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Categor7.- USSR / Physical rhe.4stry Thermodynamics. Thermochemistry. F4uilibrium- Physico- chemical analysis, Phase transitions. Abs Jour: Referat Zhur-Xhimiyap No 9, 1957, 29947 B-8 fate - molybdate systems of Alkali metals, toward combination of cathion having an 18- or (18 + 2)-electron shell, with an anion comprising in its couposition an element with an incomplete d-elec- tron shell. Card : 2/2 -66- Subject Card 1/1 Author USSR/Aeronautics Pub. 58 - 13/17 Not given Title Letters to the editor Periodical: Kryl. rod., 4, 23, Ap 1955 AID P - 2054 Abstract Two letters were written to the editor: 1)"About the bulletin Novosti aviamotelizma (Aviation Modellers' News)" by' Favlyuohenko, V., which Is a critical review of a bulletin Issued by the Aviation Modelling Laboratory, and 2)"Aviation materials are not available" by Doroshenko,-.V.'. in which the author, leader of an aviation ~_&. about the lack of materials for his work- shop.. Institution: DOSAAF Submitted : No date DOROSHENKO, V. "Origin of Riga and the early Hanseatic merchant" by Fr. Benninghoven. Reviewed by V.Doroshenko. Vestis Latv ak SSR no.8tl4l-147 162. DOROSHENKO~J!,_Fq ZVEREVY S. M.; VINOGRADOV, S. A., maater Adjustment of the tZ_.LBitiOn relay Of the TEMI diesel loco- motive. Elek. i tepl. tiaga 6 no.9:14-16 S 162. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Starahiy proyemshchik Glavnogo upravleniya lokamotivnogo khozyaystva, Ministerstra putey soobahcheni d Zima, Vostocbno-Sibirskoy dorogi (for Doroshenkcif. 27p;eplavozorewnbqy tsekh depo Moskva-Sortirovochnaya-Ryazanshya (for Vinograday). (Diesel locomotives-Testing) (Electric relays) DOROSHENKO, V.F. Control of Shl-Sh6 contactore operating with damaged switeldng relay, ElskA tepl,tiaga 7 no.208 F 163. (MMA 1612) 1. Starahiy priyawhohik Glavnogo upravleniya lokonotivnogo khozyVatva Minixteratys. putey soobaboheniya depo Zima Vostocbno- Sibirskoy dorogi. (Diesel locomotive"lectric equipment) ANDREYEVA, N.G., inzh.; VINOFUhUV, Yu.G.p irjzh., WRiLHENIO, V.G., inzh. Autorwitic line for grinding and polinhing plpo-Lyw. parta. 14ekil. i avLom.proizv. 19 no.2t9-10 F 165. (MIRA 180) ALEKSEYEV, F.K.; ANDRIYUTS, G.L.; ARSENTIYEV, A.I.; ASTAFIYEV, Yu.P.; BEVZ, N.D.; EMZOVSKIY, A.I.; GEMMALOV, G.S.; YESHCHWO, A.A.; ZAPARA, S.A.; KALINICHENKO, V.F.; D KARNAUSHENKO, I.K.; KIKOVKA, Ye.I.; KOBOZEV, V.N.; KUPIN, V.Ye.; LOTOUS, V.K.; LYAKHOVO N.I.; MALYUTAv D.I.; NETS, Yu.S.; OVODENKO, B.K.; OKSANICH, I.F.; PANOV, V.A.; POVZNM, Z.B.; PODORVANOV, A.Z.; POLISHCHUK, A.K.; POLYAKOV, V.G.; POTAPOV, A.I.; SAVITSKIY, I.I.; SERBIN, V.I.1 SERGEYEV, N.N.; SOVETOVp G.A.; STATKIVICH, A.A.; TERESHCHENKO, A.A.; TITOV, M.; FEDIN, A.F.; KHOMYAKOV, N.P.; SHEYKO, V.G.; SHEKUN, O.G.; SESTAKOV, M.M.; SHTANIKO, V.I. Practice of construction and exploitation of open pits of Krivoy Rog Basin mining and ore dressing combines. Gor. zhur. no.6: 8-56 je 163, (MIRA 16:7) (Krivoy Rog Basin-Strip mining) DOROSHENKOV V.I.; STOLOVITSKIYP B.M. Possibility of determining the physical properties of rocks by measuring the diffusion-adsorption potentials and the currents caused by them. Neftegaz. geol. i geofiz. no.40G-52 164. (MIRk 17:6) 1. Krasnodarskly filial Vaeaoyuznogo nauchno-isoledovatellskogo neftegazovogo instituta. OKSANICHP I.F.; DOROSHENKO, V.I. Jet piercing 0.~ boreholee with formation of pot holes. Gor. zhur. no.506-39 W 164, (MIM 17W 1. Glavnyy inzh. rudnika Yuzhnogo gornoobogatitellnogo kombinata (for Oksanich), 2. Nachallnik burovzryvnykh rabot na Yuzhnom gornoobogatitellnom kombinate (for Doroshanko). SOBKO, V.A., gornyy inzh.; PEPELEV, G,I*, gornyy lnzh.; JMROSEENKQ, Y.M., gornyy Inzh.; MRNORUTSKIY, Ye.T., gornyy inzh.; NOtWV, K.P., kand. tekhn. nauk Improved variation of the combined system of mining thick seams of self-igniting ores. Gor. zhur. no.2:13-17 F162. (MIRA 170) DORMENKO, V.P. Prospects for utilization of the underground waters In the Taslauz Oasis (the Turkmen Izv. AN Turk. SSR. Ser. biol. nauk no.4: 35-41 '64- (MIRA 17:1-1) 1. Institut pustyn' AN Turkmanskoy SSR. SOURCE CODE: UWO27i/65/OO0/O10/AO17/J1O18 AUTHOR, Dotsenkop V. I.; Chk1uwtishv11ip 0. So 61 TITLE: rol sys~imi__ing a model operating in an, accelerated time scheme SOURCE: Ref. zh. A-vt ielemekh. i vychial. tekhn., Abe. 10A1,30 REF SOURCE: Tr, Moskg energ, in-ta. v". 59, 1965, 103-.U4 TOPIC VZS: automatic control systems automatic control theory,, logic design.. model theoryy model scaling ABSTRACT: The authors analyze the logic of operation of a two-scale system ill-the case of a second-order object with complex-conjugate roots. 7he model in adjvsted in cluch a way that its phase trajectory coincides in form with the phase traj(ictory of the objectp but the time along the phase trajectory of the model is taken !Ln an accelerated scale* The logical construction based.on the currej* coordinates of the object and of the modelp and also of the input signal and its anticipated Valaep .make it possible to develop the sign of the control signal to the object,. A con- crete scheme of the logical control device and a ft=tional diagram of the control system are proposed. 12 illustration. V. L. (Translation of abstract] SUB CODE: 13 Car 62-506 DORWH911NO? V.P. Graphic intmrPretation of 0,A,Alskinim alnucilloation. Wdrokbim. mate 38tlV-192 164, (HIPA :LSs4) 1# Upravleniye geologii i okhrany nodr pi-I SovatqMinintrov Turkmanokuy SORp AmhkhabAd. OLISITANSKIT, Yn.O., D(MOSHERKO V.7. , Work of the Zurek Province Society of Pathologlats in 1956# Arkhopate 20 no.?s87-99 158 (MIRA 11:9) 1. Sekratnrl larakogo oblastnogo obahche!3tva pntologov (for Doroshanko). (PATHOLOGY) POGREBINSKIY, A.F.p prof.j BOBOVICHp I.M., eota.; AVDAKOV, Y*u.K.p dots.; PAZHITHOVAp T.K., dots.; GHUNTULOV, V.T.p dots.; POLYANSKrY, F.Ya., prof.; FRIDBEIGf L.Ya.p dots.-; DOROSMKOp V.V.p dots.; TALYBEKOVp S.Yetp prof.; FADEYEV, A'M.,, prof.; BOROVOY, S.Ya.,, prof.; KONYAYEV, A.I., dots.; SHENYAKIR, I.N., prof.; FONYATOVSKAYA, N.P., dots.; SARYCHEV, V.G., dots.; GOLUBNICHIY, I.S., prof*; VOSKRESE24SKAYA, T.tied.; NEZNANOV, V., mlad. real.; MOSKVINApR.p tekhn. red. [Economic history of the U.S.S.R.] Ekonomicheskala istoriia SSSR, Moskvaj Sotsekgiz, 1963, 509 P- (MIRA 17-.2) DCROSHIMO, V.V. Work of the Kursk Province Society of Pathologists in 1957. Arkh.pat 21 no.2:92-94 159. (MIRA '12-.;2) 1. Sekretarl Marskogo oblastnogo obahchestva pEAoIogov (KURSK PROVINCR-MIMOLOGICA1 SOCIYIIZS) DGROSHENKO p Vasilly Vasillyervich; TEYTELIBAUM,, A.p red.; IMIMGA, Aep (gutlime of Latvian agricultural history in the 16th century] Ocherki agrarnoi istorli Latvii v IVI veke. Rigaj Izd-vo Akad. nauk Lat- viiekoi SMp 1960. 322 pe (MIRA 14:32) (Latvia-Agrlcultura) (Latvia-Land tenure) ZENIN, N.A., innh.; KARKHINA, A.Ya., inzh.; DOROSHENKO, V.Ya., inzh. Production of oil. meal for raprocassing in the affiUated extraction plants. Masl.-zhir.prom. 28 no.9s28-29 S 162. (NIRA 15:9) 1. Bfilorechenskiy maslozavod. (Oils and fats) A PIUM I BOOK EXPWITATION 301il 4488 Akademiya nauk SSSR. Energmticheskiy institut Goreniye pri ponizhennykh layleniyakh i nekotoryye Yoprosy stabilizatsii plameni v cdnofaznykh i dvukhfazuykh sistemakh (Combustion at Peduced Pressures and CeetaLn PrVDlems in the Stabilization cof the Flaw in Single-Phase and Two-Phase systems) 14oscow,, 1960. 85 P. Ermta olip ineerted. 5,000 copiea printed. Sponsoring Agency: kkademiya nauk SSSR. Energeticheskiy institut imeni G. M. Kr-zhizhanovskogo. Resp. Ed.: L. N. Khitrin; Ed. of Publishing House: Ye. N. Grigorlyev; Tech. Ed.: V. N. Karpov. PURINM: This book is intended for scientists engmed in combustion research. CMEPAM: The book contains five reports delivered at the Obehchemoskovsk:Ly seminar po goreniyu(Moacow General %iminar on Combustion) Im 1958. The problems d-Iscussed in these reports concern the effect of reduced pressure on the ignition and combustion of a stream of gas-vapor mixture In turbulent flow. Each report is 4fol-lowed by Boviet and other references. Capd-l/ 6 - -- (COUA.. C--mbiv.stIon at Fleduced Pressua-es SM/4488 TABLE OF COMMINTS.- DCrCeb9akjj,_V, Ye., and A. I. Nikitakly. Study of the Effect of Mixture -lies ParameterS on Tarbulent Combustion Process CharscterlW 3 study presents experimental data re2ating W the effect of pressure (6oo-6o mm Hg) and temperature (100-300*0 on the turbulent combustion pro--,ess of a homogeneous gasoline.4Lir mixture. The data lead to the fol- loving conclusions: 1) A drop in the pressu--v and tempemt-,av of the mix- ture reeults in considerable deterioration of combustion process character- (decrease in fleme-propagution velocity and increase in combustion- zone width). A change in press=-e substawnti&Uy affecta both the flame- prope.gmtion velocity and the coaftiustton-zone width. A change in mixture temperatlare, however, slightly affecte the flaw -pmpagation velocity and greatly affects the combustion-ione width. These regularities are ex- plalr,ed from the: stAndpoint of K. I. Shchelkin's the-~.ry when turbulence Ices behind gr-Ids,,as well as t1vt effect of tempera+-ure and pressure on the charactertsti-cs of turbulent flow and normal flazw -propagation velocity, are taken intoaccount. 2) Deer-ease in turbulence 'Intensity and increase in turbulence rate are the main+ reasons for the deteilomtion of the chamc+ertatic6 of the turbulent combustion pn,)eess when pressur\-_ drops. --Oird-2/ 6.. DaROSEEM) V. Ye. "On Performance Characteristics of Combustion Chanbers vith Gradual Admission of oxidiser along the Chamber." report presented at the 2nd Interne.tional Congress of the International Council of Aeronautical Sciences, Zurich, Switzerland, 12-16 Sep 60 2,',)2) S/124/61/000/'004/022/033 0 A005/AI26 AUTHORS; Doroshenko, V. Ye., Nikitskiy, A. I. TITLE: Investigation of the influence of mixture parameters on the charac- teristics of a turbulent burning process FERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, no. 4, 1961, 84 - 85, abstract 4 B 579 (V sb.: Goreniye pri ponizhennykh davleniyakh i nekotoryye vopr. Btabilizatsil plameni v odnofazn. I dwjkhfa2n. sistemakh. Mos- cow, AN SSSR, 19601 3 - 23) =1, The authors 'present results of an experimental study of the effect of pressure and temperature on the propagation rate of a turbulent flame and the width of the burning zone at turbulent combustion of a homogeneous fuel-air mix- ture. The open steady flame in a benzene-air mixture emitted from a round nozzle was investigated. The mean flame propagation rate UT was determined from the cor- relation F 'UT = 9 where F is the nozzle area, S is the area of inner flame cone, U is t1le mean mix- Card 1/2 21'323 3/124/61/COO/004/022-/()33 Investigation of the influence of... A005/A126 t,jre rate. The profiles of the inner cone were determined by measuring the temper- aturg in the flame cross sections by thermocouples. The width of' the burm'Ang zone was determined by mep-suring the temperature over the flame axis. The tirbul.ence intensity of the flow we6s measured by an electrother-noanemometer. r7he turbulenze intensity was varied by means of a disturbing grid. The experiments were conducted within a pressure range of from 600 to 60 mm Hg and a temperature range of from 1000 to 3000C. A decrease in pressure and temperatire of ti-te mixtur-e led to a marked deterioraticn of the burning characteristics (decrease of the flame propaga- ~ir,n rate as exDressed ':,y Ur - po -5; UT - T; increase of t-he width of the burnipg Z'n'-^- as expressed by 6t - p-0.5; 6t - T-1.6). The authors showed that a deorease In "larbulenc:e Intensity and Increase in turbulence rate are the main causes for th,~ dstericraticia of the burning characteristics. With burning processes tehind sta- bilizing devi3es, the turbralence attenuation behind the stabilizers extends along t~.,s ls~ngth of the flame tongue. There are 11 referen,-es. [Anstracte:-Is note: Complete translation] V. Litrovich Cani 2/2 DOROSHENKO, Ya. Now from the state farm raising aromatic plants. Nauka i pared. op v sallkhos. 9 no.6:29 Jo '59. (MM 12:9) l.Glavny7 agronom Khadyzhenskoge efiromaslichnolp novkhoza. (Krasnodar Terri6ry-Aromatic plants) MYSHKO, D., redalctor; ASLTZV. Tu.; BZVZO, A.; VIKTOROV, A.; ORISHKO. N.; DaNEW.10, JUA; INTZ HINKO, A.; IGNATXIN, I.; IOZTZIM, M.; 10LIV, I.; LYSnKO, A.; LYSINKO, N.; PANMUXV, V.; POUIPANOVA. I.; TZMIN, D.; CHUINOVMTA, I.; MOMANKO. G., tekhaicheskiy redaktor. EKiev; a guidebook) Kiev; spravochnik-putevoditall. Kiev, Goo. izd-vo olit. lit-ry USSR, 1954. 284 P. Ekicrofilm) (MLBA 8:2) Nlev-Guidebooks ) 10 11 CV T f ARABADZHYAJI. A.Z.. kand.okon.nouk; BADI, Sh.M., k&nd.a'con.neuk; BAROYAN, OJ., dolctor med.neuk; BASHKIROV, A.V.. kand.ekon.naijk; BUSHEY, P.P., karid. io,,..nauk; GLUKHOIWD, V.S.; DOROFICYXVA, L.K.. kand.filolasuk; DCRO-- ,PWA6~9, kand.iet.nsuk: ZAVISROVICH, A.A.: IVAHOVA, x.11 ka-fiff-.- wt.nsuk; IVAKOV, H.S., doktor ist.neuk; IL'ItISKIY, G.N., nauk; KISLYAKOV, N.A., doktor ist.nauk; KOMISSAROV, D.S., kand.filol. nulik: KWOYAV. K.K.. kand.filol.nauk; MOISXYIV, P.P., kanl.ekoo. naukj FADULINA. T.N., kand.filol.nauk; PWROV, M.P., doktor geogrii- fii,.heskikh nauk, prof.,- P1CTROV, G.M.,; SOKOLOVA,. V.S., do!ctor filol.nauk; TRUBUTSKOY, V.V.; FARIWADIYAN. A.I., Imnd.1st. naiak; SHOYTOV, A.M., katid.filol.nauk-, ZADIODIR, B.N., doktor ietort- ch-3skikh nauk, prof. , otvetetvannyy red.; AKHRAMOVICH, R.T., kand. iot.nauk, red.; FALINA, A.I., kand.19t.Dauk, red.; ]rUZIMTSOVA. N.A.. red. izd-ve: SHVMKOVSKAYA, V.R., red. 12d-va, PRUSAKOVA, T.A., teldin. rei. (Present-day Iran; a manual] Sovremennyi Iran-, upravochnik. Moskva, 1957. 715 P. (MIRA 11:2) 1. Akademiya neuk SSSR- Inatitut vostokovedeniya. (Iran) DOROSHEWO, Ye. I., Cand of Agric Sci - (diss) "The Problems of Working the So"I in the Cultivation of Panic Grasap" Kiev, 1959, 22 pp (Mcrainian Academy of Agr!' Sciences) M, 4-60, 121) ZUBENKO, V.F.; VALOVNENKO, D.K.; DOW5MHM,1ve.T.- vr;LIDD,'~' T.D., st. nauchn. sotre; SALEY, A.Y,.[Salei, A.K.I., Ste -nauohn. sotr.; AIEKSANDROV, 0.1. [Informational material on mineral fertilizers, poisonous and chemical substances used in animal husbimdry] Dovidkovyi material po minerallrykh dobryvakh, otrutolchimikatakh ta khimichrWkh rechovynakh, shcho zastosovuiullsia v tvaryn- nytstvi. ZhytouWrs 1964, 106 p. (MNU 18:6) 1. Zhitomir (Province). Sillolkohospodaralka doslidna stan- tslya. BILOSHTANp A.P.j BOYKO, M.F.[Boikop M.F.],kan.fil.naukj; t-x*; DOTSEVKO, P.P.; KILICHEVSKIY, MARINICHENKO, V.G.[Marynychenko, V.H.]; RAK, L.K.; KRIVETSKIY, I.S.[Kryvetalkyi, I.S.j. red.; ROMMEW, I.N., red.; TRITINCHENKO, A.P.[Trytynchenko, A.P.], red.izd-,ta; VIRICH, D.V.(Virych, D.V.], tekhn. red. (Russian-Ukrainian agricultural dictionary] Rosilslko- ukranslkyi sillaikohospodaralkyi slo-nWk. Ukladachi: A.F. Biloshtan ta inshl. Xyiv., Vydivp Vydvo AN URSR 1 1963. 4:18 To. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Akademiya nauk URM, Kiev. Instytut movoznavstva. 2. Chlon- korrespondent Vsesoyuznoy akaderii sellskokhozyaystvanrWlLh nauk im. V.1.Lenina (for Romananko). BONDARI , Nikolay Gerasimovicb,. doktor tekU;. navk, prof.; KAZEY, Igor' Ivanvvi~-.h,. Bernard Falkovich, kand. tekbr. nauk: XOZIMIN, Yuriy Goorglyevich, kand* takhn. nauk, dots.,~ Pritdmal.1 uchantiye: TARASENKO, V.P., kand. tekhn. naukt YAKOVLEV, G.N., kand. tekhn. nauk dote.; DOROSHENJKO.j_1e,Y... kand. takhn. riauk; NEVZOROV, I.N., lnzh.; KONASMKO, S.I.v kard. to'khn. nauk, data.; OHLENKO, V.P.p Inzh.,- KHOKIIWV,. A.A., kand. tekhn. nauk, dots.; ZEIZVICH, P.M., kand. tekhn. naukp red. (Dynamics of railroad bridges] Dinamika zholeznc.-dorozhnykh mostov. [By] N.G.Bundarl i dr. Moskva, Tranaport: 1965. 411 P. (MIRA l8t12) -DORCUMMKO, TA.Tp insh.; TARASZKOj V.P. Uperimental study of the spatial vilwation and rigidity of 419 metal opens of railroad bridges* Trudy WIT no.320-23 161. (MIRA 3.6s2) (Railroad bridges-11bration) BONDARI, N.G., prof.; DOROSHENKO, Ye.V., inzh.; FDYTBURD, Z.G., inzh.; EYKHE, G.N., inzh. Results of testing a reinforced concrete bridge. Bet. i zhel.-bot, 9 no.lOt469-470 0 163.' (MIRA 16M) BONDARI, NeGal doktor tekhn.naukl KHOMOV, A.A.9 Inzho; DOROSHENHO, Ye,V.0 inzh. Carrying capacity of bridges under combined types of traffic. Transp. Btroio 14 noo6,46-47 Js 164* (MIRA 28L2) lux 0." Aq A-3 - ........V J. J-1-6 AR mt ME q IF Aq Aq .-T-9 Aq -14.Ad Swjwt,oIv ql so Aq Aq Aqd".yl%c w-9-eq 4.4 S.I~TTVJ 6%U 'r-4--W --t.9 in-9 . It mns". : 7: '. , p ..... .' ... R - .1" *.lw.MTN 00.01" J. .%.vjjw2 AIN ."143 -n p:oassmit'"m .41 a lag 1-41 -4 .3"0.a All Aj.." qLz. ima""a" 30 AR dq .. 0^0 3- ~d 0-4 014a 3- Ilms-M.T.-a ..'s'na _Tva %-I-VS ." 30 Laitia %wTw..,IVa '. . -1 02 -%Z. IV-4 .... 2"."Tex .q3 Aj_-rd - 3v Roes ajqms N*TIR. 'L " W.. J* INSIT -ql '696t A.N ~j . I J_WUM 50) CINIT-Tal 44 114 ju *GC67 "TTUR" f o I - A~7-%.T-v Al.-V - qq/-q.qw. R"WOOA& Aj*#..*I4W2I00Zn4 --imo-3 RUU DMOSHENKO, Yu.Yo.; SFJMYEV, V.A. Synthesis of 6'. -4-bis(p-hydrwWhenyl) alkanes. Zhur. org. khim, 1 no,9sI602-1604 S 165a (411RA 18:12) 1. Moskovskiy khimiko-tekhnologichaskiy institut, imeni D.I. Mendeleyeva i Institut slewntoorganictoskikh soyedineniy AN SSSR. Submitted July 11, 1964. L 01-C107-66 P,7r;r(M)/EPF(c)/vP0),4*.r rt -,, A,,it 'ACCESSICN NR: APS0195614 UR/0191/65/000/008,100OV0,011 678.632'32'21 1AWHOR: Doroshenko, Yu..Ye'., Korshak$_V. V.; Sergeyev, V. A. ,TITLE: Tin- Qhvd _221YMMIM-~'The effect of the ntrtictijr-7 of bla-phanol on Mers ~the prop of pply I AA !SOURCE! Plasticheskiye massy, no. 8, 1965, 9-11 t !TOPIC-TAGS: polymer, polymerization, phenolformaldehyde, thermosetting material ;ABSTRACT: The physical and mechanical properties of polymers were investigated as ~a function of the length of cross linkage. Polymeis were synthesized from 1,6-bis- 1-(n-h 0-bis-(n-hydroxyphenyl.).-octane and 1,l0-bis-(n-hydroxj1' ydroxyphenyl)-hexane, 1, i phenyl) --de cane by condensation with formaldehyde in n-propanol in the presence of ~ammonia. The distance between polymer chains can be changed by changing tile length iof R in the following structure Card 1ACCESSION BR: AP5019564 OH CH OH ~H \CIHI' The obtained resols were softened at 1300C and pressed at 16VC into L rmn thick specimens. These latter were tested for impact imid flexure. strlpng-t~. When the num- ber of-methylene groups in the space lattice of thermosetting phenolfoivialdehyde : ; polymers is increased, not only.are/the mechamical properties if,.iproved but the poly-2 mers lecome more thermall stable.l~ It via's faiind that thennal. tr,,.atmeat abolie 4000C . -M " e icauset significant lossl-wti!84t. At 5000C the yield of thc, t;r-c-onJary polymer 1(coke'! decreases, increase in the polymethy-lene chain, art. has: 2 :tablei; and 2 figures. 1ASSOCLATIONt none 11SUBMITTED: 00 ENCL., 00 ISUB CODE: DC, Mr OTHERt 0,31 NO REF SOV: 002 IIOROSHENKOV, S.N., inzh.; KDTLYAROV, V.V., inzh. Principal trends in designing the pistons of high-speed diesel engines. Energomashinostroenie 7 no.4:42-" #p t61. (MIU 34:7) (Diesel engines) DOROSHEV,, A. P. Case of pulmonectoW In cassous pneumonia in the acutog phase, Probl. tub. no-33LU-114 162. (MIRA 1514) 1. Is khirurgichookoy kliniki (zav. - chlon-korrespondent AMN SSSR L. K. Bogush) Instituts, tuberkulaza AMN SSSR (dir, - chlen- karrempondent AMN SSSR prof. N. A. Shmelev) (LUNGS--SURGErff) (PNMONIA) (TUBERCULOSIS) -f~ 0 DORO.WV, 1 A - TRWITSKIY. Yaj.; KAHPIISXATA, N.A.; PANCHZNIO, B.I., =Z=44"; VALDV, A.N..redaktor Isdatel'stva; MIUATLOVA, V.Y. takhnichaskiy redak-tor (Reference manual on pipes and cylinders. Compiled according to government standards and technical specifications] Spravochnik na. tmby i ballony. Sostavlan po Gosudarstvonnym standartam i tekbuicbeekis uslovilam. Moskva, Goo. nanchno- takhn. isd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tevetnoi metallurgii, 1957. 175 P. (MLRA 10:5) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Ministeretvo chernoy metallurgii. (Pipe, Steel--Standards) (Cylinders--Standards) LYAPIN, A.P., profop glav. red.; DOROSHKVL_k,~.q prof.p red.; KULIKOV, A.G., dotsent, red.; GRUEGORMWAIKIr, A.N.p dotsentp red,; KUDRYAVI'SEVp S.F., red.; PROKOPOYEV, S.P., red.; NAUMOV, X.M.9 tekbn. red. (labor productivity problems during the period 9f the building of co-,-4=1 Voproa7 proizvoditellnosti truda v period stroltellstva kommunima, Moskvay lzd-vo VPSh i AON pri TsK XPSSO 1961. 430 p. (MIRA 142 6) 1. Moscow. kkademiya obehabostyanMU nauk. (Labor productivit7) DOJOsf=p I.A., prof., red.; IGNATOV, S.A., dots., red.; SUSL40V , I.- - I.F., kand. ekon, naukp red.1 CRUSHCHENKO, 1,P., red.; ROGACHEV, S.V.p red,j VORONINA, N.V., red. [Several problems of the intensification of agriculture] Nektoroye problea7 intensifikataii sollokogo khoziaiotva. Moskva, Izd-vo qlysl'," 1964. 283 p. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Moscow. Akademiya obshcheetvannykh nauk. DORDSIMP I.A. Accelerate the production of pipe vith metallic and nonmetallic coatings. Metallurg 9 no.7125 JI '64. (MIRA 170) 1. Gosplan RSFSR. DOROSHEV, N., prepodavatelt It is'tims to get to work. Zhil.-koju.khoz. 12 no.7s2l-22 J3. ,62. - (MIRA 16:5) 1. Institut insheneroy kamunallnogo stroitell"tva, KhaLrlkov. (Housing-Finance) I DOROSHEVI-S.I. Food of the Amur white bream (Parabramio pokinensis bas.). Vop. ikht. 2 no.1:174,182 162. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Kafedra ikhtiologii MookovBkogo gooudarstvennogo universiteta, (AMUR RIVER-BREAM) (FISHM-FOOD) KARFEVICH, A.F., DOROSHEV, S.I. Prexises to the acclimatization of valuable fishes and invertebrates in the sea basins of the TI.S,S.R. Trudy VNIRO 550-28 164, (MIRA 18W DOUGIENt S.I. Fishes which could W acclimatized in the Azov Sea ba-4-. Trudy VNIRO 5501-88 164. S-alinity rsaistance in sow fish species recoiannndqd t'or intro.- duction into the 309L of Azov# Ibid,.07-107 (MIRA 1314) DOROSIIEV, S.I.; GOREWV$ V.K. Mobility of spennatozoa of Chalc%lburnus and carp of the Azov --,(i Aral SP-; in seawater of various salinity. Dokl,. AN SSSR 159 no.6t:L402-1404 D 164 (mIRA 18.-l) 1. Vsesoyiiznyy nF-uchno-Issledovatel'skiy institut morskogo ryb- nogo khozyaystva I okeanografii. Predstayleno akademikom Ye.N. Pavlovskim. BXDRINTSZV, X.N., kand.ekonom.navk; KORZHMVSKIY, N.L., doktor geograf. nauk; KOROYIN, Je.P*# doktor biolog.nauk; SMALOT, S.A., kand. geologo-mineral.nauko TAIRONTOY, T.T.. prof.; AMM, A.G.; GXWZZN, S.Kh.; PALIKIN,B.A.; KEMMIRG, G.Te.; RAMNOVSKITo K.D.; POROSM. I.T.. aladshiy nauchayy sotradnik; SCHASTM, N.V.; TSLPXNXO# N.G.; BATIA ODZHAM, A.1b., red.; SUKHANOV. P.P., (KIRA 13:7) [Uzbekistan; ooonomic-geographical features] Uzbekistan: ekonomiko- geograficheakaia kharaktaristika. Tashkent, 1950. 302 p. 1. Akedemiya nauk Usbekskoy SSR, Tashkent. Institut ekonomiki. 2. Chlen-korrespondeat AN Uzbekskoy SSR (for Korzhenevskiy). 3. Day- stvitellnyy chlen AN Uzbekskoy SSR (.for Xorovin). 4. Institut eko- nomiki AN Uzbekskoy SSR (for Doroshe,r). (Uzbekistan--Xconomic conditions) 'Pz L 00717-66 RWT(m) DLW ACCESSION OR: AP5014235 UR/0386/65/001/003/0022/002; AUTHOR' M��yash, 1. V.; Doroshev, V. D.; Revenko, Yu. F. TITLEt Observation of transitions between hyperfine sublevels in paramagnetic atoms SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy I teoreticheskay fiziki. Pialma v redaktsiyu. Prilozheniye, v. 1g no, 30 19659 22-25 TOPIC TAGS: hydrogen, paramagnetic gas, fine structure, electron transition ABSTRACT: A detailed investigation of hyperfine splitting of the jer#y sublevels. in atoms can be useful in studying electron-quAj_qgm_btqr;t ~ "I 'e qt P-D�, state of the' electron:shell in the atom, the nature of intermolecular interactions, etc. Pre- vious studies on precise determination of hyperfine interaction in the hydrogen atom have'revealed tranaLtiona with AM = 0 In a longitudinal magnetic field of 0.06 oersted. There am no reports in the literature on the observation of transitions, between hyperfine sublevels with AN z 11. In this paper, the author reports on,obL servations-of this type In elemental hydrogen. A videospectroscope with synchro- nous detection was used covering the 1500-1000 lie range. The derivative of the Cwd 1/3 L 00717--66 ACCESSIM Us. APS014235 allsorPtion line tramitims of F 1, M -1+F 0, M o in *Is-,' ntal hydrogen Is shown In fig., I of the Enclosure for a frequency of 1377.5 He in a 27 oersted flea&.- "The authors are grateftil to Corresmd~ng member AN UkrS= A. A. WWI& interest In the workj, aDd to A.. -1. P-efunin and V. G. M Pitsyuge for i0ilc patios In Wilding the cryostat.'' Orig. art. hass Ifigure, I table. -44 ASSOCIATIM: FUlko. [IAnatitut nizkLkh togeratur AkademiL ank Ukrainskoy SSR (A!yslcot~clWdx&L Institute of Low Te"eratures, Academy of Sclencies bkralnive SMU So CODEt up----- X0, 1W S"S :"I Ollm "S' :4i WS WE L 45662-66 ACC NRt AP6025460 -SOURCE-CODE :__ __UR_/_O_08_0/_66/__O- - -h475 39/007/1471 AUTHOR: Marchenko, N. A.; Motrokhova, A. N.; Dorosshev, V. D. ORG: Khartkov Polytechnic Institute imeni V. I. lomin (Kharkovskiy politekhnicheskiy institut) TITIX: Rapid process for deep anodizinp- of aluminisn alloys ji SOURCE: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, v. 39, no. 7, . 6, IU71-1475 A TOPIC TAGS: anodic oxidation, metal oxidation, metal coating, corrosion protection ABSTRACT: An intensified method of deep anodizing of commercial samples of aluminum and aluminum alloy is described. The method is based on the application of diminish- ing electrical power and high initial current density (15-18 A/100 cm2). During the anodic oxidation experiments, the temperature was 15-200C and the concentration of the sulfuric acid electrolite was 170-180 g H2SO4/l. The dependence of the oxide lay- er thickness (0-100 v) on aluminum and aluminum alloy samples upon anodizing time (0-30 min) is graphed. The microhardness and porosity of the oxide layers is tabu- lated. It was found that the quality of oxide layers produced by the intensified method is as good as that produced by the standard method. It was also found that aluminum alloy pistons anodized by the intensified method substantially Improved per- formance in internal combustion engines. Orig. art. has: 4 figures, 2 tables* SUB CODE: 07/ SUBM DATE: 15Jun64/ ORIG REF: 002/ OTH REF: 002 r UDC: 541.130 Card-1/1 17 ~z DOROSHEV, V.N., inzh. Conveyor-type plant-top removing machine. Trakt. i sellkhozmash- 32 no.1:32-34 Ja '62. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'sIdy institut sel'skokhozyaystven- nogo mashinostroyeniya. (Potato diggers (Machine)) I~ \ N 'low-, N ,__PPROSHEV, V.N. Theo.-etical basis for a conveyor-type plant-top removing machine of a potato harvesting combine. Trudy llISKFOMa no.40:42-79 163. (MIRA 17:9) DOROSHEV, V.N.,, inzh.; PLESHAKOV, G.F., Inzh. Calculating the intake part of a conveyor type plant-top ramming machine. Trakt. i selikhazzaah. 33 no.3:26-29 Mr 163. WRA 16:11) 1. VBeooy-uznyy nauchno-isoledovatellakiy institut sej'skokhozyayzt- vennogo mashinoolroyeniya. 3/137/61/o00/012/017/149 A006/A101 AUTHOnj Doroshev, Yu..F.,..Strugatskly, L. F. ,TIFLEt A unit for vacuum treatment, of steel during teeming intto molds PERIODICAL, Referativny7 zhurnal. Malallurgiya, no. 12, 1961, 56, abstract 12V338.("Tr. Proyektr,..'t&khno. I, 0or1kovsk. sovnarkhoz" 1960, no. 2-(~), 12 - 19) TEXT: At the Gorlkiy Met~llurgical Plant, a unit for vacuum treatment of steel in molds was designed, built an d put into operation. (The ingot weight was 3.8-tons) . - The first -priority: Be 3tion of the unit Is.intended for. vacuum treatment of, X23-HlB (Mh23Nj8) steel melted In-medium capaoity electric furnaces. The unit includes 2 -vacuqm (rotation) pumps type BH -5 NN-6) and BH -4* (VN-*); a. filter; a cooler (one pipe in anot,~iery the pymped-off gas ras4es through the inner pipe, the cooling water nais in the opposite. sense through the outer pipe); a 15-m vacuum conductor-; vacuum meters and a vacuum mold. In a conventional mold a recess is made at thq junction with the riser, The riaer differs from.the by big bulgings at'the top and lower portion, where grooves for the lid and a bulging for placing in*yp the mold were ahamfered. FQr the riser a Card 1/2 3/137/61/000/012/o17/149 A unit fot! vacuum treatment.of... Aoo6/Aiol steel lid was cast, onto whose top an intermediate furmel is welded. There is a special inspection hole with heat, resistant glass In the lid and an exhaust-tube, to which a rubber hose is tixed; the hose connects ttie mold with the vacuum con- ductor. The hole in the Intermediate furanal is shut from below with a' 1.5 mm Al plate. Residual pressure of 1.5 - 2.0 mm Hg Is developed In the mold Immediately tefore teeming. The vacuum In the mold Is maintained until 'the metal ascends into the riser. The first tests have shown that vaeuvan teeming- of Kh23NI8 steel increased a. by 20%1 the H content decreased by 44%. P. Arsentlyev [Abstracter's notet Complete translation] Card 2/2 33547 S/123/62,/ooo/bo2/ol2/012 A004/A101 AUTHORS: Aatrov, Ye. I., Doroshev, Yu. F. TI=t Producing bimetallic strip by the continuous casting method PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mashinostroyenlys, no. 2, 1962, 25, abstract 20149 ("Tr, Proyektn. tekhnol. I n.-I. ln-ta. Gortkovak. sovnarkhoi", 1960, no. 2 (4), 76-8D) TEXT: The authors describe an assembly (see Fig.) for produoing bimetallic strip. The metals'ar~ poured simulteneously. The primer consists of two parts whIch are rigidly joined. The metals are fused in tbe process of interaction of the solid and the liquid metal. A stable Nelon is obtained by an adequate selection of the temperature pouring rate and coolir4; conditions of the metals being cast. In this way it Is possible to obtain multi-layer strips. The casting process can be automated. There are 4 figures and 3 references, L. Yanovskaya [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/2 Producing bimetallic strip ... Fig.: - I I I Lffni I I I liff *- -A fill- I ii I * r#1 1-1 H-D I M M . 33547 3/123/62/000/002/012/012 A004/AIOl Card 2/2 S/137/6Z/000/005/054/150 A0061AI01 AUTHORS: Astrov, Ye. I., Doroshev, Yu. F. TITLE: New methods of bimetal production PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 5, 1962, 32, abstract 5CI207 ("Tr. Proyektn. teldmol. i n.-i. in-ta Gor1kovsk. sovnarkhoz", 1960, no. 3 (5), 44 - 47) TEXT: Information is given on methods of bi-metal production by continuous casting. A laboratory unit was developed for the manufacture of bimetal (Pb-Sn) pipe blanks, 50 mm in diameter, with tight junction of the layers. Round bi- metallic Pb-Sn blanks, 40 = in diameter, were obtained. with tight connection and uniform thickness of the layers.. G. Svodtseva [Abstracterts note: Complete translation] Cai-d 1/1 S/137/62/000/008/004/065 A006/A101 AUTHOR: Doroshev, Yu. F. TITLE: Investigating the quality of grade X23 H18 (Kh23N18) vacuum-treated steel PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, 14etallurgiya, no. 1962, 46, abstract 8V299' ("Tr. Proyektn., tekhnol.. I n.-i. in-ta, G.or1kovsk.sovnarkhoz", 1960, no 3 (5), 19 - 31) TEXT: The author investigated the quality of Kh23Nl8 steel, vacuum-treated during teeming in the mold with 15 - 35 mm Hg residual pressure. In comparison with conventional metal (in both cast and forged state) the H contend decreases then by 40 - 60,115 and attains 3 ml/100 g. Forged mital from vacuum-treated ingots shows an improved micro- and macrostructure, higher toughness (particularly-in heat-treated state). Vacuur6-treatment of steel during the teeming process im- prove's the metal quality; this considerably reduces rejects during a further conversion. A vacuum within a 15 - 35 mm Hg range does not affect (for the given steel grade) the Ingot surface, segregation of elementso and anticorrosion pro- Card 1/2 s/137/6Z/000/008/004/065 Investigating the quality of... A006/A101 perties of the metal in forged state. To obtain more reliable results, as to the gas content, mechanical properties, macro- and iniorostructure of vacuum-. treated metal, it is necessary that during teeming -the vacuum should be as high as 1 mm Hg. 0. Lyublinova (Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2,/2 ,ACCESSION KRs AR4018306 8/01 37/64/000/002/'VO40/1046 SOURCRt RZhe Metallurgiyap Abse IV302 AUTHORt Doro!hsv~yu TITLEt casting or atainlons stool M1819T In vaouum and in a medium of neutral CITED SOURCEs Tr. Proyektn, takhnol, i no-is in-ta flor1kovske sonarkhozp TY*p* Is 1963, 40-49 TOPIC TAGSt stainless steel casting's vacuum steel casting, bottom pouring, bottom casting# argon steel casting, nitroCen stool castinj, TRANSLATIONt A oubia vaoum chamber (mads or Ste 3 stool) with a usorui capacity or 12 m3 was constructed ror the investigations A staadard 8-way plate was placed on the bottom pouring. Borore the start of the pouring, a preliminary vaouum of 6-8 mm Hg was oreatedl 4 to 6 ingots weighing 830 kg each were cast from each melting. The ingots were rollod into a ohoot b9i, 10*9 x 300 x 786 mmo The quality of ithe surface of' the ingots subjeated to vacuum was found to be *onsiderably higher than that of ordinary oneal owing to the reduotion of the waste on planing or roughings the yield Card 1/2 ACCESSION Me AR4018306 of the shoot bars inoreased by 3ed%, whiah justifies the Installation or the vaouum ohamber rram the standpoint or the saving realizedo The oontent or gases deor6asoe during Vacuminct NZ by 13-21%o 02 by 28-50%. and U2 by ft faotor of 3.6* No pooitive results were givwn by oasting In a madiun of N2 or Arl this In due to .the high peroontage or O~ In N2 (4%) and Ar (- 1%) j the use or neutral gases whiob #Lre purer with reopsob to Og is not soonamloally jusbitiodo V* ludrin ODSt EXCLs 00 SUB 0 Card 2/2 ZAPRIJDSKAYA, D.S.; DOROSHEVA, N.G. Transaminaue distribution in the brain of neonates. Blul. eksp. blol. i mad. 56 no.9:54-56 S 063. (MIRA 17:10) 1. Iz biokhWeheskoy laboratorli (rukovoditell - doktor biolog. nauk S. Zaprudskayn) Rostovskogo-na-Donu Instituta akusherstva i pediatrii (dir. - kand. mad. nauk F.S. Baranovskaya) Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya RSFSR. Predstavlena deyotvitellnym chlenom AM11 SSSR V.V. Parinym. rL ACCESSION MIS 1 91006") ;:A7M So Bond- OR 4bov, 0* L. i~Dordahgvai N*-T; ;TITLEt --Us* of OantrO11104 -the state- 4. slualnum ;allovs -''SOURCZ1 V Me no,"Is 19651 65-0 ins tn=ent ABSVUCT i -Meatriml- oond~w t1vily- -values --sidd -their variatiam- fornarsiz,-"~ie are furnished for the instrumat ZI-1 which,,operates on eddy, current meazurQUO amtoo values aro, not- e=ot-bacmas -of slight-Varistions In the alectrioal-paramaters of instrumentag latt are aammte *Aou& for the comparativo measurements required.7'. o.ontroillAo-operati43~as*---~--1;4*Aae _in_Pr&otJLGQAhG_ alloy Composition-LO buomp It Is on4 required to diatinC4iah one alloy from amothere for which purpose the. dift0r%m -enea in conductivity-of-A-1.5 JA, - matietactary. The conductivity values vary -for- each alloyp dopending (m tho stOm of this alloy. The fhatore affeating this state (the diacussion pertains to alunims alloyal but the Omn-al prinaiplee apply to other non=gaatic alloys) are enumerated. rh respect to the crystal strmot=ev owduotivity is linked to the degree of oqvtal irregularitys With therval vattlage card. A13 J, L 2215"S ACCWSIM Us AP$=1 -Ahorft the conductivitv.. rh the Inftial stages olLO ago bardening, atom coCcoastim Sones Oxe formed 8.1ong 6119yea ja=89 nftolng~*the CM&CtIvity, Tha Variations In tu, allay conductivity for 410-emt tomperattvves avAl dumtions of ago hudening am ahcvm grapblwilly and semi an a ocatrol buts,, Tho variations ara linkad to the aolubility of the hardened Vhaa*o Siteatio fo=sticns aria* at highnr tc2pomtureet' reducing cowtuctivitre - Tb,#, nothodL of -plating md ths plating thicknoan 0184 hAv* a bearing on tho conduativitf. Nechanical removal of metal lowers conductivity mare "than does c~aamical otchinde Thia effect Is opparmtly linked to cold vorking ;during nod' hanioal removal, 11441-of cal ooJA workbW causes & Aight lowering o' conductivity (up. to I =L1. for 111ft) due ljo lattice diaruptime Doomwed Cr-4n nize, increanea mwfaoa arcaj, thus dearwwIlLng canduotivIlklo The Increazed UVOI.Q. ture offoot chotm in Pig. I = tho Emlowwo in to lower the canductivU, y. 'Min effoot io noro pronouncc4 tor ~Vuro Metals tbAn for solid solatiow. Tho - lewared 'conductivity with Increasod-tempovatures-As attributed to Us lattice disruptum caused by thermally Induaid woUono -"i, aria b", 4 flowes and 2 tibles* ASSOCT ATIM non* SUMaTM 1 00 =Me 01. ZUR COMS. UK NO REP SOVS 000 0203hu- (00 71 -Ce"d -L A I 't - - - I . Z FA , - - - - - - - - r. ~j - - - - . . - - - - - - :. -- -- - "Z -- 1 - - . i f 1 -,-1-I 1 1 1 -I -I . -1- 1 - - A- - 1 . I I DOROSHRIGHt A.P. Such warning signals are not nocessary. Put' i put. khoz. no. 7:27 il 158. (MIRA 11 -7) 1. Starshly dorozhrqy magt"r, g. Brest, (Railroads--Signeling) L 2423Z..&� EWT(d)/E*T(j)/F0C/T/E1'P(1) IJP(c) GV ACC NR: m6o=84 souRcs ccDE: uR/o388/65/ool/oo)/o2551w!66 AUTHOR: DoroshIcavich, A. G ORG: Mathematics Institute ime Va JtSt~ekloy,_M_��~R (Hatematichaskiy institut Ali SSSRT-- TITIZ: Cosmologic model Vith a honogeneous vagnetio field SOURCE: Astrofisika Ive 3., no. 30 19650 255-266 TOPIC TAGS: homogeneous magnetic field, electromagnatio field, tensor, slectric field, vagnatic field, mathematic nodel ABSTILICT: The problem of the universe with a MA at C 0- and with or without =atter Is discussed by mwq scientists, but a f solution has not b"n devu- loped* A. G. Doroshkevich disoussed the problem of anisotropic homos2neous Mlels of tho universo with arid without a magnetio field* The wcpanding universe is expressed. by the for=i1a ds-t- dis - b0 (t) I dr' +ff (r) d10 a$ (f) dzl, where f(r) may have three expreaAcinst sin r, r, The electromapetla field rgg-be expressed by a tensor ~A dA Caxd 1/6 L 24232.60 AC- -- AP6001084 Electric and magnetic components of the field can be chosen according to the postWAiz.,; of the oolixtion in questiono Doroshkovich does not consider sm electric fiold povilble and analyzes only the magnetic field* The Einstein equatUns with- out a tkipastio field have the form "a 2%W + b bs b' ab a 2.xt b A' + + 6 7+-IW b3 + -4 b P b$ ab a b F2-+-# + w) P ' -6 ab V where )t is Finsiteinls grravi lzr-.Fc nstant, is the density of the of the magnetic field,, c is the density of the en&'rgy in matter, and p is the state of matter; a and its aerivatives relate to Hubble's constant on the axis,..#nd b andits derivatives to Hubble's constant inthe plane. card 2/0 - ----- L 24232-06 Acc NR: Ap6ow& The curvature of space is based on Fridman's isotropic model and de- pends upon the sum of the energy densities of matter and the magnetic field and Hubble's constants. 6 1 when f(r) =sin r; 6 a 0 when f(r) r; and 6 = I when f(r) = sh re When 45 = -1, then there is an open model with negative curvature. The equation of the motion of -preserved particles may be given in the form nab' =: constant. When particles are preserved, the density of the magnetic field is stable, which means that the magnetic field is frozen. Having the system of Einstein equations a'nd supplementing them with equations of state P = P (11); e = c (a), or * p - p (c), the -problem may be solved. When c > o,p:- o and w > 0, any equation of state contains a singular point. The simplest model is the quani- Euclidian modelwithout a magnetic 'field and with the equation of state 13 - 0. The initial moment is counted from the state when b a 0. The constants a and b are arbitrary. The Card 3/6 L 24232-66 Acc NRs AM=84 constant to is associated with Hubble's con4tants Qi and 0 by the formulas d we 3P too +.i's' 1&%en t It 01,1he solution is an isotrojpic, ordinary, quasi-Euclidian solutions of Fridman, and it depends upon Hubble's constants near the singular oint. If Hubble's constant a on the axis is greater than that 0 in the- P lane a > 0 , and w > 1$ and to > 0 j the expansion starts at t = to on the axis ;P 0 and in the plane. If < 0 , and w (I < j., and to < 0, the n in the initial phas e, at 0,,,- t < - td2, the expansion in the plane is connected with a compression in the direction of the axis. When a = 6, wo = 1, and to = 0, there is an si-Euclidian model of Fridm4n. ordinary qua iol f ob- Takiiii~'int6-c.-6ii'sidiia'tl6-n-tfi6 fiia~&edc fielc ,i1W ution o the pr 'lem on be. expressed b :tPeqe-fpT;jM1 2 - 0 3 - - (2+ a-a + 4 L + a, card 4/6 L ~24232_66 Acc NR: Ap6oolo84 vinere xO is determined by the condition a (x* 0. The constants a and 0 2 40/b~ are assooiated with Hubble's constants,, and the constants t 508 and a, are arbitrary. Given t and a very large x, the solbilon is a quasi-Euclidian solution of Fridman. When t > t2, a monotonous ex- pansion takes -place both on the axis and in the plane. When t = t2 an expansion takes place in the plane and a variable expansion on the axis, which instantly changes into compression. The curvature does not In- fluence the manner of solution near the one point. When t In an open model, the density of the magnetic energy decreases more rapidly than the energy density of matter, and the expansion is independent of the magnetic field. Unlike the open model of Fridman, this open model does not become isotropic and asymptotic. Special cases for quasi- Euclidian models are reviewed. The author concludes that the concept of homogeneous, intergalactic, electric and magnetic fields is compatible with anisotropic, cosmologic models like those of Fridman. The models discussed need to be proven experimentally; either the energy density in the Metagalactic is critical or a significant anisotropy exists in the red shift and brightness of distant Ca~4'5/6 L 24232-66 ACC MI.* AP6001084 ob~j'e-cits."- The magnetic.field-markedly influenc es the dyfiamics of the ex- pansion at the initial phases at any given equation of state. In the final phase of eqansion, the magnetic field does not influence the expansion, The authorv express th&0414i Ya. Bijoild2yi4h for constant attention and interaist to this wox-k* Orige art* hast 13 forwiUs-ar-A 2 figures. ff-SBt v. 2, no* SUB CODEt 20- SUBH DAM 12Jun65 ORIG REJ?j 012_ OTH REpj 006 card 6/6a4O- k. " , 0 . B. ~ NOVI KOVI 1 .11, . N 1. Iv, ;-.a - j i, *L '~ It p. . lr:,i r.,it-at,ing 2hur,elrsp. . ~)aa -,~. -, f a % ymrifi t r i - q., -I 1. ; ~ I'. f i 2'. ~ ;..9 r. -'-. a 2- '~ N '", ~ I f ~ !~ I C G 041RA 18:8) -~ D 0 HOS H F -W toklin. nauk, dots. a programmed taAmial) Kinematika; program- rairuvannoe uchebnoe posoble. Moskva, Mosk. politekhn. in-t. Beseda 1. 3-8. 3964.. 7 V. (MIRA, 18.7) DOROSW-IQZ,,- Ana toliy _Tit oviqk,- TTURIKOV, Alakeandr Afanaslyevich; HAMONTOV, Roman Romanovich; MOTSKIY, 0.1., red.; BOBROVA. U.N., (Track maintenance on roads carrying heavy loads; work practices of the Kalachinek section of the Omsk Railroad] Sodershanie puti v usloviiakh vysokoi gruzonapriashennosti; opyt raboty Kalachinakol distantaii puti Omskoi dorogi. Koskva, Vaeo.izdatellsko-poligr. obledinenie K-va putai soobsbahaniia, 1960. 47 P. (KIRA 13:9) (Railroads--Knintenance and repair) UOROSHEVICHf h*T, Track machiner7 stations in a railroad 4ivision. Put' i put. khoz. 7 no.10tll-14 163. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Nachallnik otdela puti Omskago otdelenlya Zapadno-,qibirakoy dorogi. VILINER, Bartolld Takavlevich; DOROSHEIT CH Eligel's Kon-,itantinovicb; . .0 '. Pt. PESHES, Leonid YakovlelVD; V9 Tf~e,7- [Essays on cybernetics] Or~herki po kibemetike. Minsk Nluka i tekhnika, 1965. 154 p. (MIRA 18:3~ 1. Clilen-korrespondent AN Belorusakay SSR (for Veynik). DOROSHIVICH X How to achieve high economic indiceu. Grashdoxv-13 no.11:28-30 1 156, (KM 10:2) 1. Uch&llnik planowo-prolsTodstyannogo otdel& remontnogo pred- priyatiYa. (Airplane industry-4ccv=Ung) DOROSMICH, M. Provide for a professional education for photographers. Sov.foto, 20 no.2:2) F 160. OUM U: 7) 1. Ministr vyoshego, arednego spetsiallnogo i profe8sionall- nogo obrasovantva Belorusekoy SSR. (Photograpby-Study and teaohLng) --- - ----- ---- JLH4037976 BOOK LIMITATION S/ Voloshin, I.; Doroshevich, X.; Karachentseva,, No; Kaspeirovich, Aq Kupchinov, V.; Tyushkevi Semiconductors and their application in engineering (Poluprovodniki i ikh pri- manoniye v tekhnike), Hinsk, Xzd-vo, "Belarus",, 1963,, 286 p. illus.,, bibiio. 80000 copies printed. ,TOPIC TAGS.- semiconductorp thermistor, 4all gage., photoliode, phototriods, ,photoresistance, ferrite ;PURPOSE AND COVERAGE: The book describes the basic phyuical properties of aemi- :conductors and how they are affected by various factors,, The design., paramete r3 iand characteristics of thermistor Hall gages, photodiodes, phototriodes, photo-, ,resistances and ferrites are given* There is also an cxaminati~n of the operating; Yegimes of electrical circuits and circuits using semicenductors are sham. The I ,boole is intended for a broad circle of engineers and technicians working in the ,automation of production processeso 3ADIZ OF CONTENTS (abridgedli :AM4037974 Foreword - 3 Ch. I. Basic properties of semiconductors (Candidate of iWohnical sciences., A. S. Kasperovich) - 7 Ch. II. Thernistors (Candidate of technical sciences, L F. Voloshin) - 26 Ch. III. Hall gages and their use (Candidate of technical sciences,, M. X. Doroshevich) - 93 Ch. Photodiodes and phototriodes (Candidate of technical sciences., No Ta. Narachentseva) - 146 :Ch. V. Photoresistances (Candidate of technical sciences,, No I. Tyushkevich)- 18-7 Ph. M Ferrites (Candidate of technical sciences, V. No Kupchinov) - 244 I SUB COM: EC'P SS ,=M9 038 SUBMr=n 04Nov63 DATE AOQt 07MA NR REF SOVs 119 Card 2 /2_ DOROBIWICH,- K.K.;- NkTMSK, A.N-. Improving the power factor by means of Inductlam capacitors. Trudy Inst.onarg.AN BSSR no.102-87 154. (MM 9:8) (Condensers (Ilectricity)) Name: DOROBHKVEH., M. M. Dissertation; Determining defects in current transformers by a comPound method Degree: Cand Tech Sci 'AffiHat Acad Sci Belorussian SSR, Inat of Power Engineering poovcx" Deft go Date, Place: 1956, Minsk Source: Knizhnays LetoPiB', No 2, 19.557 RUTSKIT, A.I., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; DORDSMICH, 14-M., iazhener. Over-all error of a current transformer. Sbor.asucn.rab.Bel. polit.inst. no-53:33-43 '56. (MLRA 10:2) (Blectric transformers) DORMYTICH, M.M.. kand.tokhn.nautr Mis"s, Corrplex error in dnnigntng current transfornere compe,nanted by counter-magnettzIng. Izv. vys. ucheb. savo; energ. no-7:31-39 il 158. (MIRA 1100) 1. Inst1tut onergatiki AN BSSR. (Electric transformers) AKEUNDUVO E.B.v red.; PERLIS., G.B.v red.; DDHOS1MVMH,-HJLp red.; KLIO?ISKAYA; R.I.9 red.1 WINS, L.,q red. izd-va; ATLAS, A.., tekhn. red. [Automation,, control.. and Increase in the efficiency of electric pover oyatems]Avtoaatizatsiia.. kontroll i povyshenie ekonor-ichnosti energoustanovok. Minskj Izd-va Akad.nauk BSSRq 1962. 202 p. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Akadomiya navuk BSSR, Minsk. Instytut energet ki. (ilutoinatic control) (Electric power plants 4o5 i/XPVn)-2-- - Pr,6, LPr-~V*"10 PW-4 W~Xfff ACCESSION-NRt- -S/01431164/0001012/002410027--------~-.---------- 01 TITLE: Equivalent circuit of ths, ~1%11. generator SOURCE.- IVTiZ. En ~ilka no.': ii: 1964, Z4-Z? TOPIC; TAGS.f Hau genierator ],:tACT----The-f~uri-ternAnal~-an' -of-the-MU-sienerator by Mmdeley-and-_- I-ASS-7- 44sis - __ I __%: Grann'emann (IRE Trans-. , ED-S, no. 3. 1961) has been continued by the author. -1-T '--is- f4f - __d ---- - heLHUUgenerato 4* r ? 4-a-pe a-iffor spends-.--- on its flux densityi The matrix the HaU generatoi of where and r --are the platt input and output resistances respectiv-4y, k is a coefficlent-of proportibnAlftvtand-S i4s the -flux _dedsitv. The 1*4 -at -I -Wt' _aqtj e c rc that corresponds to theabove matrix lo of the T-network type.aM contains an.ami.- I I C ~_" i ! Ililt ~ , -- . F . [ A ; -' _i I cw 11;:: ! , *.:". 1, ; 1~: - ~ ~ I : I I ~ .:, , '. 1. 1 . I . . . . !*:,: ; .. ':yyol;'~-! 1 " i f., !' I I, , I ;' x, t r-, c:,no -i I r, aut : ,::. ! ~;* i '. : ! ~ , f , ! . , , - i . '. - ~ : - t, , , 1. ' ; St--r. nav. no.z,:' J--"; f %'i . t . 1:' 1~ ~'': ~. 1 ERTEEV, B.V.; 031PYNKO, I.F.; DOROSHNEVICH, M.N.; ARAPCVA, L.D.; BIRUI CHIK, T.N.; ROZENBERG, A.Ya.; ZERNOVA, U.M.; ZVIZZIfGV, V.V.; KATTVA, N.N. Antiblock composition for cellophane. Khim. volok. no.4:64-66 1.64 (MIRA 18W 1. Institut fiziko-organicheskoy kh-Jm1i AN BSSR (for Yerofeyev, Osipenko, Doroshkovich, Arapova, Birullchik). 2. Mogilevskiy zavod Iskusstvennogo volokna (for Rozenberg, Zerncva, 7,vizzhov, Katseva). 3-1-8/32 AUTHOR: Kobilev, A.G., Professor, Director of the Novocherkasek Polytechnic Institute imeni S#Urdzhonikidze; Kozlovskiy, Y.T., Professor, and Doroshevich, M.V., Director of the Belorussian Polytechnio-r-n97i-tute. TITLE: When Will the Higher School Receive its New Standard Statutes (Kogda zhe vysshaya shkola poluchit novyy tipovoy ustav) PERIOXCALs Vestnik Vyeshey Shkoly, # 1, PP 32-35 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The 3 authors emphasize the necessity of issuing new statutes for the higher schools, making some sur3gestions and raising objections in respect to the project, which was worked out in 1956 by an All-Union Conference of School Directors. They agree that the new standard statutes should provide for a widening of the vuzes' rights so as to enable them to decide with greater independence questions of instruct- ional and scientific work. The article mentions the names of Professors G.N.Petrov, and M.G.Chilikin, who on a previous occasion complained about the delay in approving the project. Professor II.T.Kozlovsky, however, thinks that with a view to the instruction letter Card 1/f No -100" of the USSR Ministry of fligher Education, containing J When Will the Higher School Receive it-i New 3tandirr,' 3-l' -e172 recommendations for a further improvement of the teaching process and the instructors' scientific work, it would be premature to approve the project before sufficient practical experience has been gathered. Professor A.G.Kobilev states that school life is at present regulated by antiquated statutes and volumes of orders which make it difficult to find the proper reply for a diven problem. The statutes will also be of importance in the schools' dealings with outside persons and institutions, in particular in their contact with industry. It will be essential to simplify the process of deciding upon organizational questions by entitling the directors to resolve personnel questions or problems of re-distribution of budget funds. Professor Kobilev points out that at prespnt the vacancies of professors, dotuente and their assistants are! filled by competition. According to the new statutes deans would be elected. He considers that directors and rectors should also Card 2/4 be elected, and, in case of need, 'the election 130 approved by some higher authority. ?rofessor M.T.Kozlovs!ciy suggests When Will the Higher School Receive its New Standard Stntutes. 3-1-8/32 that the dean's role as a faculty leader should be raised. However, in section VIII of the project, dealing with the schools' leadership, the deans are not mentioned at all. The 3rd author M.V.DoroshevVichh__plso refers to "Letter .3 su -100" and conuide~a that t a sugeestions cantained therein cannot be realized without profound methodical work. For this purpose he proposes that the now statutes should contain a section dealing with the structure and the work of a permanent methodical council to be established in every school. Turning to practical training which is now strictly regulated by the curriculums, he recommends that the vuz directors be given the right to change the teTms of practical training. The new statutes should also entitle the vuz councils to determine the number and contents of optional disciplines. There is 1 Russian reference. ASSOCIATION: NovocherkasakPolytechnic Institute imeni S.Ordzhonikidze (Novocherkaoskiy politakhnichftskiy inatitut imeni S.Ordzhoni- kidze) Kazakh State Univorsity imeni S.Y.Kirov (Kazakhokiy gosudar8tvennyy universitet imeni S.M.Kirova). Belorussian Card 3A Polytechnic Institute (Belorusakiy politekhnicheskiy institut). DOROSHEVIC4,1 14.V.0 zasluzhenn7y dayatell nauki i takhniki BMI Work of the Institute should be up t0 the dt&Adare.6 of our cur- rent objeotivea, Sbor.nauch.trud.flel.po3,itekh,insil, no,66:5-11 157* (MIRA 16:9) 1. Direktor Belorwokogo politekhnicheakogo instituta imeni DORDSHEVIClik in?.h. Flux d;.-;tr!bnt1on In tho mr.tiftir, circult of a frrn,:r(.rrp1-w1th a magnotizod shtmt. onn-(;. 8 n-.1* -93-95 Oil D '65. '.. !~.A 19ti) 1. Dolormiskly politekhnikhookly tntititut. kAfodr3y eInktritfl,eakikh atantaly. Sut)rri.tted Oatober 8, 196~,