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COTIGARU Buium., ing.; IONESCU-~,KUSCEL, Ana, ing.; IONESCU-44U.':CEL, --Co Viorel -J, PETRESCU Electronic methods and davices for qualitative analysi,s of leathers. Industria usoara 11 no. /+:169-172 Ap 164. 34595 S/044/62/000/001/0V/061 C111/C222 AUTHORs Cotin, A. TITLE. A 'comparative examination of error estimates of some formulas for the numerical integration of differential equations PERIODICALs Referativnyy zhurnal IMatematikag no. 1, 1964::5 26-27, abstract M35 (~'Luor'ari qtlint. Inst. poli,:ebn. Clui-11 Cluj,. ig6o, 31-42) TEXTA The author oomparlas the error est,[mates for itpproximate sclutions of the equation yl.m r(X,Y), Y(X,) - f. obtained by various methods,. It is required that the right-hand side f(XV7) 0:? the equationg 14cgether with its partial. derivatives T 47"Yl be uniformly continuous in the domaia Ox1a Yk D x xo a,: y Y0 b and that f (X, Y) X, Card lp~ S/044j62/000/00Ijt'047/C6' A comparatiye examination of er:ror ... CIII/C222 j2f~ ) _,, M 9 all b, aM I i k Nk-I ;x 11 Y Formula.9 of the third and fourth orders of.exaetnegs are considered; in th,? fir-,` cage? 0 '., r 1~5 3, in the seoond 0 -,- r m A The er-:,.-)r estimates of he f,~%rmul_a of third order by Runge and Rain are M3_1 )4 Y, (X.) YW I and. (X) Y(X)' 3~' MN (X ._x p,2 ell, y . F(-- T' tbp- fortwilas of fourlb order by Kuf4:ii, x xQ. ;Ikp + 2k_~k 4 Cax d 2/If S/04 JY62/000/001/047/(161 A comperative examination of error ... C11 C222 k. f(xz. YC--)S k f [x0 + -I(x-x + k.1 (X-xo)l S, 2 2 - o 0 k f X,~ + -I(x-X y + -1 k 3 2 0 0 2; 2(x,-Xo)] k f rx~, + (X-,X + k (x.-X 4 0 0. 3 0 and x,-X y (x) y + (k + 3k + .3k + k 1. 2 3 4 where k f(xo. y 0 k (X-X k (X.--X f + 0)~ y 3 0 + '3 0 Ca:rd 3104416210001001104711)61 A oomparative examination of error C111/0222 2 IK k f - k.,(X-xo) + k 2kx-x 0) 3 I[X + (X-x + k,l (X-:x k + k3(X-X 4 0 0 0 2(x-x, the error estimates are Y-(X) Y(X) 5-37 MN M4~_, (X-X 0 axtd kX MN IK4_1 (X..x )5 (x) Y" 34-71 0 [Abstrasterts notes Complete translation. Cutrd 4/4 I I .e RUMANIA HARIM, Dr. A.; LDAMESTEOUIU9,Dr. C-TA; COTICA, Physician Cat 1 JIDUC, Angela; and HIRAJACHE, Maj,qej VeterinaryISMSMs"I 1,13oraril"Yqlaboratorul ireterinar regional.) DUChikrW* "Observations on Usterellosis in Various Animal Species in -the: Bucharest Region Buchare stp Revista de Zootehnle si Madicina Vatorinora, Val l6p No, 5p Hay 66 pp 65-69. Abstractz (Z~glish summary modified]: Report of listerell,)sis (Lioteria zlonocyio-genes) in,pigs and sheep, 1961 and 1962% 87mptome were predominantly those of the cential nervous system affection$ explainable,by finding of ah- acesses onlyAn the brain*and. 1a;the medulla upon niscropsyp In 9 foci of sheepp morbidity An the ItAlvidual hoards was 2-4. There were no obcrtions. 1. Soviet and 7 Rumanian references. io4 Rumania ATEGORY B3. JOUR, ;IlKhLl., ',.I o 616 4;o. ~,8990 RIC-'. PUB. 7-, -'-'T OT plant, cjrrently condiicting researel, On thtl p.,:-oltict'ior cf cuLored packagirg mater-.aiF, fr4!m POILYI-thYlen.e. A. Mariii CARD: 212 IOXMICU miscel, 1. prar.; COTIGARU Bf lector; KEIEER, I., lector; PJF,BEDEAJ liptor', ing.; BORSAT71, H.; IONESCU MuscelolIanculescup M,) ing.; GREAVU, V,j ings - -0 0 .'S/044/62/000/005.,tO36/072.'' 0 -111 /C444 AUTHOR: Co t3.u F. C (!.tiu pA. TITLE: An estimation of the error of the Kutta method of fiftla. order for.ihii numeric'al integration of differe!1tial -equations PERIODICAL: Reforativnyy:zhurnall Matematikut no& 59 1962, abstract 5V155- ("Studia UniV. Babes Bolyai. Math.-J)Iys. 1960 TEM Thd differf!WUal'equation with the initial conditfoix~,-.Y(x y - is num erically. int Iegv'Jted 'bit 16 he 0 0 formula X-x yj(x) Yo + -f4-4 (17~kv- look 2k 50k; + 75k 6)' 4 5 1 where it-.) f(x ]~ f $ k -x k x x ) [ l 0 21 .0 --5 o o , Card 1/4 x )y (0 k f (x, Y) ;s III f (x- y One points out,-the fact that An the praxi's the Nystr6m-methcd of t] iv same 0'7der (if 'exa-.txiess'-should ~be preferred-the. Kutta-method., since the error at Nystr6m'*being about 1. 24-tinfe s- smaller then- the, analogous error of the Kutta method. Bibliography.with- 14 titles* [Xb s trUCter I snoti?-: Compl.ote~. translation.] Card 2/2 noi 1j, ~LYOA~ i Cluj., Tivmwylvanla. PHASS I BODK EXPWITATION 3:nstitxrha Politehnic M#'/3788 LucrL-1 ~tiinjiflce (Scient:Lric Works) Cluj,, Intreprinderee, Poligre,rice., 19.1i9- 637 P. Errata. slip inserbed. No. of copies printed not &dven. qo cantribix~ors ventioned. PUEMM: T3is bcok is Intended for mthematiciaxLs, physicists, chemists, an(l. civil aad mackanicaa. engineers. CaMMUM: Mhe bcok consists of' 59 pape=s by Rmmu- speciaUsts w problems in science and technology,, particularly mthemUcs, physics,, chemistry, metealurgy, civil and mechanical engineering. Stumiaries in Russian and French or Gezman are gVven at the end of each article. Some of the artii.,les aze accoinpanied by references. No personalities axe mentioned. At the b4i.ek Of the book there are 23-references, all Fomitem. TABLE OF CORT81MI : EART 1. K&TEE14MCS - PHYSICS - CHEMISM Anghelu~g, M. On a Certain Functional Equation 17 Scientific Works RM~'3788 Anghel#,, Th. On a Certain Maas of Mtegi-als 21 Anghelu~K., 111. Functionml Equation of T-mnalation 29 AngbelutA., Mt. Sam Obstrvations Concerning the Poissan Functional Eciplation 33 Cotiu. A. Ott a Qmulrature Formila With Two Dmble Nodes 41 CoViu, A. Formulat for the Nummical Integmtion of Differ- -in-iial E~uatlons Of the Arst Dpgree Derived by ~Lesns of IV- ferences 49 FAJUA., E. Gener(aizatlon of the Gauss Algork,',hm and Sylvester Identity 61 Gh:Lreoia?iu, N. Himark (m a Type of Differential Equation. 69 Card 2/ 11 COTIU,, A.. Proceedings of BwW--Kutta type, n 4 4 (nO,2) order ct exa,-.tmesa,, on-th-ree nodea, of mims ioal integration of first ordor differenti4l equations. Bul stiint polit Quj n:).5:39.-49 962. S/04 62/000/010/019/042 B166 102 AUTHOR: Cot u, A. TITLE: Constructing :3ome highly accurate numerical integration methods for differential'equations. PERIODICAL: Referativrjyy zhurnal., Matematika, no. 10, 1962, 2'4, abstract 10V118 (An stiint, Univ. Iasi, Y. 6, no. 3, see. 1, 196o, supl., 585 598':.Rum.; su.m~ariis-in-Rus,. and Frenchl) J V TEXT: Using some ideaEt of Runge and K6nig the author constructs highly accurate methods for the numerical integration of the differential equation Z, Z(X Z (1) requiring a comparatively small numter of 0 0 substitutions in differential equation (1y. Thus by utilizing ihe rqlation )2 1 Z = Y + ZO'(x - x ) + !-,:,I(x - x+ z111(x -x )3 + A(x - xOXY - YO) )2(y _Oy0) 2 0 0 6 0 0 + B(X - X0 the author gets a method of the seventh oreer of accuracy, requiring on:.y two substitutions in equation 0). [Alatracter-lo note: Complete tranala",.ion.1 'Card 1/1 COTIU, A. Error delimitation in the Fehlberg proceeding of numrical integration of'differential equations of the first order. Atudia Univ B-11 S.*s 7 no.2:37-43 162. COTIU, A. Delimitation of errors in the methods of Runge and heun of numerical integration of the differential equat.,ons of the first order. Bul stUnt polit Cluj no.703-41 64. 3805, 7, B/044/62/000/005/036/O.'t2 C I I I/C444 AUTHORs Go tila F-9 Cotiu, A. p TITLE: An estimation of the error of the Kutta method of fiTth or(ler for the numerical integration of differential )quations PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Matematika, no., 5, 196,2, 31, abf.--tract 5V155- ("Studia Univ. Babee - Bolyai. Math,phyo."', 1960, no. 1, 193-198) TZXT: The differential oqu~ation Y, with the initial condition y(x iv numerically.integrated b,,r the I V YO formula X-X .Vl(x) = yo + ' (17k I + 1001:* + 2k4 50k + 75k 144 3 5 6) where 1: (x x + opyo), k 2'f 0 5 (X-1'~O) ~o + k I (X-xc,)] Card 1/a 3/044/62,/000/005/036/07.,! An estimation of the error of 0111/C444 k . f x + 2 3 0 3 (X-xo)p yo + 41C (X-X -5.21, 0 and where analogously some morli complicated expressions hold for k k5 k61 For the first stop of integ-ration an estimation for the error M5 6 Y, (x) - y(x) 632.OMN M x0) iz given, where f (x, Y) ,N1, 1 kf, (x,y)l,~) xi )Yj -j (0 -- k * 5) :!5 MN One points out the fact that in'the praxis the Nystr6m-method of Itie same order of exactness should be preferred the Kutta-method, sinci the error at Nystrbm being about 2-4,timeS Bmaller then the analogou's error of' the Kutta roethod. Bibliography with 14 titles. [Abstrv-cterl~- note: Golmplete translaticn.] Card 2/2 COSTIUC Cuceriavih,- J. Costiuc, IIStudy of root :,~ystams and r3sDiration of tre-as." P. 57. (Analele Ro,-zir.o-Sovieti ce. Seria Silvicult ura-Industria Le.;muluj. Si A Hart lei Series a !I-a, v. 7, no. 15, Sept/Oct.- 19,1z, Bucuresti) SO; Llc~pthh- L:13. of ki~X_opeMi L~cce ;~jMs -. No. 0, Libra-ry of Con-, e~5, 3cpte;i~bebr t Vol. 2 BUSIIAI V. T., prof.; VkSILWCU, I., dr.; CUCUTUZ, L., dr.; ALEXANDRISCU, R~, dr.; POPIAN, R., dr.; MAW, A., dr.; PIAGINTA, A., dr.; STAMBOLII, D. W... dr.0 BAGALOGLU, D.p dre; PANA, G,, dr.; KOVACOVICI, 0., dr.; COTLEAMSCHI, V,., Clinical and biological oharacteristics of a focus of trichinads. Med. intern.,, Buour 13 no.2:227-236 F 161. 1. Clinics. de boli contailloase, Timisoara (for Bacaloglu). 2. 3pitalul si Sanepidul Orsova (for Cotlearevachi). (TRICHINOSIS) BUSILA, V. T., prof.; VASIISSCU,: I., dr.; CUCUTUZ, L., dr.; ALEXANDRE,':CU, R.., dr.; POPImp R. , dr.; MAW, A... dr; PLACINTA, A., dr.; STAMBOLD I D. W. j, dr. BACALOGLU, D*p dr.; PAVAP G., dr NOVACOVICI, 0., dr.;XADTJZAjZYLCHI, V., dr.; COTLEAREVSURI, B., dr. Clinical and biological thancteAstics of a focus of trichinais. Med. intern.., Bacur 13 no.2:227-4M F 161. 1. Winica do boli contagioase, limisoara (for Baealoglu). 2. "pitalul si Sanepidul Orsova (for Cotlearevsahi). (TRICHINOSIS) ONNAREANU, I. Drying electric machines with infrared rays. P. is Roiled tiles from cement martar. p. 1. Electric narts from plaxiglass for automobiles. p. 4. (TEHNIC.k kUA. RLWNIA. Vol. 3, no. 57, July 2936.) SO: Monthly L St of East European Accessions (KML) Le, Vol. 6. 4 M. 7, Jt4 :'.957- Uncl. COTPJAREANU~ I Utilization of storage batteries in shock conditions. P. 247 Vol. 4, no. 6, June 19515 ELECTROTEHNICA Bucuresti SO: Monthly List of East European Accew-ions (EMI), W, Vol. 5, no. 12 December 1956 -M IATRPA I I. - -n9- m "A capacitoI7 Voltags divider for electric networks. 11 P. 102 (Electrotehrdes.) Vol. 5, no. 4, Apr. 1957 Bucharest., Runumia SO: Horr~hly Index of Fast European Accessions (EEkI) LC. Vol. 7, no. 4, April 19513 Electroi,nsulating mtte~,J.als in the coi-tstructicn, of eIt;:,-:',ric ,~,juipment suitable for use in tropical clixrLites. p. 48 (A5ociatia S-tiintifica. a ln.-L-ejrilor si Te--.nici,--ni:Lor elin Rominia si Ministeral ",nergiai Ele-trice si Industrioi r,.LeczrGt,3hmit,-5) F,." 1-10 i3ucuresti, Rumania. Vo:L. no. 2, U. J'.O-,ItI-dy List Of East Eurupca, Ac,.,!,~,ssions (EXIA-T) IC, Vo:L. 8, no. Ju2,~, Uncl. BRINWI, GaUn; CCTUREANII, losif A sarics of single-phase ol.1 transformers under tropicalized condi+J.ons. Electrotehnica 3.1 no. 11/12:415-420 N-D 163. 1. Chiof plaimingenginear:s in the Traniformer Group, "Electrotechitica" Plant,, Dicharest. COTIMMEANT, J. (I,i,. ) ~ - I- j J. Cotnare;.nu (Supharast), 'IT)il,- An1w.-ndung der Troakwm~,, durch Infrarotstrahlen im 7~lektro!,ias~ih--,r,.enbaii,'I Detuts~.-he Elo*kt4technik (BL-rlin), 1117, JOY 195~ij Pp. 53-5. R-101IJ9 V., TRSII'~, H.; UNGUREANIJ, C.;-~OLTOCIUV F., 0 Dynam~c characteristics of the bum-Ing in stratum of An-Lr.11 nixtures w-~th Ponor coal. M -Lt s! "I'ahn 71m 8 no.l,~,77-134 Ja-jc- 163. VLADEA , S.; BARBU , V.; U14GUREOU , C.; BEJAP, I.; THEIL, H.; _~Olv:iu) Eleonora Iiifluance of the main parameters on the pulverization angle of a rotary Injector. Bul ~t si Tehn Tim 7:185-195 IL!. - -- - - - - -- - -- - --- - - - - - - ---- - - - - - - -- - ---- - - --- M BEJAN, I.; UNGUREANU, C.; COTOCJU,..-E.; COJEREANU, P.; GUTMAYF-R, If. Study of the pulverization uniformity in rotative injectors, Bul St si Tehn Tim 9 no.1:57-64 Ja.-Je '6Z,. COTOFAN, L., ing. Ahievements in prote6ti-ng the edges of furniture yanels at the Wood Industria.Uzation Complex in Pitesti. Ind lomnulul 15 no.10094-397 0 '64. RUSU, R., dr.; DEUTSCH, L., er.; DIULCA, Fl., dr.; GOIA,E., dr.; TICOLAU, ABtra, dre; MOCANUI Gho, dr.; POPOVICT, C., dr.' COTOI, S., dr. Contributiari on the influence of meteorologickal factors cn the etiopathogenesis of acute vascular accidents. Med. Jntexn. (Bacur) 17 no-5095-6M my 165. 1. Lucrare efectuata in Sectia de boli interne, Spitalul Unificat, Deva. SOURCE CODEt RU/0DD4/65/0C0/0O5/0173/()l 'AUTHOR: CotoroRea. Dan (Engineer) ORG: ISFE,, Bachareet TI77Z: Checking the automatic stawt conditions of short-circuited asynclwonous electric motors SOURCE: Blectrotehnical no* 5P.11650 173-177 70PIC TAGS: electric motor, electric-engineering ABS7RkCTe. After a brief description of the automatic starting mechanism,, the author describes a calculation mellod to be used for checking the automatic start condition of short-circuitel asynchronous motors which have accidentally become disconnected, and gives a ninericiLl example of the calculation. Some si4;gestions are also given for imprariqg autanatic starting performance in general. Orig. art. has.* 4 figures, 21 formulais and I table. [Based on author's Eng. abst.) IJPRS: 3204821 SUB CME: 09 SUBM DkTrs!I r/Fq)b65 ORM RIW: C04 af CCWd KMELP E.; GROPSIAN, R.; M!MSMANp A. .-.0 Thermoindicator suhstances with many changes. Studii chim Timisoara 10 rio.2t2,53-257 Jl-D'63. COCHECIP V.; KDOEL, E.; PIRVY, I.; TAUBERT.. R., GROPSIAN, R.; COTOSMAN, A. Obtaining copper o-xychlorlde from the ashes of copper pyrites. Bul St si Tehn Tim 9 no.2:349-354 il-D 164. GUTU, A., ing.; ANDREI, Ov., ing.; COTOVANU, E., ing. profiles and sketches on scale in vertical plane and large-scale by stereiDautograph plotting. Rev geodezie 8 no. 2.- 64-72 164. 1. Institute of Mine Planning, Bucharest. COTOVU V.,- E.; A =Ut T. *C, Consolilation of tle shores at Uie city of Constanta. P. LL). (HORCMECHNICA. Vol.. 2., no. '~., MiW/June 1957,, Rumania) SO: Monthly.List of East European Accessions (BEAL) w. Vol. 6, No. 12, Dec. 19,1;7 Uncl. COMM-, V. Harbor piers on the Rumanian seacoast. p, 165. (HUMOTECMIGA, Vol. 2, no. 4, JuW Aug. 1957, Rumania) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EP-AL) LG. Vol. 2, No. 12,*,Dec. 19!':7 Unal. Rum-:inia H-5 CjkTWCRT I ABS. JCUR. t RZOInvo RO& 5 1960# NIO, 1;".,5 0 -4 'astase, V. r Cotrau, M. , Sechter, A. ,an t zA d, j,~ z-. n Y~ t h e IE f f en, t r.) -a- savoiclence on tlt~-I J. t~ f"New:u.."e Cg~JG. It-BjI lifidrotehnica, 4, hic 2, 6?-65 (19=~,)) ABSTMA CT t The results from tests carriod out during differ.- ent seasons of bhe year are -iven. it i.,a, been established that 2-hr settling lowers Lhe concera.- tration of coar8e particles (CP) by 70~6; in.creas- the settling time to 5 hrs reSults in an significant increase over the latter figure. T h. e oxygen demand of the sewage is decreased by 40~". The lack of correlation between the lowering in the concentration of CP and in oxygen demand is explained by the decomposition of orranic impuri- 112 COTREl,*---L-;,-TER=l, G.; MOREL, G. Corractivo fixation in ocoliosis. Acta chir. orthop. traim. cech. 29 mo.5:393-39$ 0' 162. (SCOLIOSIS) (BONE TRANSPLANTATION) DIMA, M. , prof .; OOTRUT, I6.V.; SCONDAC* I.; PSTRAMU9 I. Utilization of the residual bisulfitic solutions of the cellulose Manufacture for the obtairaaent of ion-exchanging resins. 1. Cationites based on lignosulfonic acids, obta'i.ned by the condensation with formaldehyde in acid medium. Studii cbim Iasi 11 no.1:103-1'.17 ,6o. (EW 10: 11) 1. Ciaitetvl de redi~ctie, Studii. si. cercetari stiintifice, Chimict Fi.1i;LIa Iasi (for DJna) (Sulfites) (Cellulose) (Imi exchange) (Gums and resins9 syntbetic) (Lignosulfonic acids) (Formaldehyde) PAMML~ Flis; CHEIARESCUI Al., prof.; NICHITA., Orest; COTRUT,, Gh.; MIHUL,, Anatolie; BOGHIAN, Ariadna Studies on the limestones of the Ripiceni-Prut region as building material. Studii fiz tehn Iasi 12 no.2:267-282 161. 1. Membru al Comitetului de redactiep "Studii si corcet-ari atiintificep Fizica si stlinte tehnice" -Filiala Iasi- (for Chelarescu). DINA, Mihai, prof.; V~Tq Gh.V.; -MAVRODlNt Maria; FETRARIU, Ir.; SCONDAC, I. Behavior of some catioti exchangers during the heat treatment of sugar-beet juice in thei manufacture of sugar. Studii chemis Iasi 10 no.2:)39-378 '59. (EEAI 10:1) 1. Membra, Cmitetul do redacties, Studii si, cercetari. stiintifice, Chimie (for Dina) (Sugar) (Real.) (Base-exchanging compounds) DIMA, YAhai, prof.; COTRUT.-Gh.V,; CARPOV, A.-- ?07U, E.; PETRARIU, I.; MAVRODIN., Maria Purification, with ion exchangers, of the glucose solutions obtained by starch hydrolysis. Studii chim Iasi 12 no.l: , . 101-135 '61, - . . . 1. Academia R.P.R., Filiala Iasi, Institutul de chimie "P.Poni." 2. Membru al Conitetului, do redactio, "Studii si carcetari stiintifice., Chimie" -Filiala Iasi- (for Dima). DIMAP M.; SCONDAC, I.; POINESCU, Ig.; CARPOVP A4.; COTRUT, Gh.V. "" r"' - - - Polyelectrolytes from aliphatic vinyl polymers. Pt. 1. Studii chim Iasi .14 no, 2:233-253 163. I, Section of Physicochealstry of Polyeltictrolytes, "Petru Poni" Institute of Chemistry, Rumanian Academy,, Iasi Branch. T? V -JU Runim ind jknimal IlTysioloEy. T Digestion. The ESophagus. \bc, jr~~ir, Jl,,f Zhu-r-Biol., Wo 2-)t I(e'~5`j IG"530 Pinteat V.; Jurubescu, V,; notru-- 11 I tilt ani~ Buciv.,Ires,; ix-st-tine of Ag:eonomy. 21tIc studyLig tho 1~-Otor .Amction of Esoph,~gu.,.,- Lu hirds (lians). ori-. Pub. : Arm~irul lu~or-ar. st-iint. ins"U. agron. T'imissoara, Bucnregt~4.j 19579 207-310 Abstract : No 4bstract. Card: 1/i PORAI, Eugen A.; COTRUTp Me Motility of the osiVhagus in bovinese Rev biol 4 no.2:355-373 '59o Rev b1ol 4 no.2:35,5-3" "990 (EEAI 9:8) 1. Hembre correspoi-Aant & IAaademle do la R.P,R. (for Pora) (CATTLE) (ESOPUGUS) (REFL EXE S) COTRI)T, M. Action of pilo-carpJae, atropin, and calcium chloride upon the notricity of eoqpht~guo in horse,, . ozon,, sheep,, and svine. Studii agr Timisoara 8 nool/205-63 IfIle (Veterinary medicine) (Eslphagas) (Mlocarpdme) (Abropin) (Lizie,, Chloride of) ...-COTRUT - M. - Esophageal motivity in horses,, awine, and sheep. Studii agr Tijaist era 8 no,3/4:301-309 Jl-D 161. 1. Ihstitutul agronmic "Prof. Ion Ionescu do la Brad" Iasi. _ggv,UTI Mlhai Ovi.Umoplageal reflax in borsov,, oxen, sheep, and swine. Stu4tii biol . CluJ 12 ito.It-245-151 161. 1. lastitutal alpmmic "Ion Imam do la Brad" din Iasi. FOR&? Eagen A.'.L_Rl.-RUTt._ALh9Li :ftti3J.ty of the esopbaguo of bovines. Studli core biol anim 13 no.U'4947 161. (9W 3.0:7) L MemtbrtL acrespondant al Academloi R.P.R.(f6r Pora) 2. Gatedra do fitiologla animilelor do Is. Universitatea Baben-Bolyai din Cluj vi Inalltutul agrononic din Iasi. (CATILIC) (ESOPUGUS) PINTEA, V.; Ag"090 MARGARINT, Iolanda Physiological observations on the innervation or the carotid sinus 4:f the sbDep. Studil agr Timisoara 9 no.3/4s3l7-3.!I+ il-D 162. 3'. Laboratoral de fissiologie sinimalaal2st:Ltutului.Ag,-onomic, TjxdgaLra A Laboratoral de fiziologie animala*-InstitUtALlUi Agon=io "]on lonesca do 16 Brad",) Iasi, COTIVIT, NI-colae, prinoipal economist Light -industry of Rumania at international f wLrs and exhibitiorm. Industria usoara 11 no. 82441-443 Ag 164. 1. Chamber of Gonnerce of Rumania. COTTA2 A.; IOIB.WU, Aspects conneclad wil~h the manufacturing technoloMr of electric machinEz :In the Klement Gottwald Factory. P. 463o ELECTROTr~SNICA. (Asociatia Stiintifica a Inginerilor si Tehnicierdlor din Rord.nia sl Yftniiiterul Energiei Electrice si Industriei Electrotowlice) Rucuresti, Rumanda. Vol. 6, no. 12, Dec. 1958. Monthly Ust of East Europe= Accessions LO Vol. 8, No. 6, Ruie 1!?5!?. Uncl. NISTOR, Alexandru, 4',nggrincipal (Bucureati); COTTAI Alexandru? Ing. principil ucuresti) - Modern assembly line prDeessing of electric machine shafts of 3-10 clearance gauge. Electrotehn'Lea 11 no. 5:173-180 My 163. 1. Uz:Lna de masW ele,,.trice Bucuresti. COTTA, N., acdSter.t. Jjg.; GIU!"JN, !.; ~~.; *,~,;l~:,-:,.-,t:-,,.:j, ;- 0 11 .-1 ~ I V~., *, A nev 4ype of S,,,-;r~l t~ j: , n~4. 1 -1 n,-).3:8c'-39 !-l-, 163. .. I - - - _,n, _1- ~ - - "-' -, ~ i mi -g!?ZTA,.. Nicclae,.. ing, Favilty of Wood Industrialization opera its doorn for a new academic year. Ind lennillui 15 no.8018-322 Ag 164. - ( . 11, . . 1 YF" . - .. . n~ i I ~ nr.,'!~', - - '~t- ~A t, 1 .2 -, - t jor I~j , 479 D 1 CMA, V. "How to Increase the N=ber of'' Game Animls" p. 41 (Revista 'Ladurilor, Vol. '08, No. 9. Sept. 1953, Ffticuresti) East E uro peas Vol. 3. No. 3 1954 SO: Monthly List of Xnq= Accesj!ionj8. Library of Congress, Yarch - 3TM, Uncl. COTTA, V. *The foroat, a decisive faotor in the development of will life u tn", iment". p. 178, (REVISTA PADTYRILOR, vol. 69, No. 4, Apr. 1954, Bu=eai, Mmmia) SO: Monthly List of Uat Uropean Accessions, (REAL). LO, Vol. ), Na. 12, Dee. 1954, Unal. GOTTA, V~ '.- - - . I . . - - I . . . .. rie E _C?xj.4 ~10L-Sll 7 , -I-n~raved T~~'of - Portablii 'T-i it HatAe s.9 ~. 281. (Ejr.,-jF_ ? a~l 1 !01 1 IF.' Vol. 69, No. 6. June. 19-*~, lhimr-esti, Rummia.) SO; Monthly List of East Bm-cq)ean Accessions, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 49 No. 1. Jan. 1955 Uncl. COTTA I V. - - 1-1 - - , I. - I- . - - ~ . - - . "B"dient me&as for piscicultural'impro4ement of mountain river beds, p. 513. (RW-L3TA PADURIIM, Vol. 69, no. U, Nov. 1954- Bucuresti, luzznia.) SO: Mnthly List of East European Accessions, (EEAL), LC. Vol. 4, No. 5, My 1955. Uncl. COTTA, V. For a better )itili,:,~.-,tton of ~gzrmc,. P. 790 (UT'SILA ?,b'DU.,IIIIDR) (Ducuresti, Rumamia) Vol. 71, no. 1P, Dec. 11'~57 30: il"Onthl.v- Index of East :European Accessions (!!~A'I) LC Vol.. -t., r1c.. ~5. COTT.A, V. Hunting ams fox, the forest staff* p. 5h9 FEVISTA PADURILCF. (Asociata StUntifica a Ingirierilor si Tei!hnicieniior dbi Pomania si Ministerul Agricultiwli si Silvictdturii) Bucuresti, Rumania. Vol. 73, no. 9, Sept. 1958 Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC Vol 13., No. ~, June 1959 Uncl. FODORt 0., prof.;i SURIM, P., dr.; TRAGOR, S.7 dro;-OPM., St,.q dr-1 SUMMY, I,., dr.; BOLAN, T,, dr.; FARMAN, M., dr. Further e]Jnical and biochemical verifications of the tlerapeutic action of itepartie seid In chronic hepatitis. Med. intein. 15 no.4'463-4~,Q Ap 163. 1. Lucrare efectuata in Clinics, a III-a medieala, Cluj (iirector: prof,, 0. Ftdor). (HEPATITIS) (ASPARTIC ACID) (ASPARAG:En) (DIURESIS) (BLODD MOTEINS) (ALATIM MINOMANSIMME) S7AJtI"'?'o--[, -,.; F,01',.ANp T., FODOR, blOchemical aspect-s ~,f mvthi~~n:nc L-etaboj!sm in Brid 6,21-deaal ulcers. "AiAc'.11 7cr(! w ['14 0 Medical Oenter and '15, 396,40 Sub- FODOR, 0., prof.; STMESCU,14,, dr.; COSMA V., dr.j m,r., drol FRATIIA,,I*., dr.!, MUNTLW,P. dr',,,.,, SCqWATiTZ,M:, dr.; CIOFIJ, Gh., dr.; ILEA, V., dr.:I,PgTL4!,.,,;~$,,dr.;'DIZIITRASCU, D., drq BORSM, I., laborant Clinical and epidemiological research on the evolution tows-rdi cbrcynicity of acute.ispidemic hepatitis. Ked. intem. Maur.) 16 no.120.505-1510 D 164 1. lucraro efectuatalin Clinica a 111-a medicala, Inatitutul medleo-farmaceutiop (",luj. RtTMANWGeneral Problems of Whology - Tumors T-5 Abs Jour : Ref 2hur - BiolvN ND 3., 1958, 12819 Author : Pans, A-N., DixcUA st4l, Buzu1oiu' Gh, Behleanu, V., Cotutiu, C. Inst : Not given. Title : A Case of the Adrenocorbical Tumor Syndrome in an Infant. Orig Pub : Studii si cercetari endocrinol. Acad. RFRI 1956P 7, No 2, 253-255 Abstract : This is a case of a throte-year old fenale infant with the syndrome of adrermortical hyperfunction. BegLuning at 3 months there vas rapid wei&t gain, deposition of fat on the trunk emd face# hypertension, and hypertrichosis vith grovth of hal on the forehead, cheeks, upper lip and around the genitaLia. A tumor the size of a fist was detected in the left reatLl area. There vas an increased Card 1/2 RURQUA/General Problems of PhthologT - Tumors - T-5 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., 110 3, 1958, 12819 excretion of 17-katostaroids (3.2 mg. per A hours). The patient died from aystopyelitis vith dyspepsia vhich complicated the imaLn illness. The autopsy re- veale4i an adrenocortical tumor vhich vas an atypical cancer of the adrenal cartex vith vast zones of reti- culohystiocytic hyperplwia. Card 2/2 BONAv C., dr.; COTUTIU k-- v dr. Cbenical bases Of stains in histochenistr7. Morobiologia (Ducur) 8 nok4:317-331 Jl-Ag 163. Lluar-are efectuata irt I~nstitutul "Dr. 1. Cantam2ino". (STAIM AND STAINING) (CIMMISTRY) (BISTOCFMSTRI) (~_c, %-.:! p KO -)~> . yr, ~S I- - HOM, A.; JAINNIM, N..- COUINDV.J, R. 3PIdOmic Of InfRutils dYPOTBI& In 108. Pediat.11sty 5 no.lil4-20 Ja-7 150. (CLKL 19:3) 1. Of the Children's Clinic in Olomouc. OOUFALP Josef Anarla, follovl* unUateral ascending pve2ograpby in a sudden adrenal insufficiency. Roshl. chir, 38 no-10:716-718 D 159 1. Urologicke oddeloul nemocnice v Havlickove Brode, primr MUDr. 0. Noref . (AMML CORM, die. ) (ANURIL, etiol. (PINMR&M, compl.) COUFAL, T. ------ -Mla~- Stresses on foundation joints in bridge piers eaused by heat expansion and shrinkage. p. 41+0- INZENYRSKE STAM. Praha$ Czechoslovakla. ~01. 14, no; 11,, Nov. 1955. Monthly list of East Furopean Accessions (EFAI) LC, Vol. 9, no. 2:, Feb. 1960 Uncl. 0 COUFAL, J. Conatruction in Eastern Germany in a nutshell. p. 238. (Stavivo. Vol. 35, no. 6, June 1957. Praha, Czechoslovakia) SO: Honthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC, 'ol. 6, no. 10,, Cetober 1957. Uncl. COUFAL J. TYBORY J. Weighing ma6lines and devices for weighing building materials. p. 20. (Stav-1vo. Vol. 35, no. 61 June 1.957. Praha, Czechoslovakia) SOt Monthly List of East European Accessions (EFAL) LC, Vol. 6,, no. 10, Octobe:r 1957. Uncl. CZECHOSLOWMA/Chemical. Technology - Chemical rroducts and H-3 Their Application, Part 1., - Checking and Measuring Devices, Autormtic Control. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - 10iimiya, No 14, 1958, 47085 Author Jiri Coufal Inst Title Automatic Measuring Hoppers for Loose Materials and Dosimeters for Liquids, Orig Pub Chem. prunysli, 1957, 7, No 4, 195-197 Abstract The state factors of balances at Prague put on the mr- ket batch measuring hoppers and dosimeters for liquids of the HNO type working on the same principle. The measured ~Aount of the substuaices (by weight) is ftxed by a movable load on the balance bewa. The losimeter is placed under the store, from which the measured subs- tances flow into the racasuring device. A system of 12 Card 1/1 CZECHOSLOVIdW/Chemical TechnologY - ChOrAcal Produats and H-3 Their Application, Part 1. - Cheeldnig and Measuring Devices, Automatic Control. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Xhimiya, No 14, 1958, 4765 electromagnets and mercury comutators open and clase the valves of the raeasuring device. The meatiured batches can vary in the range from 20 to 800 kg of loose material and from 20 to 200 kg of liquids. Card 2/2 COUF AL, J. Modern Industrial vciphts and weighing equipment in the Gi~rman Derrvratic Rerx'-.1ic. U ~. 543, (Strojirenstvi) Vol. 7, no. 7, JulY 1957, ?raha, Czechoslovakia SO: honthl,,, Index of East EuroDean Al-essions (KEAT-) .701. 41, No. 11 'Yavember 1957 Coufal, J. Coufal, J. Autonatic cemetn distributor irw 8oo. p. 16. Vol. 35, no. 1, Jar.. 1957 STAVIVO THWHNOLOV- Czechoslovakia So. Eajat European Accessionig, Vol. 6, Fay 1957 No. 5 co o V: 9\ L- ) 31 CZECHOSIDVAKIA/Che='~cal TechmlogY - Chemical Products and H-13 Their Application - Ceramics, Glass, Binders, Conert.-te. Abs Jour : Ref Oiur - Kiimiya, No 3, 1958., 8790 Author : Tybor J*j Coufhi Inst Title : Balances and Devices for Weighing Building Materialai, Orig Pub : Stavivo, 19571, 35, No 6, 243-245 Abstract : Descilption oil various kinds of balances and batchers, and cof auxiliary uaits for remote control and reccrding. Card 1/1 "'o ?#;,pps f ~ - ~ Anuria following unilateral ascending pyelography in a suddem adrenat insufficiency. Roshl. ohir. 38 no.10:716-718 0 1551. 1. Urologicke oddeloni nemoonics v Havliok-ove Brodop prinar KU]Dr, Do Noref, (ADWU1 GORTEX die. ) (LNURU. 9t iol. ) (PYBM,PAFHY compl.) I VALENTA., Vaclav; VIACHOVSKY, Karel; MKOGIL, Vaclav; ZBYTOVSKr,, Adolf; KOTT, Josef; KINIARIK, Karel; MAZUR, Ame; COUFAL, Jaronir I Some remarks on the problem of nuclear reactor shielding. Jaderna enargie 9 no,14233 Jl 163. 1. Zavody V.I. Lenina,o Plzen. COUPAL9,~-$ MUDr.; POSWPAL, T, The realitiation of the governmental decree on measures for the control oj! tuboreuloBin. Cook. xdravot, 6 no.2:77-80 Mar 58,, 1. Ministerstvo zdravotniatvi - tuborkulooni oddeleni. (TMNRCU=ISO FULMOXM# prev,, & control in Ozech, (02)) COUFAL, K. t_ 1AUD-r. Czechoslovakia Third Tuberculosis Department of the Faculty Hospital in Bmo -- Bnio (III. tuberkul6mi odd6lenl fakultnl nemocnice v BnA -- Bmo); Director: K. COUFAL9 MUDr. Pi-ague, Rozliledy Tuberkul6se, No 1, 1963, -.PP 55-S1 "Shortcomings of Preventive and Curative Care of Tuberculosis ir~ the Souther Moravian RegiDn.11 COTMAL, Karel, MUDr. Current status & perspoctives of tuberculosis control In Czechoslovakia. Ceek. zdravot. 7 no.111-11 Jan 59, 1. Hinisterstvo zdravatnictvi. (TUBIRCULOSIS, prev. & control . in Czech. (Go)) COUFAL, L.; STUCHLIKp F. clouiumess in Prague in the last loo yeara. Meteoro'Log zpra-Iry 15 60.5t128-3.35 0 162, COUFAL, Ladielav I --- - Precision in measuring -laectrie power. Emrgetflca Cz 12 no-5-,,265-266 My 162. 1. ITychodoceolm energeticke zavody, Hradec Kralove. GOUFAL,,,,L-,., , . , Wind icotions at Chiu,,anov, Metecr sprary 16 no.2:41-4!; I - Ap 63o --., I* Hydrometmorologio4 ustav* - COUFAL, IA*isUv , measuiialmint err-era of operational electrometers. Energetika Oz 13 no.5:256-257MY 163* 1. Yucho4l,oceske anergeticam savodyp Hradec Xrj~h"- I ,