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IWOTM 8- IN SHnW. P.i.j MMWAX. G.L. @4"87,81 JZO v.ith mItiplo reflectIng nirrors, Zhurmauch, I prlkl*fat. I ktne 4 no,1112-19 JA-y 059. (MML 1212) I* Institut Watchaskay ftsild AN SM. (ftotoambr, llgb-qmod) (Photogmphic optics) DUBOVIKo R.A. CwWarlng obeervrtions on currents vAde from drifting and anchored gidrol. no.101 0 -7-- 7 (Ocean currents) @STAROBIMS,, G.L* (StarobU4% H.L.Ij- DUBOVIX T.L. Selectivity of &41*n exchange an & basic ion-exchange resins. Vestsi AX 38M. SO, Fiz,-tekke uav,'I@ao.248-52 163. (MMA 1M) - - I - - -- -- I- - I -I--- 1- 1 -- -- -- -- -- - - - ---- - -- -- ---i -,-, --- - STAK-KN @;, G.T-t M.P.; t-UBOVIA, T.L. .0 *..... &-A so-pardticn of &wal amminti of elewrts iri eluent Tri.-4dy Kn-m. anal. khIm. 15023-330 165. (MIRA ISO) @ t- 01SPEMICIIA, M1,; CU j lintropy of ion -xichangs writh nepVLve 4rd-ratlone Ves-l-M AN - - WZR.3ar,khJm.rair* nc,4"tllO--IU 165. (MIPA 18:12) WP(C) RYM ACC MR, AR6M4535 SWWS COVEs VR/OO8J./6$/000/019/SOV2fSG51 AUTHORSt Umbluetas Os Lo I Dubovik, To Le '4 @ Tl=t - Effect of the polvvm allwturt upon selective properties of the derived ion Smacla Rat* sh# Xhimi") Abe. 1"%0 R" SOMMI 8b. Oeterogen. reaktali I rea"s. sposobaosti.- Minsk, Vyssh. shkola, 19649 1109 -fOPIC TAGSs --polywr struatun.-ion exchange-resin.. synthetic rubbor, salfonation, ABSTRACT: The proparat,-ion of Ion excho resins was undertaken byz 1) sulfonation v@th 98% B2304 at 97-980 of chloroprene rubber,, stratchod tp the limit and -in- tained at this state for 2 months and of ca2p ine rubber'Nept at 1500 for 3 days. &AA cooled to -= for 1 month (annealed subber); !FiMlfonation vith chloros fonic acid at -WG of chloroprene rubber maintained in a stretched state. ExC 6 capacities for 941 and WH and degree of atallin of all produced samples of ion exchangers were inve ated The selectivity of the equilibrium "change of 5" ;@" obtained by "onation of polymers with 96% r-Li*, Ht-Usto st C on H2304 was also xUadieds as was the selectivity of. the le-40 exchans on the resin obtained fromi stretched chloropraw rubber by sulfonation with chloro"onic &aide J CWA 1/2 L L2175-66 ACC Nib AR60ISS It was shown that selectivity of ionic exchange is related to the structure of the -polymer-frow which _th*_*=h&vger_was_j_rep&red*_ Selectivity is-poorer-in-th"ase - of uncrystallized exchinger. of the ion exchan&e resins prepared by sulfonation of the stretched and of the annoolid chloroprene rubber, the stretched exhibited better selectivity of mhange. 1whanp selectivity of ion exchanger obtained by ablorosulford-i acid sulfonation of rubber maintained in a stretched state correspond to all practical purpos", with the selectivity exhibited by exebange, rG311k produced by R2SO4 sulfwation of that rubbWe M. Sbasda Llfranslation of abstraeg A-Cc _N1h -AP6015354, Q4) WdW/JD SORCH COM UR/0226/66/000/005/Olol/Ollo AUTHORSa -Dubovik. T. V.; Struk, L. 1. :M. ORM Institute for the Problem of Materials Science, AN UkrSMt (Inatitut problm TITLE'l Bora rcaoonitride electric insulation tubes for protection of thermocouples COMCEt Poroshkotaya mntallurgiyal no. 5, 1966, 107-110 TOPIC TAGSt boron conpoundo boron carbonitridej insulating materialf thermocouple ABSTRACT: After Aiscussion of the deficiencies of various oxides for use as high temperature insul7tors the high temperature properties of boron carbonitride are @9 1 14 presented (resistivity: 10 4 ohmb__ca at nc,@10 ohm--cm at 2000C, etc). The high temperature corrotjion resistance of boron carbonitride in various environments is discussed, and te2perature operating ranges are recomended. A methnd for extruding Ar --tubes-for-thermocouples-from-a-powdered--mixture--- sing-le- and - doublviochannal _fqulator of boron nitride and carbidillil by weight) is described. Boron carbonitride tubes 2.3--4.5-=-in outside diameter,-0.3--O.B mmin-inside diametprg-and up-to 200 mm-long have 'been successfUly-extvaded btthis method and (after firingat 5OG--190Win-&--_-_ reaction mixture) haye been used " thermocouple insulators at temperatures of 1500- 2500C. Orig.- art# bass i figure and 2 tables. L CM31 13/ MW DATM 30NOT65/ ORIG RM 005/ OTERM 002 _ggrd I/in& SUB 364-2.8 "RI 12//p S113716P-1000100310621191 A006/A101 AMM I Verkhoglyadova, T. S., L)t!@ @TL Samsbnov, G. V. TITEE: Nitration of transition metal powders with the forrmtion of nitride phases PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 3, 1962, 40, abstract 302T7 ("Poroshk. metallurglya", 1951, no. 4, 9 - 20, English summary) TMC: The authors studied kinetics of nitration of TI, Zr, V, Nb, Ta, Mo, Cr arA Re powders at 500 1,20OPC. On the basis of X-ray and chemical analyses -of the-compaunds 017tained-IL the optimum nitration conditions were established. The constants of the rate and activation energy of nitration were calculated from kinetics of overweight of the reaction products. For nitrid" of Ti and Zro V(VN), Nb(NbN), Ta(TaN), Cr(Cr2W), the optimum nitration temperature is 1,200OC; for . VYIS Nb2N, U2@1, CrN,it to 9000C; for Moo - 7000C, and for Rep it is 300 - 3500C. [Abstracter's note! Complete translation) R. Andriyevskly cam 1/1 S/136/62/000/003/003/008 19-a 10 E021/E435 AUTHORS: -Samsonov, G.V.. Pubovikt T.V. TITLE., Techno logy for preparation of aluminium nitride and the possibilities of-its comiercial use PERIODICAL: Tsvetnyy6 metally, no#3, 1962, 56-61 TEXT: The aim of the p;9sent work was to establish the optimum conditions for preparing aluminium nitride powder. The initial materials were aluminium powder nA -4 (PA-4) with particle size less-than 04042_- _-puriffed- nitrogen -containing a trace -of oxygen, and ammonia. The previouely, enabled material to be nitrided by passing nitrogen over a boat containing the material. Experiments at 700 to.12000C showed that after up to 240 minutes, nickel and zirconium boride did not react- with -aluminium nitride-, -- - The -boats- were therefore made from these materials. The rate of heating has to be low enough to prevent fusion of the aluminium because, if fusion occurs, tho surface area of the reaction is decreased and the aluminium is more likely to react with the material of the Card 1/3 S/136/62/000/003/003/008 Technology for preparation E021/E435 boa-t-,--Th stating_without fusion taking place was found to be 6 to 7 *C/min for the 0.1 to . 5 1 1 ak I RY 10*C/min or lower for the 0.042 mm powder. The optimum condItions for nitriding were found by a serioa of experiments in a current of nitrogen for 15 to 240 minutes and in a current of ammonia for 2 hours at 500 to 1200'C. The results showed that there is relatively full nitriding of the finer powder at 7000C but the coarser powder requires a temperature of 1100 to 1200%. From the results the following scheme for production of aluminium nitride was put forward.. PAK-4 powder is nitrided at 8009C for I hour with a rate of increase of temperature up to 8000C of 10*C/ min. The prepared product is tharoughly mixed and a repeated nitriding in carried out at 1200% for 30 to 60 minutes (with a temperature-increase bf W WjmIn r-o-r-_ accurate stoichlometric composition, A commercial powder with about 33% nitrogen aont*nt *an be pr#pared by a single nitriding process at 1200% (with rat* of temperature increase WC/min). Components-of-aluminium-nitrido-,-with-1-2 to__16% porosity can be after pressing, nitrid --pre-pared by-aiinterins a powder or nitride Card 2/3 -S/136/62/000/003/003/oo8 Technology for preparation E021/E435 powder containing 3 to 10% aluminium powder in nitrogen at 1800 to 2000*C. Components with zero porosity can be prepared by hot pressing the nitride powder at 2000 to 21000C, There are 5 tables. Card 3/3 A ACCESSICK RM AP40992U a/OM6/0/000/002/0099/0102 AVMCHt Sammonov, 0. V,1 wKT i Technique or wouracturirg aftbM from aluminum nitride IM 8-GM= t- Pos 20 IA011?9- TMC IMMI refractory Vwt, rofractaryt aUninum nltvide,, aluminum n1trJ compacting,, einter aluminum nitride sinteringp aluminum nitride extruolom A technique, I$ develoyed. for the Manufacture of parts from alazinm anacting or extrusion, of aluminum nitride powder mixed vith a AM (a solutlop of syntbetto rubber in fpsoline for compacting OrA & solu- tion of bakente in alechol for extrusion of tubes and bara)* This is foLlowed by sintering In nitrogen at 1900 + 50 0; machining if necessary Is done vrIor to sinteringe The einter6d, vixu-@A& a uel@ing temperature above 24oo C. a co- efficient of thermal expansion, of 5*5 x 10-0,, a resistLyttiy ot the order of 1012 ohm-cuj, and a alordww4ness of the or4er ot 39200 HN/W'o Flow sheete for tha Irod , barsj wA tubes are presented* Porosity is rather high of parts, Artioles of simpla shape aft be aads by hot compacting ab2dnum nitride powder (without p1wticizer)& so*. articles have an &]Aost theoretical dwoUre. Card - - @7 lei IMRS AA029 9U ASSOOLMCKs Xnatitat Yrablm --t l utio"Wwalys M WSR (lot-t4tuU f or-psybImp@ In Vo Science at KsterftU IAN SUMCMM 3 15AVrO SUB CCDRI ump TD amml 000. Card 2/2- AUTHOR: Polishchuk, V.S.; Sawanov, G. V. TITLE: Derivation of magnesium nitride SOURM Zhurnat prikladnay khbdi, v. 37, no. 8, 1964, 1828-1830 TOPIC TAGS: magnesium, nitride, nitration agent, ammatiag nitrogen ABSTRACT: The authors conduct a technological study of conditions for obtaining magnesium nitride using nitrogen and astsonia as nitration agents. The initial material consisted of magnesium chips measuring 0.1-0.2 mm. Nitration took place 'in porcelain vessels placed in a quartz reactor. Nitration was conducted at tem- yeratures from 200 to IOOOOC over a period of 13 minutes to 4 hours for each temper- .ature. The results of the experiment showed that nitration begins during the die- .tillation of nitrogen through magnesium over-& period of 30 minutes at 2500C. Nitration reaches its peak at SWC over a period of 4 hours. At higher tempera- turee the nitrogen content drops sharply. The authors concluded that attempts to nitrate magnesium with semonis have yielded much poorer results, which is apparently related to the f &at that magnesium nitride converts easily into hydcide and Cod 1/2 I 'r-ul LlOllrl@-tT- T-f-tA-liff r TTTEM- tu tg f jr V@P. Stud y c, f Ya tor, a I n A t ti., t nrnhlam -ilaaln@a rl*.rldo @ L_ @ i -@ @--77 ce @Tn.@ 0 @!s-zylvafizlka v7saklich tamufrrutuT. v.1- 7n.4- "769;, 440-OA2 a.' Ll ce atualeS t@le Loatiml "In wraphito b th Mothnfi nf a Lka num flama cznrqvln.7 of the T- - - - - - L vzz who w7lvaa; reiRai-ng Elrmaa f%T- wirq--ink r L@uj@ ;rlU jTl,- R A .@a.,AE,,@nnv rnr 1@4 LIVITIN, Isidog lbrimovi4ho ISMOIST.- Aldisandr SsrMeviahj rjrr@ftWr Ukha, naukp retadns4ent; PAwg&Y,, -M20, 0, veumsftt; VIK V.A. nanobW-red.1 GOLOWAO N.P., rod.1 FMIN, P. --(UgbU*I-tngtn"riWon-oldpal-Sudoveia- totakhalka.- Lomningrad, Sadprands, 1963. 300 p. (MIRA 160) (Zlectrie UghtIng of #Up*) DLU@@@ Ifanas tyevichj- VTOOVSIM, Sorgey Ivanoviohj @ BAZILEVICH,, Tsvpniy YJAdisirovich; YEMnOYANOV, I tva [Froque-u-C-7- tole-gn-pby) ClAoUttioe-Ulegrafirovanie. By VA. @aByl V A@ Dubovik I dr. Moakva, Gas,. ltd-wo 1-tt-ry po voprosam svia" m ovi 08 --i-rokao-f-1962 349-P,-- (Ra&otalograph) (Telegraph) ALTA=,, A.V4 (panxenakeya oblaqt% jitimssm V. (rarosiav Dup'mEFa*A, (11mitskays Watt% QUhAv S a Vologadgbqu GOVOO I.G. (ftcham)j HWOV, L:M Yaroslavl') Problem for school mtbenatical circles. Mat. v shkole noJ: 88-n Wy-Je 163. (MIRA 162 7) (Nathamuce.-ProbIms, mraises, eta.) V/-A W(IiiOU KIX'.- MA; -BWUU=. A.$.; I.A:; VMTIK,-T*m##_--TARWH*A#P*fq -mmaJOFSWAvG.l* in Memory of Ap 153. (KM 6t6)-- (st*panov. T.K., 1880-195111 0 Rodents of the &gun JMr^r (TranatalkalIA) f1cod lAuds. lzv. IrTc.gos*n&w- h.-Ls*l.V=4Lvoch=m. lust. 16939-55 15-7. (KIRA 1397) (ARMI RIM (TWSBAMLIA)--RODMIA) JUSOMMOTA. NAOJIMOMKITAld xmnK, 1.141 smovm, I.F.: 11PAMO row. Irleas of red*%%* In the tlaod-lands of the Argun River (Trans- 1709- 46 (NIRL 131) (ARQU RITU (TUlMlMlA)--TLUS) TD(07XMA--LJ-i-ZHOrM. -LF#--M1P2WT. M.T.1 BUSOTADOYA* NAO; r,or.OTACMA, T.Ta.t Damill, t.N.- DUBOYIX,7@1.+-ZHITOLTAPINA, R.R.; MOVIT37. A.1,; PIN OU, 01.; TINDYMTA. A.A.; bkiw 0, L. P. Search for plague and other spizootic diseasee In Tratsbalkallan plRg-as fcaua, Repor% No,2. Ity.Iric.goe,nawh.-Ital.protivoch-4m. icst. 1513-17 1579 OURA 13:7) (TRAN2AlrALIA--ROD3VlA--DISSASIS AND RTS) L.e' k roaz=*D - - -- ---- - - I DuBovm, v. i. -ninatics or Emynatic Actida of CryvtaUine Catalase.0 '(Dissertations For Degrees In Science and Engineering Defended at USSR Higher Educational Inatitutions)(29) Acad Sci @IYU@Bl Technical Minsk,, 19555 Balorussian SSR Deputwnt of Physicomatheratical and sot WS lAtOpill NO 29s 16 July 1955 ,or the Decr*s of Csodidate in Mwdesl ftlemeof ? 1 1-1-@-)IIJUPWIr. N.Y.: BUSOrUJOTA, N.M.; GOIDTACOVA. Y.Ya.; DUWFW. ZdlifOLYAPIUA, N.H.; J"?ITXY. A.M.; PTfUXMTA, O.S.; TIMWLYAYA, A.A.; SHVU110. L.P. kAGUltd Of OXAMIning rodents In Trom8botkot1lim siteppes for pmthogfmic microflors. T12.1 doklikonfelrkogoo.nquch.-Isel.protivochuti.inst. no,10B-39 155. (MIRA ll,:I) (TRANIBARALIA-40DWIA) (NIGROORGAN ISMS. PATHOWIC) TWUMM. B&T.1 MMMI, Me Activation energy in the process of therml inactivation of arystallisod. eat&l&se extracted frou the liver of oxes. Testai AN SSSI*Sorofiso-tokb.n&v.*0-3t3l-36 156, (MLRA 10:1) (Cat&I&so) (Liver extract) (Activity coefficients) KVIRT, A.U.. kani. reol.-miner. inzh., A.F.; KOTE:;IK0',, prof., doktor !@iol. wvik, rektor, OKOFOY@'V, *-`.., -,wJ. W01. nauk, dots.; KLIMENKO, 3'1'k@IKCIVA, I-A... -a- V.Ya., i1-!.,,infIcnt,, 1--nd. g-v@,-qr. 0- - -- - I - I - @"r_ @ '' @ W. red. ; FIATIVMV, red.; !"o,'DZU, VA., rcxi.t I.M., red.1 r erd "ati vlr.@@,oj Priroda Chellabinakol ob@- , -iru ot' CI1eI@,,IInrk Fro U zO 64 ri @- I I ."h9liablovik, zhr o i -vo 19 21,1 p. (IIIRA 18:7) 1. Kafedra'geografll Chal7abiwkogo p-edr-.-ogicheakogo in- stltu*Ul W.- Dubo-,Ik. Mazim, RuzVantsova, "'Irin). 2. Nachall- otAiala Mrelvabinskogo geologorazvedoch- r,o,,n traits (f,)r Ot4k-o). 3. G-hr Iyab iris k-,jya Fidr-olog-icheskaya -Tnr.t:I"yI @fnf jc),j,@-nmy part 14 @for Knoskalav). 5. Institut biol4!,gii Ur&I,skogo fillala 0 SSSR (for Kolesnikov). e- Kafedra zool,)gil Chelyabinskcgo Fed agoF-I c@.e okog,) J-9tituta (for Okorckov, Starikova, Shumilova). 7: CIa,).Iyabir-9kiy rybnyy f K-limenk-2) 4 Or 'unmovm, v . -,vi. alf. Acado of -'Ir, f(1 4 -@@ - IP5- W, A -on-jim I -"i)1,4 rIkIV '. V'I -0; . !F v .. . I z It o"s, umpkw C" bt, ont. ft-bviw"Italitta, Akml, \Agk a!lzb-% TF, 1:0, 4 (35). "1947). Pow chato trVirAlk." 14 "it- #n ft-b-rkw 046 ft b atm led Oul I -I *$fee--od n,i%t. Awr4 vo ytatW I hr, ok" wo tvwnvk- an thr tasibr I @--tks; X41 fagot#% mv t"Akwd towe A. fmn%w,l-w NACt &kO 40 MOdWS10 VW7. Ot fitill 10 tbt IF%IrP: 4 'SIV 1% vw of a 4: 1 t%f. ttl in is ri"mnPod"t, ik it k tombffl, A , 11 Sw ,kft. of Id. OW -Am list lilt 112 Hill low W- TM-w- - Soil temparatu" an& the afftative"be, of fortilisere in Cbernes" - sells of nartberm U*Wdwtm [with Premeb summary in Insert] , Vochvo vedwde i2a.22:62-63 D 13%. (MM 10:2) l. volaktaiman"s stantelys. Muwkhetan"-Chernavem soils) (fertilizers &M uwwes) (Soil tevq@srftture) ji S. pi J, q 1i ;: 0 P, Sal 411 R Sal it Q , 4 ..1 - , 1 0- A 2 a DUBMK T@,P starshly tekhnik, N.Se.dots:; ;WW9UrY-ir--,iWshIy prepodave,tal' GUZEW, Differential mthod for deterodning lealaage currents during electrolysis* Isvays,wheliesay.; prib. no.3:26-29 158. (KM 12s2) Is TessayseW muchno-Issledovatel'skly InstItut astrologil In. DA.-Mondelayeva (for Momiantsev, Ddbavik)e 2. Leningr dLekly I 1=1 trar wkb w! is In T 2. (Blectralyste) (Ileatric car, at@,- LeaImp) r, RMAYMM, A.S.; CMMUAX"NV, A.A.; DMIZZ. TO.P. Error* In the shunts used for the mmaimroment of large currents. Tructy TWIN 00,38:7"3 '39. (MRA l3t4) (Blectric wasurements) KRM, I.F.1 3USCu@,-IO.Ve Physical properUos of the gluten of the intermediate frwUons of flour. Isv.vys.uchdb.x&v.; pishch.takh. no.lo69-70 164. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Belorusakiy gosudarstinnnyy institut narodnogo khozyaystva immi Kuybyshev&, kafedra tovaravedenlya pishchevykh produktav. 4: j, 'USSR / Sail Soicneo, 2injrnl Fortilizors. J-4 Abs-,Tcur: Rof ZZ.,ur-Diol'61 wo Bf igse, 3,.4379. Alathor DaU3dkhg Ye. F. Inst Sit Titlo WA@nvnc)@.@fs@_Iil ToLporatuo on tho _tfrootivtinoas of Fort:1117,3rz on @ioijs of hot Ori,,,, Pub: P,-,ohvovodoui,u, 1956, No 121 62-65. i,.b3traet: In Lhu orosonOo-Of @l vmra spring, nitrio fo zors aro -.aro--offoativo. than 'j1v1-9p1v-.tos in tho g. inorousi Drosunco or n cocl sprin in yiold of wintor ryo (1.5 c/hc) was socurod by ra,,onj= nitratu during tho viarLa s3rinri. :,,f tho yonr 1951, A-lid in caso of supor-.-,111,,sph@to (3.8 C/ha) - during tho ecol sprln,@ _tL j@urin.3 cool s_?rlngs, tho _@,ocumul-.t loll ill @f af,.Iman- iuz is ob3orvad; cn tho othor lvAirl, tjio procoss Card 1/Z -717 1XV641kirt- -!44 liternture,' %el a A. Diluoylkov i yv. soverth. Kook-ya, Uchilveiris. 1946 N'/5 ,M7 .D8 DUBDVIXOVP-Beko MMON-0-ft- Struggling for AL perfeat quality and high rell4billty of artiolese -Hashinostraitall no.gil-4 S 164. ---- - -- ---- - I - I. -- --- -- - - - - (Kati-1,7glo) - - -- -- - - -- --' Privolshakogo soveta- narodnogo khozyaystn. DUBOVIKOV BOA. Protect nev developwmto by standards. Starldartizatl!la 28 no.M22-23 0 164. (Wle.A 1702) 1. Pervyy samstitell predoodatelya Privolthakogo sayeta narudnogo khasysystva, -y nil ,Advamod experience ahould have the virtue of the lvd. Stand*rtizataila 29 no.10-5 Ja 165. (KIRA l8s4) 1. Pervyy zamestitels predoodatelya Privolshskogo soysta carodnego khosyaystva, DUBOVIXOTP #16 Schea of -19"WV "rion**. lpt.. delo 14 no.lt52-57 1639 (MIRA 18110) I& Dsmtskiy seditalnekiy ImUtut Imni acrikogo. AP 4 4 7 16 @'6/1 5c 2 scot tie.- nq 1 4 fz -s ;) v r i me Ti t an oy i I'M nucleer sc !"AM ay t !L a r o- o-lt a roed f@ @or t?,,- an t a a "C 1- r a 13 e r a 'P Ira e wv, i n RL:@- r X d o t@ 1 Ild t 4 NIR PUFF can 0.1 so I,e let e -ml n@,i the recoll bALP7-r -@Tmulam are a t - . Cn-= ra7l cv@ -9- j, . I . .1 .1@12 ! - .1 , , --- --- - - I , T.7@' F - --- 7-7 r al'O" . @ I --- --- - -- ---- ---- .- - . . -- y - - - - --- -,- , - , - , I'll- 1:1-9 -)1 meaun . I r MFI 0-04 A-4-Ug- t D Vt 4TG Ft9F a atlv ldv a JT G SARANCRA, 70*T*j DUI30VIKOVA# AsPs Anal"is ofli@ pro&-a@i-aMe mamfactu" of isobutyl and n-butyl alcohol by mavs of liquid-g&s chrcmtography. Zav. lab. 27 no. 4098-399 161, 1414) 1, Usicbaukiy kh'ste skiy kembLate (Butyl alcohol) Yu. A. A, rIA study of tho rusults of mT un,c -,f ntiv-, Lmanmdsaticn ,i,@alnnt Iip@-atiacri!.i in 1@"'. A-lin 'l-Ilt-li U3@2. Gentral T-@st i'cr tin Advanced kra-ining of Ehysiciar-s. (Di-@rert-ltion:; for (110gree of Candil!il,c of "edical Sciencer..) SO- Frdzh2L,:a letopis', Ne 46. 26 ic,55. 1',oscow. EX ITEDICA SG0.4 V01.11/4 M.-d.111crob. ate. AprA58 1055. A TRIAL OF DMITHERIA IMMUNIZATION BY MEANS OF A 3-INJEC- TION TECHNIQUE IN THE MOSCOW PROVINCE (Russian 4ext) - I Dubovikova Yu. A. - NAUCH.TRUD.,~*~OSK.NAUCH.-ISSLEDOV. MST7VAK is. A. SYME-1956, 6 (53-58) The possibilill of creating higher levels of Immunity b y substituting a 3- for the hitherto used -injection technique was investigated. T he-level of =@@44 Rkrt-mm eW Lbe wad the incide diphtheria and the se"rity of Iti clinical course In a group of 18,634 children was 1 ml - was followed In 20-45 da t First injection of 0 s b o d in tio d a e - no e s c n n . jec y y of 2.0 ml.. and 15-20 days later a 3rd :nJection (2.0 ml.) was administered. Re vaccination was performed 3-6or 6-12 months later. It was observed that the level of Immunity (as indicated by the Schick test) after 3 injections was twice as high as that created by 2 inj ections. Furthermore in the case of the children who received 3, injections the cli nical course of diphtheria was much milder, and to3dC and malignant forms much less frequent, than in the case of the children who re- ceived 2 injections only. 1A V1 OVA---y EXC@ERPMTA Sec.4 Tol.U/4 Hod.111crob. etc. ApriI58 1054. THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE TIME LAPSE BETWEEN FIRST VACCINA. TION AGAINST DIPHTHERIA AND REVACCINATION (Russian text) - DubovikovILYM, A. - NAUCH.TRUD.LIOSK.NAUCH.-ISSLMOV. INS 1. VA . 1. SYVOIRL. 1 56, 6 (50-66) During 1946-46 the efficacy of antidiphtheritic Immunization with varying inter- v-Als between the vaccination and revaccination was followed on 935 children. It was found that extension cd the interval between the 2-stage vaccl=tion and re- vaccination at 6-7 months enhanced the efficacy of the Immunization. Revaccinat- ton at an interval of 6-12 months after the triple vaccination trebled its effective- nose. The author advocates revacclAation at 6-8 months Instead of at 3-5 months. (S) At ECCERPTA MICA See.4 T61.11/4 llod.M=ob. etc. AS-i158 I THE INFLUENCE OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES ON THE LEVEL OF DIPH. THEIUA IMMUNITY RESULTING FROM PnVICUS Im',mlIZING LjjEc. TIONS (Russian text) - DubovIkoya__yu, A. -NAUCH.TRUD.VGSK. NAUCH,-ISSLEDOV.LNST.-VXXlS-rgYVOr-l956, 6 (67-72) changes in the level of diphtheria immunity occurring following an attack of an Infectious disease were studied by means of Schick testing. The children In- vestigatedhad been Immunizedonce only and before the age of 3. Schick testing was performed on 1556 children who had suffered no illness duriag the preceding 6 months and on h77 children -who had suffered an infectious di3ease during that period. In the former group 18.516 and In the latter group 27.2% positive reactions were Wained. This percentage was even greater in the case of children who had suffered an attack of an Infectious disease within a month Immediately preceding tive Schick testing. (8) -_PUBOTIKOTA, Yu.A.- NARCMWO, V.I.; LZUIXA, LO.; 11APUSTINA, A.I. W"-Mftftw"v LAte renctlons in ebildren to injections of j%dsorbe4 purified diphtheria toxin. Zhur.mlkrobiol.spid. 1, Immun. 29 no.1:39-43 Mr 158. (MIRA 11:4) 1. In Maskovskago Institute vaktsin i eyvorotok iment. Nechnikovs. (DUSTMMIA, immunology. remote reactiors to adsorbed purified toxin in child (Rue) "Hodamization of lAtheis to'be Veed for Special Purposes," -with Duleoov, 0. X. j Tarunta@wv, A. M., and Fleyeher, Mo K., Xodernization of Metal-cuttiPA -Equip- ment, Moscow, Khahgiz., 1958, p. 108. This book is intended for engineers and techateians working in the field of-MtAl- cutting. DUBOV3XOVA# A* X# Energetics; an index of popular literaturs, So vatupitellnym acherkom i pod redaktdd*i A# D# 6odinowat Noskyaj Gom, biWLI*t#-bIbIIogrsf-o ltd-vo NKF RSM, 1940. 23 p# ("Onto chitat' o takhnike,* vyp,, 2 ) Fbase analysis of al-untrum alloys. N1 Blok, 0. A. Nbovskova- a K-hrorova, ard R. F. Lashko. Zavodskaya Lab, 21, C-94-9 M55)- An electrochent. method for phase sepu. in Al alloys is based on electrolytic soln. of the alloy in a nonag. elect:rolyte: 2g LiCl, 2g. KCNS 6g citric acid, or 2g. NaMc all In 1200 mi. The structural ccuporents are se#d. cwipletely In 30-60 min. ot, u.c.d. of kl-f@13 Dr,1111cq-0m. 5nd 307., 'with cooling in liquid if. A. cylindrical specicr-n 15 mra. and 30-11C. -=. lon6 Is usod for tests. A suitable semipcrmeablc L)enbrane fo-.% use in ZkOH soln. is madc by 3ooking a littvlc cellulose acetatle with enough acetor.c for 1-2 days to produce a sol. of the consistenc-17 of liquid glue. A little of the soln. is spread over the ir.-or surface oi 0 22@-50-ml- backer, the scetore vaporized, and the cellulose la3vr carefully removed and fastened to n glass support. Such mnbrana3 could be used for 10-15 analytic al- studic G- of thc-anc@da-re-sidues -1-f (vith 4.105%, Cu) revealed no intermetallic phase formation during V-Sing- at 'room temp. and at 1WO but such phases were observed after aging at 220 ard 35CO, Alloys cortg. no Cu (e. g., Al-Fe., Al-47i, A!-Fe-Si) sepd, U Fe, I'Ll3N 11and Si on anode residues. No solid soln. of Al was folmd in Qm. AUTHOR: Dubovia, M. 1. -- .......... . .... TITLE: tatimatioa of the temperature of contact surfaces between systems with has% removal into a semi-infinite medium PERIODICAL: Inshenerno-fitiobeekiy shumalt ve 41 not 11, 19611 89-93 TMT. The author studies the coo@ing of a plate of thickness R located in the range x >0. The plate in in contact with a sami-infinite body (x