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. . - .1 I - . ~., A mwmmm~ I Tf A ~ T, ~~ zwwwww !~o 10 CYO ot) (/*It*f, le?o / A 0 HA-AS, L.,- MUM, B,; CHODURI,"iTA, A. Psychosocial concept of suicide and delinquency. Cask. psych. 60 no.6-a-375-382- N 1-64. 1. Paychiatricke oddelen! Ustav narodniho zdravi MY v F-raxe 5 a 6. PRZYLIPI.AX, Roman; CHOI)yNe Mastachiuss Improvement of methods in the treatment of gonorrhea in women and in young girls..Przegl. derm. 4 no-1:51-57 JA-F 154. 1. Z Kliniki D~rmatologjczjjej Akademli Medyoznej w Gdans)m. Myrektor: prof.'dr T.ftwlas. (GoNaRmm&, therapy, *Penicillin, alone & with ther methods, in women) (PUICILLIM, therapeutic usev *gonorrhea in women, alone & with other methods) GOLIBIOWSKA, Irena; CHODYN, Bustachiusx; LIPSKI, Jozef Results of associated method of the treatment of cutaneaus t-aborculosis applied at the dermatological clinic of the Acadevq of Kedicine of Gdnask. Przegl. dorm. 4 no.3-213-216 Vq-Je 154, 1. Z Kliniki Dermatologiesnej Akademil "cznej w Gdanska. Dyrektor: prof. dr -T.Pawlas. (TUBMUWSIS, CUTAIMUS, theram) CHODTN, lustachiusz; PAWWWSKI, Stanislaw . ........... 11-11- -, Complications following smallpox vaccluatione Przogle deraos Varese 4 no.5:353-360 Sept-Oct 54. 1. Z Kliniki Bermatologioznej Akademil Neclycznej w Gdanska. Vs. dyrektora: adlunkt dr St.Pavlowaki. (SKALLPOX, prevention and control. faces* Couple) (VAC-0,1138 AND VACCINATION. Mallpor. c(Mpl.) CHOM, lustachiuss; PRZTLIPIAr, Roman Sociologic aspects of epidmiology of gonorrhea, Przagl. derm., Wares. Nov-Dee 54. 1. Z Kliniki Dermatologicanej Akademti Medycznej v Gdansku. D ..rraktor: prof. dr 1P.Kiedzinski. (GONORRHIA, spidemiolog7, In Poland. soc. aspects) CHODTN Ikstachiusz; SZAWWWSKI, Kazimierz Results of penicillin therapy of fronic atrophic acrodermatitis. Przegl. derm., Warsz. 5 no-5:403-W7 SePt-Oct 55. 1. Z Kliniki Dermatologicznej A.M. w Gdansku. Dyrektor: Prof. dr. Fr. MIedzInski. Gdansk, Klinika Dermatologiczna Akademii Medv.cznej'Debink-i ?2. (ACMDMOWITIS ATROPHICANS, therapy penicillin) (FIRIOTLLIN, tber. use acrodermatitts atropbicans) POLAND PRZYLIPIAK, Roman, CHODYN, Eustachiusz. and LUKOIVICZ, Miron, Dermatology Division-TWa-zl-al Dermatologiczny) (Ordynator: Dr. med. Roman PRZYLIFIAK) of the Powiat Hospital (Szpital Powiatowy) in Wejherowo . (Director: Dr. med. Alojzy JAGAL- SKI) and the Dermatology Consultation Clinic (Poradnia Der- matologii) (Director: Dr. med. Eustaehiusz CHODYN) of the District Out-patient Clinic (Obiodowa Frzychodia) in Gdansk- Wrzeszcz. "Treatment of Gonorrhoea with Trioleandomycine (TAO).11 Warsaw, Polski Tygodnik Lekarski, Vol 18, No 12, 18 Mar 63, pp 439-440. Abstracts [Authors' English summary] me report deals with results of TAO treatment of gonorrhoax of 24 men and 10 women. The daily dose was 1-2 grams for 4-6 days. Com- plate cure was achieved in 32 cases, no gonococai were found in the smears, and clinical signs disappeared after 24 hours. No sido:effects were observed. The authors consider TAO the choice drug for treatment of gonorrhea. There are one French and one English references. L 1/1 -------------- . CHODYNICKI, Stanislaw I---------------- Histochemical studies on nasal polypi after cortisone therapy. Polski tygod.lek. 15 no.39:1482-1485 26 S 160. 1. Z Zakladu Histologil i Embriologii w Bialymstolm; kierownik: doe. dr med. Helena Lewinaka i z Kliniki Otolaryngologicznej w Gialymstoku; kierownik: doe. dr med. Wiktor Hassmann. (CORTISONE ther) (NASAL POLYPI ther) GHODYNICKI, Stanislaw; GUTSZE, Leonia Radioautographic picture of the tbyroid in castrated mice. Endokr. Pol. 13 no.2.0223-131 162. 1. Zakl--d Histologii i Fabriologii A, M. w Bialymstoku Kierownik: Doe. dr H. Lewinslm Zaklad Fizyki Lekarskiej A. M. w Bialymstoku Kierownik: z-ca Prof. dr E. Trembaczcwski. (CASTRATION exper) (THMOID GLAND physiol) (RADIOAUTOGRAPEY) DZIERZYKRAY-ROGALSKA, Irena; PJHODI(IfI-q~I,--~~k~~w; WISNIEWSIU, luejan The effect of gonadeotomy on the parotid-valivary gland and Loeventhal's gland in white vice. Acta med. Pol. 4 no.2: 221-228 163- 1. Department of Histology and Embryology, Medical ~,cademy, Bialystok Directors Doe. Dr H. Lewinska. (PAROTID GLUM) (LACRIMAL APPARATUS) (GONADS) (ADRENAL CORTEX) CHODYNICK1. Stvaislawl GUTSZE,, Iaonia Effect of TSH on the radioautographic picture and'activity of the tbyroid of white mice, Endokr, Dol. 14 no,W5.1-159 163a 1. Zsk3ad Histologii, AM wBia:Lymstcka Kieramdk3 doe. dr H. TAwinska Zaklad FisykL LekarsUej AM v Biallastoku Kiarownikt dr n.m.-f. E. TrembeLawaki. THYROTROPIN) (THYROID GLAND) DIOAUTOGR&M) (IODINE ISOTOPES, DIAGNCSTIC) M CHODYNTrZT, Staninlaw Dacalcifi*ation of the temporal bone by electrolysis. Folia Sorpho (Warss) 24 no.ItIG3-105 165. 1. Z Zekladu Rjetologli i Imbriologii Akadenii Medyomiej v Bialym- stoku (Rierowniki dooo drs mede He lavinska), to CHODYNIECKI, Andrzej, dr Influence of multiple injections of Detreomycine on the health of carp X2 . Acts, hydrobiol 6 no.2:87-92 164. 1. Institute of Fish Diseases, College of Agriculture, Olsztyn-Kortowo. 7 I A ia to the knowledge of the UPPe Slles:arl Mcc&n-t- v an-; - tuff-s. A--chiw lair. 25 -no.1/21-281-301, 161 Pi~-Pai~'Gment of PetrograDhv of the. Cen,,r~E, Dt~p~tment of MIn6ra,ogy o" 3-ii-Iarl Techn-ical k,,NIV~-rsity, riliwice. C(JUN'117Q, polnn(~ C;, Fore Eliz'T. T I T ORIG~ PUB. "Delim NO-11 1050, T`!0- 1463 Of %'I'll V714ithl-cm "'Orest-.-, In Poland Syjk4jntj 1956, ino,, 57 AP I'd T all CT b:7! 1. cl 3t CHODZICKI, Edward Problem of standardizing certain technological and economie- terms concerning the classification of forests; fundament-dl criteriw of the terms and classification principles concerning forest management, Sy1wan 164 no.5:1-24 Fq ~160. CHODYNIECU.. Lidia Geochemical studies on the Gruszow beds from the Gliwice mine. Acta geol Pol 12 no,2:307-333 162, 1. Department of Mineralogy and Petrvgraphy~ Silesian Polytechnic,, Gliwice. RUN:. ffil AN EEIJISZq ;.y- CHODZBAj W. On the effbct of the ageing time of the developer on zmclear emulsion backgroLnd. Acta, physica, Pol 20 no.3:269-271 161. 1. Higher Teacher's Colleges Katowice. KHOEKq Kh. ~qhoek., Chj. d-r Automatic installation for soft water. Tekstilna prom 12 no-4.-21-22 163. PLYAT, SH.N.; RAPOPORT, Yu.M.,- CHOYBUS.. Ye.. RelationshiD between the elastic modulus and the porosity of some heterogeneous systems. In2h.-fiz. zhur. no. 6!96-97 Je 15,9.. (HIRA 11:7) 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-issladovatel'ski;v institut abrazivov i shlifovaniya, Leningrad. PlaeticitO (Porosity) R&PUPORT, TuX,; CHq yNU Rapid method of moisture control. 4v.lab. no-11:1346-1348 159. (MIRA 13:4) Lvessor"Un nnuohno-lesledovatellakiy institut abra21VOV i shlifovaniya. (Materials- Testing) (moisture) RAPOPORT, Yu.M., inzh.; CHO M S, Ye.G. Cheal-ing the hardness of abrasive workpiece by means of eleastic characteristics. *estomash, 40 no-7:57-61 Jl '60. (MIRA 13-7) (Abrasives-Testing) L 04429-67 EWTW/EWP(W) IJPW WW/EM ACC NR; 'A'P60l4-Z-Z5 ~-----SOURCE'CODE: UR/0115166/000/00310038/0041 0 J ~AUTHOR: Glagovskiy, B. A.; Chofnus,_Ye. G. ORG: none :TITLE: Measuring the frequency of natural vibrations of structures SOURCE: Izmeritel'naya tekhnika, no. -3, 1966, 38-41~m iTOPIC TAGS: mechanical vibration, frequency measurement ~ABSTRACT: In measuring the natural frequency of mechanical vibrations of a iltructure (specimen or construction part) by application of a shock, the A%requency imeter (elastometer, Jung-moduluis meter, hardness meter, etc.) records a curve, sisting of three parts: (a) forced vibrations, (b) transient process, and natural vibrations. The time of forced vibrations Tf is known. This time transient time must be excluded from the result of me-oaurement. The ;present Card l'/Z UDC: 534.632 L.o4429-67 ACC NR: AP6014225 article presents a method for determining the transient time for a system with a single degree of freedom, for various ratios Tf /Tn , where Tn to the time of natural vibrations. Starting from a forced-oscillation equation, the method yields simple formulas for the phase angle which single-valuedly determines the transier time. The method permits determining the required duration of application of the external force.* Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 27 formulas. SUB CODE: 13 / SUBM DATE: none / ORIG REF: 003 aWM C.rd 2/2 GLIGORE, V., dotsent, doktor; GERMAN. G.; DIMITRSSKU, I.; BACHU, T.; CHOW, G.; XMSH, K.; T. P~roblem of peptic ulcer in elderly people. 37 uo.10:41-4 0 '59. (MM& 13:2) 1. Iz 2-y meditsinsko7 kliuiki (-saveduy%sb,,,hiy - prof. doktor I.Go7a) Mdiko-farmtsevtichookogo instituta C. Klussh. (PNPTIC ULPIR in old age) '.UTHOR: Chogdon, Zh., Engineer 919-58-7-9/10 TITLE: Hydraulic Engineering in the Mongolian People's Republic (Vodokhozyaystvennoye stroitellstvo v Mongollskoy ~arodnoy Respublike) PERIODICAL: Gidrotekhnika i melioratsiya, 1958, Nr 7, Pp 50-50 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Because of the climatic conditions in the Mongolian People's', Republic, the development of stock raising and farming d,-6pends to a large extent-on an expansion of the irrigation system.', In this article the author gives some general information,cort- cerning the water supply, especially with regard to pastures, pointing out the excellent conditions for future hydraulic engineering in this area. There are 9 phctographs, 2 maps, and 1 table. 1. Hydramlio engineering - NbrigWJa Card 1/1 DA DOVICH,B., arkhitaktor; CHOGLEY, Yu., inzh. ~~ Undergromd piping in microdistricts of Kenerovo. Zhil. stroi. no.llt20-22 164 (MIRA 1812) lzr.eneniye cidsol Battd dvlzhusjjcjj~'.y,,ya (1939), 972 - 301 Prve "I'll "c, urcvnra. D~"'. 2-2 so; Vathemntics in the USSR, 1917-194E -ditel -~ ~y Kurosh., A. Go Ilarkushevich, A. I. Fabhevskiy, P. K. roscow-Leningrad, 1948 0 0 povarklino-styukh urovnya i oblastyalch non' shikh vine' .miy zcdannoy na cgranichennom mio,-,oobrazii. DAIT, 24 W~31, 635-:.39. So: I%thcma-tics,in the USSR, 1917-1947 edited by Kurosh, 1. G. Varkushevich, A. I. Rashevskiy, P. K. Loscow-Leningrad, 1g/,8 Math. Inst., Moscow State Univ. CHOGOSHVILIJ G. S. "On Schnirel-nn's Transformatiom," Dok. AN 30 No- 3, 1941. Mbr-, Math. Inst., Georgian AS j -- CHWOSHV31-I-E-)-Geor--&iy-S-.- ---- - -- - - - - - it On Duality Relations in Topological Spaces," Dok. AN 46,-No 4, 1945. Mr., Math. Inst., AS CHOGOSHVILI, G. "On the Duality Law in Normal Spaces, Dok. AN 48, No. 4, 1945- Math. Inst., Georgian AS, SSR and. Soukhoumi Pedagogical Inst. im. L. Beria I--- -q 7. --, ---j- ~- --- i , , -ft YAW RAU '07-:15, RE Zakon dvoystv9nnosti dlyn retraktov. DAF, 51 (1946), So: Ilathematics in the USSR, 1917-1947 edited by Kurosh, A. G. Wark-ushevich, A. I. Rashevikiy, P. K. '~oscoiv-Lenin,~rad, 194S Mbr-, Thilissi State Univ., im. I. V. Stalin 0 sootnoshoni.,,rakli clvcystvennosti v topolovicheoldloi prc-stranstwil,li. I%, Dissert,,itoiya. Vatem. in-t im. Steklova '(1947). So: Llathematics in the USSR, 1917-1947, edited by Kurosh, A. G. arkushevicli, A. 1. Rashevskiy, P. K. "oscow v ; -Leninc-rad, 1948- 1. U'HOGOSHVILT G.S. 2. USSR (600) 4. Spaces-Generalized 7. 2undamental homomorpbisms of duality, Trudy mat. inst. AN USSR no. 12, 1949. 9. Monthly List of i~uesian AccessioD-8 - , Library of Congress, Aoril 1953, linclass- -au'uz~,= -11 1, lu, -'. ---- ---- - - 13vality Relations for Arbitrary Sets," Usp. mat. uauk voi. 6 no. 4 (44), pp 193-220, 1951, u-1635, 16 Jan 52 :t7= C) dogo9vili, G...S._On the 1undranental homomorphisms of " ` k duality. Akad. Nau GrizM . SSR. Tkidy MAL Inst. Razmadze 18, 1~-52 (1951).!~~' (Russian. Georgian sum- 0 , Mary) The author develops another extension of the Alexaneer- Kolmogor6v duality, theory [sii6'these Rev.. 12, 846 foiAn earlier generalization as., well'as. .references to prievious work "' ` V.1i .. a 66r,* byAlixa d by the u, n rov,'4nd by plan]. Here.,,~er- tain naturals li6inomar~hisrns'd hornology groups of an i "admissable subset" A of a spa:ce R into the groups. of. the complementark subset B=1?. -'A are no longer . necessarily isomorphismi.; -However,:the homomorphisms are "good ' enough so that sokn6 Oropeidei.of B can bi:dedu6ed from ' V the structure. of A.!' Further Imore when R ha s~ the ajjpro~ri- ate properties and A, is a closed, subset of R, the hbm6n3or-' : phism s. beco Ime the iso'morphis mi of the Aleiander'~Kolmo- theory. gorov 1. TWO general situations are, encompassed. Either the, space. " kii n orftuil.a'idA. ii closed: Ok R is completely, normal and . oti'A -,are ,"relaxecif.I!.a iittle. Thus, A 'Wlio' bo6: condi'd~ns 'Wcomjii~cdy immersed" ii i. Raiid its frontier "', (points of A not inner-p"obints of, A) is to be of the type of a difference of dsets. The' second c6tidition is equivilent to ~the two clow . existen ce of an. open set 0 in R " such that aCO and 6 is closed in 0. Then 0 is c ,alled a "neighborhood of closedness" ' 0 for, the.set a. The, first conditior -ieans that if U is'any relatively o ' subset ,of A ,~h6se closure. is bicompact, pen then there is an open V in R whose'closure is bicompact and such that U= Vh A The author uses. many classes of "inner" and "outer" cycles and Cocycles, defined by, coverings 'of Alexandrov types for the sets A and B, as well as for awmiated. set,4 a (frontier), A (the closure) and Bi the inner- ints of B. The PO principal new results conc;rn the existence and nature of homomorphic maps of homology groups based on these classes of cycles. L. Zippin (Flushing, N. Y.). -,n A ' J- G.:S.:: Gdlhe avoll, -tion of direct spectra of 40 909vili. ~a -W ~ t, SoobM omaga i M. omolod ct mugs Akad. !Lem ' N R i aulc txmzm. bhX uss 15 (1954)~ 6.N5-wZ ( an) tl'ne~v: homolo d The author: in uces sever "trod gy an m, l associated. with a' pair:JR, -M) homology. groups, , R: i l locally compa ct rtorm~d, M a subset of R, by a l imit P coustruction. Let X b0 a discrete (abelian) group and 0 its - character-group-The' Vz -X) is the limit group of I(M, R; the inverse system, whose gen enc -grcup is, for any F (closed in R, contained in JI),,the factor group Hr(F; X) - i*H'(R; X) (cohomology group of F modulo the image of the cohomology group of X under restriction to F), with he homorphisms de I ned in the obvious fashion. One also defines AZ(M, R; 0) jas-,the limit.of . the- direct system, ftmned-:by,7-the7kern~l"f--tWlhj-e-c o-no e, - omology -h _7 - bove- PS f -6 same -sets F as a to t e grou ,groups 0 th W R h are compact,:apd the limit is understood in the author's sense [Mat. - Sb. -N.S, 28(70) (195 1), 89-118; MR 12, 846] The two groups obtained are dual in the author's sense. A similar pair of Uoups (Vgf.and All) is defined by con- sidedng the directe4 set of open sets of R, containing X If N is the complement of M in R, it is shown that VII(M, R; X) Fvqz-'(N. R; X), Aar(M, R; 0),.qeAjr+1(N, R; 0). 777-- 1 -7-- , , , 1~ C. , -fi I I -~ - ~ ~, N: - 4~- lk--6-4 "-I' -! - --~ : - I't~~-"--.T =Mll A I I I . I j, A-- -.011 M-1- - - --m 44~~~ --- --, - ~ - VALIFISH, A.z redaktor; KAMHAVIDZZ, G.T.. redaktor; MIKEUDZE, Sh.Ye*t redak;or; MUSMILISEEFILI, R.I., otvetstveany7 redaktor; CHILIME, Y.G., redaktor; CHOGOSKYWILI, G.S., redaktor; KABACHKOV, S.R., tekhnicheskiy, redaktor. .1 - - [Idn8ar discontinuous boundary problems of the function theory, singular integral equations and some-of their applicational-Idneinya razryvnys granichnye sadachi teorii funktaii, singuliarnye integrallnye uravneniia i nekotorys ikh prilozheniia. Tiflic, Izd-vo Akademii-nauk Gruz.SSR. 1956. 158 p. (Akademiia nauk Gru'z.SSR. Matenaticheskii institut. Trudy, vol6 23) (MLRA 10:5) (Functions, Discontinuous) (Integral equations) (Functions of complex variables) 2i '~T - i fz & - 6 1/2 44-1-241 TRANSLATION FRO14: Referativnyy zhurnal, Matematika, 1957, Nr- 1, P. 35 (USSR) AUTHOR: Chogoshvili,'-Q.3. TITLE: Algebraic Methods in Theoretical -Set Topology (Algebralcheskiye metody v teoretiko-mnozhestvennoy topologii) PERIODICAL: Tr. 3-go Vses. matem. s"yezda. 2, Moscow,AN SSSR, 1956, p 56 ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry Card 1/1 -'THANSLATIQ*.FROK: 'AUTHOR: TIT;Z: PWODICAL: ABSTRACT: 44-1-258 ReferatIvrwy zhurnal,, Matematika, 1957P p 38 (USSR) Chiogoshvili -8~- Generalized Spectra.and Their Application to the Theory of HoTlogy (Obobahchyennyye spektry i ikh primenenniya.v teorii gomologiy) Tr. 3-g0 "Imes. matem,smyezda, 2, Koscow, AN SSSR, .1956, p. 136 Bibliographic entry Card 1/1 CEIQGOSHVILI, G.S. groups of infinite chains and finite cochains. Soob. AN Gruz. SSR 19 no-5:513-520 N 157. (mim 11:6) l.Tbiliaskiy gosudarstvanny7 universitat im. I.V. Stalina. Chlen-korrespondent AN GruzSSR. (Chains (Mathematics)) CEOGOSHVIW. G.5. Generalization of Steenrod's law of duality. Soob.AN Grus.SSR 21 no.6:6411-648 1) 158. (MIRA 12:4) 1. Thiliaskiy gosudaretvennyy universitet im. Stalina. Chlen-korres- pondent AN Grux SSR. (Topology) CHOGOSHTILI, G.S. Homology grous of an Infinite complex. Soob.Aff GMz.SSR 23 no.6: 641-648 D 159. Wn 13:6) 1. Thilisakiy goeudareftemiyy univerettet im.'I.V.Stalinia. Chlen- kdrrespondent AN GrusSMt. (Groups, Theory of) CIIOGWIIHVILI-- G7.- S-.- -- .9 "Diagrairis of groups with outer multiplication and some of their applications in homology theory" report submitted at the Intl Conf of Mathematics, Stockholm, Sweden, 15-22 Aug 62 LCMADZE, G.A.; CHOGOSIIVILI. G.S. Arnolld Zellmanovich Vallfish; obituary. Usp. mat. nauk 18 no*4:119- 128 Jl-Ag 163. (miRA 16:9) ACC NRt Ap7005423 SOURCE: COM UR/0042/66/021/004/0023/0034 AUTHOR: Chogoshvillk G S 11G emeralf5irProduots and '11mi ts and Their Applications in Homology Meory" moscow, Uspekhi Matcmatematichoskilch NaWc, No. 4, Vol. 21, 1966, pp 23-34 Abstracts This papor is derived from a reviow given at the Nth All-Union Topological Conferenoo in September 1963, in Tashkent. Three charactoristic properties of the Tikhonov topology, commonly used in products of t6pological spaces, are dofinod. The explicit form of these topological spaces is defined. The eVlic;kt fom of this topology is govornead; by the generators of open sets, The cited properties ensure the oxistonce of other rLnarkabla properties and exceptionally broad applicability of the Tikhonov product topology. It is shown that a non-Tikonov topology of a given systea may be larger, saaller. or not comparable to the Tikhonov topology, and each case is dis- cussed. The author then examines problems involved in obtaining a=s of topologic;~Ok. (compact) groups, Particular doflnitions made are applicable to Yarious pi,,-blems in the theory of homologies. In this conto;ct, spoctral thoory is ill-named because it applies to the greatest variety of homological groupse The relations between various homologioal groups are estalolishod, Orig. art. hast 7 formulas, LJPRSt 38,69g Card UDC; 513.83 ACC NRi AP7005423 ORG: none TOPIC TAGS: topologyq mathem 'tics SUB CODEt .12 SUBM DATE: 09Apr66 ORIG,REFS 023 OTH'REFs 017 CHOGOSHVILIJ, G.S. "Gom(logicheskaya Teoriya Nezamknutikh" Report submitted for S3mposium. on General Topology and its relations to modern Analysis and Algebra, Prague, 1-8 Sep 61 CHOCOSPIVILT, 1.D, - - - - - - 'l,tating nev reagents,, cheaper than oleic acid, on the mineral complex of barite ores. Trudy KIMS no.5:3-3.0 163. Studying the interaction of tall oil soap with barite, calcite., and quartz by the methods of infrared ar-ectroscopy a-rid the electrokinetic potential. Ibidoll-20 (MIRA- l8qIO) CH0G.Q6=jU;,BY,e. Cdeceaeed3., NECHATEVA, T.I.. ISHG Z.G.. kand.mild.nauko' Status of the bone marrow and peripheral blood in radiotherapy of malig- nant tumorse I red- 33 no$4:84-86 ji-Ag '58 (KIRA 11:8) 1. Is radiologichookogo otdela (sav. - prof. A.V. Koslova) I gematolo- gicheskoy laboratorii (zav. - N.Te. Chogoshvili [deceasedj Gosudaretvennogo unuchno-looledovatellBkogo institute. rentgonologii I radiologii Ministerstva zdravookhraneuiya RSFSR (dir. - dots, I.Ge Lagunora). (NEOPLASMS, ther. radiother., off. on bone marrow & peripheral blood (Bus)) (RADIOTHERAPY, In varions die. cancer, off. on bone marrow & peripheral blood (Run)) (BOHN MARROV, off. of radiations on rndiotbar. in cancer (Run)) (BLOODs offs of radiations on radlothere on peripheral blood in cancer (Rus)) CHOGOSHVILI N.Ye. [deceased] starehiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; KARIBSKATA, A.Y., IMFORTY nauchny7 sotrudnik Comparative data from a study of punctates and biopsies of lMh nodes and tumors (cytohistological parallels). Trudy TSentr. nauch.- issl. inst. rentg. i rad. 10:174-182 159. (MIRA 12:9) (CANCER) (TUMDRS) (]BIOPSY) -J, rij: Ci ('10 C- V A. D Z'T') "Pil-, font i-i c"ill!"l-no(I'Ampo 'fan" unaer sclicol conaitions - 195" - 12 Pr 0 c, St~~te List II.I.Firocov), 2250 copie:- CHOGOVADZE, A.V. Successful use of exercise therap y in severe spinal injUZ7' Vop;kur',fiziotere 1 lech.f12. kullt. 23 no'5:455-456 S-0 ~58 (MIRA 3-1:11) 1- Iz kafedry fisicheakogo vospitaniya i vrachebnoy fizicheskoy ~~Vtury (zav. dotsent S.M. Ivenov) i detakoy khirurgicheakoy kliniki (zav. prof, S.D. Ternovskiy) II Moskovskogo meditainskogo Instituth (dire -dotsent S.I. Milovidov) (SPINE-WOUNDS AND INJMIES) (EXKRC ISE TZOAM) CHOGOVADZE, A.V. Kass propIqlaxis and treatment of flqtfoot in children and adolescents. Pediatriin 36 no*6:25-28 Je '58 (MIRA 11:6) 1. Is kafedry fisicheakogo vospitAni7a i vrAebabnoy fiskulltury (any. - doteent S.M. Ivanov) II Koskovskogo zeditsinskogo institute, imeni N.I* Pirogava. (IUTFOOT, prev. & ther. in child. & adolescents (Rue)) ;]L=VAD~j, f""iy-Va:x-1m=Lch~-IVAN0V, S.M., red.; POGOSKINA, 149vt, tekhn. red. [Plrjsical training as a method for the ~preventilon and treatment of platypodia in school children] Fizicheskaia kulltura kak matod profilaktiki i lecheniia plookostopiia u shkollnikov. Moskva Medgiz, 1962. 111 p. (MIRA 15:3) tPBYSICAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING) (FOVOTL-AWORMITIES MID DEFORMITIES) CHOGOVADZE, D.N. [Collection of problems on construction equipment] Sbornik zada-.h po stroitellrqm mashinam. Tbilisi, Izd- vo Gruzinskogo politakhn. in-ta, 1961. 45 p. (In Meorgian] WIRA 18-14) a. :a- S~5 -T~~ L BOLKVADZE, Lovan Sergeyevich; SUWZE, Shalva Solomonovich; C Mrovich- [Principal building materials and products; technology, characteristics, and use][OsnovMe stroitellnye materialy i izdeliia; tekhnologiiiap svoistva, primenenie. Tbilisi, Gos. izd-vo "Sabehota Sakartvelo") 1963. 298 p. (MM 17:4) [In Geo~gianl -f %=*r-7 7, -~~ _7 7 oll -7 z;z !'A gDts t "S!zr- QU i=Q7= Uea acheas for convarting c b val t 1 1, Tz SOURCE.- AN GruzS,-.R. Soobshcheniya, v. 34, no. 3, 1,064, 629-632 TnPTr. 'PAC-So contrul aystem, photatransister, erccdi=-,, CCraZU'-7, 7 d'~ods. P 3 FU 2 pn,)todioda, pc,~,,, -3 preserl ~'a or, 0 1 T~Ile Al A-i -Idz narov v '-el t,- z on wie mc.Lusure* Imy idgnD scume is seD up on me mimuring indiaxtor, Wid ~T control is eatablished at, thr" points.. Phatodiodem are placad on the instrament tic-ide. 4rd -,hasa are lighted up alternately acconling 'Lo movement o~' the i-ndi-calwr one f-r recordirV., the other fo-. :-.0.ical'or Movas 71 or zr,, a -ii-3m a igi r, i-a rf~sjn A rl'i t-n4z 07rul" H_, I- I I i 1: us, 0 5~,,af 4bll. nor-te-Vmiki~-Grtm,iwkog*~'nUtekhrdiaheakCeo-m;i)-.~rta Gz&,c,_r 77 7~ 'Accasioll hRr --AP40408917'."~ -'Irvi was F;At UD on a Mac-11ine in a central contro-I and davalavvmnt laboratory for a chemical plant of the SovnarKaos or TAne ueurg--um aono T 01 F L 8738-65 kC,--'r-SS ION MR APUChO699 ENCWS Un 01 3a3ic 3cneme w th 7 M M AF mediate elemeat; T Lai lot tri 90 in, nim n, t - __ _ _ ''. V, M_ __ ~ " ~ - 4 - BETANKLI, I.D., kandidat- t ekhnicheskikhnauk -9-HOMELIDZE t -M.A.-, -- inshener; - - - -- KOMPANIONI. Zh.I., inshener; GHWCVAXgi4.G 4., inzhener; MGBBMHVILI, LIJ., in.zhener; NMAM, M.I., InzIregrg- Use of belt conveyers for transporting concrete mixtures. Gidr.stroi. 22 no.8:1-5 Ag 153. (MMA 6:8) (Goncrete--Transportation) CHOMVADZE p G. -- T. INUMI, I.D., k%ndidat takhnichaskikh nauk; KOKPANIONI, Zh-I., Inshener; HUMISHVILI, I.K., inxhaner; KOKTSZLIME, K.A.,'in- shener; INSAIU, M,I., inzhenar; CHCOOTABU, 0.1., inxhaner. Stand rd prefabricated concrete plant with two S-158 concrete mixer. Blek. sta. 25 no.6:48-49 is 154. (NLU 7:7) (Concrete) (MIXing machinery) 98-58-5-213 3 AUTHORs Cho~ovadze,_G.I., Read of the Council of National Eco'nomy o the Georgian SSR TITLE: Pwspecti-ies in the Development of Power Engineering in the Georgian SSR (Perspektivy razvitiya energetiki Gruzinskoy SSR) PERIODICAL: Gidrotekhnicheskoye Stroitel'stvo, 1958, Nr 5, pp 8-124'USSR) ABSTRACT: Georgian electric power production exceeds by 120 times that of 1913. The future development of industry and agriculturep and in particular the exploitation of the various mineral resources (Manganese, coal, eto) depends mainly on the growth of electric power. Basic power resources consist mainly'of water power: 89% of all available power resources in the repub- lic. The potential power of the Georgian rivers is estimated to be 11 million kw and according to data recently published by the Energeticheskiy institut AN Gruzinskoy SSR (Power Instj'_' tute of the AS of the Georgian SSR) this figure has been in- creased by 30%. In 1927 the Zemo-Avehallskaya gidroelektro- stantaiya imeni V.I. Lonina(Zemo-Avchala Hydroelectric Power Plant imeni V.I. Lenin) was one of the first in the USSR to start production. During the following years, the following Card l/ GESes were constructed: the Rionskaya GES imeni I.V. Stalin& 96-58-5-2/33 Respectives in the Development of Power Engineering in the Georgian SSR (Rioni GES imeni I.V. Stalin), Adzharia-Tskallskaya (Adzharis- Tskali), Sukhumskaya (Sukhumi), Chitakhevskaya (Chitayevskaya) and the regulating hydroelectric power stations were as follows: Khramskaya 1 (Khrami 1), Shaorskaya (Shaorskaya), Tkibul'skaya (Tkibul) and others. At preeent the following hydroelectric power plants are under constructiont Khramskaya 2 (Khrami 2) Ladzha~urskaya (Ladzhanur) and Gumatakiye (Gumati). On the river Ladzhanuri, the first arch dam (75 m high) is under construction. Electric power availLble at ths present time is still insufficient. As a result, the Chiatnrskiyei margan- tsevyye rudniki (Chiatura Manganese Mines) produce several million tons of manganese ore per year, but the Zestafonskiy ferrosplavnyy zavod (.Zestafoni Ferroalloy Plant) can process only an insignificant part of it; the remaining ore has to be transported either to remote di 11 tricts of the USSR or exported. To satisfy the growing needs for electric power, Georgia plans to operate electric power stations with gas. The construction of a gas pipeline from Karadag to Tbilisi has been started and Card 2/3 will be comple;"ed by the end of 1959. The construction of the 98-58-5-2/33 Respectiveo in the Development of Power Engineering in the Georgian SSR projected hydroelectric power plant on the river Inguri hag become an urgent necessity; it should be ready by 196b. The amalgamation of the Transcaucasian (Zakavkaz) electric power systems in accordance with the decisions of the 20th KPSS Conference has already begun. A 110 kv line between Mingechaur and Tbilisi has been constructed. Another 220 kv line from Kirovobad via Akstafa to Tbilisi is under construction and in the near future a line will be built to the Armenia SSR in order to unite the Armenian power system with those of the Azerbaydzhan and Georgian SSR. ASSOCIATIONs Sovet narodnogo khozyRWstva Gruzinskoy SSR (Council of National Economy of the Georgian SSR) AVAILABLEs Library of Congress Card 3/3 CHOGOVADZE, G.I., red.; GOMELAURI, N.G., red.; DZH(14MZHIDZE, G.S., red.; A.A., red.i CHIAYEV, I.S., red.; WMIA, A.K., red.; ABESADZEq N.K.9 red.- YAKIVOVA# A., tekhn. red. (Forty years of Georgian industries,'1921-1961] Promyshlennost' Oru- Zii 2a 40 let, 1921-1961 g.g. Tbi-lisi, i2d-vo "Zaria Vostokapu 1961a 253PI (MIRA 14:8) 1. Georgia. Ekonomicheskiy administrativwjy rayon. Sovet narodnogo khozyaystva. (Geoigia-Industries) --CHOGOVADZ&i~~~ - - ---- ---- Expanding export de-liveries. Vnesh. torg. 41 no. 2:25-27 161, (MM lo Predsedatell Sovnarkhoza Gruzinskoy SSRe (Georgia-Economic conditions) (Georgia-7-Commerce) CHOGCYVADZE G The industry of the Georgian S.S.R. and problems of a complex deyelopment of the economy of the Transcaucasian republics. Prom.Arm. 5 no.8:5-9 Ag 162. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Predsedatell Soveta narodnogo khozyaystva Gruzinskoy SSR. (Transcaucasia-Economic development) (Georgia-Industries) CHOGOVADZ flydroelsotric power*fn Georgia in on,the increase. Gidr. stroi. 33 no.:L2-.:L-3. 1) (MIRA 16:1) Predeedatell Soveta.narodnogo khozyaystva Gruzinskey SSR. (Georgia-Hydroelectric p6wer stations) KISELEV9 T.; DIORDITSA, A.; TYNURIS, E.; CHOGOVADZE, G.; BEGMATOVA, S.; GAPUROV.. M.; KAKHAROV, A. The entire country participates in foreign trade. Vnesh. torg. 43 no.19.- 6-12 163. (PIRA 17s2) 1. Predsedatell Sc-.ata Mini itrov -Behrmskoy SSR (for Kiselev). 2. Pred- sedatell Soveta Ministrov Moldavskoy.SSR (for Diorditsa)6 3. Zamestitell Predsedatel~a Soveta Ministrov Estonskoy,SSR (for Ty7iuris). 4. Zamesti- tell Predeiedatelya Soveta Ministrov Gruzinskoy SSR (for Chogovadze)..5* Zamestitell Predsedatelya.Soveta Ministrov Kirgizskoy SSR (for Begr4atova). 6. Predsedatell Soveta Ministrov Turkmenskoy SSR (for Gapurov). 7. ~raa- sedatel-I Soveta Ministrov Tadzh4skoy SSR (for Kakharov), Sol* 0 IM &Omon ftwOm 9t dy" and t". (Unincrad. Last. Sout. Totav. M. Hagel'al). 'X0. d4if i Vi"72darsbe S.S.R. & No. 6. 14-17(IQU).--Otk resnarxi of the *Shma (1) fraction. 0 shgorptiou mases in the vim - (WOW, Fe iou do not catuirm 0 absorpti Comm am only am tue stuams iml ifoca ;rOlylb of unnims and cotorks w"ta. Lewo com S. exist in C*kdm JUIM Whicb to own to the keto (arm on hestins; this fS fnr iSMAW in I ft*CtiM in Wine after pa*- fitudullon. H4b fernsentatim temp. A)* Ives larm aimit, of I in tht Witte. ------------------ Lr Ita-A Wimour ntuttq effect AK-:,!-.!-.- A- I'- Ine a~.ztny,,~ !--p~, GOLOVKIN, Hikolay Alekseyevich, doktor takhnichaskik:h nauk, professor; CHIZHOV, Georgly Borisovich, professor, doktor tekhnichaskikh nauk; SHKOLIMIKOVA. Yelizaveta Fedorovna. kandidat tekhaichaskikh nauk; SHCHEKOTOV,P.A., redaktor; KARKH.A.T., professor. rotsenzent; KM,AGUROVA,F.V., professor, retsenzdnt; KHRISTODUW,D.A., professor, reteenzent; BABIN,F.P., dotseat, retsenzent; ILICHUKO,S.G., dotsent, retsenzent; alloio'VADZE Sh K doteentp.retsenzont; ROSLOV,G.I., teklmichaski ~: [Tachnolog7 of refrigerating food products] Kholodiltnaia takhno- logiia pishchevykh proauktov. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo tor- govoi lit-rr, 1955. 375 P. (MLRA 90) (Pood--Preservation) (Refrigeration and refrigerating m;Lchinery) MMOBAN&IT, Georgiy Georgiyevich, prof., doktor takhn.lisuk; KOZIN, N.I., prof., zaaluzhennyy daystall nauki i takhniki. retBenzent; SMIRNOV, V.~*.-.,zasluzheWy deyatell nauki I tokhniki, rateenzent! (deoeasedl; GRTUM, V.S., prof., retsenzent; CHISTYAKOV, POMOR -... dotaent, reteenn retbenzent; IMCGOYADZI, ShjK -nt; INMOV, G.S., prof., retsenzents, RUKOSUM, A.N., dotsent.; KCL- CHINSKATA, N.A., red.; SOAK, D.K., (Introd-aotion to the study of foodstuffs] Vvedenie v tovarovedonie prodovolletvennykh tovarov. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo torg,lit-ry, 1939o 1210 p. . (MIRA 13:10) 1. Moskovskiy inatitut narodnogo khozyaystva im. G.V.Plakhanova (for Kozin). (Food) GABRIVE-ITANTS, Mikhail Agaronovichi kand.tekhn.nauk; IAVROVA, L.P.. kand.teklm.nauk, retsenzent-,_qffQQQYADZZr4b.X., dotsent, retsenzent; LAZAM, U.N., kand.tokhn.nauk, retsenzent; ZAKS, Ta.A., retsenzent; CHISTTAKOV, F.K., prof., red. [deceased]; KOLCHINSKATA, N.A., red.; MMISH, D.K.. (Study of meat and mat products] Tovarovedenie miasa i missnykh tovarov. Moskva. Gos.izd-vo torg.lit-ry, 1960. (KIRA 13:11) 1. Hauchno-iseledovateliskiy institut myasnoy promyshlennosti (for Lavrova). 2. Loningradakiy institut sovetskoy torgovli imeni F.Engellse (for Lazarev). 3. Rosmyasorybtorg Ministerstva torgovli RWSR (for Zaks).- (Meat) Uggs) TITOV. IT., prof. (Leningrad); GHOGOVADZZ, dots. (leningrad) Vacuum drying of vegetables. Hauka i zhion' 27 n0-9:79 5 16o. (MIRA 13:9) (Vegetables,Drying) TITOV9 N.1 CHOGOVADZE9 Sh.; M-ISHCHUKt Ye.; SAKHMVAq T. 4ion of vegetables dried under ulus and minus Comparative evalua+ temperatures. Sofe torgo 35 n0.2:37-38 F 161. (MIRA-14:3) 1. S'otrudaiki Insituta sovetskoy torgovli imeni Fr. Engelleat Lenir,qrad. (Vegetables# Dried) CHOGGVADZE,--S-h,,,,._dotsent Determination of sugar in foodstuffs. S6v,,torg,. 34 no.5:45-46 My 161. (r- RA 14: 5) 1. Zaveduyushchiy kafedroy tovarovedeniya prodcivol'stvennykh tovarov Leningradskogo instituta sovetskoy torg6vIi imeni Fr. EngelIlea, (Food-41jalysis) TITOVY N. (Isningrad)3 CHOGOVADZEI Sh. Leningrad); FAGEL:, R. (Ianingrad) influence of packaging on the preservation of Vitamin Co Sov. torg. 35 no,12:34 D t6le (IGRA 143-3-1) (Vegetables., Dried) TL- P SHUROVENKOV, B.; OWSOMMAV L. Grain moth (Hadena bosilinea) in Mongolia. Zashch. ras'.. at TI-ed. i bol. 10 no.2.47-48 t65. (MIRA la14) 1. Mongollskiy selfskokhozyaystvenny-y institut, Ulan-Pator. HECHT, K. (Berlin-Buch, Wiltbergstrasse 50); CHOINOWSKI, S (Berlin-Buch, Wiltbergetrusas 50); SOLLE, M. (Berlin h, Wiltbergstrasse 50); TREPTOW, K1. (Ber.Un-Bach, Wiltbergstrasse 50) Significance of the individual stimulability of US for the centrally effective pharmaceutical products. Acts. pbysiol Hung 20 no.2tl35-139 161. 1. Institute far Kortiko-Viozemle Pathologie und Therapie der Deutachen Akademie der Wissenechaften. CHOINSKI, R. "Purifying cinder, 11 Materialy Budowlane, Warszawa, Vol 9, no 1, Jan. 1954, P. 25- SO: Eastern European Accessions List, Vol 3, No 11, Nov 1954, L.C. PIENIAZEK, Jan; ZURAKOWSKA-ORSZAGII, Janina; CHOINSKI, Zdzislaw Radiation grafting of polyacx7lonitrile. Foli--er7 -~4orzz wielk 9 no.3:94-99 Mr 164. 1. Department of Technology of Artificial Fibers, Technical University, Lodz (for Pieniazek and Cbcinski). 2. University, Warsaw (for Zurakowska-Orszagh). CHOMAIT, A. "Let us Reduce the Prim~ Closits'O-f'A-~Aation Clubs. w keroklubz. P. 19. (SKRZYDLATA POLSKA, Vol. 10, No. 43, Oct. 1954, Idarsza,,ra, Poland) SO; Mcnthly List of East Buropean Accessions, (EFAL), Lc, Vol. 4, Wo. 1, Jan. 1955 Uncl. LISINSKI, Jan; CHOJECKA, B -aIjara: TJTM, Miroslaw &W Artificial hibernation in gynecological operations. Polski tygod. lek. 11 no.7:289-294 13 Fab 56. 1. Inst. Matki i Dziecka w Wares. dyrektor prof. dr. 1. Groer; kier.-Kliniki Polosaletwa i Chorob Kobiecycb.- doc..dr. Jau Lesinski Warszawa, lust. Matki t Dziecka, ul. Madalinakiago 25- (HIBERNATION. artificial, in gyn. surg. (Pol)) (GYNECOLOGICAL DISEASES. surgery, .artif. bibernatiin in. (Pol)) CHOJECKA, Barbara, KMZEPAq Stanislav -"`Z -WOOMP-j DeZermination of oxytocic properties of the blood from the cubital jein and from the cervix uteri in labor*' Polaki tygod. lake' 13 no.141526-528 7 Apr 58 1. (ZIII Illiniki Poloznictwa I Chorob Kobiecych Akndemii Medycauej w W-wie; kierMmik:- prof .' dr med. Jan Lesinaki i z Zakladu Parmakologii Instytutu Katki i Dziecka; dyrektor: prof. dr mede Franclazek Groer) Adres: Warszawa, TV KI. PqIzn. i Chore Kobiecych A.F. w W-wie; (LABCR, b*lood in, oxytocto properties (Pol)) (OMOCIO-s' in blood, in labor (POI)) klr-ul, A zec IV W U.L 1&/ .1: 1155. OXYTOCIC PROPERTIFS OF THE M.001) SERUM DURING LABOUR -XND IN NEWBOHNS - Wlaiciwo4ci otsvtutvczne surowtcv krwi kubiet rodz4c;lc~ I noworodk6w - C h oj e c k a B. , k u r7z e p a S. anci L e s i A s k i J. Dzialu Nlatki I Zaki. Farmakor.-,-I-nst. Matki i Dziecka, Warsza-Ara - POL. TYG. LEK. 1958, 13/48 (1937-1938) Tables I The nutnors determined the oxytocic properties of tne blood serum by De Jalon's method. Bayo and De Jalon found in 10 parturients and in We newborns a certain regularity In the behaviour of oxytocic substances during labour. Investigations showed that the level of oxytocic substances In the uterine blood serum and in the umbilical blood serum is almost equal and that it Is distinctly higher than their level in the peripheral blood of the mother. CHOJMKA,Barbara; KUMPA,Staiftelaw Oxytocic propertiss of the blood serum in women with pregnancy toxamias. Polski tygod. lek. 15 no.20:766-767 16 my 16o. 1.,,z Dzialu Matki; kierownik: prof. dr. med. Jan lesinaki, z Zakladu farmakologii, p.okierovnik: dr Stanislaw Kurzapa, a Instytutn Hatki. i Dziecka; dyrektor: prof. dr. mad. Franciezek Groer. (PRBGNANCY TCMIAS blood) (CXTTOCICS blood) CHOJECKA., Barbara; GOLISZEK, Janina; KMEPA, Stanislaw; LESINSKI, Jan; SIROWK, ugeniusz Studies on the level of urinarr 5-bydroxyindolacetic acid in women with, and without previous pffychoproVaylactic preparation in labor. PolBki tygod. lek. 16 no.n:383-385 13 Mr 161. 1. Z Kliniki Ginskologiczuo-Polozniezej; kierownik: prof. dr -T. Leeinski i Zakladu Farmakologii; p.o. kierownik., dr St. Kurzepa, Inatstutu Mat)d i Dziec.4; dymktor-. prof. dr F. Groar. (INDOLAOSTIC ACID urine) (LABOR urine) JODKOWSKI, Henr7k,-,_PHOJECKA, Barbara Recurrent jaundice in the courae of pregnancy. Polaki tygod. lek, 16 no,23:891-893 5 Je 161. 1. Z II Oddzialu Cborob Vewmtramych Szpitala Miejskiego Nr 6; ordynator: dr =ad. S9Uk-sPbdkolinWd i z II Katedry Polonletwa I Chorob Kobiecych Studium.Dookonalenia LakarzT A. M. v Warazaviel kierownik: prof. dr mad. Tan Lesinski. (PREGNANCY compl) (JAUNDICE in pregn) KURZEPA, Stanislaw; CHOJECKAp Barbara, Significance and use of serotonin in obstetrics and gynecology. Ginek, Pol, 33 no,2:229-236 162. 1. Z Zakladu Parmakologii.Instytutu Matki i Dziecka v Warszawie P.o. kiero%mik: dr S. Kurzapa Kierownik Dzialu Matki: prof. dr mad. J. Lesinski Dyraktor Instytutu Matki i Dziecka: prof. dr med. F. Groer. (GYNECOLOGY) (OBSTETRICS) (SEROTOYM) L/ rRIAlay PR =1-M,-BPVr., GOLISUT., J. Dr., XMHPA, S. Dr., LESINSKI, J. Dr., $1110JUK, E. Dr. i Obstetrical and Gynecological Clinic and Department fere Rharmacologieal Researchs Institute for Maternity and Infant Care (i;zqleszeti as Nogyogyastatl Klin:Lkr. es Gyogyszerktztatasi Csttaly; Anya. azm C'soosezovedo Thtezet)*, Warsaw, '-5-11ydrW-Indole-Acetia Acid Neration of Maternity Patients Unpraparek arst Prepared bv Psychoprophylactio Mathods." Buflipest, Orvosi Hi~tiiap, Vol 103, No 46, 18 Nov 62, Pages 2175-2177. ,kt-tj~:ractj [Authors' sumnhry] Psychoprophylactic preparation,by its R3=.-mon the central nervous system, resull- ed i~ a change in serotonin metabolism, It seemed that the excretion of 5-HIA vas ProporLional'to -t~ftn success of the psychoprophylactic preparation. Post partum, there was no significant difference between the 5-qT1A values of the prepared xid conttrol patients. Detemination of 5-UA excretion can be used for t.'rw evaluation of success of the psychoprophylactio preparation. ['11dLs paper is publi.~~hed, as part of an exchange Program, from the ?,2?~ski TIZZodnik Lekarskij LU of the references are Western, 2 Soiriet-bl=3