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DOROFEYEV, I.M. Simple modification of endoscopy of the cavity of the true pelvis in womeno AkusbA gin. 37 no.1$79-83 161, (MIRA 106) 1. 1z Vorkhne-lpbashokoy rayo=oy bolinitay (glavnyy vrach T.I. Yarygina) Korokoy oblasti. '04. (ENDOSCOPY) BTUYMN, A.1.1 WROZUV, LN* tw~ Use of anchor bolting in horizontal wrkinp at the Dsheskasgan mines. Trudy lust. gor! dela AN razi-kh. SSR 6:62-67 160, (Dxheskaxpn rei.ion-Mine roof bolting) (KIRA 13:32) MIKHALLOV, 0. S. Electrical nautical instrumonto Moskvs, Goo. Izd-Vo vodnogo trnnsporte, 1953. 412 p. (54-52044) VK57 3 - Y,54 1. Nautical instruments. 1. Uorofeev, I. T. /e: 7, RnALTOVS]rIY, N.YU.; POIKARD"XIY, *G.N.; DCIRC"YIIV, I.T.; ANAsHlrv, I.A., redaktor; KRYLOV, P.S., redakTV?",M'OTIXM, Ye.K.; takh- nichaskiy redaktor [Fundamentals of navigations] Psnovy korablev'ozhdantia. Moskva, Voen. izA-vo Hinisterstva o'borony Soiuza SSR, 1954. 167 P. (NAvigation-Study and teaching) (MLRA W) VARAVITSKIY, ;.B., kand.tekhn.navkL_PO8QajXV , IYe._, inzh.; ZYSYJNA, Ye.14., inzh.; LAWW=., A.I.j insh,; LEVIER, I.A., inzh.; TRACHUK, V.P., inah.; TUCHKOVSKIY., P.M.,, insh, Use of a small-sized air preheater in burning Ekibastuz coal. Blek. sta. 33 no.5:7-12 My 162. (IIIRA 15:?) (Air preheaters) (F=ACOS) (Electric power plants) KUDREVICH, Boris Ivanovich; FARMAKOVSKIY, S.F., doktor tekhn. nauk, red. DO , kand. tekhn. nauk, nouchn. red.; . , ;~ MATV1W,.1S='.S.1.1 and-~A~khn. naukj nauclui. red.; DANISHEVSKIY, 2 a L.V.j kand. tekhn. nauky nauchn. red.; KALI, M.M., red, (The theory of gyroscopic instruments; selected works] Teoriia giroskopicheskikh priborov; izbranrWe trudy. Leningrad, Sudo- stroenie. Vol,2. 1965. 295 P. (MIRA 18:4) DOROFEM, K. A. "Change in the Composition of the 814od of Cattle with Foot and Mouth Diseases" Tr. GIEVp t. 6, 1929,j (Bibliography for Articlo Foot and Mouth Disease by A. L. 3comorokhov, State Publishing House for A7,ricultrual Literature,. Moscow/Leningrad 1947.) SO: U-1625, 11 January 1952. Major, Vat. 3ervice USSR/MedIcIne - Ticks- Jul 1947 Medicine - Veterinary MedIcisie "Wild Ma=nals as.Reservoire of HemospwIdic Iwavions in Nature," X. A. Dorofeyev, 3 PP "Veterinariya" No 7.9 Vol 24., P. 12 Rodents are great carriers of the grub and nymph stages of ticks. Sick horses also aregood carriers. The increase of the number of rodents in any locality usually lo accompeaied by increase of bemosporldle Invaelon, ---- K; A-., KWACHEV, L. A. t'Paratuberculous enteritis in sheep and wild animala." SO: Veterinariya 26 (11), 1949) P 21. DOROFSYEV, K. A. "Tuleremia in Animals" Moscow, Sellkhosgiz, 1951. ~52 pages, illustrated. 10,000 copies. GO: Report U-4502; 28 August 1953- (From: NEW BOOKS ON "S ERINARY MEDICINE Vaterinariya, No U, pp 63., 640 Nov. 1951. DOqOFEfr-.V, K. A. "Tireless Veterinary Worker" biographic data on No V. Dilaktorskiy. Veterinariya,, No 12, PP 17P l8j Dec. 1951 SO: U-4259, 30 Jul 153, (in Veto SRI) DOROFEYLV, K. A. Jun 53 UsSR/114edicine - Tularemia "Testing of Raw Furs for Tularemia by Means of the Precipitatlcn f(eaction," K. A. Dorofeyev, 11. 1. Grachava, Kray (unidentified) Sci-Res 'Vet-Expl Sta; Ya-ay lab for Investigation of Hide and Skin Raw Materials Zhur Mikro, Epid, i I=am, No 6, p 62 By testing the furs of wild animals and the bides of farm anJmals with pr-!-cipitating serum supplied by the "Mikrob" Inst. those infected with tuluremia can be detected. Infected fur is kept in a dry storage room for 2 mos before being released or is treated with chloropicrin. 267T27 -- - - - - -- --- - - I . I -I - - - DOROM, K.A. Rikketsiozy zhivotnykh (Rickettsiosis in animals). Moskva, Sellkhozgiz, 1954. 56 p. 501 Monthly List of Russian Acceeeions, Vol 7, No 9, Doc 1954 DOROFEYEVp K.A. Doe Vet Sci -- (diso) "Tularaemia Jabb!kbwFwAi97 I 11 4 of animals". Len, 1956. 18 pp 20 cm. (Leningrad TIVI",~~ Vet Inst,'Min of Agriculture USSR). 100 copies (KL, 10-57, 104). 'USSR/Diseases or Farm Animals. Mseases Caused by Viruses R and Rickettsiae. Abs Jour: Her Zhur-Biol.) No 5, 3.958, 21581. Author :_2Do2roLUea_X_A_ Inst : Kirov Farm Institute. Title :Undulation and Seasonal Prevalence or Infectious Encephalomyelitis in Horses. Orig Pub: Tr. Kirovskogo s.-kh. in-ta, 1956, 11, No 23, 167-171. Abstract: The epizooties or infectious encephalomyelitis (IEM) in horses are characterized by undulation and seasonal prevalence. An a rule, under pasture con- ditions IEM was observed during the suimmr and fall season The spread of the disease is caused mainly by mosquitoes and cattle ticks. Brandt's field mice, multiplying in great numbers, contributed to the Card 1/2 K. A. Itt - IfKlebeiellosiB in animals." Veterinariya, Vol. 37, Wo. 8., 196o) p. 84 K. A., (Prrife3sor). "Japanese Encephalitis". Vete-rinarlya vols 33., no. 11., November 1961., 1.0- 83 'M. K.A. 11 DORM - , prof . Xlebeiella infection in animals; a survey of foreip,.n Literature, Veteriaarlia 37 no.8:84-86 Ag 160, (MM 1514) (Klebsiolla) (Veterinary medicine) 4~' -.. LIKHACHEVP NJ., prof.; AGRINSKIY, N.I.p prof.; SYURIN, V.N., prof.; SPESIVTSEVA, N.A., prof.; KOIDBOIXSKIY, G.V., prof.; ZOIA)TAIMV, N.A.,, prof.; KORYAZHNOV, V.P., prof.; KOLESOVv S.G., prof.; BABICH, M.A., prof.;,IIgTFIOV, A.M., prof.; ZOTOV, A.P., prof.; DO ROFEML-LA...A prof.; POLYKOVSKIY, M.D., prof.; SOIDMKIN, P.86, PMT.1 -ORLOV,-Y~.S., prof.; KOTOV, V.T., prof.; TRILENKOO P.A., prof.; LYUBASHENKO, S.Ya., prof.; USACHEVA, I.G.,r red.; YARNYKH, A.M., red.; BALLOD, A.I., takhn. red. (Veterinary laboratory praotioa]-Veterinarnaia laborat*rnaia praktika. Moskva, Selikhosisdat.- Vol.(General microbLological methods of investigation] Obehohie mikrobiologicheakie metody is- isledovaniia. 1963. 566 p. Vol.2. [Biochemical, chemi,.-o- toxicological, and Yeter44ary hygienic methods of investigation] Biokhimicheskie, khImik toksikologicheskie i zoogigia.'Iicheskie metody issledovaniia. 1963. 431 P. (MIRA 16:8) (Veterinary laboratories) VEMHCHAGIN N.N.,, prof.; LUXASHEV, I.I., prof.; DORDMEV, K.A., prcf.; PRIIiUN, doktor veterin. nauk Infeotion focuses. Veterinariia 41 no,4s25-31 4 164. (MIRA 17:8) I* Tazanskiy vaterinarrqy institut (for Vereahchaging Dorofeyev), 2v Kbarikovskiy zooveterinarnyy inatitut (for Lukashev). N- SUNTSEVAl T.S.; DORMPEWO K*Aog profs; BEZUGZkVp G.M.1 LABZINA, L.T. Veterinary science abroad. Vaterinarlia 38 no.llt82--88 N 161 (MIRA 18t1) DOROMMY, K.A., prof. ........... ~ - . 'Le Epizootiological and li.-nunologlijal cha--actorlsticr cf in' ~~tious diseaves during the prenatal pericd. Ui,h. zap. KOVI 89~3-13 162. (,,.iIRA :L8:8) 1. laboratoriya Nr.l. (zav. - 1-ror. K.A.Doroftayov) Kazanakogo voterinarnogo Instituta. -3(5) ~)OV/21-59-2-18/26 AUTHOR: Do- r T r I TITLE: Lithological Peculiarities of tht: Dnepr Gl.-,ciei, Tongue Moraine (Litolob-icheslkiye u.--ubei,..,osti -Ioreny Dneprovskogo lednikovogo yazYka) PERIODICAL: Dopovidi'Akademii nauk Ukrttinslkoi RSR, 1959, 11r 2, pp 184-187 (USIL.;R) ABbTRACT: Noting the absence of agreei.-.,ent among tile authors re- ferred to in the reference section as to the litho- logical features Rnd conditions of formation of the moraine of th, Dnepr ;lacier tongue, the author presents the resuits of his personal examination of that moraine. It consists of two layers differing from each other in color, t1hickness, textural feat- uresl,granulor.,.etric composition of the fine earth and by the quantity and position of the boulders in both layers. These layers are facies of the same glacier. The upper layer of the moraine is an abla- Card 112 tion moraine formed as a repult of the thaviinC, of SOV/21-59-2-18/26 Lithological Peculiarities of the Dneper Glacier Tongue Moraine the upper part of the glacier. The relatively great thickness k4-5m) of the upper horizon in the border zone of the glacier tongue is evidence of intensive ablation. The lower horizon is an englacial and ground moraine. The resultn of granulometric ana- lynis of 48 samples of the mornine taken from both horizons at 24 points are shown in figurc 2. There are 2 figures and 11 references, 10 cof which are Soviet and 1 American. AbbOCIATION: Institut geologicheskikh nauk An Ukr.86R (Institute of Geological Sciences of the AS Ukr,.)6R) PREoEITTED: By 7.G. Bondnrchuk, Member of the 11,j UkI'k)L)I0 SUBMITTED: October 29, 1958 Card 2/2 AUTHORt Dorofeyev, !;Ax~ SOV-21-58-8-17,/27 TITLE: on the Composition of the Middle Dnepr Pleistocene Moraine Boulders (0 costave valunov pleystotsenovoy moreny Srednego Pridneprov'ya) PERIODICAL: Dopovidi Akademii nauk Ukrains1koi RSR, 1958, Nr 8, pp s67-870 (USSR) ABSTRACT: First data as to the presence of eratic boulders in the moraine of the Dnepr glaciation were presented by K.M. Feofilaktov (Ref. 3). The boulders of the northern re,~ions were studied and classified by V.N. Chirvinskiy (Ref. 4). The works by L.I. Karyakin (Ref. 1,2) contain indicntioqs a!! to the presence of Finilish rocks in the glaciation deposits of the Kiyev Poleslye. The author, together with M.F. Veklich, investigated the deposits of the Dnepr glaciation during 1956 to 1957 for petrographic composition of the boulders and in order to detect the direction of glaciation movemert. The fossils of microorganisms in the microsections were studied by N.Ye. Brazhnikova. It turned out that not all the igneous rock boulders possess typical features which permit establishing the source of their drift. Requirements are met by the felsite- Card 1/2 porphyry boulders from the Sur-Sari Islnnd, the quartz por- !zOV-21-58-8-17t27 On the Composition of the Middle Dnepr Pleistocene Yo,:-sine Boulders phyries from the Aland ral-ands, the Urnlitic porphyrites of Hjamenlinna and Porgo, the rocks of the rapakiwi series from the districts of Vyborg, Salmis and Neustadt. Predominant boulders of sedimentary rocks Are limestones, the age of which has been set as Upper Devonian and Lower Carboniferous of the Oka series of the Visean stage. The Area of their drift Is the main Devonian field and the western outskirts of the Moscow depression. There is 1 schematic map, 1 table and 5 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Tnetitut geologicheskikh nauk AN UkrSSR (Institute of Geo- logical Sciences of the AS UkrSSR) PRESENTED: By Member of the AS UkrS:3R, V.G. Pondarchuk SUBMITTED: February 27, 1958 NOTE; Russian title and Russian names of individuals and isntitutions appeAring In this article have been used in the transliteration. 1. Geology--USSR 2. Geological time--Determination Card 2/2 DMWFb'W# L,M, Sam features of the granulamtric co:V*eitiim of the fine fractions of the Middle DYAeper moraiae, Doy, AN URSR no. 12:1618-1622 160. (MIRA 3A:1) I# Institut goologichookikh :aauk AN USSR, Predetavleno akademikon AN USSR V.G. Bondarchukom. (Dnieper Valley-Moraines) DOROFEYEV.9 L.H. [Dorofioievs, LAI Lithological and mineralogical characteriatico of moraines' in the Dnieper glacial tongue. Geol. shur. 20 no. 3:55-62 160* (MIRA 14-./+) (Dniopbr Valley-Moraines) DOROFEM,,L.N. [Dorofoiev, L.H.) Effect of structural relief on the formtion and bedding of glacial sedimento in the central Dnieper Valley. Osol.shur. 21 no.6#74-82 161, (MIRA 15:2) 16 Institut geologioheskikh nauk AN UM. (Dnieper Valley-Glacial epooh) DOROFICIEVO L.S., insh. slictroacoustic signal for the feed control of bowl mine. TeploonajetikiL 7 no*9:65-67 S 1600' (MIFLA 14:9) (Coal,, Pulverized) (Boilera) DORDynb ComVensation induction wattmeter. Prilvrootroenie no.4t26-28 Ap :62. (Wattmoter) (MIRA 15s4) DOAOFEYZV,__4onid Stepanovich; KHOVIIISOV, Yu.J..p red.1 KARASI, VaDes [Modernization of industrial equipment; practice in improv- ing the design of machl tools, bridge cranes and other equipment of the Kuybyshev Plant]Modfirnizatsiia zavodskogo oborudov.,inlial iz opyta raboty po, usj)versjh9nstvovaniiu kon- struktaii metalloreshushchikh stankarj mostovykh kranov i drugogo oborudovaniia zavoda. imeni Kvybyabeva. Irkuts, Ir- kutskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1962, 38 Pe (KaU 15:2.1) (Machinery industry-Technological innovations) COUN"My USSR ABS. JrfJR. RZh11ieL,J* 110. 1959.* Un. q967 AU 71101Z Gubenok, N.A. F5T. The Problem of the Condition of Immunity to Natural Smallpox in the Adult Population (Self-Referenced) OPIG. FrUB. t Zh. Mikrobiol., upiderniol. immunobiol., 1958, No 2, 132 A atudy was made of the adult population which had not been subjected to planned revaccination; the absence of immunity was established iTi 66. 3% of 249 revaccinated persons (positive vaccination result). In connection with this, it has been suggested to carry out a planned revaccination of the entire population regardless of age every 4 or 5 years. Yu. N. Mastyukova Czrd- 1/1 DaFLUMM. B.G. using precast reinforced concrete in joining bridge abutments. Transp. stroi. 5 no. 10*.28 D 155- OWL 9:3) 1. Ilachallnik otdela iskanstvannykh sooruzheniy Dueprogiprotranea. (Bridges--Foundations and piers) DCRC71BV. 1. G. I Types of culverts for second tracks. Transp.itrol. 6 no.4:7-10 Ap 156. (KWA 9: 8) 1. Nachallnik Wale. Iskusstvennykh noorusheniy Dneprogiprotransa. (culverts) DOROFWVO NIG. I Reinforced concrete box-typo viaduct piers. Tranap.strolo 9 no,8:57-58 Ag 159a (MIRL 13t1) 1. Nachallnik otdola iakusetvennykh soorushaniy Dnoprogipro- transa. (viaduct") DOROFEYEV, N.G. Designs of open structures for bridgeo and highway viaducts& Transp.strol. 9 no-12:13-13 D 159. (MIRA 13.5) - 1. Machalln1k otd~3^ iskus3tvonzqkh soorusbeniy Dnnprogiprotranza. (Viaducts) (Bridges, Concrete) DoRonyly, N.M. - - , *Imple method for adminictering an other-algen mixture* Akush, gin. 32 no#5:67-68 " 156s (MIRA 10:11) 1. Is radillnogo dome sela Glushkovo lurtkoy, oblasti (zav. N.M. Dorofayev) (ANW13TICB-AW INIBTRAT ION) r'u".-my : uSaR rA _1 SO-Orty Pharmacology, Toxicology. Chemotherapeutic .-reparations Antilielmintoic ;ubstfLnces PI 1958: Y,~, 1,6639 C 1, 0 ro f eyev, -.The Treatment of Aricaris Infection with O.Vgen in I-rer-1 usint Women :Vtt)i,. Okhraiiy aterinutva i DetbtVa. 1957, "01- -ei-Ament of ancaris infuction %ith oxyjen was corried out by the usuml wet,'sod 111 25 pregnant womtn in the first half of pregnancy. Ascarids were elimicnted in 11) of them. 71ith this metijod of dehelininthization, pur;~atives and clyses are not used, which is import.-.nt In preserving the pregnancy. Tito patient should remain 1yinK clown for 11~-2 hours aftev the nomirdstrfcti~,n coi the oxygen. -- F;G.-Sivashinskaya A now method of tr'eating the umbilical stump in nowborni Akuht I gin. 34 no.406-99 Ji-Ak 158 (M MA 1119) 1. Ix rodillnogo dome (glavq7 vrach N,H4 Dorofeyev) S. Glushkovo. ThrskDjv obI (~WILICAL CORD. lip tion & stump trentment. now method (Rur)) (UNDILICUS. care in newborn (Bus)) DOROITYR, K'N' A now method for treating the umbilical cord. Pediatriia 36 no.10: 32-54 0 158 (miru il:n) Is Is rodillnogo doma e. Glushkovo Nurskay oblaRti (glavW vrnah Mal, Polyakaval neuchnyy rukavoditell - ze-T. kpfedroy Alms'aerstva. i ginekologii Kurskogo meditainakogo inatituta prof. A.G. Butylill). (UMBILICAL CMD, ligation, now method (Rua)) I)ORDYSUV. N. M. Utilization of residual placental blood for the nevborn and the offset of evacuation of the placental vessels on the character of Its separation. 23 no.lOtl32-136 0 159. (MIRA 13t2) 1. It rodillnogo otdolentya Zolotukhtnekoy rayounoy bollultsy (glavuYY vrach A.Do Kharchenko, nauchuyy rukavoditall - prof. A.G. Butylin) M=skoy oblasti. (PIACMA blood supply) (INTAM. RIMIN physiol.) DOROMMY, N.H-. (Kursk) ------- Anomalies and diseases of the umbilical cord and the umbilicus. Felld. i ak-ush. 24 no.6:15-21 Je 159. (MIRL 12:8) (UMBILICUS-DISHASES) " ~ D O~ ~pN. ~Ml K US K) Some observations on the prevention of birth traum. I?slld. i akush, 25 ao,021-23 Js 160, 1 (MIRA 13s9) (IABOH (OBSTETRICS)) (PERINEUM-WOUNDS AND INJURM) DOROFEYEV, N. M. Cand Med Sci - (diss) "Method of primary treatment of the umbilical cord and subsequent care for the remainder." Voronezh, 1961. 25 pp; (Voronezh State Med Inst); 250 copies; price not given; (KL, 7-61 sup, 258) DO!"BYEV, N.M. (Kursk) Rational management of labor in rural localities. Vop okh. I det. 6 no.lls76-80 N 161. WILk 14:12) (LABOR(OUSTETRICS)) (PUBLIC MALTH, ARAL) DMMYEV, _N.M. r Umbilical hernia in infants. Sov. mod. 25 no.407-60 Ap 162. (MMA 15:6) 1. Is Vorkhne-Lyubashokoy rayonnoy bollnitoy (glavnyy vrach T.I. larygina) Xurskoy ob3mti,, (K&MU) DOROFEYEVI-- N.M.; ANPILOGOV, I.V. Method for puncturing the abdominal wan in peritoneogcopy. Vest.khir. 89 no.9tl27-128 3 162. (VIRA 15sl2) 1. It Varkhne-Lyubashokoy rayonnoy bollnitay (glavnyy vrach - T.I.Yarygina) Xurskoy oblasti. Adres gvtorovi lurskaya oblast', selo, Verkhniy Lyub~sh, rayonnaya bollnitsa. (PERITONBOS COPE) (PUNCTURES (MOICINE) DORWEM, N.M. (Kursk) Subdural hemorrhages into the cranial cavity in newborn in- fants. Vop,;Iekhr. materin. deta. 8 noolt48-52 163 . . (MIRA 17:2) 1. DOROFEYZY,11. V. a 2/ USSR (600) 4. UFA Plateau - Geology, Structural 7. Geological structure and prospects or patrolsum potential in the northern part of the ufa Plateau (Shurtan, B. Tutysh). (Abstracts) Izv.Glav.upr.Gool.fon# no. 2. 1947. W - ~" SCA. - ZO - pa:~~ )r~'t - 9o Monthly Lists of Russian Accessions Library of Congress, March 1953, Unclassified. - DORMYET, N.V.; SOKOLOV, B.S. in memory of Professor Taleriam Nikolaevich Riablain. Trady VNIGRI no.154:5-10 160* (MIRA 13:9) (Riablain, Valeriaz Nikollevich, 1880-1960) V VJ-W9WYXVi. N.I., vrech; NIZOVTSJIVA. T.Y.; vrach; DGROYSTRY, N.Te., khimik OWN Case of pollution of the minicipal water supply by sewage. GIg. i son. 22 no*9:86-87 2 157* (MIRA 10:12) 1. Iz KhorIkovskoy oblastnoy sanitarno-epidemiologichookoy stanteii (WAM SUPPLY contamination by sewage) (SJWAQ contamination of water supply) VAYNGRIB, L.G.; DORDIMV, N.Z. (58bit-dag, Turlmonakays SSR ) 148iOns of the PaMnasal aims@@ in Asian Influenza (virux A2). Vest, otorin.. 2L no.2:33-35 Mr-Ap 159, - (KM 12:14) (MLUMU, pathol. Asian. paravasal simm lesions (3k ) (PAPAWASALSISMIN, invar, dJA, , ~ . I -~G). I influenza, Asian (PAN)) V.V., I)Oilol,L)n 0 F.) KAJJrKTfI N N KAYIESKIY, A.K., SHIROKOV, Yu.M., wffir-16V-, -Yur."V., and /76WI-OV: "I,Iethod of the Light Nuclei Levels Calculation," raper submitted at the All-Union Conf. on Nuclear Reactions in Medium and Lov Energy Physics, Moscow, 19-27 111ov 57. Moscow State Univ. and Lebedicy Physics Inst. Acad. Olei, USSR LA) SOURCE CODE: UR/0188/66/000/002/0097/oiol AUTHOR; Bagroy, V. 0.; Dorofeyey.-O. F. ORG: Department of theoretical physics (Kafedra teoreticheskoy fiziki) TITLE: Radiation of polarized electrons having lov energy levels in-& nagnetic field SOURCE: Moscow. Universitet. Vestnik. Seriya 111. Fizika, astronomiya, no. 2# 1966# 97-101 TOPIC TAGS: quantum number, electron radiation, eldctron polarization, electron spin, electron energy level, relativistic electron, electron spectrum ABSTRACT: Quantum theory methods are used to analyze the radiation of electrons with oriented spin, moving in a magnetic field and having low energy levels. Compariaod of the expressions for the intensity of radiation of a relativistic electron moving in a constant and homogeneous magnetic field, obtained in classical theory and with allowance for quantum corrections, shows that quantum effects begin to play-a hotice- able role at high electron energies, when the electron quantum number (n) of the electron is large and the spectrum Is quasicontinuous. It is shown that at sman values of n, the discreteness of the energy spectrum can greatly influence-the radi- ation intensity. In that case, and for longitudinal polarization of the electron spi the electron is shown to radiate only approximately half what clasoical theory cons UDC: 538.3:530.lh5 Card ACC 'n- AP6021950 for. Furthermore, unlike in clausical theory, a longltudinally-polarized electron radiates light which is circularly polarized. In the case of transverse polarization, ~he radiation of an electron with spin oriented opposite the field agrees with the &+!psical value, but spin flip again leads to a difference between the classical and, ~m values. The smaller the principal quantum numbe'r, the greater the deviation between classical and quantum theories. The authors thank Professor I. H. Ternoy for interest and discussions. Orig. art, has: 7 formulsee SUB CODE: SUB14 DAM 95NoY64/ OHIO Wf 005 2/2 DOROYSTIV, P., inshener. Zffie,ient Utilizati n gf majh~nsrr at rock product(;Uirl 0 Stroi.mat. 3 no. :29 - 10%0) ((~larrism and quarrying) ALISEVICHP I. (Ufa); DOROFZMj P., lnzh, (Ufa) How to use gas burners on farms. Pozh.delo 10 no.2:4-5 F 164. (MIRA 1713) 1. Nachallnik Bashkirskoy pozharno-ispytatellnoy stantaii (for Alinevich)o DOROrYlYlT,.P,I-. 9botiog plants from the violulty of Odessa. Bot.shur.[Ukr.) 8, no.3:31-0 1510 (XLRA 6:9) 1. Zenishradalkyy dersMvnyy universytot Im. A.O.Zhdanova. (Odesea-PoUbbotany) (PhloobotW-Odessa) 1. DOROFEYEV, P. I. 2, U33R (600) 4. Ural Mountain Region - Paleobotany 7. Pliocene plants of the Urals, Bot,zhur. 37 no. 6, 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, March 1953, Unclassified. - - - - - . -- -1 -- !FL - -U.-1 C -- ~ - - -- -- - -- - - -- - - NIKITIN, P.A.; DMOrMV, P. L quaternary flora In the region of the city of Novokhopersk. Blul.Koz.ohstv. per. no.17:22-33 '33, (Km 6:11) (Novokhopersk-Palsobotany) (ftledbotany-Novokhopersk) C T Afrikrn Nikolaevich Krishtofovich (1885-1953). Bot.shur. 39 no.2: 305-312 Mr-Ap 134. (KLRA 7:6) (Xrlshtofovich. Afrikan Nikolaevloh, 1885-1953) DDRanw, P. i. Kheotio ;lora from the vicinity of Odessa. TrudY Bat-inAt- Ser.1 no.11:109-143 135. WRA 9:7) (Odesm-Paloobotany) VJ Tir 14-1-30T Translation frce: Pleferativnyy Zhuzmal, Geografiya, 1957, Nr 1, p. 25 (USSR) AUTHOR; Dorofeyev, P, 1. TZW: Contribution to Paleocarpological Studies on the Tertiary lFlors. of Kazakhstan (K Valookarpoligicheakim issledovaniyam tre--,ichnoy flory Kazakhotana) FMODICAL: Materialy po Istorli fauny I flory Kazakhatana. Vol. 1. Xna-Ata, AN KazSSR, 1955, pp. 117-125 ABSTRACT: Findings of a study Involving a relatively mall number ot saWles from the KasaMstan tertiary deposits. The =in part of ,the article consists of a description of megaspores, needs and brancluts of various plants found in these deposits. The Latin name of some of the plants are given* ASSOCDWION: AcadwW of Sclences,KazakhaItays. MR (AN K&zSSR) Card 1/1 DOROMST P I - M A""A-M, Sarmatian plants from the Tiligul and Southern Bm River3. 2~nAy Bot.inst.Serol nl.ll:V44-160 155. (MMA 9t7) (Tiligul Valley-PaloobotwW) (Bug Valley-4aloobotany) DDROYBTXY, P. 1. Fosoll T)Inov cones from Sarmatian deposits of the Taman Penin- sula. bool.abor. no.3:326-129 '~5e OQU 9:6) (Taman Psuinsula--ftleabotany) DOMMM.P. 1. Some observation@ conaerning the Riesian-Wurmian flora in the environs of Galich. Bot.shur.40 40-3:366-375 My-Je '55. (KIRA 8:10) 1. Botanicheekly Institut imeni V.L.Komarova Akademii nauk SSSR, Leningrad (Galich (Kostroma Proi1uce)--Ps,leobot&uy,,) DORCFXYNV,P.I. Fossil flora found near the Bol'sh^Ia Wksa river in western Siberia. Dokle AN SSSR 102 no.6:1207-1210 JO'55- (KEM 8- 10) 1. Botanicheskly institut imeni Y.L.Womarova Akademii nauk SSSR. Pred- stavleno akademikom T.H.Sukachevym. (Bollshaia Me& Valley--P419obotarq) DoRcnyw. P. 1. WOR!"Ou"Mmak. I - Pleistocene flora of the lover Volga and Akhtuba. Bet. shur.41 ne.6: 810-82.9 Js 156. (NM 9: 10) I.Botaulchookly Inatifut Imeni^rova AkpLdamit zauk SSSR, lening,rad. (Volga Dolt *,--Pal@ ob o tany) DORCrAM. P, I. ---"MWMNNNN Finds of Tertiary flora in this Altai region., Dokl. AN SSSR 109 noo5i Ima-im Ag. 1956. (JOA 9 110) 1,, Botpnicheskiy insitut Imeni Y.L. Itomarovot Almdmii nauk SSSR, ft-a"taxleno akademikm T.N. Sukachev". (Altai Mountain region-Paledbotany) DOROMET. P.I.; MIJZHVILK, A.A. -------- Pliocene daposits and the :flora of the lureykej Valley. Dokl. AN SSSR 110 no-3:449-432 S 056o (MLRk 9:12) 1. Botanichaskiy Institut Akadsmii nauk SSSR i Institut geologit Jrktikis Predstavlano akademikom V.N. SukacheVmo (Kureyka Valley---PaloobotaiW) DCRarmyx,v .MIMO?w%O6;j2 On the Pliocene flora of the Samara Bond, Doki. AN SSSR 110 no.4:665- 667 0 156. (KIRA 10:1) i 1* Botanicheskiy InoUlut Iment V,L, Komarova Akndemil nauk SSSR. Predstavleno akadem1kca V.N. Sukachavym. Vwwa 33and-Paleobotany) USSR General Division,, History, Classics: Personnel A-2 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 1, 1958, No 7o Author :-pqro ev, gql__ Inst : Not Given Title : Afrikan Nikolayevich Krishtofovich as a Falabbotanist Orig Pub : Sb. pamiati Afrikema Nikoledevicha Krishtofovicha. M-L., AN SSSR.- 1957) 7-11 Abstract : No abstract Card : 1/1 NIKITIM, Petr Alekse,,rovich. profeSBor Cdeceao:d);,DCRCXFEYBV, P.I.# otvetetvermyy redaktor; AROUS. R.A.. t khn as y re or [Pleiocens noi Quaternary flora of Voronezh Province] Pliotsenovye t chetvarticbnye flox7 Toronexhokot oblasti, )(oskva, Izd-vo Akeclemli nauk SSSR, 15157. 205 P. (MLRA 10:3 ) (Voronezh Province-Paloobotany, Stratilgraphic) DMOT . I A Upper Pleistocene flora near Drechaluki in the White Rassian B.S.R. Dokl. AN NOR 117 no.2:303-306 N 157. (MIRA 1113) 1. Botamichaskly inatitut In. V.L. Kounrovs, Akadevdi nauk SSM Predstexleno akadenikom V.M. Sukachavym. (White Ruesia-Paltobotany) P..*&.#otvetstveunyy redaktor; ARONS. R.A.,takhnicbeekly redaktor (A colleotion of papers in honor of Afrilcana likolaevicha Ifrisbtofovichal SbornVc pamiati Afrikana Nikolaevicha Krishtofovicha. Moskva, 1957. 358 P. 9 plates. (XI2A 10:5) 1, Akalemlya uauk SSM, Botanicheukiy iuBtitutw (Krishtofoiloh, Afrllm4 Nikolaevich, 1885-1953) (ftisobotmW) DOROFEYET, MSHNIKOTA. I.N. Modium, a now fossil genus of the Taxodlaceas family. Bot.shar. 42 no.1:114-118 A 157. (KM 10:2) (Colville Valley--Redwood, Fossil) DORCFZYEV, P.I. Pliocene flora of Negavsk clays in the Don River region. Dokl. AN SSSR 117 no.1:124-126 IW-D '57. (MIRA 11:3) I.. Botanicheakiy institut Im. V.L.Jomnrovn All SSSR. PredetAvleno L-,kademikom V.N.SukAchevvm. (Don Valley-Paloobotany) Dmilyly, P~X. ulwam~ IntergImialVUrs Oerb- noo2itI38-14o from Korenevo near xosaov,, Biul, xon. ohety. 057. (XLU lOt6) (Moscow Province-Paloobotany) r 04 e- AUTHOR: Dorofeyevi P. 1. 20-3-36/52 TITLE: New Data on the Pliocene Flora of the Kama River (Novyye dannyye o pliotsenovoy flore Kamy) PERIODICAL: Doklady Alt SSSR, 1957t Vol- 117, Nr 3j PP- 407-490 (USSR) ABSTRACT:: According to the only not Intense investigation of the Pliocene flora of the RuaaJan Plane an entirely false conception arose, that the latter flora was abundantf and first in Pleistocene was devolved on going-down. Thereafter it was replaced by the reeont flora. Effectively, at the first acquaintance with the Pliocene flora of the Voronezh region, Samarakaya Luka, Ukraine, and Kama, it is to be seen that the East European flora was in close connection to the recent onet already since the beginning of the . I!liocene: it was much poorer than the Kavkaz flora and that one of Western Europe, and only remainders of the Miocene flora have been preserved -therein as considerably rare reliota. Every found of the Pliocene flora in the Russian Plane is ipterestingp above all, because here it concerns real Pliocene sediments, whilst the Pliocene-age of some Card 1/4 West European flora (ref. *11, 13, 14) is very doubting. In Now Data on the Pliccene Flora of the Kama River 20-3-36/52 the present work, there Is reviewed about flora-foasilest derived from boreholes (Nr 1481, 2700a). By these latter ones the Kinell-layers placed to the Middle- or probably Lower Pliocene, were detected. The Kinoll sediments are represented here by loams and sands, and they contain intermediate layers of plant detriments. Th,)j lay on a scoured out surface of the Upper Permian and are covered with aea-lagoon sediments of the kkehagyl stage. The isolated seeds, crops, megaspores, needles, branches etc. belong to 60 plant species (not always determined up to the species, respectively to the genus). Thereby several forms, up to now unknown ones, were discovered, viz. kbies (silver fir), Morus cf. nigra (related of the black mulberrv tree), Weigela Kryshtofovichiana and Brasenia, among them Selaginella pliocenica Dorof and Stephanandra minima Dorof., a short description of which is given. S. pliocenia has its recent analogues in North America. It is very characteristic for Pliocene of the Voronezh district, Kama, Bashkirion and Kavkaz. Related species are known from the Upper Cretaceous of Eurasia. St. minima. The genun Stephannadra contains Card 2/4 4 recent species only from Japan and Corea. The St. minima New Data on the Pliocene Flora of the Kama-River 20-;-36/52 is analogous to S. Tanakae, a recent bush from Japan, with a height of 2 m. St. minima of the Tertiary of Western Siberia. Altail Ural and Poland became known according to fossil founds of seeds. Other exotic plants known from earlier samples are lacking in the Kinell layers: Tsuga, Azolla peaudopinnata, Najas foveolata, Aztinidia and others. The total view of the reconstructed flora remains as before: A dark conifer forest (Tayga) with bliocene re- liots, somewhat recalling to Sitkha- or Lower kmur forests. Without doubt, still many leafy trees had a share in the Tayga forest. The brushwood consisting of bushes and lianes was more various. Among the herbaceous plants the exotic plants were especially various. However, among this fauna the taxodiaoeae and many leafy treea, characteristically represented in the Oligocene - Miocene, were lacking. Near the Kinell epoch Taygn became predominating in the Russian plane, so that the first occurrence of its elements here at least took place in Miocene. Near Pliocene the basal zones of the landscape have formed: the arctic -p the Tayga zone and the zone of the open areas - these latter Card V4 ones southern of the latitude of Kuybyshev-Voronezh. These New Data on the Pliocene Flora of the Kazaa River 20-3i-36/52 zonea, however, noticeably differed by the recent ones, according to their components and construction. There are I figure, 1 table, and 16 references, 10 of which are Slavic. ASSOCIATION: Botanical Institute imeni V. L. Komarov AN USSR (Botanicheakiy inatitut im. V. L. Komarova Akademii nauk SSSR) PRESENTED: June 18, 1957, by V. N. Sukachev, Academician SUBMITTED: June 17, 1957 AVAILABLEj Library of Congress Card 4/4 DOR07gav, F.I. - - - - III - ` " " -S-e i G-o f-flie- - go mis AxImlopsis Mchaux from the Tertiary dsposits of the U.S.S.R. Bot.shur. 42 no.4:643-648 Ap 157. (HLR& 10:5) l.Botanicheskiy institut im. V.L. Xomarova Akademii nauk SSSR, Ler.ingrad. (Ampelopsiv, Fossil) KOX&HW V.L.0 akadoulk, glavW rod.;SHISHKIN, B.K., red. lxdaaiya; BOBROV, Te.G., doktor'biol.nauk,; VJSILICHCAM, I.?., rel GORSHKOVA, S.G.. red.; aRIGORIM, Tu.S.. red.; GMIM. V.I.. red.; SQRDIJM~VP~-, red.; IL'INSK.ArA. I.Ao, red.; KIDKOV, N.V., rot.; KUPRITABOVA, L.A., red.; LINCELTSKXY. I.A., red.; HDTOPOKROV- SKIT, LY I red*'; POBIDINNA, Te.G., red.; POPOV, M.G., red.; P(TrARKOVA: A.I., red.; SHMMIRG, To.I., red.; TSVEW. N.N., red.; SKERNDVA. A.V., tekhn.rods [Flois of the U.S.S.R.] Flora SSSR. Iza-vo Akad. nauk SS11R. 1958. 775 P. (MIRI 12:7) lo Oblen-korrespondent AN BSSR (for Shiebkin), (Botamv) Early Quaternary flora at the village of Fatlyanovka in the Oka Vall.ey. Dot. zhur. 43 no-7:1034-1039 J1 158. (MIRA 11:9) 1. Botanichaskiy Institut, Ia. V.L. Komarova Akademit nank SSSR, LenIngrad. (ratlyanovka r"gion-Paloobotarq, Stratigrophic) OOMAC'!~~ A neir species of the genus Proserpinaca L, frqm the Tertiary florn of the U.S.S.R. Bol. shur. 43 no-9:13~7-1340 8 158. (WRL 11110) 1. Botonichaskly Inetitut Iment Y.L. Xomrova AN SSBR, Leningrad. (lbrmid wsqd, roesil) DOROFM,V, P.I. Studying Pleistocene flom in the southeastern part of the Muropean part of the U.S.S.R. Biul. Kom. chetv. per. no.22.,24-45 f58. (Pule6botany) (MIRA 11:11) 3(0) AUTHORi BOV/20-123-1-46/56 TITLEs Now Data on the Oligocene Ylora Near the Village of Rezhenka in Western Siberia (Novyye daanyye ob oligotsenovoy flore u d. Rezhenki v Zapadnoy Sibiri) PERIODICALs Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1956, Vol 123, Nr i, PP IV - 174 (USSR) ABSTRACTs Many studies have been made of plant remains on the left bank of the Bol'shaya Kirgizka River (northeast of Tomsk) (Refs I - 4). The author presents here the results of his carpologio research on specimens from a depth of 54.0 a, recovered from boring Nr M the boriqg was made in 1957 by Zapadno-Sibirskoye geologo-razvedochnoye upravleniye (West Siberian Administration for Geologic Prospecting) (Table 1). The boring penetrates the oldest Tertiary sedi- ments in this area, which lie in a depression on marine marls and shales of the Lower Carboniferous. M. G. Gorbunor (Ref 2) established two suites of sediments using specimens from the boring and outcrops; a. Kasparanskaya (Lower Middle Oligocene) and b. Rezhenskaya (Upper Middle Card 1/3 Oligocene). V. A. Khakhlov (Ref 4) has placed the Now Data on the Oligoqene Flora Near the Yi1lage SOV/20-123-1-46/59 of Rezhenka in Western Siberia Rezhenskaya Suite in the Upper Eocene on the basis of leaf imprints. However, the authors do not agree as to whether these beds belong to the Oligocene or not (Refs 2, 3)- A comparison of the plant check lists of single horizons shows their great similarity. From older to younger strata there is merely an impoverishment of fossile and a facies changel the flora itself on the other hand remains unchanged. The division of the total series into two suites seems to be somewhat hypothetical and does not correspond to the time division. For the most part, the Resihenskaya flora corres- ponds to that from Lagernyy Sad by Tomsk. In these rocks pure Siberian endemic floras occur with typical European forms of the Oligocene, Miocene, and even Lower Pliocene. Thus the Rezhenskaya flora is probably not Eocene (Refs 3, 4). Furthermore, the flora of the Lagernyy Sad as well as the Rezhenskaya appear on first examination much younger, i.e. Middle Oligocene. The subdivision of all known West- Siberian Tertiazy flora of approximate Middle and Upper Oligocene age and undoubtedly Miocene age is an ever diffi- Card 2/3 cult task. For the solution of this problem new and pains- Now Data on the Oligocene Flora Near the Village SOV/20-123-1-46/56 'of Rezhenka in Western Siberia ASSOCIATIONs PRESENTEDt SUBMITTEDs taking study is needed. However, even now the following florae oan be assigned Oligocene aget the flora of the Beloyarka on the Tavda River, all the flora of the sections from the Kompasskiy boring on the Tym River, the Rezhenskaya and that from Lagernyy Sad, the flora of Braunkohlen from the type of Kozyulinskiye and possibly the type of the Kireyevskiye marls. The undoubted younger flora of Kozhevnikovo, Voronovo and others which axe significantly rich in recent species apparently belong to the Miocene. There are I figure, I table, and 4 ZoTiet references. Botanicheekiy inatitut Akademii nauk SSSR (Botanical Institute, AS USSR) June 20, 1958 , by V. N. Sukaohev, ' Acudeipivian, USSR tune 19, 1958 Card 3/3 3(0) AUT111 R: Dorofeyev, F, I, SOV120-123-3-46154 TITLE: New Data on-IMD"l-igocene Flora of the Village Beloyarka on the Tavda River in Western Siberia (Novyye dannyye ob oligot-senovcy florti d. Beloyarki na r. Tayde v Zajadnoy Sibiri) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR9 1958, Vol 123, Nr 3, pp 543-545 (USSIL) ABSTUICT: M. G. Gorbanov described the 25 m high, steep embankment of the exposure in Beloyarka which he visited on July 26, 1954. The author describes it again. It contains 8 horizons, A coarsq- grained, organic-rich intermediate stratum of detritus (13 m thick) occurs in the sandy-loamy intermedifLte strata of the lowest visible part, namely the eighth horizon, 1450 m from tte upper end of the exposure. 45 different plants were obtained from a sample of about 10 kg taken by Gorbunov. However,ordly 17 could be determined as to genus and only 2 as to family. to referenceel and 2 the exposure belongs to the Oligocene. The recently 17ound flora contradicts this assumption. All the specimens with regard to and a great number with regard to genus are foreign to recent Siberian flora. Some Card 1/2 of them belong to the Tertiary flora of the extenuive regions Neir Data on the Oligocene Flora of the Village SIOV/20-1 213-3-46/54 Beloyarka on the Tavda River in Western Siberia of Northern Eurasia and even the Holoarctic. To be sure, there are also exclusively Asiatic and even Siberian endemic These latter are very typical of the wostern Siberian Tertla:7.y flora: conifers, deciduous trees, shrubs,,and herbs, These rre known ia the flora of the Tomskiy, Tarskiyand Fireyevskiy types. In the Beloyarka strataq however, occur also new types which aro typical of these beds. This is a rather normal woods- formation complex of the arctic Tertiary, tho so-called Aquitanian type. This is, in generalt peculiar to the Oligocene, but a small part remains in the European Miocene, and is even found in the Pliocene. The flora of Beloyarka is conspicuo-as due to theoccurrence of ancient forms or those found there Even the Tomskaya and Rezhenskaya florae seem somewhat yo,_,nger when compared with that of Beloyarla. There are 1 figure and 2 Soviet references. ASSOCIATIONs Botanicheskiy institut im. V. L. Komarova Akademii nauk SSSR (Botanical Institute imeni V. L. Komarov of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) PRESENTED: August 18, 1958t by V. 11. Sukachev, Aaademioian SUBMITTED: August 17, 1958 Card 2/2 BOBROV, Te.G., doktor b1olonauk, prof*; VASILICHIM, I-.T.; GORSHKOVA. B.G.; GRIGMITIV, Yu.8,; GUMV, V.I.; 110201%M. P.T.; IL'IXUATA. I.A.; 174M, 1K.T.; KUPRITANOU, L.A.; LIffCHXYffUT,--1-.A.; BOVOTOEWSKIT, I.V.; POUDINDVA, Ye.G.; POPOV, M.G.; POTAUOVA, A~Io; SET 11 ED, T9,I.; TSY", N.1,; SHISHKIN, Bolt, red. izdanlya; SKaMDVA,, A.Vog tekhnorede (DicotyledonsIlHaotyledous. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1959, 775 P. (Akademila nauk SSSR.Botanich-eakii Institut. 71ora SSSR, V01*23) (MIRA 13:4) (Dicotyledons) DORDFLITEV, P.1. Find of Azolla interglacialioa Nikitin In (~mternary modiments ID the Oka Valley. Biultloviochetvopers no.23:87-91 '59. (FIRA 13:4) (Oka Valler-yerns. lossil) I MROJWTJIV. P. I. Tertiary flora Falsont. shur. near the villags of Lishanka in the Irtysh Valley. no*2,.12.3-133 159. (MIRL 13:1) l.Botaidehookiy institut Akademii nauk SSSR. (Leshanks rogiou--ftloobotany) DOROITTIT, P.I. Materials on the study of the Miocene flora of Rostov Prov- Incas Problebote 4:143-189 039s (MIRA 13:1) (Rostov Province-Palsobotany) 3(0) AUTHOR: Dorofeyev, P. I. SOV/2o-124-2-51/71 TITLE: On the Early Quaternary Flora of Zhidovshchizna, a Village on the Neman River (0 ranne.-.hetvertichnoy flore d. Zhidovshchizny na Nemane) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 12,',, Nr 2, PP 421 - 423 (USSR) ABSTRACT: There was a number of disagreements among the first invertigutors (Refe 1-36-8,11,13) as to the determination of the age of fossil floras of the natuxal exposures on the Reman river and its tributaries. In this region the Pleistocene flora is very varied (Refe 6,7,9-11,13), The author investigated this flora tin the basis of samples collected by L. N. Vo-.nyachuk (1956) from exposures near Zhidovshchizna, Sanontrellniki, Pyahki, Komotovo, Zhukevichi, Gozha, and others. It was found that hereq becides the floras of the Zhidovshchizna and Samostrell- niki type special fossil floras of the type found near Zhuke- vichi as well as WUrm floras can be observed. In this paper Card 1/2 only the flora mentioned in the title in deocribed. An a nholo,