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D&S.KALOV) P* Daskalov, P. Various types of tortato and our canning industry. p.8. Vol. 10) no. 10, Oct. 1955 XOOPERM"'O ZEITIELIk; Sofiya, Bul!aria 2 SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, (BEAL), LC, Vol. No. - Februaryj 1956 Shortening the seasot, in the canning industry. P. 4 LLKA ?W@IMUVQST. Vol. 5, No. 3, iq@6 Soriia, Bulgaria So. East European Accessions List 1701 . t..b . 9 SeL)tezber iq@6 rASKAIDY, P. Let us fulfill the pr6ftation plan for tomato puree during 1956 p.4 LEKA PW9SHIENOST.' (ministerstvo na lekata i khranitelnats promishlenost) Sofiia. Vol. 5, No; 4, 1956 SOURCE: East European Accessions List, (MAL) Library of Congress, Vol. 5, No.11. November 1956 DASKALOV, P. DASKALOV, P. Production of fruit and vegetable juices. p. 26. Vol. 5, No. 9. 1956. IXK& PFUMISMMOST. TECHNOLOGT Sofiiu, -Bulgaria bo: East Auropean AcceaBion@ Vol. 6, No. 3, March 1957 "-d @c-,tu A Y'@ F- Catosory : Microbioloxy Sanitation ZlicrobioloV J Jour : ;-.*,f-.f nur Biol., No.19, Iba. 1958, 86667 .Author t Daelcalov 1-1. Inatitut. : I = Titlo The Influence of Temperature and -in-e of -Sterili- vation on Certain Component Parts and on the jJILC- roflora of @,;@reservee- Green "eas Orir@, Pub. Lcka Fromialdenost, 1)56, Vol-5, fin-11, ->3-26 Abstraot I no abstradt Card: -28- ?roallcts Tilar clulclov - C" Jenical TC lustry I ic@ ier 140 1959, i@)305 - So 30ur, ocs T D06SIM10V t4DACC ba tion of (1958) MtcraTa - st, 7J VO 4$ 13-14 ?TWJsb1OnO OTIG tin Dulcpr'w) tric noth, CLIO S not d that tOO13 aoe of the fe6c tona. bst4ooecs cluaitye of 01, Ta wber V. r trae Or 'a,,,:,tjng tb tOUt:of."C CVa ales) I 1,b a 0 the con . it vitaana I Of t1lo I ractorizo - bOV-0 (Yrot ",tj a nun oWiratiox .06t 000 1 6VCIO+ t"O "at '. DrYi1% 6uthore ii@J.+ t1le C subst=ccs COX& /O'V BULGARIA Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and H Their Application. Food Industry. itbs Tour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 9l 1959, 33146. 4iuthor Daskalov P. k Inst givo Title lvianufaoturo of Natural and Vogotablo Juices. Orig Pub: Khranit. prom-st, 1958, 7, No 7, 14-1&. Abstract: Thu role played by jOices in human nutrition is oxa-ainad in comparison with other -roducts in the procossinG of fruits and vogetables. The economy of the manufacture of juices is under- scored. It is nccossary to incroaso the quantity of processed juices, to prohibit the Dmduction of vodka from fruits and use thou, toGether with vegetables, on the whole, for the manufacture of juices, concentrates, and childrents and dietetic products. -- iLe Marin. C cit i r.t ry : 13ULGARIA H C@,.tos3ry= :Ghomioal. TechnoloCy. Chomical Froductn (Part 3). 14-bod Incluribry JDur- ! Hof zhur-Mlim, 1959, No -, 25229!-,or -*Diml'alov P. blir-, Tonov: R, St. Tit"Ic .'Alaro-loss Transportation of To-mntoe3 to the PIace of Moir Procossing or'L,;:. '7@ib. :Khrunit. Drom-3t, 19,*3, 7, Ho 8, 13-17 Ab,_,tract :ITo abstract. CAT.OJORY AB-5. JOUR. AUTIOR I'M 3 T . T ITL 3 ORIr t . ?UB. A 8 U TRA C T CARD: Ilp Bulgaria H-28 RZI(him., No. 16 1959, No. 58861 Daskalov,,P. Kh.$ Tono"s and Zhekov, P. TO-V7rTqT- The Continuoun Desulfitation of Fruit Pulp Under Preasure No 10, 11-15 (1958) Khranitelna Promishlenost, ?, A continuout3 derulfitator is described. The sulfitaxed pulp is transferred to a closed storage tank from which it is pumped to a heater for a preliminary desulfitation treatment with live steaM (2.5 atm) with heating to a tempera- ture above 1000. The pulp from the heater is passed into a v&cuum apparatuu (sic: see title) in which the major portion of the SAC@ is sepa- rated without heuting. The desulfitated pulp contiining 50-100 mg 80, per kg is transferred to 358 POLAND / Chemical Technology, Chemical Products and H Their Application, Part 3. - Food Industry. Abs Xour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 18, 1958, 62652. Author P. Chr. Daskulvw. Inst Yo t -gl -ve n . Title Possibility of Reducing Technological Process- es of Fruit and Vegetable Canned GoodsProduc- tion. Orig Pub: Przem. spozywazy, 1958, 12, No 1, 17 - 21. Abstract: The rationality of using high temperatures during short periods was established based on the study of the chemical composition changes in fruit and vegetables during the process of their treatment. Card 1/1 22 12ASKALOV. P. (Harodnaya Respublika -Bolgarii)* . Shortening the drying time for fruits and vegetables. ZDna. i ov. Prom. 13 no*6:29-31 Je 158. (MIRA 11:5) (Frult--Drying) (Vegetables --Drying) I)Asnwv. P@-(Narsonarw Respublika- Belgarii); TANDY, R. (Narodnays. Respubliks. rolgarii); BUSBY, T. (Karednaya Rerpubliks. Bolpril) Methods foX OvalUsting tomato variaties.for the canning industry; Kons.,i-ev. ne.12:24-27 p 158. .(miRk na2) (PUgaria-Tomto4o-Varie ties) A method IAOr making squasb preparqti=a RM 17 no.Szf@03-505 164. 1. Tlaboratax-7 of Qytagenetics at the Se-A@in ef' Ht:tc-!%;s!er Tnstltlite of' Vlcuit, lr-luitrjp tor3s. @'-ubmi!.to'! by A. Fomfr [POIXT7,4 A*]$ L 4373-66 ACC NRt SME CODE: AUTHOM; Diskilc@t 00-1 Nicoloff "Hot Nikolov, ORO: Laboratory, of Cyto natics :.Hetertisis'Section,- Institute of Plant lndustr7@4 Sof, A` P. TITIE.- Maceration of hard plant materiiLl for production of squash preparations SOURCE i Bulgirska. akademiya na, naukitap Doklsdyl 18,, no. 1, 1965 83-64 TOPIC AGS I hydrolysis, cytology, plant physiolo To -Itlsiiih srtiolL7.:Riijsrdl f ihs high effeoti vane as. of vi iiouis -ABSTRAC Vip-Ld methods for preparing. rcotAip preperstions vhich are used in cytological practice# the treatment of carte" materials in particular of spaciep .balonginc to the cereal group$ involves. considerable difficulties owing to ths hardness of the root-tips and the,. non-sepa rat ion of calls even after a compa ratival y lone, hydrolysis in n H01 or after repeated heating in acid os (St. Angelovp @.,Penayotovp Ivo Grigorovi R. Herinov# IzY. Rikrobio y Bnlp,'.* ANI 1951p Book U, 79-61)0 Tha, use of pectinase enzyme for Tdiaeolving the middle lamello, of., the eel' walls by transforming the protopeotin factive method in int6 soluble pectin has proved to be a =st suitable and of, the.trestment of material of this-type-(isee# asge 0. Satterfield, R. Bcsiber,, 46 Noodward, Stain# Tachziolo 28f 19540 113-120) 0. Volffg N., F# Lui polds p :Stein TechnoloVj 31p*19 v 20140)o The present paper represents a Cum 1/2 -L 4373-66, ACC MRs AP5028432 t to `64 cesed:on-4 succaileful'utilization of the 85trin Amge this met man 0 -prepar3tion IVr the @repid end effective- twiceration of hard material belong to- ures )the CerealS and other groups. - The proc.odure described in the article enG Istaininj& when dyes used by, themselveLe, givo no. or quite wmtisfactory results. 1-dw,in"t uils"t-he" 66mbihad iction__ ii-t -ining of the two . ye the a 9 more .1contrasting and permits a clear recording ofithe individual constrictions of- 'the chromosomes* The duration of the hydrolysis,-*an be varied within ji@omparatively wide time limits without impairing-the staining# a factor !which considerably facilitates work@withlunknovn-objsots4 After maceration @Iwith Bistrin'# tho root UpN -are easily a4undhad and, the CeIls readily separate..@ A44! pyap!":q@@ -is_quite conveniaint f,6r investigationw;,4h@ ii(iik ihiiFpmtentot S@P-C4777[j`PR@,77-_'.@ by A. Popov, Academician, 18 ,SUB CODE.. IS SUBM DATE t 183iA, `@,j 'ORM REF t 002 OTH, RSFS ..003 --o-7 A A. BULGARIA 1. TMKOV evx' '!h. DA@KALGV, D'f@iartment of Psychiatry (FAtedra ye palklilatriya) Head Prot G. UZ11,1:011, MI @Ofia. "Halorerido! J?i the Treatment ).,' hai,ic StateLi." Sofla, Suvrtx-@c,. :in Meditsitia. Vol 13, Yo 12, 1962; 31-36. Abstract r*T%i_@J..).) su=arv modifiedl : lialoper'dol in 10 fmaale and 5 male VnnticnLn- the manic phase. Gen,-rally effecc was fa6Ler tban with chlorprom.. -ine but ralapse-i were correspondingly rcrid coo. Sev-?re varkii--@,3nian side effect in 8 could 1.)e counteracted with tri%.txyp1,e)kirJy1. Some d,--rearss- in blood prccsure (to ;5/65 and 9.5/7."')" n 2. Thirty references: I Polish, rest Westeru, mostly Be Ig J. a n . R, ., m. y BuDlijiIA r T RG 0 r',,' 40ril-w-v. r I -C irldo ,I IL E of ulprion sert.Mir on ,Ines ir blu-1,garlit ir 1951,-1955. r@': T "'T", zas4c.,.dtvi, PMOVO X.; IIZHOVSKI, St.; STONVAp Z,,; DA�@@.,P.,- MCHIEVAP N.; PETHOV# Ig.; TANEVA, Iv.; BOIA.MHIEVA, IT.; MISHKOV&$ R. On clinical f oruB of wltiple sclerosis. Surr. med. 12 no.11: 93-99 '61. 1. Iz,Katedrata po neryni bolesti pri VMI (Vissh meditsineld institut] - Sofiia (Rukov.. na katedrata Prof. S. Bozhinov). (MULTIMS SOLMOSIS) 3/035/62/000/006/055/064 AOOi/7iioi AUTHOR: Daskalova, ---------- TITLE: On formulae for vertical deflection PEnIODICAL- Reforativnyy zhurnal, Astronomiya i Geodeziya, no. 6, 1962P 28P abstract 6GI79 ("Godishnlk Inz).-i.-stroit. in-t. Fak. stroit., arkhitekt i khidrotekhn.", 1961, v. 13, no. 1, 35 - 46, Bulgarian; Russian.summary) TECT: Differential formulae cf the first and second kind are presented in the form of Gellmert and V. K. jihristov (source is not indicated). 10iristov's foni,ulae are modified. It is maintained that modified formulae are preferable over the original ones, since only quantities depanding:on the coordinates of-the starting point enter them as coefficients. 0. Sh. (Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 ----------- DASK"OVA, Xera, inzkk. I c - A method of projeoting in the witching from one el3lpsoid to another. Isv geod BAN no.3t,65-104 162s DASKALOVA'. 5 - MUMOYAs U.; DASUWVA# got ATP AHANOV, D. NUM MUMV Treatment of thyrotoxicosil with lyeatol, Suvren, meclop Sofia 8 no.2:81-86 1957. 1. Is Ckrushnata bolnitea - Sof lia. (Gl. lekar; ftuchev) (HIMMROIDISM. therapy, lyeates (BUM DASKALOVAO S .. , In Capa ; an Warie"a Colmtry: Bulgaria i1cad--mle De-grees: not indicated AIC-filici.tiOn. not indicated Source: Sofia, Matematika i Fizikap No 2, Mar/Apr 61., pp 32-38 flThe Theory-of Electronics in Teaching Electrici@y in the Ilth Grade.11 8/058/63/000/002/001/070 A059/A10l AUTHOR:- Daskalova, S. TITLE; Acquaintance with the basic prinoiplea of automation and tele- mechanics in the study of physics PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 2, 1963, 9, abstract 2A60 C'Matem. i Mika". 1962, v. 5. no. 3. 33 - 40,'Bulgarian) TEM Secondary-school students should be acquainted with the fundamentals of up-to-date automation from the first lesson of physics on. Without giving ex- tra lessons' the teacher of physics is in a position to illustrate the subject matter of i@struction passed in almost all fields by describing particular auto- matic equipment. As far as possible, the most simple automatic schemes can be .assembled and demonstrated directly in the course of the lessons, laboratory ex- ercises, and activities of the circle of physics. :En addition to the acquaintance with the elements of automation in school lessons, excursions to up-to-date in- dustrial enterprises should be practiced from the 15th class on where the students can get directly fdmiliar with numerous applications of automatic control devices.' Card 1/2 3/058/63/000/002/001/070 Acquaintance with the basic principles of.... A059/A101 The study of automation and telemechanics In lessons of physics should be ooordi- nated with the subject matter of instruction and the courses of specialized branches of knowledge. Particular attention is suggested to be paid to the mechan- ical automatic devices representing the base of many up-to-date processing and building machines. This Increases the interest to the study of physics in the 9th. class. Optimum possibilities for the study of autome-tion appear in the more ad- vanced llth and 12th classes. Here, special lessons should be provided for this purpose, the subject matter should be carefully selected, and the students should be acquainted with the up-to-date achievements of automation and telemechanics and with their use starting from the most simple electronic and photoelectric relays up to complex space-ship control systems and rockets. Examples of the most @simple automatic schemes are given in the paper which can be prepared under the school conditionsi F. Sosenko (Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 DASKALOVA, So (Sofia) A*9thetWeduoAtion of students through tesobing pbysics, Mst i fis We 6 no.2&27-31 "P 163. ,I KOEV, A. (Sofia); DASKALOVA, S. (Sofia) Aotivation of students during the lesson oh the heating of electric current conductors in the 8th jTade. Mat i fiz BuIg 6 no.3t42-43 YT-Je 163. MINCHEY, Sto; DASXQOVV Ste.,(Bliven) The M end SSB news, Radio i televixiia 3-1 no.11025 162. DASDIMp Wrap Ansho ""--Afto Thbaformation between two referent allip3oids for the Go=* , o9ordizatea by the projeotlmg method. God.1sulk Inkh strolt Imt 34 no,,11213-M "620 Epubl.1631 DASKAIDVA-OEWBNOVA, nara, 0 of the nervous system on the action of the distribution factor. 1. Izv. Mikrob. inst., Sofia no.8:233-244 1957. (RULUROXIDASII. metab. off. of IS funct.-an distribution) (NMOM SYSTEK YWCTMI, physiol. off. on hyaluronidass distribution) DASKAIOVA-ONWNNOVA, X:Lara .............................. Effect of the nervous system on the action of difrasion factor. Izv. Klkrob. inst.0 Sofia no.8:243-255 1957. (11YALMONIWIt metab, eff. of N5 funct. on distribution factor) (NERVOUS SISTAK, physiol. off. of funot. on hyaluronidose distribution) Studies on the resistance to tumors in animale. Izv. mikrob. inst., Sofia no* 11:95-102 160. (NIOPIAM ismao 1. DASIALOVA-0BRIUMOVI.A. On a method for bloodletting in gains& Pigs,@. IzT. mWOI)- inst-, SoNA no.11:103-105,-.160. . I (BIDODINTIk exper. ) 1 W DASJKAIA;4-DM,-rET,IOVA, K-1. yplj Whl@e blco@ ceils iri delayed h formation before and aftet- tt)-, a&tlnl,@trv@icni of Tzv. mikrobloL, Ste (Scfiia) 16 :193-20" v&', BULGARIA 9-1 Microbiological Institutev 3ulgarian Anademy of cienceB "Specific Phogocytouis of Sensitized Fowl Erythrocytes by Laucocytes of Allergic Rabbits" Sofia, Daklady Bolgarskoy Akadomii Nauk. Vol 19, No 1, 1966, pp 65-67 Abstract: fE-nglish article7 It is very difficult to demonstrate some of the antibodies which accompany allergic conditions. The author attempted to demon- strate the presence of antibodies in the circulating blood of allergic ani- mala by means of specific phagocytosis proceeding front the fact that it is by and large explained as a reaction between antigen and antibody, i.e., the opsonization of phagocytized substances is carried out with specific antibodies. The experiments were made on rabbits allergized with human serum albumin in a precipitate with four times more antibodies according to the Uhr-Pappneheimer method (Y. Uhr, A. M. Pappenheimer) A. M, Joneda, J. Exptl. Med., 105, 1956, 1), mixed in an equal volume of complete lipoid adjuvant of Freund. The results, which are discussed in detail in the article, seem to indicate that using the new approach some of the antibodies accompanying allergic conditions may be determined and differentiated. There are 1 Bul- garian, 1 Czechoslovakian, and 14 Western references. (Manuscript received, 27 Sep 65.) 39771 z/oil/62/019/007/003/005 E112/E453 AUTHORS: Daskevichl L.A., Liberova, R'.A., Losevo I.P. TITLE: Effect of polyfunctional alcohols on the properties of*polyurethafio resins PERIODICAL: Chemie a chemicka' techn0109i6-' Prvehled technicke a- 1962, 322 hospodgrako literatury, v.19, no-7t v.2 abstract Cli 62-4397, (Lakokras.m&terialy, no.21 1962, 22-26) 'iEXT: polyester-urethane films with excellOnt elastic proportion are obtained,from polyester-urethane resins if synthesized from 1,4-butylene glycol or diethylene glycol- Part of the glycols was replaced during synthesis by about 10'tO 15% glycerol- It was shown that the excess of toluylene diisocyanate, required for the synthesis of the polyester-urethane resins, wits affected by the chemical nature of the alcohol and by the number of free hYdr"XY'- groups of the polyester. When 1 4-butylene glycol was used, I ile in an exce@x of 40% of the--diisocyanate gave bes,k results, wh the case of diethyleno glycol and 193-butylens glycol, Optimum Card 1/2 z/oii/62/019/007/003/005 Effect of polyfunctional-... E11219453 quantities above theory amounted to 70 -8o%. Artificial leather coated with the above resins-showed better-properties than natural leather which had undergone the-same-treatment. The outer appearance of both leathers.was identical. 9 diagrams, 2 tables,,6.literature references*, [Abstracter's note: Complete translation-3 Card.2/9 DASHKEVICH Yu.M., kand.irjod.nad)c 4.--" 1 @, -- @, - - %.:..; Tetanus in lesions of the middle ear. Vent. otorin. 25 no.502 S-0 163, (KLRA 1714) 1. Iz otdeleniya. bolezney ukha gorla i nosa (nauchnyy rttkovodi- tell - prof. Ye.I.Yaroslavskiy@ Omskoy oblastnoy klinicheakoy bolinitsy. DASKIE',v7CZ, JAN Kos%ty wlasne produkcji w gospoderstwie lesnym. WBrs%awA, Panstwowe 'VydPwn. Rolnicze I Lesne, 1951. 63 p. (The prime cost of production In forest manageme,nt) DA Not in nLC SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) Lc. voi. 6, No. 8, Aug 1957. Uncl. --77 % 64 - *(k)- '(MJA@dtj Al n T. -P lip t) @,JD/JG/AT ACC 10i'NR: '"5( sto25o/64/008/010/0638/o640 MZLZSHKFVICJ1,e@f,.P,. -6ndidat maditsinakikh naut; DASKOYSUTA, T.G. -" 777@ Specific antituberculosis vaccination of students of the Pirst Moscow Medical Institute(Order of Lent4 A-Ag '55. (MIRA 8:10) 1. Is Wedry tuberkulesa (zov.-prof. F.V.Shebanov) I 14ookovskogo ordena Lenina meditsinskogo instituts, i Moskovokogo oblastnogo nmicbm-tealedovateltzkogo tubarkulesnoi.-o instituta (sam,dirsk- tora po nauchnoy chasti-prof. D.D.Aneyem) (BCG VACCINATION scarification metbod. with dry BOG) DASKOVSM, B, Motoz@ruck for the trawportationi. of mortars..Avt.tranop. 40 noe'12:37 D 1620 (HIU 13:12) (Motortrucks) .RJIS@OVSKIY., J@Mamjn Abramovich; GRINBFRG, P.I@, red. [Handbook for the driver of a bottle-gas-driven moto.- vehicle] Famiatka aboferu gazoballonnogo avtomobilia. Moskva, Transport, 1964. 36 P. (@aRA 17:7) CHERNOV9 Aq, ARKHANULISKIYO Yu,; GIMEYNO jS,j Inzh (Mookva); MYKINq V.; DASKOVSKIT9 V.; DMMIYEVI X*; YUDINp G.; SHASHNIN, Yu. Technological informatiole Okhre trada i note. strakh, 6 no.506-42MY 163. 1 (MIRA 16s8) 1. Laboratoriya tekbniki bezopasnosti Gosudarstvennogo V8880YURnogo nauchno-issledovateVskogo tekhnolog.Lcheakogo institute remonta. i ekepluatataii maohinno-traktornogo parka (for Gimeyn). (Technological innovations) DUBOVOY, A.K.p inshot DASKOVSKIYp V.B., insh. ,01:#@ @fttting heavy earthmoving equipment on railB. r. zhurs no*5: 3&42 W 163. (KMA 16t 5) @n 1, Treat Metallurgsontashe (Earthmoving manhi NOTINN, I.T.; PAVLBIIKO, A.S*; SMIRMT, M.S.; CHIZHOV, D.G.; rAYBI MW, KoDo; NMMSOV, A.Ko; NOWT, R.Po; UUSOT, N.Tsko; ZHIMIWN, D.G. UOORNTB9 I,Io; MKITRITIVi Lls; bROBTSM9 A.Io'; TaxwT, V.,S.; SAPMHNIIEOYO F.Vo; SMYOT, AsA.; WMX, VoPo;,.D4SKOVSKIT, U.K.; R060VIN. N.A.; PITROV, A.N.; MILINMV, B.V.; LATYSH, '-'Do o; KONIN, F.F.; DMIII, P.Te.; BORDARK7, I.I.; GUMBN=, D.Lo; POBIGAYLO, KoM. OlIgs Sergeevns lalashnikova; obituary., Bleksta. 30 no.2:95 7 159. (mru:12:3) (ZAlashnikova. Ollga Sergeevm, 1914) DASKULOV., C. "Results obtained by Bulgarian agrobiologists.11 Tr. f!rom the Bulgarian. p. "0. (Termeszet eo TechniM, Vol. 112, no. 7, Jul 1953, Bulapest) SO: Monthly List of East MaMR2an AccIggionsp Vol 3 No 2 Library of Congress Feb 5/+ Uncl GRIGORYAN, Kh.; DASOYAN# L. Synthexis of calcium cyanamide from natural gas, &=onium and 1*Vone. Prom.Arme 6 no*2:51-53 T 163. (MIRA 1615) 1. Armniikhimproyekt. (Calcium cyanamide) I DASOYAN, L.; GRIG6RYAN, Kh. I "low - ynthesis of caloi= cy namide based on amonia., natural gasoline and limestone* PromeArm. 6-no.9s58-60 S '63. (MIRA 16112) 1. Armniikhimpoyekto Du.iiii,ij ;!i. 40 VAYM, U.T.. laureat Stalinskoy premii kandidat takhaicheskikh inauk: DASOT-AN, M.A., kandidat takhnichookikh usuk; ;DRTNBNRG, A.Ya., 1 tea @'a inskoy prexii doktor takhatchaskilch nauk. professor; TARASIUO, A.A., laureat Stalinakoy premii, inshaner; KHAIM. I.I., inshener; 'BOGOWs. ;*Tioo,laureat StalthaYby prtuiLkendidat takhnicbesfcikh-nauk,.rateenseni; SJWK3, A.A., kandidat takhnicbs- sifth nauk, retsenze@it;' TAWOLISXIT, A.M., inithener, retsenzent; TIZHOKIRO, A.A., inzhener, retseuxent; YXD9TRUT, M.P., laureat Stalinakoy prenti doktor'tekhatcheskikb nauk. professor. redaktor; GUUVIGH, To.$., kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk, radaktor: DLUGCKAI-@ BUTA, T6 Aso tekhnicheakiy reduktor CHOudbook on protective and decorative cootingol-Spravochnik po sashchitno-dakorattygym pokrytitan. Pod red. N'.P.Fedotleva. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekbn.tzd-vo mashinostrott,lit-ry, 1951. 480 p. [Microfilm] (KLRA 10:7) (Prot?eti" Costlage) AAr"AW VATM, Ta.V.: DMOTAN, N.A.; Y#.A., takhniobookly rodaktor. Obor4ovaulo PI'vaulabookikh tookhor. Kookm "s. Mau huo-takhn, lzd-vo mahluostroltelluol lit-ry, 2954. 294 p. (MM ?tl2) (Alootroplating) pd@OYAN, M d@ DABOYAN,M.A.; RATM,N.L. Surface coatings of permanent molds for low melting alloys. Lit.proity. no-7:27-28 J1155- (MIRA 8:10) (Foundry machinery and supplies) Raw and -tL -11@- aad 12% Sb wale Pl 301 fur ',fl ILO, 'lad tested t- cmpql . dl, with it C,4- Of AO-' of be mol"A dk3ted mt@- -ics- In the larvict of ceppleted bltt, ando-ow; im sa A St.