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L 061t_',', -C. an('r)/F14P(t') /WP(t I /NVVP ijp(c)- in/HW/,Tff ACC NR. AP6022907 SOURCE CODE; UR/0292/66/000/004/00331OO35 AUTHOR: Alstman, A. B. (Candidate of technical sciences); Gladyshev, P. A, (Candidate of t chnical sciences); Garina, I. M. (Engineer); Kozlova, T. A, (Engineer, ORG: none TITLE: Metal-ceramic type "Magnico magnets with high coercive force SOURCE; Elektrotekhnika, no. 4, 1966, 33-35 TOPIC TAGS: permanent magnet material, magnetic coercive force ABSTR1kCT: The composition and properties two new perlwant-magnet teriala,4re desc@ribq44 (1) Composition, (7-4--8)% 9'W(3O--4O)% 90,wk4 5-6)% Ti, 0 Ni, 3.5% Cuiviest, Fe; curves illustrate the effect of composition on iignetic-propertieB] the ITe-st properties obtained are: coercive force, 1080 amp/cm; remanence, 0.8 tesla; maximum magnetic energy product, 0.019 j/cm3-, high stability of this material is noted -- the flux of nonage cimens practically did not change in 330 days; (2) ComPosition, 7.5% Al, 1dal, 38% co, 0 cu, 7.5 TI; rest, Fe; its magnetic properties: coercive force, 1600 amp/cm; remanence, 0-75 tesla; energy product, 0.02 J/cms. Conventional powder-metal processing was employed; the isothermic hardening in magnetic field and two-step tempering were used. Mechanical proper---- of the above materials are also reported. Orig. art. has: 6 figures and 1 tables. SUB CODE: 09 / SUEK ]ATZ: none / ORIG REF: 002 / OTH REF: 00 1 r _A I / .1 TrfV'. Kni 71Q "I M-11 7 GARINA, K. "I- "The Management of the Winter Rye Fertilization Process in Connection With Problems of Selection and Seed Growing." Cand Biol Sci, Moscow State U, Moscow, 1953. (RZhBiol, No 6, Nov 54) Survey of Scientificand Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (11) SO: Sum. No.521, 2 Jun 55 Effect of diffd@ent methods of fertilization on the percertage of get seed and th@'viabllity of bvbrid progeny of winter rye. Izv. . AN SSSR. Ser.biol. no.4:58-66 Jl-Ag 156. (MIRA 9: 10) 1. Xafedra genettki i selektail Moskovskogo otdena Lenina i ordena Krasnogo Znameni gosudarstvennogo universiteta imeni H.V.Lomonosova. (RYS) (FERTILIZATION OF PLANTS) KARSHILOV, N.A.; ANTOKOV, HS;; BAKHAREV, A.N.; BLINOV, L.F.; BORISOGIEBSKIY, A.D.; GAR, K.A.;,W11 rUTIYFV _', #... -XP. ; GORSHIN, P.F. ; 0 . G.T.; DELITSINA, A.V.; DUBROVA, P.Y.; YBVTUSHMIKO, A.F.; YEGOROV, V.I.; YMMMKO, L.L.; YEFINOV, V.A.; ZHILITSKIY, Ya.Z.; ZHUCHKOV, N.G., prof.; ZAYETS, Y.K.; ISKOLIDSKAYA, R.B.; KOUSHIKOV, V.A., T)rof.; KOIX,SIIIKOV, Te.V.; KOSTINA, K.F.; KRUGLOVA, V.A.; LEONTIYEVA, M.N.; I;BSYUK, Ye.A.; )(UKHIlW, Ye.H.; NIZARYAN, Ye.A.; NEGRUL', A.M., prof.; ODITSOV, V.A.; OSTAPINKO, V.Z.; PETRUSEVICH, P.S.; PROSTOSERDOV, H.N., prof.; RUNAVISHNIMV, B.I.; RYABOV, I.N.; SABUROV, N.V.; SABUROVA, T.N.; SAMARG, V.'B.; SWIN, V.S.; SIMOROVA, M.N.; SMOLYAHINOVA, N.K.; SOBOIEVA, V.P.; TARASENKO, K.T.; FMISOV, G.G; CHIZHOV, S.T.; GHUGUNIN, Ya.V., prof.; YAZVITSKIY, M.N.; ROSSOSHCHANSKATA, V.A., red.; BALWD, A.I., [Fruitgrdwer's dictionary and handbook] Slovarl-s-pravochnik eadovoda. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo sellkhoz.lit-ry, 1957. 639 P. (MIRA 11:1) (Fruit culture--Dictionaries) r,,,9 9 @,AJA USSWCultivatetl 11nrits, Fruits. Derries. Abs Jour Ref Zhur-Diul,, No 15, 1956; 68351 Author Ga Inst -115 scou'Univer s it y. Title The Fertility of Cerapadus whon Crossbred with Cherry. Ori,@ IV) :Vestni Hosk. un-ta. Ser. biol., pochvoved., geol., geogr., 10W, No 2, 75-70d Abstract :It the botmical Garden of the 1-70scow State University it vins deterr.lined as various cherry strains are fertilized, several tixies as nuch fruit is obtained -*-'-' th corapadus pollen tham with starrIard Pollen varieties. Vihen tha Zhu- kovsknya cherry strain was pollinateC. vil'@-.h cerapadus rollon, 40.6 percent successful C:@rd 1/2 V A 112 17(400) AUTHORS: Alikhanyan, S. I.t Klepikova, F. S.p SOV/20-125-3-51/63 Mindlin, S. Z., Garinj@,__K,_E., Zhdanova, N. I. TITLE: Characteristics of the Induced Mutation Process in Actinomycetes - the Producers of Antibiotics (Osobeniosti indutsirovannogo mutatsionnogo protsessa u aktinomitsetov - produtsentov antibiotikov) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 125, Nr 3, pp 643-645 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Not only different species but also closely related strains of the same microbe species may differ with respect to their sensitivity and the frequency of the induced mutation (Refs2-5). As a result of their investigations of actinomycetes the authors were-able to-provide-a comparativ-e analysis of the variability with respect to4the production of antibiotics in strains of the same and of-different species. The producer of streptomycinj albomycin, oxytetracycline and vitamin B12 was concerned. The strains of the albomycin producer were irradiated Card 114 with X-rays with an intensity of 399 r/sec and a dose of Characteristics of the Induced Mutation Process in SOV/20-125-3-51/63 Actinomycetes - the Producers of Antibiotics 20 to 640 kr. A bactericidal lamp BUV-30 served for the ultra- violet irradiation (wave length 2537 1) of the producer of oxytetracyclinb. The irradiation intensity amounted to 100 erg/.@ sec at a distance of 15 cm. The spores of the producer of vitamin B12 were treated with ethylenimine (dilution 1:7000). Figure 1 ahows data concerning the frequency of formation of the plus and minus variants of Act. subtropicus (albomycin producer). An already earlier described regularity (Ref 6) can be seen therefrom: to begin with the number,of both plus and minus variants increases with an intensification of the dose. As soon as the curves have reached a certain level, a decrease occurs. In both cases (strains Ur 39 and 738) the highest amount of plus variants is achieved at lower doses than the maximum of the minus variants. Both strains vary considerably with respect to the ratio between plus and minus variants. It wan proved that the type of variability differs between the highly active "cultivated" strains and those of the wild type (with low activity). Figure 2 shows the cur-res of variability with Card 2/4 respect to the frequency of plus and minus variants in highly Characteristics of the Induced Mutation Process in SOV/20-125-3-51/63 Actifiomycetes - the Producers of Antibiotics active strains of the producers of streptomycin and oxytetracycline (Act. globisporus streptomycini, strainNr 66 and Act. rimosus, strain Yr 293 respectively). The former was preserved alone by several times selecting it under the effect of X-rays and ultraviolet rays, the latter under ultraviolet irradiation. Figure 2 shows that the results are similar to those obtained for the active strain Act. subtropicus Nr 738, i.e. the frequency of the minus variants increases that of the plus variants considerably. In the case of the little active, not several times selected strain H-6 of Act. olivaceus (the producer of vitamin B12) the frequency of the plus variants was much higher than that of the minus variants under the effect of ethylonimine, just liko with the little aotivo utrain Nr 39 of Act. subtropicus (Fig 3). Thus, it was proved that in strains of various species in many cases a similarity is possible with respect to the type of induced variability of the characteristic feature of the formation of an antibiotic, whereas strains of one and the same species may highly differ Card 3/4 in this respect. This regularity appears also in the case when Characteristics of the Induced Mutation Process in SOV/20-125-3-51/63 Actinomycetee - the Producera of Antibiotics different strains are subjected to the effect of completely different mutageneous factors (see above). Pinally, the authors endeavor to explain these facts. There are 3 figures and 9 references, 3 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut antibiotikov (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Antibiotics) PRESENTED: November 19, 1958, by I. I. Shmallgauzen, Academician SUBMITTED: November 19, 1958 Card 4/4 ALIKHANYAN, S.I.; GARINA, K.F. Strain of the producer of oleandomycin. Antibiotiki 5 no-3:14- 17 My-Je 160. (14IRA 143' J) l.. Voesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatells4y institut antibiotikcri. (OLF"OMYCIN) (STIWTOMY=) ALIKIWiYAN9 S.I.; GARINA) K.F.; ZHDANOVAj N.I.; VLWIMIr.ov, A.V. Selection of a strain of Act. antibioticus for the production of oleandomycin. Antibiotiki 6 no.10;867-871 0 161. (MI"A 14;12) 1. Vsesoyuzn nauchno;-Issledovatellskiy institut antibiotikov. T.- o I (OUIDOMYGIN) (ACTINOMYCES I GARINA, K.F. Studies on tho vuriability and selection of a strain producing florimycin (vlomycin). Antibiotiki 8 no.10:867-870 0 163. OMIRA 10) 17: 1. Vsesoyuzn,,,y nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut antibiotikov. z".n"r 7 Lnd GARINA M. 4 froill stpecio sarts nius, ap@lm P-M I I Chemical Abstracts TI -F@-( I _ - 1 3777M"I !y 11M1j l1v p; lilt juk 17t May 25, 1954 0,8-0.91@e alkaloid-, Ivilich treate'l in thL! cru,t.@-' Or anic Chemi t 1. 1-9', of a State ,lilt tartaril acill gives a bi-liff"110, 11 s g l7y KIM% C,.11:;(,,.A', in. .71-2% [@lri -1219.7' i,ontcrie with , lAItyl,b.11l;nt% The lic". alkaloid lv.v; nalill:4 5"trruitw; -it ,rlll@ .1 FT, 1144', ewit'linq a (111 but 111A .1 f: vIllylilintle pinilling, dunlorill's 011101 will fixi ;III , ntv;atil. link. The alkal,lid k ;tit ester, ai lilt will, lilk-all it in([ nrg. addq. Tbr b,tin,r, ?it, lrpl--2*, lalo and yields a picratc, ru. VsA @', (bui idenliking it ai PlAyntrine, obtaivird earlier frurn the- of p1lityphyllinc. If the alk.tJoids arv vx(d. from (lic 11hut without prOhniuary ntoktrning svith N11,011 it i, possible to 6olate, hy "tit. with ClIC4, an alnio,t nuutral Substance, clalos@;, in. 123-V (front AlvICO), [all): ' -8.5 '17(ife Qdcrale. in. 107.6 )'; chlortm, , in. 153-5'). Reduction of thi@ with Zit ilust yielcli @trracinz. This alL JoW thniappe.kri to be :tit N-orfiff of sarraelpr. 1,116 6 C11;I.1 firined by it% formation front sarracitu.- with 11-0, -6 .GARINA., M.G. (Donetsk) Some results of a detailed study of morbidity among the adult population of Makeyovka. Sov. zdrav. 21 no.3:34-39 162. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Iz kafedry orgWmizatsii zdravookhraneniya Donetskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (MAKEMM-DISEASES-REPOUING) GAR1NA,, M,G, Distribution of diseaaes of the ears, throatq and nose among the adult population of Makayevka (Donets Basin)c Zhur.ushay nos, i gor. bol.22 Vo.697-12 N-D'62, (MIRA 160) 1, Iz kafedry organizataii zdravookhraneniya (zav,.- M.V. Ve=,hblcvski.y) Donctskogo meditsinskogo i@atit-@ta@ (M.AKUMA-OMRHI1qOLARY11'GO1DGT' Some (-haracta- r i amcng the adulL topulati@,n of i,'-, 2. Iz 'Kaffedn -kogo insLl-tuta. G=Ay 11.11. Method of preparing a laucocyte mass from fibrinolyzed blood. Probl.geniat.i perel.krovi no.5:46-48 162. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Iz Moskovskogo gorodshogo nauchno-isoledovatellskoEo instituta skoroy pomoshchi imeni II.V. Sklifosovskogo (dir. M.M. Tarasov, nauchnyy rukovoditell - chlon-korrespondent P1-2, SSSR prof. B.A. Petrov). (LIMCOCYTES) (BLOOD AS FOOD OR MEDICINE) -omen are amang the most outstanding road Avt.dor. 48 165. -5) ric-3:1 Mr (MIPA 18. II.-EAVE-datell gruppovogro kkimitota lll*cil't).;.,;Ic.,t,..,i'Llnc)gc) Soriza 0 rabotnikov 3vyazi, rabochikh avtotnirlsyol-ta i s1ho.-strinykh . Al@@I@@LYu.G.j DELIVA, V,A, _L _ Case of multiple spongioblastoma multiforme of the brain. Vrach. delo, no. 3:1210 Mr 160. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Klinika norvnykh bolezney (zav. - prof. P.A. Miniovich) Stalinskogo raeditainskogo Instituta imeni A.M. GorIkogo. (BRAIN-TUMORS) KARLJ14SKIY, V.M.; GARINA, Yb.G. Diagnoutic vignificance of the determination of uropepsin. Zdrav. Kazakh. 22 no.2:3.7-40 162; (VJRA 15:4) 1. Iz kafedry gospitallnoy terapii (zav. - prof. Ye.I.TSILkershteyn) Karagandinskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (UROPEPSIN) GARINOV, K.A., inzhener. Greater use of navigational districts for operations of the merchant marine. Rech.tranvp. 16 no.5:15-16 My '57- (MIRA 10;5) (Inland water transportation) (Waterways) qARI)W,-K.A-@-j@ Inib. ...... I- @- Development of the pusber-tug method of navigation where the waterway has limited dimennions. Recb.transp. 18 no,3;11-13 Mr '59. (KRA 12:4) (Inland navigation) (Tugboata) GARINOV, K. A. Cand Tech Sci -- (dies) "Study of methods of raising the 41-1111V- 1 IVLO@VIWO capacity of ships under conditions of limited 41,owesed of the eb=*we" Moo-Gorlkiy, 19591 15 pp with graphs (Min of River Fleet RSFSR. GorIkiy Imt of Engineers of Water Transport), 175 copies (KL, 62-59, 120) -62- GARINOV, K.A.,inzh. Effect of waterway dimensions on a ship's rate of propulsion. Rech.tranap. 18 no.11:7-10 N '59- (MIPA 13:4) (Inland navigation) (Ship propulsion) -11 ARULMONrCHEV, A.; -QMIMV, K-*-STOROZHICV, N. Use of sectional barge trains on Siberian rivers. Rech. transp. 19 no-7:12-13 JI 160. (14IRk 13:8) (Siberia-Rivers) (Towing) KRUTIKOV, K.T., inzh.; GARINOV kand. tekhn. nauk; ITTENBERG, I.A., kand. teldin. nauk; prinimali uchastiye: VAKH11JROV, A. N.'starshiy nauchnyy tiotrudnik; VOLKOV, M.V., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; KURTSMAN, L.B., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; BOGATYREVA, M.I., m1adshiy iiauchnyy sotrudnik; ZABOLOTNEVA, G.K., m1adshiy nauch- nyy sotrudnik; NOVIKOVA, V.V., m1adshiy naudinyy notrudnik; ALEKSEYEVA, T.I., mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik: PETROVA, I.A., mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; SEDELINIKOVA, A.F., mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; KATKOVA, T.I., inzh.; ZELFIIKOV, P.A., inzh.; SIDOROVA, L.N-A starshiy laborant; KALASIINIKOVA, V.M., sta@shiy laborant; VOYMINA, A.Ye., starshiy tekhnik; USFEMKATA,M.B., starshiy tekhn&; YEPIFANOV, V.K., starshiy tekhnik (Organization of the shipping of transit cargoes on the Volga- Baltic Sea Waterway.] Organizatsiia perevozok tranzJtnvkh gruzov po Volgo-B&Itiiskomu vodnmu puti. Moskva, Transport, 1965. 109 p. (H)scow. TSentralinyi nauchno-issledovateltskii institut ekonomiki i ekspluatatsii vodnogo trans-porta. Trudy, no.40). VLASENKO, SOP9,; GARINYAN, Dzh.Kh.0 starnhiy laborant Effect of some vegetative poisons on the oyygen connumption by irradiated rats. Vop. radiobiol. AN AIN. SSR 2.,181-187 161. (@aRA 18:4) )14V ussr,/Human and Animl Phyisiology. Neuromuscular Physiology. V Abs Jour: R f. Zhur-Biol-, No 6, 1958, 27282. Author : Yu. Semynin, Garintlyan and K.E. Bugayev Inst :The State Pedag6V-mY-*, e of Rostov-on-Don Title :A Mctho,! of Determining Muscle Tone in the Human Orig Pub: Sb stud. nauchn pabot - Rostovsk. -n./D - gos - ped - in-ta, 1957, No 1 (22), 79-87. Abstract: A guage co=only used fer determining change in radius of various cylindrical components vhile in use was enployedas the basis of an instrument for measuring muscle tone. The construction of the apparatus and its operation are described. Card Vi 701- G&RIONOV, X.P.,inzh. Contactleso self-regulating system. of diesel locomotive control with electric transmission to moving axles. Sbor.LIIZHT no.159:; 258-267 '58. (MIR& 12:2) (Diesel locomotives-Electric equipment) GARIOITOV, K.P., in.-h. Ifultiplying circuit of magnetic amplifiers used as a transducer of voltage, capacity, and current in a voltage self-regulating system for diesel locomotive traction generators. Sbor.LIIZHT no.159:268-278 158. (MIU 12:2) (Diesel locomotives--Electric equipment) GkIL".0NOVI K.F., irlh, Arza2cg m-de@Jng cf the parar network6 of clectrJc IccomotiVeS -@n 1,ulged operaLimi. 3bGr. trud. LII."IIIT no.205S-'-@6-1,54 163. (MIRA 18-11) Ltnuar,*Lty of the pulse parametbrs cf tha com@cnents of -"r,3 -cj,.,or net@- works of elect---Ic 2ocumotivas. ibid.*155--.1-62 GARIPOV, XH. YU. 29136 Podbor Travosmesey dlya polevykh sevooborotov zasvshlivvy atepi Bashkiril. Trudy Bashkir. Navch,-Iseled. Poleyod Stantsii T. 1.11, 1948 (Kolon-Titul: 1947,) S. 179,87 SO: Letop&I I Zhurmllnykh Statey, Vol. 39, Moskov, 1949 -GARIPOVI M.G. Controlling thA dpvelopfnpnt 6f oil resprvps in case of contour flooding in the Aznnkayevo region oC Romnshkino oil fipld. NAfteprom. dplo no.41S-11 165. -- (MIRA I8x6) 1-. TSpkh nsuohno-issledoAratol'skikh i proizVodstxennykh rabot. Neftepromr.lovogo upravlpniya "Aznnksypvsknpft"'. GARIPOT, M.Sh., dots. Calculating roof thickness in development mining. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; gor. zhur. no;1:49-57 158. (MIRA l1t5) 1. Sibirskly metallurgicheakly Inatitut. (Mining ongineoring) AUTHOR: Garipov, M.Sh., Engineer ------------------- TITTUE: Light Supports for Developmental and Open-l"ut :7orkings in Hydraulic 1@ines (Ldgkiye vidy krepi dlya Dodgotovitellnykh i nareznykh vyrabotok gidroshakht) PERIODICAL: Mekhanizatsiya trudoydmkikh i tyazhglykh rabot, 1950, Nr 6, pp 19-20 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article deals with the necessity of lighter supports in hydraulic mines. At the instruction of the VNITGidrougoll, the Sibirskiy metallurgicheskiy institut (Siberian.Metallurgical Institute) worked out such supports. The lighter weight and easy handling of these supports will considerably reduce timber- ing work. After I-eing tested in mines, the following new supports are recommended: 1) various wooden supports, 2) a com- bination of wood and metal nets, 3) various meial nets, and 4) metal supports. There are 2 diagrF--,as, 1 photo and 1 table. 1. Coal mining--USSR 2. Mnes--Safety measures 3. Bews--Metal --Applications Card 1,11 C) 0 e t I t i nf- -:r! 1,!,,c ml nini, Co:@ildnde ,:ethod o-.' evaluz., ,c,%l sejr1s. Izv. 7.a,.,. 1_:rj:,. 'zh',:i-:c. il: si'Oirskiy rietallurgiche:@*'-iy 1notitut %l,.-,i2honikidze. U537 S/020/62/147/006/008/034 B104/BISO AUTHOR: ,Garijov, R. M. TITLE: The asymptotic behavior in a liquid of finite depth, of oduced by arbitrary initial exoitation of its free waves pr surface PERIODICAL; Akademiya nauk SSSR- Doklady, v. 147, no. 6, 1962, 1306-1309 TEXT; After an initial excitation rL(x,O) -f(x), the wave motion of the V free surface of a heavy liquid can, in terms of the linear theory, be described by 4:10 "0 (X, SX-01) ds); @ F (s) di + @ F (s) --00 where ci .11's-t-h--s' sign a; F(s) is the Fourier transform of the function f(x). The waves here studied are propagated to the,right from the point of excitation (x > 0); then the second integral in (1) is smaller than the Card 1/4 The asymptotic behavior in S/92Y@2/147/006/008/034 B B104 180 first. In the first integral (I) e(s) and F(s) are substituted by the approximations (10 . s - s3/6 and F 0(s) - 1s1p(a +'ib sign a), and the resulting expression is denoted by I.. The asymptotic formulas for %(x,t) obtained by the stationary phase method with t ---@ oo oannot be used to describe waves movihg@ at maximum velocity. However, the idea behind the method points to the possibility of using I as asymptote. 0 The range of applicability of 1 0@ie wide, and the following was proven; If F(s) has integrable derivatives in (-oo, oo) up to the m-th order inclusively, and integrable derivatives in ('-OD A) and in (A , oo ) with any small A derivative up to the n-th o@ der, where n @@ p/3 + 2, 0 < 18 1 :!!@i , IF"'-F',*'jp+2>2, k=0,1,...,n, (2) Gard 2/4 5/020/62/147/006/008/034 The asymptotic behavior in ... B104/BI80 then the inequality' 3 4 2 3 (aA,, (E) + t_e (X, + (4) to M P+L (X 2 V+1/2. holds for those x-valiaes that satisfy x - t. -c t if the integrals co OP Cos (to + B,( do sin Ap (E) 4) Ed+ ")do diverge, they should be interpreted in Abel's way; E and v are related by 2/3 - (p + 6) )/2. Card 3/4 S/020/62/147/006/008/034 The asymptotic behavior in Bl-04/Bl8O ASSOCIATION: Inetitut gidromekhaniki Sibirskogo otdeleniya Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Hydromechanice of the Siberian Department of the Academy of Sciences USSR) PRESENTED: May 29, 1962,'by M. A. Lavrentlyev, Academician SUMITTED: May 26, 1962 Card 4/4 - GARIPOV,, R.M. (Novosibirsk): "Unsteady wavos over an underwater reef". report presented at tho 2nd All-Union' Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Moscow, 29 Jan - 5 Feb 64. GART R.M. Ull"; t,f@ "!(I'Yr I--- . WnVOS abOVO RTI rldFll. Vlolkf L. AN S@:-R .161 no-3: 54'1-5'1() Kv 165, (MIRA 18:4) 1. 'nstl tut pJdromoklintiM ""I il@ , !,:If, I@jj'j Sjjj)- flt t b"d SPJAPTOor I Z, ,196'!, . IMMKO) Yo,G,; SEVASTIYANOVA@ G.V*; QAIU.FOVA0 L.Z. Oils of the Novokhazino, Znamenka, and other fields of Dashkirla. Trucbr Bash NIJNP no.51230-238 162, (MIRA 17:10) VICREPIRO, Ye.G., SMSTIYANOVA, G.V.; GARIWVA, L.Z. 04-1 of the Yusupovo field. Trudy BashNTI A NP no.6:63-67 t63. (MIPA 17:5) IVCHEIIKO,, Ye.G.) SEVASTIYANOVA, G.V.; GARIPOVA, L.Z.; KUZILOVA, E.T. Oil of the Sergeyevka field. Trudy BashNII NP no.?:4-9 164. (MBA 1?:9) ACCESSION NR: AT4043272 ?S/2744/64/000/007/001i/0019 AUTHOR: Ivchenko, Ye. G. r@ygenson, A. B., Sevastlyano'va, G. V., Garipova, L. Z.. TITLE: Quality of commercial Romashid n' p@troleuxn SOURCE: Ufa. BashkirsIdy naucbno-issledovatellaldy institut po peretabotke nefti. Trudy$, no. 7, 1964. Sernisty*ye neffiJ produkty* ikh pereraboUd (Sour crude oil and prbducts of. refining), 15-19 TOPIC TAGS: petroleum, Romashkin petroleum, sulfur content, octane rating, F"leum residue, petroleum refining ABSTRACT: It was found experimentally that the sulfur content of Romashkin petroleum had increased from 1. 6% (in 1956) to 1. 8- 2. 0% (1962) due to a change In the proportion of crude oils.from different sites within the Romashkin area. Since an increase in sulfur content markedly affects the quality of petroleum products, the. 1962 petroleum sample was further investigated fo.r sulfur content in the various iractions. Remits are tabulated and the distribution of sulfur In narrow fractions is plotted against temperature (see the Card 1/4 ACCESSION NR: AT4043272 Enclosure). The total content of fractions obtained at 200 add 300C remained almost un- changed, as did the octane characteilstics of the benzene distillates obtained.from the 1962 sample. Fractions above 270C had a higher sulfu)r content than in 1956. The sulfur content of the benzene fractions was low, while that of the distillates of diesel fVol and residues was Increased. An increase in the sulfur content of commercial petroleum by 0. 26% causes theyield of white products to decrease by 1. 5%. Investigation of the sulfur content in the petroleum residue's showed that f racUons taken below 350C had.;% lower *sulfur content than specified by the standards, but higher by 0. 5% than in'the analogous residue from a 1956 sample. When processed in a cracking plant, t1do residue gave a low-standard fuel. The sorting of petroleum according to the sulfur content is absolutely essential for planning the adequate techmlogical conditions to obtain high-grade products. Orig. art. has: I figure and 4 tables.* ASSOCIATION: Bashldrs)dynauchno-isaledovatelli;kiyinsUtutpbporerabotkenefU, Ufa i (BaBhldr Scientific Research Institute for Petroleum Reflaidg) 2/4 L@-_Ird @sa @ . I - I -@ i --. .- @N-3 @@@ "i @t - -7r, - , .,. F - I -- IVCHENKOt Ye.G.j 3EVAST'YANOVA, G.V.1 QRIPOVA, L.Z. Potrolem frm the Karsahe-Yelga oil field. Khim. i takh. topl. i masel 10 no.10t16-18 0 165, (MIRA 18,10) 1. Bashkirskiy nauchno-insledovatellskiy instItut po pererabotke nefti. I f1b V)q USSR / Farm ,@nimals. Silkworm. (),-6 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 12, 1958, 54884. Author Caripova R Inst Title The Effect of the Temperature and Humidity of the Air During the Incubation of the -'Silk-Seed@, of the White-Cocoon Breeds Upon the Performance of the Mulberry Silkworm. Orig Pub: Sots. s. kh. Uzbekistana, 1957, No 3, 65-66. Abstract: Beyond the limits of 20-280C the rapidity of the development of the embryo diminishes con- siderably. At the temperature of 260C the in- crease of the humidity from 40 to 80% acceler- atas the development of the embryo by 5-776. When the temperature rises above 260C the per- centage of the vitalization of the @Isilk-seedll Card 1/2 65 GARIPOVA, R. L.: Master Agric Sci (diss) -- "The effect of various hydrothermal incubation conditions on the productivity of the white-coccoon variety of the silkworm". Tashkent, 1958. 17 pp (Uzbek Acad Agric Sci, Tashkent Agric Inst), 120 copies (KL, No 9, 1959, 116) KUSTAFIN, V.S.; GARIPOVA, Sh.Sh. Preparation of concrete in preheated water. Rats.1 izobr.predl. v stroi. no.55:5 153. (MLRA 7:3) (concrete) V CARTS11VE P'V. Usin.a refmctory co-creta, f@,)r laying the., of a slag-melting tan", fi,;rnace- ('lgneiiyory 29 no. !0:411-475 16/.. 1! 18 - 7) i. Sovet narodno.cpo khonyllystva Crt;--SS-;,i (for skiy zavod minurtlovntn,.,kh izdeHy (for (lok,,,vl?ii.. Ch i runad ze .3. T"Miloo@-- s@iy institut @"fcr Ishvi 1 -1 ) . Forests an@'- -orestrY Forestry on the collective farm. 12 1.-0. 9, 1952. Xolkh. proizv. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Lecember 1955,2 Uncl. MATEVOSYANP yu.14.p Prof.; @MIZHSKAVi :- 1, ' tFirinarnyy vrach; , ; . !'D ve KUZ12;TSi.-)V, Wl a -P-- -kand.v6t6iin@.a*a- nauk Helrantlis of saiga tatarle-m. Tnidy VIGIS 6:139-143 159. (Pwaaites@---Knl-,7k A.S.-S.R.--s"igal, (M@'- 15:5) (Wow,, intestinal and parasitio) HATENGSUN, Ye.M,, prof.; FETROCERKO, V.I., doktor biologielieskikh nauk; GAIRIUSIMA NJ, -e -yterinarnyy vrach Ifelminths of fishes in the Volga River and Tsimlyansk Reservoir and the invostigation of the distribution of opinthorr-hosiu and diphyllobothriasis in Stalingrad Province. Ti-mly VIGIS 6.-144-155 '59, WIRA 15:5) '!.,r=, uxAi - asitic) (Volga itiver-Parasites-Fishosr" GAWLEM, I.A. '@ - ". Some data on the.density of carbon rocks in the western part of the Donato Basin. Trudy Inst. geol. nauk AN URSR. Ser. geofiz. no.2:169-172 158. (Km 11:6) 1. Donbasekaya goofisicheakaya ekspeditsiya, g. Artemovsk. (Doneto Bamin-Rocks, Crystalline ana metamorphic) A UT HCP Garknlenko, !.A. SOV-21-58-8-19/27 TTT LF: On Lorp,,ing in the Western Section of the Donets Basin (K ispolIzovanlyu gamma-gamma- knrottazha v zapadnom sektore ronetskogo bnsseyna) PERIODICAL: Dopovidi Akademii nauk Ukrains1koi FSR, 1958, Nr 8, PP 874-878 (USSR) ArSTRACT: In 1956, the Donets basin geophysical expedition of the USSR Ministry of Coal Industry carried out experimental work on the possibilities of using the method of radioactive gamma-gamma- well logging, the theoretical fuMnmentals of which were ex- pounded by I.G. 'Dyadlkin (Ref. 1). Investigations have shown that it was not necessary to employ intensive sources of gamma- rays as was recommended by G.M. Voskoboynikov and L.L. Deyev (Ref. 2). With the well diameter of 86 to 92 mm, the oDtimal arrangement is a probe of 50 to '00 cm an(] a gamma-ray sour0e (cobalt-60) of 3 to 10 millicurie. The recording rate on a I : 200 scale should be 150 to 20C m/hour; Rnd on a 1 : 50 scale, 50 to 70 m/hour. The author describes n method of determining the thickness of' coal seems by deflection points of the curves obtained in gamma-gamma-well !oFFinE-. His con- Card 112 clusion is that the method of a-well lo;z gamma-gamm ging in I _56-p- 19/27 On the E-mployment of Gamma-Ijamma-,Vell Loirging in the @estern -,ection of the Donets Pasin combination with electric well logging can be effectively applied for detection of coal segms of various sorts and de- termination of their thickness. There are 4 sets of diawrams and ' Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Donbasskaya geofizicheskaya ekspeditsiya tresta "Ukrgeofiz- razvedkn" (Donets Basin Geoph,,;sicnl Expedition of the "Ukrgeollizrazvedka" Trust) PRESENT-ED: By Member of the AS *'krSSR, V.G. "Iondarchuk SUBMITTED: February 21, 1959 NOTE: Russian title and RussiAn names of individuals and institutions appearing in this article have been used in the transliteration. 1. Minina industry--US5R 2. Coal--USSR 3. Geophysical prospecting 0 4. Gamma rays--Applications Card 2/2 'fh - TAT.IM-I.A. [garlalenko, 1.0.] Determining the thickness of coal seams b7 gamma-gamma logging. Dop.AH URSR no.11:1514-1518 360. (MM 13:11) 1. Artem'7evokaya geofisicheskaya ekepeditaiya Treata "Ukrgeofizraz- vedka.1 Predstavlano akademikom AN USSR V.G.Bondarchukom. (Coal geolog7) (Logging (GeolO97)) (Gamma ra7s--Industrial applications) GARKALENKO 49tecting coal beds and determining their thickness by gamma-gamma logging. Prikl.geofix. no.25:234-242 160. (RUU 13:6) (Prospecting--Geophysical methods) GAIMALETKO, I. A. (Harkalenko, 1, 0. afect of caverns in work using the gamma-gamm logging,* method. Dop. AN IIRSR no.8:1034-1038 @61. (I-IIWL 14:9) 1. Dnepropetrovskaya geofizicheskays, ekspoditsiya tresta "Ukrgeofizr'azvedkall. Predstavleno akademikom All USSR V.G. Bondarchukom (Dondarchuk, VAI. (Logging (Geolog-.,r)) SOLLOGUB, V.B.; CHEKUNOV, A.V.; KHILINSKIY, L.A.; GARKALENKO, I.A. Results of experimental seismic studies of the internal structure of the crystalline basement in the northern part of the Krivoy, Rog Basin. Geofizabor. no.li24-31 162. (MIRA 16:3) 1. Institut geofiziki AN UkrSSR. (Krivoy Rog Basin-Seismic prospecting) (Krivoy Rog Basin-Geology, Structural) GARKALENKOJ, I.A.; SHCHITOVp N.A. Selection of optimal velocities in the registration of the ga=a-gamma logging curve. Geofiz,abor. no.2:113-117 162* (MIRA 160) 1. Dnepropetrovokaya geofizicheskaya ekspeditsiya tresta *Ukrgeofizra.zvedkaO. (Radioactive prospecting) GARKALENKO, I.A.; KHOLIN, V.N. Efficient combination of geopbysical studies of boreholes in the Beloserka deposit and the Arivoy Rog Basin. Razved.i prom. geofiz. no-45:101-104 162. MRA 15:3-1) (Belozerka region-Logging (Geology)) (Krivoy Rog Basin-Logging (Geology)) 'ARKAi- A -1 , BKO P.; BLIGA'(F.VSKI-Y, L.B.; bFZVF.RKIIOV, @.!). -=- -- - i. j I T Z o,.T.,-, da*,a on t-he geoingy o!l the ncrthwestern c-f t,;-,=- Bia-k Sea. ',eofiz. sbor. nD.8@4-4-48 ' 64. (m4,FA 1. Fine p rope trovs ic -ya ge,,%flIzichaskaya ek:3peditslya t-esl.,a "UK:geoflzrazvedkal'. SOLLOGUB, V.B.; CHEMOV, A.V.; PAVLENKOVA, N.I.; GARKALENKO, I,A.; KHILINSKIY, L.A.; SIIPORT, L.P. Crustal structure of the Crimean plain and Sivash region according to geophysical data. Sov. geol. 7 no.8144-56 Ag 164. (MIRA 17:10) 1. AN UkrSSR. AF K,. :.,F ?TK cf rocks anj ore3 in th@- Krivv Rr-, Basin and ir-'a --i-t r@:gicn. Cec"-.:;. sbor. nc.9:107-106 I (MIRA lgaQ el@sT-dit6ivu tresta SOLLOGUB, V.B.; CHMINOV, A.V. Tectonic structure of the northwestern part of the Black Sea based on geophysical data. Dokl. AN SSSR 162 no.6sl374-1377 Je 165. (?URA 18:7) 1. TSentrallnaya geofizicheskaya ekspeditsiya Gosudarstvennogo geologi- cheskago komiteta. SSSR i Institut geofiziki AN UkrSSR. Submitted August 20, 1964. CJ.-%Pk,,l!XNKO 1 1. " , -, KRA',')NO-SHCHEK, It. Y a. I;astern e-.-tension of the Dobruja. Gpofiz-9brir. rx,.'02-86 16@', (MTRA 18 !@-, .) I. Dria pro[ e trovskaya, geofizichoskaya ekspd@'.5iyz-i iure.--" "Uk-rgeoflzrazvedka". Submitted September 21, 196@. CHEKUNOV, A.V.; GARKALENKOP I.A.; KHARECHKC, G.Ye. Deep faults in the northern part of the Black Sea region and shifting displacement along them. Izv. 0 SSSR. Ser.geol. 30 no.11:63-71 N 165. (MIRA l8tl2) 1. Institut geofiziki AN UkrSSR i TSentrallna7a goofizicheskaya ekspeditsiya Glavnogo upravleniya geoloaii i ok@-rany nedr pri Sovete Ministrov UkrSSR. Submitted September 7, 1964. ACC N.R: A7700@331 SOURCE CODE: UR/3169/66/000/018/0003/0018 AUTHOR: S0110gUb, V. B.;_farkalanko, 1. A.,Trifonov, P. G.; Chekunov, A. V.; Kalyuzhnaya, L. T.; Khilinskiy, L. A. O11%G- GeophysicsI Institute AN UkrSSR. (Institut geofiziki AN U1krSSR); Dneprogeofizika! Trust (Trest "Dn@progeofizika") T ITTLF: Deep structure of the Earth's crust in the Belozersk iron ore region based an saismic data SOURCE: AN UkrSSR. Geofizicheskiy sbornik, no. 18, 1966. Geofizicheskiye issledovaniya stroyeniya zennoy kory (Geophysical investigations of the structure of the earth's crust), 3-18 TOPIC TAGS: geologic survey, earth crust, seismology, petrology, mineralogy ABSTRACT: Seismic investigations of the Belozersk iron ore region revealed that the! basement in the -4',egion is composed of the earliest Precambrian formations and the i basaltic shall is greatly uplifted. Hence it is natural to assume that a block of the Earth's crust has been elevated in the Belozersk region relative to adjacent re- gions. This upliiting of the block of the basaltic shell occurred along the ancient Belozersk submeridional deep fault zone and was accompanied by the penetration and fusion of basic and ultrabasic rock varieties in the upper levels of the crust. A comparison of the structural map of the su rface of the basaltic Card ACC N11, AT7003831 shell. with the gravimetric inap revealed their good qualitative agreement. Thus tla.e gravity anomalies in the Belozersk region are due not to petrographic inhommo- geneities of Ule. basement but mainly to the surface relief of the basaltic shell. It is assumed that in other regions of the Ukrainian shield the main gravitational effect is also produced by density boundaries within the Precambrian strata. In the! overall qualitative conformity of the gravitational map of the basaltic shell of the Belozersk region, no direct relation was found between the magnitude of the anomalies and the depths to the basalt. This was apparently due primarily to density inhomo- geneities in the basaltic shell itself@. Orig. art. has: 10 figures. SUB CODE: 08/ SUBM DATE: 20Nov65/ ORIG UP: 025 Card 2/2 GAMLENKO, K.A. Meaeures for improving the juality of coal and raw mineral materials. Standartizatelia 24 no.4:13-14,Ap .160. (MM 131:9) (Coal--Standards) (Raw materials--Standarde) KUTLTKOV, A.I. red.; _LA@@@@red.;GOBBACHICV, I.V.,red.; YERMOV, P.I.,red.;OYSYANNIKOV. Tu.N.,red.;PILTUGIN, B.A.,red.;RODIONOV, I.S.,red.;RODIONOT, A.N..r#qd.;BMMH1X, I.Ta.,red.; GUSZT. M.S., red. izd-va,;FROZUROVSKAYA. Y.I..takhn. red.; SABITOV, A., (Uniform safety rules for geoloAcal surveying; compulsory for all ministries, economic councile,departments. organizations. and enterprises conducting geolo.-ical studies] Edinye pravila bezopasnosti pri goologoraz7adochnykh rabotakh; obiazatelIny dlia vsakh mihisterstv, sovnarkhozov. iredomety. oreanizataii i pradpriiatii, vedushchikh goologicbmakie raboty. Moskva. Ugletakhizdat, 1958. 102 p.(MIRA 11:12) 1. Ruasia(1923- U.S.S.R.) KoLqitet po uadzoru za bazopasnym vedenipm rabot v promyshlennosti i gornomu nedzoru. (Geological surveys) V YAKHOZITOV,,Aleksey Dmitriyevich; IVAKOV, Konstantin Ivanovich; ZlIff", Yu.riy 110-olayevich; USEVICH, @gnat Vasillyevich; GARKALMO, K.I., - F. red.; PARTSEVSKIT, V.H., red.izd-va; ISLEUr'M.A. -T.-. [Oxyliquits, their manufacture and use] Oksilikvity, lkh pr012VOd- stvo i primenenie. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tavetnoi metallurgii, 1958. 230 P. (MIRA 11:7) (Liquid air) 10 F f) L F- A/ FQ SMGZY3-V, A.A., red.; ANPILOGOV, I.M., red.; ASSONOV, V.A., red.; BABATIUITS, N.A., red.; BABCKIN, I.A.. red.; BALAMI]TOV, A.D.. red.; BOGOROD- MIT, U.N., red.; BOLONENK0. D.N., red.; BUCIRM, V.K., red.; VAKID4INTOW, G.S., red.; VORONKOV, A.K.. red.; GARKALEJ&O, red.; GORBATOV, P.Te.j red.; GOLOVL V, Y.Ya., red.; DOKUCHAPW, M.M., red.; DUBNOV, L.V.. red.; TEVZE.M. A.D., red.; TERERMO, Te.K., red.; ZENIN, N.I., rod.; KRIVOHOGOV, K.K., red.; k-PALOV-YAROPOLK, I.K., red.; RATSM, V.G., red.; NIKOLAYEV, S.I., red.; ONI-','ICHUK, K.N., red.; PE".!ROV, K.F., red.; PILYUGIN, B.A., rod.; PLATONOVA, A.A., red.; POLSSIN, Ta.L., red.; POKROVSKIT, L.A., red.; POWIM, D.Te.. red.; POLTUSMN, A.Kh.. red.; REYKIM, V.P., red.; SEDOV, N.A., red.; SID0113HKO, I.T., red.; FIF1=-V, A.A., red.; CHAKiOWMCH1'V, A.G., red.; CHEMODUROV, M.Ta., red.; SHUMAKOV, A.A., red.; YARE- MMIKO, N.Te., red.; PARTSEVSKIT, V.N., red.izd-va; ATTOPOVICH, M.K., (Standard safety regulations for bleating operations] Edinye pravila bazopasnosti pri vzryvnvkh rabotakh. Izd.2. Moskva, (Joe. nauchno-teldm.izd-vo lit-ry po charnoi i tsvetnoi matallurgii, 1958. 318 p* (MIRA 13:1) 1. Rnssia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Komitst po nadzoru za bezopasnym vadenlyam rabot v promyshlon-nosti i gornomi nad2ora. (Mining engineering-Safety measures) GARKAIMM, K. I. Methoda for determining the cokability of coal. Standartizataiia 24 no.11:40-41 N 160. (MIRA 13:11) (Coal-Carbonization--Standards) GARUMNKO I _ K. I.-- Foundry coke. Standartizatsiia 25 no. 5:50-51 147 161. (Coke--Standards) (MIRA 14:5) GARKALENKO, E.I. Unified classification of coal. Standartizatsiia 25 no.8:27-29 Ag 161. (MIRA 14:?) (Coal-Classificat1w) GARKA IRNKC KO 11 1 V, I I L: KO Y t,-',)n of voral j;@ Moskvii, !"-d-vo (1-, 'IA 18: 1) GARKALFNKO, K.I. Efficient use of lump fuel. Standartizatsiia 29 no.1:42-" Ja 165. (MIRA 18;4) MIKSi!l3$ Y11.1, (Mikninf 'I j ).I nituchriyy sotnirinlk; ;APKAIUK,,:, V . V, Studying some phy3lcomechnnical propert,.ns r.,' lln,@n and half- linen fabrics treated with dImpthy1carbamIde. Tpk@;t. prom. 25 nc.5:56-61 My '65. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Institul, khimii I @himirheqkov tekhnologil AN I-P.-ovskoy OSSR (for Makshis). 2. R ukovcd 1 t e I I la bo ra to r I j f1 kc-me kha n i rhe s ki kh ispytanly voloknistykii no-terialov .nstituta tekstillnoy promyshlennosti Sove"a narodncgo khozyaystva Litovskoy SSR (for Garkauskas'). PIKTISI.A.; GARKAUSKA6',--Yu.; INDRYUM, Yu. [Indiiftas, J.1 PM-2 measuring instrument for testing napped fabrics. Izv.vys.ucheb. *v.; tekh.tekst.prom. no-3:29-32 161. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Kaunasskiy Politekhnichoskiy institut i Institut energetiki i elektrotekhniki AN Litovskoy SSR. (Textile fabrics-Testind) /< TERHAKOV, V.S.; SPIRIN, S.A.; CHIZHOV, D.G.; UGORITS, I.I.; IAVFMfMO, K.D.; SMIRNOV, G.V.; CHUPRAKOV, N.M.; XMITARTAN, S.G.; ASHOLOV, G.L.; KOTILVSKIT, A.M.; MOICKANOV, S.I.; SYROMYATHIKOV. I.A.; FAYZRMAN, S.Ta.; SCKOWV, B.M.: KOMISSAROV, Tu.P.; MALTUTIN, I.P.; PQBBGAYLO, X.M.; MORYAKOV. A.V.; MILAM, M.Y.; KUMIASHVILI, P.G.; GARKAVAYA, L.A.; LIVSHITS, E.M.; N3KRASOV, A.M. Moisei Vullfovich Safro; obituar7. Rlek.sta. 24 no.11:60 N '53. (MLBA 6:11) (Safro, Moissi Vullfovich, ?-1953) GARIKAVAYA, V. V. Cand A6r Sci -- (diss) "Effect of rat-ions)pf local fodders wi-th-4We additi4of certain growth biostimulants upon the effectiveness of the fattening of hogs nnd the quality of bacon." Riga, 1957. 15 'Op (Min of 4riculture USSR. Latvian Agr Aoad), 200 oopies (KL, 4-58, 84) -49- USSR/Farm Animals. Swine. Q-2 It Ats Jour: 'ef Zhur - Diol., Mo. 22, 19567 1.01132 Author Gartkavaya, V.V. Inst AS LatvSSR. Title Antibiotics, Vitamin B121 and Cobalt Chloride in Fatteninp Rations for Pigs. Orig Put.- LatvISR Zinatnu Akal. vestis, Izv. AN LatvSSR7 1957, @'o- 12, 101-111 Abstract: It was established that wher procaine penicillin, biomycin i--i vitamin B12 and COC12 complexes, as well as stre!lito!nycin and biomycin absorbents were adied to fi-ttening rations of pt.--s, the arl,rials' rappetite, Codier consu.nption, and feed expenJitures were favorably affected. Card 1/1 36 GARKAVENKO A6141- VASILIIEVA, T.A. . Formation of moms vitamins of the group B in actinomyces rimosus U8. Isv, LN Mold. SSR no.7:3-6 162. (KMA 16:2) (VITAMINS-B) (ACTINC14YCES) GARKAVENKO A I - KOVAL'CffUK, L.P. P Formation of vitamin B12 by a culture of actinomyces griseus 15; preliminary report. Izv. AN Mold. SSR no.7:7-9 162. (MIRA 16:2) (CYANOCOBALAMINE) (ACTIMMES) TROFIMENKO, N.M.; GARKAVENKO, A.I. Production of fodder yeast. Izv. AN Mold. SSR no.7:10-13 162* (mm 16:2) (Moldavia-Yeast as feed) GARKAVENKO A I :) @61 @ Content of vitamin B6 and E@,j in vetabling root tubercles. Izv. AN Mold. SSR noo7t20-24' I &. (MMA 16:2) (vatchling) (Vitamins--B) (Root tubercles) GARUVLMO, A. I. Dissertation defended at the Institute of Microbiology for the academic degree of Candidate of Biological Sciences.- "Active and Low-active Strains of Nodular Bacteria.'? Vestnik Akad Nauks No. 4, 1963, pp. 119-145 GAMVMW. A.Ta- [HarbAvenka. A.IA.1- Have you some new achievements? Rab. i sial. 36 no. 11:2-3 iv l6o. (MIRA 13; U) 1. Zamestitell- chalinike gorimpolkoma, Gomel'. Tomell-Service industries) L.rogrram for the stud., of the fun@amrmtair of 3C-4- entil'ic atheism; for clubs of the systom oi' politi@-tl FroiT.-arnann po imicheniiii ommv natv:-hnoro me'zma- dlia kruzlikov sistemy politicheskogo prosve- @I-Xhenjda. Moskva, Politizdat, 1961.. 15 P. GARKAVEMO, G. -inzh.; CHAPLYGIN, D., Inzh. 7i@@ Thin-walled large-punel apartment house built of concrete made with expanded clay fillers. Na stroi.Mook. 2 no.11: 6-8 11 '59. (MIRA 13:3) (Moscov--Apartment houses) (Lightweight concrete) ROMASHKO, A, ;GAMVENKO G Construction of howes from keramit-concrete slabs. Ne stroi. Ros. 3 no.901-33 S 162. (MIRA 15sl2) 1. G.,avnyy inzh. Mookovskogo stroitellnogo upravlenlya Glavatroya (for Romashko). 2. Nachallnik tekhnicheskogo otdela Moskovskogo stroitellnogo upravleniya Glavstroya (for Garkavenko). .(Moscow-4partment houses) (Precast concrete construction) GAIRW@ MTKO' G.1 . ; I nzb . Flectric Lif-liting - Wiring Flectric wiring of dwellings in ceramic blocks. Biul. stroi. tekh. 9 No. 4 (1952) 2 SO: Month List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, -- August 190, Uncl. RCMASHKO., Aleksandr Ivanovich;_SjARKAVENKO, Georgiy Lukich; POLUBNEVA, V.I., inzh.j red. (Buildings of -9xge keramzit concrete panels; practices of the Moscow Construction Administration and the Com- bine for Reinforced Concrete Construction of the Main Construction Administration] Dom iz ukrupnennykh keram- zitobetonrykh panelei; opyt Moskovokogo stroitellnogo upravleniia i Kombinata zhelezobetonnykh konstruktsii Glavstroia. Moskva, Gosstroiizdat, 1963. 30 p. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Moscow. Nauchno-issledovatellakly institut organizatsii, mekhanizatsii i tekhnicheskay pomoshchi stroitel'stvu.