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DUDNIK., D.M.9 insh.1 GURIUM I A.G,q InM. Meehin' eel strevokb and frost resistance Of some best iwUlation materials, Trudy OTIPIDP 12tI21-128 162. (HIM '17il) 1. Mauchno-issledovatolleltays. laboratorlyz po kholodillnoy tekhnike Odeaskogo takhtologichaskogo instituta piabchevoy i kholodilinoy prmyshlennostie -DUQajX,.D,.$., insh.; LAVROVSKIY, N.A.; insh,; LMARDICH, N.N., inzh, Reducing the flamability of *Stiropor.0 Trudy 0TIPiKhP 12sl29-138 162. (KIRA 171tl) 1. Hauchno-isaledovatellskaya laboratoriya po kholodillnoy takhnike Odeaskogo takhnologichaskogo inatituta pishchevoy i kh.olodillnoy pro- myshlennosti* )uRTyN(YvsM, Vladimir sergeyeviobi MEL'ISKRO Leonid Zinov'yevich; PrInimali uchastiyes ZHDANO V.Z.,# kand. tekhn. nauki DtTNIXj D.M.p insh.1 LRTITj M.M.,j insb.j M&RTIYANOVAO . .1a.2 rea* [Refrigerating p4uts on ships] Sudovye kholodilInye usta- novki. Moskva, Transportj 1964. 382 p. (MIRA 17:11) RW(NAYA, S,N,p inzh., Experimental testirv, of refrlgerator autornobilon. Yhol. tekh. T@ 1 tekh. no.1:89-95 165. (',!7' di 18:9) 1. IMMIX. F.; UFSE11119 V. ; Engs. 2. UZ-;R (600) 4. F-einforced Concrete Construction 7. Producing reinforced concm'te slabs. Biul. stroi.' tekh. 10, 'No. 8, 1953. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April -1953, Uncl. Inshener*, will N.O. -"woo probles of good molding quality In concrete aftem. Strol.prow. 32 no.5:40-43 X4 154. (Km 736) (Concrete) milmayaly.-S.L., NO of IWIP-41SO relearood conmets sUbs for mlls of ln&wtri&l bmlldiW,. Strolprom. " so-311042 Wr 153. (KM 815) 1. AWPVO w 04 1 A a tror (for MIUdAysidy). 2 * Vappropetzwddy f "114 TuZW121 (for lbakholov muA DAnlk). (Valb) OWInforeed conwate constim4tion) IAMM. T.. anal# tont; - BUNAM. A., assistant: -XCMLOV-PZMW.SrAX. 0.4'. Prof*; DEIDNIX# F.,S.nauchw satrudulk; GORDON. S.. kand. tokhn. nauk. Using substanUrd sand In -kin concretes. Stral. mat. 2 ne.10: 25-280 156. (MIRA 120) 1.YuzhVr nauchue-Isoledevatellakly institut, Dnepropetrovsk (for '(Sand) (Concrete) ,Zma, A.I., mmmvj@, Z.16.- Innis - r F 9 biducing UrP-Oimd "ll'kUdw from lo(ma materisu, Strol,prow, 34 no,60-7 Jo 156, (XIMA gi 9) (Baltdift'bledw) ZI L) OMMUT. K.I.; rMULISKIYe Gov..- DUALK I.S.-, IAPSHIN. N.G.; AIMUSWJU*- ZC* Too redektor; ZIUJMM.%,-sw heskly redaktor [Amerience, in using blast-furnace greimlated slags at construction projects of the Dnieper Valley] Opyt Ispollsoyanits domewykh gremultrovansykb ablakov as stroikokh F'ridmproy' is - Kiev, Gos. Isd-wo lit-ry po, stroit. i orkhit. USSR, 195?. 121 p. (MLIth 10:10) (Duteper Valloy-.31ft cocent) UGIMxff$Tn' L.I.0 Ihsh.j DUMNO 14S 2 6, NRkIng precast"Irsinforcod concrete fmae foundations for bin trestle* In wbtl* forms Strol, prom. 36 no,9121-23 S 158. 1. Dneprokbintror (f6r Zagermyster), 2, TushtWy lauhno- Iselodovatelijkly Institut pa"'441fit Ilia I stvu (for Dudnik), Conertts, construction-Foremork) WDIU, Y.S., Insh. Large slag-concrete blacks no.2:90-9e 1 159, (Concrate mode wItb himes slop. let. I thel.-boto 1. (MIn 12:3) blocks) ,r.. ZAGL%MYSMF L.I.; VOLOD@M$ rij.; minx, -1P.S. Yaking 24-m Prestressed reinforced concrete girders on stands. Prm. stroi. 38 no.5t *57 1160, (MIRA 3-4t 5) I*-Trost Dneyrokh'-Atroy (for Zagermeyeter., Volodin). 2. Dnepro- petravskiY filial Yu=ogo maxichno-isaledovatellskogo insdtut PO stroitellstyu (for Dwhdk)o (Girders) DUDNIK 1, G. I ... I 5.tationary PDP-10 separator for ol"ning grain in a continuous operation. Muk-elev. prom. 25 no.6t25 Js 1610L(MA 34W 1. Borispollskiy khlebopri punkt Kiyevsko' oblasti. YIWYT y (Grain-Cleaning) GRAFOV, L.Ye.,, go" insh.1 GORBUSHIS, V.I., V.I.; ZARWKINP Me.; DUDWIK G N I BAROUSM, I.V.; KOSTYUKOVSKIY, V.Ya. deceased Lli@@P OL; BIRYMVO R.A.1 LISKOVETSO A.R.; KIRAVIYU, TP.; FESUNt V.A.; BERMGIN,, V.A.; HEREZKYAK, N.M.; VASILOYEV, 7e.l.; KOt.LODIY,, K.K.1 WCHEKKO, D.F.1 YAUVSKIY, D.B.; GSWIMOV, V.P.; IVANOY, V.V.; GAVRILOVO G.V.; SUROVA, V.A.j red. is&va; OSVAL'Dj I.Ya., red. izd-va; PROZ09OVSKAYA, V.L., tekhn. r"d. (Development and isproyment in the technology of coal production] Rasvitie i eovershenstvoyanis tekhniki dobychi uglia. Moskva, Goav gortokhisdat.. 1962. 359 P. 041RA l6s2) (tusnate Buin-Coal. mines and mining) Chan a in the Suprarenal Cortex Under the Efpmt !of in'Brythem - Pro- dualsw Doses,w-',Z.A. Dudnik, ;r Sci Aaaac; Doc I.V. - PyatigorskiyOE Z. Yuaf in&, Cand Med Sci,, .,Xhxr*.ov Sci Res Inst for the Protection, of Motb and Child -7 Vor Fed I Okhrany Mater i Detc, Val 2L, No 2 vp W-54 Deta"bas exptl irradiation of rate with ultra-i vialet, rays of varied dosage. FindinV showed ja' Increna,e in veizht of the suprarenal gl-w- of 1 irradiated aulmls.4 reGardlesx of their qp. Parellel with the veight Tacreasei, a decreeze in size and weight of the thymus glands was observ@4 In thetse animals. The authora assume that results of thla research may be of berlerit in the troat- =out 6f childrion's dise"*s. DUD-11K, I. A. Dudnik, I. A. - "Azpects of the Effects of Erithemic Doner. of Ultraviolet Ra@z an t%c GrowInE OrFanism, ." Khartkov Fedical Inst. Kharlkov, 19,16 (Disser- tation for the De-Orce of Candidate in I'SedIcal, Sclence3). So: Knizhna@j Leto2191, No. 10, 19560 pp 1313-127 DUDNIKI, Scime chmarac teris ties of Treadelanbmrgla sympt(m in paurtnts with sequvealaa of polloWelitia. Ortop., travm. i protez. 24 no.10ill-17 0 163* MW lf 725) 1. Is otdola patomekhaniki (zav. prof. M.Nedrigaylova) Ukrainskogo Instituta artope-dii i travmatologli imni M.I.Sitcnko (dir, - chler-horreapandent AM MSH prof. N.r,l-ova3hcnko). Ad-es avtoras Kharlkcv, Pushkinskaya ulitsa, d.80, Tnstttut ortopedit i travmtologii. DVDNIK$.j.A-; PASHCHUXP A.TU. zffect of various tMe of amstbeela, on the functioma acti- vity of the neuromuseular apparatus. Zkoper, khir. i anest. w 2s 69-71163. (KIRA 16M 1. Is otdda fisiologii i patowlthenIkI oporno-dvigatollnogo apparata (say.-doktor maditainskikh nauk O.V.Nsdrigayloya) i amatestologichoskogo institute, ortopedii i traymatologii imni X.I.Sitenko (dir. -4hlenp-korrespondent ANN S&SR prof. N.P. Boyacbenko)o (AMTIMICS) (MMCLES) (MVOUS SISTEM) RMIX, LED-1 SKMTj, G.W.l STIPARM4, W.N. (Vmcow)t "Soaw results of n"rimatal Irmstlivation of stability of cylirArical shell$." report presented at the 2nd All-Union Congre3e an Theoretical and toplAed P PW -294 -Keehantas Scowt kand.takhn.naukp doteent; SHTEFKO, D.D., inzh. Sources for financing development work in operating mines. Izv, Tye* uchobe 7AV*l gort thur, 6 no*7396-97 163, (HIRA 16:9) 1. Kharlkovskiy inthanerno-ekonomic-lieskiy institut (for Dudnik). 2. Lisichanskly trost ugollnoy promyshlenncati, Hinisterstva ugollney pro".U,3nnosti SMR (for Shtepko). Rekomandovana kafedroy skonamiki i organizataii gornego preizvedstva Kharikovskogo inziieriorno-ekono- micheakoge instituta. (Mining -industry and finance) DOW; 1. R. "Utey Proiz"A* No 32, yp 10-13 Sei Res Bureau of GlawMaorow, Kin of Trwup)r-t Web DIU, developed design of cast-steel wbeel &Dd technological process for its fabrication, using notal =old with cores. Acceptance require- ments and test results of exptl castings a" given. Heat treatment inoluled homogenization, normli- zatiou from 8W and high tempering from 6500. Material: open-bearth steel vith 0.4-0.5 or 0.6- 0.7 %C and 1.0-1.3% No. 1. R.# ENOR "Railroad Car Hellow Axle Cast by Centrifugal Xethod,- 1. R. Dudnik, NW, V. N. In'shakov, Cand Tech Scil 1. M. Sigal, Rngr, Glavvegonprom "Litey Proizvod" No 4, pp 2-6 Diacusses progress in development of method for obtaining contrifugally cast, axles since 1946. Carbon 4teel with 0.3-0.4,0%C WA lov-alloy steel with total 1.5 - 1.7% Cr and ft vere used for exptl castings. Latest castings entire17 satisfy specifitatiou requirements, being superior to staxped ax2aa In certain respects as, for example, hilgher imp%--t strength at -269 and higher fatigue lial.t. of notched ape-cisms. 213TW A21'rV4W -lz -- ; 'IT N-- IN WMI. I.A., Inshomr. q Crooksbafto agAs of lasculat" asiat iron for coWassors in subway owe,, Lil.prolzv. ne.4t24-26 AV 156. (KIBA 917) (Crasks avA creakshaf to) (Ciast Iron-Xotallogrophy) IW01:11rt I , -" i F M Exhibition of nev foundry equipment In Ust Onrmiy. Strot. I dor. -inshlnostr, 3 no*9:16-38 3 @158. (rnu litio) (Lolpslg-Youniry mahlnery and suppliev--Bxhil,@tlons) DMEK, I',- @@'Ze'alstou drop forging of gear wheels. Strol.1 dor.mobinostro 3 no.12:30-31 D 058. (MIU llt22) (Forcing) C DUDILK, 192*9 In2h* Introducing automatic control In menufacturlOg cAt"Tillar Unto for *xcamtors. Stral, I dor, mashinostr. no.4:23-33 Ap 158* (MIRA 11: 4) @Caterplllsrs (Vehicles)) paundrise-Automation) AuTtioRs Dudnik, I.R., Engineer 128-58-6-3/17 TITLEs A kothod of ireaning kolds Under high Pressure (Uotod presso- vaniya form pod vysokim davleniyem) P"IODICAL: Liteynoye Proizvodstvo, 19"., Nr 6, pp 4-9 (UM) ABSTRACTt The article contains detailed Information on the technology -and design of presses used in the USSR, one German and one Czechoslovakian plant, for pressing earth molds for accurate castings. Since 1956, Krecienchugskiy zavod dorozhnykh mashin (Kremenchug Road-kachine Plant) has used the high pressure method and a pneumo-lever press (Fig. 1) (designed by engineer Oerasimov) for small molds and cores. This plant and the Sverdlovskiy zavod "Fnevmostroymashinall Sverdlovsk Plant "Pnevmostroymashina") use the same mold design @Fig, 3). For plants producing construction and road machines.120 pneumo-lever presses have been produced. The pneumo-lever presses can press up to 250 molds per hour when the molding process is fully-mechanized. VPT1 Stroydormash has designed two hinge-lover presses (Fig 4 and ?) for molding larger castings developing 23 kg/CM2 and ;0 kg/cm pressure re- spectively. -It is mentioned that the Leningradakiy zavod imeni Kirova (Leningrad Plant imeni Kirov) uses molding presses of Card l," 3 50t 400, and 2,000 tons pressure. The general layout of the A Method of Pressing Holds Under High Pressure 128-58-6-3/17 pressure-molding section in the malleable cast iron foundry of this plant is described and illustrated (Fig. 6). Detailed information is also given on the technology of the "K-prooess" for molding cast iron and steel gears of up to 500 as diameter at the ITOS" Plant in Czechoslovakia# with the us* of devices shown in Figure 7, and on the technology of the plant "Stahl- work Elatertal"(ODR), used for mass-production of caterpillar chain parts. Here, the pressing is done by a pneumatic vibra- tion press machine (Fig. 9). VY."I Stroydormash has developed two vibropreas molding machines "VP-2" and VP-3" (Fig. 10 and 11), the first on* for small and medium-size steel and cast iron castings produced in small-lot and mass-produotion Dro- ceases with-conveyers. -_ This machine J.9 still in the experi- mental stage. The second vibropress--m-achine "YP-3"-in-for molding excavator caterpillar chain links and other castings of up to 45 kg weight. It works on the same technological principles as the machine of the "Stahlwerk Elatertal" (des- cribod above), but is fully autocatic and may be remotely con- trolled. Engineers A.V. SadovskAy, I.F. Bol'shakov and I# Kedrus, participated in designing the hinge-lever presses and Card 2/3 the "VP-211 and VP-Y type machines. There are 10 figues, 1 A.Method of Pressing Molds Under High Pressure 128-58-6-3/17 1 photo and 3 tables. AVAILABLEt Library of Congress Card.3/3 I if Ca3t irm-Production .2. Prossee-USS 3, PresW-Deli6ft 1 4. Cast iron-Casting XMIN, V.A.; PUTB, X.Af; J_U@# _-I.A Polymor obtainod from biWlo-C2.2.11-hspt&disus. Vysokon. sood. 1 M003:420-424 Mr 159. (KIRA 12:10) loralmichookly fWmlltet Nook6yetogo gosuniversitsta. (Pblymors) (Dicyclohaptadions) DUW1XV Lo A* "Yeasurement of Cathode Emission of Electron Tubes," pp 23-26 iUj, 2.5 ref Abet: The author givis a critical comparison of the existing Metbods of measuring cathode emission of electron tubes. An experimental comparsion, mle by methods of underheating characteristics and pulises, Indicated the possibility of using a pulse method for determining the quality of oxide- coated cathodes of receiver amplifying tubes for nominal values of their heating parameters. SOURCE: IzveatiYa. leninrcr. Elektrotekhn. In-ta im. V. 1. Ullyanova (Ignina) (News of the Leningrad Electrical Engineering Institute imeni- Sum 1854 PH= I DDOX EXPIDITAMION 90T Dadniks Le As Ispytordya, *1aktr*nv3ftk'1mV (Testing of Blectron Tabes) Moscov.. Izd-vo "Sovote)wye radio," 190. 230 V. No. of copies printed not given, M: Xasharova# V.0,; Tech* M . S"ohnikovs - A*A. @._PURPOISZ: This book In Intended for senior students of *vuws vho specialize in vacum tube*6 It mey-also be useful to engineering and technical personnol, engoged. in the testing of electron tvbes, COVMM: The book watains a 4oseription of methods or measuring the pwsm&t*n of ampliflers, and oscillator taboso It also describes methods of wasuring f1la,- ment Toltages a&A currants,, cathode emission, currents and dissipated power.of the Taricas electrode circuits,, and electrode temperature, Measuromimt of juter- elootrods capacitswes, methaft of obtaining static aharwUristics,, and dater- mination of measurement ers ro are also discussed, The book describes methods of testing power ampliftoxv,, nedium-power oscillator taboo, high-frequency amp4flers,, and frequency conTorters, It Includes a discussion on the measurement of tube input resistances and amplifier nolsevp ofrors a brief treatment of the mealealcal. ad climatic tooting of electron tabes,, and describes imft trial equipment used Card 1/8 Ttsting or Electron Tab" 90T for determining tub* parsnaters, ft* euthor tb-lk-m 3,P* Koxyzer and RA* Gantiovip Ch#JMM of the chair of Ysawak-tube Technology., for their help In, vriting the book, He also thanks L*S* TakovIevaj, Candidate of Tedualcal Selenees,, for writing Chapter 21 and for ker valuable criticlow when reviewing the wou- script, There are 78 rofsremeee,, of uhich Tk we Soviet (including ll translations) wA 4 English, The references &;pear at the wA of each ahapter, TAME (W CONIMITS: Foreword 3 Ch, 1, Testing of MActron Tab" 1, Introduction 2. Electric propertlea of electron tubesj, end natkods of testing T Ch. 2. Newdresiont of 711ment Ownvnt sad Voltage 19 616 Effect of temperature an catbode operation 12 2, Effect of filement volte4p and enzen on cathode operation 13 3. Effect of Pla" Current an filment CuTent 14 hq. Cathods'power supply 15 Card 2/ 8 Testibg of Mmtron Tubes 907 50 Elementary aircults for measurement of filament voltage and current 16 Cho 3, Measurement of CAW* Ealssion 19 1. Various criteria of cathode emissivity 19 2. measurement of cathode adnalan fting applIcation of d-c volt&M to the electrodes 21 3. Measurement of caftode emission during applicatIon of a,-a voltagot to the electrodes 25 4. Meaeurwent, of catbAda emission during application of pulse voltagato the ele*trodes 26 5- LVISU on of cathode emission vith cathods-ray osaillogreWh 30 6. w MA-Mapa"t of cathode emission carrot 31 Cho 4, Measurement or xUatrode OtArrents 32 1. Masurement of plate and screen-vid currents 32 2, Control-grid currents 35 3* Wasurement of total control-grid curren 42 ho Measurement of lonixe;Uon eopponmt of Vdd curren 45 5o Measurement of gd& tbarnionle wAtission, 47 6. measurement of catbode eurrent 53 Card 3/8 Testing of Ilectron, Tubes 90T Ch. Nowarement of Pow Dissipated by Tube Electrodes and gowurs. mimt of Electrode TasVerature 54 Measurement of paver dissipated, by,alectrodas 54 2. Measurement of electrode tmperaturs 56 Ch. 6. me"urement of interel"trode capultance 65 lo Measurawnt of Interalactrode capacitance of electron tubes 65 2. Prides method 68 3o Substitntion method 69 4, Voltses-divider nerthod, Ti Cho To Measurement of Static Characteristics T6 1* Static characteristiap of electron tubes T6 2. Ms"UrINNOUt Of dwWt0r1#tI" &wlng application of direct aur- rent to the electrodes 77 3. Pulse metho-I.Of measuring static characteristics 78 ROARUrd0ftnt Of static dIArutwisties of oscillator tubes ft-Ing application of alternaUng curga 89 5. 0sGIllogrs;*Ic method of measuring static 6aracteristies 91 Card 4/8 Testing of Meatron Tubes 90T Cho 8. Measurement of Static (Characteristic) Coefficients of Rlectron, Tubes 95 1, Static ecemelents of a tube 95 2, Graphical method of detwaining t0e coefficients from their Static ebaricteristics 96 3, Mesonveent of tube coeMcients 'by seem of static increments 100 4. Detewmimtion of static coefficients by voltage-ratio method 102 5, A method using the a-* camponent of Plate current wr 6, A method using the a-c W%IMWW - I of. plate current vith an electron stabilizer In the plate cirevilt (D*V, Bergey.. Is wthod) 213 To Measurement of tr by ptl" method 3.20 Ch. 9. Determination of Error In Measurement of KLOOWn Tube COON ficients . % 122 1, Sources of error in asmwing electron tube coeMcients in 2. Irrorm In netlxAs of meavaring eoeMalents 14 3. Determination of errors causod by a cheap In tube opera ing con- d1tIons 195 Effect of Instrument error on t2w samacy of coefftelent usawre- Sent 196 Card 5/8 Testing of Inectron Tub" WT 5. Detexmination of wroz in mumIng parmeters under tu've-testing conditions 328 Ch. 10. Testing of Pam Amplifters and Oscillator Tubes of Nediun Power 131 1, Dynanic parameters of power aVlifters X31 2. Messurmant of output power end nonlinear distortions of class-A operated tubes vith'low-freqwmay sirplifteatlon 132 3, Meamweneut of output power of clase-D operated tube with low- freVenc7 saplification 136 Messureneut of &-a outpu paver of a tube-operating as a higb- frequency tuned soplifter 140 Ch. U. Testing of Hlgb-fftquswy Paplifters and Frequency Converters W I* Testing of b1di-frequeW anplifter tubes W 2, Testing of frequesay-souvertAr tubes 154 M, 12. Xessuremnt of Slactron ftbe Impat Resistances 164 I, Parausters of 'electron ftbes operating at hlgb- end superblab- frWasnales 164 2,, Methods of manuring tube Input conductance at superhimb fro- qd4noles 170 Card 6/8 Testing of noatron T606 90T Ch, 13, Neuument of Ilactroa Tube Nal"a 179 -1* 101" MOUrM Mad nal" P=*NWWS of electron tubes 179 2, Xe4mVNMt of blOt-frequaW molse, in .electron tqUa 182 3* MOSAwresiont of beater noise (ham) 185 4. x"mment O,f wig" caused 17 SM&MIcal @zA WOUStic innuences an a tube I&T Ch. 14. lonalo&tric Testing or Mactrft Toes 191 I* OGDOW&I asOmts of maduat"I end ellmatle testing 191 2a Too". for vibration stabiAty 192 3, NOWaresimt of resomm absarwterlatics 195 4- Testing for rwdstsmas to vibration " ebmk 199 5,, 021matle testing 901 Ch* 15, In&uFtrial %qulpwmt fOr X*40WIM Zl*atrlGda Pgr*AWt@" Of RUC- tron Tubes 204 1. Basle I WE A nu Of laftstrial msasuluw equipsaLt 204 2o Feeding and regulating devices of equipment for =&*wring tba vars- motors of electron toos 206 3. Selecting of eimtrical measming iwftuments for in&ntrial I equlpment 209 Card -(/6 . T.estlng of Mectron Tubes 90T 4. Mtehing and walliary deTless 211 50 TWO&I indutrILI equIpmwt fft mawwrins the psrsm@etms of eleatron tubes 219 6. Prospeas for wAamation at test InstLuations 221 WnAkX: Library of Oongress Card 8/8 ;P/Bfa 22-5-58 86132 3/112/59/000/012/'07)/097 A052/AOO1 Translation front Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1959, No. 12, p@.210, AUrHOR: Dudnik. L.A. TITLE: On thq Problem of Errors In Measuring Electron Tube Parameters MUODICAL: Izv. Leningr. elaktrotekhn. in-ta, 1956, No. 35, pp. 211-221 TEXT: Elementary calculations of the magnitude of errors when measuring the electron tube parameters are given. These parameters ares transconductance, amplification coefficient, anode current, filament current. internal resistancet All errors are divided into methodical errors, instrumental errors and errors due to the instability of operational conditions of the measured tube. An analysis of the methodical error when measuring $,,k, R In given In application to the two-point method, variable component method Q,eleotronic stabilizer method. The two-point method gives the minimum methodical error. The variable component method of measuring transconductance gives an error of up to 50% and the electrcnio stabilizer method that of^,. 2%- Errors due to voltage fluctuations of a power Card 1/2 86132 S/112/59/000/012/073/()97 A052/AOOI On the Problem of Errors in Measuring Electron Tube Parameters source are computed for 618 (6MB) and 6n3C (6P.ZS) tubes. Practical calculation@x of the instrumental error of measuring transconductance by three methods are given The summary instrumental error is computed as a sum of absolute values of partial errors wItiplied by the "probability coefficient" - 0-7. Such caloplations give an error of 5% when measuring transconductance by two-point method, of 14% in variable component method and 10% in electronic stabilizer method. There are 3 references. Translator's notes This is the full translation of -the original Russian abstract. Card 2/2 10051 10 tlbe %joos of AAA 51 -ao I ot a 0 &-to -40 5 0 ps -to I.Lav'k %to 'rso Ta& 100 OIDI?* VL e % -06 N%% ix@ %he 0% 6 T 'IOUs 6-tta 0 oe %0 ao 0.. %Toe e-rak.'Oa ot % j.69 . $eve * %%-ve too? ovLeIO's is eL lei Se -Te a %o of %a 9 0 %too ssav J@ t %'Ie O'll Oa"p \' 11 Nj, oagle Is O%e 6 0-,0% 0100 @'he r 0 %'c 0 o0joe %j1pe .let% GTk AA '%a %a I s-fe at 0 j;he-frloo VrIetS gles O%a .461, Ot a. %I j.11 , .r@e 000%, eti-va , 'bsevioo q j:r".a 0 .6' 10 6 00 'MOG a % toic ooj@aeo * G. til A @6? 'Se 'gel: Yle toes or %Us %at @r' OINIVI Oc. lea 0 343, t .ejc6l . 0 'jrja25 e e 'o %Ye 0,T06 Zve'ra%%I 'T'he %,ae Ile"r a Or 0 eviake oe %a %,he oc -aIf eQ% .06, a 0 461A 1 %ta rj ZOO q%W sooTla O%T "no a a vfot@ i *- OT a% 0 tse 9 . .61 Oleo *"h -4 e av. %'hllof 61-I.-C vav@ %Us %TO, 5/170/62/005/005/014/015 An investigation of the..', B100102 in the second. The electron stream raised the anode temperature by 3000C., There are 1 figure and I table. I @Cl ASSOCIATION: Blektrotekhniche3kiy institut imeni V. I. U11yanova (Lenina), g. Leningrad (Blectrotechnical Institute imeni V. I. Ullyanov (Lenin), Leningrad) A 5 -UB"ITTED: October 2711961 Card 2/2 S/17 62/005/003/010/012 B108%104 LUTHORS1 Dudnik, L. A.,_Ptrohik, E.B. TITLEs Measurement of the temperature of electron-tube grid according to change in resistance PLRIODICILt Inzhenerno-fixicheskiy shurnal, v- 5, no. 3, 1962, 110 - V2 TEXTi The temperature of the grids of a 61(111 (6P1P) minitube was deter- mined by measuring their change in resistance by a compensation method. The temperature dependence of the resistivily of the grid materials Was studied preliminarily. The error in the determination of the temperature of the grids in about 4%. The present results and those from measurements Ow" with miniature thermocouples are in good agreement. The temperature of both grids of 6PIP tubes rises linearly from about 150 to 2500C as the filament power (with zero grid and anode potentials) increases from about 2 - 2.3 to 4 w. The respected scientist B. P. Kozyrev ib thanked for discussions. There are 2 figures, i table, and 3 referencest I Soviet and 2 non-Soviet. The two references to English-language publications read as followas Langmuir J. Phys. Rev., 154, 302v 1916; Moor G., Card 1/2 3/17 62/005/003/010/012 Measurement or the temperature... B108%104 Allison H, Phys . Rev. U, 246, 1950. ASSOCIATIONs Blektrotekhnicheskiy institut imeni V. I. Ullyanova (Lenina) g. Leningrad (Electrotechnical Institute imeni V. 1. Ullyanov (Lenin), Leningrad) SUBMITTEDi july le, 1961 Card 2/2 ------ --- DMNIX. L. A. p kwA. t4kM. nauk - -_ -.- -1 ____ --- -, ------- - ____ -_ ___ - - __ -UN-of tiumm for-m" Vw_ grids- of *ISO xOn 0 __ lav. UM 59 so.W23-26 1620 Im Bilo) _._ ____ __ - - ---__ (Blection tubes) DM !'MITI 04 0-1 inu. wr oft Handbook on Electrical Engineering (Contj SOV/5058 Ch. XV. Alloys With High Electrical Resistance (V.V. Pasynkov) 1. General information on high-resistance alloys 173 2. Manganln 173 3. Constantan 176 4. Wire for thermocouple thermoelectrodes made from chrowel, alumel. and copel alloys 178 5. Wire made from nickel and copper-nickel alloys for thermocouple compensating conductors 180 6. Heat-resistant alloys for electrical heaters 181 Ch. XVI. Metals and Alloys for Electronic and Illuminating Devices (B. P. Kozyrev and L. A. DudnIk) 1. Tungsten 186 2. Molybdenum 195 3. Tantalum and n1oblum 199 4. Nickel and Its alloys 202 5 Barium 4trontium, and calcium .209 6: ZirconLm 211 7. Titanium* 212 C W&Jw" DUDMIX, L.Ta.,kandidat alkiltsimkikh nauk. Sub-perlosteal injection of penicillin in treating external and medial otitts. Toot. oto-An. 18 no-1:75 J&-F 156. (Wrik 9:6) 1. Iz klialki bolesnev ukhm, gorla I nos& (savedrquahchly dayatell nauki BASOR professor S.T. Kikhaylovskly) L'yovskogo meditsinskogo instituts. Wdrg large brick block* in Kiev plants. .9trol. sit. 4 U003t" Xr 158 0 (NIu Irly) 1. Inchallulk Klyevskoco gorodakw ipravloniya promyshlennosti strol- tel InO& usterislav. (Xiev-Duildine blooks) DnNIX Mal* Obtainitg dry anUglobilin "run for Comb's test. Gemato I per*la - krovi 103-78 165, - (MIRA 18110) 1. Kiyevskly inatitut parelivaniy& krovi. Type by M. 1. Dudnik, Candidate of Wdical Sciences, rdev Institute for Blood Transfusion and Emergency Surgery, Vrachebnoye_Aelo, No 8. Aug 56, pp 861-864 Six cases of postoperative reaction of patients with Rh-negative blood who received repeated transfusions of Rh-positive blood are re- counted. One patient (female of AB,, Rh- type) is described in detail. in this case, the first poottransfusion reaction set in 45 minutes aft4w the seventh incompatible transrusion; after another incompatible trams- fusion, the posttransfusion reaction appeared 15 minutes after the . tm rL. anti-Rh aiuautinins after the second, poettrSatfuslon x U00 dilution. Sum 1239 . DUDN 11 L16Lp kerALdkat meditsissidkh mak (Ki"To *I, Keslovskeyno d.7, kvs3) Role of iscl-havas, antibodies and prevention of iso-entigento incompati'bility in bloo& transfusions Nov,khir.orkh. no-4159-63 JI-Ag 157. (NIU 10111) 1. Kiyevskiy nau*Mo- issledove tell skly imatitut peroliventys krovi I nectlelbuoy khirurgii, (ANTI== AND AITIBODUS) (BLOOD--TRAIISMLON) DUDHIK, M.I.; IfO.RAVOVA, L.P. . Nt ,emination oAl the antigens Rho (D), M. Np A, B, .0 in the ;xccess of otoring preserved bloods Trudy Kiev* naucb,-issl. inst. perel. k-mvi L neotlczh. Mirs. 3tl5l,@-158 161. (MIRA 171101) 1. Xlyevskiy institut pereUvaniya krcvi. Isogenoua incompatibility between the blood of the mother and the child according to data on examinations of 3000 women. Trudy Kiev. nauch.-iogIL inst, per-els. krovi i neotlosh, khIr, 3:16!-166 161, (KIRA 17110) 10 Klyevskly institut parelivanlys. krovi. GORMHOTMITj G.I., kand.takhnonaukl DUDMIX, M. I Role orpolywr protector In bearing materials. Izv, v7s,'ucheb, say.1 mashinostr. no. 12s;9-62 163. WRA,170) 1, "Yakiy institut Grathdanskogo vosdushnogo flota. @.A@C M14 AP7004189 SOURCE CODE)* UR/0369/66/002/006/0698/0701 ',AUMR'. Garokhovskin C. As; Bezruk, L. I.; Severin'. Po A.; Dudulk, M. 1. 'bRG: Kiev Institute of Engineem of Civil Aviation (Kiyevokiy institut inahenerov :grazhdanskoy aviatsil) JITLE: Effect of technological orientation of struct@ra on the wear of polytetraf luaroetblume SOME: Filiko-khtsdcbeskays, saMangA vAurialov, v@ 20 no. 6, 1966, 698-701 TOPIC TAGS: polymer structure, polytetrafluamthylene, wear resistance, chain polymer ABSTRACT: The vear resistance of polytetrafluaroethylene (PTn) is Investigated as a function of the pattern of &HS=mt of suprAmolecular formations, which pattern Is determined by the tedalque of protessisS of the polymer into manufactured atticles, The product of the polymerization of ?M represents a white powder with & fibrous structure which is processed Into mawfactured articles by pressing and sintering at 360-370*C. The specimen tested were cylluders 30 mm In diameter and 40 =a In height, pressed by means of =lazlal compaction., Such stforce field leads to an orientation of suprmolecuUr structures vUch will p4raist durinj subsequent sintaring owing to the extremely hUh v1sawlty of the PM melt. Two series of specluess were tested 1/3 ACC N& AP70041" for wasre Ta the fiat soft** (le) t1w pLums of vorkUS surfaces were at ris@osftles to the presaing sx1a madlin the socoad a-sties (Ile) - V&Uel (Fig. 1). It was fmm-d !tbat specimens IC (perpeolculav) an reptementod ;; r formations, where" speci- Ile (psr&IW) e3ddbit edge@ of tbame Ismimar formations. Further," spec'sum Ile b FIS. 1. Structure of FM film -sUced at right =SU# (a) &M paraUel (b) to the presaftS axis of the cylimWeell- slat" speclum (v4pified $000 times) ACC Nk. AP7004189' vear out wre Intenselyt vhIch is apparently associated vith the greater number of structural defects at such an orlentsUou of the suprawolocular formations. Simi- larly, a rise In taipersture act* more destructIvely on specimens with a structure of the 11c type. This difference tit vear resistance can be offset by adding colloidal graphite *a a fillet during sintering or by partially pulverizing the sintered polymer so " to partially destroy the molecular ch-4 and thus to equalize the structure In the transverse@ and lonSitudInA directloos. OrIg. art. h": 5 fig. SUB CODEt ll/ SM @Alxl` 18jus" /0110 RRIs 013/1 OTE Wt 002 Card 3/3 ..DVDNIK, No A. Cand Agr Soi -- (diso) *Means of ralsing the yield of the 0-,tjj4a& wit 0- *be varieties of grapes for the southern regions of the Ukraine and Moldavia," Odessa, 1959. 17 pp (Min of Agr UkSSR. Odessa Agr Inst), 200 copies (KL, 45-59, 148) -67- PUDIM,lina-Uinum; PUTILIN, Vladlair Goorgiyovlchl KHUMIM, Georgiy Solononovlehj AZARNINA, N. I., red.; ZELENIOVA, le.Ye., tekhn. red. I MUding materials ]Stroital I nyo materialy. [ By) N. A. Dudnik i dr. Kiev, Goastroiisdat UWR, 1962. 189 p. (KIRA 16:3) (Building materials) 1. DUDNIK, N.Ii. Landform characteristics of the Vollsk Production Administration of Saratov Province. Nauch. zap. Vor. otd. Geog. ob-va-29-35 163. (MIRA 17:9) DUDNIKJ N.I, . I Some aWacteriatice of landforms in the northem part of the Busuluk Plain. Sbor.nauchorabeaspe VGU no.2tlO7-113 062. (MIRA 18111) - - - -- --DUDMp NJ. - - @ -- - - - -- -- - - -T---- -- - - --- . Nov publication concerning the methodological studies of landforms. Isv.Vaes.pog.ob-va 95 no,3072-273 *I-Je 163, (KRA 160) (Landforms) @, 0 DUDNIX, O.M. [Dadarkh, O.M.] . . Division of Chorkusy Province into phyipleogeographical regiom Nog.abir . aoatm-2% '56, (Mk 12t?) Obarlmsey Province-Physical pography) O'NO-EDmaki, O.N.31 tawmMI, YU.T. (Solodevoyto IV#vo] Pblyteohalc&l Waining of biology te"hers for socondary schools at the Cherkassy T"dws' Institute- Jkuk- S&P. ChIWI 80-10 156. (MIRA 11:2) MmUssy-4o"hers, Training of) ology-Studr and teachingi M DU M 1. O.M. [Doduyt, 0.9.1 - - . @ @ , AO.W' i.-@ @Ilisatlon of the mineral resources and raw materials of Cherkassy Province* Nank. sap* "I 8t4l-" 156. (MIRA llt2) (Cherksmey Province-Kinos atd mineral rosources) mwzO 04; summov As; nPuTamis 70; 00yel"N.'ve.-Miltwo =.I, rodr _w2ftAlmlirt Op t*Mm. red* [Che*usy Pftvlnoo of the Mmisel an accomt of Its history. geograpby wA sco=W] Cherksalla dbl&stl Ukralnolimi RSR; Istorylco- geogrefiduWl nwrp U ekanoidahm kharaMerystyka. ECherimerl Cherkma lkyl oblvydavv 19P. 124 p. (KLU llt7) WMIX. ox. [DudMt. Q.X.1j MIAT, Pol- --- ljC"t@vntj#tjt &=dvwwW of tho Agricultural Bloloe0fil notion of the Cherkaser Statio Podagogloal InStitut". lauke saps ChDPl Ut 195@-204 157o (MIRA 110) (Chorkassy Prowims-ACrIcUtraml experiment stations) 0 (Cherkusy Provino"toloCical research) 1, DUDNII. P. 71. 2. USSR (690) Incubators 7, Basic improvements for the EW-20 incubator, PtuseyodstTo. no. 5. 1952, 9. Monthly List of Rassion Accessions. Library of Congress, ybr.CX .1963. Unclassified. DMIX, Lush., retsewmAt; SOROKA, M.S., red. [Advanced technology and high-efficiency ustal Cattinf tools-, experience of the Kharkov Turbiva and Genersto; Plan%J Pro- gressivusis tekhnologilai I Tymokoprolsvoditel'uyl Instrmunt; opyt XMZ lasni Kirm. Moskva, Qos,zwuchno-takhn,1zd-vo mobij'ostroltslit-ry# 1960, 135 p, (MIRA 13sO (NOUl-outting tools) BALICMMO, Amatolly Yakavlaylabi YAl Georgly Gavrilovich: L-Mlk,., lRSb,* r*40*02*261 INEMOVA, &A,, lnsb,,, red,; OMORAVOLIBWA# ILS.1, tekhn,red, Clkltlplo usablalvg of otablue parts] Orappeve utody obrabotki detalel moblu* Neskva, Gas, nawbuo-t okhu. Isd-vo usabluostrolt,lit-me 1961. 182 P. (MIRA 14M) Notalwork) Nchins-shop practlao) y Ols"Up V,T,o insbal rettenleati 1 0 red.1 001MOSTATFOLISLAYA, K.S.p telft* red, (b=iskUW@&M flatteaW tools and mandredle) Obrabotkit raskatki I dorrq. Moskvap MasbOss 1962, 7) pe (IGRA 15iA+) (va'61vorking webinery) 3925-14 S/141/62/005/002/016/025 El 922/ S3 3 2 C/1 AU.L':'Q'R: 'INMr aeo-charve waves in a sy3tcm ot oloctron: bunches I J. L sp o'." finito lenZ;th 2_'"-1C:)1CA.L: ' Izvostiya vysshillch ucholanykh zrvodaniy, iLidiorizilza, v. 5, no. 2, 1962,.343 - 351 11io --yatc;.i convidorad in in the form af a nou-split anocle ma-netron wd this in illustratod in Fi,-. I. It is neon :@Iia rc,,;ion I "o electron trajectories are al-post parallol to each other and the electrons have almost identical valocities. The space-charge density in this roSion is thara- fore quito hi"h. Tho-analysis of the operatioh of the system is Z,)ascd ou Cio folloijin@; arsuraptions: the region I is filled with alomontory electron bunches having a finite length L and i's infinitoly Ion-, all the Lunches are rectan-ular and their Ori_-ins @ are uniformly distributed in space; the averaZp velocity of tho buneaas is v 0 ; their space char,-6 is , 0 and tho olect.rons oscillate about a steady-state trajectory havinZ Czrd 115 s/141/62/005/002/016/023 Spac o-charc-o waves E192/E332- zero initial conditions. The phaso and the amplitude of the oscillations depend on the instant I and position 4 of the entry of a n electron, on the time t and coordinate the initial conditions and tho mutl-ual interaction of the electrons. T%c principal equation describinS the phenomena in the system is in the form: 2 d@4(t) 2 d4,* (t d-f(t - T) 2w + tj + P! (t) Y (t T 0 dt3 P dt dt T (7) whore (t Is defined by: 2 2 a E(tov t)/at M (6) t) is the field at the instant t at the point .,rl.i or a -- (@ I reac.' by the electrons of ari elementary bunch %-those initial coordinates are 4 and wp is the plasma frequency Card 0 ace -charZ;a iravos .... s/141/62/OC5/002/016/025 E192/E33" -i(' I T = L/v . Tiha equation enn be solved by the Euler ciothod a c"larac2cristic equation is thus obta-inod. In particular, i.@ ill. iz; azsumod that the indol)andont variable is a sinusoidal .unction of tir3o, the characteristic equation is in the fori-1: PZ.? + (z + 2)o-z + z 2 = 0 wraere p is defined by: P 2 > 0 (ilia) a (W PL/Vo) whoro z = ay whero a = h L = CJL/V 6 w 1w and a 0 P 5 is the qropnr@ation constant. The wgions of tho parameter p o: Eq. (14) cazri-ospondinZ to the unstable interaction of tho. electron bunches is determined and it. is shown that the conditions ol' tbo appoarance of crowing waves nocossitatos that the transit an,, a of tho alactrons--should fulfil the folloviing equation: Card 3/5 S/141/62/005/002/oi6/025 Spacc-chargo waves B192/E332 P U PL/V. (22) Th a syztem of elementary buncho3 is thoroforo equivalent 't o an unli;mitedl auialoer of nonotrons uniformly distributed in space (S.D. G,.,ozdovor - Tooriya oloIxtronnykh priborov SVCh (Theory o A' Electron Devices for MU), GITTL, Moscow, 1956). *The inter- action batireen the various elemontary.bunchos and the couplintr botwoon thefa are determined by the magnitude of the space charge; t*.,Io ftirher the charge, the easier an electron can impart its occilli-tory motion to the noighbouring clactrons. Depandinm on 6:,.o interaction time, tho electrons can impart a portion of t:zair oscillatory anarZ;y to the neighbourin- bunches and tho oscillations are "transferred" from cne bunch to another. The above analytical results can be used for the qualitative estimate o-f tio finite interaction tima botwean tile electrons (At, the outer boundary of the oyaca charge in a non-split anode maenetron. Card 4/5 s/ilil/62/005/002/016/025 Space-char,m,o waves El 9 -,/ E3 0'.) "'he nuthor *:..*pr asses his grntitude to N.I. Kuznotsov for directin- t4is work and to his colloa,- as of t! a com,) tor ,U I -U divir,4 On of for -he numerical solution of tho scattering equation. There are.4 figures. ASSCCIATION: Nauchmo-issladovatollskiy radiofizicheelkiy ins*itut Pri Gor",covskon univorsitoto (Scientific 'llosaarch Radiophynics Institute of Gorllciy Univarsity) W ED: April 15, 1961 Card DUDNIXj R.A. Theory of tubes with transverse interaction, Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; radiofis. 6 no.4064-774 063. (KIRA l6sl2) 1. Nauchno-iseledovatellskiy radlotizicheakiy institut pri Gorlkov.qkom universitate. MIIUSTINA 0 L. N. ;I @J. A i. Letters to the editor* Xxv. vys. ucheb. xav.; radiofix. 6 no.5s lo75 163. (KMA 16tl2) Iit IA t IkF ACCESSION KRs AP4024474 9/014~'W-*10-4/007/001/013S/0145 AUTEIORs Duarlike A* @TITME: Contribution to the theory of a type X transverse intotac- tion tube SOURCEt I=. Radiofixikao v., Tt no* 1* 1964# 135-145 I TOPIC TAGSt transverse interaction tube* type M tubet dispersion equation, telegraphy equationx@* microwave amplifier, microwave generator, beam synchronization, slow wave structure, strip wave- guide ABSTRAM The dispersion equation for a planar model of a type K transverse-int*raction tube is derived for smal.1 amplitudes from the two-dimensional telegraphy equations. The limitations of the telegraphy.equatigne are pointed auto It is demonstrated that the phase velocity of,the wave propagatin4 in such ik system Me looqL- Card 1/3 ACCESSION NRt AP4024474 tudinal and transverse compottentee so that an electron beam moving along the axis with constant velocity can be synchronized with the 1-transverse component of the phase velocity of the slow wave of the system. Such a tube can be used as a microwave amplifier and' generator. The dispersion equation in investigated for the case of sufficiently narrow slow-wav* system and a weak beam current, and for different types,of synchronizations between the electron beam and the axial component of the phase velocity of the slow wave. The particular case of jo strip waveguide used as the cold system for the transverse wave tube is'also, considered. it is shown that the amplification of the transverse interaction tube is proportional to the first power of the beam current density an is the came with a magnetron amplifier of short length. -"The author is deeply graieful to A. V. Gaponov for suggesting the subject and for many useful re- mArks." Orige art.-hast 33 formulas and I figure. ASSOCIATIOUt Nauchno issledavatellskLy radiotiaLcheskiy institut I cam..'. .2& 'ACCESSION NR: AP402"74 pri Gorlkovskom universitate (Scientifie Research Radiophysice In- stitute at the oorlkiy University) ! SUBMITMMt 26Apr63 DM ACQo lWr64 MMS 00' I SUB CODE an' UR RW SM 904 0TMMs 000 DUDMIX, R. D. PA 152TP4 "Temporal Effects of Blt%ck Carborundum," R. D. DudnU,, V. 1. Pruzhinina-Granovskap; 8 pp "Zhur Tekh Piz" Vol =1 No 12 Investigates laws of variation of current with time in nonconducting and conducting directions of black carborundum. Shows duration of observable time processea is not linked vith any notion of electronic character of tLese processes. Duration predicted by Fecard's theor-f of rectifilcation Is much less than observed v&lue. Submitted 18 Del, 47. '.4 -o'! I i -.4.4 - ,I I , -11-0'9 , off 'm - t M; zv, ; ! -7 @ - , v - -1-01001-mum OMMwf. mmwmamm! d 22 4" 17stb= '- ff r-P, in sm. In 1; 11W eiw. 'twet, 'Umm Nab" fthm Z; 00"M 3 hm: "0110F. a" am ,h of 4 "Vok, Z., " AWIllee 4"@4 j#6 Wo-Val " 1.@ A. "441#4 r,--- Zi tocklum) "t"041116AMS. 1,1 k.kfell ,. w ILI, 1044), 1* 'WI. I ft" "" "" W%w then lbp tbmmw 0 . r We, lur"m of 111M biw"as top". 1) (ohm M" ram &We WA into an id It* b'd (c A OP.". cou,"WIT =b @1- ) a# CWUW be 4" liwp'#4. lAwoo to r4"rO*% 00 Now bp 1. the hulmally bm WW% Oft" Am so Vim, "w4rom to tool tjo at tato bas I. 4AWOO b pr"mw i1b" Ame in". to I lj,@ k Avrtff 04 0- by tbt &&I nnetqwalt, 10 see" IjInt"t-p-S in a 4 in , end the f6 L4 OPVO*tq Ickgrtkng. 'm tin Will log, Alwar Emit rvi@l t.* hms All" int 11-low. MW I @ofb 0 1 buft at lbo or 46"Il"'1011 in the bma than 64"I"'r Pr*k*iMY GO th.4t;. 'be* 1106M Mummet loft tL I jw tin I woo 401 I I-11Am-, qA.W CAL &Ak%" plimma If ft h-0 to low O'sa, th"i 4. the f.V* *@@ let" "ft to the 4im"Oh" i; 16152 Pa. 64 N-0 W -Camwe"m 00 me 4600 41W so W4. I... U. Of, 1"Oft-brAd. Isthapaw.6 "M" v4wri froAky i kwInta" 4&-Cilmi U% a. Wkb thoo, so awswo k, at I-*.. Imd emp 4d a took of Cbe r*, abo after lbs ,be W-bad "W(im to 1. =111."14240"m u dw er"W"o. pa"m I *WI 4 Wait. wd thm At. low OWTMI (rft,.T I liker "V4 end f"T"N"I(WO-4, 1-4dthenlaw" is ft. P-411 of The fWled 1wh com=ft fiellefewmill 004 Immit ift 40"th, Ow"1011 Nowl" I. "low b old (to V, i bw A,% In" so i=n 1110 460 Wnl @tqiftiz it.. *6wv thw 61.1 lbr the *itii, .0, low ""Itsm The Is"* F memonry loop vent" k to littaim a stu"W7 swo . "* rank- W Now 0.4 ftw"@W-Imm "*a. 04 xt t. ftuvolO mwdw@ ,;,tm#fb,q. to"Mok. I em be Nook d too ekt. TWO mwmm 0 Whooft woo UK& Whom 0 1 1 llvqs@ 4%"V I r6" 1, 106 104 011411). P*4 4l"4W -16-0010@ 49 1 It IOU I - A* 1porotbolm *a tim, so as thr ttgookkim o4 @%,""# gowne" 00% limor Is thr rrmIWjk# 4it-tim. #4 Mak-dit,mcumb. Wil"to awN I , whit obr I Woo - ka of 4" Arcil-"b- of flwr tbr gimsthe ed Or Ants Adw*4 le"m iltigav*4 tnit&islam tbr-ol Is meow tbwl lobo"m then Mot solm"V14 Alk""646 wo few oboe ro hwwwo ohm shr kow"MI vile'll tr mq 4*0-q4 4 thr mldrWimm swebomWom. NO - mot of, obr Liffri dW# *IV aeltioift rioegool bo Or I'm - , 64 1110 0.0swupotr imA 111gr l-%j.Tbgggg`MAf -th. .44*og" Ap" moth %1- 46"'r It M- J%Aq 0* WFVA*4 V #AIM hqfl&rAlbO iS 11100 fr@llff -4 11W 0AL11"061 ,fl"l #4 shr hitit" lov"t two f.4% # bgm, . /Y' PHASE I BOOT, EXPIZITATioN 699 .3heftello Iosif Teodorovizh Termosoprotivleniya; kharakteristilci., konstruktaii I oblastl primenaniya (Thermistors; Charactertatics, Design and Applications) Moscowt Goa. Izd-vo ftziko-watematicheakoy lit-ryt 1998. 147 P. (Series: Fiziko-mtematicheskays, bibliateks inzhenemi ) 15.,000 copies printed. Ed.: Dudnik, R.L.; Tech. Ed.t Akhlamov, S.N. PURPOSE: This brochure Is addressed to engineering and technical workers who are interested in familiarizing themselves with the characteristics and parameters of thermistors, their operating characteristics in circuits, and the possibilities arising from the application of thermistors in the solution of various technical problems. COVERAGE: The brochure explains the technology of thermistor production and discusses the basic parameters and characteristics Card 1/5 Thermistors; Characteristics . Design and Applications 699 of thermistors and their dep6dence on a number of factors. Examples of the practical applications of thermistorB are given. The design and basic characteristics of industrial types of thermistors produced in the Soviet Union are discussed. The author complains that large groups of technical people still are not familiar with the character- istics and parameters of the various types of thermistors. The present brochure repreisents,, In part,, an attempt to disseminate this information and WA. It Is not an exhaustive treatment of the subject, and-does.not contain data on thermistors produced by foreIgn (non-Soviet) firms. No personalities are mentLoried'* There are 49 references, of which 44 ari Soviet (including 3 translationa), 3 German, I English, and 1 French. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Introduction Card 2/5 Thernistore; charaoteriaticsj, Design %nd Applications 699 'Ch. 1. Fundamentals of Thermistor Production 10 1. Basic requirements of semiconductor materials 10 2. Fundamentals of the production process 12 Ch. II. Basic Parameters and Characteristics of Thermistors 18 @1. Basic parameters of thermlstbrs 18 2. Dependence of resistance on temperature 20 3- Static volt-ampere characteristics 25 4. Dynamic characteristics 47 Ch. III. Thermistors in Present-day Technology .51 1. Basia operating principles of thermistors in circuits 5i, 2. Small loads ' 53 Temperature measurement and control 3 b Temperature compensation 95 la@ 70 c Measurement of humidity 3. Large loads T2 (a) Automatic control and signalling systems utilizing the relay effect 72 Card 3/5 Thermistorej Characteristics, Design and Applications 699: b Voltage stabilization 86 c Measuring power at ultrabigh frequencies 91 d Measuring vacuum 92 e Overvoltage protection 94 f Starting resistances 98 9 Time relays 102 4. Thermistors with indirect heating 105 (a) Static electrical characteristics of thermistors with - .indirect heating 105 (b) Variable resistors without sliding contact for remote control 108 (c) Measuring the velocity of gases and liquids Ch. IV. Industrial Types of Thermistors 114 1. thermometers 114 2. Thermistor compensators 124 Card 4/5 The*istorsj Characteristics, DesW and Applicationo 699 Thermistore for heat control 1 28 Voltage stabilizers 133 Power motors 11T T@-2rmlstors with Indirect heating 138 Conclusion 143 Bibliography 145 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress (TK 7872 -T435) JPAST 10-22-58 Card 5/5 WINT, Obg lv=wloh; MMMp R*Lo# r*4; A=WW* Sol,, tokba. roC Mtroomic v#"* and their APP11"'flons LA indostryl motrasTIAC i W TrImnsidt v proiWvhIsimj@s4tq*Xoskvaq Go@, ixd-vo f1sikoo- -mt#-mmUa6dwI Ut-ry, 1958. 260 P, A U99) TWIU, 91gord [WoZoseks 01giord); @ I OTO 7@L.F. [trasslaterjl NAMMIGg U,Yn.,, rodel MXIK# R.S., red.1 XURASHOYA, X.Ta., tokht.rode [Isotopes I& the serviceiof'ma] Isotopy its slushbG cholevokat Pod red, UaM Wargm1lose ETronslated from the Polish] Noskv4p Gos.lsd-vo f1s1k*--=ts**lit-ry# 1938. M p. (MIRA 12t2) Oeftops*) IMIAN, AleksarAr Khrisloforovich,l-Lu @lx, I.L., red.; AMUMOT, S.N., takhas red. -- (Phystce of the atmosphere] Irlstim stsoeforye We 2*, oarero Keskys,, Gose Isd-vo fisiko-astsuatichapkoi Itt-ry, 1958 476 P. iNMA llill) (Atmosphere) v