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GIUJM. I.; XMIN, S. Conference on semiconductor rectifiers. RMlo no.6:57 Js 156. (KLIkA 9: 8) (Blictric current rectifterel MZSKINP SeS., inzhener; GILISH, I.M., inzhenor. Conference on semiconductor rectifiers. Illaktrichestye ne.6:93-94 Ja 156. (KIRA 9: 9) (Blectric current rectifiers) 677 edL. V @AMP rJob da aa6or 00iow (Ssmic(m, v su~bolth i:i~~ , oiebos 1, is teli- to jtjr~aos~ 13Ar I ishcIO!, jr Vol Ga. OvIr vw, IAW covies vr'At Of rouix, st"011% vo rovoco-0) 150000 -pow:?r 1 0 1 VOIAVTO-10~ ojobostvo jotitut , k3eriest 00 SSO* goal- ow cbm G'jLoj WV" osholdr.. x Is, tatut off$ I * gi P44 04's WocbAO % a, tea ca is, so" of W* of Too voctor D. 'p.; Id. 'K S. 0 O"tot Of P;:4,ef).t %"IoGaL. t-P booto"~ On& Tech* r). sool~i&w awl of Maio Chia I t iA 80ow (PAsistall I'sucesi 9-1 Doctov *9+,,Iea 03ity .Cal SO& ica 6 001 IW�i or* P't of CoAdiote 5h. C:9v Ch L Cb. CRrd Iftot1floatlon 444 00imlal J~.O;Ortlss of tL, ii Irv N T-,, if 3,-,;~ A -,-,ffz7 I !gr 77, 17 7 Y7 ~F L 'r. T". F57 T.- W_"~ f F IU L rwIr 7 I LI FY I: TL M RI to be used ZI I a IT T -Wr)7 I r. r) v An A"NA"NIV of the senloon duc- or blou of utIli2&tIOII Of ro p Sao on the 6160trio and mobility of curr I ico i o ent nduatorM S m s n Lrriors oonductonde to r T# 010 the 61) - f ) - (p. On ~&Wloo u ator cow atanoo - (P. u radistio" L0 0 o h f deformatidn s crYitAlli" Adi 01 d hd 4s ous an 7 P iamorp '1L1 of the n=*rical values of basio M M pS 11 PAM IX I II IV ne ;7 1 _r_T -1 fm I. T I d-Y.-I I TrT F 7 TL 7 ?ITT W YC W" O ,1w t O -that the vlo , comm-m - azi s % leatric b0 -As the nduatlilty i tomPerstuft as . th s tr" rlW I " Oldly then In thin , 9 ectr4c cm Id Von W Wds 1 pikus 0. fe, rT. TT , w 7 oorAl 1. t 90" .41 ZZI, q i-r,% me-.= .9.1 .1 1 VIE T_ "thod Of Wo and date N�R M WU rei"90- -iiet- and 1--tr as (2 ti -Me -8 11bans "New" a--- muthor, discusses Plyano"Petic, phoihom*W~ to" of the first type -(I.# in SmOrul 1W ~'o nt o Is corifted by'slootrons $;A not bylome 0aliffiltaneous Aation of the eleotrlo,wAd a's t 6-1 a the cis* of porpeb- a kesAnto consideration 'a t lelds when plvomgnotio phenomena attain their ascriptions.s" given of the Hall effect (p.~ 137) a tio,' field (p. 142)1 of therwimagne'tio-po- pa F"thods used In measuring semiconductor cond 0 U--offect-'(p. 145). There or* 8 d IAgr& SO' and 3, Aft0wis Ims-lat at 6m im) Tw M-4,f Mllk L'I*jP~LAI*iMMIZMMIWZ-~,g~..,.WAr~IM--~7,IR~.XW.-;;.,~t,~IL,4;-r~,~.ti:~,~~~; " I mw I OIL r M 11.1 ...... -6 F I FBI l n . This thOOM CA- 1 41 ).A f or--ths- de sign and- 8 Wi moU ristics (P. 115 ) v8*14. Calculat ion and ~ VJ V. ja Alc h tbo la tt#r ess t& d but al so w ith x u In O"r*tLO VA1 PrIA 01PISS In a nits WjLth t" Per stw 0- e oentrol ratw . lt , V stabIlI zati on, and capao y I . "d dit g65). I spu j N.A.-- IS a y .. T o e at f rom ts o intr slized "Sew f h "W t ocatrol sigg esto d A os SISUIR O t a S' eolf Ic~ ~ ~Vavdn at ar ffs i isin s a P r-I dev e1 opid a bd =TA 77;-1 n -T- )4 Ar e id mml b d ysi s of. br e e ma y th "t6re a . . . . . . 5 of e rm yts JL u stry. Ty pes sista no e therm "O term f ~- j speo if (t lootiora ble ) Aw-' I I 5 a , P. ' U I ti l i -11 typ 2 es (cha T 0 ra P2 oter /2 and o the - of TP 11, .5j / types t :o m . -I 4`Q ; f wit h 1 ndIr*ot h Os o " t h lust ra tionso P "" P aL V -7 ' --., . . , I ~ - . . I- , .-- - 7r,-,.-7 - 7- - S AWW can ' I k . , M b a ined arzir b 1lization Of theIr re'siven f the Cadmium 0 .a , and I*f t FS "- jrA 2 types . T he Iol photore lowing se , lenium photoreffist ~ ( 354)1 d T. gu P- e If l 6u Ids (P . 361 1 soveril types l :rT.' a nd too data are Siv".'. - hnica U bAv or *4068.,~ (20 Sovietp 3..tranq .-,- -A 7A 7t U54 i *,T7 - r- 73 Tmv ~FV RMW -J- I Rp w F I L..4 - - "t',j F., I L IL lb o It. ,, A l t*d'.In'3 tabliaY.-I 'art ~ P"S" 0 -8 rec tlf lars' sssnb'l "f* f tlenlm' 4"A' I rl"-~ . .. W vo2togw,afll U with &a opersti: j7' 17- "7 t a OUrsotifters ot,6 differelAt vil ASA dions4as it OUM* rdatitiers so from 9*N*b r4atuyl 0 v -siloj*rO14 vo2ta or 30 v Do =it I thore t I -reqtirlers of A difforent unit nsloJ6 ~~"dl' ~~200-**.roctifler olio. V. Basic i-PAVOW ttWes of 200+.5F Cv 7-types grd'pre- t phs and diagrams:and grerer4uies'- aw ited' I ---- - - , - - - , - '.., "" ~ '. z, ~ -h ~~ . . . . . ..1 ~`,, -1.1 ~- ; -, d 1; , ~ I 'l- , 1.1-.. - i ~, - 7 1 mm;lllw~- ;~~i I ~~ I N ~~ . t.`%,'.~W;-VU ra Imm., 2.~4.7 700 66270 _"t6t_ SOV/181-1-11-5/27 AUT11OHSt Abdullayevp 0. B-o Aliyevj M. G., Geller, I. Kh. TITLE: The Influence of Impurities on the Strong Field Effect in Selenium Rectifiers PBRIODICALi Fizika tyerdogo telat 1959# Vol 10 Nr 11, pp 1670 - 1675 (USSR) ABSTRACTs A 50,W thick selenium layer was deposited by vacuum evapora- tion on bismuth-coated aluminum base. The first selenium crys- tallization occurred at 1100C in the course of 2 hours. Sub- sequently the samples were kept at 2170C for 15 minutes. The selenium layer was coated with a thin, chemically pure sulfur layer. The working surface of all samples was 12 ~1 CM2. Various series of samples were prepared, first of 99.996 pure seleft- ium. Next 0.016, 0.032, 0.065 and 0.13 percent by weight of bromine were added to these selenium samples. The statistical voltage versus current characteristic was measured in the con- ventional measuring arrangement. Figures 1, 2 and 3 graphi- cally present the results in the temperature range -1830 to +400C for the relations lqRtfU' and lgR:U2. The results show that the bromine contentb considerably influence the field 2 Card 112 strength where lgR begins to be linearly dependent on and U Bew 12/0 11 3/015 91 *3 B019/3056 AUTHORS: llekrashevich, 1. G., Geller, 1. Kh., Tkachev, V. D. TITLE: Galvanic Effects in selenium Rectifier Elements PLRIODICAL: Inzhonerno-fizicheskiy zhurnal, 1960, Vol- 3, No. 12, PP- 1414-116 TEXT: The authors investigated the effect produced by moisture upon selenium rectifiers. In several experimental series, the behavior of the elements in moist and dry air was investigated. The results indicate that by the air moisture in the elements a galvanic ENF Is formed, which is produced by the forming of galvanic couples between the lower and the upper electrode and between selenium and the upper electrode. These two couples act within a closed circle of a rectifier element in an opposite direction. These galvanic effects and their changes with a change of the moisture penetrating into the element from outside are considered to be causes of the fluctuations of the return current and of the destruction of selenium rectifier elements. There are 3 figures and 2 tables. Card 1/2 88M6 Galvanic Effects in Selenium Rectifier Elements 5/170/60/003/012/013/015 B010056 ASSOCIATION: Belorusskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. V. 'A. Lenina, g. Minsk (Belorussian State University imeni V. I. Lenin, Minsk) SUBMITTED: January 22, 1960 x Card 2/2 -1-1 -1."- ; A-MULUMVI A 'GqU-,H, G.B.) KOCIIIN, hLIEV, Scloni-xia ~re,;tiflpr:j involving a bigher cuxTent density, I:.,v, All Azorb.SSR.,S,3rJi4, mat, i tekY. nauk ro,4:51 63 161. (11,111W, 14:12) (E-jeQtTJ:' currunt roctifters) (.31clenitm) )(A 0 0 AUTHORS; TITLE. PERIODICAL: 82536 S/181 60/002/007/011/042 B006/BO70 Geller, 1. Yh., Sharavskiy. P. V. Electric Parameters of Some Types of Selenium Rectifiers Fizika tverdogo tela, 1960, Vol. 2, No. 7, pp. 1441-1449 TEXT: Selenium rectifiers derive their rectifying properties from the formation of a p-n-junction. Cadmiuu sulfide or selonide serve as an n..type semiconductor. The purpose of the present work was to Investigate how the properties of rectifiers are affected when the technological Process of their manufacture is altered. For this purpose, the following rectifiers were investigated: 1) The ordinary maes-produced rectifiers of the type ABC (SrA) (AVS (VSA)) whose manufacture is described in Refs. 3-5. They have cadmium selenide as n-type semiconductor, which ic formed as a result of the interaction of the cadmium of the upper electrode with the sulfur sputtered on selenium. The permissible back voltage for a rectifier plate of this type is '8 - 26 v. 2) The so-called "cadmiumizei" rectifier whose selenium film is coverel with a cadmium Card 1/4 82536 Electric Parameters of Some Types of S/161/60/002/007/011/042 Selenium Rectifiers Boo6/BO70 film. The permissible back voltage is :~!26 v. 3) Tballium-sulfur rectifiers whose upper electrode contains 0.015 - 0.02% of thallium. These rectifiers, besides having a high permissible back voltage (Z't 26 v), poasess also a lower resistance in forward direction. thus making it possible to Increase the permissible current by 100% per plate. 4) Selenium rectif tern of the type TBC, (TVS) with a reversed order of their layers. These rectifiers have the p-n junction not under the upper eleatrode, but on the base layer. They have cadmium selenide as n-type 41 semiconductor, which is formed by the Interaction with sulfur of the cadmium film applied to a thin aluminum backing. This type is digting-jished by a specially high back voltage (some of them work with a back voltage cf 50-60 Y). The working area of all type3 was 1CM2, except TVS for which it was 2.36 cm2. The data of measuremen''all refer to an area rf lcm?. At first, the measurements of the curr-ent-cltage characteri3tics are described. Table I gives the measured values of resistance of four types of rectifiers for 0.3 and 30 v, as well as the mqx1mum values. Table 2 ghows the fall of potential in forward direction. Fig. i shows the volt-ohm characteristics of the rectifiers. All types Card 2/4 82536 Electric Parameters of Some Types of S/181/60/002/007/011/042 Selenium Rectifiers B006/BO70 9how an exponential fall of resistance with increasing potential; only the TVS type shows a weak maximum for small potentials and then a linear fall. In the following four diagrams, In R - f(U) is shown for the four types investigated and for three different functions of U (three different abscissae). These diagrams are discussed in detail. AVS and thallium rectifiers show direct proportionality between In R and U, the cadmium rectifiers between In R and Mul and the TVS rectifiers between in R and U2_ Later, the results of capacity measurements are discussed. The mean effective thicknesses of the p-n junctions for different shift voltages U are given in Table 3. The "cadmiumized" rectifiers show the thinnest junction (3.68*1o-5cm). Fig. 6 shows 1/C2 . f(U) (C-capacity); Fig. 7 shows the distribution of impurity centers of the thickness of the p-n junction, and Fig. 8 Phows the temperature dependence of the latter. Finally, some additional investigations on the characteristics of semi- conductors are mentioned, and their results are collected in Tables 4-6. Frenkell Is mentioned. There are 8 figures, 6 tables, and 9 references: 4 Soviet and 5 German. Card 314 82536 Electric Parametern of Some Types of S/181/60/002/007/011/042 Selenium Rectifiers B006/BO70 ASSOCIATION: Leningradakiy inzhenerno-stroitellnyy institut (Leningrad Construction Engineering Institate) SUBMITTED: January 15, 1960 Card 4/4 AMULLATITO G.B., BAKUMV, X.Ta.9 GILMR, I.D., NASIROT, Ta.l. Zffect of bromine on the characteristics of selenium photocells. Dokl,AN Asorb.SSI 16 no*4:323-326 160. (NIMA 13:7) 1. Inetitu fInIkI AN Averboydshan*oy SSR* (Bromine) (Photoelectric cello) 3/032/60/026/04/13/046 B010 Boo6 AUTHORSs Mamedov, K. Po, Geller, I. Kh., Mokhtiyev,__K. U. TITLEi X-Ray Diffractometric DeterminatiorAf the Thickness of Thin Coats~ on metals PERIODICLLs Zavodakaya laborstoriya, 1960, Vol. 26, No. 4, pp. 445 - 446 TF.XTs The method suggested by V. S. Kogan and B. Ya. Pines (Ref. 1) is in- adequate for measuring the thickness of coats applied to solid metallic foundations. In such cases, the method devoloped by L. S. Palatnik (Ref. 2) can be used. It is based on a comparison of the intensity of two Debye lines re- flected from the foundation and the coat. The coat, however, must be crystalline. The authors developed a method applicable for both crystalline and amorphous , coats on metals. The intensity of a particular interference from the surface of the foundation itself and the part of the foundation covered with the coat is determined. In this case, the change In intensity is solely caused by the weakening of the X-ray in the coat. The method described was used to determine tho thickneas of thin cadmium- and bismuth coats on aluminum disks of selenium rectifiern. A URS-50I diffractometer was used, but any other apparatus allowing Card 1/2 X-Ray Diffractometrio Determination of the Thickness S/032/60/026/04/13/046 of Thin Coate on Metals B010/n06 for the measurement of reflected X-ray intensities may be applied. Measuring results obtained are given (Table). There are 1 figure, 1 table, and 2 Soviet references. ASSOCIATIONt Institut fiziki Akademii nauk Azerb~ SSR (Institute of Physics of the Academy of Sciences of the Azarbaydzhanskaya SSRT- Card 2/2 S/194/62/000/003/040/066 D201/D301 AUTHORS: Sharavskiy, P. V. and Geller, L Kh. TITLE: The influence of thallium on the electrical properties of selenium rectifiers ?"B'RIODIOAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Avtomatika i radioelektronika, no. 3, 1962, abutract 3-4-24d (V Ob. 'Fizika I kbimiyal L., 1961, 9-13) T An inveatigation into the effect of Tl on electric conducti- Ir ty of Se and on the properties of selenium rectifiers. It is shovin that the increase in' tho resistivity of Se, containing halide impurities, becomes less by 2 ordera of magnitude as compared with '1.*','.a*s,- of pure Se, when Tl is introduced. Selenium rectifiers were V/ prepared into which Tl was introduced, either Into the upper elec- 6rode consisting of a Sn f Cd alloy or under the upper electrode in a quantity of up to 0.1% into a Se layer -10-3 cm, thick. As compared with industrially manufactured rec'tifiers, the above rectifiers ex- Card -hi,bit a smaller resistance in the forward direction, which permits Card 1/2 GEUER, I.Kh.; ABDULLAYEV, G.B.; KOCHIN, G.I.; ALIM, Y.G. Rectifying selenium elements suited to currents of higher density. Izv. AN Azerb. SSR. Ser.fiz.-mat. i tekh.nauk no-5:65-73 161. (MIRA 15:2) (Electric current rectifiers) (Selenium) BAKAYEV, A.V.j G&LIER JLAHOV, M.P.; NASLEDOV, D.N.j DORINp V.A.; ZAY SOIDVIYEVR R.A. Method for investigating potential distribution in selenium rectifying cells. Zav.lab. 27 no.10:1240-1242 161. (MIRA 14::L0) 1. Leningradskiy po3.itekhnicbeskiy institut im. M. I. Winina. (Selenium-Electric properties) L 1290h-bl, EWP(q)/W-.(M)/BDS__.... AFn.GIASD..,. RW/JD-, . ACCESSION M AT3002989 0/292*7/62/000/000/0i05/0M5'? AUTHOR: Geller, 1. Xh.; Zaugollnikov-as Yea 0 1 Karageorgiy-AlkalWLy. P. M.; Karimove., 1. Z.; Murywap, V. 1.1 Rechaye t fe-.. .TITLE: Analyzing certain characteristics of oplenium rectifiers Elurport of taue All-Unl n ~onferencc on Semiconductor Dcvices'Se~ Tashkent from 2 to 7 October 196IJ SOURCE: F.1ektronnody*=chzW*ye perekhodyo V poluprovodnikakhe Tathkent.. Iz&vo AN uzssR. 1962., 1 m-j 11 TOPIC TAGS: AVS selenium rectifier,, TV8 selenium rectifier, selenium rectifier. current-voltage, selenium rectifier capacitance, selenium rectifier Experimental data on AVS wA TV8 selenium rectifiers is coqpared vith theoretical considerations. Current-voltage and capacitance characteristics of thcsc types vere determined vithin -120 +160C range. It ime fowA that the diffusion potential decreases linearly aa the temperature increases-which agrees well vilti sorne published theoretical data, Reverse current-voltage characteristics determined experimentally, vith various temperatures as pvxrumetcrs, showed that they represent different exponential functions; the Card 1/2 L L 129OL-63 ACCESSION NR: AT3002989 latter depend on the temperature, not on the type of rectifier slons as was supposed in earlier published works. Differential resistance and capacitance of the above rectifiers were measured within a broad range of Forward a:A reverse cumnt-yolta~p characteristics, a diffusion-potential-temp.%rature curve., and capacitence-voltage relations are given in the article., as well as ~Interpretatlonz of the physical phenomena involved, Orig., art., havi 7 figUrest 1 formula, and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Akademiya nauk SSSR (Acadeqr of Sciences SSSR); Akademiya nauk Uzbekskoy SSR (Acaderiq of Sciences UzSSR) Tashkentskiy gosudarstvenny*y universItet (Tashkent State University) SMMMM: 00 DATE ACQ: 1SAY63 ENCL 1 00 SUB CODE: 00 110 M SOV: 009 OIM: 001 Card S/233/62/000/003/005/010 f f 2 tl A !P1 11 Olt 5: Aliynrova, Z.A., Alakperova, Sh.14., Goller, I*Kh, T ITTZ; Investigation of the terperAture dependence or the Inverzie resistnneo in selenium rectifiers PERIODICAL: Akadoini7ti naulc Azerbaydzhanskoy SSR. Izve3tiya. Serlya- fi,-,"A,Ico-nater,r,.t4~che'skikh I tekhnicheskikh nauk, no.3, J, 19612, 01-e7 TEXT: The temperature dopendence of the volt-ampere characteristics of selenium rectifiers thnt; pass a trebled current density in the forward direction has not boon inventigatod yet. The inverse cur- rent in these elements incranses with a temperature increnae up to SOOC and then decreases, At low tempeivatures the inverse current Increases with a deorease-in-tOMPOr4ture more rapidly than In oom- T,-,On tip Cyr finedt-a--bbow -- that-Ahe -vompersture ch-grixoter-istics - '7 I te: depend on the aviount S/23.3/62/000/003/005/010 Invostivation ol' tho tomporaturne. tration in the n-n transition region in selenium rectifiers brings a better tomperqbire dependence of che inverse current. (2) A minimum is foinid in the hij-h temperature region of the inverse cur- ront temporat,urtj dapendonce curve of selonium rectifiers with gal- lium impurities ind artificial. lwyors of CdSo and CdS. This tmini- mum in aisplacod Lowfirds higher temperatures with a voltage Incraq.- se. (3) Tho offoct of a 3trong field is manifest at low temperatur- es in selenium roctiflors %-.,Ith gallium impurities mlir-h earlier than in common rectifiers with no gallium. Tho woek of G.B. ,'ibdullayov 13 mant-ioned, There are 5 figures. The moat important 7nglish-longuF;ge reference roads as follows: Sall G.T., Noyce R.N., ~hockloy Iffe, Proce I.R.E., v.45, 9. 1228, 1957o Card 4/4 ,kUTHOR: ~.TFLB: Pil#RIODICAL: 3/275/63/000/001/020/035 D413/D308 Gelle EJL_~ and Sharavokiy, P. V. I On the effect of thallium doping on the forward branch, of the voltage-current characteristic of selenium rectifiers Referativnyy zhurnall Blektronika i yeye primeneniyeq I no. 11 1963v 19, abstract 1B 128 (In collectiont Pi- zika, L.p 19629 42-45) U"M The authors have investigated the forward branches of the I voltage-current characteriatice of selenium rectifiers prepared with the upper electrode doped with thallium. The reduction in for-, ward reuietance'of this rectifier as compared with the normal sele-;~ nium rectifier is explained by the injection of nonfundamental. car-: fiera through the eleqtron-hole tranuition. 2 references. Z-Ab- stracter's. note: Complete translation. -7 Card i/1 -1 11150-63 Ms ACCESSION NRt AT3002984 S/29Z7/62,/000/000/0083/0086 AUTHOR: Asessorovq Yu. P.; Bakradzep 0. G.; Geller I Kh ; Grinbarg,, I. s.; 45 Mury*gin, V. I.; Nechayevas R. To.j Smirnov# TITLE% Effect of reverse current on forward resistance in solenius rectifiers (Report at too All-Union Conference on Semiconductor Devices, Tashkent# 2-7 October# 1961] SOURCE: Els1ftronno-dy*rochny*yo parekbody* v poluprovodnikakh. Tashkent# Izd-vo AN UzSSR, 19621. 83-86 TOPIC TAGS: selenium rectifier creep, TVS selenium rectifier ABMACT: Experimental studios of the "forward current-voltage characteristic creep" are described. A considerable increase in the forward voltage drop upon the passage of a reverse current is referred to as a "creep". It Is vw7 pronounced in TVS-type selenium rectifiers., The creep was measured at various temperatures withir. -70+1380, on a--a and pulsating current, at various reverse voltages. Forvard current-voltago, forward voltago-toVerature, forward voltage-time, forward voltage- reverse voltage, and forward voltage-frequancy curves are presented. This explana- tion in offered for the creep: the diffusion potential,, i. e. the contact potential Card 1/2 L 11150-63 ACCESSION NRt B3002984 0 difference betvaen So and CdSel my vary as a result of charge variation in the deep. impurity centers due to impact ionisation. Orig. art. has. 8 figures. ASSOCIATION: Akad. nauk SSSR(Acadmq of Sciences SSSR),- Akad. nauk UzSSR(Academy of Sciences UzSSR); Tashkentakiy gosuniversitet im. V. I. Lenina. (Tashkent State University) SUMMED: 00 SUB COZE: 00 DATE AGQs l5May63 NOW SOV: 001 ENCLt 00 CTM: 000' cflzll~ Cord 2/2 -------------- --------------- ............ ------ - ----- ------ AUT1101IS: Hakayev, A.V. , Gel.-I or, IKh. Ma s I o dov, D N . -ev, R.,% TITLE, Distribution of potential in elements between electrodos s/i3g/63/000/001/012/027 1: 2 0 2/r, 4210 . Dorin, V.A. , Zakharov,P.m., . selenium rectifying PFRIODICAL: Izvestiya. vyi;shikh uchobnykh zavedeniy. Fizika, no.1, L963, 78-84 TGXT: Results of measuring potentiai distribution in selenium rectil'ying clentents in the conducting direction are described. To explain in detail the mechanism of potential distribution between the electrodes, measurements were carried out at points separated by a distance of 51L. Since the thickness of selenium layer varies from 50 to 1001' it was necessary to i;ieasure the potential at 10 to 20 points. In order to carry out the measurements the layer of selenium and the p-n junction region were stripped and a transverse section prepared. Both types of rectifiers, i.e. those with p-n junction between the upper electrode and the layer of selenium, and these in which the p-n junction lies between the layer of selenium and the base, were investigated. The method was based on Card l/ 3 S/139/63/000/001/012/027 Distribution of potential ... E202/E420 measuring the difference of potential between one of the electrodes and a probe, the latter being placed at various points on the Rurftco of the transverse section of the element. A special instrument-incorporating a microhardness gauge of the diamond pyramid typo in which the latter was replaced by a steel wedge- shaped probe was used. Durint measurements the probe was pressed into the selenium in order to obtain reliable results. The width of the indentation made by the probe was 1.5 to 21t,hence the potential could be measured at points separated by a distance of 511- Sincc the probe contact with selenium has a considerable resistance of the order of 108 to 109 ohiitfi, a high resistance voltmeter was used in the measurements. This comprised a potentiometer with a center zero electrometer sensitive to a current of 10-11 A. The measurements had an absolute error of 0.001 V. Considerable care was t ken in the p reparation of the transverse sections. The results have shown that the main fraction of tile potential applied to tile element in the conducting direction falls over the p-n junction region, on the other hand the layer of selenium accounts -for not more than 25% of the above fall. In addition to plotting : Card 2/3 Distribution of potential ... s/139/63/000/COI/()12/027 C202/E420 the potential against the distance over the CdS-(orCdSe)-Se-fl12Se 3- Al portions of the randwich, preliminary volt-anspere character- istics of both types of rectifier were measured on polished and unpolished samples. There ar-e 6 figures. ASSOCIATION: Loningradskiy politeklinichaskiy institut, imeni M.I.Kalinina (Leningrad Polytechnic Institute imcni M.I.Kalinin) SUBMITTM August 22, 1961 GELLER, laaak Khaimovich; KUZIMINOV, A.I., red.; BULIDYAYEV, N.A., Bekhn. red. [Selenivid'rei4tifibrs] Selenovye vypriamiteli, Moskva; Izd- vo *Opergiia, 4,1964. 23 p. (Massovaia radlobiblioteka, no .4V) (MIRA 17:4) I.M.,kandidat meditainskikh nauk.,; CUM, A.V..kandidat iesinskikh nauk.. A portable device for studying Inman sleep by means of actography. Gig. i san. 21 no.2:60-61 7 '56. (KLAA 9:6) 1. 1z Hauchno-tooledoratellskogo Institute, Grazhdanskogo vosdushnogo flota. (SIMP, physiol. portable device for studying human sleep by means of actography) (MOVIKENT In sleep. registration) GELJZR, I.M. 114 ------------- Development of refrigeration in the U.S.3,R. during the period from 1959 to 1961. Khol.tekh. 39 no#6;14 N-P 162. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy institut kholodillnoy promyshlennosti. (Refrigeration and refrigerating machinery) 0 - clel-v I cing zcn -,~hclcs a 3r~,- I d rtr;r-vjgr.,- wir f. khc 1. te kh. 42 nc.~ 150-54 V.-r-At, 165. (ml%l 3. Vser-ruviyy,ut kbn]c