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SKMNOV, N.I.: DORONENKO, F.0, Operation of 6m excavators in quin pit mines. gor. dela AN Kazakh. SSR 7i?6-8z 060. (Strip mining) (Excavating ruichinery) Trudy Init.- (MIM 14: 6) CHAYKOP M.P.; DORONEIIKO?-Y.G. Relation between the productive ce,pacity of an open-pit mine and the type of equipment used. Trudy Inst. gor. dela AN Kazakh. SSSR 1000-98 163. (MIRA 16:8) (Mine management) ALEKSEYEVj 0.1.; MUSTAFINA, A.M.; PADYN(Y10 G.Kh.1 DORONM, F.G. Use of ohsap, explosiveis (Oigdan:Lt") in some large pits of Kazakhstan. TiUdylnst. got. dola AN Kazakh. SSSR lOtl95- 200 163. (XMh 160) Explosives) DORMENKO F.Ga; CRAYRO, N.P. Effect of the rate of mining on ".1he duratlaa of strip mina con- struction. Trudy Inat,.gor.dala All Kazakh.SSR 11408-107 164. (MIRA :Lgz:L) CUM# NJ.,; PTVMW~ AmlytIc aduUon of aWaft pivbUm In doterulnIng the tim lmgth of an opos-ot ofte uUtows, Trudly Imt, car. 69l& AM laukh. M 18084% 065, (MU 28s22) DCROMIIKGV I %j. j, kando toklIn. nal; -- - k; )US,,, M, inzh.; FISKIIIA, R.Y6.1v Anticorrosion POlYmor DOlution on the basis Of ftryl resins and mineral fillers. Strol, mat, 11 no.8123 Ag t65* *(I-,MA 18:9) DDROKMO' I.M.1 IMSMICK, B.I. Morcury-impervious coverings for floors, malls and ceilings subject to alkaline attack. Ithim.prom, no,2#.114-116 Mr 154. (KM 7:6) 1. TaNIMINSTROT. (Chemical plitnts) (Kercury) ANAN'Ylff, Boris Gerasimovich: HYISISHMMY, V,N, professor, redaktor; DOMIJ6 IMM, N.I;. r"kktor; GATALUINA, AA. *, tekbuichoskly redakto-K.- (Spatial discrimination] Prostranstvannos razlichoule. Leningrad, Isd-vo Leningradskogo universiteta, 1955. 186 p. (KW 9:5) (Spiwe perception) DORONENKOj Yq.P,, 0 MOMMO Features situated of the operation of truck tranoportation in open pit$ on hillsideso IYWy Inst.gor.dols, UFAN SSSR no.405-61 162. (Mine haulage) (MIRA 16t5) VASILIYEV, M,V.) DORONERwPjKJP-t; SUBBOTIN,, ki-3m, Basio lawo goveming the novement of heainr-duty dump trucks down open pits situated on hillsides, Trudy Inst,gor.dela UFAN SSSR no, /4141-148 162. (mine bokulage) OCRA 16:5) VASILIYEVt M.V.j VIYUKMNA, A.S.; MQ0NMp,.Yq.,~.; ZEDZITEV, K.V., kand. tekbn. naukj LATS, V.M.; PAAMOV, G.V.; POPOV, V.Ye.; TROITSKIT, D.P.; FADDKM~ B.V.; TSVETAYEVA, Z.N.; ZUBRILOVt L.Ye.., kand. tekhn. nauk$ otv., red.; MAKAAOVA, N.U., red.; PALIMIN, M.Z., tekhn. red. [Evaluation and the prospects of the development of the mineral resources for ferrous metallurgy in Chelyabinsk area] Otsenka i perspektivy razvitiia syrfevoi bazy chernoi metal- lurgii Cheliabinskogo raiona. Sverdlovsk, AN SSSRI 1964. 67 p. MIRA 17:4 VASILIYEV, M.V,, doktor takhn.nauk; DQRONENKO, je.P.,, inzh. - , Methods of selecting an efficient grade for automobile roads in the use of truck transportation in strip jaines, Izvevys, ucheb.zav.:gor.zhur. 7 no. 1:125-131 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Institut gornogo dela Gosudarstvennogo Kontiteta po chernoy i tovetnoy metallurgil. pri Gosplane SSSR. Rekomendavana. kafedroy otkrytykh rabot, Sverdlcyvakogo gornogo instituta. ALEKSL"YEV; S.N.; ANTIP111, V.A.; ART&ONOV, V.S.; LAULAYEVp G.A., inzh.; VOWLIM,, Me.; GOLIDEZIBMG, I.I.L.; GORINA, B.S.; GOFENj D.A.; GRISHIN, M.Ye,j# DERESHMUCH, Yu.V.; DqBMUMW,1.&,--MNOV, I.Ya., doktor tokhn. nauk, prof.; LEYRIYJI, V.E.; LUTONIVI N.V.; XOWKANOV, A.V., dots.; ROGINI A.Ya.; PAKHOMOVt 14.14.; FROTOSAVITSKAYAp Ye.A.; ROMOV, I.V.; CHAPLITSKIY, L.A.; TSEYTLIN, A.G.;9MV'7EpP.K.; 1,110SHCHANSKIY, H.A.p doktor toklm. nauk.. profo, red*; PEREVALYUK, H.V.2 red.izd-va; TMKINA, Ye.L.,, [Corrosion protection in the construction of industrial buildings] Zashcbita ot korrozii v promyshlennor, stroitell- stve. Moskvas Goestroiizdat,, 1963. 406 p. (M:1RA 16:12) (Corrosion and anticorro3ives) (Industrial buildinga) DORONM. OVA,,- A.--H. .(Vladimiro ul. Maktrozavodalutya, 4a, kv. 8) Chorioepitbolima of the OTUT (one obBervation). Vop. onk. 8 no.33103-104 162. (MIRA 15:4) 1. la ginskologlchookogo otdoleniya oblastnoy bollnitay g. Vladimira (glay. vraeb - B. 14. Trukhnov, konvulltant - )cand. sod. nauk Ya. H. Ananlyev) (OVARIES-CANCER) BURTSIV, A.D.; SAGUSM, V.V,; LUPAVOV, B.P*; BOGACTEIV, A.F.; SKRNOT. GoP;; I I AHDROIWA, Te.I.; OIZXATM, T.K.; PINW, A.T.; SMCOX, R.S.; NOW, Ye.S.; DOROMMO, S.P.;.KW3M', D.B.; ZOIMIKOV. N.M.; SHPILMO, SVIRIDOV, LA- Using exothermic mixtures for heating the heads of steel castings. Prom;,energ. 15 no.6.-14 Je 160. (MIRA 13:7) Vouiding) VASILIYKV, M.V.; DORCNENKO, Ye.P. I Construotion and use of strip mine motor roads. Trudy Gor.-geol. inst. UFAN SSSR no.55:51-460 160. (MM 15t6) (Mine haulage) -L insh. VASILIM.. doktor tokbn, nauk; DMONMO,,, Ye. P� Safe driving of d=p trucks On BUSP descents in open pits. B*sOP-truda v prom. 7 no,4t7-8 Ap 1630 (MM 164) I. Institut, gornogo delAp S"rdlovok. (Nim ba`U3-&99--S&f*t'y measures) PSTAOV, 0., doktor takhaichaskikh nauk; PVZM, L., landidat takhatchs- skikh nauk; DOROKKNM. I., inzhomer; IICZXRSI:IY. A., inshener. -awmalwWww~ facing slabs made of phenolits. Stroi.nat., isdelA konstr. 2 no.5:33-34 My 156. OUAL 9-. 8) Orloors) (Walls) DORONENKOV. I.; TRZBMOV. P. : Y2ftMKIY. A. Introducing plastic material@ in construction, Strol. met. 4 no.L18-21 Ja 158. (MIRA lls2) l.Direktor TSentrallnoy nauchno-iseledovatellskiSy laboratorii stroy- materialoy khimicheskoy promyshlennosti (for Doronankov). 2,Glavnyy inzhener TSentraltnoy nauchno-inaledovatellskoy hLboratorii stroy- materialov khimichookoy promrshlennosti (for Trebdmv). 3.Zavedrqmshchiy TSentrallnoy nauchno-iseledovatellskoy laboratoriyey stroymaterialov. khimicheakoy pror7ohlonnosti (for Tesorskiy). (Plastics) GRIGCFL TRV,P.N. [deceased] ; DOROLIUMOVII.M.; AVRMOVA,U.B., reduktor; SHPAK,Yo#G., tokhnicamumv xmwuuwvvr,,- [Protwing coustruction elements frm corrosion] I;ashchita stroi elIny-M koustr*tsil 0b k"W". Hookya, Gov. bao- takhn.izd-Y khim.lit-ry 19 - rHM 9:3.) ~Gorrosioa ;!& Mt loorrooll I've a) all a flandbook on Machine-Building Materials (Cont.) .90V/4419 Sterilizing plates 565 Sheet asbestos materials 565 "Paronit" [A packing material made of asbestor fiber, and filled and vulcanized synthetic rubbers] 565 "Electronit" [Asbestos-rubber insulating material] 568 Asbestos-steel sheets 568 Reinforced linen 568 Asbestos board 568 Asbestos papers 569 Asbestos and non-asbestos packings 571 Special packings 571 Asbestos friction articles 581 Typical methods of testing asbestos articles 586 Ch. X. Cast Stone, Ceramics, Porcelain (Po2Tp SAkoy, I.M., Engineer; I. Ya, Klinov., Professor, Doctor of Fechnicall neftebs) 589 General information 589 Characteristico of cast atone articles 589 The chemical resistance of cast atone 590 C aM,11,45 HerAlbook on Machine-Building Materials (Cont.) SOV/4419 CH. YA. Glass andalaas Articles Liquid glass 649 quartz glass (Billvestrovich, S.I., A.N. Afansalyev,Ji.M. DoronenkcRr.- and I.Ya. X11now) 652 niw _91"k 659 Glass fiber and glass-fiber articles 6Q Glass stalinite (stalinite - a very btrd Soviet tool &Uoy] 673 pleks" ETripl~x 676 Shatterproof glass ("Tri 3) Ch. nI. Miner&l Binding Substances an& Articles Made ftan Then 9 S.N.,, Candidate of Technical Science (TAVin . Building lime, air-hardening 679 Gypsum binding substances 681 Magnesia binders 684 Building lime, hydraulic 686 I~arkerls Ronan cement 6M Portland cement w Alminous cement 69,7 Expanding cements 700 Slag cements 701 Acid-resistant cements 704 ]Products made frcm binding substances T05 GOW]MV, K.Ta,;DORONWOYA,.AJ6-1- %WO&AUV"W Case of intraerterial blood transfusion. Akush. gJz. no-5:79 Sffpt-Wt 1953. (CIXL 25:4) 1. Of the Oynecological Division (Head -- M. To, G-olubev), Vladimir Oblast Hospital. BASKANOT, V.A.; BOROVIII, I.P.; GUSXV, S.G.; DOKUCHATEV. )1.M.; KUKUNOT# I.M.; PzMV, S.P.; DOROUIMXVAj--A.A,. nauchnyy red.; FRMOVA, T.Ne, red.izd-va; GILIUMP-PI.-G.,; RUPAKOVA, N.I., [Opencast mining and Iblasting operational Otkryt3v gornye i vsryvn" raboty, 'Pod red. I.M.lukunova. Moskva, Goo.izd-To lit-ry po stroit., arkhit, i stroit.wtarialam, 1959. 333 P. (Strip mining) (Blasting) (KMA 13:4) BARON, Lasarl Izrailevich, prof,, doktor takhn.nauk, red.; DOKUCHAM. Mikhail Moiseyevich; VABILIYXV, Georgiy Aleksandmich; P-OH-Offi- _GHiU,LyVdqUA A yn _SLASTUNOV, T.G., gorVy insh., reteensent; ROKADINOV, A.T., gorn" inzh.. retsensent; TAMONTOV, A.D.,; 3IPTAGINA, Z.A., red.izd-va; NORUFMOVA, Z.A.,, [Blasting operations In ore idningi a handbook] 'Fzryvnyo raboty T gornoradnoi prom7shlennosti; spravochnoe posobios. Pod red. L.1. Barons. Moskva, Gom.nauohno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po gorncom delu, ig6o. 18i p. (Mining engineering) (KIRA 13:3) DOKUCHAYEV) M.M.; VASIL'YE;V) G.A.j D-OLNQUPTY~, L.A.; MELIIIIKOV, NOV0.9 akademik, red.; GOMDZOVA, N.A.,, red. izd-va; KASIPDV.. D.7a.., tekhn. red.j GOLIBERG, "A.M., tokbn. red. (Handbook on drilling and blasting in constructior.]SpravochRik po burovzryvrWm rabotam na stroitollatve. Moskva,, Cosstroiizdat., (MIU 15:12) 3.962. 392 P. (Boring) (Blasting) ROOVAs A.Aj lr,.-7t I . ~!,C. is Unit fbr tl* produatim of lotmgm with a lAgh d#gm of pirltyo. KbIn prow6 41 noo 1219al-904 D 165 OMA 1911) WPM JD/WW/JW/JXT(cz) ACC NRI AP6005281 SOURCE CODE; IIR/0413/66/OOCI/001/0023/0023 INVENTOR.~ Rodin&, A. A, Doronloheva, N. I.; ri Ne Se-1 Khroinchenko, ye, ORO: none TI=: Devic for the fine purification of hydrogen. Class 120 1 414. announce e LNo F414.0 d by the State Soi ntific Research and Planni tuE- T_ I Inst.16tu e or the Rear-Metal Industry (Gosudarstvennyy nauchno- -i-S-S-10dovateVeRly I proyeldnyy 17n_s-t=u re3kometalll-c-Hesko 2rom ran.Lennoura SOURCE: Izobreteniyas promyshlennyye obraztsy* tovarnyye znaki, no, l, 19660 23 TOPIC! TAGS: hydrogen,, hydrogen purification,, hydrogen filter ABSTRACT; An Author Certificate has-been issued describing a hydrogen- refiring purification device containing a filter diaphragm made o metals or alloys possessing seleotive,penetrability f.o:r hydrog,en.f/ To prevent thepenetration or impurities from technical-g:,sade gen into pure hydrogen through leaks In the filter diaphralp and to make possible the rapid detection of such impuritieej, the f.'Llter diaphragm is built into an air-tight housing maintained under va(Mum (see Fig. 1) 2- ~UDCt 6,'061.23 661.265 Cord 1/2 -6 I - .0321-66 EVIP (WENT(dVeNT ,._30248_-~~ - (m)/ERP(h)/EWP(!)/EVP(v)YEWP(Il~ETI LJF.(c w ACC NR, AP6013811 SOURCE COM UR/0064/65/000/612/022/00-14-1 AUTHOR: Rodina, A. A.; Domnichava, N. 1. ORG: none S TITLE: Apparatus for the preparation of high-purity bydro IIVI SOURCE: Khimicheskaya promyshlennost', no. 12, 1966, 22-24 TOPIC TAGS: hydrogen, gas filter, palladium, palladium alloy,. silver alloy ABSTRACT: A deviceX~which produces high-purity hydrogen by filtration through a dia- phragm of purW -palladium or its alloys is described. A diagram of the device is shownl in fig. 1. Figure 2 shows the dependence of the output of the device on the entrance pressure at a constant exit excess pressure of 1 tech. atm at various temperatures. AJ 5500C and P=5 tech. atm, the output of pure hydrogen was 35 l/hr or 440 cm3/hr from 1 CM2 of the surface of the diaphragm (which consisted of an alloy of 70% Pd and 30% Ag and was 0.1 mm thick). No oxygen or nitrogen impurities were found in the hydrogen produced (the sensitivity of the analytical apparatus was 10-7%). The dew point of the hydrogen was below -600C, which corresponded to a moisture content of 10 mg/m3. Orig. art. has: 3 figures. UDC: 661. C d--1/2 to rig. 2. Dependenco of output of device on entrance pressure at various temperatures (exit pressure, 1 tech. atm) 1--250OC; 2-- 3000C; 3--380OC; 4---4600C; 5--500OC; 6-- jimpurities 5500C. Fig. 1. Diagram of device: 1--diffu- sion chamber; 2--filtering element; 3--heater; 4--thermal screens; 5--thermocouple-, 6--current lead. SUB CODE: 07/ SUBM DATE: 14OMe. / ORIG REF: 003/ OTH REr: 006 1)/0 fo r, L 30248-66 ACC NRs AP6013811 -J 33333-66 EY31MVE21(t) ZFT I I It ACC ~-R---A-P-60-21773 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/012/0032/0033 'NVENTOR: Rodina, A. A.; Ul'yenov, E.; Doronicheya, X. I. )RG: none rITLE: Purification of hydrogen. Claso 12, No. A2698 )OURCE: Izobreteniya, pronVahlennyye obraztay, t(jvarnyye maki, no. 12, 1966, 32-33 VPIC TAGS: hydrogen, purification, palladium, silver, silver palladium diaphragm IBSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been Issued for a method of bX~wgtp%u ' rification Lnvolving filtration through heated palladium-silver-alloy diaphragms. To intensif'k ;he process and to increase the strength of the diaphragms, the method provides for ~he addition of 5-10% nickel t2 the alloy. IBO] 'UB COM 07/ SUBM DATE: l9jul65/ ATD PRESS: um 661.965 DMONIX.N.I.; OSMINIII.t.N. Mechanization of strOlghtening and stacking of transformer plates following stamping. Stan. j Inotr.?6 no.10:29-30 0155. (Shoot-metal work) (KIBA 9:1) ' (WROVIN p A, APDREMs Vs , atarohiy ma9ter Study room on building machinery. Prof.-tekh. obr. 18 no,7:12-13 JI 161, (KIRA 3A.: 7) 1. Z=estitsll direktora po uchebno-proizvodstvennoy rabote atroitelinogo uchilishcha No.l. g. Konchegorsk (gor Dore-dn). 2. Rukovoditell kabineta makhanizataii stroitellnogo uchillaboha No.1, Monchegorsk (for AndreyeAr). (Building trades--.'.',tudy and teaching) DORONIN$ A. Faa2ination tasks for graduatii* students. Prof.-takh.obr. 19 no.2t16 P 162. (MRA 15:2) 1, Zamestitelf direktora atroltellnogo uchilishcha No.1, g. Monchegorsk. (Building trades--Study and teaohing) SHLYAKHTINP Ya.l.; ZHOROVAI, A.G.; ANANCHENICOP X.V.; GRISOTIN, V.G.; rVANOV" V.I,; DORONIN, A.A*; POPOVA, M.S.9 insh.; TARASMKOO LL; ROMANOVI, A. -I H"O " Af.; LAPTEVp G.I.,, inzh. Who should perform the forwarding and earrier services? Zhel. dor. transp. 45 no.6:42-45 Js 163- (KrRA 16:7) 1. Zameatitell nachallnika stantaii Smolensk Moskovskoy dorogi po gruzovoy Tabote (for Sh3jyakhtin). 2. Nachaltnik pogruzkontory otantoii Smolensk Mookovskoy dorogt (for Zhorova). 3. Zavs- duyushchiy grmsovyx dvorom stantaii Smolensk Moskovskoy dorogi (for Ananchenko), 4. Nachaltnik tovarnoy kontory otantaii Smolensk Mookmkoy dorogi (for Griahutin). 5. Zaveduyushchiy kontaynernoy ploshchadkoy stantaii Smolensk MoBkovskoy dorogi (for Ivanov). 6. Sekretarl partiynogo byuro stantaii Smolensk Moskovskoy dorogi ~for Taraaenko). 7. Stantaiya Smolensk Moskovskoy dorogi (for Doronin, Romanqv,, Popov&). 8. Upravlya- yushchiy Smolenakim oblaatnym aytotrestom (for Zhukov). (Freight and freightage) DORONIN. A.D.,, insh. Use of the narrow-band filters of the control channel raceiver for selective measurements, Avtom,p telem. i aviaz' 5 no.5:22-25 My '61. (KM 34:6) 1. lzmeritelinaya gruppa Omskogo lineyno-apparatnogo sala. (Railroads-Electronic eqapment) BATRAKV; ~0110110p A.G. Influence of morphine on the resistance of animals to other during ontogeneeis. Fpm. i toks. 21+ no-43410-416 J:L-Ag 161. (MIRA 1419) 1. Kafedra farmakologii (zav. - Prof. Dnepropetrovskago meditsinakofo instituta. (ETHER (ANESTHETIC)) MORPHINE) (GROWTH) DORONINI AJI.~ KAIIANOVAt O.L. Chronopotent tome trIc method for determininr ml fir--%conc en trat ions of monovalent thallium after its elect-clyvIc on 9 rotating platinum disk electrode. ZhLr. nnhl. knm, 20 no.12! 1',121-1)24 165. (m:p,~ I. Insti-tut Feokhindi I nnAllticnesl(oy kHmii lir.~~nl V.1, Vernadskogo AN SSSR, Moskva, 5ubmitted November 3, 1964. !L-28 I OL-1~ m)/r/c--,,-,P (t)/rT IIJP(c) JD k Eva ( ACC AP6014140 SOURCE CODE: AUTHOR: Doronin, A. N.; Kabanovam 0. L. ORG: Institute of Geoebemistry and Analyti Vernadskif AN--SSSR, oe-c-ow-7-Institut izookbi UR/0075/65/020/012/1321/1324 al Chemistry ims Vs Is ii i analiticbeakoy khimii TITLE: Cbronopotentiometrie method fQr determination of micro concentrations of monovalent -tballium1fter electrolytical accumulation on a rotating disk platinum electrode SOURCE: Zhurnal analitiolieskoy khimii, v, 20,, no., 12# 19659 1321-1324 TOPIC TAGS: tballium, quentitativa'analysiss potentiometer ABSTRACT: The article describea,tbe determination of Tl(I) down to a minimum concentration of 5 x 10- M* During the cathode cycle (preliminary accumulation) the following electrochemical reactions take place at the electrode: Hjr+2e-c*'Hr. tl! + T1 fty, (2) Mt.+ 2t UDC: L 38108-66 ACC NRI AP6014140 A rotating platinum electrode in the form of a disk was placed i~ a Teflon tube, The surface of the electrode was equal to 0.126 cm , The cathode and anode spaces were separated by a porous glass diaphragm, The call bad a capacity of 100 ml, The speed of rotation of the disk was 3009 rev/min. Polarization was carried out at a current density of 15 ma/om for 3 minutes after the current was turned on, Cbronopotentiograms were taken with a type Sl-4 osaillograph with an entry resistance of 20 milliohms. The amalgam of iballium was deposited at a constant potential of E - 1*0 volts, Within 5 minutes after the start of the electrolysis, the current was shut off and an oscillograpbic determination was made of the change with time of the potential of the amalgam electrode, The experimental results are sbqyn~ in graphic and tabular form.n It was found.Sbat, for solutions of T1 within the limits of 5 x 10-' to 1.9 x 10-0-9 there is a straight line relationship between the transition time and the con tration of thallium ions. It was.shown that it k4 possible to culate transition times for the dissooiationivof thin layeraRelf am YT the amaig J( Paraday law, Orig. art. has,* 4 formulas,, 2 figures and I table. CODE: 079 201. SUBM DATEt 03Nov64/ ORIG REF: 0031 OTH REF-- 005 Card 2/2MI-/' ACC SOURCE CODE: AUTHOR: 3Lgrollino L.-a.Ampecov); Doronin.-O. scov) q ORG: none TITLE: Using the method of chain motor conditioned reflexes to study the effect of a rarefied atmosphere on CNS functions SOURCE: Zburnal vysshey nervnoy deyatellnosti, v. 15, no. 5, 1965, 831-83T TOPIC TAGS: animal physiology, conditioned ref3ex, reflex activity, CNS hypoxia_ ABSTRACT: The higher nervous activity of ten vhite rats exposed to pressure-chamber altitudes of 3000-7000 m Vas studied by observing shifts in their chain food-pro- iuring reflexes. The results of the studies are given in Fig. 1 and Table 1. It vas oil Fig. 1. Change in the duration of: ..various components of the chain'food- '.procuring reflex in rarefied atmospheres 1 - First component; 2 - second; 3 - third. It Ij L 7719F-66 C AC. Ws AP1025161 Table 1. Duration of various components of the chain motor reflex in rarefied atmospheres (sec) Alti- Duration of motor -reactions Imt 2nd al tude comDonent- comDonent M) ime 00 - 1,38*0.04 1540,03 t 37*0'M 4.29t0 07 BOW 1 32+0,16 1:59:0.10 1:42tO,O3 4,32tO:24 400D 1:91*0,18 t'61 *0.06 114810104 5,10*0,22 5WO 2 1711,34 2,tOtOM t'afto 08 6.50;0,3t OW 3: 0134 2,29,t0.09 1'95:0.10 7,4f*0,42 TOOD 3.02tO.59 2,93:0,42 2AItO.0 8,66.*1,04 Control concluded that, at altitudes of 4000-7000 m, the complicated system of chain motor conditioned reflexes is significantly disturbed. The development of protective in- hibition during acute anoxia leads to disruption of the components of food-procuring movements while elementary analytical proceaces and the synthesis of conditioned stin uli are maintained. Using this type of conditioned reflex, it is possible to study the mechanism of complex analytical-synthetic activity in the cerebral cortex. It is felt that this method is sufficiently precise for general studies of how various environmental factors influence the.higher nervoUB activity of animals. Orig. art. has: I table and 2 figures. (CD) DOROMN, F. Second A.11-Union Conference of Surgeons, Uound Specialists and Anesthesiologists* Zdrav.Bel. no.307-69 162. (MIRA 15:5) (SURGERY, PMSTIC-~IIGHESSES) (AWTHESIOLOGY-COWGRIMES) DORONIN,, Fedor Ilikolayevich;-AVILOV, B.I., red.; 2MID, V.V.1, -wx=o reae (Cicatricial stenosis of the esophagus) Rubtsovye Buzhe- niia, pishchevoda. Saratov, Izd-vo Snratovskogo univ.,, 1961. 196 P. (MMA 15.- 2) (ESOPHAGUS-ABIOIDIITIES AND DEFOMITIES) DOROVINs A.Ya. Using radioactiyi-ty methoos for tracing tectonic zones. lkwed. i okh. nedr 27 no.3%44,-45 mr la. (KERA-3-05) 1. Beiazovskaya geologorazvedochnaya partlya. (Geologys Strtwtural) (Radioactivity prospecting) DOHONINO D R IDPATINA., X.Bel FAXHIHOVA, M.N.; VOLTUTSIT. M.8.; 0 0 Now designs of pneumtlc grinding =chinos. Prom.energ. 15 nos4:15 Ap 160, WU 13:6) (Grinding machines) DORONIN, Y.G. Auto--'Mc'ftrt*r for ST-35 equipment. Aytom., telem. i sri&zl no.2: 10-31 7 '57. (MM 10:4) l..Biektromakhanik Moskovskoy distantaii signalizateii i nvyazi KbskMko-kazanskoy doragi. (Railroads--Automatio train control) Fly KONMTCHIDWO A.F., ksndidat tekhnichesVkh nauk; REPRV, A.Z., in- zhener, reteenzent; DOROMO F.H., reteensent; ZHU, A,A., re- daktor; IKARA YBUT, reaa=or; NUMV, ?.A., tekhnichaekiy redaktor [Problems of constructing railroad bads In mountainous areas] Vo- prosy sooru2beniia'shelexuodoroshnogo zemlianogo polotna. Y gornykh uslovitakh. Moskva, Goa. tranaportnoe thal-dor. ixd-vo, 1951, 110 P. Oan 8:6) (Railroad--Oonstraction) ; ~- ') :- j: .. -.11. , Fedor Irikolayevich Trcz.t~ient of sto::xich crwaps of ocs,)phaLus of chil('run Diesertation for candidulle of a Scicncc~ der--,rec Chair !,-)f I;ursez-,, --lurl-ar-jr (head prof. N.V. Zakhamv) Adicl Inctitute, 1952 DMONINf 't kwAidat inditainskikh nank -;~ Ail Aponeurotto grafting technic in gastrostomy. Khtrurgila. no.8: 47-50 Ag '54. (MLRA 7:n) 1. Is kafedry detskoy Wmrgil (sav. prof, X.T.Zakharov) I kafedry gospitallnoy khtrurgii (sav. prof. A.N.Spiridonov) Saratovskogo moditsinskogo Inatituta. (STOMACH, surgery, gastrostomy, aponeurotic grafting) DOWNIN, F.H., kandidat meditsinskikh nauk Treatmnnt of suppurative septic dissafies of the face and scalp with intracarotid administration of penicillin procaine solu- tion. Vest.khir. 74 no.8:38-40 D 154. MBA 8:10) 1. Is kafedry goopitallnoy khtrurgii ( A.N.Spiridonov) Saratovskogo gosudarstgennogo meditsinskogo Instituta. Adres avtora: Saratov, Astrakhanskaya ul# d-71 kv.7. (HEAD, diseases, suppurative & septic dive.ther,,procaine penicillin) M ICILLIN, derivatives, procatne-penicillin, ther. of suppurative & septic die. of head) 'rfr-'RPTA Secec V01.11/" Surgery JulY 195? IV rN F IV 3699, DORON IN F, N. Med. Inst., Saratoff. ;,Occ I u a ion of t lie a t ri ct u red foreign bodies (Russian text) SOVETSK.MED. 1956, 4 (67- 70) Various foreign bodies (meat, frutt stones, balls, ctc.) become casily Impacted i-n a cicatricial stricture of the oesophagus, causing complete occlusion of the lumen. In such a case the general condition of the patient deteriorates far more rapidly than could be explained by mere starvation. Factors to be considered are: (1) marked disturbances of secretory and motor function of the howels, (2) ascending anacrobic Infection of the bowels and (3) stasis in the portal system issociated with a failure of liver function. itemovai or a foreign body by ~csophagoscopy in, in these cases, difficult and often unsuccessful. If the goneral condition of the patient is bad, the author suggests doing gastrostomy first. After 3 - 4 days he makes the patient vomit by introducing into the stomach a considerable amount of warm water. This manoeuvre is, in his experience, usually successful in ex- pelling the foreign body from the stricture. After some days treatment of the oesophageal stricture, preferably by retrograde bouginage, should be instituted. Szpunar - Cracow (XI, 0) DGRONINt F.H., kand.sed.nouk (Saratov) . Multiple foreign bodies in the stomseb. 35 no,11:146-147 N 157. (MWA 11:2) 1. Iz kafedry gompitallnoy khii-argii (sev. - prof. A.M.9piridorov) leehabn o fakulitsta Serstovskogo weditelookofo instituts. ISTOUGHp foreign bodies sultiple,surg.) DOROWIN Y.N. kandidat moditsinskikh nauk (Saratov, Attrakhanskeya ul., 7 O&uoalgy treatment by novoaala injection into the common carotid artery. Test.khir. 78 no-3:127 Ur 157. (KLRA 10:6) 1. li-gospitallsoy khirurgicheskoy klinikl (sav. - prof. AJF% Spirldonov) IeolhOnogo fakalsteta Saratovskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (MERAMUO Procaluf, inject, auto comou" caro'tid' art'ery (Rus)) (nOCAINE, thir. use neursUia, inject,into common carotid artary (Bus)) DOROVIN. F,N#, Imnd.medgnauk (serstov) The problem of surgery in cholecystitis. 36 no.2:75-83 1 158, (MIRA 1l-,4) 1. Is goi~italtncy khimrgichaskoy kliniki (sav. - prof. A.N. Spiridoni*) lechabnogo fakalitsta Saratovskogo meditsinskogo institute' ZGBOLIMYSTROTOKY, in varioue die. cholsoystitts, indice & hazards (Rus)) DCRONN, F.M., (Saratov) Invagination of the small intestine into the stomach through a gastroonteroanastomosis. 16 no.4:85-88-Jq1V'(MIRA 11:5) 1. Is kafedry gospitallnoy khirurgii (sav. - prof. A.N. Suiridonov) lechebnogo fakullteta. Saratovskogo meditsinakogo Instituta. (INTUSSUSCEPTION, case reports Invagination of small Atestine into stomach through gastroonteroanastomosis (Stus)) (STOKAGH, surg.' jejunojunogastrostomy, postop. InvAginAtion of small intestine into stomach through anRe,tomosis (RUB)) (MUM, surg. same) DORONIIT) F.- N.' ~Cand. of Med. Sci.) -- Baratov "Remote Heaults of Treatment of Esopbageal Strictures.11 Report submitted for the 27th Congress of Surgeons of the USSR, Moscow, 23-28 may 1.96o. DORONIN, F.N. Intracarotid administration of novocaine, in clinical pmotics and in experiment. Ekspero kbir. 5 no.4:53s.!6 Je-Ag 160 NMA 13:12) (NOVOCAINE) e DOROKIN, F*N* Intracarotid sellninlotration of navocaine in qerebroemnial leoions, Voot.Khir. 84 no.63120-123 Jo '60. (MIRA 13*-12) (NOVOCAINE) (BRAIN-WOUNDS AND IN31RIM) DOROVIR, F.K., kandmedonauk I'- I-,-.---------------,----.- Preventing complications in the osteooyntbeois of open fractures of tuWar bonea. Xhizurgiia no*927-13 161. (MIRA 15:5) 1. 1z kafedry gospitalIncry khirurgii (zav. - prof. A.K. Spiri- donov) lechebnogo fakillteta Saratovskogo moditoinakogo inatitutas (FRACTURES) 0 ACCESSION NR: ATIO42678 S/0000/63/000/000/0173/0176 AUTHOR: Doronin, G. Pe -TITLE: An investigation of chain motor conditioned reflexes during prolonged oxpocure of animals to an altered respiratory medium SOURCE: Konferentaiya po, aviatsionnoy i kosmicheskoy meditsine, 1963- Aviatsionnaya i kosmicheskaya melitsina (Aviation and space medicine); materialyo konferents'ii. Moscow, 1963, 173-176 TOPIC TAGS: chain motor reflex, respiratory gas, rat, carbon dioxide effect, high altitude affect, chain reflex activity, hypoxia, altered respiratory medium ABSTRACT: Chain motor conditioned reflexes*of white rats were tested in normal and increased concentrations of carbon dioxide at simulated altitudes up to 10,000 meters. Duration of the testa was from 2 to 60 days. In a 2% carbon dioxide medium there was no substantial change in the structure of chain reflexes, during the first three days. The characteristic reactions were lengthened periods of motor activity. However, in a 5% carbon dioxide medium there were sharp alterations in chain reflex activity after one days By the accond week there Card 1/2 AccEssioN NR: AT4o42678 was restoration of chain reflexes on some levels although reaction to conditioned inhibitory stimulus remained unstable, indicating a growing deficit of internal inhibition. It was observed that maintaining a normal oxygen level in rarefield atmospheres preserved chain reflexes. However, brief hypoxia at simulated alti- tudes of 4,000 and .5,000 motors disrupted the structure of chain rbfloxetj and evoked a phase condition. At 6,500 motors, some,animala displayed full inhibition! sooner than complex generated systems of conditioned motor reflexes* It was con- cluded that the sensitivity of obain motor reflexes makes them a useful tool in aviation and space medicine., ASSOCIATION: none SUBMM 278op63 ENCL: 00 8VB CODE: LS NO REF SOV: 000 or 000 Card 2/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4002548 S/0247/63/013/006/0953/0962 AUMOR: Agadzhanyan, 14'. A,; Bizin,, Yu. Po; Doronin, G, P,; Kuznetsov, A, G, ................. TITM: Changes in higher nervous activity and in some veqotative roaotions during a prolonged stay in rolativo adynamia and isolation SOURCE: Zhurnal vy*sal.,Aoy norvnoy doyatolinosti,, v. 139 no. 60 19639 953-962 TOPIC TAGS: higher nervous activity, vegetative nervous system, adynamia, adynamia affee-tv isolation, isolation 6ffoct, norvous activity, central nervous system, afforent impulse, confinod onvironment ABSTRACT: Two human i3ubjeets worestudied in a specially equippod SBY--48 pressure chamber under conditions of relative adynamia and isolation for a period of 60 days. Conditionod roflox reactions wore recorded by a multichannel osoillograph. Electromyogram,, EGG, EEG, respiratory rate, and blood pressure were used as indices of physio- logical reac~iona, Work oapaoity of the subjects was determined by thoir roaotion to lidat signals,, ability to solve mental problems# Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4002.548 and coordination of movement. It was found that conditioned reflex activity is characterized by waves and phases during the various periods of investigation, A subject's ability to coordinate difficult movement does not changes but his ppead of movement is distinctly lower. Fatigue and emotional instability appear betwoon the 10th and 16th days and work capacity is reduced. Hoart rate increases, and respiratory rate and blood pressure decrease, After a physical load, physiological reactions are restored much later in the second half of the experiment. Changos in vegetative and motor reactions appear to be caused by proteetivo blocking of the central nervous system and by its reduced exoitability. To compensate for the unfaVorable conditi,- ons of hypodynamia and isolations a special program of physical exercises should be developed to ensure inoroz~sed work capacity* vOrig. art. has: '6 figures and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: None SUBMITTED: 20Apr63 DATE ACqj O7J&n64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE:. AM Card 2/2-'~ NO REP SOV: 021 OTHER: 000 -T~!tfl~t~ -58 65:~-_-- 8 ACCESSION NR: AP5015946 LTP,/2047/65/015/00310438/6444 612.014.464+612.275 616-001.11+612.833.81 'AUTHOR- Agadzbp Ni~ -A. M63 _yen, cow); Bjvip~ Ytl._~Po (Koscow); Doronin, G~~- P.--- i(Moscow- I; - Kuznd~ta~~-& G. (Koscow) TITLE: Effect an animtts of p11olonged inhalation of pure oxygen at low barometric pressurN3 SOURCE: Zhurnal -'~yssh4iy_ nez"moy do atellnosti -vi- 15-,- no, 3 1965,- 438;-444--- Y TOPICTAGS: low-- press ire'chambet~ barometric pressure, respiration, iiater meta- bolism, salt metabolisfi, central system ABSTRACT: Central ner'!~ous system function. and some Indices of water and salt'Meta-i. w dogs 6 ieated- - ' ' I ure correspondin -lbolism were studied I db to ow.'Preas G to an altitude of 10,000-MA198 :mm 'Hjj,)--d!MIng* -a-prolonged -stay- (about -100- -days an -atmosphere of pule oxyge -il-.- No s!.gnIfJoant changes uere detected in the animals. rirmly ~estab'~ishcd chain mot,jr conditioned reflexes were not Impaired. They c=Pletely M., tained - their 9 t ructura a nd the temporary characteristics of the individual links.- ard 1/2 L 5885845 1ACC1,!SSION 14R.- AP5015946 IThe first part of the experiMen"as marked of iwern,.-l in.&Hbiti-m-l" --t ----------- - lwhif:h was reflected in more naner-ous inadequate and negative rea,tlonf-, to ~he u i; e 0 'onditioned inhi)ltiari. As the animals adapted, these n~;icl i ins tqtcame normal, i on that the balance in the basic nerve procesres wx-.~ -esrored. During the first '30 days, ::hanges were observed In water-salt hydno- -ai.~aclt_y of the r.~Jn. mduced bl3od salt, in -dt(- -xcretion si-t e and loss of weight. These changes becam IeGG -Ir-T:-Iincel as the ani- X-rat and morphological Lnvestigation,- showei -r~i ~i- v-ilujie of the 3,1 ~ 'nerax iecreased during the Hirst few days of the ~xpcr m,-_nt. These changes :~:~T~S 7,f conge3tion in the blood v,!ssels of the Dulmonar-i c r~iilett inn- and ate- .".C-y pro~red to be functionai in nature and mvemible art. has, ASS, ~C I AT ION inone SUBMTTED: 27May64 110 VEF SOV- 007 j~ard 2/_2___ ENCL., 00 OTHER: 002 SUB CODE: LS L j4gZL_66 E5q,(1)/Fs(v)_3 S07B DD/RD ACC NR: AT60)3838 SOIECE CODE: UR/2865/65/OQ4/O00/0D31/0D43~ AUTHCR: AgadishTya N. A.; Bizing Yu. P.; Doronin, G. P.; Iltin,_Y A.; Kuznetsovp A. Go; lezopchuk,, N. I* ORG: none TITLE: Effect on the human organism of a prolongeti sojourn in 'a closed chamber of small volwae SOURCE: AN SSSR. Otdeleniye biologicheakikh nauk. Froblemy kosmicheskoy biologii, v. 4, 1965j, 31-43 TOPIC TAGS: man,, respiration,, life support system, apace chamber test) space physiologyp central nervous system cardiovascular system, apace psychology ABSTRACT: Experiments were performed in order to study the natur"e*of changes in the bWc functions of the organism during a. prolonged stay by 2 subjects 3 An a specially equipped pressure chamber with a 7-m capacity. Air com- i position, temperature, and humidity -were autompki maintained at a pally constant level by means of a special life-supp=o'rt ssys'tem developed by G. 1. Badikov, 'B. A. Miloslavov, and G, 1, Solovlyoy, The automatic system Card 115 L 14271-66 ACC NR: AT6003838 maintained a partial oxygen pressure of 155-165 mm Hg, the C02 content below 2 imm Hg, the air temperature at'19. 5 to 23. V C, and the relative humidity at 40- 701/6. Telephone communications with the subjects were kept to a minimum. High,er nervous activity, the bioelectrical activitt of the cerebral cor-. tex, standard EKG, arterial pressure, gas exchange, functions of external respiration, and oxygen saturation of the blood were studied during the course of the experiment. Daily tests of blond and urine were made. Dc- tailed medical examinations were thade before "after the ex:)eriment. As the experiment progressed, the time required for performance of conditioned motor acts increased from 15--20 see at the begirming ofthe ex- periment to 25-28 see 30 days later, and to 35-37 see by th,3 end of the experiment. The quality of coordination did not show any substantial changes. There wete no changes in the time required for solvir4l, arithmetical prob-, lems. Indications were obtained that prolonged isolation in a 3mall chumber leads to the development of protective Inhibition and a lowering of the flexi- bility of Ulm nervous processes. The second half.of the experiment wan characterized by a loss of Interest, the appearance of irritability, and in- Card 2/5 L 14271-66 ACC NR,. AT6M838 creased emotional instability. The lowering of the tonus of the cerebral. ,cortex was evident from the EEG, which toward theend of the experiment.* ,showed a sharp decrease in the alpha index, accompanied by a dominance .of slow.waves (4-4 cps) and the appearance of waves with a frequency of 0. 5-2 cps. Experimental data showed that by the end of 60 days, the pulse fre- quency tended to drop by 8-10 strokes (2074), systolic pressure by 10-16%, and diastolic pressure by 7- 8%, indicating a drop in the vascular tone zand a weakening of the functional ability of the cardiovascular system. An increave in the stroke and minute volume of the heart, a drop in the periph- .eral resistance of the circulatory system, and an increase In the latent period of vascular reactions were observed. Tests performed after the experiment showed a depression In the a- daptative mechanisms of the body and a sharp increase in the excitability of the eirculatory system, X-ray studies sho%~ed that prolonged hypo*-' kinesia, and isolation caused a significant decrease in the size of the hearts of both.subjects.. This is considered to be the result of detraining. Card 3,15 L 147-71-66 ACC M: AT6003838 During the course'of the experiment, oxygen consumption dropped*on' the average by 32%, while C02 production diminished by 2616. Pulmonary ventflatioin dropped by 2- 2. 5 liters/min. These results Indicate a drop in energy expenditures'from 30. 15 to' 20. 85 kcal/kg per dje.m. During the course of the experiment there was a short-term Increase in the nurnber of erythrocytes and reticulocytes. Occasionally, there was also an increase in the number of lymphocytes. Beginning with the second half of the experiment, the absolute number of eosinophils increased by a factor of 11 5- 2. An Investigation of the phagocytic activity of neutrophils showed an increase of this activity toward the end of the experiment. The reactions of individuals to a prolonged stay in a snial.l chambee differ consIderably, and this factor should be taken into acco%;nt in the se- lection Of CDSmonauts for flights of long duration. At the same time, it is necessary not only to increase afferentation but also to properly work out a schedule for work and rest. This means that the assigned tasks haie- to be more varied, more creative, and require a greater variety of physi- cal skills. Entertainment Will also have to be carefully worked out and should Include music, 'radio, and television in.order to create -a phycho- Card VORONIII,, L.G. (Moskva); DORONIN, G.P. Study of the effect of rarefied atmosphere on the functions of the central nervous system by the method of chain motor condi- tioned reflexes, Zhur, vys, nerv. deiat. 15 no-5:831-837 S-0 165, (MBU 18: 11) DORONIN, G. Ti. ?6556. Nekotoi7ye neravenstva dlya priblitheniy trigonometriche'skimi polinommi Doklady akad. nauk arer, novaya seriya. t. lxix, no. 4, 1949, C.1-87-90 - Biblioe-r: 5 nazv. SO: Letopis' Zhurnallynkh Statey, Vol. 50, mos"a, 1949 PHASE I TREASURE ISUM BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REPCRT AID 539 - I BOOK Call No.: AV6391799 Authors: G)LINKEVICH, T. A. and DORONIN, I. L. Full Title: BAS IC PRINCIPLES FOR DESIGN AND T-MvAcnm rNo OF INSTRUMENTS (Analyst -a note: only Uparatuses of anti-aircraft directoi type are discussed Transliterated Title: Oanovy proyektirovaniya konstruktsly i tekhnologicheskikh prot- sessov v pribarostroyenii PUBLISHING DAIA Originating Agency: None Publishing Rouse: State Publishing House of the Defense Industry Date: 1954 No. pp.: 275 No. of copies: Not given Editorial St%ff Golinkevich, T. A., Editor-in-Chief Kashepava, M. Ya., Editor Zudakin, I. M., Technical Editor PURPOSE: To be a textbook for students at the Technicums, also - as a manual for workers in the instrument and apparatuses' industry. TEXT DATA Coverage: The book is devoted to design of a precision-type computing apparatus, such as devices for firing control. The antiaircraft director PUAZO (Pribor upravlenia artilleriyakim zenitnym ognem) is specifically referred to and illus- trated. Diagrams) basic formulae, calculations for actuating mechanisms and feedback slatem are provided. The technology, flow sheets, materials (metal Osnovy proyektiro-vaniya konstruktsiy i tekhno- AID 539 - I logicheskikh protsessov Y priborostroyenii alloys and others), finishing of elementai detection of defects, and assembly of completed apparstuses are outlined. The antiaircraft director FUAZO-3 is photographica illustrated several times. No. of References: 21, all Russian (1940-1952), including Teoriya PUAZO, Sudpromgiz, 1948 (Theory of FUAZO), by Pchel'nikov, N. I. Facilities- Sone Ila I I V it it is It a r-k-A-z- A- 1L. A.. Is t. so go It S I 1 00.4 00 C, 00 jt~ 00 0 : o A I I L A &I TALUIRCIC41, LSIF141 0 o 0 0 0 to 0 0 0 : 0:111 a a I) V it III 4 a I ~ I - V , V q. UjA I I it a f j j 10 J" C-OU4011 41. :MK4_ Mochalocelf set see at high lemptratutes of .14, strands. I 00 7' 19) -I)rtne wrtr ti,enjeo4 the ninh. prieprill" I troll". "I 21S AW %how" I.v "Chl -A"'. 1.% -00 :rr-wtklinff lining /.I rive or, %1t.. rhr 111011riscr M per Stones noreetalismit tirstment 4,n thr 111"li. lptinwile" W vwhweld4owtibi4lgmp.lsrlgrwssal~"Ift'I SAIlit-Ir, - 00 111 linfler plate 14 mm. thick and ermig Vil Mn 1) 40. -4 41.01A and 11 41 -- - It.,I 1,.,.e t I rhIrtt"I" the on,14 -eein r,volain,d C 11 I.S. WN it *.It. s4 11111.1, p 41 trto. N, 11111; And 1., 41 140" 11., rurch. pi.,pt-ttir4 at high tritil". well- hown i,, &l.nd zoo ren The cbette. cot, pn. and The itructure of the milpried material. Rop"lly in Ifir traiist of Mir brAt thr nin h. a** Prop"firo of the fuwd-m initial deviate fennel III~ a th, COO km-C steel. The indurner of the %itwinfe 4 the altnv z 00 In Ilit kniginal 0*141 an its lerhavin" at high ItIlIP4, well 6utintantisted by Inicreneopir invc~tssatioeii Ily the u%e ago of Z-1 electrodes better mtvb. properties wrrr obtained in tho fused-nin mcial than with the line of clectrinfr% goo maird with chalk or "Uni-Ma%w" Meningrall In4l. for Melats). Murcerver. the stivolfthrif Wallis Inseir with III? isr of 1.1 eirctrudet wait not Infector to that of the baw goo tiectell. At temps. o(1KX)--W* She meted of lbooesen still 300 licanesse a tensile alrength of 24.6-11.6 kg./Qq. men. tooill Virvvious CAMMANISOM fit 911111'sliabIlY finfiesimf the torch. troprilles of the (used wMal thioubasit the 9 0 41. it CLAMPKAIKII too 'too IF I -ITLI A I I fS, a I W 0, -4 1, 4 11 KW a I and 0 0 0 0:4111 0 0 Alt 0 000 0 0 0 0 1111 0 6 000 P a 0 a 0 I i-k 4, AroWeWin Fwa In war 0 of c an V A I h -P-- 12--- ft . J, 's oe" .1 sv Adva, IAX if. ,Tv4,bc4 al"i. (IIIJUIR Al" "ft rr,NSQ"o. over go eldin tk), .Ml; nw, Jb oxid n agent J11W s n-Al 'Ind "Jul PMM 1 P'Nush). in tic* ) ax rl Cie- T.14ej: PK7"h. f111CjD6jtf,,fUrt.. DORONIV) 1. 113).., aspirant il Effect. of the el;ments of the central suspension on the lateral 11 1 vibrations of a passenger car. Vest TSNII RPS 23 no. 3:13-16 . 164. (MIRA 17:5) DORONIN, LS., aspirant Arresting devices of the central suspension of passenger cars. Vast. TSNII MPS 24 no.209-41 165, (MIRA 18:5) ACCESSION NR- AT.404168491 AL,TROR-. Dor6ninij. V. i ZA~ ye. k.. k16~ 1. - Did, or heataRjor Armco Ina aad lKhl8NST ad - 71TLE: Depeudenoe~ pf the StreOgth OM rats _2 5 -6 5 AN Sm. va jiMe Agioute4wim ff-tow-vu- gLb -W-vu Nauka 19440,1 _16811 on steels ud alloys), Moscow, L J. 243-446 6=41(ago-, steel cold wq*tug/Ama6'Lv6n.-- 114h laNirr TOP4C, TAGO:,ateel drev& -ot4eoi ABSTRACT. A vertle*, tewdle4tiiis te~ in - OL i6 hie, dove Wped at tf to YAborvtd rly metat-oilzfOkbskikh-pr~~lem~-Ummicheakq766i~ Moskovskoo inatitittv, Stau I SPLIVOV 1 t f meWja,*ysic%l problems of tbermal treatmeut. Akg= ~ a ~Ory0 jislitube of ES&I and ALV19), was em&3-ed In high-temperattzro tests of annealed Armco Iron and both almealud'ad cold-worked 1KA18NOT(a) and EL-925(h) steola in an attempt 0) bring the test candiftons closer to fhqqe,&ctu4Hj-#xpefte6* -by verformirg inAterlitul UUM can-be- affAinftl With the use'- of-sitand"d melbods*- Virs samples 1. 6 inm in dianteter and 120 ram long u6m heated at rates of 60, 60 and ZOGOC/see. by pamdus! a 60 cps AC current to the Ca,d IAZ L 33052-65 ACCWHON NR.'~" 944-- S_W=j2_jOub for point of ~rupture # 2. 6, 6,11-0, 10. O~ 15. 0, 20.0, wd 22, krr6c6 ftbii and __j5j_,22 amk1-30,kg1Mm2 -jda& for (b). 11te temporaturo EzA elougalim (a), and at 3.76, --were po-reco rded by an MPO-Z oscillograpb, irith a 60 g-thick chromel-alumet-thertid-- couple, twd a diff.erenUaLudensometer-recot~doi.- iensitive to 0'. 01% elongattons, was UBedtomeasuresmalldebrtnWons. no 'Usts -tielded a rather complex szO t=m1form data pattern, from which N may be emcluded: 1) 'hat the greater the Me W~ beating. the -greatc-T the temperature of rupture aivi the temperaWre at which an elnngatlov of 0. 6% is reached In Armco Iron; 2) that at " rates of hesting (--'20GC/vac.) the tem~oeerrattwe of 0. 5% elongAicu is higher fur anacaaad (&~ namples than for cold-worked (1) 3&MPICB; and q ) Uh I I d the effect tit "aittostrengthening" are more pronomce'At In (b). The data ax a9l M are extens fvqv-t discussed. Orig. sit. has: 4 fl unress-and-VUbimm SUMMED-. 16AmG4 ENC14 00 BUD CODE: MU 190 REF 807. 000 OTHM "0 1, C.M 2/2 RITOT, M.H. - HIMTLOT, AJ. - DOROUIN I Te - MLMIN, N.V., redaktor; HatKOTA. N.V., telftiCT-n-evir (Progressive -methods of'bulldocer work) Paredovye metcdy bull- dozerr4rkh mbot. Kooky&, ffauchno-tekhn. izd-vo avtotransportnoi lit--ry, 1954. 34 p. (KMA 8 -. 6) (Bulldozers) DORONIN, K. A very important section. Voen. znan. 42 ro.2:"'4 F 166. (WRA 19: 1) UGLOV, F.G., prot.; MURSALOVA, R.A.1 D'YACHENXO, L.F.; PUOLEYEVA, V.P.; DORONIN, L.D. Lite resulto of surgical tmatment of mitral stenosis. Veat. Mir. 93 no.80-10 Ag 164. (MIRA 180) 1. Is goopitaltnoy khirurgiohesk6y kliniki (2av. - prof. P.G.Vglov) 1-go Leningmdakogo joeditsimikogo in3tituta imeni Pavlova. SPIRIDONOV, AlekswAr Iliko3Ayevichl DO"WNDI,_&_____ [Intra-arterial injections for -the treatment of ourgical diseases and injurieo to the head and extremities] Vnutriarteriallnyi metod vvedeniia, lekaretvanrykh veshchestv pri lechenii khirurgicheakikh zabolevanii i traym golovy i konechnostei. Saratoyp Izd-vo Sara- tovskogo univ.., 1960. 343 po (MIRA 3.4210) (INJECTIONSO MMU4RTERIAL) KOMAR, T., bukhgalterl ZZLEZINSKAYA, S.; ?OSTOLOV, I.; DORONIN, N. Problems in managerial planning, calculation, and organization, Muk#"lev. prom. 29 no.2s16-17 F 163. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Starshiy skonomist Grodnenskogo uprayleniya khleboproduktov (for Zelezinskaya). 2. Ministeretvo p-.:-oisvodstva i sagotovok sellskokhosyaystvonnykh produktov Uzbekskoy SSR (for Postolov). 3. Glavnyy insh. Lukhovitakoy hallnitay Moskovskoy oblasti (for Doronin). (Grain) DOWEL& N.A.; OSMINXIN, X.N.; SUKHOV, I.Y., insh., red.; KLOPOVA, T.B., [Device for straightening and stacking flat pressed parts) Prieposoblenie dlia rikhtovki i uklaffld v pachki shtampovannykh ploskikh detalei. Leningrad, 1955. 4 p. 41senlngrAdskii dom nauchno-tekhnichookoi propagandy. Informatsionno-tekhnicheakii listok, no.91(779)) (MIRA 10:12) (Power presses---Attachments) 18(4) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/2716 Doronin, Nikolay Andreyevich Metallurglya kalltslya (Metallurgy of Calcium) Moscow, Izd-vo Glav. upr. po ispollzovaniyu atomnoy energii pri Sovete Ministrov SSSR, 1959. 89 p. Errata slip inoerted. 3,7000 copies printed. Ed. (Title page): Yu. N. Golovanov, Doctor of Technical Sciences; Ed. (Inside book): Z. S. ShiroWave.1 Tech. Ed.: Yee I. Mazell. PURPOSE: This book is intended for metallurgists and reuearchers In reactor technology. COVERAGE: The book generalizes experimental and industrial data from Soviet and other literature on the metallurgy of calcium, with special reference to the use of calcium as a reducing agent In the metallurgy pf high-malting rare metals and their alloys and in theme~allurgy of uranium ant thorium. The author believes this to be the first monograph on calcium metallurgy. There are 37 figures, JL~ tables and 27 Soviet references. No personalities are mentioned. Card 1/4 Metallurgy of Calcium SOV/2716 TABLE OF CONTENTS: Introduction 3 Calcium Carbonates 5 Limestone 5. Chalk 9 Marble 11 Dolomite 13 Calcination of Limestone, Chalk# Marblis and Dolomite 14 Limestone-calcination furnaces 20 Physicochemical Properties of Calcium 25 Card 2/4 Metallurgy of Calcium SOV/2716 Industrial Use of Calcium 36 Methods of Producing Metallic Calcium Production of Anhydrous Calcium Chloride 37 40 Electrolysis of molten calcium chloride by means of "cathode contact" 43 Electrolysis of calcium chloride with a "liquid cathode" 50 Technus of the electrolysis of calcium chlorides 62 Distillation of Calcium Frc-m a Calcium-C-opper Alloy 70 Condensation of calcium vapors Technology of distillation 72 73 Thermal Production of Calcium With the Aid of Metallic Reducing Agents 79 Card 3/4 Metallurgy of Calcium SOV/2716 Theoretical principles of the process 80 Reduction of calcium oxides with aluminum 83 Reduction of calcium oxides with ferrosilicon 84 Technology of the reduction of calotum oxides 85 Storage of Metallic Calcium Bibliography 89 91 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress TN 799.C3D6 TM/ec Card 4/4 11-16-59 DOROND, Nikolay AndMevichjFANASENKOVA, Iro.I.- rod.~ VLASOVA, ---- tok--hn-. (CalciumlKal'taii. 14oakva, Gooatordzdat, 1962. 190,p. (MIYA 15:10) (Calcium) ABDUVALIYEV, A.A.; KHAYDAROV, Kh.F.1 SLILTANOV, A.S.1 SIGOV, V.V.; DORONIN, ~.L.; TARASOVA, A.G. Production of polysylvan from the wood-chemical sylvan. Gidroliz, i lesokhim.prom. 17 no.2t2.2-23 161".' (MIRA 174) 1. Institut, khirdi limerov AN* UzbS:3R (f or Abduv&Uyev, Khaydarov, Sultanov~o. 20 Ashinakiy lesokhimicheskiy kombinat (for Sigov, Doronin, Tarasova). DORONIN, KINDYAKOV, V. I.,, and LAV130V.%IY "On Chloroform Vaccine Against Foot and Mouth Disease." Soy, veterin., 1939, No 1. (Bibliovaphy from article rpot and Mouth Disease by A. 0. Skomorokhov,, State Publishing House for Agricultural Literature, Moscow/Leningrad 1947.) so: u-1625, 11 Jan 52.