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HERE IT 15 1 I I I 111 - ~ ~ ~K 112 EEL e rcom 71 FEt>oT v . s v 0 , j- ` I.. vr.? ll.,~ . 'i tj A11, ~"-M, op?o. -., I -. , , 10 -0 Dissertation: "Geonorpholok and Cointemporary Processes of Relief Formation of the Central - I Part of the Kuznets Ala-Tau.' Cand Geog Sci, Moscow Stato PedagogL;al Innt, 11.1loscow, 1953, Referativrjyy Zhurnal--.Geologi-/ap Geografiya, Moscow, Jul 54,, SO: SUM No. 35b, 25 Jan 1955 OVI USSR/Geology Card 1/1 Authors Krigers N. Lj and Fedotuv, V. S. Title I Loess (rocks) found at the Oka river basin -Periodical s Doklo.AN SSSRt 96, Ed. 2,, 367 370., May 1954 Abstract s Judging by the stratification the loess discovered at the Oka river basin can,be divided into the following categoriest water- Institution Presented by separating loesss,beam type loess and loess of river beds. Basic data regarding the properties of fluvio6lacial loess of water separating section3 (terrace-like plateau) are included. Tvivnty three references; 1 USSR dating 1892. Table. Academician V. A. Obruchev) December 29, 1953 7& V Country USSR M Category: Cultivated Plants. Fruits. Berries. Abs Jour: lZhBiol., No.22, 1958, No 100477 Author Fedotov, V.S. Inst . .............. Title Terracing of the Slopes for Vineyards. Orig Pub: Sadovodstvo, vinoFradarstvo I vinodeliye Moldavii, 1957, No 6, 37-39 Abstract: The effect of terracing, carried out In 1953 according to P. V. Ivanov method, on the pheno- manon of erosion Is charaoterizied. It Is noted that with precipitation of 25-35 millimeters, a longitudinal run-off causing wash-outs Is observed. It to recommended to impart to the Tum M_ CATEGORY GlAtiviAted 111antz. Fraits. Berries. Y. APS. JOUR. RZY011ol.) Poll 2? 1956, No, IC4809 AUTHOR 1".redotov, V. " _ A,r ;, DJST. ?. fftl, 15 IT ;ff -.4 TITLE Prelimin!ivy of tno Stubjes on the Terracine, of E%lol t;s 1'r-c Vincytirda. ORIG. PUS9. IZV. V.0L6. fil. j- L..;Lli, 15~'_7, Vu. 5 (42), 8.~-lu_l A;?STRACT In cop:,.nially in Jt.% certtr)tl vciiojis. thar,! #Ara coni;icerabje of 6ecAlle aric, .31,eej, which itro eitltcr Jna,ifficicntlly utillze6z .4a tj6riciilturc or are not utili,zvd at ali. The uauol cultivqtiori of these sioroas for vineyarab to it strong ct:veloij-utitit of erosion processes. In 155'3, tvrrbcinx_ of a ij-hactere sloj~e with the Grtide of 250 wt:z doue., in bullboicskJy rn~cii ~iccorcalrj,, To ~ac Byste-ji clevc-lol.ed at. the Soil It.stitut-ti fif the af- f iliote of the oc-fciewy of icienceii. In Vic sprinc of I the jj~jntltig of t~e grapevines was carried out. In tile summer of there were hobvy ctownpours (up to 2~, CATID: 1/2 CM-TRY CAT S.-OPY ApS. JOUR. KhBiol.., 10 A U T,. 0 R DJST. T ITLE. OPTG. FUJI. It Ijr T! CT !CAmt 2/2 -,oa) ono i n ttic Fnim.,vr of Ila (if firi.. t,;!rj,ucus of aivrs in width mic: V PrOv%;C, to I I i tl 1 .I crtirmetvri5tic of tile wlitt:r unQ ,,Atl,jtjo,j,jj c:n1juito.,:j or tho t#jrrucef) ia itea- TA I le avera_iu r,:servf3 or uv)istura in oiie-mot,;r Ijyer of the tex-ract, soil was ctuout 1CO AM anr, tile `JJxil`11J` 168 ra;. K. :,crtul:I~Itov 124 SMIINOVA, I.N.; BALEZIN, S.A.; GOLUANOV, K.N.; Prinimali uOmstlye: DEROYANOV, L.A.; 11IRYEVICH, A.I.; WHO8,1YFV, P.1,; F~"XTCV, V.3.; CHURILOV, Ye.M. Effect of organic additives In fuel on the corrosion and wear of internal combustion engines. Uct,. zap. MGPI no.146:127-146 160. (MIRA 15:4) (Gas and oil enginec-Corrosion) (Addition reactions) FFDOTOV, V.S. Pemote hybridization in the vetch tribe of the Leguminossa family. Biul. Glav. bot. sada no.53:23-27 164. - (AURA 17:6)' 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut sel'skogo khozyaystva tsentralInykh rayonov nechernozemnoy zony Nenchinovka, Moskovskoy oblasti. 11t 41 ti- I ual is )7- S, A MIN it U AS ld 11 at M 31 P 'a't 41 11A 9 s I A a 1 a 1-.r* ~ FPDDTOV ~ T 0 Ir P FJWMv. HkU. Aji w na".y. -00 jlft~tFKV %it lallialkikis In MiLms slitvicx t lupines and the dvgrx-r if thrir rtm" aft ~ det.l. from tin. Evotthtenty of the Plat. UbWaftl thr"Milh the Kikill of wwral 'Ir'n. 1 a %light 5111FIVI 4 ARAW t b .00 , an Content ti 1 a 1 out 0 36%; a twavy pjit. %lurw% nwirinutcrox "mct., a)t alk*WW. Of the xpiwks Inwstigated I.. listemij. h plassi atiAl L, j%4vpkVUoc %114*w A rral vadal 1lit wi hi h : s a n t t y e alwTict In rtgard to IIw degirte',il diiialowl A h 00 ]~. intnis t ew -lietirs MnY ftwnkx wrte hund lwwtk-*Uv Irre firmil alkiah4d 41"1 thu. ultable fur hwage & do ma j L lb j 00 . "j. ' ' & %j Mod LL POW41iih) Wrrr I,Mnd tO 11111re g ." a nwrkni vion4tan In alk C "d a Y cwttcnt~ IWiLix 11. Lox 00 00 .4 Ue 0 t,0 0 too 041 got 41"91c"t -" --T "'T, - on No a a ad 0 U it AV 00 1, -Yv- so The production of lupine seeds Mookwat Goa. izd-vo selkhos lit-ry, 1954. 87 pa (V pomoshch' agronomu n& proizvodatva) /?- "-, Z 'I ~ I ". ., ,,/ _/ "-, 11 - / ~V ) Y _- I ISDUWV, V.S. Oft MMOMMO mmmu"WAS"2W.11". Crop fellow on sandy soils. Zealedelie 5 ao..5:49-51 My '57. NMA 10:7) (Latvia--Fallowing) Country : USSn Category: Cultivated PLants. Fodders. Abs Jour: I=iol., No 11, 1958, No 4W Author Pedotov, V.S. Inst Title On Seed Grow*-'n[; of Fodder Lupine Oria Pub: Selektaiya i oemanovodstvo, 1957, No 6, 43-47 Abstract: No abstract. Card Vi 14 M-93 the of FEDOTOV, Vo S. Cand Agr Soi -- "Study of problems of. ~terraoing,slopes Aid- a,.dk vineyards in Moldaviya." Voronezh, 1960 (Min of Agr RSFER. Vorobeth Agr Inst). M, 1-61, 203) -322- fftai] Gorokh. Moskyao Gov. izd-vo nellkhoz. lit-rjo 1960o 257 P. (Peas) (Mnu 14, 10) FEDOTOV~ V.S.; PAPIIO~ L.I., red.; TARAKANOVA, V.N.., tekhn. red. (Terracing alpes for orchards and vineyards in Holdav'Aal Torrasirovan!e sklonov pod sady i vinogradniki v Moldirvii. Kishinev, GOO. 12d-vo "Kartia moldoveniaske) 1960, 69 P. ~MIRA 15-4) (Moldavia-Terracing) (Moldavia-Fruit culture) (Moldavia-Grapes) _'FEDOMV._Y_iktor_Sem&n*mi*h; PANIN, V.Ya., red.; MUGINA, L.P., red.; POLONSKIY, S.A., tekhn. red. (Terracing slopes for orchards and vineyards in Moldavir.]Ter- rasirovanie sklonov pod sady i vinogradniki v Moldavii. Kishi- nev, !zd-vo "Shtiintsa * 1961. 174 p. (MIRA 16:2) (Holdavia-Terracingi (Moldavia-Frait culture) -F-EDQ-TQ,V Vasiliy Stepanovich kand. veter. nauk; FEDOTOVSKIY, A.P., red.; SYCWV-A-. V.A., tekhn. red. [The "Tundra" Collective Farm in the seven-year plan] Kol- khoz "Tundra" v semiletke. Murmanak, Murmanskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1961. 28 p. (MIRA 16s6) (Murmansk Province-Stock and stockbreeding) .Z~DOTOV, Vaailiy Steparovich, kand. veter. nauk; SOKOLOVA, R.K., tekhn. red. (Antibiotics and biogenic stimulatore in animal husbandry) Antibiotiki i bioistimullatory v zhlvotnovodBtve. Murmansk, Murmanskoe knizhnoe izd-vo 1961. 28 P. (MIRA 16:6) (Stock and stockbreedingi (Antibiotics) (Tissue extracts) YBDOTOY, V.S.. k-ndidat veterinarnykh nauk. - "rJ"A~Ijfjj" Sheds as a measure for controlling nacrobacillosis in reWeer. Veterinariia 30 no.8:50-53 Ag 153. (MLRA 6:8) 1. llauchno-inaledovatellakiy institut polyarnogo xemledeliya. shivotnovodetva i prowlslovogo khozyaystva. FICDOTOVO VIISI, kand. vat. nauk. collective farm beyond the Arctic Circle. Neuka i pered. op. Y sellkhos. 7 no.12:59-60 D 157. (KIIA 11:1) (Arctic regions--Colleotive farms) FAMOVO V4 kand. vet. vauk (HarrwLnskaya olerevedcheskfva stantstya), On a collective door farm. Hauka I pored, op, v sellkhoz, 13 nojr 28-29 Mr 158. (MM 110) (Murmansk Province-Deor) FEDOTOVS V. S. Opyt vypasa olenei v izgorodiakh I mery bor'by a zwkro- batsillezom (Tending deer In Tenced-in areanj, and control measures of necrobacillosis). Murriansk. Kn* izd.p 1959P 42 pages with illustrations, Price 815 k,,j 3000 copies, O.TGV V 3. kand. vetor. nauk; FTDOTOVSKIY, A.P., red.; . j N,F.j tekhn. red. (pacturing reindeer in enclosures and measures for necro- bacillovio control] OpIt vypasa olanei v izgorodiakh i mery borlby s nakrobataillozoin. Fnmansk, Humanskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1959. 40 P. (MIRA 17:1) 1. TAOMROV, Yes 14. and FEDOTOV, V. V. 2. ussit (m)) 4. Sand - Zhitomir ProvinO3 7. Geological report of the Dnepropetrovsk party for vitreous sands (on the activities of 194'0. (Abstract.) Izv.Glav.upr.gool.fon. no. 3, 1947. 9. Monthly LiRts of Russion Aobistidnap Library of Congress, !!arch 1953, Unclassified. YUMOLATIVs P.V.; TEDOTOV. V.V.; SHCHICRBAKOV-, N.P.; GATTANIDI, L.Dep takhn.r"v---"-------- (Decrees and Instruction@ on labor for agricultural workers] Gabornik postanoylonli I rasporiashanii po trudu dlia rabot- nikov sel'skogo khosisistya. Moskva, Ind-TO X-Ta sellskogo khos. RSFSR. 1958. 252 p. (MIRA 12:6) 1. Russia (1917- R.S.F.S.R.) Upravleniya normirovaniya truda i sarabotnoy platy. (Agricultural law* and legislation) 14 F3W222j,.Lj,, mayor meditsinskoy clitzhbY Ratimation of the number of litter bearers for evacuation of the wounded. Voon.-med.zhur. no,6:18-19 Je '59. (M1RA 12:9) (WOUNMW AND SICK evacuation, estimation of number of litter bearers (Rua)) JEDOTOV, V.V.; mayor meditsinskoy sluzhby Controlling unreal attitudes in carrying out instruction in naval medicina. Voen.-med. zhur. no.8:14-17 Ag 160. (MIR& 3-4:7) (MEDICIEN, XAVAI.-STUDY AND TEACHING) L 209611-66 EWT(l) SUB DD SION NR: AP5022850 UR/0375/65/O0O/o0q/oo6O/oo6l 0v. ~AUTHOR- Wasnikov, A. *P. (Docent) (Lieutenant Colonel of ir.-dical service); Fedot JV. V. (Candidate of medical sciences) (Lieutenant Colonel of medical servl~e_T-7`- iTITLE: Evaluation of conditions in compartments of a sunken submarine by, a physician- lphysiologist SOURCE: Morskoy sbornik, no. 9, 1965, 6o-61 TOPIC TAGS: human physiology,,oubmarine, rescue operation, survival training, dub- marine training ABSTRACT: The authors propose a graphic presentation of tescue operations In a sunken submarine, stating that existing tables are not sufficiently descriptive and are in- 'complete in their evaluation of an emergency situation (see Fig. 1 of the Enclosure). ~,Such a graphic system could be put on a form 50 x 100 cm. The authors go on to pro- ,pose hypothetical situations which could occur in a sunken submaxiine, for the bene- :fit of a physician-physiologist involved in rescue operations. The benefit of a graphic approach to submarine rescue operations is.that it aids in developing clear- cut habit patterns in officers and.savea decision-making time. The authors' approach has been incorporated into the training practice in the' Soviet Navy and at the Mili-~ tary Medical Academy imeni Kirov.--Orig.-art. has: 2 figures. [CDj_ __~Jpcrd, 1/~~ ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 00 ENCL., 01 NO REF SOV: ~000 OTHER: 000 SUB CODE.- LS Ms ATD PRIM: a qmcww 1, nam Imt11019% o"Us gmaoly U. lat"AGalm 1, t ti t Id. Vith Utilization W, rot, ~ 024* ft o mmmr me *t roommovertion. o"COMMUS ftect at Ot Mato i 3- Avow"ag to of the ionic a SO res"WratIms Fn--Fkmp 'r'. Y&. Dissertation: "Investigaticn of the Work of a Wind Motor With the Impeller %hind the Tower." Cand Tech Scit Power Engineering Inst Imeni 0. M. Krzhizhanovsklyt Acad Sci USSR, Moscow, Oct-Dee 53. (Veatnik Akademi-i 11auk, Moscow, Jun 54) SO: SUM 318p 23 Dec 1954 FATBUY, Yefim Mikhaylovich, doktor takhnichookikh nauk,professor; ZHXLI- GOVSKIT, A.T., kandidat takhnichookikh nauk, doteent, radaktorl IMKTU4.xjA*,, kandidat takhnicheskikh nauk, retsenzent; MOIRLI, B.I., tekhnichankly redaktor; SHIKIN, S.T., takhnichaskiy redaktor. (Wind motors and their use in agriculture) Vetrodvigatell i ikh primenente y sellskom khosiaistve. Isd.2-os, dop. i perer. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhnAzd-vo mashinostrolt.lit-ry, 1957. 322 P, (MIRA 10:6) 1. Chles-korrespondent Akadenii sel'skokhozyaystyennykh nauk iment. V.I.Ionina(for Fateyev) (Wind-mills) YATJYBV. U.N., prof.,; BTSTRITSKIT, D.E.. red.; YASHMICH, K.P., red.; KARKISHIN, A.T., red.; SMOROV, T.R.. red.; YKDOTOV. T.Ya., rad.1 IRANUMC, K.O., red.; SHCUKOVICH, rGOWVKO. T.N., red.izd-yo; GUSIVA, I.N., tProbleiss in wind power] Voprosy vatroonergatiki. Koskma. Ixd-vo Akad.u4uk SSSR, 1959. 135 P. MRA lzt6) 1. Akademiya sank SSSR. Inergeticheekly Institut. 2. Chlen- korrespondent Tsesoyuxuoy akademii sallskokhozyaystvannyk% nauk in. V.I..Lonina (for Fateyev). (Wind power) FEDOTOV, Ya., kand.tekhn.nauk Parameters and equivalent circuits of transistors. 33-36 3 '62. (Transistors) Radio no.9s (MIRA 15:9) FMOTOVp Ya., kands takhn, nauk C.L Parameters and equivalent networks of transistors. Radio no.10: 37-40 0 '62. (MIRA 15:10) (Transistors) FEDOTOV, ra.,.kand.tekhn.nauk Transistor technology and miniature electronic equipment. Radio no.11:29-32 N 163. (MIRA 16t12) Card 1/1 Pub. 90-4/11 Author : Fedotov, Ya. A. Title : Methods for Calculating Amplifier Circuits Using Transistors Periodical : Radlotekhnika, 10, 37-43, Aug 1955 Abstract : The author in a general discussion examines the fundamental principles of the control of collector current in a transistor triode and makes observations on the choice of systems of pa- rameters which will characterize transistors and be of value to practical utilization of transistors. He delineates the fields of utilization of junction and point-contact zypes and discourses on the need for a unified theory of amplifiers (to encompas*s tube, transistor, dielectric, and magnetic types). Institution Submitted July U,.1955 YNDOTOY A9-y,,,Aud?rey&vich; KULIKOVSKIT, A;A., redaktor; BIM, A. L, .,~Jf "'"'~r;"itor:DZHIGIT I.S.. reda:ctor;TELIN, O.G.. redaktor; MDZH- Zfl3V=V, B.N.. redaktor; SHIMY, A.D.. redaktor; TARABOT. 7.I., redaktor; TRAMM, B.F.. redAktor; CHICHIK, P.O.. redaktor; SHASHMUR. V.1., reduktor.; LARIONOV. G.Ts.. tekhnicheskly redaktor (Crystal triodes] Kristallichemkie triody. Moskva, Gos.energ. isd-vo, 1955 94 p. (Massovaia radiobiblioteka no.216) (Eleciron tubes) (MIRA 8:9) redaktor- SATANOVSKAYA, B.G., redaktor; KORUa - Nflf.,44tetifil~hesk'iy r#edaktor [Transistorm and their use; collected articles] Poluproyodnikovye pribory i ikh priatinenie; obornik statei. Moskva, Izd-vo "Sovetakoe radio*" No-l- 1956. 622 p. (mLRA 10:4) (Tratisistorm) Call Nr: TK7872.773T42 AUTHOR: Fedotov, Ya. A. . ................., TITLE: Instead of Radio Tubes (Vmesto radiolampy) PUB. DATA: Izdatelletvo "Sovetskoye Radio", Moscow, 1957, 63 pp. Number of copies not given ORIG. AGENCY: None given EDITOR: Ed. in Chief: Volkova, E. M. PURPOSE: The pamphlet is intended for large groups of readers unfamill-sir engipqering and radio electronics. COVERAGE: The pamphlet represents a popular exppsition of basic semiconductor matirials used in the manufacture of semi- conductor devices. It describes the diverse fields in which radio tubes can be used, mentions their short- comings, anti the possibilities emerging in radio elec- tronics by.substituting semiconductor devices for radio tubes. There! are no references and no personaliti6s. Card 1/2, Instead of Radio.Tubes (Cont.) TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction What are Semiconductors? "Attention! Moscow Speaks" "You will Now Speak with Vladivostok" In Any Weather "Mechanical Brains" Radio Tubes and Their Shortcomings Instead of a Radio Tube Semiconductor Devices Today and Tomorrow AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 Call Nr-. I'K7872.773T42 3 5 16 24 30 34 41 4t 54 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 1185 Poluprovodnikovyye pribory i ikh primenenlye; abornik statey, vyp. II (Semiconductor Devices and Their Uses; Collection of Articles) no. 2) Moscow, Izd-vo "Sovetskoye radio," 1957. 398 P. No. of copies printed[ not given. ' Ed. (title page): FedQtiv, Yakov Andreyevich; Ed. (inside book): Ivanushko, N.D.; Tech'a Ed.: Sveshnikovp A.A. PURPOSE: This book is addressed to physicists and electronics engineers interested in semiconductor devices and their applica- tionsin electronics. COVERAGE: This is a col.lection of articles on semiconductor devices and their applications. There is an insert containing a circuit diagram of the measuring instrument deicribed in t1he article on P. 331. No personalities are mentioned. There are 84 references) of which 33 are Soviet (including 3 trans,-ations), 1 Swiss, 6 German, 42 English, imd 2 French. Card 1/5 Semiconductor Devices and Their Uses (Cont.) 1185 TABLE OF CONTENTS: Shmartsev, Yu.V. Producing Germanium for Semiconductor Devices 3 Artyukhova, O.A., Vaksenburg, V.Ya., Petrov, L.A., Saltykovao Ye.S., and Samokhvalov, M.N. New Types of Germanium P-n-P Junction Transistors 46 Kamenetskiy, Yu.A. Equivalent Circuits of Transistors 78 Kozlov, V.A. Obtaining a Family of Volt-Ampere Characteristics for Transistors on IM Oscillograph Screen 142 Petrov, L.A., and Sytt3ry, G.F. Variations In the Parameters of P-a-P Alloy-type Germanium Transistors as a Function of the Material and Quiescont Point 149 Card 2/5 Semiconductor Devices and Their Uses (cont.) 1185 Petrov, L.A., and Sytyy, G.F. Effect of Resistivity of Germanium on the Temperature D3pendence of Parameters of Jiinction Tran- sistors 161 Borisov, A.I. Ambient remperature Dependence of Static Volt- Ampere Characteristics of Junction Transistors 169 Popov, I.A. Transient Processes in Junction Transistors During Application of Step*Toltage,,3 18T Zakharov, V.N. Methods of Determining Maximum Power Amplifica- tion Frequency and Kaxinum Generated Frequency of Transistors 205 Sherov-Ignatyev, G.P. Selecting Conditions of Power Supply for Type SlD Transistors Used for Amplification of Small Signals 223 Voroblyeva, Ye.F. Input Impedance of a Point-contact Transistor HF Amplifier With Grounded Base And Detuned Output Circuit 242 Card 3/5 Semiconductor Devices and Their Uses (Cont.) l185 Garyainov, S.A., and Pripolov, E.Ya. Investigation of a Point- contact Transistor Video Amplifier 263 Kobzev, V.V., and Berestnev, P.D. Problem of Designing High- frequency Self-excited Oscillators Equipped With Junction Transistors 288 Tarasov, V.L., and Shev;yrtalov, Yu.B. Investigation of Tran- sistor Detectors 298 Konev, Yu.I.. Phase-sensitive Transistor Amplifiers 317 KopylOVBkiy, B.D., and Sytyy, 0. F. Measurement of Modulus and Phase of Current Amplification Factor in Transistors at High Frequency 331 Gallperin, Ye.I., Oordonov, A.Yu., and Fomchenkov, V.M. Design of Point-contact Transistor Trigger Circuits Ensuring Inter- changeability 340 Card 4/5 Semiconductor Devices and Their Uses (cont.) 1185 Zalkind, A.B., Matyukhin,, N.Ya.p and Hoonitskiy, O.V. Current Pulse Switching With Transistors 353 Valitov, R.A.., Aleksandrov, A.I., and Akulov, I.I. Transistoriz- ed Measuring Instruments 366 Selivanov, S.A., and Selivanov, A.S. Transistorized Radivnega- phone 377 Valitov, R.A., and Simonov, Yu.L. Frequency Stabilization of Transistorized Oscillators With ;he Aid of Ticon[trad-s name] ind Varicond(barium titanate] Capacitors 383 Voinov, B.S. Miniature Wide--band Tank Circuit 386 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress JP/mfd Card 5/5 2-12-59 FC-'DC)T(j~J1, 109-9-12/15 AUTHOR: Fedotov, Ya'. A. TITLE: Frequency Characteristics of Junction Transistors. (Chastotnyye svoyetva ploskostmykh triodov) PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i Elektronika, 1957t Vol*.II9 Nr 9, pp'.1189 - 1199 (USSR) ABSTRACT: One of the very important parameters of a Junction trans- istor is its current amplification factor, a and its limiting frequency, f. 0 which is the frequency at which a irops to 70% of its low frequency value. The factor at 'aB a function of frequencyt is normally measuredin a grounded- base circuit (see Fig'.1) in which the variable frequency input voltage, E,, is applied to the emitter through a large resistancep R9 alLd the output signal is measured across a small resistance R. connected in the collector circuit. The current flowing into the transistor is first determined by disconnecting the transistor from the circuit and connect- img R and R H in series. The transistor is then inserted into the-circuit and its collector current is determined by I card 1A measuring the voltage across R It is shownt however# 109-9-12/15 Frequency Characteristics of Junction Transistors. that the measurement of a in the above circuit-is in- accurate, especially at higher frequencies due to the pres- ence of stray capacitances between the emitter and collectorg emitter and ground, and collector and ground. The error is also a function of the input resistance of the transistor. It is concluded by examining some high frequenc transistors that at frequencies of the order of 30 - 40 ic7s the errir in the measurement of a may be as high as 20% (see Fig.4). Furthermore, it is found that au indirect measurement of a and f(, by measu3ring the limiting frequency fb of a grounded emitter circuit and evaluating f a from fb = fR(1 - ao) (Sq. (7)) is also inaccurate (see Fig.6). It is concluded therefore that the frequency characteristic of a transistor can better be represented by its maximum power amplif icatiohi I K~ tiav ,P . This is an invariant for a given transistor dnd it is expressed by-: K? MeLKC ~w 0.22 (Eq.(11)) or by 02 Card ~A 109-9-12/15 Frequency Characteristics of Junction Transistors. K (Eq a (l 2 where ex = 0.22WOWs P V1SKr_ fz rdUK where rW is the base resistance and 0. is the collector capacitance of the transistor. Parexieter N in Eq.(12) can be regarded as a rigure of merit for the transistor. From the above it should be clear that a frequency at which the maxiTm, powsr amplification of the transistor becomes unity can be regarded as a limiting frequency. This frequency would also be equa3. to the transistor maximum oscillE,ion frequency'. In this manner it would algo,be possible to de- termine f . indirectly ( fmax = _/M ). Maximum amplifi- cation of a large mmber of transistors as a function of frequency was measured and it was found to obey the law as given by Eq. (12) (see Fig.8). This law is valid only at comparatively high frequencies. The limiting frequency was also determined by means of an oscillator (see Fig.9) and was found almost coincident *ith the frequency at which Card 3A the maxirm, gain,, becomes unity I. 109-9-12/15 Frequency Characteristics of Junction Transistors. There are 9 figures, 7 references, 3 of which are Slavic. SUBMITTED: October 11, 1956.. AVAITART- - Library of Congress. Card 4/4 AUTHOR: ', FEDOTOV, Ya.k. TITLE: A-U Sci Conf dedicated to "Radio Day," Moscow, 20-25 May 1957. "Frequency Propertiea of Drift TTiodes," PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnike i KLektronika, Vol. 2, Not. 9, pp. 1221-1224, 1957, (USSR) For abstract see L.G. Stolyaroir r AUTHOR: Fedotov, Ya.A. 109-10-5/19 TITLE: Influence of the Distribution of Impurities in the Base of Drift Transistors on Their Frequency Characteristics (Vliyaniye raspredeleniya primesey v baze dreyfovykh triodov na ikh ehastoti.we ovoystva) PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i Elektronika, 1957, Vol.II No.101 pp. 1261 - 1370 (USSR). ABSTRACT: It has been shown by a number of authors (Refs. 1$ 2, 3) that by changing the concentration of the impurities in the base region of a transistor, it is possible to increase the frequency response 037 the useful operating bandwidth of the device. It appears, however, that no satisfactory treatment of the frequency characteristics of this type of transistor (which is known as the drift transistor) has been given. An attempt is made, therefore, to derive some useful expressions which would provide the basis for the comparison of the drift transistors with similar alloy-junction or grown-junction transistors. xiormally, the distribution of impur~ities in a drift transistor obeys the error function law, but for the purpose of analysis, it can be approximated by an exponential function. The base of a drift transistor is assumed to be in Oardl/4 the form of a plate having an overall thickness a with the 109-10-5/19 Influence of the Distribution of Impurities in the Base of Drift Transistors on Their 'Frequency Characteristics. maximum impurity concentration N a and a minimum concentration N0 ; a portion b of the plate is etched and the emitter junction is alloyed to the base at the point where the con- centration of the iikpurities drops to a value N b (see Fig.2). The collector junction is alloyed to the opposite side of the plate and its position during the operation of the transistor extends from Point 4 (see Fig.2) to Point 3. It is also assumed that the collector and the emitter are parallel to each other and that the concentration of the accepl5rs 13 the collector and emitter region is,of the order of 10 cm7 . The analysis is based on the standard uni-dimensional diffusion equation which for the drift transistor is written: KDp ap PD 2P ap - 1 CP - Pb e-KY a yo & I- at t where -the term e-Ky' takes into account the variable concen- tration of the impurities in the base. Solution of the above Card 2/4 109-10-5/19 Influence of the Distribution of Impurities in the Base of Drift Transistors on Their Frequency Characteristics. .-equation gives an expression for the current amplification factor 0 of the transistor (see the equation for 0 on P.1266). It is shown that when the concentration of the impurities in the base is uniform, the expression for 0 leads to the standard equation representing the gain of an ordinary junction transistor. 0 is plotted as a function of frequency for various values of N IN (see Fig.4); similarly, the cut-off frequency for 0 is plotted against N b/N1 for N b/Nl ranging from 1 - 1 000. From the above, it is found that the useful bandwidth of the drift transistor can be 7 to 10 tires Irger than that of a corresponding alloy-junction transistor. )OT~ is also concluded that for "b/N1 < 200, wp/Woo = (NbIN, where wo and woo are the cut-off frequencies of the drift andtivnormal transistoiri respectively. Similarly, it is shown that the relationship between the maximum amplification frequ- encies of the two types of transistors, f max and f max 0 is expressed by: Card 3/4 109-10-5/19 Influence of the Distribution of Impurities in the Base of Drift Transistors on Their Frequency Characteristics. 0-5 fMaX N (5) fmax 0 2N 0 The author acknowledges the help extended to him by V.I. Baranov and G. A. Kubetskoy B. D. Tazulakhov, Yu. A. Galuahkin and L.S. Yermakova. .-- C:-- . .1.1 r Thare are 4 figures, I table and 14 references, 2 of which are Slavic. SUBMITTED: February 28, 1957. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 4/4 YNMOV, Ya. A , I I Semiconductor electronics. Radio no-11:34-35 N 057. (MIRA 10:10) (Semicondnetors) 9(4) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION sov/1488 Pol rovodnikovyye pribory i 1kh primeneniye; sbornik statey, vyp. 3 Isemiconductor Devices and Their Application; Collection of Articless Nr 3) Moscow, Izd-vo "Sovetzkoye radio," 1958. 350 p. No. of copies printed not given. Ed. (Title page): Ya.A. Fedotov; Ed.: (inside book): E.M. Volkova; Tech. Ed.: A.A.-3veshn1koV7. PURPOSE:. This collection of articles is intended for radio engineers, students of vuzes and qualified radio amateurs. COVERAGE: The articles cover the following subjects: semiconductor materials, physical processes in semiconductor deviceso parameters and characteristics of semiconductors, manufacture of semiconductor devices, test equipment and methods, operation of semiconductor de- vices in amplifier, oscillator and other electronic circuits, various circuits using semiconductor devices, and radio components for these circuits. References appear separately after each article. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Card 1/ 12 Sem1conductor Devices (Cont.) sov/1488 Tuchkevich, V.M. Some Properties and Applications of Silicon 3 The author compares the properties of silicon crystals with those of germanium and enumerates the superior qualities of silicon in semiconductor devices. He discusses the theory of semiconductors and their practical applications. He also explains several methods of growing silicon monocrystals. There are no references. Rusin, F.S., N.Ye. Skvortsova, and Yu.F. Sokolov. Methods of Deter- mining the Parameters of the Rectifying Contact of Point-Contact Detectors at Super-high Frequencies 13 The aathors describe several methods of determining the basic parameters of point-contact detectors. They determine the ma-Xi- mum permissible shf power from parameters obtained by the above methods. They describe methods of measuring the impedance Z and, from its relation to the bias ourrento derive values for Com rd andT. They also explain a method based on the relation between the sensitivity (with respect to the voltage Au) and the positive bias current. There are 4 references, of which 3 are Soviet and 1 English. Card 2/12 Semiconductor Devices (Cont.) SOV/1488 Ul&ianov, Yu.I. The Germanium Diode - a Modulator of Infrared Rays 31 The author describes the results of investigations on the modula- tion of infrared rays by a germanium diode through variation of the concentration of free electric charges in it. He finds that the transparency of germanium diodes decreases with an Increase of direct current passing through the diode. The decrease of transparency reaches its maximum in the junction region and de- pends on the quality of the junction. It is independent of cur- rent frequency change in the range 20 ape - 200 ko. The author presents data from an investigation of the recombination glow and photo-emf of the diode at a temperature of 2930 K. A lead-sul- fite photoresistor was used as a sensor. The author illustrates the modulation effect using a model of a telephone based on the application of infrared rays. There are 8 references, of which 5 are Englisho and 3 Soviet, SamcWvalov, M.M,, and N.A. Spiridonov. Frequency Properties of Transistors Produced by the Alloy-diffusion Method 47 The author discuss the dependence of cutoff frequency on emit- ter current in a P-403 type transistor. They also explain the Jnfluema-of junction capacitances and the resistances of collector Card 3/12 Semiconductor Devices (Cont.) SOV/1488 and base circuits on the cutoff frequency. The authoru'thank Ya.A. Fedotov, Yu.A. Kamemetskiy and Yu.A. Sher for their help. There are 12 referencesp of which 6 are English, 5 Soviet and 1 German. Aronov, V.L., and Yu.A. Sher. Frequency Properties of Transistors With Distributed Parameters 75 .The authors analyze several variant models of transistors with distributed parameters. They propose a method for investigating various constructions of triodes and present an equivalent cir- cuit of a triode with distributed parameters at high frequency. They also provide numerical examples which illustrate the effect of frequency on the elements of a T-shaped equivalent circuit. There are 7 references, of which 5 are English and 2 Soviet. Madoyan, S.G., and Yu.I. Konev. Some Problems of Using High Power Transistors 92 The authors discuss some problems connected with the use of P201-P203 type high-power transistor amplifiers with input vol- tages higher than the maximum rated voltages in the common emit- ter circuit. There is I English reference. Card 4/12 Semiconductor Devices (Cont.) sov/1488 bandura, V.Ye. Universal Instrument for Measuring h-Parameters of Junction Transistors 96 The author explains the circuit and operation of this instru- ment. The instrument measures the h-parameters of Junction tran- sistors working in a common-emitter circuit. The author pro- vides various examples of measurement. There are no references. Pershakov, B.N.,and P.A.-Popov.. Instrument for Measuring Alpha in Junction Transistors 104 The authors explain a d-c method of measuring the current am- plification factor (a) of a Junction transistor. They describe the instrument used.for measuring a at low frequencies and the reverse current of the collector. There are no references. Kulyas V.I. Developing a.Pulse Forming Unit Equipped With Junction Transistors for Cathode,-Ray Curve Tracer lio The author desoxibes the results-obtained In developing the unit. The unit in used in forming families of charaoteriatice of non- linear pulses (the step and saw-tooth types). Such a family should contain 5 to 14 characteristics. This pulse forming unit was developed, assembled and put Into operation by the radio en- Card 5/12 Semiconductor Devices (Cont.) SOV/1488 Kozlov, V.A. Determining the Cutoff Frequericy of 3.1ransistors With an Oscilloscope 148 The author denoribee in detail an adapter for the IChXh in- strumentP which makes it possible to measure the cutoff frequen- cies of transistors. He also describes an apparatus for grading of transistors with respect to their cutoff frequencies. Both instruments give direct readings and are suitable for transis- tors with any value ofafe. This apparatus is based on a method proposed by V.A. Shohigoll, which applies two simultaneous input pulses of high and low frequency. There are no references. Pavlov, V.V. Practical Calculation of Set Noises in Radio Equip- ment Using Junction Transistors 162 The author explains a praotioal method of calculating the noise factor of radio equipment using germanium Junction transistors. He also discusses methods for reducing set noise. There are 4 references, all English. Ukhin, N.A. Voltage Regulators Using'.Transistors 175 The author describes In detail the operating principle of semi- conductor voltage regulators. He provides formulas for prheti- Card 7/ 12 Semiconductor Devices (Cont.) sov/1488 cal calculation and evaluation of basic parameters of the cir- cuits shown. There are 10 references, of which 0 are English, 3 Soviet and 1 French. Novit8kiy, P.V., G.N. Novopashennyy, I.A. Zografand Ye.P. Osad- chyy. Measuring Amplifiers Equipped With Transistors 196 The authors describe methods of designing high-stability meas- uring amplifiers equipped with transistors. They were developed in the Laboratoria, fiziko-tekhniche5kikh izmereniy under Profes- sor Ye.G. Shramkov (LPI). The authors discuss the results of investigations on the pre-amp and output stages of these ampli- fiers, cm amplifiers with a high input reai6tancei,and on.:fil- tere equipped with transistors instead of reactance tubes. There are 2 references, of which I is Soviet and 1 English. Konev, YU.I. Semiconductor Amplifiers for Servomechanisms 209 The author discusses several systems of amplifier circuits with junction transistors used in the most common types of servo- mechanisms. He explains the design of such an amplifier and in- dicates its various applications. He thanks B.A. Tonakanov for his help In developing one of the stages. There are 6 references, Card 8/ 12 Semiconductor Devices (Cont.) sov/1488 all Soviet (including 1 translation). Nikolayenko, N.S. Semiconductor Signal Amplifier 227 The author describes the circuit and construction of this am- plifier and describes the results of tests on several models of the amplifier under various operating conditions. The apparatus contains an a-c three-stage directly coupled power amplifier, a pulse phasing stage, a trigger and an output switching stage. There is 1 Soviet reference. Nikolayenko, N.S., and G.V. Kalliopin. An Amplifier With Output to a Reversible Motor 237 The author describes a transistor amplifier with its output to an RD-09 type reversible motor and designed for operation in automatic devices. He discusses the selection of circuits and operating condItions of the various stages anddescrIbes the re- su3ts of tests on the anpl=er alm and together with the egiUment. it also briefly explains the construction of the ampiifier. There is I English reference., Card 9/ 12 Semiconductor Devices (Cont.) sov/1488 Sevbo, G.S., and L.A. Volkov. Low-rrequency Amplifier With P-4 Type Transistors for Servomechanisms 247 The authors describe a high-power low-fraquency amplifier em- ployed in servo systems. They also present a practical calcu- lation of parameters of the output stage. There are 2 refer- ences, of which 1 is Soviet and 1 English. Gavra, T.D., and V.I. Biryukov. Frequency Stability of L-F Os- cillators With Junction Transistors 253 The authors discuss the frequency stability of oscillators using Junction transistors and explair the changes of transis- tor parameters caused by temperature changes in the range 200- 600c. They also discuss the possibilities of compensation for frequency drift in this temperature range. There are 4 refer- enoeE, of which 2 are Soviet and 2 English. Abzianidze, K.M. Triggering and Dynamic Characteristics of Tran- sistorized Triggers 271 The author analyzes the operation of a trigger by Investiga- ting its dynamic and triggering characteristics. He presents formulas which make possible the design of triggers for opera- Card 10/ 12 Semiconductor Devices (Cont.) sov/1488 tion throughout a wide range of ambient temperatures. An ex- ample of the design of a trigger is ineluded. There are 5 references, of which 3 ana'Soviet and 2 English. Garmash, V.P. Frequency Division by Means of Transistorized Blocking Oscillators 29!i The author describes the operation of transistorized blocking oscillators used for frequency division. He makes recommenda- tions on the calculation and selection of parameters and pro- vides several practical o1rcuit diagrams. There are 3 refer- ences, of which 2 are English and 1 Soviet. Konev, Yu.I. Semioonduotor'ftnotional Pulse Converters 306 The author desoribesan inductively coupled transistor relaxa- tion oscillator and discuisses its possible applications in auto- mation. There are no r6forences. Oliferenko, G.I. TransistorIzed Television Sweep Oscillator 322 The author describes a sweep oscillator comprising three tran- sistors and one semiconductor diode for feeding an LI-18 pick- up tube. The circuit contitins a saw-tooth generator and a Card 11/12 b C!Tv 14 e, - -P-1 9(4) 24(6) PHASE I BOOKAXPLOITATION SOV/1765 Vsesoyuznoye nauohno-tekhnicheskoye obshchestvo radiotekhniki i elek- troavyazi .Poluprovodnikovaya e'lektronika (Semiconductor Electronics) Moscow, Gosenergoizdat, 1959. 222 p. 13,950 copies printed. Ed-. : V.I. Shamshur; Tech. Ed.: K.P. Voronin, PURPOSE: The book is intended for engineering and technical personnel . working with semiconductor devices. COVERAGE: The book is a collection of lectures delivered at the All- Union Seminar on Semiconductor Electronics in March 1957. The seminar was 'organized by the Scientific and Technical Society of .Radio Engineering and Electrical Communications imeni A.S. Popov. The authors of the lectures have attempted to systematize the basic information on the operation of semiconductor devices. The articles describe the operation and characteristics,-of crystal diodes and transistors and discuso their application in various low-frequency, high-frequency and puDie circuits. No personalities are mentioned. References appear at the end of each article. Card 1/7 'vemiconductor Electronics TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword SOV/1765 3 Ye.I. Gallperin. Basic Physical Concepts 5 The author discusses the physical aspects of semiconductor ma- terials. He describes the atomic structure of the various ele- ments and presents a discussion of energy levels in metals*and dielectrics. There are 13 Soviet references (including 4 trans- lations). I N.A. Penin. Electrical Properties of Semiconductors 25 The author gives a brief description of semiconductors, such as seleniwa, tellurium., and germanium. Particular attention is paid to the atomic structure of germanium crystals and to con- duotion in crystals with and without impurities. N.Ye. Skvortsova. Semiconductor Crystal Diodes 32 The author discusses the construction and operation of point- contact and junction-type crystal diodes. She also presents methods of making rectifying contacts and describes the effect Card 2/7 Semiconductor Electronic;B SOV/1765 of temperature on diode operation. There are 2 Soviet references (including 1 translation). Ya.A. Fedotov. Triode Transistors 42 TFe- author briefly di;30UBBes the theory of junction-type and point-contact transistors. Chief attention is given to the theoretical and operational aspects of junction-type transistors. The author discusses -the characteristic3 of junction-type triode transistors and describes the effect of frequency on transistor parameters. He also describes transistor power amplification and discusses methods of obtaining high operating frequencies. A brief description of junction-type tetrode transistors is also presented. There are 7 Soviet references (Including 5 transla- tions). Ye.I. Gallperin. Triode Transistor as an Amplification Circuit Element 87 The author discusses 'the constructionj operation and applica- tion of triode transistors. He describes various methods of transistor connection and gives expressions for equivalent cir- cuits and transistor parameters. There are 6 Soviet references Card 3/7 Semiconductor Electronics (including I translation). SOV/1765 V.I. Gevorkyan. Stabilization of Power Supply Circuits of Triode Transistor Amplifiers 105 The author discusses methods of stabilizing the operation of bias circuits and describes an analytical method of calcula- ting transistor perfo:nnance. He also presents a graphical method of determining the quiescent point and discusses tran- sistor circuits with automatic bias. There are no references. A.G. Fillipov. Direot-coupled Amplifiers 117 The author describes the operation of d-c transistor amplifiers and discusses their operating characteristics. He also describes methods of stabilizing transistor operation by using negative feedback, balanced and bridge circuits. There are 10 references of which 1 is Soviet and 9 English. Yu.I. Konev. Triode Transistors in Amplification Circuits of Servo- mechanism Systems 132 The author discusses 'the application and operation of transis.- tors in servomechanism circuits. Emphasis is placed on a dis- Card 4/7 Semiconductor Electronics SOV/1765 cussion of servomechanism transistor components, such as a-c amplifiers, modulators, and phase-spneitive amplifiers. There are 7 references of which 6 are Sovi, et (Including 1 transla- tion), and 1 English. A.A. halikovskiy-High-frequency Transistor Amplifiers 151 The author discusses equivalent circuits of high-frequency transistor amplifiers and describes methods of calculatIng their parameters. He describes the operation of Interstage resonant circuits and examines the effect of feedback In tran- sistor circuits. He also discusses transistor stability, sta- bilizing networks for the internal feedback in transistor' cir- cuits and the noise factor. There are 15 references of which 3 are Soviet, 1 German and 11 English. I is T.M. Agakhanyan. Transient and Frequency-Fhase Charactqriatics of a Junction-type Triode Transistor 173 The author discusses traisient, frequency and phase character- istics of junction-type triode transistors. He also derives expressions for transfer functions for various types of tran- sistor connections and describes the equivalent circuit for high Card 5/7 Semiconductor Electronic:3 SOV/1765 frequencies for a junation-type triode transistor. There are 8 references of which 2 are Soviet (including I translation), and 6 English. T.M. Agakhanyan. Triode Transistor VideoAmplifiers 187 The'author discusses 'linear and nonlinear distortions in tran- sistor video amplifiers and describes circuits with complex feedback and current distributing networks. A brief discus- sion of multistage amplifierE is also presented. There are, 2 references, both Soviet. B.N. Kongnov. Trigger and Relaxation Circuita Using Junetion-type Triode Transistors 197 The author describes the operation and characteristics of sym- metrical triggers and multivibrators-uning junction-type tran- sistors. He also discusses their stability and derives expres- sions for calculating transistor bircuit performance. There are 4 references of which 3 are Soviet and 1 English. G.S. Tsykin. Transistor Inverter of D-C Voltages 208 The author discusses the operation and characteristics of in- card 6/7 Semiconductor Electronics SOV/1765 verter circuits using transistors. -.Special attention is'given to the operation and design of inve *rter circuits with a signal generator. There are no references. B.N. Kononov. Voltage Stabilizers Using Semiconductor Devices 215 The author discusses voltage stabilizing circuits using sili- con crystal diodes and transistors. He also explains equations for series and feedback stabilization and discusses transistor stabilizing circuits with temperature compensation. There are 4 references of which I is Soviet and 3 English. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress iplofm 5-26-59 Card 7/1 AUTHOR: Fedotov, Ya.A. sov/log-4-4-18/24 TITLE: Investigatl'o'no 'Certain Characteristics of the Drift Transistors with a Wide Collector Junction (Isslodovaniye nekotorykh avoystv dreyfovykh triodov s shirokim kollektornym perekhodom) PERIODICAL: Radiotelchnika. i olektronika, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 4, pp 710 - 717 (USSR) ABST11ACT: The base region of the investigated transistors was obtained by the diffusion of antimony into germanium. The impurity distribution could be sufficiently accurately approximated by the exponential law. First, the current amplification factor a was investigated. The curves of a as a function of frequency are shown in Figures 1 and 21 for various values of the emitter current. The curves of Figure 1 were taken at the collector voltage of 30 V, while those of Figure '2 were taken at a voltage of lo V. Figure 3 shows the cut-off' frequency, f a 1 as a function of the collector voltage u k for various transistor samples; C,rdl/3 these curves werc! taken at the emitter current of 0.6 mA. sov/log-4-4-i8/24 Investigation of Certain Characteristics of the Drift Transistors with a Wide Collector Junction Also, it was found that at u,, of the order of 20 V, the collector capacitance was of the order of 0.5 to 1.0 pFj at collector voltages of the order of 5 V, the capacitance increased to about 10 pF and at voltages of 1 V, it was about 20 pF. The total!base resistance of the transistor -was measured as a function of frequency and the collector voltage. The results arc shown in Figures 4 and 5 for two different transistors. The base resistance in the figures is plotted against frequency with the collector voltage as a parameter. The transistors were also investigated in resonant amRllflers. The results aru -illustrated in Fi&ure 7, where the maximum available amplification is plotted as a function of frequency. The results are in good agreement with the Pritchard formulae (Refs 7,8). Card2/3 Investigation of Certain Characteristics opqdPwl?~'Oiz &Istors with a Wide Collector Junction There are 7 figuros, I table and 12 references, 11 of which are English and 1 Soviet. SUBMITTED: September 26, 1957 Card 3/3 KOBZgV, V.V.; SHISHMA OV, V.N., FXDOTOV Ye.A., kand.tekhn.nauk, red.; 0 '-- LARIONOV, G.Ya., (Tranoistorized radio receiver il'tages] Kaskedy rediopriemnikov na tranzistorakh. bloskva, Goo.onerg.izd-vo, 1960. 271 p. (KIRA 13:12) (Transistor circuits) (Transistor radios) MOTOV, Ya A otv,red.; BARKANOV, N.A., red.; BERGKLISCN, I.G., red.; A.M., red.; WiLIFERIN, Te.I., red.; KAMERTSKIY, Yu.A., red.; KAUSOV, S.F., rad.; KON3V, Tu.I., red.; KRASILOV, A.V., red.; XULIKOVSKIY, A.A., red.; HIKOLAYICVSXIY, I.F., red.; STAPANIUMO. I.P., red,,; VOLKOVA, I.M.. red.; SHUROV, B.V.. [Semiconductor devicso and their applications] Poluprovodni- kovye pribory i ikh primenenie; abornik statel. Koskva, Izd-vo OSovetskoe radioO. No.6. 1960. 333 P. (KLU 13:12) (Semiconductors) (Transistors) QL,ja.A., "G&OPLUN, Te.I., zamestitell; BARKANOT, N.A., red.: BHRG]kL'S)N, I.G.. red.; BROTDH, A.M., red.; KAW1,22-TSKIT. TV.A., red.; KAUSOY. S.7., red.; KRASILOV. A.T., red.; KUIKOVSKrT, A.A., red.; NIKOLATIVSKIT, I.F.. red.; PSHIN, N.A., red.; b"MA- HMO, I.P., red.; VOLKOVA, I.M., red.; SVESHNIKOV, A.A., [Transistor devices and their applications; colloction of articles] Poluprovodnikovye pribory i ikh primanenis; abornik statei. Moskva. Izd-vo "Sovetskoe radio." No,4. 1960. 423 p. (MIRA 13:3) (Transistor@) (Blectronic circuits) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/4817 Fedotov, Yakov Andreyevich and Yuriy Vasillyevich Shmartsev Tranzistory (Transistors) Moscowp Izd-vo "Sovetskoye radio," 1960. 429 p. No. of copies printed not given. Ed.s N.Ya. Arenberg; Tech. Ed.: B.V. Smurov. PURPOSE: This book is intended for students of advanced couraes at radio-engineer- ing departments of schools of higher education and for engineers concerned with developing and designing transistorized circuits. COVERAGE: The authors discuss basic physical processes connected with transistors) analyze problems of semiconductor conductivity, and describe the technology of semiconductor materials such as germanium and silicon. Consideration is given to the measurement of semiconductor parameters which are important in the man- ufacturing processes of semiconductor devices. The book contains detailed in- fG-mation relating to contact phenomena in semiconductors, principles of Pimi- conductor-device operation in radio-engineering equipment, and the relationships between basic parameters of a device with physical magnitudes determining the electronic processes in the device. The book includes discussions on equiva- lent transistor circulto operated at low and high frequency. The dependence of C.M6~ Transistors SOV/4817 the parameters of the transistors on frequency is evaluated and methods of measuring these parameters at low and high frequencies are analyzed. The technology of manufacturing various types of transistors is described. Para- meters of Soviet and non-Soviet semiconductor devices are listed in tabular form. Chapters II and IlIp and Sections 1 and 2 of Chapter VIII were written by Yu.V. Shmartsev. Ya.A. Fedotov wrote the remaining chapters. The authors thank A.A. Kulikovskiy, Docent, Candidate of Technical Sciences,;or his help in editing the book. References accompany each chapter. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Ch. I. Fields of Application and Prospects for Development of Semiconductor Devices 1. History of the development of semiconductor techniques 5 2. Prospects for the technical application of transistors 10 Ch. II. Conductivity of Semicon-luctors 19 1. Classification of solids according to their conductivity 19 2. Semiconductors 31 3. Model of valence bonds 33 4. Effect of impurities on semiconductor conductivity 37 CIWA-24. - FEDQTPV!__j! A. red,,- VOLKOVA., I.M... red.; SWROV, B.V-, B.V., tekhn. red. t~ (Semiconductor devicen and their application; collected articleal Poluproyodnikovye pribory i ikh primenenial Bbornik otatei. No- okya, Izd-vo "Soystokoe radio," No.7* 1961* 358 P. (-M-TRA-14,10) (Transistors) (Semiconductore) FEDOTCVp Ya,, kand,tekhnnauk Physioal prinoiplee of the operation of semioonduotor devioes, Radio no.406-39 AV 162. (KUU 15W (Sesiconduotors) (Transistors) FEDOTOV, Ya,, kand,tekhn.naul: Physical principles of the operation of semiconductor devices. Radio no.5333-37 Ify 162. (KRJk 15: 5) (Transistors) FEDOTOV, Ya.A., otv. red.; BEIGELISOllp I.G.,, red.; GALIFE.-Ill, Te.l..' , otv. red.; RAIMrETSKIY, Yu.A.p red.; KAUSCV, S.F., red.; KOITEV, Yu.I.., red.; WSILOV, A.V., red.; XULIKOVSKIY, A.A., red.; NIKOLAYEVSKIY, I.F., red.; STEPANMIKO, I.P., red.; VOLKOVAj I.M., red.; BELYAYEVA, V.V.j tekhn. red. (Semiconductor devices and their applicationslPoluprovodnikove pribory i ikh primenenie; sbornik statei. Pod red. IA.A.Fe- datow.. Moskva.. Izd-w "Sovetakoe radio." flo.8. 1962. 332 p. WIRA 15:10) (Transintors) FEDOTOV, yS,, L kVd. tekhn, flauk Transistor devices vkth many applications, Radio n~,12138-43 D 162, (Transistors) (MIRL 1613) FEDOTOV Takov Andreyevich, kand. teklin. nauk; IVANOV, S., red.; red. (Towards microolectronic-,n] Na puti k mikroelektronike. Moskva# Isd-yo "Znarle," 1963. 45 p. (Yovoe v shizni, nauke, tekknike. IV Seriia: Tekhnika, no.7) (MIRA, 16:4) (Miniature clectronio equipment) DO Yakov 4dreyevich, dote., kand. tekhn. nauk; VOLKOVA, I.M. v 4'rl -E'~~re4. 1 =ELZ - ya~v YEVA, V.V., tekhn. red. [Physical principles of semiconductor devices] Oenovy fiziki poluprovodnikovykh priborov. Moskva, Sovetakoe radio, 1963. 653 P. (Semiconductors) (Transistors) (MRA 16:7) 16 -n?Ha-v-Y-A- Reply to M.Andronov's letter. Radio no.100-51 Ja 163. (KERA 1631) (Transistors--Standards) BDOTOV,-Ya-A,, red.; VOLKOVA, I.M., red.; BELYAYEVA, V.Vp.- tekhn. red. (Transistor devioss and their applicational Polupro, dniko- vye pribory I ikh primenenie; aborixik statei. Pod i. IA.A.Fedotova. Mos).va, Sovetakoe radio. No.9. 1963. 269 p. (MIRA 160) (Transintors) FEDOTOV, Ya.A., red.; VOLKOVA, I.M.9 red. -.1 ........I ~, (Transistor devices and their application; a collection of articles] Poluprovodnikovye pribory i ikh primenenie; 61bur- nik statei. Moskvaj Izd-vo, "Sovetskoe radio." Ro.11. 1964. 296 p. (MIRA 17:7) SFlRIDONOV, NJkolay Spiridona-vich; MtTOGRADOV, Vladimir Ivanovich; KA141,21ETSKJY, Yu.A., kanu. telkhn. nauk, retsenzent; FEXTOV, Ya.A.1-retoenzent; VOLY.OVA, I.M., rod. (Drift transistors] Drelfovye tranzistory. Moskva, Sovet- skoe radioy 1964- 304 p. (MIFA 27.10) FEDOTOV Ya.A., red.; VOLKOVA, I.M.) red. -~- P I.-- (Semiconductor devlcea and their applications) Polu- provodrilkavye pribory i ikh primenenie; sbornik statei. Moskvap Sovetskas radlo. Nu.12. 1964. 263 p. (MIRA 17:12) FEDOTOV, Ya.A.., otv. red.; VOLKOVA, I.M., red. (Semiconductor devlcos and their applications] Folu- provodnlkovye pribory I lkh primenenlei 3bornik statei. Moskva2 Sovetskoe radlo. No.12. 1964. 203 p. (,! 1HA is " 1 ) ed.,j--. rev -and,-en14-or, 0 r 9().- 001 i _ze or--dev- PN-TAM- samiconduct 41 ner-diode.-transistor, electric TO _pr9 semit:onductiiity, pn-junotion,, 41ectronic circuit ~4 PURPOSE AND COVEMOSt This_=no;;raph examiRes physical processes in semiconductor Idevi~;es which determine their pwrnmeters and chaencteristics, peculiarities of circait application, stability o.: parameters of somicondustor devices, and V eir reliabilitye.A short, description of the prInciple olectrophynical properties or 1semiconductoi, materiAls-is -givewialong with-basic- information about the constr=tion--,--.- and technololor of semiconductor-devices and perspectives for the development of ----i-semiconductoj*-teahnology& The W*-is intended-for students of higher -learning, - iw use eniconductor devices.:' ----------- CCES310N NR kM5OO5929 A TABU'OF CONTUTS (abridged), I From the authDr --:3 OrY -Of the d 1' 6- Introduction.~ A -hist dyel nt OPMO 6f semiconductor technology Ch. I. Electrophysical propeeti6g of demic onductora 13 Ch. 11. Conta ct phenomena in semiconductors 65 Ch. 1116 PN Junction - 93 III - Power supply diodes.-Zener diodes; pulse diodes Ch. V~, Special diodes 16L PO transistors -- 200 Ch* V.I.' Junction and int-contoot aristio&-or-the operation of transistors in circuits Ch. V11. Basic.oharact 270 Ch. V111. Equivalent circuits and iow-frequency trpnsistor parameters. Methods of measuring pnrometers -- 338 Ch. IN. Dependence of Junction trlode parameters on frequency - 376 Ch. X. Operation of high-frequenqf'junction transistors - 410 Ch. K. 4ethola of increasing operational frequencies. High-frequency transistors - h4l Ch* r1o 497 Ch. XXII, Tea hnology and construction of semiconductor devices 527 :Card _,FE--DO-T.O-V.,-Ya ARand* tekhn. nauk, otv. red. (semiconductor devicei3l torminology] Poluproyodnikovye pribory; terminologila. Moskva, Nauka, 1965. 49 p. (Sborniki rekomenduerqrkh terminov, no.691 (FURA 18:8) I. Akademiya nauk -13,05S11. Komitet nauchno-tekhnicheskoy terminolog-A, GWNISMAN, G.V., insh.; IrXDOTOV, Ta.V. , inzh. Stability of polymetal rods. Sudestreenis 25 no.4:13-15 AP '59- (11a;tic reds and wires) (KIRA 12:6) 1 -:'. --LLLt:~-~-' I 13EL-YAYEV, L.N.., kand. tekhn. NEWIREV, -; nauk, nauchn. red. [Use of plastics for waterproofing buildings) Primenenie pInsticheskikh mass dlia gidroizollatail zdanil. Lenin- grad, Strolizdat, 1965. 175 (MIRA 18:7) F77~ ,F 'ROVA, R.I.p dctB., red.; pA; GUML KUSURGASHEVO I.M.p red. [Seasonal freezing of the soil In the Tatar A.S.S.H. and adjacent areas In the middle Vo!ga Valleyl Sezonnoe pro- merzanie pochvy v latarskol ASSR I I7;mezhnykh ablastiakh Srednego Povolzblia. Kazan', Izd-vo Kazanskogo univ.v 1965. 198 P. (MIRA 18312)