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URTVAYEV, V.A., kand.takhn.nauk,; ALWIN, O.A., red.; VELIKAROV, M.A., rod.; BLIZI]TAK, Ya.V., red.; BORSUK, O.Y.. kand.geogr.nauk, red.; DOMANITSKIT, A.P., red.; KALININ, G.P., red:; D~~ J-, red SiRt- S N., red.; KUDELIN, B.I., red.; MAIICIM, L.P., red.; WSMI, M.P., red.; ORLOY, B.P., red.; POPOV. I.V.,rad.; PROSKU- RYAKOV. A.K., rel.- SOEDLOVSKIV, D.L., red.; SPENGLER, O.A., red,; CHM30TAREV, A.I., red.; CH],FMVSKIY, S.K., red.; GROSMAN. R.V., red.; SXROETEV, A.N.. [Proceedings of the third All-Union Hydrological Congress] Vassoiusayi, gidrologicheakii allazd. 3rd, Leningrad, 19~7. Trudv. Leningrad. gidro- meteor. izd-vo. Vol.1 [General information, deciadons, and papers presented in plenary nessional Obelichie evedeniia, reshaniia i ple- narny" doklady. 19.58. 242, p, (MIRA 12:1) (Hydrology-Congresses) 3(0) PBASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/1282 .2!vyd-:)v, Iev Konstantinovich and Kcmkina, Nina Geogriyevna Obshchaya gidrologiya, (General Hyft-ology) leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1958. 486 P- 3,000 copies printed. Ed.: Mironenko, Z-I.; Tech. Eds-% Soloveychik, A.A. and Flaum, M.Ya. PVRPOSR: This textbook is intended for students of hydrology at the UAiversity level. COVERAGE: This textbook discusses the principles of hydrology, its subdivisions, and its relation to other sciences. It describes the chemical-physical prop- er-ties of water, circulation in nature, the hydrology of seas, rivers, glac- iers, lakes and swamps, and subsurface drainW . The authors thank Profes- sor S.V. Nalesaik, Ye.V. Bliznyak, B.I. Kudelin* t B.P. Orlov, and Docent B.B. Bo_Roslovskiy for their assistance. Them are 193 diagrams and 35 Soviet references. TABIE OF CONTKRTS: Tbreword. 9 Card 1/21 DAVTDOV, ,L.K.- - - 1 '' . The Third All-Union Hydrological Congress. Vest. IoGU 13 no,.6:149-150 158. (MIRA 11:5) (Hydrology-Congresses) "L L I - DAVMV tt- *~!LPL J-PA --, Approximate metbod for calculating seichea. Veat.LGU 13 no.24:97-104 158- (seiches) (MIRA 12.-4) ,QAjjT2Vj_LqK*, profog red.; KALBSHM, S.V., prof.v red.; KORCHA6IN, A.A., pro?-., red.; SMVSXIY, B.N.9 Pr'of., red.1 ZUBKOV, A.I., doteent, red.; LBSMWICH, V.V.. dotsent, red. [The northwest: reports of the sciantific session'of 19591 Uevero- Zapad; dolclady nauchnoi sesait 1959 g. Leningrad, 1959, 136 p, (MIRA 13:3) (Russia, Northwestern-Physical. geography) BORMX, O.N., kand.geograf.nauk; URYVA)W, V.A., otvoredo; DAVYI)oVj' L.K., prof,, doktor geograf.nauk, red.toma; SHATILINA, BRATHINA, M.I., [Transactions of the Third All-Union 4drological Congress, Leningrad, 19571 Trady III Vaesoluznogo gidrologichaskogo B*ezda. Leningrad, Gidrometeor.izd-vo. Vol-7. [Section of General Hydrology] Sektaiia obsbehei gidrologii. 19590 323 P. (MIRA 13:1) (Hydrology-Congresses) amuov, Aleksanar Kikhaylovich; POPOV, Igor' vlaaimirovich; ZVORYKIN, K.A.,; L M= K)Vt -J6.L.,-prof., red.; YASNO GORODSKAYA, N.M., red.; 1. By, A.T., (Hydrology and the national economy] Gidrologlia i narodnoe khosiaiatvo. Pod red. L.K.Davydova. Leningrad, Gidrometeor. izd-vo. 1960.. 182 p. (MIRA 13:8) (Hydrology-Rosearch) FWOROV, N.N., kand.teklm.nauk; POPOV, I.Y., kand.geogr.nauk; BORSUK, O.N., kand.geogr.nauk; MWSMSEIT, H.S., kand.tekhn.nauk; VELIKANOV, M.A., prof.. doktor takhn.nauk, red.(Moskva); URYVATAV, V.A.. otv. red.; ALSKIN, O.A., rod.; 3LIZNTAK, Ye.V., red. [deceased]; BORSUK0 O.N., red.; DAV7WV, L-ex-91 red.; DOMANITSKIT, A.P., red.; KALININ, G.P., red..' S.N., red.; IN, B.I., red.; I TSK~IY XANO1Mj L.P., redo-, NXIMM19 X.P., red.; 01MOV, B.P., red,,t PROMURTAKOV, A.K.,zvd.; SOKOLOWaY, D.L., red.; SMGL8R,0.A., red.; CHHBOTARNV, .'A.I., red.; GHMOVSEIY, S.K,, red,; SHATILINAl M.K., red.; VLADIMIROV, O.G., [Transactions of the Third All-Union Hydrological Congress] Trudy III Veesoiuznogo gidrologicheakogo s"ezda. Vol.5. [Section of Hydrodynamics and River-Bed Evolution] Sektaiia gidrodinamiki i ruslovykh protsessov. 1960. 421 p. WIRA 13:11) Vaesoyuznyy gidrologichaskiy suezd. 3d, Leningrad, 1957. 2. OosudarE;tvennyy gidrologicheskiy institut (for Fedorov, Popov). 3, Glilen-korrespondl=t AN SSBR (for Velikonov), (Hydrology--Congresses) JAMOV, L K. ---------------- Marian's formula. Vest- LGU 15 n0-18:144-145 160. (.KIRA 13:9) (seiches), LEBEDEV, Vladimir Vasillyevich; DAVYDOV, L.K., doktor geogr. nauky prof.p retsenzent; YASIIOGORODSKAYA, M.F., red.; BRAYNIIU, telrbn. red. (Hydrology and hydrometry in problems] Gidrologiia i gidrometriia v zadachakh. 3. dop. i parer. izd. Leningrad, Gidrometeor.izd-vop 1961. 699 P. (MIRA 14-.12) 1. Zaveduyusholdy kafedroy gidrologii sushi Leningradskogo gosudarstven- nogo universitota (for Davidov). (Hydrology) DAVYDOV, L.K.- Relationship between the velocity of water discharge and the mean current velocity. Vest.LGII 16 no.24:119-lZ6 '61. (MIRA 14:12) (Rivers) DAVYDUV L H, Hydrogen electrodes for the determination of tiametric O'n +Arba-ation, Lab4i delo 6 nov'4154-57 J3.4&g !60 IY42) Y (NDROM-ION COIICBII~T~ON)', (ZTR'ODE(M8) ARTYUGIN~ I.M.; GRACHEV, Yu.P.; DANY OV N RPICHEV, ..__D _LL,-,; DOYNIKOV, Ya.P.; KT V.I.; IZVENTAL', G.B.; NSLENTIYEV, 4.Aq 141CMM321; X.I.; FIXONOVj, .A.F.; SASHONKO, G.I.; STARIKOV, V.G.,;'FROLOV) V.I.; 1MRIIU,, L.S.; RABINOVICH, A.L.., red.; SOBO19VAjcYe.M.y tekbn. red. ( and economic principles of the expansion of heat sup- ply engineering in power systems) Tekhni o-ekononichaskie osnovy razvit!L:ia teplofikatsii -v energosistemakh. Moskva, Gos. ener izd-vo,, 1961. 318 p. (MIRA :15:350 (Heat engineering) (Electric power plants) NADELIO A.B., red.; TRLYASHOV, R.Kh., red.izd-va; BELOGURONFA, I.A., tekhn. red. (Machine for the bending of eateh-lugs on large-size exten- sion springs] Stanok dlia zagibki ushkov-satsepov u prazhin rastiazheniia krupnylzh gabaritov. Leningrad, 1963. 10 p. (Leningradskii dom nauchno-tekhnieheskoi propagandy. ObMen peredovym opytom. Seriia: Mekbhnicheskaia obrabotka metallov, no.2) (MIRA 16:5) (Springs (Mechanisms)) (Metalworking machinery) DAVYDOV.11, I.S.;KUGATEM, A.A* Procodur* for tensile testing of concrete. Zar.lab.21 no,9:1106- 1109 '55- (KLVA 9:1) l.Yeasoyu%Vy nanchus-imeledevatelskiy inatitut thelesnodorothus-. go stroitellstva i proyaktirevaniya. (Concrete-49ating) SH3STDPMV, S.Va, doktor tekhnicheakikh nauk; BWIN, -U.K., kgrAidat tekiudeae- skikh nauk; IVANDV, G.S., iuzhener; LUKICHEV, -N.A., 'inzhensr~.IAMM,_ LJwPA.whener; GROMOVI V.S.., in2hener; POPOV, N.A., inzhener; ZHU- RkVLHV, G.M., master. Vibrators for making wire reinforced ties an stands. Trausp.stroi. 6 n9.3:12-14 Mr 156. MM 51:7) (Railroads-Ties, Concrete) DAVYDOV, L. YA. "Condition of the Chorionic Villi in Early Abortions." LIvov State Medical Inst. LIvovj 1953. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences) SO: 1-1-9729 20 Feb 56 -DATMOV, L.Ya., kand. med. nauk; GERMA, V.P. Case of pregnancy toxemia complicated by diabetes insipiduso Mcush. i gin. 39 no.41122 JI-Agt63 (MIRA 16t12) 1. Tz Llvovskago -~noanllnn-issledovatellskogo insti-bita okhrany -terlnoiva i -detatft"~ d*o&IN id*-,i m a P %Yydor DATMOV, L.Ya. -.-, I Conservative t.reatment of patients with fibrom-yona of lr:-e Vop. cnk. 11 no.3:94-.98 165. (1111.1-1%k 18.6) 1. 1z Llvovskogo nailchno-igs.ledcvate'l"skogo in~Okdtuta okli-rany . materinstva i detstva (dir, .- kand. med. itmik L.Ya, Few-yd:W). DAVYDOV, L.Ye.; KOLODKIN, I.A. Truck for hauling and installation of streetcar units. Rats. predl. na gor. elektrotransp. no.9:39 164. (MIRA 18:2) 1. Vagonoremontnyy zavod Tramvayno-trolleybusnogo upravleniya Lenin- grada. 1. DAVYDOV., M. 2. USSR (600) 4. Dwellings - Maintenance and Repair 7. Capital repairs and increased planning and organization of public services for residential buildings, Zhil.-kon.khoz. 2 no. 11, 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, APRIL -1953, Uncl. DAVYDOV, M., inzh. Economize--:Vuel and we it carefully. Rech. transp. 22 ne.6*.22-24 Je t 63 (MIRA 16:9) (Inland watar transportation-Cost of 9 oration) (Merchant ships-Fuel consumption A 4-V49=5 USECR/Badio ]Receivers, Crystal OcatroUed Apr 49 Vac uum Tubes "I One-Tabe Detector and Amplifier," M. Davydov, 1 p -'Padid" no,4 Diagram and operation of an attacbmeat for, crystal sets to give greater volume amd stability of'operation ijk vhich cae tube (MM or 2Zh2M) is used as a diode .detector amd ax audio amplifier.. 42/49T105 -V DAVYD01f,M. Improving the souid quality of small size radio receivers. Radio no.8:43 Ag '55. (MM 8:10) (Radio"-Reca$vere and reception) AID P - 4419 Subject USSR/Radio Card 1/1 Pub. 89 - 17/18 Author Davydov, M. Title -A440 systems in radio sets Periodical Radio, 4, 52-54, Ap 1956 Abstract The placement of sound amplifiers in a receiver set is discussed. American and Gerruan designs of various types are explained in detail. Ten diagrams. Institution : None Submitted : No date AUTHOR: Davydov 11 OOV-107-58-8-40/53 TITLE: An AF Amplifier With Push-Button Switching (Usilitell VCh a klavielinym peroklyuchatelem) PERIODICAL: Radiov 1958, Nr 8, pp 43-44 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The above mentioned amplifier incorporates both stepless tone control and a push button system with 5 positons: "Orchestra", "Solo", "Speech" "Light Music" and "Bass". The push-button tone-control group is connected between the input and first stage of the amplifier and selects the most suitable AF resPonse curve for the amplifier by switching in condensers and resistances of different values. The set itself is a 3-stage Iff amplifier with stepless tone-control between stages I and 2. it uses frequency response negative feedback between stages 2 and 3 and has 2 speakers in series for bass and 2 in parallel for treble reproduction. Sensitivity at the input is 100 mv. The nominal output capacity is 2 va with a non-linear distortions factor of not more than 2.3% and a maximum output of 5.5 vs. There is 1 circuit diagram and 1 graph. 1. Radio receivers--Equipment 2. Radio receivers--Control systems Card 1/1 3. Sound--Control AUTHORt Davydov, 14. SOV/107-59-1-37/51 TITLE: Timbre Regulators (Regulatory tembra) PERIODIOALt Radio, 1959, Nr 1, PP 42-44 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author describes various methods of regulating the tone color and its quality in TV and radio receiving sets. Ile explains the circuits used in foreign sets, including one for a remote tone-control unit. There are 10 circuits and 2 graphs. Card 1/1 VIXTOROV, V.;_kAVITO 1. - Prevent accidents from static eles-tricity. Bezop. truda v prom. 8 no.9:24-25 S 164 (MIRA 18:1) DAVYDOV M... inzh. Obt and Yenisey.River, see you In the South) Engineer designs new rivers. Tekh.mol. 29 no.4:19-21 Ap 161- (NM 14:5) (Rivera-Regulation) PETROV, Boris Petrovich; STEPANOVj Aleksandr Dmitriyevich; MINOV, D.K., prof., retsenzentj DA _M.A., dots., retsenzent; KOSAREV, G.V., dots.p retsenzent; TRAUTMAN, L.M.) dots.) retsenzent; SIDOROV, N.I., red.; LARIONOV, G.Ye.., tekhn. red. [Electrical equipment and automation of electric rolling stock) Elektricheskoe oborudovanie i avtomatizataiia elek- tricheskogo podvizbnogo sostava. :Izd.2.p perer. i dop. Moskva, Gosenergoizda-b., 1963. '303'-p. (MIRA 17:3) DAvf-.OV, -- - "Geomorphological CharacteristIcR of the Southern kyazAnsmyr. Oblast." Sub 28 Feb 51, Moscow City Pedagogical Inst Imeni V. P. Potem-kin. Dissorts-tions presented for science and ongineerint., degrees in Mancow during 19!;l. SO: SlIm. *-jo. 480, 9 14av 55 GLUSEIOVj, Viktor Grigorlyevich., Azszh~ . gidrolog [188.3-1939]; LIVOVICH, M.I.; GEWDIOV, I.P., akademik, red.j BLIMAK, Ye.V.,, red. (deceased); -DJMaX3LpJU,Pj MIN, V.N., otv& reds; POSIAVSKIr, M., red*s-,BIMAJP A.V.', red. lzd;..vaj POLTAKOVAt I.V.I,tekbn. red. [Theoretical problems and methods of lWdrological research] Voproey teorIT L. - .9 --.- - . IML-isaledovanii. Moskvay Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR,, 19 1- -415 P. (KMA 2A.: 9) (Hydrology-Research) 1. m., DAVVDOV. 14. M. 2. USSR (600) 4. Blood. 7. Effect of carotonaphthalan and refined naphthalan on nitrogen from amino acids in T the blood rudy Vs-~s. obshch. fiz. biokhim. ijfarm. no. 1, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, March 1951. Unclassified. DAVYDOVY Mikhq~I_M _b_;, BOBYLEV, M.G., red.; BILENKO, ._kbLtylqid,q re,d-.izd-va; SOTNIKOVA, N.F., tekhn. red. (Catching muskrats with creels] Otlov ondatry mordami (vershami). Moskva, Izd-vo TSentrosoiuza, 1963. 53 p. (MIRA 16:11) (Yakutia-Muskrata) i 6 iVll 0' i 6 ip 61 i 04 6 6 0 0 r u C x 0 1 A - - .- ~ ' 1AF2 to j u M WIN Empty low 4" * Ivrej"J W Rd IFAW u l ) i . s 11 y a MY pp fxq;V'jivq Akadesiva Nauk sssn ( RoIldo, In Hu"j;:'T of the Avadrujy of Well- of the USSR). r .44 P, ZU1.131 Nov.-I-xv. JIM9. d frou, article fly M. %I. r)ay)j!!w in ~jjjjrjjcje j)gFlj' oo. 2 1049 s 102-110 . . , I Mot BrIvAY reviews; Plan to Oisinge the 01) Itiv-1-r 11~jjjpjq so thAt it will fW7w "Ithwest Ili the Aral acid. throw, too CaVian Sea, rather than to the Ardir O"wi. Valur Cleo of luvh a Projeet is Indic-ated its tetins of inerva%ioR zigrivultural powbilitim of (lie whole dinert Ar"A )I Central Asia, 61*4 X coo ttoo bet 1i* 0 l"4111) "it a.. Got 4134W CK a" all U 5 AV so III It 0 P it 11, 0 9 w 1 9 N 5 A 0 '3 1 1 Ot 010 0 o 0 o o 0 0-0,*-o 0 6 0 ~o 01 0 0 0 0 as 00 01 0 0 a 0 00 a a 0 I: N 0 o,* * o O'o, o 0 *;: 0, *,*,o Vo: 0- 10 WO-00 a 6~0'41 0.0 -- - - - - - IF w 9u 00 Milts Ale POWIN 46 9 O'D tAskins Up the Wal"s of the Ob With Ike Aral avid 06 Caspian Sea% hl. M. David-41%. Enginem.' Digest, v. LiT i f 2dU W d 000 c-a" tom t an com J 1. Apt, 1 IX50 Cktrolckhn" Stroutuivo (Ilydrutrchnksl Fngi- 0 041 ne"ing), tKL S. 1049. p. &11. . Outhnes ambitious Run" plan for impm-fog the dwAntion of water sounw, genctating lar T . amounts of pcn%vt. providing 1% drrp wIt's" y ships. &M even changing the climme of I t Aka-%LA MEIALLUR61CAL LITINATUNt CLARIFICATION it, u AV ;m Is x1al ;x, 4 ul~ I'll* 000.:04010,9000006000-00004 . 0 0 *. fo 0 0. 0 -0 0 ~ 0 9. & 6 0, 0 woo .00 "41.0 Iso 00 see P we' are ue 1,0 0)(1-1 towlnv mum I& A S a nd v I v a 2 1 . " V 1:0 A--" 000000000000*000*0 0, 0 6 0 0 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0'0 * DAMN, M. M. Preobrazovanie rechoi seti Sovetskoi strany. Ctransfornzation or the rifer net- work of the Soviet country2..(Geograriia v shkole, 1949, no. 3) P. 12). DLC: Gl.G313 SO: Soviet Transportation and Communications, A Bibllogrpahy , Libran, of Congress, le-fere~ce Department, Ilashington,1952, Unclassified. . ~. ~ ... 111--'~~- 1-1 -- ---I- - - -;- ~ - DAVYDOV, M.N.; ALIKSANDROV, B.K., professor, redaktor ...... [Great bydrool6atric construction projsots in tfie UOS.S.1101 Telikoe gidrotakhnichaskoe stroitellitvo v SSSR. Moskva. "Pravda," 1951. 31 P. (MIU 8: 6) (Hydroelectric power stations) AVAKTAN, A.B.; BUDYKO. H.1.; YUDIN, M.I.; OCHAKOVSKIY, Yu.Ye.; R&Umj"' ARMAND. D.L,; IMDOROVICK, B.A.; ZUBOV. N.N.; ANTIPOR-KARATAYEV, I.N.; SAPOZHNIKOVA, S.A.; ALISOV, B.P.; 7MYEV. I.K. Discussion of reports of the meeting. Vop.geog. 28:74-96 152. (HOA 7:50-" 1. Gidroenergoproyekt Ministerstva elaktrostantsiy (for Avakyan). 2. Glavnaya geofisicheskaya observatorlya in. A.I.Voyeykova (for Badvko wid Tudin). 3. Inatitut okeanologli Akademii nauk SSSR (for Ochakovakly). 4. Gidroonergoproyakt Ministerstva elektrostantsiy (for Dav7dov). 5. Institut geografli Akademii mauk SSSR'(for Armand,- Fedorovich, and Poteyev). 6. Geograftehaskiy fakulltet M69kavokogo gosudaritvannogo universiteta (for-Zabov-and Alisov). 7. Pochvennyy instititt in*, Dokuchayeva Akadeinii nauk SSW (for Anti~ov-Karatayev, I.N.). 8. Glamaya geofizichookaya observatoriyd-im. A.I.Voyeykova (for Sapozhuikova). IMVYDOV, ~MOY. X.Z. Guidebooks about the Volga and the Volga-Don Navigation Canal. Sorkniga no.8:21-24 Ag '53. (NLRA 6:8) (Volga river) (Volga-Don canal) 1. DAVYDQV# 14, 1". TSUNTS) 11. Z.; KEDROV, F. B. 2. USSR (600) 4. Russia - Public Works 7. Great structures of the Stalin epoch (survey of literature). M. M. Davydov, M. Z. TSunts, F. B. Kedrov. Priroda 42, No. 4, 1953. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, A-aril -1953, Uncl. IDAVMV, Mitrofan Mikhaylovich; SMSOV, I.B., redaktor; ISIXNTIYE- - .-U I, F; IM! Mdekly redaktor. CH.vdraulic construction of the U.S.S.R. in the fifth five-year ;plan) Gidrotekhnicheskoe stroitel'stro SSSR v piatoi piattletke. PO mixterialam *Voai=eanykh chtenii* Politiekhnicheskogo muzeia. Moak-va, Izd-vo *Znanie," 1954. 39 P. (Vassoiusnos obahchestvo p0 rasprostrananiiu politicheskikh i nauchnykh snanii. Ser. 4. no.13) (Hydraulic engineering) (MLRL 7:8) DAVYDOV, 1111TROPIVI 11-IKIIAYLOV-ICI-I-- Rasskaz o velikikh rekakh (Tho story 1 14. Taunts. Moskva, Goakulitroavotizdat, 182 p. illus., grapbs, maps. IfJ5- 156.1 of great rivers, by) M. Davydov ~W 1955. DAVYDOV, M.M. Soviet water power engineering. 7iz. v shkole 15 no.3:6-17 My-Je '55. MRA 8:6) (Hydroelectric power) P DA ,_X1.trof-an-Mi-khay1ovich; V. _!AVIRQ LARINA, L.I., red.; GUBIN, M.I., LProspects for over-all utilization of Siberian water powerj Perapektivy kompieksnogo inpollzovantia stoka sibirokikh rek. Moskva, Izd-vo "Znsnle,~ 1957. 31 P. (Vaesoluznoe obahchestvo po rasprostrane- niiu politicheskikh i nauchnykh znanii. Ser.4, no-31) (KIRA 11:1) (Siberia--Hydroelectric power) 8(6) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION sov/1892 Davydov, Mitrofan Mikhaylovich and Mikhail Zinov'yevich Tsunts Ot Volkhova do Aj4uta (From the Volkhov to the Amur) Moscow, Izd-vo "Sovetskaya Rossiya.," 1958. '325 p. 20,000 copies printed. Ed.: Yu. E. Berenson; Teeh. Ed.: E.A.Rqzen. PURPOSE: This book is intended for the general reader* COVERAOE: The authors stress the importance of utilizing the present- ly existing water system of the USSR, the artificial lakes and the projected canalslfor the production of electric power. They ex- plain that only 1.7% of the available water power is being uti- lized as compared with 25% in USA, 35%',in Canada, 43% in France and 71% in Western Germany. They discuss the present state of hydroelectrification in the USSR and describe the projects, now under con'struction or in-planning, f'or utilizing some of the ener- gy stored in the 2.5 million kilometers of 108,000 Soviet water- ways. They provide general information and maps of the All-Union Card 1A From the Volkhov to the Amur sov/1892 hydroelectric system and describe the numerous,hyd.~oelectric re- gional systems, such as Central, South, Ural, Caucasus, North- west, Central Asia., Wes'cern Siberi~,' Eastern qiberia and Far East. The authors also provide detailed maps of individual water systems and their hydroelectric stations, those already in operation and those in various stages of planning or construction. They also mention projects of the diBtant future, among them the Bering Straits Dam,.which not only will supply enormous quantities of electric power to Kamchatka and AlaBka,but will also change the. climate of the Arctic to a moderate one. No personalities are mentioned. There are no references. TABIE OF CONTENTS.- What the Book Is About 5 The Gurgling'Mineral 9 The Country of White. Coal 25 The Pages of History 34 Electrical Russia 44 Card 2/4 From the Volkhov to the Amur Here It Is, the Great Vol gal The Zhiguli Dam On the Three Islands Great Destiny The Key to the Treasure of Siberia The River of Electricity The Ocean's Brother We Shall Subjugate You, Ob) The Energy Stored in Mountain Streams Fiom. theDneister Plains to the Arctic Card 3/4 SOV/1892 60 81 96 107 129 135 156 167 18o 200 From the Volkhov to the Amur The YeES (Integrated Power System) Billions of Electric Servants The Blue Highways The Conquest of Deserts and Swamps On the Wings of an Engineering Dream The Fires of Communism AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 4/4 SOV/1~92 215 238 263 281 -~08 324 ip 8-28/-59 m DAVYMV. M. P., ZASLAVSKIY. Yd. Z.Z3 TMMAM, ft. A. 53,12 Davydov. M. P.0 Zaalavokiy. Yu. Z. I Tyurkyan, R. A. 150 m Gotovogo vatikallnogo atvda v moeyats. (Opyt Prokho&i "ntflystalonnogo stvola obekbty BudennovskoVet-Vostoohnaya ). M. 1954. 35 s. s. ill 22 am. (9-Vo upllnoy From-sti SSSR. Tekhn. upr. Tsontr. in-t tekhn. lufmmattiol.. 5.000 eks. Beispl. --(55-1172) P 622.333t622.25 A SO: Knizbnaya Letopial v Vol. It 1955 I : ~ - , ~ - - I .. ~, - - - , - ~ - -~:,: - 47 1 .-, - ~ 1. - .:, 7-A*QI-AVSKIY, Yu.Z.; ZORI, A.S. 150 meters of prepared mine shafts per month. Maldi.trud.rab. 8 no.8:17-20 D 154. (W.RA 8:1) 1. Upravlyayushchiy trestom StalinsbakhtoprokbodkiL (for Davydov) 2. Glavnyy inzhener prokhodcheekogo stroyupravleniya No.3 (for I Zaslavskiy). 3. Ilachallnik tekhnicheskogo otdela tresta (for Zori) (Donate Basin--Mining engineering) DAVYMV, Mikhail Prokoflyevich; ZORI. Anatolly Stafanovich; KOCHERGA, a.. redaxxor; VUT , M., takhnicheskly redaktor. (Rapid sinking of vertical shafts] Skorostnala prokhodka vartikRllnykh etvolov. Kiev. Gos.isd-vo takhn. lit-ry USSR, 1955. 71 P. NM 8:12) (Shaft sinkinj) . , DAVYDOV, M.P.; ZORI, A.S. qQftwNA%KVjffikAUAW One hundred and fifty motors of completed vertical shaft per month. Gor.sbur. no.2:10-14 F155. (MIU 8:7) (Shaft sinking) DAVYDOV,M.P.; ZORI,A.S. 202.1 motors of prepared mine shaft per month. Mekh. trad. rab. 9 no.5:21-24 W '55- (MIRA 8:7) 1. lachallnik kowbinats~ Stalinshakhtostroy (for Davydov~ 2. lachall- nik tokhnichemkogo otdola tresta Stalinshakhtoprokhodka 4or Zori). (S!4d,t. sinking) -8 DAVYDOV.IM.P.; TYURKYAN, R.A.; RAIOV, IA. How 241 meters of completed shaft were sunk izi one month. Shakht.atrot. n0.5:25-28 My 057. (MIRA 10:7) (Shaft sinking) DATYDOV, M.P. ~In~h"e "Stalinshakhtostroi* combine. Shakht.stroi. no-11:5-6 N '57. (MIRA 10:12) 1. Nachallnik kombinata Stalinshakhtstroy. (Donets Basin--Coal mines and mining) DAVYDNI-APE",jaureat Leninskoy promii Rate of 264.6 motors of shaft sinking per month is not the utmost limit. Shakht. stroi. no.7:3-8 159. (MRA 12:10) l.Upravlyaywhchiy trestom Stalinshakhtoprokhodkaq, (Shaft sinking) DAV-T-PM,_--M- .; STARKOV. G.V.. redaktor; SHEIMID, S.D., redaktor; JOWHM, A.K., t9khnIchaakiy radaktor. [Lubricants and their use in the river fleet] Smazoohnye ma- terialy i Ikh Ispollsovanie na rachnom flote. Moskva, Goa. izd-vo vodnogo tranap., 1953. 165 P. (Microfilm] (MLU 7:8) (Lubrication and lubricants) DAVYDOV,K.S., inzhener Major element in the potential cost reduction of transportation. Rech.transp. 14 no.9:12-15 S'55- (HLRA 8:12) (Merchant marine) 3/0:)6,/ZO/OOD/Q BO 121 B051 AV-RORt Ban* gloom TITUs Chronicle kLRIODICA.L: Goodoaly& I kartorraflya. 1960, So. a, pp. 72-77 TEXI.Proa.rMay 10-14, 1960 the M1,*.Zy* Aa,*.heat :.,a cr,,Isatr1- (Vth I.t-f~p.rtmont.l are I- hold In Itasca- It sea con-nod by the Itsta 2 r a.kt.11; Ka. gvod:,LI,I,,4;.af1x1kL Lkale*iI n k SM (S.Ctso to 0.044ay of the Cc-itt a .0d..y and G.ophyai.. of tr. Acad-y At OM "I the Aradravinotrich..k.y. lsb-.torlya In.tlt.t. fizikl zmali0 .1.1 Iabor&to;7 Aoroaravimetry of tkt jnqtjjut~., 111:.Ofam~~tllh If the it LSSR). 216 ra;ronentat%vas of 44 00k Part IA Ibis conr*"nao; productlon aresnjj~ttt,na. ro:,aarob COt6le, teXtLng And ccnatruc%Lan orCanizatlo-, educatlo-1 LA Itatica-, and *rganitationa of the Lk&44=iya nauk 32M (4ad*my 0 So lances CSSR), 3ibirskoye otdo'-1yo All SWR (3iberlan De;artmoni Af%he Card i/j AS USSR). IJ~damll nouk 171,21-kO7. Oruzi.skoy, Lit.,.k.y I As orbaydahn.k.y 13R (Aced mIOX Of Sciences of the Ckr.fzskayA, Gmtzaky.. Lito,sk.ya. -4 rU,7d--hnzkaj. SSR), Zni.%.rst~o Tyed"go I sr.d.oca sp.tX1.1 i.QC: at. r"to"Miya SSSH (Mni.try of HiCh.r and 3.404d&ry Spec. n lal Ed.4.z an f the USSR). = sst*r*sva goolocil. I okhrar4 n*dr 33U t1lizistry of Oaolo,7 and ?reservation a' gincr-1 R.-urV.4), 74=11st tsm4artov. nor I lzmeritellufth pribarov prt Zovoto gnletroy 3551 (Co-Itt.. cm Standards, U.aa-n, and :Coacur:ng Instruments of the Council of lialstare V353), =1 VTS, Ganudarstvoanyy to-It.t Bova%& Vlais;rov 3= pa avtomatizatalt I =Aahivastrayoni i~ (Stato C.malttoo an Autozat'.. and :Zohin. of the Cal, 0It of u ministers Ussit), an well of %bd factories of tb. xa.ka~skiy (;I..Cow Sarmarkhoz) =4 the L.nln~-.dskly ~itbos (L.Aingrad So"arkhoo) I t produce -,,Lm p,.rt r!c,, 0 1 . t:Ir 7t I h (Ins it I a I h 1: y .tr.::.urew wort bold. 1. D. Tla*rwtlcAl Ivtranod~ 113Z -11) spoke b t Z4=. rantro ct-;~e Orm-St.Ownal P'I*ld of the L-te Ob f the lt-nd'-4 on tjons 0 Card 2/6 ThirA Artificial 3st.Illt..2" !I Y.,ovakiy (7?QI',) #;ake About -he ln,6111;"Il 12* Absolu a Vs.;; of Or TitAtIOnRI ACgoloratlon ci the of oingrad-. 31. Ye. Mayfat. spoke About the -Hieh- 11 It. Ts.-:11GAIr. V. A. T-At,, bout ",zatz", 1-st.1-8 of TIZ. Recording V. an, -4 d.' b. I As -or tI.V1,;r.vI'=.t.r-a1tiT=,-L- I tll-t (I YfU-I 7L. b..t the -Do .. -,--Laot.7 "I"SR)) bu-, I n AV SSZR IM AS he 11 9~3 0-1-yut about -T~a Theory of D81-Ining Oravitationa.1 _T, A. -1. tore .?:jtGAjj:1, jc~. .1, in tolerable orrOV3 &Iro.4y 2ubll.hal in report. or sub=ltted for Publication by some authors. Ano.e the.. !r. pop.,. by (L-vamakLy p*Iiz*khni-b,..k1y Jnstj-ut glyt.cli. A. r, (Per--, JWZLL-a"-,~- Unlygroit and S. V. rr-v (Lomingrad.kil Ooaudarstloany7 universito I Card 3/006/60/ODD/008/00 1 /00 1 BOWB051 about -h* Error. of of :~ I. A rul.I.e ~bo.t ..a !A-..rP A r parted an a Pr its or And, 4ntarctL44", , I r,'I, or_ h*, ".5,1r of th larctlem "Co A_ an ~;h. Stru.tux. of the I~Iph I I A "Urcts-s' I.C.Taing to o -o" n =E P Abu I the rreptratta "For%s-, The gI-:Atbrj %be C.dforwA "'r, Ito 22. 301a ""a T*Olwlo*l cw-... or the -..rk.r. or th. T.p.Cr.;ht- g.1.11. anlalh' V.".Yin - 4. r Iso of the Gl.,.Oy. 09-1-4y. I akhrosmy adr Fri 5ovdtd U Inlv.tro, Lkr&IzAkoy 3:;R (Unin Admial.tratlon of C-logy -4 ,r.:;" I a .... rose of the C-11 of Rinistsle Ukr&JA :" . es"R7.-As h.11drin Alto= ... k. '),are, the state, of the k top.eraphlo-g.od Is and survaylmi work is; the organizations of a Glavctolocirs, USSR (Glavesclogly, Uk..o-23 .4 the introduction *9 new Card 4/6 t.q~~iq~m Z1 i."r;d.ctia~ .#l# discussed. At the CoarerwAce it was v%glvd that the extant of the work =.Ctioned will to ;OA sld.r*hly Increased ithip %he A..t .vA :.ArA. F.rtb.r..r,,.th. 0110-L-6 drt-ticka -or- Pointed *.%-. Th. ..%had. pp:i.d r. :xt-A.Lw. ." 9-0104teal ttw quipped %th ..w Apparatus; in g-logic.l. at. .r,II%tA photogr6phs And topairip.41c plaAs - 4 large N.'j. . re, not &VXfI4I*-tl7 ... d- This $tat. so V.P1.1Z.4 by Inefficient to .1 4irectiom, Ixemolont technical m4 =tarI&I supply, by & IsAk.of .alt:011* d&z.atic. In the CI4,j.qloCjyAj1k,-- 311 Ad the Minister .1 90Asl IokbLrny n.dr SSSR (=mlatly r atclaZY And pr-r-ti A of xl.!r.1 it. "areas Or %he USSR). Sea =*tat% IA' 4 are Zi,.. to I.Apr - Zia $I Xtl". For Impva,im; the qualifications of %he . rk.r. the smx6ast.d 1;acatv.n. al.ntific mz4 %,chniaAl co.f.ks.-.9 at r.C.Lx Lutervols. , Impraltag i.for-tion And for the oxthargo of expel ac, 1.111 of In. rzowant p.rloita.l ... asked %0 11 A f0 r topogr.phia ad zeal.tta work 1. g.*IogicAl Th. participants in the Z'.rf-mc. app-1.1 so the Card 5/d of the luzkb kv.poeraphl. A-J Sulveyla Sol,$ or t To 4 CkrZ--a) %A do 4-.rithi In order to carry out the r.:.Iu x afttLe 21.t Party Congroo Ahe 2 f be C tr!io. CPSV And ch. Flo.. 0 1 A I C~1 to* of the USE; In June. Card 6/6 40?20 S/169/62/000/007/046/149 D228/D307 AUTHORS; Mininzon,-G, M,,,Da dov, M. S. and Ayrapetyan, T. M. TITLE: Portable PM-1 (GVP-1) gravimeter-altimeter PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnalq Geofizika, no. 7, 1962, 26, ab- stract 7A172 (V sb,. Sostoyaniye i perspektivy razvi-- tiya-geofiz. metodov poiskov i razvedki polezn. isko- payem,ykh*t M.9 Gostoptekhizdat, 1961, 413-419) TEXT: A portable GVP-1 gravimeter-altimeter has been developed. It consists of two resilience systems: one compensated barometri- cally and the other with an increased barometric factor. The instru- ment's design is based on a system of astatic siring weight's in which the lever is suspended on horizontally placed helical cyl .i1i drical springs of the alloy H41 XT (N41 KhT). The device is ther- mostatically controlled at a temperature that is selected in accor- dance with the maximum temperature of the area in which it is be- ing used (30, 35, or 450). A bimetallic compensator is mounted on the indtrument-, b7means of this it is possible to cool the tempe- Card 1/2 S/169/62/000/007/046/149 Portable GVP-1 D228/D307 rature characteristics of the resilience systems and bring the in- flection points of thesv characteristics to a set thermostat tem- perature Z-Abstracter's note: The word vypolazhivat' is taken as; being vykFiolazhivaV 7. A Dewar flask with an inner diameter of 100 irLm is used as th6 outer thermal insulation. The thermostat power consumption amounts to about 0.03 W per*10C. The device's thermostating ratio is 1:150. The astatic resilience system's an- gular sensitivity equals app3roximately 20 - 25 seconds per milli- gal. The adopted autocollimator-optical system provides for a twofold reflection from the mobile mirror; it also ensures that the accuracy of balancing the resilience systems is 0.02 - 0.04 milligal. In order to eliminate the terrestrial magnetic field's influence, the resilience systems after alignment are demagneti- zed and, moreover, surrounded by a magnetic shield. The results of proving.and commercial tests-of six GVP-1 gravimeter-altimeters are given. The mean square error of a single measurement by one system varies from 0.13 to 0.25,milligal for different instru- ments. Z-Abstracter's note: Oomplete tranalation._7 -Card. 2/2 31- G.P.;, DAVYDOV., M.S. VERTSNER V.N.; TIKHOMIROV, Bleetron-microseopic and electron diffraction studies of photo- sensitive lead sulfide films obtained by precipitation from solutions. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. fiz. 27 no.9:1228-1231 S 163. (MMA 16:9) (Electron microscopy) (Electron diffraction examination)? (Lead sulfide-Testing) -66 -73 EVIT "(in) b1AAP GS hCCE~SIOM, MR, AT5007050 S/0000/64/000/000/07gi/0794 AUrHOR� 0 1 anto #'S.; borfm6n, hi Q.% Yeklmov~L V. Zalmanzon uYtion ti Wevi i. r. G.1 Petrunih Vi, I.i Popov#_Vi anskiyy, G.- --- rislR_eyn 01- A -,:Trushin N. Kh.; Um FIRell TITLE: Deflecting sy International'Conference on H SOURCE. igh knergy.Accelerators. bubna, 1963, Trudy. Hoscow,, Atomizdai, 71796 TOPIC TAGS: antiproton,-high energy particle, particle beam, high energy ac mlerator ABSTRACT: Specific requirements.flowing,frai the applied principle of particle resolution' have determined the eboice of the t ype of deflecting system. During d velopment of the device the requirements were also considered from the viewpoint of the high-frequency power, supply -system, , The creation of a high-power 150-mega- hertz frequency generator that o0rates with ptdses of severalmilliseiconds dura-, tion is a technically complex -task. therefore 0 , special attention. was, given during the-. develbpoeut of th~ ~ clef licting *Aem to Its economy and efficieticy4- Taking these conigiderailons Into dccou'nti cart0tit6tions wiv carried. out of a n0iber of card 1/3 "L 3773-66,- ACCESSION NR, ATS007950 alt~rnat43'deflecting-,systerfis--i-in.the form of a wavegulde or band line operating In ergy recuper the en ation regimet or in the, form of a system of many-cavity or single,-,:, cav y volume resonators.- As.sho'wn by the computations,.It ls.most.expedient-to: make the -def lectiog. system' in the . form of a set of independently phased resonators of the s qualto,roldal type.uhich.operate In the fundamental mode of.,the elbctric oscillations, with the use-ofibigh-frequency electrical fieldfor deflecting them particles i ', -The report . discusses the r~,sottato,m employed. in-the deflecting system. and their arrangement: in the'system. :The chosen resonator form permits one 'to ob-__ d flecting fieid In the cross section of a beam tain a specific ho"eneit~ of,the e by selection of sultable dimensions. The report ditcusses:the characteristics, of~ developed systelfi. Th lin r dimensio f0 e ea ns ofthe apertur-69 In the resonators channeling the beam,are commensurable with,the,operating wavelengthi.which fact -leads to the radiation of elect gn t' roma e ic energy and to the.appearance ofa strong ,;' among-the resonatorsi In order to eliminate thi preserve co 6 phenomenoii--~ plete transparency of the channel for the beam of deflected particles among the 'resonators,,theiwaveguide segmients:are P e low- rovid d with .1imiting wavelength much er than the operating ~meq and feedback Is introduced in the magnetic field. As Igationsi th tW son letely eiliml-~: shown by-Anvest 6 bond-mong 6 re ators in almost.comp C6hftIderab14 attebtl6ti odi oat i0- - thd AeIAA~, ttih6oarency of the - reso6d L h1%1T(1' 'DWIT(n, W1:10M NR, ApGoir)770 (A) N) sourcE CWH: AUT11OR: Biller,L.N.. VertsnerV.N.; Davydov,M.S.; Kosnyrev,V.S.; Tikhomircrv,G.P. ORG: none TITLE: Electron diffracti, njand ele tron microscope ves.t tion of the initial I 101V d I a stages of formation of leno nd lead selenido filmsll*Report) Fifth All-Union Conference on Electron Microscopy held in Sumy 6-8 Jui-Y _1947 SO(JRCE: AN SSSR. Izvostiya. Seriya fizicheskayn, v. 30, no. 5, 1966, 799-802 TOPIC TAGS: electron microscope, electron diffraction, lead compound, sulfide, selon.ide, photoconducting film ABSTRACT: The growth ofthin films of lead sulfide and lead selenide deposited from solution onto glass or sapphire substrates has been investigated with an electron mi-~ croscope, using the carbon-platinum replica technique, and by electron diffraction. 'nie investign,tion was undertaken because of the technical Importance of the materials "for the proOction of photoconductive cells. The initial reagents were lead acetate, thiourea o elenourea, and sodium or potassium hydrcride. The size and distribution of crvstalsXSn the films were determined with the electron microscope, and the pres- ence of impurities was detected by electron diffraction, using a transmission tech- nique for the thiimest films and a reflection technique for the thicker ones. It was found that a necessary condition for the formation of a film that would adhere well t( IjP(e'- R DW ,.J D, 'C. Card 1. 04493-67 NR1 AP6015770 the substrate was the simultaneous deposition with the lead sulfide or selenide of some other poorly soluble lead compound (lead cyanamide, oxide, or subcarbonate). Th lead selenide and sulfide crystals formed in the solution adhered poorly to the sub- strate, and the deposition of impurities inhibited the growth of these crystals and reduced the rate of increase of the thickness of the film. The formation of the im- purity phases took place mainly in the early stnges of the deposition when the solu- tion was still rich in lend ions, for the impurities are considerably more soluble than the sulfide or selenide. It was sometimes difficult to detect the presence of a impurity phase in the lead sulfide or selenide films, particularly in the case of lea oxide which under some conditions was amorphous. The impurity could be detected, how ever, by treating the film with a solution capable either of dissolving the impurity or of converting it to lead sulfide (or selenide) Gacuum deposited films containing no impurities were unaffected by this treatment, w ereas films deposited from solutio were usually destroyed as a result of detachment from the substrate. Orig art has: 4 figures. SUB CCDE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 00/ ORIG REP: 001/ OrH REF: 002 Card 2/2 ACC AP7002720 SOURCE CODE: UR/0237/661000/012/0009/0012 AUTHOR: Voytovich', G. D.; D= Ivanov, A. I.; Tikhomirov, G.. P. ,~~? v ORG: none TITLE: Study of the optical properties, structur and phase composition of lead sulfide and selenide films SOURCE: Optiko-mekhanicheskaya promyshlenn6st', no. 12, 1966, 9-12 TOPIC TAGS: optics, spectral absorption, lead sulfide, lead selenide, thin film.' thin film optics, thin film structure, thin film phase composition, lead sulfide film, film impurity, cyanide, basic carbonate, zinc oxide, electron microscopy, electron diffraction ABSTRACT: A study was made of the spectral absorption of thin films of lead sulfide and lead selenide obtained by precipitation from solution. The structure and phase composition of the films were investigated using electron microscopy and electron diffraction. The anomalies observed in the optical absorption curve and spectral response curve were found to characterize films containing impurity phases: cyanide, basic carbonate, and zinc oxide. It was also noted that the Card 1 2 UDC: 539. 216. 22:546. 81512211 3i:535 ACC NRI AP7002720 coprecipitation of impurities substantially affects the crystallization of lead sulfide and lead selenide. Orig. art. has: 4 figs. and 1 table. [Translation of abstract] [SPI w SUB CODE: 20/SUBM DATE`:, 03Feb66/ORIG REF: 003/OTH REF: 0*0'5/ Card '2/2 DA,,Yi)OV, V. Progeess of growth in dense beech tree plantings. Les. khoz. 5 I~o h (43), April 1~52. COMI-MY : USSR CAT ZT;ORIT : Foreatry. Yorejot Cultures. ARS. JOUR. : PZhBi.ols, 116, 3D 1959, Mn. 10803 AUTvOR Q II~T. I TIV, 1- L DAV7dov, 14. V. Ukr.&23ttan Acadiiy of Agrioultural Sadancea. 1 ~~a Af rvietiveness of Black Alder Cultivation on Swampy MG. PUB. Vinnik ailtskogospod. nauke. Ukr. Ak-ad. sillakogospod. nauk, 1958p fio. 1+, 44-50. ABSTFACT 'rho agaifioance is emphasized of alder oultivation, on m=py maows &a an affsative meas-are of raising the volume inareace (by 10-15%) por unit of the forest area in fttzkaya Oblast', ev Trastyanstalciy Experimental Los- khos.. Bleok alder plantations give here bIgh produoti-wi (Grade 1-b) reaahing cowAaraW vaturity at the age of 50 yearr with a resarvv of 1.65 z3/ha. - The izooaonios of the p1saitations are olted. - L. V. Nesxelov JcAnr) - 1A -35- DAVYDOV, M.Ya., inxh. Equipment for manufacturing wall blocks or slabs without Zcrmwork. Stroi, i dor mash. 7 no.6s2O-22 J& 162. (MIRA 15:7) (Concrete walls) ". DOYDOV, N. -- Follow-up of published articles. Mias. ind. SSSR 34 no.4t42 163. (KIRA 16:10) 1. Tashkentskiy nyasnoy kimbinat. TARASINSKIY,, G. ; _RAVYDOV N. Work practices of the Orenburg Food Mill. Mukrelev.prom. 27 no&5:-5;-6 My 161. (MIRA 14:6) 1. Orenburgskiy kombikormoM zavod. 2. Glavnyy inzh. Orenburgskogo kombikoMovogO 2avoda (for Tarasinakiy). 3.- Zamestitellglavnogo inzheriera Orenburgskogo kombikormovogo zavoda (for Davydov). (Orenburg-Feed mins) DAVYDOV, N. How should we evaluate the work of motor ishiclei operating on. axL hourly basis? Avt.transp. 1+0 no.12:28 D' 16~. (MM 15:12) 1. Starshiy ekonomist Khabarovskogo gruzovogo avtokhozymptva No.2. (Transportation., Automotive-Accounting) -4i ,4MMOT, N. W&ter-and-oil heator. Prof.-tekh. obr. 13 no.10-11-12 0 '56. (KLU 9:11) 1. ;Sta.:rahir nester uohilishcha mekWmizatoti sellskogo khozyaystya no.11, BashkirsWa.ASSF4 ater heate're) (Tractors) (V V DO SUBJECT: USSR/Ylining Schools 27-4-8/19 AUTHOR4 DavydovL N., Senior Inspector of the Kemerovo Oblast, Ad_ ministration of Labor Reserves, and Shubina, 0., in charge of Methodo1o& SeciAon. TITLE% The Degree of Efficiency in Training Miners (0 kachestve podgotovki shakhterov) PERIODICAL: Professionallno - Tekhnicheskoye Obrazovaniye, April 1957, 4 (143)9 pp 19-22 (USSR) ABSTRLCTs The authors point out the want in efficient training of graduates of the higher and normal mining schools as com- pardd with the graduates of the Labor Reserve Schools. Recently, the facilities for instructing young laborers were studied during a period of two months at 2 higher and 4 normal mining schools of the Kemerovo district (Kuzbass). The article states in detail the shortcomings observed which were mostly due to the poor teaching methods, insufficient outfitting of the instruction -ooms and workshops and do- ficiont practical training. The authors make various re- commendations in order to improve training efficiency and Card 1/2 school equipment. DAVYDOV, N., inzho.' Direct delivery of,container cargo. Mor. flot 23 no.10:10-12 0 f63, (NM 16tlo) 1. Nachallnik skladekoy chasti Potiyakogo ports. (Utilized cargo a tens) sf (Transportation -PAVYD.GV.,,-N., inzh. Increase the.role of commercial operation. Mor. flot. 24 no.11:14 N 164. (MIRA 18;8'1 1. Port Potis D&VYDOV, N.A. ~,- Supersumnability of.a pover series by Cesaro's methods. Usp. mat. nauk-18 no,4:129-134 Jl-Ag 163. (MIRA 16:9) 1~~ DAVYT)CIVI %~I. A. 'Tcrtain Problcms of the Th,,,orr of i3order Valucs for knalytical Functions." i~hcsis for Degree of Cand. -;Aysicomathematical Sci. Sub 20 Apr 49, Sci Aas -Inst Of I-lathema ties, Moscow 6rder of Lenin State U- i-meni M. V. Lommosov. Sumary 82, 10 Dec 52, Dissertations ~-resanted For Dagm-as in Science and &ngineerln-g in I'loscola in 1949. 7r-jm -v~icharnvaya Aoskvj, aan-Dec 1949. ~A;-! -TheFtbii a _d` -16 ~142 F(i)cn(2~ ,,-proves ~,U~ _44~ Dr e om jj e- legiolt: -bound' Lra ue~ I ded n joida 6iv6 L, provi L ~m- ~_Ojjt'%:~fid th, On, -1 "t tb ~~v; Idei-bUf by (1*~ R!,; anitinj Ai +2, JA _4 t exteam d k~, equ~ ns f~% P119 2PYAk~._. t9~? _:ThefO h illi t~ itilir I int (4 OP4 inrip thi id -iii ror.:plecic~To -jco~tin~6bs curvin) pe to the case v t4!,PrlY 00f, io P.07~ f ilApl. esi~_ .CV, 1 1,;lcbib 305. 11Y.Ji Ttil~kv (11 n 1 1)pof ~ Do V, N. PHASE I TREASURE ISLAND BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REPORT AID 302 - I BOOK Call No.: QA43.D34 Authors: DAVYDOV. KOROVKIN, P. P., NIKOLISKIY, V. N. Full Title: COLLECTION OF PROBLEMS ON VATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS Transliterated Title: Sbornik zadach po matematicheskomu analizu Publishing Data Originatin., Agency: None Publishing House: State Educational - Pedagogical Publishing House of the Ministry of Education RSFSR Date: 1953 No. pp.: 195 No. of copies: 25,000 Editorial Staff Editor: None Tech. Ed.: None Editor-in-Chief: None Appraiser: None Others: Prof. Romano'vskiy, P. I. and Dotsent Sludskaya- Zhegalkina, M.'I. made the final editing. Text Data Coverage: 2412 problems presented are divided into eleven groups, listed In 66 subgroups and eleven chapters, as shown in the attached abstracted Table of Contents. Solutions are given for every individual problem. The book does not present anything new, but the system V5 Sbornik zadach po matematicheskomu analizu AID 302 - I adopted in the classification of the various problems, as well as some of the individual problems offered seem to be of pedagogical interest. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Preface 2 Ch. I Func~ions 3 Real Numbers, Values, Graphs, Monotonic, Even, Odd., Periodical. Ch. II Limits 14 Of a Sequence; Unilateral; in 1nfinity; Continuous Infinitesima! Functions- Ch. III Derivatives and Differentials 29 The technique of Differentiation; Differentials, Meaning of a Derivative: Geometrical & Mechanidal; Derivatives of Higher Orders. Ch. IV Analysis of Functions 42. Theorem of the Mean; Increasing and Decreasing Functions; Maximum and Minimum of a Function in a Point; Asymptotes; Convexity and Concavity; Analysis of Functions. 2/5 Sbornik zadach po matematicheskomu analizu Ch. X Ch. X1 Solutions AID 302 - I PAGE Function of Two Variables; Limit and Continuity of a Function of Several Variables; Partial Derivatives and Total Differential; Differenti- ation of Complex and Implicit Functions; Differentials of Higher Orders; Taylor's Formula and Series; Geometrical Application of Partial Derivativatives; Tangent Surface and Normal to a Surface; Extrema of Functions of Many Variables. Differential Equations 126 Principal Conceptions; EquationE: Homogeneous, Linear, in Total Differentlals,.otc.; Isogonal Trajectories; Equations of Higher Orders which can be brought to Lower Linear Differential Equations of the 2nd and Higher Order with Constant Coefficients; Integration by Means of Series; Problems on Differential Equations of Higher Orders. Iterated (Multiple) and Line Integrals of Curves 137 Double and Triple Integrals, thoir Geometrical, Mechanical, and Physical Application; Integrals of Curves and their Application. of the Problems 150 4/5 Sbornik zadach po matematicheskomu, analizu AID 302- 1 I Purpose: Principally for the preparation of teachers of mathematics and physics. The book is approved by the MinisXry of Higher Education as a textbook in Pedagogical Institutes. .Facilities: None ' Wo-of Russian and Slavic References: None AVallable: Library of Congress 5/5 DAVT.DOF, N.A. Generalization i35-138 155. of Abel's second theorem. Usp,mat.nauk 10 uos3l (Convergeneg) (MA 9zl) SUBJECT USSR/16ATHEMATICS/Theory of functions CARD 1/3 PC - 447 AUTHOR IkLVYDOV N.A. TITLE On a prop-erMy of the Cesaro method for the summation of series. PERIODICAL Mat. Sborn-1k, n Ser. 38, 509-524 (1956) reviewed 12/195; 00 Let be given the series T, an with the complex terms ane' Let Seao+ai+...+a n nuo Furthermore cc 8(p) Xn OD n 2.: n n-o (1-x)p+l n-o S(P) 4 P (n+pN. f'(n+g+l n ('11+ p J r(n+l) r(p+1 p lot -6 be a closed convex set in the complex z-plane. The set76 is called ~)-set for the sequence I Sni 'f to ever-V V- ), 0 there exist a number )%( E ) -.> 1 and a sequence of sections ink; 'kj (k-1,2,...) of the natural number series such Mat. Sbornik, n. Ser. 38, 509-524 (1956) CM 3/3 PG - 447 mk-"k A - arbitrarily complex, p - integer,,O