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e raf-- of =Cakface-C ficto.'s I-It 17, @Iyj, dit;= prf.-Czseeg on fused vansdfLm -Pcnw-xMt -:7 4S (4krS-A Y@. 'I , fu -5. hy h. r.-i 0 t k ,,fImt cv'= Cauki-it 'I@c i.1 the 13rxr difillmx-, rancr, 1:@,! ch,%.:.i- cu--, '11-.Tum al kllvr 7 - - 14- ID 1,-ctca..c in th.: cor. t imc cwu, ivdaflon prixctd-s cmtcmsiv4dy ta tht mn,7 05 7 !@_of the Catalyst inner surfcLxc -Ics@ta-, high@-r teinpi. (the rt-.IztlrrI pr(xtcding Cal thc CIIT@r LECC ). Pic camlpt -c;:.Pctivity ri@c5. Tbi:-7 rise Pmcmls Until t4it4 the rjik ia the temp'. thu ntcr@ tj@.c uUter (I:fftM4,_,n lhj@ Cf@a_,jgt c h--,p zem-p- rise. and tL-.,AltA %n a .-,n y deamre. Vic wl-extiv, " -temp. curve I,tsrs, dcm@dingly, throigh a max. at @W, whkb CCI.TtSPOTHIS, apparently, to tht ouuidc kirictic ecaction =m, ac-curdiug to tLe results obud=d in the ,tudy, whae;w the max. in tht 1111th-dic =hydridle industrw pr.-Niuction is at 420*. ITY It KNTAZTUK, K.A.; KMTSZT. F.I.; GARKAVIIMO, I.P. Utilizing cold compounds for soil stabilization. Avt. dor. 22 no.9: 6-8 S '59. (IAIRA 12:12) (Soil stabilization) (Bituminous materials) GAIRMENKO), I.P.., inzh.; R-TYAZYUK., K.A., kand.tekhn.nauk Using bitumen emulsions in solidifying soils of various granulometric compositions. Avt.dor.i dor.stroi. no.1:156- 164 165. (MIRA 18:11) CARKAMENKO N I [Modern methods for lactose crystallization in sweetened condensed milk products] Sovremennye metody kristalliza- tsii laktozy v sgushchennykh molochnykh produktakh s sa- kharo,-,.. Moskvap TSentr. in-t nauchno-tekhn. informatsii pishchavoi prorV-shl., 1964. 19 p. (MIRRA 17:1211 GAWVM'Ko@ P. F. SHCHIKLIN, I.A.; G@@ARTAL P.T. inshener, reteenzent; TITKOV, B.S., o - ii Jl@ radaktor; RU. If fa.!@iigichsskiy redaktor. rAccolerating the turnover of liquid assets; vork practice of machine-building factories] Uskoreals oborachivasmosti oborotnykh aradetv; opyt mashinostrottellaykh savodov. Kiev, Goa. nauchno-tokhn. Izd-vo mashinostroit.i sudostroit. lit-ry, 1953-'@6 P. (VI-RA 7:8) Nachinery industry-Accounting) GARKAVENKO, P.G. Innovators exchange practices. Tekst.prom. 21 no.3:87 fir 161. (MIlU 14:3) 1. Uchenyy sekretarl Kharlkovskogo mezhobla-stnogo pravleniya Hauchno-tekhnicheskogo obshchestva legkoy promyshlennosti. (Knitting maohines-Toohnological innovations) GARKAVENKO, R.G. On a voluntary bisis. TekBt. pror- 24 no.10327-29 0 164. (MIR-A i7s:.2) 1. Ucheny-Y sekratar* Kharlkovekogo oblastnogo Nauchno., takhnichaskogo obshchestva IegAqy pronVehlennosti. GAI?JL.LVEIIKO a 1-insh. New technology for making rubber sole parts. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; takh. leg. prom. no.2:75-81 160. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Zhustakaya obuvnaya fabrika. (Boot's and shoe13, Rubber) GARKAVENKO S F inzh. Studying the efficiency of the method of simultaneous cutting of shoe materAls with a set of cutters. Report No.2: Some problems of the effect of material defects.on ita utilisation in case of simultaneous cutting by means of a set 6f evitters. lzv.vys.uoeb.2&v.; tekh.leg.prom. 3:90-96 162. (MIRA 15:6) 1. Khustskaya obvilya fabrika. Rekomendovana kafedroy tekhnologii obuvnog'o proizvodstva Kiyevskogo tekhnologicheskogo instituta legkoy promyshlennosti. (Shoe manufacture) GARFAVEINHO, S.F. Footwear assortment and relations between the shoe =Anufacturers and the retail trade. Kozh.-obav. prom. 7 ro.4:lQ,-20 Ap 165. (MIRA 18:6) 1. Nachallnik upravleniya. legkoy promyshlennosti Podollskogo soveta naradnogo khoz@mystxa. --- GARK -01 S.P. [Harkavenko, S.P.) Utilizing the central part of insoles for the manufacture of solos for infant and children's footwear. Leh.prom. no.l: 75-76 Ja-Mr 162. (K[Rk 15:4) 1. Xhustskaya obawnaya fabrika. (]Lhust--,Shoe manufacture) GAMUM V P The X-2 electric self-dumping car. (Vamp trucks) Stek. i ker. 17 no.12138 D 160. (MIRA 13:11) GARMI, A.L. Quasi-analytic (B) functions. Dop. ta pov. Llviv. in. no.7*pt.3: 281-284' 157. (Functions, Analytic) (MIRA 11:2) SOV/4 2- 13 - AUTHOR: Gar@a@@-- 4 3-41/41 TITLEs --tllter to the Editor (Pis1mo v redaktsiy-u) PERIODICAL: Uspekhi matematicheskikh nauk, 1958, Vol 13, Nr 3, p 254 (USSR) ABSTRAM This letter contains a correction for the paper "On the approximation of a periodic function and its derivatives with trigonometric polynomials", in Uspekhi matematicheskikh nauk, 1958, Vol 13, Nr 2, p 231. Card 1/1 C7081 I-&(I) )V300o SOV/44-59-1-244 Translation from % Referativnyy zhurnal.Matematika,10,50,,Nr 1,P 41 (US9R) AUTHORt Garkavi, A.L. TITLE- On Quasi-analytic (B) Functions k, PERIODICALs Dopovidi ta povidomlennya. Vvivs1k. un-t;1957,vYP 7, ch. 3, 281 - 284 ABSTRACT% The class of the quasi-analytic functions in the sense of S:N, Bernshteyn is denoted with B n A function f(x) infinitely differ- @ k entiable on the interval 1.a,b is called quasi-analytic (D) (in the ,sense of Denjoy), if 00 n oo, where Mr, = max f n(X I Mn n-T b The following theorems are formulated without proof Theorem : In order that all functions of the class B in /_ are quasi- I k) analytic M, it is necessary and sufficient that there exists ven Card 1/2 17 67081 16(1) SOV/44-591-1-244 On Quasi-analytic (T3) Functions normally increasing weight function 0 (X) such that the inequalities ln 4 (nk+ 1 nk (k - 1,2,....) are satisfied. A necessary and sufficient condition in other terms was formerly given by S.N. Mergelyan (Tr. Matem. in-ta AN SSSR, 1"51,37)- Theorem t Each function Lf(x) continuous on 1a,b] can be a pseudo- analytic continuation of a function quasi-analytic on 1b,cj V.S. Videnskiy Card 2/2 GARKAIII) A.L., Cand Phys yath @;ci -- (diss) "Certain problems ia approxltaat@lxgA ferentiable functions vrith polyno-mals.11 Von, 1959) 6 pp (Acad Sci USSR. Yath Inst im V.A. Steklov) 185 copies (11,131 3t--59, 1") 16(1) AUTHOR: Garkavi,A.L. SOV138-23-1-416 TITLE: On the Dimension of Polyhedra of Best A@proximation for Differentiable Functions (0 razmernoszi mnogogrannikov nailuchshego priblizheniya dlya differentsiruyemykh funktsiy) PERIODICAL- Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Seriya matematicheskaya, 1959 Vol 23, Nr 1, PP 93-114 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author investigates the best uniform approximation of s times differentiable functions by a finite-dimensional subspace belonging to the manifold of these functions. He gives necessary and sufficient conditions that the dimension of the polyhedron of best approximation for an s times differentiable function is not greaiar than r. The dimensions of the mentioned polyhedra are compared with eachother for the case of a times differentiable functions and for the case of all continuous functions; certain inequations between the maxima of these dimensions are obtained. Some exampbs are given. The author mentions investigations of Chebyshev, M.G. Kreyn and S.Ya. Khavinson. He thanks S.B. Card 1/2 On the Dimension of Polyhedra of Best SOV/38-23-1-4/6 Approximation for Differentiable Functions Stechkin for giving the theme and advices. There are 14 references, 11 of which are 3oviet, 1 German, I American, and I English. PRESENTED: by S.L. Sobolev, Academician SUBMITTED: April 8, 1956 Card 2/2 68127 /Z.4/2 00 / 6. 4110 U S/038/60/024/01/005/006 AUTHOR: A.L. _Garkavi, TITLE: On the Simultaneous Approximation of a Periodic F'unction and its Derivatives by Trigonometric Polynomials \Y PERIODICALi Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSRf Seriya matematicheakaya, 1960t Vol 24, Nr 1, PP 103-128 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Let W(r) be the class of 27"-periodic functions with a bounded . W(r) r-th derivative. Let f Let T (f('),x) denote a (x)r n trigonometric polynomial of n-th order which deviated least from the function f(s)(x) (s-0,1,...,r;f(o)(x) = f(x)); En (f(s)) . 1jf(S)-Tn(f(s))jj- inf lf(s)-Tn 11, whereol- max PWI- Let further Tn - OSx!2 Cn,r(') - inf max qf(s)-T@S)l and C'n,r Sup Cn r(f). Tn 04SAX En(f(s)) feW(r) Card 1/3 68127 On the Simultaneous Approximation of a S/038/60/024/01/005/006 Periodic Function and its Derivatives by Trigonometric Polynomials It is stated that Cn,r - 42ln(p+l)+O(ln ln ln p), 1C where p = min kn,rj- Furthermore a result of G.Freud fRef 1j,7 is improved and it is shown that 11f (r) -T (r) f-T -n r+ fnr +En( f (r)) n nil Cn,r 'n(f)j f .-T nr+(I+ 1r, )c E (f(r)). n 2 n,r n The polynomial T * (f,x) which satisfies the conditions n,r 11f(s)-T^ (011 et C (.f)E (f(e)), S=0,19 .... r, n,r n,r n is called the extremal polynomial of the simultaneous approximation of the function and its r first derivatives. Card 2/3 68127 On the Simultaneous Approximation of a S/036/60/024/01/005/006 Periodic Function and its Derivatives by Trigonometric Polynomials It is stated that the extremal polynomial in general is not uniquely determined. The author P...entions Bernshteyn, Nikollskiy, Sun' Yunshen; he thanks S.B. Stechkin for the theme and advices. There are 18 references, 9 of which are Soviet, 5 German, 1 Danish, 1 Swedish, 1 English, and 1 French. PRESENTED: by A.N.Kolmogorovv Academician. SUBMITTED: July 1, 1958 Card 3/3 S/020/60/132/03/02/066 AUTHOR: Garkavi, A.L. TITLEt On the Spaces of Linear Operators 111-.'@'TODICAL: Doklady AkademiL nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol. 132, No. 3, PP-497-500 TEX': Let N, be a conjugated Banach space. Let *E denote a Ranach space to which 13 is conjugated. Theorem 1: Let E&,(,Y,6 A) be a family of Banach spaces and E be its Cartesian I is the o( -th product with the norm I/F11 = sup 11F, 11 where F, component of the element FE E . If every E@c is a conjuGated space then E is conjugated to a space '@E all the elements of which are series t_(,,=I f@k k=1 A , f Here .or -ehich 11 oo , where K k Card 1/ 3 On the Spaces of Linear Operators k E k-1 E 3/020/60/132/03/02/066 Theorem 2: Let B B (X-->Y) be the space of linear operators which map the Banach sDace X into the Banach space Y , If Y is a conjugated space, then the space B is conjugated too. The conjugateness of the considered operator spaces grunrantees the exjsten(!@, of solutions of several extremal problems in these spaces; : "heorem 3: To every bounded function F given on thp unit sphere S x of the space X and the values of which lie in the conjugated space Y, there exists a nearest linear operator T@:C-.B = B(X->Y), i.e. an operator Tf so that -up 11 ',t( x) - T "' (x) 11Yinf sup 11 F(x) - T(X) 11Y C--- Sx T 6 B xz@- Sx @ome further properties of the considered spaces are mentioned, eg. @,@heorem 5; If Y is reflective, then B(X-@Y) is weakly complete and its i;nif, @-,phere is weakly bicompact, "re are 7 theorems and some conclitsions. The author mentions M.G. Kreyn and Card 2/3 1 . On the Spaces of' Linear Operators S/620@60/132/03/02/066 V,V. Shmul'Yan. He thanks S.B. Stechkin for the theme. There are 7 referencess 2 Soviet, 4 American and 1 Polish.' ASSOCIATIONt Matematicheskiy institut imeni V.A. Steklova Akademii nauk SSSR (Mathematical Institute imeni V.A. Steklov AS USSR) PRESENTED; January 29, 1960, by A.N. Kolmogorov, Academician SUBMITTED; January 22, 1960 Card 3/3 GARKATI, A.L. low method of photographic contact printing. Geod. i Icart. no. 10:69-71 0 160. (MIRA 13:12) (map printing) GAFTAVI, A, L, General theorems on elWnation. Rev math pures 6 no.2:293-303 '61. GARKAVI, A.L. Theorems of duality for approximations with the aid of convex sets. Usp. mat. nauk 16 no.4:141-145 Jl-Ag 161. (MIRA 14:8) (Aggregates) (Approximate computation) GARKAVI, A.L. Computer for Btereoptical beight determinations. Geod.i kart, no.8:47.-53 Ag :62. (I'MtA 15: 8) (leveling) (Calculating machineB) GARKAVIP A.L. -I--- . @ ------- -- Electroluminescent light sources for topographic stereometers. Geod.i kart. no.6t6l-62 Je 162. (MIRA 15:8) (Aerial photogrwametry) (Electric lamps) GARKAVI. A.L Best net and best sedtipn of a set in normlized space. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser.mat. 26 no.D87-106 Ja-F 162. (MIRA 15:2) (Agregates)(Spaces,Generalized) GARKAVI A L (Moskva); GOGOLEVSKIY, V. B. (Moskva) Concerning the rellability of reserved devices. Izv. AN SSSR. Otd. tekh. nauk. %erg. i avtom. no.6:156-167 N-D '62. (KIRA 16:1) (Electronic industries-Qua3ity control) (Automatic control) AID,43r. 989-4 i3 June CALCqLATION OY THE MEAN TIME OF NO-FAILURE OPERA77ON OF TWO- - UNIT: EDUNDANT SYSTE MS (USS17", ar G A. L. and V. V. Gogolevskiy. IN: Akademiya. nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. el 'iye tekhnicheskik-h nauk. Tekhnicheskaya kibernetika, no. 2, Mar-Apr 1963, td 29-39.' S/280/63/000100@/005/021 Two-unit redundant s@stems with restorable redundant elements and automatic. i- switching are studied for three typical cases: a) cold redundancy, b) hot redundancy,, and c) !hot redundancy with hot restoration of a unit. For (a) azId (b) two versions are considered, when thd restoration tinie T of the system that failed is a constant 'For case and when it is a random variable di".stributed according to the Wi6only the first version is considered. To determine the mean time of no-failure operation of two-unit redundant sy3tems for these cases, exact algebraic formulas. a, , e derived in terms of 'r, X,. ji, arid is the rate of failures, 11W is the mean restoration time,. and q is the probability of no-failure operation of a switch) . For q 11, these formulas are the same as formulas derived earlier by the authors. (LK] Card 1/1 GARKAVI, Aj Lt- Topology in Banach spaces. Unp.mat.nauk 18 no.11151-154 Ja-F 163. (Topology). (Banach spaces) (MM 16t2) GARKAVI, A.L. ChebysheT and near-Chebyshev subspaces. Dokl. AN SSSR ll@q no.6:1250-1252 Ap 163. OURA 16:7) 1. Predstavleno akademikom I.N.Kolmogorovym. (Banach spaces) GARKAVI, A.L. (Moskva) . Best approximation by elements of infinite-dimensional subspaces of a certain class. Mat. sbor. 62 no.1:104-120 S 163. (KIRA 16: 10) (Banach spaces) GARKAVI, A.L. Criterion of an eleme-t of best approximation. Sib. mat. zhur. 5 no. 2:472-476 Mr-Ap 164. (MIRA 17:5) GARKAVI, A.L. Cdiabyshe- center in the convex envelope of a set Uspe mat* nauk 19 no.69139-145 N-D 164 WPA 18:2) V- .kcassim NR: Ap4o4o434 S/0038/64/028/003/0553/0570 AUTHORs Garkavi,-,A. L. TITLE: Uniqueness of the solution of the L problem of moments SOUROE: AN SSSR. 1zvqstiva. Soriya matematicheskVa,, v, 28, no. 3, 1964, 553-570 TOPIC TAGS: unique solution, L problem, functional actension, Banach space, minimal norm, Hahn Banach theorem, Chebyshev subspace ABSTRMT: Let B be a Banach spacej x1,,x2.....,x, be linearly independent elements from B., cl.PC2)000,cn be arbitrary real numbers. The L-prob;em of moments consists of finding the minimum of the norms of those funationals @f) from the conjugate. space B* for which (xk) (k- - 1, 2, M' are satisfied. A solution of the L-problem of momexts is a furntional f having minimal norm among all the functionals satisfying these conditions. The author Card 1/2 ACCESSION NRi AP4040434 is concerned with finding conditions for the solution to be unique, after noting that the L-problem always has a solution according to a theorem of Hahn-Banach. Orig. art. has& 16 formulas* ASMCIATIONt none SUBMTED; o7W63 DATE ACQs 24Jun64 1 00 SM CODEs MA NO REP SOV: 006 OTHERt 0)6 CarO 2/2 I GARKAVI , A. L. Approximate properties of finite-defect subspaces in a space of continubus functions. Dokl. AN SSSR 155 no. 3:513-516 Mr"64. (MIRA 17-5) 1. Predstavleno akademikom A.N.Kolmogorovym. GARKAVI A.L. (Moskva) -4a@fal-Chebyshev systems of continuous functions. Iz,.r. vyg. ucheb. zav.; mat. no.2:36-44 165. (MIRA 18:5) 'EEG L 51464-65 EEG( VVVI) Pt-UPI-4/N-4/Po-h/Pq-@@Peb A C CS_ _S i _0N - i, R--'*.- W665 W AP501384T. 62-50:621.3,019-35 AUTHOR: Gark aviaA. L _046s@,.Iow) dagp'levskly-, V. B. (Moscow) TITLE: Determining the. meanitime:, of 'failure-free operation of_tvo-unit systems--vithL C witching ce6 ------- control -and@aut'itati@, --devi- telemekhanika - v. 906-93-h J 1SOURCE. kvt6matika i ..26, no.@ 5,' 1901 TOPIC TAGS::.reliability the6jXw-LTvo,@unit redundant.system, failure free operation @Ireliability,@mean.time.b n 4ibir, ea. ABSTRACTi The'reliability o@,tw'o-'unii redundant systems equipped withcontrolling -and switching devices:is-anal@yzed under the assumption that the times of failure-- Vree operation .-for--:each.-tinit-;~nd-for--.the control -device are-distributed exponentii and that failur'es*.of the switching device follow the Poisson.distribution. To de-1 :termine'the mea .n. time T _ori' failure-free operation, two casei3 are considered: a) the down!6'-.`time T. of Ehe ayiit@m io'constant (Tv = const); b) the down-time is a J6 :random process which follows@ he exponential destribution. It b; emphasized that -Athe value of T. for.tuo-unit lFedTrx.dant systems not equipped with--control tiaid J Card @,7 @ I@j GARKAVI, A. M. Rekrasov, Nikolai Alekseevich, 1821-1877 Newly found story of N. A. Nekrasov "Sketches of literary life." @:ch. zap. Len. un. no. 122, 1952. Month@y List of 1'@ussian Accessions, Library of Congress, 'eptember 1952. UNCLASSIFIED. BRONNIKOVA, M.A.; GARKAVI.,_AjS.; MASIS, T.M.; ULIMER, Y.E. Group differentiation of human fetuses (isoserological sptems ABO, WISs, P9, and Rh). Sud.-med. ekspert. 5 no-101-37 Ja-Mr 162. (KIRA 15:4) 1. Hauchno-isoledovatellskiy institut sudobnoy meditsiny (dir. - prof. V.I.Prozorovskiy) Ministerstva zdravookhraneal$%.SSSR. (BLOOD GROUPS) (FETUS) BRONNIKOVA, M,A.; GA.RKAVI, A.S.; MASIS, T.M.; ULWR, V.E. Characteristics of the methods and technique for studying blood group differentiation inhuman fetuses. Sud.-med.ekspert. 5 no.3: 30-34 Jl-S 162. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut sudebnoy meditsiny (dir. - prof. V.I.Prozorovskiy) Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya SSSR. (BLOOD GROUPS) (FETUS) 41f BRONN1KOVA,, Mariya Aleksandrovna; GAiV,.AVI,-.Anna Samoylovna; TUMANOV, A.K., red.; BLI'd1dkOVA, Yu.S., [Methodology and technique of forensic medicine expertise on material evidence] Metodika i teklmilux su- debnomeditsinskoi ekspertizy veshchestvennykh dokaza- tel'stv. Moslwa, Medgiz., 1963. 277 p. (MIRA 17:2) 4- ERMIKOVA, M.A.; Gffl=VI, A.S.; MASIS, T.M.; ULIMER, V.K. Identifilcation of agglutinogens of the ABO isoserological system and P agglutinogen in the body tissues of human fetuses. Sud.-ced. it ekspert. 6 no.101-39 -Ta-Mr 963. (MI11A 16:2) 1. Nauabno-issledovatellskiy institut sudabnoy meditsiny (dir. - prof. V.I. Prozorovskiy) Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya SSSR. (AGGLUTINOGENS) (FMS) BROI.141KOVA, M. A.; G.-VTAVI, A. S. "P~azvit.lyci~,r)oerologi~.-tieskik~, sisten u c.-eLoveku -,, report stfomitted for 7th Intl Cong, Anthropological & Etbnologicall Sciences, Moscow, 3-10 Aug 64. BROUNNIKOVA, M-A.i A.S.j Mu!,SIS, T.M. Deevelc@zenl of the Lewis isoserological sysLer. during the process I of embryog6nesis. Biul.eksp.biol,i med. 57 no-5@62-64 My 164. (MIRA 16:2) 1. ?Iauclirio-is,,31edL-vateliskly jIlStItUt sudebnoy meditsiny (dir, - prof. V.I.Prozorovskiy) ministerstva zdravookhraneniva SSSR, Moskva. Submitteci April 12, 1963. BRONNIKOVA, M.A.; GARKAVI,,_AL&._; MASIS, T.M.; ULIMER, V.E. Characteristics of the development of the ABO isoserological system in human fotuses. Sud.-med. ekspert. 8 no.1:21-25 Ja- Mr 165. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskly instituL sudebnoy meditsiny (dir. Prof. V.I.Prozoroltskiy Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya SSSR, Moskva. USSR/Uedicine - Nmatedes Medicine - Parasites "Study of the Developmental Cycle in Nematoda Streptocara Crassicauda (Creplin, 1829), Parasites Of Wild an& Domestic Ducks," B. L. Garlmvi, All- 'Utdon Inat of Helmintho4 4 pp *DL%k Ak Nauk MR," Vol LXV, 170 3' Concludes that: (1) Intermediate host of Streptoca m crassicauda liq the Canmarus lacustris. (2) Tim necessary for development of parasite frcm egg to invasion lax-vae in intermediate host is 19 - 25 days depending an temperatt=e. (3) Time r' develop- xen@ for parasite In terzinal host (duck) from =z06nt of infestation until mppearance of er-qu in 39/4�T,Bi USSR/@%dicine (Contcl'j Mar 49 feces is 9-10 days. (4) Tz their development frcr4 egg to =ture fox , parasites go through fovx stages - two in the intermediate and t.wo in the terminal host. Submitted by Acad K. I. Skryabin,, 24 Jan 49. 39/419T81 USSR/Medicine Helainthology 21 Jun h9'. Parasitology "Development of the Trematode, Tetramereo Fiesispina, Parasitic in Domestic and Wild Ducke, " B. L. Garkayi, All-Union Inst of Helminthol irmeni Skry-abin, 4 pp "Dok Ak Nauk Sam" vol Lxvi, No 6 In studying the cause of tetramerosis, Garkayi con- cluded: TetramereB fiesispina develops in an In- termediate host such as the Gammarus lacustris in West Siberia. Time of development (8-18 days) from egg to invading this host depends on tesperatum. Development-period in the final host (duck) from. infection to appearance of eggs in the feces of the duck is 18 days. Two development stages are undergone in the intermediate and two in the final host. Submitted by Aced K. I. Skryabin, 22 Apr 49. @119 T,@ k.- f j-) L I GARrAVI. B.L., kand. vat. nauk. Developmental cycle of the nematode Streptocara. crassicauda, diagnosis and apizootiology of Streptocara infections in ducks. Trudy TIGIS 5: 5-22 '53. (MIRA Iltl) (Namtoda) (Parasites--Ducks) GARKATI, B.L., kandidat veterinarnvkh nauk. Clinical picture of experimental strong7loidianin in lambs. Yeterinarlia 33 no.4:37-38 Ap 156. (MLRA 9:7) 1.Krasnodarekara nauchno-laeledovatellaknp Yetorinarnaya opytnEqa stantaiya. (I-ambs--Diseases) (Nematoda) GL M VI, B.L., kandidat vaterinarnykh nauk. A few comments on A.A. ludriavtoey's book "Blood examination in veterinary diagnosis.* Vaterinarlia 33 ;Io-5:84-85 My '56 (" 9: 8) 1. KrasnodarskVa.nauchno-issladovatellskaya veterinarnays opytnaya stantsiya. (ludriavtoov, A.A.) (Blood.-Ibcaminat ion) (Veterinary medicine) GARUVI, B,L, Distribution and natural onsootic areas of streptocarosis in ducks. [with Inglish summary in insert). Zool.zhur. 35 no.3:376-378 Mr 156. (MLRA 9:7) l.Krasnodarskaya veterinarm7a opytnaya stantsiya. (Nematoda) (Ducks--Diseases and posts) GARICAVI, B.L. "' - t' . Ability of Hymenolepis fraterna (Stiles, 1906) lm-vae to develop in meaemterial lymphatic nods. Dokl.AN SSM 111 no.l-.24o-241 N-D '56. ()UL 10:2) 1. Xmsnodarsksqu lauchno-iseledovatel'skWa veterinarno-opytwa stantsiya. Predstavleno aksaamikom K.I.Skryabinym. (TAMORMS) USSR / Zooparasitology - Ho3minthes Abs Joiw :Rof Zhur - Biol., No 18, 1958) No. 81723 Author : Garkavij B. L. Inst :9-Of-g-rV-@ftr--'- - Title :Susceptibility of White Mice, Rabbits, and Guinea Pigs to the Causative Agent of Shoop Dictyocauloais Orig Pub :S. Kh. Kubani. Inform. byul., 1957, No 2, 4o-41 Abstract :No abstract given G-2 Card 1/1 FO. 59 F .--,c - R-ill-Riol. j 37- 'i to x i" c nn "Ol 'hal USSR Zooparesitology. Fernsitic Worrs. G-2 fibs Jour : Rof Zhur - Biol., No. 8, 1958, No 53949 Author : Artyukh, E. S., Garkovi, B. L., Ignatov, 1. D. Inst : Not g;ivrn Titlo : Date. on Holninthof6una of the Kresnodcr Region. -- Mnteriv- ly ps) golnintofruno Kresnodrrskogo kreya. Orig Pub t Tr. Kubansk. s.-kh. in-ta, 1957, 140- 3 (31), 227-229. ilstract : In 7L952-19,3, in shear of the Kromodar region (bnsed on cca:@loto helninthologicel dissection of 6 and a partivl dissection of 52 bodies, end hoL-linthoeoprologicel invosti- gation of 1422 shoop), 26 srocias of hohainths were idonti- fiod. Most nmarous is the nonctodo -rour (vridoly disso-ii- neted are Idetyocculus filcria, Haamonchus contortus). Cos- toe.os frequently encountered ere 1-loniozic oxr!,.nsc, lcrvcc E- chinococcus grmulosus and Tnonia hydetigon,-.. In chickens (50 sar,r.los wore dissoctod) n high extensive and intunsivo invr- sion by 5 srocior is noted. Cprd 1/1 13 USSR/Zoor,arasitolo,-,j - Parasitic Worms. G Abs Jo.,r Ref Zhur Biol., No 1, 1959, 1011 A@A'hor Garkavi, Inst OLisk Veterii-ary Listitute Tit.-'Le New Setaria (Setarla capreola iiov. sp.) from E-Lxopca:. Deer Orits Pab Tr. Omskogo vat. ill-ta, 1957, 15, 2-TI-242 Abstract No abstract. Card 1/1 - 27 - r! r--\ [ 1@ Ff V USSR/Zoopam sitology Parasitic Worms. General Problems. G. Abs Jour : Rof Zhur - Biol., No 11, 1958, 48179 Author : -gLirhgyjx-BAILO Glebova, I.Ya. Inst Title The Development of Cestodes Ilymenolepis fraterna (Stiles, 15,06) and Himegolepis nana (gieboid, lb52 in the OrLanism of' White Mice. Orig 12ub Zool. zh., 1957, 36) No 7) 986-991, Abstract By means of dissection of white mice, infested naturally by H. fraterm and infested experimentally with the cGGs of' :Tis parasite and H. nana) there have been ascertained the miC@Tation of the larvae of hymenolepis (apparently, durinL; superinfestation) and their growth in the raesentery of the lymphatic nodes. Durin[; the Crowth in the nodes, the larvae pass through the same stages, only at a slower rate. Card 1/1 GARKAVI. B.L. Experiment in controlling Dictyocaulus infestations in sheep In four districts of Krasnodar Territory. Trud7 Gellm; lab. 9:69-70 159. (MIRA 13:1) (Krasnodar Territory--Nematoda) (Parasites--Sheep) GARKAVI, B.L., kand.veteirin.nauk; TARNYKH, A.M., red.; TRUKHINA, O.N.,; PBVZNM, V.I., [Measures againat helminthiazin of ducks] Nery borlby s gell- mintozami utok. Moskva, Izd-vo selikhoz.lit-ry, zhurnalov i plakatov, 1961. 81 p. (MIRA 15:2) (Parasites--Ducks) (Worms, Intestinal and parasitic) in- M'""'M I MTCA See 7 '101 13/0 Pedlatrlc5 Sent 40 2445. CLINICAL CIIARACTERISTICS OF POLIOMYELITIS ACCORDING TO DATA OF THE YAROSLAV CHILDREN'S 110SPITAL FOR 1956 (Russian text) - G-arkavi E. A. and LugovkIna V. 11. - PEDIATRIYA 1958, 4 (48-5.1) Tables 2 While in previous years only sporadic cases were noted, the incidence in 1956 assumed epidemic proportions. The epidemic began in June and lasted till De- cember. Nlost cases were ad"tted in July (76). August (58) and September (48). The total number of cases wits 306. 56 of them had aparalytic form&. 48.3% were 7r Cj SAUZa , -, - @ , 2 1.1.- @ z I G&MVI, 1. Ya.; STUM, V.V. -A@% Lixiviation of m&nganess ores from the Dzhezdinski Basin. Izv. AN Kazakh.S& Ser.1chim. no.1:74-102 147. (9LRA 9: 8) (Dshetdinskii Basin-Kanganese ores) GARXAVI, I.Ta. WOMMMjW Use of atungsten electrode for measuring Ph. Izv.AN Kazakh.= Ser.khim. no.3:40-43 149. (KLHA 9:8) (Blectrodes, Tungsten) (Elydrogen-ion concentration) GARUY I, I. Ya. -, STENM. V.V. .---MRPwwwO@N Components of the voltage balance in the electrolysis of manganous sulfate. Iwv.AN Kazakh.35H Ser.khim. no-3:44-54 '49. (NLBA 9:8) (Kanganeso--Blectrometallurgy) 1111"Orsilat Possilifisk ANA elettsit "I"thortivily of the N&ON~ 14 60 16 98000 1. VA. Mmitlervt and V. rr (Amd. M. KAsakh S.S.R.). Zkxr. POW. Mat. (J. Applied Chem.) 23. MAHM tIM.-TIvir ekvlrniylr. 41t-80 S.A. Mn to Ow fom nif Mnfl(k. (NIM.W16 ]IM-M S.A.. Ilth 11.2 pit 2-Pt. flows into the cAthode spwre. anti from lbrrr. thfoogh a diaphragm. into the nwv& rompurtmerit; thi, ouirviot "voilitte I%* the comp". Nin 14-20. IN11.1,1WIt I'll) I."'. 11,M), 314) a. 1. 0. an Al fail railtaide. the 4-fit. I- it _f, ""V'Wkfy IOW IIIP deplMiliOn at JIM In begin itWfrAWq Iftithibracidity ipil KA-2.41; the%loiwol The 0,ollw1m, 1% the Irfruter the highrr the temp. No smooth %ln drjumit% -&rrc obtainni at high pit. 11clow I.. the cathode prArntials AterisLate; the jumpG end breakv Are pm-04Y flue to violution of III partly an At. partly on Mo which in thk mgliovi visAy he ik .ruited trarwitonly. only to be di,aAtIvrd Yrfy rapidly. Cathode IWAC"161% I Are A lirwAr junction (it The Irm al the C@d_,v - a + It log i. with TOW, cotff. & - 0411)-41.241. i.e. about Iwk-r as high A% norm.0. Ancxk prifential, an pure Ph anodr@ are al%n rrpr@fitctl by TaIrl't equation. with b - OM" As ajaiW h - 41.17 in the ahwiscr of Nin- ion,; on Pb-AX 0'@) anod". the roerr6panding vulur% n( h are 11.109 iond 11.11). re-p. On that allroy a,.odr. Ow ant,dr potrotiAl% are by It Of W. k- ", flun on pufr III; coo-cpsentiv. there i@ in the tt@e 4 M-AX W.) an-les r-Ither III... I"jrr Ph no % hio Is NIMS i% formed toorr readilv. Tht vIn% cond. of Art -In.. 4 d-Te4- -,Ih I--- 41M."ing amt. of M"SO'. owillit to a vi.,ONit V effect " I I". 7r. cowl. ecturn ted for viwoily incrr-Ac, -iih inrrr.&*iog UnIt. .1 %fn*4).. N. Thn @ tw For r., .&H the Ab-i@. ot P ential of 'k, Ile rcsul f (N So t nrd cw@ tfie 42694. K 01@rubotke ',,@Jcvlyakh Vcllkoy Otechestra-iray Vo@ry In-tc, y I -n. lunjenko, T. 1. 19'S, -Cl-13. C; leto-,is 1F'rurnal Iny:eh Sldtoy., 116-h . UKOLOVA) M.A.; GARKAVI, L.Kl. Modifications in the buffer capacity of the tissues during endocrine disorders and tumor growth. Biul. eksp. biol. i med. 49 no. 4:57-59 Sp 160. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Iz eksperimentalinogo otdola (zav. - prof. M.A. Ukolova) Rostovskogo-na-Donu nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta rentgenologiit radiologii i onkologii (dir. P.N. Snegirev) Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya RSFSR. (TUMORS) (EIMOCRINE GLANDS) GAriKAVI, L@Kh. Change in the thrombokinase and fibpinogen content of blood during the growth of transplantable sarcoma6 Biul. eksp. biol. i med. 52 no.8:94-97 Ag 161. (14IiiA 15: 1) 1. Iz eksperimentallnogo otdela (zav. - prof. M.A.Ukolova) Rostovskogo gosudarstvennogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta rentgenologil, radiologii i onkologii (dir. P.N.Snegirev) @Unisterstva zdravookhraneniya RSFSR, Predstavlena deystvitel Inym chlenom A1411 SSSR V.V. Parinym. (MORS) (BLOOD) BORDYIJSIIKOV, Yu.N.; GARKAIIII L.Kh,., Rostov-na-Donu) Central regulation of cholesterol metabolism. Pat. fiziol. i eksp. terap. 6 no.6157-58 N-Dt62 (MIRA 17:3) 1. Iz eksperimentallnogo otdela ( zav. - prof. M.A. Ukolova) Rostovskogo gosudarst7ennogo nauchno-issledovatel'skogo institubs. rentgenologii, rad.iologii I onkologii Rinisterstva zdravookhra- neniya RSFSR. UKOLOIVA, M.A.; BORDYUSHKOV, TU.N.; GARKAVI, L.Kh. Effect of stimulation of.the hypothalamus on the growth of transplanted sarcomas. Biul. ekap. biol. i mad. 33 no.5' 111-116 W 162, JMIRA 15:@) 1. Iz ekspoyimentallnogo otdela (zav. - prof. M.A. Ukolova) Rostovskogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta rentgeno- logii radiologii i onkologii (dir. P.N. Snegirev) Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya RSFSR. Predstavlena deystvitelInym chlenom AMU SSSR V.V. Parinym. (MOTH&LAMUS) (CANCER) GALIPER, R.R., llnzh.; GARKAVI, L.M., Inzh. I Determining the coefficient of the nonuniformit, of load along the width of herringbone-gear rims. Vest. mashi@ostr. 45 no.4: 35-38 Ap 165. (K[RA 18:5) AKIKOVA, T.V.; GAKAVI, K.I.: SIWISMIMOV, K.$h. Aniline dying of shespoicins. Patent U.S.,S.R. 77,911, Dec.31, 1949- (CA 47 no.19:10239 153) "- Pf VT@Pr L j 'je4lmjv Z,jp;j,k"` 7uu i l A tho type 41 f(IjIlt I@Ojjfa. r the anu(je , I to' GARKAVI, N. G. Progress made during the Fifth Five-year Plan In the building machinery industry Leningrad, 1953. )0 p. GARK,kVl,._A,G., kancl.takha.neak . Some problems in the theory of the rated output of bulldozers. Strot. i dor. mashinostr. 5 no.losl6-19 0 160. (NIU 13:10) (Bulldozers) 19% I GARKLVI. -, Variant of syphilitic psythoses vith 'jaral;rtic" liquor and their diagnosis. Probl.mud.polkh. 8t573-588"59. (MIRA 13:6) (Psychoses) (Syphilis) (Garebroopinal fluid) aARKAVI, N. L. "Inhibition Disorders in Cases of llatoaOnOus PRYChO1106-" Sub 27 Oct 47, First Movouw Order of Unin Medical Inat Dissertations presented for degrees In science and engineering in Moscow In 1947 SO: Sum No. 457, 18 Apr 55 GARUVI, N.L. E77sterical psychoses. Pfobl.sud.psikh. 8008-324 159. (KM 13:6) (glateria) GARKAVIJ, N.L. (Moskva) Reactive states arising in syphilis of the brain. Probl.sud. Psikh. 9:208-211 161. (MM 15:2) (ERAIN-SYPHIL15) (MENUL ILLNESS) I - - 1@ - . @ ", :7 @ GARKAVI N. L. Reactive states in syphilis of the brain. Probl.sud.paikh. llt2lO-224 161. (MIRA 16 t 3) (BRAIN-SYPHILIS) (FORENSIC PSYCHIATRY) I URKATI, N.S. Result of the treatment of chronic suppurative otitis media with gramicidin C. Test. otorinolar. 13 no.2:77 Mar-Apr 51. (CIML 20:8) 1. Of ths Division for Diseases of the Mar, Throat, and Ross (Head- G.Ta.Grobanyuk), Central Mobile Polyclinic of Stalin Railrood(Scientific Director-P@rof. L.A. Inkovskiy; Read-F.M. Akimov). - . - --- ---- - , .1 11 -S . , @: z:,, @-, @-Z- . I - :. ,tI .: . - ., - z @ t t@-@ @@ - @@ - -: @ '---- - GARKAVI, 0. V. IIEU.A= Vet. Med. see IW DTATDOVITSKIT, L.I., kand. takhn. nauk-, GARKAVI, O.Ta. I . .... Investigating 3tresses in gravity dame built on rockbed. fourAations. Izv. Inst. gidrol. i gidr. AN URSR 9:23-49 '53. (MIRA 11:4) (Dams) v LT.LTWVITSKIY, L.I., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; GARUVI. O.Ta. Study, of gtreases at the junction of dam and foundation where there is a broken contour at the base of the dam. Izv.Inst.gidrol.i gidr. AN URM n:65-77 154. (MI2A 8:4) (Dame) GARKAVI, O.Ya. Influence of spillws.7 face and apron on stresses at the base of a dame Izv.Inst. gidrol, I 1,.-Pr. Alf TIRSR 11:78-91 '54. (MIRA 8W (Spillways) GARKAVI O.Ta. Shape of earth dam slopes In a state of limited eqailibrium. Izv. Inst. gidrol. I gidr. AN URSR no.14:89-92 '56. (MLRA 9:12) (Dams) (Embankments) GARKAVI, O.Ya. Stresses along the footing of a gravity dam in case of different Poisson coefficients of foundation materials. Izv. Inst. gidrol. gidr. AN URSR 15:77-90 '59. (MIUI 12:9) (Dame) (Strains and stresses) Y. Gk@tAVI, O.Ya. Ilarkavi, L.T...) St, litY 0" ;10 c, f r- nt @rr i ral Pr@kl. i ,,o. 'I. (, 1. LI-l"AtUt L:i'-'-,Ol-O 'E -L.-Ot '1: U;3- AiUSTOVSKIY, Valerlyan Valerlyanovich(Arystovslkyi, V.V.1, doktor tekhn. nauk; SLOBODYAN, Roman Tikhonovich, kand. tekhn. nauk. Prinimal uobastiye.GARKAVI 0 Ya,[Harkavi, MAJ. mladshiy naucbnyy sotr.; Diiffii@@[bidkovslkyi, N.M.), kand. tekhr4. nauk, otva red.; Rb-VERA, O.Zo, kand. geog. nauk, naucbvjy red.; DAYJWO, Yu.M., tekhn. red. (Resistance of the shores of the Kakhovka Reservoir to damage by landslides and settling] Stiikist' berehiv Kakhovslkoho vodoskhovy- shcha) shcho zaznaiut' zsuvnykh ta prosadochpykh deformatsii. Kyiv) Vyd-vo, Akad. nauk URSR, 1962. 145 P. (MIRA 15:6) (Kakhovka Reservoir-Shorelines)