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GUZUEOV, A.A--; PLIN`-R, M.A. Pyrolyula of' hydrocarbono in tho ul)p,,,r- portion of' thil, CL,pc),Fi (f' (!Okc- ovens. Koks i khim. no. 5:33-36 161. (Mlil 14:4) 1. Yonakiyovoldy koksolchimichosIdy -Ltvod. (Coal-~arboni-attlon) GLAZU11'011, A.A.; (='EZ2q, I.G.; EDIE.LIMN, 1071PIA, &HKEISKI IY, K.K. Method for tile c)mplete proo,~~,j~sjjlr of cma t,ir obtained by p - 6 yr lysis. Ko~.,-, i kilim. no.8:3'L-42 1 62. (141RA 17:2) 1. Yenakiyevskiy koksok'nimicheskii zavcd (for Illazurlov, Gle zer, Edellman, Ionina). 2. Dcnetskiy sovet inrodnogo "-I-.(,zyay,3t-i-a (for 7pmblevskiy). BAMDAS, A.M.; BOLISHAM, Ya.M.; BORCHANTNOV, G.S.; GLAZUNCV, A..A.; ZA'lrS3Kl','l A.M.; KONVANTINCV, B.A.; LIVSHIT-S, D.S.; LYrFKllV!3klY, V,!.,; Mll,LF-R, G.R.; PE-ROV, I.I.; PlYSKOV, V.I.; SAMOVEIR, M.L.; SYROMYATNIKCV, I.A.; CHILIKIN, M.G. Professor IlJrli, Lconidovich Kikoseev; 1905, on his 60th birthday. Elektriche3tvo no.6:91 ja 165. (MIRA 18:7~ GLAZUNOV, A. I., Cand Tech Scl s o lu t iorl~_ o f' 't, he I.- e chnolo- I ca 1 ture. of plungers for selective (Ilin oi and Sec Spec Ed S, ',I. Kirov. Chair of "Technoloj,~y 3-61, 242) -- "Experlmentl! _' and. ti-,eoretical C- ~,7, ~ ro t 1 em~ of t)r e c I si lillanufa o- -Ls s e:i Uril -Aytecli ly-Ist l1r. of Maci,lne Fuilding") (KL, - 212 - GLAZUNOV A I - KjUlOVIIII(OV B.P.- KIMCHENrO, V.S.; PIVOVAROV, V-('-; 7 $ STI-TANOV, I.A. Automatic control f alcohol in diatilled liquors. Spirt.prom. 27 tio.:2:28-32 161. (rul :,ul lj,:/.) (Alcoliol) (Aut-,:iatic control) KRAVCHENKO, V.S.; STEPANOV, I.A.; TIKHOI-1111OV, L.A.; i(AMOVNIKOV, E.F~; -1-GLAZUNOV, A.I. - Automatic maintenance of constant pressure in co-nUnuow, rectifyin[,- columni. SpIrL.prom. 27 no.3t29-33 161. (I.ITI;IA 14:4) (Leningrad-Liquor induntry-Equipment wid :,upplies) (Diatillation apparattzA) GLAZLRI(JV , A. 1. , , inzh. ; YOLETS I'l Y, A, T, f Kinematics and dynamics of t'~e lappirg--Jr, of surfaces. Vest-nash. 41 n(-).2:5cL-rc,, F 161. (IMIFLA :,2,,3) (Cjrindinf~ and pollshini,) All e c a r D4 t i a t4 on (Itn(,gc atuper, C 1 t Tl 7 L71 t e 3 , PERIODICAL: r:1 L ABSTRACT: col-1. 0 3!1 c testi~d (Fig .V,r art of th.- 5 construct~j . a t 1 4 jT.,Ljjt _ - - L ~, -It-~ ind4vidual I !a 'v' - lied i d in io l . i , . ur o - un [Ing ,le Of ntvins :1 :z:--I s' 13 v c, t3i)t .-t t co :3p6men ` e hic- ncts -s a conden,,ier f~~r each indfvJ .:;,~_.gment. T Ui it c '61 Y -ind t e s t d c-_ t',e 'Imn , Of ' e n 3 i c r , ,'.i u 1;~;~ends cn t and - , , t_, 1, - 7~ ~i c `., -in 'A' 0 v e . : -:_. ;:~ ~ r"3 T h F . C '!u it s I age Cc ASSOC! %TION L. i'm SHVARTSER, A.Ya., inzh.; SHAPOVALOV, S.I., kand.tekhn.nauk; LUGOVAYA, G.V., inzh.; GLAZUNOV, F.A., inzh.; TKACIIFNKC, V.A., in:ih.; IODIADI, G.I., inzh. Electric slag hard facing of beaters in impact-action crushing machines. Svar. proizv. no.3:22-25 Yr '63. (MIRA 16:3) 1. Donetskiy politekhnichaskiy institut (for Lugovaya). 2. Yasinovatskiy mashinostroitellnyj zavod (for Moznaim). (Hard facing) (Crushing machines) 2. i if, i L- , r i n i-* J' L i. 1'~ -_i n, 1 (2: i,'1 - -1 7. of tech,-J.6ans for c!c;d I 1~- 7, '1 Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, 1953. Unclassified. 4 s 0 0 0 Os 00 Th, use Of leather livit waste In rubber wir mimirri , d to e, Iml k 11, 1 u, R 0# "1 Ib- If . I ....... . ... ......I It, And 111' 4 1,40, 1 '1"'T 00 a 00 fit, a c 0 0 0 0 wall 0 41 =*L .00 go .04, 00 ;o 11 00 go 0 0 go L41 40 llx~ 0 0 to 0 0 0 0 0 9 a 0 0 0 0 9 9 0 0 0 0 6 0 o 0 6 6 11 11 0 o 0 0 o so ,0 -0 4 6, it . s .00 (90 The reclaimla I of sylithiltic rubber by the solution 0 method. C. 1 (.61mmy I Nn 61- Ind. i I ' S S 14 ' -00 I'M1,11 rite IS1111. I - ~ mt Int .. .... .It p", ". 1, drwd 1.-0 11A., t WN-' t I 1... .06 -k-t Wh. 1b, I't I .4s'.0 .4, [,,1 11'. 00 "n All. I Ifir -l"111 bad J-d thc 1-t -m. I . 0 411 I'd mto . I'm, T "mim, hut C.( ~ I., S, .11" . 09 j urel hits, 4m)thrr mixii, with SaOlf li~ rrm.,vt ~1-;d 00 j 0 it so .. .. ....... .041 h-I'd 1-4. 4) 1~. 0 to 49 to 1h, -1-0. hd, IN,- 9-6 V. 'I'A 00 00 00 00 .~ 00 00 .001 00 41 so 11 It Lod a 0 6 a 0 a 0 0 * 0 0 & 6 0 i: 0: ::: Illp 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 w 0 9 a V V 0 a & 4 0 0 0 0 a a 0 a 11 10 1. 11 16 It 't 1, az; a m is '. it 1? .6 .4 0, p u it 1. 1, f, is I a F a VA T L AA N A A I .Ajlp A tqly I. (h.,,tapt,ml 0,111- -kit . ......i - t,tmln t.. **R*.I.i:yI.g rAh- by th. Gl--- ud 1 ir Method I C-I - ", - I -` "I ;-to .,"1. 11 1, jttl'~. %- I, 1, - .00 N" A "A., 109' '~I' ~. 11 " , ! I1 11 1 1 1 . I Ut 'I' I.Ilt III, ""'I" too 0 0 . .... I.,...... , 11 "'. of the VultATI11441 ff"m 00 j 12) while ~pirjj '11'.A" wo, 00 f,mr, confill,in, th-m -I-- III, b, .11, -W 1 11 Whil, I,i,lf alm."f 00 "d '0 0 t I, dry 00 't-,ig I., A ....... aloe 00 La '00 A S A I L A Iff ALLLOGICAL LITIRA1,11f ~LAijJFKATP:M 4 W 0 ii ItR If U it 9 . 0 ~ 0 -0 -- - - ------- - GLAWNT,-'V, G.I. and TA.IA. ZILl"FLTE. Vulkanlutsionnye, pres.9y. 2. lzd. Moskvri, Goo. nailch.-tekhn. izcl-vc) kUm. ltt-ry, 1943. 37, (1) p. illus., diagrs. Vulennization nreasos. DLC; TS1 b91. G -6 17) 4' 3 S,'): Manufacturing nnd Rechnnical Engin-ioring In the Sovi,)t lini,m, Library of Congress, 19-3 111-19 ObAcholm TAkmah4flo HI,xin I 1 1-1, ,wh,g~ of lioMm-Ir.) thowan ) G I GIIIJIMM, L'I lures 1949 Slit, S,p 1111fic - y1thimal hit.61,11,4 111,11v of I :IV Imt .61 1.11vta I I I I., I d %",I M-'.. S, III ( Ts 1 H!$l G160) MI, 1-0-A IM ORKA, 'If JIT1.1111 IT.9 ~ 1111M' M It. I IrtI, 1- 13REMMAN, I.l.; GRIINEVICH, M.A.; GLANNOV, G.l. Ef f er t of I i clui d gi n.9 erif- t r it c t cm t.hf-- dura'. ~ or~ 0' tho, "wo rk 'I . 4, "' or whj.te mice until comnlote exhF11113tion. -)ob. PIPA! I 6~ , ( ml 1; 1, r7 ; k) , I. 5.lolo,,o-pochvf.nnyy lnstilult, ';Airn!.ot,o ol,dvloniya AN SISJN. CHILIKIII, M~G~~ GIiZUNOV, A.jL,; STYPAJiOV, VA.; UT1,5111,7, B.A, : GRUDIfiSKIY, P,G.; VFINIKOV., V,A,: MoWNIKOV, N.A,~ ROG.,-LI-,UVITSKIY, M,V,; !WZAIIOV. (1.M. ; ~ (YNOV, SOLDATKINA, L.ii., MUKOV, ldilSIMUVA, silekRandr IAkovlovich Riabkov~ obit-uAry, Xlek.a'-IL. 25 no.2, 59 F 5 i~ - oflaz, 7-0 (Riabkov, Aleki3andi lAkovlovic-li, 1890.19~4) G.P.; L~I!AVFI,'L;KT-f' V.V. Placement of the swi'ci,.:' ni, ~') J ~:!i~ils of autorl~-,~ c Uock sycitemg. Av,~nr.., telem. i sviaz' 7 '1 63. (MIRA 16:12) Glavnyy spets_J~.ilisf rroyektno- izv8katel'skogo I tut" t-ransporta Wnist.orn~va tx,inni~ol-triol,ki GLAZUNOV, I.F.; LAVRENT'Yr-,V, ?I.G.; TINOVSKIT, N.A.; RIA-S-NOY, Ye.l.; PPZDKO, I.N., gornyy takhnik Role of the section head and the mine foreTum in min'-rg operations. Gor. zhur. no. 12:14-16 D 165. (KIRA 18:12) 1. Glavnyy inzilener Zyi-yanovskogo rudn"ka ~for Ctlazunnv'). 2. Na- challnik uchastka Zyryanovskogo rudnika (for La-,i-entlyev). 3. Nachallnik otdola truda i zai-abotnoy platy Z- -yunovskogo ,Y7 rudnika (for Malinovskiy). /,. IlomwilichnIA gJamnogo Lmhenora po organizatsii truds, rudnika imal'i 40-letiya UMM 1,eniriogor.9ko.go polimetaIlichoskogo kombluata (for fl^vnoy). Jc A-1 In tt:te d s o r b P 1: t a ci X. t i r.t f t vi?r .i proxy ma to 1:.- 'i i i. !i (I %If~ %.:%ter 'jr.? t,; 1-; 1; L 1.1 "NI(' ter forms th~~ r e ~n-! 1-ho r~ ~i, i ri 1 (3 u fi r~? Ic-I t. -:~'! a ~ I r lo t:1~1 il liu~ of sa n-~ ter, the ~iu* rf7 -)n, - 6! o t i) ~Ii 1.: 11 t i on , f t v, 4 n b cre !-,?.,3 , su t.-i;i I the ii~ rc 1-:Ji_ an~ -.,.,eet ~,:? COUI r-OC ~orj 7~- t tj - t i ca 1 cj,-, cul- C rd ethod~, ni 119 f losm7rvr)ir o. ;,r ~Ol ter atirn-'s, th'i autl.or"; f r c~ s I it e r s t b ~,7 fro- t'.at th- V!!~Ilm,~ t tnc- x i 11 i! c E. re -7 Wa ter--Scurc es 2. 3. Ma themat 1 c s--App 1 i C-Aic ns card ~/12 oAU,.l;':lJl;, II.D..; GLAZUU, I.S.; S'l oI.-inor. woO, 1'~, , , 1 , L. , red ~ :,YKCA-,~l f %'.% ~!. [Basic principles in the oxploitation nn(~ rc,,erv(!.-, of 1-~rfn~ lcnf~e:i ot' fro, h ot"-,ollka lapn.,;ov '~I-Vlyllykh P:11,~ VIXI. i~O:-,]W , 100,-0C-1 te kh i-~d 196~'. 101 P. Oml -J, 1~~: Io) (Water rn~ources ao-volopTnent) BABUSHKIN, V D,j GLAZUNOV, I, !3i,j GOL DDERG, V. 11 Method for utlli?in~~ f ref3h water leriie,,~ aml barsic, J)renlqui -I te-5 for estimitinf, their rtst~rves., 'lop gldro~,Pol i in.-!i, ro,20 71-89 t,,2, ',141.5-A "JurkmenIst,an- Water, GLAZUNO'I, I. S., Cand. Medic. Sci. (di c s) "Dintributicn of Infract of :~:yornwdium Imoni-.- Population of Some CItIE!13 of U55R .-".n Co.,.nectloi-. witli Level of Cholesterol of 3lood and Diet," 1961, 6 PD. (ACid. Med. 6cj. U-33R) 2bO cc) ies (KL SU-pp 11 P - 1 '-_~ - G 1, 2 Q2 2~) . GLAZUNOV, I.S. Blcod choleaterol level and the incidence oi' myocardial infarction in cortain citiog oi' the V~L;.S.R~ Kard-iolopia I no.3:3()-35 MY-.Jo 161. (PURA 15:3) 1 . 1z Instituta terauLi A191 63:3ft (dir. -- deystiritelIny .Y chlen 636H prof~ .'-,L, M~yaonikov). M., A., D T'A-il 'A 71" A. ard N 7-1 7T.-M-17-1-11 'yr. D. --ln-i i -orhylax.'s of t"I.- A.1t,:rIal Z ~'itis ~fl Krmyll, 1941. ~:-:Aiz-,:,n, iii.A d ,-'riefly describes crmpar-;Uve chaxacteristics cf chE-i-:ez, in the central. nervou.. system, Auc to so-called "autur-ui oi, Nray ~,nd J'a,..,anesc encep.nalitis, co:-.ion in ~,-Znci,.uria. -laterial collecLed ~urilig 1939 an,-- 10.40 in --'rifnors'dy Kray an~ e--idc-de in ,hmchUI'_!LC 6dbirdtted for publicati,m, .- FE-~ 1947 1 :,/, 7' ~ 3.-- USSR/Medioine - Emophalitin, Sup/oct 4B Complicationa anci Sequeli Medicine - Neurolo&r "Clinical Charactertitl:;.-, of Japanoae Encf!,pbailti-s in the Stage of ConvaleG,~ence arri Aftereffove," I. S. Glazunov, V. -V.. Kartaoheva, R. It. 131viln., Inst of Neurol, Acad Mf-d SnI USSR, 5~ t , ~ pp "Nevropatol I PalKhlatl" Vol XVII, No ~-) Authors ha7e in7estlgated oTer 300 caoet;. Rc-sults are analyzed and dis~assed. SUbMitted 2 'LII. 48, am 23/119190 Glazunof f , J.S. (2392) Clinic 1 characteristics of psychosensory encephalitis in ebilArea (Russian text) NEWROPAT.PSIMIAT. 1951, 20/2 (17-21) From 1.947 to 1.949 over 200 cases of an acute, non-fatal Infectious encephalitis ware xtudiad in adults and children, but predominantly in children 8-12 .1-r. of alge vhich was characterized by 2 distinct phases: An acut,3 fabrAle pericd lasting 2-5 daya of a grippe-like Illness with foler of 3~WJO deg-reos C., headache (sometimes accompanied by nausea and vorAting) coruza, cough azid general indisposition, and sometimes disturbiuncoal of alovip atrA so fort1i such as drowsiness and insomnia; and a 2nd, late phase tppalirLne, 2-3 w-eks after the end of the febrile poriod, in which there i4ditiv reponited paroVams of peculiar psychosennory dtaturb;-nees on the boulkgraLM of' in- creasing headache and dizziness. 1his 2YA phase of the V-1moss VUt accom- panied by impaired nutrition, enlarged painful lymph nodea m-A liver, some cardio-vascular instability, episodic rises in Umperature, occasional nausea and vomiting and the followint unu-cual ai-A striking psychosensory disturb-nees.- a general misinterpretation of atimuli. from the surrounding world and parts of the patient's ouni boay in UUch disorders in the pptical perception were most prominent ard causad mn ked Interference with the children's reading and writing. Children wrote unevenly, letters often falling below the lines, sylla'Oleti onitted letters duplicated; in reading letters ware slurred-over, souxils dropped before fully maturing. In addition to t is, the patient's had a feeling of agitation or rotation of objects in the enviroment and of their own body; variation in the intensity of perceived auditory stimAi (sounds seemed now loud now soft). Other visual phenomena pbserved weret diplopia, hazy vision, microo-macropsia, and the appearance of many eolounid sparks before the eyes. Theme developed a disturbance In body perception with changes in the sensations of weight in the body auch as feelings of extraordinary, lightneso of heaviness. Olfactory anol tasto dis- turbances appeared in rare cases and tare was noted wl:at ~Nj authors term *depersonalization and derealization." Further nourological signs of signif- Icance were rather frequently encountered: anisoconia, iheqmality of the pupils, and dielopia (evidencing itself In molecular vislom-polyopla monophthalmica) and polyopia. At times a peculiar type of pol7opla in which the patients reported seeing 11 object rather than 2 wits reported. PtosLs was seen in only 6 cases and extraocular muscle paresis was very rare. Cranial nerve paresLs or paralusis was of the c(Imtral t, .rpe, not peripheral, with central facial (in 2/3 of to caso3) tAml hypoglossal nerve paralysis commonly seen. 25% of the cases showed povorty of ox- pressive facial movements. There were no auditory n erve abnormalities, but psychosensory disturbances of audition of central origin were noted; many childrenvestLbular excitability; 113 of the casoe showed some nystagmu3. Becarse of the grippe-like nature of the lat, acute phase, firw of the cases were seen In the hospital and no CSF examinations were (lone. In the 2nd sychosensory stage the M was normal and no plelocytosls Is reported. 9e psychosensory phase lasted for several months, subsidW ., with complete recovery. The arthors call the disease chorio-encephalitis and distinguish it frim lymphocytie choriomeningitis on clinical grounds since no serological studios or acute phase CSr stulles wer done. Ibe symptoms of the later phase are clearly those of brain involvement ruther than moningeal. There is a detailed comparison of this disease with Van Economols encehpalitis (encephalitis lethargica), In wblc"-~ '.'-a autLtors contrast the mary clinical differences betwalan the 2 dizaas~~Bp sincilk the g,aneral pattern of encephalitis leth&rgica vaG somewhat aimt:O.ated. lack of any parkinsonism in any of the case:3 in a 2 year follow-up, lack of significant disturbances in oculomoto - function Q-tpsos, pare3is of extra-ocuhLr muscles, disturbances of convergence is seen in Von Fj--onamo(s diseatie) with presence of a different type of visual symptomatology, lack of the typical Von Economols lethargy, year-;-ound occurrence with peak incidanco In winter-spring months(as opposed to an autiLmn- winter peak)p a!.d occurrence largely in one province of childhood in cUldren of school age Inatea, of widespread diatribution and predominance in adultB as seen In encephalitis lethargica, serve to differentiate the diseases. In the laboratory of Prof. Chumakov there was isolated fro the blood and CSF ot the patients with typical manifestations of the disease a filtrable virus,exciting the given disease. SO% EXC&RnA MMICAj VOL.6,, SMT. VIII, MM953 Gi,avillov. I.S. Glinical usp~rt r,, Zh, z)2tV.,,. " JE! '53. (MI.RA t) ; r, ) I . irmt itut novroloeli ak~vlwflii rieu itf, iri.~kLkh (1,oik 3:~Jri, (Po; i )myo t It i.~ ) GLAZUNOV, I.S. (Moak-va) Problem of neurological sy ,mptoms in acute radiation sicknoas. Zhur. nevr.i Paikh. 55 no.3:198-202 '55. OUM 8:7) (RJOIATION SICUTISS. patholop_v, nervoue syntem) (IMVOUS SYSTEM, in various dinnanen, radiation uIckness) ~~=M -EX.'-,.P!)T, ':--DT,,~, Sec 11i'lol 11/10 Padi-Inmr Oct 59 1895. INITIAL MANIFESTATIONS OF CHRONIC RADIATI(j!. MCK%ESS A','O METHODS 01~ ITS DIAGNOSIS (Russian text) - K; I a t u n ov 1. S. alid K I re e v 1). M. - SOV.MED. 1958, 22i4 (.19-55) Early diagnosis of chronic radiation disease is difficult, owing to the lack uf specific signs. It is therefore important to discuver any possible Cuntact 'if th~- patient with radiation. The most characteristic signs are those connected with d13 turbed neu ro- regulation of a number of body-systems. %lore important are mor- phological blood-changes, of which lability is but one specific characteristic. Carbohydrate metabolism is also disturbed. General authenia is commonly pre- sent. JastAnki Warsaw ~A- 91LZ (A:gn.lx jo -t-Tm -T-1 --j 'V3 n-&-m .10 -jjy J~ 1-ii-ijr T~-t-c 'T.m mi *A 'WD 77 17- 77 kf GLAZUII,')V, I.S.; TERESECHEINKO, (''OskVII) Some data on the late sequ(dae of radiation Z,-~ur.'.Wvr.i psikh 60 no.8:930--933 160. (,Irll-.A 13:9) (iADIATIGN GLAZUNGV, I.S. (Moskva) Influence of ionizinu rad-"allions on the nor-,ou.-; syst.-,m, Zlru-, neyr, i psikh. 61 no.6.94.-946 161,. (viLik OUNUUS SLiTili) (HAWATIOli-PHISiOLOGIGAL ~,Fz%,GT) GLAZIJ?lOV, I-S.; (1121KOVA, A.K.; LIVANOV, M.N. Basic regularities In the nervous system's reaction in ficute radiation sickness (survoy o," the litev-tturr~). Zhur.nevr.i pgillch. 61 no.10:1574-1578 161. 0CPA 15:11) (PADIATION SICKNP-~~S) (NET1,11OW BABUSIEK1,11, V.11.; CGLANNOV, I.S. Method fo!- determining the filtration propertlev, of :3 Jln the I k presence of zc s witl var~fing permeability in th(-,- p~'-me. Blul. nauch.-tekh.inform VIMS no.103-37 163. (MTRA l8t2) 1. V,-,.--ooyuznyy nauchno-lssledovatellsMy inszL-~%it gLd-rogaologii i inzilenernoy geologi.i. GLANNOV) ARONOV, 11.M.; 1AM"HIAN,; KIRY1,01, ill, E.". lscr.~tt "-'ic and m-cuw-tiin. frr 6 27/-2q(' 164. 1. of Ther-Apy, Aciviorny oC Keci`-Al Va:--Cow, U.Q . : i~ o"I r, I q C A I My! i i, i v ) APIN ~R Mo:-, k vii i~."OIAY-VITIS, ",'.V. ; VE;if',ILE~,Iv.,I Ili . I "),. V. N.A. K0'07 E." 71PI I N."N' FN',~ L.A.; (;!-'US()VA, L'!E' TIKHMA, A.Ya.; ')TriJKFJ,',NfiERG, Yu.M.; [Acwt, rttil,,iLion lo.,3ion in i'vil 0.3tralfj u 1. C1:1,.-n-korres.r,oriderit P14N (ror VOTINTSEV, K.K.; (-,L -', NO V, IN. Hydrochemical regime of Lake Baikal in the region .)f the village of Listvanichnyy. Trlidyl,im. inst. 3.3-56 163. (MIRA 17:4) (' T J,,; . I I M, ~: I- i F ". i , -, ~ - ~ -. -: , ~ ~ .. , . , f, '. ~, ~ , .-. !- " " ~ -,: -, Y'll. , - ~~ I in "lle, . I ! ~ I - : , . , I li , ;, , , - .. -;:, .7~ - ! 1 17:4- VERDERIMM, D.; VOLORTIR, I.; -GLAZ-tJIfOV,--K.:-KOD,'SIIIX, L.; LUIU:!;WICH, P.: RAGM, M.; MALTABAR, L.; RCKAIIOV, I.; KNTS, J., roqd.; BIZYUK, G., red.; MANDRLBAUM, M., [Manual on viticlilture] Ktirtin vitikultonilui. lishineu, Editura do ntnt n Moldovoi, 19'7. 398 p. (mim 12:10) (Viticultiira) GLA.ZUKOV, DEMCH, I.A. .1 ~ - New developments in the technology of sanitary engineering. Vod.i san.tekh. no.4:1-4 Ap 156. (WMA 9:8) (Sanitary engineering) GLAZUNOV,,.,At,4~,-,1candidat tekhnicheekikh nau1c. '--- f- - Paing iron sulfate in the process of direct, selective flotation of ores containing more than one metal. TSvet.met.29 ito.12:26--32 D '56. (Flotation) (Iron sulfate) AUTHORS:,C ov, L. A. La-Z U, I TITL,,,;: Enrichment L:: C, -,.r, C'.., n a O.A. of ti'(, Deposit:-. rud PERIODICAL- o!). 10-111 (Mr,R) ABSVP,~, CT ,i;- E'lerezovskaya Plant Nr I Df mi-:0(l, ol, -~! conuainil, of 0 1:,(~ "i"n't lo I _U --I LI o f 1"T'Cice~1 11~'C- adopted befo A-)2il., tui:,e of r.-.I-Lu:i~~ ~nd Fo- ~,_Io'rlLion u aci;,", I;o _ive p,' wIue of' ~1_(Y-:ed betv.,con. ,nd I-irle 9-'-,Io,~tior, of ot -,I :)f le,,~, -nd Lo i)e. I?C r C, t i v -1. Die i.-; ~-,,dd to LCII licr!b le 'k;u 0 Lle AVAILkBL'~,: nC 1. Ora-Phase analysis 137-1958-3-4541 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurglya. 1958, '~:- 3, 1) 10 (USS11) AUTHOR: Glazimov, L. A. 'r I TL E: New Method for Direct Selective Flotation Of Pl-)Ivnictallic Ores (Novyy r-netod pryamoy selektinoy flotatsit rud) PERIODICAL: Sb. nauchn. tr. Gos. ii.-i. in-L tsvetri. triet., 19~"' Nr 13, pp 42-49 ABSTRACT: A system and regimen were developed for direct selective flotation of Pb- and Cu- minerals from slightly oxidized poly- metallic ores containing secondary sulfides of Cu, followed bY successive separation of concentrates of Pb, Cu, Zn, and, when needed, FeS 2 1 The following regimen was developed for an ore of one of the potymetallic. deposits. Reagert required in the crushing process: 500-700 g,~t of soda, it suffici,!nt amount of Na2S to obtain a residual conc ent ration of 50- 1 -)(J mg, liter in the sink of the mill, which corresponds to a conslimption of 500-700 g//t in an industrial mill and 1_100-1~,00 'g, .t .n a labora- tory set-tip. Contact with green vitriol prior to lead flotation: Card 1112 2-5 min; consumption: 200-500 g/t. Rea~;Vnt.H in thV < ~'( 1(~ Of 1 3,11 - I New Method for Direct Selective Flotation of Polyme tall I(, Or--s lead fl(AaLioti: 200 g/L (A L YAnIdt', "'0- 10 g/t U1 X;A(I0I0P,(! 1111 t('. 30-10 g/t of cresol. Rvagents in the cy(le of copjwr lktatloll: I "' 0 0 - I ~) 0 0t of zink. sulf;ktv or '111 app rop r kiti, Amount of If., SO.) unti I the pH (if the pulp is reduce(l to 7.~, - H.l), 30-10 1ji t (.)I xarithogenate, ZO-30 g/t of cresol. The employment Gf the new systern resulted in a 4-6 percent increase in the airiount of Pb and Cu ext.-acted into the concentrate. The quality of Pb con- centrate improved also: its Cu content decreased from 3 perceot to 1.5 percent, while the Zri content diminished fron-i 19-20 per- cent to 12- 15 percent. A. Sh. Card 2,112 'T 10 ~L'l Ra f 1! -, ko-, a .If, 13 5 f r r tv~ ipha i ~- I ri ~ It,., Iiri, t L Ict 1 ~~ tt) clol-19'r, '-r-40 wr nao~n---ij.7 ,,, 11 c1,7 Lnolc--iDoi ~,~i I'u slih-2mQ pr~ ai:.t f 1 1! (1 kf)-v t P i-1-1 i OD II- 'I T, % f,,Ill%- 1 Titi ";1 :1 79 1) r s , r i i~ ~i i r ro Hi, r r 19 57 1-C V I u I kIS 3 all)JI a tr(.' 111 11 J LA ,,C I. Lf -,1 it I( I'M 4.0, is o it a% JIIJAI tho L."lo of th'- 111 111:.. Of 111113 b 11(~ I I I i~ yt v t~ t It c-, r!j i-I I r s o f wo r Ic C a-..- r I (I 11,; ~3e I Uu-Q ()-. Sk ks i r~ aw,I~t b vt ji r, , w I i a a t --. or, III a c ct- d I Li, h ~ I dc- -I-, L,m~ I I k~ formej !A~o I !if ry L-.(' Fr rro us M eta I I ur,,v o fthe Saz ~~R I'll, --., j,t (jl)t-jjjjF(I 41.1ti.1 .-III(I ;fItIILUf, t'II(, IISP o ff c- iI: o -I i:~ uIpfia(( ~;I ~- (td? 2 ~aitd s1wwr-d fAla t': 1-4 :ferrouzot I Ph ai if roasf"3 It,.r "i t~ b it o tt, a (I vid - 0 pim r. 'I'll e v S t "L T (~1;11 -ijo. 9 01, worl:.,t ha"', 1,~;oti tofvt%,rrod k, the Im.. 0 r f rogi3!4 11); 1 ; IIt, t 1! o'! d r e j r, '? -1 1,.1( 1;,- 11) kl~s (IV 41~ 1 Y 01, ~ I f)J, tZ' I:, ~j ppr I;.-- I i-la a-d 8 Thcro ai-, 1 tal)l,-.~ 11 Y~oc f A I 10:1 61111",\AIIIII, t ard 1, GLiLZUIIOV, L.R.,reforent "Behitvior of mnthutpo in fictation" (from 'Cwutdiun, Mining ELTId .1 lfot~dlurgic~aj Billietin" nc. 551, -,(~5;1). Tilsvilt.not. 3 "no. 2: Q3- 95 F '59. (Filu. 12:",) ~LVJ,(j) (FlotaLion) GLAZUNOV, L.A.; 1,11TROFANOV, S.I. Stability of reducing iomin condition-s of flotati:m.. Sbor.nauch. trud.GINISVEMI'T no.16M-80 159. (.MTMJJt 14) (Flotation) (low) o n C, f sc,-i : 111;l 1-1 11 D 1- 0 C e. S () f 13 E! 0 1, 1 It (~ f "L t t i r ki i . ri a uk 7 r, o 4. f -70 16 3 mot-Illov, Mo~:,kvrl. MROMOV, S.,I.,i RATNIKOVA, O.,A,,; GLADRIOV, !.,,A,,; SOLOTJIB, 113~ Ore dressing flow sheet at the Altyv.-Topkan lead fLr:i ainc plant. TS*t. met. 36 no.7.-I-7 JI 163. (MIRA 16:8) (Altyn Topkan-Ore (Iraosing) GIANNOV, L.A.; F;ATNIKOV,~- arl, o' xr-n~rait,-Ia wl--a Effect of' iron 3al. v . it N sulfides, I. Srerinf- fit, 3kl-y I PI t.;vrnc)i7,n t' 1~ U .q k n ACC NR, AP6011205 SOORCE CODE. UR/0111.3/66,101)0/006/00'il/0042 INVENTOR: Gaskarov, D. V.; Glazunov? L. P.; ~qrastov ,,i Kjz iLll!v ~iA Y. ORG: none TITLE: A device for checking the qualitative indices of a dIfTlainiC link. Class 21, No. 179817 [announced by Leningrad Electrical Eni,,Ineer nitn tut-1 .h. ~V- _Wamy) (Lenin) (Leningradskiy el_eK_t`Fo`t_eRFn Fn_stffi~t_~j SOURCE: Izobreteniya, proinyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye zilaki, no. 6, 1966, 41-42 TOPIC TAGS: computer circuit, flip flop circuit ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces: 1. A devict!i for e_,h*ck1ng the quali- tative indices of a dynamic link during a step reaction. Thii unit contains a number of identical flip-flops, shaping circuits, switches, delay c1rcuits and counters. The! rise time of the transient at the output of the link Is comlared with the rerruired value by connecting two structurally identical parallel chiii,.aels at the link output. Each of these channels contains a veries-connectad asymnietric fli-p--flop with a switch connected to a delay circuit baned on a drive-n multivibrator and a c'.1ainping Circuit. 2. A incx1ification of this device In which 9jniujta)iPoujj evalilation of n-Winum overcon- trol, oscillation index, control time and control er-ror is ~iivpllflcnd by connecting four structurally identical channeli to the link output with all as!mim tric f I 'e lip-flcp LVC, 621.3,078: 1/2 :681.3,78.1 ............... ACC NRi AP6011205 0 and clamping circuit connected in series in each of the cNinnels. Switches are in- cluded in the asymmetric fllp-flop circuits In the channels fot- evaluating control time and control error. These switches are connected to a socond delay circuit based on a driven multivibrator. A counter Is connected In the channel for evaluatIng the oscillation index between the asymmetric and synmetric flir,-~Flop of the- c1lamper. SUB CODE: 09/ SUBM DATE: 04Feb651 ORIG REF: 0001 OTH REF: 000 0 0 0 1 11 11 a m A 11 11 -6 4 p r Q R Y, UO 0 .00 00 -00 as .00 00 EipoirimimIal s-curv7 In ristAtiac to Lho dLwactqt of tht .00 b"k diet. M. 1, G.lamil", till't K. I.. P-4-4r.141. .00 It ii Iprq"J pt,/-iWv, 17,1.d,.~ I,tji A,no.q ll, % -09 of 4 S it 1. 67. 11w 41vi. c well witil tilt wIdij 'd viijum, C Id iculgir Illux4i, t% 11"I itifirdactory [it previlt worn Ift 01111wil pigx Addm. 4 sulu,ljtvcd hay aveivintir the dchcumvi" 00 J: Aminalt kel.1 titi (fir fivun-al.,V Ifict IVIIII to U!vef,)p f4m, -kirm-rittion )I nir ii"r nit, ..., it.., 09 00 .11,1-F if am'. lhv,,t h.v i, .,I," I-, tilt 1,tt, 04 j s 1,41, u 21 4-9 0 0 few - p bit it 1#& 41 'C'Jaure. It 14 is it to 143111); .3jah 8 __k A- LAL I I -_ . - 1, IL y , A I I t-I I AA p m x jib a A 41, Age guinea $jp Im a fSetor in arWftUnt*j Cuny. M. BkU. 4 i lya;isny, (;cx4ws FZQW ~e R.). pvl 67. XM 0 1 S. JAC 09 zi 44 -.ioil 0 3 , 041 04 4 it All l 10 i 1,041 o S 4 S L t W."UKKAL LIIIOA16#f CLIWIKANCA U a A, 10 1 1 r , -Y 14 !1 41 a '0 4 0 0 a it a it v( a it it it it m Lj n X. 41 10 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 4 (1 It IF * 00 0(11 0 4 v u c I 'A eil 00 z 00 cunt 'it M. 00 a t .00 00 1 -00 so 1 1 -00 00 4 so d 00 so .09 00 00 00 go iKI-j .00 00 0 -00 Of -00 00 00 as to 00 o0 go f :;0 * 00 let 0 ~ 4 1 0 0 a 0 0 4 it -1)40 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 4 9 4 0 9 0 0 (0 41 4 0 4 0 0 o 0 0 'A ("I' I'llf: cc)lircp~ of u-,j IJ; GLAZUNOV, M.F., chlen-korrespondent Akaderaii meditsbwkikh nauk MR, predsoutell -'6U'If6he4t*va; GOWVIN, D.I., dotgent, otvetatvennyy 110).retarl, At the Leningrad Scientific Society of Pathologists. Arkh.pat. 11 no-3:85- 87 M.Y-Ja '53. (RIJU 6: 11 ) 1. Akademiya meditninskikh nax* 448SH (for Glaumov). 2. Un-Ingradokoye nauchnoye obahcheatvo patolcgov. (Loningrad--Pathology--Societlea.1 (Societios--Pathologr--.Lealngrad) GIAZUNOV. M. F. S-umors of the ovarien; morphology, historenesis, problems of vithogenciais Leningrad, MO(Ipiz, 1954. 323 T). SNDBOV, YO.I., goneral-pol-l'ovnik mmi. nbahby, 1-1~d.-' DAT'-'DOVSKIY'I.V., KRAYEVSKIY, N.A., profesooq N'.A., prof. 1.. . prof., polkovnik mod. sluzhtT, red.; S'XIOLIYAMU&N, A.V., prof., polkovnik med. 9'.Luzhby, red.; APATLNKO, A.K., kand. mod. nauk, kapitan med. red. toma; 131,11CHIKOVA, Yu.S., tekhn. red. [Soviet me6icine during the Grent Patriotic War; 1941-1945) 0 ft rr sovet6koi meditsiny v Velikoi Otecbestvennoi voine, ll-A.1-1945 99. 'Vedgiz. V01,35- 1955. 491 P. (11-aHA 15:2) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akader.ii mieditsinskikh nauk SSSR (for Krayev::zkiy, Glazunov). (WORM WAR, 1939-1945--MEDICAL AND SANITAM AFFAIRS) GIA7UNOV, M.F., 'Drofassor (Loningrad, nab. Kutuzova, 12, kv.9) Granulous proliferation not related to maturation of t.-.-- follicle; problem of ti-4 hiatoganenis of ovarian folliculomits. Top.onk. 1 no.6: 46-51 '55. OCIRA 10:1) 1. Iz Datologo-anatomichaskoy laboratorii InstLtuto onkolog,ii ARN SSSR (air. Instituta - chlon-Icorrespondent AMII SSSR prof . A I.Serebrov) 2. Chlen-korrespondent AMN SSSR (GRAMULOU CICLL TUMOR, ovaries. histogeneeia (Rua)) (OVARINS, neoplasms, granulosa call tumor, histoggenasie (Ruu)) UC,sj~ / -,ejjcr~~j ProblenG of Pritholol-ly. 1j-5 ,',.br, JTOur Zhur - Biol., No 10, 195r3, u-) 4694, Author Glazunov, Ins t Ti tle S,-An '~r,,:,ic)fibro=-tosL; (Si-pi(., Lij;idic, and Sider-Aic). Orig, Pub V,)- r. ol~koL 1;ii, '956, 2, 11,) 6, 05o-658 ;'Lbstr7.ct, 1,1 10-, patiento, it clinicri Jr~~l --.naj.- lis of 12'. neoplasn3 )f tlic 3lin w~Lo carrie.1 out whic-L L!-,d structures of f1brom) x.,tnthv~:.i.%, oclc:rolli,~ and hystiocytoij-~~. It wi,.s V,,-it fh~D structurus characteristic for of these neoplT~,w-3, are at tiLies I -)urid sii-.iultzaneously. Bi-m-use of' tl,.,is all the above nmed prclc-c~ssas are re6arded as variatioris -,f ~-- sinFle onconosclioric,il .-roup. Its polynorpliic:ii is d,--,tcr- rul~lrities, of LdnQd by the sln~*, tile structum. o' -he v.~,Scu- lr~r and intr-wliooulitr oci;ponents ot.' tlh,it;t: )n Card 1/2 IjJIC:R 1~roblcnr, of 1,1:.m lit" Abs Jour RGf 7-hur - Biol., N~ 1,,,), 195,5; r[o 46945 ,".bstract one hfmd, ind by -he prcsencu -.nd. t1if, 1-1---I.----ce -ff ,-)f intracellular accumulation )f (xotic.".11y ~ctivc- li,,~Ids ,'LTI-I irnn-cnntainin, g pir~,.:ents c-li th-, ;th.-r `;-~nd. ,)f "anLdofIbromat(-)sLs" is puggested whicli wJuld 1~3iLna-w the ~;ivcn group of processes and whIch Yc subdiv:i- ded into three basic forns, nazely, str:plu (45), lipidic (30, nnd siderotic (47), nui,,,iofibr~-ciatosiij. ,'. CrD:,.'bJnrLTIOn of tw ), so.,::c-tiues ~,vcm of all three for- s I- ob,,erved vithin' on~, f(:)r,.ip-tir)n. .*,cc~)rding to their clini--.1 ccur.30 forns of inCi:)fibroixitosis tre benif.;m. 711 10 ',)C-Z-Ont Df the c:ises, however, r~ recurrcnce of thf~ prcc~-,ss w..t~ :)b- served after sur,icril rev.,,)v,~I of the ~~rowth, rt fnct which is explained i-iost pr(--)b,-,bly by the infiltratinc; development of these processes. Card 2/2 46 -GLAZUNOV, M.F.; KUZ't-JNA, Ya,,M.; LAZAREVA, A.P.; LAILIONOV, L,F,; PARSHIN, A.N. j PLTROV, N,,N, , prof.; PL-LROV, Yu.V.; AAKOV, A.I.; SKREBAOV, A.I.; KHOLDIN, S.A.; CHAKLIN, A.V.; SKABAD, L.M.; MLEVA, M.S., tekhn. red, [Manual on general oncology; in sumnary forr. for medice~l students and physicians of all specialties] Rukovodstvo po obahchei onko- logii; v kratkom izlozhonii dlia studentov-madikov i vrachoi vsekh :;potsitillnostel. lAmingrad, Goo. IM-vo mod. lit--vy Medgiz Leningr. otd-nie, 1958. 366 p. (MIRA 14.7) (ONCOLOGY) SH"ADY L. M., GLADAW, F. Pild NKYMM) A. Ni. "MorpholooLc,il f,.r& Exporiwntril Data Clinrartori-linq tho Pre-Caricar Stave In Vnrioun TLrmueo rmd Orcnns of tho Anixinl Ulr~:n,ilfni.j. Priroda, 195", Nr ', 1)1) 57-')') (sa~) Ift4odo- A-U Rei)nrt presented r,.t 7nd .19 ConL--rewj, of ~,icul -L,3 AA , GLAVJNOV, M.F.-t PUCHKOV, Xu.G. So-called human muscular with Lntrll- ceLlular incluoions. Vop. or,,'-. 6 iio.7:il-2'1 16D. ll'~: 4) (mUSCIZSS--TLR,lOh~)' GLAZIMOV, 14. F.; MINUIA, G. A. Corneous molluscun kk,-ratOFLcant-o-A) oV the lover Ep. Pt. 1. Benign corneous rolluscum, Vop. on". 6 no.D:2-29 ~ 60,, (MIPJ, 15:7) 1. Iz ilfitoinorfolo;~lc-,Ii(-rlroy laboratorli (zav. - dii il s tv I t fil 'n)n- chlen V-91 SSER prof. M. F. Glazunov) Instituta onIzologii AIM y chlen AIIIC~ Tq-of. A. I. Serobr, SSSR (dir. - devrtvitellny Alres awtorov, Leninj7rad, Famennyv ostrov, 2-~m aliel,a 7, on'~oloFii. GLAZUNOV, Nikhail Fedor vich~-GOLISINEYII, N.1., red.; U'AL-ASF, G.A... P tekhr.. red. [T=,ors of the ovaries; morphology, histogenesis, and e pathogonesis] Ojmkholi :laichnikov; TTIOrfOIC)f',jl.,rL, I-, vopro.V patogoneza. 17,d.2., peror. :1 (top. Lo.-Irg!:rad, I (I-IIIU 11:2) v ledgiz, 1961. 334 P. (OVAd(IES--TUMOiiS) GLAZUNOV, M.F. Horny mollusk (keratoacanth=4) of the lower lip. Paxt 2: Ralignant horny mollusks. Vop. onk. 7 no. 4:3-27 161. (KIRA 14: 4) 1. Iz patomorfologicheskoy laboratorii ( mv. - deystviteIlnlry chlen AMi SSSR -prof. M.F. G.,azuiiov) Instituta onl~oluzii ARD SS3R (dir. - deystvitellnyy chlen AMN SSS.R prof. AJ. Serebrov). Adres avtora: Leningrad, P-129, 2-y Darezovaya al.-, ), Inatitut onkologii A191 SSSR. (LIPS-C"'IMER) I GIAMI'V71 NIIF, C!II,!L,F~Q'3, f3imilar to mlluj-7un contagi-eiritun, ir: thc epidemis in ken'toacanthom az.d in wmw papillavy neoplasma cf the 1xwer -Lip rind skin. Vop.onk. '0' no.6.14-55 162. (MITV, 15:11) laborator-ii (zav, lawn devstv. chler, 1' SSSR prof. M.F~ GLazunov) Instit'Lita or3i:o1o[- (dii deystv. c1der XT. SSSR, prof. A.L Sembi-oir). Adrea avtora; Ler.1-r-rmli, P-121? 2--,,zi 5-,rI,.-mruya al., 3, Inotiturt, orkolop..-Iii AITI SSSR. (SKIF--Yd,NO7IS) (LIPS. - IIJI-IORS) (EPIDUIU"IS) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SO%ri64-32 Grishin, -Vasiliy Koz'mich, Mikhail Grigor'yevich Glazunov, At-ur Gcreginy)vich Arakelov, Aleksandr Vladimir6'-v'F(-F'~. o1 de%t,and Gertruda Sern enovila .-Make- donskaya Svoystva litiya (Properties of Lithium) 1963. 115 p. Errat;i slip inserted. 2700 printud. Ed. of Publishing [louse: 0. M. Kamayeva; Tech. Ed. : A- 1. 1va-;i:;tv. PURPOSE: This book is intended for engineers, scientific -e~.,~enrch workers, -in,~ advanced students. COVERAGE: The book describes the physical, therniodynirnic, and basir chemi- cal properties of lithium which are of great importance in the design Lind opera- tion of various units employing liquid-metal heat carriers. Problems of the COrPOSiVe :WtiVity Of lithiUni in its interaction with the inost iniportant strue- turcA materials used in building such units ;IVU fU;itUreS `4 Card 1/8 Properties of Lithium (Cont. SOV/6-132 the technology of lithium-problems of its purificntion, p? melting, storage, and transportation-are discussed along with the prt:qjnr,,~.tion f 0 1) 0 1 tional units. . Basic information on S"Ifety prucautions is ,iven. F!1(-: ;1uthOr-:, thank Doctor of Technical Sciences 11cofe--,sor A. V. Rvzthdienkov, Oindirl,r,(- of Technical Sciences G. G. Konracli, V. A. Manov, Ye. V. Balashov, ~inr' K. N. Klyagrin 1-(W QlUif' ~'ISSiStMIC('. MoSt ()f the 157 TABLE' OF CONTENTS: Foreword Ch. 1. PhYsical and Thermodynamic Properties of Lithium 1. Structure 2. Optical propertics I 3. Dt-,m, i ty I I 11. Thurnial propecties 14 'I'll f,,r mophys ical propcrtit:~s I C; d2 /6 ,~ /0 6-,J/,)'0/05/231/056 361 k-56 AUTHORS- An dreyeva, T, F,, Candidate of BJ1;,1orJcal Scilvnf,,es, Borodin, L. S., Candidate of Geolo~,iclal ;~-rld Sciences, Glazunov, M. N,, Candidate of Physic.,J and Mathematical Sciences TITLE: Application of Stable Isotopes in Science and Technology .............................. 7"1 PERIODICAL: Vestnik Akader-ii nauk SSSR., 146o. No, 5, pp ~12-83 TEXT: The Conference which was convened by the Ger,.iun Academy of Sciences in Berlin dealt with this problem. The Corference was held in Leipzig fron December 10 to 12, 1959, A large number of' ocientists, CoLlaborators of various scientific research organizations and delegates from the industry of Eastern Germany, as well as scientists from Hungary, the Chinese People's Republic, Poland~ the USSR, Czechoslovakia and Yu,,o~:Iavia attended. I.Muehlenpford, Director of the Institute o~ Phyaict~l Yethoda of the Se aration. of Isotopes, opened the Conference which dealt with probl-ems of the application of isotopes in biology and chemistry ,y, as we 1 as the Card. 1/2 Appi.ication of itable Isotopes in Science ~;(~/6C/G'Dv/05/2 31/0 56 and Technology 13()"5,, BODE1 viorking methods with stable isotopes., The follcwin~~' lecture!~ were delivered on part of the Soviet acienti.sts- results in 'he use of N 15. for the otuJy of the oynthes:Ls of the amino a~.,Ai- -arid albumins in plant leaves, V. I-,-_Sj~i"yR.and V G, Finik.ov ascartained with the aid of 018 the stability of the oxygen bond in cryatal, luttices of solid bodivs,- as rall as the -nfluence of rl-rad-~'iitiori oi~ the ratle. of the -L.,jotope ex- chqrt(~,e. 0,_V,__Uvarov reported on the method of' the sa!-Jaratiori of boron isotopes, The following persons who attended the Conference are mentioned next: G, Huebner G. Michael, Kh lluc-~)ner E~ Krel (I., Flauqt~ GLI VOitj V,, G o e i, E., Skriwilik (all fiom Eastern ili-,rmany); I.,Z1otow.9k,1. . i'i~ciel A~-6- -tr Tka (all from Poland) ; V C zechoslovakia) G qhL, Lin (Chinese People's Republic), The results of tha w,:rk of the Conference showed comprehensive possibilitxes ior the appi.ication of stable isotope3 in various fields of scientific research care, 2/2 of *4ities 1'~ . ': ,, 1 ~ , .- , . :, ------ : , .; ::I ,lll~ ,b.i: , T.-TT,E: Lti~)!l T ~ya _711 lcv ~71,',: 5, - 2 2 - 8 - 7 /2 o of ~i, ji '11 ~ticlll FI.-;n Eu izluc- VA. j):_ 1/4 A .; t,,,, i.,,, fr~;::: c-11 us iong 11:1t, 1 . . Tile 1 Ll 0 Eu s a t -),~tween f e d rl C., ije:;f:!e in inVestication of t:.e 1/7 t r; L, i t i c) n At!ttll-.lini;,tior~ of, t L (l mul t i pc I e OrIl, (~r if t i VC -3 o collvor, 7 on lineo shoul,i n f t e r! e f f`- m ,!, ~ 1- The lov., I.. - I I t 10 t _JV 0 n 2 f 1 i o u t -, 7 - I c- ,, 1. - 1 :) 't- I 0: d ef'-, s in 0 1 7 Li .1-docay. 9d 55 L, L. t , C f on 0 llr--, i um, - The 1~1 rov ; ~'; , 6 1/2 t'n~! n of' "Ja:, 'Le Inv esti 1--sit ion f t R, i L~ t .: Dn F r Eu .91-22-6-7/2o fu y r i f i od r r a c t v e -,n: I t, -, i: 1 e a dr.1 i x t i ir e s -u e f, i n %-,- -i -attA in tl~e ,3 o '3 r~ T 1,1 :n arfan,,-ed in t',.e J. 3~ ec -~ ra. tl r:: L~ d o t r (-,~:lt w--~ t a I :~eV Li-ie. T. i", t r,,. does not J, t~:I:, o f. 0t ";~r c . t s i - e n n T, i ~li, o t ra t 1', 1) Eu t e t d Moszcowgki tj,,~ t ~A, 1) 1~ , t- t, to 6 1.ooe -,T e - e t %lid 5 W F Au T.le r~;,t "i h were th~)se to t :'.1 y S 1 i ~4 -id Ref 1 1 ) and of Dranitsyna 'Ref 12) -:-ree f2a(` oth~.~-. T' e L'1~2'lltS Of 7.11e Qf Card 2/4 t;,.f,, y r;~.rii-ition of E~i,55 "I'e, jvj~~'j it', t !It tc 1 ~ ~: Investi..-,-tion of the Radiation From Eu ).~ S0II/48-22--8--,,/2o check the existence of hard y-qLianta of low intensity whilcn had not been recorded by the P-y-sp~ctrnmeter the preparatioll * a sinvestiCated by means of a scintillation spectromet-21, with * 50 channel analyser (Ref 13) which aa!j made available by Yu. A Sur-ov. A nunber of -1-lines were frj,,:nd. 1111 these transitions were considered to be due to the admixtures 0 f Eu1)4 and EuI52. T'r, edifficulty of identifying, tile 0- ,Jfflit y-radiation of EU155 wa~; un(lerlined as thif; i.~iotop(- cannot be separated from t I fudioactive EU154 and Eu'5~~ i~3oto^pes with (Iomplicated P- and -I-spet-tra. The most recent j:aJer"I cOicC-_"!Ii:Ig t~,e r;-diation from Eul~4 -nd F u152 (Riz,!) 111,1'~ ) ;,re very contr,,.~.Iictionary and do not furninh a rounded-off conception Of filr~ -',"~CtrL. Th- -.7 thors expressed C-eir rratitude t T. Y 0 e. Brezhneva V.I.Lc,rin, ",.B.Korpuoov, N.U.Motoritig. and 2 --1 lard, ol WnIcn are sovi,~t. Card 3/4 "'ve'st ill',-,,t ion of t;-., ? - ,, j i- ~tion F-ro7, EU155 s Jv/,~E3 -2 2 -8- 7/2, Car,j A AUTHOR; M. P, I vk -J, A, L, Zaytq~v, B. A., and i. A 1 5'r TITLE f PERIODICAL T EX T t Thta 1.1'~ L~Etulrl-t an medicine and technology ow:n~,, ',r !t convenlent hail!-life, itn nimp!.~, decay Ichemej and its high y',~'.i, r'. s p i ii c) f Inuii, e --)iis i tud t s~.q t kot i f -1 if e has been s3 far deterniinv~d ~,,nly' '111 thin ruzir,: o f 2 6 . 6 - ~'7 u r 5 ~ D. Wiles, Re 1~ Tomlinion (Rer. 7~ P h,; !~ 7 Re, v F3 t- (1955), and F.. Brown, G. Hall, A. Wa 1 t e r v J . I n o r n ~! N u,,: I ~ C h e rr, h,,i-.,(! deternined the decay rate of a -i-en i:-c ;r-,- cf Cat!~7- thc. method ha.9 1),--en applied here 1- - using an MC-4 ~,'13-4 T.-I-IM IpPctrorreter dcierminlng -he Ct .37 amount and a gan the ~t . t he ~ic v ~ t Thi. Ct137 prrt-parat n w,A ~R .1 m u r --t n i !i,,~ i p T od u c t n by ~he ferrocyan- idri m,- az-fi p1-:'. ~110 17Kt, tl-ttt ori'y 0 ~)'q: m' thE total gamma t ho I , I Card 1/1 5 J. Hal:~'-Iife of i- n a c t 1 v i: Y -va ~.i ~1~1 In 1) ~ I r 1 , I P, t: k I u 1 m h r d e was d 11 T1 d w _- t r I r"D t'll q in, 111 0 r 1 d-1 nri prt~-:,n ium almorption on t h e W.-, 1I 1 n j-, c ;t,~ 1~ ~,Y w 11~ th r? n d e rm r~ i A Y F,e i er "'0,1 n d t.e rill iI-L: ,I Lhe bno Lt t y i n n t,) c i i ri t h (f ;i !)!! c p t n!i I ;I a t h L, j n ~j r0_9 a _nd -he VY pra3c D u t a de Pan !! ea~ -nc ~ c n bt; Ly by 92% c,)cc i ted n t;i r, i _0 i) Y j~r i, ni n e T h u x t,!J state ham 111 e t -, ir, Tho I c t he f 1 :11:t.' r,!!iij1 , Jil P.. to the c0rivermion of Ba .1 ~nm 1 d 41 ra b 1- . The -ta I u e , , 11"t wa_n c ho 5 e n f r -T,. I .-I j nv tj- rn o n c,~) f f i c.- n t t 9 gi,ren in literature. I' t: m a n ri ara" .16 f. o, o9% c yield'A jD 7 C. 1 o c qd )6 ~ ~6 The a bt r, 1 -a t r i r,n, (; f the i no T d E t ormi v thq? method of isotopic dilut--n The nuinber of' C~i !~roinm vc-r in-, of c I o I,*7;,q S 11 = 9 5 1 , I C; i e I a I f - I va ~i :'ound 2 cj I years by way of the d~:.: .h A r~ i a v t -, Y i r. the Card 8tock soluticz) V. N, Komarov 15 0;,an~.oci t'()r Ila-ving yarticipated in the ma55-5pqctrO3,-T-,~ ln-~,~Llrerfl,~ntm ~ Thor,~ cirf? ) table . und 1 referencei; 1 Sov i ot-i, I.-A !,~ norl-soviet-blor , V i h~,~ inost imprtn.nt ref',?rence to En gl i n h-' :i n ;!-.i 1, caticni rf,.al?- ,.,1 11 -) iv m -D, Y. nollandf-,:, N'.od. Fl~j!~ no. "Ta t f P e S U BM, 1 'I'll5 c I C a -~,J 1(jr.71r, 17 A'UTH~',H- Iaytsev. ~;rzvk.)va, A. 7 7 01 -; ! ") -.- ~-, r, ) I t '. n -ictivif.y ralatlon aourcr,!-~ L:, 7 7) -'~ A -1. Atomnaya ener~,,iyu, rio. 7 7XT The or-iduction o' vrpa~-, r-,Lli~~tion o" r ad i o -i s o t, o I 1~ 3 s I iy ) r.,, an r:,; 1.1 d f; 1 b ;'1 1,; !. 1,7) -t t, e (I s, 10 - phenol cationii-r- 10-1P (Ili- f'rc,;,, t.!.(~ ~IrlaF'ics -Tnqtttu.e) i on- exc type (DI'T,") and MK-2 f-I lmo t~rom the IllIPM 1~13--(i fur th(-. A 5 C,!l It t.~, (-' ~, 7 - 3 COC I ilIVL!11;~ --i Lill f-IJ f'P off exPeriments. S, , a. 2c) Lrears was chosen. The CsCl preparation used crint~,::ned ',aC!, and to 501;j, and had ar, jl' '5 curies ~t contain C I up V41 more than 0.111'a act~4ve imr,,urities. Scr-tion n"~ac,! rnm, CsCl solutions. "he cati.onites yield,~d, due to thell, -,he lollo-.,,,inF results. KU- 1 G : Two d--,Fffent fDriT~S C. 1, 7.~ A art H-form I I K7 - ill, In a- neutrzal 7:,,ed~um and a r1l" , in f, 1; 2~638 7 1 x c ~1 an l- i nc m,il a,~ n ra nu a r F,~ rm 7:i,-- equ/ and a F, c i f 12 a. v and 6. R em, b r- L: s ha p e 1 1 a d e I I s ; f,:~ o f e: c ril r, I y 2 m and a spec i fl,, u r I ,VC!", T h e ,~K - f m a G p e c 1 .1 t. V -j r i c.,,j - Fo r rhe YU. M! t I vEtv; 7 rillM c) r, ri i i jj o F1 )Lrl r'll 1, P a 12 r~ c n L;Gu rc,? re varied. Q i n n 1 v r-, t .1 eJ "T i-n :y am, P U I m ri, n had 7, im 0 7a YrodUC .-,i J!_1 "ali aT ion absorp lim, P P r I :r:` n t a ci,-3 on f,; A 1, a I e m nau? SSS:~, inq i'll Lt~ 0 i ~,, cy l~ c a (7"1 S i e n USSR was, fo u nd t I I ~i T 7 .10 Jt Q,~~j 1', f; I , voi:l u i i o'. I a~ -Lri u Fi L~ 1 o 1 .4 r,-n c i') r) 7 - 7 GLAZUNOV, M.P.; KISLLEV, V.A.; TLITVAKOV, V.L. Doubling of the mass spectrum of cesium. Z-.ur. 16 no.4:/4.'-,8 jl-Ag f '01. OxI16' 14:7) 1. Institute of Physical Chernistry, Academy of Sciences U.S.3.R., I M OSCOW. ZAYTSEV, B.A.; GRIVKOVA, A.I.; GLAZUNOV, M.P. Use of ioa-exchange materials for producing radiation sources. Atomonerg. 11 no.5-431-431, N 'k. (' FLRA 14, 1-0) (Radioisotopes)