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CINODVBU., JOME. ZwIter Beitrag zur KcmtnJL9 der Blattweapenfauna von Mnedonien, Skopje.. 1958, 18 P. (~wpje, Hacedoniae Primdonmen mmej. ltdanijas Acta., t. 5., no. 10) SCIERM SO: Monthly LUt of &wt Luropean Acmesicm (EW) 10 Vol. 8, No. 4 April 1959,, umae GINGOVSKIP Jonce A oontribution to the knowledge of leaf waspis (Tenthredinidae, Hymenoptera) of Serbia. 02as Prir muz B no.15:67-74 160. CINGR, Erich, dr.; SOBOL, Zdenek, inz. The cooperation of the State Mining Administration in the development of mining enterprises. Uhli 4 no,4:132-134 Ap t62. 1. Sdruzeni Otitraviko-karvinskych dolu, Ostrava. SOBOL, Zdenek, inz.; SI~NGR, l9rik, dr, Putting mining installationa into permanent operation. Uhli 4 no.12:424-426 D 162. 1. Sdruzeni Ostravsko-Karvinskyeh dolu, Ostrava. CIVGR, Frik.. dr.; LICHNMM, IwAomir, inz. When to accept aitasaambled technical inotallation, Uhli 5 no.6t210-211 Je f63. 11 ministerstvo jolivj, resortui arbitraz (for Cingr). 2. Sdruzeni Ostravoko-larvinsl7ch dolu, Ostrava (for Lichnovsky). -^.INGR,, Erik., dr. I - ~ - Enmwing the industrial, oaf(kty in the building of factoriese Podn"k organizact 17 no.3:3-16-118 Mr 063. SOBOL, Zdanek,, inz.; ',~INGR,, Erik, dr~ "'Oitrava, machinery anj equipm~~nt maintenE~nc!s in Lhe some protlemc of T T coal industry hII m IT 1.1 r 1. 1, ~ 7: . ~ I I ~ T. DaraFw cpused "y m.-inirg and tbp ranner -qnd e:,-i ent of t' ' tinn. P. In - hfJr connensp- (Mili, Vol 7, rn. 1, Jan. lc571, F..aha, czechos2wal-i-a-) SO: Yonthly List of Epst Enropean Aupssion!-. (T-TAL) 10. Vol. 4, no. 12e, TDI-c. lQ-1:7. line]. PROKS, Josef; GINGRCGOVA, Kvetuee. influence of Penicillium camembarti and Penicillium cassicolum o.n the ripening of Camembert type cheese. Sbor potrav VSChT V01.5, pt.2-.81-92 161 [publ,1621. 1. Katedra Lechnologie mlaki a tuku.. Vysoka skals, chemicko- technologicka, Praha. 4 " 1~: /V, ) /'- " () ~ (A) 1 6 IM - L I -~ (- 4 SURNA1.2, Given Naroa Country: Czechoslovakia Academic Degrees., /not given/ Affiliation: Central Lieologica .I Institute ~Ustredni ustav geologicky), Prague Source: Prague, Caso~Dis pro Mineralogaii. a Geologii, Vol VI, No 3, 1961, pp 250-254. . Data: "Profile of the Rock Wall Near Libcice nad Vltavou.11 Ault-hors: OINIBURK, Miroslav KRATOCHVIL, Frantisek ttr~ollth the urologic ward of the Wol& Hospital durimg 1951-1953. Urol.polska 7:160-166 1954. 1. Z Oddzi&lu Urologicznep Insty-tutu Gruslicy-(Upitala Wolskiego) w Warssawie. Ordytiator: doc.dr mad. V. Wasolowski) (URISM TROT, calculi. statist., (GALCULIP urinary statist.hosp.,reportj CINIWICZ, Olgierd Cystic dilation of the lower segment of the ureter and its prolopse through the urethra. Pelski tygod.lek. 10 no.26: 865*9 27 Je 155. 1. Z Oddzialu Tirelegicsnege InstStutu, Gruslicy (Szpitala Volskiego); ordynator; doe. dr sed-S. Wasolowski. Va'rsuwa, Instytut Grtizlicl,, Plocim 26 -Oddzial - Urolog1cwW (amiiis. cysts . - cystic dilatation of lower segment with prolapse to urethra) (URUHRA, diseases prolapes, of lower segment of ureter with cystic dilatation) WMOLOWSKI, Stefan; CINIWIC&. iprd "NIVI, Treatment of prostatic cancer. Urol. polska 9:301-93 1956. 1. Z.Oddzialu Urologicznego Szpitala Wolskiego w Warazawie Ordynator: prof. dr. med. S. Wasolowski. (PROSTATE, neoplasms. ther. (Pol)) GINIZWIGZ, 0. Diagnostic biopsy of the kidney. Urol. polska 10:160-163 1956. 1. Z Oddzialu Urologiasnego Instytut Gruzlicy (Bzpitala Wolskiego) w Waresawie. Ordynator: prof dr mad. S. Wesolowaki. (KIDNEYS. pathol. biopsy (Pol)) CIEWICZ, Olgierd PlFistla inAiiratinn of the penis and itg therapy. Urol. poloka 9:179-184 1956. 1. Z Oddzialu Urologicznego Instytutu Gruzlicy v Warazemie (Szpital Wolski) Ordynator: prof. dr. mad. 'S. Wesolowski Z Instytutu Onkologii w Waracawie Dvrektor: prof. dr. mod. Fr. Lukaazczyk. (PKNIS, diseases, plastic induration, tber. (Pol)) USSR / Cultivated Plants. Forage Crops. M-5 Abs Jour: Ref Zbur-Biol., 1958, iio 16, 73020. Author : QjnLg,__B_ Inst : Not given. Title : Value of Annual Ryegrass in Restoring Soil Fertil- ity. Orig Pub: Padomju Latv. Kolchoznieks, 195'r, No 7, 13-14; Kolk- hoznik Sov. Latvii, 1957, No 7Y 13-14. Abstract: 3y experiments of the Peterniyekskaya Experiment-pal Station (1955, Latvia), It was established that ac- cording to the agricultural engineering effect on the soil, annual ryegrass planted both alone and in mixture with legumes significantly exceeds first- year perennial grasses; even in the year of plant- inG, it accumulates significant quantities of or- ganic substances in the soil and more nitrogen (44 Card 1/2 I USSR / Cultivated Plants. Forage Crops. 111-5 1 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., 1958, No 105, 73020. 0 Abstract: kg) in the roots than does vetch-oat mixture (16 kg per 1 ha) . -- Ye. T. Zhukov skaya. Card 2/2 79 ('11171 Ii. Fquipment for weldinLr, thin wire. p. 222. IIVAR.;',NIE. (Ministerst'vo an ur hutneho pruny-slu a rudnych ~ i a 1111inistarstvo st ojnrstva. Vol. 4, no. 7, July 1955. S-.MGD: 7aA Esuropean Acce;Aons List, Vol. 5, no. 01, 5tptemlber 1956 SAGER$ 0.; CINKAp I.; DIMITRIU, R.; KOLIA~ A. Conditioned salivary reactions in bilateral3,v deeorticated animals. Rev. sci. med. 5 no.1/2:95-98 160. 1. Corresponding member of the R.P.R. (for Sager) (RIOW, CONDITIOITED exper) (CEWRAL CORTEX pbvsio.1) "Lxamd-naticn of the coefficient of refraction in !,.-OnteneZrro. 1-34) (GiMIMKI LIST, Vol. 8, ',o. 5/33, Lay/Aug. 1~-5,4, Zigrob, Yugoslavia) SO: Ybnthly Liqt of' Last European Accat sio- s, (z,!;a) , LC, Vc] 19 5 ~ i -. 4, o. )5' uncl. CINKDOVIC., N. Coefficient of refraction in the v:Lcinity of Belgrade. P. 49. ABORNIK. Univerzitet. Gooderski imtitut. Belgrade, Yugoslavia. No. 1, 1958. Monthly List of East European Accemisiorm (EEAI)s LC, Vol. 9, n9. 2. 1960. Uncl. GINKLOVIC., Nikola W-02119~ Accuracy ~of length meadurements, and weight of the measured side in paralactio polygonometry. Zbor Geod inst Beograd no.4: 71-80 163. CINKLOVIC, Nikola Analysis of the method of length measurements with apparatus for paralactic polygonometry. Zbor Good inst Beograd no-4: 55-70 163. C11MOVIC, LI~kola,_j#.. inz. Report on the activities of the Federation of Geodetic Engineers and Geometricians of Yugoslavia between the let and 2d Congresses. Geod list 17 no. 4/6: 185-192 AP-Je 163. 1. Sekretar Saveza geodetskih inzenjera i geometara Jugoslavije. GINKOTSZKY I- Exporiments with a model of the inlet lock gate of the Western Main Canal. p. 406 Vol. 5, no. 9. Sept. 1955 MELYEPITESTUDOMANTYI SZEMLE BUDAPEST SO: Montb3y List of East European Accessions, (EM), LC, VOL. 5. no. 2 Feb. 1956 FOLTAN, Ivan; CIIIKOVA, Darina Setting of leathers Kazarstvi 13 no,10:314-317 0 63. 1e Zavody 29. augusta,, nepe, Parizanske, CINIM, R. Mechanical shovels for locomotives. P. 58. Railroad employees in Rumania. p. 60 (TRUE, NICE., Vol. 3, no. 3, Jan. 1951, Czechoslovakia) SO: Monthly List of East European Accession, Vol. 2 #8, Library of Congress, August 1953, Uncl. CINIIER , Rudolf P inz. -- - MMM.MWA ------ ft~"o Unified autDmatic coupler of railways which are members of the Organization for Collaboration of Railways,, Zel dop tech 11 no.11:336-338 163. SIONIM, Dimitrij; HICHL, Jiri; )WIM, Ivo; GINIMMU, Olga; MZVO, Milan Certain experiences with the preparation of inactivated poli- omyelitis vaccine in Czechoslovakia. 1. Glas13, rubber, stainless material. Cesk. epidem. mikrob. imun. 8 no-5:289-298 Sept 59. 1. Ustav ser a ockovacich latek v Praze. (POLIOWILITIS, imaunol.) MOMS) SLCNIM, Dimitrij; HIGHL, Jiri; MUMOVA, Olga; VARBS, I-ro; DREVO. Milan; x.*, spoluprace: S2&PANOU;-I.--, -FAJKOVE-;-H-; ; JARKOVE. A. Oertain Weriences with the preparation of the inactivated polio- nVelitis vaccine in CSR. II. Preparation of the medium. Gesk. spidem.mikrob.imun. 9~ no-2:111-121 Kr s6o. POLIONMITIS immunol.) CG=) M SIAWIM, D.t MARES, I.; DREVO, M.; CINNEROVA,_221 MICHL, -T.; technical assistance: HOUTOVA, M,; XOMELEM, Id.; KRAUSOVA, V.; SKUBU, J.; ZLABOVA, Z. Some experiences with the preparation of inactivated po2i=[relitis vaccine in Czechoslovakia. IV, The preparation of the vaccine. Act& virololnglogdoftOm 5 no.3-:178-187 My 161. 1. Institute of. Sera and. Vaccines, Prague. (POLIOH=Tls i==01) KALIS, Kh.E. [Kalis, H.); TSINOBER, A.B. [CinIq-bers,,.AJ; SHTERN, A.G. [Sterns, A.); SHCHERBININ, H.V. Flow of a conducting fluid past a circular cylinder in a transverse magnetic field. Mag. gidr. no.1:19-28 165. OURA 18: 5) CIZOVASIKY, G. Tozoplamosle connata. Brattal. lek. listy 34 no-7:788-796 July 54. 1. 2 Dstskeho oddelenta OM v Levoci, predneste. G.Cinovsky (TUOPLMMIS, In laffmt and cMId, comen.) 1. GIhTOVSKI, J. 2. USSR (600) 4. Eggs , 7, Reduced temperature as a stimulating factor for the development of a non-fertilized hen's erg. Iatv.PSR Zin.Akad.Vestis no. 9, 19M. 9. Monthly Lists of Russian Accessiopa,. Library of Congres,;, March 1953, Unclassified. CINMKIS, J.(Elga); JEGINA,, K.(Riga) Deteruination of pupation tIme of the dark :lick beetle (Agriotes obscuruis L.) Vestis Latv ak no.6:141-146 160. (Ew 10:9) 1. LeLtvi.jas PSR Zinatnu akademija, Biologij!Ls instituts. (Booties) (Agrioteis obsourus) CINOVSKIS, T.(Biga); JEGINA, K.(Riga) Control of corn pests with new insecticides, Vestis Iatv ak no,4; 103-107 161. (Em 10:9) 1. Latvijas PSR Zinatnu alademija, Biologijas instituts. (Gorn (maize)) (',Insecticides) L hh-67 W---AP6034501 (,4,vj SOURCE CODE: UR/0197/66/000/010/0055/0062 AUTHOR: Cinovskis., J.; Jegina, K...Zilaparne, A. Cibulska, A. --7 ORG: Institute of Biology, Latvian Academy of Sciences Biologijas Instituts, Latvijas PSR ZA) TITLE: Basic trends and future prospects in biological pest control SOURCE: AN LatSSR. Izvestiya, no. 10, 1966, 55-62 TOPIC TAGS: pest, pest control, biological pest control, trichogramma, parasite, microorganism, fungus, virus, plant pest ABSTRACT: Biological pest control mC-thods rely on utilizing a pest's natural enemies, such as parasites and predators. These enemies are preferably not poisonous to humans and domestic animals. Sterilization of pests by ionizing radiation or chemicals is used. In contrast to chemical methods that require continuous synthesis of new substances, biological methods are designed to study and utilize natural processes so that the predator may control the pest. Such predators are: microorganisms (viruse )0bacteriab and other -unicellular organisms), worms, mites, spiders, insects, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and Card 1 / 4 L 08244-67 AP6034501 mammals. Since their number is generally inadequate for mass pest control, the biologist must create conditions favorable for artificial breeding. The majority of plant pests and their predators are insects. These natural enemies Eittack their prey or parasitize them. Aphelinus mali, wasR, was used to control apple tree blight in which the causative agent was Eriozom a lanigerum. Large-scale importa- tion of predators has been successful elsewhere. In the Soviet Union, twelve different parasites and predators have been acclimatized to combat cultivated plant pests. Native parasite species (trichogramma) have been used successfully to control plant pests. Three species commonly used in the Soviet Union are to control of- fruit, vegetable, and forest pests: Tr. evanescens, Tr. cacoecia, and Tr. embryophagum. Trichogramma is an ovarian parasite and is widely distributed but does not multiply abundantly by natural means. Therefore it is raised artificially. Sixteen strains of the above three species have been studied in the Latvian SSR since 1958, and have been successfully employed against! the lesser apple worm (Laspeyresia pomonella), the black-pea moth.(L. nigricana), and the pine-shoot moth (Evetria buoliana), resulting in marked decreases in crop losses. A special laboratory of biomethods established at tile Ogre Testing Station under the Latvian Ministry of Agriculture has been producing Trichogramma preparations since 1961 for local use and export. Insects were sterilized by exposure to gamma rays, Cwt; 2/'1 ~ 082h4_67....-_____.___. ACC NRI AP6034501 x-rays, or chemicals but their ability to rnat6 was not impaired. No progeny result from such matings. The Institute of Biology of the Latvian Academy of Sciences has sterilized beet posts and apple-blossom weevils using an atomic reactor, and to also developing chemical sterilants. The successful use of entompathogens has been reported. Microorganisms are useful as they are usually species-specific and adapt themselves readily, multiplying rapidly in the host and causing disease on a massive scale. Fungi and fungi imperfecti were the first agents used in biological pest control, causing muscardinoses and aspergilloses in pests. Various ascomycetes affect at least 50 types of plant pests. Beauveria bassiana is fatal to a large variety of pests, including apple-tree moths and potato beetles. Treatment of the potato beetle with a locally made fungus preparation resulted in a 9270 mortality rate. The fungus is raised on a nutrient medium; when the spores are ready, the fungus is separated or dried together with the medium and mixed with a filler (a neutral substance) before application. Spore-forming bacteria Bac. papillia, Bac. lentimorbus, Bac. thuringiensis, Dac. cereus, and Bac. entomocidus have been used against moth and fly larvae. They multiply well on artificial media. The most promising biological control agents are the viruses. Insects are susceptible to many virus-caused granuloses, both nuclear and cytoplasmic. Use of virus prepara- tions has resulted in 80% kills of cabbage and tussock moths. Other insect species are attacked by this preparation in all stages of development. Factors affecting 3/4 L 08244-67 ACC NRs AP6034501 usefulness of microbiological control methods are: virulence of the microorganism, temperature and humidity of environment, susceptibility of the pest to the microbe' which in turn is affected by natural immunity of the pest, its food supply, density - per unit area of the local pest population and the microflora contained in the insect's intestinal tract. Considerable importance is attached to the weakening of the pest; this has led to an "integrated" approach to pest control wherein sublethal doses of insecticides are applied simultaneously with microorganisms. Physiological disturbances caused by the insecticide make the pest more vulnerable to microbial attack. Orig. art. has: 4 figei &-,4-57c.7 SUB CODE: 06/ SUBM DATE: 29Apr66/ ORIG REP: 0291 OTH REF., 006/ 4/4 MODRAN, L.; PACURARU, A.; CINSCHIt 0. - Staphyloderma in the rural foediW. Microbiologia (Bucur) 6 no.is64-65 Ja-F 1 1611. e CINTAVY, Jan, inz. The method "d some results of experimental investigation of cor, pressor cas6ades. Stroj cas 13 no.1:69-94 162. 1. Statni vyzkumny ustav tepelne techniky, Praha. RumAM/mectronics vacuum Tedhnique H-9 Abs Jour 11of Mur 'Fizika, No 5) 1559~ No 11170 Author Nenga V. Gh. ) x1ntO_n_Ck_UA1_1_ Inst Laboratory for Atomic and Nuclear Physics, Jassy, Rumania Title New Method of Measurin,,; Vacuira. 7he Elcetroacoustic Vacuumetor. Oria Pub An. stiint. Univ. Iasi, See. 1., 1957; 3, No 1-2, 281-286 Abstract Description of a now method of measuring low pressures ranging from 760,to 5 mm mercury and based on the reduction in the sound pressure V,en the gas pressure is reduced. The chanGe in the sound pressure is determined with the aid of an electro- acoustic transducer, the construction and operation of which are described (a circuit is given). An expre3sion is obtained is obtained for the connection between the pressure of the ,gas and the voltage n~t the output of the amplifier. The op- timum conditions of application of the transducer are deter- mined. -- Author's resume Card 1/1 TKORDORESCU, P., prof.; TEODOREW, T., dr.; SAVULESCU) V., dr.; ANDRONACRE, I. P dr.,- CIQKCA,_J~-, dr. The clinical study anti methodological aspects of the sequelae of epidemic hepatitis in a community. Med. intern. 15 no.3:287-293 Mr 163. 1. Luarare efectuata in Clinica medicala a Spitalului. 4Bernat Andrei," (director: prof. P. Tebdorescu). (HEPATITIS, INACTIOUS) (DIAGNOSIS) GOTTLMt B., biolog (Godlea); CIOACA, M., ing. (Codlea) A new vegetable hormone: the Gibberellin; prospects for its application in horticulture. -Natura, Biologie 15 no.1:86--M Ja-F 163, MUIMSAN, S.; CIOACA,. Marina; I?ODOR,, 1. The tuberization rkthm in the new potato Unes produced at the Magurele Experimental Station. Comunicarile AR 12 no-4: 447-452 Ap 062. 1. Cominicare prountata do Al. Priadeeneu, membru corespondent al Academiei R.P.R. rWR I BOOK E(PLOITATION 30VA934 International*mympamium on aacramolecular chemistry. Moscow, ig6o. NezhdunarodnV aimpor.1tom go makromolskulyarnoy khimll SSSR, Xoskya, I _18 1yunya 1060 g.; doklady I awtorareratr. loktsiya 111. tInternational Syn.-pasium. on Racromotecular Chealstry Hold In Moscow, June 14-1a, 1960; Papers and Summaries )Section Ill. Noscom, Izd-To AN SSSR, 19601 469 p. .55,000 coploo printed. lltli ftch. Ed..- F. S. Lashloa. NY-! 3ponscrIng Agency: The International Union or Pure and Applied Chemistry. Commission on Macronolecular Choulatr7. PURPOSEt Thim book is Intend6d for aftemistm interested In poly- nerIzatlon r*actlona and the synthem~-a of high molecular COVERAGE:- ThIN 12 360tion M of a multjTolu=e work contain. Ing Papers 00 O&crcEOI~cuZjLr che=Lstry. The articles in general deal with the kinetics or polyzerIz:tlon ro&--tIons# tbs synthesis of special-purpose polymerap S., Ion ex- chango "*Lam, seAlarnovitor materials, *to., methods or cat. alyzUg polymerization reaptlons, propertios and ch"dcAj Luteructl0of of high molecular ataterialo, and the trr*ots of. various factors an polymerization and. the dogradation. of high isolocular compounds. No personalities are mentioned. Refoismoss given follow.the articles. ...._Pora.1dand J_-Zajajdtr (Poland). Chlorination of shyde Begins 27 Alexandria, L.aff-QpytsA and A. Ct--1 (Ru==,a). Cyanoethyl and AKjnoprCpyj gils-strTI'18 rvinyl Alcohol 34 kLmu kcrh A~. Qord~, Ye- X- d,K_j__&kgrj_v% (U33a). of tk.11L=t;~aCWT111 -r-slons of Polyzarbonates 44 jg=,jBt;rA,, X. S. Falldshteyn, and Z--X--SdllA;t&x2 (USSR). ractIca and Mechanism of the Activating Action --of Double, System or VUlcarilzatlon Accelerators .9 A--ShLrakQYA, and M. F. Acid and roLyvinil Alcohol 73 wood (Ruc&%ry). The Inter- action of tia & a and rolyvin7i Chloride 79 11~~A ?=~~ B-A--U=ZAftL.' tsmax~ L. . rol , A 7 A hlyoky, and R -N--:jgzt nko M). 74; PAU. 0 ;f F-39ric Whl.h MbM tj 0 !Madco)n-d~utor Propertlem 85 Xlkas-t-~&., and L. I. Kovie-JRungary). Chemical Properties of Bipolar Ion-uCE-an-ge Rosins- 93 I., and':. Morawlec (Poland). Effect of the Struc- ttaff-k--aOrWid, AcUKOU-CoUcOUou-nam an :the Proyarties of Anion VaLre 0 33ajldaA~~Pl ~ (USSR). Tho'P~;ilem 0 f the Effect of the Structure of I-Qnitem on Ion-Exchange-Proc&asts Between 12--1 tea and !I-*=trc-1-tZ Zaluti-Qfir. IOT At;:j_1nA. A., and Y,.r__bxjnL CVSSR). Froductlo-nand Proportlem or Scow Aromatic Polymers 125 Troltnnskaxi. V I P 1400;, A 3 Conversions of nsoluble Co;ol---ars of 3tyrena 124 : (Poland). Thermal Stabillty of Strongly Basic I.- go Resins 146 Ito CINU,M.; SLWjHIE,A.; POSHA,G. CJI-IU,~%, F-ETj,3,-,"rE APOSLA G. Contributions to the determinat-ion of the most favorable moment for pairin'? Sows. P.PP5. vol. 6, no. 7, 1950'. "CIEUCE S6: East European Accession, 'Vol. 6, i6'o. 5, '-iay 1957 W V w w w S--- -A- tT so *so- **at s 00 al 001 1 so "CAL 000 00.3 wo- a 7he abnvw p mm aftiamindatumm own'. jopim . . . . . . . . i Mitt he db*bW, bamb AL- - --~, - w It kv, 4( the do a* pan" MWAW pedWica - of mudaL,. MPKiram of INC~ Is in A4 I L Al '":006060,60 0 00 9000 0 0000000;6-00000-046 :2... 0 a 0 a 0 0 e a 0 0 0 oic 0 0 WO WOOD WO 0.0 0 0 S 0 000000*6000000 .00 'so so SHiPh. SH%Aj~ lot Wff -, 6* 0 zoo pw N"mm, coo md, = 7 "4,mdWbP(L The: imp 2100 ;100 No 0 %s0 Flo 0 %s0 IMANUL/Chemical Teohnology. ChoLdcal Products and Their H-13 Application. Ceramics. Glasd. Binding ~Iantcrials. Concrete. Abs jour ! Ref Zhur-Khin., No 2, 1959# ~53.3. Author : Cioara, Aurel; Cariadi, Lelia. Inst Title Polarographic Det=:dration of Selenium in Signalization Glass. Orig Pub: Studii si cercetari chim., 1956, 6, 1-10 1, 7-24. Abstract: The conditions of using the buffer SOlUtiOlL - ammonium chloride as an electrolyte indifferent to the cathode reductiop of selenious acid are investiga- ted. It is shown that reproducible =d oai3ily zeasur- able steps are obtailied at 0.2 N conce*~ltration of ammonium chloride and at the concentration of -n-ionia Card 1/2 RMIMETA/Chemical, Tee!-Lqology. Chemical Products and Their H-13 Application. Ceramics. Glass. Binding I-L'terials. Concrete. Lbs Jour: Ref Zhur-Hhim.., No 2, 1959, 5513- necessary to make pH of the solution to be Polaro- graphed equal to 8.5. Under these conditions, the concentrations are proportioiml to the hei&its. It is shoiim that tdie presence of NO and Cd27- ions harTers the pol=ographic detezli-mtion of solenious acicl. The established not-hod can serve for the in- dustrial control of sig=Uzation glass. - Pron the author I s sumcnry. Card 2/p 64 /C' RUMANIA Chemical Technology,. ChbLmical Products and H Their Application. Ceramics. Glass. Bind- ing Materials. Betones. Glass. Abs Jour: Authors Inst Title Orig Pub: Ref Zhur-Khiinaiya, No 9, 1959, 32196. Cioara A., Cariadi, _N N ~ g ~Iv ;H i~ PolarogNphit.Datermination of the Toxicity of Enamel in Cakdmic Vessels. Ind. usoara, 1958, 5, No 4, 141-144. Abstract:-A polarographic method of Pb determination in the enanel of a ceramic vessel is described. The technique of conducting the analysis is set forth. There are introduced tables, graduated graphs and polarograms for different Pb conoen- trations (a background electrolyte, CH3COONH4), Card 1/2 0 OU _,;T R.1' Rumania E-2 CAT;Z-ORY AnalrUcal Chexistry, A1363. JOUR. PLZIGiim., NO. 7t i9 59, ro. 21093 AJY I Ji 0 R Popovicil E.; Musat, 1A. T !TL f Determination of Fluorine in "Opaxit" Glass and in Raw Materials Utilized in the Manii- .facture of This Glass 021G. PUB. Ind. usoara, JG581 5, No 77 255-258 A 8 ST RA C, T An improvement of the method of Berizelius based on precipitation of F- as CaF2. Approximately I g of ~drled and ground sample Is fused in a Pt-crucible with 2.5 9 QJW2 and 6 g Na2CO3, and cooled rapidly. The melt is dissolved in 300 ml water, witb heating on a water bath, and after cooling the solution is filtered through a dry filter into a dry flask. To -Precipitate S102, 1CO ml of the resulting filtrate are neutralized with 2 N solution of F.H03 In the presence of phenolphthalein, and evaporated on 0 a water bath until a gelatinous precipitate of SiQ2 is formed, while taking care that the color of the indicator remains pale pink. To the evaporation residue are added CkRD: 1/2 COUNTRY Ruman ia E-2 CATMORY AnalySical (,),emi3trr. AB.S. JOUR, RZIhi:m I-, It o. 7j, '19:71), .;o. 23053 AUTHOR T,V 3T TIME 0111cl. .PUB. ABSTRACT 20-10 ml water, the S102 precipitate is filtered off and washed with cold water. Filtrate and washings are evaporated to 150 ml, heated to a boJ 1, and 10i ml ojl* 101k solution CaC12 axe added (to precipitate CaF2) Solution together with the precipitate are kept for 30 minutes on a water bath, 20 ml 1% GH3C00H are added (to dissolve the co-precipitated CaC03), and heating on the water bath is continued for an additional 30 minutes. After cooling for 1 hour the precipitate of CaF2 is 'LiLtered off through a Blue Band filter, washed with cold watE:-L, caic:Lned and weighed. Absolute error of determination is- 0.03*. B. Vanc.A.e. CAIM: 2_12 GIOAFULt A.; CARIADI, L. TECHNOLOGY REVISTA CONSTRUCTILOR 81 A MATERIALELOR DE CONSTRUCTII. Vol. 10, no. 9, Sept. 1958. Polarographic determination of salts soluble in clay. p.593- Monthly List of Fast European Accessions (MI), IZ, Vol. 8, No.,va -Xs~-1959, Unclass. VICUNI-h CIOARA, A.,, dr.; CARIADI, U.Iia, dr. Polarographic determination of cadmium in the red glass for signalIzation. Industria uspara 3 no.lOs424-432 0 '56. CIOARAI G. Tasks with power in Rumania at the beginning of the second FLve-Year Plan, 1956-1960. P. 4. ENERGETICA. (Asociatia Stiintifica a Inginerilor si Tehnicienilor din Rominia si Ministerului Ener-aiei Electrice si Industriei Electrotehnice) Ducuresti. Vol. 4, no. 1. 1956. So. East European Accessions List Vol. 5, No. 9 September, 1956 TASEUTpa-Vil 2molg- On the control of hypophyseal hormones prepared at the Institute for Chemical-Pharmaceutical Research, Bacharest. Rumanian M. Rev. 3 no.l: 90-94 Jan-Mar 59. (PITUITARY GM~D, ANTARIOR, hormones simaltaneous prep. & control of main hormones from azle pituitary on indust. scale) CHDARE I [Cioara, J. 1, zhurnalistj KARPESHOHMO, Ye. D. f translator];'- -:'-~~w'YEVA, N., red.; SEMENOVA, 0., tekhn. red. (Sahara is not only sand] Sakhara - ne tollko pesok. Moskva, Gospe,litizdat, 1963. 60 p. Translated from the Rumanian. (Sahara-Natural resources) (MIRA 16:7) (Sahara-Investments, Foreign) (France-Fore'ign economic relations-Algeria) (Algeria-Foreign economic rQ4i4q"--France) CIOARA, N. - ----I CIOARAJI N. Modification of the imiunological reactivity under the influence of thyroxine and iodinated proteins. P. 839. Vol. 6.. no. 6. June 1956. COMUNICARILF. Bucuresti, Rumania. SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EEAL) Vol. 6, No. 4--April 1957 CIOARA, N.; MILCU, S.; SAPOSNIC, A. ---------- Changes of immunological reactivity in hens treated with iodoprotein, p. 903. COMNICARILE. Bucuresti, Rumania, Vol. 7, no. 10, October 1957. Monthly List of Last Diropean Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 8, no. 8, August, 1959. Uncl. PAUN.MCU, G.; GEORGESCU, M.; ILIFOSCU, I.; ZA.HARWITJ, F.; MATO, B.; STANGIU, St.; LACRITAMI, V.; UNMOU, St. *.il~ ~1-0-~- - Tonsillar disease and rheumatism in children; vicinity of Grivita Rosie (1951-1955). Frobl. 93-98 1958. (RHOMATISM, atiol. & pathogen.. relation to tonsillitis, in child., near Bucharest) (TONSILLITIS, complications investigation in the reumat., Bucur. no.5: incidence in community rheum. in child., incidence in community near Bucharest) Cour't-.-J: Rum a -,Li a Acade,mic Degrees: Affili . - ation Source: Bucharest, Probleme Zootehnic e, si Vet erinare , Vol xi , No 9 Sep 190,11 pp 61-63. Dat": "A Histomaniasis Epizootic in Geese Eradicated with 'Tritcon' Au tho r s CON'= 7 (Daboratorul Veterinar Regional), Cluj. Regional Veteri~iary I"ratory) Cluj. -',--C-IOARA, Experiman-fa-Y-Station (Statiunea E~-p6Hi~e-ntala Zootehnica), Bontida, Gherla Raion. LA$ZLO, Tihamerjft~j, Rumania); CIOARA, Fetru (Cluj, Rumania) Universal hat-resisting measuring device. Fiz szemle 12 no.2: 59-61 F 62. 1. Babes-Balyeii Tudosanyegeytemp Elektronika-optik4 Tanazek. BODI, A.; CIOARA, P. Determination of nonfuilr electron concentration by the absolute way with the spectrometer of spin electronic resonance. Studii cerc fiz 15 no-4:385-.388 164. 1. The "Babe s--Bo7, yail' University, Cluj. C-I0AAA-C-0FoL0ViC--,! E- BURUITA/Chemical vchnolody,' Cilemical Products and Their Ap,,,lication, R,.rt 1. - Water Treatment, Sewage. Abs Jaur; Refv*mt. Zhurnal Xhimiyu, No 10, 1958, 32930. Author : I. Solo=n) E. Cioarao'-Copolovici, H. Strenhell. Inat : Not given. Title : Clzn3es cf Biochamical oxygen Consumption under Influene.- of S:z-na Organic and Mineral S~abstances. Orig Pub: IS~.ena, 1957, 6, No 1, 72-79. Kostract: An addition of lactose and peptone (1 to 100 mg per liter) T~rthers the biochemical oxygen consuoption (BOC); the influence of peptone is stronger. The salts of heavy metals in concentrations from 0.05 to 10 mg per liter decrease the BOC, viz.: Ba, Mn and Fe bY 50 to 755, Pb, Cd, Cr, Zn and Co to a half or a third, Ag and Cu to a quarter, Hg to a tenth or Card 1/2 HUNWM/CheaLcal Tcebnoloa, Che.nical Prviucto and Their 11-5 11 Applica*cion, Part 1. - Water Treatment) Sewage. Abs Jour: Referat. Zhurnal Xhiiiya, No 10, 1958, 32925. as to compute the amouat of the forming scale, if the hardneso-w-as increased. Two examples of the computa- ticn are presented. Card : 2/2 RUMAN I A TARCOVEANU, Ght, Colonel, Medical Corps; and CIOARA, R., Lieutenant Major, Medical Corps, "Two Cases of Acute Renal InsufficlencyAn Alcoholics" Bucharest,*Revlsta*SanIt6e6 Militaea, Vol 62, No. 6, Nov-Doc 66, p,'1009-1010 Abstract: Cases in woman aged'50 and man aged 61. Renal Insufficiency act- ually occurred abruptly wlien the two patientst both chronic alcoholics, were hospitalized and alcoholic intake was suddenly Interrupted due to hospitali- zation. This "released" neurohypophysis from Inhibitory influences, bring- Ing on r9lease of antidiuretic hormone and anuriq.; resumption of drinking in moderation brought relief and recovery, In chronic alcoholism, sudden abstention may present unexpected dangers and laboratory tests may be of no help In diagnosis without clinical knowledge of cases 7 Rumanian references, Manuscript received 7 Feb 66, m FIDRUP R.t CIOFU I.,, GULIAN, E.,,, GICATA, E. I . -.1.1'.."..".1 ... I...,."---- ContrilyatJons to the at,.udy of the neurophyollollcgical insohanisms of attention,, Pt.1, Rev psihologie 10 nob3s243-254 164. 1, InAtituto of Psychology of tht- Rumninn AcadeM, Fucharest. f W-ME, Stela;-GTOBA, Mriana _ Dozing of pantoses Jn bioloi ..,ical liquid Iq reaction with o-toluJdine. Studii cerc blochlmie 7 no,3:359-365 164. 1. laboratory of Bi"-hemistrys, "Emilia irsa" Clinical Hos- pital of Pediatrics. 8ubmitted Mmy 25, 1964. ZAMFIR) C., dr.; TURCU, E., dr.; CIODANU, V., dr.; CIOPA) Gh., dr. Considerations on the evolution and treatment o-f-r-h-e-u-ma-fic pericarditis I and myopericarditis. lied. inter., Bacur 13 no.3:78-88 Mr 161. 1. Lucrare efectuats. in Sectia, I de boli interne, Spitalul' militar central. (RHELMATIC HEART D-ISEASE therapy) (SALICYLATES theral'>y) (ADRENAL CORTEX IiO,-,140NFS therapy) ZAMFIR, G,, medic emarkt, -dr.; WASSERSTROM, V., candidat. in stiinte medicale, dr,; TWM., 3,, cb,-,,j HASINET, F.p dr.; GBEORGHIU, Gh., dr.; CIOBA, Q., dr.; SANDA, Gh&j dr.; MERCA, Z., dr. The value of the 1-131 labeled rose-bangal test in the diagnosis and evolution of peert-viral chronic hepatitis. Med. intern. Ifp no.6-.605-702 Je 163. 1. Indrare efentusta In Spitalul militar central vi Folic3inica M.F.A.,, Buoureoti. H&PATITIS INFECTIOUS) (HEPATITIS) DIAGNOSISI (IODINE ISOTOPES, DIAGNOSTIC) RADIOISOTOFE SCANNING) (ROSE BENGAL) ~ ZAMFIR, C., dr.; GIOBA, Gh., dr.; SANDU, G., dr.; ~IERGA, Z., dr. Considerations on rheumatic coronaritis. Med. intern. 15 no.7-: 823--828 ii 163. 1. Lucrare efectuats, in Sectia I de boli interne a Spitalului militar central, Bucuresti. (CORONARY DISEASE) (RHEUMATIC HEART DISEAS9) HEART BLOCK) (ARRHYMIIA) LECTROCARDIOGRAPHY) (ARTHRITIS, RHEWATOID) R ZAMFIRP C., dr.1 TURCU, E., dr.; CIOBA, Gha, dro Considerations on non-specific infectious~coronaritis. Mod. intern. 15 no.9slO99-1107 S 163. 1. Luerare efectuato. in Seotia I do boli interne din.Spitalul militar central, Bacuresti. CORONARY DISEASE) (ANTIBIOTICS) TICOAGULANTS) (CORTICOTROPIN) M CIOB Dr, and D.ANCIIU_11-01U, Alex-, Maj, Dr L"aff4liation A, Gh la J not giveni !"Oroblems of Medical Pathology in Burns." Bucharest, Revista Sanit ara Militara, Vol 59, No 3, May-Jun 63, pp 413-425. Abstract: Reviews the medical literature on the pathological Droblems of burn injuries and presents some data concerning changes in the internal organs due to burning. Therapeutic measures are also reviewed, and modifications of the nervous and endocrine systems caused by burns are discuSsedp as are changes in metabolism, hematological, cardiovascular, renal, respiratory and digestive complications. Includes a bibliography with 56 entries, of which 28 Russian, 11 Western, 8 German and 9 Rumanian. 1/1 ...... Z91FIR,C., dr.;nedic em-erit; CIDEA. Gh., dr.; EFANOV,.A., dr.; AINIDROITIC,C., dr.; 14AGARIE,O., farm.; farm. Ch some alinico-biological aspects of atherosclerosis in persobs under 40 -years of age. Med. intern. 16 no.3*-291-299 Mr'64 k. 1. Iucrare efectuata in Sectia I de boli interne si in Labora- 1~ tprul de chimie biologica din Spitalul militar central, Bacuresti. ZAMFIR,C., dr.; CIOBA Gh, medic emeritp dr.; MMCA, S., dr.; STRUCEMU, I., dr.; Smily-T;'veterinar, dre Clinico-experimental study of iome pulmonary complications after treatment witb corticosteroidse Ned. intern. (Bacur.)' 16 no.4:413-42-0 AP264 1. Sectia I do boli interne, Liboratoral de medicina exper~'- mentala si Iaboratorul de anatomie patologica din Spitalul militar central, Bucuresti. Ali HORi U _ ESSION -lilts '8~ AP$ 6 23.4 0 0/006/0983/0 V64/ 991 . , - SOURCE CODE.* RU/0012/65/061/001/0015/0022 AUTHOR: amfir. 0. )octor; Major general); Efanoy, Al, (Doctor; Major); Cioba, Ch. (Doctor; Major); Macaxie, 0. (Pharmacist; Major); lonescup X. (Phazmacist;-Uol-on"-71~' ORG: none TITLE: Concerning the atherosclerotic-type disturbances of lipid metabolism in young people with essential arterial hypertension 17 SOURCE: Revista sanitara militara, v. 61, no. 1, 1965, 15-22 TOPIC TAGS: biologic rretabolism, blood pressure, circulatory system disease ABSTRACT: To study the disturbances in lipid metabolism of the atherosclerotic type in es56ntial arterial hypertension in persons under 40 years old, the authors exandned the lipid balance in 97 patients with essential hypertension, of whom 62 were between 18 and 24 years and 35 between 25 and 40 years. The control group consisted of 30 patients between 40 and 81 years suffering from clinical and humoral 4. atherosclerosis. The various clinical and laboratory tests confirmed that essential arterial hT,)ertension induces changes in the lipid balance, even in the beginning stages of the disease and in young persons. Orig. art. has: 1 table. [JPRS1 '-UB CODE: 06 SUB14 DATE: none ORIG REF- 009 OTH REF, 003 SOV REF: 002 Card L 33709-66 ACC NRa A.06025167 I-OUIVE CODE.: RU/0012/65/061/004/0675/0685 AUTHOR: gioba, 0. _LDoctort Major); Strimbernu. 1. (Doctor, Colonel); Merca, Z. (Doctor, Captain) ORG: none TITLE: Incidents and accidents involved in corticosteroid therapy MACE: Revista sanitara militara, v. 61# no. 4, 1965, 675-685 TOPIP TVS: corticosteroidg digestive system diseane, endocrine systemsdisease, ABSUAG The authors collects scattered reports of complications ari ing during corticotherapy and also present some obserwations related to their own experience. A summary of the absolute contraindications (gastroduodenal ulcers with complications, sugar diabetest etc.) and some relative contraindications as well as advice to Assure a good course of treatment are included. Orig. art. has: 7 figures. CjP.RS; 33,500-7 SUB CODE: 06/ SUBM DATE: 18Aug64/ R) OU/ Rt*W4IA NICULESCEJ, Gh., Colonel, Medical Corps,.Dr. in Medical Sciences; STRIMBEANU, I., Colonel, Medical Corps; GltJRGIU,-T. P Lieutenant-Colonel, Medical Veteri- nary Corps; CIOIIA, Gh., Major, Medical Corps; DANCIULOIU, Al., Major, Medical r Corps; and SAM,- Major, -Medical. Vete inary Corps. IlEvolution of Cardiac Lesions in Acute Radiation Sickness" Bucharestv Revinta Sanitara Hilitara, Vol 16, Special No., 1965; pp 460-464 Abstractt Study in 15 dogst whole-body irradiation with 450 rp cardiac suture 48;bours-laLer; MCG and other-laboratory tests; histopathological studies 9 or!17 days or 6 months thereafter. Results indicate that acute radiation sickrass, interferes very little, if at all, with cardiac tissue resilience and functional capacity for recovery.. 2 kymograms, electrocardiograms; 4 photo- micrographs, 1/1 IWILW11A CIMMU, Stefan Surgical Clinic I - Institute of Medicine in Tindsoara, (Clinica I Chirurgicala - I.M. Timisoara) Timisoara, Timisoara. Mpdicala, No 1, Jan-Jun 63, PP 1-10 "Respiratory and Pulmonary Coikplicaltdons during Surgery and Post-Surgical-" GRUIA, M.j COPEWVICI, Y.; W=771AUB, L.; MARC" E.; CIOBANESCU Same aspects of an adenoviral epidexi~irlth emanthems, in a cloeWd- in childrents conm=it3r. Rev. sci. med.'6 no.1/2:49-52 161. AMOVIRUSINIMMONS epidemiology) TWU in W & childh.) C GRUIA, M.; COPELOVICI, Y.; CIO]ULMCU, M.; GROZA, M.; DAMIAN, M. Comparative study of complement-fixing and hemagglutination-inhibiting antibodies against ECHO-13. and ECHO-19 viruses in a children's community. Rev. sci. med. 6 no.1/2,53-56 161. (VIRUS DISEASES inmunology) (COMPLEWT) (HEMtGGLTJTINATION) GRUIAp M.; COPEWVICII Y.; UMBANESCU, M.; GROZA, M.; DAMUN, M. Comparative study of complement-fixing and hemagglutination- inhibiting antibodies against ECHO-21 and ECHO-19 viruses in a children's community. Stud. cereet. inframicrobiol. 12: 203-206 Supplement 161. kVIRUS DISEASES Immunology) (C%TWMqT) (HEYAGGLUTINATION) - - - - __M GRUIA, M.; GJPELOVICI, Y.; WEINTRAUB., L.; IWLj E.; CIOBANESCUI M. An epidemic of adenovirosis with exanthema in a closed children's comminity. Studii core inframicrobiol Special issue-supplamnt to 12:259-263 161. 1. Institutul do inframicrobiologie al Academiei al Academiei R.P.R. (ADENOVIRUS INFECTIONS) (MOTHEMA) GRUIA, M.; COPELOVICI, Y.; CIOIMHESCU M6 GROZAY M.; DAMIAN, M. A comparative study of the complement-fi%ing and hemagglutination- inhibiting antibodies to ECH03_1 and ECHO19 viruses in childrents comamities. Studii cere inframicrobiol Special issue-supplement to 12:2033-206 161. 16-Institutul do inframii,crobiologie al Academiei R.P.R. (VIRUSES) (ANTIGENS AND ANTIBODIES) (BIDOD) IAMUNESCU, G.; NAM, D.; ISAIA, G.; PREDESCU, L.; COPELOVICI, Y.; CIOBANESCU, M. Acute obstructive laryngitis during infections with viruses of the APC group. Stud. cereet. inframicrobiol. 12 no-3:375-380 161. 1. Comunicare przentato la Institutul de inframicrobiologie al, Academiei R.P.R. (LARMITIS in ini: chi:Ldh.) (ADF14OVIRUS INFECTIONS case reports) COPELOVICIP Y.; GRUIAP M * CIORANESCU, M.; in colaborare cu PETRUSCA, J.; BORSY A.; Investigations of the iimnmogenic value of a m=ps vaccine prepared with auto-hthonous strains. Stud. cercet. inrramicrobiol. 13 no.4; 473-480 'Z (MUMPS VIRUS) (VACCINES) (DOWNIZATION) CAJAL,N.,; IANCONESCUY M.; ADERCA, I.; GRUIAl M.-CEPLEANUIM.; DANIELESCU, S.; OPRESCU, E.; CIOBANESR, M. Serological investigations on children vaccinated with inactivated or livt, modified virus antipolio vaccines. Rev. sci. med. 8 no. 112-.11-13 - '63. (POLIOMYELITIS) (POLIOVIRUS VACCINE) POLIOVIRUS VACCINE, ORAL) PREDFZCUI L.; GRUIA, M.; GIODANJZCII M.- Asist. tehn.: VASILESCU, V.. Research on the Beasonal circulation of enteric viruses in children from 8 monthti to 2 years of age. Stud. cercet. inframicrobiol. 15 no.3:293-298 164. RUMANIA BENES, S., Lieutenant-Colonel, Medical Corps; HIHAESCU-NIGRM, Maria; DOBRESCU, V., and CIOBANESCU, Mariana "Formation of Antibodies in Rats Receiving Injections of Vitamin K3 and Exposed to X-Irradiation" Bucharest, Revista Sanitara Militara, Vol 16, Special No., 1965; pp 474-481 Abstract: Preliminary study on rats administered unstated dose of Vitamin K3 15 minutes before irradiation with 250 r showed that mortality was 55% in comparison with 19% in irradiated rats not having received the vitamin. How- ever, In a later more comprehensive study results on the effect of K3 on mortality and immunogenicity in irradiated rats were relatively uncertain despite statistical treatment. 4 tables, graph. 87 -