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s/196/6i/ooo/o-l1/o2o/o42 E194/EI55 AUTHORSi and Dolidze, G.F. TITLED, Differential phase protection of collector busbars PERIODICAL5 Referativnyy zhurnals Elektrotekhnika i energetika, no.11, ig6i, 43-44, abstract IIE 308, (Elektr~ stantsii, no.4, 1961, ?6-83) TEXTi The article describes a differential phase protection with current-balance relays in which, unlike ordinary differential protection, the starting devices check both the phase and the ,~-alue of the differential current. The operating principles of this method of differential protection of collector busbars are considered, together with the questions of selection and calculation of the phase characteristics of the starting devices and their construction, the circuit for selecting the damaged system of busbars and the use of combined filters for symmetric-al c~omponents of currents. A simplified diagram is given cf a differential-phase protection of busbars having a starting device with normally-open contacts, the characteristics of the starting Card !/4 Difforent ia I phase protect ion of s/_l96/6i/ooo/oii/ozo/o42 E194/E,155 dAvic--~ in a (.omplex plane, the phase characteristics of the starting devil:e, vector diagrams for cases of external short- circuit. and short-circuit on the busbars. a schematic diagram of the differential phase protection with starting device having no!-mally-closed contacts, curves to determine the location of' the centre of the required characteristics as function of the magnitude of the negative error of the current transfo,!-mer and flLte--, -curves t* determine the possibility of exe-,uting differential phase protec-tion with appropriate circuits, a .3~bf-mati-. diagram for selection of faulty busbar system, a dizg:-am ~f combined current fillter and diagram of location of starter Jevire windings and distribution of fluxes in the relay magnetite SvStpM. The introduction and operation of different4al phase pr-te:t,-rn is des~'-ribed_ A prote!:tive 3ystem is ~,onsidered that the differential- phase principle but 4s of high,~-. aton-,itivity than ordinary differenTial prote~_tion cir-_uils and does not reazt to large out-of--balance currents ' so thal, it ~,an be used in a circuit. wi.,th current transformers of high erro-, In sele~t-ng and calculating the phase sharacteristi-i of the Card 2/4 Differential phase protection of s/196/61/000/011/02o/o42 E194/E155 starting device it is assumed for simplicity that during external short-circuits only the current transformers and filters through which the total external short-circuit current flows give rise to error in transformation of the primary current and that there is n'-- transformation error during short-circuits on the busbars, Here the maximum error of angle is 350 and of current +15%. Witt) differential phase protection on current transformers of different transformation ratios the secondary currents are equalised by altering the number of turns of the primary winding of the combin'~d symmetrical-component current filters. Winding data of suitable filters are gi-.-n. It is stated that for reasons of economy the filter cables are located not on the busbar protective panels but at the places where the current circuits run, for instance, in switchgear drives, on control panels, etc. A disadvantage of the differential phase protection considered is that it requires the use of non-standard relays and current filters. Therefore, this type of protection is recommended only in cases where ordinary differential phase protection is insufficiently sensitive and selective. Differential phase protection may be based on a Card 3/4 Differential phase protection of S/196/61/ooo/oll/o2o/011-1 E194/E155 simpler circuit of incomplete differential phase protection if some of the elements connected to the ccliector busbars have current transformers with errors that permit the use of normal differential phase protection. The coiistruction of starter devices and selection of their phase characteristics is carri-d out in the same way as with complete different ial phase protect EAbstractor-s note! Complete translation Card 4/4 ,~ S%7 r A N i i V.0, rnpi. nauk Tjatt-~r itilizat.ion oc' thi, of Goorf-,.tan health ri~scr4*s~, !~, letter to the od-ItUCT. VOP. ' 11~, fiZiCtPr. i lech. f-z. kiill,-.. 28 no.4,365 I.:Ij 'MIRA 17~9~ , Ir.c.., ;~tLr,(I. nauk; GA3-L'.1 1! IKITC' 1 0 ---* St,.Iiy of the dus"ilif-63 of air near stone UlLt.erq ir. quarried-. (:, I, Borlba 3 sa. 6.-123--,29 :64 JU 18:2) -,utut ;,,-.z-noro dela 1m. 1. jr. ra, -,,1r2 Ing :iurl t., nr. (Mirt!! 1~~5) nEti tut Erci g .. GASTMOV, I.F. --- Calculating threaded joints of drill pipes in the case of directional turbodrilling [in Azerbaijani with summary in Russian). Azerb.neft.khoz. 36 no.3:19-21 Mr '57. (1= 10:5) (Oil well drilling--Equipment and supplies) GASYKOV, M.A.; ALIYEV, D.A. "Naftw Biological and ecological characteristics and distribution of some species of the treacle mustard (Irysimum) occurring In Azerbaijan [in Azerbaijani vith summary in Russian]. Uch.zap.AGU no-11:51-57 155. (KLHA 9:11) (Azerbaijan--Treacle mustard) (Cardiac glycosides) ABSTRACT: Some results are staiad on tlum mmlytie bebavior of the tral function of. the operator originating from the differential equation I) of the Enclosure. With the aid of these results., the author obtains, asy=. totes of the solution of theCaueby problem (2) of the Miclosure. "The eu~hor expresses his sincere gratitudeto his mehtor F, A, Le in for criticism ok results." 'Orig. art. has: 15 fmiulas, ASSOCIAMON: none SUwrM:.. I 0,TaM3 ISTU63 ENM: 01 SUB CCDE*. 00 NO RV SOV: 004 003 ~card GA3'fMOV 2 M.G. Si-L,u of differences of the eigenvalues of two self-adjoint operators. Dokl. AN SSSR 150 no.6:1202-1~4'05 Je 63. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Prodstavleno akademikom A.A.Dorodnitsynym. (Oper-atu.-i (Kmitherwitics)) .-L 15472-63 EWT(d)/FG0(v)/8DS_, AFFTG/VFP(0) ACCESSION Mt AP3005425 S/bO20/63/ 151/005/3.ol4/*lol7 :AWHORS: - clasy*mov. 14. G.;-Levitan, B. X TITLEt Sum of the differences of the eigenvalues of two singular 'Sturm-Liouville 9perators .SO1URCEi AN SSSR. Doklady*, v. 151P no.~% 1963, =4-1o17 -TOPIC TAGSi eigenvalue, difference sum,, per~turbation,s Sturm- Liouville operator, boundary condition ABSTRACTt This is a continuation of a study carried out by M. G. Gasy*mov,(DAN, no. 5, 1963, P. 150) wherein a formula was proposed for the case of-two singular Sturm-Liouirille operators with discrete spectra differing from each other only by finite perturbation. Au- thors studied the sum of the differencea of the 'bigenvalues of two singular Sturm-Liouville operators which differed from each other by boundary conditions and finite perturbation. An analogue for Gasy*- mov's formulas was obtained and some necessary conditions were proven! so that the two sequences of numbers and were eigenvalues of one singular Sturn.-M-ouville equation but with different boundary conditions. Three theorems area 1/2, proveds Orips arts has: 2) formulas, Card ACCESSION NR: AP4031754 S/0042/64/019/002/0003/0063 AM1011iss Levitano Be He; Gasyomovp M. Go 'TITLE: Determination of a differential"equation,from two spectra SOURCE- Uspekhi matematicheskikh nauk, Y, 19p no. 2. 1964P 3-63 TOPIC TAGS: differential equation, spectral function,, differential equation deter-i Mination, differential operator, linear integral equation, Parseval equality, SturAt Liouville equation, asymptotic formulaj Sturm Liouville operator 'ABSTRACT: Section titles are: II. Determination of a differential equation from its spectral function 1. On the spectral function of a differential operator 2. Derivation of a linear integral equation for the kernel K(x,tj 3. Inverse problem. Solvability of the integral equation for the kernel K(x,,t) 4. Derivation or the differential equation 5. Parseval equality 6. Classic Sturm-Liouville problem Crd 1ACCESSION NR: AP4031754 1II. Determination of a regular Sturm-Liouville equation from two spectra 1. Expression of normalization numbers in terms of the spectrum 2. Asymptotic formulas for the numbers *:n 3- Inverse Sturm-Liouville problem '!III. Determination of the singular Sturm-Liouville problem from two spectra 1. Formulas for the differences of traces of two Sturm-Liouville operators for' various bodndary conditions at zero 2. Expression of the numbers Wn(hl) in terms of the spectrum 3. One class of,potentials 4. Solution of the inverse problem for the class.Q i 4 'Application 1. Proof of a theorem of V. A. Ambart3umyan Application IL Derivation of asymptotic formulas (1.6.6) andCL.6-7) ~Given two sequences of real numbers /40 R?i #**040094 the authors treat the problem of finding neces"ry and sufficient conditions for :these sequences to be two spectra of one Sturm-Liouville operator or the form ~11.. (z)) y -.0 (0