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DERYAGIR, B.V.; VLASENKO, G.Ta., kandidat khimicheskikh nauk -- Determining the degree of dust pollution of air by continuous microvoopye Bor'ba a oil. 2;223-229 '55Y (HLRA 9:5) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Deryagin) 2. Institut fizichaskoy khimii Akademii nauk SSSR (for Vlaseako) (DUST) 4v/ "Cl. G461 ProWris of 941Wsion. B. DsRVAGIN: Rmearch, 9, No. 2, 70 -4 (Feb, A condensed t~amlatlon or a Ruwan papti, tPesinik- Akad. Napik- SM, 7, 30 (1954)),44m3i sing the vrork done in thatccuntry and it review oi' lba Am on the sul~w. Tht commix9j, rcli 1166o Fmilim 10 adliviatt beh3viout is stakA to We not quite rj;hL One obscrvation p0vins Ihii. being the wristio,.1 of specidlo udbtsmn with Ycl,,4ty of mpaiation iv4kh eould not be explained on the suLface tats;on timmy. Mha type and mumba of clernkal bonds Pci unit Prel is houver Lnportant, an txayu* Wns V~c mk f 011 sulphiff in The 1,14=iZinif PiomwL, 7bo 6194iW~, double Inyor At ft boua"ry ;i thought to be cmix-od- ingly :mPortent, W my vdwive eve4miw vork fas bem carried Out .~n circtron ~vi6iai whor! an adlznjvc AIM 13 learvas 4111~ I'mm it rrji u or diclevoic sutface so that tepamOon cocm v ( the boundM. *~ The -imdts implain Lb-. ~iwiak) b of Odheslm%ith Eli prewwa M the gases. moiccular ote, q-,paimim ftendinji liumn: strm at the IntvFam Faclors ripeciaNy In neue or further revtkivIt an indicaled. T. CP;XtL 7" P" , , USSR/IChemical Technalcgy Chemical Products and Their Application. PhC.1CW aph- Materials,, 1-19 Abst Journal: Refere, Zhur - Khimiya, No 19, 1956, 63023 Author: De Lgl~p~ Ievi, S. M. Institution: None Title: Problems of Rheology in Production of Ught-Sensitive. Materials Original Periodical: izv. Ali SSSR,, Otd. Tekhn. n., 1955, No 9, 43-5;? Abstract: Pre sented is the derivation of a theoretical equation of the deposi- tion of a layer of plastic-viscous liquid on a flexible support. The equation determines the correlati,on between properties of the liquid (viscosity (-q), limiting shear otress (13), surface tension (CT), density ( ), rate of travel of support (U) and angle of egress (CC) of' suppl from liquid) and amount of liquid (h) carried off by the support. In the case of deposition of a photographic emulsion on a celluloid base the equation is of the form: Card 1/3 USSR/Chemical Technal_~~gy - Chemical Products and Thei-.- Application. Phc~-~)graphic Materials, 1-.19 Abst Journal: Beferat Zhur - Khimiya, No 19, 1956, 6-3023 Abstract: ho t;: o.94(ur?)2/3. i x ~o.93)3 tg,!,,. U 1/3 TI + c 0 B 9)1/2 (rl- 0 3 2 4.58 - T1_;7_r_o 7scx -i/--' g ) 3/ 2 cr -L/;e Presented are the results of experimeiital verification of the equa- tion, on casting of the photographic emulsion', which show that by means of this equation it is possible to calculate with sufficient accuracy the thickness of the deposited emulsion layer. For measure- ment of -j,? and G use was made of a capillary visc,,-.)simeter by means cif whi--h determil)ation was made of the time of outfl,_~; of the 14 quid at different excess of pressure,, and 7? an&. 9 were calculated according to the equation of Shvedov iDtegrated for the instance of liquid out- flow through a capillary. It is showu that this equation is applicable to photographic emulsions of different concentration of gelatin. De- temined were the effects of temperatiue and concentration of the so- lutions., and also of surface active agents, on '7 and 9. There is proposed and substantiated a formula of' change in specific viscosity of solution due to the action af the above-stated factors. Card 2/3 USSR/Chemical Techn-ology - Chemical Prod:ucts and Thei:r Application,. Photographic Materials, 1-19 Abst Journalt Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 19., 1956, 6-3023 Abstract; zIt has been ascertained that under the 8,CtiOD Of DW)--dJ-FI'Us~Uj8 Cam- ponents of color development, which are sui-face active substances, on change in the viscosity by lo3 tim(!s the coefficient an asymmetry of gelatin molecule, calculated according to the viscosity equation of Einstein and Simch, increases from 19 tc, 38. W-It.h the estated tncreeBe of 7? the nagnitude of G :-hatigea very sllgh-~Iy. Card 3/3 IHMTAGIN, B.V. (g.Moskva), Blectrical theory of film adhesion. PJ,z.v shkole 15 no.l: 19-23 Ja-F'55. (MLRk 8:2) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Alcadenii nauk IMM. (Adhesion) DIMYAGIff, B.V. NWPXPWP.,MXFA ~_-v Discussion on coagulation and flocculation organized b7 the 7hraday Society at Sheffield, SePt- 15-17, 1954.. Noll.zImr. 17 no.2:149-157 mr-AP 155. (HLRA 8:5) (Shef field, Inglam -4olloids-Corq;res son) - rI% ccoi-cit xdd 4kcarid"on 4. 68 O'n", 01"40 Owl &all us Im t" 16F =,P!Md k= ! ad Ito 561,&tie. gives for tht rzect of t:zc mutual 1955) quat Um ( repO.Ow o( d" 1. OmCe layen on d i Jddmm of Liqu;d hhui bekwm tivo ooll& 6c a xM imill pi Sa ~hm. 7%v; &%r of fAms al' miunifam thAujimo L OcttO by Ow "im~gc =feet" (cf. D. sad S. V. .4erpin, Dop Nauk. h1w in"' Ot Powiltra as Usta irijly r Mish abl-W$-rIn Itunu The roethod arld apparstim are mi'stilar to thosv devOopod 1-~ D-lbrappn.topiqo.chemiatry. thrmigh the powder. and the rviisl&nt~t! to its flow im Ob'nomly, the finer the powder, the grvater tho Providt-A thatthe premn ofa:,,t I, low tnongh for irtenotion3 belueen air mol. to be.4 Interactions betmeen air wol. and poredor putic]" (i.e. the molmlar mean fren path ~1' Partide sp(wing), It is possible to vAculate accurately the op. surfAce &m,%nfthepowder~ FuUbetcdvntiniietheofyanii(!acrilition of D.'s apparatus an given. As a t"t, results on powders of Cu (6-10 IA), Fe (7-12 tLb ard A[ (60-6W ~L) an) impared with ink-oscolnerneasuremenLa. Oood agreement ia obtained forCuar,dFe. Agreettk-ntf(irthoAlpoNvdereLil,aii,satite~v v~xru in -the form of spird-abaptA shavings; the r6crosvorc measured the overall Jimerawns. while the pblijivo-chem. method t*ok account of the apaces in the m0din of the ~f n tbcc6 ot e~kr~rlirlg imi -fit PO-OkO Itsi-cd from,,ufitAl vr r , tvi., Zhsar. A Nit. Ole F-6. cl rs d i - ~ ~ ., tal!lnll, . T hz I,-maUi i a vv * est td b, tl~t us~ 0 i7iii and cut~u %blt: nTar !1e-_ =ctc~led fl o itGn7i iipersi!L1. z T i S F~ t c Category USSR/Atomic and Molecular Physics - Gases Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 1, 1957,N0 926 D-7 Author Deryagin, B-V-, Zorin, Z.M. Title --IFv-estigatioE-of Surface Condensation and Adsorption of Vapors Near Saturation Using the Optical MIcropolarization. Method. I. Orig Pub : Zh- fiz. khimii, 1955, 29, No 6, lolo-loig Abstract : Description of a new method for investigating the adsorption an an optically polished surface of glass, based on measuring the changes in the parameters of the elliptic polarization of light rerlected at an 9blique angle. The glass surface vas cleaned by glow discharge prior to the experiment. Card 1/1 k/ A DE 9.711 A~j MM/ Chemistry - Physical chemistry QM&u** Pub. 1,47 - 3/21 Authors I D Eya &Ln, B. V._~ and Zorin, Z. M, Title t Study of surface corviensation and adsorption of vapors close to saturation point by means of an optical micropolarization method. Part 2 NriWiCal I Zhur. fiz. khim. 29/10, 1755-1770, Oct 1955 Abstraot I An optical measurement of vapor adsorption on a smooth glass surface showed that the steep rise in the isothermal adsorption cur"ie begins at certain relative pressures. The thickness of the adsorption vapor layer of polar substances was found to be approximately exponentially dependent upon tile vapor pressure. The adsorption isothermi for nonpolar substances showed a steep rise at relative pressures of about 0.98 and approached the saturation ordinate a sympt otic ally. It is shown that the adsorption vapor layer i V of ncn olar substances cannot be considered as a separate phase differing ! from volumetric and the reasons for it are explained. Twelve references: S013mitted 8 USSR, 1 Eng., 2 USIA and I French (1927-1955). Graphs;_ illustrations., 19e'd" sc; (ly5p-, :Z-,Vst PAYS 1~76srneo Dd, 0e ~f,-91a /A,Y 4 Hydromechwiies CArd 1/1 Pub. 22 - V50 Authors I NerPins S. V.* and Deryagin, B. V., -Member -correep of the Aced. of Sao. of the U&CR Title i The kinetics of flow and stability of thin layers of liquid along a solid base takkag into account a solvate film (of the liquid) as a special phase DOK. AN S;3SR 100/1, 17-20, Jan. Is .1211 Abstract I A mathematical analysis of flow and stability of thin layers of a liquid along a solid base is presented. The analysis is made from the point of vie,, of the consideration of thin layers of a liquAd as film of the latter is a speeial phase (a part of this liquid that lost Its fl uidity). Such a concept makes the analysis easier. Results of the analysis can be applied to the solutions of such problems ass 'the movement of moisture in the ground," eto. Six reforenceal.USSH (1937-1945). Graphs. Institution& Acad. of' Sea. of ihe USSR. InStitUtO Of Physical Chemistry WLd the Leningrad Institute of Water Transportation Engineers Submitted 3 .......... T?f-- P- Y Aj T~ IISM/Chemistry - Physical Chemistry 138M Pub. ' 22 - 25/51 .Authoje I Deryalgin, 1). V., Memb. Corresp. of Acad. of Sc. USM.) and Karasev, V. V.: title I Boundary viscosity of orpnic substances studied by the kinetics of the thinning wetting layers (luring the blow-off process Perioftcal 4 Dok. All SESSR 101/2, 289-29:2, Mar 11, 1955 Abstract I A chan,-e is described in the method of blow-off which was fouild suitable for less !3table layers during the blow off of a specific part of the wetting layer. The "blour-off" method introduced four measuring the viscosity of 3-iquid layers bordering with the surface of a solid body is based on the dete-mination of the approximate wetting bDundary of the layez obtained sometimes after its bloTA-off. Results vh~)w that a solid; body is capable of causing a change in tho IrOA66"bdF&I -viscasity of the adjoining liquid layurs because of the change in the oriertation of the solvElIt MolecUlea, NAne referencvs: 7 USM and 2 Subm*4"d English (1934-1954). Graphs; drawing. ---- - - 11_17`77777N 1U in ~vvlal f Ili Mina. agi"o'.4 thv v~ _ i th rh F;ow, Y'J: a ti-me'd fi-lA-me-mts In tb a Mudy of i7ollafmir 15r, Sdj=zLAutfjr= their ciAoslan in lijuict media,and the modelling of colloidal process". IN k" T 2 aid Oftnitin. Pl A W."'L UN~IER" ic I- a ent ineth - (C.A. 29, JiW-1) was used in the study of polynters by cowt. ith thin and mmoth polymer Mani. -kn I C2 T im more tlL Lo. much larger than the mol. attraction radius, nnd the mihoilmx was unuffected by quads, but only by the flint tuatatial, Avuethod I ew-dtk-d. The ducing filrus of uniforns thickar-m is d tiou of hydrated ctllulow, etltykeltulme, acetyleellulase,' nitrocellulose, 4nd beuty1cellulose was stud ied. Theresults Indicate the Meth(A to be suitabic fur madOling the intor- action between the EAloidal or dicivrst-i particles and a 211rdia. hl, Stmilvrg V r--T' V, IDS, IM4MIDW-Conditions of stible spa" supersatn. vith water vapars. (similar to condition& in a Wilson cloud c'jamber) were studied between MaW surfaces at con3t. and unequal ttmps. The supersatz. can be varied within wide limits by changing the temps. of the sarraces. The super- a autu. and condensation can be the bash of the construction ol'bighlY eff"ve condensation ifilters fDr -i purification by eliminaticni of submicroscopic particles; such aiijillers were developed to prevent fsilicosis. Dust 'Rimination attained w-M.90%- Fach.clust. particle is increased in wt', thou-- sands of Muti in condensat filten developed in. Krivoi R'4. With he surfaces spaced 5 cm. upart a channel 12M cm. long tuid a velocity of 5 me., th t . of the cold uxidthewmtrusurfamatINU50. C;'fo*gwitbdrt)p- lets of 5p wx Q,;d M54. tion filters for 1, 2. and more cum./min. throughout wei constructed. PAM of this type am vN7 economical and efficieut in p)%ca that have large amts. of warm waste water. W. M. Sternberg - PA DJARYA G IN p -A _ _ 4 KIFNIS. S.Te.. redaktor; YURKAN, G.V.. R# tekhaicheakiy redaktor (The nature of molecular forces and their significance in science and practice] Prirocla molskuliarnykh oil i ikh znachenie v nauke i parktike. Moskva, Izd-vo *Znanie.0 1956. 39 P. (Vaesoiuznoo obahche- stvo po rasproatraneniiu. politicheskikh i nauchVkh snanii. Ser- 3, no.35) (MLRII 9:10) 1. Ghlon-korrespondent Akalemii. nauk SSSR (for Deryagin) (molecules) DERYAG 111, B. V. "Present Status of the Theory of the Stability of Lyophobic Suapensions and Sols" (Sovremennoye sostoyaniye teorii ustoychivosti liofobnyldi suspenziy i zoley) from the book Trudy of the Third All-Union Conforence on Colloid Chemistry, pp.225-249, Iz. Ali SSR, Moscow, 195b (Report given at above Conference, Minsk, 21-4 Dee 53) Author: Institute of Physical Chemistry AS USSR, Laboratory of Surface Phenomena (Lab. poverkhnostnykh yavleniy) DIERYAGIN, B. V.; MOSKVITIN, N. I.; FUT111N, M. F. "Study of the Adhesion of Surfaces in Liquid Media by the Method of Interlacinp Threads with a view to the Modeling of the Interaction of the Colloid Particles and the Character of their Surface Solvation (Izueheniye slipaniya poverkhnostey b zhidkikh sredakh metodom skreshchennykh nitey s tsellyu modelirovaniya bzaimodeystviya kolloidriykh chastits i kharakteristiki ikh poverkhnostnoy sollvatatsii) from the book Trudy of the Thitd All-Union Conference on Col>id Chemistry, pp. 285-300, -Lz IM SSSK, Moscow, Ma' (ReDort given at above Conference, Minsk, 21-4 Doe 53) Deryagin: Corr. Mbr. AS USSR C- ~,ategory: USSR V, Abs Jour: RZh--Kh, No 'j, 1957, 7705 Luthor Deryagin, B. V., Karasev, V. V., and Sorin, Z. M. Inst Title Interfaces as Special States of Aggregation of Liquids T3 - 1.~ Orig Pub: Sb. Posvyashch. Pamyati Akad. P. P. Lazarev, Moscow, Academy of Sciences USSR, 1956, 065-83 Abstract: See RZhFbim, 1954, 30393) 1955, 13704. Ga rd : 1/1 -9- DIMGIRP B. V. not AMMMAj, 1. 1. "Direct measurements of a the molecular attraction betwen solid bodies I In a vamm" Soviet ?bps "Dokladj" 1, 280-4p 19,56. DIRTAGIV. B.V.; VOLAROVICH, M.P. Petr Petrovich Iiazarey, founder of Russian biophysics. Mofisiks 1 no-3:193-200 156. (MLRA 9:9) (LJZLRU, FXM FATROVICH, 187S-1942) (BIOPHYSICS) IMRTAGIN, B.V.; LIVI, S.M. Kinetic wetting in coating and a method of measuring it. Zhur. nauch.1 prW.fot.i kin. 1 no.5:354-358 S-0 156. (NLRA 9: 11) 1. VsesoyuzVy nauchno-tesledovatellekty kino-fotoinatitut. (Photographic emulsions) J 4- Ur nrj:tne =MCC MIX ef the prob-Ima 4 7 usin- niet:e'tiv- ,Lf) zind 1. rni. n SONOMA 'USS,R/Chemistry of H.*Gh Molecular Siibstaiaces. Xbs Jour : Referat. Zhurnal Khimiya, No 6; 1957, 19423. Author : B.V. Derya-in, S.K. Zherebkov. A.M. Medvedeva. Inpt Title : %7"fto!=cernT`ngthe~art of Diffusion of Polymer Chains in the Mechanism cf Adhesion and Autohesion (Sticking 'Ibgether) of Rubbers. Orig Pub Kollod. Zh-, 19561, 18, No 4, W4-412. Abstract With a view to study the influence of' relaxation or diffusion processes on autohesion, the autohesion of HK and SKB was investigated, using tne method of crossed quartz threads covered with rubber films (Kolloid. zh., 1950, 12 ', 431; RZhKhim, 1956, 32140). It was shown that the energy of autohesion sharply increased in case of films from 0 to 0.1^and above 0.5 thick, which was connected with the increase of van der Waal's forces in the first case, and with the facili-,tation of formation of platforms at easily de- nard 1/3 -12- USSR/Chemistry of High Molecular Substances. F Xas Jour Referat. Zhurnal Khimiya, No 6, 1957, 19423. ."ormed thick films 'n the second case. In the thick- I ness interval from 0.1 to 0.51v%, the autohesion energy did not deliend on the film thickness. The in- crease or the contact duration increased the autohesion energy only if the film thickiiess was> 0.5Aj, from which it followed that the diffusion processes did not play any part in the autohesion of thin films. During the study of the correlation of the coinbinabil- ity of various rubbers and their adhesion one to ,,n- other and autohesion, the measurement of the shear- ing stren-th or rubber adhesion was carried out qi1d it was shown that Jin case of butyl rubber,, the dLf- fusion processes clid not play u great purt and that its adhesion strength was determined by the area of the true contuct dependinG on the mechanical propdr- ties and by the influence of forces connected with the double electrical layer, which played an essential p_xt at the measurement of the work of tearing by the method of exfoliation. In case of N1K, SKS-30; SKS-26, USSR/Chemistry of Hi(.~h Mclecular Sifostances. F Abs Jour Referat. Zhurnal IChimiya No 6.. 1957~ 19423 SKB and nairite. the diffusion processes play an im- portant p.-.rt, which is confirmed by the correspondence cf the adhesion magnitude to the cembinabil4ty of rubbers, and it is most reliable to churacterize the superficial combinability of rubbers by the simili- tude of their polarity. ,%t this occasion, T1.2 / Ti I in case of the stune polarity, and Tl_ . / Til in case of different pelarity, where I'll Lind 'P12 are the measured shearinZ ra~_istance of identical und dif- ferent rubbers respectively. Card 3/3 -14- & R SUBJECT USSR PHYSICS AUTHOR DERJAGIN, B.V., PROCHOROV, TITLE The Diffusion Hygrometor. PERIODICAL Lurn. techn. fis, 26, fasc. Publ. 4 / 1956 ';_e~iiawed CARD 1 / 2 PA - 1260 P.S., BATOVA, G.A., LEONOV, L.F. 4, 887-894 (1956) 9 / 1956 The diffusion hygrometers described here are based upon the fact that in the chamber of the device containing a dry and a humid substance (apd which is separated from the material to be investigated by a porous wall) under- or overpressure is produced while the diffusion current is steady. Here 4 vari- eties of these hygrometers are described each of which may have its own par- ticular sphere of action. The two chamber hygrometer consists of two chambers which are separated from the surrounding atmosphere by uniform porous separat- ing walls (of co&l or mipor ). Construction and mode of operation of the de- vice are described. Using the two ,.hamber hygrometer is complicated by the necessary determination of the apparatus constant K, the necessity of knowing atmospheric pressure, the diffusion coefficient, and air humidity. The three chamber ~Zgrometer: In order to make the apparatus constant of the hygrometer independent of temperature and pressure, PROCHOROV and DERJAGIN suggested a three chamber hygrometer. The first chamber is dry, the second and third are used for compensation. Construction and operation of the appa- ratus are discussed. By means of this hygrometer it is possible to determine humidity independent of temperature and atmospheric pressure, above all also in the case of negative temperature. Next, hygrometers with assumed V Zurn.techn.fis, 26, fasc-4, 887-694 (1956) CARD 2 / 2 PA - 1260 _pensitivit.y and slight inertia are described. Nn order to reduce inertia and at the same time to increase sensitivity, the manometer travels are strength- ened by negative back-coupling. The four chamber hygrometer consists of 2 parts: of a two chamber hygrometer with a dry ahamber, and of a device con- taining a dry and a humid matter and a porous wall. Humidity was measured by determining the ratio (decrease of pressure between dry and humid chamber /1 decrease of pressure measured by the two chamber hygrometer with dry material). Conclusions: The above described types of diffusion hygrometers offer some advantage 7gainst devices hitherto in use for measuring air humidityj they may be constructed so as to have different degrees of sensitivity and inertia. Diffusion hygrometers have a linear scale and make it possible to measure humidity within a wide range of tomperature, also below 00 C. INSTITUTION: Inzatitute for Physical Chemistry, Moscow. DIRTAGIN, B.V.; PUSH, V.Z,: TOLSTOT, D.K. Theory of solids sliding with Intermlittent stops (frictional natural vibration of the first type) Zhur.telchefis.26 no.6:1329-1342 Je 156. 0m 9:9) I.Moskovskiy stankoinstrumentallWy Institut Imeni I*V.Stalina i Institut fisicheskay kh.tall AN SSSR. (Friction) (Vibration) LOSS' mmulownt of tho smMo1urva" aris Ah..' liclu, 10, INS- -i'rlw kqv~Ath! umt '4,i of carbon Noel-, M"W klou'nuij~vsl by 'hlo'~fh'el ot 4,ninpirtiall of tho L'tIrW;i-bIavk ilia, pbragak wfkm AL-titmi4imi by rompnoibn with a 'f'av~' Inpla.) pv-111' in A pl&q3 ww'-0 md ivilb a 3, BF~-eiFvlly i"gnv-,I in a numia Thu curvi% Sc,41ho, 1xim4ty 3 M N-4h Aters, werv idenlical; S,, ru-4-D abniptly an 8 devromet4l W 8bDUt 7; va lower vp&P4 of 8. Vo rimainod "al 'itant, Tho rosulW rqrr,~-d witt t1hose obli-jimM by This upt-bod ii movinwndrxi for its mi rLplicity unit for tho iletzriniriairm of the sirtngtli nf carbon. PT'B&YU?et-~ 421C4-B Wiii SUBJECT USSR PHYSICS CA11D I / 2 PA - 1405 .AUTHOR DERJAGIN,B.V., ABRIKOBWA~I.I. TITLE Direct Measuring of the Molecular AtIfIraction of Solids. 1. Problems and Methods connected with the Measuring of Forces in the Case of Negative Back-Coupling. PERIODICAL gurn.ekap.i teor.fis, 1,2, fasc.6, 993-1006 (1956) Issued: 8 / 1956 reviewed: 10 / 1956 The aim of this work in the direct measuring of this attraction as a function of the separating space and the application of the results obtained for the purpose of checking the corresponding theories as well us to the problem. of the coagula- tion of aerosols and colloids. Further, the problem of molecular forces with re- spect to macroobjects is investigated. At first the existing theories concerning molecular forces between macro- and microobjecte are discussed and criticized. The theories concerned are those de- veloped by LONDON, CASIMIR, POLDER, DE BOER, HAMAKER, and above all by LIFSIC According to the theory developed ty LIFSI6 interaction of bodies is caused by the electromagnetic field which always exists in all absorbing bodies, and this fiele, does not even vanish at absolute zero. The latter theory is suited for any kind of body and any temperature, but more accurate computations are impossible owing to the lack of the necessary optical characteristics. Every direct measuring method is reduced to the measuring of two quantities: the force of interaction between the approximated objects and the distance between them. The objects measured were glass and quartz glass; one of the samples was 1. Zurn.eksp.i teor.fis, 30, fasc.6, 993-1006 (1956) CARD 2 / 2 PA - 1405 plane, the other had the shape of a spherical lens. Measuring was carried out in air and inAvacuum, but measuring in a vacuum is of greater accuracy. The vacuum used corresponded to an air pressure of from 1.10- 1 mm torr to several mm torr. The scales used should have a high directing moment and should nevertheless be very sensitive. This difficulty may be overcome by a method which resembles ne- gatiVE? back-coupling. The shifting of the scale balance from the state of equi- libriim generates an electric current. The latter causes electromagnetic re- action which forces the balance scale back into the state of equilibrium. Next, the scheme and the working principle of the device, above all of the scales and of the photoelectric transmitter, are described in detail on the basis of drawings. Molecular attraction is, owing to back-coupling, automatically put equal to the moment which acts upon the frame in the magnetic field and is pro- portional to amperage. By measuring amperage it is possible to determine the re- quired force of molecular attraction. There follows a discussion of the following V- -: Regulation of distance, self-oscillations, constructional shape of the measuring device, and gauging of the scales. INSTITUTION: Institute for Physical Chemistry of the Academy of Science in the USSR. -71 /The t"ect of Omnkal sLuUw;;-.ou. -j Yu. 1P4 30, 11,121 t1,5563. 1-4. .50, 1419~.--A f, -,i w-s fr-~t cal ~1. ~oh~l mud ffttr txt~ing r ff b-; -,It, P; w tic Scilu"Ifi6 'nter5c'- ill --3ngfe I pf 1~0:rs V.-A3 INV- The NO-1, d Mri,)ping Pj~; it ~ is J':Jr tbC --jnj) %3S-J33jY jLTf!!j5-j JTjfl~ t1jr r'D a T kil S~rj.~Pn~g For c,:~1ul"Se nil-.atc ~I) r;bbons On &~!S. Plb alm(a !ndcp:.lecnt d ~Itll%;Cr v 10", =i v to 30.1,'rO erp/ Tbe incmscol P.1-b -Vith w.--, ~3milv for ttliyj c61u),--st o it but the F/~ fur -mlou- 1)~c -aretite and bpuzyk-ellul-ow. both on glas,~. 3t,3 IiL:n 10 -:Inies whza -s inertasel fri>m 10-1 to 10 urn./,ce. wd pl-Ass J~t low v, tiez. on -Um I aut neutral re tach M-li-T so thLt Plb Ir, detdi by sjr~l. fc~mm and, henc,,, is in- 4"fFendat of V; a-A wit great it, adileAcrn h dttd, b ~ ebt-e Olarges, i-dikb are a-xit. becawethre i5ao time for mutual gee d. oltbe glais,fEra interface was cakd. to t~.echax btraAmIlulme~ jmd 1, al)d -7, 4, =d IW Uctlav, ~md xA)~viDyl ck loride), If the gwzl Plate " mltamla!~-,~d 'Nith ncw- :163, It: !O.mjutc, t-- a S.. grcw~e. P,,~ -;ra; vmtly v-44red. Th! Pib vilue !---r a f1m of I cr; ~r4ld poly=trs titerti--M froin ~i Na butadimc rabhex> > UWR/Atcmic and Molecular Physics - Molecular Physics Abi; Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika., No 4, 1957~ 8957 Author :Abrikosova, I.I., Der)nKia,_B_,V. Title :Direct Measurement of Yolecular Attraction of Solid Bodies. U. Method for Measuring the Gap. Results of Experiments. Orig Pub :Zh. eksperim. i teor. fiziki, 1956, 11, No 1, 3-13 Abstract :Results are presented of measurements of molecular attrac- D-2 tion for fazed quartz for distances from 0.08 to I micron. The data are in good agreement with,calculations using the formula of the theory of E.M. Lifshitz (Ref.Zhur. Fiz. 1956, 16311), which deals with the case of separations which are much greater than the wave lengths of the fundamental ultra- violet absorption bands, which contain undetermined empirical constants. The agreement obtained substantiates both Lif- shitz theory and the electromagnetic nature of the molecular forces, which was already suggested by P.N. Lebedev in 1894. It is noted that the results of measurements of Overbeck and SpF-naay exceed the theoretical value by almost a factor of 104, apparently owing to the electrostatic effects which have not been eliminated. Card : 1/1 W24 Ima--umkif- iLbTa~~~kp;,- L2 M It lam ii! W-11 .NRYAGIM. B.V.; DUMN, S.S. Notion of aerosol particle@ in a diffusion field. Dqkl.AN SSSR io6 no-5t851-854 1 156. (K= 9:7) I.Chlon-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Deryagin).2.Institut fizIcheekoy khimii Akademii nauk SSSR. (Aerosols) (Diffumion) SUBJECT USSR / PHYSICS CARD 1 / 2 PA - 1386 AUTHOR DERJAGIN, B.V., ABRIKOSOVA, I.I. TITLE Direct Measuring of the Molecular Attraction among Solids in the Vacuum. PERIODICAL Dokl.Akad.Nauk, 108, fasc.2, 214-217 (1956) Issued: 7 / 195-6- reviewed: 10 / 1956 Pro.-vious meas--,ring of molecular attraction occurring between two solid bodies (plate and spherical lens) in air as a function of the interspace H between them was made very difficult by the viscosity of the air in the space between them. The cause of this is discussed on the basis of the equation of motion of the scale balance. In spite of these difficulties a number of measurements was successfully carried out with. a sufficient degree of reproducibility. The influence oxercised by con-, cussions was successfully reduced to a minimum by the erection of a device on an amortize.tion platform which, in turn, was placed upon a cement base. In order to attain better stabilization of the interspace H, a two-mirror s,ratem was used. For the radical simplification of measuring and increasing its accuracy, a de- vice for the carrying out of measurements in the vacuum was con:itructed. At from 0 1 to -3 mm Hg it was possible to reduce the time constant to fractions of a second :in spite of the fact that the damping necessary for the prevention of self- oscillations was conserved. Measuring results are entered into a diagram (abscissa - 1g H, Drdinate - 1(:,- F), The rep:roducibility ot measurings separated from one another by long periods Dckl.Akad.Nauk, 108, fasc.2, 214-217 (1956) CARD 2 / 2 PA - 1366 (years) and carried out with different samples of quartz glass is satisfactory. By means of the theory of the molecular interaction of convex surfaces it is possible, from the measured values of F(H), to compute the energy u(H) of the attraction of the parallel surfaces separated by the interspace E according to the formula u(H) - F(H)/2nR. Here R denotes the radius of the spherical. sur- face. The values of u determined in this manner are entered into a diagram as functions of 1. The values of u(H), which were found with the help of various considera'bly curved lenses, are in good agreement, which confirms the molecular nature of the effect under investigation..The values obtained for F and u are about 20 times lower than those computed with -the formula of LONDON, and they also agre-9 better with the theory developed by H.B.CASIMIR and MOLDER (Physw Rav. 11, 16o (1948)). However, an accurate comparison on the basis of this theory is still not possible. E.M. LIF91C, Dokl.AkadNauk, 21, 643 (19501 ibid. 100, 879 (1954), iurn.eksp, i teor.fia, 21, 94 (19 5) developed a strict theory on the molecular inter- action of macroscopic bodies. However, an exact comparison with this theory necessitates full knowledge of the optic properties of the material in its ab- sorption domains. However, the character of the absorption of quartz permits an approximated theoretical estimation of the forces of attraction. The values of F(H) and u(H) computed by the MAN method agree sufficiently well with measuring results. INSTITUTION: Institute for Physical Chemistry of the Academy of Science in the USSR. I)C-R~AGIN, B.1 SUBJEdT USSR / PHYSICS CARD 1 / 2 ..AUTHOR DBRJAGI1;,B.V., KROTOVA,11.A., KARASEV,V.V. TITLE The Influence exercised by Electric Phenomena the Destruction of Some Solids. PERIODICAL Dokl.Akad.Fauk 1LU, fasc. 4, 728-730 (1956) Issued: 10 / ;~_56 reviewed: 10 / 1956 FA - 1433 on the 11nechanism of At first soma previous works bearing on this subJect are discussed. The authors concentrate their atterition on the occasion of these experinments on the destruc- tion of mica and on the determination of the work of destruction as a function of velocity. In this connection they assume that on the occasion of the destruction of crystalline bodies (particularly mica) strong fields may occur in the inter- space betwee:a the surfaces to be destroyed by the separation of the charges arranged in mosaic form. In the course of previous experiments the authors dis- covered an emission of electrons on -the occasion of the destruction of mica, gypsum, and other cr,ystals in a high vacuum (10-4mm torr). N.A.KROTOV and V.V.KARASEV ob- tained pictures on the occasion of a repetition of these experiments which dis- tinctly show that the maximum of radiation occurs in the interspace between the destroyed plates. Also the fission surfaces radiate electrons. Also in this case it was possible by the employment of suitable methods to observe the fine strijeture of the surfaces to be fissioned. In the case of a fission parallel to the fission surfaces fraying was noticed In gypsum. On the basis of their own pr.aviously carried out work on adhesion the authors assumed that the energy necessary to destroy mica must depend on velocity and that it also depends Dok1.Akad.Naitk,10Sj, fasc-4, 728-730 (1956) CkRD 2 2 1433 A on other factors as e.g. pressure and nature of the gas (in which detitruction takes place). Experiments carried out in connection W4 th the destruction of mica were und.ertaken by means of an adhesiometer with a rotating disk. The character of the adhesiograms differs with different pressures, and if pressure is reduced the work of fissioning increases. In the case of the fissioning of mica in an argon atmosphere the work function is less than in air, and this is the case at different pressures of the surrounding medium. Luminescence occurs within the dcmain of rapid stripping. Also in the case of the stripping off of films consisting of polymers from different carriers luminescence occurs In an argon atmosphere within the domain of rapid stripping. The modification of the work function under these conditions is based upon the influence exercised by argon on the amount of the discharge potential on the occasion of thrz drawing out of the coatings of the electric double layer. It is interesting to compare the destruction of crystalline bodies with the tearing of rubber and some fibrous substances ol *' the type of cardboard, for these substances show no traces whatever of electron emission when torn in a vacuum, as te3xing takes place'along the film of the high polymer in the case of not too large quantities of filling material. INSTITUTION: Institute for Physical Chemistry of the Academy of Science in the USSR. USSR/Chemistry of Colloids - Dispersed Systems, 13-14 Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - Khimiy-a, No 6, 1957, 18778 Author : k.V. Deryagin. Inst : Academy of c ences of USSR. Title : Theory of Sol Coagulation Taking into '-'onsideration SplItting Pressure and Mechanical Properties of Thin Layers. 0--ig Pub : Dokl- AN SSSR, 1956$ 109) No 5) 967-970 Abstract : A correction for the decrease of the mobility of parti- cles at -their drawing together accompanied by the squee- zing out of the medium from the space between particles was introduced into the theory of coagulation of disper- sed system in presence of acticn-at-distance forces amoaq particles, which theory had been developed by N,, FLO~S (Z- 7,'Ys-, 1934, 89, 736). It was shown that this corrt3ction does aot alter the order of the coagulation speed magnitude, In case that the medium viscosity at Card 1/2 - 333 - u A - , -3 W tr wal Fw- O A=, wal Ots 10% *~4 s 1161 M ZS: WeCting. nv~, of M 7 i i i I r e3 cn m lillc. jurt ar ) tiL--:i Burfakemb it w ak-our" and -A mvp a Id c5~_--vvv u'(flv, i cl dust.-vollwUng ii 4tilgneil ;'inlu lul c lon-i-al- 6, r! . c Ll. j In ull dul-i~dUclcttirslhe dust raus, bit ~Hrec-ttd t.~)waxils th~- fu diop)eu In the sp-ay m1lect-or the vtatt-r filui in, il.c ~tt t. ~arlwit). For: txft.%tjY sm-41 sufiu,n, (,,rd--T 0 0.3 p) difirultin am calruLMEM-1, :a, dAzut eil 4n DAIM-n all,! mr (t7gnt)i zhur~ IP54, No, 11), cnh den!:At~-, "l l el on whkh Ot Low lilies are P1 Md, wid cm t, slu wlhDut liny ulm-ndhUMO vrcrgy~ au~ be us;ed to uh-antne for colbcing ruch partlclc~, a method vill bc t0ejairt awi =iM-mal w,lcj,. Vie tffi*U4~eft of AlOv" MrrthQ6 is 1:)rzitc I by the slmpt"iZ3 of puf4n (thtir dhpv-sion, t1CCt71_C C MTEC, ttl:.): J~Wti- r - ill l fl f ; d b i l i h,, ue , . vill e t:ntia azl w sea cl~!3 o ja!q k n e , I iri a c3l"rical sp5m- ;-art, . dust of al! siia5, of a solu. am iiltrod=d o! a sttx &td, by Illit, dflc~z- tivtlmss of capulpr of duq pzrtidts (! n a unit time!, all Vol, 0 t)[114-MiDO il deliMi IDT the -1 purl, lei Air (Q) thy uzmg, (Wi4plip vv I 'T -whure D bi the diffwlon 4." 11. C-1 stelul b1toalt'P, Mnuu srouAtbedropit-Land lal 11W;xw~c from tlLeia, ix I P" is the air d, Tkjc~ of a phtrie Iransition ~s :Lseu,ml in iii appl~u. ithalution%, tilt. ty)"kilk adwutage!t of 'dry cliuiaNs, _mj 1'~Ie h4b h6dulte of silk-osis in W-mcl; M. Stt"Rhm_~ ka; ' sm in robb; a4izi 44 AtItobeekon umlthw :,I to the V'I~Vtvlikl kli" i'gwwa" in rubhe' at;ililtt' ~'Rw_ is n IrO m IN! ilalvc:el~~ fot'~tltl Vill Ow lta~'t 6-a": j wh. i~ - alle(j) 'fact 3rC3 N~Whhlg ff=' U-A' l-0111 143mit: OM% it, ~'bv mmaa ~tre-"i z; w-, nIA M it, t Of dl!jj~~It;jkl polvalrr Owdlug. , Iluil, t~'g ;u it IXAW'MWI'61~11$11 (f c cn, the hkiia RuWr Wou, lot., An attempt ii Our. cdhc~s~k)ll PVO:tli,~O by tht tldItVtAiOlI L-f bimil'ur Poly'larr unti Ill difftunt p.)Yr[u:r combillail'In!i aml w1up-.1ring lh-_~ jmthtvifr) valun. with ~11 t !"omp.&A1A;IY ill- 'A thr JhA)i.:zkos. 15 114C lkeli!~ LI(4- 'i~-j w t'614.1"tt ~nw t-ample or.A!M in Si7j-' wm' ~I!Itm'l f4ce-w-face IwAvr it loml of .11) v./ ~5'1. lm for T) Tliv tvsn'44 CbEL'3j!vII "llow thitt IN, mpulability of 0,, ~iWt,,h is Aw-acterind by Cle .jI j~, hy P// PHASE I BOOK UPIDITATION 6og B '. Zakh vayeva, N. N., Talayev, M. V., and Filippovskiy, V. V. poverkhnosti poroshkoobrazny1ch tel po soprotivleniyu filltrataii razrezherinogo vozdukha (Determination of the Specific Surface of Powders on the Basis of Filtration Resistance to ftrefied Air) Moscow, Izd--%mo Akademli nauk SSSR, 1.957- 59 P. 4,000 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut fizicheskoy khimii. Ed. of Publishijig Bouse: Shteymbok, G. Yu.; Tech. Ed.: Pblesitskaya, S. M. PURPOSE: This pamphlet presents B. V. Deryagin's method of determining specific surfaces of porous and povdered substances for use in various fields of techriology. It is meant for research workers and for workers in inductrial laboratories. COVERALM: The authors describe Deryagin's method as a simplified and rapid method for the determination of specific surfaces of porous and powder- ed substances. The method is based on the theory of filtration of rarefied gases through porous media, takLng into consideration tlx.- Knudsen flow. Chapter one gives a detailed description of the determin- ation of the external specific surface from the steady state flow of rarefied air. The equation for the specific surface is: Card 116 Determination of the Specific Surface of Powders (cont.) 6og 24 _V~ ~2 So -f3- -:ff 2 3 QVM-RT x expressed in (S0 cm/cm; where So 2 specific surface (in cm2 per 1 cm3 of the porous medium) 9, qju~bity of moles of air flowing throughl cm2of a porous layer ,41x cm thick per second, with a preBsure drop across the porous medium Ap dynes/cm "por3sity" equal the ratio of the pore volume to the total volume of the medium M - mean molecular weight of air (29.3 g/moies) R - universal gas constant ( in erg/mole. degr-) T - absolute temperature, *K Card 216 .Determimtion of tbe Specific Surface of Powders (Cont.) 6og The apparatuz (Fig. 1, 2) was constructed at the Institute of Physical Chemistry, AS USSR. It does not require a skilled operator. The determinations can be ac- complished in 20 to 30 minutes with an accuracy of 2 to 5 percent. The average porosity was accepted as 0-5. Flor certain powders, e.g., quartz, the specific sur- face value can be related to the 0.5 porosity value after introduction of a cor- rection into the formu-La 8 U 0 as suggested by S. G. Ehvartser. 7his empirical correction equals I for 0.5; K _ S1. - -~;---- [Note: x missing in text] RA XX i where K = constAmt of the apparatus h 29 pressure drop across the sample (in cm) p h a, flow-meter reading (in cm). q Table 6 gives a comparison of results obtained by means of the Deryagin method with Card 3/ 6 1 .Determination of the Specific Surface of Powders (Cont.) 6o9 'results frm several other methods u-sed for the determination of specific surfeces of carbon blacks (Investigators: Tesner-Polyakova, Brunauer-Emt-Taller, HarXins- JUra, Zuyev-Mikhaylov, Lsboratox7 of Academician A. N. Frumkin, Iaboratory of Acade- mician M. M. Dubirtin). Part II describes the determination of the total specific surface of porous media and powders based on the transient filtration of rarefied air (Knudsen flow). 7he total surface includes surface areas of blind pores and channels. The equation used is S, 11a 9 L 2RT 13 1 - 9 x2 -n M where 81 - specific surface in cm2 per 1 ca3 of the porous medium 8 = porosity, equal void volume/total volume x - height of the sample (cm) L -time lag (sec.) M - molectaer weight of the gas (g./moles) R - universal gas constant (erg/mole degr. T - absolute temperature, OK and 131 - 1 cm Card V 6 Dkermination of tle Specific Swface of Pbvders (Cont.) 6og The results obtainod are in good agreement with results of the nitrogen -adsorption method. Table 7 O.vea data obtained by means of various methods (transient flow of air, Deryagin's steady otate flow, nitrogen-adsorption method). Fig. 9 and 10 show the apparatus used in the transient flow method. Appendix 1 contains detailed instruct- ions and Appendix 2 has diagrams of details of Deryagin' apparatus. Deryagin's method permits the determ!Lnatica of specific surfaces of fine and course dispersed materials, and the difference betveen results obtained from the steady state and transient f2nws gives the specific surface of blind pores and c 1s. There are 28 figures, 9 tables, and 18 reforences, 5 of which are English, 1 Gerran, and 12 Soviet. TANZ OF CONTMWTS Introduction 3 PtLrt I. Method for the Measurement of the Specific Surface by Wans of the Steady St%te Phriefied-gas Flow 7 1. Apparatus and measuring methods 8 2. Selection of the capillaries of the flow meter 16 3. Conditions of the experiment 18 Card 5/6 Determination of the .9?ecific Surface of Powders (Cont. 6o9 4. Calculation of the specific surface 5. Determination of the specific surface of coarse powders 6. Results Part II. Method fbr Determining the Total Specific Surface of Powders and Porous Materials 1. Apparatus and measuring methods 2. Measureient of pressure 3. Results of measurements Conclusion Bibliogmphy Appendix 1 Appendix 2 AVAILAZZ: Libiury of Congress Wfal Card 616 9-17-58 21 29 32 33 37 39 41 42 43 53 DERYAGIN, B. V., PROXI(OROV, P. S., IZMAILOVA, B. V. "Influence of Adsorption layers on the Growth of Condensation Nuclei in a Super-Satwated Atmosphere," paper to be presented at the 2nd International Congress v.! Surface Activity, International 'Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, London, 12 April 1957. Phys. Chem. Lab. of Surface Phenomena AS USSR DERYAGIN, B. V. wcomputat,Lon Method of Separation of Capillary Condensation and Adsorption in Porous Bodies "kccording to Experimental Datan paper to be presented at the 2nd International Congress of Surface Activity., International Union of Pure and Applied Chenistry, landon,, 12 April 1957. Inat. Fbysiaal Chemistry., AS USSR DERYAGIN, B. V., ZORIN, Z. M. and KARASIYEV, V. V. "Properties of the Folymolecular Boundary La of 'Odds According to Absorption and ViBcoaimetric Meaeurements.," pape7t?re~sete t the 2nd International Congress of Surface Activity, International Union of Pure and Applied Cheristry., London, 12 april 1957 In9t. of PlUsical Chemistry, AS USSR DERYAGIN, B. V.,v KROTOVA.. N. A. and KARASIYEV, V. V. nElectric Phenomena Accompanying the Formation of Now Interfaces and Their Role in Adhesion and Cohesion,,* a paper to be presented at the 2nd International Congress of Surface Activity,, International Union of Pare and Applied Chemistry, Iondon,, 12 April 1957 Inst. Physical Chemistry., AS USSR DEPYAGIN, 1. V. with Khresev., V. V., "Die Untersuchung der Viscositat von FluEsigkeitagrenzl schischten nach der "Wegblesmethode." with Abrikowov, I. I.1 "Die Messung dor molekulen zigischen festen Koerpern bei Groeven Abstanden." with Imaylov, G. I., and FROXECEOV, P. S., "Moglichkeit der Oberlachen- Aktivierung und Passivicrung von Reimen fuer Wets serdauq)f -Kond ens at ion." papers delivered at the Intl. Cong-on Suffece Activity , L,:)ndon, 8-12 Aprl 1957- Arigevandto Chemie, No. 16, 1957. -S DERYAGIN, B. V. and TITEYEVSKAYA, A. D. ItStatic and Kinetic Stability of Free Film" a paper submitted at 2nd International Congress on Surface Activity, 8-12 Apr 57, London. Deryagin, and Titeyevdkpya, Academy of science, Institute of Phycioal Chemistry, Bolsheye KelczhszkaYa 31, Moscow, USSR. E-5972 DM-1t,GIN, B. V. (Trof.) and 'Llk-4MIEV, V. P. "Investigation of Boundary Lubrication in Kinetic Friction by "leans of a Wire Tribo-,'-leter, 11 paper presented at the Confer~-:nce on Lubrication and Wear, held at the Inst. of --echanical !:,ngineers, London, 1,03 Cat 57 Trans - A-3099501, 27 Feb 58 DERYAGIN, B. V. "Theory of Stick-Slip Sliding of Solids," palx-r submitted for pre:3entation at the Conference on Lubrication and Wear, London, 1-3 October 1957. The Chartered Mochanicil Engineer, Sep 57, P. 34o-42. A-' fy, 137-58-5-10610 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Meiallurgiya, 1958, Nr 5. p Z49 (USSR) AUTHOR: Deryagin, B. V. TITLE: A Contribution to the Theory of Friction (K teorii ireniya) PERIODICAL: V sb. : Razvitiye teorii treniya i iztiashivaniya. Moscow AN SSSR, 1957, pp 15-Z6 ABSTRACT: An examination of the major stages in the development and the present status of the theory of boundary friction (BF). BF is defined as the extreme condition of friction (F) in which the rate of slide becomes so small that the effect of fluid-film viscosiiy upon F may be ignored and the clearance becomes so small 1hat the interaction between the surfaces of F and the layer of liquid separating them where the clearance is smallest becomes the decisive factor. The development of a quantitative theory of BF encounters great. difficulties, occasioned by the inadequacy of our ! nowledge of the structures and properties of those poly- molec-alar boundary films which lie within tne range of influence of the solid surfaces. In order to understand the total concaten- ation of phenomena accompanying BF. it is necessary in the Ca rd 1/2 first place to take into consideration the orientation of the 137-58-5-10610 A Contribution to the Theory of Friction elongated active molecules that enter into he composition of lubricants in polymollecular boundary strips at their interfaces with solid "Valls. It is shown that further development of the mathema!ical 1heory of boundary friction re- quires a development of the hydrodynamics of an anisotropic liquid. the prop- erties of which differ along two mutually nori-nal directions as do the elastic properties of analogous crystals. Bibliography. 21 references. L.G. 1. Friction-ThE-ory Ca rd 2/2 80803 0 SOV/124-59-9-10352 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekh&nJ.ka, 1959, Nr 9, P 113 (USSR) AUTHORS? Vlasenko a Ya Dernyzin, B.V., Kudrsovrtseva, N,M., J~rokhorov P.S., Storozhilova, A.I., unurakov, V.V, TTT.'LE- Flow Methods for Investigating Lt4nospheric Aerosols PERIODIC.jkL-. V ab.: Issled. oblakov, osadkov I grozovogo elektrichestva. Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1957, PP 185 - 188 ABSTRACT-t Not only the number of particles within the volume unit, but also their dimension distribution can be determined by the ultramicroscopic flcw investigation method. For this purpose, an optical discriminator (photometric wedge), making it possible to obtain the partiale-brightness distribution, was mounted into the target illuminating device of an ultramicros~~ope, A new wedge-graduation method is described; the graduation curves of the dependence of particle dimensions on the wedge position can be obtained quickly., when applying the method mentioned, The authors report on the flow method applied to the study of the Card 112 atmospheric condensation nuclei. 'For this purpo!ie, a simple 80803 SOV/124-59-9-10352 Flow Methods for Dwestigating Atmospheric Aerosols accessory device is developed for "revealing" the condensation nuclei ~on- taining in the atmosphere. This accessory device consists of an air- moistening chamber and a cooling channel, in which vapor condensatIon on the condensation nuclei proceeds,. The condensation nuclei, enlarged in this way, are, carried away by the air current, arrive at, the cell of the ultramicroscope, and can be recorded by the observer, The optimum opera- tion conditions of the device were determined experimentally. af the ult.ra- microscopic flow method, 'the automation of registering aerosol partli~les or Virevealed* condensation nuclei can be brought about. The design of an aut-o- matic. counter developed for this purpose,is presented. This sounter *-axrriss out the registration of aerosol particles of high numerical concentrations without failing. S.V_ Severin Card 2/2 124--58-9-10057 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 9, p 88 (USSR) AUTHORS: Batova, G. A., D gin, B. V Leonov, L. F. , Nikol' skiy, A. P. Prokhorov, P. TITLE: Diffusion Hygrometers (Diffuzionnyye gigrometry) PERIODICAL: V sb. : Issled. oblakov, osadkov i grozovogo elektrichestva. Leningrad, Gidroi-neteoizdat, 1957, pp 189-191 ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry 1. Hygrometers-.-Equipment 2. Diffusion Card 1/1 JTI Ll t oll and 'cular Physics - Physics of High- D-9 Molecular Substances Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 1, 1958, 852 Author : Dery&Eftn, Inst Title : On the Applicability of the Binomial Law Friction to the Friction of Rubber. Orig Pub : Kolloid. 2h., 1,957, No 3, 398 Abstract : No abstract. Card 1/1 - .- -- I"M 0 DICRTAGIN, B.V.; ZAE:HAVATEVA, TAUTEV, M.V.; LOPATIVA, A.M. Apparatus for determining the filtration coefficient and capillary permeability of porous and dispersed bodies. Trudy Inst. fit. khim. no.6:123-130 '57. (MIPA 11:10) (Capillarity-Measurement) DIRYAGIN. B.V.-, ZAKHAVAYEVA, :~ Methods and apparatus dispersity) of porous filtration rate of 131-139 '57. N.N.; TALAYIW, M.Y.; FILIF.POVSKIY, V.V. for measuring the specific surfaco bodies and dispersed m#terials by the rarefied air. Trudy Inst. fiz. khim. (MR-k (or no.6: 11:10) (Porosity-41sasurement) IZMA,YLOV)., G.I.; PROKWROV, P.S.: DXRYAGIN. B.T. I Flow mmthod for measuifng critical supereaturation for condensation cmnters. Trudy Inst. fiz. khim. no.6:159-161 '57. (KRA 11:10) (Condeneation) f~ Y o" C'7 M V AUTHORS: Deryagin, B. V. and Duk-hin, S. S. 49-6-8/21 TITIiE: -bii---~h-einf-luence of thermophoresis on the coagulation of cloud drops. (0 vliyanii termoforeza na koagulyatsiyu oblachnykh kapell). PERIODICAL: "Izvestiya Akadem.Li Nauk, Seriya Geofizichaskaval' (Bull in of the Ac.Sc., Geophysics Series),-1-9-57-,No.6, pp. 779-784 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: The influence of thermophores-is forces is investigated on the movement of aerosol particles in conjunction with a temperature drop in the neighbourhood of mist drops. The authors restrict themselves to the temperature field and consequently to the thermophoresis ."orces in the neighbourhood of the drops, the dimensions of which do not exceed several tens of 1i since with a decrease in the drop dimensions, other conditions remaining equal, the thermophoresis force increases and the considered problem can be solved more simply if this simplification is valid. The convective heat transfer and the convective diffusion during the fall of particles of such dimensions can be disregarded and the temperature field and the vapour concentration in their neighbourhood can be considered as CardlJ2 being spherically symmetrical. The investigation in this 49-6-8/21 On the influence of thermophoresis on the coagulation cloud drops. (Cont.) paper is theoretical. The thermophoresis force between.two particles is expressed by eq.(16), p.?o4. It is concluded that the rad-iometric force does not have any appreciabl' influence on the coagulation of the electrically chargel particles. 'The thermophoretic repulsion force caused by the radiation of the Sun can prevent coagulation of cloud droplets even in the case of very low charges. There are 1 table and 5 references, 2 of which are Slavic. SUBMITTED: February 23, 1956. ASSOCIATION: Institute of Physical Chemistry, Ac.Sc., U.S.S.R. (Akademiya. Nauk SSSR Institut Fizicheskoy Khimii). AVAILABLE: Librar7 of Congress Card 2/2 1 17 anumblMa in ll~rjm"ATLI)e 7Eb"-;it:'lleat big of if almu h~d no effect, but 1 ealting of n Wackxcllurfi~ 1.btno. ~,Ilrre INCO I Nups. E.g., by 19'71~ it. 4 his.t W U -aitlt M did :j;?t r-h2--je Vv~s to, Butyl rubba, j I was mistd by M ;m )n than bY ch-vin-I tlacl-, Vic R' hor Nahit -,vubL--r Lmx t$, chmnl Uack- im iummedalmov., IW4W Oten theM flwassaal- I'laetell, liul 5Andbh9tlnjl bad A smat tOrct m11 ior ll*aoit rubbo ccntg. M and, lot Bultyl rutAh" Copts. Itl wr4cl t-jack. Ile 11, is Wv when ~'bv ap'uAt6w 1*.twa sl.'~ I and 11 is w Hlarmnn DUTAGIN, ~~~ OUNNOW" A"IUabillty of the binomial friction law to the friction of rubber. Kell. shur. 19 no,,3:'398 NY-Je '57. (NM 100) (Rubber) (Prietion) The jWntion W puMetifion of MM noleiifi*= 1 "4NTjN*TTw -%c; ~Vzi slid 3s4ff 99L-Q1- N 57j-,~--A it I Aar- SSOV(in j maksl9m,, 11*0 v-, ipar ta"~ are - !0,025 MUed with a st"m al molst air (wj, moks/ st-C., H;O vtpor p"MSUM --10. and A vw vnriod until lisible tog tippt-ared in the trl3jag chamber; fht!Utrmtttl~ N OurrespouMug to fog famia-tkin was calcd. as S -o ml' + ARt '=Por VIb' N Me ~Ylitlibs I btained bY v9piwintian of rod n the dry o dial' NtLCI. soW')Vhavont uced i vater (0S4 to 1.4,M), the sualler Yvas Cat ap ludius of tile crystills (04t, ito 0.036 ON= x are e e3pt., S iwre:tsed by, adsorbed tit the M it.g.,40%,.but(Et&. ;C!C-,M , and iSD-AnlOJI IGIvert.-tj .5. A SiOt 2% NQIC04 PaM wage heated to 12)-7.12* befam the upt taLvdSujito4-fcId. Tric'Chtm. or thermal trOitineia of the coudeuntiwis nutid djargits the accommodati)v coery. ),I ftni. -u 6 iJ-t- humidity metpr. Pril A and A: a Z -t-A alecf. C,;K Watt 1!,a con:suuctcll for moii;turc detti. in a 09~tction I diflusion thipugh a porous Inellibrac4 with-alix!'!I d, 'd bly larger than the I VIaT. consl en t i air and steara muls. A chzwnb~r near) fr"- Vath~6f ~jh~ 1, 160, sonle 'hygrusajflc~iiubstanc~- (LICI or OiCl:' mis tiglitly covered ritb a pbto cf i~iaterialrnntg. ~ue 1k res'(wrnpresqed tra;bite, porcelain, 4;10.) and placed in the rnoist ;dr. Tl;e Txrmwre inside tbt ctiainbLr decreased or,ing to the ub- TptionoIvmttrmt;bvjLndso:nie inoist gasdifluwl through e mmbraut. -16:i lWtial pmsure tlifiu-tairt oi dry ps Inside Lod outside: tle tbftmber vms a function of the water Vapor pressure in Vie rrolsi ga-t, and the caeft. of proportion. alit), between tho Otil iand partial prenures at the two sides of Olt membrant iitxudtd on the diffusiw~ coeff, and tile VISO)sity of the Ps'nihit. Th,- app. built is fully illustrated and demribed. ?be; itime betwftn I-ICI AIMuses (40 g.) dt&Iind$ on couditbaiind may be- somal vierks at a lernp. 'I is llinth~pszuayiutro- A auc!j errom. - The app,vras u*cd for maishike.rft-filation in blast.,furaim air. twd vras found to offer ndvantales over W. M. Sternbem- 7-& Y-11 AUTHORt DERYAGIN,B.V., KLRASEV,V.V., ZAKHAVAYEVA,N.N., PA - 3563 - fiff A-R-8 V -17 -. F - - TITLE:' Mechanism oi Boundary Lubrication and Boundary Lubrication Layer Properties. (Mekhanizra granichnoy smazki i avoyetva granichnogo smazoohnogo sloys, Hmssisn) PERIdDICIL: Zhurnal Tekhn. Fiz., 1957, Vol 27, Vr 5, PP 1076 - loa6 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: There are two different opinions concerning this problem; that of close and that of remote effect. T he former is expressed by Bowden (T he FriOtion and Lubrication of Solids, Oxford, II. ed., 1954), the latter by the authors of this paper. The latter opinion is based on numerous theoretical and experimental investigations carried out according to entirely new methods. It says that the influence exercised by the solid wall is continued into the interior of the liquid which in the depth of many molecular layers contains polar molecules, and in this way causes a change of the properties of these layers compared to those of the space phase. This exercise& a considerable influence on the boundary lubrication. A short sur- vey of all those facts in given on the basis of which the difference of opinion mentioned above must be decided in favor of the opinion expressed by the authors. Direct measurements of the viscosity in boundary layers of organic liquids, oils, and polymers according Card 1/2 to the latest and greatly improved methods showed clearly that in PA - 3563 Mechaniam of Boundary Lubrication and Boundary Lubrication Layer Properties. ASSOCIATION: PRESENTED BYt SUBMITTED: AVAILABLEt Card 2/2 boundary layers with a thickness of up to 0,11- viscosity has a value that differs greatly from the space value. These results show that Bowden's opinion is wrong. In order to explain the static friction of solid surfaces separated by a boundary-polymolecular layer, the equation for static friction F is written down according to the two-term friction law. F = 1,K (N + Sp0) a ~t N + S (9 -rpo) is the "true" friction coefficient, N - stress, S the surface of the true and.molecular contact, and p0 - the constant of the pressure difference vhich measures the molecular force of attraction acting upon the surface unit of the true and molecular contact. Bowden explains frictional phenomena only with the help of the second term of this formula, and this is his mistake, for it in just the second term that explains the existence of static friction and confirms Amanzon's law of friction. (~Vith 12 illustrations and 14 Slavic references) Institute for Physical Chemistry, Moscow 1-11-1956 Library of Congress AUTHORs TITLE: KMVA,L.I., DERTAGINB.V. Cyl~er RKE;I-Mig Theory 57-6-17/36 PERIODICAL: of on a Surface covered with a Plastic Lubricant. (Teoriya kadheniya tailindra po overicnnosti, pokrjtoy sloyam plastiobnoy anazki, RusaiLT Zhurnal Takhn.Fiz. 1957, Vol 27, Nr 6, pp 1261-1271 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: Foz=lae are derived for the determination of the pressure of the lubricant layer, the carrying strength of the lubrication layer and the pewer which is used for overcoming friction in the lubricating layer, i.e. for the case of a oonstant exterior shearing strain. A for-A& in determined for the pressure ain- tribution in the lubr-loating layer for that case in which the shearing strain depends exponentially on pressure. It is shovin that in this cue there exists an utmost mini-- thickness of the lubricating layer in the gap between the cylinder and the rolling surface. (With 10 Illustrations and I Slavic Re:Perence). ASSMUTICK- Not given PRESEM BY- SUBMITTED: 11.1-1957 AVAIWLE: Library of Congress Gard 1/1 AUTHORS Peryagin, B.T.p Bakanov, S.P. 57-9-18/40 TITLE The Theory of Gas Flow in a Porous Body in the Vicinity of Knudson's Region. (Teoriya, teohenlya gass' v poristom tele v okolo- knudeenovskoy oblasti.) PERIODICAL Zhurnal Tokhn. Pis., 1957, Vol.27, Nr 9, pp.2056-2070 (USSR) ABSTRACT A highly porous body can, in the case of the lack of any porous structure and any regularity with respect to the arrangement of particles, be looked upon as a system of chaotically distributed spheres which are rigidly fixed in space. For a gas flow through such a system the method for the determination of the coefficient of the reciprocal diffusion of two gases, which was developed by S.Chapman and I.G. Cowling (The Mathematical Theory of Non-Uniform Gases, Cambridge, 1939) can be applied, in which case the spherical system is considered to be a gas with molecules of infinitely large mass. A formula for the gas filtration coefficient through the porous body is derived. It is shown that, with anyapproximation with the exception of that to zero, the filtration oo- CARD 1/3 efficient decreases with rising presskre. In consideration 57-9-18/40 The Theory of Gas Flow in a Porous Body in the Vicinity of Knudsen 'a Region. of the fact that the filtration coefficient at high pressure increases with rising pressure according to Poiseuille's law, a curve with a minimum is obtained. In this way it appears possible to explain the minimum in the gas-oonsumption-pressure ourve in the case of the experiments carried out by knudsen and W.Gaede (Ann. d0s.p 411 289s 1913) (MAnudeenj knn.d.Phys. 28, 75, 1909 The curves for the filtration coefficients obtained here differ only little within the domain concerned from those obtained on the basis of a much less accurate but physically olearer considerations. The results obtained here are applicable in the case of the condition, AL 0 I and then a velocity distribution de- velops in the pores. According to the general opinion the molecular flow with increasing gas pressure p and consequently also with increasing c