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DAVYDO,VA-LZM-IMndidat takhnicheskikh nauk. - 014MMMOM-"MI. w- Use'a? con, yqr Prq. _fquipment in building lignite pit mines. MuLkht. strot. no.'7:8-9 JI, '57. (KM, 10:8) (Conveying mchinery) (3trip mining) (Lignite) SOV-127-56-8-18/27 AUTHOR: Davydov, V.V., Candidate of Technical Sciences TITLE: Prevention of Accidents to Multi-Bucket Excavators (0 predu- prezhdenii avariy mnogokovshovykh ekskavatorov) PERIODICAL: Gornyy zhurnal, 10,58, Vr 8, p 69 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author describes an accident that happened to a heavy ex, cavator, when the rails on which it moved slipfed under its weight. He advises institutions to develop special rules for rail Installations for use on unstable 'ground. There are 2 photographs. ASSOCIATION: VUG1 1. Earth moving equipment--Safety measures Card 1/1 ,.DAVY.WV, V.V., kand.takhn.nauk Length of area for stripping operations during vinter. Shakht. stroi. no49:4-6 158. (mru nao) (Strip mining-Cold veather conditions) DAYMY, Viktor Viktorovich, kandetakhn.neuk; KYASKOVIT)IY, G,Tu,, otv. red,; KIT. I'K.' red.isd-va; ILIINSICAYA, G.M., (Baring operattoAs In openpit mines under winter conditions] Yukryshnyo raboty na ugollnykh karlerakh v simnes vremia. Moskva, Goo.nanchno-tekhn.tzd-vo lit-ry po gornoTmi delu, 1960. 49 p. (KIRA 13:5) (Strip mining-Cold weather operations) KONONOV, I.; DAVrW,v% V.V. Share technical knowledge with the masses. Hast,ugl. 9 no*7: 10 J1 '160.- (MIRA-13:7) 1. Oekretarl partorganizataii shakhty No.40 kombinata Vorkutugoll (for Kononov). ". Piedsedatell profsoyuznogo komiteta shakhty No.1 "KapitallwWam kombinata'Vorkatugoll.'(for D6vydov). (Coal miners) (Technical education) DAVYDOV, V. V.; SAMODM-IOV, N. I. Way of controlling the congealing of rooko..-,Pjul. TS,IICHM no-5144 161, 0AIRA 3.0-10) kroun~) DAVYDOV V.V., kand.tekhn.nauk Stabilization of saturated arenaceous-rocks with solutions having a base of urea-formaldshyde resJ~. Nauch. soob. IGD 17:21-27 162. (MIRA 16:7) (Soil stabilization) DAVYDOV V.V., kand. tfjkhn. nauk Using resino for stabilizing rocks. Biul.tokh.-okon.inform. Goo.nauch.-idel.inst.nauch. i tekh. inform. no.3.-19-20 163. (MIRA 16:4) (Soil stabilization) DAVYDM, V.V,, kando teirim. nauk Reinforcing rocks vith a solution of tare and improving additives. Shikht. stroi. 7 no.8:15-16 Ag 163 ?WRA 16:11) 1. Tnstitut gornogo dela imeni A.A. Skochinakogo, N lf-:- SHABOLTAS, B.B.; DAVYDOV, V.V.; XOIUMYASKVp V.V.; MITRAKOV, V.I. r - Use of chemical solutions in sinking an inclined shaft. Shakht. stroi. 8 no.2:29-30 F 164. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Aleksandriyskiy ugollno-gornorudnyy kmbinat (for Shaboltas), 2. Inatitut gomogo dela imeni A.A. Skochinskogo (for Davydov, Korendyasov, Mitrakov). SEIAENOV, L.; DAVYDOV, V., nauchnyy sotrudnik Production and utilization of humic. fert12lzers from coal, Plan. khoz. 41 no. 1:65-69 Ja 164. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Zaveduyushebiy 2aboratoriyey tekhniko-okonomichaskikh issledovaniy Instituta goryuchikh iskopayemykh (for Semenov). 2. Institut goryuchikh iskopayemykh (for Davydov). DAVYDOV., Viktor Viktorovich; SaMLEV, A.I.Iotv. red. [Chemical met-hod of ground stabilization] Khimicheskil sposob ukrepl-eniia gornykh porod. Moskva, Nedra 1965. 81 P- WRA 18:11) DAYMY I ao! 7ormation"of the 4lementary coneopt of quantity in chiidrv%. Top. plikhol' (XIBA 10;6) 49,~:8?-96 KrTAY.157, 1, Ufedra polkhologil Koskovskago universiteta. (Addition) ZLlDOROZHXTS, Aleksandr Vlodluirovichl DAY=, T.T., red.; NOIrOSMYA, TeVef takhnereds [Developeent of' vol=tary =Tomato] Resvitis proizv~ollnfth dvishenii. Noikys, Isd-vo Almd,podagog,usuk RMM, 1960. 427 p. (Mlu 13:5) (Novesent, Psycholoff of) PONMI, yll.4., Inzb.; *VWV, Y.T., kand.tekbu.nauk Answering readoral questions. Shakht-stroi. no.9.-26-28 8 '59. (MIRL 12: 12) (Mining eD41maering) DAVYDOV, V.V. . kand.tekhnowuk; DAVYD6V, . V.V. 3~ inch. BarIng operations ir. the diamond mines. Shakht,stroi, 5 2os5:#,O-~32 Ap 16:L,' IM OmthI-Wpat Africa-Diamond mines and mining DAVYDOV V V. kand.tekhn.nauk; YA.SHCHENKO, I.I. .Apparatus for measuring th6 density of loose rock samples consolidated by reoin solutions. Nauch. soob. IGD 22:195-196 ,63. (MIRA 17:5) DATIDOY,_",-kand. telchn. nauk; KORE21DYASEV, V.V., inzb.; MITRAKOV, V.I., inzh. Synthetic resin for decreasing the inrush of water during shaft sinking. Shakht. stroi. 8 no-412-13 Ap'64 OMIRA 17:7) 1. Institut gornogo dela imeni A.A. Skochinskogo. AI,F,K-:)EYE.V, N.V.,, ARIFKB.ANOV, U.R.; VIASOV, N.A.;_RAVYpGY, Ygy, a, SMOYLOV, L.N. Polarization of neutrons in the T(d, n)He4 reaction. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 47 no.23,134-438 Ag 164. (MIRA 17:10) AL~KSEM, N.V.; AIU7MANOV, U.R.; VLASOVp N.A.; DAVYDOVp V.V.; -. B.MYIZV, L.N. Sources of polarined fast neutrons. Usp. fiz. naiik 83 no.4t741-752 Ag 164. (MIRA 1719) L 2~408-56 Aifc__tq_R,__AP6026839 SOMWE COME's UR/0069766-[O-ZT[O-0170-0-0-3700-lCq AM110M Ah2blu2ig ~al*~V*; DjLy4ov. VS, LA.; )(iseley. A. V.: 141kitin. YU. S, ORGi Chemical Faculty. Moscow University in. 14, V# Lomonosov Wddoheekiy fakulltet, Moskov-SM`g~~_ universitet) TITLE: Spectroscopic and adoorptionq.9tudy of geometrically modified -eide-pore silicagols containing ultrapores SOURCE: KoUoidnyy d=nal, v. 28, noe 1, 1966, 3-10 TOPIC TAGS: silica gel, IR spectroscopy, adsorption, porosity, gas chromatography ABS'T=T: IndustrIAL labOratOrY- and experimental silica gels subjected to treatment in an autoclavo, were investigated by IR spectroscopy ror adsorption of 1~20 vapor (to determine the number of exchangeable OH groups) and by measuring adsorption. It was establisbed that a.3.1 of these silicagels .had in addition to wide pores ultrapores that-wore accessible to water molecules- !but inaccessible to molecules of benzene, =ethyl alcohol,or IaWyt*n. The iultrapores could be eliminated by treatment at high temperatures, The degree 'to which they were closed by sintoring depende(I on the conditions of treatment. -While some of the ultrapores still remained aV;er aintering in air at 7500 - .or in vacuo at 8G00, they were eliminated practically completely after treat- of the silicagela in a stream of water valor at 7500 or.bighp;! tempera"s". ACC NR: AP6026839 The presence of ul.trupores. affect the aasorption capacity, ,.or separation by gas obromatograpby in work With 3MIO hydrocarbon v,0190UOB* .However,, it does interfere when the molemass have protrudJmg Ploupo vach as )ffl, OHp qr 00 Orig. - art has t3 gures axii 3 iibl6s io 9 SUB CODRt 07, 20 sum DATs: oyiLY65 ORIG REFt 015 Card 2.12 The 6o.Udity of the Icebreakers, Sudestroenic (ship constructioa) Wo. 2, 1937. DOYDOV, Vadim %IRS11'evich VnIfIneering calctulcttlon. A textbook for abip building department.- Of technical schools of river transport. Mloskvs, Izd-vo Ministerg'tva r5chn-o,-o flots, SSSRI 1,048. 150 (50-27565 TA15l.D56 r tekhnicheekikh nauk. r ,.A*to I I Strenjj~ of a plate subjects& to torsion. Trudy GIIVT lOtIO2-115 151. (ML U. 10-- 1) (Torsion) (Alastic plate@ and sh.11a)."" SIURTUT, 1. ff. , professor, doktor tekbnIcbevkikh nauk; DAVTWV,, T.Y. professor, redaktor; MAIMMINA, A.N., radaktor; KMTM," tekhnichaskiy redaktor [Calculation and design of hulls for ships used in inland navi- gation] Raschet i proaktirovante konstruktaii korpusa a:udov vnutrennego plavaniia. Moskva, Izd-vo Himisteretva racbnogo flota SSSR, 1952. 459 p. ~. (MLRA 8: 10) (Halls(Haval 'architecture)) DAVYDOV ofessor, doktor tekhnichaskikh nauk. Problem concerning the warping of a shiplai hull. Mor.i rech.flot 14 no.4:28-30 Ap 154o (ML4 7:5) (Shipbuilding) (Sokolov-, A.S.) V. V professor. doktor takhnichookikh ruLuk, AFANASIYW, A.M. ri tor; SHGALI, A. I.. ratmenzent; MASTAGIN, A.T., retsenzent; VITASHKINA, S.A., redaktor; KRASNATA. A.K., takhnicheskiy redaktor. (Resistance of ship's hull to torsion] Prochnost' korpusa audna pri skruchivanti. Moskva, Izd-vo "Rechnni. transport," 1955. 242 p. (Torsion) (~ILRA 9:1) sov/44-58-4-3297 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Matematika., 1958, Nr 4, p 145 (USSR) AUTHOR: Davydov, V OV v 0Y u'jv' TITLE: ~`Zolution of Tri~nomial Equations Found In Shipbuilding Mechanics (Resheniye trekhehlenny-kh uravneniy irstrechayu- shbhikhbya- v stroitellnoy mekhartike korabl;all:5 PERIODICAL: Tr.-.Gorlkovsk. in-ta inzh. irodn. transp., 1957, Nr 14, pp 10-24 ABSTRACT: For the system of trinomial algebraic equations AXIN~Q,, where x, b are n-dimensional vectors and the matrix of A has the form the author proposes the following method of solution. Each com- Ponent xi(I =1' 2, ... n) of the vector x is expressed in the form of a. sum of two summands of an approximate value of Fi and the Card 1/ 3 SOV/44 58 4 3297 correction dx:Lll X(." 4 VhOrO'KjRDd,6x:L are determined by misans of the formulas of NMI-/ I CZ L 0 Card 2/3 sov/44 - 58 - 4 - 3e97 Since in addition xn proves to be not approximato'but exact, passing successively from the Ith component to thet i - lth component (i =n,'n-l,,..., 2) in conformity with formula (1), it is possible to derive the exact values of all the components of vector x. It is proposed that the computation be performed in theee stagest computation of thet coefficients A , computfation of the approximate values of x, and finally,, the olaot values of x& The problem of the accuracy of the method is considered. T a number of arithmetic operationc in the proposed method of solution is much less than that in other methods which have application to structural mer-hanioti. N. Ya. Lyashchenl:o Card 3/3 DAVYDOV, Vadim Vaeil~!; MATTES, Nataliya Viktorovria. prof.; PMLIN, A.A.,inzh.j red.! VITASHKIN;, S.A., red. izd-va,; GCM.CHAKOV, G.N., [Study manual on the resistance of ships iwinland navigation) Uchabnyi spravochnik po prochnosti sudov vnutrennego Dlavaniia. Izd. 2., perer. i dop. Moskva. -fzd-.Yo ORechnoi transport." 1958. 754 p. (MIRA 11:12) (Ship resistance) DATTDOTq.V&dimjasil!yevich* prof., doktor tekhn.nauk; MATIES, Natallys Vi orovnao prot-,'~:,"aoktor tekhn.nauk; CHUYIKOVSKIT, V.S., kand. tokhn.nauk, retsenzent; NOTITSKIT, D.I., dotsent. red.; VITASH- KINA, S.A., red.izd-va; TMIMOU, T.T., [Structural mechanics of a ship. Dynamic stress calculations] StroitelInsia mekhanika korablia. Dinamicheskie raschety. Kookva, Izd-vo "Rechnoi transport," 1959. 378 p. (KIRA 13:2) (Karine engineering) (I.Rdps--H7drodynamics) V.V., doktor tekhu,uatilc Disclosing statically indeterminate beams by COUReCUtITO conjugates* Trudy RTO sud.prom. 8 no.4:31-37 '59. OUPA 13:5) (Hulls (Naval architecturo) (Girders) 'Vadim VesilL of doktor -tokhn. nauki Primbnal ucba- - Y*Vlch, I pr . 2 - - stlye VOLOV, D.I., kand. teklm. naulr; VOY-EVOM, N.F., prof., doktor tekbn. nauko retsenzent; PWI'UV, A,V.,, kand, telft, naulcs retsenzent; NOVIN, ReIsp inzb4*,.* red*; TITASHMA, S.A.9 red. izd-va; BQDROVA, V.Aoj, tekbn. red, [Tecbni,-ml amputations in abip-building] TekhnicheskLe vychi- sleniia v korablestkoenii. Moskva,, Izd-vo "Rechnoi tranaportpu 1961. 246 p. (Shipbuilding) (MDU 3-5: -1) DAVIDOV9 V.V... doktor tekbn. nauk; SARMOV, A.B., kand. teTcbn. nauk Using damping devices to lesson ships' vibrations. Sudostroonie 27 no.2t25-30 F 161. (MIRA 16:7) (Vibration(Marine engineering)) DAVYDOV.p..I~a~im Vapil,lyeviqhj MATTESp Natallya Viktorovna; KUR~Yb~b,V$ A-A.1'6ktor tekhn. nauk.. re,tsenzent; CHUVIKOVSKIY, V.S., doktor tekhn. nauk,.retsenzent; TRYANIV) I.Lp kand. tekhn. naukO.,dotB.# red,; VITASHKINA, S.A,j, red. [Dynamic strength calculations of ship structures] Dina- micheskie raschety prochnosti sudovykh konstruktsii. Izd.2., perer. i dop. Moskva, Transport, 1965. 316 p. (MIRA 18: 5) Wi6graph QX~ Hatallya vmowvna 7~ 0- Dpade caletdat stxwiRthvo:r a strvetures (Dlnawftheskl.~w raschety. prod U 806iyffi Mxcaw Izd-vo I kcmtruktal~YYM ed. 9 mv. and enl qwwport' 19fe. 316 -p. 1.31us. Ernati a -lea printed. btbllo jip Iiiedited; 4000 (;p -AWIC TAG8.*.,sh1pbuilding engineering, vibrwbion,'CalculatiOn PURPOSE AND COVERAGE: This is a textbook for advanced.students studying ship-bullcltW, and for-ship-building enj&ineers. It deals with calculations of the vibrations and ftmamic strength of ship structures, mainly of vessels for Inland vaterways. Dynamic -i v4dilations of IWdrofoil vessels are also Included. .-,.The vmeral,'thp~w_of small ',Abz*tions of system vith one, several, owd ai infinitely large mi6er of degrees Of freadom,.practical methods for calculating the vibration of ship stmttures, causesnof, vibrations and repedial wasiureis, and permissible vibration rates are pre- sented-i v 'fMa O]r jj~~. JabrfdgejS Systems vith one degree of freedom 12 9jetems vith several deerees of freedom'-~- 5T Prismatic beaullL 8T Local vibrations (oscillatio6p of bull structures) 149 - ItIM Card -1/2 6;Tq RUNIK, A.Ye., dotsent; BAYMYARI)VA. N.R., aesistent; aBLEVSKAYA, N.M., auBistent; MORM0. P.I., assistent;.A)TDOV, V.Ya., assistant; YNHUSUVA, D-S 3h., ordinator; GRMIIS, L.P., or ijjat6r;-WIK0VA, X.A., ordinator; IBRAGIMOVA, A.M. Clinicalf eatures of the influenza outbreak in Kazan in October 1957. 40 no-1:34-37 Ja-7 '59* (Mln 12:10) 1. Iz kliniki infektsionr*-kh bolemay (zav. - dRt sent A.Te. Reznik) lazanakogo meditsimakogo inatituta. (WO-INFLUINZIL) . TAN&UYICVA, D-Sh., assistent; DAVYDOV, V.7h. Three caseB of leukopenia with agranulocytosis of varied etiolo&y. 40 no.3-.611--67 My-Je 159. (MIRA 12:11) 1. Iz k%fedry infektalonnykh bolesney (zav. - dotsent A.Te. Rexulk) Kazanskogo maditainakogo inatituta; na baze I-y infektatonnoy bollnitsy (glavvrach - D.P.Petrov). (LMXINWIA) (AGRANULOCYTOSIS) DAVY-13011, V.Y.a. -rlete oxidat-O~n of Urines Dynami,,,a of the coefficient of incom funot-Lon of exterml respiration arrd basal. metabolism in in- fluenza. Nauch. trudy K8Z. g00#. mea. inst. 14:.409-411 164. Dyrkimib?s of ihd coefficient of ln^omplete oxidation of urine, f~mctiion of ext ernal.res pixation aml,b_asal; metaboli;sm in acute dysentery. IbiA,:/4A3--;414' 10 Rafedra infektSioniifth bolezney,,(Zav. doktor med. nauk A.Ye.Rezn1k) KazaTmkogo meditsinskogo institula. - - - I - -- --- DAVIUV, V. Ya., Fngineer - "An Investi.--,at3on of the Moisture Fxabange Between Sized Yam and the Surrounding Air in Cormection with Its Effect on Weaving and the Ure of Ventilation." Cand Tech Sci, Moscow Textile Inst, 14 Oct 54. (VI-1, 5 Oct 54) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations DefendeC at M-SR Higher Educational Institutions (10) SO: Sum. No. 481p 5 May 55 DAVYDOV, T.Y8. ~- ~ , Selecting the best air conditions for weevine. Tskst.prom is no.4:43-45 Ip '58. immA 11:4) (Textile :rsotoriao-Henting and ventilntion) DAVYDOV, V.Ya. Calculations for the control of atmospheric conditions in weaving mills manufacturitng staple fiber fabrics. Izv. v-ya. ucheb. zav.; tekh. tekst. pron. n0-5:131-134 '59 (KIRA 13:3) 1. Ivanovskiy neitchno-issladovatellskiy institut okhrarq trada. (Textile factories--Air conaitioning) DAVYDOV, Ya, '4,7"Tale of the-,youthPul - imder&ouiid fighVra" by A. Kuznatsov, N. Paniusbkin. Aft.164adly IA Davydov".~,~~ Voen. vast. 41 - no. 5 -.123-12~4 MY l 61, War (MIRA 14:8) (Simferopol-World 1939-1945--Underground' movemento) (Kumetl3ov, A.) I.PaLniushkin, N.) DAVYDOV V Ya,,-kand.teikhn.nauk Some propertiesof nonwoven materials and their use for protective clotItingo. Tekot.prom, 21 no,12:12-16 D 161. (KIRA 15:2) I* Zaveduyushddy laboratoriyey spetsodezhdy Voesoyuznogo nauchno- issledovatbl' skogo inotituta okhromy truda Vaesoyuznogo tsentral Inogo aoveta professionallnykh isoymovp go Ivanovoo (Nonwoven fabrics) (Clothing., Protective!) j/06 62/024/005/001/010 B107 186 YB AUTHORS: Aristov B. G. Da -Xju, Drogaleva, I. V., 'Rzav~4_~ Karnaukhov, A. P.t Kiselev, A. V., Korolevt A. Ta., Polyakov, Ae TITLE-. The modification of highly'dispere'ed silica aerosil by hydrothermal treatment PERIODICAL: Kolloidnyy zhurnal, v. 24, no- 5, 1962, 513 521 TEXT;. The influence of temperature and duration-of hydrothermal treatment on the aerosil's specific surface area and power to adsorb nitrogen is systematically studied, and some samples vere examined by electron microscope. The original material was industrial aero'sil. prepared(by high-temperature hydrolysis of SM4 as well as the matel'ialBk- I VK-1) prepared by.burning off silico-organic compounds. The kfdrothermal 0 treatment was'acoomplished at 120 - 410 C in periods ranging between 4 and 132 hr, after which the samples were dried at 150 00 and their adsorption of nitrogen at its boiling point was measured. From this the ..specific surface area was calculated by the BET method. Results in Card 1/4 S/069/62/024/005/001/010 The modification of highly dispersed ... B107/3186 --,Table 1 show that the specific surface diminishes with increasing temperature and duration of hydrothermal treatment. Electron microso'ope exposures shoved that this is due to coarsening of the particles. If the absolu'te amount of adsorption is plotted againat p/p (where p is the a a saturation vapor pressure of the nitrogen) a very reproducible isotherm iu obtained*.(Tablo 2). Within the range p/p n 0-015 -.0-3 this can be 43 a cp/p m 13 represented by the BET equation: a with (1-p/psJ[1+-T-;-1)p/pd /m2, a -a 10.25 11mol C - 164. In the range p/pa a 0.2 - O.S.the isotherm m conforms to Halsay and Hill (references see below). As formulated by )2-75 Pierce (reference see below) this reads (a/a )2_75 . (a/10.25 M 1-30/log(p/p ). It is pointed out that this isotherm makes it possible a to determine the specific surface area of a nonporous or large-pore silica with hydrated surface area from a single experimentally fixed point, according to the equation a - a/a m2/g (a being the adsorption in pmol/g and a the value of the isotherm for the same p/p There are Card 2/4 S/069/62/024/005/001/010 f highly dispersed ... The modification o 11107/B186 6 figures and 2 tables. The most-important English-language references .-.are: G. D. Halsey, ~. Chem. Phys., 16, 931, 19481 T. L. Hill, J. Chem, Phys., 17, 590, 19611; 0. Piercep J.. Phys. Chem.t 639 10769 1959; 64P 1184, 196o. ASSOCIATION: Moskov6kiy universitet, Khimicheekiy fakulltet (Mescov UniveriityDivisioni of.Chemigtry) 8,UBMITTED: Septembeir 9, 1961 Table 1. 'Specific surface area (m 2/g) of aer6sil in aependence on temperature and duration of hydrothermal t-reatment in an autoolave. The specific surface area of the initial aerodil was 187 M2/g. 0 Legend: 1 *Temperature in 0; 2. Duration of treatment in hr; 3. Specific :surface area in m2 /g. Table 2. Absolute amount of nitrogen gas adsorbed, at its boiling point, on hydrated samples of nonporous amorphous silich. The surface area covered' by a molecule of nitrogen corresponding to a monolayer of (w M .;thickness is put at 16.2 and t.he degree of filling 0'-.a/a , vherefrom m Card 3/4 s/o6g/62/024/005/001/010 The modification of high 1y dispersed. .. B107/B,186 cc p the capacity of the monolayer wor ks out as 1/0 10 .25 PmOl/m 2 m m Legend: 2 1. a, gmol/M Table 1 Table 2 '9 -4 PIP I NKAOJI. a P/" K"Aa, I 10.25 10.25 10.25 0.000013 2,00, O,t35 0,()013 4.57 0,40 0 0,26 13,40 1,307 6 0, OOD05 2 25_ 0,220 0, W24 5,00 0,488 0,300 14,00 0 1,3 0, 00008 2:50 0,244 0,0037 5.40 0,517 0,350 .14.70 1.431 0,000to 2,65'-. 0,25) - 0,0065 5,90 0,573 0,400 15,30 1 4A, 1 - .0,(M13 1 2,85-- 0,278 0,0075 6,45 0,623 0,450 16,50- 1 610. 0 R 1 0,(X)017 , 3.05 0, 2J8 0,00J5 6,7L) 0,651 0,500 17.25 1,6K,. 'A 1 0,00020 3,20 0,3f2 0,014, 7,40 0 722 0 550 18,05 1,761 !0 0,11 1,30 0,121, 0,11 1,10 0:810 11 0: 11,1 1,111 0,000-27 3,40 Ov332 - 31t O,OiO 0 C 9 9:2 0,050 0 700 20.10 21 30 1,93-1 2 073 0, OONI 1 3,50 0, O ,() , , , Z 0,00037 O,OM3 - 3,60 .1,70 0,351 0,3at 0,080 0,100 t0,30 10,80 11 40 .1,005 1,054 '1 112 0,750 0,M) 951) 0 22,70 24,40 26 50 2,215 2,3F0 515- 2 , . , 0,0005t 3,82 0,373 0, BO , , , O,OODGO -3,94 0 381 H190 .11161 0,903 30 30 . 2,956 -0,00075 4 M 0:403 . 0 190 12,40 1,210 0,95D 37:65.' 3,673- 11 0:160 9,00035 4:35 .0,424 o,22o, 12,80 1,249 Card 4/4 ARISTOV, B. G.;,-.V,,,Ta,; KARNAUKHOV,, A. P.; KISELEV, A. V. Corpacular theory of the structure of adoorbenta. Part 5t Adsorption of nitrogen and carbon tetraelporide vapors on model adsorbents obtained by oompremsionW aerosi3a. Zhur. fit. kbim. 36 no.12:2757-2763 D 162. (MIU 16:1) 1. mookovokly gosudakstv"nnyy univeroitet imni Lorionosova i Inatitut fizichaskoy khiviii AN SSSR. (Adsorbents) (Nitrogen) (Carbon tetrachloride) DAVMW V, KISEWIj A.V.; LYGIN,, V.I. Variation of the spectrum of surface hydrox7l, groups and the heat of adsorption on oilica mwface. Dokl. AN SSSR 147 nool-.131-134 N 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Kbi-icheoldy fakulltet Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. K.Y."Lomonosova. !Predstavlono akademikom A.N. Friunkinym. (Hydroxyl group-Spectra') (Heat of adsorption) DAMOV.. V.Ym.; KISHM., A.V.; LYGIN, V.I. Infrand 'spectroscopy study of the adoorption of trimetb7lembinol on aerosil~ Zhur.ftz,khim. 37 no.2: 1+69-470 F 163. (MIRA 16:5) 1, Moskovakiy gamudarstvennyy universitet imeni IA)monosova, kbi-ichaskiy fakulltet. (Butyl alcohol-Sp ctra) (Adsorption) ARISTOV, B.G.; BABKIN, I.Yu.; DAVYDOV,,V..Y,&.; KISELEV, A.V. Effect of the compression of aerosil on the adsorption energy of nitrogen and carbon tetrachloride vapors. Zhur.fiz.khim. 37 no.10: 2372-2374 0 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvannyy universitet imeni Lomonosova i Institut fizicheskoy khimii AN SSSR. DAVYDOV, V.Ya.; KISELEV, A.V. Infrared spectra of the surface and volume hydroxyl groups of silica. Zhur. fliz. khim. 37 no,,11.,259'IL2596 N'63- - OURA 17:2) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imoni Lomonosova. AKSHINSKAYA, N.V.; DAWDOV)". V.Ya.; ZHURAVIYV, L.T.; KERTIOYZ, Dzheffri [Curthoys, Geoffrey']",'-KISEJIV, A.V.; KUMETSOV, B.V.; NIKITIN, Yu.S.; RYBINA, V.V. Effe6t of hydrothermal treatment in an autoclave on the structure and adsorptive properties of silica gel. Koll. zhur. 26 no-5: 529-537 s-o 164. (MIRA 17-10) 1, Moskovskiy universitet) khimicheakiy fakulltet i Institut fizichaskoy khimii AN SSSR. V-1 P V o 12A MOVJ~M (b)/ESD (g01 CTAM' Allica --suri 41i 66 hydroxyl group, infrared spact*ro-,_-:'. -F nopy mass Spec rose mw oil op7 u hydrpganalbonp, ~g eblar Ane ST thir-stu ..-pro Ortittrof the hydrwtarla or. tho surface of RAM For S _iandlsuo the s'._-vn*th;-ClSit CH3)3 the infrared spec- 17%, ~coplc, d 'Yor , Qutntlfttb~* determinat n mean conc ">tra- -~ip' "'lu-pit _s bh~e ft~ zurftce ot siUca, .the deuterium exchange intithod with n-m na at OH groups on rw&s~i~pplied. Atrosil has a ispecific surftce s- #ken on an lKS-14 ispectrophotometer With i. UF vrisra In -the 410.q0.1; 2200. am7 .-region. Aerosil was pressed finto peUets ni; it f ili 10 i~l N ~V -.(Inatitv MITTr-lD-.'% 206463~-~ in -universitet - stvc Ay7f f6j, of-E~Xsi~mlthem,lsbry, --tv;ose ow State Unive si y SUB WDE- 109 CC W -omm BIN. .,pu;ctral and en~irU phonorriena of the interool-lon of a hydraxyl rr,--,UD Wi'll -MleOI~109 Of VariOUS eleCtTonic structure. Zhur.. fiz. kh.~m. 39 no.85-2058-2064 Ag 165. (FjRA 18:9) gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni l'o-monosova, fak-ul'tv-,b. SHKOL'NIROVA, R.Sh., kand.khlm.nauk;,.DAVYPq' V1, _1 V,-Z., in--h. Dust collector for boring machiner7 in open pit mining. Gor.zhur. no.10:69-71 0 164. (MIRA 18:1) I. Nauc~mo-lssledovatellskly I proyektnyy institut "Upronikell", Leningrad. DAVYDOV, Ya._ Wings of glory. Voen.vest. 42 no.9:35-36 S 162. (MIRA 15-8) (Borodino--War memorials) ,,~ DAVYDOV, Ya. Spiritual upsurge. Voon, vest. 42 nooll&12-13 N' 162, (MM 16slO) (Russia-Army-Political actIvity) KOZLO'ISKIY,, L.,, polkolhik; DAVYDOV, Ya, 'Voo' Easily controUedl. m.vest. 43. no.11&39-43 Y.~ 163e, (MIRA 16t22) DAVYDOV U.N. imh. Experience in the operation of series connected fluorescent lamp circuits. Energ. i elektrotekh. prom. no-4:56-58 O-D 165. (143TA 19: 1) YAO S, DAVTDOV"IA. S. -*U-~~Olvdnf .aring;,three-Atilen3tio'nal mesbing of'non-evo7vent gear creels, out .by an'evoi4enf cu'ttsug' tool,' Mo'mikvik, Oom. nauohno-tekhn, isd.-vo washinostroit. IA-rY, 1950- 179 P. (51-40186) DAVYDOV, ~ - S. - --- - ---------- -- --- -, Neevollventnoe zatseplenie. Prostranstvennyo zatsepleniia neevo"ventnykh zubchaty'Ich koles. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1950. 180 P- Noninvolute gearing. Spatial gearing of noninvolube. toothed wheels. 0 - SO: Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering in the Soviet Union, Library of Congress, 1953. /,),14 V L~ 4-0 V V c?, - S ~ 10WHIN, N.J.,; viewers]. LlTvrff, I.L. (authors]; GAVRILINKO. V.A... IIAVYDOV, TA-S-,- =-I- Scalculatione for the production and control of gearing parts.% N.I.Kolchin, Y.LLitvin. Reviewed by V.A.Gavrilanko, IA.S.Dav7dov. Sov.kniga no.8;45- 49 Ag '53.' (MLRA 6:8) (Gearing-Tablea. oalculations, eto.) (Kolchin, N.J..) (Litvin, F.L.) I .DW~z --I - ..-, -Av--~ Ine-mempa; or qetermning~~Tme 7.TeeTn Tnlcxnesoes ror spur -anu peve.L _gears, DAVTDOV, U.S., kandIdat takhnicheskikh nauk, dotsent. Method of false' positions in the graphic kinematics of planet gear macbantems. Trudy GIIVT no.12:88-95 154. (MLRLA 10:2) (Mechanics, Awaytic) GAVRIIMNKO. Vladimir Aleksandrovich; CHLSOVVIKOV, L.D., kandidat takhai- chaskikh nauk, retseusent; U989, kandidat takhalchaskM 'ut Alp"I"Makiy redaktor nauk. redaktor-, 740VA. S.M. am., [Cylindrical luvol%ttq gear transmission] TBillmdricheskais evollv-sn~- nala subehatala ~srsdacbas Moskva, Gose nauchno-tekha. it(I-vo masbino- stroit, lit-ry, 1956* 295 Pe (nU 9:7) (Gearing) DAVYDOV Y. S. (Doc.) Doz. Y. S. Davydov, "Investigation on the Correction Field of Involute Gear Drives." papw p"nanted at tba 2nd AU-Unlaa QW. an YwAamW Pr-objaw 14 tbm Tb8m7 of Wohims " mpahanisms* ~bmcow, UM, 24-28 Hamb 1958. .DAVYMV, U.S.. Imnd..tekhn.nauk. dotsent Apprwd.mate geometry of flat hippid gears machined with helical gear shaper. In.vreouchebosavo; mashinoetr. no,'IF:24-29 160,, (M.MA 13:11) 1e Gorikovoldy institut inzhenerov vodnogo transporta. (Gearing) titd,` 2/ 11MRSAMMImi - M==0 I a Ma DAVIDOV, Ya.S. I a ~ hn.nauk, dotsent Undercutting gear taeth with rack-shaped cutters. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.-I mashinostr. no.6:5-15 163. (MIRA 16-.10) 1. Gortkovskiy institut inzhonerov vodnogo transporta. li~ DAVYDOV, Ya.S. .... -- .- __, Effect of the regrinding of a gear cutter on the engagement of machined noninvolute gear wheels with an involute spur pinion. Teor. mash. i mekh. no.101/102:64-71 164. (MM 17:11) GRISHKIN. I. Puti soobahchentia 1 transport Karellskol ASSR. LTransport facilities of the Karelian ASSR. The White sea-Baltie C;;;,T. (Bol. sov. ents., 1937, v. 31, vol- 518-519). DLCt A355.B6 SO: Soviet Tranaportation and ComunIcalions. A Bibligemmb-Z, LibmX7 of Congress, Reference Department, Washington, 1952, Unclassified. DAVYDOV,)%. Ekonomiko-geograficheakii oeherk 'LfiwAirAskoi SM7. Tmasport. fteonomic and geographical survey of the Mcraine. Transportati~0. Cmi. sov. ,ants.., 1940, v. 10, col. 1036-1037). DLC-. AE55.M3 Transport i evias' fUdmurtskoi ASSJR. Lrhransportation and commmication in the Ud=wt ASSO. (Bol. sov. ents., 1947, v. 55., c01. 567-568). DLC: AE55.B6 Transport Liarliskoi ASSR76 LTransportation in the Marii ASSR_7. (Bol. sov. ants., 1938, v. 38, col. 129-130). DLC: AE55.B6 pat,ions, A Bibliozrapby, Library of Congress# SO: SQZLet MEa=R2rtation Ig ji Reference Departmentp Washington, 1952p Unclassified. BALIUK, S. and DAvyDov.qg. . . - I .- 1. .- - - I - - r- - - . eport _/Tadzhikokoi ssi Tran /. firansportation in the Tajik SSJR. (Bo]... sov. ents., 1946, v. 53, col. 442). DLC: JE55.B6 SO: Sovitt Transportation and Commicationsp A BiblUstraPhyp LibrarY of Congresep Reference Departments Washingtong 1952p Unclasnified. 41 DAVYDOV,,E- Transport i sviaz (Udmurtskoi ASSR): Sibirskii trakt. ffransportation and commnications in the Udmwt ASSR.- Siberian Highwage (Bolo sovo ents... 1947j, v. 55, col. 567-568). DW: AE55.B6 Al, SO: Soviet T ansportation and Connunications, A Bibliography, Library of Congress, ReferencE Departmeiit-, ington,, l9-5F- ash . U lassifiedo D. " E. �AvyDov,4E --77 Transport UzbekskoIi SM. ffransportation in the Uzbek sm_7. (Bol. sov. ents., 1947, V. 55P col. 634-63511. .Contains all major forms of transportation and communications. DI-C: AE55.B6 SO: Soviet Transiportation _azA CgmumigatiM, A Bibliograiphy,, Libr4ry of Congress, Reference Department, Washington, 1952, Unclassified. ---l- -- L- , 0 . . . Dgx-yclov, Ye. A. - "Tlie i;.gric-altuaral plz,-n of 'he choice-seed cultiv;,tion economy IIII.--riy I u 4 y;;.lll of Vne Mledvedevsk rz~lyoh in 1948,11 In r~Zmiposium: 2-y Recp. i.-grote),hn. Yonf-toti IM4,riyok ASSR, Kozinodomly,;.nnk, 1948, ,,. i,,4-i-,,6 SO: U-30600, 10 J41Y 53, (Letopis tZhurnal Inykh Statcy, No. 6, 1949). DATIDOV, Ye.A. Antigenic properties'of staphylococci to ultrasonic and autoclave treatment. Vrach. delo no.9:139 S 161.1 (MIRA 14:22) 1. Kafedry mikrobiologii (zav. prof. Ye.I.Domikhovski i kozb~o- venericheskikh bolezftey (zav. dotsent A.N.Fedor6vskiy, Dnepropetrov- skogo meditsinskago instituta:. (STAPHYLOCOCCUS) (ULTRASONIC WAVES-THERAPEUTIC USE) (BEAT-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) DEMIKHOVSKIY, Ye.I.1_2~ Ye,A* Change in the sensitivity of Staphylococcus to Btreptomycin under the influenoe of ultrasonio waves and heatin Mikro- biologiia 32 no.1258--60 t63 &IRA 17:3) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy meditsinskiy institut. DEMIKHOVSKIY, Ye.I.; DAVYDDV, Ye.A. Increased otaphylococcal resistance to antibiotics. AntibiotikJ 8 no.9:812-816 S 163. (MIRA 17:11) 1. Kafedre. mikrobiologii (zav. - prof. Ye.I. Demikhovskiy) i kozhno-venericheskikh bolemey (zav, A.N. Fedorovskly) Dnepro- petrovskogo meditsinskogo instituta. DAYXW.V,-Y&-&, Automation in the manufacture of intricate cores. Lit. proizv. -So F 163. 4. .2sA-17 (MIRA 16:3) Noremaking) (Automation) -P, MUINS, I.T.,;,"DAVYDOV,, Ya.A. . 1__-11.11--.- - .1-: Quick-catch draw-in collar chuck for lathes. Mfrshinostroitell no.2t19 F 165.* . (MMA 18s 3)