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A High Vacuum Electron Mio ros cope for the Investigation SOV/4-C-23-4~19/21 of Cathodes. influence upon the dissolving power of a microscope. Likewise, the dissolving power is influenced by the emitting catbode zone a-vid the chromatio aberr tion of the in=,~rsion lemi. The determination of the heterogeneity of the cathode emission by measuring th* electron beam surpassus all other methods hitheilto applied. Figure 3 shown the distribution or tiie Lrurron'. upon the emitting surface of a pressed cathode, taken by thij method. There are 3 figures arw 5 Soviet refircnaes. Card 2/ 2 24805 S/04 61/025/006/005/010 31 17Y3212 /,c 90 AUTHOR: Druzhinin, A. V. TITLE: Method of determining the work function of surface mioro-sea- tions of hot cathodes PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya, v. 25, no. 6, 1961, 730-734 TEXT: The present paper has been presented at the 3rd All-Union Conference on Electron Microscopy, held in Leningrad from October 24 to 29, 1960. It was shown that it is possible to determine the work function of a surface section uniquely if the focusing is co.-reat and 'the abeiration small, and if the values of the local current, the electron-optical magnification, and the cathode temperature are used. Under normal conditions, the maximum dia- meter of the electron beam is about 20M. Therefore, all electrons emitted from sections located close to the axis will be collected in the imaEe plane of the immersion objective without losses if there is no special opening. The divergence angle of the electrons which is denotea by P can be calcu- Card 1/5 Method of determining 'the 2005 S/048/61/025/006/005/010 B117/D212 lated from Abbe's --armuias: sin sin a where h denotes the L 0 a N magnification of the immersion objectivel Ua the plate potential; t the thermal electron velootty; a the angle of inclination of the trajectories wiLh respect to the axis at the cathode. Ref. 9 (Artsimovich L. A., Izv. AN SSSR, Ser. fiz. 6, N06, 313 (1914/1) has shown the validity of this for- mula. Assuming N -_30, Ua a 25-10 V, L - 0.1 ev, a - 900, then P - 6-lo-5. If the divergence angle is small, all electrons will pass without losses through the projection lens of the electron micxoseope. The current from the image elements can be measured very easily if the beam catcher is lo- cated behind an opening in the center of the luminescent screen. From the calculated current density, the isothermal work function YT Of the respec. tive cathode section can be found easily if one assumes that 'the curl-ent emitted is described by the Richardson equation: 2 j = A(l - R)T exp L_eYT /kT]. Thermodynamic considerations show that A has a universal character and is independent of the type of emitter (Ref. 10: Card 2/5 24M S/046/61/025/006/005/010 Method of determining the ... B110212 L. E. Dobretsov, Tr. fiz.-tekhn. in-ta AN USSR9 1, 26 (1953))- For pure metals it is usually assumed that A a 120 a cm- 2 dej~ree -2 and R a 0. The re- solution of tho emission microscope and, therefore also of the method suG- , e.,4ted is mainlS det~.,rniined by the chromatic aberration of the immcrsion Objectivt! O~F 0.051& at 6 - U. 1 t-v and a field poteritial at the cathode surface E 20-10 v cm and also by the aberration caused by the distor- tion of the field. It has been shown that the latter, 18 trice as large as the chromatic aberration, The measurement of the curr-3nt from Lhe central part of spots having a diameter of about one micron does riot sttm to have a larger error, Meaaurinp the curxent from smaller spots where the bounda- ry i~ffents cannot be neglected is not a very reliable method. The resolu- tion of' the emission microscope can only be raised by increasinr the fiold potential at the cathode surface.. Active hot cathodes have been investi- Eated with .n electroatatic emission microscope (Ref. b-, bruzhinin it. V., Popov D. N, Izv, AN SSSR, Ser, fiz,, 23, N24, 522 (1959)) having a vacuum oi' the order of ~-10-7 mm Hg and using a special openinE, inis opening "X limited the bombardment of the cathode with ions of raFidual E;ases. The Card 3/5 248o5 S/048/61 /Cj25/",A/G0-;/O 10 Method of determininE the B117/B212 pressed cathode was made of barium-calcium-tungstate powder (9,1)~o by welghtl aluminium powder by weight), and tunesten powder (1tef, 14' bit. I In *Lk o-. A. I., Mlorozov A V,, Popov B. h., Aaklakov A.. A,, R6diotekhnika i elektronika, 4, 322 (191~8)). The investit.ations showed that besideb cmis- sion distribution and work function also a slight chanl;o of the mcan emir- sion level can be obserged macroscopically., ,,he question of macroscopic emission distribution will be studied in another paper. Alfter a certain thermionic activity of tb(. cathode thermal equilibrium have beun reached (obaervation temperature 9400-110000, the acceleratine potential was turned on. The pressed cathode reached its nteady emission statc. one mi- nute after t1jermal equilibrium had been reached, The emission dro ped to about one-tenth. Tht: active spots of the cathode ((PT 8: 2..2-2.3 ev~ are about one micron in diameter. The emission from the ctions between the spots is essentially smaller and amounts to 1/40 - 1/70 of the spot emis- sion (a~T - 2.6-2.8 ev). On the surface of a pressed cathode there are no sections with a high vork function, vhich is characteristic for a tungsten surface with a small barium content. It is assumed that the tungsten grains are covered by a chemical compound with a relative small -work function Card 4/5 24805 S/048/61/02.5/006/005/010 Method of determining the B117/B212 during production of the cathode. The emission of an active L-cathode (density of the emission current about 20 a cm-2 at T - 1175 OC) was studied at 9500C, Right after the thermal equilibriim had been reached, the current density showed the following values: for very active. spots (YT = 1.6 ev)2 40 a cm-2; for spots of average activity (TT a 2.0 ev) about I a cm- ; and for sections between spots (T, > 2.75 ev) not more than -4 -2 8110 a cm . When investigating an L-cathode in art electron microscope, the possible change of distribution of the work function due to ion bom- bardment of the surface has to be taken into account, Nevertheless, the following characteristics of the emitting surface of an L-cathode can be stated as compared to a pressed cathode: the presence of very active spots having a work function of YT - 1.6 ev; large distanefts between active spotai very strongly varying emission of individual cathode sestions (according to the current, by a factor of more than 1o3). There are 1 figure and 14 references: ',I Soviet-bloc and 3 non-Soviet-bloo. Card 5/5 B/109/62/007/009/007/018 D409/D301 AUTHOR Druzhinin# A.V. TITLE: Electron-optical study of effective thermionic catho- des PERIODICAL: Radiote~hnika i elektronika, v. 7, no. 9, 1962, 1547 -"1555 TEXT; The surface distribution of the emission current hLnd of the work function of,L-cathodesp compact tungsten cathodes and impreg- nated aluminate cathodes were studied by means 6f a high7.-vacuum emission microscope. The considerable emission inhomogeneity of.the investiCated types of cathodes is due to the existence of-a mobile layer of adsorbed Ba-atoms of variable concentration. The experi- mental procedure is described. By measuring the current density of a certain element of the emission patternp the current density of the cathode surface can be calculated; thereupon the work function is determined by means of Richardson's formula. The emission pat- tern of L-cathodes consists of very active spots with 40 A/cm~ current-densityp of spots of intermediate intensity, and of low- Card 1/3 .2 S/109/62/007/009/007/018 Electron-optical study of D409/D301 intensity spots, The distance between the very active spots is 5-7 microns. The emission pattern of the compact cathode is characte- rized by active spots with a diameter of about I micron and a work function qT = 2.15 - 2.25 ev. The emission pattern of the impregna- ted cathode consists of coarse-grained portions of low intensity with 7 - 10-4 A/cm2 current-densityl and of active spo*ts. It was found that the active centers appear, as a rule, at the interface tungsten-aluminate. It can be assimed that the portivno of hirhest activity of impregnated cathodes are related to the sites of higher Ba-concentration. The migration of barium with respect to molybie- num, was directly observed.during electron-optical investigations of the emitting surfaces of compact and impregnated cathodes. The effective distance of migration did not exceed 5 microns. Kence the distortion of the electron beam and the broadening of the emitting surface cannot be due to the migration process. Further, the nature of the emitting surface was studied. In particular, the existence 0f condensed Ba-state8 was experimentally established. It is P08sib- le that the oxygen facilitates also the transition to the condensed priase, (in addition to the Increase in Ba-concentration which it 0--rd 2/3 Electron-optical study of ... S/109/62/007/009/007/018 D409/D301 produces). The presence of a condensed phase on the surface of ca- tLorles with poor emission, is paradoxical: low emission may result from too high Ba-conicentration on a surface, larger than the opti- mal. Thus, cathode'hetivity depends not only on the rate of libera- tion of free bariurpq but also on the surface state (the concentra- tion of chamisorbea oxygen). Further, the authors studied the effe6t of spottiness on the operation of the cathode*in the presence of a space charge. It was found that emission inhomogeneity has a consi- derable effect on the stability of operation of the cathode* There are 7 figures. SUBMITTED: December 29, 1961 Card 3/3 1--ACC NRs__AP70__0__4_9_1_5-_ SOU-R-C8C-0DEs AUTHORs Volodin, Yu. A.1-Druzhininp A. V.; Sairnov, Va A. ORGt none TITLSt Effect of the films of Pt-group metals on the oxide-coated-cathods emission SOURCE: Radiotekhnika I elek-tronika, v. 11, no. 12, 1966, 2262-2265 TOPIC TAGS: electron tube cathodeo oxide coated cathodol electron emission ABSTRACT: Au and Pt proved inadequate as an anti-emission mask partly covering the electron-tube cathode. How experiments were conducted with Ir and Oa as emission- preventing substances. Oxide-coatqd cathodes were prepared on a N1 - Ga base, and. Ir, Os, Pt were sprayed by a special long-slit vaporizer. Some cathodes wcre partly coated with Pt, partly with Ir and had a central unmasked (emitting) area; emission pictures are shown. Some disk-type cathodes were completel~r coated with Pt and Ir films and tested for emission and life at 650C..Results: the emission from an Ir-coated (00--0-5-(m thick) cathode is about 1/300 of that of an uncoated cathode and persists for 1800 hrs; the emission from a similar Pt-coated cathode is about 1/10 of that of a normal cathode. Thus, the electron beans of specified shares can be formed by masking off the oxide-coated cathodes with Ir or Os films I these films do not impair emission characteristics of'adjacent areas and even facilitate their activation. Orig. art. has' 3 figures. SUM DATZt 2OW66 / ORIG REF: 001 UW% 621_.58~t.932_ .DRUZHININ, A.Ya., inzh. Switching two-phase asynchronous miaromotors in a three-phase network. Priborostroanis no,2t23 F 165. (MIRA 180) T- a- W- 't'a I. .. - - - - - so! 0 Ogl~O 2 a -!=h" 6* A. 00 9 It CM;,S J. Gim. (lew. 07. X R.) 7. WW 72MM). skin of tetra-"olylbutint4hol with Cr" in V121tisexiended clico-diketone, (1) C 2S ive ac A 00 . . , g y - the 1whavior of - U to det . v =km glycols on oxide0on and the I%vaitllv dI1crd effect tw"tR ea the color of evrik- dikruwwfi. 7 U (11 m. IN ". rwriftt. ft"m MWI) and Mit"t-C. C MaRr I- so by the turtbod of lotak-h U. Raft. ?kyf--('Arw to UN ` &t. 34 24209M), In slacial ArOll (2-5 ml.). with Cr( h ' ) to 25 ad. 980,19 AcOll, added dropwise and with (2.W g 49 j gives after pett.-ethrr evin. of the rwtkm mist. sea red Oil. which from FSOII gives 451% yieki) 00 ird efyoWs. vol. In brusene. M"O). CHC4 aml stsfrifd 410 AcOlf. slightly ", In MOH. #A4ve4YdFdA,". C.H.O'N'. 11 0 , m. 1,34% ,smv form ocrell" frinn Of( 91"W 111 2111 1 16 li nt Nlroll M w 1 r d 1l 9 , o o 6 . , e Ye CrY . pi 06 Neither Ilw dipherty1hydrefitur rWW ibe dketime riould be ptpd. The IN- IN. of I CO %four@ 0 In JU Is pr Ito by ~kW with o-C.11,1NI101 of) give the ri"Swi" CuHuON9. cr"als Irwit hemetw, no. 240 * LH l h i j h ored t an nd"t , I Is much mom ighly co nj , that in this Stries also. substiluents have WmW effect on color. NIM frIM13M. John I.Jvmk ~ Boom 1~011- 181999 mi. Of. u 010 Cal; 3, To ,I we X It WO 6, 1A A I I W 0 -9 a 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 9 a 0 0 0 -00 -00 no* age COO 690 400 400 XOO see goo Prerequisites od high grade moving picture projection., Kinomekhanik, No 10; 1951. 1. DRUZHININ, B. 1 2. USSR (600) 4. Moving-Picture Projectors 7. Care of optical equipment in moving-picture projector. Kincmekhanik, No. 3, 19530. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, - ADril 1953, Uncl. DRUZHININ 9 B. Safety deviae for a circular saw. Okhr. truda i sots. strakh. 3 no.9t65 S 160. (WRA 1414) 1. Vneshtatnyy tekhnicb:9skiy insp~ktor Leningradokogo oblsovprofa. (Circular nows-Safety applianeod) DPXZHININ~ B. , Inzh. (g. Leningrad) Safety electric boards. Okbr. truda i eots. ati-kh. 4 no.8:36 Ag t61. (Electric witchgear) (MIRA 14-11) DRUMININ, B. , inzh. Fencing electric winohes. Okhr. truda i nots. strakh. 5 no.708 J1 I U, (MIRA 15:7) (Winches-Safety appliaboes) s/133/61/ooo/ooVoil/017 A054/A129 AUTHOR% Druzhinin, B. I., Candidate of Technical Sciences TITIZt Device for controlling the roll-passes of cold-rolling tube mills PMODICALt Stall, no. 7, 1961, 633 TM: In the Yuzhnotrubnyy zavod (Southern Tube Plant) a device has been developed to gauge the inside of the roll-passea of the cold-rolling tube mills. The device consists of a massive cast stand, on which a frontal stationary and a rear movable support are mounted. The mandrel with the roll-pass is fixed In the centers of the supports and is connected with the rotating disk of the frontal support. With a wheal on the frontal support, via a gear, the roll-paaa can be set into any position required by the control, according to the angular scale and nonius of the device. A gauging lover is fixed at radius r with a micrometric screw which moves a slide via the gauging lever. When a carriage, fixed on an axis, is rotated, the lover feels the surface of the roll-pass. Any deviation of the surface from the required condition is Indicated by the osaillati-:Irl. of the lever and registered by an indicator. The gauging device can be removed radially, The disk has 10 scales, the nonius, fixed to the casing, is scaled by 61 . The Card 1/2 S/133/61/WQ/O()7/011/017 Device for controlling the roll-passes of... A054/Ai2q gauging accuracy is + 0,02 m. There are 2 figures. Fig. 1. The gauging device Legends (1) roll-pasa designs (2) mandrel, roll J3~ disk, (4) gauging lever: 5 miero- metric screw, (6) slide, (7) carriage. (8) axis. (9) indicator, (10) screw, (11) wheel, (12) tooth wheel, (13) toothed Slat. Card 2/2 ABADZHI, Kirill Ivanovich;,.Di,UZIIRIIN ch; ISAYEV, Borie Ivanovich; B VO A.D.j kand, tekhn, wuh, retsenzent; TUMABOV, L.Ps., inzh.,, red.j LEYYIIIA, T.L.,, rod* izd-va; PETERSON, M.Mej tekhn, red. (Checking relative positions of machine-pirt uurfacea) Kontroll vzairnogo raspoloaheniia povorkhnostai detalei mashin. Moskva,, Maahgiz, 1962. 113 p. (VIRA 15:10) (Yachinex7-Construction) (Measuring instruments) inzh.; )MUL , D.P. , rod. ~zd DAU _H24!ilovich It ,R9ZH -va; GVIRTSy V.L.8 tekhn. red., (Protective clothing, protective footgear and safety ap- pliances; safety ireasures]Spetoodezhdaj spetsobuvI i pre- dokhranitellmye prisposobleniia; zashchitrore eredstva. Pod obahchei red. II.A.Smirnova. Leningrad,, 1962. V p. KRA 15: 10) (Clothing, Protective) (Occupations, Dangerous-Safety appliances) inzh.. nauchUy red.; KFIYUGER, Tu.T.. ARSENITEV. L.B.: RUZIUNIM --OZII ~IUIII, 110( red. isd va; I.S., [Production of precast reinforced concrete construction ale.ments and details; practices of leading enterprises] Proizvodstvo abornykh zhelasobetonnykh konstruktoii i detalei; is opyta rabnty peredovVkh predpriiatti. Izd.2., ispr. i dop. Moskva, Ong. Isd-vo lit-ry po atroit. I arlr'-it.., 1957. 69 P. WRL 12:1) (Precast concrete) PXR11T ISHTRYN. N.L., obahchir red.; -=jMUW36-R-Zwr4nzhansr: nauchun red.; OMMNASMUN, T.G.. kand. tat.chn. nauk, nauchnyy red.; GRABINMY, Teeirep [deceased]. Inshener, j-9d.- IXKUXAS. A.G., kand. takhn. nauk, red.; RAYALOTICH, L.A.. in'sti., red.; GORCHMV, A,T,, otyetgtyenyy red.; ZLATOTSVJMTA# LL. red.; TASILITSKIT, B.A., takhn. red. [Using prestressed reliforced. concrete; based on data from the Second International Congresse Austerdm, Septeuber 1955) Primensule napriazheuno armirawannogo shelesobetona; po materialam Ytorago mezhdiumtrodnogo kongressa (g, Amsterdam, sentiabr' 1955 C.). Moskva, 1957. 322 p, (NM 10:12) 1. Pheola (1923- U.S.S.R.) Kintaterstya stroltelletva. Tekhulchemkoye upravlenlye. 2. TSentralluoys byuro tek1hutch6skoy informatsA (for Zlatotmtoya). 3. Chlon-korrespondent Aimdexii stroitel'stva i arkhitokt"7 (for Perel'shtsyn). (Austerdan-Prestressed conorete-Congresees) i6iji, N.M., red.; SHWAKOT, S.M., red.; IRSINITIT, L.B., red.; BOBORTKIN, To.P,, red.-, VISHMUSKIT, A.T., red.; GORCHAKOV, A.T., redo GUSHCHIK, VsKa, red@; red.; IJWILIN, G.Ke, red.; PERILISHTEYN. N.Le, red*; TESLTA-TISLENKO, V#F., red.: AGRANATOV, Yu.O., [Precast reinforced concrete members; planning and using] Sboraye zhelax6betonnys konstruktaii; opyt proektiroyanlia i primeneniia. Kookva, TSantr. bluro tekhn.inform., 1958. 422 p. (MORA 11:5) 1. Russia (1917- R.S.F.S.R.) Hinisterstvo stroitelletva. Takhnichookoyo upraylaniye. (Precast concrete construction) ATA TA , Takov Markovich; AR $INV, Lev Borisovich; N ' ` nauchnyy red,; BURKIWROT, G.N., red.; TC53M, J.K~..tek~hn.Bt . rle~ [For young construction workers; handbook] Kolodym stroiteliam; spravochnoe posobie. Moskva, Yeas.uchabno-podagog.izd-vo Trud- rezervizdat, 1939. 400 p. (MIRA 14:1) (Building) 011 12/59/,XO/O 14/0 iq/cj&j- AOr2,/AOOI Translation froms Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhtiika, 1959, No, 14, p. 88, 29232 AUTHOR., Druzhinin,D. V. TITIE: Repairs of Eleatric Machines Using Heat-Resistant Insulation on Sili-ione Varnishes %(, PERIODICAL: V sb.t Remont elektr. mashin I transformatorov. Chelyabinsk, 1958, pp. 86-93 TEKT, A short description of technology of repairs of alteinating current machines and heavy-duty direct current machines using fibergl I"Insulition and siliaone varnishes. The following materials are used: glasmica-tape; 0.1. 0.15 and 0.2 mm thick; glasmicanite 0.5 mm, glasmica-foil. 0.3 on, glas-varnish fiber 0.2 mm, glas tape 0.1, _9.15, 0.2 mm and other; siliconr varnishes: impregnating -EBS, adhesJFe EF-5T kiln drying cover enamel PKE-4 and air drying norr EF enamel PVE-2. When wound the stator sections are impregnated in EF-ZBS varnish and dried to the Eemimoist state. After being soldered with brazing soMer, Card 1/2 B/112/59/0()0/014/019/095 A052/AOO1 Repairs of Electric Maohines Using Heat-Resistant Insulation on Silicone Varnishes ins,alated with glas tape and tested, the stator winding is impregnated by pourim EF-ZB3 varnish. The drying in a furnace lasts :;P 12 hours at 180.200'C; after being covered with PVE-2 enamel it is dried at 100 C. Rotor winding is repaired similarily; glasmicanite and glas-asbestos are placed below and abcve the bandages, respectively, soldering is made with POS-60 solder. Silicone varnish insulation finds an ever Increasing application for repair5 of t:eavy-duty roll.- Irg mill motors and direct current generators. A description and a'drawing of the press-cleat for baking semisections are given and the tecMology of insula- tion of the winding holder is described. The bandage is soldered with pure tin and sections with risers are soldered with OPS-60 solder. A wound armature is covered twice with PBE-2 enamel and dried by induction losses at 110-1300C. M. 1. K, Translator's note: This is the full translation of the original R~adslan abstraot. Card 2/2 awl i a sea -lei "0 0 l as OWN -MIN A- I - ; SOL INAC xomw~ I = 6 'i. - .- And IbLims do -a : re 0 00 s immom 0010 10 v &M 0140 c do ;d-; v 4= M 6 e , .jdl"*' " l boS 'Itu is Oat lwtift. "Wky I -. e 440 wmw camm w*to w fee ftem m p use too N IA ;Its d : 4 Soo**** O 0-0 0 0 04 0 0 00 0 _ 0 AL_ - I a o" is, 9 a a 3 4 ow U..' Log" 4w I 000e00,0:00 00 000*000 00 (W detwomdeft abowW kus D~ V 'A Tl~s -41 dw 44 ZWO nqdwd DRUMM Z. I 9"CM-04"Va. ussOfnio i Maw (AftskWO dad COVAtr, .00 i " at teens was "atle an vu Suits -A the Kamen ad -00 Aff-A bed bases, ll~t checked ve Rl~ %*(be& for de Use abOX o wvQ. Tbg valssev pow Orthw! To I Part of Wd 12& 40 at B"O .00 S 2 izt. is shaken Vic I u4n, alloved to stand JICI is WA ~4411 titmted with uiethyl menge as Wicum 0 Ipsetbad thecked my well with than of r. 0 and of D.-A. lot to In IN* otha asetbods tin new enrlbod works bW an soib Oft* frum fivue and Ca pbaspbste SM with a low content ol almmewd basal^ 1. r% i. 00 0 zoo : 0 400 00 goo zoo 00 20,0 bp 0 1100 ~!tjLAZ -ILA ORTALL604WAL WROATWI CLOWCATION a-, off a a I ar IM 9 a 4 2 1 u a it, 0 ul. ia 0"; 0,0000*00*004,04000 so *10 0 j 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 wool capacity md buffer properties of -il& dw A"a- a o I 1 sav 4 The r*W ad peat d f 09A ! A., F 14"S gied Crop) 2. M -00 .1). V, UM Wall Uwd I' ith Uf withgoit (efuhl"s. 4419 Tatti with Ca wot lwflt t . . s. W . Op I As, no Imalwoliord implis it we* f%,",%d that lw*t tlwf%Rws the Wart 9 "nith or 09 . t toplacliv, atul thu. t1w o"WIllik"t vaim"Itip 44 ibs, ptal~ hatmvi-lity 1% this imi%icts"t -fro , ) J *0 ' 4 rvan"tilva ofth phys",4holly said ftrubsk," 000 go '00'. 400 00 a** 00 w . so 00 400 see ILA oft"L VKVC AL WINAIVIII CL ASSAFOCA tWo too. OO 411111 4041, all AD it! Aft 4 1 41 ad a is a I OF 9 0 0 0 9~6 TZ, I m --,A pt"Is"I A-Mp "Cof"10 Avis sea, c OVOWWO fori = 0a . tb.0 Mwakfi the p -11, him do f4l . - mpapbopbOf lied ft*& I as tM soft of aw varlaw Kom *00 Cray. of tbm P11006. a* pasates W" 0 " to ~ORSL -d ttm - To avidy OAS. (NMWO% mod CACNI a Uscol, tM famee 40 She add lweftm that' ass,& &M fectfiber. (3) 0 1.- 1 uto OR OAk le NO I vat" of futilit To easswts li f t6 71 0 0 8 y. mo W o mv p "W (1) the AT. fmaks al 2 YNOW add up", with a M 4* a M* prVomted fm a *ad 006-4wd 04 food oar *OWN dop dwom ardinu? dwrorwo I the t&d of mtpw- pbopballn and pOSL pbapiloaft A of the tff*M of lbot I nhnwmmat" ~ wft ban malobb(N mod K)Uwt a* odd Wa-t-belle A i 400 so m an publowast mmo edw bolloatt If M k be" matelrbib tjw m Vim b a b l t d ia as " MW w now. oagp p p p p d I d K t ftb (t d th O Goo s. w c0 m c w w rV* xp beftboU b m htl m oito totbeadti basoAte ut U%VA=t P gas 0 04 u . p p g y p p o In glot L lAb (NKJsft w" IlUbtly bm" tMe WM pboo. d m Plinio. k Saw dlgWp . WbW OW is" U&k* on ppttt phow, ' eoz Mih)s9D. d U. C.CN. SWU bk,% pbQo VU Wedly bettoet b" oft tM( otpond Srwy faveraW to PA ladladkou ar ova don wkkb alwor medium effects 00 I ftm Paght JIM u gad toulto wift =4LjF=*tft wills pAperplaosplasoit- l" ater "auks with mper- In rA 0". d " goo M6 go g o % :T = I plonsephate. fit rxeW thm at Ow swt6*4 Obe eb"Out bm-) S jorrs to with eddlphoTbste. gfvw wkb ppa p"bato JM in cmd ww~ft OO :1 . woo use ttew Siva# "W i goo lk .0 - 140,004 Isif a"- dog GRIAll dar a" 414 00 4 1 OP U 0 AV 00 111; #A A I I be 0 a 0 A 0 10 0 Al f Vj f 9 19 - 0 T44 - 0 soooooooooo$*OOOOOG*oooo*eoooeeo : q so : 0*000*000000000000009gooo 0*0*0104000090 - 001 OLA 'A 00 :_60, 11W pead D-0. kadf- ~,,.Ytttbe yield 1416crealed. 148 9.-Mz "am wMa"rably to 0 weak mating Is uskvwW*. 71wft is fliventAc y*W in toW rrA" and bate-lot& Ms!lh! im "Jmbk trileft (be sdcxbtd b4ft fiber bets Otte Is MA "WIMOV a# Ili- in -t j,jj,,W6wwU. DwiM4tOwfAO-k4and"Pe`a*'bft rmwu for the "I. At "ti- thmit""C66W ""Ono' C*SW K'wkkhisIIw abortral &w1opment Infielgit! at ".0me. GRoans R. zoo r.0 age See 1v 40 WALILU40CA4 ILIMA1611( C WORKATK* tz tie* too Of w 4 1 IIA o f 0 010 0 0 * 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 wiq 0 000 ov 0 see 0 0 0 0 0 *i* 40_4 0.0 0 4 0 0 * 9 e 0 go 0 &1 1 i-L A 0* p IT- 00 #0 90 00 00 I 4 " .1 gopw*a of km qumtkim f b ftuatOW"d bf I d ke x WOW4 CA In "n o milk. 0. C. A. if 0 a a a as gun it 'Smam 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 oil& I I W, 1 1. 4 0 0 4 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 9 6 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 zoo too see go* too aso boo oil A !1.01!i- PROCIS941 Wpecvfs ti 400 - m,-ap ID.,! 7V"W 706. in ;V-1m owy. (WA b,.) of a &AAbk AM d owmd Omm*do gl"t betta -00 lHi Them 049 004 3i .60 00s jaCkegatbaPAtUnOlIllf (Nm at pbog*Airite) or .00 00 't w8 do 2 1. mi to 160 best metbw of vb4 *00 the eacts of the pkaspbowltd; 6. 1.. bid 0 uutnat can bVoW".A by Isaile W mlik UO Otky. works 0031.1 W *" W dds. bck PA - t O.'66-s' #r. W swom MA Z saw r"Qu 00 ohkgk don 10 -W; bm vwb a cwv ulabir TJW ju Mtsho Of" 060~ 70% Uwe, M~Wpbo~PMW 18 P4W" tO 56"~ env Is JA~kw-od -A. P6p6GWA-CWtWf iLs I m$ L A MITA&L-~-At -tfltg-AlWf CLOUPICATOW =.Z A~ 1#404$ -4 tolod-I wit 0-t dot G-T &%I 0 AV of. a It a, a, a, It 11:Anl toad* *Vlwlmt do 0 21 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c 4 0 0 0 a 0 0 pool 0 0 1e so 000 00000a 10 09 00 00 0 of000000,00 A A 00 a 06 009 M gam tu a S. SO kmilile &rA lOvAnits, Afid 01 9w .,u. C.-Ul'. ..I. lcm diffmat lyl XCI ~.WWW see Tugh"tan god from &tg Vc-d..Uw we, fwW to It, iM b-t of V 200 00.) ice* -fod aoo so. COO 0014 age, go .0a, 004 roe 406 so* tree boo tX40 A S . L OfIALLwftKAk UIC481UNt CLjjjIFbCAfJU It, 00 1100 I a Ow a is a I w 41 0 a q Im? fl Op 9 9 0000 00000 00,601 0 0 * r 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 ~0000 1400 00,1200, 900,00 0000 0 of - 0900096,196999000006600004000; - A k-A-A Aj 9 L."_p_A'A..V: iA A iii mw ianvemee at various maelm wd uposiva raties upon plaut or*"* ~:; V_J*_ArAO , Sod We* losaingrad 1930 2, iu,~ _t4ikj Pro** MI Interne CoW t that (IM) (it toolob)l of* CA* 18, 2203 ~Feomd vory brier nou to tm wee *0 Low#* *JIM tooterg (*to; Co A # 1# 15") Is Inowroot boosts* only the te"I *0 'r 040/tOftl NgO TSUO If WOU iMtQ 4000=t, I&drIAA Inovingo, ronm shmid b ~6 soo- 0& sidersde The 4ptlWm for- barley and o6ts h" been observed to be to COJO schollouborger sod, sea goo, **w x0o coo ji, go* WOO Noo MITALtUMCAL UITOATURI CLAWFICATION 00". foc- woo t1,1' rdA4W7 ilia" .41 9w1 4.t --..ii , - - , -_ AV so Is or a to q a WA IA A S op qd 9 p S I W9a a dIw 0 0 4 s, 0 4A 111 100 *0 0*o 00 0* c or Same, V, YWILISDO An uma &J~106 4100 *so.- - . dad ve 40 8h"dj4ed*r (TisAim. Sel. Imt. Fortill"re# *08i I VAGOW1, 1033#~ *0 11SO 24-44)oooo~U Pot *MWISOUtgo *step barleyp: qA VW. give - neml yield* even when tb* .00 o1 , wW mobile Ca Is vuh .""twAge to re"ired by Law. ' .00 40: The yield Is Asoreased ;Aii~l* CasUg Is 411:Z 1 #2- 004 let. Per cautrallaidgAii4ity lig Ustatone Is superior 000 to Ca 11"Stone without hr-tilUore A "lot* fOrtiliser roitate more.offlelently with ORO%* XgO &n4 C&O see "lly Stimalate attrifteatione W slow added to an .900 004 unsaturat4d soil do" net 1wre"t 1%0-eol* Mg. i we* Cho Abe o, woo a goo :9 two! UNWIN goo :,go CHO time a i~~4 44*&AT Ail #A OM 9#1 U 0 a a As 0 ISO a a It I W a 0 a 0 2 a 9 0 - 00 0 -*0 0000000*000 0 0 0 * *A M-2 ',&i N I I , 00 Tu d quilm fa (watum (ag b"'i"d B g0&. V. D-- -WW-" J~) Jim.- 0 COW4. K mate lowte NANO, is sawki ted far lTq=,y bkb hM*-Q:(Zs Me a lit edwi of tM N& al tM XVIVIIING. TOW NAM4 Is "OKIA4 see 00 a cgdmt for boM = dugmAnd and d-V A- labw asd CAMOON. 00 pay fore" .00 swpftjw I* (Knih" Md VA*MQ Ut ShOOK aW- SOW40 400 bduc a Ittk bettw. TWs k socTibed ta Ow old-tw CORUM al N& ja Um Twimm sdk. &wAlw (awtable of 'd" MM NS.Mft. (aflam an "ed *a (" btets. it ig VW&tod M IbBt fe OMMKtift V" alfrOPWAO ferd- 900 No UK widd. of mma it f"W". J; at* I.S.1049 see A see to 400 IN too A ILA 14TALLUNIM, L"toOtme CLASIMPKATION 9_z Ma" vil ame off . . . . . . . . . Ah T; i 10-11 - u 0 AV 10 U10, PAL SlOdO 061916904)$Y 0 frOulas x an a am&* 141 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *go* 000060 00000 0 Jet "Ojos POOKIllas for*1411,11 Ago UN- A-m-amdwmt Spa". Ar. 3 %Mtn 00 a Its d I- d- 0 put I this fffwlmf. to The POW of ""WSW so w 00 no, C 00 's- 0000 a 0 0 0 0 1106, 1100 "so 1o9 0 00 04 0 goo Goo too 0 .0 goo 1*0 0 00 JL A Oak, 44 -se bell". A.A. ShWsbov Oki D. Ake sfa4lilmlk 4v Agr. (U. IL & itil Pat mW BM v4pts. witit NaCl and Na.14), aki,ina, to fet. OUtm tv subatilmikm kw K lettfliwir show sbat an de V%dW CkfftftM N41 WM%Wd tht Itilt? "IMI 04 MAdOr 1 .4 loot 400 SOO 00 .3 400 000 goo 0ow 000 go q0 400 see zoo woo Use bee SITALLIFIKKAL U111010411 C1,4111PICASOM - --- -- ire 0 t.. ..... -ail 4116810. 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o so 0 0 o o 0 4 00000 qg~oooooofoofoolb 00 0011, so A t 00 1 00 0 *0 .3 of ow 00 of do A. A. ;*00 4! l V04KAL ti tQ6701 CL&SUPKATON Ll l 0.. 20 1, o 0 0 0 a Of# No. Ulf. 36-M -00 0 -00 wwk the 000 coo I= awe e1- a** Joffe to Soo moo 1300 i wee Cm 1 3 # 1 I W 0 0 oleo 0 0 00 0 006 of of AT go - ,41 ~b V. dunilr. .,a; W. -C"t-b-48" I 'T"" to fwutfalilr Wd t; MpMb-pbult Llswv and -0 avaUabk MS. "do" O= ""q w -2 lul-'P~ofbsl" W"h ~100 0 'Oft r'"'Aff to ellull. su"ho"Phalts too attribtsted tip ?ift; bi sd&- go 000 so *0 a 2 &s0 too IAO too too too Wo too 00 -1 us t CLASSOICIII ;q -- ~ --- I- ...' - - - - -- 1, & 11 0-0 'KAt ,~~A Lk*r CIO 0 xj qj0 t "4o6! -4 -.- V Ig it .0 u so " -" V, 0, 00 0 0 0 00 0 00 0 0 0 0 gr-T- ,, v gA .Vfqvm-~ Nift, 004 off .004, Va mm (9d. MIA. Od. ~ v aw-jdl 4m 190 - - , - .00 soon* ~Z.: .00 W .. moo -- I d Irlida see dhamW ~ - - a& of mr a* nmda A. 0. P. Coo ~ ~ too voo moo isss-fL& TALLW"4L UNUMC OABWICAVM C 9-7 0 Mdf 4K 9434 # 1 41 4.8 dw 0- 4 0 Lip s a a I ff I a ad ':A va a ;pop* 4 9 see 4410*6 see ott*66600009 00 00 f --~Mfoo To 0 0 0 0:0, 6'4- --ws-oowo-*Oq 0 0000000 as* o0 *2 A a A-1 J, ofIIL f." 6&Dolt so sq~ of :09: Evaluation of single and double mupaq1tcosPates 110cm, The "Odpobt of AVWIUM Cligimilstry. 11, %*. 1) .1 .00 Woler. rfavs. %#. Im'C6R~U11., .00 (i, S. A, R.) Nu~ 141, 141: di IAN), Of". ze"If. Ion, if. 1470-I.-Veletall"ti end fwj,t tells 400 An various tyWi o( sods shawcd that In inuit irsics the flouble surphoVhmic had a better effect than the single .00 and A to explained as dut to the hilher motent in Ca 400 t1m bigber "ity of the latter (IfsPO.). The only 3 exceptim found wit, flax cirotrn an podsolic %-Ali, In which 000 04 , Cate the single superphoVitate was suor". M.G.M. got, 00 so it O'P ~000.9-1' d .400 '60 04~ 0 .- .- !,so W":3 is! f A S I t A 011ALILbOSICAL W111061119 CLOSIFICATICII is* 0 6411 a Its 0 .V-Z-- 0, -U it -j-r-- j-r-j -v-y-v, V too 0 10 it! An I' I tii--j iv "nitwit 014111111 Kaff I ~ga 00 000100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 wo 0 o 4 of 0 *0 40 f) 0 o it 0-0 - %440 0 0 0 0 0:0 0 06 0 0 oio 0 4 ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 Gool IISSR/Soil Science - Wneral Fertilizers. Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biol.) No 22, 1958, iooo63 the Poo5 content in comparison with the waste land, but chang6d the remaining fertility indices very insignifi- cantlyp approximating them to the corresponding indices of the waste land. Introducing NPK at the rate of 90 and HFK at the rate of 45 1% plus 20 t/ha of manure in- creased the pH, the hydrolytic acidity (excluding the 9,,%barable horison, where the litter decreased) and the P205 content and decreased the saturation degree by bases the quantity of vater-stable aggregates and the humus con- tpnt ion with the waste land. The total mois- ture capacity under these circimitances did not change. The perennial grasses assisted in a large accumulation of different forms of N in both soil horizons and in a larger harvest of oats in comparison with annual grasses. O.P. Medvedeva Card 2/2 - 58 USSR/Cultivated Plants. Cereals. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Diol., No 17, 1958, 77581- Author Druzhinin,__D_. Inst Title Conditions vhich Influence the Content of Nitrogen in the Grain of Spring Crops. Orig Pub: S. kh. Sibiri, 1958, No 1, 27-29. Abstract: No abstract. Card 1/1 m 9 DRMININ, D.Y. Arrors aM agrometeorological. bulletinx of the ramereve Hydrometeorelegical bireau. Metoor. i gidr*l. mo.207 7 156. (MLHA 9: 6) (Xemereve-Noteerelogy, Agricultural) DRUZHININV Dove Corn cultlyptlan "d sell moisture [with French summary in insert]. Podhyovedozlo n#.5:43-49 My 156. WaA 9:9) 1.,Karizakaya mallskokhozyaystvanaya aprtuaya stantelya. (Cori (Maixe)) (Sell moisture) DRUZHINlN, F.A, Work practices of the Em. lAroslavskii mine working,a five day week, Ugoll 40 no,4tll-14 Ap 165. MIRA 180) 1. Nachallnik shakhty im. Yem.Yaroslavskogo, trest Leninugoll. LA own O"A40-d-Ift- v ma of It d" 14-2 Novel 41-mmo-011 Go &SWilm KMmG4 O)b + 0110c4), yelaw, + W" at MISS ad" "A per Oak main. w4ft- XaOoi 1 AS.; woo LUL 1JR; 0-51. OAIO 0.72, 0176. Of tb8 COMM With PbOj IN AN! tO ltd 4 Imt ectmody Wkmty. moo MAR ;4"01 9.4%, 84 7.0 hn OM 0.18, 0! too &.U 06's A Saw 4104 d OW I.- gawks at the rate - 01 two gow I AM am 0 the PnKccti" ef. kStef k 04is lgdm am. 4"D. kated, witb 00% m 1 75, 13D. 4 h OMIS OW =. % d!ngbkd dwuW of Am pm. a,, 111!r tecd 46M t0 Ift W49b d- woo PC 7%= so MIA to @IN inslas jut AV 00 'a -"t 000000 0 0 IS, 0 Ire ft AL M , a a 0 /Metals Analysis, Slags NOT -50, mYluoride Method for Determination of Calcium OxIdIR in,the Open-Hearth and Blatt-Furnace Slags," I. V- Gmnovskiy, F. G. Druzhinin, Metallurgical Plant Inani I. V. Stalin I"Zavod Lab" No 11, PP 1304-1307 Method, vhere sodium fluoride is used during slag- dUsolving process, shortens anal time to 20-25 =in- Possibility has been established for using porcelain instead of platinum dishes. Advantage of method is possibility of Ca detn from sep sample, including XM*Iet&U - Analysis, Slags (Contd) Nov 501 detn in insol silicates, vhich, in regular course Of ARA3, require long fusing operation. Accuracy is quite satisfactory and amounts to :t2-3% of quantity to be detd. 2 1"7 DRU71HINill, F.G.; YjTY;jjTtj --. --- . 0 11.11. Automat3cc an-&IY315 Of bla3t furnace gaseB by P,1~3 chromatog-raph7. Zav. lab. 30 no.5:531-533 164. (KIRA 17-5) 1. DonctskJj fJ]Ial Ukrnin3Xogo naucbno-insledovs.tellskogo instituta metallov, DRUNININ. 7.I., mashinist olaktroyona Davions for sustaining constant pressure In main air pipes of the locomotives are required. Blek.i tepl tiaga 3 no.9:38 S 159. iMIRA 13:2) 1. Depo Barabinek, Omskaya doroga. (Locomotives) -/1 7 L-( 'u'l4eiv ( dA LJ - - 1-1 L) - - r I I '( //-I C-1 6 / / ~'/~ I ' it DRUZHININ,_G., inzh.. 14 - Conveying machinery for the Moscow Basin, Mast. ugl. 6 no.120,6 D '57. (Moscow Balin-Coal mines and mining) (HINA 11:1) (Conveying mchinery) MUZIPITT &,06orgir Xok"Xsvi ',.KOIMIYVSV, A,D.,,; I . -.- ch. IMILIZA, L.N.. . [K6-3 scraper conveyer] gaebkovyl konvaler 18-3, Kookva, Ugletekhiidat, 1959, 24 p. (KrU 12:6) (Coal mining machinery) 0~- YAGIMIN, A.M.., insh.;_PRUZHININ, G.A., inzh. The use of short driven concrete piles in the construction of petrochemical enterprises. Prom. stroi. 40 no.9--35-38 162. (MIRA 15:n) -4a;&~Givil-"gbw wmw)) (Petroleum refineries) BAMHINSKM,# O*A*; DRUZHININ,, G.N,; Prinimalp uchastiyes LIFAIlrIYEVA, K.S. Searching for methods of processing molasses with the addition of growth promoting agents. m.8sl62-166 160. of various quality Trudy TSNIIKHP (MIRA 130) (Yeast) I/ AUTHOR DRUZHININ G.V. 103-~T-9/11 _ _ _ _ _ _ ` _ _ _ TITLE 11 nof the Operation Security of S~rstcms with a Gr.-.a' e f& 1 1 a ti o TE 0u Number bf Elements. (F-kepluatatsionnyy raschet nadezhnosti raboty sistem,soderzhrsheh- ikh boltshoye chislo elementov-Russian) PERIODICAL Avtomatika i Telemekhanika,1957,vol 18,Nr 7,pp 678-68o(U.S.S.R.) LBSTRACT The methods of calculation as mentioned in publications can not be used for the real operation conditions in industryl aviation and abipping as they had been calculated on a purely theoretical basis. Operation conditions can considerably influence th~ time of operation of system elements,and the elements wereperhaps formed several years before being used and might have been stor- ed under unfavourable conditions. The system elements may either be suddenly put out of aotion or their quality may deteriorate gradually. Here only the gradual patting out of action is dealt with as a sudden one is not subject to such prediction. The law is deduced according to which the reliability of the system can be calculated. This can be calculated by meaRs of the formula gi- ven in case that the average time of operation Tk of the system, the average square of deviation of the time of operation of the dT element and the number of elements n of the system are known. The probability of the damaging effect y of the system within the ti- me T can be determined by means of y . , L _j )(x)1here is the tabu- Card 1/2 ' n 2 The Calculation of the Operation Security of Systems 1' 03 -7- with a Great Number of Elements. lated Laplaoe-funotio4)and' x . Tk.- T. OT Here the time of the intact operation of the system can be calculated by means of T;,Tk - CrTx* 'T is determined by means of two measurements of th parameter which every element has (e.g. the slope of the tube -characteristic). This way the de- pendence of the system for further operation can be forecast after every prophylactic investigation. (3 illustrations and 1 Slavic reference). ASSOCILTION Not Given. PRESENTED BY SUBMITTED 3-11-1956 AVAILLBLE Library of Congress. Card 2/2 VIV V'e-mify irr-) to, vi- AUTHOR: Druzhinin, G. V. (Moscow) 103-12-7/12 TITLE: Calculation of the Reliability of Automatic Electric 8 stems (Metod rasoheta nadezhnoeti raboty apparatury~. PERIODICAL: Avtomatika i Telemekhanikaj 19571 Vol. 18, Nr 12, pp. li36-1i38 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In this paper a method is given, which takes into oonsi- deration an arbitrary form of the law of time-distrib7ution for an operation without breakdown of the elements and the circumstance that the systems often consist of elements of different type. Such a method is obtained, if the process of the occurrence of breakdowns is considered as a single flow of identical events with a variable parameter. The fact of the occurrence of breakdowns are identical events in that respectq that here only their existence or absence is of .intorest. A primary breakdown of each element can lead to the 'breakdown of further elements, but these secondary defects are not considered. The occurrence of primary breakdowns is considered as an independent event. For each element an in- tensity of breakdown A (t) is used. This denotes the mathema- Card 1/3 tical exopectation value of the number of breakdowns per I Calculation of the Reliability of Automatic 103-12-7/12 zlectric Systems unit of operation time per element for the number of elements still in operation. The dependence of the intensity of the occurrence of breakdowns on the operation time (number of)oycles) of an element can be diveded into threo periods: 1 in the first period a Great number of breakdowns occur, which essentially can be traced to "production causes". 2) The intensity of breakdowns decreases and the defects show an accidental character- 3) The intensity of the defects increases with time at the expense of wear and continued operation without exchange of an element, becomes uneconomical. It can be assumed, that the probability of the occurrence of defects in a short Interval (tot + at) is asymptotically proportional to & to depends on t and is independent of the preceding defeats. Therefore the probability of the occurrence of a breakdown in the interval (to t + &t) can be written in thO form A M At. Tho formula for the probability p(t) is deduced, according to which, if the statistical curve of *X (t) is known, the operation reliability during a given time to or, at a given Card 2/3 -- Calculation of the Reliability of Automatic 103-12-7/12 zlectric Systems probability p(t) the time of operation without breakdown can be found. Next, a system consisting of m heterogenuous elements is investigated and the corresponding formulae are derivated for this case. By this procedure, the computation of the operation reliability of a system consists of the 7 summation of the breakdown-intensity of the elements and of the finding of-the value of p(t) in the table of the exponential function (or of the value of Ig P(T) for the determination of the breakdown-free time T at a given probability P(T). There are I figures and 1 Slavic references. SUBMITTED: Febrary, 7~ 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. Card 3/3 AUTHORt Druzhinin. G. "Xoscow) SOV/24-58-6-15/35 TITLE: Stand-by Apparatus in Circuits Containing Contact Elements (Rezervirovantye skhem s kontaktnymi clementami) PERIODICALs Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye Tekhnicheskikh Fauk, 1958, Nr 6, pp 96-98 (USSR) ABSTRACTt In the papers of Bebiashvili (Ref 1) and Sinitsa (Ref 2) dealing with the problem of providing permanent stand-by equipment (without change-over switches) the failure was considered of an element which does bring about automatic disconnection of that element without influencing the stand-by circuits. The aim of this paper isto consider the methods of providing stand-by contact civ=its, taking into consideration the type of failure of individual elements. Thereby, under contact elements the author understands elements the operation of which consists of closing or opening circuits. Two types of failures may Card 1/2 1~ BOV/24-58-6-15/35 Stand-by Apparatus in Circuits Containing Contact Elements occurs 1) a circuit which should be closed remains open; 2) a circuit which should be open remains closed. Separate and overall stand-by circuits as well as individual stand-by circuits are considered from the point of view of probability of failure. There are 2 figures and 3 references (2 Soviet and 1 English) SUBMITM: September 10., 1957 Card 2/2 -1 / U _L P-1 %)-I 9(2) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/1722 Nadezhnostt radioslektronnoy apparatury; sbornik statey (Reliability of Electronic Equipment; Collection of Articles) Moscow, ~zd-vo "Sovetakoye radio," 1958. 144 p. Number of copies printed not gi*en. Compiler: LV* Gruahin; Ed,: V*G. Masharova; Tech@ Ede: A*A, Sveshnikove PURPOSE: The book may be useful to engineering personnel working with electronic equipments COVERAGE: The authors discuss the necessity of determining the reliability of component elements of various electronic systems and describe methods of calculating the probability of faults in trigger circuits, amplifiers, rectifiere,*and other vacuum-tube devices* No personalities are mentioned. References appear at the end of all but one article. TABLE OF CONTENTSt Zimin, V.A. Reliability of Operation of Standard Elements of the High-speed Electronic Computer (BESM) The author explains methods of checking computer operation and discusses Card 1/4 Reliabil.ity of Electronic (Conte) SOV/1722 the reliability of operation of ouch standard elements as trigger circuital pulse-forming circuital pulse rectifierst phase inverters, cathode followeras diodes, and amplifiers with pulse delay. There are 3 references, all Soviet. Zimint V.A* Life of Vacuum Tubes iL Elements of the High-speed Elec- tronic Computer (BESM) 27 The author discusses the results of studying the reliability of computer vacuum tubes at the USSR Acadevj of Sciences in 1952-1954. He also ex- plains the stability of tube parameters, operating conditionsjand tube life. There are 2 references, both Soviet. Sinitsa, M.A. problems of Using Stand-by Radio Electronic Equipment 40 The author describes methods of reserving and connecting stand-by equip- mentoand presents a mathematical analysis of probabilities of faults and discusses the effectiveness of using stand-by equipmente There are 5 references, 3 of which are Soviet [including 2 translations-jj and 2 English, Card 2/4 Reliability of Electronic (Cont.) SOVA722 Levitin, S*M. Underheating and Noise Parameters as Indices of Gradual Im- pairment of Tube Characteristics 75 The author studies static tube characteristics under conditions of under- heating and explains the effect of noise on operation and life of vacuum tubeee A discussion of a system for testing vacuum tubes is also presented* There are 4 references, all Soviets Kuznetaovs S~M, Criterion and Method of4valuating Reliability of Components of Radio Electronic Systems 92 The author presents a mathematical analysis of the reliability criterion 0 and describes methods of evaluating the reliability of electronic system - components. He also discusses the disadvantages of sucba method. There are 17 referenceso all Soviet [including 2 translationqj. Druzh1nin,_GA.__ Methods of Calculating System Reliability 116 The auihor --explains analytical and graphical methods of calculating reliability of eleptronic; system components. There are 5 references, 3 of which arro Soviet,and 2 English. Card 3A Reliability of Electronic (Cont.) SOV/1722 Babenko, A.A. Reliability, Parameters of Electronic Equipment 131 The author discusses the probability of the occurrence of faults in electronic equi*ent and explains the necessity of determining the reliability of various ccmponenta. There are no references. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress (TK780.N3) JJ/lsb 7-6-59 Card 4/4 AU THOR: oscow) SOV/24-58-11-18/42 TITLE: Dependence of the Effectiveness of Providing Standby Capacity on the Operation Time of the System (Zavisimost' effektivnosti rezervirovaniya ot vremeni raboty sistemy) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR,, Otdeleniye Tekhnicheskikh Naukl 1958, Nr 11, pp 83-86 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A system is considered with an active standby, i.e. one which is fitted with a switching system for switching off the defective and switching on the reserve element. It is assumed that the basic and the reserve circuits have equal operating conditions. For providing standby equipment for equally reliable parts of the system with an initial probability of failure QOW and applying equally reliable switchinS systems, the mathematical expression of the reserve function can be written thus: R(Q,o) = 1 _ (1 _ Cl _ (1 _ q.)(1 _ 1~0)1/m] kj m where q is the probability of failure of the circuits of the s*itching system serving the standby section; Cardl/2 m - number of standby sections; SOV/24-58-11-18/42 Dependence of the Effectiveness of Providing Standby Capacity on the Operation Time of the System k - number of used equipment assemblies. The reserve functions calculated by means of this formula are graphed for several systems in Fig.2. The service time of the system is of great importance also when selecting a method of increasing the reliability of the system. If it is necessary to choose between increasing the reliability of the system by applying standby components and assemblies or by making the system of specially selected, highly reliable, components, it is possible to determine by simultaneous solution of two equations the necessary operation time of the system for which both these methods are equivalent, Fig-5 represents an example of the e;rnpjijcttl solution of such a problem; the ro8pective service time T is determined by the point of intersection of two curves. Thus, the operation time of the system is an important parameter which must always be taken into account, There are 5 figures and 6 references, 5 of which are Soviet,l En6lish, SUBMITTED: February 6, 1958 Card2/2 8(2)) 9(2) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/3434 Druzhinin, Georgiy Vasillyevich ------------------------------------------ Rele vremeni (Time Relays) Moscow, Gosenergoizdat, 1959. 76 p, (Series: Bibliotaka po avtomatike, vyp. 9) 17,000 Copies printed. Ed.: V.I. Ivanov; Tech. Ed.: K.P. Voronin; Editdrial Board: I.V. Antik,, S*.N. Veahenevskiy.. V;S. Kulebakin, A.D. Smirnov, ~,S. Sotskov, Ye, P. Stefani, and N.N. Shumilovskiy,, PURPOSE: The booklet Is intended for high and medium level technical personnel engaged in the automation of manufaoturi-g processes. It may also be useful to advanced students. COVERAGEt The booklet discusses the principle of operation and special features of various types of time relays, The following types are described: time rdlays with electric delay (mag- netic attenuation, capacitor, magnetic amplifier); -time relays with electrothermal delay (thermal expansion thread, bimetallic strip, thermistor); and time relays with electrochemical delay. Exam les of relays manufactured by Industry are presb4ted. Card 173 Time Relays sov/3434 No personallties are mentioned. There are 32 references: 24 Soviet (1 of which is a translation), 3 English, and 5 German, TABLE OF CONTENTS: Introduction 3 Ch. I. Time Relays With Electric Delay 1. Simple circuit methods or obtaining time delay 5 2, Electromagnetic time relays with magnetic attenuation 11 Capacitor time relays 18 Time relays with magnetic amplifiers 35 Ch. II. Time Relays With Mechanical Delay 1. Time relays with delay of electromagnet armature motion 40 2. Time relays with clock mechanisms 49 3. Time relays with m6tors 53 Ch. III, Time Relays With Electrothermal Delay 1, Bimetallic time relays 57 2 Time relays with a thermal expansion thread 61 3: Thermistar time relays 63 4, Thermal time relays with an expanding liquid or gas 66 Time Relays 5. Thermionic relays Ch. IV. Time Relays With Electrochemical Delay Bibliography Appendix I. Specifications of Some Time Relays Appendix II. AVAIIABLEt sov/3434 Approximate Limits of Change in Time Lags for Various Devices Library of Congress 68 68 72 T4 78 JP/Mg Card 3/3 4-27-60 6/024/59/000/06/017/028 E023/E235 AUTHOR: Druzhinin,G,_ V.- (Moscow) TITLE: jj~jjjjy of Components of Automatic Systems i~ - PERIODICAL: Izve-sti~a Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye tek,hnicheakikh nauk, Energetika i av-tomati.ka, 1959, Nr 6. pp 141-150 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Random functions (linear) and the usual statiptical methods are applied to consider reliability, frequency of servicing and replacement etc. The treatments are entirely general and no detailed or numerical results are given, There are 3 figures and 3 references, 2 of which are Soviet and 1 English. SUBMITTED: October 1, 1959 Card 1/1 AUTHOR; Druxhiniu, G.V. sov/io6-59-7-11/16 TITLE., ort Communication; Classification of Reserve Systoms PERIODICAL: Elektronvyazl, 1959, Nr 7, pp 72 - 73 (USSR) ABSTRACT: With the development of the theory of reserve system comprehensive classification of such systems becomes ever more necessary. In this article an attempt is made to produce such a classification. The classification is based on the reaction of the reserve system to an opera- tional failure. Existing systems use two methods, 1) Change-over switches are used to switch out the faulty operational part and switch in the reserve. The author calls th�s system an "actIve" reserve. 2) The system is designed so that failure of an element does not affect the working of the system. The author calls this system a "passivell rer-erve. Passive reserve systems generally require more redundant elements than the active but the active reserve demands switching time between the failure of an element and its replacement. Both systems use various methods for Cardl/3 connecting-in the reserve elements or circuits. These can SOVXI ~35 Short Communication: Classification of Rego ve 0 ejIll/16 a%; be classifiod as follows: a) Total: consists of a reserve of all the system in toto. b) Partial: consists of a reserve of specific parts of the system. c) Autonomous: consists of several independent systems meeting the one and same operational requirement. This is always a passive reserve. d) Individual: consists of replacement of single elements of the operational system by reserve elements. e) Intra-element: consists of internal connections of the elements in reserve (down to molecular). Active reserves can also be classified according to the condition of the reserve system, viz. i) loaded reserve: both the working and the reserve system are in the functional conditionj ii) Reduced load: the reserve system in under reduced load condifionno iii) Unloaded reserve: the reserve system is not functional urat-il the working system failures. The classification system Card2/3 is shown di~g'rammatically in the figure. sov/io6-59-7-ii/16 Short Communication: Classification of Reserve Systems There are I figure and 9 references, 2 of which are English and 7 Soviet. SUBMITTED; February 27, 1958 Card 3/3 AUTHOR: G.V. Druzhinin SOV/109 - - - 4-3-16/38 TITLE: Increasing the Reliability of Condensers (Rezervirovaniye kondensatorov) PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i Elektronika, 19597 Vol 1+, Nr 3, PP 463-467 (USSR) ABSTRACT., It is assumed that the faults in condensers are either in the form of a short or an open circuit. It is, thereforeq suggested that the reliability of a condenser can be increased if it is formed of a number of unitsi for example, two units are connected in series and a number of such combinations are then connected in parallel (see Fig 1). If one of the units becomes faulty (either a short or an open circuit)7 the condenser capacitance changes, but the device is not entirely out of action. .Ln fact it is po3sible to arrange the construction of the condenser in such a way that the fault of one of the units does not change the capacitance beyond the prescribed tolerances. For the condenser of Fig 1 which is formed of k sections, it is possible to determine the increase in the reliability produced by the sectional Card 1/3 construction. If the probability of a short is z and SOV1109-- -4-3-16/38 Increasing the Reliability of Condensers that of an open circuit is y 9 the full probability of the breakdown of a section is given by: y = z qi The probability of an open circuit for k sections is given by Eq (2) or approximately by Eq (3). The probability of a short circuit for k sections is given by Eq (4) or approximately by Eq (5). Congoquently the Qverall probabllity of a breakdown if q A I is expressed byt 2 Qo = qk + kq (6) Assuming that the probability of a fault of a single unit of the condenser of Fig 1 is e , the increase in the reliability of the multi-unit condenser can be expressed by Eq (7). This can approximately be written as Eq The above equations can be related to the operating voltages of the condensers. The results are shown graphically in Figs 2, 3 and 4. Fig 2 illustrates the Card 2/3 probability of a breakdown as a function of the operating SOV1109- --4-3-16/38 Increasing tho Reliability of Condensers voltage. Fig 3 shows the increase in the reliability as a function of the operating voltage for various values of k. Fig 4 shows the increase in the reliability as a function of time. There are 4 figures and 4 references, 4 of which are Soviet and 1 English. SUBMITTED; November 14, 19V Card 3/3 ~- - - - , - - I -/ tL--~ - V 145, t4,9100 S/024 60/000/04/013/013 6.46M E140YE463 82214 AUTHOR: Druzhinin, G.V.-()Joscow) 4 TITLE: Faults in.Automatic Systems with Ageing of Breakdown of Elemet PERIODICALs Izvestiya Akadsmii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye takhnicheakikh nauk, Energetika i avtomatika, 1960, No-4, PP-189-194 TEM A mathematical treatment of the statistics of systems with large quantities of a small number of different types of elements. The work is a continuation of earlier work (Ref. 1) It is assumed that each element-has a "decisive parameter" which determines the time of failure. This parameter depends on the physical nature of the element and on its role in the system as a whole. The author seems principally concerned with analogue systems; he assumes that the random functions describing the reliability of the system are linear, uniform and normally distributed. ~(This case is more complicated than that of digital elements, where the Poisson distribution may be utilized.) There are 1 figure and 9 referencess 8 Soviet and I English. SUBMTEDt February 9, 1960 Card 1 1 DRUZHININ, G.V. (Mbskra) Prediction of the preservation of automatic elements and systems with vectorial determining parameters. Izv.AN SSSR.Otd tekh,naukeEnprgei avtom. no*2:165-170 Mr-Ap, 161. (MU 14:4) (Electronic apparatus and appliances) 22256 S, (1141113 z1f) S/In~"/61/006/005/003/027 D'-;OI/ 303 AUTHOR i Druzhinin, G.V. TITLE: Load-sharing stand-by elements of e2ectronic circuits PERIODICALs Radiotekhnika i elektronika, v. 6, no. 5, 19611 716 - 722 TEXT: At present the complexity of electronic equipment is outpac- ing the reliability of its components and the problem, of reliabili- ty of such equipment becomes increasingly urgont. This problem is represented here in the form of abstract mathematical models of re- dundan-t- circuit elements. The problem of the practical realization 3tand-by circuitry is not, hcwever, reflected in literature ,;jl,'.ch was pointed out by N.G. Bruyevich ~Ref. lt 0 nadezhnosti i tochnosti. &vtomaticheskogc proizvodstva kOn the Reliability and Accuracy of Automated Production) Izv. AN SSSRI Dtd. tekhn. n. Ener- getika i Avtomatika, 1959, 4). Nowadays, it indicates the applica- .ion of redundant elementsp where the failure of one or several see- OF3rd 1/8 2225C S/109/61/0,06/00'jz/003/027 Load-sharing stand-by D.~OI/D303 tions (elements) of the circuit does not impair the working of the whole installationg since the remaining elements perform the same function as the non-redundant elementst All sections and blocks of the installation remain in the same electrical regime both before and after the failure of one of them. Such an application of redun- dant elements may be called functional reservation. Again the reli- ability can be improved by reserving the e1ement3 of electronic oir- cuits according to the load# Thin method is discu8sed in the present article. The load sharing scheme is the one in which the failure of one of the components results in the failure of the whole circuit and the electrical load which should have been carried by one of the non-redundant components is shared by all the elomento togethor, Two aimpleat posalblo of ouoh u n0home iAro Shown folk tho oaoe or oondensers and for wire wound resistors. With the load sharing the rate of failure of stand-by elements of the circuit be- comes much lower owing to a smaller electric load which becomes shared between all the components of the circuit% Bach capacitor is subjected to half the voltage, oaah resiutor disnipaten half the Card 2118 Load-sharing stand-by 3/109/61/006/005/003/027 D201/D303 .power originally intended to-be dissipated by one actin,~,- compcn~:n-. only. On the other hand the rate of failures of the rez=ve is.equal to the sum of the rates of failure of individval compo- ents exp CXP I- At]. P4 (1) Pi (1) where Po(t)._'the probability of correct workinE. during time t of the redundant circuit; pi(t) '- the probability of same during time t of the J-th component 'of the stand-by circuit; j(j - the rate of .failure of the j-th element of same;-& - the rate of faiipre of .the whole stand-by cot; k - the number of eleuients in this circuit. , en the cot consitits of one kind of elament,only -- which is nor-~ tual in practice -- then A =, kA (2) follows. Publish d experimental data of Dzh. Konnor (Ref. 7: Ra- schut riska printeniya akhemnykh elementov. -Vopr. Raaolokatsionnoy. Card 3/8. -/006/005/003/027 S/109/61 Load-sharing.sta~d-by ... D201/1M3 Tekhniki 1957, 4p 15) and A. Wulfsberg (Ref. 8; The price of relia- bility in airborne electronic equipment IRE Trans. Reliabil. and dual. Controlq 1957 PGRQC -: 91 19 9) usually depict the rate of failure of components due to the load and ambient temperature Q usually in the form of graphs. The rate of failures of the stand-by circuit in which-the load J,is distributed between k elements is given by . I k_9 (4) It is shown that the increase in the reliability of components con- nected in the load sharing circuit can be achieved only when the dependence of the failure rate on the relative electric load is a non-linedr one which also means that there may be cases when this reliability is lower. In general the load sharing stand-by princip- le may be applied for increasing the reliability of heavily loa7ded components or of components of not too high a quality nominally loa- dea. The question of when.the load sharing principle would be ex- Card 4/8. 5/109/61/006/005/003/027 Load-sharing stand-by D201/D303 pedient always confronts the designerg when he has to close one of the two simplest ways of attaining a high reliability oll' Components either to apply high quality novi-reeerved elezienttq with higlier than required ratings or to apply atund-by componento uoing the load sharing principle. Two alternatives are availablet a) the design for the minimum limiting factor C with a giver, limitinE value cf the rate of failure il lim* No values of factor C have. te be eva"ua- tedv corresponding to two way:3 in-which the re(uired reliability can be achieved takln6 61ven value's of X (loads I iLnd Q. In order that the rate of failure should not exceed its limiting value it is necessary for the electric load of the comporient to be below the limit load determined by 11110m 111M (9) ?1ira' Using subscript 3 for components having a higher than nominal rat- Card 5/8 22256 Load-sharing stand-by S/,09/61/006/005/0034/027 D201/D303 Ing and subscript 4 for elements in the load sharing the stand-by schemes the relative electric load of every component. of the stand- by cat. should be smaller than the limit load as found from k (e4lim Its value Is found from the graph 0) cari be dravin by rewriting Eq. (10) in tht: form of lim = 01) b) The design for maximum reliability with a ,iven limiting value of the limiting factor C lim in this'case one ~-as to evaluate :,~nd compare the values of the rate of failure as corre,,,~)onding to two method6 of increasing the reliability i.e. using t__t, limitin,,,,, factor Cli, and the conditions of operation X 10. In the 1&;t part of the Card 6/8 22256 3/109/61/006/005/003/027 Load-sharing stand-by D201ID303 article the mixed load sharing and functional design of the stand- by component circuitry is briefly discussed. In this method, the reliability of stand-by circuits is increased since in the case of failure of one or of several components of the cot., the function of these elements are taken over by the remaining components and concurrently the load is shared and all components are under rated. In such a scheme it is necessary to take into account changes in the circuitry due to the failure of any of its components. For most of the components their failure can be usually -reduced to two ex- treme casesz Open and short circuit. It is possible, therefore, ir. an approximate analysis of circuits using the mixed design princip- le, to use the methods as given by G.V. Druzhnin (Refb 3S Rezervi- rovaniye ekhem a kontaktnymi elementami (Stand-by Schemf.-a with Contact Elements) Izv. AN SSSR, Otd. Tekhnp n. 1958, 6v 96), and (Ref. 5: Primeneniye rezervirov-aniya pri konstr,.irovanii kontakt- nykh elementov (Use of Stand-by in Constrticting Contact Elements) Sb. Statey "Nadezhnost' Radioelektronnoy Apparatui,yll Izd. Sovetu- koyo Radio 1960). For tho design of make and break components. In Card 7/8 22256 S/109/61/006/005/003/027 Load-sharing stand-by D201/D303 general, a successful design of mixed stand-by circuitry can be achieved only if every circtiit is aesesned on its own. There are 6 figures, and 6 referencess 5 Soviet-bloc and 3 non-Soviet-bloo. The references to the English-language publications read as follows: C.J. Creveling. Increasing the Reliability of Electronic Equipment by the use of redundant circuitsp Proc. I.R.E. 1956 April; A. Wulfsberg, The Price of Reliability in airborne electronic equip- ment, I.R.E. Trans. Reliab. and Qual. Control# 1957, PGRQC-9 Is 9; and D.J. Connors Raschet riska primeneniya ekhemnykh elementov (Calculation of the Risk of Using Circuit Elements), Vopr. radio- lokatsionnoy Tekhniki, 1957, 4f 5 ZA-betracterle note; The last Eng- lish-language reference is given here in its Ruesian tranalatio2n. SUBMITTED; October 14, 1960 Card 8/6 24413 5/024/61/000/002/013/014 E191/9181 AUTHORi Druxhinint..G.V. (Moscow) TITLEt Prediction of the reliability of elements and systems of automatic control having vectorial determining parameters PERIODICALt IzvestiYA Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdoloniye tokhnicheskikh nauk, Energatika i avtomatika, 1961, No.21 pp. 163-170 TEXTs Reliability in defined an the capability of elements Ind systems to remain in a serviceable condition during storage or n operation. Statistical treatment of reliability considers random processes of change of the determining parameters of the element owing to wear or ageing. In the present author's earlier papers (Ref.lj same journal, 1959, No*6, and Ref.3t same journal, 196o, No.4) it was assumed that each element in defined by a single determining parameter. There are instance& when an element or system is defined by several determining parameters (vectorial determining parameter), It then becomes necessary to conaider vectorial random processes of change of the determining parameters and the statistical limits of the elements. The purpose of the Card 1/2 24413 Prediction of the reliability of .... S/024/61/000/002/013/014 E191/1181 in-satigation is the prediction of reliability of elements and systems from the condition of the elements at present. First, the characteristics of vectorial determining parameters and the statistical limits of elements are formulated. The reliability of elements with vectorial determining parameters is derived. It is thought that vectorial determining parameters are hardly likely in practice to have more than three components, Assuming a vectorial determining parameter with mutually independent components and a normal distribution, the approximate prediction (from a minimum number of measurements of element parameters) of the distribution law of the element endurance is discussed. Finally, the reliability of systems is derived having vectorial determining parameters of their elements and of the systems themselves. A ufficiently simple solution can be obtained only provided the omponents of the vectorial determining parameters are independent : of each other. There are 3 Soviet references, SUBMITTEDi October 146 196o Card 2/2 AUTHOR: TITLE: PERIODICAL: 37 2b B/103/62/023/005/009/011 D407/D301 Druzhinin, G.V. (Moscow) On Prophylactic operations for automation.devices Avtomatika i telemekhanika, v. 23, no. 5, 1962p 631 - 643 TEXT: A-method is considered for determining the time-table of prophylactic operations by means of experimental data on the malad- justment of automation devices during their o'peration. As a measure of reliability of apparatus one takes the probability P that a de- vice functions properly during a period t. The course and the ef- fects of the maladjustment process are considered, without discuss- ing its reasons. The principal characteristic of the controlled process (e.g. accuracyp sensitivity# etc.)t which is a measure of the performance of the device and determines the need for prophy- lactic work, is called the determining controlled parameters This parameter is a polar random function of time Wl(t)f all whose reali- zations pass through a single non-random point (the pole). Although it is possible (in principle) to determine the distribution law Card 1/3 3/103/62/023/005/009/011 On prophylactic operations Lor D407/D301 f(t) of the period in which the device functions properly, or other reliability characteristics, yet many difficulties arise in practi- ce. Therefore it becomes necessary to use approximate methods for reliability investigations. In particularp it is convenient to use statistical linearization of nonstationary random processes of mal- adjustment. In order to determine the mean value mb and the standard deviation O'b (which approximately describe the maladjustment pro- cess) by means of experimental data, it is necessary to measure at one instant at least, the values of the controlled parameter of many similar devices. In additionp it is necessary to know the time to and the result wo of the preceding prophylactic operation. Fur- ther, the reliability of devices with. a single limit of the toleran- ce field is discussed. In this case the distribution lawf(t)-is determined by 2 numerical characteristics; The relative rate of mal- adjustment a and the relative parameter-reserve Ps The particular case mb = 0 is of special interest. The reliability function P(T) can be used for solving 2 problems: To determine* from the probabi- lity F that the device remains serviceable during the interval bet- ween prophylactic operationeg the cQrresponding interval itaelfj Card 2/3 8/103/62/023/005/009/011 -On prophylactic operations for D407/D301 and the converse problem. The pertinent formulas are derived, These formulas are used to establish the probabilistic nature of the cha- racteristic time of wear 0. The distribution law f(t) can be appro- ximately determined according to the values of the probability den- sity at the 5 points; Op T1, Op TM, cD; (Tj ia found as the root of an equation, "d TM is the most likely value of the time of prophy- lactic operations). Purthert the reliability of devices with 2 li- mits of the tolerance field is considered@ In this case an optimal initial value of the controlled parameter may exist, for which the probability that the device remains serviceable during a given pe- riod T, is maximal. In conclusion, by measuring (at a given moment) the values of the controlled parameter of a group of similar devi- ces# it is possible to determine (by the above methods)t the time when the next prophylactic operation has to be carried outt and to find the optimal parameter value. There are 6 figures, I table and 5 Soviet-bloc references* SUBMITTED: August 5, 1961 Card 3/3 !'Ar,CESS1ON NRI AP3002609 S162801631000/0031004S/00 9 AUTHOR& Drushining Go V. (Moscow) TITLE: investigation of intermittent faults in technical systems SOURCE: AN SSSRi Inv. -Otd. takh. nauk. Takhoicheskays, kibernatika. no. 3, 1963, 45-49 TOPIC TAGS: intermittent fault# reliability ABSTRACT: By an "intermittent fault" in meant such a fault (malfunction) after which the system remains intact. It In recommended that in evaluating rella- at fault bility, both the intensity of a firal fault and the intensity of an intermitte be taken into account. As intermittent f"to can occur both during the system operation and during its standstill, not only the reliability but also the prepared'!: - .7 ness for operation should be considered. A formula describing the intensity of intermittent fault to proposed. Due to the inadequacy of information on Card 112 ACCESSION NR: AP3002609r Intermittent faults now available* it Is sugiested thAt the-yalue of the intensity of such faults be met by law or determined by balancing the high-e-r-em".( the equip- ment against the cost of the damage caused by Intermittent faults. Orli-__arii~- has: I figure and 16 formulas. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: - 05Feb63 DATE ACGI., 16Jul63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: CO, IE NO RE.F BOY: 00 1 OTHER; 000 DRUMPUN, G.V. (Moskva) Distribution of time in work performance. Izv, AN S=, Tekh, kib. no,63139-149 N-D 163. (KIRA "714) MUZHININ, 1. (LaniWad) "Iavaanm ia a frieW of the suOpon. Mest.prom.i khud.promys, 3 no.2s12-13 F 162. 1 (KM 1-5 12) 1 . (ARTMISS-4WRGM) (PIASTICS IN MEDICINE) USSR/Microbiology. Antibiosis and Symbiosis. F-2 Antibiotics Abs Jour Ref Zhur-Biologi7a, No 1, 1957, 545 Author 1. D. D ~Ai--n Inst Title Modification in the Typhoid-Paratyphoid Bacteria Caused by Sintomycin. Orig Pub Vracheb; delo, 1955, No 10, 961-966 Abstract. Bacteria of the typhoid-paratyphoid group acquired resistance to sintomycin slowly and to an inconsiderable degree. At the 'same time great changes occured in their morphological, cultural, byochemic, anti- genic, and pathogenic properties. Card 1/1