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DO7.CST."rXITGI', A.G. Variation of thr, momrfnt of noricTitum of a vtar during, accretion. Ast-on. zhur. 43 no. 1t105-1017 Ja-F 106 l9t2) 1. Sulmitted April, 19, 1965. ABELFS, M.Yu., u.m. .0 The 18-;h Conference !n *t,Ye II.V. Kuibyshov lnf3tl*ut+ n' Engineering Jn Mo5caw. Osti. fund. i mek~~. grim. 6 30 164. -- ~ , 4-/ Sporitarientiv nipture of trrpry ;~ItnibOAng ll'ucute nb(fortinn". Vest. Milto n,),;)t 114 . (~`,'.IRA 1','-.9) 1. Iz respublikanskoy balln~tny vi- K.V-i. Knizikyavichus) proda IJ t,- ~-y BLIKIN, G.I., inzb.; --------UrtmNly .0 V. . 0 kand. takhn. nauk; POTRAVKOp A.A.,, inzho--; '*VG,M,., Inzh. Measurement of the speed of dusty, air and gas currents in pipelines, Elek. eta. 34 no.7:81-82 J'l 163. (MIRA 16:8) DOROSHIN, V.M., idsh. Mechanization of the wnufaoture of reinforced concrete products on stretching beds, Bet. i ahel.-bet. 8 no.2j68-71 F 162e (mm 1635) (Prestressed concrete) .- D-?~~Iqyj Y6, Analysis of electromechanical processes in the operation of antialipping devicee. Vent.TSNIIMrS 21 no*7:11-16 162, (MIRA 15:12) (Electric l9coxotive&-Safety appliancoo) DOROSHIN, Ye.R., inzh. Method for deoigning electric antiM,dd ttrcults. Vent. TSNIT MPS 22 no.7t26-32 163. 1 (MIn 16:12) . .. DOROSHIN, Ye.R. , inzh. Optimum conditions for the elimination of skiddint,-. Vest. TSNII MPS 23 no.5:IF-22 lu. (m1w, .1,1:11) VESELOVA, Ir.P., kand, veterinarnykh nauk; VOROB'YEV, M.A., veterinarnyy vrach; DOROSHINA, M.V.p veterinarnyy vrach Possibilities for the application of technical carbon tetra- chloride in cattle fascioliasis. Veterinariia 39 no.10:29-30 0 162. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Voesoyuznyy inatitut gellmintologii imeni akademika K.I. Skryabina. (Carbon tetrachloride) Liter fluke) rasites-Cattle N VESELOVA, T.P., dotment; VOROBOYEV, M.A., mladBhly nauchnyy aotrudnik; DOROSHI-NA, M.V., veter, vrach The fasciolicidal prepamtion hexachlorparaxylol. Veterinariia 40 no.4:52 Ap 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Vsesoyuznyy institut gelimintologii imeni akademika K.I. Skryabina. VESEWVAp T,P.j VOROBIrEV, M.A,,- YMIKOVSKAYA, YuAl KOWMG, T.r,; DORDSHU M. V. Toxicity of hmmehloroothans for cattle, VetarinuriU,41 uo~4s56-57 Ap 164e. (MIRA, .17:8) 1. Voesoyuzrwy inatitdt gallmintologii imeni akadmdka K,I, Skryabina. VF.r-FLOVA, T.P., k-ind. Yet. nauk; VOROBIYEV, M.A., mladshiy nauchny7 sotrudhik; DCRCSPINA, M.V., m1adshly nauchnyy sotrudnik; VELIKGV3"fA-,t%i.A.-, Yet. vrach; KOSTERO, T.F., ucheny.,y ' zootokhnik Significance of the injection of hexachloroethane in medicinal form to the cattle with fasclollasis. Trudy V1GIS 11:202-206 1649 (MIFLA 18:12) POYP~PHOV, A.A.; VL-'AIAJ-.)!".,., T.P.; W!"IDBIR-N, Testirg hexa ch I ovo-para-xyl fine against in sheep. Veterinariia 91 no.21:49-50 F '65- 1F,:-i) 1. Vachallnik Oblastnogo veterinarnogo otdola Smolermkoy oblasti (for Poyarkov). 41. Vsesoyuznyy Institut il,-.eni akademika K.I. Skryabina (for all except Foyarkov). L 1,3296-66_ ACC NR: AP6000331 SOURCE CODE; UR/0286/65/000/021/0020/002 0 iINVENTOR: Drapkina, D. A.; Brudz's V. G.; Terskoy, Ya. A. Doroshina, N. I.; Plitina, I. P.; Korollkova, 0. H. 'ORG: none JITLE: A method for producing a phosphorogen of red 630-(639)-S-(41-diemethylamino-, ibenzylidens)-barbituric acid. Class 12, No. 3675969 [announced by the All Union Sci- entific Research Institute of Chemical Reagents and Especially Pure Chemical Sub- :stances (Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellski3r institut khimichaskikh reaktivov 1 1 ~osobo chistykh khimicheskikh Veshchestv)] ISOURCM Byulleten'. izobreteniy i tovarnykh znakov, no. 21, 1965, 20 JOPIC TAGS: phosphorescent material, lumines(mnee, surface active agent ,ABSTRACT: This Author14 Certificate introducas a method for producing a phosphor~o- I- gen of red 630-(639)-5-(41-diesethylaminoben2Zrlidene)-barbituric acid by condensa- 1 tion of barbituric acid with 4-dimethylaminobitnzaldehyde in the presence of an alka-1 -1i. The luminescence intensity of the produat is increased by conducting the ;Card 1/2 UM-547,85M.071 L 13296-66 ICC NR: AP6000331 ,condensation In a aqueous sodium in the prestince of surfaas-active agentot e.g. iop-11. SUB CODE: 07/"SUBM DATE: 2SJun64/ ORIO 9:,F: 000/ OTH REF: 000 jw Cutd KULIZADEp Kyazym Novruz An ogly,, kand. tekhn. nauk,, dots.; .,DOROSHINSKIY, A.3 SHTEINGELIp A.$., red. izd-va.,1 (Electrical equipment in oil production] Elektrooborudovanie v neftedobyche. Bakul Aerneftneshr, 1960. 5)l P. (MIRJk 1517) (Oil fields-Electric equipment) to I F ~ till I I I 9 !. I Jill .tc Vol! lit lit lit cp r6l; it. lit SIP BOGDANOVA, Anna Aleksandrovna; PfC QIMEIMCH,_Xtna_QrnntQ3mAj-_ ZDOCHEVSKAYA, Khioniya Yfifimovna; SAFUNOV, O.K., red.; TIKHONOVA, Ye.A.,.tokhn. red. [English language for marine electricians) Anglilskii iazyk dlia sudovykh alaktromakhanikov. Moskya, Izd-vo "Morskoi transport," 1962. 167 p. (MIRA 16:4) (Electricity on ships) (English language-Technical english) DOROSHKVICH, P.F. Hard board for patients with injuries of the opine. Ortop, travm. i protez. 21'~no.llt6445 160. (MIRA 1414) (SPINE.-WOUNDS ABD INJURIES) (ORTHOPEDIC APPARATUS) DOIIOSHMKIT, V, Inzhener,"jWGOVXM, A., inzhener. .I N'Telm"ovIn gl;i dust from tuwwls underneath elevator bins. Muko-eleve prom, 23 no.4:26 Ap 157. (KLRL 10:5) 1. Odesekly takhnologicheskiy institut (for Doroshavokly). 2. Odesekiy mellnichnn kombinat Nd. 2. (for lugovenko). (Grain elevators) (Dust--Removal) DOROBREVSEIY V \,inabilA - 10 Wv, ?I".WAMP-MM - - Continuous control of pneumatic grain handling and ventilating installations of flour mills. Aik.-elev.pros. 24 no-3:16-17 Hr 158. (14M 12.29) 1. Odeaskly takIhnologicheekty inatitut in. I.V.Stalina. (Grain-handling machinery) (Ventilation) DOROSEDISM., V. V., Candidate of Tech Sci (dies) -- "The problem of the technolo,gi- cal need for continuous aerodynamic production control of the ventilation equipment of flour-and-groats enterprises". Odessa, 1959. 15 pp (min Higher Educ Ukrn, Odessa Tech Inst im 1, V, Stalin)., Y ,50 copies (XL., No 2P, 1959, 3.15) Q..!Llljj!,- G.--yat and Trcitn! V, S.K. "Tho charactcriatico o:awlllrj;., 0~' --he Kuban atu-Ccon, !-4/6-47,11 i-101. laboratcrii Azc!~erry~voda, Issue 1, 19'9, p. 5 1 U-5'-~41, I.' Pocerlor 1953, (L--*.opis 1---hurml Invkh cy no.5;43-47 )~, '38. i cable s-Tisting) OCLU 110) 1. DOROSHIN, V. 2. ussR (6oo) 4. Moscow - Meat Industry 7. Specialty store for the district food trade, Sov, torg. No. 1953. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April -1953, uncl. DOROSHINA, N. 1. "Lubricant for metal die pressing," D. A. Dropkin, Sh. 0. Shumakher, 1. 0. Matveyev, E. S. Pankova, A. D. Parkhomovakeya, L. 3. Kolugins, and N. I. Doroshins. U.S.S.R. 105) 249, Mr. 25 1957. The lubricant, called prepn. "P-18," is a tech. mixt. of isomers of tetraisopropyldiplienylmethene. ERUDZI, V.G.; 3WKDiA,, D.A.j Frinimali uchastiye: DOROSIIIIIA. II.I. laborant; PANNOVA, E.S., laborant, Synt-heolo of Nj2-benzylaminoothanol. budy IREA no.22:3.42- 146 158. (KUU 14:6) (Ethanol) DOROSHINSKIT, A.S. ValuabTe'"ementific eind practical manual ("Collected sample calculations on 'Oil-field electrical equipment'",by 1. N. Kulizade. Reviewed by A.S. Doroshinskii). Azarb. neft. khos;. 38 no.3:10 Mr '59. (KIRA 12:6) (Oil fields--Iquipment and sqpplies) (Kulizade, K.11.) - DO-1,03rK -71C,110 A. .4. "The Fhasic Development and Variability of "Icroorgartisms", Zhur Mikroblol, Epide i Itmunoblol, No. 69 PF 75-77, 1950, DOROJ-TM,VICq, A. A. A)celleal Y(,' "The Mutability of Bacteria of the Dysentery Group." Sub 5 Jun 51, Central Inst for the Advanced Training of Physicians. Dissertations presented for science and engineering degrees in Moscow during 1951. SOj Sim No. 480, 9 May 55. DOROSHKEVICH, A. A. 1, Microflora in the Middle Ear and in the Blood of Children Suffering FYom Dysen- tery and Its Complications," Zhurnal Mikrobiologii, Rpidemiologii i Immmobiologii No 1, 1953 pp 80--89. Chair of Microbiology of the Cherriovtoy Medical Institute Abstract W-27098, 25 Jul 53 DOROSMWICR. A.A. liffect of a conditioned stistilus on the formation of 10molog1wa reactions. Zhur, vyss "rye dolas, 4 sool:108-115 J~bj 154. (XM 718) 1e Kafedra mikroblologil I kafedra momlluoy fiviologii Ryag&n,. skogo moditolusID)CO lastituta In. &W. I.P'Pavlovs. MMMI, *,OMITIOM. *off. 9Immun. reaction) NMI"$ *off. of conditioned reflex on form. of) L 5444-66 2VwiT(l)/EWP(vi)/T IJP(*) 014 ACCESSIO71 Iffis -AP5019230 uWoo%/6VO49/001/0170/0181 AUTHOR;., rof"Ch. 32 TITIY,-. Gravitational Be of A,,~=etrical and rotating masses SOURCE: Zhurnal eksper!jwntallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, V. 49, no. 1.. 1965., 170-181 ,TOPIC TAGS: gravitationp steLlAr evolutionp SaW"gas", gravitation effect, gravita,- tion field ABSTRACT: The theory of stars contracting without limit., hitherto developed fora simple mndel of a spberical bodyj is extended in this article to include non- spherical and asyrmetrical stars. It is proved rigorously that the characteristic pattern of gravitationLI self-closing is valid also for the general case. Moreoverl collapse of a non-rotating body leads to damping (proportional to the reciprocal of the time) of the quadrupole and higher field moments as seen by em external observero P5.7he variation of a rotating body is shown to be different. The clianges in tbe matriep connected with the rotation of the local inertial fi~, are sho%rn to tend to a nonvanishing constant valuej, but othervise the collapse remains qualitatively the same as in the spherical case, Static nonspherical solutiont of Einatein's Card 1/2 L 5444-66 ACCIMISION VR: AM19230 0 equations are investiiiated and the properties of the Schwarstschild surface are an&,-- 3,vzed for the cane of static field vith axial symetry.. a rotating body with an ex- ,ternal field., a ScInmmachild sphere in an external quadrupole field., and tb* col- :,lapse of a perturbed ispherical dust cloud. Orig. art. has: I figure and 20 forms-', las. 'ASSOCIATIONi none sumwrm t 16Dec& IMU 00 SUB CODEt OPs AA ]MR mw sov, oo6 OTM: 03.0---t t Card 2/2 0 S/056/62/043/001/011/056 B125/B102 AUTHOR: Doxoshkevich, A. G. TITLE: Storage of cold neutrons PERIODlu'AL: Zh%irnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki,.v. 43, no. 1(7), 1962, 79-80 12-11'XT: The total lifetime of cold neutrons with respect to capture and heatin,g in a cubic cavity of 1 m3 capacity with beryl-' lium walls wan estimated to be approximately 1.2 hrs at the beryllium lattice temperature Te ' 3000K and 10 hrs at Te ' 10OPK. The mean penetration depth of monochromatic neutro9s with uniformly distributed dnargies E< Scrit into the walls is -10- cm. The lifetime of the neutrons with respect to capture by the walls is ^J17 hro. The probabilitj of heating of the neutrons by reflection from surface vibrations of the walls can be determined from a dalculation of their scattering by a poten- tial of the form Card 1/2 Storage of cold neutrons 5/056/62/043/001/011/056 B125/B102 0. X> X; sin (O'l >0 V -V,+Vxl ju'. X>0 V1 U# x, sin w'1 > x > 0 V"* to, X