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DIYACHENKO, Palo , doktor tekhnicheskikh uauk, professor; TOLKACHUA, I.N.. kanUdit-tekhnicheekikh nauk. Radioisotopic determination of wall thicknesses. Vest.mash.35 zoe9: 12-15 S 155. (MLRA 9:1) (Measuring instruments) (Radioisotopes--Induotrial applications) DITACHINKO, P.Te.. professor, doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk. Project of International stand4irds for the evaluation of surface roughness. Standartiz&tsila no.6:74-.77 N-D v56. (MLRA 10zl) (Surfaces (Technology)--Standards) SOV/137-57-6-11154 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1957, Nr 6, p 252 (USSR) AUTHORS: D'yachenko, P.Ye., Slinko, B.L., Yemelin, A.A. TITLE: Utilization of Radioactive Isotopes in Evaluating the Wear of Mach- ine Parts (Primeneniye radioaktivnykh izotopov dlya otsenki iznosa detaley mashin) PERIODICAL: V sb.: Povysheniye dolgovechnosti mashin, Moscow, Mashgiz, 1956, pp 177-193 ABSTRACT: The advantages of the radioactive -tracer (RT) method over other methods for the evaluation of the wear (W) of machine parts is noted, the main advantage being the feasibility of measuring W with- out dismantling a machine. The measurement of the magnitude of W is done by measuring the radioactivity of the oil by means of; a) placing the counter directly in the stream of oil in the oil conduit, b) placing the counter outside the oil conduit, and c) regular sampling of the oil from the oil conduit. j1he organization of the investigations and monitoring for qualitative aWd quantitative evaluation of the mag- nitude of W is described.* The methods for the introduction of RI into Card 1/2 the rubbing parts are examinea, the technique for the application of SOV/ 137-57-6-11154 Utilization of Radioactive Isotopes in Evaluating the Wear of Machine Parts electrolytic coatings of Cr, Ag, In, and Zn onto the rubbing surfaces and the method for radioactive insertions which serve as tracers for the W are adduced. Experimental data are given on the monitoring of the W of a graphite layer on an Al piston using the RT Zn65 and also the dependence of the W of bimetallic bear- ings (steel - Ag) and of bearings.with a Pb-In coating on the magnitude of the load and the number of revolutions of the rod. It is established that bearings with a Pb-In coating wear in more quickly than bimetallic bearings. The authors note the great difficulties in the employment of the RT method for the quantitative evaluation of W. L.P. Card 2/2 c- ALFEROV. A.A.; ARTEMKIN, A.A.; ASHKENAZI. Ye.A.; VINOGRADOT. G.P.; GALICYEV, A.U.; GRIGOROYIN, A.N.; DIYACIMNKO,. P.ya.; ZALIT. N.N.: ZAKHAROV. P.M.; ZOBNIN, N-P ., IVAfiOV. I.I.; ILTIN, I.P.: MM. IK, P.I.; KUDRYA- SHOT, A.T.; IAPSHIK, F.A.; MOLYARCHUK, V.S.; PMSOVSKIY, L.K.; PWODIN, A.M.; RUDOY, H.L.; SAVIN, K.D.; SIMONOV, K.S.; SITKOVSKIT, I.P.; SITNIK, M.D.; TETEREV, B.K.; TSITYRAhl, I.Ye.; TSUXANOV, P.P.; SHADIKYAN, V.S.; ADSLUNG, N.N.. retsenzent; AFAHASIYEV, Ya.V, retsen- zent; VIASOV, V.I., retsenzent; VOROBIYSV, I.Ye., retsenzant; VORO- NOV, N.M., rateenzent; GRITCH&NKO, V.A., ratoenzent; ZHEREBIN, M.N., reteenzent; IVLIYRV, I.V., retsenzent; XAPORTSEV, N.V., reisenzent; KOCHUROV. P.M., reteeazent; KRIVORUCHKO, N.Z., retsenzent; KUCHKO, A.P., reteenzent; LOBANOV, V.V., rateenzent; MOROZOV, A.S., retsen- zent; CRLOV, S.F., rateenzent; PAVWSHKOV, E.D,, retBenzent; POPOV, A.N., retsenzent; PROKOF'YXV, P.F., retsenzent; RAKOV, V.A., retaeu- zent; SINNGUBOV, X.I., reteenzent; TPMNIN, D.P., ratsenzent-, TIKHO- KIROV, I.G., retsenzent; URBAN, I.V., retsen-r~nt- FIALKOVSKIY. I.A., retsenzent; CREPYZREV, B.F., retsenzent; SHEBYAKia. O.S., retsenzent, SHCHIRBAKOV, P.D., rateenzent; GARM. V.A.. redaktor; LOMAGIN. N.A. redaktor; MORDVINKIN, N.A., radaktor; HAUMOV, A.H., redaktor; ME- DIN, Y.F.. radaktor; RYAZANTSFAV. B.S., redaletor; TVERSKOY. K.N.. redaktor; CHMVATYY, N.S., redaktor. ARSHINOV. I.H.. redaktor; BABELYAN, V.B., redaktor: BEN G 0 X.A.. redaktor; VMSHINSKIY, S.V., radaktor; GAMBURG, Ye.Yu., redaktor; DJMIBAS, A.T., redaktor; DOMBROVSKIY, X.I., radaktor; KWNMV, A.I., radaktor; HEMYXV. A.P., radaktor (Continued on next card) ALF)MOV, A.A. ---- (continued) Card 2. KOSKVIN, G.N., redaktor; RUBDISHTEY11, S.A.. redal-tor. TSYPIN, G.S., redaktor; CHIRNYAVSKIT, V.Ya., redaktor; CHERUTSFJV, V.I., radaktor; CIMMfYSHIV, M.A., radaktor; SHADUR, L.A., radektor; SHISHKIN, K.A., redaktor (Railrcad handbook3 Spravochnaia knizhka zheleznodorozhnika. lid. 3-a, ispr. I dop. Pod obshchei red. V.A.Garnyka. Moskva, Goo. transp.zhel-dor. Izd-vo, 1956. 1103 P. (MLRA 9:10) 1. Hauchno-tekhnichookoye obshchestvo zheleznodorozhnogo transport&. (Railroads) DIYACM;KO, P.Ye., prof. . ~ Preface. T~n~ Sim. po kach. poverkh. no.3:3-4 157. (HIBA 10:11) (Surfaces (Technology)) -j.1-1-Yf1C111A-1VJ1'(-1j rl~Yk, . "Industrial Hygiene Problems InVork With ftdioactive 160- topes," by S. M. Gorodinskiy and G. M. Parldiomenko, Institute of Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Diseases, Academy of Medical Sciences USSR, Izuehenixe Iznosa Detaley Mashin pri Pomosch' Eadioaktivnykh Izotopov (Study of Wear of Machine Parts by Means of Fadioactive Isotopes), edited by P. Ye. D'yachenko, Moscow, Publishing House of 'the Academy of Sciences USSR, 1957, PP 135-143 Gives sanitary requirements for the construction, equipment and furnishings of buildings where work with radioisotopes will be carried on. Gives maximum permissible levels of radiation, methods of safely handling radioactive material, and protective ineasures and rules for personal propylaxis in work with radioactive material. (U) ,5& -,, , ',,- -/ D I TA %-P~ ~.. professor, otvetstvennyy redaktor. MITIN. V.I., redaktor --"----I-z-da-tell stva; POLYAKOVA. T.V.. tekhnicheskiv todaktor [Studying the wear of machine parts by means of radioactive isotopes] Izuchenie iznosa detalel mashin pri pomoshchi radioaktivnykh izotopov. Moskva. 1957. 143 p. (MLRA 10:2) 1. A-kademiya neuk SSSR. Komisaiya po tekhaologii maahinostroyentys. (Radioactive tracers) (Mechanical wear) SOV/1 37-57- 10-Z0496 translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1957, Nr 10, p 301 (USSR) .r.'VTHORS: Nisnevich, A. 1. , D' yachenko, P. Ye. TITLE: Investigation of the-W-L-a-r-of-M-e1als Utilizing Automatic Recording (Issledovaniye iznosa metallov s primeneniyem avtomaticheskoy zapisi) PERIODICAL: Izuch. iznosa detaley mashin pri pomoshchi radioaktivn. izotopov. Moscow, AN SSSR, 1957, pp 15-25 ABSTRACT: A description of the tagged-atoms method for the evaluation of wear (W) utilizing automatic recording, as developed by NATI (Automobile and Tractor Scientific Research Institute) in collab- oration with IMASh AN SSSR (Institute of Machine Construction, Academy of Sciences,USSR). The effect of the microgeometry of the surface of a piston pin of the D-54 type engine on the wear of both the ring itself and the bushing of the piston-pin head of the connecting rod was investigated. The tests were conducted on a specially equipped type MI friction machine under various con- ditions of lubrication and a load of 100 kg. The measurement of Card 1/3 the activity of the oil (0) was performed by means of drawing test SOV/1 37-57-10-20496 investigation of the Wear of Metals Utilizing Automatic Recording samples or by means of placing a counter in the continuous stream of 0 (with abundant lubrication). The specimens tested had a surface finish of the sixth and tenth class. Rollers 32 mm. in diarn and 10 mrn in width were prepared of car- burized 20Kh-grade steel with a hardness of 54 - 56 HRc' In the course of the tests the W of a machine part prepared from OTsS-5-5-5 grade bronze coupled to a roller was evalutted. The activation of the machine part was accomplished by introducing the Sb 24 isotope into the melt. The activity of the discharged 0 was determined, taking int ?2V count the correction for background radiation and the radioactive decay of Sb during the test. The number of radioactive atoms per unit of time was calculated according to the exponential law of decay. The specimens tested were placed into the oil sump, the circulation of the lubricant was accomplished by a gear-type oil pump which ensured ten exchanges of oil in the chamber during each count period (3 min). It is established that with the growth of the initial microgeometry of the surface of the piston pin (or of the roller) the W of the piston-pin head of the connecting rod also increases. Rela- tionships between the working-in lengths of time of the individual pairs investigated were obtained experimentally. A description is given of the apparatus for the investigation of the effect of the variation in the magnitude of the load on the inten- sity of W and on the moment of friction. and the fundamental results are cited. Card Z/3 SOV/137-57-10-20496 Investigation of the Wear of Metals Utilizing Automatic Recording For the purpose of monitoring the variations in the amount of the product of W in t~e lubricant an instrument was developed which records automatically the total number of impulses received from the counting apparatus during a specified period of time. The instrument is connected to the output terminals of the radiographic apparatus in parallel with the mechanical counter and carries on its recording independently of the latter. The instrument- can record up to 25, 600 impulses during a single counting period and can carry out an uninterrupted recording during more than 200 hours of testing. With an increase in the nu-_)er of impulses recorded by the instrument the absolute error of the measurement also increases; however, the magnitude of the relative error is