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FISEOVA, L. IAI. USSR/Geophysics - Night Sky 21 Feb 50 IlInfrared Radiation of the 11orthern lights," S. F. Rodionov, L. M. Fishkova, Fhys Inst., Leningrad State U imeni A. A. Zhdanov I'Dok Ak Nauk SSSRII Vol LXX, No 6, pp 1001-1003 Gives - results of measurements made in liar 49 of intensity of infrared and - green radiation X'or northern lights of various,forms (diffuse., draperiesp arcs, etc.) and for ordinary night-sky Iminescence. Measurements revealed radiaticn of northern lights in the region 9jO00-10, 800 A was 20 -30 times intensity of strong green line (5,577 A). Comparison with observations made on M Irt El I brus in sumer 1948 showed intensity of night- sky luminescence at northern latitude (exact latitude rot given) is slightly greater than at Mt Ellbrus. Submitted 26 Nov 49 by Acad A. A. Lebedev. -40 PA 165T24 FISHKOVA, L. M. "Distribution of Brightneis - of Hight-Sky Infrared Radiation over the Celwtial Arch,* Dokl, AN SWRs 73, No-Is 1950 L -J~i s7s,x. Ts, X'I it 11W 84ok" rimnlimwit I ,14 Rammi blund fit d"Trm~ with ri.Int o.-stsp. be at U071 late%-. t1b.- rataft.4 I at tiseme 2 estrem temps. were fill, the kAntin fccquerwic. 7W-791. 430. 313. mod 217 CM.", f"P.. 3.1n. 2..'W$. ?~V. mul 2.16. For W16. between 6 mul 70*. ftw :"*A) an.1 IMI cut.". row.. 1.47 wW lAg. For "11.0. i of the Stokes con'Posersts of the 2 timitma XW mul limM ",.-I mtwlnq~j practically unchanIted between 22 ami 70% The intemity of Ow undiGplard Um Inernmes vM newly Ixop)nkxwlly to thr sbo, tems In CA, between ZY21' X. mind Wt K., the rot 11th 1.11. The change ul d. Ito the tetup. ft" In rOlpted 16 am% ion antAll lo ammut Pmr the Sp., dr"" : " the varbiti,mi of i 4 Ott- Stokes mn. j"Mrsts, old the role of the chance its so I% regligible. In the tied of It* op. differences olorrie4 (,-r different Ite. ,Tencles wld Im dlfnrnt suberan(vi the elicting lhr,.ly Y of the Stolim and ajjt~stokfA ertillpoll'.111% ,I 114ments cmid OPPcerl InadeqUAtt. "C jjjjtj.St,)kv, j,"11. be nwimifed. N. USSR/Geophysics Card 1/1 Pub 22 -19/44 Authors s Rodionov, S. F.;-Pavlova, B. N.; Sholokhava, B, D,; and Fishkwmp -L#;.. Title t Yearly variations of infrared radiation cf the night sky Periodical s Dok. AN SSSR 98/6, 957-960, October 21, 1954 Abstract t The results of experiments with infrared radiation of the night sky,9' conducted on Mount Elbrud during 1948-3-9!3, ars presented. Four Rassian references (1948--1951). Graphs. Inatitution Leningrad State Univers#y im. A. A. Zhd&nov; Mbrus Complex Scientific Expedition of.thqAcad. of Scs. of the U14GR Presented by: Academician V. 0. Fesenkov.,*April 19 195k FISHKOVA, L.K.-. CEWHA q Sh*N. AnoL.alous sunrises and mmsets in August and Septeuber, 1953. Astronstair. no.146:18-19 Jr 154. (MM 7:6) 1. Abastumanakaya antrofisichaskeya observatorlya, Gora. Kanobili. (Stm-Rising and setting) FISHKOVA, L. M. Seasonal Variations of the Intensity of Light Sky Luminescence. Almdemiya Nauk Gruzinskoy SSR. Soobshcherdya, 1.955, V- 16, no. 9, p 681-686. PISHKOVA, L.M. ----Variations of Intensity of nocturnal sky luminosity in the near infrared region. Blul. Abast. astrofts. obser. no.19: 3-23 '55. NEaA 9:12) (Atmosphere, Upper) (Might sky) (Spectrum, Infrared) I SOV/169-59-4-4209 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, 1959, Nr 4, P 139 (USSR) AUTHORS: Megrelishvili, T.G., Fishkovj,_ L.M. TITLE: On the Investigation of the Upper Atmosphere Glow PERIODICAL- Mezhdunar. geofiz. god, Inform, by-ul., 1958, Nr 5, pp 43 - 44 ABSTRACT- The authors report on electrophotometri:! and spectrographic observations of theliglow of the night aid twilight sky, which were performed by the Abstumanskaya astrofizicheskaya observa- toriya AN Or-azSSR (Abastumani Astro&sical Obseriatory of the AS GruzSSR) in accordance with the IGY program. There are brief descriptions of -the devices with which the aforementioned investigations were performed. The b6sic purpose of the spectro- graphic observations during the IGY was the discovery of lines in the night sky spectrum, belonging to the spectra of the warora polaris occurring in low latitudes during In-,ense geomagnetic disturbances, especially in years with maxiffram solar activity. Card 1/1 Lj. 0 sov/58-59-9-21566 Translaiion from: Referativnyy Zhurnal Fizika, 1959, Nr 9, pp 303 - 304 (USSR) AUTHORS- Dolidze, M.V., Fishkova, L.M. TITLE; An Auxiliary Device for the "mF-4" Automatic Recording Microphotometer PERIODICAL: Abastumanis astropizikur.i observatoria. Bluleteni, Byul. Abastumansk. astrofiz. observ., 1958, Nr 22, PP 117 - 3.24 (English r6sumQ ABSTRACT: The attachment is a combination of a photoeleotric-6ptical converter for transforming optical blackenirgdensities into intensity and a-photo- electric planimeter. A uniformly illuminated slit of the "UF-l" type is projected onto a spherical mirror at whose focal point photocell PC2 is located. The mirror of an auxiliary giLlvanometer G2, attached to photocell PC1 of the microphotometer, senres as one of the elements of the projecting optical system. The galvanometer of the microphotometer is used to record the current of PC2. Wedge-shaped diaphragms D, having the form of the characteristic curves of the given photographic material for certain wavelengths, are placed in the plane of the spherical mirror. As the current of PC, varies, galvanometer G 2 deflects the image of the Card 1/2 slit onto D, which is so set that its narrowest opening corresponds to sov/58-59-9-21566 An Auxiliary Device for the "MF-4" Automatic Recording Microphotometer the background of the plate. The necessary angle of deflection of the image of the slit Is achieved by varying the incandescence of the tube and the width of the slit in the INF-411. In order to measure the areas, a collimator, consisting of an objective and a uniformly illuminated round diaphragm, is placed ort the axis of the ray reflected from the mirror of G2. Diaphragm D is taken down, and Irt its stead a diaphragm is placed which has the form of the area being measured. Readings of the areas are taken from the visual dials of the "MF-4". The attachment is used In processing stellar spectra, Yu.M. Kutev Card 2/2 FISHKOVA. L.M.; MARKOVA. G.V. - Blectrophotometric observations of low-latitude aurora borealis of-February 11-12, 1958. in Abastumani. Astron. tair. no.191: 28-29 My 158. (MIRA 11:9) 1. Abastumanskaya astroftsicbeskaya observatoriya AN GruzSSR. (Auroras) FISHKOVA, L.; MARKOVA, G. The R line in the luminescence spoctrDm of the night sky. Aatron. tair. no.196-.8-9 0 '58. VIRA 12:12) l.Abastilmanakara astrofizichooksqa observatoriya AN Gruzinsko7 SSR. Mght o'ky--Spectra) FISHMVA, L.M. Checking the transparence constancy of night sky lunineecence. Meshdunar.geofiz.god no-7:68-69 '59. (KM 132-2) (Night sky) 88827 Translation from- Referativnyy zhurnal, P. 57, # 2A470 S/035/61/000/002/012/016 AOO1/AOO1 Astronomlya I Geodeziya, 1961, No. 2, AUTHORS: Fkabkova, T.-M-, Markova, G.V. TITLE: Some Results of Electrophotometrical Observations of Emissions of 01, Na, OH and Continuous Background in the Night Sky Glow PERIODICAL: "Byul. Abastumanak. astrofiz. observ.", 1959, No. 24, pp. 161-173 (Engl. summary) TEXT: The authors determined absolute intensities of emissionskk5577, 6300, 5890 and continuous background at AX5290, 5730, 6060, and also summary intensities of infrared bands OH (8,4), (3,0), (9,5) and (4,1) from observational data for the period from July 1957 to June 1958. 'They present the curves of daily and seasonal variations in intensity of these emissions. They notothat daily vAriations of OH intensity have a minimum at mid-night and maximum between 2 and 4 of local time, the maximum of A 5577 leads the maximum of OH by 2-3 hours. Daily variations In intensities of bands OH and X 5577 have always reverse course. Card 1/2 88827 S/035/61/000/002/012/016 AOO1/AOO1 Some Results of Electrophotometrical Observations of' Emissions of 01, Na, OH and Continuous Background in the Night Sky Olow The mean intensity of continuous background at X 52,cO in the polar zone ~510) equal:s 2.5 R/A after excluding stellar and zodiacal components which are equal to 0.4 R/A. Three types of intensity variations of background atX5290 are noted: 1) background variation does not correlate with any emission; 2) background variation correlates with A 5577; 3) background variation correlates with OH, mainly at high OH intensities. Seasonal variations of background intensity have two maxima: major one in January, and minor one in July. It is assumed that con- tinuous background consists of three components of the proper atmosphere emission in continuous spectrum; it does not correlate with emissions in bands and lines and produces January maximum of forbidden molecular bands of scattered Sun's light. There are 18 references. N. Shefov Translator's note: This is the full translation of -the original Russian abstract. Card 2/2 31 jel AUTHORSt Fishkova,- L.M.; Markova, O*V. 28839 3/169/61/000/004/020/026 A005/A130 TITLE: Some results of electrophotometric and spectrographic observations of night-sky glow at Abastumani PERIODICALt Referativnyy zhurnal. Geofizika, no. 4, 1961, 4o, abstract 4 0 298. [V sb.t Spektr., elektrofotometr..i radiolokats. issled. polyarn. siyanly i svecheniya 4ochnogo neba, no. 2 - 3. Moscow, AN SSSR, 1960, 49 - 56 (English summary)] TEXT: The authors give a brief account of the nxin results of electropho- tometric observations of diurnal and seasunal variations in the intensities of. the X 5,577 [011, X 6,300 - 6,364 [011 and Na night-sky emissions, the continuous emission and the OH bands in the range A 7.9,000 - 10,550 A; the observations were carried out by the Abastumanskaya Observatoriya All Gruzinskoy SSR (Abastu- mani Observatory of the Academy of Sciences of the Gruzinskaya SSR) during the IGY (see ab6tract 4 0 297). In addition, data are givon on variations in the in- tensity of Hd emission in the glow spectrum of the night sky according to spec- trographic observations conducted during the same time. A record is presented of Card 1/2 8/169/61/000/004/020/026 Some results of electrophotometric and .... A005/A130 the night-sky glow spectrum in thl X 3,000 - 4,000 A range showing bands of the 02 Herzberg system, the X 3,qi4 N2 band and three unidontified bands in the 3,700 - 3,800 ~ range. Author's summary [Abstracter's note: Complete translation.] X Card 2/2 8736o S/035/60/000/012/018/019 00 ell A001/A001 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Astronomiya I Geodeziya, 1960, No. 12, p. 61, # 12345 AUTHORS: _?ishkova, L. M., Markova, G. V. TITLE: ;On Variations in Intensity of the HOG Line in the Nocturnal Airglow Spectrum PERIODICAL: Astron. tsirkulyar, 1960, yanv. 30, No. 208, pp. 14-15 TEXT: Observations of emission % %6562 ia the spectrum of nocturnal air- glow were continued in 1959. The following preliminary results have been obtained.- the intensity of Hot, in direction z - 67cN attained the maximum magnitude in June- August, both in 1958 and 1959; the intensity of HI varies from night to night analogously to variations of OH band Intensities, but the amplitude of variations Is twice as small as the amplitude of OH band variation; the ratio of intensity in direction z = 70 0 to that in direction z = 200 aniounts to 1.73 � 0.14 for Hc~, and to 2.50 � 0.40 for OH. Attempts are made to explain the peculiarities of varia- tions of the HQ~intensity. There are 5 referencos. N. P. Kukarkina Translatorls note: This is the full translation of the original Russian abstract. Card 1/1 846834 S/020/60/1-34/004/007/023 3, aao ~Iivl, / o 6 4 B019/BO67 AUTHORSj Fishkova, L. M. and Markova, G. V, TITLEa On Intensity Variations of the 6526 HI Line in the Night Airglow Spectrum \V- -:: --- - - PERIODICAL. Doklady Akademli nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol, 134, No. 4, PP- 799 - 801 TEXT: From 1958 to 1959 systematic observations of the night airglow spectrum in the region of from 5400 to 6700 A were made at the observatory mentioned under the 'Association. The pictures were -,aken on a panchromatic film by means of a diffraction spectrograph of the typekCff-48 (SP-48) with a power of 1 s 0.8, a dispersion of approximately 85 L11m, ~-nd an aperture of 3.5 A. 40 spectra were obtained during moonless nights on the almucantar at a zenith distance of 67 off. Fig. I graphically shows the seasonal intensity variations of the Ha line (Curve 1) and, for oompariaon, the lines P2 with 6554 A of hydroxyl (Curve 2). Curve 3 shows the variations in the OH band intensity in the region of from 9,400 to '10,550 A. As may be Card 1/4 On Intensity Variations of the 6526 HI Line S/020/60/134/004/007/023 .in the Night Airglow Spectrum B019/BO67 seen; the Ha lines attain their maximum intensity in July of each year, the hydroxyl lines have their maximum intensity in November - December. Emission line 5577 A reaches its maximum intensity in October, and lines 5893 A and 6300 A have their maximum in winter and their minimum in summer. Thus, the intensity variation of the atomic hydrogen differs from seasonal variations of other lines. For nine nights the spect:rum was photographed in the two zenith distances 20 0S and 70 0N and the ratio 1 70 /,20 ' rH was measured. The similar relations r OF for the hands P 2(6-1), Q(6-1).. and Q(9-3) were determined. The ratio of the Ha lines, obtained as a mean value from a large number of measurements was fcund to be 1,73 0,14; that of hydroxyl was 2.40 + 0.40. The variability of the Ra nn7e intensity is obviously inffuenced by star and ga.laxy atomic hydrogen radiation. During the measurements celestial W-,ies emitting the Ha line did not pass through the telescope field. The 9ummer maximum of the Ha intensity cannot be explained by external Influences. The authors a9sume that the summer maximum of the Ha line intensity is oonnected with the solar counto4rpoint position which is shifted by 400 from the observa- tion point in summer. However, rockets measured the Lyman lines at Card 2/4 ---On- Intens-ity---Variations-of-the-6526-HI-Li-re--- ---S/020/"--0/134-/004/007/(Z~23- in the Night Airglow Spectrum B019/BO67 8-~jv _3 altitudes of 85 as earth's atmosphere e Imission with an albedo'of 0.42. Assuming that an Ha component exists in this emission, the quantity of Ha emission measured on theearth's surface is about 1/3 of emission. In the authors' opinion the ratio of the hydroxyl emission agrees : with the measurement data. According to the au--,hors large amounts of neutral hydrogen are found up to altitudes of 135 - 120 km, OH up to 7U - 120 km. Furthermore# fluctuations of the ~3olar activity influene e the intensity of the Ha line. There are I figuxe, 1 table, and 12 referencess 8 Soviet, 2 US, 1 German, and 1 Czech. ASSOCIATION:, Abastumanskaya astrofizicheskaya observatoriya Akademii nauk GruzSSR-(Abastumani Astrophysical Observatory of the Academy~ of Sciences Gruzins~aya SSR3 PRESENTEDt may 19, 196o, by A. N. Terenin, Academician SUBMITTED: May 12, 196o Card 3/4 50' 40 10 Card 4/4 S/020/60/134/004/007/023 Doig/Bo67 Ta6jviiua I Da a ON Q 51-M VI 1,V5 2,32 3,31 2,68 1-2 VII 1,52 1,77 1,83 2,06 2-3 VII 1.59 2.76 3A) 2,W 13-14 VII t,60 t,87 2.44 2-3 VVI i , sl2i 2, 14 2,14 3,09 21-:0.) VIII tAR I 3.11) 2.35 3A5 ean 30 --- 11 x 0,70 2,11, V.1511 r. '2-3 X11 90 2,41) --N 111 2,80 2). 1 u 2,30 Ze an pexl~ 2135 2167 2,30 3,1810 3/169/62/000/004/096/103 D290/D3O2 AUTHORS: Fishkovat L.M.t and Markova, G.V. TITLE; The OH emission at Abastumar. PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Geofizikat no. 49 1962, 25-26p abstract4G149 (V sb. Spektr. elektrofotometr. i radio- lokats. issled. polyarn. si2raniy i svecheniya nochn. nebao, no. 6, M.p AN SSSR, 1961p 17-20) TEXT: 1,1easurements of the nightglow spectra were made at the Abastuman observatory during the IGY; a_:,n -48 (SP-48) spectrograph was used. The OH emission between 6100 6700 A was measured. The rotational temperature (T) of the Oil bands was determined from the P branch of the (9-3) band, using an equation due to Hill and van Vleck. The logarithm of the intensity of the (903) band (I) was plotted a~;ainst 1/T. It was found -that I varied with T only if T:-- ~-, 2500K i. e. in winter); I was independent of T if T -.:::: 2500K (i.e. in summer . The seasonal variations of I and T were measured from January, 1958 to Septemberp 1959. 1 and T vary appreciably from night to night, and have similar mean seasonal variations with ma- Card 1/2 S/169/62/000/004/096/103 The OH emission at Abastuman D290/D302 xima in November-December. T has a distinct winter maximum and sum- mer minimum. The mean T was 225 � 100K, Emd the mean I was 160 rily- leighs between January, 1958 and September, 1959. It was observed that the intensities of the Ha and OH P2 (6-1) emissions were cor- related. [Abstractorts note: Complete translation]. Card 2/2 DOLIDZE, M.V.; MAZNYY, M.F.;_LISHKOYA L.IL. Deterinining the zero-point of spectrophotometric temperatures. Biul.Abast.astrofiz.obser. no.26tl61-167 161. (MM 15:3) .(Spectrophotometry) ACCESSION NR: AT3012981 3/2501/62/000/029/0055/0076 AUTHOR: Fishkovap L. H TITLEt OH rotational temperature ot.the upper atmosphere SOURCE: Abastumani* Astrofizich, Byul.; no. 29., 1962. Issledovaniya po programme HGG i mezhdunarod. geofiz. sotrudnichestva, 55-76 TOPIC TAGS3 rotational temperature,, OH rotational tem-oerature, upper atmosphere,, airglow., OH band intensity., activation energy., geomagnatic disturbance,, aurora, molecular excitation ABSTR&CT: This paper is based on spectral observations of airglow in the range 5400-7000 A., made at the Abastumani Astrophysical Observatory during 1958-60. The OH rotational temperature (TOH) of the upper atmosphere was measured on 106 different nights. The mean value of TOH for Abastumard is 246 + 16K. Seasonal variations were observed, with a maximum in November-DeoGmber, i minimum in summer,, and a variation of about 75K. The variations are shown in Fig. 1 on the ,.F4closurea. The mean values of TQH at Abastumani are near those for the sam periods measured at higher latitudis. For a rotational temperature above 250K,, Card 115 ACCE=ON NR: AT301461 the dependence of OH band intensity on teVerature, expressed as dependence of log 3~, on UP R, is approximately linear,, and the ;slope of the averaged straight line correspo;Ss to an activation energy of 2,2 + 0,8 kcal/mo:Le. ..This reutionship is shown in Fig, 2 on the Enclosures. The valui-is close to the activation energy of the 03-H reaction. When the rotational temperature iv below 250K$ -TOH does not depend on T and this is more suggestive of the 4i;mechanism of OH-molecule excitation. 0%r rotational temperatures below 270K, the value obtained from the (9-3) band is the same as that from the (6-1) band, but when the value is above 270Ks the latter is less than the former,, and the difference may be as muoh as 40K, The ratio of intensities for these two bands does not depend on TOH. it decreased continuously during the period of observation, from 2.0 in 1953 to 0.8 in the summer of 1959. During large geomagnatic disturbances followed by auroral displays in low latitudes., T increases anomalously to vaL-es greater than 300K, OH and this is followed by an anomalous decrease in intensities of the OH bands. The author concludes that the seasoaal variations in kH and ToH and their anomalous variations during large geomagnetic disturbances may be due to powerful vibrational ~motion'9 of the upper atmosphere ronowed by vertical displacements of emission layers, Origo art& ban; .9 figures, 6 tablesj and 15 formulas. Card 215 ACCESSION NR: AT3012981 ASSOCIATION: Astrofizich. observatozdya, Abastumani (Astrophysical Obser'vatory) SUBMITTMi 00 DATE AGO 150at63 ENCL: 02 'ER: 50 CODR3 PHs AS NO REF SM 018 OM 009 Card 3/5 ACCESSION NRs AT3022982 4/25OV62/000/029/0077/009~ AUTHOR: Fishkova, Le Me TITLE: Variations in intensity and three dimensional distribution of 6$62 emis3ion in ni&t &U'S)AW SOUrCE: Abastumani. Aqtrofiziche observatoriya. Byul., no. 29 1962. Isslodovan1ya. po programme HDG i mozhdunarod. geofix* sotrudaichostva, 77-91 TOPIC TAGS:. night air glow., spectrography, galactic contamination,, bydrogen, telluric. corona ABSTRACT I Results of apectrographic observation or H,,e emission in night airglow at the Abastri-akaya astrofisicheskaya observatoriya (Abastumani Astrophysical Observatory) for 1956-61 are reported. Seasonal variations in the intensity of Hc>e. for the direction 670H show a mWolm in July aad a lesser maximum in March for each of the four years., though the March maximma is not usually so well defined or consistent, Only in polar regions is the July iwdalm obsirved. The March submmimm is dae to galwbic contudnation, Ths 11 n dwbUt of th4 X6583 Card 1/2 ACCESSION NAt AT3022962 line began to appear with increasing Hcs< The g&Lwtic paft of the emission was measured by conoaring siniltansou roKUngs at the given direction and In the polar region. The effects observed are due to resoiwnce scattering of solar Lyman radiation by neutral bydrogen atom in the te22uric corona and in the upper atmospheres The seasonal variations of Ho< with ammer awd-im are related to seasonal variation in height of the earth's shaAaw Jn the direction of observation. Comparison of the seasonal H., curve with data on h3,drogen concentration in the telluric corona above the edge of the shadow shows the amplitudes of both distributions to be sindla , The intensity ratio 1,,l /]:.2 was obtained for several, directions., and the values are tabulated* Orig. art, but 5 figures and 2 tab2as. ASSOCIATION: Abastummzd* Astroftsich* observatorlya, (Abastumni Astrop4yeical i Observatory) WBMITM O0Apr62 DATE ACQs 1.50at63 EWLv 00 SUB CODEt A4 ES NO 1UW SOV a al 0THM# 009 Card 2/2 KALANDAD2E, N.B.; SALUKVADZE, G.N.,- f~qYA, L.M. Relative transmittance of the objective of the 40cm. refractor and of the correcting lens for the 36c'm. Schmidt telescope of the Abastumani Astrophysical Observatory. Blul. Abast. astrofiz. obser. no.28:205-207 162. (MIRA 16:7) (Abastumani astrophysical observatory) ACCESSION MR: AT4034380 S/Z66$31000010/0035/0039 AUTHORt FishkoY*,_1#,_H. TITLE: Tht spatial distribution and vikiriations of H outs Alpha emission in this nightglow SqURCE; AN SSSR. Mezhduvedomstvanny*y geofiniebookiy komitat. IV razdal pr6grammy* MGG: Polyarny*ye #iyaniya i avecheniya nocbnc-go neba. Sbornik statey, no. 10, 1963, 35-39 TOPIC TAGS: meteorology, geophysics, aurora, nightglow, atmospheric emission, hydro- gen emission, H sub Alpha emission, seasonal nightglow variation ABSTRACT: The article deals with spectrographic observations carried out during 1958 - 1961 at the Abastumanskaya astrofizicheskaya observatoriya (Abastil-ni Astrophysical Observatory) in terms of the determination of the absolute intensity, seasonal variations and spatial distribution of HA emission in the nightslow. The spectra were photographed on an SP-48 spectrograph of high light admittance vith a basie*direction of observations Z = 670 N. A total of 115 different spectra of the night sky were obtained and processed. An annual repetition for four years of a maximum IH.( in July was observed, with a second maximum noted in March. A Card 1/3 ACCESSION NR: AT4034380 seasonal variation curve in given, MiLch indicates, again averaged out for the en- tire four-year period, a change of from 5 - 7 rayleighs in the winter to 20 - 25 rayleighs in the summer. The March v=imum in the direction 670 N is explained by the imposition of the galactic component. An attempt is; also made to explain the marked summer maximum, and it is pointed out that in the spectrograms of the Sumer period with intensive P6( emission there are no traces of the N11 line. In order to study the intensity distribution over the vault of the heavens, during a number of nights spectrographic observations were made in two directions simultaneously (Z = 700 N and Z =200 S); the author gives the result as 170N I= 1.73 * 0.14. 120S Beginning in July of 1961, observations were carried out simultaneously on two SP-48 spectrographs, one of which was directed at point Z -- 670 N and the other either at the Pole (Z2 = 480 N) or southward in the direchon of the antisolar point. Measurements were conducted of the intensity ratio Tz /]:z2 in both-directione for the line Hok (rH,,) and the line P2 (6. 1) OH (z.OH). A tabie of results is given.' Cases were clearly evident in which rB.4 was distorted ky the galactic component* The ratio of the H intensity in the direction 670 N to the Hak. intensity at the Pole for all the n4bite indicated in the table from July through January remained approximately constant. In July& when maximum H#A. was observed in the direction Card 2/3. ACCESSION NR: AT4034380 67o N, 11,A was also intensive at the Pole. Since, in the region of the Pole, the stellar component does not change in the course of a year, the constancy of the ratio X67/1 8 serves as proof that the Hor. summer maximum is not the result of the influence o~ the galactic component. The mean value of 167 = 1.4 f* 0.1. The M correction factor for the exclusion of the galactic coaq)onent is - 1.7. This value was used to correct the 1H0% values in March-April, an neasured in the direction 670 Np with the result that the March maximum disappearad. Observations in the antisolar direction showed that as the antisolar point Ls approached, the intensity of He. emission decreases and is minimal at the antisolar point. In the view of the author, the seasonal variations in Ho-. intensity obuerved at Abastumani and its space distribution are beat explained by the appearance of Hoo. in the nightglow spectrum as the result of the resonance scattering of solar radiation in the lines of the Lyman series in the neutral hydrogen of the geocarona and upper terrestrial atmosphere, Orig. art, has: 1 table and 4 figures. ASSOCIATION: Mezhduvedometvenny*y geofixicheskiy komitet AN SSSR (Interdepartmental Geophysics Committee, AN SSG&) SUB R : 00 DATE ACQt 12uy64 HNGL; 00 SUB CODS: ES NO REF SOVt 003 OTHERi 003 Card 3/3 FISHKOVA L. M. "R Emission in the Airglow." report presented at the 13th Gen Asseubly IUGG, Berieley, Calif, 19-31 Aug 63. FISHKOVAY L.M..; MARTSVAIADZE) N.Me Distribution of hydrogen in the upper atmosphere and terrestrial corona. Astron. tsir. no* 253:1-4 J1 163. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Abastumanskaya astrofizicheskaya observatoriya AN Gnizinskoy SSR* Is 11 K OVA) t4l AID P 5070 Subject USSR/Engineering-welding Card 1/1 Pub. 107-a - 10/11 Authors Lomakin, V. I. and N. I. Fishkova Title : The SL-60A electric rive Periodical : 3var. proizv., 6, 31-32, Je :1956 Abstract ; The authors describe the SL-60A electric riveter designi.- ed for welding sheet metal and structural steel of 2 to 5 mm thick. The riveter's technical characteristics and Its design, the complete installation and its performance are presented. Three drawings, 1 photo and 1 table. Institution : None Subsitted : No date AUTHDRs F1sWwft* NA. 32-11-3.V60 TITIJs Short Reports (II) (KoroUlys soobehoheniya) PMRIODICAL% Zavodskaya. Laboratoriya, 1957, VOL 23, *Mr 11, PP- 1360-1361 (USSR) ABSTIMi In this paper the application of speotrconalysis for the determination of the sauminim and mqpnium oontent isk a sino distillate is rs- oommetWeds In order to create the necesuary oonditions for spectral analysis and for the oonstruotion of the oorresponaing graduation diagram synthetio standard samples wort used# which had been prauosd from a repeatedV checked alloy Zn-Al-*& with a Os 35% aluminta oon- tent and a 0,4* magnesium oontext. Thus, the standards had an alu- 4nu- oontent of Otis 0.05, 0.02 and 0.101% ands oorrespondinglyo a WALSMOSiUM OVAIOnt of O.u, o.o6, o.o24 ana m12%. A speatrogmph 9 -22" with 3-stage reducier, a generator " -1" with omtact breakers and a stiorophotonstier "X -2" were used; ignition oVerage me 0.1 A. aistanot along the arc 2.5 vat &31-k of the sp*otzvgmpb 0,025 mat and the film used were of the "Spektralluyye" tMe 1. The possibility of reproducing the resiats determined was within the Card 1/2 limits of the oontentst 0.005-0.2% alwAnuz and 0.001-0.2% magnesium. Short Reports (II) 32-11-3V6O 1 % I AMMUTIM: PodoUk' Plant for Metals (Pcdollskiy savad vtorldbafth mullow) ATAIWLIs .%, Library of Congmes card W2 t- I -S r)aiv R FISHK,q~t_A~_L~ ICKLIT. L.N. Spectrum analysto,of potassium. calcium. and sodium chlorides in flux salts* Zav.lab, 26 no-5:566-567 160- (KIRA 13:7) 1e Podollakly sayod vtorichnykh tevetnykh metallov. (Potassium chloride-4peatra) (Calcium ebloride-Spectra) (Salt--Spectra) PISHKOVA, S. M. USSR/Geophysics - Radiation, Infrared Night Sky 3. Jul 50 *Distribution of Brightness of Right-Sky rmfrarvd Rediation Over the Celestial Arch, 0 Ye. N. Pavlons S. F. Rodiamys, M, S. Sominskiy, S. M. Fishkova,, Phys Inst., Leningrad State U imeni A. A. Zhdanov,, and Ht Ellbras Expedition of Aced Sci USSR *Dok Ak-Nauk SSSRP Vol LXXIII,, No 1. pp 69-72 Infrared -81 reamto of night MW in fall 19/+9 on Mt E1111rus (2t200 and 4,200 a elevation) using photometers with secondary-electron electrostatic tubs. Confirmed infrared radiatiom maximum, at midnight. Found intensities of 1.12 x 10-2 and 3-07 x 10-2 erg/aq cm see otered,, respectively, for heights of 2,200 and /+,,200 m. Found rad1ating layer to be 900 km high. Submitted 4 May 50 by Aced A. A. Lebedev. 166T29 24.2ooo 77304 SOV/57-30-2-1/18 AUTHORS: Kellman, V. M., Yavor, S. Ya., Fi TITLE: Achromatic Marnetic Mirrors PERIODICALi Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol 30, Nr 2, pp .129-137 (USSR) ABSTRACT: To achieve a deflection or d1splacement of non- monochromatic beams of charged particles without sep- arating them according to energy, Kellman and Lyubimov (Izv. AN SSSit, ser. f iz. p 18, 155, 1954) used a _,kag- netic mirror viliose marfnetic -ield vector potential A satisfies the equation: A Re [- 4:0 (y A., =-- A.,,= 0, where H and Ic are constants. For a 1)articular choice Card 1/13 of k, oRe can find an angle CL, for the incoming Achromatic Magnetic Mirrors 77304' SOV/57 -30-2-1/18 particles, such that all parlu-icles of various energies entering 'the field at that a:.-igle in t'ne central plane describe similar trajectorie,3 and emerge out of the field at the point of entrari4-,e as a single be,-~-,m (see Fig 1). y Fig. 1. Similar trajectories in an achromatic magnetic mirror. CLO) C:) an-le of Incidence; lal) angle of CD reflection. Card 2/13 Achromatic Magnetic Mirrors 77304 SOV/57-30-2-1/18 In addition to checking the known values of CL 0 for Ic ='l and Ic = 2, the authors of this Raper evaluated the necessary k's for angles CLO = 30 and CLO = 450. Mirrors with OL -_ 30 0 angles arranged along sides of an equilateral triangle or mirrors with CLO = 450 forming a parallelogram could.then be used to maintain closed trajectories of particles. The authors start from the solution ofthe differential eQuation of motion for charged particles in the central plane of a two-dimensional magnetic field, which for the initial conditions x. Yo = 0 has the f=ii: eHn In all x ?;ICU dy. (5) Sill a) ~k Card 3/ 13 Achr6matic Magnetic Mirrors 773011 SOV/57-30-2-1/18 Here e, m, and v are charge, mass, and velocity, respectively, of the particle; c is veloc4ty of light; ni M 0 where m0 is rest mass of the particle. Yl _2 _v /c2 In the central plane (z = 0) the field has, the value: II. = HY = 0, 11, = lid`, (4) where k can take integer and fractional values. Using the known values for k versus CLO: Ic = 1, CLO = 900; Ic = 2, a0 = 400; and Ic = 3, ao 7- 280, the authors constructed an approximate curve k = k(ao ). Choosing approximate k values, they calculated curves by per- forming numerical integration of Eq. (5). Typical curves are Wesen-.ed on Fig. 3. From the form of the Card 11/13 curve they could decide If k should be increased or decreased to obtain the desired correct Curve. Aciiromatt Magnetic Mirrors Card 5/13 I, 4J. J 77304 SOV/57-30-2-i/18 Fig. 3. -Trajectory of charged particles in the central plane of the mirror, with Ic = 2.75 at In- cidence angles of' 28, 30, and 320. Achroniat-LIMa--netIc M.Lx,.r,oi,z3 77304 SOV/57-30-2-1/18 The results O-r CRlCLIIationo are coritalned in Table A. Ta 1) 1 e A . (a) Initial conditictil,; (b) data obtained by iii-mievIcal IntegratIon of system of Eqo. (7); I. da (' a obt,-Llned by tIItfI1rUr].C',0- ILIP,)~' 111's ,Eq. (10); (d) degrees. Card 6/ 13 c N. 7. .1. Y$ 2 40.7 3 0 46.2 -7.4 --0.71 1.88 2 40.7 0 2.00 36.6 -2 * 6 0.76 -1.12 3 27.6 3 0 29.0 4.0 --0.61 1.67 3 27.6 0 1.00 28.0 -1.7 -1.18 1.90 1.81 45 3 0 51.7 -9.2 --0.8.1 2.01 -5.4 2.08 1.81 45 1 2.1 , ~ 1-1 - 1 -4 110 -1.92 -2.6 -2.58 2.75 30 3 2 . 0 9 --0.67 1.68 8.2 1.82 2.75 30 0 0 .50 2,9-5 2.4 --0 '26 1.08 4.4 1.17 2.75 30 0 2.00 27.7 -4.2 ---0.58 -0 .03 17.0 4.67 Achromatic Magnetic Mirrors 773011 SOV/57-30-2-1/18 This table contains also data about trajectories not lying in the central plane, obtained by two methods. 0 One is by numerically integrating the exact syqtem of equations of motion: k '0"; (k are tg d2y 0110 (Y2 -I- Z') Y Cos (L are tg -i- z sill k are tg.L X Him X [C _f_ !yl -1- .2) C,)S (k are tg k Y d-tz ell 7_ -I (y2 _#_ Z2 Y Sill (k are tg z Cos (k arc tg 5'. "ICv F C -4- eflu (Y'2 -- =2) 2CW; karctg X incv k (7) Card 7/ 13 Achromatic Magnetic Mirrors 773011 SOV/57-30-2-1/18 where s is length of path traveled by the particle, C is a constant which is a ..unction oo initial conditions. The other is by inteLgratin,,-, the approximate equation by Khu:?gin: d2z It k - I qk_j) = 171-'0) ~L-` (k - I)y"sin a,, r. (10) T.2 [("Ov _k Y denotes the angle between the XY plane and initial PzRicle direction for particles starting In the central plane (see Fig. 6);' z is the initial distancefrom the.. 0 XY plane.tcr particles enter1n7 the field parallel to the XY plane; yi Is the angle between direction of the exit of the particle and the central plane; OLI is the angle between the projection of that direction in the XY -plane and the negative Y axis d1rection. In all g ~10 Card 8/13 cases the quantity jF-c-v was equal to 0.04 per cm AchromatIc Magnetic Mirrors 77304 SOV/57-30-2-1/18 Figure 6 repre3ents an interesting case where a parti- cle entering the field parallel to the central lane comes out again parallel to that plane (curve 2~. A field with such a special k value can then be used for displacement of parallel beams of particles with various energies. Card 9/ 13 cm 1 3 J 6 Y'C ........... to Cm Cm Card 10/13 X, Col -104 7-) 7 SOIT/57-30-2-1/18 Fig. 6 (caption on next card) Achromatic~ Magnetic Mirrors 773o4 SOV/57-30-2-1/18 Caption to Fig. 6. Fig. 6. Projections on YZ and X~( planes of two space trajectories in a field with k 1.81. Initial conditionst trajectory (1)1 X0 = Yo zo = 0, GLO = 450.9 -/. =030; trajectory (2): x0 = yo = 0, z0 = 2 emp CLO := 45, 1/0 ~ 0 . Crosses indicate trajectories w1th the same~initial conditions, but computed using the method of Khurgin. Gaing a method described by Kellman and Lyubimov,, the authors constructed a field for k = 1.81, and its values agreed fairly well with Eq, (4). Rirther improvements were obtained by means of additional windings on the shielding and the magne, ~ laminas. The authors Card 1l/ 13 point out that one can obta.1ii the desired result, Achromatic Magnetic Mirrors 77304 SOIT157 -30-2-1/18 i. e.' the deflection or displacement of a nonmono- chromatic charged particle beam by utilizing two mirrors with a lateral displacement of particles of different energies in the manner indicated on Fig. 10. Fig. 10. Deflection of a noimonochromatic beam by means of two mirrors with noncompensated displacements. Card 12/13 Achromatic Magnetic Mirrors ASSOCIATION: SUBMITTEDs 77304 SOV/57-30i-2-1/18 Thereare 10 figures; 1 table; and 6 references, 5 Soviet, I U.S. The U.S. reference is: W. K. H. Fanofsky, J. A. McIntyre, Rev. Sci. Instr., 25, 287, 1954. Physico-tecluical Institute AS USSR, Leningrad (Fiziko- tekhnicheskiy institut AN SSSR, Leningrad) July 6, 1959 Card 13/13 DYMNIKOV, A.D.; FISHKOVA, T.Ya.; YAVOR, S.Ya. System,of four quadrupole lenses, analogous to axially symaetric lenses. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. fiz. 27 no.9tI131-1134 S 163. - (MMA 16t9) 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut im. A.F.1offe AN SSSR. (Electron optics) -ISF YAVOR, S. Ya.~ fYK4FKUf, A. D-.-; 11 IKOVYI--T.- Ya.; -5-11PAY, G~ It. "Electromagnetic achromatic systems." report submitted to 3rd European Regional Conf, ELectron Microscopy, Prague, 26 Aug-3 Sep 64. AUTHOR: Dv*znnikov, A. ID64- FiChkOVOL, Ya.; Ya Vor, S. Ya. TITLE.- Electron--optical propetfitia-6f-a-pe-eudo-a-cis,rrrietric quadrupole Sygm SOURCE. Radiotekhnika felektronikai V. :9. no. 10, 1964, 1828-1831 TOPIC TAGS:-.q' drupole lens., axisymetric systern ua r~s_work (Zb-TF.--19 A B ST IRA CM - -7 s_xs-a_~continuatiarLo _mn ear-Uar-autho '33s_l~ 7,.851). A se t of quadrupole lenses similar to an axisymetric system is es, the field of each one tigated.:- -The set - comprise-d-four-quadrupole -lena being turned by 900 with respect to the field of the preceding one. Two identical outer lenses may be different from two identical inner lenses. The field inside the lena is assumed to be constant** outside the lens, equal to zero; field distribu- tions within the lenses are represented by equivalent rectangles (see Enclosure 1). Formulas for the focal lengths and positions of the foci depending on the Card 1/3 J ACCES SION NR: AP4009920 S/0057/64/034/001/0053/0059 AUTHOR-,Fishkova, T,Ya.; Shpak, Ye.V.; Yavor, S.Ya. TITLE: Charged particlW escape from a reflected electron discharge SOURCE: Zhurnal tolchnichoskoy giziki, v.34, no.1, 1964, 53-59 TOPIC TAGS: gas discharge, reflected electron discharge, charged particle escape, anomalous charged particle escape, discharge in magnetic field ABSTRACT: The transverse escape of charged particles from a gas discharge in a longitudinal magnetic field was investigated. Electron reflecting electrodes were provided at the two cmds of the discharge region to increase the ionization. Except for the higher degree of ionization achieved, the experiments were similar to those reported by J.F.Bonnal, G.Brilford and C.Manus (Phys.Rev.Lett.6,665,1961; Report No.9 at the Salzburg Conference,1961), and similar anomalous results were obtained. The discharge tube was 200 cm long and 17.8 cm in diameter. The two reflecting elec- trodes were 11.6 cm in diameter and were separated by 105 cm. One reflector carried- a hot cathode 2 or 3 cm in diameter. The discharge current was received by one or more cylindrical anodes somewhat smaller in diameter than the reflecting electrodes. Card ~ 1/3 ACC.NR: AP4009920 I'Ihen a single anode was employed, it was provided with two wall probes, one located midway between the two reflecting electrodes, and one located 16 cm from this mid- point. With the discharge tube filled with argon at 5 x 10-4 to 10-3 mm Hg' dis- charge currants up to 10 A at potentials up to 500 V were observed in longitudinal magnetic fields up to 2100 Oo..Tho degree of ionization was determined from the at- tenuation of 3.2 cm, and 0.85 cm microwaves. Xonizations up to 7% were deduced from the 3.2 cm measurements. A highly ionized filament was produced on the axis of the discharge by admitting gas through an opening in the center of one of the reflectms. The ionization in this filament was estimated from the, 0.85 cm microwave measure- ments at 50% or greater. When several anodes were employed, the current to the calt tral anode was negative (preponderance of negatively charged particles collected), and the currents to the remaining anodes were positivo. The currents to all the an- odes behaved in a similar way as the magnotic field wets varied: when the field was increased from zero the current would first decrease Cin absolute value), roach a sharp minimum at a small value of the field, increase to a broad maximum, and final- ly decrease again at high fields. The pas itive ion current to the central wall probe of the single anode was measured as a function of the longitudinal magnetic field while the total discharge current was hold constant by adjusting the applied potential or the cathode temperature. In those measurements the probe was kept r,?13 Cc ACC.NR: AP4009920 30 V negative with respect to the anode. The positive ion current first increased with increasing field, then decreased to a broad minimum, and finally increased again at high fields. The initial increase and subsequent decrease of the ion cur- rent are briefly discussed. The anomalous increase of the ion current at high field strengths is not explained..; 8 figures. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut im.A.F.IoVe AN'SSSR, Leningrad (Physi- cal-Technical Institute, AN SSSR) SUBMITTED: 12Nov62 DATE ACQ: 1OPeb64 EXCL: 00 SUB CODE: PH NR REP SOV: 002 OrHER: 003 3/3 Card EWA -14b- L 128?2-� -tiff - EPA JLA~EE 1G. Af 1 (410 ;SMSD ESD (dp)/t~SD - ------ S/M57/0/034/0091/1711/1714 ACCSSSION XR_ 286 ikow A vi-; AM AUMOR T Ya e@ -PAT : g1ja coub ruoli low SQU=t ZhUZTAI teMudaheakay-:911did vid$4, UO-gol,904. LILL-L7119 quadrupole TOPIC V - a combined ei ew tb&t can he NdO achrOwtic by Proper cho=ic trastatic ara Wgnqtlc quadrupole I 04~ the r"'a of the electric to the w8natic riaid (I 191TY 31,1439,1961; 33f3saim3i In the Present short. COMW.MLCOLM tt4y diacuss the apbqrica, tion in the corwazong be -a P-1=0 Of- A: lens of this typt :for w1dch the fleld confI&VM_ J. L.O., fO? vh1ch the fielda 1tre indeparxient of one C&rtog-. i ian.cQordinate, the axis ot ~whjch gerves vj.tbe RKL5 0t Me tew. equations &to taken f The traJectory and it is norted tbA the eQuAtiOnO __ ail written by;A.Sep%ier.-(C.R. 256$23.ZS,i9(YS) contain vu error. The sPherical aberration in tha-fjrSt:G&ugg planai _d/f L'tan3l (Where d is the,distamaa in the image Plane of the' traJsc;tdry fr= the ax1go C III the focal Jezgtftr and L, in! 1/2 ACCESSION NR,: AP4019973 s/bo,2o/64/154/06/1321/1324 AUTHOR: Dy*m. nikov,IA. Do; Vishkova, To Yao; Yavor, So Yaw TITLE: Spherical aberration of a two-dimensional electrostatic quadrupole lens without antisymmetric planes 7SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady*, v. 154, no. 6, iS64, 1321-1324 TOPIC TAGS: spherical aberration of electrostatic lens, quadrupole electrostatic lens, electron microscope lens, spherical aberration -correction, electron microscope, spherical aberration !ABSTRACT: In the present paper, a method has been developed for the correction of spherical aberration which is based on the maintaining of symmetry planes of the field in the absence of antisymmetry planes, An example of such asymmetry is presented by an electrostatic lens which has different distances between electrodes of the same sign. The possibility of such a correction is shown on a two-dimensional electrostatic quadrupole lens. In the equations for trajectories of Cord 1/2 ACCESSION NR: Ap4ol9973 charged particles, terms are consid&ed which are necessary for the ,computation of aberrations of the third order. The computation shows that spherical aberration cannot be compensated along the whole image. The length of the linear image is not greatly affected by spherical aberration. The suggested method of correction permits one either to .reduce the spherical aberration along the whole length of the image, or to completely compensate it in the center. Orig. art. has: 3 fig- ures and 24 equations. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhicheslciy institut im. A. F. loffe Alcaderrdi -Naulc SSSR.(Physics-EngineerinG Institute, Academy of Sciences, SSSR) SUBMITTED; 24Sep63 DATE ACQ: 23Mir64 ENCL: 00 ;SUB CODE: PH NO REF SOV: oo4 OTHER: 000 Card 2/2* DY1,fNIKOV, A.D.;_,fISflKOVA,,T.Ya.; YAVOR, S.Ya. Electron-optical properties of a pseu.doaxially-symmetrical quadrupole system. Radiotekh. i elektron. 9 no.10:1828-1831 o 64. (MIRA 17:11) 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut im. A.F. Ioffe AN SSSR. DYI,%IKOV, A.D.; FE]JIKOVA, Ma.; YAVOR, S.Yzi. Spherical aberration of a composite quadruprile lens. Zhur. tekh. fiz. 34 no.9tI711-1714 S 164. (MIRA 17:10) 1, Fiziko-takhnicheskiy institut imeni, Toffe AN SSSR, Leningrad, ~ o, ~ I- l I --- -,- -- .. I . I, I: .A 111. I-- . ~, -- .1 ,- -'. 7 r , - : I .-I. . - --- .-.,'' , : - . , ~ ". -1.I1 .1 - - . --- -. . -- A~ , - - - -. - . ~: .-. ~ .- L! -*, -, i -:ff ,I-,--.- - ~, 77 ~-66 i .ACCESSION N'Rt AP5017204 U11/0020/65/ 1-62/7666/i~W .~2e~18 AUTHORS*. Dymnikov, A. Fishkova, T. Ya.; Yavor, S. Ya. V Y, :TITLE: Spherical aberration of a combined quadrupole lens,with re c tangular f le Id distribution ('5' ~SOURCE; AN SSSR. Doklady, v.. 162, no. 6, 1965, 1265-1268 ,TOPIC TAGS: electron optics, magnetic quadrupole lens ~ABSTRACT: In order to get around the mattematical difficulties invol ~ved in using a rectangular model for the calculation of spherical iaberrations, the authors have derived for the sphorical aberration iexpressions which do not contain the derivatives of the fields in ex- !plic:Lt form. These expressions were obtained by solving, by pertur- i,bation theory, trajectory equations given in an earlier paper (ZbTF v. 34 1711, 1964),, and by subsequently transforming the obtained formulas by integration by parts. The particular analysis pertains to a field which is bounded in the axial direction when a pointlike object lying on the axis, as well as its linear Image, are both Card 1/2 L IACCESSION NR: AP5017204 ia field.-free space. Plots of the coefficients of spherical aberration,, .;obtained on the basis of these calculations, are included. The re-, isults were compared with experimental data for a parallel beam and ~were found to be in good agreement. This report was presented by ;B. P. Konstantinov. Orig. art. has: 3 figures7 and l9formulas L 36550-66 EWT(I)/T IJP(c) ACC NRi AP6015754 SOURCE CCDE: UR/0048/66/030/005/0739/0741 ( 4r IV AUTHOR: Dymnikov,A.D.; Fishkova,L-i-Is..'i ORG: none TrrlE* Dependence of the spherical aberration coeffic:ients of a quadrupole lens on the object distance (rectangular model) /Report, Fifth.All-Union Conferenge on Electron Microscopy held in Busy 6-8 Jui7y 196!C/ p SOUWE*. AN 88SR. Izvestiya, Seriya fizicheakaya, v. 30, no. 5, 1966, 739-741 TOPIC TAGS: electron opt~ics spherical aberration, magnetic quadrupole lens, static field ABSTRACT: Equations given elsewhere by the present authors (Dokl. AN SSSR, 162, 1265 (1965)) have been employed to calculate, with the aid of a computer, the spherical aberrations of magnetic and electrostatic quadrupole lenses. Curves are presented showing each of the four spherical aberration coefficients of both types of quadrupol lens as functions of the object distance for different values of the excitation. The principal spherical aberration coefficient for the converging plano is always positiv, and has a minimum; the relation between excitation and object distsace for the minimu value of this coefficient is presented graphically. The spherical aberration in the width of a linear image in the median plane for a magnotic quadrupole lens is comptre L 36550-66 ACC NRt AP6015754 with the.corresponding quantity for an analogous axially symmetric lens; for equal object distances and focal lengths, the quadrupole lens has the smaller spherical aberration. Orig. art. has: 4 formulas, 9 figures, ani 1 table. SUB CCDZ- 20/ SUIM DATE* 00/ ORIG FdF: 001/ am HRF: 001 2/2. ARTSIMOVIGH) G.V., kand. tekhn. nauk; ASYCRENKO, Ye,I.,, kand. teklin. nauk; STARKOV, V.I.., inzh.; MOSKA""EIIKO, V.P., inzh.; FISFMAN, A.I., inzh. Using hard-alloy tools in boring frozen soils with the BKGM, machines. Stroi. i dor. mash. 10 no.lOt24-25 0 165. (MIRA 18tJO) SMMMEIYI M. - Ta.; 'CHMMUOVp A. N.; FISHLER-B. W. p The GEFK-130-17-5 owing armt I ver railroad crane. Transp. stroi. 13 no.41 ,34-36 Ap 163. (NMU 1694) 1. G:Lavnyy tekbnolog mostestraitelinogo tresia No. 2 (for Shklovskiy). 2. Starstiy-Inshener Voesaymnogo nauabno- iseledovateltakogo inatitut tranaportnogo stroitelletva, Mininterstva transportnoge stroitalletva (for Charkasov). 3. Veduohahiy konstruktor Uglicbskogo remontio-mekhanicheakogo zavoda (for Mahler). (Cranes, derricks, etk) (Bridge construction-3quipment and-suppliin) FISHMAN, A. Combining mass participation and skill. Voen. znan. 41 no.8:38-39 Ag 165. (MJRA 18:7) 1. Predsedatell strelkovoy sektsii Vsesoyuznogo dobrovollnogo obshr-hestva sodaystviya armli, aviatsit I flotu SSSR pryadillno-nitochnogo kombInata imani S.M.Ktrova, Leningrad. KAFTSEVY N.N., inzh.; FISHMAN, A.M., inzh. Machining holes with burnishing broaches. Mashinostroenie no.3s43-44 MY-Je 165. (KM l8s6) MIZIN9 V.G.~ Inzh.; SAFONOV, B.P., inzh.; SERN, G.V., inzh., KOROBEYNIKOV, V.V., inzh. B D inzh.; -,TRAKHOV, V.M., inzh. NIKITIN, Yu.K. Production of 75% farrosilicon v''Lth coke !,.'rom a charge with an Increased content of Oas cor.' 3tall 225 no.2:133-135 F 165. (MIM 18: 3) 1. Kutnetskiy zavod ferrosplavov I Kuznet!;kiy filial Vostochnogo nauchno-issledovatellakago uglekhimicheigkogo Instituta. ,.Accmuff um- Ap4p3gog a/C)191/64/000/005/0066/006T !.AUTHOR: Kovehina., L. Do; Fiabiman, B* No TITIZ: Hermetic sealing of articles witit epoxide caq-)ouzx1 under vacuum SOURCE: Plasticheakiye maeW., noo 5., 1964,, 66-67 TOPIC TAGS: hermetic sealings equipmentp apparatuss epo.)dde sealingp epoxide coating., vacuum casting apparatus ABSTRACT: Equipment was designed for the hermetic ocaliag of articles with epoxy cctipounds under vacuum (fig. 1). In this apparatus a nuuber of articles to be coated am arranged on the turn table (fig. 2)., the system is put'under 740-750 mm 1~Hg vacuum) the epoxy is poured onto the article in the vicinity of the pour spoutp epo;,-4 flow is shut off, the table is rotated and epoxy coating repeated un"Vil ea~ successiwe article b" been treated, Orig. art. has: 3 figures. ASSOCIATIM. None SUBUTTED % 00 ENCLi 02 Card 3./4 'V ENNKMM 1, . ? I I : I 0 i I k 4 ~.1 i I .iACCESSION NR: AM35log ENCLOSURE: 01 Fig. 1e Va6tm casting !I-push button control 2--pouring spout 3"c0aical stopper ~4--hopper (for epoxide) i5--stopcock for vacu= release ~6--Yacuua gage 0 .7--l=P :8--cover 6 19--window 10--housing 11--tum table 12--reducing gear CqLd-V4 ACCESSION MR: AP4035 ENCLOSM 02 M9 "Fig. 2. General view and drive 1;mechanism for turn tables W. I- -supporte for tum table 2--tumtable 3- -reducing gear 4--electria motor P~, 4/4 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 479 Bezrukov, V.M.; Glukh, Ye. M.,* Kostin, K.F!.,* Neyman, Z.B.,,, Fishler, Ya. L.; Chetchuyev, G.A. Urallskiy zavod elektromashinostroyeniya (The Ural Electrical Machine-building Plant) Moscow, Mashgiz, 1957. 125 P. (Seftes: It istorii mashinostroyeniya ne Urale, vyp. 7) 4,000 copies printed. Tech. Ed. ; Dugina, N.A.; Editorial Board of Series: Aleksandrov, A.I., Candidate of Technical Sciences; Bogachev, Doctor of Technical Sciences,-*Volbkov, A.A., Candidate,ot Historical Scieneds,% Dovgopol, V.I.; Kozlov, A.G., Senior Scientific Worker, Archives Pept.; Sustavov, M.I., Engineer. PURPOSE: This book is intended for engineers, technicians and scientists. It can also be of use to students, agitators, propagandists and machine-building workers. Chrd 1/3 The Ural Electrical Machine-building Plant 479 COVERAGE: The book contains a brief history of the construction and development of the Ural--Electrical Machine-building Plant and a detailed description of the progress achieved in designing and building various kinds of machinery including water-wheel generators)a-c and d-c electrical machines, transformers, high- voltage equipment, mercury-are rectifiers and machines for the electrification of the national economy. Plans for the future development of the plant and of the production of the electrical industry in general are also discussed. The book is the seventh isseaed in the series "1z iatorii maahinostroyeniya na Urale" (Tridtory of Machine -building in the Urals) which will contain a total of ten books. No personalities are mentioned. There are no references. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword 3 Ch. I. Construction and Development of the Plant 5 Card 2/3 The Ural Electrical Machine-building Plant 479 Ch. II. Ural Water-wheel aenerators Ch. III. Improvement of Electrical MachInery Ch. IV. Development of Transformer Construction at the Plant .Ch. V. Production of Mercury-arc Rectifiers- Ch. VI. High-voltage Systems Ch. VII. On a Scientific Basis Ch. VIII. Work, Study and Leisure AVAILABLE: Library of Congress -TJPA3v 8-5-5B 15 38 41% 77 96 115 121 Card 3/3 Conference on the Developmental Problems of the SOV/105-58-7-21/32 Production of Transformers in the USSR o 5-6 Nor 15%,, Moscov (Elektriobestvo, 1W, No- 7., PY. 82-83) and voltage and about.the shortcomings in the assembling which are due to the manufacturers.S.A.Gorodetskiy (Glavelektromontazh MS RSFSR) spoke about the abolition of the revision of the re- movable part of the autotransformere at the assembling site, and about several constructive changes in power transformers and about the measures necessary for a mass connection of the transform era without drying. A. M.Sarkisyan (Gleivaellelektro MSKh SSSR) spoke about the electrification on the open country and the demand of open country districts on the electrical industry. K.A.Yegikyan (Armelelektrozayod) reported on neir transformer constructions. Ya.L.Fishler (chief of the construction office in the works "Ural- elektroapp~aratll) also reported on transformer constructions. The conference found serious shortcomings in the organisation of scientific research work and a lack of engineers and designers. 1. Transformers--Development 2. Transformers--Production 3. Conference Card 3/3 Sf)V/110-59-7-6/19 AUTHOR: Fishler Ya L Engineer TITLE: Transformer Manufacture at the "Uralelektroapparat Works (Transformatorostroyeniye na zavode 'tUralelektroapparat") PERIODICAL: Vestnik Elektropromyshlennosti.,1959,Nr 71pp 27-31 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The 'Uralelektroapparat" works produces power transformers in ratings from 50 to 60 000 VA, mainly for supplying mercury-are rectifiers. The works has developed a series of transformers type TMRU rated from 420 to 12 800 kVA for supplying mercury-are rectifiers having d.c. output from 500 to 10 000 A at 230 to 3300 V. Double-star secondary windings are used and usually some of the transformers in a sub-station have star-connected primaries and some delta. Equalising reactors are installed in the transformer tanks. The transformers of this series have been fully tested on short-circuit; the test circuits are described. A new series of rectifier transformers is being developed, employing cold-rolled steel for higher efficiency and economy in material. Information is given about a number of advantages that transformers of the new series are Card /L~ expected to have. A transformer of the new series is illustrated in Fig 1. A few of them have been built but Sov/110-59-7-6/19 Transformer Manufacture at the "Uralelektroapparat" Works the rate of introduction will depend on the availability of cold-rolled steel. A consi(~erable number of transformers are being supplied for railway electrifi- cation. In addition to the widely-used rectifier transformers type TYRU-6200/35 for a d.c. output of 1000 A at 3300 V, the works has developed and is delivering transformers type ML-11000/10 for supplying bridge-connected pairs of mercury-arc rectifiers with outputs of 2 x 1125 A at 3300 V. As transformer type TMR-11000/10 is of high efficiency the increased losses in the bridge circuit rectifiers are fully compensated. On-load voltage control of railway electrification transformers offers numerous advantages and accordingly the works have developed transformers type TMRN-15000/10 by means of which the rectified voltage can be controlled over the range 3600 - 4000 V with primary voltage variations of +5 and -10%. Considerable economy will result from using 110 V transformers in traction sub- Card 2/4 stations instead of using doubl-e transformation. Transformers type TMR-11000/110 have been developed for supplying bridge-connected pairs of rectifiers with outputs of 2 x 1 125A at 3300 V. Transformers of 110 V SOV/110-59-7-6/19 Transformer Manufacture at the "Uralelaktroapparat" Works with on-load voltage control are also being developed. Rectifier transformers type TMRIJ-16000/10 for d.c. outputs of 3000 A at 3300 V, have been developed to supply circuits with two rectifiers in series per phase. A series of transformers exemplified in Fig 2 is for tropical service. They are in ratings from 100 to 2000 kVA and are filled with non-inflammable fluid. Being fireproof, they can be installed indoors in industrial premises alongside the equipment to be supplied. Special series transformers have been developed for the self- excitation circuits of large al-ILternators and synchronous capacitors. The primary winding is connected in series with the stator winding of the alternator and the secondary current is used for excitation. In this way additional excitation can be provided under short-circuit conditions. Dry-type transformers developed for rectifier excitation of the 30 and 50 MW hydro-alternators of the Stalingrad station are illustrated in Fig 3. A number of special transformers have been designed for various Card 3/4 large industrial drives. Dry transformers for rectified currents of 1200, 1800 and 3600 A have been developed SOV/110-59-7-6/19 Transformer Manufacture at the IrUralelektroapparat" Works for forming mercury~arc rectifiors. These transformers, illustrated in Fig are of very compact construction and use air-blast ventilation. Special sectionalised limiting reactors for currents up to 200 kA have been developed for high-voltage test equipment in short- circuit testing laboratories. Such a reactor is illustrated in Fig 5. The 7-year plan provides for doubling the production of transformers and extending Card 4/4 therange of types. There are 5 figures. FISHIJMq Yd-OL49 inzh. IA7w P(mor 1-10 kv. olezt-ic tranofoymers. Vew'. 32 no.12.'Ll--.15 D 161. (MIRA 14222) (Elects:ls- transformers) GURAVIGH, Solomon, Ostpovich; FISMAN, Abram.Aronovich- CEAPSKIT, O.U., ==A_ :redaktor; KOTMOVA, T6K=I""rwTWffffMr [Oil economW of machine-tractor stations and state farms] Nefte- khozIaIstvo MTS I sovkhozov. Moskva, Goo., izd-vo oallkhoz. lit-ry, .109 p 1956-' WRA 10:2) (Machine-tractor stations) (state fares) (Petroleum productm,--Storage) KRICUO, Xatvey SomenavIch; JJ=KAN. A&IO , inshener. rat sensent; OK"mmm, IA., kandidat a.-khe naux, redMor-, 12ITTILINA, L.A., rodaktor; XISINA, Yeel.. tokhnichookly rodaktor. [Losses in the processing of wine by-products suil wore of preventing thou] Poterl pri pererabotke pobochnykh produktar vinogradnago vine- deltia i borlba a mint. Moskva, Pishchtrpromizdat.- 1955. 98 P- (Win* anii wine making) 9:5)