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ACCIESSIO,; NR A1:4049552 BOOK EXPLOITATION ej (C,ind[d,,jtn of Tvchnicnl Sciencea); (Dactor of Techn I cti 1 Oci a nce.9 G c)rol-.h ovV En,-, Ince r Dy'!;h n o ((:.I I - crn7*r~i,!v, B. A. - n-er) ; 'G' ,JaLe of Chc~iical Scienced; L~j (- n I G 7. ! (Zr..;inrar); kiln V. i. r 'W:I~n' 1, 1. A. (.~n~inacr) -,, :'~~ir -eyov, (Cindi'd TvC,,nicul -o I--- --- *' - il'o 0, ~c coo) ; Di~nljhchti%, 13. V. (I;n~;inear) M. 5. (Cand Ld,it~ of 'Ochn~ Cal 11. (Ca' il~ n c h nI c; c I e r "ho".1 I.. I . Wandidatfj of Tv-cl:,-~I~-iil ~)cie nf~cr~ (Can- -T sci ,11d.ito o; '-chniciil Scioncoo) ; Xa_t~na, L47 _F. (CandidaC 0 -r.j', nl~~ c z c o oLi ,1_,_~qand id a t o o f T a chni~c al Sci t nct 0 1 Ila= t;(HuhjEL B. (EnSiscer) Purifying air by deep cooling; technology and apparatua, in tsio rolu=ca. V. 2: InduGtrial planta, machinery and accosaary equi?mant. (Razzdcleniye vozdukha zetodom glubokogo okhlazhdenija; tekhnologiy,j i obovudwla~-iyd' v dvukh tomakh. t. 2: Promy*ahlanny*ya ustanovki, twhinnayn i Vapciao- gatel'noye oborudovaniye), Moncow, Izd-vo "Maahinootroyanlya", 1964, 591 p. illus., biblio., index. Errata alip inserted. 3,000 copi4a printed. "I TOPIC TAGSs oxyge generation, argon, cgkLou, qa2,q, xe-n.00, cantr~fugal Card 113 --'? '7 L 1 Ar~F3Zio,; NR ,X4049552 comproasor, pump, liquid oxygen, liquAd nitrogen, air purificAtIon TABLE - E OF CONTENT5 [abridged): Foreword -- 5 Part 1. indu!itrial equipment Ch . I .Indur;triaj equipment for air noparation -- 7 Ch. 11. Obtaininr argon, crypton, and xenon -- ?2 Part 2. CompreeGoro and expansion machinea Ch. 111. Pi6ton compreaGors -- 104 Ch. Ill. Centrifugal compre&aors -- 130 Ch. V. Rofrigerator-gas and ~xpanolon =-,chinos -- 165 Ch. '11. Piuton envines driven by co:ipre!:vod gas (datanilers) 177 Ch. V!I. Turboeng~neo driven by cozpreracd Ch* (detandera) 2M Ch. VIII. Piston pumpo for low-temperature compressed gaaes 298 Ch. IX. Protection of equipment from vibrations -- 332 Part 3- Control and production automation Ch. X. Inspection-measuring equipmout -- 346 Ch. XI. Automation -- 355 Part 4. Storagog transportation, gasification Card 2/3 0 ACGEf,~TON N11 V.1~049552 Ch. XII. Thermal insulation for low tomperaturoo -- 377 Ci,,. Y.111. for storage, transportation and gasification of oxygen -- 420 Pnrt 5. Purification of additions and materials Ch. XIV. Purification of additions -- 447 Ch. XV. Baaic information, ou materials uned in 037gun genoration equipment -- 513 Appondices -- 532 Diblio~~r4pLy -- 574 SuIbJact index -- 577 SUB CODE:GC SUD141TTEDi 08Fob64 NR REF SoVi 060 OT11-M 029 CGTd 3/3 ACCESSION NR3 AP4037998 s/ol?o/04/000/005/0059/0062 AUTHOR: Kaganer, M. G., Globova, L. L TITLEt Effect of filling gas on heat transfer in porous matariala SOURCE: Inzhonorno-fizichoskiy zhurnal',' 'no. 5. 1964, 59-&! TOPIC TAGSi Heat transfer, porous material, thermal conductivity coefficient, filling gas i ABSTRAM The article is devoted to a study of the effect of the filling gas on heat transfer in finely dispersed materials with a porosity of over 90~: mineral wool, microporous rubber and silica gol in helium, air, and krypton at boundary temperatures of 290 and 900K and pressures from I x 10-1 to 1 x lo5 n/mZ. Tho moan apparent coefficient of thermal conductivity was determined exporimentally for these materials, arxi an approximate equation expressing it is given. The theory is compared with the experimental ralation betwoon thontal conductivity and fil2ing gas pressure. Orig. article haoi 3 figures, 1 equation, and I formula, and 1 table. t'Cord ACCESSION NRi Ap4o37998 ASSOGIATICHt Vsesoy=rM AaUhnowioaled6vatellokly Imtitut kis2zrodnogo Wohln~ ostroyeniya., Moscow (AllAnion Scientifia Rimearch Institut-o of Oxnen Appmtw and Machinery) SURMTEDt O6Mar63 DATE ACQ i Wun&~ r!VCL: 00 SUB CODE t TD NO REF SOVt 001 OWRI 007 2/2 Card H."11(m) WI.; ACC NIZ, AM01512.1 (A mul= CODE; UIV0061.IaIOW100510016100~C K.; Lyiikin,. _Yu. G.; Filippov, _T.; S I Zot1kin V, 'I. Y.Ikiza ORG: none TITLE: Radiation chlorination of koros,)ne SOURICEi i0iimichonkaya promyshlonnost', no. 5, 1966, 18-20 TOPIC TAGS: kcroscno, g,tarna radiation, chlorinat,lon, photochrmi.,;try y koronon6, from which tho aronatic and unnatuca-,-jd co,3,x)imd3 woro 'CuST;UCT: Groznr ollLmInated by ext.-.ction with liquid SO wan uocd during chlorination initiatod by "x-radiation of Coo') made in the 1,us doncribod by the authors pr-ivioarly (Xhir4. I I piom. no. 4, 2J.7, 1965). Af ter purification thia kerosene had a molecular -,tai3ht of 177. Chlo~rino wa3 passed at the rate of 0.469 g/min in the reactor sell into a themo- stat with a controllod givon tamperaturo. 7ho radiation source was introdvced after i15 minutos. '~ho chlorination products were purified from Cl 2 and IM by passing a flow lof nitrogen. The dcnsities and refractive indexes were measured and the dogoo of chlorinatiofi wai dotormined from the gaphs, plotted oTporimentally, showing the do. pondonce of density d~8 and the refractory indexes n20 of tho cblorinated products on their chlorine oontent*o Kinetic curves tcontont of Vchlorine v3 time in min) were ~ ac, 665.04-4 ; 66.o94.403.985.3 - F- L 06659-67 f-i6c-NR, AF6015121 plottad at various tmperatures of chlorination (T = 20, 40, and 60C) and at various doses of radiation (P = 26.1, 7.3, 1,8, and 0.81 rad/sac). 11ho dependence of the radiation-chemical efficiency coefficient G (number of atoms bound with carbon per 100 oquivalont)on the radiation dose P wan plotted from kinetic curves, The =Pression Lr'-0045.7G 10-21%C11 well dcocribes the rosults obtained. (Dis- G~ 1,22-101e-( T ) P -0.47 arrecneat of c-xporimontal and calculatod values averagcd 4 10.S".) This equation can be usod for dosigning a reacLor for a temperature ranGo of 0-100G. a radiation dose of 1-50 rud/soc, and a chlorine content of 5-60'6 The apparent energy of activation wasidetonnined as 3200 cal/mole. 'Phe results of radiation chlorination were compared rth those of photochemical chlorination and clilorination initiated by azo-bis-i-sobiLtyronitryl. It was shown that the same degree of chlorination was achieved more rap idly during radiation chlorination. At T =.20G and P = 26 rad/sec, the product conta3,nng Cl> 60% was obtained in 90 minutes during radiation chlorination. It took 23 and 21 hours to obtain the same product by photo- chemical chlorination and chlorination initiated by azo-bis-isobutyronitryl, respect- ively. Radiation chlorination also has other advanta.ges. it depends Uttlo on tempor- aturo and is controlled by the radiation dose (easily controllable ratfb of cblorin- ation), the rate of the radiation process does not depend on the color of the react- ing mixture, and there is a much smallor danger of retiinification becauss of an absence- of local overheating* Orige art* ha3s'3 fig*, 4 formulas, and I tabloo SUB CODE. 07/ SUBM DAT,-&j none/ ORIG RM 001/ OTH REF, 001 Card 2 2 r, i -0 0- 0- 0- 0- R1111,115MUMViliplo- i 0 a 41 10 IN 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 w oo 00 00 go 0 1 ........... -0 0 00 1 P, :-I N C, 101A. 1. 00 00 too th. 'd fit. I] I I'l I I"'. .. I ,, \ of j ... ...... 11111."4h 1,11, 00 Nt C. %I -00 -410 00 -04 ~o 0 of -00 of .00 00 of 1 'Joe 1 ii-d 60 ;oo !,o so .00 90 :-es 10 4k :-e 0 p0 3 I've 0 a 0 a 0 41 'a 0 0 0 0 0 N *0 60 *0 00 149 o o 0 o 4 41 4 0 0 0 0 0 -aloo! 11, tool fol! ! 7 1 1 Wit 111f, oil 0so a 0 w 1 0 * 40 do 41 0 0 8 0 6 0 0 0 do 0 6 '11, 9 I 1 4 If r A L--1 0 to Ill J111" nil us-um b ly off P AP AA M U i v Q a 0 040 A O l M.r l, 1. -t_j I I-L [ , 40 .4 the kinfortoolice of flit tharititi goof ritiolgrifif lift, IllIll jp~lj, lifill % , .1j. B,.U. I l"I I" d " I'll. 1 R .%, , 7. 11. 1 Chew Zensr. 1940, 1. In addl]. I., Alla'. III p'n k'll.q." 11 'Ill kill -Ge _.I )'I I Min 11 11111: 1.1111,10H a 11- JAI ~ I,,, I'rohaldy 1, I'll Ill;1111 "Ill' till "(.it 111,111fl-Lil '' 1-1 IfIr 0 '111"I'lt iol'. .,( Of. I-It'!II.Ary d-fil,l'i 1-Y Aw..[ Im. ji'd C .1 10. 2=1 And w6-ciiiii m I)j;tr, ILI, kelcilrilic cmild lust Ill In Ill, film, md,l~ Joint, f low-folf-c-pil, thAll j""I'll]'. I C1111, f- I Ill L, to 00 tht,cull.t'llt Ill 4. 00 ]-i")- A so I 11g, if I. plob,II.I$ 'k, [-I z~ A 11w k, nqouc I-m- If, till ze a M NI-111 lie Woo, P 0 ; -$. SLA -t'-t-PO(Al 1.11tOAT4,01' (I.AiSIFIC-TIO- :J* Do to 0 y '1' All L i, I If R 9 K U It N .10 n 1 9. if A3 of RIC" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 om 0 0 0 * *10 0 0,0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 10 0 0 of 41 0 0 0 0 ANDRMT, S.T, VAIgOnKAYA, Yf-, D.: GLIROTA, M.S. ) -.1-1, i !. Effect of ranin preparations on blood pressure in experimental cond'Ltiorz. T~-. Akad. mad. nauk SM Vol.20: 56--75 1952. (CLIQ 25:5 ) 1. Of the Path cp1W s logy lab~-ratory (Head ...... 5.V. ilndrey-ev, Dcc,~Io~., KaV-:~al SciancAs), lnstitu:~s of 71itairapy (Dirijoctor ---- A.L. gyasn~kr vg A,,t'.q-e Member AMS LIM), Academy of Hedif"I ScIgn,,,8s LW. 1 13 4 .3 'Ari; I p i orc~-~aemogo ical Abst orolo Hat . e g Ch,~ic rcr- Vol. 1. 110. 11 Nov. 1953 -,;j ~s n, It Ifit ;,,I Climatology end li ! wk -I \ ll!:,~ i l Bioclimatolcgy QTI, - ;:I *1~-, nn"t ~,, :.-I fk-~,O ill: :I, !"AT dA% ; If h,~ ort~ *mm;h,-1 : F-r 21) cm ! i )-,,,r p: r Tit,! ~ir hij, id;t- al~~ wai l - 2; C* I- t , TI iff,rrp,- wjt 2 ~ J) :i ARKHIPOVA, Ye.P.; GLEBOVA, M.Ya. Microclimatic characteristics no.36:39-53 '52. of irricated fteld~-.. Trudy GGO (MIRA 11:1) (Talova7a District-Irrigation) - -GIMBOVA, M.Ya. Air tomnerature in field-protectirw, forost bolts. Trud7 GGO no.36:54-71 152. (MIRA 11-1) (Afforostation) (Atmospheric tomporative) an,l ir Ln thv, Ion D'13'y- t',Ie ohr, n(7 I'llt ,rvatJons the. in v,rj .,n or ti-, r den:-,olY "r-.11m, n x,, Irv f-)I-nt 1 110. 0 No. Of ARKIfIP(YVA, Ye.P.;VORONTSOV, P.A.;GLEBOVA, M.Ta.; GOUJBOYI, T.A.; I'LCMANOVA,Ye.N. Outline of the operational area and observation methods of the 1953 general hydrometeorological expedition la a drained swamp. Trudy GGO no.49:5_!:10 '55- (MLRA 9:1) (Hetaorology, Agricultural) (Reclamation of land) (Sitamps) ARKHnWA, Ye.P.;GLEBOVA, M.Ya.;GOJkrB(NA, T,A.;RCMASOVA,Y*.N. Evaporation In the draixed &ad thm dry valley. Tr-adT CrGD 111.49:17-22 155. OURA 9: 1) (Atmospheric temperature) (swamps) GLEBOVA, M.Ya. Results of the expedition's observations on the twirperaturit humidity at the drained swamp. Trudy GOO ne.49:42..56 155. (MLI?.A aad 9:1) (Atiaospheric temperature) (Humidity) (Svemps) ~1-,11:11. ~ I features of the phytoclimate of fields on draimed swamps. Keteor. i gidrol. no.5:30-34 My 157. (MLRA lOr8) (Crops and climt-j) (Swamps) Ilm- rlkl~lr-=,wat sQvfrro7 ehastl [AZAILhakc4o !L--Mz"mzt4 . -Ij X.Pth.- Pa.-. of tz. X...;,h 4-.~-k7 R.a i17 ;!. Z.-Zt. zip lkp=~Plftc Agency. cis~,Y* LTravlemlyo zld,-setqc.,Olc6:cb*"0y IuLhby id.i.zro, 335R. P-Z*), D..I.r of Geocr.phl..l INS. In.Id. bock), V.D. Tech. X4., X.V. Volk- MrCa--s This book 1. 1.t-lel ror ..1-ml.91st., scro-l.te. ---Va.-. m cO-Iloctlv# ra,ms. ar4 tn* 1" la~r-=zn. p-vld*. a ellmatic d.soripti- of the KAI." book C0VXlAM 1k, huII-Iky "Zion). it List a tn* re-It. Or ,0=L ( a". on the ".-t* or t~~! MS-~h. XndivldU&I thkptvM deal With the a.,d h.pj,ne tp, j,c,-=&tjc ftat~urov. And t2, fl-c- Ut letter ha'. up.. tn. *,S,I- qlut~~. The "ric %a2 P"p,,ed by mczt-er. or the 000 " the r"FIQU- A map On tn* rIc'~*rte of drought was c:r- up by 0 of 3.1,00. 1.M. Aarstly" " -,f*-Tu=yY 1-titut rasteriy1yodstva. T*.I. Rhs`Mwt8ov4 wurked '~~n dealing ~lth the t-,rjt, of th, &,j_ late of ~ slope$ Ll - " tn, ~h&-C,s .., Pre'allIng a-lr &--~tv br=4h- &bo.t =d.r the of- r-111f. The .-~t aho.jrc the ~t Of Pr`sclPlt-tl0n d'--lnl the -a- 11,10d or the year -s # ~~ UP by L.P. 1-st"'t 1-del the dlr-tlon of Doctcr or 0~- gra-h;plca.l Stlenct V-z4ov (goo). -here are 89 rrererc,A or O.A. ,.:t "ash 81 ~ SO, 6 G-roun. I P~.-ch, and I Mar1l.h. TAMA OP COMEX73, oh. ry. the Rier" r Of o the Th.m.1 CY tn* Condition. or Dissected A.11.r Sol 1 Tsagp.rstu" -jo-cr 'r 'Ouf C~r A (Z 94 A . . R*I&tlv* R'bald1ty Of A.r (X 117 ya a . . 1.b.,&) 123 Ch. 'r. Ks-in at`r*s or the Ad" no r-- C-r4-lti~n. of a V.C. t&tlO F -rlod *rvv'ghl and Dry Winds (1.A. 0ol't.brX) card 4/8 134 p I Tjt ~D' T p cy: ;laviioy- mra", v,m ;.-(j. (TI 1-~ V.V. Orlova, o:, (In s Id- boo~l L. P. Zhdw~ova; P7JRPO=, : 7,, 11 si3slit2 of t'ie Obs-rva :,~,Y,_; for and scil. s COI,rEW,i' E -'Mf, u~i-,hors discaso t,he 'Iron soil di~io~.3 afd crop ra~ pt-oblt-~:r, of~ ct)7--~ILL' j-- I U Ca rd ~1:.d ruin 'Iull;~eS 'I!" U- ',---fK)!IY3LCfLI ~y L 0!, o-, 1 'u. IL p' la. re an ~4A TABIE OF CO'N'I.ENTS: A.I. Maxinnuri 3 3 Ir., L. i)~: Till:i 3~-- s s 1.~) iL:-, L:i the '13SR 3 Lc-: I "I ze and !';i- Fla'- of [K.- ibiny %ssif 14 Stable Frosts in ~JSSR 32 ,~;Ierova, M-Ya- Snov Cower Ln We,31,ern 50 fal IUMIPOVA, Ye.P.; GLiBOVA, M.Ya.; ROMANOVA, Ye.N. I 14icroCliM;Lt' C ('jjCrRCtCriOt C!3 rif aratle slop.%~o . Trudy C~GO 110. 91:3-14 160. 14:1) (Novirorod ProvJ-nce-Mi-c:roclim,,ito-Logy) (Kokchotikv -dA4bo~ .4'. GLEBOVA, M,Ya. The regirae of snow jt~)naL; in -~-- *,,-,-~.-,~ ar d f- :-: tep: 4a rogiow of th, U,S.,S~R~ Trudy GGO no~ '11 : T(O IP ', 60. (1111A 14-1) ( Bl i rd " 5 ) GOLUDOVA, T.A.; HOMAINOVA, Ye.N.; ATKIIIMVA, Ye.P.; GrSEOVA, M.Ya,,- MISHCHEKKO, Z.A.; GOLITSBERG, I.A., dol:tDr geogr. nauk; SEMENOVA, L.G.; SHATILINA, F.K., red.; SERGEYEV, A.N., tekYai. red. [Microclimate of hilly relief and its offect on fam crops]Mikro- klizat kholmistogo rellefa i ego vIllaiiie na sellskokboDiaistven- nye kulltury. Pod red. I.A.Golltaborg. Leninlirlid, Gidmmeteo- izdat, 1962. 249 p. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Lenin ad. Glavnaya geofizicheskaya observatoriya. Mcroclimatology) (Ctope and climate) C,U,BOllAj M.Ta. Some foatures of the distribiti,)n of alAofiphqri,:! molsture In a hill,y area. Trudy GGO no.1.1,7t83-102 16.3. (MIRA 16:7) (11-jiiiidity,' GLKBOVA, M.Ye.; GMTSOVIC!1, G.B.. red.: KARYAMN, I.D.. rvsd.; PCIUMOV, Yu.S., vadii 01chiy red.; TIMOMIT. tokhn.rod. [Economic lovelopmorit of tho Koremi Peoiliss Darlocratic RApliblic; briof ornmorii(, roAE)wJ ltizvitin tikonomi!-i Koroln--oi 1corcOlno-De- Hosvibliki; knitkii okon)niche!i1ril ob,,or. HoE3!-v a T'IoI3. ill,,- f-itt It 11, Ill chn. i -,olzhn. I nforrint. 3ii , 1881 1). (Teklmi-ilw- ok,mcnif-;ht1:31-iv obzory po stnmm wirodnol (14111A 1?:12) (Korim, Iforth.. cuilillf,13no) GI&BOVA, N.A. Xffect of the conditions of drying on ';he viability and biological activity of Actinoaqces. Trudy Iqet.miI:robIol.i virus. All Kazakh. SSR 1:87-95 '56. (HIRA 10:6) (ACTINCKYGES--DRTING) 'A d ,y F A!,!; j,ur A. '_v f Try ",CLL'. C'_lit_~r(l_ Tr. !-t~, 1. ;,N K~':!!:,32. Abstract M,- er ~f iccut,r :ver f.;uliO t !:e --"I' 1//11 th--A ty lv--,A,_J1_fza',_J_.n. Viatility ~f t,',e sp"res Was so%-.~::: as a ut tcn-.~,~rat_lrta!; .f - r 'n"Itu'reF n't frcezirC at f - 1~ and t- a s i - dc!cl-._-ast_! i", vi-CLdlity. dried_ hy WC-'f_' -,rCSer7l~" 4":7 A . E, . Car," V.Ye.; GLABOVA, N.Y.; Xffect of Schinandru chinonuill and ginnonp, on the highor norvous activity in dogs. Zimr. vyn. nfirv. iieiat. , oo.,5:741-74() 3-0 llj5. (RIJU 9:1) 1. Kafodru fizioloeii Khabarovokogo meditnimilrogo inatttuta. 0011DIMITS, offecte, ginseng, on higher nervous funct in dogs.) (PLOTS, Schiv4ndra chinanotH, off. on highor nervoun funct. in dogo. ) (GIOT11AL NERVOUS SYST~01, offact (if drurii on. gintiong & Snhioundra chinonsis, an Uglier n(3rV(IUS fUnCt. In dogs.) GLEBOVA, N. F. , Cand M(,d '"Ici -- (Idis~;) "P;j.'f'ect of novocalne on ttle ,()'G. pp; impulse activity of receptors." Khabarovsk, IG (Khabarovsk iv, State Medical Inst); 220 copies; price not E; ~n; (KL, 211-60, 138) GLEBOVAI N.F. Effect of n calne on the impulse activity of the receptors of the bladderovp Biul. eksp. b1ol. i med. 1+9 no. 5:78-182 My 160. (MIRA 13:12) 1. Iz kafedry fiziologii (vav. - prof. G.N. 3orolditin) Kh%tarovskogo moditsinskogo I=tituta. Predstavlew deystvitolln;ym Wlmnom AMII SSSR V.N. Chernigovokim. (BLADDER-1119ERVATION) (NOVOCAINE) thamorpcepto;!z in a SSR 149 no-38142-745 Petrozavodnkiy gosudarst'Neinnyy 4nive, deviikom V.N.Chernigovskim. (Body temperature.-Regulation) I . . . . . ll~ I .I - . ) . - . . : I . . . . . . . . 1 .11 -- . - . GLKBOVA, H.Ye. (Penza) Malignant rhabdomyoma of the heart. Arkh. pat., 15 na.5:72-74 S-0 153. (MM 6:12) 1. Is patogiistologicho6koy laboratori:L obbi.utnoy Penzellskoy boll- nitay i kafedry patologicheakoy anatonii (nmichnyy nikovoditall - professor Y.I.Posharivskiy) Teentrallnogo in-stituta unoverBhen- stvovaniya vrachey. Ofeart-Tumors ) GLEBOVA, N.Ye. (Penza) Universal clamp for the hose of freezing vtcrotcma. Arkh. pat. 16 no.3:86 ii-S 154. NMI 7:10) 1. Iz patologoamatomichaskogo kabinata Penvenuku:r infaktaioanoy bollnitay (HISTOLOGY, freezing microtome, universal cltmp for hose) (REFRIGERATION, freezing misrotome, universal clEmp for hose) GLZBOVA, li.Ye. (Penza) A rare cnBe of sarcoma of the Ic-der Jaw. Arkliqnt. 18 rio.3:100-101 ',)6 (KFU 11:10) 1. 1z pntologoRnntonlchvfikopo otdeloniya Ponzonikoy obinstnoy bollnitily. (SARCOKA, OSTMOGNIC, mftndiblo (Rua)) (MMIBLM, neoplnums sarcoma, osteogenic (Hus)) L 31v~42-66 ACC NR: AP60 19 5 32 SoURCE CODE: LIF,/t)C)21),'6,)11163/004,tO851/0651 AU-MOR: Cershenzon, Yu. M. - Giebova 0. N. Azatyan z',alkhnin,V. P.; Nalbandyan, A. B. (Academician AN ArmSSR) ORG: In 5-Li-t i a.1 Ph s ics In!"t i,1:111. ~Alily icheqk0y fizikl. Akadetal.i. nauk- SSSR) TITLE: Detection of tile Oil radicallby the FPR 11ILGIOLl in the r.--irefied flame of carbon monoxide in the presence of small attiounts of hydrogex-; SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v, 168, no. 4, 1966, 851-853 TOPIC TAGS: carbon monoxide combustion, carbon monoxide flame, hydrogen donor, hydroxyl radical, EPR method 3 ABSTRACT: The basic processes of tile propagatLon and brivicliki-, of com.iustkn of CO in the presence of a small amount of 11 are. Lhe following: 2 'GO + 0 11 -COS+ 11; 0 + Its ~ Oil + 11. Cord -.1/4. L 34042-66 ACC NR- AP6019532 - ------ For small amounts of H reaction (111) is r-ate determLnln~,,, Earlier, the EPP, d to Ltect lioticeilb1c colickalltratfolis of o:(ypen and hNdro~,ttn atoms mathod was applie Ill the rar i fied Co 17 L11110 f n Lhe presvocv of' hydrogen donors such as 112, CH4 , C,4 1120, etc. For direct detection and determination of all t:hree active specfes, I.e. , hydrogen and oxygen atoms and the Oil radical, Lhe absorp~:ion cell wns specially made to fit completely into the space ill Lho resonator and wa:; placed in cl(),se Frox4mity to the reaction furnace. 1-tuasurement of the ah,iolutv concentrations of Oil radicali was made with re.-ipect to molecular oxygun accordfn,,,, Lo the f0l'MUIM Noif = No. ~-Oll JL. Q0, 1+ where N is the concentration; Q is the numericai coeffic-ent k,arying with the absorp- tion bands, e.g., ranging from 40 to 200 for oxygen; and f,,- and 1+ are. the space factors for the magnetic and the electric fields, resperi:i,,eLy. The results of the measurements are given in the form of two graphs which indicate the. dependence of the concentrations of active centers on the time of contact and the amoun'~ of adde(i U,. 1. 3-4042_-~66 - ACC NRi tkil 6 0 11) 5 12 r Fig. 1. Dependence of concentration of active centers on the contact time (T - 923 K, P --- 3 mm iig; il-~ - 6%) a - Calculated; b - experimental. Part I'Agure 2. Dependence of tile maxi- mum concentration of active cen- ters oil tile addition of hv, n ___qroge- (T = 923 K, P - 3 mm Eg , W = 30 to 40 cm3lmin. Figure 2 indicates that the oxygen concentration passes throuph a maximum, contrary W the monotonically increasing concentration o!- H and 011. This is explained by the as- sumption that in the case of small amounts of adu~d i1 2 , reaction ([IT) is the rate deter-mining step, and in the case of high 112 concentra t Lori, re action (II) is the rate Card _3/4 ,-L 34042-66- ACC NRz AP60L9532 determining step. The Oif rcncentration is the because the rate constant of reaction (1) is. Lhe largest. Orig. arv. has: 2 figures. (ENI SUB CODE: 21, 07 SUBM DATE: 30Aug65/ ORIG REF, 009/ OTH HEIF: 008/ ATD PRESS: Card GMBOVA, O.V,redaktor Eirocendingn of the 40th anniversary of Trudy VII nauchnoi instituta im. I.M. 1955. 255 D. illus. (SCIENTEOIC 7th scientific aesnion commignorating the the I.M. Sechnnov Institute (1914-19.54)] sesnii. posvintsennoi 40-letliu Sachanow, (1914-1954 ex.) Sonnferopol'. (MLrO, 10:4) SOMETIRS) GLF6BOVA, R.A. Work of training nursel-le" alorq~ the Southwisfpirn RalLroad. Med. sestra 16 no.3:26-27 Rr '57 (MLR& 10:5) 1. Iz bazovykh yasley Yugo-Vostochnoy zholom)y doroirl, Voronezh. (DAY NURSNRI-6S) L 46o,,-,7-66 Tf.,?T' I' T1 ('j!, ) /'r I/ ~' ' r " / ""I I " -, c ), , 1.'r " / -~ v..' " ~ " , " / "/J ACC NRt AP6025939 SOURCE CODE: UR/0226/66/()oo/O07/OO6)2/oo68 AUTHOR: German_,_Ye. (Moscow) ~31:cjboLra, R._D. (Mosrov) :ORG: None TITLE: Dostruction of cermet materials '6, 62 -68 SOURCE: Poroshkovaya metallurgiya, no. 7 1) TOPIC TAGS: crack propagation, nolYbrjr!r111M, nickel , R10". I powder M,-,tal oi-i- ter-ing, sinterinK furnacf.~ , Oeo~-),Fr i ABSTRACT: The authors present data on the itiLtial develcirnent of crarks ander a load. ~Crack propagation is sLudivo on madl, Vrl~r;) anA ni(-kvj. The !effect of molding pressure and siritering temperat.ure on craci; fol-mation all"I pro-paga- ition during bending tests is considored. 'I'he Initial were powdered !nickel (GOST 972'-6l):'and Powdered 111olyl,kit'.1111111 Th"no powders' havv the followi-ng' g-r-a-in dimensions: nickel 80% liel(,w -30 ji, riolybdenum 9'[,"t below 5 1lOx2x8O mm rectangular specimen-, were prrdut.:e,l by pre:ls~ng with stibs equent. sintering. These were used for deternining the effect of molding pressure and sintering tela- perature on strength. Pure nickel specimens were pressed at specif*ic pressures of :(2, 3, h and 5) -108 NIM" and sintered Lit a hy(lrnj~(111 111-i- um tit K"(3), 1373 and 14730K Ifor two hours. Molybdenum specimenti wir(- rtt sp~Cifil- [)rC13!;U--e3 Of (2, 3, 4, I - 15 and 61)-108 N/M2 and sintered in a vacuum flirnace at 21"(3, 2173 ajid 2273"K for two !, Card 1/2 ------- ACC NRi M,6op-5939 .hours. M i c ro c r ac ks were studi,j-d oil etched Thi-, spol.-imenri were loaded graduully and inspected for I'h,1tnFrttj-h:; ar, vj,,,i-ri sh,--.ting various kindo ol' cr~tck f'omation f):," propngatiofi. The sh -w Lhitt, conii-t materiaLS, do not have identical tailure chm-Fteteristie5. Thi.~; i!; 1-f-nL demonqLrated by ninteren n i c kc. 1 md Molybdenim. - IA kr! tmn t, ; L I I nyr f,h;*-,,, - rmn b- rteg t rn)-f!d bnth n I ong grain and wit.M., Qf-~ grain dr-pr-n~linj,-, 'tri Lechnique and conditions. The ba.,~ic reasons for prematurf: f*ailtire (,f' east n-nd deformed alic)y,,; are incl.u:;ions, segregaLions, an(I slmrj) mn6-.1es. Opt imum mm rt,oull.-i in strong grain boun- procedure f'or pro,fiicinK sintered nickel) tild mojyL)~I~~L dur Les. This in turn produces coin~-)-ex Orig. art. has.: 8 figures, 2 tables. 1l/ SUBM DATE: 03Feb66/ ORIG REF 1-!Ail,GULIS, Aleksandr Llvovich; GUBOV.-~,-R,.G., r-~d.; S*,:ClH-EA).-,,II,7ji, [U.) tekhn. red.; VLADIMIRSIk~,, "L.S., tekhn. rA. [Bonefitn for madical -workers] L'goty rnefttsin.,-rim r,:botrd- kam. . ',.'oskva, Gosiuriz6at, 1962 - 62 - (NIRA 15:7) (I-EDICAL PFRrOIJNBI,~ BRONINA, Alina Borisovna; GLEBOVA, R.G., red.,; KHLIOJ~)VA, L.K., tekhn. red. (Benefits for workers in lumbering and forost mtinagementl ,0 khOZiIII tV . MO- Pgoty ral)otn.IkRjn Ipsozagotovbk 1 1(313nOF 13 F1 skva, Gosturizdat, 1962. '79 p. (KIRA 16:4) (Lumbermen) KOROTKOV, Vladim Steppnovich; GIEBNA, R,G. , red. ; :.,. H. , tekhr,. red. (Benefits for youths working in enterpris-2s And institutions) I,Iroty podrostkam, ralbotaiiishchim na pred 'priiat;ilakh i v uch- rezlideniiakh. Moskva, Gosiurizdat, 1962, 06 1), (MIRh 16:2) (Youth-Employment) KMARCV, Niris Yonnt,aritInovich, -GLEJ~NA, R.G., red,; ~';j-,CHEDRIIIAY N I .L., tekhn. red. [Inheritnnce lawsl ~'alkonoclatellstvo o rrisLeclovariii. ~lo- skva, Gosiurizdat, 1961. " 5 1), (MIRA 16:7) (InhoritRnCe and succos.~Jon) " 1 1-1, !, I, , f " W I I ; " ;,ulln, I, I ~ 11, , i~ ,. I .".1.1. 7 :;A I, HF.7 , iB.T. I' b;1CH I A - P', ; N"! G';P ); ,"- 11 -, ; V . p . ?~!rmissible dt:gre,~ of flooding t,~-Core a nwrhf--- -' w~ ' 1 ~, 11 ri~ sill't A-hoz, 42 no. ',,-.39.-,,' NY ~~4- I k - ": 5) off. NefL. , ~, ~ .1 ~ ,~ % A BA I sfil-'V , B.T. A .!j. lc, %T G I -ILOVA T. A. ; KONCIVA1,C)", V.P . Prart,;cable degree of a cif weEs, w`en tll,~y art- switr~i;ffd off' from exploittitan. Tri;dy '.1111 no.,',2: ,)94-321 165. USSR/Chemical Technology -- Chemical Produ:-ts an(i Their 6ilicatei G las a .Cern;~',,,s .Bjlrv,ers, I-~ Abst Journal: Referat Zhur Khimiya, Nu Author: Dertev, N. K. and Glebovit, T. V. Institution: Gorki Poly-technicul Institute Title: The Effect of' AnnealinE FolLowea by ParaMn Treatment on -,he Chemical Resistance of' Glass Original Periodical: Tr- Gor'kovsk. politeki). in-ta, Vol, i_, No Abstract: The effect of' annealing with sut,scqueiit nirat-In trea-,nient of' glasj on the surface chemical resiotance of' tht~ latter (PF111J) has been in- ves-,igated. Mylius' iodo-eosin method was used in evaluating the results o' the test.. It is noted that the annealing of sheet glass at 2500, followed by paraffin treatment, improves its resistance to chemical attack. The paraffin treatment is rec,)rnmended as a prac- ticai means of improving the FKhU of equipment glasset3. Card i/1 7(0) 5 (1 i;i)v:., rL V. T I I, ~7 tl,~- PEI~ T C L 1: L!t!~ o r-.~ to riv:t 1`~. Nr 1:)O~~ 11AY; (11,~";") n i nw t. It, v 1. t 'I o C, o;,, jorl I)y t;,i :-ti:);- Ti~(! trives 1 114 t:; Ill I E L,.lh I f is 71 1, 1' 1, :1 V t e t,i, i' -7. of c! -. "! 11 tI t 0 (hut"! r. of mm'/ Were 4r, t,~;(:. hr,! !I of t.,f,~ L !'tl i;1 50 -100 50 minljti~f, . Tl;~ :" t'i' tl::i:-tirl~- 1'-f "o:,! tArl;- tfo~- r. n r i:i, t ,n 1 t r i F, t ~i, -nii. L. A r e., i t,1 t s o 1~ I r1 .~ ~l t i 1, 1 1. L i - t,!A; :J'T G=- BOVA, T. V. . Cpndlldl~ ',.~ T~ch Ill-op-l"I (f7 C-/003/02/25/034 5/1 93/f I 130 11 /B006 A UTH OR t Glebova, T. V. V) TITLEs Influence of the Conditton of the Surf4co of' SL11cate Glaus on Adhesion' in Gluing PERIODICAL: Izvestiy& vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy.. Kh:Lliiy-:t i khj.micheakaya tekhnologiya, 1960, Vol 3, No~ 2, Pp, 341-342 TEXT: Th(~ author states that adhesion is largely dependent on the &jAL1njL_ material,AVwhich must therefore possess a large number of special physical- and chemical properties. However, cases may occur in gluing, glass surfaces, in which adhesion varies inspite of identici-,). gluing conditione. Sometimes indeed, spontaneous separation occurs, Since the cause of it has not been found, preventative measures could not be taken, The uuthor thexe- fore carried out the present investigation. She used polished glass from the glass plants Gorlkiy and Konstantinovo, the chemical composition of which is shown in Table 1. The glass was cut in rectanr;4lar plates, 50 ~c 30 mm and 55 x40 mm large. After cleanaing the ourface [I Kilo treatei with alkali, acetic acid. and paraffin, The -irecimono from Konntantinovo 'lard 1/3 1 Influence of the Condition of the Surface of S/153/(50/003/02/25/034 Silicate Glass on Adhesion in Gluing B011/B006 were glued to-ether with butyl methacrylate and gluing varaish, while thc ones from Gorlkiy were glued with a "Butafol" film The film irau circular (diameter 28 am) in all cases, The adhesion and the toritional strength of glued specimens was tested, Data are given in Table 2., It 12 seen from these data, that the glass surface is most suitable for gluing after treatment with acetic acid. Storage of glass in an atmosphere saturated with water vapor decreases adhesion, This decrease is all the greater, the higher the alkalinity of the glass surface Butafol films glued silicate glass very strongly but also in this case, the alkalinity has an un- favorable effect, In one of the batches of glass specimens separation occurred especially often, and it was found that this piLrticulax batch had only 4Q,;of of the resistance to chemical reagents as comparecl to the other batches in rhich separation did not occur. There oxe 2 tables and 5 Soviet reference3, ASSOCIATION: Gorlkovskiy politekhnicheskij institut im A. A. Zhdanova; Kafedra tekhnologii silikatov (Gor-kiy Pol-I'technic Inst imeni A, A, Zhdanov; Chair of Tech_r~o_lo_gy of Silicates Card 2/3 S/153/60/003/02/25/034 B011/)3006 LEUTSKIY K.M. [Leutslkyi, K.M.1; F~ZUN, M.Ya.; MRDAM-I'Vi-N, M.D. (Mardu-revych, M.D,J; V,I",, (HI'lebova, V.M.) Content of vitamin A arel its fractions in th,i I~ver und its m-itochondria followirig, different prot.e4ri d'et. Ukr. bioklii.m. zhur. 36 no. 4074-583 164. 0,11P.1, 18-.1-2) 1. Nauchno-Usledovatellsknyq laboraturlyA v'.'ta.,:h,.()v Charno- vitskogo govudarstvennogo unIviirallf~,Lm.. BUCHNEV, K.N., prof.; LOPATNIKOV, G.I., kand.-veterin.nlLUk; CO-tki"CV, K.S., Icand. veterin.muk; GLLBOVA, V.N., kand.voterin.naulk.; TIALITIE'l, i.ld.) kand. voterin.nauk; SAMMM, N.G., "I"Islol'orit Infectious pustular dermatUtAs in sheep. Vatei-f-aarii-a. 1',0 no.9;27-28 S '63. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Alma-Atinokiy zoow!terinarriyy institut. GLSBOVA, V.S., Inzh. Somn data on manufacturing reliable chouical (-quipmqnt with acid-renistant jXl8HqT and Xl8Hl2M3T steel. 'h.udy SIMUMSH no.26: 122-129 158. (MIRA 13: r1) (Chemical eneineering-Equipment and supplies) (Stool--TestIr4,,) USOSii/Cultivate-` i7larits - Fruit~;. Berri(~r,. 11-6 Abs J~ur fief Zhur - 1AU., 11~--) 7, 1.958, 30055 AuthQr GiQbovTt, Ye. 1. Inct Lcidn~,Ta-I i cult ural InstitutQ. Title The "Arnwberry RuA IyAm Varb-,um Muth,,J!-- kI, N-unt 51~ucinc'. Ori(_~ Pub Z,i,,,. Lunizi(y. ;.-kh. L-')-L~A, 1956, vYrj- U, Abstract In the tc,,sti r~f thc '.1--rinultural Institut,-.1 t)ic, basic root mass w-Is cozi(-Qntratet~ in the toP -,.t 0-10 ('M. Inde'nen,IwAly if th'-, f~-f zl,,- plants -apart (the p,,~t beddin,,-, ~-;quare 11,t~cho-,-, wi'th 12 Plant.,; apiec~-,~ With an increase in tIIC 'W:A,",j'2L7 if pjaziLz j.Cr unit. i.r,-,. the roots penetratef! t,.~ the ,_-rcatest legree- th,-~ lov(-n- horizon3 (20-40 cm.). Of t'le 5 varieties fitudir-A thc Card 1/9 Country : USSR canuiucory: Cultivatud Fruit. l'urrics. ;.bs Jcur: IlZhlliol-, No 11, 3-cl"1;8, Ilo 4912:9 ,',uc'ior Glcbova, Y,,. I. lll~; ~ Ins L Ti t).c Exucri-,.icnL o~~ Squa.,-,-',.Iocl-.Qt PlRlitaiiC, of 1-,,~ITY Or,.~; 1~ub: Znp. LA.~,Unlr'lrac~: Th, r(.-sj-lt3 .,.ru c ',-,I r-X product. o~-, an Vi, squar--lvicl:t,~ lilroitiat,, of bur.-y cu7.'0,ixv:s [it ty,.-. kolhahozus of Lc~ vi ilk-, Obl,;':z~;- oa of frou, 4 to 18 huctaivs. Pz r'll"l:-,vn'. thc bcs-~ spitcin(; in tho bwic'a A '~ 1.1,ants, (in o,,,! 'mlQ) at thu cliatmco of Y) cQ:lti- )L-ults r-~Id 3 j.~ters b~-Wuun -,ochets C-~%rd 1/2 m VOIROIIIIM~ and. ;:oll~hoL. imuk; GLIDOVAI Alekoandra Ivznovna, k, Yokaterina illinichmi, k!lrxi- scI11:11oz, nauk; a Ivanovna, kizid, nauk; "EVZO'kV, Fecor Yofi:.-,ovich; :.IKISIIII:, ilonrtaritin nroik; ZIIIJUKOVI I%G., p--of- ved,; 11" LA., rod,.,; ~jA.iAIIOVA, L,,G,l 4'eklin. red, [F,-uit culture with Lho Cundaricnt4LI:-. of bwd:.-cnpti gartJoningj I'lodovodstvo s oonovtimi de]