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~m AURONOV, IX*, profemoor; SXRWANS]rAyAt Ye S.; (MA00LIffo I-S-; DIPW~ I*Ya*p profeasor; ZOLOTOTITZIY,, YO.N.; I~lill, Ji.yeso dotsent; ItAPIN# S.TS.# ICLYARMIX, K-Z-, uchitel'; PBTMOTP I.!I.. CHICHIGIN, V.G. Alekeend Nikolaevich Bareukey. lkt. v shkole no.1:7244 Ja-1P 157. (KLlRA 10:2) 1, Moskovskly oblautuoy pede4pooheskiy inatitut (for Aadrow;r). 2. Zaveduymshch~y kafedroy matodiki matemtiki Koakovskogo pedago- gichei3kDgo instituta imeni V.I. Isnina (for BeresanskW). 3. Hatodist Shcherbpkovskogo rayona goroda Moskvy (for Glagolev). q. IsniuerM- ekly pelagogicheekly lustitut (for Depman). 5. )%todist BalaahMin, skago rayona Nookovskoy oblasti (for Zolotovitskiy). 6. Moskovskly podagogicheekly lustitat imeni V.I. Ieuiua (for Win, 17, Za-,vedvqu- shchly kafedroy wtodiki,matematiki IsangradekDgo pedogogichookogo inatituta iment A.I. Gertseta (for imiti). 8. Shkola No,29 goroda Moskry (for Mmlyarohik). 9, 4vedwuhahl'.7 kabiuatom matematiki No- .gooblastnogo instituta.ueovershenutvovaniya uchiteley dcovsko (for PetrakoT). 10. Zavedvytxshchiy )mfedroy witodiki mtematiki XOBkDv- skogo pedagogicheakDgo imBtituta imui T.P. Pbte'mkina (for Cldchigin). (Baruuiwv, Aleksandr Nikolaevich, 1891-) GRIGHIGIN, Taelliy Grigorlyevich; FAMSU. T.T., doteent, retsensent: W- Iffelushewrldbitisl I, reteenzentj STALIXOT, G.A., retsenzent; ZEMI, S.I., doteent. rateenzent; J.Jkl", P#A*q doteento rettsensent (deceased]; DONOT, *fa,S,v profsp, retsenzent (deceased]; PAIMI-ISLIT, S.T.. red.; TAMU. G.L., (Method for teaching geometrye, plans geoisetry. Textbook for high-school teachers) Metodika propodavanila goometrii; planimetriia. Posobie dlia uchitelel arednei shkoly. Moskva, Goo.uchebuo-pedagog. isd-vo X-va proov.RIM, 1959. 391 p. (KM 13:3) (GoomtrY--Study and teaching) au mv, Nnmuy 637p:,,Lac,~vidE C.5 CHICKY) NIKOLA OSKAWVICII Elektronnyye umnozhiteli (Electronic miltipl~ers, by) 11. 0. Chechnik (1 Dr.) Yoskva, Gontekhizdat, 19 v. illus., diagrs., tables. Indludes bibliographies. Lib. has: 1.954 1.957 (2d. ed.) 14EA MINSKIY, I.A.; BORISENKOv N.F.; ~gjq , _41EALgj j I -j" Pay proper attention to preventive sanitary inspection. Vracb. delo no. 1:100-101 161. (MIn 14:4) I* Cherkaoskaya oblaBtnaya sanitarno-epidiDmiologicheskaya stantsiya. (CHERKASSY PROVINGE-PUBLIC HULTH) CHICHIKALYUK, A.V.,insh. Abating the noise in reducing gears. Vest.mash. 40 no.10:43 0160. (MIRA 13:10) (Gearing) (Noino) CHICHIKALYOK. A.V insh. Detecting sources of vibration and noise in a pump. Vest.mashinostr. 42 no.9:34-36 S 162. (NIRA 15:9) (Pumping machinery-V-Lbration) 0 0 A 94-4-3/25 AUTHORS: Alikhanyan I A.I.* Engineer, Grigoryan, L.A., Candidate of Technical Sciencesand Chichikanov- V.S., Engineer. TITLB: Automatic Field-forcing for Synchronous Motors (Avtomaticheskoye perevozbuzhdeniye sinkhronnykh dvigateley) PERIODICAL: Promyshlennaya Bnergetika, 1958, 'V01-13, Tio-4, pp. 8 - 10 (USSR). ABSTRACT: Ordinarily, power-factor control by synchronous motors necessitates constant attendance of the operating staff. The authors have proposed a circuit for controlling the field of a synchronous motor automatically according to the load currell Maximum use of the available free power of the synchronous motor is thus assured. The circuit is based on electro- magnetic control of the field current by a saturating choke to maintain a given stator current. The reactive power delivered to the circuit is mainly limited by the maximum permissible stator current and maximum permi- ssible field current. When the load changes, the regulator acts on the excitation to maintain the stator current constant A limit is placed on the action of the regulator to prevent excessive field currents at small loads. The circuit of the regulator is gkven in Fig.1 and uses an amplidyne with negati, Cardl/2 94-4-3/25 ,Automatic Field-forcing for Synchronous Motors feed-back. The principles of oper;ation of the circuit are explained. Fig. 2a gives curves of the relationship between the control current in windings 1 and 2 of the amplifier as a function of the stator current. The amp-turns of windings 1 and 2 are opposed to one another; therefore, the control amp-turns of the amplifier are determined by the difference between the amp-turns of windings 2, and 2. Fig. 2b shows a curve of the control amp-turns as function of the stator current and Fig. 3 relates the output main current to the control amp-turns. The regulator output is cross-connected to the field circuit. As the stator current falls, the control amp-turns become negative, which induces the working clirrent of the amplifier and so increases the field current. A.s will be seen from Fig.1, the circuit ensures field- forcing if the output terminals of the intermediate relay are connected in parallel with the output terminal of the ampli- fier at appropriate points of the diagram. It is claimed that the regulator is reliable, has no moving parts or sliding contacts, and can be readily constructed. It would be Oard2/2 advisable to organise industrial production of these regulators. There are 3 figures. AVAILABLE: Libraxy of Congress g1jr.mWTV - fttr--Audrqpv,~qh-. BMSOV, A.A., reC; ALUMINA, T*P.. red.; _1 PXR109 P'T.,*o [Choboksaryl Chebokury. Chaboksary, Chuvashokoe goeeisd-vot 1060. 100 P. (NEA 13: 11) (C-boboke,ary) le 01,267-6? EWT(m.)/f D-1 SOURCE CODS1 UR/0413/66/000/008/0134/01341' ATHORS: Dro'ng, I. I.; ~ritsker, P. Ya.: Kustanovich, S. L.; Vakherp V. .1 Bogdawyj S. A.; Kaloyev, A. V.; Chichikov, G. L.; Stetsenko, V. V.; Vitkevich,_V. B. ...... mm~-_ - - - - ORGs none TITLE: Hydraulic ampliLler for a stdering mechanism of a machine on wheels. Class 63, Vo. 160965 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye bbraztey, tovarnyye znaki, no. Of 1966, 134 TOPIC TAGS: hydraulic device, hydraulic equipment, hydraulic pressure amplifierj, 11,PtIlex-P (Iolnion.-ur-Air ABSMIGT: This AuLhor Certificate presents a hydraulic 3LMplifier for a steering' mechanisin of a ui,-LcItine on.whoela. 7he amplifier is built into the steering mechanism and is connected to the steering uhaft. It contains a lead-element in the form'of a screw, a power cylinder (with Its shaft connected to a spline attached to a sector of t h a ced on e steeri .ng mechani8i)) and a distributor. The latter consists of a casing Pbr the gear box of the stecring mechnnism. The casing contains ducts leading to the working Lntorior of the power cylindor and to its pressure and outflow pipes. A cylindrical valvel, placed in the casing is located on the nteering shaft, while two stops limit f~_;_~xlal dieplapement of the steering shaft. To provide for the indica- tiort of gauge readilig of the automatic steering augmented by hand steering: a distributing sleeve (which-olidee in respect to the cylindrical valve and to the Ca.rd. _j/ 2 UDCt 629all C42f'1-671 ACC~_Nltl_ _AP6o13315________-______ casing) is placed in the body of the distributor concentrically with the Valve. The sleeve contains openings for passing of liquid and is motirnted by plungers placed in the casing and connected to the gauge of automatic 'steering. Theve plungers interact with the face surfaces of washers contnoting the sleeve. The washers Perve as sup- pD.-to limiting the displacement of tho sleeve in the casing (Bee Fig. 1). Fig. 1. 1 - steering shaft; 2 - screw; 3 - power cylinder; 4 - shaft of the power cylinder; 5 - spline; 6 -eector of the steering mechanism; 7 - distiibutor body; 8 - valves; 9 - pressure duct; 10 - overflow duct; 11 - cylindrical valve; 12 -, automatic steering gauge; 13 - slid- ing sleeve; 14 - plungers The vorking displacement of the sleeve (limited by the washers) is''amller than the working displacement of the valve.* Orig.'art. hass I figures SUB CODEs IV SM DATEs 14kpr62 Card YAKOVIEV.. Nikolay Vasillyevich.-, P~7!KOV, ~.V., red.; GROHOV.. A.S.., tekbn. red. [Operation of refrigerating syq~ers']Ekspluatatsiia kholo- dillzWkh ustanovok. Moskva., Gostorgizdat,, 1962 144 (~!!A 15:4* (Refrigeration exid refrigerating maebinery) CHICHIKOV, Vasiliy Mudlylovicb,; PAMOTA, IN.., otv. red.; MARKOVICH,-0,G.,-teRW.-red. [Rebelling land; travels and meetings] Buntuiusbehaia ze4al putesbestviia i vstreckii. Moskva., Goo.izd-vo detskoi lit-x7 M-va prosv. RSFSR., 1961. 155 p. (MM 15:1) 1. Korrespondent "Pravdvu (for Chicbikov). (Latin America-Description and travel) 1415 740.14 CHICHIKOVI YU m -C51 Walzwerkswesen. Berlinp Technik, 1954. 467 P. jilus., diagre.p tatles. Translation from the Russidn: "ProkatnoYe proizvodstvo," Moscow, 1952. Added T.-P. in Russian. nQuellonnaeveis": p. "9-451 SINIT~YN, A.F.; LOSKUTOVP A*I.v inzhe; CHICHILANOVY M.T.9 slesarl Measure for eliminating the melting of' contacts of a quick-break switch on electric locomotives. Elek, i tepl. tiaga no.1:18 jFA 161. (MIRA 14:3) 1. Master apparatnogo tsokha depo Zlatoust (for Sinitsyn). (Electric locomotiveao~-Eleetric equipaent) (Electric switchgear) VESELOV, S.I.; WSHCHINA, N.; MAMSHKIN, L.G.; IUJLDqA, L.B.; ClIplulo-luK..; SHAEMIN, Ye.M.1 CHILIKIN,M.G., praf.; YUSHKOV, S.B.; GOSIS, I.R.; RYABTSEV, N.I.; KRUPOVICH, V.I.; FIRMOV, N.Lt PATARUYEV, A.D.; BEYRAKH, Z. Ya., doktDr tekhn. naWc !fwenty-first anniversary of the publication "Promyshlerindia energetika". Prom. energ. 21 no. li5-7 Ja 166 (MIRIA, 19:1) 1. Nachallnik Gosudarstvennov. inspektaii po anerCstioheskom nadzoru Ministerstva mergetiki i elektrUikatsii SSSR (for Vbselov). 2. MoskovskDye pravleniya nauahno-tekhnicheskogo obshchest7a energetidheskoy pranyslilermosti (for Oushchina). 3. Predsedatelt, Sverdlovskogo prav:Leniya Nauchno-tekhnicheskogo obahchestva energetichaskoy promyslilennosti (for Malmshkin). 4. Glavnyy energetik Pervogo gosudarstvennogo podshipnikovogo zavoda (for Chichilo)a 5. Glavnyy -9nergetik Moskovskogo me'll- lurgicheskogo zavoda 'Serp i molotllk (for Sbal-- in). 6. Rektor Moskovskogo energeticheskogo instituta (for Chilikim). 7. Glavnyy inzhener instituta Ty%zhpromelektroproyekt (for Krupovich). 8. Glavnyy konatniktor Moskovskogo zavoda teplovoy avtmatiki (for Beyrakli). PA 35/49T34 An 49 Steam Xagineering Fuel Conservation "Utilization of Steam of Revaporized Conclensate," 1. K. Chiohilo, K. 1. Vtorov, Engineers) First GPZ, 11prom Energet" NoI Diagram and operation of arrangoment for utilizing revaporization of the condensato, which resultecl in saving 10,000 megazalories of bimt energy per year in a bus-bar factory. 35A9r34 CHICHILO, 1. K. "High-Frequency Current Inductive Heating of Steel Bars Utilized for Stamping . Ball Bearings," Prom. Energet., No 8, 1949. Engr., First State Bearing Factory imeni L. M. Kaganovich. 1. CKCHILO,_ I.: -OVWHKIN, V, 2. USSR (600) Ifectric Power 7, TUttional consur;ption of eleotrio energy. Zu ekon. mat, No* 3, 1Z2* 9. 'Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, January 1953. Unclassified. , I . I ~,It Ichdo i /, k. HICHITZ, I.K. insh. First Soviet ball bearing plant. Prox.energ.12 no.11:32-34 N '57. (MIRA 10:12) (Bearing industry) 71MOLAIRY, lonstantin Paylovich; BABUSHKIN, Alekney Zakharovich; C=MMW, 1.11r. w 4jlZh., Zeteensent; KUYIN, P.A., Insh., red.; SURNOVA, G.T., Ellectromagnatio and magnetic plates for metal-cutting machines; awmfacturs, use, and repair] 'Blaktromagnitnya i magnitnyo plity metalloreshumhohikh stankov; prqIxvodstvo, okeplustataiia I remont. Moskva. Goe.nauchno-tekhn.:Lzd-vo mashinostroit.lit-ry. 1959. io6 p. (KIRA 12:4) (Cutting machines) (Magnots) AMMOV, Yea., red.; IVANOV, N.I., red.; KIRKIEV, M.I., red.; KNYAZEV, F.I., red.; CHICHIW, I.K., red.; ZRITRIKOVA, O.S.P [Regulations for the tecbnical operation and safe maintenance of electric installations in industrial enterprises; compulsory for industrial enterprises of economic cowicils ministries and depart- ments] Pravi-la tekbnicheekoi ekspluata-tsii i bezopasnosti obsluzhi- vaniia el:ektroustanovok p-.-,oqrshlenTWkb predpriiatii; obiazatellmy dlia proigshlerwykh predp:riiatii sovn&rkhozov, ministorstv i ve- domstv. Izd.2., stereotipmoe. Utverzhd4Dny 10 fevralia 1961 g. Mo- sk-vap Gosenergoizdat, 19&1 267 p. (KM 15:7) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S *R.) Glavnoye eiaergeticheakoye u ravleniTe. (Electric engineering-Safety regulatio ~ KOIESOV, D.S., inzh., otvo z& vypusk; CHUMAKOV, N.M., red.; KIFa=, M.L., red.; AKULOV., Ye.F*,, red.; IVANOV, U.N.,, red.; KNIAZET, P.L., red.; CHICBILO I.K.,, red.; VOROTNIKOU, L.F.., tekbm. red. [Safety regulations for-operating and servicing the electric power systems of industrial enterpriBe3;'obligatory for industrial. enterprises., economic councils, mizdotriea,, and governmental agencies] Pravila tekbnicheskoi ekspluatatsii i bezopasnosti obsluzhivaniia elektrouslanavok promyshlenrwA predpriiatii; obiazatellny dlia prory.-IlewVkh predpriiatii sovnarkhozov, ministerstv i vedomste ttverzhdeny 10 fevralia 1961 g. Moskva., Vaes.izdatelisko-poligr. ob"edinenie F-va pu- tei goobsbeheniia., 1962. 349 pe (MIRA 15-4) 1. P:uS:S'iW(192~- U.S.S.R.)Glavwye enargetidwskoye upraylenive. Illectric power distriIxti=a--%WetY replation) CHUMAKOV, N.M., red.; KIREYEV, M.I., red.; AKUU)V, Ye.F., red.; IVINOV, N.N., red.; KNYAZEV, P.J., recl.; CHICHILOO I-K red.; KRYLOIT, I.G., red.; GLUSHKO, G.L, fielilin-. red. [Safety engineering regulations for o1wrating and servicing electrical eyst~ of industrial enterprises required for the industrial plants of economic couricils, ministries,, and departmenta]Pravila tekhnicheskoi ekBIoluatataii i bezopaanosti obBluzhivaniis elektroustanovok promythlenafth predpriiatii; obiazatellmy dlia promyshlennykh predpriiatii. sovaarkhozov, miniateraty i vedomsty. Utverzhdeny 10 fevralia 1961 g. MD- skva, Daepropetrovakoe knizhnoe izd-vc,, 1962. 279 p. (min 16:3) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.)Glavnoye emergeticheakoye upravle- niye. (Electric power distribution-Safety regulations) CHUMAKOV, N.M., red.; KIREYEV, M.I., red.; AKULOV, Ye.F... red.; IVANOV, N.N., red.; HWYAZEV, F.I., rei.; CHICHEL, I.K., red.; MELINIK., V.D.., red. (Safety engineering and operation regalations for the maintenance of the electrical systems of industrial enterprises; mand-a-luory for industrial enterprisos, eco- nomic counci 1s, ministries, and enterprises] Pravila tekhnicheskoi ekspluatatsii i bazopasnosti oboluzhiva- niia elaktroustanovok promyshlenzWkh predpriiatii; obia- zatellrq dlia promyshlennykh predpriiatii sovnarkhozov, ministerstv i vedomstv. Dnepropetrovsk# Izd-vo nProminl, 1964. 305 p. (MIRA 18:2) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Glavnoye energeticheskoye upravleniye. CMIM11KOV, N~M.~ red.) KIREYEV, ".L, red.- AKULOV, Ye.F,.. red.; iVANQV', N.N., redal KhYA2XV) P~I.p red,,; CHIG1111P, I.N,j red-,, MELINA, V.D., red. (Regulations for opers, and safety neas-ares In servicing the eacct-iral systems of inditstrieOl enterprives; mandatory for industrial entarprises of -agional ezonomic coljncils, minisi'rit~s.- ard departments) Pravila tAhnicheskol ekspluata- tsil i bezopasnosti obs.1-azhivanils. elektroustanovok prc- raysbienrykb predpriiatiii oblazatellry dlia promvshlennykh predpri-llatii sovnarkhoz-lv,, ministerptv i vedomsiv, Dnepropetrovskr Izd-vo "Promin?," 1965. 25? p. (MIRA 18:8) 1. Riiss-la 11,1-923- U.S.S.R.) Glavmye eriergetichaskoye upravle- niye. /7/ All) PAGE 71. B1OLM1rAf- ACTIVIV OV ~-,TfTS OF P080- ANV ACID3 AND TJ`QT CCH- L. S. Afo-,J;,T*'n and 1. 7. 7.-ilkonrdhwa~ . . . . . . . 4~17 72. CO.'4PAIIATINT. PATA ON ACTIVITY A:3 TOXIC17f OF COYJ'OUNIZ. 1. A. Prinkov . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 443 73. DEtWNT)L-NC? OF THE S51,13C1,711lig AN-1) lItU,%%COlOGTC,%L ACTION OF r,04% Ha*1'D P-11VU OY r, ICY 1.1`110SPROUIC ACD. G. F. 1t=hwvakftyn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 ~,3 74. TOXICITY U*.D WAY, T9XICODYIMIC ITIODIX243 OF ZZ-9 ORG ANOPHOSPUCRUS. CO)COMUDS. Yu. G. Knijin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * , , * * , , * * 4 R9 S. m7m OF ORGANOPHOSPHO233". cov.-touriD., ON '1;rmc,.1fj3cu11%R coll-Ilf-C170N. E. K. R.-1.0, et al, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 465 76. BLO=* AIM ACT11ON' OF AMMTN' 0." %-,7JRO?aMU-TAR '-7W,*,,-J1SSToN. 1. M. Fj~klrmtullln nal V. v. 13'rot'gin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 468 77. USE OF PlrOM'3 (11YROPHOSj FOR TIUAWEIC OF PERIPIMUL PAW,!:f:;*eZ IN V. 11. AupkritMn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 472 78. USE OF ORGJkl;OP*-1OS?-.O1',US LN TIM OF k!M l-:'R1FiUWL rnausrx" ~. V. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 476 79. lioXICOID.11 OF ORC.%j;0Pl!OS7j1oRU:; CgWU,-.D3. S. D. 7nugollnlkov . . . . . . . . . . . . 480 80. WRI'llOTIDGICAL C1',V;rZr, 11; TIW, ANIN11, OIGANI"-4 AFYr-jl ORGANONO' SPHOWS rOXS0N'1I;'-- * * * F. 1. 11.0towikiiya . . . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . . . * 48r, Al . ',,f ,.Y WMT =POT, J 01 PROTECTIVE IM) T!iFXI'rt?rrC re,10PE-KTIFS OF ki-,~ m . . . . . . . . . 1,140F AM] THOSMIN-E. 44-96-~~ . . . . . . . . . . 400 62. c . ~. V PROPHYUVIS OF 1`01GOND,-, BY Mf67ZXIC TIM-CrICIPF3. K yut IX.:mikov 495 113. WXILk%lat OF TIM ACTION OF P-NT~TOPIU-~';YL DIDUNIZI(OSPHEM-F., 172- 1. V. ZZiihonnikova tind T. A. Stuflentsova . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500 04. -ICAL ODM-.,Ii',%T!O:f OF P-Nr7JOPHM,YL l)1-'4tTrYLPI,'Q13PIlMTr- IN GlAUCOXA. V . . Krarmova. CLD X Fos (15. - . . DITIO [D1-1UO1 - A Nr-4 ORf.,%N0PliO5ri!ORu3 COYMOT."D AGAINVI culjcc:~,%. Z. m. oaipo-, 5013 JlG. 7jM%'VZ:,T rF GVtlC.*O%',% BY OR.-GIANOP110SPEORU3 COWOUNDS. G. r. Timimkaya . . . . . . . . 512 87. TloyiCITY OF Cak"UNDS $))R PUYU.LS, WITH R&M.ATION Sir-1c;Ess. A. 11. Solov'~!v . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 515 08. OPIGM:OPHOSPHOlius cavoTms P~s AwAD'AD=21CH SICOESS T1rE-MlTLV,1C AND FROP1111ACTIC ACIZ.rS. N. A. Uof-dkin ~t- al. 520 (19. EFI-t= OF O~~j;,-,Norlonri:orm: o.,. V=-,XATC1rIfYTM. r.D: 524 ladra!,Ta 1 Oo;~odlnoxiiy of 02-canophosphanto .4, 70. Ar~llzov, rd. publ. 1~y Eau-ni ~JTII Arr"I. VC1 . , tW'1, F-c-, 2962 632.Pn- COnOOticm Of COMP10tc PDPO" i7moonted at tbz 1939 Ramen C~cnfcrvnco oa C,,;r-aistry of Com2owido. !!. 11. CHICHIN, M. I.. "The grou" ,,ondittons and -T-,rc)ductivit;y of linden E-roves in the Belorussian SM." Min Higher Education US-M. Belorussian Forestry Engineerinp- Inst S. Kirov. Minsk, 1956. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate irt ALTicultural Sciences). SO: Yknizhnava letopis', No 23~ 1956 USSR / Forestry. General Problems . Abs Jour : Bef Zhur - Biologiya, No 18, 1958, No. 82179 Author .0 ChIchin, M. 1. Tmat 1. z, Title : Belorussian Linden Groves Orig Pub :-3:olkhoznik Belcrussii, 1956, No 1,0, 29 Abstract : No abstract given Cexd 1/1 K 10 CHICHIN., M.I. Arboretum of t~e Zbornovka Forest Experiment Station. Bot.; issl.B9l.otd.VBO no.7,226-232 165. (M-TRA 18: 12) I , A. IT. 2. USSR (600) h.. Brakes T. Expanded seminars on problems of increasing the wBar resistance of braking and friction assemblies of machines. Vest. mash. 32 no. 11. 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, ____Apr_il_-_1953, Uncl. CHICHIN023 0 A. V. "Westigation of Temperature Fields of Sow Dry Friction Areao.' Cand Tech Soil Inst of Machine Scit Acad Soi USSR, Moscowp 1.954. (KL, No 1, Jan 55) Wrvey of Sciebtific and bobaical Dissertations lkifend*d at USSR Higher Iducational Institutions (12) SO: Sm. No. 556, 24, Jun 55 d- h 11 C_ A'I VICI-Az' C. d. ti. XRAG31LISKrY. I.V.; C"ILKO, G.Ye; WAID~V A.V.; n~Wmiyjv. A.1., 0101 t_ 1_ redaftor; AS!PA3r'=FA. G.A.. te1dFui1oneWmTT"Tmktor. [Friction processes In airplane wheel brakes. Selection of frictional psArs] Protsessy trouila Y tormosakh artakoles.Podbor frikteiomWkh par. Moskva, Isd-vo Akademlil umik SM, 1935. 189 V, (K[iU 9;4) (Airplanes-Landing gear) (Brakos) ' j T '. y IL -RIP. " .;,d a mo-`. digj~trs. am made 1.) -~- i n fet'LlOwil. i", ~'.. The , ,- , im 14P -4to - ' 1 -daedand-n dtd--ix-t ram- 4 lof -"j, J-11 J1 15(8) S/02!5/60/000/05/021/044 D048/DOO6 AUTHOR: Chichinadze, A.V., Candidate of Technical Sciences TITLE: 11~etinaksll PERIODICAL- Nauka i zhizn', 1960, Nr 5, p 63 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Recently, a team of scientific workers and engineers headed by Professor I.V. Kragells . , Doctor of Tech- nical Sciences, developed and intro ced into in- dustry a new material - retinaks,,/ It is a plastic which has a high wear-resistancelDand a constant friction coefficient in a temperature range between 100 and 10000. It does not cause much wear in me- tal drums Emd disks, d.oes not ignite or give off dust and smoke. Due to these qualities it is widelyugad in many fields. Soviet "TU-t-104",4 "TU-.1141-4and, "IL-1811 air liners arEi equipped with -FeElnaksl5which Card 1/2 lengthens the working life of their 1~-vakes b 4-5 S/025/60/000/05/021/044 D048/DO06 "Retinaks" times. It has proved to be extremely effective in the brakes of travelling excavators and oil drilling hoists. Due to its resistance to bacteria, the ma- terial is used under various climatic and atmosphe- ric conditions-at environmental temperatures of -60 to +1000' The use of retinaks ixt the national eco- nomy saves the country several 100 million rubles per annum. There is 1 drawing. Card 2/2 -~q 'gee NOW M 'A 10 -6p �r 0 V So ma V 9 U 2 r g Pit fog;! 0 I I V On It LIn CEO flu RL -.1 Z a 0 " 0-0 P... is a a oe g~: 8 C. i3 O's SO 10 9 :07 at 4 to go 0 0 Da.- 'o 1A 96" as w -%vt H 0.. Fr ;~ : , 5 . , 10 W 0 Zo- I -S . 3/123/60/000/020/019/019 AOO5/A0Ol Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mashinostroyeniye, 1960, No. 20, p, 478, # 113278 AUTHORS: Maroahkin, V. N., Chichinadze, A. Vt. TITU: Calculation of the Resistance Forces in Disk Brakes PERIODICAL: V sb.: Povysheniye effektivnosti tormon. ustroystv. Svoystva frikts. materialov. Moscow, AN SSSR, 1959, PP. 170-179 TEXTz The calculation of the resis ,tance forces is presented, which arise from the friction :Ln the disk brakes applied in the aviation. The existent calculation methods are criticized. V. 0. S, Translator's note: This Is the full translation of the original Russian abstract. Card 1/1 mw Mp ro o - L t ?) Trudy, v. c e Z f o~. T USSR) contains oL-e~s presented at the III V-esoyu-7nr--,- f -1- r)0 i~7,1102S-Ll %, mmshirw~~.,- (Third All.-Union Lc-.ion !-,.nd '~,Oerr in &I in 9-11~, 1:1-1,~ J~y.4 S/iii/61/000/001/008/015 A161/A130 AUTHORS: Chiohinadze, A. V., Candidate of Teahnioal Sciences; ~~rac~h,G. M. ~,Zginesir TITLE; Experience withretinaks in some matAxinary applicationb 41 PERIODICAL: Vestnik maehlnostroyeniya~no- 1, 1961, 51 - 55 TEM Information is given on component elements of ratin&ka, its properties, behavior and applications, It is since 2 - 3 Year'; gradually re- plaoing the old Soviet friction materials failing in h6avy friction service. 17 Soviet publications are the infomition source. Its peculiar feature is a plastic, resilient surface film. The components w~e barite, asbestos and resin bond modified by colophony, Brass is added for hea:vy friction service. Benin heated by friction reacts with barite, the ambient medium and the counterbody in friction contact, and brans reacts with barite formIng sulfurous compounds . The surface film maintains constant volume in a wide temperature range. The *K-24A (FK-24A) retinaks is made of asbestos, gr-ovnd barite and a solution of modified phenol-formaldehvde resin. Microscopic pores cui the surfaoe fill with Card 1A Uperience with retinake in some .... S/122/61/000/001/008/015 A161/A130 plastic wear products under the effect of friction and heat, as well as with par- tiOlOS Of softened metal. The softening point of vietal must, not exceed the frie- tion heat to prevent metal from being pulled on tho retinaka surface. FK-24A contains no brass and is designed for a lower friction heat range. The-other grade mentionedsot~-16A(FK-16L) I&M-24A with 16% brass wire of 0.18 - 0.20 in diameter in 20 - 30 = lengths. It is a grade for higher friction loads. Softening brass repXaoes the burning bond and absorbs some heat. Softened brass with barite and tesin decomposition produots for= a layer isolating the deeper layers from contact with the oounterbody and working like a lubrioant which forms from&iction. Retinaks liningis are fabricated similarly with other non- metallic materials worked by hot pressing, and itis properties are controllable by application of different pressure and temperat-ure. The physical and mechani- cal. properties are: FK - 24 A FK- 16 L Compression strength limit, kg/cm2 .................. 1,300 900 Brinell hardness, kg/=P ............................ 33 36 Bending strength limit, kg/cU2 ....................... 6oo Shear resistance, kg/mmP .............................. 4.8 2.5 Impact resistance, kg-m/cmP .... -- 13 Card 2/4 S/122/6i/ooo/ool/OW/015 Experience with retinaks in some A16i/km FX - 24 A FK - 26 L Density, g/om.3 ...................................... _772 2.25 Heat conductivity, Kcal/m - h o dog too*@., ...... 0.53 0.57 3peciflo beat, Koal/kg * dog 0.23 0.2 Thermal diffuaiyity, j2/h - 10 ...................... 1.36 1.2 Water uptake, % ....................... 6...... 1