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v7o!;t-f .!irosla-,r 'lo-mmunky, '!elmna 1-arizkovii ail I iri ')0!3kocil, Illsollerung vort LAroptomycin !ur,,,h Tech~dk (M-n-so!bur~), 9,13, Iran-h 1957, pp. 1,1-5. Th,3 authors of' thm article. whic'o was r-ceive! in 22 ar,~ tlm Researc'i for ~ntjbiotics, Rzztaky tel kra,~ue a I - L (Dir,--ctor: Doz. --Ln,.,,. M. Iferoll). GDR / Chcrii1cal Technology, Chemical Products -mrl Their H Applicctions, Ph;3rmaceuticals. Vitninins. AntiblOtiC3. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-RhImiye., ID59, No 4, 12856. Author : Doskocilova., Danica; Parizkova, Helena; Doskocil, j. Inst :Not given. Title :Determinptlon of Phenoxyncetic Acid In the Presence of Phenoxymethylpenicillin. Orig Pub: Phzrmazie, 1957, IZ, No 9., 606-611. Abstract: Spectral photometric a,-id bromovietric methods are dev~,Ioped for determining phenoxyacetic acid in the presence of penicillin V (1) In a culturc medium., In unpuriffed I and in a commercial Pre- paration of 1. -- V. UfImtsev. Card 1/1 70 CZECHOSLOVAKIA / General and Specialized Zoology - P Insects. Abs -7our : Ref Zhur - Biologlyat No 5, 1959, No. 20807 Author : Dookooll, J. Inst :'Czechoslovak Zoological Society Title i Materials for the Study of Diapause of Inseott. II, The Influence of Duration of Illumination on the Appearance of Embryonic Diapause Orig Pub 3 Vest. Ceskosl. spoleo. zool.# 1957# 21, No 3, 273-283 Abstract : In nature there are 2, and in the southern part of their habitat there are 3 Incomplete Senerations of Orgyia antiqua. At 19-220 and a le%thy photoperiod (18 hours of light), no diapause will take place; under these S- /-< o (*- 141, / 4;rwi~ GOSMITAT-111C. Z. [Hoftllsk, Z-1: TAnCH11, Tu. Uluie6sk (Do,okotil, J.]; lAsHpAROVA, I. Cjei~.rovg, J.j Jj: DOSXOC31L, Tu. Iffect of Interrupted aeration, orthophosphates, and bansyl on chlortetracycline formation. Antibiotiki 4 no-107-39 Ja-7 139. (KM 12:5) L lanchno-ileledovatellskiy institut antibiotikov, Chekhoalirvakiya, Rostoki n Pragi, (STRMOKERS, notab. aursofRatens, synthesis of chlortstracycline, off. of Interrupted aeration, bonsyl rhodanide & orlhophosphates (Run)) (mmmucTeLin, instab. Streptomycon aursofacions, off. of interrupted aeration, bonsyl rhodanlde & orthaphosphates on synthesis (Run)) (THIOCTANATIS, off. bentyl rhodanide, on Streptortycon aursofaciens prod. of chlortetracycline (Rug)) (PHOSMT28. effects, orthophosphates, on Streptomyces aursofactens prod. of chlortatracycline (RUBD DOOKODILp J.; SORMp F. I-- Enzymic degradation of deoxyribormoloic nold. Part 2% Sequence speoifity of:DNase II from the calf spleen,, Coll Cz Chem 27 no.631476-1486 Je 162., 1. Institute of Orkanic Chemistry and Biochemistry, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences,, Prague. DOSYN'TIL, Jirl Structure and biologic function of nucleic acids. Chem listy 18 no. 4:424-453 Ap 164o 1. Institute of Organic Chemistry and Blochemiatry, Cv,choslovak Academy of Scienoen, Prague. DOSKOCIL, J.; SORMOVA, Z. The reaotion or DNA with mustards. Flts.1,2, Coll Cz Chem 30 no.21481-506 F 165. 1. Institute of Organic Chemistry and Bio-chemiatty of the Czf3ahoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague. Submitted March 26, 1964. CZEC OS'*,OVAI'%'IA Lx) S.~. 0 C I 1~ Chair of Physiolor,,y, Vaterinnry Faculty, College Ff-Ag,icuiture (Katedra Fysiolor-io Votorinarni Fakulty VSZ),, Brno. .1 "The Influonco of the Time Pattern of Feeding on the Weight of the DiCestivo Tract of Chickens in the Poatna'~-al Period." a Prague, Ces1coslovenska ilysiologie, Vol 15, Na 5, Sep 66, P 370 Abot-r.nct: A ~,roup of chickens that had access to food for only tx.,,o 1 iiour periods durin7 th'e day had the woirri-it of the stonach, throat and nock hir!hor by 9-' after 60 days than a !-.roup with im- lim,ited acrc~----, to food. 12iie cranial parts of tho dircstive zract CILn accommcdate them-celvos to changed conditions better than tho caudal ones. 1 ';*Iestern, 2 Czech reforences. Submitted at 3 Days of Physiolo,; of Domestic Animals at Liblice., 9 Dee 65. ,y DOSKOJIL. Ladislay Fittings in elootric power plants. Teeh praca 14 no..5:409-412 my 162. 1. Vedouai konstrukae armatur, Ceokoslovenake, armatva-ky, adruzeni narodnicu podniku, Praha. CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Morphology of Man and AnJuals (Norml and Pathologic), Circulaiory System. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 3) 1958) 12428 Author : Doskacj1 Inst :_--- Title : Variations in the Coronary Arteries in Dogs and Their Siguificance in Surgical Experments. Orig Pub : Univ. carolina. Med... 1955, Suppl., No 1, 50-56 Abstract : No abstract. Card 1/1 f3-4 CZECHOSLOVPJCIA / General Biolouy. Individual Davelopoont. B-4 I Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol.p No 11, 1958, no 47596 Author : Klika, E., and Doskocil, M. Inst : Not Given Title : Muscle Regenorntion In Hats Orig Pub : Caskoslov Morfol, 4, No 1, 10-26 (1956). Abstract : Rogeneration, (R) of striated muscle (m. biceps brachii) in rats takes place even when a portion of the muscle has been removed over its entire length. The depression of the wound is rapidly filled with exudate into which grow fibroblasts which serve as sheathe for the proliferating stripInstic elements. On the 26th day after the operation R is basically coriplote. For successful R no more than a third of the muscle should be removed and care should be taken to avoid hemorrhages and injury to the muscle. The introduction of ground embryonal liver into the wound accelerates R. Other Card 1/2 XZECHOSL.OVAKIt. / General Biology. Individual Development. 4 jibs Jour Rof Zhur - Riol., NO llP 1958, No 47596 Abstract embryonal tissuaa (limb uuscloaj c;round enbryonal tissue do not have such an accoloratina effect. The formation of nyoblasts from non-cellular substances is not observed. 1he 3,round iuplanted tissues arc rapidly absorbed. IN iupl=tn- tion of tialilnant humn tmors rosultz in tho appearance of a characteristic sperical typo of cell with an eccentrically located oval nucleus and a larCe quzintity of granules. The authors are of the opinion that the appearance of these cells is a histiocytic reaction to the forei-,~m protein. Card 2/2 CZECH(,SL,,VAKIA/Humn and kiinal morphology. Skeleton, S Abe Jow,: Ref njur-Diol., No 15, 1958, 69647, Author Dookocil Milan Inst Title Growth and Anomlies of the Carotid Canal in the Human. Orig Pub: Ceskoel. morfol., 1957, Vol. 5, No 4o 34.,t-34T, Abstracti Studies were made of the development of the carotid canal (cc) in ontogenosis (230 cases) and of anomalies of the CC in adults (1247 cases). A norml structure of the CC was noted In onlY 80-51 percent of adult skulls and in 66.2 percent of skulls of children. In all the other cases the wall of the CC was incom- plete or absent. Four types of anomlies of the CC can be distinguished: (1) persisting sutures on Card 1/2 CZEMAL(VAM/Human and Animl Morphology. 8keleton. S Lbs Jour: RefZhr-Diol., No 15) 1958, 69647, the inferior surface of the CC (27.1 percent in children and 8.64 percent in adults); (2) absence of the anterior wall of the vertical portion of the CC (13-74 percent in children and 4.64 percent in adults); (3) absence of the inferior vall of the horizontal part of the CC (1.68 pereent in children and 3.69 percent in adults); (4) absence of the Inferior wall of the entire CC (2-53 percent in children and 1.34 percent in adults). Descriptions are given of the process of growth and development of the CC in embryogenesis. The author believes the cause of anomalies of the CC to be a slowing or cessation of processes of ossification) and not a mechanical effect from the vessel. Card :2/2 28 DOMCIL. Ydlan; MT, JIrI Nodificatton In the length of growth of the tibiae after the part- phiral nerve Intemption In the rabbit, studled by mean@ of regular X-ray oontrol. Os.sorfologis 8 no,lt24-31 160. (UA1 915) 1. Anitomieky ustav fakult3r votobschsho lokarstyl Karlovy university, Pragus (for Doulcocil). 2. Anatomicky ustav lekarske fak-ulty Urlovy unive-reity, Plsen Oror ffert). (TIBIA) (NIRTIS) (X RATS) DOSKOCIL, Hi1w _ Terwimition of grouth period of Individual parts of human cranial bass and the changes of proportion of cranial base during the grout period,, Ca morfologie 9 n0-4:352-363, '61. 1. Anatomicky ustav lekarske fakulty Karlovy university v Praze, prednoista prof. dr. Iadislav Borovansky. (SX=) DOSKOCIL, Milan Configuration of the cranial base in cases of pathological develop- ment of the central nervous system. Sborn.lek. 64 no.1:20-33 Ja 162. 1. Anatomialty ustav fakulty vooobeenebo lekarstvi University Karlovy v Praze, lwednosta prof. dr. L. Borovanalty II patologickumtomicky ustav fakulty voeobeoneho lekaretvi University Ketr1ovy v Prazej prednosta prof. dr. V. Jedlicka. (BRAIN abnorm) (CRANIMETRY) DOSKOCIL Milan W- Growth of tho bEu3e of the skull in Macacs, in comparison to man. Cook. morf. 10 no.3t268.-281 062. 1. Anatomioky ustav lokarske fakulty K. U. v Prazoj prednosta prof. L. Borovansky. (SKULL anat & histol) (OCCIPITAL BOME, anat & histol) (MONOYS anat & hi3tol) DOSKOCIL., Milanj JUMK, Richard Regeneration of defects of the spinal cord in chick embryos. Cesk. morf. 10 no.4:3914M 162. 1. Anatomic1g, ustav fakulty vaeobeeneho lekarstvi v Praze, prednosta prof. Dr. L. Borovansky. (SPINAL CORD) (REGENERATION) JELINEK, Richard,- DOSKOCIL, Milan The mechaniom ~f--i4enerative changes in spinal oord injuries during the embryonic developkent. Ciaske morf, 10 no.4i402-412 162. 1. Z anatomick-gho uatavu FVL Karlovy university v Praze prednosta prot. dr. L. BoroVan;%ky. (SPINAL CORD) (REGENERATION) CIPERM, V,; DOSKOCIL,, M.; TACHOVSKA, M. 'rho fibular sign. Rev. Czech. nod. 9 no.4%258-269 163- 1. Department for Treatment of Poliomyelitis, Thomayer 'Hospital. Institute of Anatomy Faculty of General Medicine, Prague Chief: M. Tachovskap MD. (POLICKELITIS) (FIBULA) (TIBIA) (ANMZ) (JOINT DISEASES) (CONTRACTURE) . (PARALYSIS) TACHOVSKA.M.; CIPIMOVA,V.; DOGKOCIL,X, L:)ngitudJ.ral study on the groirth of bones of the lower extremi- ty in children following poliomyelitis. Cesk. pediat. 18 no.llt 1003-102-1 V63* 1. Oddeleni detakych obrn Thomayerovy nemocnice v Praze - 4 krei, a Anatomicky ustav fakulty vaeobeeneho lekarstvi KU v Praze. SEDIAGEV, Rndrlch;PT~,~~,,, Mar.- XSA?;SKY,Pekr-. jar-)ZIOT; FRFI-IZL, Bc)h(. -n Comments on the problem of biological and s,7,cial ictermliiism In the evolution of man. Acta Univ. Carol. &cdj (Praha) 10 no.81607-620 164 1. Fysjojogja1~7 ustav fakulty v3eobemeho lokarstwi University Karlovy v Praze (predy.osta prof. F.Kar-asak, DrSo); AnatomIcky ustav fakiA.ty vseobe,-neho lekarstri University Kar- lovy v- Praze (prednosUL prof. MUDr. RIIRr. L. fkirovaraky. T't-Sc. Katedra dialektickeho a historickeho nateriallsm-.1 fakilit-Ir vseobocneho lckaraLvI University Karlovy v Praze (freda= doc. RSDr. J.Pranosilp a PiologIcky ustav faku!"I neho I.ekarqtvi Univernity Karlovy v Prazr, predn-,sta pr,~f. MDr. PTITyr, B,Sekla, DrSc.) DOSKOGIL., Milan Canals arid apertures in Vie fossa, hypophyseon.Ce-9k. morf. 12 noo2sl76--189 164 1. Anatonicky ustav fak-dLtv vseob. lekarstvi Karlovy univ. v Prame; prednostat prof. dr.L*Borovansk7, DrGc* DOSKOCIL, Me; JEI,IHFK, Re . -, k4, 1 0 ', :1 Importance of nuive fibers in the reparaticr, osi4efocts in the enb7onic chick spinal, cord. Sbom. lek. 66 n6912:350-356 D 1 64. 1. kiz*luomicky ustav fakul-Ly vaeobeeneho lekarstyl Univeralty Karlovy v Praze (prtkinasta prof, dr. L. BDrovftnaky, DrSc.) D(SKOCIL, M.; TACTIOVSKA, M,, MUDr,; CI.PEROVI, V. Grovth disturbiwee of the banen of the proximil extremity after poliomyelitis; comparison with findings cc the distal extremity. Sboni. leke 67 no.4slOl-108 4165. 1. Anatomicky uBtav falculty ve4jobeensho Inkarstvi University Karlovy v.Pra2(I (prednostas profe dr. L. BorovenBky, DrSc),, a Oddiseleni detskych obrn ThM3eI*Ovy nemocnice v Praze-Krci (vedauci; MUDR. M. Tachoi 0 I- C-11. ''I .- r.~: li.,~. -- il.", ~(, 11.1/i" , ., z DilborlwAss" of mosloww -, 4 -1 by ~ of S. I-,-..* Orm. Lamy 44. b =.- D&l&ooww& M. If. -DOSKOCHILOYA.--,Dt-[Dookocilova, D.I.- OJSS. I. [Hess, J.] Spectrophotometric determination tad a comparison with the biological determination of fungicidin in a culture medim. Antibiottki 4 no-1150-55 Ja-F 159. (MIRA 12:5) I* Nauchno-issledovatel'skly institut antibiotikov, Chekhos- lovakiya, Roxtoki i Pragi. (OTIBIOTICS. determ. nyotat1n, epeetrophotometric determ. in culture medi-am & biol. determ. (Rue)) DQSMCJIIIP~ D, IDookocilava, D.1; VOhIUCIIEK, M., (Vondracek, M.] Micromollhods of identifying and Otudying antibiotic substances from actinomycates; chromatographic and electrophoretic methods. Antiblotiki 6 no.7:&+9-659 n 161. (HIRA 15:6) 1. Nauc-Ino-issledourutellskiy u Pragi jANTIBIOTICS) (EIECTROHICFMIS) iru3titut antibiotikov, flostoki (ACTI IX),' fYCES )- (P,.PZR CHROMATOGIUM) DOSKOCILOVA, D.; SCHNEIIZRO B. On timi struoture and properties of polyamides. Part 31 Infrared speatra of complexes of N-alkylemidos with KJ3. Coll Ca Chas 27 tio.lls2605-2615 N 162. 1. Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Czechoslovak Academy of Solenoss, Prague, S/058/6YM/WY032/1 A0621AI01 AUTORS t r)osko6 Schneider, B., SebemAa, J. T=1 On the stVacture and proportion or polyamides.' 11. Determination of crystallinity in polyoaprolactiun blocks by Infrared spectra :..'PMODICALt lleferativnyy zhurnalp!'Fizika, no. 3, 1963, 311, abstract 3D232 it"Coilect.' Czeohosl. Chem. Conwms", 1962, vo 27j, no. 8, 1760 :17690 Nlish; summary in Itussima) TEXTs A method:ls elaborated for a quantitative analysis of polycapro- lactam blocks by Its 1xifrared absorptiun spectra, For the spectral measure- ments of polycaprolacten use was made of turningg. takeh off from the blocks. -By means of the elaborated method the content of conformations A and B *was do- termined for a seides of samples of alkaline polymerized.blocks of polycapro- lactam. For all invelitigated samples the oontent of Vae form A (crystalline re, ~4-form) was found 4--quaJ. to 57 - 58%. The correlittion between infrared speot 0 crystallinity', density and means of obtaining polyouprolaotam is discussed. it is concluded that the density carmot serve as a Au4amental criterion for eva- Card 1/2 j C_ZECHOSLOVAKIA DOSKOCILOVIL D; PjVCOVAq H; 3CMTElDER, 11; CEFELIN9 P. Institute of Macromolecular Chemis-.ry of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, PraL-ue (for all) Prague, Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications, No 77777.7, pp 1867-1876 "On the Structure and Properties of Polyamides. IV. Infra- red Spectra of Poly-gamma-Methyl.caprolactam and of Amorphous Polycaprolactam.11 DOSKOCILOVA , D.; SCIVEIDER, B. j CEFELIN, P.; SGIMIDT, P. On the structure and propertien of polyamides. Pts. 5-6. Coll Cz Chout 28 no.10:2556-2562, 26854695 0 163. 1. InatitutAi of Macromolecular Chemistry, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences.. Prague. CEIFT. 1,11, P, ; DOSIKOC WHYDIRY ~z Chem 20 no,2:.,85-491 F '~-4. 1. ln:3titntiq of Mat-romollacular M.em:.~Arv A-a of Sciences, Prague. SEBENDA, J.; CEFELIN, P.; DOSKOCILOVA, D. Alkaline polymerization of 6-caprolactam. Pt.16. Coll Cz Chen 29 no.5sl.138-1149 Yq 164. 1. Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Czechoslovak Acadeqr of Selences, Prague. ~,;IILI~-111'-!,, B. On tai stru-Aurt, and prop-r--IeS :;f vinyl p-'A~me~re and their - 1. - ro-) 1;:. Pt. I , ',- L~ -z :N-m 29 no. 11 - -21'18 0 164. 1 . 1 1. r,,jte of Marromc!e::..w-- ' hero! a try, -"Ovak Academy of Su-ian-~es, '~'rw;uc. BUK~C. Z.; CEFFER., P.; LIOSKOj",',IBVA, D.; EI-BENDA. .7. Alkalirin polymerization of 6--cnpro-Aclam. Ft.18. Chem Cz Chem 29 nc.11:2615-26;25 11 '64.. 1, Instit-u*.e of Macromolecular Chenistry oil thf, Czechoslovak Aoadomy of Setences, Praguo. CZMWLOVAXIA DZ koc I OVA slimmo JI CIMLIN& 13 ~;~Hom,t 'Imtlt!t" 4r manowleowLar Cl czeaboaara Aaadm3, of Solsomep Pngm w rrar"M) =~Q ~"f AMM-16 7 v0 200milp 916Y DOSKOCZ-ZWN-SKI, A. Doskocz-Vimovskis A. Alregaty rolnic2e. 'Warszawa. Panstwowe Nydawn. Roinicze i Lesne, 1952. 1(,0 p. LAgrimdtural aggregates. illus., bibl., tablei7 SO: Monthly Lists of East Eurcrean Accossions, LC, Vol. 3. no!, 5, May 1954/Uncl. DOSKOCZ4rDMWM, A - 'Soviet methoft of increasing crops.* p. 26 dood ash in poultry fesding;w p. 27 (ZL%p Vol 4 No 1 An 53 War saw) 111. "Determining the required draft power and measures for strengthening the agricultural production of state fami groups." p. 128, (ROCZNIKI NOK. S-EIIIA C-K7XHANlZACJI, Vol. 66, no. 1, 195), Warsaw, Poland). SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, Library of Congress, Vol 2 no I(I Oct 1953, Uncl. IONROV, I.; TSOIDV, R.-, STANCHEV, SHISHKAMOVA, IU.; BALCHXV, A.; FINVA, M.; SLIKIASIAN, Kh.; KATIV, H.; NIKOLOT, St.; ATANASOV, I.; TODOBOV, B.; STIFANDVA, A. Clinical, pathopbyeiologic, and therapeutic a9pects of tuberculous exudative pleurisy. Nauch. tr. Mod. akad. Chervenkov. Sofia I no.1: 117-137 1953. 1. Predstavena ot prof. Iv.Ionkov, -savezhdashch Katadrata po propedevtilm ma vutrashnits boleati, (TUBERCULOSIS, PULMONART, complications, pleurisy, exudative) WSKOV, IT. ORISHKOV, Too.; SOLOVECHIK, L Cases of right (atypical) Wilson's block and case of Intermittent right (atypical) Wilson's block. Suvem.mod, Sofia 6 no-3130-56 1955. 1. Is Katedr&tL PO propedevtika na vatr. bolosti pri Tisshits, neditsinski inatitut T.Chervankov - 11oftis, (saveshdashch:. prof. Iv.Ionkov) (HIUM BIDCK, right atypical Wilson & righl intermittent atypical Wilson's block) WSKDV, Iv.; ORISMY. Vas. Clinical interpretation of changas In P wave 1-i standard leads 2.and 3. Suvrem. med., SoM 7 no.5:41-51 ln5i. 1, lit Katedrate. po propedsvtlka u vutresbu.Lts bolesti pri VMI--Sofita (Zav. katedrata: prof. 1y'. Ionkov). (SLICTMOARDIO GRAM, P wave changes. Interpretatinn (Bul)) MARV, St., I., Prof. d-r.; IMEDY, Iv. D-r.; KIPROV, D., 11~-r. MOG changes in dogs with experimental aWocarditis with reapect to pathomorphological parallels. Ism. Hikrob. inst., Sofia no.8:205-2_12 1957. 1. J~jtedra no propedevtika na butreshnite bolesti (zav.-. prof. Iv. lonkov) i katedra po patologichrut f isioloeiia (zav. : prof. B. 1. Pisa:rev) pri visshiia meditsinski institut v Sofila. (KTOGAR ITIS, exper. eff. on BOG in dogs (Bul)) '(NIXTROCARDIOGUM, in irarious die. myocardItis in dogs (Rul)) DUWARM/Hurnn and Animal Physiology (Normal and Pnthologidal). Dlood Circulatiohr-Generul. Abe Jour- Pef Zhur-Bicl-j No 17, 1958p 79554. Author MiaBynn) Kh.; Dookoy.-Ly. Inst ..... Title Changes of Electrocardiograra Daring Acute Rheumatism. Or'L,-,, Pub: Suvrem. red.) 1957, 8, No 4) 21-28. Abstmct: In 50 patients with acute rheumatism (30 with the first attack and 20 having recurrences), serial ECG were studied. Changes of contraction, excitation and conduction were not pMhognomonic for acute rheumatism; h,7wever, they were able to scrve as indicators of the activity of the rheunatic process Card 1/2 ~ql VMI DOS KOV q 1. ; VAMMV, L. A now electrocardiographic sign - 1.3-mitraloid. Suvrem. mad., Sofia 8 no.12:8" 1957. 1. Ix Katedrata po propedevtika na nutreahnite bolesti pri VNI-Soflia. (Zav. katedrata: prof. Iv. lo&.ov), (MITRAL VALVA, die. ding.. electrocardiography, P2 wave changes (Bul)) (EIAMOCARDIOGRMT. in var. die. mitral valve die., P2 wave changes (Bul)) AIMR V, Ig.; DOSKOV, Ive Coronary disease with myocardial Infarot caused by elactrotrayme, Suvrem. med., Sofia 8 no.l2sll9-122 15157. 1. Iz Katedrata po propedaytika, na, vutreehnite boleeti pri VXI-- (Zav. katedrata., prof. Iv. lonkov). (BLICTRICITY, inj. off. V7ocardial infarot with coronary disense (Bal)) (MYO(;#MIAL WAROT, etiol. & pathogen. electric inj., vith coronary die. (Bul)) (CORONA11Y DISMSI, stiol. & patbogen. eoectrio inj. with Myocardial Infarot (Bul)) EXCERPTA MEDI^~A Soo 18 Vol 3/6 Cardlova3cular June 59 12112. A new electrocardiographic symptom - P dextralu (Bulgarian text) Dos-Kov I.:111d 014,7SHKOV V.C. R. Acad. bidg.Scj. I!#57,1415(lel 1 -414) lllus.o; At the antopsy of 4 patients with mitral and aortir valvidar disel'W tticospid valvidar diA-aw. was (ound ns well, In all It ct~v% in the ta idard Irads the i.,. 3 waves were deformed and wider than, 0.10 sec., showing great similarity to 11 mitral. This typical change of the P,, 3 waves was called by the atithots *11 dc.;trale' and. in their opinion, denotes hypertro~)hy and dilatation (if the right atritim. In yonng patients- with initial or aortic vnivitardisease 11 dextrale most prob ibly indicates tile prm'nce of a tricuspid valvitlar disease as well, even in cases " lien th*ere are no clear clinical indices thereof. P dextrale is reviewed as an element of the pathological right type of the 11 waves. whereas P pulmonale is considered a,; an element of the Positio'nal right tylx- of the P waves. (XVI 1[. 6*) A, V.; 1-17jOVt D.; DI" lViOll, I DO-KOV, Z- PJSARFI, S.; NIDEIT-., Certain dnta on the effect of cortisone on dog orj!i7,n"s,:., ..~ofla no.12:111-21 15S,. 301iia. 7a,,r 1. Iz Mtedrata po patofiziologiia pri 7-'k katedrata: prof. St. Pisurev. (COL'.T.-LIX.1 pharmacol.) 3, D03.TVj L; OftF,31iMV,, V.; DDIMOV, 11. "Contribution to the question of discrepant type clectrocardiogrami.11 In German. p. 81 DOKJADY. Sofiia, Bulraria, Vol. 12, No. 1, January/February, 1959- 1-lonthly List of East European Accession3 (EZAI), TLY Irol. 9) No. 2) February, 1960. Uncl, rOSKOV, I. ; VASKOVO L. "Concerning an electrocardiographic symptom, P-mitraloid." In RU33ian. P. 85 DOKIADY. Sofiia, B ulgaria, Vol. 12, No. 1, Januvu7,4'ebruary, 1959. Monthly Ust of East European Accassions (EEAI), W, Vol. 9, No. 2, Fabruary, 1960. Uncl. PISAREV, S.; KIMILIVA, Z.; KIPROV, D.; DIMITROV, L., N='VA. V.;.DOSKOV, U- I Effect of neuroses on the course and therapy of experimental arth- ritis and myocarditio.,Sofia 2 no.1:8-15 160. le Is latedrata po patologichna fiziologiia pri VNI - SoMa. Zav. latedrata prof, St.Pisarev0 (ARTHRITIS exper.) MYOCARDITIS exper.) Oslls exper.) = DOSKOV,Iv.; OFMHXDV,Tes. 5 -, Rheumatic coronaritis. Suvrem. med.,Bofiall no.2-3:169-174 160. 1. 1z Propedevtichnata Vatreshns, Klini)M Dri VMI - Soflia; Direktor: prof. Iv. laonkov. (MLZMTIC MKRT DISIASZ case reports ) IONKOV, Iv.; STANCHEV, Al-I DOSKCVL-jyL-PIS11MAN0VA, IM.; r..'ANASOV, E.; MATEV~ M., PMWA, St.i PETRUNOV, St.; ND:OLOV, N. The development of Bulgarian internal medicine frm 9 ceptember 1944. Suvrem medo, Sofia no.6s106-114 160. (HISTORY OF NEDICIM) IONKCV, Iv.; DOSKCVg Iv. Modern views on the pathogenesis of cardiac edemas. Suvrem med. Sofia no.10%122-126 1160. (HURT FAMM CONGESTM etiol) DOSKOVv I.;OFZMOVi Vol DDC=Vg N. - t., I - Dimarepaut type of *leotrocardlogram and Its oWfic=eo for the diaposis of x3modardial infract, XLin,med, 38 no.11 121-126 U-160, (KM 13S10) (M."Em.-MUCTON) (ILEMIDGARDIOGUPBY) 4 PISAREV, S.; KIPROV, D.; NEDEVA, V.; DIMITROV, L.; KEMIU:VA, Z.; 'MK-qV1- -1Y. -- Studies on the etiolog:r, pathogenesis and therapy of experimental nVocarditis and arthritis in the dog. Nauch. tr. vlash. mad. inst. Sofia 39 no.2123-55 160. 1. Predstavena ot prof. St. Pisarev, sav. Katedrata po patofiziologiia. (MYOCARDITIS exper) (ARTHRITIS RHEUMATOID exper) PISAREV, S., k.m.n.; KEHILEVA, Z., k.m.n.; NEDEVA, V.; DIMIMOV, L., k.m.n.; KIPROV, D., k.m.n.; DOSKOV, Iv. ---------- Role of higher nervoun activity in the development and recovery from experimental arthrititj and myocarditis. Nauch. tr. vissh. med. inst. Sofia 39 no.2:57-82 060. 1. Predetavena ot projr,, PlaarcV, zav. Katedrata po patofiziologiia. ARTMIITIS MMUMATOID exper) MYOCARDITIS exper) ~ (CENTRAL NERVOUS SYST94 P17siol) On pulmonary infarets and rmumoniao in rhowmatic heart disease. Suvr. nod. 12 M,12131-53 161. 1, Is Natedrats, po propedevtiks, na vutreshnite holesti (Rukov. na katedrata prof. Iv, Ionkov). (RHgMTIC MURT DISUSN) - (LUNG DISIUSES) M UMONIA) UNFARCTICH) DOSKOVO IV. On decompe sation in rheumatic cardiac defeats. Sivr. mad. 13 no.6tl3-17 '162. 1. Is Katedrata, po propedevtika na vutreahnite boleBti (Rukov. na Icatedrata. prof IV. lonkov). RMHATIC HEART DISEASg) tRT FAILURE CONGESTIVE) DOS1079 IT. Current trends in diuretic tbarapri, Suvr. sod. 13 no.M42-48 162, 1 (DIMMTICS) DOSKOW, I. [Dookov, I.); ORESCHKOW, W. [Oreohkov, V.1 Influence of the mechanical and functional momenta on the electrocardiogram during the act of respiration. Doklady BM 15 no,2:227-230 162s 1. Lehrstuhl Nr PropAdeutik der inneren Krankheiten an Madisinischen Inatitut,, Sofia. Vorgelegt von AkadomiemJ.tglied St. Angeloff (Angelovs St.]. 10 IONKOV, Iv.; TSOLOVP SHISHMANOVA, IUI.; ANDREEV, I.; NIX%OVV St.; SUKIASIIN, X~.; MATEV, M.; ATANASOV, E.; T-0DOftOVq B.; STEFANOVA, A.1 PETRUNOV, St.; TSVETKOV, D.1 aMHKOVO V.1 SIMNONOV,, S.; PATARINSKI, D.; AVRAMOVA, N.; MALCHEV, )[he Biochemical changes in patients with influenza during the 1959 epidemide Naucho tr. vivsh, med. inst. Sofia 41 no.7: 9-34 162. - - 1. Ilredstavena ot Prof. I. Ionkov. (mn=A) (GAMMA GLOBULIN) (IRON METABOLISM) (BILIRUBIN) (BICARBONATES) (BLOOD CHOLESTVROL) (UREA) (BLOOD SUGAR) (PROTEIN METABOLISM) (POTASSIUM) (BLOOD PROTEINS) (SODIUM) (v-mosmons) (SODIUM CHLORIDE) I DOSKOVP-.Ivo Current concepts on the function of the kidney and its role as an effective organ in regulation of the water-slectrolyte balance. Sm. nod. 14 no.1:48-54 163.. (KIDNEY) (WATER SLIETROLYTE BALANCE) DOSKOVII. Atrial flutter. Nacuhe tr. viseho med. inst. SoCiia 42 no.4.t 85-90 163 1. Chair of Propaedeutice of InternRl Diseases'# (Director: Trof. I.Yjbkov),,! M981ba.1- lKetitute. in Sofia. 1 .11 DOSKOV,Iv. .... W-W-M~ $(W ComissurotoW., rheumatic carditis and decom-penvation, Nauch, tr. vivah. mod. inst, Sofiia 42 no.607-68 163. Apropos of rheUmatic heart defects. Ibidi 69-81 1. Predstavena -)t prof. dr. I.Iorikovp rukovoditel na Katedrata. po propedevtika na vutreshnite bolesti. DOSKOV, Iz.; ORWHZDV, Vag.; VASEDY, Liub. The problem of penicillin bypersensitivity. Suvrem. med., Sofia 9 no-3: 40-46 1958. 1. Ix latedrata po propedevti)m nn vutreshnite boleati Dri VNI-scifila (Zav. katedrata: prof. Iv. lonkov) (PNICILLIN. inj. eff. allergic reactions (Bul)) (ALLIR T to penicillin (Bul)) DOSLIKO V. Hygiene and sanitation in the food industrv. p. 238. Vol. 6, No. Sl 3,955, PrdWSL POTRAVIN. Praha. Source: East European Accessions list (EUL), LC, Vol. 5. No. 3, -march 1956. CUMOSLOVAKIA/Cher.1i Cal Technoloey. Che!:dcal Prcducto cnd 1heir H-13 Application. CerarAcs, Glaas i Binding Materials. Concrete. fibs Jour: Rof Zhur-Khlra., No 2, 1959., 5457. Author Dosly, Z. Inst W__ Title NQw Kinds of Refractory Wares of Carborundun, Orig Pub: Stavivo, 1958, 36, No 6, 226-:MB. C*' Abstract: Prcducts of three now brands containing 85-94P of SiC and distinGuished by an inereased stability irt sci-vice vore iesuod by tbu united carbonividim fac- tories Denatky (Czechoolovak Pcople'o Republic) as can cxpcrir,.eut. Tixse prcducts are I Svijany 8,c;%, II Sicafrax j'.N 94 and III Sicafrax D 92. 1 13 nade cf black SiC with 3~1) of a binder of refractory clay, Card 1/3 CUCHOSLOVAKIA/Chomical, Technology. Merdeal Froducts and Their Application. Cormiies. Glass. Binding Mtorinle. Concrete. Abr, JOur: Ref Zhur-Min-, No 21 1959t 5457- II and III are vade % of a binder consisting of a mixture of powdered 750 Fesi with an addition of Mno (pyrolusite). The properties of prcducts (I, 11 Rn(~ III roopoctively) are t~e ronowing: r3frac- toriness - 1770, 1920 and 1920 content of Si,1, - 85, 94 and 921;; volwmtric weight 2-30, 2.45 and 2.51 g per; absorption of water - 6-7, 6.4 and 5-2%; temperature at start of deformation vmder load of 2 kg per sq.cra - 1510, 1620 and 17100; Ce co::Tr - 34o, 850 and 950 kg per sq.cra; additional shriiftge at l4wo (2 hours) - 0-1, 0-05 and 0.0%- The shelves of refractory riaterials of the now brands for burning electrotechnical porcelain have served 6 Liontrs and Cr.rd 2/3 DZHUMAGALIYEVt T.N.1 MOYSIK, B.G.; RYGIMA, P.T.; DOSMUXHAMBETOVp DA - -'- Now data on the geology, ad oil ani gas occurrences in the Dzbambay. Trudy Inst. geol. i AN Kasakh. SSR It3-15 16;",. (MA 16:1) (Volga-Ural region-Petroleum geology) (Volga-Ural region-Gas, Natural-Geology) Positive results of using directional drilling in proopeating for oil and gas in 31mba ealt domes. Geol. nefti i gaza 4 no.1:51,140 Ja 16o. (MIRA 13: 10) 1. Ob"yedineniye Kazakhatanneft'. (11mba region--Oil vell drilling) USSA-KaSSit -37- 1 Mar 59 Deputiets elected to the Sul) Soy, KaSSU: (Additional information with sources indicated. Unless otherwise stated published nominations aad rogistriLtiOnS agree *th election data) 1~06nt from card 36, see Oi"PANUV, P. Yu., sane dat2e 3 Gurlyerskaya Oblast (cont) DOSMUKHAMUTOVO Dshuldasgaliy Akhmedovich, ch-lef, association "Lazakhstanneft," City of Gurlyev - Xul'saryaskiy e.o.; ZHU-AJPOV, Abzhan , Chum, Commission of Soviet Vontrol, Council of Kin) US& - Dangizskiy e.o.; ISMGAMUTOYj Uteshkali 0 lst Se*j Baksayskiy "you Party Cox - Baksayskiy e.a.; KATiALMUY, Aryagazy , Chun, Gurly*vskaya Ublast &xec Cox - KZYI-Kuginskiy e.o.; Coat on card 39, see KUBAS"Y, 6. 9j~ dat--7 Kazak 'stanskaya Pravda 6 Mar 59 2.5 (16) b:i WSKJUAMBTOV, D. Conference on the development of afficiewr and furtber tren4s in oil and gas prospecting In tbo Lazakh B.S.R.D. Sov.geol. 2 no,9:142-144 0 '59. (HIRA 1312) 1. Gb%radin"niye "Kazakhatanneft'," Orasakhstan--Pstroleum, geologr) (X&zakhstan--Oas, Natural--Geology) DOSMUKHAMBITOV, D. Increasing the officiency of oil and gas prospecting in B-S-R. Geol. nefti i gass, 3 no*9:63-3 of oovo:r 8 '59. (MIU the ZRzakh 13:1) (lazakhetan-Petrolmin geology) (Uz&khstm,u--"s, Natural-Geology) DOSMUKHAMBE."MV, DA. Petroleum industry of Kazakhstan. Haft. khoz. 42 no.9/10i 74-76 S-0 164. (YJP-k IM12) ZArrSEVA, V.P.;-DOSOVA, A.A. New developments in the manufacture of headgear. Shvetn,prom. no.304-36 VV-Je 162, (KRA 15:6) (Hats) o 55 o 7- a -ALI), E-riacy und Do.f)SZ, Janusz, S 10. of rile- ;"-;Srtwte role I'i 0 zny) ',or~lYnaLor mid d I re c cc. r i and of ti-tv k 0 rc Ynn tu r lie. inod. ~!tlacy ef the iti~,tle, !.o:;oilm! fo.r ',-crv(j-.jq and Psychtc Pansrwowy 3;!oitui tild Xerw:";O i ?S~Chicznic i;I-.. vv,)f. jana ( Ul. r n c ' o r j, r I) AC-X,!:%(; ~~ 3:' Ocuszkew "-s)-ndro%le of Loft ljj;-%Lf' of ~43a~~u." C, r "; a'd palski. Lekarski., Vo 1 1 u2, p? j~).,6-11)19. Ails t 7. ic, rst Sri i 4i L so,!,:~Jary t. f r-i j',e t~w rs ~L~ * ~ AU t" s 11) e a C a ~; u 0 4' a Ipu- CL On ". Ifi, th I t "I ("P,.i 1, t it ,, t tl:3~ Z;Iitasttias~La., and !leii,.Lariopsiu, ;A,~ weli as x4L U, arlose ano Sodiar'".0 ria. "Ilet~ 10C 0 of t"'PI Lf-""t Ila 11, of )xtz*.-i:-,erSO_a1 si)acv, ana v! stla L-coris truc Li ve Ji, % tit (7iSr11,;5 - 0 1 , ') ,4e prow-JAe oi' tba lt!!sion, ; W%L-0. ' -If L ~1 -;:Inar '10f.daphere with Visual. percention, 0.11:~t )k1SS-LL,1 r-:; a f f e c. r..' ;. n - ~ ch I 10, rji: e Z. -0 " z -, f., e I: " o r 1--referoticns tre En.scem wboc. 1/11 DOS~VIT,5Kjj,,__Lej.; 1OFFE, I.I. Kinetica of oxidative decarboxylation of copper terrzoate. Kin.i kate 5 nc.&6:1104-1107 N-D 164, (MIRA 18:3) 1. Nauchn,,z,-iss3sdovatellskl7 institut organ I ches-M kh pol-iproduktov i krasiteleys . DOSPANOVA Khivaz: ZOLOTOVAq L.9 red.; VALICHUK9 P,t tekhn, red, (Under Raakova's command; reminiscences of an Air Force pilot) Pod komandovwdem Raskovoi; vospominaniia voennogo. le-tchika. Alma-Ata, Kazakhakoe gos. izd-vo khudozh. lit-ry 1960. 62 p. IMIRA 14:7) (World Wart ).939-1945-Aerial operations) (Women in aeronautics) DOSPEKHOV, B. A. DOSPEKIIOV, B. A. -- "Cultivating the Sod-Podzolic Use of Fertilizers, Ibw, Crop Rotation,, and cow Order of Lenin Agricultural AcadePW imeni Moscow, 1955. (Dissertation fdr the Degree Agricultural Sciences). Soils by Protr2cted Repeated Sowing." Yos- K. A. Timir-yazev. of Candidate in So.: Knizkmayjt Letopis', No. 6. 1956. DCSP&KI4cV, 13, ~ - USSR / Cultivated Plants,. Plants for Technical Use. M . Oil Plants. SuC.,ar Plants. Abs Jour i Ref Zhur - Bioll, i4o 3, 1958., No 34745 Author :,Dospekhov. BeA* Inat Not given - Title On the Periods of Hainrosting of I'lax. Orig Pub Lyon i konoplya, 1957., No 7,, 19-20 Abstract Following a humid and rainy second half of the sumer of 19.%, verifications of the effects of different mothods of harvesting beaten flax on the quality of flax production were made by the RKperimomtal Station for Flax ilosccw*Flax of the variety Svotoch was sown over a stratun of perennial grass. Seeding rate; 30 million germinating seeds (130 k8 per h.). Soil: light, wall cultured loam. Baoio cultiva- tion involved the adding of 3 hwt per hectare of Ps and *Academy of Agricultural Sciences im. K.A.Timir- Card 1/2 yazev USSR / Cultivated Plants. Comercial. Oil Bearing. M-5 Sugar Bearing. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 6, 2958, 25144 Author : Leonov, S.A., DoBpekhov, B4 Inst :Not given Title :Methods of Working the orass Layer for Flax Orig Pub: Len I konoplya, 1957, No 10, 23-26 Abstract: No abstract. Card 1/1 USSR/Cultiv.n.tod 11ants. Tochnical -,Ir!nts. Oil ant! M Su.,7ar Boaring Urints. Lbq jou-, J-1of Zhur-Bi(-)J.l Ru 157 lq~urj 63281 Lutho--., Luonov, S. ikhuv T-3 Inst Ifuscovi Ka Le Tir:irynzov Titlo UsinL-, Minc-eal nnc'. Organic-Mincral For"Cilizors for Fib(,r-j'-Iax. 0 r i Ir !ub: Dokl. '..Iosk. s.-kh. alca(l. I.-i. K. .. Tiniryazovn, 19,577 11c, 31, 13-23 ,.bstr,-tct : Systom~ ic application of ninural fcrttlJ.zors It A. on poat-bog, pod-solic soils has s,,iux-!n thlot 'J K am th-, nost offoctivc, fcrtilizors for luh~~ raisim, of yii)l(Is. ~'hysiologically, aci-I nitrogen fertilizers di not give positivo ro- Carcl 1/2 UOSRISoil Science. Mineral Fortilizora J-5 Jus Jour : ILf Zhur - Biol., 'No 20, 29,58, Ll~j 91460 :,uthor : I)orq~cl,hov B A Inst : I. O-U-L I.;. m.,iry3zjv Title Lii-lin,,, Fields Which Fertilized Over a L--nlp lluriurl of Ti:.ic. OriC Pub Dokl. Monk. a.-kh. vIma. i;,.. K.A. Tirdryazova, 19511, vYP- 31, 49-54 Abstract Tha tests ware carrioa out on fields of the Pcr~ax-iy) which had boon fertilized with "I ~ and ~.--inure 1912. The li:,.a was applied in tho fcri )f ill 1949 L-.n,., 1954, v-cconUnL,,, to the hydolytic nciCity ;51' tlc control- soil in aoses of 4.5,[ t/ha. Tile cha)kinf; of th,-, lonj;-tim fertilized ficlas reduce(! the acidity of the round, --n.1 in- pounds vnd cromed the quruitity (if hydrolyzed nitro~;cn ca,~-. ii~~Ijilu nincral phosphntus. Tile limd soil coat-ained -in nmrip of 2-) o/o r;orQ noloture thnn the m1iic,! soil. On ,j tIlQ linel .?round, conei-dorablu incrunsus in the harvest of C ax (I V2 USSII/,",oil 'Science. Kkiorrd Furtilizcrs J-5 Abs Jour lbf Zhur - BiA.) If.) 20) 1956) IT,) 91460 n1l rotitioml er,3,) w,.~m founil. Thu riac in thc: fLx er(sp Lj llrda,3 tho lt;,-i !,~rtilizutl fiv1dr, J.;, rot ~~cro. ~,A-,,nllicd by nuy radu tion iii the qwlit.., of the fib,,r ,nt (.f thi flr~x c seudz. -- T.L. Cn.rO 2/2 32 Cawwy B.A., k&nd.sol'9kokhoxyayvtvenrqkh nauk; LIOIX)V, S.A., kand. ' '-~~-Iikokhozysqstvmnnykii nauk Principal results of studies on flax cultivation. Izv.TSKU no.4!85-102 159. (14IM, 12ill) (Ilia) DOSPUMV9 BOA. kand.seliskokhozvaystvenrqkh nauk-, BOLOBCWTA, V.X.. .__7i~~~khozyayatvenrrkh nauk Iffect of various basic tillage methodi on the physical proper- ties of soil and on yield* Izv~TSKh& noo6:57-69 159., (NM 13:6) (Soil physics) (Tillage) CHENIMYANI- ,an M -ta], aspirantl._DOSPEKHOV,, B.A., kand.sellskokhozyay.- StVDA h i eLC naW . Ftfect of prolonged fertilizer and lime application on the yield and quality of flax. Izv. TSW no.3:65-84 160. I (MIRA 14:4j (Flax-Fertilizera and manuers) DOSPEKHOV, B.A., kand. sellskokhoz. naukj dotoent Half a centur7's vork in the monoculture of flax. Izv. TSKHA no.4133-41 163. (MIRA 171l) PpEmov, B.A., kand. sallskokho2. nauk, dotsentj SHA.YMVKHAMETOVA, A.A., aspiranika Group and chemical composition of soil particles smaller than 0.01 mm of size in a continuous field experiment. r2v. TSKHA no.6t74-84 163. (MIRA 170) _pgpEKHOV,.B.j.q kand. sellokokhozo nauko doteent Phosphates in continuously fertilized solla. Izv. TSKHA no.6t 104-112 163. (MIRA 17s8) YEGOROV, V.Yee, doktor sel'skokhoz. nauk, prof.; DOSPEIMOV, Bole# kand. sel'skokhoz. nauk~ dotsent Liming of continuously fertilized so12s In crop rotation and monoculture. Izv. TSKHA no.0125-137 163. (MIRA 170) MAGEMIMY., K.P.t doktor selinkokhoz. nauk; D()SFEKEOV, B.A., kand. sellskokhoz. nauk, dotsentj VASIL"IEVA, D.Ve, kand. aellskokhoz. naukj GOSUDAREVAp A.G., nauchnyy votrudnU; BELYAKUIA, N.G., nauchny.v sotrudnik Diagnosis of the conditions of plant nutrition in a continuous field experiment. Izv. TSKHA na.6tI51-161 163. (MIRt' 1728) j'--,-'Yin.7 So"Ll pjr~j:21eq ly.-Jr bY IT,-)",hods of 'lfl,-,,-rv,-grnphy Find !nfrFir;.!,,i n0.2; 4 'PITRA '19,cj) A ej R o v k nnu~. fr-ti' LOSPEMOV P. ~ kwid. arl'skokhoz. nauk 5tdtiatical processIng of field experiment data. Zemledelis 27 no.1001-77 0 165. (MIRA 18tlO) 1. Moskovskaya ordena Leninn sellakokhozyaystvennaya akademiya Imeni Timiryazava. DaIPEKHOVP V.A.p kand. selIskokhozyayBtvennykh nauk Pay attention to the methods of field experiments. Zamledelie 26 no.6t93-96 Je 164. (MIRA .17:8)