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Experimental investigation .... F-195/E335
values of 6 , 30-40o,10 lower. The investigation was extended
to include tanks of both spherical and conical shapes.
Natural frequencies and damping coefficients were determined
from the fomulae:
W = C (g/r )1/2 6 = C i.84ir /(R )1/2
1 0 2 0
for spheres, and
/2 1/2
= CjL(jAg/r.)l 6 = C21,841M /(R0)
for cones, where r 0 is the radius of the free surface and
r0 is the radius of spheres. The dependence of C I and C 2
in spheres, on relative depth is shcwn in Figs. 14 and 15-
For cones the variation of C 1 and C 2 with inclination
angle a is shown in Figs. 16 and 17~ The cone formulae
were obtained for fluid depths h > r 0 and for amplitudes of up
Card 4/6
290 64
Experimental investi-ation .... r,195/E335
to 0.01 r0 at the wall. For a::iplitudos exceedin- 0.01 ro
and angles of inclination a ~~ 10 0 the dam,-)in,- coefficient
does depend on the amplitude of oscillations; thus, whon
a = 170 and the amplitude equal 0.1 r 0 the value of damping
coefficient is doubled.
There are 17 figures and I Soviet reference.
STM-IITTED: April 7, 1961
Card 5/6
Fig. 14:
Experimental study of the perturbed motlon of a solid body
containing cavities partially filled with liquid. Kosm.issl.
3 no.2:208-220 Mr-Ap 165. (MIRA 1824)
B_ro&don the oxch&Me of exlerlexce. Good. L kart* no-1:35-40 4 137a
(MLRA ILO:.'~)
(Cartography-) (.Aerial photegrammetry)
AUTHORS: Dorozhkin V. S., Zheltov, Yu. V. and Zheltov, Yu, F.
( i:0- ~;o ~ ~
TITLF,: On the Movement of a Mixture of Liquid with Sand in the
Well and in the Crack During Hydraulic Fracture of an
Oil Bearing Stratum (0 dvizhenii smesi zhidkosti s
peskom v skvazhir~e i treshchine pri gidravlicheskom
razryve neftenoartogo plasta),
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akadomii Nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye Tekhnicheskikh
Nauk, 1958, Nr 11, PP 37-42 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: In the process oX hydraulic breaking up of an oil bearing
stratum sand penetrates into the cracks which form in the
rocks and the peaetrated sand prevents the closing
together of these rocks when the liquid pressure is
reduced. Until the sand reaches the crack it has to
travel a considerable distance along the vertical tube.
Therefore, for selecting a rational technology of the
process of breal:ing up a stratum it is important to know
the hydro-mechanical picture of motion of a mixture of
liquid with sand, both along the crack and in the verti~zal
tube. Special experiments were carried out to verify
Cardl/2 whether available relations are applicable for such
eyt2 nd
On the Movement of a Mixture of Liquid with San in the a__
in the Crack During Hydraulic Fracture of an Oil Bearing Stratum
coarsely disperse suspensions as mixtures of liquid and
sand; the experimental set-up is shown diagrammatically
in the sketch, Fig.l. The basic liquid used in the
experiments was glycerine and for obtaining various
viscosities the 151yeerine was diluted with water;
furthermore, sulphite-alcohol distillery refuse was used,
which is frequently applied in the oil industry as a
liquid for breaking up strata. As sand, quartz sand
with the fractions 0.6-0.85 mm was used and in some of
the experiments sand of other fractions was used.
Curves calculated on the basis of the relations expressed
by Eqs.(2.1), (2.8) and (2.11) are plotted in the graph,
Fig.6; in the same graph the values determined in the
here described experiments are also plotted.
There are 6 figures and 1 Soviet reference.
ASSOCIATION: Institut neftJ. AN SSSR (Oil Research InstituteAc.Sc.U3M)
SUBMITTED! May 9, 1958
Card 2/2
DUNKE, N.A.: --D.OROZHKII,-Yuj.-,. . ~ T
Research on the effectiveness of mineral fertilizers in experiment
ponds of the "Shometevo" Pish Yarm. Trudy Biol. sta. na oz. Narech'
no.1:131-142 '58- (MIRA 12'.7)
Vish p9nds) (Zooplaukton)
Characteristics of electrical cortical reactions from some
interoceptive and exterocertive fields. Do'A-1. AN BSSR 8
no. 1:63-65 Ja 164. (MIRA 17:5)
1. Inatitut fiziologii AN ESSR.
Huxonium effect on interoceptlve and exteroceptive cortleal
r(sactions. Dokl. AN BSSR 9 no.12:835-837 D 165.
(MIRA 19:1)
1. Institut fizialogli AN BSSR.
Methods of irrigating Agricultural crops. Tekhsovety MTS 13, No 23, 1952.
1. DOROZHKO, P. K., Eng.
2. LSSR (600)
4- Irrigation Canals and Flumes
7. Technology and organization of farm crop irrigation.
Dost. sellkhoz. No. 4, 1952.
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, January 1953. Unclassified.
300) SOY/99-59-10-7/11
AUTHOR: Dorozhko, P.K., Engineer
TITLE: Extra-mural Session of the Scientific Council of the
VNIIG'VM at the "Pakhta-Aral" Sovkhoz
PERIODICAL:, Gidrotekhnika i melioratsiya, 19591 Nr 10, pp 58-60
ABSTRACT: The Extra-mural Sesaion of the Uchemyy sovet Vsesoyuz-
nogo nauchno-issledi)vatellskogo instituta gidrotekhni-
ki i melioratsii imeni A.H. Kostyakova (Scientific
Council of the All-Union Resenrch Institute for Hy-
draulic Engineering and 11elioration imeni A.N.Kostya-
kov) was held from '15-17 July 1959 at t'~e "Pakhta-
Aral" sovkhoz (Kazakh SSR) and was devoted to the in-
troduction and further development of sprinkling and
other methods of mechanized watering in cotton-grow-
ing districts. The cession was attended by representa-
tives of 76 research, planning, construction and ope-
rating organizations connected with the water economy
Card 1/7 of the Kazakh, Uzbek, Turkmen, Tadzhik, Yirgiz, Azer-
Extra-mural Session of the Scienti:lic Council of the VT1I1GV1 tit
the "Pakhta-Aral" Sovkhoz
baydzhan, Georgian, Armenian, 7oldavian and Ukrainian
republics, and also by representatives of cotton sov-
khozes and kolkhozes In the Golodnaya step' region.
The Session heard t'he following papers: Director of
VNIIGiM, Corresponding Ilember of Vie VASn-ITIL, A.M.
Tsarevskiy on "The Introduction of Pew Irrigation E-
quipment in Cotton-gro,.,iing"; the Director,of the "Pakh-
ta-Aral" sovkhoz V.?T. Kulikov on "The Results and
Prospects of Using Sprinkling 7quipment on the "Pakh-
ta-Aral" Sovkhoz"; Senior Agronomist of the "Fakhta-
Aral" sovkhoz A,V. Paradiyev on "The qys-tem of Agro-
meliorative Measures on the 11-Pakhta-Aral" Sovkhoz in
Irrigating Cotton with '7prinklers"; Candidate of Agri-
cultural Sciences P.S. Rymarl of the VITIIGi?,' on
"The Scientific and Practical Pesults of studies of
Cotton Sprinkling"; Candidate of T-7ngineering Sciences
Card 2/7 N.N. Bukov of the VTTIIGiV on "The Technical and Pco-
nomic Indices of Sprinkling I!achines"; Candidate of
Extra-mural qession of the Scientific Council of tl,e 17TT~i- at
the "Pakhta-kral" Sovkhoz
Rngineering Sciences TT.N. TTechayev of Ve ljz'tekska a
do7bdeval,naya stantsiya (Uzbek !sprinkling StatiM
on!.F-',xperience From the Introduction of Sprinkling in
the Uzbek SSR11; Candidate of Agricultural Sciences
V.TJ. Romanov of the VITUGill and N.F. Bespalov of the
Pakhta-Arallskaya op tnaya stantsiya (Pakhta-Aral
Experimental Station~ on "Cotton-watering Routines
With Sprinklers"; Candidate of Ngricultural Sciences
M.V. Preobrazhenskaya of the VITITIGITA on "The Course of
the Vlater-Salt Cycle in Soils With Sprinkling"; Candi-
date of Agricultural Sciences A.T. Orlov of the VTTIT_
GiM on "The Economic Efficacy of Irrigating Cotton
With Sprinklers"; Engineer Kh. G. lbragimov of the
VYITTGV on "The Experience of Organizing Planned Wa-
ter Utilization in Sprinkling Cotton Over Targe
Areas"; Candidate of Engineering Sciences IT.A. Gri-
Card 3/7 goryan of the V?IIIGi?4 on "The Fxperience of Using
Extra-mural Session of the Scientific Council of the 1,TTTr"T at
the 1`11akhta-Arall, Sovkhoz P- --
Sprinkling Machines on the 11?akh~-a-Aral"Sovkhozll;
Candidate of Engineering 7ciences IT.7-. ~7amsonova of
the VlTITGi!! on "leveling Irrigable Areas With Long-
Framed Levelers"; Engineer T.T. Velic"-iko of the
VNIIGiM on "The Irrigation of Cotton and Other Agri-
cultural Crops With a Watering Tnstallatlon Vlade of
Flexible Pipes". In the discussion on points raised
in the papers ti-e-e participated: the Senior Engineer
of the "Pakhta-Aral" sovkhoz ~!.Ya. Tolpado, Senior
Hydraulic Technician of t1ge sovk1hoz P2T. Yurlyev, 7e-
nior Agronomist of the Sovkhoz imeni vominterna P.V.
Toz1ov, a mechanic of the section imeni 'Dzerzhinskiy
Terzi# scientific personnel - Sh. I-Tustafayev of the
Azerbaydzhanskaya dozhdevallnaya stantsiya (Azerbayd-
7han Sprinkling Station), I.S. Popova of the Pakhta-
Aral Experimental Staticn, P.P. 'Toskalltsov of the
Tsentrallnaya opytno-meliorativnaya stantsiya (Central
Card 4/7 Experimental Meliorative Station) 71.1. 'Peresypkin
Extra-mural Session of the Scientific Council of the V'IIT(riM at
the "Pakhta-Aral" Sovkhoz
and ATaslennikov of the Uzbc-.k Sprinkling Station, P.N.
Samarkin of the Turkmenskiy- nauchno-issledovateliskiy
institut zemledeliya (Turkien Research Institute for
Agriculture)p D,M, Xervalishvili of the aeorgian
NITGiM, Said-Khodzhayev of the Ak-Kavakskaya opytnaya
stantsiya (AK-YAvaknkaya Experimental Station), P.Y. Tebe-
dev of the VIMOVI, 1.D. Panenko of the ?ffoldavskiy
institut oroshayemogo zemle.leliya (Moldavian Institute
for Irrigation Agriculture)p N.P. Nemkova of the
Yuzhno-Kazakhstanskoye oblsellkhoz-upravleniye
(Southern Kazakhstan Oblas+ Ag-icultural Poard),Rngi-
neers IT.K. Mozhgill of the 11krgiprovod1rhoz, V.P. Shi-
lovtsev of the Azgiprovodkhoz, P.I. Denisov of the
Goostroy of the USSR, etc. The Session discussed the
promising results from the use of sprinklers and wa-
tering installations of flexible pipes in the irri-
gation of cotton-growing areas, quoting the increased
Card 5/7 cotton yields from cotton farms where these had been
Extra-mural Session of the Scientific Council of Vne V,"ITGiM at
the "Pakhta-Aral" Sovkhoz
adopted. The DDA-100!,' sprinkler (designed by the
VTITIGiT4) had given -~,cd tervice on the "'Pakhta-Aral"
sovkhoz but the Session criticized the Tashirmash
Plant for producing defective and poor-quality sprtnk-
lers and other meliorative macninery. To help exiend
the use of watering equipment Dn cottcn farms intensi-
fied research on such equipment is required. The Uzbek-
skaya akademiya.sellskokhozyay~Btvennykh nauk (Uzbek
Academy of Agricultural Scienc-9s) should encourage
and equip the Uzbekskaya dozhd.?val'naya stantsiya
(Tjzbek Sprinkling Station) and organize a chain of sup-
porting centers to introduce watering equipment in the
Golodnaya 9tep' and Fhorezm region. A supporting cen-
ter of the Kazakhskiy institut vodnogo khozyaystva
(Kazakh Tnatitute of Water Economy) shotild be organized
at one of the sections of -the "7akhta-Aral" sov-
khoz and a Sprinkling Taborato-ry nt V,e T!uganskRya
Card 6/7 opytno-meliorativnaya stantsiya. (,M~_e,~utskFiva Experimental
Extra-mural Session of the Scientific Council of the VTTITGVI at
the "Pakhta-Aral" Sovkhoz
Melioration Station) to enver -the Azerbaydzhan- qc'R.
The Session felt that the Tashi-rmash Plant should in-
crease its output of PT-O le-teling machines to co-
ver the needs of the cotton-growing regions, since
leveling greatly increaseethe officacy of sprinkling.
The Session also advises resea:?ch and practical work
for the improvement and wider use of watering instal-
lations of flexible pipes.
Card 7/7
2. ussE (6oo)
4. House Painting - Novaya Kakhovka
7. Experience with the work of a painting crew on the construction
of residential buildings in the city of Novaya Kakhovka, Biul.
strol. tekh, 10 No. 2. 1953
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions- Lthrarv nf rnnnrpss- flay 195-'A- lInclasnifiM
PEKHTFMVP V., konstruktor; P
JIQZWM,-V., konstruktor
The "Vega-2* camera. Sov.foto 23 no.1:36-37 A 163. (KRA 160)
Recurrence of epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis. Sov. mmd.
20 no.4:70-72 Ap 156. Oam 9: 8)
1. Is kliniki infektalonzWkb bolazney (direttor -.Professor
A. I. Lukova) Saratovskogo meattsinskoga inetttut&.
recar. (Run))
SH*Ligvv N*A,, prof.; DOROZHKOVA, I.R.; DOBrCHINA, A.I. (VAiskva)
Staphylococcal and toxico-a3lergic pneumonia in pulmonary
tuberculosis. Vrach.delo no.3s3-8 Mr 163. (MIRA 1634)
1, TSentrallnyy institut tuberkuleza Ministerstya idravookhrananiya
SSSR. 2. Deystvitellnyy chlen ANN SSSR (for Shmelev).
Study of the sensitivity of mycobacteria to antibictics and
chemotherapeutic prepamtions. Antiblotiki 8 no.7:1,,97--601
J1163 (MIRA ?7:7)
1. Kafedra mikrobiologii ( zav. - prof. M.1i.Lebedeva)I Hoskov-
skogo meditainskogo inatituta Imeni Sechenova i mikroblologi-
chaskaya laboratoriya ( zav. - prof. A.I.Kagramanov) Inatituta
tuberkuleza 14inisters-tva zdravookhraneniya SSSR.
Phagotyping of staphylococci isolated from tubercul-)-qis patients
and medical personnel. Zhur. mikrobiol., epid. I immin. 41 no.11-.
90-94 165. (MIRA 180)
1. Tgentralinyy Institut Uxborkuleza MinIsterstva Mravookhraneniya
DOR02Htloyp A. V.
pst-gteppe solls.
zffes*tnesg at umkg ray fo
V. P.Nartsfssor and & V.fto!thnovjSlate Acr. H*rpt.
Sts., Gorki). 31-6-Acidtis of
linlestont t0 AM 1612 hiffekSe tht cffeCtlymess of fertilizer
1 ~V!
. . . . . . .....
J=LWIO1V1Mv A45003351 8/027t/64/600/011001VU0~12
kWk-- k
OURU ~ew Ma- V~hi
4c vodnyy t(n, t A~s '1072
AUTHOFa SivejdsW~- V* M. 1, D6rqs 'IM14y -u S
ul -orpro-cf, i I
T TLEt Vfd,veroal program aoiin-'
for the fqrralff digital OMPU
0I= SOMICES M. nauchn 4' rabot upirainth* Ll vovok politekhn. in-tap~-no. 2j 1963.
-pro- A-prodeesing'--computer--data- roe
TOPIC TAGS c, Lta catsini-o's ralft-gau dat _p_____8
t* 1Xe",jLiL;,e&
at-a -tape is7--ob
deformatixins for- several.-_:L~rpea of planar rosettes.~_-The uource-d - - talned
Aoo)--io-esnbossed-on the tape. Sensor-
from expailiwnte # The zone -(in t1di cage
re go In the-octo-nary -system and -the -type--of -rosette--are- punched la -the- same --
frT, A pattern of frame punchir~j- of.. the oource-data tape It. shown. Me e
_Pr~) g 6tormatioM and-streasea on the ba319 of
am PJ,- estimatin tho measur
k~q -_
CEWI XR: -AR5003351~
-p-r- -o-b-le-m- -06 ~r '71yo--var iant a -are- - cons idsred,-aj
on the narrower nd - 6sigal:
fomulaa for each of them are -g-4 ---Th k-program~ocoupies the 0
ven a wor
storage cells in-the ootonary nu~er --sy0'1em.-_The callS 0546 -0666 are used for--
-valuos Of- elastic constant-a wW -the -doeffloient's derived :therefrom-
~t he work. T.Ke
can _b~e --introdliced- frw'the--co,,Vuter-des1c- oi --by a-_aeparatft-t-ape.---A-pati;ern--of thet
'tonary.-pystem constants on the:, tape in prosentedd Data Is introduced:Anto tho
7-1- nachlne~memory-at-the 0700-1D61-1. m7imus number -of - xiiasurementa - bei ng
-processed is -1599 which- corresponds to !jJ3 I)Ianar rosettou -of -the sensors.- The.- .
aM -the --zone number
:tape lengtb carrying-the measurement datA is 326.5~-cm.
k worklengttli nf useC.Thelione-A-and the workprogran (zone 3)-.are
Lntroduccd,.Lnitiw__itiil9the.dikit4l:'bom or -The nodber ntO677.(wherti n is ths~
num-ber Df wasurements in the oot6nqry_ iysU~), -is intmduadd Into 00 23 ''Cell Nwit j
the source-ilata tape isintrodu~bd :~Ths Vax
Untleolutions aro effected:by turn
I" an va-aombination~qf
tho-corraspmding~,switche , AalWA i6t c&W va~ t
Dns illustration. Bibliogrobyt 2 titles
ML i
LdT (a lip(a)
ACC NR- AR6oo5.182 S(XJRCE CODE: lip/00 58/6 5/0OOj'0o9/B0l2/W12
SGUCE: Ref. zh. Mika, Abs. 9B126
AUTHORIS: Vorozhavs'kyy) Ye. S.; Korduba, 11. M.; Kostenko, V. H.
TITLE: Dirichlet problem for planar electrostatics
F07 SOURCE: Zadacha Dirikhle plookoyi elektrostatyRy. Visnyk Kyyivs'X. un-tu. Ser.
matem. ta atekhan., no. 6, 1964, 152-158
TOPIC TAGS: electrostatics) Dirichlet problem, Poissort equation, compater applicatioi
rMiSIATION: The authors aolve the external Dirichlet Problem for pl&3ar clectro-
Gtatics in an unluounded medii= Irl reducIrt the laLter to the iuternal ;?rcblem in a
rectargle for the Polsson equation. Using the symmetry of the problem, they solved
with an elf~ctronir computerthe re&uIteuit nyateta of alf;-2bralc equationt; for the de-
('1'T!11TiP_fiQ11 Of the unlrjiown parameters, wid also obtain the potential fteld in any of
-,.he IP8,293 Internal junction points of a vmtangular grAd.
013 CODE: 4?0
L 01849-67 ENT d)/E6T(l)
ACC NR, AR6013771 SOURCE CODE: UR/0044/65/000/010/81)87/8087
AP771OR: Doroziovs'kYY, Y6-Sl KOrduha, B, .; Kostenko, V.
TITLE; Dirichlet problem of the flat electro3tatic3
SOURCE: Ref. zh. Matematika, Abs. 109410
REP SOURCE: Visnyk Vvivalk. un-tu.Sermekhan-matem., vyp. 1, 1965, 9-14
TOPIC TAGS: electron optica,'felectrostatic field, cqmputer/M Ural-I computer
ABSTRACT: Assume that three pairs of parallel electrodes of the same length are sym-
metrically die-posed between two parallel lines (screens) of arbitrary length. On the
screens and on the adjacent electrodes the given potential is ual, on the other elec-
trodes uuO. 17he problem of potential fieldi ktermin tion mathematically xeduces to
the solution of the taplace equation lb2u/axz 4 ;:/ay2 =0 (1) in the.unlimited
region, problem (1) is solved by the method of G.M. Polozhiy by reduction to an inter-
nal problem of Dirichlet in a rectangle, for the Poisson equation. Methodology for the
solution of (1) on the Ural-I computer is described. A ccmparatively simple formula
of summary representations for field calculations is given; an algorithm for the solu-
tion of the emerging system of algebraic equations is constructed. Numeric results of
the solution.are described. I Shelikhova /*Snalation of abetracf
SUB CODE1 .10 /t
- -.0 ~1 UDC 518:517,9441/,947
-ACC-NRt AT6003593 SOUFJX 001E: UR/3185/65/000/001./0009/0015
AUI11ORS: DorozhoWkyy, Ye, S, (Dorcehovskiy, Ye. S.);,Korduba, B. M.; ?bstenko, V.H
OR3: none
TIIU: The Diridilet problem of planar electrostatics
SOURCE: Lvov. Unive Visnyk. Seriya mekhaniko-matematyr1ma, no. 1,, 1965, 9-15
TOPIC TAGS: Dirichlet problems electrostatics, matrix function, algebruJ'.c equation,
computer calculation, dipole antennas slot antenna, antenna array
ABSTRACT: The authors solve the external Dirichlet problein for planar electrostatics
in an unbounded region using the method of-G. N. Polozhiy (Chislennoye n!sheniye
dvurremykh i trekhmemykh krayevykh zaclach matematicheskoy fizlki i funk:sii
disktretnogo argunanta [Numerical Solution of Wo-Dimensional and Muee-j~i_niensional
Bcundary ValLe Problems of Mathematical Physics and Functions of Discretia Arguments],
Kiev University Publication, 1952), The problems say, of -the rvidiation ;from several
pzdxs of dipole or slats situated between two long screens is reduced by mans of such
a method to the intemal problem in a rectangle for the Ibisson equation. The matnix
equations and solutions are transformed into a resultant system of algebraic equationE
based on -the sym-atry of the problems and solutions are obtained for a nwber of
SCZX= lengths in a form suitable for electrKnic ocupiter evaluation. The results are
sUbsequently used to obtain the potential field. Crig. art. has: 2 figures and 12
C.,d 1/2
- - - - - - - --- --.%- -
L ' 20383-66 . . , . - .1 " . ---t ~.#, .-
AUTHOR: Dorozhovslkyy-p Yes S...,,Kordubap B. M.; Kostenko, V. H.
TITLE: Calculation of the field and trajectories of one plane electroi-2aical oyal
SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fiz. Abas llZh358
REF SOURCE: Visrwk Vvivalk. un-tu. Ser. mekhano-matem.y vyp. 1, 1965, 46-49
TOPIC TAGS: electron opticep electron motion, Dirichlet problem, Poisaon equation,
electric Ix)tentialp electrostatic field, computer calculation, algorithm
ABSTRACT: The authors consider an electron-optical system consisting of three pairs
of parallel electrodes, A potential U - 1 is applied to two pairs of electrodes of
equal length, and U - 0 on the third. The calculation of the field of such a system
reduces to the Dirichlet problem for the Poisson equation,&U - q(Xi, Y) in a rectangl
under the condition that U = 1 on the boundary of the rectangle, and q'(x, y) = 0
everywhere inside the rectangle, with the exception of the electrodes, on which
U(x) y) = u(x) y) is specified. Computation formulas are given to determine the
potential field and an algorithm is presented for the computer calculiLtion of the
coefficients of the system of algebraic equations. It is indicated that by using
the Adams-Stoermer extrapolation formula, and by assuming the potential field that
results ftom the calculation, it is possible to determine the flight -trajectory of
the electrons from the system of ordinary differential equations of -the form
dly L Ox I du (X. Y)
Card 1/2
L 32981-66
ACC NRs AR6oi6261 .0
Numerical results obtained with the M-20 electronic computer are presented. I. Sheli-
khava. (Translation of abstract]
SUB CME: .20/
AUTHOR; __PorQzJ1*niP4yy, Cua~Kiev)
TITLE: Analysis of the quality of extrapolation and
synthesis of some types of discrete extra-
PERIODICAL: Avtomatyka,-no. 4, 1962, 3-10
71EXT: The author considers the prob
lems of quality of extra-
pcolation of a discrete function by discrete extrapolators with
the storage of the preceding values of both Input and ou,-tput
quantities and with linear extrapolation from the two preceding
values of these quantities. The analysis of the.extrapolation
quality is made on the basis of the formula for the output de-'
rived earlier by the author (W. 5: Voprosy aviatsionnoy avto-
Matixi I vychislitelnoy tekhniki, no. 2, KI GVFj 1962) and is
dependent on coefficients -r and p in this expression. The
coefficient Y determines the extent of the effect on the output
Card 1/3
Analysis of the quality... D201/D308
quantity of the preceding values of input (0 4 Y ", 1 and
determines the effect of preceding values of the output (O.