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ACC NR- APW02744 of Be films. As reg4rds w,10 it Is. established that lamollar hoxahedral crystals (Fig. 2) begin grow at the film surface above a cartaij. substrate temperature T which Is a fmaction of i 06. k. wk, and which decr4ases with increase In wk* E.g. when wk 140 A/sec, T s. ksw 500"C and T "A Fig. 2. Lamellar monocrystal of beryllium: Ts 320-C, wk 270 A /see, magnified 4500 times V. T when wk 270 !/see, T s. k 300*C. With the aid of microdiffraction it Is established that .these lamellar crystals represent regular Ile monocrystals with a highly perfect crystal lattice Aue to the reversibility of condensation processes (exten'sive re-evaporation of Be atoms when Ts > 300*C), which provides the conditions for. rapid correction of defects in the crystalline structure of these monocrystals. Considering the distinctness of mosaic relief on the wirface of Be films, It may be assumed that these lamellar hexahedral monocrystals of Be, foxTaing on Card 3/4 ACC NRI AP7002744 condensation of Its vapors In the presence of considerable supersaturations (wk --a 100-300 ~/sec and T S , 300-600*C) represent the realization of the case where a layer hangi; sus- pended above the crystal surface. The existence of an "atmosphere" of condensing atoms abovel the film surface apparently is a prerequisite for the formation of lamellar inonocrysials and accounts for their absence when T. Is With rise in substrate temperature Q 0 P h increased because of decreased nuclei size: at T a 1900C, Is 30 U; at 7 0 P 0 P 2500C, h > 80 v. ror T 260-3300C micrographs of the surface showed two types 0 - P. of crystals, one of the [1001,and the other of the [0013 texture. The angle between Ithe normal to tho layer and the [0013 and [1003 direction (0) was given as a func- tion of T for different orientations (0) of crystallite clusters. Above 3600C, 0 P increased sharply (to t600 or more) for both [1003 and [0013 textures. Misorienta- tion of texture depended an 4. The greatest degree of texture misorientatiorl v1200) occurred at 0 a 0, due io the equalized addition of vapor atoms to the growing i velocities to dominate the growth of neighboring grains. However, at 4 3, 400 the perfection of the growth texture decreased. The optimum growth condiviou for ob- taining ideal [0013 and [1003 textures in beryllium layers war* as follows: 0 a 15- -300, T a 2100 for [0013 and .7 a 340-3700C 'for [1003. Orig. art. bass 3 figures. P P SLMM DATE: 02reb66/ ORIG RErs 002/ OTH Mrs Col SUB CODE: .11/ _tantsiya Gatchins); KOZLOVSKIT, V.A. (stanteiya Gatchinal F1DOR1KO,_AAK._(A j We make economical use of every minute. Put' i put, kboze nos 8:Ao- 7 Ag '58. (KIRA 11:8) 1. Nachallnik putevoy mashinnoy stantaii-75 (for Pedorenko). 2. Glevnyy inshen'sr putevoy mashinnoy otanteii-75 (for Koslovski3p). (Railroads--Track) RI;ZNIK, A. M. (Brigadir), AREST, VI. I., fWal, 1. M., KIIZOF. YU. A., ZMARITIM. A. M., KUPALOV-YAIIOPOLK. 1. K., PETROV. L. V. TYABIN, V. YE., FEDORENKO. A. N., sostevitelf; DYUKOV, A. I., KLESICIIEV, A. I., redektory/ (All-Union unified norms for geophysical field work) Vsesoluznye edinye normy vyrabotki na polevye geofraflzheskie reboty. (Sostaveli: Reznik A. M. I dr. Redektory: A. I. Diukov, A. 1. Kleshchev) bloskva, Gos. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo neftianoi I gorno- toplivnol lit-ry, 1951. 146 p. OILRA 7:4) (Geophysics) KAIMOV, U.N.; KOMAROV, S.G.; ATABINW, L.A.; SOKOWV, V.A.; L.To. professor, doktor fisiko-matemat, ME& uw*, redaktor Edsceasedh PS INA, Ts.G., vedushchiy redaktor: POLOSIVA, A.S., takhnichoskiy redaktor. (General course in the geophysical methods of prospecting for petroleum and gas deposits] Obshobli kurs goofisichookikh metodov razvedki neftia- nykh i gasovykh meatorothdonii. Isd. 2-s. ispr. i dop. HoskTa, Goo, nauchno-tokhn. isd-vo neftianoi i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry. 1934. 457 P. [Microfilm] (xi" 8:1) (Petroleum geology) (Prospecting--Geophysical methods) 40216 S/169/62/000/007/021/149 D228/D307 AUTHOR: Fedorenko, A. N. TITLE; Seismic station with a,magnetic method of recording PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, no. 7, 1962 20-21 abstract 7A137 (V sb. Sostoyaniye i perepektivy razv'f- tiya'geofit. metodov poiskov i razvedki polezn. isko-, M., Gostoptekhizdat, 1961, 263-271) TEXT: Two types of seismic stations with a magnetic means of re- cording are considered. The type CCtf-510SM-57) seismic station is an apparatus, capable of recording and reproducing without the en- listment of the usual seismic stations. The-recording is made si- multaneously on 24 channels, the reproduction being made alterna- tely on one channel. A direct means of.recording with hi-h-fre- quency superposed magnetization and a drum method of movaing the magnetic tape with a recording duration of 4.5 see are used in this apparatus. The equipment's dynamic pitch reaches 50 db. The insta- --bility of the rate of the magnetic tape's movement amounts to 0.1%. Card 1/2 S/169/62/000/007/021/149 Seismic station with ... D228/D307 VY The type Par13-Z (PPDIZ-2) seismic station has 25 recording channels. A normal seismic station has to be employed to reproduce the re.- cordings. A direct means of recording and a drum method of magnetic tape movement are used in the PPMZ-2 apparatus. in view*of this equipment's substantial defects new devices of an analogous type have been developed to take its place. One of them is.e. R/Y.3-.3 (.PDIZ-3) recording device; it uses the roll method of magnetic tape movement, which ensures a practically unlimited duration-of record- ing. This recording device ensures that the dynamic pitch reaches 50 db, and that the instability, of the rate of the magnetic tape's movement is 0.1%. /-Abstracter's note: Complete translation -7 FEDORENKOt A.N. Optimm charaoterietico of mapetic oei=io recordin Prikl, geofiz, no*33t3-24 162o %RA 15--:10) (Saismometry) IrEDORENKOv &.N. Magnetic tape for seismic recording@ Priklo geotizo no-33:60~-, 72 162. (MBA 15 1-10) (Saismometry-Equipment and supplies) Vlli A. J nauchn. red.; V. 1 n.-O. N.A., red. (Exhibition or. "SeiGmic proqpectirg metlic-dall; a c-italegue: Work methods. Apparatus and equi,"mentj ';'ematichookaia Vy- .gtavkaj "SolsmIcheskie motorly poi:Aov i va:,-jedki 1-.olc!zrvkh iskopaenrykh"; katalog. Eetodlka rab.,t. Pyl,r;rat.,ura i oloo- rudovanle. Moskva) Go s. natic tim, tekhrl. j lit.-ry yo geo- logii i okhrane nedr, 1963. 91 p. 17-.1-1) 1. Moscow. Vy-- '-a dostizhenly nia-rudnogo rI,*ho7yayf;*,,v& Pavillon I'Geola,iya.u rT rn 14~ nicordiniz (Ma;-rnitm7a aersTilchaska-ra ran; n 1 io. Igmia Aro SubTant -JT-!.L -r-S-0-0-ia4c - 'i" - iiL- -- - - P~ -- - I ~ P, - 11 - Vl,. ~ - ~-i ~ - II .. -.v- I I - a~ . I - . -r. maj~netic tape 7 t-ap"ll 66 characterietic--R of 7- Tr"I 71W -OTHMt W .1 gain _4 i - fn Pet ~~-W s,! v, ma, g no 1- 1 r,. avo, r 4 f 1 a fs~ pr qs ... :t, -1-1 1~ 7 ~&7 a I T-,l; i,,v T "I -,t:tf v~i IV i L 35Z4-65 ACCUSS1011 IIR: AP5008209 slongated aear of the printing tmehanism fits, To zrvrtint~-iln 4trlnt-- ann;J-1-It 1 b. ~A; i~l i~~: llruiriuti -Imu -)m in electrica-' pow-jr :MM Y:- 71 3 A, none 2 4 Do c 5:? ENCLi C)C NO RE~ SOVi 000 OTHMs 000 Card '%/2 FEDYNSKIY, V.V., otv. red.; FOLSHKOV, r,~;d.j BORISOV, A.A,j, red.; NEVOL111, N.V.r red.; KROLT~ZIKO, I.I.,, red.; FEDORE11KO, A.R.,, red. (Geological results of applied geophysics) Geologiche- skie rezulltaty prikladnoi geofiziki. Moskva, Nedra, 1965. 292 P. (Mezhdunarodnyi geologicheskil kongress. Doklady so-vetskikh geologov. Problema. 2) (MIRA 1815) 1. Watsionallnyy komitet geologov Sovetskogo Soyuza. MOUNKO, Adp. 4111"~ "Bull" - -1 as destroyers of beat 9 weevils. Dop. TO MR no.2,200-204 156, (nn 9: 12) 1e Institut zoologii.Akademii nauk URSR* Predetavlano akademikon Akademii nauk USSR V.G. UiOyansnko. (Beat posts) FEDOFEENKO, A. P., Cand of Bio Sci -- (dls,-~) "Birds of the Forest-Steppe area or Ukrainian BBR and their role in 11mitipg the..fiumber beet, weevils." Kiev, 1957, 15 pp (Institute of Zoology, Academy of Sciences U13SR), 100 copies (KL, 35-57, 107) AUTHORt Fedorenkop A.P, SOV/21-58-10-26/27 f TITLE: The Wintering of Humenius Arquata L. in the Ukraine (zimov- ka bol'shojo kronahnepa (Numenius arquata L.) na, Ukraine) PERIODICAL: Dopovidi Akademii, nauk Ukrainalkoi RSR, 1958, Nr 10, pp 1139-1140 (USSR) ABSTRAM In addition to existing information that birds of the spe- cies Numenius arquata L. winter in the Transcaucasian re- gion and in the lower flow of the Atrek, the author's ob- servations established that another place of their winter- ing Is the Danube delta. This paper describes the sojourn of the species in the Ukraine and lists some new northern Card 1/2 points for their wintering wit;iin the USSR. SOY/21-58--10-26/27 The Wintering of Numenius Arquata L. In the Ukraine ASSOCIATIONs Inatitut zoologii AN UkrSSR (Institute of Zoology of the AS UkrSSR) PRESENTEDt By Member of the-AS UkrSSR, V.G. Kaelyanenko SUBMITTEDs may 9P 1958 NOTEt Russian title and Russian names of Individuals and Insti- tutions appearing in this article have been used in the transliteration 1. Birds--Survival factors Card 2/2 30(l) SOV/21-59-9-3-9/25 AUTHOR: Fedorenko, A.P. TITLE: The Effect of Birds on the Density of Occurrence of Beet Pests in the Soil PERIODICAL: Dopovidi Akademiyi nauk Ukrayins'koyi RISR, Nr 91 1959, pp 1011-1014. (USSR) ABSTRACT: In this article the author discussas the effect of birds on the density of occurrence of beet pests in soil, basing his statements on the material lie collected when investigating the fields of 230 collect.".ve farms. The examined area amounted to 41,046 hectareS and was located near to and at a certain distance from the bird colonies. The density of occurrence of beet pests depends on the character of the soil (the occurrence is different even within the limits of a regLon, and sometimes even of a plantation) on the climatic condi- tions, on the intensity of fighting the pestis, on agrotechnical measures, etc. The author's examinations Card 1/3 also enabled him to establish the fact that birds too, SOV/21-59-9-19/25 The Effect'of Birds on the Density of Occurrence of Beet Pests in the Soil markedly influence the density of occurrence of beet pests in soil. The examinations of farms far from bird colonies showed an average density of occurrence of 7.84 pests per square meter, on farms located near forest stands 5.91 pests per square meter and on farms near bird~colonies 4.92 pests per square meter. To a certain extent, such correlation can be made apparent within regions and even collective farms -whereby a part of the farms is near the places of concentration of birds and a part of them located at acertain dis- tance from such places. Although the density of oc- currence of beet pests is not solely affected by birds, but also by many other factors, the role played by birds in this respect is very important. Thus, the protection and attraction of birds in the regions of beet farmeas well as the creation of favorable living c9nditions for numerous bird species in these areas, will enable a more rational utilization of therl in Card 2/3 fighting the pests. Such a measure will again.result SOV/21-59-9-l')/25 The Effect of Birds on the Density of Occurrence of Beet Pests in the Soil in a considerable cutdown of the expenses for pest fighting. There are 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Instytut zoologivi All URSR (Institute of Zoology of the AS of UkrSSR) PERIODICAL: By V.H. Kaslyanenko, Member, AS UkrSSR SUBMITTED: March 6, 1959 Card 313 7jjDaa=, A*, ks]A,biolov^Uk Winter slespe ZUU*t4L,pratsj& no*12:27 D '59o - (M m& 13 t 4) (Riberustlovi) .. #I I f f /j PWOMM, AOP.; MCI, I A.L affect of WT and bonxene hezaahlorlde dusts on partridges. :Wp, AN UM no-7:974-M 160. (min 1j: 8) 1, Institut zoologii AN 1USSRe Predstavleno akademikom AN USSR V.G. Kaelyananko cv.14rhalianenkol. (Partridges) (Insectieides) I FEDOBEVKO,, A.F. History of the use of banding in studying migr4tions of birdb in the Ukraine. Zbir. pratal Zool. =z. AN MR no., 29:12-18 1614 (MIRA,14:4) :, (pla-aine-Birdbanding) -,:TZDORF,NY,O., A.P. The hazard of banzene,hexaW ide azid.DDT poisoning OUlang ring commercialli hunted animals. Zbir. pra-U, Zool. =,&. AN URSR no. 29:49-50 160& OMA 14 -- 4) (Inaeoticidoo-Taxicology) (Game protection) FEDORENKOS A.Pe., kand.biolog.nauk -38 Mr 160 Migration of birds. Nauka i ZbYttia 10 no*307- (0~ 14:8) . (Birds-Migration) (Birdbanding) MORENO; A.P. Work of the gynecological examination for the early detection of cancer and gynecological disoaseo, Pods,, akush. i gin, 22 jw,5: 57-59 160. (MIRA 15:15) 1. 2-71 gorodskap bolinitea (glavnyy vraoh - K.A. Volzheva) Oktyahr'skogo rayou,a go Kiyeva. (CANCER-DIAGMSIS) (OMCMOOY) FEDORUNDt A.P. Fourth All-Zhion Conference on'the Protection of Natitres.'Dopo AN MM no,,2*71-~272 (MMA 1512) (Natural resources-Congressooll FEDORENKOI AoP* Resixtance of varm-blood*d animals to the herbicide 2,4-D Zbir,. prate' Zool.mus. AN-UkSR n0.3109-91 162. iMIRA 17:2) FEDORENKOp A.P. Unity of science *hd practice. I. Komissiya po oldwane prirody AN -Ukr6SR, Kiyevo (U)cridne-Wildlif e. Conservation of) (Insectioidee.-Toxicology) Priroda 52 no.3s69 163. (MOA 16 W -,.~ 1. FEDMENK09 A. S. I 36983. K VoProw 0 VliYunii A-AiX.0-nonnogo Dlya lechadya Gonorrei Penitsil-lina Na So irmatocenes. Uchen. Zapieki (L'vovek. Hauch.-Losled. K,shno-venerol. In-tr9 t. 111, 194% -*~. 41=45- SO.- Istopis' Zhirmllnykh Statoy,, Vol 50, Mookva,, 1949 FEDDRENKOI A. S. 36984. Parafinoteraplya GonorroyMkh Epididimit-Oir. UchOn. Zapiski (Llvmsk. Nauch.-Issled. Kozhno-veftml. In-.t)t t. 119 1949P 46-50 SOt Letopis' Zhurnal'afth Stateyp Vol 50, Moskva, 1949 .F---,DrffC,h-AO, A.S. t podpolkavni3c modl-Wimh-cy si,.~zhby W* - 1 Milltwy medioal expert examination of ser-.1cemen with diseases of nontubermilous etiology& Weno-meds shurs 164. resplr&tory Pc*8,54-56 (I-JI-RA 18:5) FMRENKO,.,A.V., in2h. CoribUation of wire-broadcasting and telecommunication equipment in Lvov Province. Trudy Sekt,radiofik, i VRS Ukr, MORO no.3*35-43 56. (KIRA ;~Il) (Lvov Province-Telecommunication) 6(7) SOV/111-59-L-13/27 AUTHOR: Fedorenko, A.V., Chief ------------------ TITLE: How-We-are-Achieving Complete Radiofication of the Oblast! (Kak my dobivayemsya sploshnoy radiofikatSii oblasti) PERIODICAL: Vestnik svyazi, 1959, Ur 2, pp 20-U (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article,,describes.the course.and,means fication of.the Llvov Oblastlin the Ukraine. The author states that 72.5% of the overall number of householdsin the Oblast' are now equipped with radio, and that 10 of the..27,rayony are completely radiofied. The original plan for complete radiofication of the Oblast' was worked.out by the provincial communica- tions administr4tion and DRTS late in 1957, and nec- essaxy funds were made available early the following year. The-plaja as a whole for 9 months of 1958 was fulfilled by 115%, the villages by 118.4%. At present there are only-15 radio broadcasting centers Card 1/4 (uzly) attached to collective farms (kolkhozy). SOV/111-59-2-13/27 How We are Achi-eving-Compl-ete--Radiofication of the Oblast, Socialist-competition has developed in the district communications bureaus, and in the Llvov city broad- casting cent6r to see who can get the most applica- set installations,, 6200 of which were collected - 3200 by Komsomol members. Supervisors of the district communications bureaus receive a bonus of 6 rubles for each radio installation over and above the assigned number., and those who installed more than 25 in a month~were awarded 75-100 rubles. The project is-widely-popularized through the press and radio. The .Oblast-Party committee (obkom) decided in July, 1958 to-completeradlofication of the Oblast'-by September 17, 1959~- In-the city of Llvov, in the fall of 1958, a month:--long-campaign for radiofication of the city was started by Komsomol, and awards were made to the -Komsomol and school collectives competing in the cam- paign. In October 800 applications were collected in Llvov, and In 20 days of November 900 in thE! city, and 1200 in the Oblast'. In honor of the 21st Party Con- Card 2/4 gress the campaign was continued. Long term credit SOV/111-59-k-13/27 How We are Achieving Complete Radiofication of the Oblast' of 400,000 rubles has been granted the kolkhozy by the Oblast' executive committee (oblispolkom). In November 1958 it was decided to develop socialis-t competition among the communications workers collectives, Komsomol members, and party organizations of the kolkhozy. For a ten month period the.plan for the developME!nt of radiofication.has been fulfilled by 105.6%, including 105% in the village.. The author enumerates several substantial shortcomings-in the work of radiofication. He points out that,while the extent of radiofication lines is constantly growing, staffs remain at; the 1945- 1950 levels. One special problem in the western Oblast's of the Ukraine is the scattered nature of the populated areas, which demands a great quantity of mat- erials, particularly PRVPM type cable. The author con- cludes with a few-remarks on the collection of subscrip- tion fees from set owners in the kolkhozy, Comrades Koval?, Secretary of the Oblast' Party committee (obkom)., Kulik, Secretary of the Komsomol obkom, Shulyak, Manager Card 3/4 of the division of transport and communication of the SOV/111-59-2-13/27 How We are Achieving Complete Radiofication-of the Oblast' Llvov Oblast' Party committee, Sobko, Chief of the Oblast' communications administration,'Yelovskiy, Secretary of the Krasnen rayon Party committee, and Slyusarenkox Secretary of the Oblast Party committee, took part in the work of Oblast radiofication. There are-3 photographs. ASSOCIATION: Llvovskaya oblastnaya direktsiya radiotranslyatsionnoy seti (The Llvov Oblast Board of Directors of the Rebrn4- casting Network) Card 4/4 DYKHAMOV, U.N. PRHYN. N.G. Synthesis of 2,4-dipherVlpyrasolidinedione-3,5 (ozedrina)o Hadeprome 12 no.2:21-24 1 158, (MIRA 11:3) 1. ]Chimiko-fa raw t sevt icheakiy savod "Akrikblnl I Yeesoyusrqy nauebuo- iseledovatellokiy khtmiko-formatsevticbeakiy iDetitut imeni S.Ordzhonikidze. (PnUZOLIDIMIONK) -w~ ~f'; KUGREROV, Ye.V., kand. sel'skokhozyaystvennykh nauk;.FEDORENO,-.B.j.,, kand. sel'skokhozyaystvennykh naul: Trout in Bashkiria. Priroda 53 no.7tl24-125 '64- (MIRA 1717) 1. Komissiya okhrany prirody pri Prezidiume Bashkirskogo filiala AN SSSR, Ufa. 44-1-29 TRANSLATIOff FROK: ReferatIMM ZbArmaj MatemtiM) 1957) Nr 1) p 4 (USSR) AUTHOR: Fedorenko) B.V. TIM: Sam Informtion for a Blogmpby of N.I. Labechevski ffi~LT (Nekotoryye evedeniya k biografil N.I. Lobacbmkogo PERIODICAL: V ob.: Istoriko-Matem. issledomo7a) Nr 9,, Moscovp Gostekbizdat., 1956) pp 65-75 ABSTRACT: Domments are presented vbich pertain to N.I. I~vllltiyls father. They were found by the author in the Cautral -state yftr- Archives of Old Records,,aAd, 4"clvA the :06tition of the 16- old Ivan Nakelmovich Lobachevskiy for admission as a clerk in the surveying office) his certificate of origin, the decisions of the mwveying office concerning his employement, etc. B L. Laptev Card 1/1 FEDORENKO, B..V. Cand Phys-Math Sci -- (diss) "The Years of T-qajhjz" -wM of N. I. Lobachevskiy,~ff=wbeehaviW and His First Geometric Studies," Lenj 195T. 8 PP 22 cm. (Academy of Sciences USSR, Inst of the History of Natural Sciences and 110 copies (KL, 26-5T, lo4) 13 F3DOR3NKO, B.V. K I School year's- f. LobRahevskii 'and his first studies in geometry. Trudy tekh.'17.-i63-?28 '57. (KRA 101.7) (LoUnchevskii, Nikolat IvAnovich, 1792-1856) FM)O!U-IKO,_ D. and IMI-VYLOV., A . "Mov-able I~Iectric'Pcuer Stations for llovinE Picture InstaUatiow, three articles Kimomakhanik, Iles. 1-3-h) 1952 FKDORM4KO, D - Coating the connective rod and bearinge with babbitt metal. Kinomekharjik no.7:31-34 T1 153. (KWA 6:8) (Bearing (Xachinez7)) (Babbitt metal) IAWjMKOj. Do ------- W-W"WWNNR- PrepLixation of power generators and mobile motion-picture equipment for winter work. Kinomekhanik no.11:23-27 M 153. (XLRA 6;11) (Gas and oil engines) --ZEDOREKKO D.-,- oushillshchitsa Spirited work. Sov.shakht. 10 no.9:26-27 S 161. (MIRA 14:8) 1. ]3aydakmkaya briketnaya fabrika.. go Alakeandriya, USSR. Wiraine-Briquets(Fuel)) FEDOMIKO, D. M. 37456. Kolkhozy poltavakoy oblasti doarochno vypolnyavut godovoy plan razvltiya zhivotnovodstva, Sots. zhivotnovodfftvo, 1949, No. 8, a. 59-62. SO: Ietopis' Zhurnallnvkh Statey. Vol. 7. 1949 RMRAMKIY, Z-70-; SMWaO9 %U-Se; FEDORFMO, F.A.;.LYSIKOV, A.N. Central signall networks using telephone relays with overlapping contacts& Fromeenerg, 26 nooll:33-31+ N !61, (Km 14:10) (Electric networ*) (Electric relays) A"i MALINEVY P.P. (Maltniev, P.P.], in7h.; FEDOUNKO, F.G. (Fedorenko, F.H.1, inzh. Self-sharpening segments of a cutting apparatus. Makh. sill.hosp. 14 no.70 Jl 163. (MIRA 17:2) FIDMMO, G. L - Crushing of blast furnace charge materials. Izv. vys. uchob. zave; chorus met* 7 no.2t42-49 164. (MM 17:3) 1. Dne,propetrovskiy ustallurgichsokiy inetitut. SIV30TWy 191.; BALITSKAU. A,K*l YMRlMe G,G, - -'h. ',~ ~-'. - Studying the pharmoologloal proportion of aotinouqoln X* Trudy Inste mikroblol, i virus, AN Kazakh, SSR WI-41 159. (KMA 13:2) (ACTIMMMIJI) SIVERTSEV# I.I.; BALITSKLYAv A.K,; FEDORENKOp G.G# ReactiDn'of the blood pressure and respiration in dogs following the intravenous use of solutions of actinomycin K; preliminary report* Izve AN Kazakh..SSR. Ser. zed. i fiziol. no. ls54,-59 160o (MIRA 13:10) (BDDOD PRESSURE) (RESPIRATION) (ACTIROMYCES) BALITSUYAv A.K.j VETLUGINAo L.A.J`44~OL, G.a. q Production of toelikomycin in an experimental installationj Preliminary results, Trudy Insto-nikrobJol, i virus. AN Kazakh. SSR 4:19-25 161o OGM 1,4:4) (ACTINOMYCIN) FEDORENKOv G.G.; ILICHENKO, M,A. Characteristics of growth and development of strain 1321 of Actiromyces-antooyanous under the conditions of the submerged cultivation of antibiotic, Trudy Inst, mikrobiol. i virus. AN Kazakh. SSR 5t14-21 161. (MM 15:4) (Aotinomyces) BALITSKAYA, A.K.; FEDORENKO, G.G. Preliminary research data on the toxicity of the antibiotic 1321. Trudy Inst. mikrobiol. i virus. AN Kazakh. SSR 5:22-25 161. (MIRA 15:4) (Antibiotics) FFWRENM, G.; SARTHAYEVA, U ILICHENKO, K.A. Formation of the antibiotic 1321 in different culture media. Trudy Inst.mikrobiol.i virus.A#.Xazkah.SSR 6:69-73 162. (MIRA 1518) (ANTItIOTICS) (UCTERIOWGY--CULTURES AND CULMRE WDIA) SARTUYEVAI U.A.1 F.ZDORENKOj.,G,A,,j ILICHENKO, MA. Dynamics of the accumulation of the antibiotic substance produced by the strain 1321. Trudy Inst.mikrobiol.i virus,AN Kazkah,SSR 6s74-77 162. (KrRA 15:8) (ATIBIOTICS) (ACTINOMYCES) BALITSKAYA, A.K.j FEDORENKOI,G.G. Therapeutic properties of coelicomycin as related to its ac- tion on the causative agent of infection in vitro. Trudy Inst. mikrobiol. i virus. AM Kazakh. SSR 7 :83-89 163 qt I (KM 16:121) ML=LM, A .r4s Jwcwwl,~ O.C6 llw'P"1~10 woywts" ct asuomwain cw raiatod to ---to aotim ca the dwiftuve Or an lnfbotL= in vitro, budY Tftt* ubrabla* I Vlnw. AN FAwith. sm, stwuo (KM 201U) FEDORSEKOp G,Go; ZHARIETSKAYAl N,K, Cytological study of the development of Atcti=yces coelicolor,' strain 17. Trudy Inst. mikrobiol. i virus. AN Kazakh. SSR. 8: 75-85 165. (MIRA 18:11) - I . - - - r. SLINIKOI N.F.* FEDORENKOt 6.1. 01--.- IncTeasing the durability of tapping hole and trough refractories, Metallurg 6 no.-5t7-9 My 161. .(1" 3-4:5) 1. Zamentitell nachallnika d=e=ogo taekha Krivorqpokogo motallur- glohookogo savoda (for.Sliniko). 2. Pastor domennoy pechi Krivorosh- okogo metallurgicheakogo-zavoda (for Fedorenko). (Blast furnsceo-EquIpment andaz plies) (Rsfraotory'materiaI3 ZAGREBAP A.V.; SLIRKIKO, N.F.; F~DORENKOx G.I4 Calculation and correction of the burden during the blast furnace process. Metallurg 6 no.10:1-7 0 161. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Krivorozhokiy metallurgioheskiy zavod. 2. Nitchallnik domennogo taekhaJ1iivorozhskogo meta.11urgicheskogo zavoda (for Zagreb&). 3. Zamestitell nachoatnika domennogo tsekha Krivorozhakogo mota1lurgichookogo zavoda (for Slinlko)4 4. Master Krivorozhakogo metallurgicheakogo zavoda (for Fedor- enko). (Blast furnaces-~Vipmont and supplies) ZAGREBA, A.V.-, SLINIKO, N.F.; FLDORE-14KO, ;,.I. Blowing-out and the operations of a U~-st furnace with a ZCCC m3 capacity. Metallurr 7 no.1:8-13 Ja '62. PI tu 15: 1 (Blast furnaces) FEDORENKO, G. I.; GOTLIB, A. D... r-ukovoditell raboty Investigating volumetric irregualrity in the distribut'on of materials in the small bell receiving funnel in various capacity blast furnaces. Izvvys,ucheb,zav.; chern met 7 no. 4:26-30 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy metallurgicheskiy institut. G. I FEDOIT.NKOP L, Distributicn of mateerlals by their granulometric compc~siticn In tha hopper of the sma.11 bell. Izv. vys. urhmb. zav.; chern. met, 7 no,60.7-22 164, OMIRA 170) 1. Dnepropetrovskty merallurgicheskiy instittit. FEDORENKO, G.I.; GOTLIBV A.D., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof., rukovoditell rabot,y Effect of the granulometric composition of the charge mixture of the shape of the charge surface in furnaces. Meta3lurg 10 no.8: 9-11 Ag 164. (MIERA 17:11) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy metallurgicheskiy institut (for Fedorenko). FEDORENKO, G.I., inzh.; GOTLIB, A.D.,, prof., doktor tekhn.nauk, FMIMMMIlraboty Fanning the small fraction in blast furnace hearths. Stall 23 no. 3:211-212 Mr 164. (MIFA 17:5) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy metallurgicheskly institut (for Fedorenko). L 46023-66- E7,rr (d) /pup (1) ijp(c) GD/9C ACC NRs AT6017610 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/000/0083/009i- AUTHOR: Kozlov, M. S.; redorenko, G. I. ORG: none TITLE: DyT~amics of an adaptive flight control system which retains a given stability margin I I SOURCE: Vsescyuznaya konferentsiya po teorii i praktike samonastraivayushchikh sistem. Ist, 1963. Samonastraivayushchiyesya sistemy (Adaptive control systems), y Tconferentsii. Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1965, 83-92 TOPIC TAGS: automatic flight control, automatic control stability, autmatic. space- craft control, programmed automatic control ABSTRACT: A detailed analysis of adaptive control systems operating on the principle of comparing the lowest and highest parts of the frequency spectrum of the control loop signals is presented. A block diagram and a root locus graph of an angular velo- city control system, and an adaptive loop are presented. The adaptive loop includes low and high pass filters with detectors. When the stability limit is approached, the energy of the highest part of the frequency spectrum of the error signal increases and the detected signal from the high pass filter dominates. This causes the generation of a control signal which decreases the forward loop gain of the control system. An 1/2 ACC NRs AT6017610 0 opposite operation Is produced thenever the system is too far away from the stability.,-.- limit. A detailed computational and graphical analysis of the change of the transfer function over the frequency spectrum is presented, including consideration of random m disturbances. The same methodmay be applied to the control of several parameters& A block diagram and oomputed results are presented for a system with two controlled parameters* Origt art* has: 3.1 figures, 10 formulas. I .. SUB CODE: 13*01,19/ SUBM DATE: 22Nov65/ OTH IMF: 001 -=RENKO _Q.T4.-,, [Fedorenkop H.IA.]-, KAPUSTYAK S.M.- GNIDETS', I.R. I.R.] ; BODGANOVAV N.L. [Bohdanovap H.L.) Nnidetal, Y Use of bactericidal lamps in the pharmacy practice. Farmatsev. zhur. 16 no.4t11-14 161. (MIRA 17:6) 1. Kafedra. tekhnologii lekarstv (zaveduXuahchiy kafedroy dotpa . at Yu.0. Karpenko), kafedra mikrobiologii (zaveduyushchiy kafedroy dotsent M.M. Muzyka) Livovskogo meditsAnskogo instituta i Apteka No.1 g. L'vova (upravlyayushchaya N.L. Bogdanova [Bohdanova, N.L.D. NMO FIDORENKOR I., agronom; MATVEM, SO NUZHNAU, A.; BISENGALIEYV, X. For those in the field, Sov.profooiuzy, 17 no.n..4o je 161. (KM.14:5) 1. Men rabochkoma Kalalskogo novkhosa (for ibtveyev). 2. Inotruktor A2xq-AtinBkogo obloovprofa'(for -Nuzhamya). 3. NeahtatW korrespondent shurnala "Sovetakiye profsoyu#" (for Bisengaliyev). (Kazakhstan--State fam) KRYZEIK09 1. Te-Inical progress dictates. Prof .-telkh. obr. 22 nc.~.6-7 My 165. (MIRA 2-8: 5) 3. Donatskiy nauchno-"oledovatellskly ugollnyy -'nstitut, FEDORENKO, I.A. (Fedorenko,, 190.11 SABINEVSKIr, B.V. [Sabinevalkyi,, B.V.J Bird lioe of gulls nesting on islands of the Tendra Bay of the Blaok-Sea, Zbire prate. Zool. mux. AN URSR no.32364-72 1.63. (KmA :L6: 11) M, MAZURMOVICH, B.N., otv. red.; BOSIIKO, G.V., red.; GUSHCHA, G.I., red.; 2,11ORGORMEVSKAYA, L.A., red;; FEDOREMO. I.A., red.; ANDRIYCIIUK, M.D.9 red.j KAS YANt S.N [Parasites and parasitoses in man and animals) Parazity i parazitozy cheloveka i zhIvotnykh. Kiev Naukova dumka., 1965. 411 P. WHA 180) 1. Akademiyn nauk URSR, Kiev. '. Kiyevskiy Rosuda-stvermyy .universitat (for Hazuz=vich).,3~pJnstitut zoologii AN Ukr.SSR (for Boshko). FMRh2lKO, I.A.; SRSBRODOLISKAYA, N.I. Bird lice of owamp and water birds in the Western Polesye. Trudy Ukr. rasp. nauch. ob-va paraz. no. 3t227-2,32 164 (MIRA 19t1) 1. Institut zoologil AN 'UkrWR (for redorenko). 2. Llvovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitat imeni Franko (for Srebrodollskaya). r 1, 2 -,'l 2 0 .- . .. - -, ~ ~ -- . ~- -~ . ;, % 1 LF , , m 7MOf 01T.0. I. D. Sposoby oroshaniya v tsentrallno-chemozwnykh oblastyakh. Gialrotel-Irdl-a i melioratsiya, 1949, No. 1, S. 26-39- S0: LatoPis, No- 32, 19L0- - - - I I -- I -D. 33266. Vnutrikolkhoznyy Plan Vodopoilzovaniya V Ucloviyakh Travopollnoy SistemY Zemledeliya. Gidrotekhnika I Malioratsiya, 1949, No. 4, C. 12-24. SO: Letopis' ZhurnalInykh Statey, Vol-45, moskva, 1949 iMWAgriculture - 1rrigatlow Ofte,Problax of Irrigaticra of Agricultural Crops In the Central Regions of the Blaok Son 1. D. Pedwanko.9 Comd Agr Sol, All-Uhlon Sol Ron -1wt of Wrowisch and WIloration, 6 pp wMak v.;.s Ak Selkhoz NaukP So 9 Irrigation by sprinkling letbe best method for grain and other crops. Combined vith trewbing It oonsumes 4W-600-ou mi-per hectare as against 1,9200-1500 by flooding. 7he most efficient matho& of. trenching in to utilize the f arzvwa for seedIng. Per black earth the tr~zqhes should be 60-T0 a& 4W 2,/NT2 =Wftrlwatwe Mwliption (Cmtd) -Bop 49 apaxt, for dark -gray earth 6D-75. Mosavrementa t given for trenching verlaw types of oarth. are Use of condults, In Important. Z. U. Irrigation of agricultural crops in the central c~-ernozsm b6lt. MoskTa., Goo. izd- To selikhoz. lit-ry, 1954. 308 p. Napa (55-35643) SM12.F4 632.898 .F2 1957 OROSHENIYE SELISKOKHMAYSTVENNYM KULITUR V TSENTRALINO-OHMOZEMNOY POLOSE ZIRRIGATING AGRICULTURAL CROPS IN VM .CENTRAL BLACK EARTH BELTs BYJ I.D. FEDORENKO I V.M. SHELEnCV. 2. IZD. MOSKVAj SELl- KHOZGIZt 1957. 202 P. ILLUS., DIAGRS., GRAPHS, MAPS, TABLES. i,,JtkD# kandidat sellskokhosysystyennykh nank; ZHMVIKLI, I.T., YBDOP21% takhnichookikh nank. It a Uperienco with introducing the method of irrigating from ditches in the central provinces collective farms. Gidr. i mel.9 no*2:20-31 7 1576 (Irrigation) (Hin 10:3) JEDOREENIKOj 1. 1., Cand. Tech. Sol. (diss) "Investi;:---rition of Settin-7a of Bearings in Connecting Rods of En3ine D-b4," Moscow- Flyushchevo, 1961, 19 pp. (Combined Sol. Co.ncil All-Union Sci. Res. Inst. Mechaniz. of Agri, "VIM" and VNII Electrific-tion of A.~-yl- "VIESKh") 1%510 copies (KL Supp 12-61, 275). N.. YEDORENKO 1. M. Cand; Agr Soi (diss) "Methods of IneweasinC the 4 the Condit:L-ons of 1*9 Novo-KubanskiyrRayon of Pm Krasnodarskiy Kray.11 Mos. 195TO 18'pp 19cm. (Mos Order- of* Lenin AgrieUltUral Academy im K. A. Timi!ryazev,,), 3.20 copkes (KL9 117-57t 98) 52 USSR/CultivatcLl Mats Grains. Ab3 Jour Rcf Mi-x Biol IID 10, 1958, 44026 Author Fadormko~ Inst I.Wcow AcTicultural Acad..;--7 i:~uznl TiArynzov v -)f Cobbining Ilin" r U.,;at and Gorn Crops in On,; Title Crop Ratation in Kuban. Oria Pub Dold, 1-loshe so-kh, akad. L.-.. K.A. TiL-dryazcva., 195T, V.,-p 28, 187-195- Abstract IM work was carriod ou'u- on a production scnl,~ in Ku7jan dttrinC: 1954-1956. MQ j'ijvc,~ of t,'.c stmLy was t,.) dLt-r- -6-! 1 L ' - fQasibility sowii.,G corn in the opac~.., u LvtwQQn rows for the Vurpus,~ if s-applii2entary culk'*Ava- tija by tractor durin(; t'.,~ floucring-ripeninG qha3,.;. "MIL purpo3a was to iriprovu iLs rolQ as the pmdoc,=or '~j t'iQ vintur ifacat. Mc mmacva ~)f 140 cii bQtvoen ra%rg vi,~' Card 0, - MORNIM0, I.P., kand.tekhn.nauk Experimental Investigation of the seepage capacity of hydrau- lic fill. Izv.VNIIG 38:222-230 158- MR& 13:7) (Ebrdraulic engineering) (Boil percolation) . I - , -i'l ~~t, izl~ ~ ~. 11:i~'.'- , 1 -. 'v , ~V -i DOBROLYUBSEIYI 0.1re; FADORMO, I.T. Affect of the trace element zone on its concentration in grapes. N&uch.dokl.vys.sbkoIy; biol.nauki no.2:15&161 160. (KIRA 13:4) 1. Rokomendovana Imfedroy neorganioheakoy i &ualitloheskoy khimii Odesskogo ssllskokhoxy~ystvennogo instituta. (MLPBS-FUTILIZIES An K&NMS) (FuNTSO 1"WT or, ZINC ON) GABUNIYA. L.P., inzhener; YIDORICNKO, K.A., inshener. -4- --o' &~~-. 11,111&. Automatizing a small hydroelectric power plant. Zlek.sta. 25 no-2:50-51 7 154. (MLRA 7:2) (Hydroelectric power stations) ILYA, instiener; JrJiWBJMU, JL*A., vaxnener. Automatic apparatus for svitchingrin a reserve line by using a high-frequency channel. Ilsk.sta. 25 no.9:54 3 134.(XMA 7:9) (Blectric.apparatus and appliances) ,IF-rM-ORENKOP K*Aov inzh. Experience in processing watermelon needs* Masle-zhirepromo 27 no.3:44,45 W 161, (MIRA 14:3) 1. Vitebskiy masloekstraktsionnyy zavod,. (Vitebsk-Holons) FEDORENKO, K.A., inzh. From practices of the processing of peanuts. Yasl.-zhir.prom. 28 no.4:39-40 Ap 162. (KRA 15:5) 1. Vitebakiy maslookstraktsionnyy zavod. (Peanut oil) U KAUIXIV, G,S.; !,2j,;,,,i,,i L"Ilj~o, 7-n Use of,the-laobotanical method for guo-lotical of t-e centrai i~arakwn. izv. AN Turk. Sur. ~2: 3-12 '63. 1. Institut botaniki. AN Turkmemu;kov naya tematiclieskaya rikspedillslya ljpravl~er",-~ nedr pri Sovete Minlstro-v Turkarienskcy 107-57-1-52/60 AUTHOR: Fedorenk Tula) TITLE: Electrochemical Staining of Metals. Experience Exchange (Elektrokhimicheakoye okrashivaniye metallov. Obmen opytm) PERIODICAL: Radiol 1957, Nr 1, p 57 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A new electrolytic method for staining objects made from iron, steel, brans, or copper is described. The electrolyte composition is: blue vitriol, 60 g; sugars 90 g; sodium hydroxide, 45 g; water, 1 liter. Working procedures, and time elements necessary for bbtainin different colors are described in the article. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 AUTHOR: Fedorenko, L. SOV-10-7-58-6-45/53 TITLE: '._-_T_he Vecorative Coloring of Aluminum and its Alloys (Deko- rativnoye okrashivaniYe 'alyuminiya i y6go, splavov) PERIODICALt Radio, 1958, Nr 8, p 49 (USSR) ABSTRAM The author describes a method of coloring aluminum parts by electrolysis with aniline dyes, the parts being subjected to anode oxidation with subsequent adsorption of the dye. The part to be colored is first cleaned of grease and then oxidized in a sodium bisulfate bath. The aluminum part serves as the anode and. is placed between two sheets of lead, acting as cathodee. Current is supplied at 1 to 1.5 a from a storage battery and electrolysis lasts from 40-50 minutes. The oxidized part is then transferred to the &ye bath, heated to 50-60 01C where it remains for 15-20 min.; according to the depth of color required. The dyes needed to achieve various colors are listed and the process for gold coloring described. Some inorganic dyes which can be used in place! of aniline are also listed. The part has a matte finish after dyeing. It is washed in hot water, dipped in a melted wax oz- paraffin bath for 2-3 minutes and wiped with gauze while still hot. 1. Aluminum--Co'lor 2. Anilines-~Applications 3. Dyes-Adsorption Card 1/1 4. Electrolysis--Applications MORMMO, LeIs Diphtheria Inoldence in the Tatar A.S.S.R. 40 no.4: 90-94 JI-Ag 159. (MIRA 13 t 2 1. Iz Reepublikitnekoy san-apidetantaii (glawrach - I.Z. Ykikhutdimov) i kafedry epldemiol6gli (saveduyushchiy - prof. A.Ze Ozol.) razanekogo meditaftskogo Instituta. (TATAR A.s.s.R.--DnwmmiA) 3'No t S/137/624/000/005/131/150 A1601A101 AUTHORS 14ilchaylov, M. M.,-Fedorenko, L. I., Myshak, N. V., Galkin, V. A. TIT.r':': The welding of the stainless I X 18H 9 T (lKhl&%T9T) steel with a tungsten electrode in a nitrogen atmosphere P-MIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 5, 1962, 1.6, QLbstract 5E72 ("Tr. Sredneaz. politekhn. in-tall, 1961, no. 15, 102 - 106) TZ,rl: A process of welding stainless steels in N2 atmosphere waz worXed out, securing not only high mechanical properties of jpints, but also eliminaitir4g, intercrystalline corrosion. All test pieces were butt-welded with the help of a HXAM AP+3 B (NIAM AR+3B) torch. The experiments yiel 'ded the following re- sults: 1) the main.difficulties during the are-welding in N2 with ald-electrode, such as the bubbling of the bath, sean porosity and the high consumption of elec- vrodesi are not caused by the disintegration of unstable W-nitrides, but by the presence of 02 in the are burning zone. 2) The arc-welding in N2 with a W-elec- trode takes a normal course and secures a high-quality seam in case N42 does not contain more than 0.2% 02. 3) A waste of C is noted during the are-welding in Card 1/2