ALEKSEYEV, A,G.;.SIMONENK(JV, Ye.A.; CHICHEM, Yu.G. Knurling key gaps in toothed clutcheso W'shinostroitell no.3.2-.27-28 D 163. (MIRA 17:3.) CHIGHERINP Yu.G. Thread-ralling eonditions and the stnngth of rolled taps. Stan-I iiwtr. 33 no,L,29-30 Ja 'U. (PMU ~15.2) (Sorew cutting) (Taps ani dies) CHICHERIN.. YU.G. Comparative eharacteristics of ground and rolled taps made of different brands of steel. Stani inatrs 33 no.801-32 Ag 162. (KERA 15:8) (Taps and dies-Testing) -IYU. a-, Effect of rolling conditions on the precision of screw threads. Mashinostroltell no.9:34-315 S 162. (M~A 15:9) (Metalwork) AC -;,AP3OO43O17-"--~-_ CESSION. . a-i-Ras* temp era re- up.. , o' art,~ h ASSOCIATTON 5 1 A 63 ENCLs 00 . ' SUB CH SOV, 001) OTHM t 000' CHICHERIN, Yu.I.; ABROS3MOV, YU.V.; BESPALOVA,. L.T. Use of glass fiber filters for collecting dust of potassium peroxide. KUm. prom. no.5s393-394 My 163. (MIRA 16:8) WITSINO N.j SKOrNIIDDVA9 0, ; UVINAj, L. Bonus system for hourly wprkera in the sausage industry. Miss. ind. SM 31 no.4i43-46.160. (MrFtA 1427) 1. Moakovskiy nyasokonbinat (for Matyltain, Skotnikova, Chicherina)* 2. Vaesoym ouchno-issledovatel'skiy institat W ne a7asnoy proWthlennosti (for lievina). (Moscov-~ftt industry) (Bonus system) LLVINAV L.; dKOTNINOVA,, 0.1 CHICHERINA A . STOLIYAK011, M. Standard norme in the-mout industry* Ilota. trud 7 no.12.-90-94 D 162* - (MIRL l6s2) (lbat industr~--Production standards) GORBATOV, Vasiliy Matveyevich; _CJljMR-_14, 'lekorindra Nikol-ayevr1a;. , A VLASOV, Pikolay Nikolayevich; GALYATKIT 1, A.I., ra--enzent: DROBR.B.''. V.I., retsenzent; KORMT, red. [System of planned preventive maintenance and repair of meat industry pquipwntl Sigtrma I)lpno,ii;-r)redilpreiitell-ncgo rei.onta oborudovaniia mlasnol pronTsElerniusti. lzd.2., Fer,~~r. i dop, Moskvaj Fishchevaia promyshlennoat', 1065. 82 p. (3,111,Lk 16:9) 38250 9/ *30 S/169/62/000/005/092/093 -3, D228/D307 AUTHORS: 011, A. I. and Chi TITLE: Some properties of gigantic nagnetic field pulsations PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, no. 5, 1962, 32, ab- stract 5G233 (V sb. Probl. Arktiki i Antarktiki, no. 9, L., Xorsk. transport, 1961, 55-87) TEXT: Gigantic pulsations with periods of >125 sec and amplitudes, of '>, 4j-were investigated from the data of the observatories of Tikhaya Bay, Chelyuskin Cape, Dixon Island, Tikqi Bay, and Uelen for 1957-1958. The probability of pulsation genesis is greatest by day and falls almost to nil at night. The mean period of the puslations grows with a station's increasing geomagnetic latitude. This relationship is analogous to that derived by Obayashi (RZh- Geofiz, no. 6, 1960, 6991) for pulsations with shorter periods. The authors reckon that the pulsations examined by them belong to another type than that of Obayas 'hi. The-values obtained for the _..mean periods satisfaotbrily coincide with those theoretically cal- Card 1/2. Some properties of ... S/16 62/000/005/092/093 D228YD307 culated on the basis of the magneto"hydrodynamic theory, in the case of the following parameters: an ion density at infinity of NS 1& 1/2, a/ho" 24, where a is the earth's radius, and ho,is the homogeneous atmosphere's height. Obayashils data agree best with the theory if Ns = 4 and a/ho = 15. It hence follows-that in the exosDhere the ionization density distribution has a different cha- racter in the inner and the outer regions Df space. It ds possible that these regions are associated with radiation belts, particu- larly with the third-zone situated at a distance of--50,000 km from the earth. Z-Abstracter's note; Complete translation._7 Card 2/2 YANOVSKIY, B.M.1- BRYUNELLIO B.Ye.; KOVTUN., A.A.; MNETSOV9 N.S~; RASFO-POVP O.M.; CHICK&MA, N.D. --,!W ". -- Magnetotolluric sounding in the Central Russian Depres9ion. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geofiz. no.7:999-1006 J1 164. (MIRA .17:7) 1. lAnizWradakiy gosudaretvannyy universitet imeni Zhdanova. AO fUSX017 mi~" JcAb46i 18", -0~ M All Raispgp~ 40497 woiyaa--Vppros~-,zeinno 16, 98)'. The 90 -ebAxacteristies are- scale Aivt,~IaI6 of. 301 a- period Of torsional, 'DS ~'na '--.4-'.CGSX.nuits- The small size of ana he, ' -magnetic system yields parasitle mechanical osciIbktions much smaller than in --Previous designs. They are on-the order of 0-1-0-15 site. The instrtment pernn-ts re,cordin3 ~1' fluctuations ~d,th perio~Ls as low as 0-15-0.2 sec, but this poseibili- -f has nDt been reached in practice. Because of its sitnaitivity, the noise level 14; on th~a same order as the amp2-Ltude of the desired s:Lgnal in this range (0.02- 0.4. ganmas). Periods greater than. 0.3 see, hovever, can be recorded much mox~e re&dily, vith acceptxble accuracrr. With a filter systim, precisl')n many 1--'e Vithin -A 4, ...... ..-.-Txenilwaad State -Univexe + BRYUNF,T T.1 . B.Ye.; KOVTUN, A.A.; KUZNETSOV, N.S.1; RASPOPOV, O.M.; q!qC-HERINAp. N,.D.; YANOVSKIY, B.M. Studying the structure of the Central Faissian Deprese3nn by the magnetotelluric method. Uch. zap. LGU no.3240-16 16" (MIRA 18:4) GELIPERIN, N.Io; PEMK, V.L.; CHICHERINA, T.G. Packed pulse columns for extraction. KMm. prom. no.2:3.11-3.15 F 163 o (MMA 16:7) (Packed towers) (Extraction(Chazintry)) (Mmes transfer) GELIPERIN., N.I.; PERALK, V.L.; 7-AMYSHLYAYEV, V,G-; (;Ill(;HERINA,__ToG* Cylindrical mixer-sedimentation extractor. Zhur.VKHO 10 no.4462-463 165* (NIRA :L8: 11) 1. Moukovekiy inatitut tonkoy khimicheukoy tekhnologii imeni, M.V.Lomonosova. GELIPER1N) N.I., doktor tekhn.nauki PEBAIX, V..L., kand.takhn.nauk; CHICHERINA. T.G"_kaad.tekbn.n4ukj SHOHNOVA, M.H,~j ingh, florizontal multiotage atcuising extractor. ghim. i neft. mehinoistr. no.gsl-3 S 165- (MIRA :18tJO) CHICMMMVI V. 1. P and VOLKOVI D.I. (Moscov) "Magnetic Properties or Alloys Over the Curic Temperature," a paper submitted at the Internatioaal onference on Physics of Magnetic Phenomena, Sverdlovsk, 23-31 May 56 -.'-AM;MRs -:iP6019M SOURM CDDEI:- M10016/6575M/011/000RUM9. Oichenins a Z,,M~ j Al,~ ~ikovgLg A.F. M2dg GRG% Uzbek Inst ional Medicine, _AMN _AUtbekskiy institut itute of Res MR kr ditsiny AMN !-;SSR); Uzbek Republic San-i _Ejeldepiological station Ayevoy me Wzbskskaya respublikartskaya sanif-arn6--:e-of&emiologicheakaya stantslya humans and animals in MIX,: -Characteristics -of Bru lle~ktrains isolated from Uzbokistan SOURCE: Zhurnal mikrobiologii., epidemiolpgii- i immunobiologiip no. 11, 1965, 6-9 J TAGS - a TOPIC brucellosis, b cteriap bacteriology ABSTRACT: Study of Brucena cultures isolated fi= cattle, sheep, End goats an d from hutrans showed that 100 out of 161 were typical representatives of 1 Brs:,melitensii (62.1%) *ile. 31 were typical Dr. aborbue (19#1%)o Atypical ro:p,. rtiea were noted in 19 cultures of Br. melitensis (1191%) while n p culture-3 were typed Bra abortus (6.7%). The Br. melitensis straine isolated f rvh the sheep and gDats were generally typical representatives of this species of 11rucel-la. of the cultures isolated from cattle, 34.6% of the Br. m6litiensis at rMns and 13-4% of the Br. abortus a trains were_atypical- -Among-the Bra imelitalsis. cultures isolated from Vick jj~Wopleif 11 2% were atypical. These Warei obtained from individuals handlingpat4e on. fams where brdeallosis Was j prevalent.. orig. art* has% 2 tables* O~6/ SUBM DATM l6xun64/ om Am 576-851-42-01 (575-1) cc Paramgneitic susceptibility of NI - Ag and KI - W alloys. Testdlbek.un. Fer.unt.,mokh.,astrano,fixe,kblmo 13 no-4:143-146 '58. (KIRA 12W 1. Kafedrft mognetitts Moskovskogo univorisiteta, (Ifickal-silver alloys-14agnetic properties) (fficicel-tuWten alloys-Aagnetic -p-operties) CHICHERNIIMV, V. I., VOLIKEDSHTEYN, N. V., and EELal, K. P., '~Iagaetic and electric properties of rare-earth metals and their alloys. it report presented at the Conf. on Nev Trends in the Study and Applications of Rare Earth Metals, Moscow, 18-20 mar 63 J1 R.I.; KLSIYANDV. V.M.. kendidat tek1hnidhsBk1kh nauk, dotsent, retsenseat; CHIMMOV, L*G., Whener, rettienzent. memo* "OV:W [Petroleum producing nachinerr and mechanisms] Haftepromrolovre,* ekBp1UatajiVAOZUY8 MRShiny j nekhanisay. Moskva, Goo. nauchno-tekba. isd-vo neftlauoi i gurno-toplivuoi lit-rr, 1954. 343 p. (KLU 7:8) (Petroleum Industrr-lquipment &ad suppUes) Q~ AID P - 3818 Subject USSR/mining Card 1/2 Pub. 78 - 6/25 Authors : Kazak, A. S.# I. I. Rosin and L. G. Chicherov F"W WAOMMMWOM121 Title : Some results of tests with hydraulic rodless piston pumps Periodical : Neft. khoz., v. 33, #11, 34-38, N 1955 Abstract : The author describes tests with the rodless hydraulic pumping equipment operated in wc-11 shafts by circulation of oil under pressure from a high-duty pump at the surface. This pumptng system consists of a hydraulic power unit on the surface, a hydraulically-actuated piston pump suspended below the fluid level in the well) and a high-pressure hydraulic transmission tubing con- nection between the power unit on the surface and the submerged well pump. Advantages of such pumping system are: higher efficiency through the elimination of the Inefficient sucker rod Connection, especially in deep wells, and a more convenient pumping operation, A ID P - 3818 Neft. khoz., v. 33, #11, 34-380 N 1955 Card 2/2 Pub. 78 - 6/25 especially in crooked and deflected holes. The present rodless hydraulic pumping units proved to be not quite satisfactory and therefore better construction, more solid parts, and better design are necessary. Diagrama, charts. Institution : Test Construction Bureau (OKB) Submitted : No date 4, e 64 93-6-8/20 AUTHOR: Nikulichav, Ye. Pand Chicherov, L.G. TITLE: Standard Series of Submers entrifugal Electric Pumps (Normallnyy ryad pogruzhnykh tipentrobezhnykh elektronasosov) PERIODICAL: Neftyanoye khozyaystvo, 1957, Nr 6, pp. 27-32 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Oil well exploitation by means of rodless submersible electric pumps results in higher yields, longer runs without repairs, and lower cost of production. The superiority of these pumps over rod pumps has been experimentally established at the Petroleum Production Administration of the OktyabrlskLy Petroleum Industry (NPU Oktyabr,neft) belonging to the State All-Union Association of the Groznyy Oil and Gas Industry (ob"yedineniye Gromieft') and at the Petroleum Production Administration of the -Ordzhonikidze Petroleum Industry (NPU Ordzhon:Udd- zeneft') subordinate to the Miniatry of the Petroleum Industry of the Azerbaydzhan SSR, also at the TsNIITEneft1 Institute, and at the Special Design Bureau for ram pumips (OKB po besshtangovym nasosam). At present the limited number of st4mdard type (5-6) submersible electric pumps does not satisfy coil fielddemand and in order t6 solve this problih the OKB for rodless pumps hais prepared specifications for a standard series of submersible electric pumps. Fig. 1 shows the method by which the dimensions of submersible pumps and electric motors were deter-mined for wells with casing strings of 5 Card 1/--. 93-6-8/20 Standard Series of Submersible Centrifugal Kectric Pumps (cont) 6 5/8",. and 8 5/811 and minimum inside diameters of 122, 144, SM 194 mm. respectively. Pbr wells with a 7" casing string, the same pumps as for 5 3/4 and 6 5/8".casing strings were recommended, and for wells with casing string of more than 8 5/8" any pump of the new standard series All do. Table 1 gives7the diameters of the pumps End submersible electric motors. The efficiency of the pumps wasealculated with the aid of ORB formulas derived by eicperiments and verified by testing the stages of siall dimension pumps. It was established that the full efficiency of a submersible pump varies from 40 to 60 per cent depending on the dimension'and delivery of the pump (Table 2). The approximate maximum motor capacity for wells with 5") 6". and 8n casinj strin''gs was established as 40,100, and 190 kw., respectively. The length'of a pump or motor was established as 7 m. The maximum head of a'pump was calculated from data on a duplex or triplex pump powered by one electric motor. 7be possibility of coupling pumps was tested using the EN-70-1-500 and EN-40-1000 pwapp. The main parameters of pumps for wells with 5", 6", and 80 casing strings were established on the basis of the above calculations. Some of these parameters are given in Table 2. Determination of pluip delivery and head made it possible to present graphically the ranges of application for electric pumps (Fig.s.' 2 3, 4). These charts show by means of A.N. Adonin~ curves Card 2/3 the application ranges of rod and electric pumps for wells with 93.-6-8/20 Standard Series of Subsirsible Centrifugal KLectric Pumps (cont)' various casing strings. Calculations for the boundary curve took into account the use of a SKN-10-3012 ON X-1) pump Jack. On the basis 'of all the data it was decided to approve 15 types of pump.-~ differing in delivery and permissible cross section. EaRh type Is classified according to volume delivery (Table 3). For example, pumps for wells with a 5" casing string will deliver 20-200 cu. m. of fluid per -lay and so on. The pumps differ in head by 100-350 m. All 105 standard 3pecification pumpsare based on 15 ty-,%-a of stages. The'hox*ing for all standard specification comes in three olameters, 92, 114, and 150 mm. Housing of 92 and 114 mm in diameter is divided by length into four sizes and housing witb a diameter of 150 mm. comes in seven sizes, three of them o' Vie same size as the housing of 92 and 114 mm. in diameter. This, makes it..possible to standardize other pump parts (shafts, Packers). This'sUndardization should reduce the cost of pump pro- duction and individual pumps, as well as facilitate pump use and repair.. Furthermora. this will mks possible the designing of new standalo CA l- ed by oil fields - There we tTwee tablas and , Trif catior, pumps roquir AVF~I'I'4,BI,F-. 111-rar,y of Conpess Card 3/3 ALIVXRDIZAIX, Z.G.; DANIYJLYAN, A.A.: DORKMOT, 1BATMI't A*X*; PAMAYM. T.O. Edeoeasedl;, GMISML-L.O.; YUHMSM, GORIKOTA#- A.A.~. vedushchiy red.;, jMMMINA. I.A., [Calculations and designs for eqtdipment for the exploitation of oil wells] Paschat I konstruirovimie obor~dovanlla dlia skspluatateli neftiamykh okwoshin.- *skva,'Gos.n&uchno-tekhn. izd-vo neft. i go=*-toplivnoi lit-ry. 1939. 560 p. (KM 12:6) (Oil wells--lquipment and mpplies) alM PHME I BOOK EXIW.--TATION S-OV/2476 Aliverdizade, K.080, A.A. Dmiyelyan, V. 1. Dokmentov, A.K. Ibatulov' V.O.. Pakhlavuni (Deceased),-L.G. Chicherov, and S.V. Yurkevskiy Raschet i konstruiroyaniye oboradovanlya d1ya ekspluatatsii neftyanykh skyazhin (Design and Construction of Equ:Lvment, for Oil Well Exploitation) Moscow, dostoptekhizdat, 1959. 652 p. grrata slip inserted. 3,500 copies printed. Exec. Ed.: A.A. Gor1kova; Tech. Ed.: E.A. Mukhina. PURPOSE, This book in intended for engineers and technicians of oilfields, machine- li:ui~ding and repair plants, and scientific research institutes. It my also be useful to students of petroleum vuzes and deparbnents. CIOVERAGEt The authors discuss calculation azut design principles of equipment used in oil well operation. In same instances the design of production equipment is also discussed. No personalities are mentioned. Thereare 66 references, all Soviet. Card 1/4 *Design and Construction of Equipment (Cont.) SOV/2476 TOLE OF CONTENTS: Ch. 1. Equipment for Extracting Petroleum by the Floving-vell Method 3 1. Accessory equi3pment for flowing wells 3 2. Tubing head 9 3. Main peats and subassemblies of accessory equilment for flowing wells 10 4. Calculation and design of accessory eq~dpment for flowing wells 11 5. Basic trends in the development and improvement of the desigh of "cessory equipment for flowing wells 25 Ch. 2. Equipment for Extracting Petroleum by the banpressor Method, and Equipment for Gas Injection for Maintenance and Restoration of FormatioAal ftessure 27 1. Use of compressors in oilfields 27 2- Main types of oilfield compressors 30 3. Designing oilfield compressors 68 4. Theoretical principles and thermodynenic cilculation of the piston compressor 77 5. Design and calculation of the basic p&rts of a compressor 94 6. Design and calculation for auxiliary equipment 121 7. Foundations for ollfield caWpreosora 134 card 2/4 Design and Construction of Equipment (Cont.) SOV/2476 Ch- 3- Equi3piment for Extracting Petroleun by the Deep-YeI2 Fump Method 139 1. Drives for deep-well pumps, 142 2. Deep-well roA pumps 244 3. Submersible rodleas pumps 282 Ch. 4. Equi]pment and Tools for Sutpurface Repair pf Wells 334 1. Hoista 334 2. FlusAing asemblies 389 3. Power equilment 396 4. Lov~ering and lifting equipdent and tools 396 5. Drilling derrickik and masts 419 60' Drilling tools 431 Ch. 5- Equilizent for Well Sbaling, sad for Gathering, Storing, and Transporting Petroleum and Gas 455 1. Equi3padat for gathdring petroleum and jps 455 2. EqDdluent for storing petroleum at f1*1d gathering stations and tank farms 466 3- P=Ps 485 Card 3/4 Design and Construction of Equipment (Oont.), Cn. 6. Equipment for Hydraulic Fracturing o *f Formations 1. Nature of*hydraulic fracturing process amd e .quipment used 2. Portable pump units 3. Sand-mixing units 4. Truck tomk Packers Equipment for vell mouths AVAILABLE: Libroxy of Congress Card 4/4 sov/2416 543 545 553 553 555 555 558 ABRAMOY, N.A.; ALIVERDIZAIR, K.S.; ANIROV, U.N.; AR , R. 1. ; AR IYET, S.I.; BAGDASAROY, R.M.; BAGDASAROT, G.A.; BADANTANTS, A.A.; DANIYB- LYAN, G.N.; 112HAPAROY, A.A.; LIZAK, I.S.; EIRCEBMIY. M.N.; 10M- KHOT, S. 1. ; IR WAYNT, A.T.; IMOVSKIY. A.I.; I-CAUROT. G.S.; LARIONOT, Ye.P.; LISMOARTAN, N.Te.; LITSHITS, B.L.; LISIXTAN, K.A.; LOGINOVSKIY. V.1.; LYSMOVSKIT, P.S.; MCLCHANOV, G.T.; KAT- MIKAN, N.M.; CKHCROKO, S.K.; ROKANIKHIN, V.A.; ROSIN, .I.; Ru- STANOT, R.N.; SMISOV, R.T.; SMUNIK. P.I.; SOBOLEV. N.A.; TARA- TUTA, R.N.: TVOROWTA, L.K.; TEWEIGORYAN, A.I.; USACHIT. V.I.; FAYN, B.P.; QHI WIF ~.j S11APIRO, Z.L.; SEMVCHUK, Tu.I.; TSMIK, A,As: AWGOV, P.M.. red.; KARTYNOTA, M.P., vedushchiy red.; DANI M, -LTU, A..Ar; TRWINOT, A.V.,, [Oil field equipment: in six volume] Neftianos oboradovanie; v shesti tomakh. Moskva, Gos.naucbno-tekhn.1zd-vo neft. i gorno- toplivnoi lit-ry. Vol.3- [Petroleum production equipment] Obo- rudovanie I Instrumut d1la dobychl nefti. 1960. 183 p. (NIRA 13:4) (Oil fields-1quipment and supplies) RDSIN, 1.1.g MLZLKO A.S. g CHICMOTI L.G. Use of hydraulic piston piMs In 295B-199). left. khoz. 38 no.6:24-27 Je 060. (KIBA 1317) (Oil well pumps) ~lj if T'~' li r---e A IJ ~ A J A ) - - fx ' V, C-JI 1-0 ~ ~V'- 1vt - KRYK.S.XIY. V.A., insh.; CHIOMMV. N.N., insh. N9w clamPing ChuCkf, Mehlaostrolte'll no.gt2g-30 A 157. (MIJU 10:9) (Chualts) CHICHENOV, P.P. Determination of an economic value of the povar of a,;xiliary i-serve in electric power plants. 12v. 50 AN SSSR no.10:24-33 '63, WR~ -1-1%11) 1. Tomskiy politekhnicbeskiy institut. C91CHEROVi, V. I. Folklore Dez)rpved views of N. IA. Harr Pn6 his followers in tht~ field o~' folklore. Sov. etn. No. 3, 1952. Monthly List of Russ1pn Accessions, Library of Contgress, December 1952. UnclFssified. 11 CHICHMOV.0 V. i. 2, USSR (600) 4. T-pic Poetry 7* Problems of the theory of the epos and contemporary investigations of the Narty legends of the Ossetse Izv. AN SSSR. Otd-.Ute i iaz. 11 No. 5; 1952. 0 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Jpnuaa7 1953. Unclassified. Cjj.TC','771~~O-~, ,~-j , V. Prof. Folk Problem; of NO- 12, "ter- creat workv Or Peoj)les 0j, 33M 9* List Rf- Russian Accessions Lll,,gry of Congri, .33 t unclassifim CI'IICn-'h0Vj V. I. Folk Literature Outline of Russian folk poetry of the Soviet era. 4eviewed by V. I. Chicherov. Sov. kniga No. 2, 1953. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress., June 1.953, Unclassified. CHIMUTIOV v 11J.-oblems of the study of epic poetry of the Soviet witions. 1. Tr. from the Rucsian. p. 219, CESUSLOMISKA ETIVIO-GRAFTE. Praha. Vol. 3, no. 3, 10,55 SOURCE: Monthly Idst of East European Acc;~ssions (EEAL), LC, Vol. 5, No. 3, March 1956 CHICff=Vt V. ---------, GWQUPHr & GEDWGY PEMDICALt CESKY LID. Vol. 42, no. 5p 1955 CHICHEROV, V. 7he Btruggle of the Soviet science of folklore agairiat reumants of the liberalistic burgeouis theorien. Tr. from Ruavlan (Gonclusion) pe 201o Mbnthly List of But &ropean Acoessions(EW) LC, Vol. 8, No. 2, Feb. 1959, Unclasso DUSHKCIV., I.I.; MOILHANOV, V;A.; TELIKOVSKIY, V.G.,,: CHICHEROV, V.M. Some angular relational4ps in cathode sputtering. Zhur.tekh.fiz. 31 no.8:1012 Ag 161.'- (MIRA 34: 8) (Sputtering (Pbysics)) S10201/61/137/001/010/021 B104/B209 AUTHORS: Molchanov, V. A., Tellkovskiy, Ir. G., and Chicherov, J.-M. TITLE: Anisotropy of cathode sputtering of single crystals PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, v. 117, no. 1, 1961, 58-59 TEXT: This article presents the results of measurements concerning the dependence of the sputtering coefficient of the, (100) face of nickel and copper single crystals on the angle of incidence of ions. The experimental setup has been described in an earlier paper (Ref. 3: V. A. Molchanov, V. G. Tellkovskiy, Vestn. Moskovsk. univ., v. 1 (1956)). Sputtering was done with singly-ionized 27-kev argon ions; current density was 1-2 ma/cM2. The single crystals were polished and then annealed for some time in a vacuum furnace at about 8000C. After this, they were slorly cooled down to room temperature, and their surfaces were chemically etched. Surface condition and orientation of the crystals were examined by X-ray structural analysis. The sputtering coefficients (atoms/ion) are plotted versus the angle of incidence in Figs. 1 and 2. Curve 1 in Fig. 2 was taken at a Cu single crystal, curve 2 in Fig. 2 at polycrystalline copper. Card 1/3 Anisotropy of cathode... S/020/61/137/001/010/021 B104/B209 The results of analogous measurements with a nickel single crystal are shown in Fig. 3. The results found with these two single crystals are very complicated. The position of the minima is the same for both single crystals and corresponds to the angles of incidence of the ion beam, which coincide with the crystallographic axes (100), (111), and (112). The authors note the non-monotonic dependence of secondary-elee- tron emission on the angle of incidence which differs for coper by more than tirice the amount at an angle of incidence of 360 and 46 . The single crystals used in the experiments described here were grown at the Institut kristallografii Ali SSSR (Institute of Crystallography AS USSR) under the supervision of V. A. Timofeyeva, who is thanked by the authors. Moreover, the authors thank Ye. V. Kolontsova, 1. V. Telegina, and N. A. Khatanova for having determined the orientation of the single crystals, as well as 1. 1. Dushkov for assistance. There are 3 figures and 4 references: 3 Soviet-bloc and I non-Soviet-bloc. * ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issledovateliskiy institut yadernoy fiziki Moskovsko- go gosudarstvennogo universitets, im. M. V. Lomonosova (Scientific Research Institute of Nuclear Physics of Moscow Card 2/3 State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov) Anisotropy of cathode... 5/020/61/137/001/010/021 3104/B209 PRESEITTED: SUBMITTED: Card 3/3 December 17* 1960, by L. A. Artsimovich, Academician ic December los 1960 jv - 25 240 S/020 ~91/138/004/009/023 B1047B203 AUTHOR: Molchanov, V. A., Tellkovskiyq V. G.t and Chicherov, V. N. TITLEs Angular distribution of sputtered particles in irradiation of a single crystal by an ion beam PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, ve 1389 no* 49 19619 824 - 825 TEXT% The experiments reported here were made with an experimental arrangement described In one of the authors' previous papers (Vestn. Mosko univ.p no6 1, (1961)) and schematically shown in Fig. 1. The ion beam I passes a diaphragm 2 and hits the crystal 3. As a collector served the base of the X-ray film which was attached either to a plane (4_a) or a curved (40) copper plate. Fig. 2 shows a photograph of -the deposits on the colleatorg obtained in the irradiation of the (100) plane of a copper singlo crystal with an argon beam of the energy of 27' kev. The four symmetric patterns correspond to the crystallographic axeb[1'1019 and the fifth in the center to the [1003 axis. The arrows give the directions in which the depoBits were photometrically deter- mined ,Figs. 3 and 4 show the resulte. The different carves correspond Card 8/0202N~~138/004/009/023 Angular distributions ... B100203 to different R, d (d - diameter of the ionic beam on the crystal), and angles of incidence a of,the ionic beam. As can be seeng a considerable part of the atoms leaving the target lie within narrow cones whose axes coincide with the crystallographic principal axes of the target. The angular half-width is 20 . The authors state that the "intensity" of the Wehner patterns greatly depends on the angles between the orystallo- graphic principal axes and the sectional plane of the crystal. If the sectional plane of the crystal is none of the crystallographic principal planes, then the more intensive patterns lie in the directions forming smaller angles with the normal of the sectional plane. The authors thank I. A. Shakh-Melikova for assistance in the experiments. There are 4 figures and 9 referencess 6 Soviet-bloc and 3 non-Soviet-bloo. The 2 references to English-Ian 0 publications road as followss G. X. Wehnerq Phys. Rev., 102, 690 (19gu56'1; G. K. Wehner, G. S. Anderson, J. Appl. Phys., L1.9 2305 (19630T. Card 2/6 2.4049 S/020/61/136/004/009/023 ''Angular distributions ... Bl(14/B203 ASSOCIATIONs Naiiahno-iseledovatellskiy institut yadernoy fiziki Moskovskogo gosudaretvannogo upiversiteta im. M. V. Lomonosova ( Soientific Research Institute of Nuclear Physics of Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov) PRESENTED: March 4, 1961p by L. A. Artsimovichp Academician 3IJ13MITTED: February 28, 1961 Card 3/6_ b)~EWT L71 AT/J 1) A 5')' colj~% U,,(/Olfil/66/008/010/2939/291111i AUT!101i: YOV601UMOV, 1. No; M01ch,'inoVp V.'A.; Odinti;ov, Do Do; C&-4.zk:i1C1,oVV C *R' C, jl~joscou State University im, Vonnyy univorzi M. V. Lomonotiov (Moakovskiy Go3udarstr TITLE.: Ef."ect* of thermal fluctuations in a crystal lattice.-on the coel'I"icient of ion-electron emission SOURCE; Fizilca tverdogo tcla, V. 8, no. io, 1966, 2934-2944 M PTC TAGS: crystal, crystal lattic, ion emisaion, electron emission, 10 ... onocryst-al, polycry3tal, copper A3Srki'RACT: The dependence of the coefficient of ion-electron emission y on the ang _,lc of incidence 0 of ions on a target at 200 and 9,00C was 't investigated for various orientations of a-..q2pp(,r monocry-tali-and for a polycrystal copper target under bombardment j;;-p 20'jf~+*-_4_07A+- 64 a $ Kr+ iona -eitoh an oner3y of 30 kev. The polycrystal target was found to have an alziozt constant value at different target temperatures (at U.6a sane angle of ion incidence on the target). An increase in mono- crystal target temperature results in a smoothing out of anisotropy in the coefficient of emission. Furthermore, the change in the form Card 1/2 L 09897---6-7 '-ACC NR: of the curve is different for different orientations of the target. 1"he aut*hora show that tho results obtained are accurately described by the transparency model. The authors thank Ye. S. Mashkov for his. assistance in conducting the experimenta and- iscussing the re-, sults obtained, and Yu. V, May~~yAqpko for his discussion of the results, OrIge art. has: 21figurei;_ [Author's abstract] SU3 CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 23Feb66/ ORIG REP: 003/ OTH REP-. 005 TJP(c) AT,'J, "IM AP6018731 SoUnCR CODE: UEI./0057/66/036/006/1055/1057 AUTHOR: chicheroM.Mv "7 ORG-. none TITLE: Density distribution of hyd in a coaxial plasma gun before application of higb voltage to the electrodes SOURCE: Zhurnal takhnicheskoy flaiki, v. 36, no. 6, 1966, 1055-1057 TOpIC TAGS: plasma gunp hydrogen, gas diffusion, charge exchangep C-A-S DEAMITY ABSTRACT: The density distribution of hydrogen within a coaxial, plas;k gun has been measured at different times following admission of the gav, w1th the-aid of beans of 4 to 10 keV H* and He+ ions, using a technique described elsewhere by O.VoKoz1ov, at al. (Diagnostika plazmy puchkami atomov I ionov. V sbe I'Diagnostika plaxmi" Cosatomizdat, 1963). The measurements were undertaken In the hope of Improving our understanding of the dependence of the properties of plasma% bursts from coaxial plasma guns on the delay time between admission of the gas and application..of-the potential* The diameters of the plasma gun electrodes were 3 and 7.5 cu. Approximately 0.2 cX3 of hydxvgen was admitted to the evacuated plasma gun for each measurement and the density of t1ae hydrogen was determined at a seloctdd position along the gun from the attenuation of the Ion beam was due mainly to charge exchw4;s collisions* From 125 Card 1/2 ACC NRg AP6018731 3 to 150 microsec after the gas Valve was opened the mean hydrogyg density,within a centimeter or two of the point of admission was & few times 10 QtOm/cm". Thereafter the gas expanded along the gun with thermal velocities and streamed out the end of the gun (4 ca from the point of Igs admission), forming it gas cushion with an effective thickness of the order of 10 atom/cm . The number of high energy protons in the plasma burst can be drastically reduced by charge ex.-hunge collisions while the plasma traverses this cushion of neutral hydrogen. The author thanks SH.Bravermn for cou- structing the apparatus, N.G.Kovaltskiy for valuablo discustilons and advice, and S.N,Zbonkov for assistance with the work. Orig. art. has: 2 figures. SIJB CODE: 20 / SM DATE: 27Aug65 ORIC., REP% 004 / OTJI RJW: 002 2/2 hn - SERYY, Igor' Sergep-,vich; r -red. [Xicasuring ga-uges and instruments in rejair shopq] lzmeritellryi instrument i pribor7 v reu.ontno:l- master- skoi. Moskva, Kolos, 1964. 83 p. (VUlU 17:12) PROBRANTSEV, F.R.j. kand. tekbn. nauk; CHICHZV, Yu-l-,~ red.; oxoL = VA, Z.P., tekhn. redo [Nechani2ation on swine farms] Mekbani:.,atsiia na svino- vodcheskikb fermakh. Moskvat Sellkhozizdatp 1963. 142 po (MIRA 17:3), GOLITSOVv A.A.; DUDOROV, I.T.; K0104IYETS, A.A.; RAZLUKINA, 14.L.; KURZINA, I.A., red.; CHICHEV, Yu.I., red. [Vegetable farming in a mechanized vegetable-gardening brigade; experience with A.L.Karputtseva's brigade ("Bolshevik" State ?arm in Moscov Province)] Vozdelyvanie ovoshchei v mekhanizirovarmoi ovoshchevodchaskoi brigade; opyt brigady A.L.Karputtsevoi (sovkhoz "Bollshovik" Mo- skovskoi oblasti) Moskva., Kolosj 1965., 134 p. (MIRA 18t7) HALINOVSKIY, I-DWITAPUS, A.D.f~ MODULIN, Yu.A.; MUCHEV, Yu,l. rm-~-d,,: GFEBTSOV,, P.F., red. (DT..20 trwAtor) Traktar DT-20. M,,~,qkiap Kolosp 1965. 254 P- (MIRA 28-.8) ARTEMIYEV., Yu.N.; VOLGIN, I.V.; GALIPERIN, A.S.; DYADYUSHKO, V.P.; KAPLUN, I.B.; IJIVRISHCHEV, V.N.; NEFEDOV, B.B.; TELIPOV, A.S.; CHICHEV, Yu,I.p red. [Control of technical conditions of tractor parts in repair- ing; a handbook. Traktors DT-54~ DT-54A, T-75, "Belarusl," T-40, T-28, DT-14, DT-14A DT-14B, DT-20-, self-propelled chassis DVSSh-16 and T-161 Kontroll teUnicheskogo sost-ianiia traktornykh detalei pri remon4e; spravochnik. Traktory DT-54, DT-54A, T-75, "Belarus',$" T-40, T-28., DT-14p DT-.Lt,,,%, DT-1/+B, DT-20, smokhodrore shassi DVSSh-.16 i T-16. Moskvaq Kolos, 1965. 471 p. (MIRA 18:4) soy/115-59-5-5/27 28(2) AUTHOR: Chicherova, A.S. TITLEt Measuring Inner Coneswith Universal Instruments FERIODICALs lzmeriteltnaya Teldinikag 1959p Nr 5, pp 7-8 (USSR) ABS'TRACTs To gage finite openings indicating internal measuring instruments NI of the "Kalibr" plant are used in connection with 'rod-operated instruments to measure depth. The same principle was applied in the construction of the instrumentti PK-32 and PK-33 of "LIZ" Plant. In both cases there are two potential sources of error in regaru to the diameter; one lies in the -tilting of the instrument, the other one in the rounding of the tracers. The size of the error is given in the equation (1). The error wh,-.-b results for IlRalibrIf is Shovn in table 1. Table 2 and 3 show error of 111IZ" instruments. Fig.2 illustrates error in rounding. Fig.3 shows origin of error caused by tilting. F' 4 eh ms trigonometrical dependency for formula G. 'T~) y" (2). Equation elds actual diameter of steep cones measured Card 1/1 according to the 1111Z" method. There are 4 diagrams and 3 tables. OWKINj Alsksandr Ivanovich- MUUKOV., V.L.9 red.;CHICEEVA, L,I*,, red#; p TRUEMA, OON#.t tekbu. red.. ------- [Dver-all mechanizaiion of rice cultivationl Kompleksuaia me- kbanl sAa vosde3,vvaniia risa. 14o6kva, led-vo sellkhoz, ry,, 7,hurnalov i plakatov:., 1961. ln ps (MIRA 3.4:3-1) (Rice) (Fam mochanlzation) YERMOKHIN, Georgiy Ivanovich; FILATOV, Leonid-Sergerovich; CHICHEVA red.; PEVZNER, V.I., tekhn. red. (Small-scale mechanization in agriculture]Kqlaia mekhanizataiia v aellskom khoziklatve. Moskva, Sellkhozizdat, 1962. 132 p. --__(Agricultural machinery) (MIRA 16:3) KOVAL', I.A.; VAKHTELI, V.Yu.,- YERDIEW, B.S.; CHIP ity red.; SOKOLOVA, N. N. I tekhn. red. (Standardized diesel engine for tractors and combines]Unifi- tairovannyi dizell dlia traktorov i kombainov. Moskva, Sell- khozizdat, 1962. 222 p. (MIRA 16:2) (Tractors--Engines) (Combines (Agricultural machinerjr))_Engines) VALUYEV, V.V.; MAKSUTOV2 R.N.; MATYUTC, N.A.; YAKER-SON, S.A.; CHICIWIA, L.I., red.; OKOIXLGVA, Z.P., (Mechanization of the preparation and placement in soil of peat fertilizers] Mekhanizatsiia ZagotovId i vneseniia v pochvu torfiarqkh udobrenii. Moskva, Sellkhozizdat, 1963. 101 p. (14IRA 17-1) SHEVCHENK07 NEVA,, L.I., red.; SOKOLOVA, N.N., stepan ivanovich; CHIC tekhn. red. (Mechanization of straw harvesting] Mekhani#Ataiia uborki solomy. Yoskval Sellkhozizdatp 1963i 1U ~. (MIRA 16:6) (Straw-Harwesting) BARILLp A.V.; MESHCHERYAKOVV V.A.; CHICHEVA, L.I., red.; EELOVA, N.N., tekbn. red. '0.~ (Wide-range reaping units] Shiioko-zakhvatnyv shatvennye agre- gaty. Moakya, Sellkhozisdat, 1963. 190 p. (MRA 16:9) (Grain-Harvesting) (Mowing machines) VERBUKp R.M.; GAYDUCHFMO, N.P.; KRIVOKOBYLISKIY, V.F.; POLYAKOV, M.L.j CHICIIEVAbjo.I., red.j TRUXHIMA, O.N., tokhn. red.; .' -. red. [Dismantling, assembly and repair of SMD engines) Razrabotka, sborka i remont dvigatelei SMD. Moskva., Bellkhozizdat, 1963. 174 (MIRA 16:9) (14*el engines-Mintenance and repair) VODOUNCHENKO, Yu.T.; BELOUS, D.A.; GOLUBGHIK, S.F.; LD-;CHE-VSKIY, V.V.; HaETRUTOV, V.L.; YAYLKEENKO, I.A.; CHICIFEVA, L.I., red.; [Dismantling and assembling the DT-20 tractor] Razborka 1 sborka traktora M-20. Moskva., "Kolos," 1964. 174 p. (1UHA 17:8) GORYACHKIN, Vasilly Prokhorovich, akademik (1868-1935); LUCHINSKIY., N.D.# prof.# doktor sellkhoz. naukt red.; CHIPHIlk.101.9 red.; CHICHEVYu.I.,red. [Collected works in tbree volumes] Sobranis sochinenii trekh tomakh. Moskval Kolos, 1965. 3 v. (MIRA 18:7) 1. Vsesayuznaya akademi7a sellskokhoiyaystvennykh nauL imeni V.I.Lenim (for Luchinskiy). LITVINOV, M.A., kand. tekhn. nauk; YANISHEVSHTY, F.V.,, kand. sell- khoz. nauk; TIKHONCHUX, Yu.V., kand. ekon. nauk; CHERNIKOV, B.P.v inzh.; BOOANOV, V.M., inzh.;Sjjj=A,_jL ._,T .. red. (Mechanization of the placement of mineral fertilizers] Me- khanizataiia. vneseniia mineralInykh udobrenii. Moskva, Koloss 1965. 173 p. (MIRA 18:5) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - We -0- 4 6 I IQ 11 11 it w 11 11 U A A It a kk u a is 41 4j 43 64 a It L p a I - . -1, TA" . cc 0 tL4-. rr6- - ;-11, i I V. it 06 A.1t.. Cm S.,8- MOA. 3t".-A =.m-Y In S1 to of wuck time on and naphlbenk 1. the = .a a 00 a T 01 the ..., Vt.,d that fatty acids ;MONV7 C rtc=wtiv present. Rnmination and wpiL W 11COOll from Vw bydrusy- frm the bromwartiosylic wkb indicated Wit the carboxyl group 6 bound -0 0 00 tvilksts as well a% to tittaidary and Irrtion, railivish: fly wpj, the acids 09 into cyclic and fattv acids liv riwars, 411 thg4r C41 smlt-~ it was foull't tiolt tit., petro6um -04 18'roolmotpillwilwily of catty arldc 111C r"Mill lit sit evvlw And, ilicts-4- 00 i d Iftrul"ll with the U. P., so that adds U, above 218' (Co Avids) IN-1,1110 almint cldu -0 00 siveiy to pir cyclic wom *nw cousU. of W lit WWII llawrr timplillitute auds do tun '00 66 09" with Own of wi& wM B. and O-C rings. Tlw (:I wild. heptAtmPlithenk acid. =00 is really a mixt, of fatty and usplithenic acid,. a ago 0': goo so* so 0 b9 0 V -.j*,^-,-- Lee WAL LITtle.11taf CLaSsIrK.Ilow is Z*- 00.: vi i m - - - - --- t DOM 111"Ifiv. r at 1 111 KID a 1 14 MI 1 1 a Od 0 A It IS 410 0 0 *1** 0 0 0 Sla 00 6, IA Is., 10, & a I V_ k I do 44 "dim Sol". Im"Or CO./ Mis 86 /0, -WrVillim-ODOW). 1A do SOMWALUMA. J. RUSS. PAYSA with N&NIIS. Olily With IMMIS 144AMIS III 8 $MAU quantity of N N N 008 m Uf ~108111 m q7~ goo N .00 x N 0 N If N j =oe ,3 (\1m : zoo : J m C0,11 a*# 00 N goo Illof (V) '00" 100 00 Must Of Ow I is tgVQV"W MUchor4rd. Ow "vernt is $90 ==1 wo obbilm,94 the resictitost; toloe* plom ot lower jejulm. - 00 0~_Ikov, 11sill son H. is ..W.& Under tbese I'mm tile reaction riti'Ll. 0 scam uatbw4vd L a sumill quantim di MT), and 2 cn-%L hill" Of the The suncturics wem detd. by Sam enwhical C-pa. D"tion with KUPOI, at tbe b" I the I Vb~lp~vmty oLyresiima ', th% to W rgaoe~~ aftol scilds. As In 9 Ow of tM analogous tolquintilyki the Colm is drA-Yed by at- ltpfab- :No* till mian omairdivis to the felknovint nimhol"Ito," 1"Ift4fing the lautlimtsic lusu of 12 W: ti 00 "'14 oltv Jot IS -AT ;l]l; _1F Is iii A I I 1w 0 so I I v 5 As a 3 1 1, to .01 pt I- Is 00 0 o 16 ! A.", g 0_0 0 0 * 0 0* 0 0 N /\U. + CH IqTg lkclll!~T N N a mo me(~ 1- fit Somw tA dw 14 v v dy pa to vadsm I to JJL The N*Nffg rither w v to produce the tatatomet of I or ebe bripp abmt the forimation of Intem.-diary addn. prudwts to swelms. In , , 0. obove 1451. 11 was obtaimd in to% movuedtatbe I . teerystd. Irm Iliff. fonzwd colorkm bit 119% OWIM"111.0.017KI00, ClICIS. PhIll and 111:14fe. Og drriv" 114. If**. Is I "I - t rolvM. 211 s. I and 14-A v. NaNH, ove after Rt*O -.t.. of the (4bmiaitive 11,01mb)a red all.. ThisvisOractionated. &W I& and A S, of a mlat. of IV and V. bw "Im- sok YWOM IV. stil. lit FlOll, and V. -.4mr-Ow pett. COM.'r as colml~ Kk way 1. builling zz! IV ;i w ne-lks. "L 67.6-440 . bit 167". easily sol. in MO. MR. RtA Phil. owd CHC4. dffk*tdfJy sol. W cold peu. ether. 7U aq. attim. Its &UL to fiturAL 71* PDW. in strout IICI or 16S0. is twillitt nd. 1U HxCh vmm obtakitil *a ydkm Iwimm m. 184' (dmml-m). V aymd. from HIM U in hog, voltirlem amlim a. 134%*. th IA6-7'. It AiwWvrs lea nwUy Is etAd 140 E1OH 90 Phil MA IhMia thaft IV, but IS C491Y Sol- iu C110% V gives no Color ;ith ;Irk zi is mutmi to lilmn.. Tbt filch COMM. M. 211 (dr"pttt.), wW the AxNQ, cusapd. a. 2W (decomon.1- Inws W. Atru 00 10 0 of 96 1001111110916ALlIL-06 90 000090-0-0-ts 00 a too be 0000*09000 0060000 w a 1 4 1 ~ ~ 4 , it .6 * * * Ill Is Is b of if .1 .~ r.. - ' flu mxxjiv'mml l Cc W ff ;m ;a All Ism a 1 a a V a 41 a an _ A - ' t & - . , ~ '%'t r Htc "I dfld I 00 00 10 llw 1114 0 ed pbasylsled PpWkws Itomm aldehydes and ketones with ' l 00 annea L A. LAmmomms LmID P. 1. ovoirsmo, A Ross. l kyz.Chm sm. 62. ISH-60m) cf C 19 A = 1 11 1 d Pl C11 101110 U Is . . . . 2 i : ) an 110 ( ) mict with AcHl and ' ( ' 10* Nfll MS b M -00 8 0 - s mil W a dim, lulso or liminka estabrot U, give a mixt- til a-litAnt*Un i 0 vr iy w0 VOL We n~v 14 W. fy, rvsp~ the c (tWIFICAlich , 4 4-- _i-- 4_1 a h40 I Is l"' I q U AV %3 1% rt it 0" E43 via Koff ittl Kwa 1141 As o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 9~6 Se soili 000. t : 0 0 0 0 ip 9 9 0 9 0 0 111 0 0 V 0 00 00 00 so 0 111101111 111114111 041 00 00 00 00 *0 00 00 as of so 00 00 00 EV I and fractionav. Fractions A. Is. VOW% yielded some Why %puntlancou% clystil~ which wait recrinatil. twice from pot. sitlier. Tbe combined mother liquors were evapd- to resswovir the oWvvut and allp" fructivanstRy distd. The dhatitiate was; ditoolvrd in StOlf, from ankich W and IV wevit isclasted ais picratex, and rrwrittd. from boiling AcAle. Friacti,ast 111i Is. WN44t)% yielded a vassaill quantity of IV Notated th Is th ' t "N. I'atz The vield W III from I was 3-A . 1"awn. .1 IV I. I. I I %; front - ~.l Ow"erthatr for the pretta. ot V11110111saws. reaction mist. *sas "Ifirtl with lAh 1161. Ow twillral Isevittletp were C161. with 14440. Massif The Ovailthir wasiNxtiril fair 2 Ism, *p" at"I a Tlar cryulatis aim- ft4 lit K14 all atid Av%tv, W.4 h- I'lill 61"1 111.0, Illi-an aside. ad ANWO $a t1lip MOM man w idiahl litil-l-lits, ths, lit'l .61"4 VI 1140, Mehl suot fart hilu'als " #IV inside elk onal vital. with 10~0. After thybMS visid tvalls. the JR.O. list fire hase via. fractionated. The fraction b. SKI-O' stew usisakil with 15% JICI in MOIL and AcOHtad&A RwovwryafVlfrmdwemWwdliClmdtsotithn-cfyxm. from tr ether gave a Isrudild in, O"A'. Par yield cif VI from I was 13%; from V it, 0: so so 00 00 to 41114111 00 90 00 00 of 00 00 00 of * 0 00 1111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 4 1 4 If ..0 Jim "ftot ~16 6 0110MUS A-0 FVQJ`fQT'j% .Dl' lffjktQS1%ANI9 AN11 A , PA R J im. . A. 1. NUSSAMPTA. O. line (M rewt with in htl d a inqu 0-asp 0-M mom MQ, an "F= i- (corb(OOTils) 8"d 011 d d W er tag - A yM the Aere"na fatted IXOH at j M resels 24 00'% 7 3.1 (VI). 7~"On 9 bm did w"it ,h 1. 1 b MU i 0 e . tin On was, on. I 9 . eract . im.awtititylelcl. U(14 amid Nag. K0111 ~"I A lin. tit xIvr.1'1 '-~ (' ' 0 -00 (it bti), tile" at 03-6 2.) am 10-0 It. KOH rVartill dt'.%M UNS 41' A -00 "a. III W to vt 73 11 V III (X 7 and 11) f, I?t0II and C110s 6M A OH ff l I O a . . C . so n c vM Is dil dy ", , j a, KOH, rraded at 2`40, 00"Ific 3.5 bm~ pvt 5.1 it. iwesphihocarbossyrif (M), In. 252,1', ttnleutn ether k1hil ) d 14 I . an 1w n wil. In Moll, CIICS~. MOM. euM AcOll. Iuwil~ , 0 M after 4.6 Ints. PVT 1.4 ff. Owarbod wil, M. 21X%- W'. Otidallim VA.? V 7&)~aif "Inding wimAwimliv Anil oroly1wriA34- vv l1w irtw 0 " CA 11 Pvt tialy a anwil tint, to a red 1,14. Which I. fkpt eokwrd vkjkt by alkall, I.Hwljb W. 111,T1 1b 06 0 09 ova 0 0 so v: uo* - " W I s o 1 It 1, t r 96 oi* a 0 0 000 a 0 0 0 Ole 00 41 40; 0 0 0 00 0 9 so*** 0 00 gi~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 In*'* 016 o o *go 0 0 0 0 0 : a 0 A e ~ ~ - - I d I s q v It a# t$ 0 0 4 of jjI it' ji A v A_ r6 Al A &-a- -r- a n I - I-V, v -.. ~ W.- I a -- #-.1 -1. 4 4-j- -A iti a r% a.&P I*t,lmjtRl , - , .- . -- .. .-P .- . 0 06 00 .16 60 AAMI io ytd/, !Ihwtty tw sful Om r"amw ttk*a f 0.0 13 -00 :00 Cole 00 see Cog Mee bee MITALLUINGICAL LITTRAVIPINS CLAIWICATON .1. 0.1 cot *-I CK 0.. ill V T 4 Of it It Of 9 A 0 3 9 NA av to as . . " sp it 00 0 0 0 04 0 0 0 0 so : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 v tLI=m " CC 0) U4 JL f a - I.& 'I. ~ Jk 16 Ibiwa of IUU pmelatm, A R - Cilkli I It AN$ W, COI IN I K,.V, NI NI ~. A I,' K slut,110M. loomiraull' A1111 G. kV imausitoe sfwcw N".. aw_l"(Moo.~h. JS'12); Cf. 1'. A 23 2M). - 77w kwer-lojifille jfwtj.,#j.,J tjw michif r-1 f - I&hwd 611thInt el viu-1v rtv all flalw o 61 h; b i t l l d i i a 0 %, m ttling r wwn)V *cvtw an p dwi ly to .00 00 99 a 0 d 0 vir C411 Slier val"144 1"v ill llw *111.1v to "ml. .4 me-hit; Willi Ilar h-wrt 0 too :0 a k INP111`111COM 114*6, it twfillits 4-4 wil. llw OlVik. fichlo fairly ClItf.1-IrfAr (noll Ow Cwhe 6 A 11 c C 400 . 1 1: . . l 2 ", 11132. ~A "1 AN, I,& if-Y I 00 04 00 ago -00 too go use 0 1 ~ u R It is . 1 l K 4 of n to 0 S o O 0 10 0 00 *go 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 66 00 a it a 11 W u to it) m L? IS x 6 4- v 41 A! 41 r W j L U 1 11 P Q 61 A I AA (A IV 49 1 8 1 Al c. Hid Of W, A~ a& A. K CHIC-7111SAWN AMP KAtJMj11-.-%- 11mil 3wi.1111"Now jvxr,-7U-'--# L - Nteptclioll. It. P141-1 *. d: 0 rM 1. ~jwcpd. by teduction of MCCOM with N'a in in(A%t F.10), wa. converted it, I MeNtO Dr (1). find 91 -1 S., dt: 12%tC, d.' 1 :!*Z. lpy ~atll with 11Nr in theruld and 00 thru brating 4 lits. ill a wAkd ittime in a water bath. P,,tpx. !I HtCll'MvCxlr(C(4H 1, NA in:t.%0 m at.. vilItt watiaddrA IM a 1. 00 Andthrmist it'dowdAhr, ina"16(erliath; theribrreki of lite act ldvef was unard *9 with the oily layff. the F190 esswiled. and the rmWLw mliod : the IgA'.111111 It 2:111 4W 25 1 llA -Alm)nd with Koll, then rvalid !tit dtytk-*,i at liltl* and mated %itit Ifsw I. 00 (,ttxftwrd U. tit. 119-10'. 11 bested at la()~-A' until lite liberation n1l C(h had vvwrd 00 Intidurvil a.A4imHhvWWk " (M), litis 21415-111X" tibi-nnontrier in the vap4w%j, d.: 11016. .10 01WA M ffivr% All &W Cd Witi; Me rmt-t hit, U-5 M", arid chh"Ir 00 1,,m I 10 3'; mitilide in, 71-2'; lwunictenifAde tit. It., 17- C IA% M.AXC 00 Will W 1,110AJ, %saw U AV z1v I,, to 44 v a R U 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 010 ill 41 0 0 go** oo goo 4 t 0 goo Nee '-00 tioe 0 a 0 1 W of da a 3 4 0 440 0 0 0 & 0 a 0 0 0 & 0 0 0 q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0, AA l1 U 11 to awnft A- p0 getq$ So A .00 Ad. U. X S. 3 Mile ad nub, oaa 10A va 0 0 it' 4141i.7(cff rlewcoilt), ~10 (1). be 14W. waf~6~ In 11 No 85 cc. abs. WON G was dwly md&d *6 g. NN(UTIM'13C see *Vvff*VW)4 bromW md t1w -00 4 sea alixL te&uad 4 W; dw sk. vmw~ them ML of is a Sea wah saar vw codguy -00 diudvgd in the w4a. mt. d HA do etha e&L at the g* bpw ww mkcd with the Wy 008 1~ycr of tbg MCI* PFO&KI. 1110 =kL,wm*iA dw 90 Bodied wA the residue distd. .00 1 (35 9) aspond. with 10% KOH SW tbtn decalwapd. with diL HSO. pro- a 0 dd M8 . &.~CHJ.. fiiCjjg(~~)s =00 Z"-Cwamb frim C.H. tn. U(18g.) homed mt I8Via&sa&Wh~A "OR ad 000 C(h had caLsed and tbea 1019 rediod. produted 12 ff. JJWC1kN-bHCMkMH (M), b. M9441-. dl.- LOW. d-. zoo 00 1.0191. MkMSSA1WWAC41VftWM9-wkk6wOb.1W); eddchkwidc~b"107% zoo di'111-003.1ULMI; Measterb.UM."V d-0934 d: 111.9716; amide. m. 136.6- *oil 7 115-16*; Paitraws". m. IWW.' Ft.~ 21 too be Use 41 no* less* a PIULLURCACAL LF114041 CLASIVICAIMS 00 ONS -A 1.1434 .2-0 04V cat 8311il d"I 111111 a%- 163-- 7- - I F :q - I a PA I $Bodo WO119 of 2 10 a 3 1, U IS AV 000 AS" 17.0 OPIN SJUNK Man 9110wift I ft 0000 009091090-*6000 0. 0 0 0, 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 al 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W w IV 00 008 00 'r 00. v t 0- P416CM11 AfA F0100151116 --VIA us Takft besid, ""jobs faft. 00 In- miad M P. Operimis. c4mm. raw. L,,lt*4v*R. T!, IN. &I# lo 119-Mbs Sod" M-2)(JOW-Dry Va- ='--" 4 ) WWO Wemftd VA* MCI. oftimmig-&md. dft = mad add. Vkh gtbgi the mom bq. ponks ww me& alk.. and. w1th *tbw. d6nhvd ha #k. mod pbmk add sddwL Rawpas. Irmi boa sk. 036 0. pkmm. C~.CAANQJSOH. I" tnw v*b HO am nab" Obvit the I Lbaft (em". "(310,11PICIO. "W Frei Imm b aON at 00. Ww. 11.0. bw a pp Wo houldoe ww;jovw A. with IISCI, or Ja im R1 amd droy ftwis lb KIM. V. H. Ratboggan" I I L A NCTALLIO~JCAL LaIRAIM CLASWCATOO !~.d 11"Gliva - a .,1 $411611.1 "so Ogg, Got I I1 0 9 6 0 r i ; j ; ; 'r-T-1 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 q 0 0 1 00000*00*09000000004000000000000000000 00 .00 /0 .0 -00 -00 ago 9*0 see wo 0 1300 NO* 80 ,00 ago 1009 glow 60"law 91101 1 111111 m Oftv got All I 1 8 Od 0 IS 0 "1 V 0 0 A a 3 0 ma It i FA, r10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 I - . . . P '. 6 . . . ~ 0 *so *****goes w jilliprillth It% OfliubAbilkilo" Wit wit Mas 1 M CC V A it 11 At * 6. 00 A -1-4--L-L a of. uI I, I I t .- I Aj, I q. 1-1- 1- U-A w I'll-PIVI'll A =o 0 '60 xo# 100 oil 04, ~ 1 " 4 : .00 o t o to ' AA l N I 24 1 ; or a * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,l4 : 0 e 0.0 0 0 0 0 :joo 0 0 0 0 0 0 O'o 0 0 0 0 0 :: ': 60,000 00 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 CHICHIBABIN, A.Te.; MGNYV, P.O., professor, rodaktor; LISMUN, A.L., R.S., redaktor; LURIYN, H.S., tok-hnichaskiy redaktor (Basic principles of'organte chemistry) OonoyWe nachala organiehe-I skot khtnit. Isd, 6.. (stereotipnoe)o Pod red. P.G.Sergeeva, Moskva, Goo. nauchno-tsWi. Isd-vo khim. lit-ry. Vol. 1. 1954- 795 P.- (Chemistry, Organic) (MLRA ~:10) n' eviob- SOGRIT, P.G., red, [deceased); RNOUN, A.L., re R.S., red.; WRIYA, M.S., . re . EBlements of organic chemistr7l OmnoviWe Aluachals, organicheekol khimii. ltd. 5-os, parer. i dop. Pod red. P.G.Sargeyeve. Moskva, Goo. nouchoo-tokha. Isd-vo khts. lit-ry. Vol.2. 1957. 767 p. Whoulstry. Oreanic) (MIRA 11:2) CHICHIBABIN Alekseir YevzWO214b., Prinimali uci-Astiye: REUTOV, -;&A _rGO-F&OKIY, A-.I., prof.; LIBE11MAN, A.L.p doktor khim. nauk; BAGDASkR'YAN,, Kh.S.,, doktor khim. nauk; PLATE, N.A., kand. khim. nauk; KOLDSOV, M.N., Icand. khim. nauki BOTVINIK, N.M., doktor khim. nauk; STSPANOV, VA, kand. khim. nauk; MELINIKOV, N.N., prof.; DSFJPVITSKATA., V.A., doktor khim. zauk; LIBUMAN, A.L., red.; SERGEYEV, P.G. (deceased]; ROMM, R.S., red.; SHPAK, Ye.G., tekbn. red. [Basic principles of organic chemistry] Oanovnye nachala organicheskoi kb4-4i. lsd.7. Pod red. P.G.Sergeeva i A.L. Libermana. Mookup Gookhimisdat. Vol.l. 1963. 910 (MRA 16sl4e 1, ChUti-korrompond"t A* SUR (for ?WjUv), (ft#*1#t#Yj O-Pom-6), - UnCRIMAY"s K. AND S-42MINVI R.- -- "To imporve the system of conuaodity accounts, to booFt their control value," BukhEAlter, uchet, 1948, No. 12, p. 28-31 SO! U-385'), 16 June 53, (Latopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, 110. 5. 1949). TAIRNOVSKIY, I.Ya.; ODINOKOV, NJ.; EHICH~2,IN,JJI.; SYCHKOV, B.D. Torque distribution between the rolls Of IL rolling mill. fttll 23 no.12% 1099-1102 D 163. (MIRA l7s2) TARNOVSKIY, I.Ya.; POZDEYL'V, A.A.; ODINOKOV, Yu.I.; FOPGV, V.M.; CHICHIGINO V.A. Increase in metal width and the corresponding speeds of hori- zontal and vertical rolls on universal blooming, mauls. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 6 no.9.-103-109 163. (MIRA 16:11) 1. Urallskiy politakhnicheakiy institut. CHI14T411,Tasill~ Grigorlyevich; PAnL'Sr.IY, S.V.*. redaLtor;SHIZIX, S.T., IMMM--f-eTHEYFRINIny reanktor [Methodology Of teaching trig9no7jetry; manwLl for teachers in ,he secondary schools] Ketodika prepolavaiiiia trigonometrit; posolAe d1la uchitelei erednikh shkol. Moskva; Goo. uchebno-pedagog. Izd- vo MinisteratI)a prosvesitchentla RSM, 1954. 337 P. WBA 8:7) (Trigonometry--Study and teaching) TAWVSKIY, I. Ya.. doktor tekhnnauk; ODINDKOV, Yu,,!*. inzh.; CHICHIGN9 V*A.9 in3b. Rolling fames of the 1150 a]Akb mill. izv.v3rs.ucheb.zav,; 1:145-156 163o (HIRA 16t5) 1, Urallskiy pdlItekhnicheskiy institut. (Rolling (Metalwork)) Lf EW(d)/EWT(M)/EWA(A)/MMAV)/W(it)/LliP(b)/I.VP(t)/I:WP(b)/zw(l)/ JDJOW., ACCMSIM KRv.' ARSOJL3007 UR/0137/65/000/004/0009/0010 $21.771.001 BOUM Plef. sh. FAU11%Wdys, Abe. 4060 MnWRI Tarnonkly, I.'Ta.j OdInckov- Tu. 1. j Antonow. S. P. I fts&"V. A, A. I KuatobOcv. a. G. ChIchIaLn. V. UZI enko. A. 11 L.1 A _~yabchlkov. r. D.j chkov. TITIEs Canditicas for.E2!LIjnlar p Ingots on a slab sill J CITZO SOMM Tv. Ural9skop %.-I. ln:~ta - chore. wet, V. as 106%, 167-161 TOPIC TAM motal volli". "4VOIJI&I IdIl TMIATIONt The US ub siuvior volU*% bony M-21T ingats was sudied. 6 it was found that Mgme of redaction oculd be increased while the somber of passes was T%dut*6. 4tivauy stable coaditic" tor relling hem Ingots Is 23-29 Pass" we" developed and Introduced into 1"ustry. - it was food th'st t" Must - .. -~ ill djffI4~dt conditions (rolling Is 21 posses) leave a vwwrve ftv balding canditicam. f%wtbor imp"oest to Unditid by the pvAr U stand motov ived stuength of stood cWd