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/'0 Z- 3(2);30(1) /11--J"/ PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/2059 Akademiya nauk SSSR. Pochvennyy Institut im. V. V. Dokuchayeva Pochvennaya s"yemka; rukovodstvo po polevym lssledovanlyam i. kartirovaniyu pochv (Soil Surveying; A Manual on Field Surveying and Mapping of Soils) Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1959. 346 p. 7,000 copies printed. Errata slip inserted. Resp. Eds.: I.V. Tyurin, Academician, I. P. Gerasimov, Academician, Ye. N. Ivanova, Professor, and V. A. Nosin, Candidate of Sciences; Ed. of Publishing House: V. Ya. Markov; Tech. Ed.: I. F. Kuzlmin, PURPOSE: This book is intended for students and practiLioners of soil science and land utilization. It will also be of interest to geographers and cartographers engaged in soil surveying and mapping projects. COVERAGE: This work on soil surveying was prepared by a group of scientists of the Department of Soil Geography and Cartography of the Pochvennyy institut AN SSSR (Soil Institute, AS USSR). The book discusses the methods used in both general and special- card 1/7 Soil Surveying (Cont.) SOV12059 Ch. 2. Preparatory Work in Various Types of Soil 'Surveys Field Equipment and Supplies MM. Fridland) 16 Working out the schedule and method7 coaecti-d-r-~Md systematization of materials of previous workS 17 The topographic control for a soil survey 18 The simplest geodetic instruments used in the field soil survey 22 The working equipment of a soil scientist 28 Soil drills 31 Equipment for the field study of the chemical properties of soil 40 General field equipment and the means of transportation 41 Ch. 3. M3thodology and Techniques of the Field Soil Survey (V.A. Nosin and B.F. Petrov) 46 Studying the conditions of soil formation 46 The geomorphological characteristics of a region 46 Geologic structure, original and soil-forming rocks 54 Hydrogeological conditions 59 Card 3/7 Soil Surveying (Cont. ) SOV/2059 Compiling and finishing soil maps 128 Preparing the cartographic base 129 Making up tYe legend of a soil map 130 Plotting soil boundaries and supplementary symbols 135 The finishing (border details) of soil maps 136 Ch. 6. Using Aerial Photography in Mapping Soil Cover (M.S. Simakova) 146 Types of aerial photography and the properties of aerial photographs 146 Interpreting the soil cover from aerial photographs 153 Special features of work organization in soil mapping from aerial photographic material 165 The selection of aerophotographic materials for soil surveys of various scales 165 The working schedule In soil mapping from aerophatographic materials 166 Bibliography for Part 1 169 Card 5/7 Ooil Surveying (Cont. PART I I SOV/2059 Ch. 1. "',oil Studies as 1-t(Aated to Land Use and Agricultural Planning in-Kolkhozles and Sovkhozes (M.N. Malyshkin) 171 Ch. 2. The Soil-meliorative Land Studies for Irrigagion Purposes (A.N. Rozanov) 190 Ch. 3. Soil Studies for Drainage Purposes (A.P. Petrov) 235 Ch. 4. Specific Features of' Soil Surveys for Forestry Purposes (V.N. Smirnov) 263 Ch. 5. Soil Studies as Related to the Planning of the Amelioration of Agricultural Forestry Work (A.A. 'Ife Yerokhina) 287 Supplement: 1. Methods for studying the water-physical properties of soils and ground,.-I.6?.V. t1stapov and S.I. Dolgov) 299 2. The determination oA- rock content in soil surveys (A.P. Petrov) 335 Card 6/7 Soil Surveying (Cont.) SOV/2059 3. Forms from the soil reoord book 341 AVAILABLEt Library of Congress MM/dfh 7-22-59 Card 7/7 SOV/10-59-5-4/25 AUTHOR: FridLand4_V.M. TITLE: On the Problem of Zonality Factors PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Seriya geografiches- kaya, 1959, Nr 5, pp 29-37 ABSTRACT: Fifty years of development of the science of natural geographical zones, created by V.V. Dokuchayev, are described in this article. According to Academician A.A. Grigorlyev, the most important problem of the principle of div4sion of the Earth into natural geo- graphical zones is the definition of factors and. the character of their influence on the formation of these zones. The natural geographical conditions in general, and those of separate zones in particular, are the results of a lengthy historical development and of the interaction of two groups of factoraq bio- climatie and geologo-geomorphological. The influence Card 1/2 of one of these groups of factors explains the inter- SOV/10-59-5-4/25 On the Problem of Zonality Factors nal heterogeneity of different geographical zones. This brought about a further division of these zones intDsubzones, provinces, etc. The author gLves a de- tailed description of certain zones and of factors which caused the origination of conditions specific to these zones. He mentions the following scientists who took part in the development of the science of na- tural geographical zones: Ya.N. Afanas"yev, M.I. Budyko, G.N. Vysotskiyq I.P. Gerasimov, K.D. GI-inka, S.A. Za- kharov, N.N. Ivanoy. VoLo Komarov, Ye.V. Lavrenko, L.I. Prasolov, N.N. Rozov, V.B. Sochava, G.M. Tumin, and K.A. Ufimtseva. There is I map, 1 table and 25 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Pochvennyy institut AN SSSR (The Soil Insititute of the AS USSR) Card 2/2 FRIDLTAND, V. 14. Vertical sonality of North Vietnam sails. Poefivovedonio n0-11:8-18 N 159. (MIRA 13:4) 1. Pochvennyy Institut Im. V.V.Dakuchuyeva. (Vietnam, North--Soils) ANTIPOV-KARATATRY, I.N., skedemik,; TYURIN, I.Y., glavnyy red.; GORMOV, N.I., red.; VERIGINA, K.Y., red.; ZONN, S.T., red.; IVAHOVA, Ye.11., red.; r"R ZIKHHAN, O.K.. red.; KONONOVA, M.K., red.; LOBOVA, Te.V.. red.; HISIW5TIN, Ye.H., red.: ROB3. A.A., red.; ROZANOV, A.N., red.; SOKOLOV, A.V,, red.; FRI194P,_ 'Y.K., red.; SHUTALOY, S.A., red.; TIFIROV, A.L., red.izd-va; KAKUNI, Te.T., (Reports of Soviet soil scientists to the 7th International Congress in the U.S.A.) Dokledy sovetskikh pochvovedov k VII Mezhdunarodnomu kongressu v SSU. Koskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1960. 467 P. (MIRA 13:10) 1. International Congress of Soil Science. 7th. 2. AN Tadzhik- skoy SSR, (for Antipov-Karatayev). 3. Pochvennyy inatitut im. V.V. Dokuchayeva Akademii nauk SSBR, Moskva (for Antipov-Xaratayev. Gorbunoy, (Continued on next card) ANTIPOV-KARATATEV, I.N.---(continued) Card 2. Ivanova,,Kbnonova. RosanoT,,Yridland, Sokolov).. 4. Labomtoriya lesovedenlya Akedemii nauk SSSR, Moskva (for Zonn). 3. Voesoyuznyy nouchno-iosledovatellskiy institut udobreniy i agropochvovedeniya Vseaoyuznoy ordens Lenina Akedemii sell skokhoz.rwuk imeni V.I.Lenina i Instill"ut zemledeliya skademii sellskokhoz.nauk Belorusskoy SSR (for Kedrov-Zikhmen). 6. Institut mikrobiologii Akademii nauk SSSR, Moskva (for Miahustin). 7. Nauchnyy inatitut po udobreniyam i insaktofungi- taidam im. Ta.V.Samoylova, Moskva (for Sokolov). 0oil research) FRIDLAND, V..M.. "On The Red-Yellow Lateritic Soils Of Permanently Moist Tropical Forest". report submitted for the 7th Congress of International Society of Soil Science Madison, Wisconsin, 15-23 Aug 6o. f _714DLAND" V*NO. S.vmposium on the genesis of soils in the U.S.A. Fochvovedenio no.6; 112-116 Je 160. (MIRA 1):11) (United States-Soil formation) .-, W, Vladimir Markovich; ZARANKIN, V.H.. red.izd-va; YWTMOVA, IR14L N.Y.,; XAKUNIV TO.T., (Mature of North Vietnam] Priroda Severnogo T'etnama. KoskIra, 1, bcd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1961. 173 p. (MIRA 14:4) (Vietnam. North-Physical geography) SEREBRYANNYY, L.R.; CHEBOTAREVA, N.S.; FRIDLAND9 V.M. New materials from German researchers on the paleogeography, nary stratigraphys geomorpholovys and the geography of soils. 'Frt;dy Kom.cbetv.per, no.26i169473 '61- (MIRA 15-3) (Geology) FRIDLAND, V.M. Soils of hilly areas of North Vietnam. Fochvovedenie no.12: 57-74 D 161. (MIRA 16:3) 1. Pochvennyy institut im. V.V.Dokuchayeva. (Vietnam, North-Soils) FRIDLAND. V.M. Two ways of the formation of laterite concretions. Dok1,AH &SSR 137 no.5iI202-1205 Ap 161. (NIERA 14:4) 1, Pochvennyy institut im. V.V.Dokuchayeva AN SSSR. Prbdstavleno akademikom I.V.Tyurinym. (Vietnam. Nortb-.Laterite) LETUNOV, P.A., doktor sellkboz. nauk., otv. red.; IVXIOVA, Ye.N., doktor sellkhoz. nauk, red.; ROZOV, kand. geogr. nauk, red.; FRIDLAIflD,A.U.-, kand. geol.-miner. nauk., red.; SHASHKO, D.I., 0. or geogr. nauk, red.; SHUVAIDV, S.A., kand. geol.- miner. nauk, red.; GERASIMOV, I.P., akad. red. kart; MARKOV) V.Ya.,, red. izd-va; KASHINA, P.S., tekhn. red.; RYLINA, Yu.V.., tekhn. red. [Subdividing the territory of the U.S.S.R. into soil zones; in connection with agricultural use of the land] Poclrvenno- geograficheskoe raionirovanie SSSR (v sviazi a sellsko- khoziaistvenrqm ispoltzovaniem zemell). Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1962. 422 p. (MIRA 15:5) 1. Akademiya nauk SM. Sovet po izucheniyu proizvoditelli7kh ail. (Soils) SOYOLOV, A.V., doktor sellkhoz. nauk, otv. red.; IVANOVAj Ye.N.p red.; SIIUVALOV, S.A., red,; ROZOVI N.N., red.; IMSIR, V.A., red.; FRIDLAND, V.M.,, red RARKOV, V.Ya., red. izd-va; FOLMVA~ T.P.p (Agrochemical charactei-Istics of the soils of the soils of the U.S.S.R.; White Russian S.S.R.s Latvian S.S.R., Lithuanian S.S.R., Estonian S.S.R., Karelian A.S.S.R., and the norhtern regions of the European part of the R.S.F.S.R.]Agrokhimicheskaia kharakteri- stika pochv SSSR; Belorusskaia SSR, Letviiskaia W., Litovskaia SM., Estonskaia M. Karellskaia ASSR i severnye raiony LIvropei- skoi chasti RSFSP. Iljoskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1962. 279 p. (MIRA 15:12) 1e Akademiya nauk SSSR. FochvemVry institut imeni. V.V.Dokuchaye-ra. 2. Otdel geografii Pochvennogo instituta imeni V.V.Dokuchayeva Akademii nauk SSSR (for Ivanoval Shuvalovs Rozov Nosin, FYidland). (Russia, Northwestern-Soil chemistryi FRIDUND V M _DOKUCHAYEV, V.11. Soil surveys In North Viet-Nam and their role in the progress of tropical farming." Report submitted to the Conf. on the Application of Science and Technology for the Benefit of the Less Developed Areas. Genevaj, Switzerland 4-20 Febru=7 1963 FRIDLAND, V.M. Laterites of North Vietnam. Kora vyvetr. no.41126-146 162, (MIRA 1519) 1. Pochvennyy institut AN SSSR. (Vietnam, North--Laterite) MIDLANDp V. M.; KARAYEVA, Z. S. 00~~~ Orifin of acid salinized soils. Foobvovedenie no.7:77-81 J'1 62. (HIn 15: 10) 1, Poohvennyy inatitut imeni V. V. Dokuohayeva. I (Vistnazo North-Saline and alImli soils) FRIDLAND V M -Seminar on the soil map of Europe. Fochvovedenie no.2s106-108 F 163. (Europe--Soils--Maps) (MIRA 160) FRIDLAND, V.M. Weathering surfaces of North Vietnam, Kora vyvetro no.6t 241-257 163. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Pochvennyy institut imeni V.V. Pokuchayeva, Moskva. IV4NOVA Ye.N.I_nl_pIA!p 0 2, V.M. UsIng the nev eystam in the r;orm',a"L!.,7,n and muppln Of 6011.40 Ibchvovedenle no.6&21 TaI64 &IPU 170) FRIDLAND, V.M.; DOROKHOVA, K.Ya.; ZHITKOVA , A.I. Nature of the structure of humid tropical soils (Morth Vietnam). Dokl. AN SSSR 154 no, 3:707-709 Ja 164. (MIRh 17:5) 1. Pochvennyy institut im. V.V.Dokuchayeva i Ministerstvo sell skogo khozyaystva SSSR. Predstavleno a-kademikom I.P.Gerasimovym. SOKOLOV, A.V., otv. red.; SHKONDE, E.1.p kand. nellkhoz. nauk, otv, red. Prinimal uchastlye ASKINAZI) D.L. p red.; TROITSKIY, A.I.,, retsenzent; FRIDLAND, V.M.) retsenzent (Agrochemical characteristics of soils in the U.S.S.R.; the Transcaucasian Republics] Agrokhimicheskaia kharak- teristiks. pochv SSSR; respubliki Zakavkazlia. Moskvaj Nauka, 1965. 319 P. (MIRA 18%5) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Pochvenrqy institut im. V.V. Dokuchayeva. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Sokolov). ------------ nr,,~-*;!~ Z3 Ap - - - . . . - -7' .; :l--,,~ml, :t' C--nra, J~.;" ',MlPA 58:6) ., - ' ' . In.-.t:tul- gecgrifil AN I , AVERKO-ANTONOVICH, L.A.; KIRPICHNIKOV, P.A.; ZARETSKIT, U.S.; FlUDLAND, V.M.; PROKHOROV, V.S.; RASPOPOVA, L.V.; Prinimala uchastive: ZUBKOVA, T*P* Production of colored thiokol oealing materials. Kauch. i rez. 4 no.9:20-23 165. (MIRA 18:10) 1. Kazanskiy khimiko-takhnalogictieskiy institut imeni S.M.Kirovit. ROZOV, N.N.; FRIDLAND. V.M. Problems of soil science In the works of Academician I.P. Gerasinov; on the occasion of his 60th birthdayl 1905 - . Pochvovedenie no. 121 28-33 D 165 (mim 19:1) FR I D, V . Yfi $ C,:-.: -. d " c C; "C' -- (di "L;) "'11,,.-:i- i-; c ~- -, (;:; 1 -. t -, - 1. if , ;: - I .. I . - - . 1, o4 lid L 1 -~ ~ -t- .~! .1 ! I~ 11,:!7 r . ~* 1~ L. ~ 1 11 . ~ 9 1 _" . .. - - . .. t.. - .. : .; ., 1 : ) I - - . I ~ ~ .. I j ! 1 kA, - (, 1, (, - t i u I 1 1-7. ~;,.: t . -1-.. ! ''. _., . 1-r . - - ;1~ ~ -- - - 'Wi I -, C~ c 0; i i (~,; 11,J) AUT11ORi Fridland, V. Ya., Engineer 98-58-7-10/21 TITLE: Calculation of Elements of One-Sided Deposition (Rasch6t elementov odnostoronnego namyva) PERIODICAL: Gidrotekhnicheskoye stroitel'stv0,1958,Nr 7, pp 35-37(USSP,). ABSTRACT: The author devised formulae which permit the calculation of any given moment in the state and character of an alluvial surface and the intensity of the deposition at any given point. For the stream transporting capacity, the well kncwn formula ia used: IQ = q 13 - Y ej where P is the specific w ghted hard expenditure; %_ specific pulp expenditure on the map of the deposition; T_ transversal inclination of the map of the deposition; T - coefficient, which depends on the granulometric ground composition and on the specific pulp expenditure; n - the power indicator which depends mainly on the gran- ulometric composition of the ground. This indicator can have different meanings. Gilbert, Shoklich, Yeyer-Peter, N.V. Goncharov and others take n - 1.5; Vac-Dougall,I.I. Levi, Ye.A. Gavrnshchenko (ref. 1) take n - 2. These mean- Card 112 ings were based on observations of small weighted depositions Calculation of Elements of One-Sided Deposition 98-56-7-101'21 in canals and rivers. In hydro-mechanization processes, the indicator n will have much larger limits, as the ground used for the depositions will not be homogeneous. All de- vised formulae result from this basic formula. There are 5 Soviet references, 1. Rivers--Sedimentation--Theory Card 212 KKHITARTAN. Art4shes Kelkonovich. Prinimali uchaetiye: RMIKOV, V.S., assistant; FRIDLAND, V.Ya., assistant; KISHCHUK, GeYa., assistant. PISAPMKO, K. S., [HydriCulics and fundamentals of gas dynamics] Gidravlika i oanovy gazodinamiki. Kiev, Goo.izd-vo tekhn.lit-ry USEM, 1959. 279 p. (KMA 12:8) 1. Kafedra gidravliki XIYOVBkogo ordena Lenina politakhnichaskogo instituta (for Kaksimov, Fridland). (Hydraulics) (Aerodynamics) 10,15,oo 39592 S/263/62/000/011/012/022 1007/1207 AUTHOR: Mkhitaryan, A. M., Maksimov, V. S., Labinov, S. D. and Fridland-, V Ya TITLE: Method for studying the boundary layer by means of an electric hot-wirc anemometer PERIODICAL: Refcrativnyy zhurnal, otdel'nyy vypusk. 32. lzmeritcl'naya tckhnika, no. 11, 1962, 36, abstract 32.11.275. In collection "Novyye mctody izinereniy i pribory dlya gidravlich., issled". M., AS USSR, 1961, 90-92 TEXT: The kievskiy politekhnichcskiy institut (Kiev Polytechnic Institute) designed a test stand for studying the turbulent boundary layer in order to find optimum methods for its control. The distribution of velocity in the jet cross-section and the turbulence spectra were investigated. Average velocities and fluctuations were measured by means of the 3TAM-3A (ETAM-3A) electric hot-wire anommeter designed by tile VEL Width of the nozzle wire was 19 micr. The average flow velocities were found from the current intensity of the measuring bridge, and the degree of turbulence, from the readings of a C-95 (S-95) electrostatic voltmeter connected to the amplificr output. Shape and frequency of fluctuations as well as their relative amplitude were determined by means of a :)H-7 (E1-7) cathode-ray oscilloscope and recorded on a M 1710-2 (M PO-2) oscillograph. Calibration was done by a reference Prandti-tube. A 500 c time marker was used for determining Card 1/2 Method for studying the... S/263/62/000/011/012/022 1007/1207 the frequency [Abstracter's note: of fluctuations); the measuring nozzle was moved by means of a screw- coordinator provided with a vernier scale. Accuracy of nozzle setting was 0.005 mm and of mean velocity measurements, 0.5%. The intensity of fluctuations was determined with an accuracy of 5 to 10%. A movable element, fastened to the flume bottom and connected to piezoelectric weighing scales designed by the Institut mckhaniki AN USSR (Inztitute of Mechanics, AS, UkrSSR) was used for determining the stresses on the surface. The scales had the following design features: during measurement the crystal-bearing ring driven by a special gear induces in the crystal an alternating voltage. Due to this method, distortions of measurement results, caused by leakage of the charge from the crystal, can be avoided. The accuracy of scale readings is I %. There are 3 references and I figure. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation.] Card 2/2 5 / 3.117/6 1/ooo/ ooli/o _i4 E-195/Ll.35 AUTHORS Mkhitaryan, A. M. , Maks imov, V. S. , -Fr i (11-iind. _N1. Ya. and Labinov, S.D. TITLE; An experimental investigation of flow in the initial sections of a semi-bounded turbulent jet PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshiMi uchebn)-kh zavede"iy, Aviatsiolinz.,yo. telchnika, no.41 iq6i, ni-iig TLXT: Most of the published experimental. and theoretical ifork on submerged turbulent jets has been concerned with the main part of the jets, which is characterised by flow under the conditions of an enclosed boundary layer. The presence of developed turbulent inter-mixing makes it possible to assume, ifith an adequate degree of accuracy, a similarity of velocity diagrams expressed in dimensionless coordinates. A more complex problem is the study of the initial section of the jet, where the above assumption would result in considerable errbrs. The authors have carried out an experimental wind-tunnel study of the flow of-semi-bounded, turbulent jet, flowing out. of a right-angle Card 4/3-) An experimental investigation of flow... S/147/61/ooo/oo4/olh/on E194/El-35 nozzle into a prismatic trough. As a result of' this inv~:!stigation it has been established that, along a length of more than tell equivalent diameters (of the nozzle) and on 705' of tile width of the frough, there exists a nucleus of constant velocities. III addition, the boundary layer forming on tile bottom of tile trough is equivalent to a boundary layer forming on a flat plate subjected to a flow of an infinite stream. Ex2criments carried out with the help of a hot wire anemometer showed that in the nucleus of the stream the degree of turbulence remained constant along the length and width of the trough. Finally, an empirical relationship has been obtained, giving the location of the upper limit of the nucleus of constant velocities in a sewi-bounded jet.: Y/h = 0- x/h - a (8) where: y is the flow coordinate of points of upper limit of the nucleus of constant velocities; 11 is the height of tile nozzle; a is a coefficient depending on the amount of turbulence at the outlet from the nozzle, and equal in this case to + 0.0108. Card 2/3 An experii.iont:xI irvestigation of There are 8 figures. ASSOCIATION: Kafedra gidravliki, (Department of Flydriiulics, Ins t itlute) SUBMITTED: January 16, 1961 ... s/147/61/000/004/014/021 E195/E135 Kiyevskiy politekhnicheskiy instit. Kiev Polytechnical Card 3/3 27243 1~ 21 2-601 S/1 70/6~. 100410C91002101 3 B1 04/Bl 25 AUTHORS: Witaryan, A. M., Maksimov, V. S., Fridland, V. Ya., Labinov, S. D. TITLE: Method of investigating the boundary layer in an operating pal". of a new type PERIODICAL: Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy zhurnal, v, 4, no. 9, 1961' 12-16 TEXT: The turbulent boundary layer of a body with a pressure gradient along its axis and a gas jet flowing about it has been studied, The experiments were performed because at present there is no complete theory available, which would permit an exact calculation of the disrupture of the boundary layer.. First of all, an operating part was developed, which produces a jet with a long core of constant velocity. An attempt was made to obtain a constant velocity, a constant static pressure, and a constant turbulence of flow throughout the operating part. The authors determined the velocity distribution over the cross section of the jet and also the turbulence spectrum. The mean velocities and pressure pulsations were measured by an electrothermoanemometer of the type 3TA*3A (ETA11-3A). Shape, frequency, Card 1/ 3 27243 S/170/61/004/009/002/013 Method of investigating the B104/B125 and amplitude of oscillations were 7isually determined by means of a cathode-ray oscilloscope and recorded on a film, First, the authors measured the parameters of a free, turbulent, rectangular jet. The core of constant velocity of such a jet was not longer than twice the diameter of the nozzle used, At a distance of 2-6 nozzle diameters, the authors obseeri- ed an intermediate zone between the core of the jet with constant velocity and the main part of the jet, An analysis of the flow of a free jet shows that the cross section of constant velocity of the jet can only be enlarged by reducing the turbulence and energy loss in its boundary layer. For this purpose, it is recommended to bound the jet by a solid surface. With the aid of experimental data by other authors (D, N., Lyakhovskiy et al., Aerodinamika elementarnogo fakela, Soobshcheniye Tsl:TI, 1936) and on the basis of the Prandtl equation, the following relation is obtained for the calculation of the tangential stress of the Jet: Tc = 0 0125 Quo /2, It in shown that the tangential stress arising with a jet flowing about a plate is one-fourth of that of a free jet, In addition, experimental results indicate that the lose in energy occurring in the bounlary layer of a plate is many ti:aes smaller than in the boundary 1,-..:ter of a free jet By Card 2/3 27243 S/17 61/004/009/002/013 Method of investigating the ... B104YB125 using a prismatic jet guide that bounds the jet on three sides, it was possible to extend the jet core of constant velocity to a length of about 10 nozzle diameters, The width of the constant-velocity core amounted to 70j'a' of the total width of the jet guide. There are I figures and 5 refer- ences. 3 Soviet and 2 non-Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Politekhnicheskiy institut, g. Kiyev (Polytechnic Institute, Kiyev) SUBMITTED- May 15, 1961 Card 3/3 31RIDIMUM. B. , - Improve the work of the Office for the Promotion of Inventions. Izabr. v SSSR 3 no.2:44 F 158. (MIRA 1113) (Riga-Zlectria industries) FRIDLENDER, B. 1. (Moskva) Cruciform and T-shaped airfoils in a compreanible flow. Inzh. zhur. 2 no.4:245-261 162. (MVU 16:1) 1 (Airfoila) L 1553-1-63 WP(r)/WT(m)/bDS AMCIMC EM ACCESSION NR: AP3006586 S/0020/63/151/006/1299/1302 AUTHOR: Fridlender, B. 1. TITLE: A cruciform wingyof finite span in a compressible f ow SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady*, v. 151, no. 6, 1963, 1299-1302 TOPIC TAVS: cruciform wing, wing, finite spaii wing, compressible flow, supersonic flow, velocity potential, star shaped wing, Chaucy problem, harmonic oscillation ABSTRACT: Compressible flow over a.cruciform wineconsisting of four cantilevcra of arbitrary geometrical shape is considered (see Fig. 1 of the Encloaure).' Each of the two side cantilevers makes arbitrary harmonic oscillation�tlibf w frequency in a supersonic flow. The pro~ilem consists in the determination of disturbed ve- locity potential ~(xj, y, z, t) in linear forination, which satis- fies the equation: 2).22~ 22"1 _ a2a2 " 4 2 -22 ':Z 0- 0. V2 - a -~j 9t2 + 2VW 3Y2 a x 13 t Card 1 L15511-63 ACCESSION NRt AP3006586 The An expression for velocity potential is derived. velocity po-,~ tential of the star-shaped wings with identical or different dihed- ral angles can be determined by the same method. "The author ex- presses his thanks to his scientific mentor Ye. A. Krasil'shchikove.". This article was presented by Academician L. Sedov on 12 Jan 63. Orig, art. has: 2 figures, and 8 formulas. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 25Dec6Z DATE ACQ: 27Sep63 ENCL: 01 SUB CODE: Al NO REF SOV: 002 OTHER: 001 Card ACCESSIOW VRs AP402695o i Fridlender, Be is (Moscow) AUMOR TITLEs Vibraftamm at finite-opm crWif OM &jeoM IA a cmPnesible now SOURCE i UAIMST'1117'117 1111111AX-* # V- 4 # no - 11964 1 17-28 TOPIC TAGSt potential flow, perturbation velocity, supereonie flow, h&rmmi vibrations, 3Amd1n,-. edge Fr*3m, airfoil, finite.spen, crucifom "rrell A I~-:,-,;AB5MCTt The potential flow perturbation velocity over a cruoiform airfoil with four arms of arbitrary shape is considered. Each side of the cruel f o r a . airfoil is in supersonic flow with arbitrary harmonic vibrations of amplitude C) . The i linear two-dimmaimal solution is given in teram of the perturbation potential, M.NYSO ~&Vs) U (a Sit band for the equation + Lev ins 0~j I.Ccled I& ACOWSION M: "4026950 ]The Cauchy boundary probies is applied to the first oatant and Hadamard's method is, used to present the fundamental solution in the form v - U/r. The subsonic leading, edge problem is shown to lead- to integral equations of the,form given by To. A. Krasillshchikova (Kry*lo konechnogo razmakha v szhimayemom potoke. Gootekhisdatp 1952). The linearity of the problem allows one to add the effects on the velocity from the vertical and horizontal oscillations of the airfoil. "The author expresses his gratitude to Me sugerviack., Xe. A; MmillohdAkovae" Origo art, b": 40 equations and 3 fle"00- ASSOOLLTIONs none SUBMITTED: 3OJaA63 DOR ACQs 15kpr64 ENGLe 06 SUB CODEt Al NO REr SOYs 003 TR 1 000 Q Card 2/2 OIL I 'L i- 3402i S/05 62/042/001/045/048 B1 54YBI 12 AUTHORS: Khulubey, Kh., Auslender, Y., Fri4lender, E~, Taitseyka, Sh. - - ---------- TITLE: Angular distribution of p-mesons in n-p decay PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 42, no. 1 , 1962, 303-304 TEXT: The anisotropy of the angular anion distribution in pion decay was already investigated in Ref. 1 (A. 0. Vaysenbergp E~ D. Kolganoval Z. V. Minervina. ZhETF, 41, 106, 1961). The aim of the present paper is to give new data, of which only a few were published up to now, and to point out that some conclusions made in Ref. 1 are unfounded from a statistical point of view. Using the same material as for the investigation of the n-p decay in a previous work (Ref. 3), the authors observed 1734 n-p-e decay events and obtained the following angular distribution: Angular interval 0 450 45 90 - 1350 1 135 - 1800 Number of i 393 412- 900 1 493 436 The forward-backward ratio b -0-143 � 0-046 indicates a deviation from Card 1/4 34021 S/056/62/042/001/045/048 Angular distribution of B154/B112 isotropy of 2.96 of the standard errors and is therefore obtained in the case of true symmetry with a probability of less than 3-jo-3~ The general deviation of the observed distribution from isotropy is measured with the probability P(,-,YZ/ - 4.6-10-3. The conditions were the same as those during the detection of pions in T decay which was also calculated in Ref. 1. General statistics is insufficient for determining the difference between several partial distributions. Thus, in Refo 1, the ratio z/A is 0.958 + m61 in low-density regions (all "observers") and 0.855 � 0.052 in high-Lnsity regions ("observers" E, F, G). This distinction of material according to the forward-backward ratio obtained by different observers is statistically inadmissible. The authors therefore made the following calculation by the Monte Carlo method. From n/;r - 0-905 (corresponding approximately to the result of all "observers" in the high-denaity region in Ref. 1) they chose seven x-jr pairs (seven "observers") and marked those three "observers" who had received the highest asymmetry. The volume of the samples was approximately set equal to the number of muons in the high-density region in Ref. 1. This was repeated ten times. For the ratio nl.W , the following results were obtained: Card 2/4 3! 17, AnL;ulaz- distribution of 12 All "observers" 0.907 + OT015 Four "observers" with the lowest asymmetry 0,)62 + 0 Cl) Difference 0.075 + O~024 Three "observers" with the highest asymmetry 0.826 + mig There are 4 references: 1 Soviet and 3 non-Soviet. The three references to English-language publications read as follows: Ref. 2, H Hulubei, J. AuslAhder, B, Friedl9nderq S. TiVica. Int, Working Meeting on Cosmic Rays, Buchurest, 1959, Acad. RPR, Inat. de Fizica Atomicd, Bucure-pti, 1960, p~ 130- J. Ausl'a'nder. Ninth Int, Ann. Conf, on High Energy Physics, Kiev, 1959, Acad, of Science USSR end IUPAP Plenary Ses. VI-IX, Moscow, 1960, p. 239. Ref, 3. H. Bulubei, J. Aualtinder, E. Balea, E. Fried1linder, S. Titeica, Proc, of the 2-nd Int. Conf, on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva, 1958, P- 1283. R~ L. Garwin ot al. Phys. Rev. 108, 1589, 1957- ASSOCIATION: Institut atomnoy fiziki Rumynskoy akademii nauk Bukharest (Institute of Atomic Physics of the Rumanian Academy of Card 3/4 Sciences,Bucharest) Angular distribution of .., SUBMITTED: October 10, 1961 34021 S/05 62/042/001/045/048 B154YB112 Card 4/4 1.1,40 tz)LIm. =14~p dot.-ont; FRMLIM'.`., ltz-h. -176k~, '1=11t-tol Of a cf problom ill t~w ,.)Y)orj of thinctioi-P-1 intorchi.-iV. ability and prcalolw of mchinun myl their jwts. itsm. uclliub. vav ; v=:3h4I=tr. m.9:177-183 165. UwA is,n) Investigation of azimuthal effects in meson showers produced b7 9 Bev protons. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 39 no.4:965-969 0 16o. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Institut atomnoy fiziki Akademii nauk Ru;nvnnkoy Narodnoy Reapubliki. (mesons) (P~rotone) (Cosmic rays) FRIEDLANDER, E.M. Distribution of transverse impulses in meson jets at accelerator energy. Comunicarile AR 13 no.9t8ll-815 3063. 1. Membru corespondent al Academiei R.P.R. FRIEDLUIDER,,..~.,M.; NITU, R. Production of high energy neutral pions in Ir- -xe collisions at 9 BeV. Comunicar:Ue AR 13 no.9t817-820 S163. 1. Membru corespondent al Academlei R.P.R. (for Friedlarder). FRIDLENDER, Feliks Leonidovich; TSEYTIMI, Lev Aleksandrovicb; MARTYNOV, A.P., re-a-.-;-UMOK.HGVA, S.S., tekhn. red. (Electronic computers] Elektronnye vycliislitellrye mashiny. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo "Vysohaia shkola," 1961. 147 p. (MIRA 15:2) (Electronic calculating machines) 64- FRIDLFIII)'.'R, G.O., and S.A. MA10ROV. --------------------------- Membrannye aeronavigatsionno-pilotazhriye pribory. I'oskva, 190. 155 P., illus At head of title: Krasnoznamennaia ordena Lenina Voenno-vozdushnaia inzhenernaia akademiia in. N.E. Zhukovskogo. Bibliography: P. 15h. Title tr.: Membrane air navigation and nilotinE instruments. TL589.F7 SO: AeronauticnI Sciences and Aviation in the Soviet Union, Library of Congress, 1955 Mathematioal, Reviews 0. 0. On the precession, d #jZMMW under )7W Vol. 14 No. 8 the action of hn external moment. A SSSR. Sept. 1953 *"'InfenemylSbornikl2.229-233(1952). (RuWan) Meohanics, In the usual investigations of the behavior of a gyroscope 0 under the action of nn external moment, the motion of the axle is examined, nud the b6avior of the kinetic moment vector and of the instantanCOU3 angulhr velocity vector are! disregarded. The paper is concerned with the behavior ofj these last two vectors in the case of a rap;dly retatingi flywheel. E. Ltimanis (Vancouver, B. C.). I J) L F_ 14 J)'C'- PHASE I TREASURE ISLAND BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REPORT AID 325 - I BOOK call No.: AF6o896l Author: 'FRIDLENDER, 0. 0. and SELEZNEV, V. P. Full Titli~. MMMTRIC INSTRUMENTS, COMPASSES AND AUTOMATIC NAVIGATORS Transliterated Title: Pilotazhnyye manometricheakiye pribory, kompasy i avtoshturmany Publishing Data Originating Agency: None Publishing House: State Publishing House of the Defense Industry (Oborongiz) Date: 1953 No. pp.: 367 No. of copies: Not given Editorial Staff Editor: None Tech. Ed.: None Editor-in-Chief: None Appraiser: None Others: Gratitude for valuable assistance expressed to: Kozlov, A. S., Bodner, V. A., Krasovskiy, A. A., Chistyakov, N. I., and Bersukov, M. L. Text Data Coverage: This is a textbook. The author explains the theoretical basis of each group of instruments, and shows their princi- pal mechanisms. He mentions frequently the trademarks of 1/8 Filotazhiiyye manometricheskiye pribory, AID 325 - I kompasy I avtoshturmany Russian-built Instruments. Numerous diagrams, graphs, photos, tables, etc. This is a very good, up-to-date textbook. However the instruments described are very similar to those built in the USA, and nothing new In their theory and construction has been noticed. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Preface 3-4 Introduction 5-13 1. Purpose and classification of aviation insturments 2. Flight with the aid of flight instruments Flight without visibility of external landmarks General requirements of instruments and their errors 5. Short historical outline. Ch. I Basic Parts of Aviation Instruments. Errors of Instruments, and Some Methods of Compensation 14-49 1. Elastic sensitive elements 2/8 Filotazhnyye manometricheskiye pribory, AID 325 - I kompasy i avtoshturmany PAGE 2. Methodical errors of the variometer 3. Structure of the variometer Ch. V Magnetic Compasses 93-124 1. Some information on terrestial magnetism 2. Structure of the compass Equation of movement of the chart Deviation of the compass. Action of magnet on magnetic mass 5. Equations of deviation 6. Reduction of deviation and determination of a definitive deviation 7. Deviational instrument 8. Bank deviation 9. Deviation of higher orders 10. Turning error Ch. VI Remote Transmissions and Indicating Systems 125-178 1. General information 2. Three-channel, potentiometric remote transmissions 3. Other potentiometric remote transmissions of the measurer-of-current-ratio type 4/8 Pilotazhnyye manometricheskiye pribory, AID 325 - I kompasy i avtoshturmany PAGE Ch. VIII Remote Indicating Compasses with Inductive Sensitive Elements 2o6-236 1. Inductive sensitive elements 2. Remote indicating inductive compass with single- phase sensitive element 3. Remote indicating inductive compaBs with three-phase sensitive element 4. Structure of the remote indicating inductive compass 5. Errors of the remote indicating inductive compass Ch. Dc Other Features of Remote Indicating Compasses 237-247 1. Electronic remote indicating compasses 2. Generator remote indicating compasses Magnetostrictional compass Radio-se*micompasses and radio-compasses Ch. X General Information on Navigation Automata 248-273 1. Mathematical problems solved with naviga- t1on automata 2, Principal block-diagrams of navigation automata 618 Pilotazhnyye manometricheskiye pribory, kompasy i avtoshturmany AID 325 - I PAGE Speed gauges for navigation automata Course gauges for navigation automata Ch. XI Computing and Solving Devices in Navigation Automats 274-307 1. Trigonometrical devices 2. Multiplying devices Adding devices Integrating devices Ch. XII Diagrams of Some Navigation Automata (Automatic Navigators) and their Errors 308-342 1. Development of navigation automats 2. Course graphs Navigation coordinators Errors of navigation automats connected with the changes of altitude of the flying aircraft Appendix Elements of Aircraft Na .vigation and Celestial Orientation 343-362 1. Basic information 2. Elements of navigation and calculation of the course line and of the ground speed 7/8 TIKHMKNRY, Sergey Sargey(3vich;4AII)LLUJZ.,,.,(~!~Q,,,, professor. doktor retsenz-on't; SALEZNW, V.P., dotsent, tekhnicheskikh nauk, kandidat takhnicheakikh nauk, retsenzent; HATUrM, N.K., inzhener retsenzent; GUROV, S.Z.. redaktor; LOSKVA, G.F., izdatel'Bkijy redaktor; ANTONYUK, P.D., tekhnichaskiy redaktor [Alements of precision Instruments; a computation and constructicn manual) Alementy tochnykh priborov; rukovodstvo oo reschotu i konstruirovaniiu. Xoskva, Gos.izd-vo obor. promyshl., 1956. 360 p. (Instruments) PAVWV, VsA., imndidat takhm4olkeskikh nauk, detment; TUNIMANOV, A.Z., inzbomr; A~P~Yt A.K., insbener; GUSHCHIRL. L.M.. inzbener; RIVKIN, S.S., dolctor tokhaicheskikh neuk; SAYDOT, P.I., kandidat t*khnicbesklkh nauk dotseat; PZLIPOR. D.S.. doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk, profewwr; XWOV. B.L.. Aoktor takhnicheekikh nauk, professor; TIKHMMT, S.S.. dolctor takhiiicheskilch nauk. professor; PRIDUNDIR. G.0.. doktor tekhnicheskikh naui. professor: CHISTYAXOT, N..L., aOO'k T�rlMnichaskikb nauk,.profes- s0r, di~m T.A. kavlov's book -Aircraft gyroscope instrumentsm be recommeuded tor use an a textbookW Priborostroade no.h.29-31 Ja 157. M" 10:4) 1. Ghlen praylenlys Leningradekogo otdoloniya nauchnogo iuahenerno- tekhnicheskogo obahchestva priborostroitellnoy promyshlennostl (for TunimanoT). Chlen praylonlya Vessoyuznogo nauchnogo ij=henerno- takh.nichaskogo oblah.chastva priboroetzoitel'noy prou7shlonnosti (140r Gushchina) 30toskovoikoye Tyasheye takhnichaskoye Uchillshche imeni AkWom (for )Fellp9r, Tikhmenev). 4. Hookovskiy aviatsionnyy institut imeni Serge Ordshonikidse (for-Wabov). 5. Voyanno-vozdushnaVa in- zhenernays, akademlya imeni N.Te. Zhukovskogo (for Chletykar) (Gyroscope) /,Z) i SWMTANSKIT, Grigorly Aleksandrovich; PAYADILOV, Yuriy Nikolayevich; -FRIDLXMNt, G*Oo, prof., doktor tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; inzh., red.; PMOTA, I~A*, red. Isd-va; PUMUJKOVA,, NA90 tekhn, red, [Floating g7roscopsis and their use] Poplavkovys giroskopy I Ikh primenente. Koskm, Goo. izd-vo obor. promyshl., 1958. 243 p; (Gyroscope) (AIRA lIt8) 69936 S/024/59/000/06/013/028 E031/E213 AUTHOR~' Fridlender G. 0" (Moscow) ~- - I - - TITLE; A System for Determining the Parameters of Motion for a Body in Space \V PERIODICAL. Izvestiya Akademii. nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh nauk, Energetika i avtomatika, 1959, Nr 6, PP 108-117 (USSR) ABSTRAM, The body is assumed to be in a weightless state in inter-. planetary space. The author considers a scheme which makes use of the properties of a system corrected from the second integral of the measured accelerations. Tile system consists of three gyroscopes~which are at rest relative to the stars. Ir the quality of the gyroscopes is insufficiently good, the immobility of the system can be guaranteed by two optical systems directed on any two stars. With the gyrosystem are connected two platforms each of which has two degrees of freedom with respect to the gyrosystem, The two angles of inclination of the first platform with respect to the gyrosystem are assumed proportional to the repeated integral of the accelerations measured in two mutually perpendicular directions by Card 1/5 accelerometers on the first platform, The repeated 1"k 69936 S/024/59/000/06/013/028 E031/E213 A System for Determining the Parameters of Motion for a Body in Space integral of the acceleration', measured by the third accelerometer on the second platform, determines the position of the second platform. Thus the repeated integrals give the path in interplanetary space, and the simple integrals give the velocity, under the assumptions that the effect of the acceleration due to the gravitational fields of the Sun and the planets, as well as the instru- mental errors of the system,., can be neglected. To eliminate the errors the following set-up can be used, It is supposed that there are two optical systems directed on two planets or the Sun and a planet. The angles of inclination of the first platform must be proportional to the sum of the repeated integrals of the accelerations and of the angles of inclination of the platform with respect to the first optical system. The position of the second platform can be determined by the repeated integrals of the accelerations and angles with respect to the second optical system, An example is considered of a spherical system of coordinates whose reference plane coincides Card 2/5 with the plane of the ecliptic and whose reference meridian 09936 S/024/59/000/06/013/028 E031/E213 A Svsttim~ for Determining the Parameters of Motion for a Body in Space passes-through the point of the vernal equinox, The radius vector r makes an angle 0 with the refererce plane and the azimuthal angle is denoted by a. The first platform is perpendicular to the radius vector, so that its angles of inclination respect to the gyrosystem are 0 and a., Correspondingly, the angles of inclination of the radius vector ZNO and P defined by the first optical. system must lie in the meridian plane and in the plane perpendicular to it through the origin,, The second platform is oriented so that the axis of measurement of the third accelerometer coincides with the direction of the radius vector, The system desc-~-ibed above has the disadvantage that four optical systems are required, but the advantage that the velocity error can be made smaller than in systems where the velocity is obtained by straight differentiation. The equations of motion of the platform are now considered. Expressions are derived for Z_%O, 0 and the angle of inclination of the second platform with respect to the radius vector, If /",.0. 0 and Z-, t~ vary not only Card proportionally to the repeated integrals of the 69936 S/024/59/000/06/013/028 E031/E213 A System for Determining the Parameters of Motion for a Body in Space accelerations but also proportionally to the slims of the repeated and single integrals of the angles themselves, additional terms appear in the expressions, The second order differential equations of motion are derived from these extended expressions., The period of oscillation of the platform and the values of the coefficients in the equations are determined from the required accuracy of the velocity readings. The stability of compensation for the systematic errors is discussed. General conclusions of the paper are-. 1) The use of a gyrosystem. for motion in interplanetary space is complicated due to the "weightlessness" of the sensitive elements of the accelerometers and the consequent absence of a correction created by a period of no disturbances; 2) The method of repeated integration of the discrepancy between the calculated and the true readings avoids the above difficulty and makes possible the determination of the parameters of the motion in space; 3) The method Card 4/5 makes it possible to obtain a period of the system IIK 69936 S/024/59/000/06/013/028 E03l/E213 A System for Determining the Parameters of Motion for a Body iii Space significantly less than the period of no disturbances and to introduce damping without the system being disturbed by accelerations. There are 4 figures and 2 references, 1 of which is Soviet and 1 English., SUBMITTED.-. October 15, 1959 Card 5/5 _:37 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/4364 Bodnerp Vasiliy Afanaslyevich, Gavriil Oskarovich Fridlender, and Nikola7 Iosifovich Chistyakov Aviatsionnyye pribory (Aircraft Instruments) Moscow, Oborongiz, 1960. 512 p. Errata slip inserted. 10,000 copies printed. Reviewer: B.A. Ryabov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; Ed * (Title page): V.A. Bodner, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; Ed. (Inside book): O.N. Burakova; Tech. Ed.t L.A. Garnukhina; Managing Ed.t S.D. Krasillnikov, Engineer. PURPOSEs This is a textbook for students of aviation institutions of higher edu- cation taking a course on aircra-ft instruments. It may also be useful to en- gineering and technical workers Interested in instrument production. COVERAGE: The book presents the theory, construction principles, specicl features, operating principleap and design elements of instruments controlling power plants and piloting and navigating instruments. Special attention is given to the theory of errors and methods of instrument compensation. The book also discusses measuring methods and diagrams of instruments which may be used In the future. The introduction and Chs. Is III, Vs VIO VIII-XIV, see. 1 and 2 of Ch. IV9 C"d-1/.9" A.ircraft Instruments SOV/4364 and sec. 1. 2, 3, 5 of Ch. VII were written by V.A. Bodner; Ch. II, see. 4 of Ch. V'II, Sec- 1-4 of Ch. IV, see. 1-6 of Ch. M and Ch. IVII by G.O. Fridlender; see. 3-5 of Ch. IV by N.I. Chistyakov; sec. 5 of Ch. XV, and see. 7 of Ch. XVI I by M.S. Kozlov; parts of sec. 5 of Ch. XI, and sec. 5 of Ch. X11, by V.V. Olizarov. No personalities are mentioned. There are 31 references, all Soviet. TABLE OF CONTENTSt Foreword 3 Introduction 4 Ch. I. Electrical Methods of Measuring Nonelectrical Quantities 9 1. General information 9 Parametric Measuring Methods 2. Resistive method 3. gapacitive method 4. Inductive method 5. Magnetostrictive method Card 2/9 11 11 17 23 29 80951 s/o24/60/000/03/013/028 -3,3000 E140/E463 AUTHOR: Fridlenderg G.O. (Moscow) TITLE: On the VanishTrig-of Limited Damping in Inertial Systems Operating in the Indicator Regime During "Fugoidal" Flight* FERIODICALz Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh nauk, Energetika i avtomatika, 1960,j Nr 3, pp 106-11OWSSR) ABSTRACT: In inertial systems according to Leventhal consisting of a &X:~over,~i~cal~ corrected by moments proportional to the integral of the accelerometer9output signal, damping may be realized by applying to the gyroscope an additional moment proportional directly to the accelerometer signals ie by-passing the first integrator by a direct coupling. Analysis shows that the introduction of damping gives rise to a perturbation during changes of acceleration. Both Leventhal (Ref 1) and the present author have proposed limited damping to reduce this factor. It is demonstrated in the present article that with fugoidal flight the effectiveness of damping is sharply reduced to the point where it may be considered as absent. To restore damping, Card 1/2 it -Js necessary to have additional information on 0951 S/024/6o/ooo)03/013/028 E140/E463 On the Vanishing of Limited Damping in Inertial Systems Operating in the Indicator Regime During "Fugoidal" Flight acceleration which may be subtracted from the accelerometer output. Two such sources are Doppler- effect information and aerometric. information, both of which must be differentiated to obtain acceleration. The simultaneous use of limited damping and accelerometer correction by differentiated aerometric velocity measurements can make an inertial system damped and extremely stable. There are 3 figures and 2 references, I of which is Soviet and 1 English in Russian translation. SUIUMITTED: December 18, 1959 *[Annotation: "Fugoidalm should be "Phugoidal" throughout the article] Card 2/2 F~IDLIZI)ER,-CI.4yr;LII-Qska~~-qyiqhi~OBOIEV, O.K., red.; AKSELIROD, I.Slt.p tekhn. red. (Inertial systems of navigation] Inertsiallaye siatenq navigateii. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo fiziko-matem. lit-ry, 1961. 153 P. (MIU 24: 11) (Inertial navigation (Aeronautics)) t, - PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/5933 Fridlender, Gavriil Oskarovich, and Mikhail Stepanovich Kozlov Aviatsionnyye giroskopicheskiye pribory (Aircraft Gyroscopic Instruments) Moscow, Oborongiz, 1961. 390 P. 15,000 copies printed. Ed. (Title page): V. A. Bodner, Doctor of Technical Sciencess Professor; Reviewers: B. A. Ryabov, Doctor of Technical Scienceep Professorp and P. V. Bromberg, Doctor of Technical Sciencesp Professor; Ed.'of Publishing House: I. A. Suvorova; Tech. Fd.: A. Ya. Novik; Managing Ed.: S. D. Krasiltnikov, Engineer. PURPOSE: This book is intended for advanced students concerned with aircraft aid dreraft Instruments. It may also be useful to engineers in the aircraft and instrument industries. COVERAGE: Theoretical fundamentals and design and structural features of modern aircraft and -ocket gyroscopic Instruments Card 1/1 Aircraft Gyroscopic Instruments SOV/5933 curLe)tly in use are given. Principles employed in the design oi precision gyroscopic systems such as inertial vertical gyros, floating integrating and rate gyros, and gyroscopic instruments with integrating correctionsare discussed. In the theoretical discussion of the instruments, special attention is given to dynamic properties and errors. Calculation methods, numerical examplesp and descriptions are given for many instruments. No personalities are mentioned. Chs. Ip III, IV, and VIII were written by G. 0. Fridlender, and Chs. II, V, VI, and VITs by M. S. Kozlov. There are 16 references, all Soviet. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword Ch. I. Fundamentals of Gyroscopic Theory 1. General information 2. Coriolis acceleration 3. Gyroscopic precession Card 2/7 3 5 5 6 9 GORNSHTEYH, I.A.; SHULIMAN, I.A.; SAKEYAN, A.S.; FRIDLENDER, G.O., prof., red.; VOLKOVA, I.M., red.; BEIYAYEVA, V.V., tekbr. red. [Inertial navigation]Inertsiallnaia navigatsiia. Pod red. G.0. Fridlendera. Moskva, Izd-vo "Sovetskoe radio," 1962. 248 p. (MIRA 15:12) (Inertial navigation) ANDREYEVA2 L.Ye.,,- FEDDOSIYEV, V.I.., doktor tekhn. nauk., prof.., red.; --JMDLWER-,-Gv4,p doktor tekhn.naukv retsenzent,- AKIMVA, A.G.j. red. izd-va; ELIKIND, V.D., tekhn. red. (Elastic elements of instruments]Uprugie elementy prilx)rov. Pod red. V.I.Foodooleva. Moskvap Mashgiz, 1962. 254 (PM31?A 15:9) (Yeasuring instruments) VENGEROV, V.A.; DEMIDOV, I.S.; FRIDLENDER. G.0. Precision balancing and the determination of w~even rigidity of elastic mechanical.aystems. Ism. tekh. no.1000-32 0 163. (MIRA 16:12) DANILIN, Vasiliy Petrovich; TlKfll-'~IIEV, S.S., zasl. deyatell nauki i tekhniki, doktor tekhn. nauk, retsenzent [deceased); MAKSIMOV, V.V., dots.) ret8enzent; ARUMEOV, S.S., dot.s., rotsonzent; FRI-D'WIDER, G.O., prof.0 nauchn. red.; TITOVA, V.A., red.; DMULOVA, V.V.., red. [Gyroscopic instruments] Gli-oskopicheskie prJbory. Moskva, Vysshaia shkola, 1965. 538 P. (MA 18:t) 43 6 vr (IJ/ E Ea 6), / W-r--k, AA ;1J JV Ar `VdA.(d)1EWP(T Evipw/Ewp1h0~ )/T/ Pf_4 SCTB TK/DD/KH ACCEtSIC0 Nk.____Ak6_0_15'522_ UR/0286/651000/006/0058/0058~ 620.178 AUTHOR: Ganin G. 0.; Chachikyan, R. G. V. P.; Opukhovskiy, rridlender, JITLE: A unit for checking and testina automatic catapulting devices. Class, 42, Y__ ~No. 170184 !SOURCE: Byulleten' izobre*teniy i tovarnykh znakov, no. 8, 1965, 58 !TOPIC TAGS: catapult, test equipment ;'ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces: 1. A unit for checking and test- atapulting devices. The mechanism contains a frame with a sleeve 'ing automatic c .which is placed on a rigidly fastened axle turned by a motor. The eevice is de- signed for simulating catapulting..Ioads which are close approximati2cns of actual Iloads. Fastened to the frame are two guides which are joined through a system of .three interconnected sleeves to a shaft whict. is rotated and moved along these guides by_a crankshaft connecting rod mechanism. On one end of the shaft is a .table for the devices being tes~ted, and on.the other end is a sprocket which is con Inected by a chain drive to another spr4~cket rigidly fastened to the base of the Card 1/3 L 51435-6j_ IACCESSION R:_ ~&~015522 ,unit. 2. A modification of this installation which uses a system of four levers jor keeping constant tension on the chain drive when the shaft is being moved ~along the* frame in a radial direction. Two of these levers have one end swivel ; the table shaft, while the other two have one end connected in the samJ way to the sleeves of the frame. . The other ends of the levers are ccnnected - in ipalra to intermediate axles with sprockets rigidly connected to them. 3. A modifi-1, Cation of this -installation which contains a balancing unit made up c,.f a weight located on a guide frame symmetric with the table shaft and connected, with the shaft sleeve through two swivel-connected levers-and a rocker. 77 4330CIATION: -Organizatsiya~ go-skovifteta-po aviatsionnoy tekhnike SGSR (Organization I 04-- t'he State Committee for Aviation Tochnol Lgy,_q~~R) GUB COM; IE -qUBHITTED: S 0 26 ep NO REF SOVv 000 OTHEM 000 V JAI 1WVT d) / L ~d) /FUA L 13-807-66 D S-2/WT :QZW(M)/5_CV_)-r_-3/EEC ACC NRi AP6002160 AST/GW/BC, SOURCE CODE: UR OOb7_0O_P0_16_0/T1W' AUTHOR:./Fridlender, O./(Moscow; Deceased); lof - T. (Moscow) ORG: none TITLE: A method for determining the parameters of motion% a,nd orientation of an object in the vicinity of a planet SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Tekhnicheskaya kibernetika, no. 6, 1965, 160-166 TOPIC TAGS: astronautics, autonomous navigation system, attitudo control ABSTRACT: Difficulties arising.~n determining the flight and orientation parameters of a spacecraft flying in the vicinity of a planet of the solar system and controlled by means of autonomous navigation systems utilized in aircraft and spacecraft are indicated. An autonomous navigation system consisting of an optical indicator for determining the local vertical, the gyrosystem, three accelerometers, and a computing unit for space flights in the vicinity of a planet is proposed. General equations of motion of the controlled spacecraft in three-dimensional space, with the altitude and the angle of the orbit with the equatorial plane taken as variable, are derived. It is deduced from this that the proposed navigation system makes it possible to determine the parameters of motion of the center of mass and the orienta- tion of a controlled spacecraft around its center of mass during maneuvers and free motion in a gravitational field. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 12 formulas.[LK) L 11807-66 ACC NRt AP6002160 SUB CODE: 22/ SUBM DATE: 15Feb65/' ORIG REP:' 004/ ATD PRESS: If/ 19 0 0 Ax" *-: : : : : g 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 a 0 0 9 a --e -%~ A -t -0 -4--o *-w-w W-W~ @a I , I - . 0 ! A - , :, 1i 11 4 'S t. f. J7 23 x a a a a M a J, w u M M b v a v a .1 Q a a A I L I AA 0 1, tilters tot adjust.* the a tral Sensitivity ol a selenium -so go hotoca to dist of we eirp. 11, Fn4lyand. J. Fffk .I 51kyr. (1). S. S. R.) 9. rhotxmil is '00 00 fnl)re .1enjutive than the human eye In twth ultravir,101 -00 li Ttgjow. By filteting the light thrtough Moir- AM IIIIIAM i-00 :1viro" Sheets CA 3 "kted gutle% it Is po'.0-Ar to elinli. so 111.1 tAte this differrnee. so #1* .00 60 09 00 coo a -so to 0 L o 21 !400 age !see see 400 at. ILA ITALLUR(KAL LIVINAT"t CIMIFKAM- to- off WeS, r .4-11 aw U ft AV No ts 9 A 0 0 cy a 4T X w X ct it It OF No a 1 94 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 411 a 0 0 0 41 0 o 0 : :is 6 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0000 411,0 00 00 4p * * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a * ; 0 6 0 goes* go Goo 0 : V . .I I r *, r v -- - - )-Y6 wo, dWw "low, 00 004 OR so so". age M, 4d twwsd7E. doe" aft 00 Xudlimm-ft bIw- N I sod ON twdsoms Of these 0041 r being do hWks of see Soo 04 t NMI. of s a"%, r r am"elin bit 460 ramp sea oil .0 And pa t (I Im than 991W Cali, .600 In WO". As meAm. he MUM wkbb JIMMISO Ub 1! r ovum dm= =Uessewwwai, afterm., , 609 (too wee 1.1"IMAINK CLAMOKILION moo Temilmem ~ T I MA a AV 10 00-00 1 0 00 "SO 0 0 0 0 41 0 00*so 0 0 it a , d ~bs $000(040000-0- :0 ji U 41 *0 41 *0 8 *09 sow 0.011 R, J. Toth. Phys. (U.S.S.R.) 10, aW7U(IM).--10 COM- pan AAA obtained ft= Al by beating 64 650* (1) to that r11)P%PVWhtlt`y.Qu tbe Teft. at Adan tunwift the Brewster's aftlet, IoYC4.44 -fto.' an (1: wbut v is the sugir of campir ax water*$ ONW) (Cf. I ty~.A. I am it mi 4 81%. "171. M). A iml of a al 14MV11141r. C.14. cowrevil with Ow fill" ugader Invevilpflon &ad The plate was Illural"Ird by light fixed In a tAWW per lAr to the of the W 114M. When wsirr's aftle c=tcr6tk- for the mattrf of aw Abu was lartned by the Indamt tight and the plate. so Not *ft rcelected tram the borderline filot-Sir AM tbl Plate 111110tted the light uniformly. The BrerwMer's mean Was then &ld.' 604 thelvAlliotitA the platerciall"tollwn4KIedbasan. row lbartw%l "Itimt of intensity after Pealing the BMW. atec's an&Iv was attamed when the tWknm of the fiba ,vormpondtit to the coutfition of min. inteffervace: Wo coo r mA/2 where d in the thickness of the fiba. is - "")"Ldve . r - the &usk of refraction. A - the wove' bingtit. ead as - an odd whole no. The asupfca wem papa. by toveting a glaw plate with an Al AM by the Nortbad In vacuum. The A) was ressowd fruits LM the plate with alkA Kin. and the Al an the otbar baff wea converted into oxide by m4bod I fw H. TIw ilikkam of Al films was decd., according to data by Walk- raborad (d, C.A. M, 57039) and &W was avdMIA two I W mi. of few" urvewery to coawn the So -"&t* - Lin-ILA &f?AL&VAKAt 4.11144TV04 CLASUPICAINS jjWVj&" It a AV Q III; Thear. a forAhOoftypel was pared with 1.60 for type 11. Five swn OW writ beated alter the first dets. fc 3 hts. at 00-Wo . the changes I a after thAt vm within e%Ptl, rfrxv. A 4riswins of Z; aiki tabulated cipil. dAla art jwu- N Tbon *00 "as age 0 see see see was too a 3 4 7v'j.;-, v U M /Chemistry - Aluminum Oxide Nov 48 Chemistry - Aluminum, Films of "Thickness of the Oxidized Film Which Forms on Electrolytic Aluyain=41 B. V. Deryagin, P. M. Fridlyand, Inat of Phys Chem, Acad Sci UWE, 6 pp I'Zhur Tekh Fiz" Vol XVIII, No 11 - t -1 *45- 4Y Measures by optic methods thickness of an oxide film on aluminum for various intensities of oxidation. Results of measurements showed that at any rate In the limits of 5-170 V, ox1aa9ion occurs for fixed gradient equal to 8.5 x 10 V/cm, of potential on the film. Submitted 7 Apr 4a .40 I8A9T9 A AXAR A A xii Nis" Af asimewiq OW spodfle sedsce of porous Wise A 11KRYACAM, It FKIMVA%t*. AND V 9%%IA.VA _ _ 9 I?,'klO4Y Ak"d. SdAlk X-V-SR 6Y 141 ISM -,it MAIXI Thi, .: t I f i inel ini l xwd 0" the rotablimbraent at a Knud-ti tf~m thrmith a the lksatleml suhslatsir. "bkb 1% packt4f hi a tithe thrmigh 004 which air 14 pulled by nirmns of a vacuum pump. T)m- viAunir I f , -lie" o the sit h mm-urvd by nwAm of A thmmwirr prx-ut~ go d 2 , 11,41 4"1 the VIIIIAlancr i% ltwa,-Uml Ivy llwrvufy mi'l 141 m.nom i Th l & 'r r Y* e rair ci m 4 the 4AS CAIS fir tatkA within auh- linti1% by itaram (if a titirtuvalvv Air Ine-mv J.,N~ the mil, talice w*% judgrol by The glow in a thwhirgr fulm of an Lql - rullmler anti Pft~urr alw v lit I I b 4 I I 0*0 . i r tum ~ y nwan an s. s :2 4tiontricr It"ults ob(ain"I with thi. invitim arr hs jgr~ 094 intut with thow oblainni by variatio exitting inctluxb, (sa% Mia coo at Mot pcrsxurr, nitrogris wtuirptiots. beat c4 wrttiuji, ru, I A cog go" I thr apparatil, 1, incluelt4l it z K. t 890 .91 LLURGICAL LITINATUNI CLASSWICA1000 O ] so 4444 .4P ON. 03111110-t )1 6;;. is O M U I AV 0 It -- - T-T-6 P It ft It it 19 it N A T IIAD It I TA Aft I t 4 #W 0 0 1 W lk At 4 WA a IN 0 0 0 * 0 0 * * 0 0 9 0 * 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 ift*At~rk~s Tom Urmaxagan O"r Tm sp9cmd Avancz mc caNia Am or TnE anctric 1. W41Y(4 WOO 111104reldys 0=210 i MVE44 944:rsfA .) II 1.1 jkjdjbcl" V WA ., __ ____ , _' , by rsear (VQCM rAkir. Lt. 3 -42(idSO1. lip. (TrATI) 11 AsEmpleapparafts tsdcxqdbdd for maKaurtagomtly -the speolfla xaruoa of Porous bortres by =02" ct tw 63 ramIted vs. specwc surfsol MC&SUIretwats wAda by sew medod compared favor- abty -Mth taftsvietaftEs obtjLtntd by P=epW mathods Dafa are Inclodad froto meast -cmants of the speiciflo surfus of a nOxtarc of powdem wboas op"ifte 4urface differoi by in much as So Umes wlUch Me&(* Me "IN MeUKd gotten at$* 10 ads type of V04-dtlpersad Mixture. 5LIIP.) gh St--dy CS rig (-f the p'-" Of a 1. - -,;c age 7nercw-y~- N, 111, T L.A.; 1-11"LIDLYAW, I)evotopinunt at' Inverse firi-rif,' irl witil anxit'.!; from different inetals. Izv. 1~1 hIT no.2","I-31 ( m 1!-, ,~ I F, : -) 1, SENA, L.A.; FROLYAND, R-H. . Formation of the cathode spot on the mercury-dielectric boundary in ionized gas. Zhur.takh.fis. 29 no-1:3-11 Ja 159. (HIRA 1. Nauchno-Issledovatellakly institut postoyannogo toka (Cathodes) (Electric discharges through gaseel 12:4) Leningrad. SENA, L.A.; nPLTqD, R.M. Conditions leading to the origination of inverse firing due to mercury drops. Izv.NIIPT no.907-45 162. (MIM l5sl2) (Mercury-are rectifiers) aspl r:tnt. Th(~,nry of h,3~if. conditi, ns an-A lt.1 a:~f,llcp.'Aon in tie cs1cii1atior. oi Nh.'i teairfiratilr-3 I'Lolds A'.,- ril.- Nfrich. trutiy Y"'i-11: no.2' 42K-18? 164. 9- is wlt~' t-1 Kr!rodlra v 13hlo r, n AID P - 4210 Subject USSR/Engineering Card 1/1 Pub. 103 - 11/20 Author : Fridlender, I. G. Title Determination of Rigidity In Machine Tools Periodical : Stan. I instr., 1, 33, Ja 1956 Abstract : The author presents a simple method for determination of rigidity (by inaertion of the indicator between the tool-block and the machined piece) and provides for- mulse for practical calculation of rigidity In the line: body of machine, cutting tool, machined piece and machine-tool attachments. Two formulae and one sketch. Institution None Submitted No date