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1\ 9 )@ '1% W- -- -- - -.Md 10 A Ar 19 . Jvmw @ 00: DOIZIIENKO, If. T. "Effect of Treatment on the Frowazels's Bodies," Vest. Oftalmol. Vol. 28, Tio. 6, iglig. Chuvash Se "6ence #Research Trachoma Inst. 16(1) AUTHORi Dolzhenko Ye.P SOY/20-125-5-4/6@ TITLE: Construction of a Function Nowhere Differentiable on a Nowherp. Dense Continuum and Developable into a Series in Termg of Rational Functions (Ilostroyeniye na nigde ne plo'nom kontinuume nigde ne differentsiruyemoy funktsii, razlegayushcheysya v ryad po ratuionallnym funkta.iyam) PERIODICALs Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959,vol 125,Nr 5,PP 970-973 (USSR) ABSTIbICT: Theorems On every continuum K nowhere dense on the complex plane, a (continuous) functaon f(z) can be defined possessing the following properties: 1) f(z) is developable into a series in terms of rational functions, convergent uniformly en K, 2) f(z) is differentiable with respect to K for no z&K. There are 2 Soviet references. ASSOCIATIONsMoskovskiy gosudarst-vennyy universitet imeni M.V.Lomonosova (Moscow State University in.eni M.V.Lomonosov) PRESB,NTEDs January 12, 1959, b:r A.N.Kcilmogorov, Academician SUBMITTEDs January 8, 1959 Card 1/1 DOLZHENKO, Ye. P., Cand Phys-Math S^,i -- (diss) "Differential pro- perties of functions and some.problems in approximation theory.,, Moscow, 1960. 8 pp; (Moscow State Univ im M. V. Lomonosov); 165 copies; price not given; bibliography at end of text (16 entries); (KL, 25-60, 126) !I- rz @)- 14. -go 0 C, @F-@ - AUT11ORt Do1zhenko, Ye.P. SOV/20-129-1-5/6,1 TIT "','s Boundary Value Theorems on the Uniqueness and Behavior Analytic Functions Near Vie Boundary PERIODICALt Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR,1959,Vol 129,Nr 1,pp 23-26 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Theorem 1: To every r:O< r-el and com lex number a there exists a function f(z) with the properties 1@ f(z) is analytic (regular) in K IvjzjO for I z1 and z C-: U L5 3) S(C. z is continuoua for 54EE e'Gz gq' 7 2n m,n - 09+1 1+2, 4) f J'z) j a for zE K1 Further six theorems are devoted to the extension of the theorem A of N.N.Luzin and I.I.Privalov Z-Ref 1,4 7 to meromorphic functions and to the non.-trivial limit theorems on the uniquen@sa Ca,zd 1/2 2@.,ndl a ry 7@ Th@ n-F, c..@ r;n i! Un,@ cii c n.-,Su !Lr An!.t y i7un.-- 1 or:, ,it or z --mr "I n 7-, C-',@ 11 :L n g,; o o 'I'lif IT, n d 7 4 PRESENTED 2, by I'Al 44k44- 16, -3 0 0 0 6 7@4 AUTHOR; Dolzhenko_,_ Ye!P. SOV/20-1 30-1-3/69 TITLE: Differentiation of Complex Functions - PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960,Vol 13 O,Nr 1,pp 17-20 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Let E be a set of the complex plane, 56 E be an accumulation point of E, f(z) be a complex function given on E. Let Vlf(v be the set of all numbers of derivatives of the function f(z) In 9 with respect to the set E. Theorem 1i For an arbitrary COMDlex function f(z) given on the point set E of the complex plane, in almost all points 57C E there appears one of the four followJng caseo: 1 ) 'Mf( g ) is a circle I z-a( r)l - r( 1@ ), O:S r(-_r, ) < Co . 2) Wr( 'S) is identical with the extended complex plane. 3) IM f(3@) consists of a circle jz-a(@)J- r( S) and the point z - oo. f consists only of z - oo 4) 'M 1, Theorem 2 generalizes results of A.A.Gonchar Ref 5_7 and asserta that J.f the boat approximation of f(z is by rational Differentiation of Complex Pinctions SOV/20-130-1-3/69 C functions of at most n-th order,< then the function nP+ f(z) almost everywhere has p derivatives according to De La Vall6e PMLSsin. Two furtlier theorems contain similar assertions. The author ment',ons Yu.Yu.Trokhimchuk, and A.G.Vitushkin. There arl? 7 references, 5 of which tire Soviet, and 2 American. ASSOCIATIOMMoskovskiy gosuiarstvennyy universitet imeni M.V.Lomonosova (I@os@ow.State University imeni-M.V. PRESENTEDs September 10, 1959, by A.N.Kolmogorov, Academician SUBLUTTED: JulY 9, 1959 Card 2/2 D=HENKOI Yelp, Some estimatione concerning algebraic hypersurfaces and deri- vatives of rational functions, Dokle AN SSSR 139 no.6:1287- 1290 Ag 1151, (MIRA 14:8) 1. Moskovskiy goeudaratvennyy universitet im. M.V. Lomonosovae Predstavleno akaelemikom A.N. Kolmogorovym. (Polynomials) (Aggregates) (Algebraiotbpolou ) S/03YO'2/056/CO4/001/002 B112 B IC6 AUTIHOH: Dolzheako, Ye. P. (MOSCOW) T I T UE Rato of approximation by rational fractions and ploporties of functions PERIODICAL: 'Matematicheskiy rbornik, v- 56 4, v)62, 403-432 TEXT: The author considers complex functionsqx) which are continuous on a suoset E of the real axis. There is a sequence of rational functions R n(X) of the order _e n for which sup I f (X) - r, (X) C - R X-.E n n where R11 @f I E) = inf" sup If(x) R(x)jj R x C-E The infimum is taken over all the rational functiono R(x) of an order t;n. Card 112 'j/039/62/056/004/001/002 Rate of approximation by rational ... B112/B106 The important result of the paper is 11hp folloviini:: The convergence of the monoton:@cally non-increasing, sequence of numbers a is n necessary and sufficient for that the following three statements are valid: a) if 1@ 11 Ef , C. -1 if--- an' then Lhe function f(x) will be at)solutely continuous on is differentiable almost everywhere E; b) kny function f(x) with R n[ f a on E; c) AILY function f(x) with Rn 2 1@-@ anis ap,)rnximately differentiable on E. There are 11 references: 10 Soviet and "I non-Soviet. SUBMITTED: September 7, 1960 Card 2/2 DOLMENKO, Ye.P. Ir.- - Derivative numbers of complex functions. Izv. AN SSSR, Ser. mat. 26 no.3:347-360 IV-Je 162. (MIRA 15:6) (Functions of complex variables) @POI,ZHMO@ ye. P. --- Pmipertiew or ftmotions of several variables w4ich can be ,adequately approximated by rational functibna. Isv. AN SSSR. Ser. mat. 26 no.5t641-652 S-0 162. (14LU 15: 10) (Funotions of savi'Pral variailes) DOLZRINKO, Ye.Po "Erasuxe" ot singvIvities df arialytio functiona. Uilp. mat, nauk 18 no.4:135-142 jlAg 163. ()41RA 16:9) DOLZHENKO,p YOOPO - @ 1-1- --------- -- Some metric propertien of f1gebraic hy*rBarfaces, Ise. AN SSSR. Ser*" nutte .27 no.2:241-252 Mr-Ap - 063. (WHA 16:4) (Algebraic topology) DOIZHENKO, TO.P. Deterniiting the derivatives of rational functions. Izv.AN SM. Ser.mat, 27 no,1*9-28 Ja-F 163. (KMk 1632) (P@mctionm) DOLZHENKO, Ye.P. Buhavior of a maromorphic functions near ' 'l -,eir jinFiJ,tritien. Vest. Mosk. un. Ser. 1: Mat., mpkh. 19 tic.6:3-() N-D 164. (@jRA 18:2) 1. Kafedra teorli funktsly i funktsionallnogo analiza 14oskovskogo imiversiteta. DOL7.1110YO, :Y,3.;-. of continuoij rin pot,.-ritials. 12-.v. AN SS311. 'Jer. 2s no.5:AJ-1130 "-Q li';4. (MIR-A 17:11) DOLZHENKO, Ye.P. Singular points of continuous harmonic functions. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. miLt. 28 no.6r1251-1270 N-D 164, (MIRA 18:2) DOLZHENKOY YO.P. 0mcothlie3a of hurmonic and arvily-tic functioas rit the boundary point3 of a region. Izir# AN SSSR. Ser. mat. 29 no.5:1069-1084 165. (MIRA 18:10) 6'-@ DOLZIIEITKO, Ye. P. Unifo:rm approximations by rational (algebralc wic. -.milonom tric) function.s, and global functional properties. Dokl. AN SSSR 166 no.3H26-529 Ja 166. v:i i-@;, 19: 1) 1. 14613kovvkly gosudarstvennyy unlverr;itet. Submittcd May 18, 1965. KIRIGINTSAY9 Ao 1. 1 DCUMMOp Z. To Point of eVal concoistrationo in the exchange adsorptlon of lons. Inve6lbootdoAl BSSR i2oo3s63-70 160a WMA 13slO) 19 Dell nevostpobW 131141 OlUrskego otdolenLys AN IOU@ (Adeft7illes) (IOU exchance) DOLZHEMWV, A.,, prepod&7atell, kand.tekhn.nauk; TRETIYAKOV, B.., prepodavatel ',, - - , kand.tekhh.nauk, Gas welding. Sollomekh, no.3.-41-44 162. 03RA 15:3) le Makovskaya oz*na Lonina sallakokhozyaystvennaya akademi:ra imeni K.A.Timiryazova. (Gas welding and cutting) DOLMMOV, A. A. PA 169TI2 MR/Chemistry - Analysis,, Equipwnt Aug 50 "Pelarographic Vessel With Ultruderoburet." M. B. Neyman,, A. A. Dolzhenkov "7.avod Lab" Vol XVI, No S. pp IC07-1009. Electrolyzer vith special ultrwalcroburist permits, after elimination of ovgen, introduaing into vessel &douratw mall quantities of substance under atudy, Permits more rapid and preci3e determinations. PA 169T12. -L iU803 -65 EWT(1)1'EWT('ft)' hia-h/Paa-2 fi_RN(f4k)iB5hArP_M ;c--L-/Ei~C(.t)/EF,"(b)-2/FCS.(k) - AUTHORi Z -B, -Volthe ov. A. A L' Nngineer -M #40 TULE.; Th' theory.of-semicondudim switches for-the UHF band e SOURCE: Moscow. Aviats1onny#y@.,!,Anst1tut4. Trudy*, no. 159, 19114. Sicardruyusheldye arminny* sverkhvj,@sokikh chastot Q.1uper-hijA frequency scanning antennaa), 195-20,,S- TQP C TAGS: eu ibrhigh frdquenqj@;l freque py scamiing, switch theory, semiconductor OVFMch, antenna thoory Jbie I nt of commutatlon-or__"switc that, lwdiizientao Ab@THACT: 7h UthOr qoW leme hs AM -a6lOvs6anning (nn ;Mhe@swiRhablo raillating element which constils -f the radiator prDper and an eleclxIcally controll6t"IMF disengagement switch, by wt-.'@Ixs of wtdch the. POWIM driving the 10,articular radiatbi;l can be. switched on and off, Semicuii6actor d1odes arD.,to be preferred for use as switdhes for atnumber of reasons. [tie intedoutthat, PO atfhg elements, It has been found convenient of die possCAe veri'dons of wktchaO3 radi to wie rnechanl-qtn@! 3ymmetrically io'tiupled wilth the feeder waveguide, in which the swit'h or oDmmutator in located In a special segmeol; of the beam-forming system. One of Cke Poiisible design -vartants of a switchable radialing element of Uds t3lie is shown in Fig. I of ithe Enclosure. 't"he present artiole contat-as an attempt at axi apl=ximate analysin of Card 1/4 _4 i8 P4. T4046235 itaximum-capab, ties Of such- s94tchable -intdiatt the ng- This a ys -1 d -a elements. nal is it sai L be AqUd-not only In Jhe event that serikiconductDr or diodes are used, but with other point-- cohitact twitches or -commutators as,utell. - Equivalent circuits of switchable radiating- eleraonta are conaWicted and thebasle parameters affecting such mechanisms are dh;.- cusaed, The authors reduce the problibm of finding tho optimal radiator modes to the f3l- lowing Wo tasks:- 1) determination ofthe maximum radiation and switching factors for X given switch parameters; -2)-daternitiation of the ininimum range of variation of -switch i parametews which,will, ensure given ditlarnal racitator parameters: radiation factor, _T@Hchl_Nr factor and, offic1qrne -given In- t*ie -article -are-co ------ - The (quPMIojtt_circuij:s n!__ -.7-F-strucled rollciik4-two V allar.thanAhb-waveleng(h, and-Ute Wment's' -th"witch-has-only am cross one-spatfal-corm- ponent,_ whosedire0lon- is-determined by the axrangement of the wire contacts; 2. Energy transfer by wa.vf3s of higher modes, riggloa of? 1he arising in the switch connection, is absenit. Expressiomi nee, asary for tho deterntination. of the maximum radiation and svAbAdtig factors derivedt -and -the commalation parameter is defined an the basis of givea radiation chanicteristics. -Analysia of Me operation of the switchable radfaffni; element shows that by the proper selection of c4rcuit parameters an optimal epemtionaJ. mode -can be achleveEl, in which the meximunt awitching factor will correspond to a given 2/4 Card ;j ENCU 01 NR: AT4446235 Figi:,l - switch ijdtpols:.@ 1: djpo@@S;.2 line-, 3 - diode mvitch; 4 __Qou_illij@ I(i0o _- I - _1 .- _;.6 Utter. i.lo-proyeat leakage of8IIF powev into- - control otri;uIts,, 6 - feedor iotavagWda ------------ C.,d L 12@10,2-65 10 ACC10811 WNW` A13046236 Uie'oortimixtatov detances'at awl'itched oi@aW off, resMetively. When employing a - Wro. polmW*iritact semioit@@Iuctor diode ailhe comlloutator or switch, these resistances ar(; the sin& oZ the flow t'esistanceand 0 Is -a junction. The covaimutaticti , i, res tmkce of the o N or "switching!' parameter of the dIcKLI: Is not a listed characteristic of the dovice. so Oiat -it must-i.-itherbe-experinientally-det6l-minedor-derive(ifmm-o-iher-generally-acceptkI (anAindlicated) illodis apecificationa. In this wrUcle, the authors consider a mothod foir the egoerimentaldeterimination of-thiiii commutation or 11switchinel Farameter. Two melbo4ts are proposedL- 1. a prelismittary imeziourement of the absolute values of zkj ard zk2p, wilh sulisequect computation according to Eq. (1)-, 2. direct measurement of the relaUve value zkZ -%l The authors findfl. considerably simpler to determine the 7. ki. es---a---re-preamtaUowin-the-ferrm-of -a I network ur"Csiiri structure, terminated In resietance -loss],egin linear quadru e. po #J z The point Is made that Cie commulation,parameter can thus he measured dzl- CM t1d). Atuxt a4termint211 the quadrupole factors, provided it "pracUcally convetitent crltertim I - fovaid of 113 (Ehe quadrupc felts) -being timed -Tlw the madw of an Ideal transformer. has been Card V4 AdCESSION NR.' AT4046936::. I rder to Justify ai& establish-Ahis J, .0 1.1@h6 fivo, active V9 luts -of th4 loud tissistancii, ipmdrupole network is also activii) o0rralspon&Ms k) a greater. valull, Its. an ideal trafietcormer.- A blocl@.@_dlagrrun: 4141si Ped to mdajlu*re the commutillon ;u-.ticle, to prOkaled end an expld.Oation Pi,irimental appaj@atus. @ Two verstims high URP power @ levels. 7% itu IN ccvrrvtxtatIdn_]@aIainet& of diodes rdancL I-with -the-methodolog orit4trion, the autho---- rs- prvie that if j Jor the input imWance of the reactive and If :a greater value of input impedance Of load resistance, thein, this quadrupole network of -a six-cenUrtieter-.bartd-d(-,vice, parameter of diodes by the method described in ths is, given of the operatlenal principle of this ex, are C'Uscussed: - for measurements at low and at * also. piresimt the results of zveasurements of His of varimis types. The meawrements rv_carrIP_d_out----- Y- -the- - -a- - we I------ I de*cO)*_Uk paliarand tilow UHF level- Oese p @r, senitconductole @swltc wavegulde j -1110-UOG of P1 lnvert@irs-in-the beam-forming -systems -of -UHF-antennas- JMSTRACT. is discussed,: and attention 1wicalled to the fact that the errors caused by flUCtALationa Of Oe controlvoltage and ambimil temperature are not reduced when using convectional f arrite, dise rately- controlledl phase Inverters in antennas vrith discrete control, since the change !n the output phase; I&; still Ofected by a change (In this case, -a sporadic --- ------ change) in. & ia,contrDl -voltage-, .-- The- authors note-that the- shortcomings of-discretephaad faverters caa be substanUally! obviate4l by mewis of switchable phase inverters, generally (*nsistiug oJAI switches. Suilih lavertero make it possible 0 change the phase in fixed -phare- jumpnAy =-3600/M,wlt)@-thq-phase@ shift created by-them __ 4ef]Aite -dippeudingf -1/4 ----- --- C ai?d T 7 L 128514-65; @NR: AT4046937!1'@: JkCCESSION; 'Ti@P tk Tactors, Ane tuding-the- magnlt@tde dUthii: control: voltage. It is- pointed out-that Uds- i3ircumstance constitutes,onalof the differencea between coaventionai discrete and i awitchable phase Inverters. jn the Ofesent article, various phase Inverter - radialor' i schemes ar;S discusned, andlin-attemi,pt is made to determirte their limiting characteristic& 1h the analyAs of critical chii racteria ties, principal attention is directed at balanced switch- radiabDrs (M = 2) Lud at four-position radiating elevnnts (M. = 4), since it-to the! authors' Am that these typelt of radiating-elements, especially the balanced-varl6ty,- are ---of the- great, Ds t practicalinte;j,oat In 'orms of F.-witchable scanning.- The invesUgaUon._.___.1__ -ou -e-orpoint;ocontact, 6emiconductur c6,;d-_s_as__,_, rted Inthe-AlrUde was Nised @ 4he us -the switchea or 11corimutatiol; el M, e efits"i Various types of balanced switches are considered and, using as a criterlen I;he.method of achieving the antiphase voltages, two basic gioups aro discrin; inated- 1 1. Switches in which an uncontrolled 18T phase -shift is usellIn-one -U-the-.1injis-driving the -radiatihg element*.- 2. --Switches im.whic-lithei ends of one line driving the inflating element are -crossed over. Diagrams of both types are given in the artloole and titeir opekational principle Is eKplatned. It is pointed out that a signVicant deficiency Of the firist category of switch Is its awrrowbandelaess and 71 7 Card Z/4 j --------------------- L 1 "IN 61 ACCE D4 NR: AT40469,$7 A@ that, - froni this poin Wi_ Oe-second-goup-19--to be preferred, since in Mese mvitelw the anti-phase condition O(the voit;ige driving the radiator Is maintained over a broad frequenc:j! rango-which is OetermintO only by the transmittance band of the breani-POSItwti n -ya . p -of @the ope-ration-of b ced witc es tem -used ---,-The_-=uIypts alan s t h With seffilcoin icU)r emen Ji commatall-on-el ts-19 -mcimpliched in this paper by nicans of an approxiniate-mothod involving the construction Aind Invectigation of their equivalent, circulis, The follow6g types of iiwitchable phase J@iverter - radlab)rs are alao confOdered: 1. those which make use,ol wavegulde brahchos oUAtchannols to give riso to a set of fixed.pbase shifts; -the nal' an the various flold cornptyaimta in-the 0.. Jhosevhtch use 11ral phallo shifts betwet waveguldo cross-section. 4lere also, as in the precedbig section. equivalent circulUt are cons tilucte.d and analyzed for difforent vers tons of sw itchabl e phase i ave rte rs. The mithors demonstrate that, @i)y tunfng@ the circuit of the swKchable phase inverter, It Is possible W_xahleve an opthpal. modo of operation at which efficienc., will be maximum, Y _'o e @radiiation-factor-and will be-detemined-apormirn VA. Slightly th no it y tehing-pararl'oWr--of-!:hediodon. '.fbomaxiinurn-efficlegeyviC!itco-aidtlie- only by th o sw] --m&-aUonJ-adW-r-d, corresix1ridt,*g 1W f d f(i) r-P em,-o osition switchable ph%130 Inverter and a balonced imitch.diffel,. vviy Ifitle from one another. For example, at a switchlitg parametal, of V = 100, the @Iqaxtraunli efficiency of a two-p:)sition switch is 0.67, Whito for a four-pasMon phase biverter I(; Is 0. 56, At the samo Ume. the radiation factor Jitty lie-viltUn limi a of 0 - 0.32 and th.;' of- the CcKtr-posltitm of the two- sition switch t To S.!:Ord3/4 i L 12894 ACCESSION Z4R:, A' 04623i 174 @r phase invofter from 0_''O. 003.,'art. has: 20 figures and 42 iormulao. CIATION, MollkovskljC avlMoUhnyty- Inatitut -(Pdoacow- Aviation Ins Utub)) - SUBMff 00 ENI'M: 00 SUB CODE: EC NO REF 501h 002 OTHER: 000 Card 4/4 0 J, Ff tAX APJ005C,410 F7 ACCESSIONAI fl/0108/65/020 !D02A019,10025 Dolzhoknkovi A, j AUT1101i: *.vice foi- compu4iing rqd@@ation TITLE.. D tt m-s of witenna arreys pa OURCE: lladiotektzika'. 20,: n6@ 2. 1965, 19-25 6PIC TAWIr analog devi@r6, ante@n'a radiation patterr, antenna array TRACT: -.An,, 'a i ate- radiati -patterns -of equidiitant7- 11-ne'dr-am- O__ Mul -analog -sysi m on .7tenna arr~i~r;3~-vith_arbitr~.,-.-phast3~~amplitizde ilistribution is deddrib -The pattez i ed. a 7 re simultited by time--;ar,$,ing voltage, .11hase inversion ie effected ulth differenti elsyns. ;The parallel-ccx@zected @stator wind-ings of all the selsyns are connecte4 to!, three-plaUse line. Amplitudes of the radiators are set by means of potentiometers.1 selsyn rotors. Phase-di ;.rbi ch -are @":roid, with - line ages, @bransmitted frem thZ stribul ion is irAroduced to the'isystem 'V turning ntators through the radiator phase angle'l @ o obtain !11.near phase:bu:11dup Of @SelByn output rolta5es, the selsyn rotors. are cou",,. with ZIL:reducei,-~p%rlth-.Irihe-numbitr or shafta@of the @reducer equal-to @Ihenumber of t adiators.@, Antenna arrayo. for tM centimeter band de;3igned with the uie of th:is ystem were sufficlently iiccurste@o with Prrors affecting only the regim of the sidei C obes at a,level bolov db. - - Orig. art has: 1 figure and 11 fortrulas. 11DW) J!, 2 Card @c 7 ;J ACEMION -%Rlt -AP 052 Ult/0108/65/020/005A)O251C034 ,iAOMORI 7,1n:14' D. So (Active, memberl 1:F31atalre A. P. QtAiva membar)l Do"Uh -( utive mdither 0;, A 5 TIUS1 Pi"it -s@dtohed anten' -6 v*,'; @i! lmoi 5 -,5'34- 9 TOPIC TAGS:'j@t antenna, ilktched, antenna, sc anning antenna W3 -W.CT: i@rtheT ixvestig;@Uou, of, the method of array lob-3 'aca ng- 1@ - 14 190A'.s -prootrad. -Schezes -- d &-r ctional tt i@s4psted by T#. - I hn e Pa erns lof W6,41monstonal, SAtched - giilennas are qowidered. The switched scann5mg can be @Aachleved 60.t-ftiRr. by@i -tiat contvv1 each radiator of the array or bi @ 115-vr. I; Itchin- nhlaa a hif te is 19 j (@jkS). dray the latter are conaiderad in the article. @'i'ha L.T-5 citep-ty-stop Mtrola@ tho:radiator-f-JI.eld phase and oay sligatly -depends on 'he control-4i@ 004UWA t,xm @ P-tur 3 p -;md other faotors. The -di-stribution of 1@wzuw in tho q@@t GuitchedI parallel and series parallel raAliator col- ;r-e ig td. for Mreeticnal petterns for the above'two sebamea -77T 0 2- A6 ;SION _A?5014 5 for: phase -:distribution and-contiaw;--_ deployment" ati radiators) tire- deriired._' 7he-case it; considered - in vhich -'.h,e, requirements of owitching and. jixqitation delay for the p'Ianar arrey axe idwitical with those of a linear array. - j3rig. ait. hab: 5 fi(@,,ures, and 34 fromulaa. @031 1 AS1130CLA-TION: lfimcbnco-etekhntche@jl;ko. Ye obahcbl@wL,wo radio'elzhnd' 'i -i eleltrowgazi- (SiAeatific and Technical ftci@ty of -R&xiio Engineering and r1ectroccimunical ion) S-BIAMMD- 22M@Ir63' k[CL.- SUB CODE: .0 m PRF. p 7 ji, T q, r@rir-@j Nv IN t 741 DOLZM-'.NKOV, k4rjx-:rU2feYeyich N15 743.281 .D61 Sovremennyye so tool resionta traktorov (Modern methods of tractor maintenance) Moskyn,, rudreservisdat, 1955. 85 p. Diagra., tables. At head of titlo: Novaya tekholka I peredovyye metody truda. "Literatura": P. 85. DOLZHIINKOV, Andrey Timofeyevich. kandidat tekhnichookikh nauk,- ZOIDTARIff, "---Ir.A , kandidat tekhnichesklkh mauk; LNVITSKIT, I.S., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; SAMIKOV. IF.M.. kandidat tekhnicheskikh mank: PBSTRYAKOVA, S.Y., redaktor; FIKDCTOVA, A.F.. takhnichaskiy redaktor (Repair work] Remontnoet delo. )Iookva, Goo. tzd-vo salkhot. lit-ry. 1956. 5159 p. (MLRA 9:9) (Kachinery--Mintenance and repairs) DOL.-IMIKOVO, Andrey Timofeyovich, dote.. kand.takhn.asuk; ZOLOTAREV, G.A., jid-O tblcjj@' @ auk; OVIKOV, A.A., dots.kand.tekhasnauk; LIVITSKIY, I.Sof Ze., kand.takhn.nauk; SANIKOV, Y.M., dots,, kand.talthxt.nauk; ROZIN, M.A., red.; SMIR11OV. A.G., red.; SOKOIDTA, U.N., [Nntal teebnology and repair work) Takhnologiia matallov i remontnoe dolo. Koskva, Goo. izd-TO sellkhoz. lit-ry, 1957. 542 p. (Metals) (MIRA 11:4) (Agricultural mmchinery--liaintenance and repair) Nrnv- AnAT41 r doteenbs' knad. t*k1in.nisuk-, ANDUM, no R Nik i @ @@! -0YOVIOff-@W1, sent; DMUCHAMA, Av1pista Paramonovnn, @ Y dotee'nt; K,Ozor@Tian 'Pa-;,lovich, stnrahly prepoda- atell; KISMV, Ivan Ivanovich. dotsent; PARMUN, Ivan Ivanovich, dotsent; TROPIMOV, Vladimir Ivano-;Ich, doteent; BMZOVSKAYA, A.L., red.; YJIYMOV, V.L., red.-, RAKOV, S.I., (Reference manual for yoi3ng agritrultural machinery operators] Spravochnik molodogo mekhanizatwa sellskogo khaziaistva. Xosk-Ta. Yees. uchebno-pcdagog.izd-vo Trudrezervizdat, 1959. 694 p. (HIRA 12:12) 1. Prepodavateli Moskovskogo ine-titUto mekhanizataii i elektri- fikataii sallskogo khozynystva (for Dolzhenkov, Androyev, Dakuchayeve, Kozlov, Kiselev. Pnramzin, Trofinov). (Agricultural machinery-Main,;enance nnd repair) .P@k fO.Y._A.T_,_ksnd.tekhn.n9uk. red.; SHKOLINIKOV, A.B., red.; GORIKOVA, Z.D., [Training in repairing tractors, motor vehicles. and agricultural machinery) Fralctikum po remontu traktorav, avtomobilai i sellskokhoxisititvenaykit mashin. Moskva, Gov., izd-vo sellkhox.lit-rys 1960, 431 p. (MIRA 14:2) (Tractors--Maintenance and repair) (Motor vehicles--Kaintenence and repair) (Agricultqral machinery-Amintenenoe and repair) k-and.takhn.nauk; LSTUSKIY, I.S., kand.tekhn.nauk; SmMIKOV, T.Ke, Iond.tekhn.nauk,, ROZIff, K.A.. red.; MNYITA, V.K., takhnered, [Espair work) Remontnos delo. lad.2.9 dop. i perer. Koskra, Goe.izd-vo nallkhos.lit-ry, 1960, 535 p* (KIRA 14:3) . (Agricultural machinery-VAIntenance and repaiT) ANDREYEV, N.N., dots.; ACMISOV, X.A., at. prepodavatell; IXLZHENKOV, __A,L4 dots.; DOKUCILAYEVA, A.P., dots.; KISELEV, 1.1., dots.; KOZIDVO I.P.0 at. prepodavatell; TROFIMOV, V.I., dots.j PF,STRYAKOVO A.I., nauchnvy red.; SRALYT, N.A., rvd.; TOKER, A.M., tekhn. red. (Manual for the young agricultural machinery operstor) Spra- vochnJlc molodogo makhanizatora sellskogo khoziaistva. Pod red. A.T.Do1zhankova. Izd.2., ispr. i dop. Moskva, Froftekhizdat, 1963. 653 p. (MIFA 1616) 1. Fakulltat makhanizataii Moskovskoy akademii im. K.A. Timiryazeva (for all except Pestryakov, 5halyt, Toker). (Agricultural machinery) L 00355-66 -@r,.wT(z),/Ewpjw ,EWP(r,)/EWP(b) M@W/@@p LCCESSION NII: AR6018949 UR/0276,165/000/007/11046/B046 621.785. -$39.001.5 SOMICE: Ref. A. Tekhaologiva masbinostroyotdya. Svcdnyy tom, Abs. ?B321 AUTHOR: -DolzbeWov, A. Yalu-yev, A. P. TrrLE: Properties of surfaces treated by box stillo2aWdi CITED SOURCE: Dokl.'@ Mosk. iti-ta inzh. a. -kh'groiz-va, v. 1, no. 4, 1964j 81-88 TOPIC TAGS: b(rA sulfboyaniding, treated surface property, hardness test, fatigue strength test, cast tront steel No. 45 TRANSIATION: The authors studied tho hardness and fatigup_RjLenZ!h of surfaces treated; by bmE oulfocyaniditg and evolved a methodology for tieaUng a workpiece. Box sulfo- cyaniding improves microhardness of steel and cast Aroa surfaces. Maximum hardness in saroples of 'steel. No. 45 was&easured at 0. 02 to 5. 07 mm below the surface. Its 'level dropped sharply Mej)er itito th@ metal, the rate of decrease moderating at 0. 1 mm empth and orltinal levels rocurring at 0. E mm. The hardnoss of the external layer of a sulfo- cyanide treated surfue to lower because of the sulfidEw layer present in it. Maxim= rate of Increase hardneasand In the content of sulfur or nitrogen was noted during the initiall j Cord 1/2 IZOLZHEIIKOI, A.Ye.; DUNKEt V.-G. FAicovery following massive hemorrhage. Zdrey. Bel. 6 no.12t56-57 D 160, (MIRA 101) .1. Iz Sirotinskoy rayonnoy bolinitsy (zaveduyushchiy khirurgiohe- -skim otdeleniyx)m A.Ye.Dolabenkov). 2. Glavivy vraelt Sirotinskogo riyona (for DuttkO. (HEMORRHAGE) SOV/ 137-58-9-19029 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 11.158, Nr 9, p 127 (USSR) AUTHORS: Aleksandrov, P.A., Dolzhenkov, F.Ye. TITLE: Some Laws C'overning t e"PMM"Deformation of Metals Under Compression (Upsetting) L Nekotoryye zakonomernosti plasti- c:hci;koy dcfo:.-matsii metallov pri szhatii (osadke) ] PERIODICAL: Byul. nauchno-tekhn. inform. Ukr. n.-i. in-t metallov, 1957, Nr 2, pp 49-6Z ABSTRACT: An experimental investigation was made of the process of up- setting cylindrical specimens of plasticine, Pb, Cu, brass, and steel. The effect of the ratio of specimen height to diameter, H/do, upon the nature of the deformation, the ratio of uneven- ness of defor-mation to the degree of reduction, the dependence of the upsetting pressure upon H/do, the nature of the distribu- tion of unit pressures upon the contact aurfaces, and the in- fluence of fri,:tion upon the pressure in uptietting are studied. M.Ts. 1. Metals--Deformation 2. Pressure--Applications Card 1/1 LJ @- A A . I @o R C '1-",% 0 V OIll, 21 fill Jill it Ili a-Vila fill JK 4 la I :! 0-It I DOL&ITITOV, T.Ya.t C-rA Tcch 2ci-(dicsJ :;tudy f of tho '-16@4bm a o -*-lwfj6- of' (t5 I:IrCe ratiq of I@M, t lft-ve@j qlbw di@,xi:;tc.r of grionrooctrovsk, 1952. 17 pp (Ac@ld @@ci UI-SSR. Irmt of 130 25(l) ?BASS I D= EXPLOITATION 30V/2132 Klyaw. Ukrainsicty 111auchno-leal*davatal.-sKly Iftiltitut m4ZAlIQV Tokknologlya prolstvadstva I avoystvp ch4rnykh motallow; aborntic (The Manufacture &M characteristics or Ferrous Metals; a collection or articles) Khar-leav. lihar1kovskiy gos.unlv. In. A It Gor'19090 1958. 271 P. (Sorleal List Trudy. v7p. 4) Irrat; ;lip in- .Orted. 1,000 Copies printed. SdItorial 3tjkfr or title back, P.A. Aleiesnaclrov, D.3. Xazarnovskly, R .I. J[Uruanav. X.P. love. V.P. OnopriyeAko, V.A. Tlichavskly, and 74. A. 111noYerows Do. 1 3.3. Liberma.3i Tach. 114. s X.0- Ouria ;n PMUWzt The book is ...dod for the scientific personnel or lnStltl;tos And for onginvam =: t#cbnIcLaoA of metallurgical enterprises and other branches or the industry. COVIRA(Iffs The cocizactiatt of articles revios the woric carried an at the Institute of XetAls on the technology of blast rurtuacos. open- - - oCie It alsi_if@x a ;t hearth furnaces. and roll od w7th roblews In motsialography. heat treatment of forrous metals 46134 methods for their study. Particular attentlan Is devoted tol the preparation or charges and blast rarnace proc' ties with Increased b a pressure, open-hearth production with ox7g*n last and roll1ag ! ; light profiles. No personalitits a.-* sm--ttansI l. x4r*r4acee accompany each article. um or commurss BLAST PURNACS MR)MUM soldetkIna &.x. Preparation or a gigb Fluxed 31nter from Manganoso 49 prusov, L.P. Method of Estimating the ftel"ISAC And Thermal ago Vork*ln a Blast Furnace Wtth Different Cb&riL*s T1 G'144harov, D.P. At"y of Process&* to the swarth of the Blest ffittrnace'll1ta Increased Blast Furnace CLLA Pressure Ifto-1 AakIng T? SlAdItOobteyow, V.T. SUS-forming In an Open-bearth Furnace With ft7gan-slest 105 Zoltawy, I.A. arroct of Smelting Temperature Regime On the DOP1104- 119 Ublnoviche A.T. Street or the Technology of the Woric'ns Period ' 0 ' ' 1 ro'*a Content Utrie-ftsId-Open-hearth 3saltIng on the Hyd 6t: 135 k n e l rlOd -KovrayValy, T. B. and F.P. 3vlrldcnko. Zrfect of the Wor 9 of ftosphorous Cast Iron Reduction m MaIrIlao CrscL-4 And Uses 14 Roll& 1.5 -11110 Aj&kAAftoCOW'-P_A. Structure and Mechanical Properties of Rallod stool In Blaming Ingots 165 Gunln, X.Y. Raw Light X-Deaste IT9 Datzhanicov.,P _I*. Foruard 311p to galling Ramey Strip 169 7111ppow. X.N. ComprehansIvo investigation. Generalization. and Intraftictlon al' Progress Iva Methods and Imovators' Foremost Working methods on 3ection little 203 Card 4/6 SOVA 37-59-3-6745 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiy@ . 19"G, Nr 3. p 258 'JSSR) AUTHORS. Dolz)lenkov, F Ye., Aleksandrov, P. A TITLE. The Resistance to Deformation of Metal During 11olling at Large Ratios of the Height of the Roi-cd Billet to the Dian-ieter of the Rolls (.Soprotivleniye metalla deform-os!i p-, prokalke s bol shimi otnoshe- n1yami vysoty raskata k diarriet ru valkov., PERIODICAL. Byul. nauchno-teklin. inform. Ukr. n-i in-t me@allov, 058, Nr 5, pp 42 .49 ABSTRACT: A presentation of the results of an investigation dealing with the resistance to doformation of met il i 'RDM) dUring rolling 1,' large ratios of the height of the rolled btllet to the diameter of the rolls. Experiments wo.-re carried out in a 150-i-nm @aboratory rolling mill on specimens of commercially pure Pb and teel containing 0.4% C Rolls with polithed, machined, dne knurled iurfaces were employed At constant rol' diameters, the basic factor determ-.ning the change in specific preE,sure (SP) is the 0-ockness of the strip. The SP is at a minimum whvn the ratio H/Fd approaches -lie vAlue of 2 0, i.e , Card I /Z the value corresponding to an approximately uniform distribution of SOV/1 37- 59- 3 -6745 ,rhe Resista ice to Deformation of Metal During Rolling at Large Ratios (cont.) compressive deformation throughout the cross-sectional height. Reducing or in- creasing the value of the ra-:io H/ld results in an increatied SP. An increase in the relative reduction during rolling of thick strips tends to reduce the SP. Central layers of a thick sti-ip subjected to small reductions are severely strained longitudinally, which, obviously, requires the application of additional forces and increases the values of the mean SP. When H/ld ' Z.0, the inactive central layer of metal is absent and no additional force is necessary. The RDM is at a minimum in this instance. In the case of rolling of blanks with a barrel-shaped cross sec- tion: when H/f d