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GVOV, G.;YABILITA, R.;DOBPZ'Mllo D. ";, Poisoning with naphthalene and botsmaphthol in Infants. Ixv. Ked. inst., Sofia 2 no-31.219-248 1951. (C:IML 22:1) 1. Doctor, Be" Assistant at the Institute of Poreasic Xediclue for Vasileva; Doctor and Senior Assistant at the Childron's, Clinic for Gisov and Dosp*vskl. DOSPIVSKI. D., at. asistent, NOTZTA, M., ordin,&tor Severe naphthalene poisoning In Infant vith favcrable outcome. Nsuch. tr.rsUL,Bofia 2 no.WO9~-119 1953. 1. latedra. po, detski bolesti. Uv. katedrata, dIAS. Br.Ts.Bratancv. (NAPMRUMM, polsoning, In Inf.j ther.) (POISONIxG, napbithalene, In Inf., ther.) BRATANOT, Br., To.,-DDt.; DOSPITM., Do, dot.~ Characteristics of typhoid fever in cbildU.*en during the recent years, Suvrem. med.. SoM 6 no,11:84-92 1935. 1. Is 111ulkata po detakI bolesti pri ISUL (say.: dots. Br. To. Bratanov). (TfMOID FNM, in infant and child, (Bul)) DOSPNFSKI D Aniline In newborn, Surreme med., Sofia 6 no.11: 124-129 1955, 1. Is Katedrata po debski bolasti. p-ri ISUL (zav. katedrata: prof. 13r. Bratanov). (INTANT, MORN, diseasseq aniline pots. (Bul)) (ANILINZ DYICS, poiconing, in newborn. (Bia)) (POISONING, in infant and child, aniline in neWborn. (Bul)) DOSPIEVSKIS D.; KMffl,'V;, P. 'hwvoy of the English and Amerivin periodical literature for '1962. Suvr. .med. 14 no.?-.47-53 163. Al-MMIA) (ERYTHROBIJUTOSIS, FETAL) VIRCHBOPENIA) (LEV1041A) CARDIGVASCULAR DISUSES) ~ (ABNORMALITIES) Bulgaria No degree listed Department of Children's Diseases at the Institute for the Specialization and Advanced Study of Piiysicians (Insti- tut za spetsiyalizatsiya i usuvurshcnstvuvane na lekarite), Sofia; Departmeat of Physiotherapy; Department Head: Professor S. XIRCL~XA. Sofia, Pedia,:rij , supplement of Suvremenna MeditsinE., No 2, 1962, pp 46-50. 1114icrowaves (Radar) in the Complex treatment of Infant Pneumonia" Co-author: DRAGIEV, T., Department of Children's Diseases at the Institute for the Specialization and Advanced Study of PhysicJ.ans, Sofia. Department of Physiotherapy, same Inst:Ltute. LOSPIAL, Antoni Development of the stocking industry Przegl w1okien 17 no. 22101 F 163. zuichtv. (in ca2s); givea llama Rumania Country, Academic Degmea: Affilit.t1on: -not given- source: Bucharest Mlombiologia, Parazitologia, El!idemiologia Vol VI NO 51 SOP-070 Mlt PP 4Z1-423e Datat 11 GaMPLIM tons IW the ItUdy Of th* Whodx,A led for trA Isolation of 01. perfringes. Note II. Isolatfopn' of OI.__ ferfringes from FbodstufT 13ausage by the Enrichment Technique at 46 to 47 Degreau Calsiu:.Itl Authors: SASARMAN A., -Dr.- b,_I,tJI!_fCAA*9U. Theal -Dr.- SOIOMDN, bug4nin -Dr*- MIIOSESGU P, DO SPINA- --Aaria -Technician.- SASAIOLIN,A. - 110AODRIMAN 1 Thea; avec Is. collaboration tecimique de ,DOSPI14A, Marla --- Contributiona to the study of methods of isolation of C1, perfringens. I. A now enrichment method for the isolation 9~ Cl. perfrigens by coproculture, Arch. Roum. path. exp. microbiol. 20 no.3:471-478 8 161. 1. Travail d-~ 111natitut "Dr. I. Cantacuzino" Service des Cultures Microbiennes. (GLOSTIUDIUM PERFRIGENS culture) (F.&CFZ microbiology) WARMAN, A.j HORODNICRAMU, Thea; avee la collaboration technique do: DOSPINA, Maria - Contribution to metbods of isolation of C1. perfringens. III. Isolation of cultures at 46-470C. Arch. Roun. path. exp. microbiol. 22 no.1:131-135 Mr 163, CLOSTRIDIUM PEMINGEM) EKCTVJOLOGICAL TECHNICS) ~ I)MUR, Te.k.; LIV06HINAS O.N. Treating chronlo dysentery in children with Chernokhvootoy's a(cohal raceins. Pediatrila no,3:72 My-Je 153. (IGRA 6:8 ) 1. Smeleaskly gesudarstvenW nauchne-issledovatel'skly institut opideciible- gii I, mi:rroblelogii. (Dysentery) (Vaccination) DOSSER, Ye. 1-1. IiSSR/medicine - DyBentezj Jul 53 "Type: Specificity CS Immanity Against Flexner Dysentery," Ye. 11. Dossers, Smolensk Inst of Epid and Microbiol Zhur HikroEpid, i Immun, No % pp 74-76 Concludes from the exptl and clinical data cited that iinmunity to Flexner dysenter7 is on the whole type-apecific, unless the strain that causes the infection or producea the i=nmity possesses a very low virulence. On the basis of this, recounends that yotng and debilitated dynentery patients be isolated from each other at hospitals in order to prevent seconda.-:,/ infections with other types of dysentery. 267T52 POS4P2 jo JUMOVA, M.N.; VOINOV, I.I.; !tN,j WOPORTp R.L; YE :WNIKOVR N. P. Results of transporting the renal cello of monkeys, Trudy Mook. nauch.-inel. inst. virus. prop. 2s232-235 161. (NIRA 17:1) DOSSER, Ye.M.; DOROFErEV., V.M. Growing cells of renal tissue of rheaus monkeys by the submerged method, Trudy Moak. na-ach.-iual. inst. virus. prep. 2:236-245 161. (KRA 17: 1) DOBSERO Ye.M.; RAPOPORT; R.I.; YERMKOVA, M.N.; AKOPGVAp I.I.; DOROFEYZ-Vi V.M. Pr6duction of monlayer cell cultures frova the tiosties of different animals. Vop.virua. 7 no.3:336-343 W-Je '61. (HIRA 14: 7) 1. Mookovskiy nauchno-iosledovatellskiy institut virusnvkh preparatov. (TISSUE CULTURE) ,pq47SFJ4-YA-M-; DOROMM, V.M.; FADEYEVAI L.L.; RAPOPORT, R.I.; ShEBOLIDAYEVA, A.D. WItiplication of the measles virus In tissue cultures of different ardmals. Vop.virus 7 no.4:11-17 JI-Ag 162. (MMA 15:8) 1. Moskovskiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy. institut virusnyki pre- pitratov. (WMLES) (TISSUE CULTUPE) GEND011, lu*Zo; DOSSERp Ye,Mo; RAPOPORTj R.I.; GENKUA, F.B. Developirm a method for the preparation of tissue s-nallpox G *mccJi,e. Vopo virus 8 no.13114-115 Ja-F'63. (MU 16:6) L Moskovskiy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy institut virusn7i:h preparatov. (SMMU) (VACCINES) DOSSER, T,),M*j DOROFErEV, V,M,j RLPOPORT, R.I.. CtItivation of t)w measles virus in hunan diploid oells. Top. virus. 9 no&6t696-701 N-D 164. WRA i8in) lo Moskovakiy nauohno-issledovatel'Bkiy inatitut virusUk's prsparatove ZALKIND, 84Ya.; DOSSE M4 DOROFKYEV, V.M. Comparative morphological ntudy of the renal I'lultu-re ir some verLebrates. Arkh.anat., giat. i embr. 49 no.MI2-17 0 165. (MJ',IIA 3.13:12) 1. Iab-cratoriya virunnoy tsitopatologii (zav. - prof. S.Yu. ZaAkInd) Moskovokogo nauchno-Issledovatel'skci,c in.-,.~ tuta vJ.rueriykh preparatov. Suinitted June 30, 1(1)64, (N) SOURCE M-DE'. VIVU-4rZ/CC,/'U-UU/ACU-qi,u44&O/'#t;~1414:Jw ACC N11i AP6028727 AU3110R: Dosser, Yei. M.; Sverhinina, Yu. A. ORG: HoacoV ~Viral PreparationsyResearch Institute (Mookovakly nauchno-inDledovatel skiy Institut viru3nykh preparatov) TITLES Isolation of measles hemagglutinin and study of its properties SOURCE: Voprosy virueologii, no. 4, 1966, 440-445 TOPIC TAGS1 virus, virus disease, measles, measles hemagglutinin ABSTRACT: Techniques for isolation and study of the properties of measles virus hemagglutinin were discussed. The hemagglutinin was more stable than the infectious component to heatp ultrasound, and intensivo and prolonged (30 min) UV treatment. Whole virus activity was inhibited in minutes under thesis conditions. ! Similar results appeared in*both human and animal tissue culturea. (0A-50; CDC No. 121 SUB WDE1 06/ SMIM DATES 15Aug64/ ORIG REFt 0031 0111 REF: 007/ UDCt 615.373.34t376.858.11 3OSSESCI, R.; POPESCU*ZMMIN 1. New methods of determining the age at which spruce-tree groves are ready for cutting. :fn Gorman. p. 127. REVUE DE BIOLOGIE, JOURNAL OF BIOMGY. (Academis, Rppublicii Populare Romine Bucuresti. Vol. 1, No- 1, 1956 S .MRCEt East Furopean List (EELL) Librar7 of Congress, Vol. 6, No.1, January 1957 USMIOFFO 0.1 DaSSBVA.I. Incorporation of 32 P in er7throoyteo of chronic achizopbrmica and epileptics. DDkl. Bolge akad. nauk '17 noelt205-207 064 L 02147-67. ACC-Rrs Apou 5991 i!D06S VA. lep.TENCHEVA, Z., DI 1-Way'Matry of ihs Bu',smrian A SOURCE COD_E_:__E0/(jb11_/65/Ofd Havetrah GrouD ot Neural y and f Sciences -LIM :#Metabolism of Adenonina Triphoophato in Epileptogunio Focus Induced by 'Topical Application of Mescaline to*Cat Brain Cortex' i Sofia, E~klsdX Bojjpj;skoy Aj~ld,&24 Uuk# Vol 18, No 3p 1965, pp 283-286 '.ftstEgto LInglish sirtiole] Date in the literature on the different changes is a .1 evel of high-enorgy comvounds durinp.-experimental convulsions are seer" .and exclusively related to generalized experimental seizures. Howevero . variations in the leml of these compounds my be the result of various !ind*pondent changes coccurring within the entire organism (D. B. ?over# :XjyZSQe!A rzof. EvIIALU, 00. Thom@, Springfield, in., ig6o). Eliotr6physiologlial'studies of Movetta *-a qqnso_P4. plip,, !L~qrRphjvjqLe$ '8t 1956p 13). Crighel and Stoics, (01,ude. 7,' 1962,173) Show that the tovisel application of mesc7eihi 'tj -the cortex leads to the onset and development of a fboal epileptic activityo Until now only Uw changes In the syst" of glutanio acid, glutamine, and gamma-eminobutyrie ~acid in a menceline,;p1lepto nic focus were studied (No Mison-CrIghel at al.0-f J., Awqq!m4p lip 649 3~3r* Taking into consideration the central role of I adiriosino-triphosphets (ATP)._0 the funation of the nervous systeop the &vM*ro: Card L 02147-67 0 ostudied in cats ahanges in the level and metabolisn'of this compound in Ahe spileptogenic fo-3us induced by mescaline. The experimental results show that 1) the higher spileptio activity of nerve calls in the apilaiptogenio focus is correlated with an increased loyal of ATP which supplies the excitation processes in the nerve c;ljX with the required energy; 2) the increased incorporation of phosphe *-I? into ATP shown that oxidative phoophorylation :and Al? synthesis are activated in the apileptogenic focus. Thus the higher 'ATP loyal reflects an increase of its synthesis and the prevalence of this process, over ATP decompositionj 3) it is difficult at pr,seent to evaluate to what extent the oha-agen in ATP metabolism may play a -pathogenetic role in the appeatance of the'' :pi1iipt'6&nio focus - Thi' paper waij presented 4 Acidemician G. Usunoff on 16 N:vember 1964. Orig. art.8has! 4 figures. (JPRS) TOPIC TAGS: cato cerebral cortex, biologic metabolism, organic phosphorus compoundp electrophysiology, biochemistry, phosphorylation, biosynthesis SUB CODE: 06, 07 / SUBM DATK: 16Nov64 / ORIG MY: 001 / 07H REF: - 005 BULGARIA ,~SSLVA,_J., T&M.EVA, Zio D11ZVj S,, Research Group of -Epilepsy, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences *Correlation Between the Bioelactric Activity and Adenoeina-51-Triphoophate Metabolism in Cat Brain Mescalins-Induced Epilaptogonic Focus' Soeip, Daklady BolyarskoX Akedemii Nquk, Vol 19, No 4, 1966t pp, 313-316 Abatract: jEnglia'A articlej Earlier investigations of the changes in the level of high,-anar,gy phosphates in brain tissue during convulsions indicate that during convulaive activity the level of ATF and of crentino nhosphata decreases with a s1multanooue rel;aso of inorganic phosphate. Since these offacts are not spacific for the different convulsivo agents, they may alao ro,'lect chanfres in the antire W4. The present paper Eives results of the corrolation between ATP metabolism and bioelectric activity during the formation of t1ho opilaptoLenLo focus in cuts. The cortical activity was recorded by means of silver chloride ball electrodes and registered with a Schwarzar alectro- enca~)hslograph. -1ha roaulte of the experiments indicate that the development of tflo opiloptogenic focus is accompanied by changes in the AT? level and watuooliarjo. Hoviovar, the initial changes in the bioulactric activity of the fOM3 are not secompanied by changes in the AT? laval. Correlated with data on the role of ATP in the generation of the nerve impulse, the results suggest that ATP ia not tho direct cauna of apileptogenia activity. Thor-9 are I Bulgarlan, I Rumanian, and 7 Western reforencess (Menuacript re.O.olved, 24 We 6,5.) 1% - DOSSCW 9 Slootric asbbwsp vitb matowtio freigbt deliverys Melboi avtome ' proisys 14 nce%8-11 It 160 ~Cab.Uvsp) (Kn 1412) DOSSON, I.Ya. Review of M.I. Khudykh'a book "Repa.'r of text'llis machlm!ry." Taket. prom. 24 no.lOt8l-83 0 164. ~~KRA !7t12) 1. Nachallnik otdcla glavnogo imekhanika i energetika teks-t-Ulnogn upravlanlya Soveta narodnogo khozyayatva Moakovskogo gorod3kogo ekonotaicheakol-o rayona. i;Cl,'~, :11 . : ! . ------ -I I p . I I 'A-t-novor i.,.r it I Lritrjorrx . 1, , pa,~i i ,, d, " . . -.) 1", . "! ! 1 () I - 1 (,C~4 1 (,/, . DOSTA, G.A.; OSTROVSKIY, Yu.M. Detemination of glucose-6,phosphatase In tho blood Perim :hi liver leiiions and. some other diseases, Vop. med. khim. 8 no.5: 477-4,81 S-OfU (MMA 1724) 1, Kaf6dj-a blokkilmii Grodnenalcogo gosudaratvauiogo medit.31nako- go Institutao RAZUAOVICH, A.N.j DOSTA, G.A. Relationship between thiamilne disulfide and the respiratory chain of mitcchondria, Biokhimlia 28 no. 3:439-444 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Chair of Biochemistry, State Medical Institute, Grodno. INA DOSTAp OSTROVSKIY,, Yu. M.; Un(AMIIK, N. K, I RAMMOVICH., A. N.; TREBUKH , R. GA.: BALAKLEYEVSKIYp A. I.; MADZHUL,0 A. "On the Participation of Thiamine in Specific and Nonspecific Regulation of Some Metabolic Pathways." 7 report submitted for 6th Intl Biochemistry Cong, New York City, 26 Jul-I Aug 1964. IX)STA; G.A. af and the lbrp!- 1xi %!.ce during treaUont with vAm 4-J, prope.rutlons, 7-jp, wkis khl-i, lt 1. Ured-m blokhlmii Grvinmmkcgo goo-j& rn, iwtl:~tutA I oSTROVSKIY, Yu.M.; LUWHIKp N.X.; RAZUMOVICH, A.N.; BALU=E'ISKIY, A.I.; DO, R.S.; KARFUT', S.N.; ,!,TA,.G..A,; TREBUKHINA, R.V.1 LARIN, KOWOVA, B.p.; HgPOIRKLOVICH, U.S.1 DVORTANINOVICH, L.N.; MOYSEYENOKS A.G.j MANDRIK, K.A.; GALITSKIY, E.A.; KTYSIK, M.S.; PODOBED, V.G.; 14AKARINA-KIBAK, L.Ya. Differentiation of specific and nonspecific metabolic shifts in an acute avitaminosis BI caused by oxythiamine. Vop..pit. 24 no.4t4l-48 JI-Ag 165. (MIPLI 18:12) 1. Kafedra biokhimii (zav. - doteent lu.M.Ostrovskiy) meditsinskogo instituta, Grodno. Submitted July 23j, 1964. I-CSIAL, A. Uj';'I~L, A. Ho.: to work in 1-torbtorie.9 of :rrAchjnc--tr&ctc. -tilticris. p. 31( . Vvr,lous v:ut!i1)ds of pIQwIv-V. 'fr. from M.e ',ni-lish. - . 313. Vol. 6, No. 16, AuU. 11)116. Zil-ILM.LTV1. i~CRIGLL741:R'" Praha, Czechoslovakia So; East Firopean Acce-snion, 7ol. (, 110. 3, Nor(ii 1957 I LWT,16 A. (-------- Socialiat racotwtructien of the crodit aptem in Czoc~oclovakla. Dun. i krod. 19 no. 203-62 F 161. W.2) (CzeO.oslovakit-Gredit) DOSTAL134, nRokt of Reviewed the Czechoulovak State Bank in the national econosq.8 by A,Dosta.V* DenA kred. 19 noalO:9(~--92 0 161. (MIRA 14-.10) (Csschoslovakia- .3anks aW banking) Fuel Abst. 3131- CleanJng of Gnsos. Dostql, B. (Strojirenstvio Vol. 14 No- 4 19512:9 vol. 2, 11t 517-519). and Oot, 1953 discuesion of methods sultable for the-pRnlfication Gaseous Fuelss of gesee usod in industrial processes. :10S*IS Properties and Treatment /V STEPAII, J.j VOMM 0.) DOSTAL, G.j TINTAIVA, V. CMR Rogoarch WtItute foFNFOM&tl* M"U" (Vysh=W Ufftav chorob r~mtt~)Weh) Pracw, dirootwo Pra. Dr. F. Lenoch, Des Prag", Pystatricky TeaWks No Is 1963a PP 23-3.0 "On the late Resotion to Ixogwime ACTH In *wmatlo PattonUw VO.TTISEK, 0. ;,.~O!TAL, C_. Diagnoeis and therapy of generalized lupus erythematosus. Cas. lek. oesk. 102 no.401-86 25 Ja 163. 1. Vyzkumny ustav chorob revmatickyah-v ?raze, reditel prof. dr. Fr. L-snoch. (LUFUS m7mumus I SYSTEMIC) (DIAGNOSIS) (THEPAPEUTICS) (ARTHRITIS, YOUMATOID) (DIAGNOSIS, DIFFERENTIAL) I DOSTAL, Go; NOVAK, Vq; KOCIjM*; NTMSIL)H, L%,aluation of the pulve eurvo with tho use of Fouriarla analysis. Can. lek. cosR. 103 no.192526-530 8 My'64 1. Vyzkumny ustav ehorob revmatickych v Praze (reditel: prof. F,Laioch, DrSc) a Laborator grafickych vysetrova- cich metod CSAV v Pra2m (reditel: akadenik V.Iaufberger)o LANGFR, 1, ; 1)(OTAL, C.; HMOVA, 7. bmg-term therapeutic results Atli periarterIal symratLectomy in progressive polyar-thritle, Cas. leik. cask. 104 no.23:634-6316 1.1 Jo165. 1. TI. chirurgicka klinika fakulty vseobecreho lekarstvi Karle.,7 University v Praze (prednosta: prof. dr. J. Lhotka); Vy-zkumny ustav chorob revmatickych v Praze (reditelt prof. dr. F. Lenoch); a Fyziatricky a balneologicky ustav fakulty vasobeenebo lekar-stvi Karlovy University v Praze (prednosta: prof. dr. F. Lenoch). LENOCHOF.; DOSTALp C. Mental disorders follwying steroid hornone therapy with special reference to systemic 1upus erythematosus. Cesk. psychiat. 60 no.ltU-18 FIN , lo Vyzkumn3, ustav chorob revmatiokych, Praha. DOSTAL, F. Use of tolerance field in production* pe 426. STROJIRENSKA VYROBA. (MinisterBtvo tezkeho strojirenstvi, Ministerstvo presneho strojirenstvi a Fdrd.sterstvo autcmobiloveho prumyslu a zemedelgkych stroju) Praha, CzechoslovakJ.a. Vol. 7, no- 10, Oct- 1959 Monthly List of East European Accessions (EKAI) LC, Vol. 8, No. 12, Dec. 1959 Uncl. ,-prof -, cir., :LIU. Terminology and markIng in maohininf,. Stroj vyr 9 no.5:256-258 161. 1. Vojranaka tecbnick:a akademie Antordna Zapotocksho, Brno. Pq~TAL* Fe, prafes dre, ins, For a better etyle of teeWdeal literature, Stroj vyr 10 no.12:633 162* lo Vojenska akademie A* Zapetockshop Brno. DOSTAL, Frantisek, prof., inzAr. On dependent position deviations. Normalizace 11 no.10: 312-314 0 163. 1. Vojenska akademle An-.onina Zapotockeho, Brno, DOSTAL, I. Significance of technical standardization in the socialist economy. p. 30. (Ratsionalizataiias Vol. 6j no. 12, Dec. 1956, Bulgaria) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EM) LC, Vol. 6, no. 6, June 1957, Uncle C-7,ECH/34-59-7-14/22 AUTHORS: Mandl, Miroslav, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Ing., Kage, Miloslav, Freiwillig, Rudolf, Ing., Dost4l, Jan .Z_~ TITLE: Isolation of Non-Metallic Inclusions by the Method of Direct Chlorination and thair Iden';ification (Isolace nekovov~ch vingstkil metodou pHm(f chlorace a jejlch identifikace) PERIODICAL: Hutnickd'Listy, 1959, Nr 7, pp 617-620 (Czechoslovakia) ABSTRACT: The isolation was effected by the method of direct chlorination based on the action of purified chlorinR on steel or Fe-Si at temperatures of 450 and 800-850~G. The identification of the non-metallic inclusions was effected by colorimetric methods,except for the 3i,for which the determination was by gravimetric methodsand for calcium,for which the determination was effected chelatometrically. A description is given of the instrument used and sketches of the apparatus are reproduced in Figs 1 and 2. The processes of determina- tion of various oxides are detailed in the article. There are 9 figures, 1 table and 8 references, 1 of which is Czech, 4 English, 2 German, 1 Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Vjzkumny i~stav hutnictvl geleza, Praha (Ferrous Card 1/1 Metallurgy Research Institute, Prague) DOSTAL. Jr. - TVPVSrT' K. ienulte of the treatment of patella fractures by patellectomy & suture. Acts, chir. orthop. traum. cach. 25 no.6:441-444 Nov 58. 1. Chirurgicka klinika PW v Olomouci, preditosta. prof. dr. V. Hapant. Chirurgicke odd. KUNZ Ostrava, prednosta Mr. K. Typovoky. J. D., Ostrava V. Syllabova 19. (MOM, fracte surg., Tmtellectomy & suture (02)) WALMOK, F.j WS M,, J.1 KALINA, r. Awasthesia in bums. Aota chir. plast. Ak no-4:299-304 162. 1. Surgical Department, Regional Hospital, Ostrava 3 (Czechoslovakia) 1drector: Doc. K. Typovsky, M.D., C.Sc. (BURNS) (ANESTHESIA) DOSTAL, J.; WALGZOK, F.; MINA, J. k~ Fluothane aneatheoia in bandaiAng children with burna. Acta. chir. or1k, op. traum. each. 29 no.6s547-550 1) 162. 1. Chirurgicke oddeleni krajelce nemocnice v Oatraves prednasta doc dr. K. Typovslgr, We. (BURNS) (RALOTILLNE) (BANIXIGES) I DOSTAL,, J.; FRANKOVAO A. I rare occurrence of sympatkoblastoma. RozILI. chir. 41 no.12:810-EI2 D 162. 1. Oddeleni detake chirurgie, prednoBta MUDr. F. Fojt1k, a oddeleni detakokolonooke, prednosta prof. dr. B. Epstein, namocnice na'Bulovee. (NEUROBLASTCRA) (RETROPERITONEAL NEOPLM) WAWZOK, F.; Anesthesia in burns. Roshl. cbIr. 42 no-4:261-264 Ap f63- 1. Oddeleni pro leabu popalenych pri chirurgickem oddelani krajoke nemocnice s polilclinikou v Ostrava, vedouci doe, dr. K. Typovslq, We. (BURNS) (ANBSTHETICS) VALCON, F.; DOST4,6 -Jib. On the problem *f ansatheOlft in newb*m irifgntt with sOOPbag6&1 atresia. Rohl. chir. 42 no.8048-551 Ag 163o 1. Chirargicka, oddelani krajoks nemocnIce -w Ootmvej, vadaud doc, dr. K. T~Tovvk7, CSo. (ESOPHAGRAL STENCISIS) (ANESTBESIA, ENDOTRACMUL) (ARSTHESIA) (PNMONIA) (11JBOCURALINS) KROSTIGMINE) (SUCCMWHOIJI[S) FANT, =BORN, DISEASES) M VORLICEK, Jan,, HNT)r.,-,_RTTAL,, Jail_ Determining carbon In graphite raw materials and conientrat,39s Rudy 12 no.6tl8l-182 Je 164. 1. Research Institute or the Zelezorudne doly a hrudkovuy, 14nisek pod Brdy. Vp FO~ 9F. .I- !'I'T'v , I*. jr. W-prc',a tinn of syrwtric structures evolvel tj- ti!? rotitim :ochniqua in :Iectron cdcroseopy of Arta v~iol. ("-,ibu' [Eng.j 8 no,4%373-375 31 IN.. 1. Institate of Virology, Czechoslow,k AcaieV o~ ~';'ctpnaee~ and Resoarch InstituLe of Oil and Hydrocarbon Gaoee, Brriti-zlava, STEJr-A, M., prof. MUDr.; DOSTAL) J-; POSPRSIL, J.; SKAIVIK, L,; ZAK, J. Bronaldal anthma and chronic cor lAilmonalo, Pratial.. lek, listy 45 no.8t452-459 30 Ap 165 1. 1. vnitrni klinika Lekarske fakiilty University J.E. Purkyne v Brile (vedoucit prof. MUDr. M. St.~Jfa). CZECIDSLDVAKIA DDSTALf Jirij MUIIr.; SZMIG(IVAp L4ydiep MDr. . . . - I Dept. of Anestesiolofiy, City Hospital (Anestoziologicke oddeleni mestske nemocnice), Ostrava (Dostal - Head) Prague, PrakticlW lehar, No 13/14, 5 July 1966, pp 533-35 "Preflight oxygen treatment." DOSTAL, Jaroslav, Mr.: GBORA, S., tecbn. spolipract. ,a - - - -4 Riectrokywography. Ynitr. 19k., Brno 1 no.6:441-449 June 55. 1. Z 1. vnltrni frltniky RU v Brno, prednowta prof. KlUDr. M. Stejfa, Mr. J D. Brno, Jlraskova 1. iKTMGRAPff alectrokynograpby.) KAML, Svoboda NUDr,- 7J0LASLAJ.-J_kst!LINUDr. Aneurysm of the heart. Tnitr. Isk., Brno no-8:562-567 Aug 155. 1. Z I.vnitrni kliniky HU v Brno, prednosta prof. NUDr M.Stejfa Brno, Capkova 31. (ANWMSX heart, after wFocardial infarct. (HLOR, azieury" after igyocardinal Infaret) 04TOCARDIAL IMIARCT. complications heart aneurysm) POPIK, K. , Prof KUDr. VAGM, B. , MU3)r.; DOSUL J XUnr. (adb. asist. Interrelation of signaling syotew-,~~ ~Man determined vith the aid of suggestion supported by amplitude change3 of heart contraction as an indicator. Cook. neur. 21 no.2.-76-89 Mar 58. 1. Kliniks, nemoci noryovych, prednosta prof.. MUDr K. Popek, 1. vnitrni klinika M v Brno, prednostat prof, MUDr No Stejfa. (030MRAL CORM, Physiol. interrelation of signaling systems in humans, determ. by suggestiou & amplitude changes of hoart contraction (C%)) (SMOINTION role in determ. of interrelation of signaling systems in humans, vith tests of amplitude changes of heart conp- traction (Gs)) (EUI!M, phyniol. contraction, amplitude changeii amsed by suggestion in determ. of interrelation of signaling systems in huuans (CO) MALINA, Jan; DOSTAL# -Tiri; TMVSKr, Kmll Indications for the application of Oudov's apparatus in vascm1ar autures. Polski prsegl. ohir. 33 no.2:119-123 16.1. 1. Z Oddzialu Chiruigio2nSgO WoJewodskiego 3spitala w Ostrawie C.S.R. Kierovniki G. so. Mg dr K. Typovsky. (BLOOD VESSW surg) VjdZZOK, F.; DOSTAI, J.; TGWZK, J. Choice of general anesthetic in malformation of tho jaw. Roahlo chir. 43 no.6085~-390 Je'64 1. Chirurgicke oddeleni Krajoke nemocnice v Ostrave (vedouci: doe. dr. K.Typovsky, Mo.) a Stmatoobirurgicke oddeleni Krajoke nemocnice v Ostrave (vedouci:MUDr. V. Kopec)* SKAL141K, lAdi olav; "'11FIFA , flilos; D'Sj"N'. L, "aruz.,!iv; ~ ):--i2!'~ -I ZAK, Jan coritrl~,,iticn tc the v-0blerr.- rc the of t-r-1morary hyrnDrtenslon in ob.4tractive tntjhveemn. ined. h-uw-rsin 38 161;. Contribution to the problem of the pathogenesis of pt~lmonary hypertension in obstructive emphysema. Pt.2. Is 1. interni klinika lekarske fakulty University T.F. Purkyne v Brne (Prednosta prof. dr. Milos Stejfti). -DOS).TAL., J.; TOMASEK, J, Effect of anesthesia on the activity of enzymes (GPT, GOT, OCT) in tho blood serum. (On the problem of hepatic toxicity of halothane), Rozhl. chir. 44 no.8:574-5'79 Ag 165. 1. Anesteziologicke oddeleni (vedouci 14IDr. F. Walczok) a stomatochirurgicke oddeleni (vedouci HIDr. V. Kopec) t,*ajske nemocnice s poliklinikou v Ostrave. J. 'T N otes on the 3econd Five-Year 111wi. P. 1. ff()P-'%LI (Urad pro norrialisaci) Pralia. Vol. 5, no. 1, Jnn. 1956. I "30URGE: --Ast airoy"an Access16ns List, Vol. 5, no. 9, ".ept, ber 1956 DOSTAL, J. The new law on technical standardiz2tion. p. 8. (VYNALEZY A NORMALISACE, OCHRANNE ZNAMKY, CHRANENE WORY, Vol, 1. no. Is July 1957, Praha, Czechoslozakia.) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EFJd.) LC. Vol. 6, no,. 12, Dec. 1957, Uncl. DOSTAL, J. New organization of technical developnent. P. 1. VY-NAU:ZY A NOWALISACE, OCHIUNNE ZNAMKY, CHANE7rE VZORY. (Urnd pro vynalezy it nomalisaci) Praha, Czechoslovakia Vol. ?,, no. 3, Mar. 1959. Monthly list of East European Acessions (EEAI), U;, Vol. 8, ro. 7 Julv 1959 Uncl. DCSTAL, J. Technical standardization and coatrol. of labor safety. p. 73 Normalizace. (Urad pro normalizace) Fraha, Czechcs1ova&-ia. Vol. 7, no. 4, Oct. 1959 Mmtl*,Ust of Fast European Accessions (FFAI) LC, vol. 91 no. I, Jan. 1960 Uncl. ,DCIPTAL, Jjrj.,_4m. _ Ozoohoslovak standardization during the fifteen yeare vinoe tho liberation. Nova teohnilm no.7s292-294 160. 1. Predooda Uradu pro normalizaci. DOSTAL, Jiri -M"6"ww Importance of climatology for the national economy. Vest CSAV 72 no. 4:496-502 163. - DISTA~, Jmef Morfologle a zaklady fylogenosa rnstlin (Vyd. 1.) PrahA, StatnI pedeigogicke nakl., 1952. 365 P. (UcebnI texty vysokyah ;k,,l) (Morpholoi~or and fundarrentals of phy-logerry of plants; a univeralty textbook. 1st ed. illus.) S'): Monthly List of East European Accessions, (EZAL), LC, Vol. 5, No. 6 Jane 1956, Jacl. DOS*TAL, JOSE.Y. F-lic k uplne kvetene CSR. f-1. vYd.-7 Praha, 1954. 1183 P. (Ceskoslovenska akademie ved. Veda vaem, qv. 4) f"i key to the complete flora of Czechoslovakia. 1st ed.-7 DA Not In DLC SO: Monthly List of E.~st European Accessions (FrAL) Lc, vol. 6, no. 10, October 1957. Uncl. DOSTALP J. Planting potatoes in checkrows. P. 3.47. MECRANISACE ZEMEDELSTVI. Vol. 5, No. 6, Apr. 1955 SO: Monthly East European Accessionj (EEAL), Lc, vol. 40 No. 9. Sept. 1955 Uncl. LOST; L JOSEF DOtMicka norienidatura; rjoj rostlinneho jv1ean a vyklad "e-zinararinich pr-avidel bot- amicke nomeklatur. Praha, Nakl. Cheskoslovensle akadmeic ved, 1957 269 P. (Ceskoslovenska akademic ved. Sekee biologicka. Studie .1 pmmeny, sv. 2~)) (Potanical no-menclature; debelopnent of botani-21a names and ex-pl-anition of internatiomil maes of botanical nomemclature. lst ed. bibl.) SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEC) LC, Vol. 7, no 1 Jan. 1958 DOSTALS JOSZF laic k upim kystene CSR. Ilustrace Vlasts Knebiava, (2vyd) Prahas Czechoslovalda. Nakle Ceakoelovenske akademde ved, 1958. 982P., Monthly Ust of Fast European Acoessiona (EEAI), ICj, Vols 9# no, 2,, Feb. 196o. uncl. DO6Tj%Lp K.; SQVJAKj J.; ZABICKAp Z, "Wot method for auction and removal of dust in foundries. p. 240" SLLVJffMSTVI. (IAnisterstovo tezkoho strojirenstvi a Cesicoslovenska vedecka tecir-Acka spolecnost pro hutnictvi. a alevarenstvi) Praha) Ciechoslovakias Vol- 3p Noe 8 Augre 1955- Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI), LC, Vol. 8, No. 6 June 1559 Uncl. A Irk Tool awl U4tvl INAM461 Alaser" typiv.. Brno. C"Th. (*a$, 1.111Y 46. Rr -ruff Mh, in. I Is 10'. was j7pl. by vervasal Mona at a Ul tabil. of If.*O. A d P". &" is a while CrY14 vCry hystankVilic oub,. steam Subic up to lob* W" it "P. to 0 Mw &o,. The cryaal sowturr was detd. by x-ft)m. NKN dimwl%v. -* awl I't forming grm subetamm. pr*4bly SMh eml TqMPO~."- SmIumsAMtoredile. I[Clisaitithsattiot C3. lavvsfipl~w of the bebaylur of orit, 411MOIXIN. RLMArd MA be@ bmu Slatted. Sr" diseolv" in fi.&U. Probably forming IIAWA). M. 18-10*. M. liudwkt DCGTAL, K. Thermal analysis of the system SeO 3 -H20. p. 633 CHDaCKE LIM (Ceskaalovenaka akRdemia ved. Ceskaslovensak spolecnost chemicks) Praha, Czechoslovakia. Vol. 49, no. 5, May 1955 no. 1, Jan Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) EC., Vole 9W1960 Czechoslovakia/Phyuical Chemistry - Thermodysamice. Thermo ch~-m Is try. Equllibrium. Pby8icochemical Analysis. Phase Traneiti-3ma, B-8 Abst Jouimal: Referat Zhur - Xhimiya.. No lg,, 1956, 61025 Author: Dostal, K. Institution: None 'Title: Thermal Analysis of the System Se03-H2O Oricizal Periodical: Thermiscle Analyse des Systems Se03-3,,?O. Sb. chekhosl. khim. rabot) 1955, 20, No 5, 1033-11040; German Abstract: See Referat Zhur - Khimiya, 1956, 390Ce Card.tvi I" a ON tho fiv Fj cuives ibe phw di%Srud of the system ScOrlltO was Md. ih the concn. 'range 87.1-0,8% ScOt. Thediagrammircals2hydrawof Scot hithirto. not dcmlbed: the lot cwTtAxuds tAY p)-ra. I seleck-a;W H&A with a cougnte"t ti.p. 18.81, the2nd Au tb- canpet. 8 Se0s.214jO (11,SeAj) aud has an hwm- umt th.p.' The pultmtk point H*SeCWI~IevO. nitits at .4- and has It-. cove P-, 91.4% SeOs. The ormens. aud. 1 M.Ps. of cutextic tililts. are' H4stjoll-IfIsewo, lVi 17.8*; 11.9toOr&% 94.7% &Lh. 13.5'," fl, A and 119lesof it metutabte cutectle TxAnt (A cv-11pti. OU1% SeO# exists with a in.p. 12,4'. 7be ou,P. of ptim anhyd. Aclenle acki Is 02.4' I; All wo 00 44 81 00 Nor-H M-fil-Mg Ah'"Id fit- LiWy 50. 70;Flu low).-TIM systens "&M%- 10! died at cmw;: lglw thin 97.5% Se%. The revolts of tberuld lutal i Previously reported IC.A. 49, t2lOIA wert vtrided 11 ~X-My crjgt~phk analysim.. The exidence -of the HiO mid oUtbe pyroselenic acid BeStA b. dm C A new hydrate 3SeO..H.0 (lUkAJ vus detected, confirmed by tbe thermal aWy* and bolatel (a :,ttcmpd. with an inconvuent m.p. of 38.9'). The EKA pgp=d dehydration of HjSc4% and that prepd. by the ot 80o with X&O~ bare the-Me 4,110- SSAPhk structure D13TAL, K. X-ray and thermal analysis of the system SeO3 - H20- p. 721 (J.,19titiate of Applied Physics - Czechoslovak Academy of Science) Vol. 50, Na- 5 may 195 6 SO; Monthly Index of Sast Huropean Accession (EFAI) IL, Vol. 7, No. 5 MaY 1958 4192o(J)AE20 00"- Thve tbomtw F~taimfm d --C IN d Mu. MR~). , I VC4 at '-vu, MM Whit*, h id it f 7 mmp-h wha CO 10 111% WI., rond NH# %a (NHjlS&D" (NIQ1,WS, Vn4 Sc4Nh . With liju I# at 7041 t (Nif the a We (MI4 A ;tmtil PF":; k ykgs of erpt. NH Nif, 1) alga prepd. roin KSeA wWllquWNHj. lildelll)olly hydmiyus lil mulat air, decomp. on doir heatial to 1001, and explodes an dinBct heating to 120*, U can be gray td. from MeOll; lzs reactions are 'tllVmp. ltbydroly,&etmorermdJy characteristic of the N than NU.50gNifs. The powder pattem #A I and 11 are ....... Richard)[. laquith.- DOSTAL, I' . ffAn extended seminar on inorganic chemistry in Brno" Chemicka Listy. Praha, Czechoslovakia. Vol. 53, no. 3, Mar 1959 Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAT), LC, Vol. 8, No. 7, July 59, Unclas DOSTAL, Karel Fluid drying of sand. Slevarenstvi, 11 no.ltl~-16 Ja 063. 1. SUP Projakta, Brno. DOBTAL, gar*l Storage of loose foundry materials in ailos and their pneumatio discharge* Slevarenstvi 3.1 no.7:279-2si n 163. 1. Projakta., Brno. DOSI'AL, L. f "Assisting the Development of Our ApIculturell 9. 136, (POTAIM, Vol. 9, no. 6, June 1.953, Praha, CzechoBlovakia). SO: Wnthly List of East European Accessions, LC, Vol. 2, No. 11, Nov. 194,3, Uncl. I -we Conn t";4 f. aj 1,4;,_n" 15 1,Ari Sr t" r7l r" v I in Ab, !s tr fx%t ii '~h ~~44 o. c. t; c. r r r Sit v 1% rl'. Elaj v k~~c -Men I)OSTAL,, Ladiolav.. inz, Increaved efforta for raising economic efficiency of building industry mans ement in the nev year. Inz stavby 6 no.1:1-2 Ja 158. 1. Reditel,, Hlavmi sprava 5 ministerstva stavobnictvi. D03TAY,,,,Mi:Lan; Zff*Iyj Yan[Zachvej, Jan]j tekhn. sotrudnichestvot ,JKenap PRAZHAKOVAv Myga [Prazakovap Olga] Effeot of noradrenalin and adrenalin on the blood preovure of irradiated animals. Cesk. otolaryng. 12 no.6t23-23 D163. I. Kafedra radlobiologii Voyenno-meditsinskogo iseledavatell- skago institute. i institute, usoverehenstvavaniya vrachey (rukovoditel't zav. I.Mraz). DOSTAL, Mllim Clangeo In the duration of the centic.;,! inh:Lbitory action of medinal and barbamil In irradiated rats. Cesk. otolaryng. 12 no.6t85-88 D163. 1. 1z kafedry radioblologil' Voyenvo-meditsluskcpp isnledrva- tell3kogo instituta dlya usovershenstvovaniya vrachey; za,r. kandidat biologicheskych nauk I.Mram. DOSTAL, Was On Unnor products of vector spaces-, Can pro post mat 88 no*2t:156-1?2 10, lo Centrum m, ricks mmitema4kyj, matematicko-fyzi)m1ni faWta Urlary universit7p Praha l.. MalostrarwIm namesti 25. 4; DOSTAL. Miloulav.. KUDr. leminIvIng benign surresal tumor. Tultr. 19k., Brno 1 no.4:245-247 Apr. 55. 1. Indokrinologicke oddeleni IM v Brno. ved. lakar XUDr. %san Egslor Brno. Vlaitroyova 16. (AMIAL GLAND. neoplum adenoms. with gynooosastla. surg.) IUzo_~_ A Nj- h of Wiertenato~ -wlih 61%ftnate.-! 'r i r b1o)4 Aom tht (Wg ir. JU Ekmi 4.-J. JA V'_R krijtJovii IAahki, 1.4ty 9i 3w J*~'~ IIC mt KI(IP55).-The efffct of N'Uscl% wai C!iallpl' h 8 0 multiml t ypt~-tcrnina treatrd roc livntils; F.0 rlig. , .1 r T'.SCN was ad 11,11ittercd Z timcs 'hol in tA 21* 111. M1111. N. 2',1 days and theiii Chi.; do.~, witl ill. o X-10,400 nq, The effixt gpfcjxed to b-c- ticitte- N wan. , ftou only 1,N Ice daily as th-~n the No ml I 1111cc ya nate ICVLI %tits IlIcIte Ct'llc Whil 1-:vcl fluchatell -F. l'bctivixti 3.wi, 1 0 tit In 7 caseq there WC11C /1(" pit, Witil,V. toXie Ki 019, 1 lar sig[15 fit hyloo0wroOkul cr of hylicr- fk~ thyroulml. 11i-, c imli'di'm OA c1,., tjf the ttrille secretich I aml the otiatitit y if kw4. Tlmrt' Wa'i 1111 4tv.. JZEft ill UTE M ------I 7- 14 cpmf flt~ po r0 ritinul bi c Icd r1st.- tit i it lie I otvc~r- n kvel f1Y7 the fudher ~ iAi2 d tMatmen t; -A: mod.fied Illicro- m0li(xi G1 Al,lrli1gc-w'z0l Imcd for. t4c.('ct". (if NaSeN in ptoelict, of firce Dir artlit rtdit. sit lj~-jiyWijiv-;)yrbliltcu violvit- nif CiAlor, Ille illi cllsii y K)f wLivll W del.l. phot(wo(wimvi cally witli it gr('(11 fill vr. L. M. CZECHCGLOYAKIA/Gencral Biology - Cytology of Animals and Man# Be Abe Jour -. Ref Zhur -- Biolsj No 21o 19581 94581 Author : Lefneroval Milena; Dostal, Riloslav Inst 1.- Title : Sex Differences in the Iforphology of the Nucleus of Ncutrophil.La Ledkocytase Orig Pub : Vnitrni 1eImrstvi,, 195T, 3, No 12,, 1074-1077 Abstract ; Vo abetracto Card 1/1 C,7jCj70SLOll,'.KLV:%mc.ii and .-rd-nl riyaiAt:,,y* LitnnI Suerction. T .1 (.: 'Myroid. .bs Jaur.- Ref Diur-Diol., :!o 20, 1958, 9"445. - mt') or Kuccrn, lincliw, Svf)b(,cL-i, Karal. LXluc--cc of Corl, (r)- On, :-:.Icu;,~to of 17-Kuto- ctQroids -L:,c ',,Ir,~.,d ia 9-X,-fluor-,-)- Nb: Vi,-'tl-;ii Uhna-st-vi. Elio .12, 1()-. ;~ , 1)57, ., I (13) wi~`L-i uuv,.;r,~ c:ironic Cil-111CY rLCL-iVLCI U-;'ie f.irst ") dap; ~.2.,", .50 C of cc.rtisc-.ic;, L*.,u 6 clays 0.05 -- 0-~j ;'~-; -)f 9- r.:ld O'll VIC 11, - li.~Vl (1--y cc)rtis,),.iu n[mia- L. L'ic: Ict parlod ~ycl(; the Card 1/2 77 C :.')s Jijur- R(~f Zhur-Dicil., 2: 10,;8, 93445- 1, n; Ou'-.t3 of 17-LuZos;QrA0.:; and IMS .1CT.'A_'W11V_t IMIC1' 'U.*'7~'l VIC; 2n'! pcrtod t1ley d(_,cr,.zf3ud, and ill vile 3rd poriod tacy re- turnud to thc or-IL(_iar.1 fi,-ures. 111~1 cf 17-."Cto- cor~ico~As was subject, -to eonsidcra~jlc fluctuation. V.V. Ya-ZIvikov. 2/2 DOSTAL,-H. - ------- Isobolic method of analysif of the relationship between morphine toxicity and paychotons. Cook. fYsiol. 7 n0-3,.277-278 May 58. 1. Katedra farmiskologis VIA, J. A. Parkyne, Hradec Iralove. (AMMUNIM, toxi()ity, reliLtion to morphine tox., isobolic analysis (Cs)) (MCRMM, toxicity, relation to imphstamine tox., isobolic analysis Wz)) DOS ILIA L, M. Icobol method of the analysis of relation of morphine toxicity to ympathomimetIc drugs. Cook. fYsiol. 7 no.5s443-444 Sept 58. Zatedra farmakologie VIA J17P, Hradec Kralove. (SYMPATILOHIHETIM, off. on morphine tox., isobolic method of analysis (Cs)) (MOMINN, tox. off. of sympathomimetics, isobolicB, isobolic method of anakysis (60)