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pe IAI 'n to E Lo 1911 R (71 ERICS) % iwmo Y11 GO Wei%, or atail A I a t jhyjjrf,I In AcMl 110-IM, tile MrTft (from (it" r, ALiUJlYZ', GERICH, I.F. Rosa damascena in the shore area of Lake Sevan. lzv.Ali.Am. .55R, Biol. nauki 13 no.9:47-50 5 160. (KRA 1.3.. 11 ) 1. Lesnaya opytnaya statitsiya ArrVanskoy SSR. (SEVAN REGION--ROSES) L -LL-.:L .K r x L 1, 1 ~, i i -A' - ~/ ) ACC NR, a6o'l 385b 1 SOU"llicE ODE't UR/0276/155/000/011, Gcit6lo46 i AUTHORSi -Gerike, L.; Volchkov, Ye.; Lykuisov, N.; Bogarsu~kov, I, TME; Department of hi()i accuracy cnating with tho use of meltii~; patterna, at tho Kuznetsk machine oonstruotion factory SOURCE: Hof. zh. Peklinologiya, rwhinoctroyeniya, AbG. 11C,36o RLF SOURCE: Tr. lievhotracl. n.-i. proyektzio-tekJmol. in-ta po av-t.Dmatiz. i makhaniz. mashino-Ar. v-.,p. !, 1963, 154-159 TOPIC TAG!i: metni casting, mchine indiv;try AMTTU~T; A cE~stir,,-, department, desip.-_-d by "he 'notitilte for proclucin.7, locr) tollo/year, j -! fleBcribed. ""he proj4~cf, three independc-nt voctiono: a section for low, temperatare meltuin-, patlt,~_-n,3, applicatien of herit, rosistant layers, drying; o,' Hie moldo and burninf,, out the pattorns; a coeution for for-Ang, firiziL, and of the castin,,,o; a section for c I c an- and leachin of the caqtin(;,q.:_Yearly oulpul, will be 1.5 t-ilzoo higher H D011 I 'I c Lhari at the cact'll;~, clepar Fo(lollslc mnc.1--nica .1 A ti~ry and 2-5 tim-0 ld,,,ht~r ',.hwi at tho e_TitAing ettating deparLment of Hie Kuznot.,.ik flL(A().t-'r. 4 illuctra_ Lions. Bibliographl of it titlou, L. Ymovokaya ZTranu'Lation of abo'tract7 SUB (Mi.6; 13 Card 1/1 UDCt 621-74-045 GKRIIGI,P.A. Urgent needs to help provide radio service to regions of the Yar Northern. Vest- Bviazi 15 no.9:24 5 155. (IGRA 8.12) 1. Nachallnik otdela radiofikataii Khanty-Manslyukoy okruzhnoy kontory svynzi Tyumenskoy oblasti (Rubsia, Northern-10dio) GE~iI~'Ho ~ , Concorni:-g a cwtain rircidt o,.' a tons comperix.tod EMn regih%tor~ (j J;~ 4 Vest. sviazi 2~1 n 162. A I ~' 1,-" 7) 1 . ZIaveduyushchiy labor-atoriyoy Odeaskogo Plel:trote-11michoskor-o instituta svyazi. (F,-,dio-Equipment and supplies) (144io I'iltors) DAT-,107, L.Ya. , "-w) (I . -rat!-I. i~auk; 'EERYP' ,P. Gave uc progrifific"- Ly ELICPA:os ll-ush. 41 gin. 39 no.4:122 J2 o 3 NlFu~ it,,:i2l) T,7, Llvc)vskoF- materinstva i detstya (dirow- kads, bids I... - - - GMING, Kh. Germination of rye pollen on artificial media. Nauch. dokl. v:ra. shkoly; biol. nauki no-1:158-161 16o. (KIIIA 13:2) J.Hekcm6ndovana kafadroy genatiki i selakt:~ii Mos1wvi;k-orc f goslidarst- vannogo univernitsta im. M.V. Lomonosova. (kve) (Pollen) GERING, 10i. Overcoming the inbreeding depression in the germination of rye pollen on artificial media. Nauch.dokl.vys.shroly; biol.nailki no.2:187-190 16o. (MMA 13 -4) 1. Rekomendovana kafedroy gonotiki i selektuil Moskovakogo gosud&ri;t- vennogo universiteta im. M.V. Lomonosova. (INBRMINO) (POLLEN) (RYE BR19MING) MING, Kh.; ZOR-D)bI, T.K. Effect of toriparabure on tho Irocess of fertilization and develop- ment of in inbred corn. Dokl.AII SSSR 13) no.5:1243-1245 Ag 160. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Mosl,:ovskiy gosudurstvannyy universitet im. V. ~ LomonoEsova. Predstavlano akad. n.L. Kursanovym. (Corn breed.'.ng) (I lants, X. i'ect of temperature on) (Inbreeding) GERING, KH., CANo Bio Scip "STUDY OF THE PROCESS Of I 1 , 'I , HATILI-ZA-TIOV AND DEVELOPOENI OF PROGENY 0i.40041t INBREEDING OF RYE AND CORN." moscov, , 1960 .~MOSCOII STATE UNIV IU KI. V. LomONOSOV). ( K L 1 3-6 1 , 210 ) . 132 GLRI IT ,G, Kh.F.; MITCEMKOVA, T.A. Physiology of corn plants varying in viability. Agrobiologiia no. 3:383-389 Mv-Je 161. (IMM 14: 5) V 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imoni M.V. Lcmonosova, kafedra. genetiki i selelctsii. (Corn (Maize)) Gl-`A-.G, Kh. charo-r!:; i!. I-or'll"'itlorl irAnnalty durinf- tilr, [""n-triatAr" of rrr-,l seeds . Vf~'St. :'osk. tin, , Ser , 6; Bio.1, 1.6 nc . .3 ; 1.5--'l ','y"Je '63.. (-IF~ 14:6) 1. ;~M',:,dra icafedra ge-,r-tki i selel,-tsii 1-loskovs,!.:cc,c, gosularstven:-opo univers ~ teta. ('Uerminat~ :n) (?Iani-s---'Rps~iratic7~', (Corfi Wa-i7c, GERING"9 Kh,; MITCHENKOVA, T.A.; BARSUKOVA, M.D. --- -- _- __ Overcoaing of self-sterility and deprension Ln the P_-oggeny of in-bred rye. Dokl. AN SSSR 136 no.2;460-462 161. (PaRA 14:1) 1. Predstavleno akademikom T D L nk (Rye bre;dInj9e o* S/169/63/000,/001/043/062 D263/0307 AUTHORS Gering, S.S. and Shetinina, Yu.Ya. TITLE: The results of experimental investigations concerned. with poinc-sampling of poly-metallic deposits PERIODICAL: Re'-erativnyy zhilrual., Geofizika, no, 1, 1963, 13, abstract 1D65 (Tv. Aittaysk. goruomctallurg. n.-i. in-ta, 1962, v. 1-2, 110-112) TEXT: 'The results of studies concerned with point- and groove -sampling are given (cf. table), allouing the foltowing con- clusions to be drawn: (1) The divergence of the mean contents of metals, obtained by point- and groove-sampling, are slight (2-7'0) and bear different signs for different sets of gamples and for dif- ferent metals. In single pairs of samples the mitounts of positive and negative divergences are roughly equal, indicating the absence of a systematic difference between the 2 methods of sampling. (2) The mean square divergence of the metal contents and correspond- ing variation coefficients were considerably higher for pairs of Card 1/3 S/169/63/000/OOL/043/062 The results of experimental ... D263/IJ307 point-samples, showing that point-sampling is more representative than groove -sampling. The exact t-Eming of operations showed that collectiun of point-samples resulted in a 3ZX, -,avijjjr of time; the efficiency of the latter method should also 3ncrease after a tima, when the procedure is r,-,astered. Table: 1) Metals; 2) Sample group; 3) No. of sample paLrs; 4) Groove- sampling: 5) lloint-rampling; () Deviations o'C mean contento in point- and groove -samples, %; 7) Mean error, 'to'; 9) Mean error, %; 9) Diver- gence variation coefficient; 10) Abaolute; 1.1) Relative; 12) Diver- gence variation coefficient; 13) Absolute-, 14) Relative; 15) Absolu- te; 16) Relative. f~bstracter'Lg note: Complete translation Card 2/3 Thc- re-oults of ex7) e r iTne 11 t,,, 1 Kom rin V C; IT) 1 cuitricidjb C ml, C it Cnimeul' ktlm,:K ~n I .K Zn HK McAb Cu Aim Me At, U Ataffi, C 1-1 2 2 s 1 4 4 3 9 10 20 77 0.22 15 2g 0,22 .1 a0, F, r, 0,.'g : 67 G"5 - 11 0'.-7 31) 0. :r, ! 11 23 71 O'a2 12 0,01 12 30 117 0,:o i 15 117 A 6 9/6 3100 C'/" j2631" ' 07 ')(111/043/0652 0 3 12 3 4n 0.11 I (M)R 6 72 o~ i I If Id O'l 7 y - 22 O"If, 35 0; al T 45 J'al 3 ),Oi 3 --rt, io -7.D + T.7 j , 0 7 +2.2 1 -- +0'a. 4-0,01 - GERING, Tibor The npw,; hi gh -teru, ion cionf.)d mo t ox- wi th ;~ nj vo hur. i on. ni ~i~-v~ prujALred by the Klomont GottwLld ~.Ioctdllo- Elektrotachnika 55 no,2/3.123-12J, FAtr 1(3~. GERil"G,~l-, ~.- , conoll] C~ll Usu, of fruight carzi , Va3Ut, I) 'I - 10 F '6) L 0 -. i , , - xr. ' :,p ,i; - 1*'.!-5,--r,--r tr,~- ~xl -' T~.i : :', Pflic 1%;l, ~-r. V; 1 --,1 " , - 1 1 ,, I t,4. GERI ~,",7'j , " c 7,1: , ' -- ' 11 , . - : .1 "ca-1 I , -" , .I ~o 1, '. -, . r ..I . , -- GEEI.~GIIICV; Stolcho, gl. inzhoner; D., inzh., g1. konsrv--,'~t~r I Realizaric.r. of rl-conomy froin, carlmnide ~,,Iue. 5 lic-2:10-11 162. 4~ 1. ~arzhavno industrialno predpr-,iatie '123 dekemrrill, Sofiia. TOKC-i, ~. A, , ll,a'.e,~!'t 'h, V. 1, : i ! ~ ., s tAit'd.,3 0, tne level rqv,~r-,, (~f th-~ S I, a bi:! I! nka f I eld. Gaz. da' r, I A. - - . . - l6rl. OMIRA 18-91) 1. Sliebelinvklye gal-c-promysloveye upravleniyo, I ,-~kv I '! 7 1 , ~ 0.", !~ I r "r.- I C. ~ i rb i 11 , I A , t (, U Uieu I ')t,. I U) , ~,.r, dir :!e-ree -:octor of :'istorlerd Sc!F~nc-,7, bp-.c-d on iiins '-fem7r-, 11 Janurtry 19~1, in the C,,-i!,cil of U:e 1,i9t. cf ~!IfAor v lme,il, D?:hi-ii001 Lthv Ill. iq critltlr-d: "Fro!T t~e of F(J(,-,,,-Ll in post-L'uOril Creort,,I,t," (Satsiv~t-;-JeFnelirleO Acade!ric -id/or title: Doctors of -clences "0: of' V,~X, LLIT no. 4. Febriary 19q, -3yidleter.1 ''T ":S", '.'o. 1, January 1957, Koscow, ')P. Uncl. GERITZ, Waclaw The foundations of propapation of technolopical books and prers. Przegl techn no.40:3 5 0 160. , &;t ~ , 'ji-t - i ~,~ , Pit!': . 1 r, .,. . M~~ -,-.ui se of tho For ~ ival :)f -'.-Inol ot, I cal Pmk3 ind Press: ;n 1961. -Lechn nc,.'14~6-71 Ap. 162. GER j7, GERITZ, Wacl-law, mfg. inz. Aflapt,nt.J(,%n of tociijilmil br,(,](.,i and presii to the mmdn and re- quirements of the receiver. Przel3l techn 8.1+ lic)-.'+I:.3,4 13 0163 1. Sekretarz Kcmisji Upowszeclaiiania Ksiarki I h-asy Tech- nicznej, Naczel-na Organizacja Teelmiczna, lierszawa. GFRIYA, G.M. Merson) "Fradicntton Me.hod of Tric'.,,omniasis and Sterility on Sovkhozes" i'enort rivon ,it I-Ith intor-VILI, ('!Itter Eilucational Irists.) Scimitific- T ' In-histrIal ColifPrenco, held Fobrunry, 11.66 at Klov Vi~t [111q. GER-JYEVA, Muza Kharitonavnat kand. -teaklui. nauk; BAMCKOV, G.Q*., red.; DAT- RIYEVA, Ye.U., tekbno red. [Now special-purpose cement] Vovyi tsement spetsiallnogo namache- niia. Ordzhonhddze, Severo-Osetinskoe knizhnoe Izd-vo, 1961. 74 ID. I (MIRA 1-4-8) (Cerent) (B411M COMPOUI-AS) KUTATELADZE , K.S. ; GER iYLV A y I I. rial. .. .... .~: "i - " ' A - G-ment conW-ning br~rilirn Unrl :1111"AO. Soob.111 Ur-it. SSR 26- n,- .-1 127-312 Ja 161. (MIRA 14:3,1 1. Gruzilitikiy j:olitokhnAchu,-d,-J.y WoUtut imod. V.I. Loninap Thiliol. Fredstavleno chlenom-korrasoonde-tom Akadeudi P.N. Tavadze. (cement) A IJ T 1 ~ OR Z ll:u,~elpdze, K, TTTL;" e ra t iv ny v u rn ~t i~ya no qt AN Gru.- SSR v, nr~ T',"XT: Bll~nd~i of gazhal: wish birite ~Jir'.d N I t lie I'l t,~W bar: umi e-.i~n t s ui 'Libl~ for I r.,, -~p t nd ~7m~ wz~'. coricrptesard the I D~,l [Atstraccr.,.,", ncle: not be it!ertif--l Coal (~5~) cis guided to rt,-Iuc,~ *he n,-.- lea,l -,c an in-i-asp -',i In 0 fD 0 u 3 1 1 c -a -..nd spsju-,oxide are com--ned in ar, :irpr~vr- .7e btlr~ ;m all'i a u: Cemerl,5 b~tF;-A n mixed of 3 r I e The ~,,,timum llyAraulll- io of ~J'i z hl-~ ar.~ barite with a S i -I- ca 7: e n t. r i. -,,tr~,n~--n -,I' und o r,? o r. n and c A. i'k -- -. ~, 1 P, 0 - ncte Cc -7 1 - d V g . OVOSHCHNIKOV, M.S.- BAWKIN, P.Ya.; GERIYEVA, V.D. Modern technical means used in X-ray examination of the breast. Vest. rent. i rad. 39 no-3:45-50 W-Je 164. (MIRA 18:11) 1. Fi7.lko-takhnivhpttkly otdel (zav. - lsurdat Goitudai-aLvennoy premli M.S.Ovoshchrilkov) Kiyevskogo nauchno-InsledovatAll- skogc rentgeno-radiologicheskogo instituta. Diffzrentiation noneaking coals 16o. caking coals and loan Koks i Idiiu. n0-5:9-10 (MIRA 13:7) 1. Ukrainskiy uglakhimicheakly Inotitut (for Miroshnichenlco, Shtromborg, Davidovich, Kaplun, Matalyevich). 2. Stalinokly kokookhimicheakiy zavod (for Potp-shnikova, Kullmn.n, Gerlanets). (Coal-Claosification) MIROSMUCHEIZO, A.M.; SETROMBERG, B.I.; MATSIUVICH, L.F.; POTA:~IINIKOVA, MIAOTS, b.M. DAVIDOVICH, A.Z.-, UPLUN, M.M.; KUL'!", R.I.; , :;i , , , r . i - - i ; :, - , -~, . I t I - . ~ ; C; !:" M I, f; . 1. f'o.; 1-1, , !:. I ~ rt ~1,1, !t,* .; -),L k 1 n . .-; t -~ k . I ?. E! 1 , .~l - . . ~ ; ~': - -, ( r f'. ~, . ,. I I ,'.i~A i-I ~ 1 R: i ' ) ~ ~hv Z 9X : -w.-, ,!' i~, ; r.,, ~,,; ;,! ~ 1 .--. ", ~ 1 , " z. : ;,, ,~: " ~) " ", , ~ : ~ - 0- W--9- flF * 4- t -9 -0 A V u g. w 0 w , j o .9 l b 0 0 0 0, 0 0 l 6 w :p 1 L I- w It 1. 11 1, 11 a 10 It I 1) 411 4 1? Is a A z rwbwmm of view sw thowwwau". - : 4 A 1950 ~ 7 T - r llm.. h, M 7 . (% 1], .11, ) INOA 6-year PkA ACV thmji:i; g-1 VI f 0* 0 0 a a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 W~219 ~= a 0 or MOOA BDIDANOVICH, A.K.; GKM, A.A., nauchnyy redaktor; SOKOLOVA, Y*J., tekhnicheskiy'libdaktor, YASHCHURZHINSKAYA, A,B. , ved. reduktor. Fossil foraminifer& of the U.S.S.R.; Miliolidae and Peneroplidae. Trudy VNIGRI no.64:3-338 '52. (MLRA- 7:12) (Foraminifera, FosBil) VASUMMO, 7.P.; GMM, A,A-, rodal-tor; YASHCHURMINSIUYA, A.B., radak-tar; SOX01CIA, TG.V., teI,-'nrAchoskiy redaktor. Fosvil forn-i-if',qra of the U.S.S.R.; knomalinidae. TnA7 VbTIGRI no.80.3-203 '54. (MIRA 8: 4) (Foraminifora, Fossil) GER , A.A. On ,. new -,-enus o,' Perniar, nr,,~on--r4frorm foramini" 6r-. and & More 11 Drer~se iefinition of the clvir.-ictuis tics of tne ~,tlnus Nodos:ria.,-,o paleont.i biostrat. 17:41-59 ")) - (MIRA 13:8) Vora-Anifnr,t, Fossili GEML, A.A. ~'rundicularla f,om Pe.-mian, Triassic, and Llas~;Ic imdj~mjnts in the nomhern pirt of Central Siberia. Trudy NINA 127'.TI-175 %2. (MRIA 15:12) (3iberia-Foraminifera, Fossil) HESVEROV, Ll.'., SYSIN, A.N., CEU~E, A._ ., YUMK, L.11,1. & KIATE1XV-El, L.1".. (Nesterov, A.N., S~ysin, A.N., Gerke, A.A., Karlik) L.V.) & R-,~.jten ever., 1 .1.1 (Eds) "Epidemiology ainic,-~l Fonturon, Treatment and ProplWIx(Is of Tularfaia." Hedgb, lloscow, 1941. Note: Those n m-es given in bra,-,kets are collaborators who ire not members of the Taxasevich In,,-tibite. A. A. 20116 A. "'. "edlia~-,tinitv voyenno7c i -u"L 7. S%, i voprosy irrodnay Pirur,-Ii. rL,)) n. I I SO: LTTIOPT~ 7'r'7jT,'!AT, , I.1ol - 27 , VOSi-, ~l , Y)L[" . GXRKR-, A.A.. doktor meditsinskilch n&uV "rtitngton; pathegonasts, dimpwnis and thtram,. Vop.pat. serd.-nos.sist. 4 no.5:3-13 '55. (!(LU 13-1o) (19PERRMION) a&M, A.I., professor (Moskva) 'Adhesive paricarditisO by R.Y.Bogoalavakil. Reviewed by A.A.Garka. Klin.mad. 34 no.11:89-90 N 1~6. (i(LRA 10:2) (PXRICARDITIS) (1300WIAVSKII, R.V.) GM", A.A.j professor, Xosirva, B-64. BXiariton'yeviik-iy per., d.12, MLIK-ARUTINOV, A.D., kandidat meditsUskikh natak (deceased] Etiology and clinical aspects of diaphragmatic hernia [with summary in English, p.1601 Yest.khir. 77 no.4:76-86 Ap 156. (IILPA 9:8) 1. Iz terapevticheakoy kliniki (dir.-prof. A.A.Gerke) i rentgenov- akogo otdelaniya Inatituts, akoroy pomoahchi im, N.Y.JklifosovIlkogo. (HICRNIA,DIAPI"RAGRATIC etiol. & clin. aspects) IKPKK, 3rof. (Mcscow) _;:V "The official iepcii 1.,:l 1; v q,G, M.S. ?ocorc-.R. Roviewnd by A.S. Go,-icg. Mlsd.sootra I" -~o.~:Isl Myl;8 (MIRA 11:6) ( LPIEC US ) 'BLOODLETTING) GM", pro'.; HATAT, V.S., Prof. "~~irirlcal therapy In mitral st8nogtfi." Reviested by A.A.Gerke, V.S.1laint. 23 no-7:155--'I~fl JI '59. (MU 12- 11) (MITI" VALVE- -6TR(',NHT) GER?l j -'~ . A. A contlover.,iial All thl- -.nd nomenclaturo of For,,uninife-ra; emendation of the genera Armiodiscus and In-volutinq, Sbor. 3t. po ~.alpnont, i biostra-t. no.19:5-18 I (If 111A 1L+ - " ~ (Forwinifera, Fos--~11) GERKE, A. A. Clinical aspectv of omplicated hernias of the eaopY.P-,,-.eal part of the diaphragm. 38 no.6324-29 Je 160. (Y.-TRA 'L-,:12) (DIAPHRAGM-MIA) AiM, Alelsey Aleksandrovicb; I'OPO'!, Yu.N., dokto~- nauchnTj red.; DELifiALY'i , vedushcldy red.; Cil*;iNILD ITINA, tekhn.rod. [Foraraiaifera of Pbrmiim, Triassic, ard Lias sediments of oil- bearing provinces in the northern part of central Siberia] ForaminiXery Permgkikh, triasovykh i leiasovykh otlozhenii nefte- nosnykh raionov severa TSentrallnoi Sibiri. Lenint'rad, Goo. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo noft.*i r,orno-toplivnol lit-ry, LenirCr. otd-nie, 1961. 268 p., 222 plates. (Lenij4:rad. Niuchno- issledovatel'okii in8titut goologil Arktiki. Trudy, vol. 120). C-IIII'A 15:8) (Siberia-Forarainifera, Fossil) 7 [Ui)i)er Urt~~'Uicecus foraminif,,rs of the ,',lrgysh1ak (lescription, phylogonctic char-LCLeristieB of soiii,~ groups, idc an,;dy~,,i,,0 vori-Jaw-m moln i;oLuodti-eva upiounie.. Aliemy filorenii il-,kutorykh ::riil,,p i Ljnin[-,r,,tdp zwl't- i Epriw- to;,kilvitui I it-ry~ Lordvqr.oLd-n.'o, I It'. Trudy, no. '; 71) 14: c (~.laili-ysllak P,3nin2ult,-I'crLLaiiiii'ei-~i, GERKE, A.A. Rectcglandulina from Permian and lower "Osozoic sedinents in the northern part of central Siberia. paleant. i biostrat. no.23:5-34 161. 1 (MIRA 15Q) (Siberia-Foraminifera,FQssil) SHVEDOV, N.A.; USTRITSKIY, V.I.; (;.Y,- - CIERKEP A.A.; 30SIPA"ROVA,~J.P. Y Nell stratirranhic scheme of upper Paleozoic Peninsula.' paleont. i biostrat. (Taymyr Perdnsula-Geolog -y,Stratigraphic) sediments in tile Taymyr no.24:12-15 161. WIRA 15t2) GERKE, A. A. Tumors and cysts of t~c diaphragm; runiey of 4,'h-3 li tang "lire. GrA. khir. 4 no.3:123-1,24 My-Je 162. (Mim I': : 7) 1. Iz 1-~ Moskovskoy bollnitsy (glavnyy vrach - dotsent V. G. I z (DIAF)IRAGM-TTIORS) (CYSTS) V V IN W W " , " Tj V r- 3t I, Itt I Mv A, b C. ",11crochentleal M,thd. of Con. tr-1 MaUng Whit. F ; i;crkr, ;I 1 " z ev&L and V 11 Zver,vrt Pl,, f-phitinq4l'-d M,Fql F..Llhinq v I S'pl 191A "1 59., O'l I"K ,, hfili No i W.1 lractmy twh . and for hronminj pj;wtjr,x it 9.16A1 I V U I a, It of at (I I,( If ~10 0 0 & # 0 0 0 A, 9 0 0 0 0 0 41 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 *,- 40, 10,00#6 0 Of 0 0 0 0 9 0: : 0 0l 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 k 0 0 0 0a 4e 0*1 CO 0 !309 so so zoo boo too lkoo 41 M 0 IN, v 9 0 IF w 0 A It., I I he .4 ill lj.Nj)I o1j.1 IK,,,, mt,- on .44-6 10" N.Oll fit, d k,, ~~ F~It' 1. 0 -.h 14 1.14 . lwullglue thr 1,111411 -Ill It.\, '. 4-M I-L't Al'till), by cdculully nrillmlemal -I'll '111.011 I'iit" 00 .1] Ih, 1~11( . tagulle. -tigh 410 ".,-t I., '". 1-Y tj..lmtt 0 .111 111: All'i Il.N P. Cho- 111.11. ze 0 aft .00 we 0 0 0 n 4) it W% '! 0 0 a 0 ; ; - ;If i ti i il:* o!# 0 0 9 9 9 . - , - - - 11 14 11 1 1 4 3 11 A 11 It A A 1 1 6 it III III's A 4 1 . f. 0 0 DeterctinAtbou of oultur to aftc4l mteelm "d ust Lium ~ K (' - 1,0 1 ~,., 0 Z.1todsk 1 1 ctkr ## . . . , .",! introolln'b"I ow., ,II;," HI limm "" All, l'o. .-dim 11t.I.Jul r'I On lw,t t fill i Of A 0 a 0 S 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 6 9 e 0 0 #10 0 9 r Sill w t o a 4w L f to IS to JUlud determination of a'Aflir in li'm And St.#( And simliltaneous ditiffniftAuuti fit Wlhif And c4lch,ti 'it "" 040 1 .K. (;~Irkc: 4zl,l 1 Kwdj~"W. /a; 9:: N1 J'klt) d C A 29. A' d ~1, ,,,- t; 11, ~k o-I.. " -0 0 A 0 0 1~1.- 1-:1. tmI0,:n I t~- - " ntm , Ot, 11;~, "p, old I'' 00 15, it to w 0 ....... ... . ... .. th, V,t pf-ful, 1, 0 4h , it 0 to oh igmtol intl aml iw~, lh,ld 41--i- - -00 00 -mr . r,p . 14) 'Ild " " Iht, KI . Ml.~ -1,1 kl wA i It KPI, it, I I 11,l, .%I!,( IN. ." w:Ig -hqv, m, ok .1 . ~-w-t , i 0~- hol, 1~ A I 11, 1 I'l AtI,10.1 "'ItA 016. M"", 40 00 It 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 lo 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ml 4 0 0 a 4 0 0 0 0 to 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 - ! : : : : : :~: : '01 #wow i i i Co a 6 0 0 0 v w - - 15 14 -1 1 P n 14 A h V a 11 r. V I. u m a 1. 1, ft &1 4) in Ima anj (;Vtke an't N~ V, bqol.;v~a. 4 % 11) j , , 110111, A A~ ;U)-,. somph. 1, if ,#I V1, I(, ,, i der. totiffle .tils"r III a CIIIII lit of 11, 411,1 11, IIM 1. tnit"I Nto :to 'K ',it .116st IAli WK A r1c. 1W 0 - *1 54 -3 Al I I La (I I r. 40 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 a 4 111 0 0 0 0 0 0 I a A 4 0 * 0 6 4 0 0 0 0 8 4 * 000 ---------- : 19: 0 0 0 a 0 0 of 40 0 a Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 141 0 0 0 0 0 0 to 4h a 1 1 put , 1 1p " I qu..p fill, All 4-,u fill ~Uit,~MjAo L)" 1 ) ~ . )'n I lm. mulli'mit J~l 1 1l, wp fill of ftAo ww'f[ml, 11 M '11111M.U JUVIUM1110A -i1.11 (c) 'Siolavylivio qn,u t 00 Iqj '11YIj Illm joil; all'It.1.1 0 o!-Qj. v 111 111. -1 - *pj.0v.,jj ljojw'J-, ' I.A.1,11 "I fm 1.111 Will oll"I 7 00 C, 00 w MlIrl.111 m 11)'I% jim.4 so I ""vill .1-111 ajjj!j j- 00 %1 .1 "sAoIrV nj p- tumultunIV ul spIto tvaju!mnIV to oommu"&a. be 00 0 11111,; 00 0 00 00- 00 00- i 0111111 66- . to 66. - '' 1 1-1111 - ~-, .. - - 00 ., . 14 7 1 k 0u if n 4 if 0 Ill Q~ 0 0 C, 0 0 0 lit ZU a a is a a so 0 0 a a 0 9 0 0 a as a & a a & a as 0 o 0 0 40 4 0 o 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 ' ' B A 11 n I fit 11 A I A A N LE ' ' it 6* 1 L 4 L I it x j L a m F 9 N v I : J, . of Analysis of nieficlal ofe~rls withatioull ounilm-rofietniploo k. Oefk, And .14 V /m I.,,i 4, 2M Ki 1W.'o A pt- dim. if lit 1 h, .-Is - of . .1-1 N., I. '. X 'I'd M., .1111 1~, - 14 mit 3 witloir wtighmet, Afi,t S err ilviA 'n 1 .1.14 "1 .1-11 Mr,' k '. % . N.. .,I,t L 11.1, 111-. bill, 0 06 00 00 Of Of 3 741 * I if a et r -40 n to v At it j if it 0 '1 It 0 0100 0 9 * 00 0 0 0 ! now so of j off 111 0 111 6 6 4-0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 1 .4 so 11 ow u w A to a a 1. a .1 4; '1 oi~vo I I -A 10 (.1. MU 0 Analysis of Malti- M(p obtained in smelling I)f jp4cW V4141,11L F, K. (;,Ikv at,.1, /-T"4 7qv'4ik')~ I 1.lh 4. 7,111 43Q(111~ It- - -00 Fee rot 0 ties L Ilk, .1 1 1 to TL-f If L. 00 S ves too at i of I 4 ~0 It 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 0 0 0 --0 * -0-0 0 -04 C- 0- 4 400- 0 a- IS 0 0 Q-0 0 0 ; ; ' ; I " III ; ; ; ; ; ; G 0 * I j 4 b c U " w 1 4 4 I I L A A A, r AA 1 \,tratizAl reriew of metbodm for determination tit oxygen l d f h ous meta in s an apparatus or tbr met ods of hot , 1 on (;,Ik,. /,,rv4jA-,j 1,0. 4. 1:!It~ P, tF 00 11 z it to 0 9 P red 00 g f !~* met i j 00 too U I ~ig'T'717 TT T ", T '%TTTTj r$ 117 T wo JI-0 ,A A t- p_g oo !" _Ak. A, a CCAJA, .Po ORnEws so :0 'A 00 ISO '00 00 as a '09 DOOPMWAU08 Ct[ Alwni" W 8t'044, u8inlf a - morcw7catboda. FAL(Juxuall-IN V-1-101JO- 00 or MLRSXAJA (IAMI. [Ab-, 1938, 15, 72r-731) -X) 9. -00 of steel an dloolved in 20% HCI at flic b,p., vul the rviddue is collected, washed with 30% FlINO, and 1110, And ignited. The reaklue. after eltiftiatkin (if SiO, by mclans of HF, in fused with KNaM -'2-6- -3 hr.), tfie melt d1wolved in Aill. 11,80, the soruiioll Olv!troa- irtation of Fe, '"C' (H onthode) to oomplete efim -00 .0 A) Z&4 pod. hm, the reeklual WuUon to) wl NHS. pf a Ignited am] weighed as All 0 T. Ze 0 "A'Soll A MAT& L OfICAL LITEIIIIIIII IIASIIKAT*N L U .4. 05 00, u IL AV 00 LJIV`, iii-cia7- jolts, TV OR old all Its nutz wx a 0 0 0 o , ~ .0 o 1* 0 to 9 Oft go**** 43 0 0 it 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 10.0 r 41 4 9 0 0 0 1 0 0 111 a It " A N 1 .1 1) li U I b V A A 1. 1, L I L h j I a. a I I AA 01 LL IV IL.- I the d4lortnimmuou ill m"samse. chralumunt, vaniadlim so to mailybdainum and hitanium V. I,,' kicliki ItO I i-I -ole d4kovs 149,41,11-1 3, ILQ 'J(ItkiW I I "J, 'Nisr. Ille t4 Or J.'I'll -00 lullutil, titilitiam &I, Ill, -Implivity of 81,1). aid p, c~cdmc, and thc rilmlity of tcl). tletm twited m it.- 0 0 1.1-Wiv-sat .( th~ atvt~ ,I tile At'd tHi'va"g 't'W'ats U~l in tile f. 1'~ a 'I.- t o~-T' .1-~ ill. 4,t Ill -mm it hilo Cu.'~At, *-In jio,r.' N-, wrtlogi A~ Fee J 1-tAtill t-I'Alitim. 2 Ca. %a,,, m.-1 it, Kl,,.. WN, ill "u, mt-I Oil,- w(m readt" 1'~ the 1-tt-'. .I it,, ml- it, ., ImA A tit, -h --It. I ... .... Zee the juitcutiaLl dumsil tilialion is siblaturd by chaniling lite thitaiur W thi Cu wort Ajul the "micn. L4 Par CuliLks ~Jn (r,mslaru~). A "WmA half cell 1. imil at a main. Imlativ, lh~ hall CrIl If# 111,N). ~' V 00 1, . I..'. it., Oil-l"I [q th, q'skml 0* "U".. i$1- M I'l .". U-1 IW the ;00 (h, , I-'K- 0 11m, , little "Y"10111. p".-Im- -.I ~ .1-1 t-*,I, by 11.1. 1., .00 fllt.t~m thiml I h~ im. aml %I,, K"r it, I ~%Ilt' ill- 11.81 .4 M., %I UPGkAt L41FRATUAC CLA%IAKATIGN r. I -LL 13 j_ oe , " J 41 1 a a t. 0 9 1 a 01110 is ~0 .0111110*0600 0 111 4 0 4 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 : - 4 Tv IN W11111 QL P- 4 q 7 1 9 41 w a 04 1 14 11 it 11 4 19 a 1 1 L a L t a A. I A jL a Al 1, a A I I Y -1 1 Arl 90 a 4 a I a a I -ij A DMetningtIon of carbon mouliside and dirial In Iran 90 pmducts. F. K. Gtrke. laillidlik-iYa L4h S. 13111 4 (Ikeq).-T-bt timn, iq NUM on the coinpleir c,tPul-ant, -)I COand COlrom FeProdurtsat JM)-~,YAV *,ill flute N CU, is Absorbed ill uAA Lune. ind CO) wit)j I'd- -40 0 C4 (114CI, + CO + 11,0 - Pit + 2FIC; + Clij Woo absorbed lit "is time. Expt3, sho"d th.t cam F, contains 0h and CO Anti st"Ist-lilly Cot, and That neither 10 C(h wt CO is fortitild by the interaction of Y, oxidrs liml ' ca billions under ill# anditums ~,j unuivits after ilit )it . Z litin. Cast Fir heated in the air Ow,rl,, 0 1, anti Ci) And ~testl only COI. Th- train i~ artallOt ill tile foll"wint artier: N Is passed tfrough Wtirs rotits, deparvils 5% pyrogs-Ijol in W% NAOFf, () KAftV 1. And PA, I ' no a ~ IICI + ' A i xin. (in fix' cc. 11,41 + Ill v nf 10', N&OAO and (:.tutv-q contlt wxiA little And V,(li I lit estvaptig gaws pass throtigh lk uf U-tuix-3 hillgvd with *odA lime, I'All., NO, saln., sodit [line. Pit), And a I4,,;o,waAhLottIr. lhilly SI&SaWoQl i$%IoLd in the lystitil floe Ilia it 9-A-4-lime U-tubca Art 1wrAitilit to a coast. wt. llv onducting N through the "action tUIW At 7,01' 101 ill min. A ~11-polidn,d specimen rh) jh I ) 1, PIA, ell Ill tin reactAxi tithe, and N is conducted at the futtwvc tMat, ate lamp. a! PAW for 2 hro. Tilt winai lla-rdure fullowi, sot Z*o Al. 11 A I'llsiMil i Atv.lf, O'Cit 14 u 7'11&nt tab, a l r a 7 & too IF 11 11 Of K a or cc K a it cq &a n ii. 0 0 0 -00ge*000006600006060 0 "1 a 0 r# 1 ; I , -r Int it I I I 1 004" 06 a, of I 00 00 a 00 4r 00 go IMUnaLustim of (ho Kaln Cmuititmis of Hard Allois 151eUitt. &c.j. F. K. GrAk- stul Z, 1. KsMsAous (tv-4. 1,-A. , H-4,' I.A I~ V.43". & (41. 411, IIP; Chim. fif W.. 1M4. a M. '46 St Ila.. it hilit de