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I Rea emoo 1 4# 1 ~l v w 7 DN at I ;~ ~o VC0400%As ACCESSION NR: AT4017172 8/2546/63/000d'128/00(A/0078 AUTHOR: Davy*dova. 0. Pr*ninaj G. M. Tins: Results of a"forec"t of tho*de'T'slopmnt o:LAigbi-l*vol cyclones and anti- cyclones SOMM: Hoacow. Ts*ntrollny*y institut prognozov. Trudy*, no. 128, 1963. Veprosy* kratkoarochuy*kh pr9gnosov pogody* (Problems of short-range weather forecasting). 64-78 TOPIC TAGS: meteorology, weather forecasting, short-range weather forecasting, atmospheric geopotential, cyclone, anticylcone, atmospherizz pressure, wind, mind divergence, atmospheric vorticity ABSTRACT: The method for computing diurnal changes of geopotential at the centers of cyclones and anticyclones at the 850- and 7M-ab surfaces is described; this method is essentially that developed over a period of years by B. D. Usponakiy and repeatedly described in the literature (for exwVle, by -the author,in_Meteoivo1oziy& i gidrologiya, No. 1, 1961)o The modifAcation Introduced here lavo?ilv~s an allow% ance for the angles between the meridians an the chart mid the parallel straight lines on the rectangular 9r Ad it whose points of intersection &%ta are read for dete ion of wind divergence, vortipity apd. other values awtering into pro- Card i ACCESSION NR: A74017172 i guostic formlas' Purnalas are given for all tho steps necessary in implementing ; the modification: 'the method described was applied to 25 synoptic situations for 1 forecasting the doy9lopment, of cyclones and anticyclones, yielding results super- ior to the unmodified method.. Detailed results are given of a forecast made of development of a particular Fclgne.. Orig. art. has: 20 formlas, 8 figures and 3 tables. ,T82rntAL#Nff DWI= PHOMOZOV ASSOCIATION: Central Institute of Forecasts) 80*iTM: " 00 19Tt AM" ]WCL: '100 SUB 6im, AS 961gErsov: &B &MR: ODD ACCESSION NR;' AT4017177 S/25"/63/000/128/0'1 55/0159 .AUTHOR: Baydina, N. ,-O.,,A-; Konyukhove, M. S. TITLE: Experience In preparing forecasts of the surface flelds of pressure, 900- potential, temperature, wind, cloud cover and procip!tatlon for, 12 hours In advance SOURCE: Moscow. 'Tsentraliny*y InstItut prognozov.,trudy*, no. 128, 1963. Voprosy* kraticosrochny*kh prognozov pogody'k (Probi of short-range weather for*- casting), )55-I$9 7 TOPIC TASS: meteorology. weather forecesting..short-rangs weather forecasting, atmospheric geopotential, atmospheric temperature,,; atmospheric pressure, cloud, precipitation, wind, troposphere ABSTRACT: W"ther*forecasts In the sc~iet Union are usualry prepared for a small area (except for pressure) on the basis'~'of the method described In the Manualon Short-Range Weather Forecasting.; however, forecasts-are needed for extensive areas.,- Various attempts kave been made by different authors, to speed up and simplify pro- 1~ cedures to make a more extensive forecast possibl*, but at the expense of quality; nevertheless, as shown in thisprticle,jorecasTs can be made speedily for ex- ...... U, tensive areas while adhering to th~ basic proce;res and quality standards set forth In the Manual. A study was made over a p od of 11 days In Jul, _'_d 1/2 y 1959 tar - ----- n ACCESSION NR: AT4017177 7Prognostic charts of the cloud cover, precipitation and other meteorological ele- -ments were compiled for 12 hours in advance. The following prognostic charts ,were compi led:.. - smrface pressure, 700-, 500- and 300-mb surfaces, cloud cover ' precipitation. The mean geostrophic wind I (genera and vert4cal thickness) and 'the 1000-300 mbfilayer also was-predicted. The form4las and techniques used in,. :each r.~ these procedures are given. A sample forecast, described briefly, sh ed oY s good results. .-The time required for 4,weathermon to do all the work Involved .1 2-2-1/2 hours;.-,ttve Manual Is adhered tc~ and earlier, proposed simplifications hve :been avoided. At;ithe same time, more complete use Jhas been made of the observ:- 'tional data shown'ori high-level and surface charts. -OrIg. art. has: I fgure, j4 formulas and 4'tab)es.- -ASSOCIATION:. -,TSgNTRALINY*Y INSTITUT PROGNOZOV, MOSCOW (Central Institute of .Forecasts) -SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 24Feb64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: AS NO REF SOV: 004 OTHE R: 000 2/2 Card USHNSKIY, B.D.,doktor fiz.-mai. nauk, prof.;-BELOUBOV, S,L,, fiz.-mat. nauk; FYATYGINA, K.1%; YUDIN, Y.I.; MP-1,TSAIDV, A.N., kand. fiz.-mat. nauk; DAVYDOVA, O.A.; h7JFYAN5N&Y4j- A.P.; PETRICIMIKO, I.A.; NOR-SMC' T-01,1ASIEVICH, L.V.; SAMOYLOV, A.I.; ORLOVA, Ye.I.; DZHORDZH10, V.A.; FETRENK01 N.V.; DUBOVYY, A.S.; ROMOV, A.I.; PE'IRQSYANTS, GIAZOViff*, IjE,?j*,,bAT'YA'YEVA, T.F.; BELISKAYA, N.N.; CHISTYAEOV, A.D.; GANDIN, L.S.; BURTSEV, A.I.; ~MTSALOV, A.I-..; i3A&,OVYY, N.A.; BELOV, P.N.; ZVOWp,&&.,..retsenzent; SIDENIO) red.; DUBENTSOV, V.R., kand. j. iz.-mat. nauk, nauchn. rea.; SAGATOVSKIY, B,,V., r9d.; BUGAYEV, V.A., doktor gecigr~ nauk, prof., red.; ROGOVSKAYA, Ye.G., red. (Manual on short-range weather forecasts] Rukovodstvo pa kratkosrochnym prognozam pogody. Leningrad, Gidronieteoizdat. Pt.l. Izd.2., perer. i dop. 1964. 519 P. (14IRii 18:1) 1. Moscow. TSentrallnyy institut prognozov. DAVYDOVA, O.D. Practices in the use of waterproofed wood for wooden goods. Bum. i der. prom. no.2:41-" Ap-je 164. (MIRA 17 - 9) V/1, BLAGOVESHGHENSKIT, A.V.; DLVTDOVA, O.L.; PRBOYAKOVA, M.A. Biochemical characteristics of the crowfoot family. no.14:29-33 '52. (MTRA 6:5) 1. Glav"y botanicheskly sad Akademii Nauk SSSR. (Ranales) (Plants--Chemical analysis) EL113ERT'B Ta KHASILINIKOV, A.P.; IZR&ITELI,, N.A.I_P~~YDOVA, O.V.; FiF49SYN, B.A. imen'tigatiolk of the fiebee of the Pripet River Basin as bearers ot the Bolerom bacillus. Zhur. ush.,'nos, i gorl. 1~1. 21 no.2: 39-" Mr-Ap 161. CRU 14:6) ..I* 16dedra m1krobioloju (mav. - prof. B.ya.Eltbert) Minskogo mediteinskofo iiistituta RHINOSOLFUNA) (PRIPET RVER BASIN--FISHM) JIPISH AS CARRIERS OF DISEASE) AZAROVY K.P.; DAVYDOVA, P.P. Effect of preparing a metal surface on the quality of enamels without ground coating. Trudy NPI 154:53-61 '63. (MI-PA -17:101) DAVYDOVA , R.A. in I~shkhabad. [ZV, no.5:46~~3 163. I - ';:!l f-j I Io 'v MIA)Vq P.N.,;_DAVYDOVA, R.G. Hydraulic forging press of 800-ton capacity manufactured by the firm *Fielding." Nuz. shtam. proizv. 2 no,,12t38-4/+ D 960. (Hydraulic presses) (MIRA 14:3) D`9'01~0 % 1 on A p6riod-le linpactlo, .p -of 7 1, ~7' 1 '7' 0 - , - - _-b tests b de, dd, At AIW 114'4~`__" ~'O( -Ito 5', ut- .,:', , qFMa C!4 ;Or". --- I& fdi - -0( t, ----- - ei-Abl-ki talpodel orweijbt oU* r-, y smQ 0 Osi. OffrO.~'oxper ten weseure- description fig giveft- -,,,a wor -of. 4ws4 -of a ho4imoksc'' Ite-. 7U f6 c 4 later baddel Aslo Idlency,*: -brigiliality:6f fh-6pu'mp!are es'orlb 'The"- emduts- torm the libil-' 4ining 4d -W-1 tM of the' pulse M, 66101 of Ihe cylino unger, e_~ ra c eye e-d Pr*nd the p1, 'hydroinertial ead and al 4*0-the construction 67j 6f 6P 6 valves of - reciprooRting actflon --- -Vulpating valve and the draining v&lv6,:-:,7be remifting elements of the press 4i8&- e kigie en. were ado involvix those Commonly tt6ed and arenot a," m _g t ot"-ind efractory ii f ioncy6f vibration of,120-40D vibrations, press ng in r baurah, t a, roji -per:* inuts (2 to nev!6 can l: iiacreased to,800-1006:i&I M S. 7 cps] fttici! frdquenDy is ra.;__ or winute (13. 346. 7 -Or st -.B,mm Tbc vibration can .~be tions p 01M to~q of. 2. 0 PX - MOW pressurejo w i a- _60i 4 the IN moo Itmits trollod ~'Tbe - E_,4460400 a-Md $7, lit~rshw.__ con I~b ad' ACC NR: AP7002613 C 1q, /V.) SOURCE CODE: MENTOR: Vasillyev, B. P.; Davydova, R. G.; Platonov, V. N. ORG: None TITI:F: A device for automatic control of a hydraulic vibrator. Class 58, No. 189312 [Experimental Scientific Research Institute of Forging and Pressing Machine Building (Eksperimentallnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut kLiznechno-pressovogo mashinostroyeniya)] SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 23, l966, 128 TO?1C TAGS: hydraulic device, metal press ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces a devico for automatic cowrol of a hydraulic vibrator, specifically for a hydraulic vibration press operating frcm a con- stant high-pressure source of working fluid. The unit contains high-speed pulser i :valves for feeding the working fluid to the cylinder of the working element and a de- !vice for filling the cavities above the valves. Vibration frequency is increased and icontrol is simplified by -king the device for filling these cavities in the form of a I )single-stage unit consisting of a chamber located in the cylinder housing -where a IW- ldropneumatic cushion is set up for pressure control of & relief valve. UDC: 621.226 ACC Nits ii 1-ch=ber; 2-relief valve SUB CODE: 13/ SUM DATE: 04xov64 Card 2/2 4 - 0 DAVrDOVA, R. M. At the Ryazar, Maebine-Tool Plant. MaBILinoBtroitall no#12342 D 162. - (MIM 16: 1) (*azan-41achine-tocil indueltrY) DAVYDOVA, R.M. Tables made of laminated plastics. Hashinostroitell no.11:38 N 162. (MIRA 25:12) (Plastics) DAVYDOVA, R.M. Hermetic sealing of imits of machine tools. Biul.tekh.-ekon.inforn. Gos.nauch.-issl.inst.nauch.:L tekh.inform. 17 no.1945-46 164. (KRA 17:2) DAVYDOVA, RA Suggestec2 during an inspection. Yarhiziostroitell no.2x4O F 165. (MIRA. !8t3) WA IRO, Ye.A.; ZHUKOVEKIT, Ye.S.; KUSTAFABREOVA, A.A.; HIMYU)Y. N.D.; KOBILTAIISKIT, A.L.; XONO)UHIN, A.G.;; XMITAYN, R.R.; LUMNSKIT, V.F.-, RAVYDOVA, R.T.: TH.012SKIY, V.L. red.: GaRIKOVA, A.A.. " --k -- -' vedushchly-red.; kWOTOVA, I.G., (Betablishing standards for material oonsumption and stocks in the petroleum industry] Normirovenis ratikhoda i proizvodstvennykh zapasov osnovnykh moterialov v neftlanoi promyshlenn-oati. Xoakva. Goo.nauchno-tekhn.isd-vo neft. i gormo-toplivnoi lit-ry, 1959. 232 p. (M3RA 12:12) (Petroleum induatry-Standards) Dav-.ydova, H. Z. "Investil--atio,l of the Exchange Adsorption of Anims on Synthetic Anion- ites.11 Min Higher Education Mrainian SSR. Miarlkov Order of Labor ,. Kharlkov, 1955. (Dissertation Red Banner State U imeni A-i 14. Gorlldv for the Degree of Candidate in Chemical Sciences) So: Knizhnaya letopis', No. 27, 2 JLO.Y 1.955 DAV M V, A.T.; WVYDCVP, H.7. Study of the temperature dependence of the aOsnrption and the exchange enerV of ellicle acid. lZhur.fl:e.khlw. 31 no.4:815..819 Ap 157. (MLRA 10:'10) Goeudarstvennyy universitat J.s. A.M.Gorllkogo i Sellskokhosysystvenw Institut im. V.V.Dokucbay*va, 1h,arIkov. (silicic acide) (Anjotte) (Adsorntion) ?3-3-24./24 AUTHOR: Davydov, A. 11-1. and Davydova, R. Z. TITIE: Ion Exchange Sorp-Ei-on of Silicic Acid on H and H-o Anionittles. (Issledovaniye Immoy Obmennoy Sorbtsii Kremnevoy Kisloty Na Anionitakh Marki 11 1 1-1-o) PERIODICAL: Ukrainskiy Khimicheskiy Zhuimal, 195?, Vol. 23, No.3, pp. 415-419(USSR) ABSTRACT: Silicic acid ran be adsorbed from solutions with H and H-o anionites under static conditions and converted to anions of strong acids. B. P. Nikol'skiy's equation was checked in order to clarify the character of processes taking place during exchange-sorp-bion silicic acid. The silicic acid was adsorbed on H and H--o anionites (synthe- sized in the Department for Plastic Substances of the Moscow Ghemico-Te chnolo6i cal. Institute im. D.I Mendeleyeva). When the divalent anion adsorbent is changed to a mono- valent adsorbent, Nikollskiyls equation is as follows: CL = CLM _ K2a - 0CL 2 .6.60 T 0- ) where a quantity of divalent anion (in mg/ekv); de,sorbed Card 1/3 from 2 g of the adsorbent, calculated on 1,00 g 73-3-24/24 Ion Exchange Sorption of Silicic Acid on H and H-o Anionites. of the adsorbent; Maximum adsorption (in mg/ekv) /100 g of the sorbent; Co= initial concentration of the anion (in mole/litre) K = constant of change.. When plotted on a graph: y = cL, CL 2 X = CL 5000CO- CL) and linear isotherms are obtained. Experimental data, calculated by the method of least squares, are tabulated (Tables 1 and 2). The concentration ofthe anions was withim the limits of 0.05-N to 1-N. The anionite H-o was shown to have greater practical importance which, during the conver- sion of silicic acid to carbonate ions, revealed a working capacity up to 90 ing/ekv per 100 g of adsoirbent. This is 3-times larger than the capacity of glauconite. The anions can be arranged in the following order, according to their absorptive properties: 003 >110~ >Cl1..','1-SO11 which represents the reverse order of adsorption occurring during an exchange on weakly basic anionites. There are 2 tables and 8 Slavic references. Card 2/3 ?3-3-24/24 Ion Exchange Sorption of Silicic Acid on 11 and H-o Anionites. WV~IITTED: September, 10, 1956. ASSOCIATION: Kharkov State University imeni A. 11. Go?k1'-7 Agricultural Institute imeni V. V. Dakuchayev. "~Kharl- kovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. A. M. Gorlkogo, Sellskokhozyaystvennj-j Institut im. V. V. Dokuchayeva) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. Card 3/3 ..... . . . . . . . ..... Investigation of the Lows of Polyanionic Exchange anionite for carbonatp ions. There is 1 table andlO references, P of which are Soviet, 1 English, and 1 German. ASSOCIATIONS: Khar'kovskiy gosudPrstvennyy universitet imeni GoIlkogo (Yharrkov 3tate University imeni A.Y. Gorlkiy) Khar kovskiy sellskokhozynystvonnyy institut ime~ni V.V. Do.- kuchayeva'(Khar'kov Agricultural Institute imeni V.V. Doku- chayev) SUBMITT"D: June 2, 1956 i. Chromatographic ana4sis--Applications 2. Ion exchange--Applications Card 2/2 DAWDOVA, S., red.; MATVXrE'TA, A. p tekbn. red. [Wood milling machineY7 and equipment] Derevoobrabatyvaiuahohie stanki i oborudovanie, Izd.ofitsiallnoo. Moskva, 1961. 215 P. (MBIA 1416) 1. Russia (1923- U*S.S.Re) Vsesoyuzmyy komitet standartorv.,. (Woodworking machineryj DAVYDOVA, S. A., Cand Med Sci -- (diss) "Peculiarities of reflex activity in dogs in acute radiation sickTiess." mos, 1957. 13 pp (Acad Mod Sci 13S.13R), 2-50 coPies (KL, 52-57, 111) - 109 - t~ Y YI, (.) V M USSR 'Human anC Animal Maysiolo_-y of 11aysical 'Yac`o-~;. Ionizing on. , U - U.. Abs Jaur '-~hri_- - Biol., No 13, '163c) AixUnor Goi-i~:oa-'Gov, R.D,, -Davyftova ...A. Inst Title the Toxic lllro-per~~.L-~ of Blood in Irradiati?C. AniTwAls by Tests wWi Ar'.'eraicc'u*omized Animalu. Or i g Pub :iccl. raCiologiya, 191"", 2, 110 5, 51-55- .) I - Abstract nuts wel-e subject-ed. to _-,ciieraI :,-ray irradia-'Cion,~; 1,000 -_,~ Joses (output, 2,'iain); clogs recei-..-c" :7 ,Io~;en (ov.'uput, 15-1 After -irradiation ',loo,." Wall "al:en on 'Ghe 1st, 2nCL, aiv~ *:'---0 C.-ays, centrifuCeC, fo-, m: nu-'LeT., and after '-'0--:--'5 n.:.-, , ~'O. the serum was ii- ~oneall.-J_ injected i;l-'U,o (I day befol-e `omized (A) (0." .,i1) and ra-s (1 .d). ac renalec L :.iortalituy of mice wa,; inv2~;'u-:'_nt-ed for 3 'Any',; oiluw: 11'ections, and of rabbi- ~o.-.- 3. month. Sera (31 j Carcl 1/2 I;AVYDOVA, S.A. (Moskva); GORIZONTOV, 1,rol'.p nuvachlyy Protective and therapeutic offfict, of' somatntropic hormorvi In avutn radiation tilcknnan. hit- A vittip. t.enp. ~ no.4:64.-65 Jl-Ag 163. (MIRA 1. Df3yltvJtf-llnyy chlen AMU SSSR (for GurJ-ntnv). DAVYDOVA, S.A.; SHCHEMOVA, Yo.N. ------- Use of diazoline in experimental acute radiation sickness. Pat. fiziol. i ekspt terap. 7 no.602 11-D 163. (MIRA 17:7) .U _4410- I k1Uj-.--VA1 XLU.&Wj-- AP6007762 SOURCE CODE: UR/0205/66/006/001/1)D93/009S ACC NR: Domfeve, V. M. AUTHOR: ~!7~do Yakovlev, V. G. , _~o ~, I ORG: none TITYX* The possibility of isolating radiation protection jLqnts on the basis of the to-cal quantity of Diche-positive compounds in urine SOURCE: Radiobiologiya, v. 6, no. 1, 1966, 93-96 TOPIC TAGS: gamma irradiation, radiation protection, ionizing radiation I ABSTRACT: An attempt was made to establish a correlation between the biological pro- tective effect and the capacity of protection agents to influence the production of Diche-positive compounds (DPC) in the urine of irradiated organisms. Earlier researd ers noted a considerable DPC increase in the urine of irradiated animals and suggest- ed that this rvaction was a specific feature of radiation sickness; they also suggest ed that the reaction could be used to diagnose and isolate radiation protection agent In order to check these theories, rats of both sexes were exposed to Co6ri gaimna rays (700 rad), after having received protective doses of 1 of 24 preaparations (sulfur- containing radiation protection agerts, high molecular compounds, indole derivatives, and others). It was found that irradiation increased DPC production in the urine by 58% over the initial level. The authors conclude that the rise in the DPC level in Card L/2 UDC: 577. 391;628.58 2/2' /7 L/ 7 IJ L' V r7 1, ~ ~) , 4/1/ - KCK.ZHXV, Pavel Petrovich, pri uchastii I.Ta.Pormenove, S.D.Davydova, Ta.L.Golldfarba, A.B.Noydings; POZDBYAKOVA, G.I., [Chenistry manual for teacbere of oecondax7 achools] Spravocbnik po kbimii dlia uchitelal orecInel shkoly. Izd. 4-oo, ispr. i dop. Koskva, Goo. uchebno-padegog. izd-vo H-va proev. RSFSR, 1958- 423 P- (MIRA 1-1:5) (Chemistry--Iaborstory tanuals) DAVYDOVII, S.A. (Moskva) Effect of sax homones on the course of acute rad-,:~tion siclkneso. Pat. fiziol. eksp. tar. 7 no.5s45-48 S-01'63 (KERA l7v2) 5091MA, G.S*,.Ak~A ELUMNAS NOTO emlatse ocnuwng "Mlnlu, the Im comfugnm M." solaraw welaut aaeoum" Popart, SubaLttol fm d9vatea to noomrs, asks, 3-7 Ajvll 79-26-4-9/60 AUTHORS: Stepanov, F. N. , Davydova, S. L. TITLEs Heterocyclic Methyl-Ketone Derivatives (Geterotsiklicheskiye proizvodnyyo metilketonov) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii,1958,Vol.28,Nr 4,PP-891-896 (USSR) ABSTRAM In i898W. Wislicenus (Ref 1) carried out the condensation of oxalate with quinaldine and obtained the other of the substituted pyroracemic acid. Later on this reaction was investigated more detailed by Borscho and his collaborators (Ref 2). They extended it also to other heterocycles (Ref 3). In such a condensation the diethyl oxalate is one of the -most P.;:~tive acylating others. The authors found it inter- eating to get to know condensations with lose active com- pounds, e.g. with ethyl benzoate and other others. Under the action of potassium ethylate the ethyl benzoate enters re- action with 2 methyl homologues of different heterocycles and forms ketones according to the scheme ard 1/3 C2K OK /,>\---X--C--CH COR C-CH 3 + C2H5OCOR 5 2 40~ 79-28-4-9/60 Aeterocyolio Methyl-Ketone Derivatives (1) X - S, R-C 6H5; (II) X - 0, R -06H 51 (111~ X - Se, R-C6H,1 (:Lv) X"m CH==CH, R-C 6H 5; (V) X - NCH3, R'C6H5' (VI) X-S, R - CH 3; (V.II) X w S~ R-n -CH30C6H41 (VIII) X - S, R m n-ClC6H4; (IX) X - S, R w n--C2H 5OCOC 6H4 2-methy-1 benzimidazole which under given conditions does not react at all, forms an exception. The yield of ketones fluctuates between 5 and 28 %. One of the ketones obtained by the authors 60-benzoyl--2-methyl-banzthiazole W was described already earlier by Rogers and Sexton (Ref 5) who had obtained it by another method, (Iii the mentioned paper the boiling point was erroneously fIxed at 1500 instead of the correct boiling point at i10 - 1 .11 ). The para-sub- stituted ethyl benzoates behaved much more active in the reaction with 2-methyl.-benzothiazole. The same heterocylcic ketones with 'the exception of (IV) may be obtained also by another method, by means of the condensation of o-substituted Card 2/3 anilines with acyl or aryl acetate according to the scheme 79-28-4-9/6o Heterocyclic Methyl-Ketune Derivatives + C 2H5OCOCH2COR --CH 2COR aNH 2 U N (XI) X - 11H, R - C6H5 The synthesized heterocyclic ketones have an active methylene group between the heterocycle and the oarbonyl. There are 1 table and 7 referenoesq 2 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIONt Fauchno-isaledovateltakiy inetitut organicheskikh polupro- duktov i krasiteley imeni K. Ye. Voroshilova) (Scientific Research Institute for Organic Semi-Products and Dyes imeni K. Ye.*Voroshilov) SUBMITTEDt March 27, 1957 Card 3/3 t 5 '(3) AUTHORS: Nazarov, I. N., Prostakov, N. S., SOV/79-29-7-40/83 Mikheyeva, N. ff.j'Davydova, S. L. TITLE: Synthetic Anodyne Compounds. T'-Piperidones, ;r-Piperidols and Their Ethers (Sinteticheakiye obezbolivayushchiye veshchestva. ff--Piparidony, e-piperidoly i ikh efiry) PERIODICAL: Obirnal obshchey khimii, 1959, Vol 29, Nr 7, pp 2285-2292 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors continued their investigations on the synthesis of 1--piperidols and their ethers, the analogs of promedol and isopromedol (Ref 1),and obtained a number of new TI-piperidones by alkylation or acylation of the 2,5-dimethyl-4-piperidone (Refs 2, 3). The 1- ~-phenyl ethyl-(I), 1- ?--phenyl allyl-(II), 1- A-p-nitro phenyi ethyl-(iii), 1-phenyl oarbo-methoxy-methyl- (IV), 1-(3',4',5'-trimethoxy benzoyl)-(VI), 1-nicotinoyl-(VII), 1-furfuroyl-(VIII), 1- ~-diethyl-amino propionyl-(IX) and 1-ca--bo-benzoxy- 2,5-dimethyl-4-piperidone (X) were Bynthesized. Compound (V) was obtained by the reduction of the nitro group of 1-p-nitro benzoyl-2,5-dimethyl-piperidone (Ref 3)- In the case of hydrogenolysis of (X) the initial-2,5-dimcithyl-4- piperidone is formed. Synthesis of the f-piperidols-,vas Card 1/2 brought about by reaction of the corresponding piperidones Synthetic Anod iyne Compounds. je-Piperidones, SOV/79-29-7-40/83 r-Piperidols and Their Ethers with organolithium compounds or also by substitution of hydrogen of the secondary amino group of the 2,5-dimet'-'Yl-4- phenyl-4-piperidol (Ref 4) by the corresponding radicals. The following compounds are obtained: The piperidols (XI), (XII), (XIII), (XIV), (MI). In the case of ether formation of piperidola by means of acid chlorides the ethers (XVI), (XVIII), (XIX), (xx.), (XV11) the L-,~- and 3--isomers of 192,5-trimethyl-4-phonyl-4- pipeTridn-l (I), (XXI) and (XXII) were obtained. For the pharmacolo.-ical test the hydrochlorides of the others of some tertiary and secondary r-piperidols were prepared (more exact information in the experimental part). There are 4 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy institut tonkoy khimichesko teklmologii (Moscow Institute for Fine Chemical Technolog; SUBMITTED: June 23, 1958 Card 2/2 tj V q J-) C) 'Clay! f R&H, 11 U-1 F55 ;:9 A Eu -os ?Go v an- a f.k. 0 t) ti !V-4 00 Av a no, N PO 14 .0 to CD w 0 KOLESNIKOVS, jLAVYDGVA, S.L,; SHM&LITS,, A.M.; SHALINA, N.A. Polyesters of tntimnous and chloroantimonous acids. Izv.AN SSSR.Otd.khim.n'auk no.2068-373 F 163. (KM 16:4) 1. Institut elemntoorganicheskikh soy"eniy IN SSSR. (kntimonic icid,m) DAVYDOVA,_S.L.;_ PIATE, N.A.; YAMPOLISKAYA, M.A.; KARGIN, V.A. Chomical modification of chlorinated polyolefino by incirporation of aromatic groupo. Vyookom. sood. 7 no.1.1:1.946-1949 N 165, (MIRA 19:1) 1. Institut neftekhimicheskogo sinteza AN SSSR. Submitted December 25, .1964. DAVYDOVA, S. L. "An Investigation of Heterocyclic Derivatives of-~cetophenone-.-- Cand Chem Sci, Moscow Inst of Fine Chemical Technology imeni M. V. Lomonosov, 13 Dee 54. (V'4, 9 Dee 54) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (12) SO: Sum. Vo. 556, 24 Jun 55 KOLISNIKOV, G.S.;,DAVTDDVA,,S..L,; TRWLAYXVA, T.I. '-1-m-11-1- . Carbochain polymers and copolymers. Part 17: Polymerization of diallyl derivatives of silicon and germanium. Vysokom. soad. I no.10:1493-1495 0 159. (MIRA 130) 1. Institut elementoorganichookikh noyedineniy AN SSSR. (Silicon compounds) (Germanium compounds) ,(Polymers) __, L - LUKASHINA, L. I. VULIFSONI N. S,;,_~~7DDVA, S Investigation in the series of derivative&of acetonitrile~ Report No.21- 2-eyanomethylquincamlbne-3 and itd4e"rivatives. Org. polu- prod. i kras. no.,lg231-236- 059. (MIRA 14-10) (Acetonitriie) 50) AUTHORS: Kolesnikov, 0. S., Davydova, S. L. SOV/79-29-6-58/72 TITLE: Carboobainpolymers and Copolymers (1',arbotsepnyye polimery i sopolimery). XIII. Oynthesis and Poiymerization of Some Un- saturated Compounds, Which Contain Elements of the Group IV (XIII. Sintez i polimerizatsiya nekotorykh nenasyshchennvkh soyedineyxiy, soderzhashchikh elementy IV gruppy) PERIODICAL-. Zhurnal Gbahchey khimiiq 1959t Vol 29p Nr 6, pp 2042-2045 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The aim of this work was the synthesis and polymerization of elemental organic compounds, which contain in their composition Sn, Ge, Si, i.e. derivatives of vinyl and styrene of the type R3MCH-CH Z and R 3906H4CH-CH 2. The triethyl-vinyl-ailane was synthesized by dehydro-chlorination of triethyl-p-chloro-ethyl silane, by Ushakov an4 Itenberg (Ref 1) and closer analyzed by Kanazashi (Ref 2). The authijrs synthesized the trimethyl- vinyl-silane by the-reaction of vinyl-magnesium-b.-omide with trimethyl-ohloro-silane, the triethyl-vinyl-stannane, according to D. Seyferth and F. G. A. Stone (Ref 3 1 by the reaction of the vinyl-magnesium-bromide with triethyl-chloro-stannane, and Card 1/3 for the first timeq the triethyl-y.'7,yl-germane by the reaction Carbochainpolymers and Copolymers. xiij. Synthesis and BOY/79-29-6-58/72 Polymerization of Some Unsaturated Compounds, Which Contain Elements of the Group IV of the triethyl-bromo-germane with vinyl-magnesium-bromide. Trichloro-vinyl-germane was also synthesized according to A. D. Petrov and his associates (Ref 6), but tribromo-ethyl- germane was used as starting material. By the reaction of 4-triethyl stannyl-phenyl-magnesium-bromide with acetaldehyde according to references 7 and 8 the-4-triethyl-stannyl-phenyl- carbinol was obtained by the reaction of 4-triethy-l-germanyl- phenyl-magnesium-bromide with acetaldehyde the 4-triethyl-germ&- nyl-phenyl-methyl-carbinol was obtained and by the reaction of ethylene-oxide with triethyl-germanyl-magnesium-bromide the 0-(4-triethyl germanyl phenyl)-ethyl alcohol was obtained. Inasmuch as dehydration of alcohol failed, the method of M. S. Kharasch(Ref 9) for the synthesis of substituted styrenes was used;,by the reaction of 4-triethyl-staiinyl-phenyl-magne- sium with vinyl-bromide in the presence of c6balt salt the 4-triethyl-stannyl styrene resulted. In this way the triethyl- germanyl-styrene and the 4-trimethyl-silyl-styrene were obtained. The experiments to obtain polymers from synthesized unsaturated Card 2/3 compounds had only very small yields as a result. Of ,the Carbochainpolymers and Copolymers. XIII. Synthesis and SOV/79-29-.6-56/72 Polymerization of Some Unsaturated Compounds, Which Contain Elements of the Group IV synthesized compounds of germanium, tin and silicon, the tri- ethyl-vinyl-germane, the 4-triethyl-germanyl-styrone and the 4-triethyl-stannyl-styrene were not yet described up to pre- sent. There are 11 references, 4 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy Akadeinii nauk SSSR (Institute for Elemental Organic Compounds of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTED: May, 24, 1958 Card 3/3 t)AVMVA)- S. L., -,MnM- VOVA, 1..V..and KU-LMIK-O-v, C;.' S'. k, Mm) Polimery soderzhashchie germanii Germanium containing polymers iupAc s ia56-q report presented at the Intl. SMosium on Macromolecular Chemistry, Moscow, i4-0 June 6o 84515 S11901601002100410161020 ITAC114 B004 B056 AUTHORS: Kolesnikov, G. S., Davydova, S. L., Klimentova, N. V. TITLE: Carbochain PolymeA\ and Copolymers. XXII. Syz.t~-esis, Polymerization, and Copolymerization of Methaerylyltriethyl Germanium 0% PERIODICAL: Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, 1960, Vol. 2, No. 4, x PP. 563-566 TEXT: It was the aim of the authors to synthetize methacryl derivatives of germanium and to produce their polymers. In the present paper, a report is given on the results obtained by the hitherto unknown methacrylyltriethy- 1 germanium (MATEG). This compound was synthetized according to the scheme (C 2H5)3 GeBr + CH 2= C(CH3)COOK CH 30H 11CH 2'C(CH 3)COOGe(C2H5)3 *The infrared spectrum of this compound and, for comparison, the infrared spectrum of methylmethacrylate are Card 1/2 84515 Carbochain Polymers and Copolymers. XXI14 S/190/60/002/004/016/020 Synthesis, Polymerization, and Copolymerization BO04/BO56 of Methacrylyltriethyl Germanium shown in Fig. -1. In the presence of benzoylperoxide or azoisobutyric acid dinitrile MATEG polymerized to form transparent products. Further, also copolymerization with methylmethaerylate and styrene was attained. Because of the low activity of MATEG, the copolymers contained considerably less MATEG than the initial mixture with methylmethacrylate (1 : 194; 1 :. 239 instead of 1 : 4; 1 : 10; see Table). The thermal properties of the polymer and its copolymers are represented in Fig. 2. The polymer of MATEG softens at 180 - 1850c, its copolymer with methylmethacrylate at a lower temperat-ure, and the copolymer with styrene at about 1450C. The authors thank,G. L. Slonimskiy for the thermomechanical examination, N. A. Chumayevskiy for the infrafcd spectra. There are 2 figures, 1 table, and 5 reT~erences: 2 Soviet, 1 US9 1 British, and 1 German. ASSOCIATION: Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy All SSSR (Institute of Elemental-organic Compounds AS USSR) SUBMITTED: January 15, 1960 Card 2/2 84516 S/190/60/002/004/017/020 Tr 114 110S,12 011, Irt) Bb04/BO56 AUTHORS: Kolesnikov, G. S Dayyd t '- _Rya, S. L.p Yermolayeva, T. lo, Shilova, ~: ;:5ykhovs1caya,-X.-T-.- TITLE: Carbochain Polymer.'~and Copolymers. XXIII. The Copolymerization of Diallyl-derivatives of Germanium, Tin, and ki~liconjWith StyZeneland Methylmethacrylat-ei Tnhe- Presence of Benzoylperoxide I PERIODICAL: Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, 1960, Vol. 2, No. 4., pp. 567-571 TEXT: It was the aim of the present paper to-investigate the influence exerted by the content in diallyldimethylgermanium, diallyldiethyl- rtannane, dially1diethylsilane in the initial mixtures with respect to the composition of the polymers with styrene and methylmethacrylata. Copolymerization took place at 600C in gasoline. The reaction lasted 8 h, concentration of the benzoylperoxide was 2% by weight, referred to the sum of thu monomers. The copolymers with methylmethacrylate were found Card 1/3 84516 Carbochain Polymers and Copolymers. XXIII. S/190/60/002/004/017/020 The Copolymerization of Diallyl-derivatives B004/BO56 of Germanium, Tin, and Silicon With Styrene and Methylmethaorylate in the Presence of Benzoylperoxide to be insoluble in the usual solvents.,The compounds obtained were analyzed (Tables 1,2), and their thermomeohanioal properties were investigated (Figs. 112). In the copolymers with styrene, also the viscosity in benzene and the molecular weight was determined. An increasing content in elemental organic monomers in the initial mixture resulted in a decrease of the molecular weight of the copolymers. This is explained by the low aetivity of the elemental organic compounds. The copolymers with styrene had a lower softening temperature than poly- styrene. The copolymers with methylmethaorylate showed no steric structure in the course of the thermomechanical investigation, That they are nevertheless insoluble, is explained by the very weak orose linkingt whioh produces no effect upon the thermomeahanioal properties. The authors thank S. R. Rafiko and G. L. Slonimski for determining the molecular weight and the thermomeohanical properties. They mention papers by V. V. Korshak et al. (Refs. 1-3) and A. Ye* Borisov (Ref- 4). There are 2 fj_wures, Card 2/3 84516 Carbochain Polymers and Copolymers. XXIII. S/190/60/002/004/017/020 The Copolymerization of Diallyl-derivatives B004/BO.56 of Germanium, Tin, and Silicon With Styrene and Methylmethacrylate in-the Presence of Benzoylperoxide 2 tables, and 4 Soviet references.. ASSOCIATION: Institnt elementoorganicheakikh.soyedineniy AN SSSR _(.Institute of Elemental Organic Compounds of the AS USSR) SUBMITTED:: January 15, 1960 .Card 3./3. S/074/60/029/012/004/004 B013/B078 AUTHORSt Kolesnikov, G. S., Davydova, S. L. TITLEs Polymerization of Non-conjugate Dienes PERIODICAL; U8pekhi,khimii, 1960, Vol. 29, No. 12,. pp. 1474 - 1486 TEXT: In the present review the authors report from the field of research of cyclic polymerization. The assumption about the Closing of rings during polymerization of compounds with isolated double bonds was first put forth by Simpson (Ref.1). Further confirmation of an "intramolecular cross linking" has been offered in Refs.2-4. In following years Butler and collaborators (Refs-5-13) found that polydiallyl eater of dicarboxylic acids are representatives of a large num1#-:re of polymers obtained from compounds with two isolated double bor.'La. They show an anomalous solubility in organic solvents but nr. substantial non-saturation. Most of these polymers are converted by inc,eased temperatures and pressure into transparent synthetic materials wilnout, however, losing their solubility. These observations contradicted t?,a common statement that linear polymers obtained from monomers 6~:able bond are of relatively good Card 1/3 Polymerization of Non-conjugate Dienes S/074/60/029/012/004/004 B013/B078 solubility,, while those obtained by monomers with two or more double bonds show only it negligible solubility or none at all. By ascertaining numerous factors which influence polymerization Butler and Angelo (Ref.11) succeeded in establishing optimal conditions for polymerization. The mechanism suggested by them encompasses the formation of the radical from monomers and an alternate intramolecular and intermolecular transmission of the chain, resulting in a linear saturation of a chain consisting of alternating rings and methylene groups. The scheme proposed by Butler a1lows the formation of rings with any number of atoms. The formation of five- and six-link rings is, however, preferred. To illustrate the strong tendency of diene-1,6 as compared to monoolefins, toward polymerization, Butler suggested a scheme of intermolecular electron interaction between the non-conjugated double bonds in the molecule of the monomer. The structure of the resulting linear 'Icyclopolymers" was proved by Butler and his collaborators (Ref.13) for the decomposition products of poly- diallyl ammonium bromide and polydiallyl dimethyl ammonium bromide. The polymerization mechanism suggested by Butler has been used by many researchers (Refs.16-54) to explain polymerization processes of a large number of other monomers. Here all familiar methods of initiation and Card 2/3 Polymerization of Non-conjugate Dienes S/074/60/029/012/'004/004 B013/B078 catalysis giving rise to the formation of rings with five and more atoms in the polymeric chain were used. The terminology created by Butler and his co-workers has also been taken over by other authors and the technical literature now uses such words as "eyolopolymerization", 11cyclopolymers", 'loyclocopolymers" and even Iloyulooatalystall can now be found. The results of studies on cyclic polymerization point to the intense interest displayed by researchers in this new field of the chemistry of high-polymer compounds. All indications are that it will be possible in this way to create polymer compounds of an unknown structure in which linear and cyclic fragments alternate. Among them there will certainly be substances which will be of highly practical significance. Mentioned are: S. G. Matsoyan, M. G. Avetyan, I. A~ Arbuzova, Ye. N. Rostovskiy, and V. N. Yefremova. There are 54 references: 17 Soviet~ ASSOCIATION: Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy AN SSSR (Institute of Elemental-organic Compounds of the AS USSR) Card 3/3 ir 41 q ED 2 .1 rr 91.1 c F -Ai 9 02 BURKSERJO B.S. [Burkser.. ]X.8.]; ALE EYEVA, Ye.N. [Aleksaieva,, X.M.]; VEMHTEYN V.Ye.- GOLIDENFELID, I.V.; LDavydyuko L.O.J- DEMIDINK01.1 S.G. tDoWdenko, S.H.); YS ISEWIAv G D. Cmloeirva.. H.D.J; ISCHMLEB, V.R. [;Aohakhlib.. V.R.I.- SHCHEABA j, M.P. Accurate determination of the absolute age rocks by the lead methods Geol.zhur. 2-1 no-5z48-57 161. (MIRA 14:10) 1. Institut geolog~chqsk* nauk AN USSR. (Geological tijw) I (Mineralogy) DAVYD0VSKIY,_XA-S__JBaku) Overgrowth of Balanus on-water supj.3,y stations in the Caspian Sea. Vad. i san. tekh. no.Ut30-32 N 161. (MM 15:6) (Caspian Sea-Cirripedia) (Waterllpes) 899:L3 5- '8 S/062/61/000/002/010/012 B115 B207 AUTHORS: Zakharkin, L. I.p Kolesnikovq G. S.,_Pav dov Gavrilenko, V. V., and Kamyshova, A. A. TITLE: Dialkyl aluminum derivatives of saturated and unsaturated acids PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye khimicheakikh nauk, no. 2, 1961, 364-365 TEXT: The authors aimed at obtaining dialkyl aluminum methacrylates and acrylates and studying their properties. The compounds of the (RCOO)xAlRj_x type have not yet been described in publications. First, the authors tried to obtain salts of dialkyl aluminum and of fatty acids by interaction of the potassium salts of these acids with dialkyl aluminum chlorides, but without success probably due to complex formation of organoaluminum compounds with KC1. Subsequently, the authors applied the interaction of trialkyl aluminum with free saturated and unsaturated acids by the following scheme; Card 1/4 89913 S/062/61/000/002/010/012 Dialkyl aluminum derivatives of ... B115 B207 RCOOH + AlR 11 RCOOAlR' + RIR. The reaction proceeded in 2 hexane or benzene under intensive stirring. The separation of saturated hydrocarbons in quantities close to calculations was observed in the reaction process. By this method, the following substances were obtained from dialkyl aluminum and saturated acids: diisobutyl aluminum acetate,., di4isobutyl aluminum propionate; from dialkyl aluminum and unsaturated acids: diethyl aluminum methaorylate, diethyl aluminum acrylate, and dii3obutyl aluminum methaoryl.ate. The substances obtained are transparent, colorless, easily distillable and viscous oils which fume in the air and inflame sometimes. The table shows their constants. Salts from dialkyl aluminum and unsaturated acids polymerize both thermally and in the presence of initiators such as dinitrile of azoisobutyric acid. They are viscous, transparent polymers which are nearly insoluble in organic solvents, and swell. in some polar mediasuch as amyl acetate or dimethyl formamide. Salts from dialkyl aluminum and unsaturated acids co'polymerize well with methyl methacrylate and styrene in all ratios Q : 0-59 1 : 1, 1 : 2, 1 : 4, etc.)p and are solido transparent, vitreous polymers practically insoluble in organic solvents. Card 214 9 9 13, S/062/61/000/002/010/'012 Dialkyl aluminum derivatives of ... B115/3207 Homeopolymers decompose in the air, while copolymers do not change in the air (if they are.not kept there for too long). All reactions with organoaluminum compounds were conducted in pure nitrogen. There are 1 table and 8 references' 5 Soviet-bloo and 2 non-Soviet-bloo. ASSOCIATION: Institut elementoorganioheskikh soyedineniy Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Elemental-organic Compounds of the Academy of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTED: July 4, 1960 !Ld-3/4 Dialkyl aluminum derivati~-es of ... 89913 S/06 61/000/0U'/010/012 B1 15Y33207 *Nm4m"e csoACTsa COMM AIAAJIKNRAAIDNNNNN R R' T. x"n.' IC a ACHO Al. SM4HCIACIHO I I (p xM PT. CT-) % Al. % CH,-- I-C,H, 145.-146(3) 85 13,52 13.15 13.47 CjHs- i-C'H, 148-149(2) 85 12.11 12.10 12,41 CH%-~-CH, I-Q"' 156-157(2) 75 0 CHt=~--CH, C'Hs 126-127(3) 59 0.?t 15,?5 15.88 CH2=Cli- C4Hj 131-133(o) 51 17,40 17,30 9 HaRAM: C 63,75; H 10,57%. BtAtIllcitew: C 63,71; H 10, 18%. to. Legend to the table: 1) Boiling point, OC (mm Hg), 2) yield, 3) found, 4) calculated Card A LEYTES, L.A.; YEGOROV, Yu.P.; KOLESNIKOV, G.S.; DAVYDOVA, S.L. ci_ Study of vibrational spectra nf methacrylic acid derivatives con- taining the elements of the IVth group. Izv.AN SSSR.Otdkhim.nauk no.ll:1976-1981 N 61. (MIRA 14:11) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N.D.Zelinskogo AN SSSR i Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy AN SSSR. (Methaerylic acid--Spectra) P. 41L85 /009 S/198/62/008/005/004 o ~ 1730 D234/D308 AUTHOR: Davydson, V. Ye. TITLE: Plane plate in a diverg'ing two-dimensional stream of an incompressible liquid -PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk Ukr.ayinslkoyi RS'R. Inst tut mekhaniky. Prikladna mekhanika, v. 8, no. 5,119M 541-545 T1MT: The stream is assumed to be produced b a point source situ- ated at (0, f)-in the coordinate system (x, y~. The plate is situa- ted along the x axis. The plate is.repl-aced:by a vortex layer and the flow past the plate formulated-by superposing a disturbing stream and the point source stream. Irk-thb boundary condition on the plate the square of f is neglected, and the resulting equation X- mcig Qf X 2 (2) A x d~Lrd 1/ 3 3/196/62/008/005/004/009 Plane plate 'in a ... D234/D308 is solved by''Glauert's method (4'is the intensity of the vortex layer and Q that of the point source). The aerodynamic force arting* on the plate is found to be 2 P2(f (k) 00) 27ft ..where _V 'k 1 (k) k k 2 2 (k 17 [1-(k- k fk7- 1 k being the ratio of the coordinate of the middle of the plate and 1 where 1 is one half of the length of the plate Z-Abstracter's -.-note: o not defined._7. The resultant moment with respect to the Card 2/3 S/198/62/008/005/004/009 Plane plate in a D234/D3O8 origin of coordinates is Q2 MO 27a 1 (k) 01) where (k) + 1 (k2 1 The coefficient.of the pressure center C d is found from these expressions. G raphs of99,(Fl and 0 d are givene There are 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: Dnipropetrovalkyy derzhavn~y univer8ytet (Dniprope- trovsk State University) .SUBMITTED: June 3, 1961 -Card 3/3 KO1E11-;`7IK0VJV G.S.4--DXVYD0VAj.S.L.; YPI-910LISKAYA, M.A. - UDIENTOVA, N.V. Interaction of mono- and dicarboxylic acids with trialkyl derivatives of boron Lnd aluirtinum. Izv, AN SSSR. Otd.khim.nauk no-5:841--844 My 162. (MIRA 15:6) 1, In6bitut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy AN SSSR. (Boron organic compounds) (Aluminum organic compounds) (Acids, Organic) 38893 S/190/62/004/007/009/009 B119/B180 AUTHORS: Kolesnikov, G. S., Davydova, S. L., Klimentova, N. V. TITLE: Carbochain polymers and copolymers. XL. Polymerization and copolymerization of methacrylic and acrylic derivatives containing germanium FERIODICAL; Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, v--4, no. 7, 1962, 1098-1102 TEXT: Copolymerizing methacrylyl triethyl germanium with styrene at 600C the authors found the relative activitioa of the two components to be 0.93 � 0.08 and 1.05 + 0.02 respectively. The followifig now compounds were synthesized: 01~~C(CH 3 )COOGe(C4H9)3 (1) (b.p. 130-1320.C at 4 mm Hg; d20 1.0166; nD 1.4602 at 200C); 1] )COOGe(C H (2) 20 CH2-C(C 3 6 5 3 (M.P. 1800C); CH2 ~ C(CH3)COOGe =-(C 6H11)3 (3) (m.p. 82-840C); CH 'V1rCOOGe (C 11 N 20 2' 2 513 (4) (b.p. 88-900C at 12 mm Hg; d 20 1-1530; nD 1.4582 at 200C); CH2 -CHCOOGe(C4H9)3 (5) (b.p. 1310C at 4 mm 119; Card 1/2. S/19(J/62/004/007/009/009 Carbochain polymers and copolymers ... B119/B180 d20 1.0131; n 1.46o9 at 220C); CH ' CHCOOGe(C H5)3 (6) (M-P- 178-178-50C)- 20 D 2 6 Compounds 1, 3, 4, and 5 were polymerized separately (initiator. azo sobutyric acid dinitrile), and compounds 1, 4, and 5 were copolymeriz- ea (20 mole~o' each'in the reaction mixture) with styrene or methyl methacz,ylate. Polymer yields were 40-60%, and copolymers 52-:60/o. of the polymers lies between 0-30 and 1.20 (solvent: pyridine, dimethyi forma.riiile), that of the copolymers between 0-35 and 1.45 (solvent; dimethyl formamide). Maximum Go content in the copolymers is-7-58~ (in the case of 5, with methyl methacrylate). 1 polymerizes in emulsion in tho -oresence of potassium persulfate. The thermomechanical properties of some of the polymers were determined. There are 1 figure and 4 tables. The most important English-language reference is: F. R. Mayo, P. M. Lewis, J.' Amer. Chem. Soo., 66p 1594, 1944. ASSOCIATION: Institut elementoorganicheakikh aoyodineniy AN SSSR. (Institute of Elemental Organic Compounds AS USSR) 5 UBM " I TT E DMay 5, 1961 Card 2/2 KOLESNIKOVp G.S.; DAVYDCIVA$ S.L.; KLIMENTOVA) N.V. Carbochain polymers and copolymers. Part 1+0. Polymerization ard copolymerization of methacrylic and acrylic derivatives contAining germanium* Vyvokomooed- 4 no.7%1098-1102 J1 162. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Institut elementoorganicheakikh soyedineniy Ali SSSR. (Germanium organic compounds) (Methaoryl,ic acid) (Acrylic acid) MUM' -KO esn -TLTLE, Synthesis Tint,py.r~odlc table -methadtylat bnd:attyl~ IV. ts containing; elements of groups M a-nd rV of SOUTIC E - AN SSSR In-stitut nefUlditmichesIo sinteza. Sintez I svoystva monomerov (The s%-vit~xesfs t%nd pro ~-rtles 7-monomers), Moscow, T'-'d-vO Nauka, IM." 1 171 C.--TAGSi--. M-ethavryl num- tej -aer r~yata -blund - xnethaczylate Gi6~' ffl~ sibaon )-nethacrylate, tin methaw~Wej boron acrylate, aluminum nerylate, silicon acry- tatf-1, germanium methacrylate, germanium ac-.2flate, tin acrylate :ANSTRACT: Methaqrylates and4aghvtes of trialkIrl-substi'Mad boron, nAuminumlsilleon, rNa 'U a,'! aM tin e sytt osized and the properties of dho derivatives wo-, e, r Wflvr~ cr F C L, dialk~l aluminum. andunsattirated ncido polymerize and copolyniert,-.o ffierm ally as well as in the Presence of initiators, forming viscous, t-rXisparentpolymers, ven- difficultly soluble inorganic solvents (exceptdimiethy1formamide). Block theriwa poly- meriza:,Uon and copolymerization ol dibutylboroninethaerylic anyhdride yielded vircou3 liquids or vraxy, solid polymers andSo lymersl'tvery difficultly soluble in organic solvents except diimaLhylformamide). iY,:ethaerylyltrietlygerman,:umpolvnierizedaEdco,,7~%-;':-,,.-mer- 1/2 ;7 wt 'P 7-T -DAVYDOVA, S.L.i PURINSC14, Yu.A.; LAVRUKIIIN, B.D.; !'IATI-,, 11-4. Synthesis of optically active unsaturated silicon hydrocarbon witq an asymmetrical silicon atom. Izv. AN SSRAI Swr. RhIm. no.2087-389 165, (MMA .18.2) 1. Institut neftekhimicheskogo sinteza im. A.V. Topchiyeva.All SSSR. KHKYROVP A*B.9 podpolkovn* mediteinskoy slushby; DAVYGORA'a N.D.$, podpolkovnik meditsinakoy sluzbby Organization of r ', "ntal medical station. Voen.-med. zhur. no. 1:13-19 J&.160o' (MIRA 11+t2) (MEDICINE, MILITARY) DAVYDOVA, S.M.,-redaktor; KONDRATIYICVA, M.A., tokhnicheskiv redaktor. [3quipment of overhead lines for transmission and contact systems] Armatura vozdushnykh linil elektroperedach i kontak-tnoi seti. Izd. ofitsiallnoo. Moskva. 1957. 187 P. (MBA 10: 11) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) VeasoyUsW komitst stanclartov. (Blectric lines-Owerbead-Stanclards) DIVYDOVA, S.M., red.; KONDRATITEVA, M.A., Naterials used in building installAtions for railroads and and automobile roads; building and building materials] Materialy primeniaemye pri stroitellstve iskusstvennvkh sooruzhenii na zheleznykh i avtomobillnykh dorogRkh; stroitellstvo I stroizaterialy. Izd.ofitsiallnoe. Nookwall Pt.2. 1,957. 289 p. (HIM 11: 1) 1. Russia (1923- U.P.S.R.) Vaesoyuznyy komitet standartov. (Roads--Standards) (Railroads--Standards) DAVYDOVA, S.M., red.; KOliDRATIYBVA, N.A.. (storage batteriom; batteries and auxiliar7 mterials] Akkumulistory, elementy i vopomogatellrqe materialy. Izd. ofitsiallnoe. Koskva, 1957. 290 p. (MIRA 11:2) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) VsesoyuziWy komitet standmrtov. (Storage batteries--Standards) /) /I/ v I v G' I/ I /j !,-) - f t DAVYDOVA. S.M.. red.; XDIfMATIYBVA, N.A., ------- Ellectric machinery] Hashiny alaktricheakia. Izd. ofitsiallnoo. Hooky&, 1957. 293 P. (MIRA 11:4) 1. Itussis (1923- U.S.S.R.) Yesonyuznyy komitet standartov. (Plectric machiner7--Standards) DAVYDOVA. S.M., red.; XONDRATOYNA, M.A., takhn.rofi. [materials used in building installations for railroads and automobile roads; steel and steel parts] Haterialy primeniaemye pri strottelletve isktxstvennykh sooruzhenii ne theleznykh i avto- mobillnykh dorogakh; stall i stallnye izdeliia. Moskva. Pt.l. 1957. 299 p. (MIRA 11:4) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Taosoyusnyy komitet standartov. (Railroads--Standards) (Roads-Standards) (Steel, Structural-Standards) DAVYDOVA, S.A., red.; KONDRATOYEVA. H.A.. (Equipement and attachements for wire co=unication] Oborudovanie prisposoblenita provoduoi oviazi. hdoofitsiallnos. Moskva, 1957. 379 P. (HIM 11:2) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Vsesoyuzryv komitat standartov. (Teli0hone-Apperatue and supplies-Standards) (Telegraph-lquipment and supplies-Standards) DAYIDOTA S.M red,.; XONDRATITIVA, N.A.,, (Binders. concretes. and aggregates] Viazhushchis materialy. , betony i sapolultell dlin betona. Ixd. ofitvial'noe. MosIrva, 1958. -- - (KIRA IZ:2) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Ye's a" W komitat standartov. (Concrete--Stan4,ids) (Cement-Standards) DAVYDOVA, S.M., red.; KONDRATIYETA, M.A,, tekhnerede [Capacitors) Kondennatory. Isd.ofitsiallnoo. Moskva, 1958. 222 p. (MIRA 12:2) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Vesscrumnyy komitet standartoy. (Blectric capacitors) DAVYDOVA, S.M., red.; KATVIYZVA, A.Ye.. - 0 (Woodwork for apartment houses and public buildings] Stoliarnye izdeliia dlia zhilykh i grashdanskikh zdanii; izdanis ofitsialinoo. Moskva, 1959. 110 P. (MIRA 12:9) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Vaesoyusn" komitet standartov. (Woodwork--Standards) 14(2);.25(5) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/3175 USSR. Gosmiarstvennyykomitet standartov Pod!'yemniki (Lifting Machinery) Official ed. Moscow. 1959- 35 P. Errata slip inserted. 10,000 copies printed. Ed.: S.M. Davydova; Tech. Ed.z A.Ye. Hatveyeva. PURPOSE, Ws book is intended for technical personnel. COVERAGE- This is a list of State Standards for elevators. Fields of a0lication.. basic parameters and dimensions) drawtngs, and general require- mentq are presented for each set of' standaix1s. Revisions are publishe& peri- odically in the Informatsionnyy Wkazatell standartov (InforTdation Index of Standaids). No personalities are mentioned. There are-no references. TABLE OF CONTENTS: GOST 5746-58- Passenger Elevators. Basic Parameters and Dimensions 3 Card 1/2 Lifting Machinery SOV/3175 GOST 8823-58. General-purpose Yheleht Elevators. Basic Parameters and Dimensions 18 GOST 8824-58- Small General-purpose Freight ElevaItora. Basic Parameters and Dimensions .23 GOST 8825-58- Small Freight.. Elevators for Stores. Basic Parameters and Dimensions 29 GOST 8822-58. Hospital Elevator-s. Basic Parameters and Dimensions 32 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress'.W1372M) VK/gRP Card 2/2 3-21-66 ,red.; NATTEMA, A.Ye., tekhn.rad. (Electric appliances] Zlektrichookis apparaty. I2d.ofitsiallnoo. Moskva, 1959. 271 pe (MIRA 12:12) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Tsesoyusnyy komitat stanaartov. (Electric apparatus and appliances) DAVYDOVA,,S.M,, red.; MATVEYZVA, A.U., tekhn. red. (Storage batteries, calls, and auxiliary materials] AkkmmLliatory, elementy i vapoipogatellmye mteria3,v. Izd.ofitsiallnoo, Moskval 1959. 291 p. (KMA 14: 10) (Storage batteries-Standards) DAVYDOVA, S.K., red.; KAT"I, A.Te .. , tek*hn. red. (Binders. concretes, and concrete aggregates] Viazhushchie materialy. betony i sapolniteli dlia betona. Izd.ofitsiallnoe. Koskva, GosAzd-vo standartov. 1960. 384 p. (MM 14:1) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Vsesoyusnyy komitet standartov. (concrete) (Binding materials) (Aggregates (Building materials)) DAVYDOVA. S-M.. red.; MATVEYEVA, A.Ye., tekhn. red. (Electrical engineering materials; insulators) Elektro- tekhnicheskie materialy; 1:*c,liatory. Izd.ofitsiallnoe. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo standartov. Pt.2. 1961. 153 p.- (MIRA 16:8) (Electric insulators and insulation) DAV'YDOVA, 7 ..' red.; KASHIRIN, A.G., tekhn. red. (E-1 ctri al engineering materials; electric insulating mat:rial:] Blektrotakhnicheakle materie%-; elektroisoliatsion- nye materialy. Isd. ofitsiallnoo. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo stan- dartov. Pt.1, 1961. 16# P. (MIRA 16;8) (Electric insilators and insulation) DAVYDC!F~, S.M._I_red.,- KASHIRIN,, A.G., tekbn. red. [Biriding materials, concreteop and concrete aggregates) Viazhu- shchie materialy, betorW i zapolniteli dlia betona. Izd. ofitoiall- noe. Moskva, Goso izd-vo standartov 3.961. 403 p. (MIRA 34:10) (Binding materials-Standards) (Concrete-Standards) (Aggregates (Building materials))-Studards)