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DAUER, J.; FAGULA, J. On fractures of the diaphysis and proximal end of the humerus. Bratisl. lek. listy 43 Pt. 2 no.8:459-465 163. 1. Chirurgicka klinika IAk. fak. Univerzity P.j. Safarika v Kosiciach, veduci prof. MUDr. J. Knazoviclq Traumatologicke oddelenie FN v Kosiciach, vaduci prim. MUDr. J. Bauer. (HUMERAL FRAGTURES) (FRACTURE FIXAIION) (FRAGWRES, SPONTANEOUS) GINZBURG, A.I.; NECUKTAVA, Te.A.; LAVRENNV, Tu.B.; POZHA.RITSKLM, L.K.; KA1YMV, I.I.9red.; RODIONOV, G.G.,red.; FAGUTOV,; MMUbIfCHOV. H-A-,red.; CHFMIOSVITOV, Yu.L.,red.; b1fMANMMV, I.V., red.; SHCHEMINA., V.V.,red.; BYGFJZS, M.A.,red.; OVCHINIIIXOVA, S.V-, red.; AVAIUCLMIVA, T.A., Ellare metal carbonatiteal Redkometallnye knrbonatity. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tek)m.izd-vo lit-ry po geol. i okhr.nedr, 1958. 126 p. (Goologiia mestorozhdenit redkikh elementov, no.1) (MIRk 12:2) (carbonates (Geolo&)) TERENT'YEVA, K.F.; qINZBURG, A.I., Flavn -irv rpci.; J"ATYSHEV, I.I., red.; RODIONOV, G.G., red.; 1,ftf red.; TRAHAUIEY, 1-i1-, red.; FAWTOV, V.P., rpd.; YT1'WS1f'F--'V, N.A., red.; CHEIT10b,41TO", Yu.L.1 -"~fwjfifov' IN., red.; Sil"PERB."'it, V-V-, red.; EYI&..", M.A.j red.; ROZEKOVA, L.G.9 red.izd-va; GUROVA, O.A., r Lf?are elements in bauxites] Redkie Gos.nauchn-tekhn. izd-vo ]it-ry po (Geoloriia mestorw~denii rodkikh (Metals, Rare and minor) elementy v boksitakb. Foskva, peol.i okbr.nedr, 1059 4? p. elementov no.O. 01('t 13:12) (Bauxite~ 1) SHCEUMBINA, V.V.; GINZBURG, A.I., red. vypusica; MALTSHEV, I.I., red.: POLTAKOV, P.A., red.; RODIONOV, G.G., red.; REPAROY, I.S., red.; TROKHACHEY, P.A., red.;. red.; KHRUSHCHOV, N.A., red.; CHMNOSVITOV, Tu.L., red.; SHMANINKOV, LV., red. RGLUS, M.A., red.; ROZHKOVA, L.G., red. izd-va; IYERUSALIKSKATA, YO.S., tekhn. red. (Geology of rare metal deposits] Geologlia mestorozhdenii redkikh alementoy. No. 8 sochemical characterietics of scandium and types of Its depositp.? Osobennosti gookhimit skandila I tipy ego mestoroxhdenii. Moskva, Gos.nauch.-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po geol. I okhr. nedr, 1960, 56p. (Geologila mestorozhdenii rodkikh elementov, no. 8). (MIRA 13:11) (Scandium) GnIZBURG, A.I.; GORZIIEVSKAYA, S.A.; YEROFEYEVA, Ye.A.; SIDOU- 10, G.A.; MALYSIEW, I.I., red.; POLYAKOV, M.V., red.; RODIO]IC7, G.G., red.; STEPAVOV, I.S., red.; TROKILACHEV, P.A., red.; FAGUTOV, V.P., red.;-- KIMSHCHOV, F.A., red.; GHEFTOSVITOV, Yu.L., red-.;- -Sig-W.-IfTOV, I-V-p red.; SHCIIGRBINA, M., red.; EYGELES, M.A., red.; FERZOV.1k, G.F., red.izd-va; BYKOVA, V.V., [Titarmtes, trntalaten, and niobates] Titano-tantalo-niobaty. l4bak-va. Goa. nauchno-telchr-IM-vo lit-rr pr, rool.i ol~lirvre nedr. Part Is 1961D* 166 p. (Goologiia meotorozhdonii r-.,dkikh elomontovp n0.10). (11-114V. 14:6) (Titanates) (Taritalates) (Viobates) ZABOLOTNAYA, N.P.; NOVIKOVA, M.I.; SHATSKAYA, V.T.; GINZBURG, A.I., glavnyy red.; POLYAKOV, M.V., zam. glavnogr. red.,- APEL'TSIM, F.R., red.; 6RIGORIYEV, V.M., red.; RODIONOV G.G., red.; TROKHACREV, P.A., red.; FAQUIQV-j-V.Pojo,red.; KhRUSHCHOV, N.A., red.f CHERNWVITOV, Yu.L., red.; SHMANEKKOV, I.V., red.; SHCHERBINA, Y.V., red.; E7GELES, M.A.p red.; KOLOSHINA, T.V., red. izd-vaT BYKOVA, V.V., tekhn. red. (Tungsten-molybdenum-tin-beryllium deposits and their formation). Vollfram-molibdon-olovo-berillievye mestorozhdeniia i uslovila ikh obrazovaniia. Moskva) Goageoltekhizdat, 1962. 94 p. (Geo- logiia mestorozhdenii redkikh elementov, no 18). iMIRA 16:4) (Metals, Rare and minor) SHEYNMANN, Yu.M.j APELITSIN, F.R.; NECHAYEVA, Ye.A.; GINZBURG, A.I., red.; MALYSHEV, I.I., red,; POLYAKOV, 14.V., red.; RODIONOV, G.G., red.; STEPANOVp I.S., red.; TROKHACHEV, P.A.,, red.; FAGUTOV V.P.., red.; KHRUSHCHOV, N.A., red.; GHERNOSVITGV, Yu*L., red.;"! ~'-~'V, I.V.) red.; SHCHERBINA, V.V., red.; EYGELES, M.A., red.; ROZHKCVA, L.G., red.izd-va; BYKOVA, V.V., [Alkaline intrusions their distribution, and the mineralization associated with theml Shchelochnye intruzii, ikh r.azmeshchenie i aviazannaia a nimi mineralizatsiia. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo lit-ry po geol.i okhrane nedr.. 1961. 176 p. (Geologiia mestorozhdenii redkikh elementov, no,12/13). (MIRA 15:8) (Rocks, Igneous) (Ore deposits) SHVEY, Igor' Vladimirovich; GINZBURG, A.I., glavnyy red.; POLYAKOV, M.V.p zameatitell glavnogo red.; APELITSIN, F.R., red.; GRIGORIYEV, VA, red.; RODIONOV, G.G., red.; STEPANOV, I.S., red.; TROKHACIOV, P.A., rqd.1- LAGjTQX,-Y.,P., red.; KHRUSHCHOV, O.A., red.; CHERNOSVITOV, Yd.L., red.; SHMARNKOV, I.V., red.; SHCHERBINA, V.V., red.; EYGELES, M.A., red.; ENTIN, M.L., red.izd-va; BYKOVA, V.V., [Basic geochemical.roblems of rare earth elements and yttrium in andogenic procesae Oanovnye voprosy gookhimii redkozemellnykh elementov i ittrila v endogennykh protsessakh. Moskva, Goa. nauchn.- tekhn. izd-vo lit-ry, po geologii i okhrane nedr, 1962. 105 p. (Geologiia mestorozhdenii radkikh elementov, no.15). (KRA 15:11) (Rare earth metals) (Yttrium) STAVROV, O.D.; GINZBURG, A.I. TI.avnyy red..; POLYAKOV, M.V., zam. glav- nogo red.; APELITSIN, F.R., red.; GRIGORIYEV, V.M., red.; RQDIO- 14OV) G.G., red.; STEPANOV, I.S., TPd.; TPOKHACHHV, -.-.A., red.; ,-.-,F4GUTOVP V.F , red.; KHRUSHCHOV, N.A., red.; CHERNOSVITOV, Yu."..' red.; WANENKOV, I.V., red.: St,13HERBIVA, V.V., re6.; EYGETFS, M.A., red.; FEDOTIDVA, A.I., r.-.d.izd-vF-.; IYERUSALIMSKAYA, Ye., tekhn. red. [Basic characteristics of lithium, rubidi,.:~,, in the process of the formation granite intrubives and the pegmatites conn,3cted with them.] Osnovnye cherty geokhim.4.'L litiia', rubidiiag tsrzila v protsesse stanovleniia granitnykh intruzivov i sviazannykh s nimi pegnuititov. Moskva, Gosgeoltekhizdat 1963. 14( P. (Gtologiia xes- torozhdenii redkikh elementov, no.21~- (KRA 17:2) GORZHEVSKAYA, Susanna Aleksandroirm; SIDOIMIKO, Galina Aleksandrovna; GINZBURG, A.I., glavnyy red.; POLYAKOV, F1.7., zamestitell glavnogo red.; APELITSIN, F.R., red.; GRIGORIYEV, V.M., red.; RODIONOV, G.G., red.; STEPANOV, I.S., red.; TROKHACHEV, P.A., red.; FAGUTCV,-V.J?., red.; CHERNOSVITOV, Yu.L., red.; SILMANENKOV, I.V., red.; SHCHERBINA, V.V., red,; EYGELES, M.A., red. (Titano-tantalo-niobates. Part 2.1 ntano-tantalo-niobaty. Moskvap Nedra. Pt.2. 1964. 115p. (Goologiia meatorozhdenii redkikh clementovp no*23) (MIRA 18:1) BLOlUlp A.M.; KOCHENOV, A.V.; GITTZBURG, A.I., glavnyy red.; APELITSIN, F.K., red.; GRIGCRIYFV, V.M., red.; POLYAKOV, M.V., red.; RODIONCV, G.G., red.; STEPANOV, I.S., red.; TROKHACnV., P.A., red.; FA,,UTOV, V.P., red.; CIIETUIOSVITOV, Yu.L., red.; SHMANENKOV, I.V., red.; S11CHFRBIj;A, V.V., red.; EYGELES. M.A., red. [Impurity elements in bone phosphate of fossil fishes.] Elementy- primesi v kostnom fosfate iskopaemykh ryb. Moskva, Nedra, 1964. 106 p. (Geologiia mestorozhdenii redkikh elementov, no.24). (MIRA 19:1) FAMIZICH, F. Turning of noncircular cross sections by hydraulic copying. P. 3511- STROJTRENSKA VYROBA. Praha, Czechoslovakia. Vo-lo 7, no* 81 August 1959. Monthly List of East &tropean Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 8, No. 11, November 1959. Uncl. FAHNRICH, Frantisek; MASL, Karel Semiautomatic drilling machine for deep holes. Stroj vir 10 no.7s366-367 162. 1. Ceskomoravoka-Kolben-Danek Praha, n.p., zavod Sokolovo. FAIRMICH, Frantisek, inz. Working possibilities of JVII drilling unitu. Stroj wfr 10 no-11:578- 579 '62. 1. Ceskomoravoka-Kolbon-Danek Praha, n.p., zavod Sokolovo, Praha. (d) /EPA (0:4/510 (m)/EPA (0-2/T/tgthl) 77~__ B/TTMI/AT ACCESSION -NR: AP5011337 CZ/O(j550165/015/004/0276/0286 1 'AUTHOR:. Fahnrich, JAomkova* E.,-4~~ TITLE: Thermionic~eneM converter in. amagnetic field Chekhc;sl6 hes Wyl 1 0 T-SO~RCE. vatakly -fizic y z uinial,~ V. 15, n-. 4, 1�65, 27-6-28 r ]TOPIC TAGS: thermionic energy conversion, external magnetic field, magnetic ef f,ect, cesium plasma jABSTRACT:~ A thermionic converter.u$es the thermal energy of electrons emitted by al glowing-cathode-:to-produce:-iiiectric~ipower. --'The -converter: is -a source of -, age at high,current. The stron- g magnetic field.generated in the converter has an adverse effect on its-operation.- The effect of this magnetic field can be demon- strated experimentally by placing a diode which produces a relatively weak current in an external magnetic field$ -The authors of this paper studied the effect of all external magnetic field:onwa converter with-cesium vapor for two sets of conditions'-'- quasi -vacuum conditions in which the mean free path of the electrons in the cesium vapor Is greater than the distance between the cathode and the collector, and. dif- .ifusion conditions, wheretheCe vapor pressure is higher and the collisions elec-' j, ~3. AC-C`4~- 38 9 o5 0; A ~6 ddf~, SOURCE CODE: GiIC61*15-16001010103 1 0,00 AUTHOR, Fahnrich, R. (Engineer) ORG: none TITLE: Metal!spraying In the shipbuilding industry SOURCE: MetallverarbeLng, no. 10, 1965, 304-306 TOPIC TAGS: corrosion protection, sea water corrosion, metal coatin,,, shipbuliding engineering t'%BSTRACT: The protection of ships against the corrosive aution 5f nea xater and the repair of Its worn parts, such as 1~hhe U~-a-rinEs, by reQrs of -Metal sprayInL; Is discussed. The spraying Install-atiz)n and cquip ~.,,ent.. the preparation of surfaces for spraylnii~, the Fpr~yLr.,-, .,-.-ocedure, -ne controillng factors in spraylnE, WOViC, alid *-he 3Ut);CC:-t2--A o sprayed surfaces are described In detlill, Metal '.s used at' the Peene shipyard. SUB CODE: 13, 11/ SUB14 DATE: none Card Tbm SAMMM d tie c"Muitaimm;4 -fT tl Cuban OW& md id bkobwaW, cwbomes". OW by"Syl W" in w6ml md ind"Orld toostarg. Vladimir J'Antich lRowsomb ww Testir . In.l. OKI). I"Mow, Cwch). cArm. Mw no 33-1), 49 '1Q. WN At IWO ~ - By go-ing thi, Mass wlkm law. eqmation4 b.owr loorien dmfumf for the cak-n. of IbP cowns. v Inv C(Ioe and of it, imk- forno fir%, frown fill Roof total aliv., thro frown 1111,411.1 to-tal IN."Ir'll lw "". 4 ...hto of A lot wit, ir. IN, toln r. Ally floor lAr"01-1 mot' ll*, i'orr%'Imm nalco. It' .1. 12151). has loam ofi4mouel. Fcjr the th-n-tivArook-tic Moot to umor the belp 0( ttw I'AAI aml pl"fornt alky. 11-4) - plocroolphlbakin) i"Itrail of jill. If i1sti,luvoic atITAVII.M1 n norglevird. the rmw rtwomdvAsly hvort. If it i% r.-c - r'wy 10 mloorort the *11flurs'" 44 1"Int-20 alt., mulply poly the Ant appros. rW41iin% 4 the l1rhyr-thiclorl's = Y' whirb hm bmi found oirr-l A) I ho, lia~i' 14 "Unto emploo. Thor ri-oulling ro-lAtiom, liovo, l.r,j n-dor mt,. monoraphs. 1.811 MWU TARNRICH, V. "Calcnlation of Constant Xvaporation and Qxantity of Food Water in Operation of Steam Generators." p. 16, Praha, Vol. 4, no. 1, Jan. 1934. Opast 1kropean Accessions List, Vol. 3, 10. 9, September 19.+, Lib. of Congress VI FAHNRICH, Vladimir, inz.; SOUKUP, Milos, dr. Use of the ultraviolet light absorption for evaluating the suitability of water for use in electric power plants. Energetika Cz 11 no.12:589-593 D 161. MI " FAHNRICH, Vladimir, inz.; SOUKUP. Milos, dr. Utilization of light absorption in ultraviolet spectrum for determining the suitability of water for use in power englreering. Energetika 12 no.l.*19-20 A 162. 1. vsupvp Caskonoravoka-Kolben-Danek- Dukla, n.p., Praba, FAM71ZR, R. "Power Engineers' Competition in the Yactoriss of the Ministry of the Heavy Machine Industry." p. 156, Praha, Vol. 3. no. ~. May 1953. SO; Bast Buropean Accessions List, Vol. 3, No. 9, September 1934, Lib. of Congress FAIMIER., R. Results of socialist competition for economy of power in the factories of the Ministz7 of Machine Mamfacture. p. 133e ENMGETIKA. (Ministerstvo energetolu a ceskoelovenaka vedecka technicka spolecnost pro energetiku pri Cookoolovenske akadeviii ved) Praha, Czechoolovaida Vol, 5P no* 4. Apr- 1955 Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) ID9 Vol. 8. No. U Nov. 1959 Uncl, I-R -71S. FAFRIE,' I R. ND CTF-- Ten years of the vower industry. P-185. ENY.111 (M.nisterstvo paliv a energetiky. fflavni sprava elektraren) Praha. Vol. 5, no. 5, May 1955 SOURCE: East European Accessicns Uri, (EEAL), Library ol' Congress, Vol. 4, No. 12, December 1,,:-5 FAHRi%E?,, R. A conference on the reconstruction of furnaces for low-grade fuels in Gottwaldov, May 6 and 7, 1957. P. 459. (ENERGETIKA.) (Praha,, Czechoslavakia) Vol. 7, No. 8, Aug. 1957 SO: Monthly Index of East European Accession (1211) LC. Vol. 7, No. 5, May 1 5,~ R. "Tha importancti uC in(iusIxOt.l. !vl~~or -11ifILS." p . 2,,3 ~k i r! r o t L kit ,Vc. I . " , No. 1~ , J, t Irl'! " "~-, -, , " , - i.,) ,,.'c n th I Indlex -~f -,,st Iumrean Acrosoolons ',, *:oI. 7, !, ~Q-pte:iiber 1~6' , J . .:o. 1 1. FAHRMI Rudolf, inz. Economic evaluation of the development of power sou---es by enterprises. Energetika Cz 11 no.1:26-30 A Ic.. FAHRIIER., R.J. inz.; CADEK, A.; POUR, b., 4nz., HL'INI, '----ffLMEHP V.1 NETWIL, J.; REISSt L., prof., jnz., J.; ERIKA, J.; VLASAK, J.; VLACH, J., Inz., dr. KALVROVIG P.; JIRASEK, J.; BMES, J.; SCHIFFLER'. 0.1 LIDICKY, Fr., inz.; BRWIFE., J.7 Inz. Record of the 1st Natio-ial Conference of the CzeeliosIcvalk Scientific and Technical Society, Sertl-on for Fv4er Eng-ineer-'rg, held in Prague, April 1961. Eaergetlka Cz 11 no.t-,i3tFp'I.1 Energetika 11 no.6:1-11 161. FAMIMIR, Rudolf, inz.; RIIIA, Frantisek, inz. Taske of an industrial enterprise in using power. Pod org 17 no.7; 301-304 Jl 163. 1. Ministerstvo tezkeho strojirenstyi (for Fahmer). 2. CeskomoravskA-Kolben-Danek Praha, zavod Sokolovo (for Riha). STOIANOVICI, S., ing.; FAIDES, 0., ing. Hydraulic shock in pumping plants. Ridrotehnica 6 no. 8:261- 280 I,g 161. FAIBIS, A.; IONISCU, C.; K&RINCHESCU, C.; SARAGNA, X,; DOBRII, V. Addicions tr the study of the mechanisms of localizing visceral disturbanc~ss in the course of neuroses. Note 1: Particularities of visceral disturbances of animals with double stereotypy [sali- vatory and mopiratory] in the course of a neurosis provoked by overstraining the digestive projection of the visceral analyser. Studii care.fiziol. 4 uo-3:301-311 159. (MI 915) (VISCMA) (MROSBS) (SALIVARY GLANDS) (RXSPIRATORT ORGANS) (DIGIRSTION) -FAIBIS, A.; BAIBIS, M. Studies on the mechanism 3f some hemodynamic modifications provoked by adrenalin in the pulmonary circulation. Studit cerc fiziol 5 no.l.- 187-202 160. (EEAI 9:12) 1. Catedra de fiziopatologie, Institutul medicofarmceutic, Bucuresti. (BLOOD) (LUNGS) (ADRENALINE) FAIBISt A.; BERNTHAL, I.; PAUSESCU, E.; SARAGEA, M. Study of some circulatory modifications produced by bile salts. Studil cerc fiziol 5 no.2:371-381 160. (EKAI 10:2) 1. Catedra de fiziopatoligie a Institutuui de medicina si farmacieg Bucuresti. (BLOM) (BILE SALTS) SARAGEA, M.,,. FAIBIS, A.; ROW, E.; ULEIA-LUNGEAKU, E. Contributions to the study.of the mechanisms of localizing visceral disturbances in the course of neuroses. Note III. Role of the pathological anamneses in determining the localization of vasceral disturbances in neuroses. Studit cerc fiziol 5 no-3:477-487 160, (ELU 10:2) 1. Catedra de fiziopatologie a Facultatii de medicina din Institutul de medicina A farmacie, ENcuresti. (NEUROSES) (VISC W ) FAIBIS,.-A,-L FAIBIS, M. ------- - Researches on the mechanism of the hemodynamic modifications prwoked by acetylcholine In pulmonary circulation. Studii cerc fiziol 5 n0-3; 601-613 160. (EEAI 10:2) 1. Catedra de fizioputologie a Facultatii de medicina din Institutul de medicina si farmacie, Bucuresti. (BLOOD) (LUNGS) (ACETYLCHOLINE) FAIBIS, A. -- - Studies on the pathogenest: of ci.-culatoz7 dist;rbanceB in pulmonary embolism. Cor Vasa 3 no.4:273-284 161. 1. The Chair of Pathophysiology, The Bucharest MGdical and Pharmaceutical Institute. (PUIYONARY EMBOLISM ex rimental) (,'j'HOCK experimentalr SARAGEA, M.; FAIBIS, A,; BERNTHAL, I.; VOLANSKI, D. Changes in the tonus and motility of the gallbladder on stimulation of the reticular pontomesencephalic formation. Activ. nerv. SuP. 3 no.4:389-398 '61. 1. Chair of Pathophysiology, Medical and Pharmaceutical Institute, Bucharest (Dir. Dr M. Saragea) (GALLBLADDER physiol) (BRAIN STEM pbysiol) FAIBIS, A.-- IONESCU, C.; SARAGEA, M. Experimental studies on the action of meprobamate upon the superior nervous activity. I.Influence of meprobamate on the conditional re- flexes in normal animals. Studii cerc fiziol 6 no.1:63-72 161. (Ew 10:9) 1. Institutul, de medicina Bi farmacie Bucurestif Catedra de fizio- patologie. (CONDITIONED RESPONSE) (NERVOUS SYSTEM) IMEPROBAMATE) .FA.111j) A. BERNTHAL, I.; F."I'Bi'2J A,- MTARU, Natalin; NFUJI, Tr.; RFBEDEA, neana; IMNIALCHA, V. Fxpcrimunull polsoribg with lead salts. Muinti( al and metabolic changea after parenteral administrution of lead nuetrite). I 01f,iH. ceroet- 10 no.1:7-5~ 165. FATBISY A.; WAWERNIA, H.; KOTTLAR-CRAMIC, Karin Functional topography of the bulbar structures invol-ed In regulation of circulation. Stud. cereet. de fiziol. 10 no. 2t 193-202 1 65. FAIBIS, A.; FAIBIS, M. Researches on the mechanism ~f the hemodynamic modifications prwoked by acetylcholine in pulmonary circulation. Studii cerc fiziol 5 no-3: 601-613 160, (EEAI 10:2) 1. Catedra de fiziopatologie a Facultatii de medicina din Institutul. de medicina A farmacie, Bucuresti. (BLOOD) (LUNGS) (ACETYLCHOLINE) BAZAVANJ, I, ing.i SANDULESCU, Valeria., ing.; FAIBIS.,__Rozina, chirList Ideceased Method to deter-mine the solubility of wetcr-sol-ble dyestuffs. Ind text Rum 13 no.6:226-228 Je 162. 1. laboratorul central coloristic al Ministerului Industriai Petrolului si Chimlei. /. 1,-5 SANIFMICI, H.; SPILIADIS, A.; HIISENRATH, M.; BAZAVAN, I.; FAIBIS, R. Contributions to the synthesis of the dyestuff Direct Copper Resistant Blue GL, similar to Benzoechtkupferlxlau GL. Rev chimie Min petr 12 no.7:392-398 J1 161. GSIB, R.0 Dr.; - TAIBISCH, B., dr.; TEDDORESCU, P., dr. --- - 7. --- Report of some cases of non-occupational brucellosis. Ned. int., Bucur. 9 no.4*9618-624 1pr 57. 1. Lucrare efectuata In Clinics, I medical& at Clinicm, do bolt contagioase sk Spitalului OColentina.0 (BRIJCZLWSIS. case reports non-occu5., probably caused by consumption of dairy prod (MILK cream & cheese as probable causes of brucallosis) DOROGAN, D.; FAIGHELIS, C.; BATCU, A. Correlation between chronaximetric excitability and the glutamic- oxa.loctic transaminaso contents of antagonist muscles. Rumanian M -Rev. no.lsl43-144 Ja-Mr 161. 0 1. Laboratory of Physiology (Dirocto~: Acad. V. Rascanu) and Laboratory of Biological Chemistry (Director: Prof. Dr. M. Sibi) Institute of Medicine, Jassy. (TRANSAMINASES chemistry) (MUSCUS physiology) D.; ri.iC111EIASS-C. i.,,,~jctlvlty of antagonistic muscles and a1dolase content. Corre- lation with the a1doluse content of the myocardium. FJziol. norn. pat. 11 no.1-39-46 Ja-F 165. 1. Sectia de fiziologle umana, Centrul de biologle generala si aplicata al Aeademlel R.r.R., Filiala Iasi (director: acad. V. Haucanu) si Laboratcrul do blochimie (diroctor: Prof. SIM 'iftrio) de In Institutul medico-farmacoutic, Iasi. FAAL, Zdenek - . "Reactors In the chemical Industry" by 4 XUall) G. GIr- logarni. Reviewed by 7denek Faigl. Chem priun 14 no. 3: 168 lir 164. 1. 'ilovnal't flutiftal Enteryprise, oratislava. r A~ CIQ~MiKNT MR UEARMAI RZVEROZRATION or, Val, 17, No. 6, 3Z1-4 (1050. In c4ech A pneral deactiptlan of #*ifpmert sul for me2murtne ths reverboriklion tlwo, wA A M-71 Coat- f1dentm of v-%rIou*.4QM..t' -as. rF.#jInq u(the ";uIpawnt CoWsts of a white-Motip zourco I I C/s to 20 tc/11) a OC~ATG tand-ptho go, of 9 (it ewjes of 20 c~. w 20 kc1s, a power ampliffer anW a lcutiaVeaker. 7h$ receiving Irirt CM31 ts ot a mlcru;tme. 06 set at band-pass Iters, Jul amplilpler xA4 al"ecoriter (hnmvgrjpW. it is Claimed 2t Uie wtite-notne method of wA4,wring the acoustic p&mrcetArs,gv** repro&ciblo results IM ta awro ac"Ursta 944 the Atzaarp sincle-tono measure- R.S.Sidorow1ca ---------- FOMAN, Z.; FIKAR, Z. "Polyeeran. -ab. Application of logical members in automntle control." Automatisace. Praha, Czechoslovakia. Vol. 2, no. 3, Mar.1959. Monthly list of Fast European Accessions (FEAT), LC, Vol. 8, No. 6, Jun 59, Uncles FAIN, S.1. Diagnoutic mletakes In malignant tumors of tho bones. Med.zhur. Uzi). no.11,37-38 It 160- (MIA 14:5) 1. Iz fakulltetskoy khirurgichoskoy kliniki (zav. - prof. F.M.Golub) Samarkandskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni I.P. Pavlova. Zy (BOIMS-GAINCER) FAIN., V.M.; XRAIIIN, la.l.; YASHCHIN, E.G. Nonlinear propertieo of three-level systew. Zhur.eksp.i teor.fiz. la no.3z9S&-988 S 161. (MIRA 14:10) 1. Radiofizicheokiy institut Gorikovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. (Quantum theory) FAIN, Yu.B,j KUMURENKO, U.N. Tectonics of Pre-Devonian formations in thq Birsk anticline. Geol.nefti i gaza 7 no.2t2l-26 F 163. (MIRA l6s2) 1. Kaltasinakaya kontora bureniya. i Arlanakaya promyslovo- geofizichookays koz%tora, (BaAkiria.-Geology, Structura.1) YAINA, A.Z. Prol,)Tu;,id pre-sence of a foroign I)ody in cervicAl 13oft tiasue. Vent.0to-rin. 20 noo5:124-125 S-0 '58 (MLRA 11:12) 1. Iz kliniki holezney uUhn, gorln i nosa Wir. - pror. A.G. Lilchachev) I Monkovehogo meditsinskof-o Inotituta imeni I.M. Sechenova. (NECK, for bodies, shall fraMent, prolonged prcionce (Run)) FAn.'Al-;U,M., Ing.; MOCAf'U,I.'.p ing. UtIlizatlon of pulp mada of red and istraw for marufacturing different tylAs of paper at the Steaua Rosie CeUulose and Paper Plant. Cel hirtle 11 no.5tl73-185 My'62. 111"', :;~g, t Iv,11 j- 1,,nn of t~.t~ :y' '. r.,.Ir' r;t: s'w)v f 11' ~np f iponn~ik. 'I, rg iWil III m, M, till) 11:1.1 Ro3; f." ~:v , iij :4 ~;.,o AvA I'IA:I,: . I'A , Ij i Ir Ib j "! I I lin . ; ~ / I,' , .,' 4-4,)'2 ti-1) ? f, ~ I L I. - - i, , 1, f( W rm ILL7=0, A.A. (translator]; ZAINGAR, A.A. [translatorj; TURC 0. I.T. [translator]: HARTY110T, A.A., red. (Great ca"Ign on the first front of the Chinese Workers$ and Penannts' Red Army; remIniscenoss) Valikii pokhod I-go fronta kitalskoi Rabocho-krestlianskoi Krasnoi Armli; vospominaniia. Moskva, Izd-vo Inostr.lit-ry, 1959. 567 p. Translated from the Chinese. (MIRA 14:2) (China-Army) FAINGOLD, S., tehniliste teaduste kandidaat; VALIAS, K. fttraction of carbohydrate groups from shale tar. Besti tead.almd. tehn.fuus. 8 no.4:225-233 '59. (BRAI 9:5) 1. Nesti NST Teaduste Akademil&.Keemia Institunt. (Shale) (Wrocarbous) (Pblymers &nd polywrixation) (Zino chloride) (Aluminum chloride) ACC NR, AP6024136 SOURCE CODE: CZ/0021#/65/000/012[0313/0317 AUTHOR: K Vladimir (Engineer); Fainman. Zb_vsek (Engineer; Candidate of Al sciences) ORG: [Komarok) VUGTK,--Prague; [Fainmanj V!gORT,_Fta,&u9 TITIZ: EK 101 electronic copying machine and its contribution to photogr etry SOURCE: Geodeticky a kartograficky obzor, no. 12, 1965, 313-317 TOPIC TAG': photogrammotry, aerial photograph, photogra hic equipment, copy camera, 'P electronic copying machine/EK 101 electronic copying machine AWTRACT: The article denerlbee the principle of the EK 101 electronic copying wtchiw!, --Ives Its technical parameters and explains its contribution from the point )r vi,~w or the requirements of photogrametry. The part of the copying machiw, A:n the proceiving or aerial photographs in disc -good. Orig. art. has: 8 figures. (JPR3j SUB CODE- 14, 09, 08 / SUBM DATE: none / CRIG REF: 001 Cwd 1/1 UDC: 771-4:528-7 104-26P 55 ?,-l., of t-Ll 271. A. J. Me. F.Mt lr-f~r f r rl- In rm. S.-I 3 3h~-nk.. In-ti-t!n, .;A :, -; JL-, --. R-,,-.-A kir tnt ~~ 2T3. A. E. On S- P-L-lt- Of I" If 1--t by P~-%., ~,- t C-1-.. 274. A. S. rA "--C. 0. f t ty L ~, ~ -.f i 11tt of Crtt*rt&l *t!~!& of r -r= f'. r--. - `~ I -~' si~. ftTL=,% F-tr1l. 3_t X. of r C.-II.- or 7,al.s. X. 6=-AM of F,%t tr.. us!! Fz- t If C~-tt" ik-at in C. J. tf wi-t -t- 77-f~r -he cr r-t iAIA, D. Study of the effeat of mel.als and diamines on the strictiral otaldlity of deoxyrinonucleic a,.)id In beat dAna4c-aratim. , (MIRA 3:1 t1) Bioklil.TIla 26 no.611018-;'024 N-D'63 1. Chalr of Flant. Bloliemistry,, Statle Univirsity, Moimov. Inclij.'i'lon of, P32. lnto the myc4llwn o,' Fo7,-r,, - ilm -1-yorg;~num. Dokl. AN S-SSR 159 no.1-1118-2~.! Ill I (~,' 4. (VaRA Vf,.qknv!ikly g03,,jdarstvennv univerfiltet im. M.V. Lew gov .Y Pr t,As t,, i-leno 4kadomiko-n A.N. lielo--crskim. FAISANDIER, J. (Hydraulic machinery]Gidravlicheakie mekhanizmy. Moskva, Goa. lzd-v,-j obor. promyshl., 1960. 190 p. (MIRA 15:12) (Hydraulic machinery) C )u nt ry : Hungary T Or-t 0"Z'.) V."' .11uman and Animal Physiology, Neuromu!icular Physiology, JI.ur. :Ref Zhur Biol., No. 2, 1959, No. 8383 :Jendrassik.L., Faiszt.,J. I"OtIt'at, :__ TIt1c :The Role of ATP and Creatine Phosphate in Recov- ery after a Muscle is Stretched. Orl:~:. ?ub. :Biol. kozl., 1958, 5, No. 2, 75--85 Abatract The consumption of both ATP and creatine phosphate resulting from passive stretch (25-- 50 gm for 10 seconds) amounted to -about 2 micko- moles per gm of muscle. Complete regeneration occurred within 5 seconds, and that of creatine phosphate even exceeded the initial level. Aftex 10--20 seconds the hypergeneration was pronouncee even for ATP. Within a minute the level dimini- shed to the initial value. Follow!.ng tetanic contractions with a like load and duration, the reliacement of ATP and creatine phosphate was slower. Hypergeneration was less marked and Card: 1/2 -7,ton t or rerrrn 1.7 T 71 'T' j ry 17 Ace FAISZT, Jazaef Sessions arranged by the Division of General Biology, Hungarian Biological Society. Biol kozl 11 no.1:67-73 163. FAIT, Jan; HAM, Vaclav, dr. Use of technical standards of output for saving electric power in papermaking. Papir a celuloBa 18 n0.9:185-187 S 163. 1. 14inisterstvo chemickeho prumyslu, Pralia. FAIT. Xoim~iF, MUDr. An.; BALZAR, Milos, MUDr Plastic splint@, Acta, chire orthope traux. coch. 22 no.1-2:11-12 Fab 55. 1. Orthopeds kline v Brno; protin. MUDr. Bedrich Yojka, prof. (SPLINTS plastic, evaluation) FR3JKA, B.; FAIT, M. ""-ft4p.,~- - -, Growth stimulation in a shorter extremity. Acts chir. orthop. tream. cech. 25 no.4:268-275-JulY 58. 1. OrtopedickR klinika v Brno. B. 7., Masova 10, Brno (M, abnormnlities, length inequality, growth stimulation (Cz)) (GROWTH, stimulation In leg length inequality (Cz)) FAIT. M.-, kandidat medItsInskIkh nauk; MYULLMR. Th. [Wller, J.]. inzh. Congenital varus deformity of the femoral neck; investigation b7 photoolastimetr7. Ortop,trami protez. 20 no.4:16-20 Ap 159. (MIRA 13:4) 1. Iz ortopedicheakoy kliniki (zav. - prof. B. Freyka) I Nauchno- isoledovateliskogo instituta makromolakulyarnoy khimli, Brno. (FRKJR NROK, abnorm. varus deformity, photoelastimetry (Ras)) T.RgM, R.; IYAIT, M.; LITZHAN, 0.; FISHOVA, H. 4onsurement of anterior torsion of the famur. Doscription of this method used at the orthopedic clinic in Brno. Acta chir. orthop. traum. cech. 26 no.5-6:400-406 Noy 59. 1. Ortopedicka. klinUm university v Brno. prednoRta prof. dr. lek. ved. B. Frejka. (HIP, fract. & disloc.) 1 1~~; VLACH, 0. 2 Use of a Canadian-type Drothesis followina PxPrticul-f4- of the hip I-joint. Acta chir. orthop.Armm...zacb. 29,w.2t2l4-2l6 162. 1. Urtopedicka katedra, University J.Ev.Purkyne v Brne, vedouci dr. M.Janecek. (HIP surg) (PROTHESIS) OFAIT, -M.,- KOSIUICA~ E. Preoperative preparation in scoliosis. Acta chir. orthop. traum. cech. 29 no-5;n.p. 0 162. 1. Ortopedicka klinika lek. fak. University J.Ev. Purkyne v Brne, prednosta prof. dr. M, Janecek. (TRANSPLANTATION) - FAII; M.; VLACH, 0. 11 J , "I Experience with the "hilwaukee" corset in the surgical treatment of scolioois. Acts, chir. orthop. traum. cech. 29 no.5:478-480 0 162. 1. Ortopedicka klin4ka lek. fak. University J.Ev. Purkyne v Brne, prednosta prof. dr.-M. Janecek. ,SCOLIOSIS) (ORTHOPEDIC EQUIPMENT) FAIT, M.y VLACHv 0. Evaluation of amputation and exarticulation. of the foot. Acta chir. orthop. traum. cech. 30 no.2396-99 Ap 163. 1. Ortopedicka Icatedra lekaroke fakulty UJEvP v Brne, vedoucl prof. dr. M. Janecek, CSo. (FOOT DISWES) (AMPUTATION) FAITY M.; KALAB, Z.; SAIBERT, Z. Problems of cervicobrachalgia and brachalgia in children. Acta chir. orthop. traum. cech. 31 no.2:151-153 Ap 164. l.-Ortopedicke oddeleni (vedouci doe. dr. M. Fait).. neurologicke oddeleni (vedouci MUDr. V.Holub) Detake fakultni nemocnice V Brne. FAITs H.j SAIBERT, Z. Treatment of congenital hip dislocation with vertical traction. Acts, chir, orthop. traum. Ceah. 32 no.3t270-274 is 165. Is Ortopedicks oddtleni Fakultni detake nemocniaev Brno (vedouci doo, dr. M. Fait). ,-,,JAg*w&UWJ "av* QABRNOCH., Jan Preparation for continuous operation in general repair and maintenance of houses* Poz stavby It no,7:352-357 163. 1, Fasadostav Praha, FAITA, JOzef I Contribution to the~zsasurement technique of the thickness increase of stands. Les cas 9 no-4;266-278 162. 1..Vyskumny ustav lesneho hospodarstva Banska Stiavnica, pracovisko Bratislava. CZ)-,,,'C ~.'O SLOA FAITH, L. State In.;titute of Medical 'Control ("itatny u.-tav Ijre kontrolu lieciv), Bratiolava 3ratislava, Famaceuticky Obzor, No 2, 1J63, i)'l- 53-57 "Oscillopoiaro,graphic Differentiation of tae Antibiotics of the Type Tetracyclin.11 V, CZECIK)SLOVAKIA FAITH, L. Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Faculty, Karlova, University (Kat*dra rarmaceutickej chemie Faripdceutickej fakulty UK), Bratislava. Bratis"Ya, Farmacouticky obzor, No T, July 1965, pp 295-301 "Use of azo-groups in "ctrophotometric determination of oxytetracyclin* in medicinal from." FAITH L h I )t'J. tf 1 Vf I, Ze 's turl 'orlotructicn nf thf,~ I 4 I M root~)rulm of r k;t t, A.!" :--t w-,; 1'. City Colu-'r-11, 1"', vi:.!:~t_ no. Cap! tal FAITH, Stevan:, ims, projektAnt (Maribor, PuPinova 4) Load transfer to the foundation through the steel elementa. Tahnilm Jug:Suppl.:Gradevinarstvo 17 no.3:441-447 Mr 163. 1. Produzece "MotalmO, Maribor. STANKOVIANSKY, S.; RUSINA, R.;_.?AITHOVA, E. Examination of the complex formation of ooh*r vith ethylenediamAne. Pts. 1-2. Acta r nat Univ Com 4 no.11/12:445-665 160 [publ. 1611. 1. Katedra--vialy-tickej chemie, Universita Komenskeho, O*eralovp,2. 6- ,t4- FAIX, Alexej, inz.; FABIAN, Staniolav Experience in the use of the bin-n cut in gallery driving. Rudy " no.10:323-327 0 163. FAI Alexej, irz.j FABIAJ:, Stemiulav, .,_;. A.- ~ - - Ri-perienca in the operational testing of the Atlas CDpce S-Z-GH bunker loader. Widy 11 no.U072-ri? N16). 1. Zeleznorudre bane. FAIX, Alexaj, inz.; S-,unllslav 'Experienc~:S'Ln drill~,Pg -aith- concave '~,;,4,y I'll Ta 165 11 1. Zelemor-Lidne bane National Enterprisp, SP133ka Nova Ves. NO IREPU?~ CA I ON AN 5E MAbE W I 14OU TI-I IE E~J(T>KE-55EP CON5emr ()F TIAES, 19(ol ~,"KMEK KI D50 % Kt"Ev 115 f I 'Fregg YSikRtw> ItIM-156NMEATP T ~- rA ~< *4,*y 16, ) . 4,~ (A