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.L 60440-65 ACCESSION Nk: APS016527 values of.the entropy of both (%,and y phases. The martensitic transformation caused- by the strong- magiactic- field did not proceed at one definite field, but in a series;, of junps, from which the first (at H=H k ) appeared the greatest. The critical fieldt Hk ,at which the-most intensive martensitic burst started$ depended weakly on the duration of the 'magnetic impulse, Critical field dependency on temperature was in accord with the thermodynamic theoV of phase transformations of the first order. Orig. 'art. has:, 7. figures. ASSOCIATION.,_.-I.Institut --- fiziki-Metallov AN:SSS.R-_(j4istItute_'6f Physics of Hetals M-11 SUBMITTED: 24Ju.164 E9CL: 00 SUB CODE! MM,-W. 110 REF SOV- OTHER: .004 Card 2/2 EWT(j)/-R!T(m)/EWP(t)/EWP(b) IJP(c) JD/GG L !0295-6-5 ACC NRs AP5025320 SOURCE CODEs UR/0126/65/020/003/0373/0378 Krosovskiy., AUTHOR: E G.j V. P. Mkidov, I,. Volegov, L. Pal Vf 0 OZ W4 1 55 11qj 5S ORGz. Institute of Physics of Metals, AN SSSR (Institut fiziki metallov AN SSOR) qql 65 4/q , 5 !:i 5-5 a(Ine d TITLEi Magnetoilastic ropprties of antiferrom P SOURCT;s Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye# vo 20, noo 3# 1965, 373-378 TOPIC TAC-St Intermetallic compound, anti ferromaf~ne ti sm, elastic modulus, magnetic property, elasticity, antiferromagnetic material, shear modulus, manganese compound, gold compound ABSTPACTt Polycrystalline cylindrica amples of KnAu2 were made by smelting at 1100C a mixture of Mn (99.98%2!Lre) VAv (99.99%), subsequent casting, and heat treatment providing magnetic properties deScribed by A. Meyer and P. Taglang (J.'Phys. Rad., 1956, 17b 457). The Intermetallic compound had a helicoid spin structure, a Niel temperature Tm . 90C, a threshold Ht - WOO oe, and a density )* - 1594 g cm- . The changes in the shear modulus G and the 'Youmo modulus E were determined under changing conditions of temperature (20 - 140C) and external magnetic field. The curves showing relative changes of shearing modulus G/G. Card 1/2 UDCt 538o65+539.32 L 10285-66 ACC NRs AP5025320 (Gc~.,pt 20C.was 11.56xlO dynei/sq cm) with temperature were plotted for the sample in the antiferromagnetic (H !a 0) and ferromagnetic state (H w 18,000 oe), The curve H a 0 showed that G decreased with increased tem erature, reached a minimum at BOOC,acquired a maxitue in the Neel point (TH a 96C3, and decreased continuously in the paramagnetic region* The G of MnAU2 changed little with increased field to the threshold value (H - 6000 0e), then sharply decreased and reached a minimum at H a 16,000 oe, The shearing modulus G of MnAu2 in the ferromagnetic state (H - 18,000 oe) did not exhibit any noticeable anomalous changes during the antiferromagnetism-~ferromagnetism transition in the Curie point. The changes in anomaly of the shearing modulus during the antiferro- magnetism-ferromagnetism transition were sharper than those of the Youno modulus. This was related possibly to the helicoid distribution of magnetic moments. The anomalous behavUr of the Young and shearing moduli was 4 result of diointegration of the helicoid spin structure brogght about by the magnetic transformations anti f erromagneti sm --i~ paramagne ti am (T-. T11 and H- --w 0). anO -antiffirToma"etism ferromagnetism (T< TN and H >Ht). OtISF. art. hast 5 figures. �UB CODEs 20 / SUBM DATEI 148ep64/ NR REF SM 004/ OIHERt . 007 Cara - 2/2 hw L 14991-66 EWT(I)/L'WT(m)/EWP(w)/WA(d)/T/EWP(t)/EWP(z)/EWP(b) IJP(c) MJWIJDI ACC NR: AP5028570 (A/) SOURCE CODE:- U-R'-/0126/65/020/005/0793/0795 AUMOR: Voronchikhin, L. D.; Zavadskiy, E. A ; Fakidov, I. G. ORG: Institute of Physics of Metals AN SSSR (Institut fisiki metallov AN SSSR) TITLE: Superparamagnetism in austanitic stools SOURCE: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, v. 20, no. 5, 1965, 793-795 TOPIC TAGS: austenitic steel, paramagnetism, magnetization, magnetic field, mag- netic moment, metal physical property, metal physics 21, q :ABSTRACT: Superp lti~m was studied in 40MMAand 50Kh2N22 austenitic aramagne steels in order to determine the average magn'~ ATcmcments and dimensions of the loc-4 .al ferromagnetic ordering regions (clusters). netization curves are given bath for constant magnetic fields and strongly changing ones. Sample dimensions were 1 mm (diameter) and 10 mm (length). The data showed that the experimental portions of the magnetization curves, corresponding to the values of the fields causing mar-i tensitic transformationi n tfiese.steels, can be described by the Langevin function UDC: 669.15 538.22 'Card 1/3 L 14991-66 ACC NR: APS028570 7 AM N 1.'. 'L F ~7kT P where k is Boltzman's constant, T is the absolute temperature, M is magnetic Mo- Pent of the superparamagnetic particle and r~ is saturation magnetization of the sample. Satisfactory agreement of the experimental and calculated curves exhibit ,the utility of equation (1) for calculating the magnetic moments of particles. Two i boundary cases were considered, corresponding to the conditions when MRAT -C 1 :(weak field) and MHAT 3- 1 (strong field) - Equation (1) for the case when W1kT -c 1! reduces to NMI H T. 3k T a where N is the number of particles per cm3; for the case when WlkT m-1, the fol- lowing was applicable: Cr hr i .7.7 T.; Card 2/3 L 14991-66 ACC NR: APS028570 Ihe average dimensions of the particles were calculated to be d 10 angstrom. The ,conclusions substantiated the authors' hypothesis of the presence of paramagnetism -in austenitic steels based on the.calculated magnetic moments and the impossibility, of attaining saturation even in fields as high as 150-103 oersteds. Orig. art. 'has: 3 figures. 'SUB CODE: 11920/ SUBM DATE: 3OJul65/ ORIG REN 002/ OTH REF: 002 'Card 3/3 ACC NR, AP60231U SOURCE CODEEt UR/0126/66/021/00)/0436/0441 AUTIIOM.~Voronohikhinp Le Do; Fakidov, I* Gi 7T ORGs Institute of PlVeice of MetaUt All SSSR (Institut fi notallov. AN Sssit) TITIB t Determining the Iatent heat of -martennite conversiontluced in steel by a magnetic field SOMCE: Fisika metallov i metallovedeniye.'-v. 21, no* 3. 1966, 436-441 TOPIC TAGS t magnetic effect, martensitic transformation, conatant magnetic field,. Pulsed magnstic field, waoriamtry, nickol ateol. hiph temperature phe;vmenon KBST=Tt The *authors study the thermal' phenowena which accompany marten- atte,conversion induced by a magnetic field in stools. The stwly confirms -the previously known fact of stepwise formation or isolated m&rttusite -bodies-and indicates that a similar mechaniam of inartensite conver3iun Aaken place egardless of the physical causes underlying the r conver- 'Sion.. Aa hod in proposed for determining the latent heat or tensite 'conversion us to the effect of the magnetic field in 40Kh2W20 ~ut .58n4NBS teels. The chemical compositt On of these steels is given in the table belov.. It is.shown that both pulsed and constant magnetic .fields may initiate this conversion. The'advantages of the proposed method for determining the latent heat of austeni te- to-mar tens i to con- !r*rsion in- a awtgnotic field are discussed in comparison with the calori- 'metric method, UDC 3W-33;3A.65 77T. . 77--_ SO'Ue-,CE CODE: Lni/0056/66/051/005/1317/1320, :AIJ7HOR: Zavadskiy, E. A. Fakidov, I. G. ORG: Institute of Physics of Metals, Academy of Sciences SSSR (Institut fitiki metal- lov Akaderaii nauk ~SSSR) iTITIZ: Magnetic properties of the compound Mn3Ge2 in strong magnetic fields MURCE: Zhurnal Asperimentallnoy i tooreticheskoy fiziki, v. 51, no. 5, 1966, 1317- 1320 TOPIC TAGS: manganese compound, germanium compound, magnetic property, magnetization, antiferromagnetism, magnetic moment l ABSTRACT: The purpose of the investigation was to determine the magnetic moment di- rectly from measurementsof the magnetization in the state of weak ferromgnetism. The tests were made in fields of intensity up to 300 kOe in.the temperature interval from 370, to 77K. The measurements were made on polycrystalline samples using a pulsed I magnetic balance and a piezoelectric.pickup. The results showed a transition from the antiferromagnetic state to the state of weak ferromagnetism at the first critical point (160K). With increasing field, the transition temperature decreases. In the state of weak ferromagnetism) the dependence of the magnetization on the field is linear up to 50 k0ej after which saturation sets in. From the occurrence of the point! of saturation it is found that at T > 100K the magnetic moment per manganese atora is 11.5 Bohr magnetons, whereas at lower temperatures a strong magnetic field causes V2 ACC NRs Ar-6037058 transition from the antiferromagnetic state into a state with magnetic moment 2.3 Bohr magnetons per manganese atom., The change occurring in the magnetic structure of Mn3Ge2 in a strong magnetic field close to 100K is confirmed also by the temperature dependences of the magnetizati6n and Is accompanied by a change in the transition entropy by a facior 2.4. The authors thank V. X. Novogrudskiy for supplying the samples and N. I. Kuntsevich for help vith the measureihents. Orig. aft- has: 3 rigures. ISUB CODE: 20/ SUBM ~ATZ: 02.%n661 oRiG. Rv: oo7/ oTH Rv: ow Card 2/2 A0;-,jNR1 AP7005336.,, SOURCE CODE: -AUM1011: Zavadskiy, E. A.; Fakidov, I. G. ORG:.;~Institutc of Physics of Metals, AN SSSR, Sverdlovsk (Institut fiziki metallov AX-,SSSR) Tl=: Magnetic properties of the alloy FeRh in strong magnetic fields SOME: Fizika tverdogo telAp v. 9, no. 1, 1967o'139-144 MTPIC TAGS: iron base alloy, rhodium containina alloy, saturation magnetization, ;:temperature dependence', critical point, antiferromagnetismi phase transition f*ABSTRACT: In view of discrepancies between the results of other investivators, the ,.authors measured in detail the magnetization of FeRh over a wide range of magnetic fields and temperatures. The iron was alloyed with 53 at.% of rhodium in a high- frequency furnace and in an inert atmosphere. The measurements were made on solid sarTles by an induction method and on powders by means of a pulsed magnetic balance. The two measurement procedures were described by the authors earlier (Flrall Y. 12) 832) 1961 and v. 21, 693, 1966). The measurements were made at temperatures 7.7 - 400K and in magnetic fields 330 kOe. The results showed that saturation set in at ten- peratures above the critical value' at which the FeRh goes over from the antiferromag- netic into the ferromagnetic state. The dependence of the critical field on the tem- perature is a straight line with constant slope in the entire range of temperatures and magnetic fields. Temperature hysteresis of the electric resistivity and of the i/2 Card ACC NRi AP74165336 magnetization were clearly.observed in the tests at the transition from the antiferro- magnetic into the ferromagnetic state. It is pointed out that this linear dependence charges if a change takes place in the magnetic structure at some value of the nag- netic field, causing the slope of the line to change. The authors thar0k. A. Ya. Afa- ,nasoyev for preparing the alloy and I. I. Kuntsevich for help with the measurements. Orig. art. has: 6 figures and 4 for=las. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 03jun66/ ORIG REF: 004/ OTH RU: 009 2/2 2AS L.3A545-63 -9WA(k)/kWP(k)/Bb (t)"2/W(l) AFFTCIZsD-31 -ASD/RADC/APGC/AFWWSW-:-_: GG/ I ACCESSION VR: AP3005341 C9311910~~i t -AUMORt Kaskj N. YeGj Kgrnlyenkoo L..S.j Prokhorov, _A, X,;, Fakir. M. TITM Electron paramagnetic resonance and spin-lattlee re1axa;tI___ the Nd3+ imy;;ity ion in the CaW04 single-crystal lattice SOURCE: Mike, tverdogo tela, v. 51 nos.8s 1963P 2303-2301 TOPIC TAGS: electron paramagnetic resonance,, NO+ ion.. ipin-lattice relaxation$ .calcium tungstate crystals.,.neodymium-doped calcium tungstals ABSTRACT: A study of EPR spectra and spin-lattice relaxatioA of the Wds+ Ion in the CaWO4 lattice has been carried out at liquid helium temperatures on the 3-cm band. The. observed spectrum consisted of one Intense 1i6e produced by.even isotopes and tvo systems of eight components each produced by,.odd isotopes Nd,145 and TW45. . Angular dependence of the spectrum Indicated a tetragonal symmetry, of the crystal field suirounding t,he ion. Perpendicular and parallel g-fae and the superfine splitting'factors for the odd isotopes were determined. It is shown that at temperatures above 6K the relaxation is determined by nouresonAut t tvo-phonon'procesoes. Belcr4 that temperature, where single-phonon processOx Card 1/2 -T L ACGL~oSION ?iRs AP4013521 S/03.8.1/64/0061002/0549/0553 -JIV14,04, Kaskv i;. Ye.1 Korniyenkov L. S.; Faidr, U. 71TI48 Electron paramagnetic resonance and spin lattice relaxation of the Nd3+ ion in single crystals of GsF2 50~.W;K: Mika tvarclooc, tale, ve 6s no. 2. 1964j, 549-553 IGPIC IAGS: electrtm paramagnetic rosonance, spin lattice -relaxation, Nd3*,.ion, CaF2. single cr3!otal, fluorites totragonal speptrunis tetraeonal syrimetrys .orthorhombic :,pectrum, orthorhombio symmetry., absorption line., &factors pars- m3Gnetic ion Ai3diMM The authors studied the spee;-ra of ions in c~-ystalline fields of tatragonal and orthohombic synimetry at a frequency of 9500 moracyclese All cr7stals investit;ated showed identical spectra corresponding to the tetragonal and orthorhc,~io symmetry in the vicinity of the paramagnetic ion. With increase in the concentration of Nd low from Oe3 to 1% 4he orthorhcabic spectrum grow in intensity relati-.4 to Uie intensity of the tetragonal spectrum at a rate approx- Amatoly proportional to the squai" of the concentration. The orthorhombic spectruA Card AC~MION NRI AP4013521 my conse-iuantly he due to the replacement of three G&2* ions by two paramagnetic trivalent atoms, Heasuremints of the principal values of the g factors gave a - 4410 + 09010 and g -- 1300 + 0.003, The width of the absorption line at 1191f intenaTity and when 4he ;;~erm4-a magnetic field was parallel to the tatrag- onal axis of the crystalline field was fowd to be 10 oersteds, 'The dependence of ~ the spin-lattice relaxation tin on temperature In shown in Fig* 1 of the tnolosuree "The authors eVress their thanks to Professor A# M. Prokhorov for his useful discussions of the results of this work.0 Orig, art, hass I figure wd 4 formulas. ASWGIATIONt Nauchno-iasledo~:atellskiy institut -yadernoy fisiki MaU Research Institute of Nuclear Pbysics MM) SUBMIlTa 1 13" '.,,RATYAoQs omsr641.; EML 1 01 SUB CODEs. PH -NO JUW SOVI 003. OTHMs W4 CWd 2/~ S/058/61/000/012/017/083 A058/A101 AUTHOR. Fakirov. D. TITLE: Concerning the spatial distribution of the neutrino beam genera'~ei in high-energy nucleon collisions PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Fizlka, no. 12, 1961, 87, abstract 12B382 (V'rkhu prostranstvenoto razpredeleniye na neutrinniya potoi, pcro- den pri. at"lknoveniyata na relativistichni nuklont. Godishnik Sofiysk. un-t Piz,matem. fak., 1958-1959 WO), v. 53, no. 2 9.3 - 100, Bulg.; English summarj) TEXT: There was.carried out a calculation of the spatial distribution of the neutrino beam generated in nucleon collisions as a result of decay of the pions produced in these collisions. The calculation is, based on the Landau theory of multiple production. It is noted that neutrino-beam intensity reachles a peak in the target. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 FAKIROV, Docho Spatial distribution of leptor4gat originated during the collision of fast particles. Godishnik fis mat 56 noa2:93- 117 0161/962 [publ. 't631. "30-65 W(mVEFF(c)MMO/T P~-4/Pr-4 273.) L 8 '4 0920 - -S/0020/64/159/004/0885/ '.";-';~5 .ACCESSION NR.-'AP500 0 Be _'A AUTHOR: Kargin, V. .-A. cademician); Foldrovp S. Kh.; Ba keyev, N. F. TITLE! New method of direct observation of the structure.of polymer solutions in electron microacope SOURCE- AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 159, no. 4, 1964, 885-886, and insert facing p.845 TOPIC TAGS: polymer -solution structure, electron microscope technique, replica preparation, polymer solution ABSTRACT: There have been recently new ideas developed concerning the struc- Wre of amorphous _polymers.( The-lattet, are assumed to be ordered systems , built of chains forming packe, I (see the latest work by the authors in Vysokomo- lek. Soyed. 5. 98 (1964)). In the present paper, the authors describe a new me- thod of preparation of replicas for use in the electron microscope. A substance Is used as a solvent which glasses easily on cooling, with the temperature of vitrification above. the room temperature,- After dissolution of the polymer, the Card 1/ 2 ACCESSION NR: APS006920, solution is cooled below Tc. is then formed in which the structure of the polymer Is fixed (frozen in). The glass to cleaved, and from the surface a replica is made. at -polybuttlene ith the viscosity 1. 25 was investigated. The solvent was purified rosin with a 1:ftening temperature of about 75C. The elec- tron-micr*oscople analysis shows that ordered supermolecular structures in the solution of polymers can be formed which consists of chain packets. Orig. art. has: 2 figures ASSOCIATION:' Moskovskiy gosudarstve.nnyy universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova (Moscow, State University) SUBMITTED: 22jul64 ENCL; 00 SUB CODE: MT, GC NR REIF SOV: 006 OTHER: 001 Card 2/2 --L 61657-65 EttT(m)/EPF(c)/EWP(J-)/r~----Pci-4/Pl~~----TM'' ACCESSION NR: AP5015426 UR/0020/65/162/004/0851/0852 AUTHOR: Kargin, V.A., Bftev& - N. F. Faddrov- S. Kh. Volynoldy, A. L. 7ITLE: Electron-microscopic method of studying the supramolecular structure of polymers in solutions SOURCE: A SSSR. Doldady, v. 162, no. 4, 1965, 851-852, and insert facing p. 652 TOPIC TAGS: electron microscopy, polybvtylone, polypropylene, molecular association, P lymer structure I ABSTRACT: - A now method of preparing samples for electron-mteroseopic studies of polymer solutions is proposed. A solvent of low critical temperature (propane, ethylene, etc.) is condensed in a glass capillary containing the polymer, after which the capilla i ry is scaled and heated 20-25C above the critical temperature. When the end of the capillary is cut off, the solutlon of polymer In the gaseous solvents ohoots out, striking the mesh (covered with a substrate) of the electron i Using this technique, the authors i studied two tems. a solution of poly- bu lene propane, and a solution of atactic pol ro liege ~5 3 wt.%). Photomicrographs show s~ propane (in concentrations from 0. 5 to tlh~ate orm on of ordered supramolecular strictures occurs even in solutions of low e orrr concentrations. As the latter increase above 3%, the polymer does not dissolve completely*: 1/2 L 61657-65 ACCESSION NR; AP5015426 [ and as a result, coarse aggregates are formed which cannot be resolved by the electron microscope. Below 0. 05%, the system is In a diApersed molecular state in which the size and shape of the Individual molecules cannot be accurately resolved. The proposed metW makes it possible to determine the character of the association of macromolecules directly in the solution. Orig, art. has: 6 figures. ASSOCL&TION: Moskovskiy gooudarsWennyy universitet im. M.V. Lomonosova (Moscow. State University) SUBMJTTED: 08Dec$4 'ENCL.- 00 SUB CODE: OC KARGIN, V..k,v a)cud=ik, BAKEfFV, tI.F.'r , NIKANtV-M4, N-1- . y Stl,Uatu--e of or-yat!111121rig polywir golilions. Dokl. AN SSSR 165 no..3604,-606 N 165. (ml m 13 11.1) .L. Muskovskly go9uda:istTena7-y umiyers-'t6t. FAKIROV, V. The breakwater strip of the dam and possibilities of strengthening it. p. 258 (GORSKO STOPANSTVO) Vol. 13,, no. 6, June 1957, SOfiiA, Bulgaria SOi Monthly Index of EaBt European Accessions (EEAI) Wt Vol. 7p No. 31 March 1958 -06ANCNJ A.I.; FAKTOR,E.A. Thermodynamic study of the surface layers of liquid 3olutions. Part 2: Entropy of the surface layers in binary systems. Koll. zhur. 27 no.6:869-875 N-D 165. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Laningradakiy universitet Imeni A.A. ZhOnnova. Submitted May 4, 1964. L TVIF~C) 1-'i-C-C NR: Ap6010548 SOURCE COM UR/0069/65/027/006/0869i&iii AUTHCRs Rusanove A. la Faktor. E. A. ORGS Leningrad University In. A. A. Zbdanov (laningradskiy universitst) 11 TITLE# Thermodynamic study of surface layers of liquid solutions. Part 20 Entropy of surface layers In binary systems SOURCES Kolloldnyy shurnal, v. 27,, no. 6, 1963t 869-873 TOPIC TAGS1 entropy,, surface tension, thermodynamic calculation ABSTRACT: Formulas are derived for the calculation of the composition and entropy of surface layers of binary liquid solutions. Two methodap one based on calorimetric data and the other involving the use of vapor entropyp are employed. To illustrate the derived relationshipst the entropies of the surface layers in the binary system NaBr - H20 are calculated as functions of concentration and temperature in the range of 25-506C9 and the composition of the layers are calculated for 50 and 600co assumin that H20 vapor is Ideal and that the temperature dependence of the surface tension In inears Values obtained at various temperatures for the molar surfac I in the XaBr - H20 system by use of the ti- methods Indicate that a sli~t entropy = my appear which become more appreciable an the temperature to lowered. The wdetence of this waixua to attributed to a rearrangement of the. structure of the surface layer under the Influence of tons of the salto a process c,,,d 1/2 UDC1 541-181536.7 34421-66 FAKTOR, G, Recent developments in the farming system of the U.S.A. Zemledel-ie 25 no.2:84-86 F 163 jUnited States-Agriculture) (KIRA 16:5) FAKTOR, M.Sh. Device for testing the magnets of a flaw detector. Put$ i put.khos. 4 n0-11:34 It 160*' ~ OCIRA 13:12) 1. Inzhener defektookopnoy laboratorii, g. Odessa. (Negentle instruments-Testing) FAKTOR~ X.Sh.p inzh. (Odessa) Germanium diodes In defectoscopes. Put' I put. khoz. 9 no,,307 165. (MIRA 18:6) FAKTOR, Z. --- "Some little-'kwm or new methods of meastiring the properties of ferromagnetic materials." - P. 375 (Sdelovact Techrdka) Vol. 5. no. 1?, T~c. 1957 Prainie, Czechoslovakia SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAT) IZ. Vol. 7, no. 4, April 1958 Z/039/62/023/005/004/004 .90 D291/D301 AUTHOR: ?aktor, Zdenbk, Engineer TITM: 71quations of magnetostrictive transducers and methods for determining the basic constants of such transdu- cers P3HIODICAL: Slaboproud~ obzort v. 23, no. 5, 1962, 288 - 294 T.',',XT; Dynamic equations for magnetostriction transducers are deri- ved in a way that the influence is shown exerted by the transducer dimensions and wave shapes on the properties and measured transduc- er material parameters. An equivalent circuit is established and some measuring methods are listed to determine the overall dependen-2 ce betricen electrical values of the equivalent circuit and mechani- cal properties of the transducer, as well as the mutual dependence between some transducer material parameters. The magneiostriction transducer under investigation# has centralized mass and compliance and equations are derived for both longitudinal and torsional waves. Yagnetic properties are studied on a specimen with open magnetic Card 1/3 Z/039/62/023/005/004/004 Equ.--tions of magnetostrictive ... D291/D301 transducer parameters. The obtained results are especially applica- ble to ferritic nagnetostriction transducers operating at medium and low maenetic impedance values. There are 4 figureso The most important English-language publication is: Dynamical Physical Para- meters of the Magnetostrictive Excitation of Extensional and Tor- sional Vibrations in Ferrites. Philips Res. Rep. 8, 1953t PP. 91- 132. ASSOCIATIOP: V~zkumnk fistav telekomunikacip Praha (Telecommunica- tion Research Institute, Prague) SUBTAUTTED: January b, 1962 Card 3/3 42533 ~i, ?-/ 7- 0 z/014/62/000/011/001/002 E192/E382 AUTHORS: Engineer and Sa'lek, Viktor TITLE: Ferrite 1; cores PERIODICAL: Sd-elovacl" technilca, no. 11, 1962, 4o2 - 408 T EXT Five different types of E cores made of ferrites, type i1 10, are manufactured by the Sumpark Works in CzechosloVakia. Two such cores are usually used for winding a coil. The shape of a core is illustrated in Fig. 16 and the dimensions are as follows: A 20 to 55 mm; L 8. 6 to 27.8 mm; S 5 to 22 mm; 13 15 to 37.5 mm; C 5 to 17 mm; L1 5.7 to 19 mm and r 2 to '2-5 mm- The most important parameter of a core is its ILH/turn const-ant and this ranges from 0.35 to h.2 for two E cores joined together. The cores can be.used at frequencies up to 100 kc/s, where their loss angle tan 5 is less than 0.1. To wind a coil two E cores are placed together and .joined by a suizable insulating varnish or upon (an epoxy resin); this should be placed around the perimeter of',,the three I'vertictalli members'of the individual cores. The pli/turn- constant is normally measured at 50 c-p-s- at a fi6ld'.strength of 5 mOe. This constant Card 1/3 Ferrite E cores z/ol4/62/000/011/001/002 E192/2382 is also measured for pulse operation by using the comparison mothod, illustrated in Fig. 15. In this, L n is a linear inductance of about 2 mH wound on a double E core with an air gap of 2 mm;- Lx is the inductance of a coil having a knoun number of pulses, wound on the core to be measured. R,, and R, ) are small resistances, while It1 is the internal resistance -of the generator. The deflection of the motor is adjusted by the poten- tiometer so that it is identical for both positions of the switch P The unknown inductance is: L = kL. x n wh era Ic = J1/12 where J 1 and J 2 are the amplitude of the magnetization currents in L n and L x . The cores can be used at frequencies up to 5 Mc/s but their tan 6 might increase appreciably. There are 16 figures., and 2 tahles. Cacd 2/3 Ferrite E cores Fig .- -15: a /IN R,.I L,pIL4 Lp.10 Rj Z/014/62/000/011/001/002 I E19'-'/E382 Fig. 16: r I 1 bl~ I L - =Sli Fic~-.I 1 '1 Card 3/3 FAKfOR, Zdanak, Jnz. Contribution to tte aut.wwion oC ;,.(; r~'.,Tqo-nt measur-2.,umt. -'uma- ill matiza2e 7 no.10:26,1-264 0 164. 1. Research Institute of Tole,--ovurunt cat ton) t'rao"p. SHCHIEGIDV, Yu.A.; GOLIDENWRO, L.G.; FAKTOROVICHp A.A.1 KRASNOIDBI K.Ta. Automation of out tomatoes receiving points and pumped transfer points of e-ntinuous lines in tomato processing. Izv. AN Mold. SSR. no.3tlO74M 163. - (MIRA M12) L 21664-66 EWT(m)/gro(f )/E7dG(m)jTX ACC NR, A 60-0'66-3-9 SOURCE CODE: Uk-76-,ff7-[675 TO 60T(i -0f[ROY-27.0-6.7 ~ AUTHOR: Lazarenko, B. R. (Kishinev); Fursov, S. P. (Kishinev); Faktorovich, A. A. (Kishinev) ORG: none TITLE: Electrochemical pressure sensor (D SOURCE: Elektronnaya obrabotka materialov, no. 1, 1965, 72-73 'TOPIC TAGS: pressure measurement, gas pressure seysp 'r, manometer ABSTRACT: A two-electrode closed electrolytic celill I ja 0. 07-mm platinum wire serves as one of the electrodes) with a compressed gas over the electrolyte is recommended for measuring the gas-p-IM84E9LAMExperiments carried out at 0-3 atm pressure and at 200-760 torr vacuum exhibited a clear relation between the gas pressur'e and the effective current flowing in a simple RL circuit. The advantages of the device are: simplicity, multipurpose feature, and strong direct electric signal. Disadvantage: effect of electrolyte temperature on the current. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 2 formulas. SUB CODE: 13, 09 SUBM DATE: none VORIG R.EF: 003 OTH REF: 003 I Card Fr-'~:torovichl cAu, of neurcl, rueellosio, " Ti-IL-y ~jcn '. -oz. - - - I I ill-t), VOIL. VII, l*'41"S" '_ 21j9-18 SO: U-32",43. 10 Arril 1953, (Letopis 'Z',iurn!.! Iny".-,,. itatoy, 110. 3, 1949Y YAKTOROYICH,A.M., kandidat tokhnichssklkh nauk - . Unified method of calculating traction controls for rope haulage and conveyor belts.. Zap.lon.gor. inst.,32 no.l:ll2-il5 54. (Nine haulage) (KLRA 9:1) YARTCROVICH,A.M., kandidat tokhnichookikh nwak ........ Kax1mum length of a one drive scraper conveyor. 32 no.i:116-123 154. (Conveying machinery) Zap.len.gorlwt. (MIRA 9:1) YAKTOROVICH, A.X. Train levSth for haulage by electric contact locomotives in min coal mine haulageways. lap. Lon. gor. inst. 34 no.1:58-68 157. (Mine railroads) (Ilectric locomotives) (KLM lotg) 0,=OVICH A.M. dote.; POLYLKOV, Met KMLIN, NikoIW Timofeyevich; I USE prof., reteenzent; IMNYI 0 ' reisenzent; BILICHIM, N.Ta., retmensent; MITMICK, A.Y., retsienzent; KOLONIYTSN, A,De, otvetstwenw rod.; PRMMMSDVA, Y.L., tekbn. red.; ILIUMU, G,M,, tekhn. red. [Ydne haulagel Difinichuyl transport. Moskva, UgletakhIsdat, 1958. 276 p. (xnA n:9) (mine haulage) FAKTOROVICH, A.M.,.doteent Use of continuous action, bucket-type transportation arrangements for coal hoisting in vertical mine shafts. Izv. vya. ucheb. zav.; gor. shur. no.6:132-138 '58. (MIRA 12:5) leheningradekly gornyy Institut, Vine hoisting) POLUOT, Viktor Vasillyevich; POKROVSKAYA. Vars Nikolayevna; FAKTOROVICH. Abram Kikhaylovich; GnONTIYEV, V.L. prof., doktor talain.naukq obshchiy HIDTIMg LeGe,; KOLOKIYTSEY, A.D., red.izd-va; SMTAR. S.Ya., ECable bolt conveyors] Lentoohno-kanatnys konvelery. Pod obshchei red. V.I.Garontleva. Moskva, UgletakhIsdat, 1959, 52 p. (XIRA 12:4) (Conveying machinery) (Mining machinery) FAKTOROVICH. A.M., dotsent Length of conveyer belts with one drive. Izv9v7o.ucheb.zav.; gor. zhur. no.8-.63-68 159. (HIRA 13:5) 1. Leningradekly ordena Lenina i ordei. -.,jovogo Krasnogo Znameni gornyy institut isent G.T. Plekhanova. necomendovana kafedroy rudnichnogo transporta. (Conveying machinery) SHENDEROVA, R.L.; FAKTOROVICH, A.M. Examples of usem of oonvey~ts in foreign mines. Gorabure w*3t62- 63 w 160o (KM 14:5) lo Laningradskiy gornyy inatitut. (Conveying machinery) KABANOV, V.A., inzh.; YAKTOROVICH, A.M... doteent --------- Ways of expanding the field of use of a matirope mine hoist with friction pulleys& Izvoryssuchebezav.; gorozhure no-7:121-124 160. (KM 13:7) 1. Leningradskly ordena Lenim t ordens Tmdovogo Krannogo Zaameni gorzWy institut iment G.T.Plekhanovao Rekomendovana kafedroy gornoy nekhaniki. (Holstivig machinery) TYMOVSKIY, L.G.p kand.tekhn.nauk; FAKTOROVICH, A.M., kand.tekhn.nauk; PERTEN, Yu.A., inzh. -- -- HoiotUS of rock in deep strip mines using combined transportation systems. Gor.zhur. no-5:17-20 my 161. (KIRA 14:6) 1. lAningradaidy gornyy institut. (Strip mini ) (Mine haulage) SERGEYEVI 0.1.1 inzh.; insh. Results of testing a now type of chute gate. Izv.vya.ucbeb.savo; gor.zhur. 5 no.9:87-89 162. (MIU 15:11) 1. LeningrAdskiy ordena Lenina-i ordena Trudovogo Krunogo Znamni gQrWy inatitut Imni Q*V,,FlekUwva. Rokomandovana kafedroy rudnicbnogo transporta. (Ore handling-Equipment and supplies) FAKTOROVICH A M. Now olaWing device for rope conveyors and elevators. Za * Vii 47 no.ls42-44 162. 1 WA 16t 5) (Conveying machinev~) (Mine hoisting) FAKTORMCH, A. S. IlThe lnq)ortance of Vitamin C in the Clinical Course of Malaria in Children, With an &valuation of the Phagocytic Capacity of the organism." Cand Med Sci. Leningrad Pediatrics Medical Inst, Yrom the Kuybyshevskaya Oblast Sci Res Inst of Maternal and Child Welfare, Leningrad. 1955. (KL, No 13, Mar 55) SO: Sum. No. 670, 29 SOP 55--Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (15) USM/ Electronics - Germaniumdiodes' Card '1/1 Pub. 89 - 12/24 Authors. :,I yybotnoi ch,~B. Title The "Moskvioh" receiver'with germanium diode rectifier PeriodiCul I Radio 5p page 28, May 1955 Abstract Ths~'advantageo derived by using germani=, high-voltage diodes in low- Power rectifiers are discussed, One of the difficulties encountered in the use of flat germanium diodes DO-Tc,24 is the dependence of their electrical properties upon the temperature of the surrounding neditim, e. g.$ a reverse disruptive diode volta:~o drops sharply with an inerearo in temperature. It is ahoim that one DG-T&;:4 diode at a temperature of 520 C and reotified current of 50 -n-amm is capable of sustaining a voltage 185-195 v. DiaGrom; i'lustrati Institution Submitted 9(2) SOV/107-59-4-41/45 AUTHOR: Faktorovich, B. TITLE: A Transistorized Microphone Amplifier (Mikrofonnyy usilitell na poluprovodnikovom triode) PERIODICAL: Radio, 1959, Nr 49 P 58 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author suggests a transistorized amplifier for dynamic microphones, as shown in Figure 1. A PGG transistor is installed together with the other com- ponents within a MD-42 dynamic microphone. In this case, the amplifier and the microphone receive power from the same rectifier as shown by Figure 2. The author further suggests a microphone amplifier cir- cuit with a P6D transistor which receives power from a 3-volt battery, as shown by Figure 3. The ampli- fication factor of such a stage is 250 to 300. There are 3 circuit diagrams. Card 1/1 OSTASIIEVSKAYA, N.S.; OL12ITSEVICHO NoA.; BASHKATGVA, A.S~; LANDA, M.JJ.; KUNSHCHIKOVA, A.A.$ LTSM, D.M.; KUROV, V.V,; T ~ELIWIOV, N,A,; FAKTOROVICTI 1 1-1 ~L KUROKHTIN, AA Tndustrial testing of lAstvyanka anthracite for linlng the bottom or aluminum electrolytic oellai, Mvet.meta 38 rlo6lOt62-66 0 t65* (MIRA 18:12) ---FAKTOROVICH. B.S.; DUBINSKAYA., G.M. EDUbywvka, - , H.N. ] PmPonals of effiianCy pr(INOtern adopted by the Kiev CmWb-W ~ La- of Syntsheic FIbers. Id.0va. no,3:1+5-1+7 Je - Ag 162,, (HM .16.2) (Kiev-TG;t?l9 industry-Ttcbzological innovatioins) FAKT ,jj~~~~~~*[Faktorovych, B.Sh.]; YAROTSKIY, V.D. [IKrota'kyi,,V.D.],, inzh., red.izd-va; BERFZOVYY, V.N." (Berezovyi,V.N.], tekhn. red. 'I (Manufacture and finishing of viscose myon]Obvml**a viskoancho shovku. Kyiv, Dershtekhvydav URSR. 1962. 54 p'. (MIRA 16:3) (Rayon) f-~ 17 V f, G, ~11 In, n I I nyl h L t a t cy C, FAXTOROVICH, I.M. z! - , -*Tvs ~~* Treatment of epidemic carebrospinal meningitis in children. Pediatriia. Moskva NoA62-63 July-Aug 51. (CIML 21:4) 1. Of the First Municipal Children's Hospital, likolayev. 2. Treatment with combined sulfonamilde preparations and penicillin. Dle"sos of two-year old ralabow trout raised *n artifletal food. vop.ikht. se.6:166-164 156. (1"& 9:6) i 1. Toossynsayy ambao-inslodevatellskly lantitut osersego I rochae" rylbaog* kkosymyetva --NIOM. (Trao-Ahesases and postO USSR / General Biology. Individual Development. He- B generation. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 23, 1958, 1033o4. Author Inst Title Regeneration of the Live~ of Rainbow Troutdsaj'-~' Orig Pub: Dokl. AN SSSR, 1956, 110, No 2, 301-303. Abstract: The regeneration of hepatic tissue was studied in 117 specimens of rainbow trout in the process of recovery from fatty degeneration of the liver pro- duced by the use of a deficient diet. Sections of liver were fixed during the period of the disease and subsequently every month for 11 months. As a result of the disease a marked disturbance of the liver structure was observed; destruction of hepatic cells and replacement of them with insoluble fat, Card 1/2 USSR / General Biology. Individual Development. Re- B generation. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 23, 1958~ 103304. Abstract; which was stained with Sudan III after fixation with Bouin's fluid. The author observed the gradual re- covery of the typical liver structure and the elim- ination of the insoluble fat from the liver cells by means of Its conversion to soluble fat and the uptake of the clumps of insoluble fat by phago- cytes. A large number of the hepatic cell nuclei were in a state of amitotic division. 1n all of the material examined only a single mitosis was found. The author comes to the conclusion that the liver of the rainbow trout is capable of regenera- tion after marked damage to its microscopic struc- ture. B. P. Solopayev. Card 2/2 14ji7le-4001. MA, YAKToRoncH, K.A. Disorders in fat metabolism In the liver of rainbow trout raised on artificial foods. Trudy sov.1kht.kom. no.8:237-243 1 58. WRA llrll) 1. Veesoyusnyy nauebno-Issledovatellskly institut osernogo I rechnogo rybnogo khosyaystva. (Trout) (Pat metabolism) (Liver--Diseases) FAKTOROVICH, K.A. Lipoidic degeneration of the liver in the rainbow trout and its connection with the use of artifical fandR. Trudy sov.rkht.kom. n9.9:69-73 '59. (MIM 13,5) 1. Veesoyuznyv. nauchno-imaledovatel'skiy institut ozernago i rochnogo rybnoeo khosyaystva. (Trout-Diseases and pests) (Liver-Diseasen) K FAITOROVICH, K. A., Cand Bic Sci -- "Ifistophysiological study of the liver of certain salmons in connection with their bi- ology and artificial pro gation." Len, 1961. (Len Vet Inst of the Min of AgrFRSFSR) (KL, 8-61, 239) -174- - NVr - FAKTOROVZH, N.A. Lqwtance of nutrition in the development of qbroid degoneration of the liver in the rainbov trout* Trudy sure Ikht. kam. noel4s215-219- 162. (MIU 15:32) 1. Goo-jdarstve*7 nauchno-iseledovatellaidy inatitut ozerni-jo i rechnogo rybudgo khosyaptya (GosMaM). (Fishes-Food) (Trout-4isewea and jests) (~i ver-Cirrhosis) FAKTOROVICH, L.R., inshener. "*O~Thir~dAl=-Un on conference courses on problems of thermal building insulation. Biul.stroi.tekh. 10 no.15:39 0 '53- (MLRA 6:10) 1. lentermoproyekt. (Insulation (Heat)) FAKTOROV;Gf.t Lev 14ikhailovich, ; GOLTAND, K.K., redaktor; RUSAKOTA, L.T&.0 I- - ~ ~ -VA'A4= vedu,shcktj~"AAktbt; GIMIADITIVA, I.M., takhnichaskiy redaktore y r [Beat insulating materials end structures) Toploizoliatsionnyo materialy i konstruktoil. LenIngrad, Gos.nauchno-takhn.izd-vo neft. i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry, Leningr.otd-nis, 1957. 450 p. (KLRA 10:5) (Insulation (Heat)) (Insulating materials) FAKTOROVIGH, L.M., inzh. Using aluminum foil for heat insulation of hulls. Sudostroanie 24 no.U:46-50 N 058. (MVRA 12: 1) (HulloOkyal architecture)) (Insulating materials) FAKTOROVICH, L. M - Results of prolonged use of aluminum foil as an Insulating material on abips. Mor.flot 19 no.1~114-16 J& '59- (MIRA 12:3) 1. Ifachallnik Leningradskogo otdolonlya sudovoy isolyateii TBTFI "Teploproyakta" (Aluminum) (Metal fail@) (Insulating materials) (Ships-lquipment and supplies) U~p~h RAUSH, 0.1., nauchnyy red.; DCLKATOT, FAKTOROVICH, Lev Kjkhayjq -WUMCITBYA, I.N.,, J.0 redo; (Designing and Installing heat insulation) Proektirovanis I montash teplovol IsollataLio leningrad. Goo.nouchno-takhn. isd-yo neft. i gorno-toplivnol lit-ry, Laningr.otd-nie, 1960. 439 p. (NM 13:5) (Insulation Ofeat)) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION sav/4947 FaktorovIch, Ley Mikhaylovich Proyektirovaniye i montazh teplavoy izolyatsii (The Design ana Installation of Heat Insulators) Leningrad, Gostoptekhizdat, 1960. 439 P. 5,200 copies printed. Scientific Ed.: 0.1. Haush; Executive Ed.: P.S. Dolmatov; Tech. Ed.: I M. Gennad'yeva. PURPOSE: This book in intended for engineers and technical personnel concerned vith the application and use of heat insulation. COVERAGN: The author gives basic information on heateinsulating materials and discusses problems cf the design and application of heat insulation used in shipbuilding, construction, refrigeration, the petroleum and powerlbdustriesotc, Reco=endations on the design and selection of adequate types of heat insu- lation and materials are also included. No personalities are mentioned. There arb 74 references, all Soviet. The Design and Installation (Cont.) SOV/4947 TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword (by A.G. Tkachev, Doctor of Mechanical Sciences, Professor] 5 Ch. I. Designing Beat Insulations 7 1. Makeup of the heat-insulation project 7 2. Designing the heat Insulation of electric power stations and of heat networks 12 3. Designing the heat insulation of naval power stations and systems 42 4, Designing the heat insulation of ship campartments 63 5. Designing the heat insulation of producV-conduits heated by satellites 75 6. Designing heat insulation which prevents the condensation of moisture an the surface of insulated objects 79 7. Designing heat insulation which prevents the condensation of moisture on the internal surfaces of insulated objects with humid gases 81 8. Designing heat insulation which prevents the freezing of insulated objects 85 UAKTOROVICH. Lev Mikhaylovich; RAUSI, O.L. nauchrWy red.; DESHAIXT, M*U., ved. red.; SAFMIICVA, I.M... tekhn. red. [Brief manual on beat insulation)Kratkii spravochnik po tep- lovoi izoliataii. Leningradj Gostoptekhizdaty 1962. 450 P. (Insulation (Heat)) (MIRA 15:8) MIROPOIISKIY, Z.L.; FIVTOROVICH, L.Ye. Generalization of experimental data on the effect if a heated channel length on critical beat flows. Dokl. AN SSSR I'#I no.6:1353-1356 D 961. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Energeticheskiy institut im. G.M.Krzhizhanovskogo AN SSSR. Pred- stavleno akademikom V.T.Glushko. (Heat--Transmission) (Hydrodynamics) RELOTSERKOVSKIY, Grigoriy Bentsionovich; BABKIN, N.I., lnzh., retsenzent; ZHDANOV, V.K., inzh., retsenzent; KALAIITARriV, M.N., inzh.,, retsenzent; TELEZHKO, M.I., inzh., retsenzent; FAKTOIVVICH u n-,-inzh., retsenzent; FEDOTOV, M.DL , inzh., retsenzent; SAMOYLOV, G.V., inzh., red.; IVANOV-TSYGANOV, A.I., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; BOOOMDLOVA, M.F., red. izd-va; ROZHIN, V.P., tekhn. red. [AntennaslAntenny. Izd.2., perer. i dop. Moskva, Oborongiz, 1962. 491 p. 1%. (MIRA 16;Z) (Antennas"(tlectronics)) FAKTOROVICH. M.D.; KAXXVSKIY, Te.N. Universal ballast measuring hopper car. BiuLtakh.-okon.inform. no.11:75-76 1 58. (MM llil2) (Railroads-cars) Strikovich T 1TI.F: a pammoalmoy bokl sr-s"3 i , laboratory for crl t 1 1 7 Ll fA C', hP[? uoli- I' u, Zi 1. Heat transfer--Analysis 2. Heat transfer--Testing equipment 3. Heat exchange--Performance 4. Waterrsteam mixtures-Thermodynamic properties -0/96-59-2-14/18 AUTHORS: Styrikovich, M.A., Corresponding Meraber IA;~ US SR Faktorovich, L. Ye.,Engineer TITLE: The Influence of the Length of a Heated Section of Tube on the Magnitude of Critical Rates of Heat Transfer During Forced Motion of a Steam-Water Mixture (Vliyaniye dliny obogrevayemogo uchastka truby na velichinu kriticheskikh teplovykh potokov pri vynuzhdennom dvizhenii parovodyanoy smesi) PERIODICAL:Teploenergetika, 1959, Nr 2, PP 83-88 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A good deal of work has been done on critical boiling rates during the forced flow of steam water mixture in pipes but all the work has been done on short len&ths of tube, it being assumed that this would not affect the results. However, there is some indirect evidence that the length of the heated section does influence the magnitude of the critical rate of heat transfer. The object of the present work was to determine this influence during the forced flow of steam water mixture in pipes at pressures of 26. 100 and 180 atm with rates of flow of 850 and 3000 kg/j~2sec and with steam contents Card 1/4 from 0 to 1. The experimental section was made of L'; 0'1/(;6-5 9-2-14/18 The Influence of the Iength of a Heated Section of Tube on the Magnitude of Critical Rates of Heat Transfer During Forced Motion of a Steam-Water Mixture seamless tube of stainless steel grade EYa-IT, of diameter 3,04 x 0.5 mm and of length 331, 160 or 40 mm. The tubes were heated by alternating current. Super- heated steam at 300 atm and 500 to 6000C from a once- through boiler was delivered to the tubes. After steam supply conditions had become steady electric current was supplied to the tube and the heat flux was raised in small steps. Conditions were adjusted after each increase and this was continued until critical boiling occurred which-,was recognised by a sudden sharp increase in the tube will temperature. The errors that might arise in the work are estimated. Curves of critical rates of heat transfer as function of steam content and t/d ratio are given in Fig 11 2 and 3. It will be seen that on all graphs over the investigated range of pressure.. speed and steam content, as the tube length is increased from 40 to 331 am the critical -heat transfer Card 2/4 rate is reduced by a factor of 1.5 to 5. It is erplained -' U'V /9 6-5 9-2-14/18 The Influence of the Length of a Heated Section of TUbe on the Magnitude of Critical Rates of Heat Transfer During Forced Motion of a Steam-Water Mixture that experimental points that are underlined on the graph are lower than they should be. The influence on critical rates of heat transfer of pressure, speed and steam content, which have been described elsevher-- are confirmed. Curves of critical rates of heat transfer as function of e/d are given in Fig 4, from which it will be seen that the influence of this 0ratio is particularly great when the.ratio is smaii., When the ratio is greater than 50 it has much less influence on the critical rate of heat transfer. Sug6pstions are made as to the reasons why the critical rate of heat transfer should depend on tube length when a two-pliase medium is heated. It is concluded that in the case of forced motion of steam water mixture in a vertical steam raising tube 3 mm diameter at pressures of 26. 100 and 180 atm and flow rates of 850 and 3000 kg/m2s'ec and steam contents of 0 to 0.8 as the length of the experimental tube is diminished from 331 to 40 mm the values of critical rate Card 3/4 of heat transfer increased b3r a factor of 1.5 to 5 with The Influence of the Length of a Heated Section of Tube on the Magnitude of Critical Rates of Heat Transfer During Forced Motion of a Steam-Water Mixtu-re the tube diameter used. For a tube of given diameter the influence of length on critical values of heat flow becomes less as the flow rate, pressura and steam content increase. Since the usual experimental installations have tubes that are very much shorter than are found in practice the influence of the length should be taken into account in design practice. There are 4 figures and 9 references of which 7 are Soviet and 2 English. ASSOCIATION:Energeticheskiy Institut AN SSSR (Power Institute,~ AS USSR) Card 4/4 . STYRIKOVICH. X..A.; MIRCPOL8SKIY, Z.L., icancl.tekhn.nauk; SHITSWAN, M.Ye.. kand.tokhn.nauk; MOSTINSKIY, I.L.. inzb.; STAVROVSKIT, A.A., inzh.; JANTOROVICH, L.Te., inzh. Affect of superimposed elements a the setting up of boiling crisis in the u team genera. ing pillpf. Toploenergetika 7 no.3:81-88 My 160. (MIRA 13:8) 1. I.nergeticheekty institut'AN SSSR. 2. Chlon-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Styrikovich). (Heat-Hadtation and absorption) (Boilers) LTPRq~V1,C".Ye., inzh. KAh Substitute for mineral paAer. Avt. dor. 24 no.7:32 J1 '61. (MIRA 14:7) (Sand) (Road materials) FAXTOROVICH, M.N., atarshi7 nauchnyv sotrudnik, kandidat takhnicheskikh nauk. -WW-W , ~~ - --- -Wjc'q~ lonunifors flow of fluids in & pressureless prismatic (cvlindrical) closed channels. Isv.TXIIG no-32 147. (MLRA 10:2) (Hydraulics) FAKTOR0111m, VS.M/EngineerIng Hydraulic Ragineering, Apr 51 Dams -"Hydrodynamic Pressure in Bottom Tunnels of Over- If:Lvv Weirs," M. E. Faktorovich, Cand Tech Sci "Gidrotekh Stroi" No 4, pp 37-39 Describes one possible method of detg hydrodynamic pressure in bottom tunnels of spillway dams for the case when tunnel gate Is closed and spillway is over top of dam., and vhen considerable decrease .in hydrodynamic pressure may sometimes cause vi- bration of dam and affect the structure's endur- ance. 19TT58 1. FAKTOROVICH M. Ye. 2. USSSR (600) 4. Hydrodynamics 7. Damping of energy at the confluence of currents. Gidr. stroi. 21, no. 8, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Januaz7v -1953. Unclassified. ZUTOROVICH, M.S., starshiV nauchn" sotrudnik, kand.tekhn.mauk Overflow dam with self-dissipation of energy. Izv.VNIIG 48:196-212 '52. (MIR& 12:5) (Dams) FAKTOROVICH, M.N., starshiy nauchM7 sotrudnik, kand.tekhn.nauk Forced motion of a ' liquid joined by a linearly changing dis- charge. Isy.VNIIG 50:44-57 '53. (MIRA 12:5) (Hydrodynamics) FAKTOROVICH. M.N., kandidat takhnichookikh nauk. "" 0 calculation of deep spillways. Gidr. stroi. 26 no.4t 43-45 Ap 157. (MLU 10:6) (3pillmys) MTOROVICH, M.M., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik, kand.tokhn.nauk -_---------------- Calculating the conjugate state of bead and tallwater for spillway dome with a slip-type outlet on the apron and use of the mutual impinging of streams for energy dissipation. Izv.TNIIG 58:177-186 158. (MM 13: 7) (spillways) FAMOROVICH, M.S., starshiv nauchnyy sotrudnik, 1mnd.tPkh.,2.r-az)k Investigating the interaction of joining streamo of liquid W4th a possibili'.7 of bilateral enlargement in the verttcal plane. Izv.VNIIG 61:17-30 158. (MIRA 13:6) (1trdraulics) FAxTOROVICH. M.F.. starshiy nauchnyy lvand.tektin,rauk The siphon method of buildJng damq across rivers 165-169 '59- (Dams) Izv.VIIIIG 62: (MIRA 13-6) YAKTOROVICH,._,~!.Ao, ksnd.tekhn.amuk Spillways with w4ltiflow enera dissipation on slitlike sloping aprouse Giclr.strol. 30 no-7952-53 A '60e (MM 13 S 7) (Spillways) FAKTOROVICH, M.E., kand.tekhn.nauk YAthod of =king hydraulic calculations for a spillway dam with energy dissipation in several jets on a alotted discharge Gidr. stroi. 33 no.11:39-41 N 162. NIRA 16-.1) (Spillways) (Hydraulics) FARTCWTIT.CF, o& t&khz. nauk Pettrmirlvg the hydrodyawle pressure behind the flat g&to& inipreo- irw-n viater conduits of ary -crrosm vection. Isr. VHIIG 76sl29-135; - 164 (VI-RA leiloi FAXTOROVICH, M.G., inzh. lowering the comiumption of electri.-, power by of steam power plants. Ehargetlic 3 no.6:1-5 (Steato powerr pinrits) station auxiliaries Je 160. (MIU 13:7) FAKTOROVICH, MG,,,inzh, Measures for decreasing the expenditure of electric power on intarnal needs. Energetik 9-no.2:i-3 r 161. (MIFLA 16:7) (Mectric pov*lr plants)