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prof. birth--~.ay of Otakar Skacel. Inz staviby 12 no.10, 0 164. I-Tationa-1 C-,~nferenca on Steel Constructions. Ibid.., 469,14?f" DVORAK, Vladimiri doo. inz. Directives for the desipp calculation, and control of aboveground and steel bridge construotions vith high~-strength bolts. Zel dop tech 12 no.8:222-223 164, ,,,~o,. - inz. Now steel for steel aIonstructions and bridges. Zel dop tech 11 no.5:155 163. . -. DVOR4 V. TEGIIN.Olk"GY periodicals: IINUIPIRSKE STAVBY Vol. 6, no. 11, Nov. 1958 DVORAK, V. Valuation of steel alternatives for the purposcs of highway-bridf-e design. P. 587. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EUI) L-C Vol. 8, no. 5 I-lay 1959, Unclass. Dv2La ~,V. Interesting development of a design for a railroad bridge in a city. p. 19. INZENYRSKE STAVBY. (Ministerstvo stavebnietvi) Praha. Vol. 4, no. 1, Jan. 1956. Source: EEAL LC Vol. 5o No. 10 Oct. 1956 --7 Distri 4E2o 0 V Surface layers on UTIO, dy-46 Egstals. (Czechoslov, A=-E70-, erague). Cmc 'V'rq -16(1959)(in EnIfish).-The possibility of tx- r. . 710 y ~4gd,ng the existence of a surface layer an BaTiOl v.7stais y t presence of Schottky dtfecta in the crystal Is investi- gated. The magnitude of the p.d. between the surface and Oie interior of the cryztal and the thickness of the surface layer, which at temps. of over 400* agrees with the measured values, are catcd. for the cubk pha-se from a simplified ionic mdcl. 16 references. A. Krewhellar- V61~:'AK 67096 0 CZEW37-59-6-V25 AUTHOR: Vladimfr Dvo4fik TITLE: -M-Mr-Face ~ajers--dn Single Crystals~'of BaT'03 PERIODICAL: GskoSlovenskj dasopis Pro Fysiku, 1959) Nr 6, '. pp 573-579 ABSTRACT: Electron diffraction and X-ray analysis (Ref 1) showed that small single crystals of BaT103 have a surface -layer which differs in its structure from the bulk, The depth of the layer is about 10-5 cm and Is independent of temperature. KAnzig (Ref 2) and Janovec (Ref 3) reported a space-charge associated with the surface layer. Because BaT103 is both an electronic semiconcbjctor and an ionic conductorg the surface layer may be formed either by a mechanism common in semiconductors (Ref 5) or by diffusion of defects (Ref 6). We shall assume BaTiO in a tir-st approximation to be-a cubic ionic crystal and to contain Schottky defects. From the neutrality condition, we obtain a relation between the number of Card 0', Ba, and Ti vacancies: 1/3 no nBa + 2,,Tj (1) 67096 CZECH/37-59-6-4/2~ On Surface Layers on Single Crystals of BaT103 According to Frenkel (Ref 09 Eq (1) is not necessarily fulfilled near the surface of a real crystal. We thus obtain a space-charge y given bys T = 2e(no - nBa - 2nTi) - (2) If the activation energies for formation of the various vacancies are known, the parameter 1, characteristic of the snace-charge region thickness;t can be calculated (Eqs ;Z8). The activation energies can be calculated by a method due to Mott and Littleton (Refs 12-16). The results are shown in Table 1. Table 2 shows the parameter W calculated for various temperatures. The latter table shows that above 400 OG the model used by the author gives correctly the layer thickness (10-5 am) and the potential between the surface and the bulk of the crystal. The electric field is directed away from Card the surface, i.e. the latter is positively charged. 2/3 Below 4oo 0C some vacancies may be frozen in by cooling from higher temperatures; this suggestion is confirmed by Kosman and Bursian (Ref 8) who reported a vacancy W11", 67096 CZECH/37-59-6-V25 on Surface Layers on Single Crystals of BaTiO3 density of 1019 c&-3 in BaTiO . Acknowledgements are made to M..Trlifaj and V. Janovec. There are 2: tables ana ici ruierences, 13 of which are English, 1 Soviet, 1 German and 1 Czech. ASSOCIATIONt Fysildlrif Astav CSAV Praha (Physics Institute, 6zechoslovak Acad.Sai., Prague) SUBMITTED. May 5. 1959 Card 3/3 ACC NRz AP7003755 SOME CODES CE/0042/66/000/009/0683/0691 AVrHOR j Dvorak, V.(Engineer); Nevrivag P, (Engineer); Gvozdjak, L. ORG: 'j Co mpp~u te /rfA'-c%s ~ arch Institute, (Vyzkumny ustav matematickeho stroJu Prah&4004401' Mining Institute of Higher Learning (Vysoka skola banskap Ostrava) TITLE., Analysis of a forming amplifier with a trane;iator and a transformer SOURCE,. Elektrote-chnicky casopie,no. 9, 1966, 683-691 TOPIC TAGS: transistorized amplifier, pulse shiper, analog computer application> ABSTRACT: An analysis is made of a one-transistor formIng amplifier in the collector of which a pulse transformer is connected, and whose emitter contains an RC feedback network. The operation of the system is described and a quantitative analysis of the circuit is presented. Dilferential equations describing the circuit during formation of dv top of the pulse are developed, ard results of their solution on the MEDA-II-type analog computer are given. The effect is described of the primary inductance of the transformer and of the RC feedback network on the current in the base. The current falls to considerable. negative values, with the result that the width of the output pulseis stabilized. The results measured on a real network are compared with those obtained on the computer. Orig. art. has: 9 figures, 17 formulas. SUB CODE: 09/ SUBM DATE: l4jan66/ ORIG REF: 003/ SOV REFS 001 UDC: none -4 V09 is Credo's method still necessary? Cook. ofth. 6 n0-3:173-176 1950- (GIML 20:1) 1. Of the Xye Clinic Palackeho University in Olomouc (Read-- Prof. V. Vejdovsky, N, D.). DVORAK, V. First case of Janka's disease (tozoplasmosis) in Moravia. Lek,lioty 6 n0.1. 7-10 1 Jan 51. (GLML 20%5) 1. Of tfie Iy* Clinic (ReadProf.T.Vejdaw&IW. M.D.). Palackeho UAI- versity, Olomouc, K.; -DVORAK.- V. --waw= Epidemics of acute conjuctivitis due to Koch-Weeks ffenophilns. Cesk. ofth. 7 no.4:252-262 1951. (CIRL 21:1) 1. Of the Bye Clinic of Palacky University in Olomouc (Read -- Prof. V. Vejdovsky, M.D.) and of the Central laboratory of the State Regional Hospital In Gottwaldov (Head -- Docent K. Kucera, M.D.). DVORAK, Vladimir. Mr. General anesthesia in ocular surgery. Cesk. ofth. 12 no.3: 211-214 June 56. 1. Z ocni klin. Palacksho univ. v Olomouci, prednosta prof. Mr. T. Vejdovsky. (EYE, surgery, anesth., endotracheal (0s)) (ANESTH30SIA, MMTRACHILL, in eye surg. (oz)) '-P VO ~ ~j k , CL'iq, -MOD'.7'. .,NOI?AK. Tlad. WJDr. ad tumors of the conjwwtiva and their treatment. Cook. ofthe 13 no,4t3l4-319 Aug 57s I*' Ocni klinika PU v Olomouci# prednosta prof. NUDr. T. Ukdovsky (OONJUNOTIVA, neoplasms pigmented, surg. (0s)) CZECIIOSLOVAEVi/Opties - Physiological Optics Abs Jour Ref Zhur Fizika, No 3, 1950, 19254 Ailthor Inst Title Eyeglasses (Dioptries) Orig Pub Sklar a keraraik, 1958, 6, No 7, iOO-2o4 Xostract Brief description of optical defects of the eye, which can be corrected with eyeglasses, and description of the principal types of the latter, the technoloey of their nanufacture, and methods of testing. -- L.N. Gassovskiy K 'Zara 1/1 NEMEC, J.; DVORAK, V. On the problem of scleral rigidity in myopia and diabetes. Cesk. oftal. 18 no.41-272-276 J1 162. 1 Ocni klinika lekarske fakulty Palackeho university v Olomouci,, ;;ednosta prof. dr. V. Vejdovsky, DrSc. (MYOPIA pathology) (SCLERA pathology) (DIABETES MEIIITUS pathology) KUBENA, K.;.UORAK, V.; KUBICEK, R. Gbanges in amino acidj.glycides and carbonic acid in the aqueous humor of rabbita-vith.alloxan.diabates. Cesk. ofth. 17 no.6:420-430 S 1. Ocni klinika FU v Olomoucil prednosta prof. MUDr. Vaclav Vejdovsky, Dr. Sc. (DIABETES MELLITUS exper) (AQUEOUS, HUMOR chem) (AMINO ACIDS chem) (CARBON DIOXIDE chem) (CARBOHYDRATES chem) DVORAK,Y.; VYKYDAL,,J. Changes in the eye grounds in acute dermatomyositis, Cesk, oftal. 20 no.102-37 zat%,, 1. Ocni klinika lekarske fakulty FU v Momcuai (prednostat prof.dr.V.Vejdovsky,, DrSo.) a I.Interni klinik-a lekarske fakulty PU v Olomouci (prednostax prof. Dr. P.Luki). -)t DVORAK,V. I Free amino acids In the normal human vitreous body. Cask. oftal. 21 no.lt52-56 Ja 165 1. Omi klinika I.-karske fakulty Palackeho University v Olomauci (prednostat prof. dre V. Vejdovsky, IhZc.). DVORAK, V. Free amino acids of the normal vitreous body of various mammals. Ceak. oftal 21 no.3:262-265 Ky 165 1. Ocni klinika lekarske fakulty Palackeho University v 010mouci. (prednostat prof. dr. V. Vejdovsky, VrSa.). DVORAK, Viastislav Improving the control of technical and organization arrangements. Podnik organizace 16 no.12:541-543 D 162. 1, Chemicke zavody Ceskoslovensko-savetskeho pratelstvi, Zaluzi v Krusnych horach, I DVORAX ) Vlastislav t - . I- - -- z New substance and form of the organization regulations. Podn org 19 no.5:218-221 My t65. 1. Chemicke zavody Gesko3lovenskosovetskeho pratelstvi National Enterprise, Zaluzi v Krusnych horach. Cou.itry Czechoslovakia at ogo ry=, Jour. 39415i I lut 11) r Dvorak Vj.CzVzC 40 Institilt. o ven Operating Experience with Single-Pot Glass-Melting TA1G Furnace Orig. Pub. Sklar aKeramik, 8, No 10, 309-310 (1958) Abatract t The author presents the results from an 8-yr study of the operation of single-pot glass-melting furnaces (SGF) used chiefly for the production of optical glase of various types. A brief description of the construction of the furnace and of the tubular re- generator unit is given. The 8GF are equipped with two gas burners each. The total surface area of the furnace is 2.47 m2 with a total volume of 3-1 M1 15- , 22% of which i.s occupied by the pot containing the glass mass. Gas,having, a heating value of 3500 kcal/; m3is used to melt the batdh. The regenerator has a surface area of 20 W. The flue gases are cooled in C,,rd: j./? Country 0atogory 1 Czechoslovakia IAbst Jour. 39415 Author Institut, ~Titlc Ori3 Pub. AbstrL"Ict regenerator from 1100 to 400* and the heat released is used to preheat the air fed to the burners to 270*. Regenerative furnaces of the type described are very economical. They can be easily regulated and occupy little floor area. Data on the operation, maintenance, and ser-tice life of SGF are included. L. Sedov Ca r(1: 2/2 BUDIL., Bohuslav.. inz.; DVORAK, Vojtech, inz, New trends in ore dressing technology. Rudy 11 no.9:293-297 S 163. 1. Rudny projekt Praha a Brno. PISKR, Hiloo; NORAX, Zdanek Importance of weight increase for the early diagnoeis and prevention of late geitosis. deek.gyn.251393 no.8:604-607 w6o. 1. Gyn.por.kliu.KU v Plzni, prednosta prof.dr. Vladimir Mikolas; 97n.por.odd. KUNZ v Plzni. (PREGSUCT. TOXERIAS) (BODT WEIGRT in Pregn). DVOR&K. Z. Proteolytic activity of beef zuscles postmortem. Coll Cz Chem 25 no.W059-2070 Ag 1600 (=I lotg) 1. Forachungainatitut fur FlelBeh, Brno. (ProteaoeB) DVORAK, Zdenek The 7th congress of meat research specialists in Warsaw. Frum potravin 1~ Ino.5:267-270 Yor 162. I 1. Vyzkumny ustav pro maso, Brno. DVORAK,- Zdwpq~; MINKS I Jiri Sublimation meat drying without vacuum. 14 no. 12:622-625 D 163. 1, Vyzku=y ustav pro masop Brmo. Prum potravin PRAT,' Vladimir; BEIMSOVA, Dagmar; DEJDAR, Rudolf; CERVIM, Prantisek Technicka aoistence: CAPKOVA, E.; DTORAKOVA, J.,; KRAUSCY'A, E.; LANKISCH, A. Experimental pyelonephritis. IV. Effect of dynamic disorders of the ureter on renal excretion of E. coli in rabbits. Cas.lek.cesk. 99 no.44:1383-1389 28 0 160. 1. ~stav pro choro'by obehu krevniho v Praze-Krcio reditel akademik Klement Weber. - Katedra patologicke anatomie a Taikrobiologie fakulty detskeho lekarstvi Karlovy university v Praze, prednosta doe. MMr. Dagmar Benesova. - Ustav pro klinickou a experimentalni chirurgii v Praze-Krci, reditel prof. MUDr. Bohumil Spacek. (ESCHERICHIA COLI IMCTIOM exper) (PYELONEPERITIS exper) POSPISIL, M, DVORAKOVA, Jarmila Permeability changes in the rat mesenteric membrane after X-ray irradiation in vitro# Polia. biol, 8 no.3:17&-181 162. 1. Institute of Biophysics, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences,, Brno. (M Tma~ radiation effects) NOTATION EMGTS experimental) 1UNKS1 Jiri; DVO"-iAKO Zdenck Drying of durable wausages in sa-It. Pram potravin 15 nc.8: 376-379 Ag 164. 1, Fesearnh Institute of 'Mat, B-no, .DVORAKI Zdenekj,.inzop arCho .. iroad station bullding An Prague - VrsovicOo PL- Design of a now rai t. Zeles (fop teoh 10 nool2:368-369 162o 14. F. ClIV6. ew" be sQkvcd h NOY" by W* so W ro &-cw 'WatewWW2 *Ogg. WOM "Odwwn an tyoo of W& for IL - DVORAK, Z. "Two-Phase Cooling G)rcles.11 p. 13 (Strojirenstv!) Vol. 3, no. 1, Jan. 11953, Praha) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, Vol. 3, no. 2, Library of Congress) Feb. 1954, Uncl. DVORAK~L-Z. "Refrigeration techniques in health care," P, 257 (Nova Technika,, No. 6, 1958, Praha, Czechoslovakia) Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) W, Vol. 7., No. 9, September 1958. DVORA,K; Z. "Use of microdiffusion methods in food analysis," P,. 312 (Prumysl Potravin, Vol. 9, No. 6. 1958, Praha, Czechoslovakia) Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC) Vol. 73 No. 9. September 1958. DVGRAK, Z. "Study on the two-stage compression of refrigerants." (Supplement) Prumysl Potravin. Prahap Czechoslovakia. Vol. 9, no. 11, 1958. Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAI), W, Vol, 8', No. 6t Jim 59, Unclas. DVORAK, Z. -------- Autolysio of.beef muscle, II. Foination of ammonia. Fol-ta biol, 7 no.3s2O6-212 161. 1. Meat Research Institute, Brno. (MUSCLES ahem.) (AMMONIA'ahem.) SKODA, V.4 MISINGER, I.; WORM, Zd. Preventive gynecological surveys and detectim of cancer of the cervix uteri at the 2d Gynepological and Obstetrical Clinic of the, of the Charles University in Prague during the past 10 years. Cesk. gyn. 2.7 [411 no.6/7030-533 Ag 162. 1. 11. gyn.-por. klin. fak. vseob. lek. v Praze, prednosta prof. dr. J. Lukas, Mo. (CERVIX NEOPLASMS) (MORBIDITY) DVORAK, Zdanek, YOGNAROVA, Irena Effect of the Maillard reaction and smoking on the biologic properties of meat and meat products. Prum potravin 16 no.4-. 172-176 Ap 165. 1. Research Institute of Meat, Brno. Submitted Sdptember 30, 1964. LUKOy J69 prof# dre f DrSc.; (Praha 2, Apolinarska 18); KRIKA,-J.; MISINGER, I.;,DVORAK, Z.; ANDRASOVA, V. The aBsistanoe of a clinical laboratory in screening of cervical carcinoma. Cook. gynek. 30 no.4t256-260 MY'65- 1. 11, gyn. pore klinika, fakulty vseobecneho lekarO 4. Karlovy University v Praze (prednostat prof. dr. J. Lukas, DrSCO)o DVORAK, Wenek, inz,,, arche; KOSTROV., VI.p inz.., arch. Use of weldless steel tubes. Zel dop teohnno - 4.- n6 163. DVORACEK, E., inz. Effect of polluted air on the flashover voltage of insuiators of high voltage and ultrahigh voltage outdoor elootric lines. Bul EGU no. 5122-27 163. I:- DVWCEK,-~~AtUek_ (Bmo) --.- --), 1, ;t, -operationel experiences vith condenser. Blektrotechnik I v rttlo. 9 &271-Z7Z S'63." q~., Josef; JURCA, Jan Influence of breaking off the lateral verticilate buds on the growth of pine stands. Les cas 9 no. 12: ICF3-1104 D 163. 1. Lesnicka fakulta, Vyaoka skola zemedelska, Brno. GRARIETTEROVA,J.1 KLIIIGJ,; SMAHEL10,96 RVORACI~~LKq SCHUCKtO. Renal excretion of 6-amauracil ribosidg in man. Cas.lek.cesk. 103 no.lOtZ78-279 6. W"64 1. Vyzl-,tmmy ustav experimentalni terapie, Praha-Kra-, reditell doo.dr. O.Smabel, DrSa, CZECHDSWVAKU ~~. I BTSIMVAI, J. a" No affiliation given Bratislawap FarmaaeutidW obsorp No I (Jan] 196T, pp 6-11 "Tenth anniversary of the founding of the Pharmaceutical Assistant Section, Central Health Servic*s School (Stredna Zdra*otnick& ftola) in Bratislava." DVORAKOVA, H, (Praha 6v Na Stablavee-9); SETKA J. ; JEKLEER, J* Our experiences with the treatment of hiatus hernias and irrita- tion and inflammation of the esophagus. Gas. lek. cask. 104 no,24;545-650 18 Je'65, 1. IL Interni klinika fakulty vseobecneho lekarstvi Karlovy University v Praze (prednosta :. prof. dre F. Harlem., DrSc). a 11. chirurgicka klinika fakulty vaeobecneho lekarstvi Karlovy University v Pra*e (prednoota: prof. dr. J. lbotka, DrSc*)* PRIX, R. j DVORACKOVA, I. Contribution to the diagnosis of acute thallium poisoning. Cas. lek. cask. 102 no.2t46-51 11 A 163. 1. Infekcni klinika lekarske fa1rulty KU v Hradoi Kralove, prednosta doe. dr. J. Ondracek Patologickanatomicky uat&v lekarske fakulty KU v Hra4ei Kralove, prednosta, prof. dr. A. Fingerland, DjSc. (T M LIUM) (URINE) (FE = ) (DIAGNOSIS) (POLYNEURITIS) L 0066ri-67 WNP j pm - -- I ACC NR- AP6027369 SOUIRM CODE: C 10000/004/0242702511 A72T-.G:Z: I'-,jer, Jaroslav-1-Tayer, Ya. (Docent; Pharmcist; Candidato of sciences; Kotoueek, 123m.-Kotouchok, He (Graduate pharmacist; Bratislava); Dvorakova, Zdita--Dvorzhakova, Ea (Graduato pharmaciBt; Bratislava) C--M: Departmont of Ana2yUcal Chamistr7, Pharmaceutical Faculty, Comenbs Uni* silm;.- is-ratislava (Katedra analyttickej chonio FarmacouticItej faku2ty Urdvorzity Komnslm6y- Comploxems (V). of otl-o-lonoaiamino-N,Nt-diproplonic-alpha. a-~Paal acid, and of ouhylonediamino-11,111-dipropionic-alpha, alpha'-N,NI-diacatio acid! 'he ca'-,,jns of alkali earths, and idth some other divalont cations SCUMM: Cher-acko zvosti, noo 4, 1966, 2112-251 13OPILC--TVGS-.-- im -alkali-earth-rdnaral- --Ardno- acid,,- acetia- acid,. -dissociation collstant, stability AEST20.CT: Sclwarzenbachls mothod was used for,potentiomtric investigation of the dissociation constant of the two acids mentioned above. and of the complexes of these acids with divalont cations of 11g, Ca, Sr, Ea, Cu, Cd, Zn, Pb, 11h, and Foo Tho dis- i sociation and stability constants found are comparod to those of ethy1one-4iazm$.no- -diacetic acid, and of othylone-4iaminc-U,N,N1,Nt-tetra-acetio acid. Crige art. has: 2 f gures, 10 formtUs. and 6 tables. 'c5hug 36.464 A.i _7 SUB CODE: 07 SUM4 DAM 2mmy63 / oRiG Rut ooi om REP, oo V 17 v MAJER, Jaroslav, doe., PhMr., Me.; DVORAKOVAp &1ita, promovana farmaceutka Now complexons. R.I. Chem zveati 17 no.6-.402-410 163. 1. Katedra analytickej chemie, Farmaceuticka fakulta University Komenskeho, Bratislava, ul. Odbojarov. L 36039-66 EWP( RIA ~ ~000 01:)1~J62~3/62411-: ACC NRs AP6OZ7'3&- SOMM COD-Z.- CZ/004376i AMN-MR; -!Dv4&,_Ed4ja E .(Graduate pharmacirt; BratiGl=); Dvora~ _7-D~rorzbakova, 11a,jor, J~r- -- lay or ate of sciences; Bratislava) Os- _ , Ya. (Docont; Pharnacist; Candid ORG: Department of Analytical Chomisti-j, Pharmaceutical Faculty, Corol-dus Universityll Bratislava (Katodra analytickej chomio 'Farnacoutickoj falculty Univorzity Konznskaho) TITITE: New complexans. (IV). Potontiomotric investigation of co= of naso- and racomic.acids: 2,3-cliaminobutano-1,1,11,1,11,1.11-tatraaco4,,ic acid with som divalont cations SOM.CZ: Chomicko zvesti, no. 4, 1966, 233-9-4-1 TOPIC TAGS: cation, acetic acid, chenical stability, chelate compound, ardme, ion neutrarization, ion concentration, polarographic analysis Awrm-ACT.- - Potentiometric determination of pH was - used to find the stabillt~y constants of ehelates of stereoisomerie complexans of meso-.and racemic, 2,3-diarninobutane-14,NONI,Nl-tetraacetic acids 7with cations Cu++, Cd++, Zn++, Mn++, and Pe++. Schwarzenbach's method of exchange equilibria with 2,21,211-trisaminotrietaylamine ,was us6d, The stability constants of complexes with Fe++ and Mn++ ions were determined'from the pH values of the neutralization curve lon. .of the acid with the'equimolecular concentration of the metal J! .The values of the constants were compared to those obtained_polaro- j , brii - graphically, art. has: 2 ftipre-S, 11 forn~mlas,'&nd-4 tables'. LJFMS; 36,L;bV J~-- So com.: o7 / Suit D= : 2omay65 / ORIG W F -. 004 / OTH REF: 006 CIHAX, J#; DONM, L.; DVORAX,L _: H "_DJEQ2AKOVA JEZRX, Vle; KAYKA, H,-, W", "~, Wb~ KOTATKO, J.; 14ALY,Vl.; RZINIS, Z. Effect of anticoagulant therapy on the mortality In n7ocardial infarct during first 6 weeks. Sborn.lek. 62 no.10:281-286 0 160. 1. 1. interni klinika fakulty veeobeeneho lekarstvi University Karlovy v Fraze,-prednosta prof. dr. Y.Hoenig. II, interni klinika fakulty vseobecaebo lekarstvi, University Karlovy v Praze, prednosta prof. dr. Fr. Herles. III. interni klinika. fakulty vaeobeeneho lekaratvi University Karlovy v Praze, prednosta akademik J.Charvat. IV. Interni klin'ika fakulty vaeobecneho lekaretvi University Karlovy v Praze, prednosta prof. dr. M Fucik. Interni oddeleni fakultni polikliniky v Praze 2, prednosta Drof. dr. K.Herfort. Ustav organizace zdravotnictv.i fakult7 vseobecneho, lekarstvi University Karlovy v Praze, prednosta prof. dr. V.Prosek. (MYOCARDIA1 IRFARCT ther) (ANTICWULANTS ther) UVORAKOVA, Hana; VALEK,, Albert; CHYTIL, Mirko Acute renal insufficiency following incompatible blood transfusion. Cas. lek. cask. 101 no.38:1140-1146 23. S 162. 1. 11 interni klinlkn fakulty vseobecneho lekarstvi KU v Praze,, prednosta prof. dr. P.-He-rles. (ELOOD,GROUP INWIPATIBILITY) (BLOOD TRANSFUSION," (ACUTE ~ RENAL FAILURE) DVOILIKOVA, Hana; SEETKA, Jaroslav,, STYCHOVA, Bohumila; TIMITAKOVA, Milena Tetracycline in the diagnosia of gastric cancor. Preliminary communication. Gas. lek. cesk. 101 no.41:1244 12 0 162. 1. IL interni klinike faknIty vaeobeeneho lekaratvi KU v Praze, prednoota, prof. dr. P. Herlea, DrSc. (TETIUCYCLIN-0 (STOMACH NIMLASMS) DVORACKOVA, Iva Tatal gastrointeatinal hemorrhage in pancreatic paeudo- cyst. Sborn. vedi prac. lek. fak. Karlov. Univ. 8 no.4t 515-518 1 65. 1. Patologicko-anatomicky ustav; (prodnceta: prof. MUDr. A. Fingerland, DrSc.)q Karlovy Univeri3ity v Hradci Kralove. HATALA, M.; PRAT, V.; 9MS0VAp D.; Technicks. asistance: CAPKOVA, 3,; DIVIS, Z.; V1r14AROVA, H,;,PVORAKOVA, J.; HUBKOVA, M. Coli bacillus tacteremia in rabbits with normal kidneys. Cas. lak. cask. 102 no.27/28:768-772 8 J1 163- 1. Ustav klinicke a experimentald chirurgia v Fraze, prednosta profe dr. B. Spacak Uotav pro choroby obehu krevniho v Praze, prednosta doe. dr. X. Bred. Katedra patologicke anatomie a mikrobiologie fakulty- detakaho lekarstvi.KU v Praza,, prednosta prof. dr. V. Kubalka. 4 (ESGHERICHIA COLI INFECTIONS) (SUTICEMIA) (MLOREPHUTIS) (URINARY TRACT IINECTIONS) (MNEY) PRAT, V.; HAPALA, M.; BENESOVA, D.; Teckinicka asistence: MIS, Z.; DVOW-KOVA _47~' J.; VAGNEROVA, E.; VIDMARGVA, H. Experimental contribution to the problem of "nephropathogenity" of some strains of E. coli. Cas. lek. cesk. 103 no.40:1097-1102 2 0 164. 1. Ustav pro choroby obehit krevniho v Prace (reditel prof. dr. J. Brod, DrSc.); Ustav klinicke a experimentalni chirurgie v Praze (redital prof. dr. B. Spacek, DrSc.) a Katedra patolo- gicke anatomie a mikrobiologie fakulty detskeho lekarstvi Kar- lovy University v Praze (vedouci prof. dr. V. Kubeha). Plkl' V. ; I, ATI~ IIM.; B-Ebil""SOVA , D. Tee VA4 1-RAOULf A) JVAGI-11'r;1i (AiPi, r-,' VT H 'A HOVA ii Effect of chlortetracycl-Inc and oxyte-t racy'.'! nu r:r, the cr'.-'irsc- Of e:q,~ririental. coli bacteria livelonephrit-i--R. Cas. lek. cesk. 103 no.42:2153-1159 0 .16, 1("/'. 'nl Brod, usti.-tv I ai'~ (reditel prof. dr. P. "'pac-ekp a F'-Aedr,% mle a v Fra::c~ (vpdouci do~!. dr. D. SEDIVW., Vl.; DVORAKOVA BEG findings during the course of therapy with several new psychopharmacological agents. Activ. nerv. sup. 5 no.2:205 Yq 163, 1. Psychiatricka klinika lekaroke fakulty KU, Plzen. (R=7RCENOMMMMRAPHY) (CHLORPROTHIKEM) (XPnZPSY) (TRDMIILUINE) (ANTIDEPRESSIVE AGEM) VENCOVSKY , E. ; SEDIVEC , V. ; PETEROVA , E. ; BAUDIS , P. ;.. DVORAKOVA., 14. ; JANOVSKY, F. - Alimenazin in clinical psycbiatric practice. Cesk. psychiat. 60 no-5;337-338 0 164. 1. Psychiatricka klinika lekarske fakulty Karlovy University, Plzen. HATALA, M,.; PRAT, V.; ROMWINO P. Technicka asistence: DIVIS, Z.; gXQBU_ovL,_j,- VAGNEROVA, E.; VIMIAROVA, H. Pathogenicity of different species of various serotypes of Escherichia coli in the kidneys and urinary tract of rabbits. Rozhl. chir. 44 no.5026-333 My'65- 1. Ustav klinicke a experimentalni chirurgie v Praze (reditel: prof. dr. B. Spacek, DrSc.); a Ustaw pro choroby obehu, krevniho v Praze (reditel: prof. dr. J. Brod. DrSc.). q; POSPISIL, M. DVORAKOVA, Jarg4r# ThanwoUbility of collagen fibres after x-ray irradiation in vitro. Folia biol. (Praha) 9 no.5%396-~397 163. I.-Institute of Biophysics, Czechoslovak Academy of Scienies, Brno. PMMAB11ITY) (RADIATION EMTS) LLAGEN) (AGING) (HEAT) M JEZKOVA~ WenkajAeolmicka spolupraoe: DVOUKOVA, Marta Comparative studies on sterility tests. Cesk. spidem. mikrob. imun. 10 no.4:26E~-275 ft461. 1. Ustav hematologie a krevni traiisfuze v Fraze. (STSMIZATION) , iCZECIIOSLOVAKIA VI. SEDIVEC and.L1, DVORMMA, Psychiatric Clinic of Medical Faculty Charles University Plzen. "EEG Findings During Treatment with Some Newer Psychopharmaca.11 Prague, Activitas 'Nervosa Superior. Vol 5, N-o 2, May 63; pr, 205. Abstract : Data on EEG changes during treatment of 26 ratients with chlorprothixene, 19 with alimcnazine, 12 with rrothiadene. Generally all 3 dru3s ten--'cd to chan.-c EEG - chl. most, Vr. least, making treatment with these preparations risky in patients predisposed to epilepsy. The changes are described in detail. DVORAX0 L,; CERNA, M.; HORKr, X.; DVORAKOVA., M. Prognosis in myocardial Infarat in relation to oymptmatology. Sborn. lek. 65 no.6:179-189 A 163., 2. 111 interni klinika fakult7 vseobeenebo 29karstvi University Karlovy v Praze, prednosta alldemik T. Cbarvat Ustav organi- zace adravotnic-tvi faWltby "eabacnabo lekoWtvi University Karlovy v Praze,, reditel. prof. dr. F. Prosek. (WOCARDIAL INFARCT) (SHOCK) (ANGINA PECTORIS) (EMTENSION) (PROGNOSIS) VENCOVSKY, E.; PETROVA, E.; SEDIVEC, Vl.; JANOVSKY, Fr.; DVOELAKOVA, M. Preliminary clinical experiences vith sordinol therapy. Actir. nery, sup@ 5 no.2:198-199 My 163, 1, Psychiatricka k3inika Iskarske fakult7 KU~ Plzen. (PARANOIA) (HALLUCINATIONS) (CATATONIA) (PSYCHOSES, MANIC DEPRESSIVE) (BRAIN ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY) (TRANQU=ING AGENTS) BAUDIS, Pavel; _RIA~YA,. j*ri SEDIVEG, Vladislar PETMVA, Eva; HUIS, Jaroslav; . .Comparison of the clinical pl.cture and treatment of depression during the period 1952 to 1960. Plzen. lek. sbom. 23*071-76 164 1. Psychiatricka klinika lekarske fakulty University Karlovy se sidlem v Plzni (prednostat prof, Mrs. E. Vencovsky Dr.Sc,). VRICKOVSKY, E.; SEDIVEC, V.; PETEMOVA, E.; JANOVSKY,F.; RvOR9QYA#-b,; BAUDIS, P. i Prothiadine i~psychiatrle work. Cesk. psych. 60 no*6%416-418 N 1 64. 1. Psychintricke klinika lekarske fakulty Karlovy University v Plzni. BIELICKY, T.; JEZKOVA~ Z.; MALMA~ L.; Technicka spoluprace. DVORAKOVA, M. Tissue antibodies in chronic 1upus eryther~atosus. Cask. derm. 40 no.6:361-369 D 165. 1. Kozni klinika, lekarske fakulty hygienicke Karlovy University v Praze (prednosta doc. dr. T. Bielicky, DrSc.) a Ustav hematologie a krevni transfuze v Praze (prednosta prof. dr. J. Horejsi, DrSc.). CZECHOSLOVAKIA DVORAKOVA Mia-ig.".Chair of Botany, Paculty of Natural Sciences, University (Katedra Bot-aniky Prirodovedecke Falculty University J.E. Purkyne), Brno. I "Taxonomy and Occurrence of Thlaspi Silvestre Jord. Subsp. Tat- rense (Zapal.) Dvor.-acova.11 Bratislava, Biologia, Vol 21, 110 7, 1966, pp 512 - 521 Abstr "c: Taxonomy and occurrence of Thlaspi silvestre subsp. tat- rense is discussed. The plant.discusSGd was described by Zapalo- wicz in 1913 as a new species of Thlaspi tatrense. Differences between Thlaspi silvestre subsp. tatranse~and Thlaspi alpostre L. are analyzed. The main dif-.'erences are in the s!-iane of leaves and seeds. The '.Mown localities of Thlaspi silvestre subsp. tatrense are in the mountains of Central and Northern Slovakia; the cen- ter of its territory is in the High and Low Tatra mountains. Characteristics of the plant are discussed. The growtil of the plant on the mountain Dores in Low Tatra mountains is described. 3 Figures, 3 '2ables, 2 Czech, 3 Polish, 1 East German reference. 1/1 (Yis. rec. I Oct 65). 7 DVORAROVA, P. ,I-- Early diagnosis of today's tuberculas.1,3 of thq locomotor system. Acta chir. orthop. traum. Cach. 32 no.2:12~-127 Ap'65. 1. Cddeleni tuberlyulozy a nemoci pohyboveho ustroji Obvodniho untavit narodniho zdravl v HaVI-IcRove Lhv(xle, (vedouel: I-MDr. V. Kicka, CSc.). 1: CZECHOSLOVAKIA UDC 616.21t,-008.4-007.63:616.132.2 DVORAKOVA, V.; lot Internal Clinic, Medical Faculty of Hygiene, -Uh-ar'Les University (I. Interni Klinika Lekarske Fallculty Hygio- nicke, IM), Prague, Head (Prednosta) Prof Dr V. JOITAS. "Inadequa-e Ventilation in Obstructive Mnphysena Associated with u Coronary Ifeart Disease." Prarue, Casor)is Leknru Cesicych) Vol 05, No 48) 2 Dee 66, pp 1300 - 1303 Abstract ZTuthorls 1~nglish suTm-nary modified,.7: the el-Iternal respiration in a groun of 38 men and 28 women are de- scribed. All suf."'ered 'from obstructive ventilatory insufficiency. A similar "roup of L~L non and 35 women suffering from conges- tive ventilatory insufficiency was also investigated. The pa- tients are classified according to the degreo of dyspnea , and the spiror~raT,-,s are compared. Obstructive dvspnea influences the spirographic picture more than the pulmonary congestion dyspnea,. Ventilometric examinations show the seriousness of the condition in both types. 2 Tables, 13 Western, 10 Czech, 1 Russian refer- ence* (Manuscript received Nov 65). 1/1 * DVORAKOVA,HLADKA, Jirina Respiration of intact and damaged plants of Spirodela oligorhiza SCHL. Biologia plantarum 6 no.'3tl98-201 164. 1. Institute of Experimental Botany, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague 2, Viniena 5. S/128/60/000/012/012/014 A054/AO3O AUTHORs Dvorkin, I.F. ew TIMt Casting Steel In Shall Molds PERIODICAL: Liteynoye proizvodstvo, !960, No. 12, pp. 39 - 40 TEM In a factory producing large and medium size steel and cast iron turbine parts shell mold casting was applied in the production of medium-pressure armatures of 25A (25L) brand steel, as the machine forming method using earth was inadequate. The production of the shell molds did not present any difficulty, only for feeding the valve seat special "curved ribs" had to be added (Fig. 1). The new technique made it possible to dispense with risers on the untreated sur- faces of the casting to save liquid metal and to lower'the gross weight of the casting; th3 risers are more easily removable and the appearance of the product is improved. In order to utilize the entire surface of the form plates of the CRO-2 and CO-3 (SKF-2 and SKP-3) machines, 1 - 4 forms were placed on the plate and the capacity of the forms was increased to 40 - 80 kg. The experience with aluminum forms being unsatisfactory, only cast iron was used, but in order to re- duce their weight (2-5 times that of aluminum forms) they were of hollow conatnio- Card 1/4 S/128/60/000/012/012/014 Casting Steel in Shell Molds A054/Ao3o tion and their vs.11-thicknesses were being defined in accordance with the total weight of the form plate and the load capacity of the roll-over device of the ma- chine. When the forms can be arranged symmetrically on the plate, the pipe riser is placed in the centre, the feeders are connected to the risers and the top and bottom parts are formed on one plate. When the forms have to be arranged asym- metrically, however, it is more suitable to use two plates for the parts of the form, as the re-arranging of the forms on the plate takes time. The shell molds were made of a mixture, containing - by weight - 93% sand, 7% bakelite powder, 0.35% keNosine (over 100%). The tensile strength of the dry specimens was 35 40 kg/cm . Bakelite powder can be replaced by the same amount ofrrC-1 (PS-1) binding agent with the addition of 0.01% kerosine and 0.7% acetone. To make the hardening shell easier to strip, the plate Is sprinkled with an emulsion of 95% boiling water, 3% household soap, 2% No. 5 liquid. The cores are made in metal boxes, their mixture contains - by volume - 100% sand and above this amount 4% sulfite distillation waste (specific weight 1.27 - 1.28); 3% varnish and 4% wa- ter having a gas-permeability of at least 120 units. The strength of wet speci- mens is 0.03 - 0.1, that of dry ones to 6 kg/cm2 at a humidity of 2 - 3%. The cores are dried in electric ovens at 200 - 2200C. This mixture can easily be knocked out and ensures a clear surface of the casting which is essential when Card ZA S/128/60/000/012/012/014 Casting Steel in Shell Molds A054/AO30 producing armatures. The met7ea is cast in two electric furnaces lrfl~-0,5 (DS-0.5) type ] with acidic lining and 'a chargecapacity of 900 - 1,000 kg. After the conventional proceedings (cleaningin a "323" type shot mill) the castings are tested hydraulically. Leakagecan be observed in 6 -'10% of the castings; - it is usually caused by impurities. The introduction of shell molding for this kind of 1 product saved 26 - 40% of liquid metal, reduced the net weight of the product by I - 20% and increased the h1gh-quality output from 40 - 49% to 51 66%- In to- tal, savings amount to 100,000 rubles In producing medium-pressure armature parts by shell mold casting. There are 2 figures. with "feeding ribs" Figure 1: Shell mold T A __736 _-4flUMVVL1OYJAft rd,3/4___ ;V, isting Steel in Shell Molds the shell mold process Lgure 2: Cast piece produced by t 128/60/000/012/Oi2/014 A054/AO30 DVORKINDL MHA ISKHAZOV, Gogh.; VYDRIIIA, Zh.A.; REDIM, H.S.; BUSHUTVA, TAT. Use of oxygen and ompressed air and the durability of refractory brickwork. Metallurg 5 no. 12:15-17 D 16o. (MIn 13:11) v 1. Nixhae-Tagillskiy metallargicheskiy kombinat i Voetoohnyy institut ogneuporov.' (Open-hearth furnaces--Kaintenance and repair) (Urgen-Industrial applications) ILM - -- - --I" - - - ~ I-.. -I .- -.- .. - 7--- - .11 - I- I .. 1. 11 1 ~ I I. ~ -1 -,, I .- ~', %. ,;;i~ ~.~ I If ~ . - I - -. , Im ;,.f ---- ... Vog"A Acadoda DOCMOIS AffiliatiOnt So~ol Cskosl.~.k. nrllen4~ Tat V, so 2-3, Frog-, Nor do, p 136 =:713hiations Board of Otairmen Of Pablig 04 M%Ai9lp4l Vlgi-t comprised of t1w IVAIMS OW Medical F&ma%Yt Prague- DOW Co-"Uor of Iftrolatence of ),k Dowipyrom in the IMMIC8 Source, V. IA t' Board of chairman of POISO and smudol" comprised Of the 1wgioatio ard 0"1", 1=1VOSIA" Prague. we of 3.4 Ilk us Datal Co-guuwr of -Perviste Lmgm of kio*.f Boom. p IA. Dsgrosel 10, r"40%. Affiliatioal ChairMAD Of UIR Board Of QMLXU" Of PtUifi and Xuaisipal WISione, samprind of I*A ftlame WA Modleal looolVs pree". 2~2 - - .11,1 .- -;~ V/~) /~ IM- e V14" z", I - CZECHOSLOVAKIA / Physical Chemistry. The Molecule. B Chemical Bond. Abe Jour: Ret Zhur-Khimiyaj No 19, 1958, 63495 Author : Papousek Dusan~ Sevcik Frantisek Inst ;Not given Title :Molecular Complexes of Some Simple Ethers. Orig Pub: Chem. listY. 1957, 51, No 9, 1605-1607 Abstract: By means of the refractometer method, the eompo- sition of molecular complexes of phenyl methyl ether, o-anisidine, tetrahydrofuran, dibutyl and diethyl ethers with some phenols and aldehydes was inveatigated. A molecular component ratio Card 1/2 - .1-~ Y~~ ,--AI~ -k -- - ~ -- --- I - -, ---. .- .- I ~I I 7-;- -- ,.Inw -iKT P-i-f~er-A-4 M USSR/Microbiology General Microbiology. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biologiya, No 7, 1957, 2618o Author ; Novak, B., D\rorzhakova, H, Inst Title : The Preparation of a Synthetic Solution for Fungi and Cellillose-Decomposing Bacteria. Orig Pub : Sbor. Ceskosl. akad. zemed. ved. Rostl. vyroba, 1955, 28, No 1, 45-54 F-I Abst : The composition and mwer of preparation is given for a nutrient solution for fungi, which, when sterili2ed, does not involve the hydrolisis of agar. In identify- ing cellulose-decomposing bacteria, actinomycetes and fungi, a nutritive agar is recommended, close in com- position to Vinogradskiyls fluid medium. It is sugges- ted that cultures of cellulose-destroying bacteria be kept test tubes on strips of filter paper partly sub- merged in the nutrient solution. The possibility is Card 1/2 .. USSR/Microbiology - General Microbiology. F-1 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biolog;Lya, No 7~ 1957, 2618o investigated of cultivating nitrobacterium in agar devoid of nitrogen, partly oxidized vith KMnO (from the authors4'abstract) Card 2/2 SOVA, Josef; JOHMOVSKA, Xveta; RVORAKOV,4 na _k Clinical importance of the auricular electrogram. Sborn. lek. " no.4.IM-127 Ap 162. 1. 11 Interni klinika fakulty voeobdoneho'ookaretvi University Karlovy v Praze,.prednosta prof. dr. P~-. Herles. (EacTRocARDnown) LACED, L,; HALEK, J.; DVORAKOVA J I Dextran. VIII. Iffect of cations and salt mixtures on solubility of dextran in an aquous-alcoholic solution. In German. Coll.Cz.Chew. 24 no.9o.2954-2958 S 159. (IM 1 9: 5) 1, Institut.fur Hamatologle und Bluttransfasionen, Prag. (Dextran) (Cations) (Salt$) (Solutions) (14b.71 alcohol) (Water) PRAT, Vladimir; BEMOVA Dagmr; CERVINKA, Frantisek; Technicka opolupraoo- GAPX0VAP S.; P64KOVA, T. Fbcperimntal Mlonephritis. VI. Relation between temporary ischemid of the k1dne7 and hematogenic colibacillus infection in rabbits. Can& lek. Gesk. 101 no.12,361-366 23 Mr 162. 1. Ustav pro choroby obeha krevniho v Praze, reditel akademik K. Weber. Katedra patologicke anatomie a mikrobiologie fakulty detelteho lekarstvi KU v Praze, prednosta doc, dr. D. Benesova. Ustav pro klinickou a experimentalni obirurgii v Praze, redital prof. dr,, B. Spaoek* (MLOWHRITIS exper) (KIDNEY blood sup 3,Y) (ISCHMICHIA CMI INFECTIONS expert p- e) 11'2 - CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Physical Chemistry. Thermodynamics, Thermo- chemistry, Equilibria, Pbysical-Chemioal Analysis, Phase Transitions. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 5, 1957, 14656 Author R. Riedl, M. Brokl, M. Dvorakova Inst Title Pressure of Naphthalene Vapor over Tetralin Orig Pub: Paliva, 1955, 35, No 7, 195-197 Abstract: A study of the absorption of naphthalene vapor by tetralin. B-8 Card 1/1 -waun)VA DVORAK, L., Dr.;- XOUMM, Zd., Dr.; VOLFOVA, V..Dr.; RMIZS, O..Dr.; DVORAKOVA. H.. I)r. W#Wlirl onic bathe In ape on h"artension. Cas. lek. c*sk. 93 no.28:753-764 9 July 540 1. Z III interni kliniky, prednosta prof. dr. X.Gharvat (for Dv,orak, Koudelka, Dvorakova) 2. Z Moveho vysetrovaclho a lee, u ustavu v Podebradech, prim. Dr. T.Volfoya (for Volfova, Reiss) (HrPXBTXffSI0N'-th*rSPY *carbonic baths) (LUAWOLOGT, In various diseases *carbonic biLths in hypertension) VYBORNA. M., I-TUDr;; ZAHRADNICKT, J., MUDr;;:-DVOR4PT*,, Laboratorni spoluprace -T. Jelinkova, R. Bicova Experience with DDED penicillin In the treatment of scarlet fever. Ceek. epidem. mikrob. imun. 5 no-3;140-146 June 1956. 1. Z oaclelani spaly a 2askrtu Thomayerovy nemocnice v Praze- Krci, ~ed lalrar Mr. M. V7borna, a z Ustavu epidemiologie a mikrobiologie v Praze, reditel prof, HUDre Karel Raska. (PBECILLIN. related compounds, benzathine penicillin ther. of scarlet fever (oz)) (SCARLAT MIR. therapy. benzathine penicillin (Cz)) Acadlia Do,-r~j:ll Ltuto (x1:wCblolcClC:q ustay) or tho Nc4lcal F=Ulty 1, - V. M So=cal PraLma, RA~Mody v T14jark-.dow a, v l.ztocecl% Menich, go 4, Apr Cl, pp 2~3-296 mtAl "2%Q r-'ract of Sol= C~,Q 0.1 the Tubercucotatic Action or laonjaw- in Vito.-! 'rollainary ecwz%ekorl: MMI L.; -TIRMOVA, JT.; DVORAKOVA, -M. - - The prognosis Of RVOcArdial infarction in relation to localimation and extent. Cor vass, 4 no.2:94-102 162. 1. 111 Internal Clinic, Charles University, Prague, and the Institute for the Organization,of health Services, Prague. (MOCARDIAL INFARCT diag)