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Research on the Scattering of Endurance (cont.) SOV/1970 3. Determination of parameters of fatigue curves in 6 -N coor-- dinateB 44 Ch. III. Hathod of Fatigue Testing for Light Alloys 51 1. Cutting out stock for a specimen 51 2. Shape of fatigue specimens and the technology of producing them 53 3. Testing-base and surfaces of stresses 56 4. Choice of fatigue machines 58 Ch. IV. Investigation of Fatigue and Static Properties of Pro- fileB Made of Aluminum Alloys V95 and D16 63 1. Subjects of Investigation 63 2. Results of static and fatigue tests of specimens from the profile No. 1, alloy V95 65 3. Results of static and fatigue tests of specimens from pro- file No. 2, alloy V95 71 4. Results of static and fatigue tests of specimeng from pro- file No. 3, alloy V95 82 5. Results of static and fatigue tests of specimens from pro- files No. 4, and 5, alloy D16 92 6. Effect of the degree of deformation in pressing profiles Card 4/5 Research on the Scattering of Endurance (Cont.) SOV/1970 from alloys V95 and D16 on fatigue and static properties and on scattering 96 7. Analysis of scattering of mechanical properties of specimens from profile No. 1, of various fusions (alloy V95) 104 8. Scattering of fatigue characteristics in connection with the character of the stressed condition and the dimensions of the tested specimens ill Conclusions 119 Bibliography 122 AVAILABLEt Library of Congress IS/bg Card 5/5 8-20-59 Aull ''ES: Ser*.,ISLVII~ j-&-yev, TI TU, - ti-otj Iaw ~;-n,-erning. the qtrJhAic,.-,, f :-mbil it~ i n at4 cut Tests ~~' zal:one ra.3Predeleniya 6~11,,cveclmc:~-ti --ri Pl~.~Jl "AL Zavod-~!:ava Lal-cratoriya, ll~~` , V(,I. r A~-S7'U.CT: ri -,,,j t t: e st,~'Ge ~e;,t -;~-Oe ti t; t V a i t! !.-j t, o'" d b~; t j 1 1 --, t. t b. ex,)eri;-!"ntf5 , ,e 1, (,;~ tr.7 butif n 1. neti; nS 170re sl uEe Sted b- e 1 77 Froudenthal wid 911111ei rRe 1.:' i ~- zi:,(4 ~- -1, ers. t, )re~sent ~-)a er tie ccrrectnesn "I e lol7ar' V.7-1-. ~ 5'landprd I aw wa S C-* ~Cke,~ a d ti.e C),; !r~+ - e-lce :, acnrdd nj~ J,r c~cjo-~" was estnUljs!.e0 as a f'pct. ~a-oles were i,a to d. it Craphical O-avini- te!,si( i= 2 1 c,. urvt- I'(- r i rv'-~rat^r t: e ~~I!enc:-ewri 21 o,' t'~e til v` threchc ld. J!; Vie, c~ ~,:rse ~-f .:'~ r,~;:er er eriments the latter .9 found also ir, tl-.e ,ase c -reater stresses. 'n"(, ~ the Cardl./2 Oil the '.4v ~, n~~t-rnix.;.-, t- e 1.-~ !7~r! tnition o,' LAIrab, 1i t."- n Fat. cue Te s Ul ex!lamim~ents a.,,(3 a -,athe--aatical Procosr t' e thes: s ey-ounded L alre a ctr I-, :;!,: e-;;rl-- er WL rk f. c I- 1!'i- riec' r. t~ at the -e It,(, Ile 0 4' e t~ tle is C( nclus c11 via., i. e drai-! t a t V V c cant i I' III, sUUL,-, treat ~e, t o".)tAilled tt,~,tr. Wore are " ligures, rvfcrerxes, c of which ar,! 61avic ASO,, ;'7~.'] :1!j m. 51:. vn~-iy lkac,,~ij I iiqtj.tijte 4or Aviatj f~n Trc!ln.- 1( i--.- AV A] LAI Library " C,n~-rens 1. .,"aVoc Durabdlit Meori Card '. 2 25(2)114(lc) PHASIC BCOK 9DULOITA7,10N SOV12?,-9 Aked.ftly. na.x S35R. ln.tlt~t Probleav v -hl-str~-y ,n1t. vy- 3 (St~-th P-ch-=z r-Oh4ftIcal B=Ctr-rtg, 1~1, 4z trrata slip 1".rtod. 3,00~0 covile. Rd.;d,3.T. 3* Acedv~L*Lftn, Ckminian S!PI or PblishrLS Hcuo#z G.A. Sec)-yewl W. e MaPIMS: T'his book I, Int-do ur d-s-lor d No kers In the field. c b~ I lir be s.f.' to stLd-t. f' t,. amo Advanced technical 1. d Ith p-b.Ts CCVZM= 3 Thim to & of of stIwtugth and st:Z111170ty"of cyl5inIrrtlital r" I, Sen-m! fbr the ~,C~Ifttlln of analyst . of' f;tIg... md ~f.1-~tts fl?idtty .n Impact R.fe-nc.. a- .?-.0 ~r !Oadtng r. con. .1cle. P.."aw:1139 of Vtcuo T..t. on the b.01. or Linea, 1,0 Am Yale authors obtain fatigue istagan 4Ut,r1OT*tlm Is given ~cmdltlans.s based Do ".* Prc,bability or YU--!&- Pq .... r-t of the Ivisit of Pluld- 4ko. 11--41*1-0 to d..crlb,d ..d It the d.pemdenc. of the I .It of I. , r- speeds am Cie... I dity on lomd!=4 and JZPAct AVAII-91-S Librey of Con,",. 112;3~0-59 Card 3/3 3 W i_ , L) 180) PHASE I BOOK KXPLOITATION SOV/2686 Moscov. Aviatsicuq7 tekhnolrgicheskiy institut Voprosy soprotivleniyn'materialov; prochnost' alyuminiyevykh splavov (Problems of the Strengt_h of Materials; Strength of Aluminum Alloys) Moscaj, Oborongiz, 1959. 117 P. (Series' !tF: Trudy, vyp. 37) 3,600 copies printed. Sponsoring Ag-~nry: Ministerstro vysshego obrazovanlya SSSR. Ed. (Title page'7 S.V. Serensen; Ed. (Inside book): B.V. Zaslavskiy; Ed. of PablislAng House: L.I. Sheynfayu; Tech. Ed.: L.A. Garnukhina; Managing Ea.,: A.S. Zaymovskaya, Engineer. PURPOSE: This collection of articles is intended for vorkers of epginbering dwip offices., inda-trIal 10,ioratories and scientific institutes of the machine- bxdldJz,g ~adi:~stry wLd for reseexch fellNe and students of advanced courses in schrxils of j'.Aghf!r te~,,Iiaical education. COVERAGE: T".1s cf~w_'3-t of 8 articles in wtich mechanical properties of deformefl eozemm 8,LIL78 are described. The load-carrying capacity of parts Card 1/11 Problems of t-),P- Strangth of Materia-3 (cont.) sovp(66 made of Vaea;e all.,~7a 1? cLmsidered and arAte res:-Lts of the investigation of the distribition cf stresses and etralr-.3 ~,.n parts and joints are given. TABIE OF COMMITS: 1. Peshina, -Ye. n~~! Eff-~,~t- c-f 11,%aiEm &ad Material of a Rotating Disk on Stressel Ccmditi.on and L,,,6d,,carry1ng Capiwity 5 The wJT.-.o-r rons!Ulerio ef loal-car;!,ying capacAlty In elar,".11c piaV..'c co0�-1ionB N connection viQ1 the special feyitares of ,Uwam of ~,'-4e deformati.-):. of material in rotating 2. 1ranov, G.T., and J.P.. StOrry. 7~6j) FTc;blem of Approximation of Deformation EIMrms * 13 The properties of the defr.--m-Etion diagrami; anclvz--d for almainum struf?tural alloytji~~:! d1scilAsed. 3. GiatsintoT, Ye. V. Effect of acne Structural Parameters on the la F-'r Tree Faztenings 33 The streBsed coadition In an el"tie region in flexure is ang.Ly%ed based ort tbe example of a blade root fir tree fastening. The dependence t)f t.*rje -stressed conditlcm on t%-, a design parameters Card 2/ 4 Problems of of Materi&la (coot..) SOV/2686 intrAuctirxiJ s~~biLatim of elastic properties of materials of the 1,16de ard Erzk lire shawn. 4. Stepanov, 'Arxestigation of Stresses in a Wedge Under a Triangular Load (Applied tx Catte-r6) 52 The author im;e:i the optic of Inveetigating stresees wbich makes possible an analwals of the applJcability of corresponding theoretical so1ut1c,Dj tc thek determination of a plane stressed state in cutters. 5. Kognyev, V. P. li"Is for 4,~ie Cholce ,f &,a EqrAl Strength Beam for Calibrating Wire Teit.-cmeters in the Presence of Transversal Vibrationg 62 In conz,.ection t'--e elaboration of eqaf-.jment for the calibra- tion of tratEalitters.,calcalation 6f an eqw1l strength beam with tran.sversal present is given. 6. Serersen, Strpnov, V.P. Kogayev, atd Ye. V. Giataintoy Stablllhy of the Ptnetlcm of Distribution of Durability in Test- ing th-2 StabiLity of Miat-im Al-lays 69 Card 3./ Problems c,,f the Str*tgtI of Pwterials (Cont -) SOVI 2686 Probleivi of' i~te OW1,111ty of Wation strv.ctixr& alloys are con- sidered In tfte static mpelct in order to a stable distri- bution of d=411.1ty at, *7ariaaa lewvels of 9~,.rese. 7- Vorkmci', 9.H. (Pectiasedl, ati-i M.N. Stepnev. Fatigue Limit of AINmAnin Al1c), AX5 Wil"O. a S1 att'Ake Stractiire of Fractures 85 The rslation of fatipae tc, alatelike stract-are of fractures in analyzed in atudying tLNe of e-slation strdctural allOYLz. 8. Stepaciv, M.N. Suxface Streogh:Ang of Alizaln-,w A11M AK4-1 8nd UD" '..~Y 11$31WnLr 96 Fat!~x, reel.Btaance of Cold-hamered samples with changing parameters of the strengtliered layer and tte mechisaical properties of the layer are deserited.. Tte dependence of the wave c-f finsl stresaes (m the hamering tecbmology J,, Fhown and '&estrengthenea lacer are determined. AVAIIABLE.: Wbrary of Congress IS/gmP Card 3/4 12-9-59 09- La-9 919 F.JWJ /my i-a -rr ..0 . a P-P.-O -1-Z U-T ..PVTQ -,4-% T. -,,'3 J. PMIV .6 -v ..V~rq ;. .,JI4.A -j -9 v- vu-T -a J. -Tz.v 9.1-C -r...o --3 To P.T-ojc n~rv--Tl-Tj PUT-IV -Tc ---M v~~x rr-.;rU-s *--T%woii jo d~: jo mi;vr-M 'cruTl%m UI Z, -,n-TIun-a -x -T-" TI'll TIT J. V-V-.-M ~ A ..q.TJ -T.-n -r.-r-M 'a -C I;iz ---To P"-m IT-Ujrm- -MV Fm JO rcw7qmwW ~.g A*~ 'C T P--!c mr-a -W 'A '-4-0 foe P-0 Ul ~--j - J. AI.TT14-18 A 'f..-TP.T-j q.TA ".JC -..-r-9 . J. -r.-lq7A T-=.t Z===W Cry =W=a do crv 22vrwuc *= a"& -Um- W-TaLm. qsv~. -Im r- 77 "..;-4 T- 03 v a- W." -Z -.-m- -.;r.-T.. J. ...I Of P.*.T*- .1 -W OW x- t-T%- ---R -1 r--- CY SO P--d-M WTW- J. P" 'S"Mco -I--- p- X. c:t-nv PR, -room a" mt. r--Z -,fn-T- V- 1"m I= 3=0am .-TTIM& j0 Z- ~-d '---JUAJ *-UM-9 'R T.S~w U.N.4"m arpormw stmavzxv%m "m I urw STIPHOV, H.N.; G~~Mmvulw.l KOGAYIIV, V.P. Statistical processing of results of fatignie tests baggi on linear regression analysis. Probl. proch. v mashinostr. no-3: 71-88 159. (MIIIA 12ill) (Metals-Fatigue-Testing) (Mathematical statistics) '16116 )j) 2 L4 I Ll 13 DO.-10,'D' I ~.Z A"!THOR3. Baro-din. N.A., Gial-sintov, le.V., Stapnov, MI.N. TITLE: The efrect of '!~e teclhnoloCy of f;,bri-iticn fr,,7 D'Ib an! 705 aluminim alloys li-i t1io :nrcnani'-".'1 c-f latter SOURCE: Mnscow. AviRtsionnyy tekhnologichi~,kiy in~~titut. Tr..):Iy V.'-. 1961, 13- 7 9. Is:31edovaniya ustaloj~] i prochnosti aly-uinin-,~-evykli splavo-r TEXT: The article dez-:%ribes experimental inves14 the optimum technol-ogi,.%al condi tions for fabrical i-,7 1-1-iPankS Df Llu,7.anum al'loyu, i.e. cond-i t~ono rel:ul ti '"n !in-1 d-m%mic .-trenc-,.h. The offr~ct of !,Ii- foll-o-,';,n- o!Dt,~ c 11--~ blanl:,i --nd tho method by which the,,- wc..r(, hea pv,i,,,sj.nj,; the pren.,iing, temperature; the ho-atin,7 prc!orJurr- fo!' Ili. . ccntont of Fe and. Si . Thp chomicril compo'ni t i C.'n of loy'z. i.-, (Table 1): cs.rd I," Th - q f "D C. t C, f 1, f? D0,C)I'DI I The co rit e n t o f I t S I All' o-5- R' a nc. cu Mig tin Fe s T i 1 .4, 0-7i 0 - -j:' 0~1 C' ~ 0 Di 1 .(8 0 . 0. 0 0.0~ 1.40 0, .,'~ q ' 0 0. 0"(', 0 0 1 - 7" A 5 0. 32' 0, 7:' 0 V D. 0~ ", C) i ~o C. 16 C~ 0 n c I ud,-: r hoa t i n 6, and j I r. d e t nm.i n C.- tli n] t,n t i: v --.,I in car... Thc- P.fec the 31646 3//r, Do.,I,O//Dl 12 the fatlf,-ue strength and lonff-time static strani,th valiie-,; ably on t~.t, levol or th,:~ !itre.,jes and the duratIon or UP deppndence of diaporolon of the life values in fatigue tests cni t~,,- of stresses is not linear. Por example, red-action of the stress :evel --f-rom to 1.2 J--j waz accompanied by 2-6 time.; higher and even Ir er dispersion. However, in tests for long-t-ime strength the dasp-ro-,Dr A logarithm of the time up to des truc tion decreasou 11 nearly upon I t'.,ie stre-ges. ThiL; is due. to an increase in the tame zic-,?J.2d i1pstructi-,r.- which leaJs to nore complete homogenization of th,7 metal an~ ".16-h- er plasticity. (2) A comparison of the alloy properii-2s base-, on tnc- --i~axi values of the mechanical characteristics is riot sufficient, and may times lead to wronE; conclusions even although a ?arge number of sp-:.Jmenz tested. For instance, the fatigue limit of I-p:,cim;7ns tak(,n from T-', burs prensed at '%OoC was 91/',f, lower than that of ',,az,5 PI.",- Z., at 1500C, but a comparison of the left confidence limd t3 or, fatii;lj~ !,-i-s T)Iofted for "" failure probability whereby dispersion --f the .)?0 t--ken into account*r-roved that the lift-, of the allot- presse.J at v-a- 1.5-2 times longer; Analogous results were obtained In thp D16 and V95 alloys. (~) The 3tudied technological factoro a'l';~(A I)ie Card 3/5 31616 S/,' 36/16a./m/051 /00" /,)OD, The effect of the ... D040,D112 strength and del)pendabi.llty of the D16 and V915 alloyu in the (a) Homoceniz in& of Jrigots prilor to pre3sing results in a --m~;:,J; ref4w,tlon of the d1.-,p,!r11jo11 ~)f the fatif7um awl long-time .,t-a*i- -hua t and an im.-reii,io In thc-'r llf'e. The 'Iff, confidence 11mits of thf~ fati,7ue anl long-tJmp. siruction probabili%v 1.2- - tim. H."Itll',- f :.1u. duction furna~,,t.--? inst-mi )'* in rozi!itan-.- !',-.rnq recultj -n a oli,:-htly ,,hort~!r life in faticun ti~It:- ("j, t,) :01- ~CY,~) an", o~.-.rcply azV effect ~~ri the lon~-timfn. ,tati,- t I'; pressing tc:.ino:,atur~, Cr~)m )0-'-380'C Ly a r. he f a -: L -1 tinuous inrrease cf the dijnerzsion oi 11 pr,z~oin~ -1-w.-ature foi, tii-, D16 alloy is "()"C. -an-, "h- ',7 c b 360-tlO C; (d) ."Ientim- 4'or ir. Lath ~r n .3 air ,In I (d), R e uc ~,,n -,I:e Z, ~.n F, n tren C j 31646 3/536/61/ooo/01~1-/Ool/oo~' The effect of the ... D040/DI12 P.G. 'liklyayov and F.IC.B,,lllzov3kiy participated in the r!xperimonts. Tl~,,rt, are 16 tablej, 21 f4~jri~res nnl 6 Soviet reforences. I 11. CPrd 9/5 31647 S/536/61/000/051/002/006 2 %10 14 1 D04O/D112 AUTHORS: Giatsintov, Tej., Stepnov, M.N., Kogayev, V.P., . . . . ............ TITLE- The fatigue behavior of an aluminum alloy used for helicopter rotor blades SOURCE: Moscow. Aviatsionnyy tokhnologiohejikiy institut. Trudy, no- 51, 1961, 39-66. Issledovaniya ustalosti i dlitellnoy staticheskoy prochnosti alyminiyevykh splavov. TEXT; The article describes an extensive exporimental investigation of the fatigue behavior of avial used for the longerons of helicopter rotor blades. Its chemical composition is (in %): 0.23 Cu, 0-99 Mg, 0.01 Mn, 0.34 Fe, 0.82 Si, 0-05 zn, 0.25 Cr, 0-05 Ti. Tests for fatigue during bending and alter- nating tension and contraction, as well as for corrosion fatigue in fresh and sea water were carried out with smooth and notched specimens and specimens with circular incisions and holes. The stresses were applied both symmetri- cally and asymmetrically. The test data were statistically processed, con- Card 1/3 31647 3/536/61/000/051/002/006 The fatigue behavior ... D040/D112 fidenoo limits in fatigue ourven being plotted for different failure proba- bilities. MYN-6000 (01-6000) banding test machines working at 6000 rpm were used for the pure bending tests, and 6-ton pulsators with a frequency of 300 cps were used for the tension-oontraction tests. It is stated that the ob- tained experimental data may help to determine the bearing capacity of the longerons of helicopter rotor blades. Conclusions: (1) The tests of smooth and notched specimens as well as corrosion fatigue tests have demonstrated that the dispersion of life values increases upon a reduction of the stress. (2) The durability limits and the sensitivity -to stress concentration decrease noticeably upon decreasing probability of failure. (3) The fatigut tests have reve&led a sharp reduction of the life and the fatipue limits under the continual effect of a corrosive medium. (4) The dispersion of the fatigue properties decreases when the corrosivoneeD of the medium and the concentration of stresses are increased. (5) 'Xhe investigated alloy is highly sensitive to asymmetry of the stress cycle. N.A. Borodin, F.K. Ballzovskiy, I.I.Vetkin, M.I.Forstakiy and Z.U.Shnurov took part in the investigation. R. Gauland, G.Neyber, I.A.0ding and S.Ye.Gurevich are mentioned. There are 24 figures, 15 tables and 16 references- 12 Soviet and Card 2/3 3160 S/536/61/0c'0/051/002/000' The fatidue buhavior D040/DI12 4 non-Soviet-bloo. The two references to En-lish-lanbuage publications read, as followa: Lazaii, R.J., and Blatherwick, A.A., Strength Properties of Hollud Aluminum Alloys under Varioue Combinations of Alternating and Mean Axial Fatigue Stresses, ASTM, 1953, Vol. 53; Jenson, H.T., The Elements of a Rtlicupter Fatifue Zulhstuntiation Program, PtAti,-uu in )"ircraft Structures, 1956- Card 3/3 3161,11 ILI C~ S/53 6/61/000/051/003/00~ D040/Dll2 A UTKAS GiatsinLov, Stepnov, Y.N. , Kogayev, V.1 I T L. E TKe ef f Po t -i I' i t r( c,) ike i-,i t ra f, j on on t lie f a t itup o, V~ MoB(.ow. Aviatsionnyl tekhnologicheokiy institut. Trudy, no. 51 19~1 67-73- Iseledovaniya ustalosti i dlitallnoy etaticheakcy prcchno3t-i alyumiriyevykh splavoy TEXT: Examination of the effect of stress c(,neentration on the fatigue of B 93(7c,,5) alumirum alloy, confirmed conclusions made previously fcr 45 qt.3el (Re".1, Kogayev, V.P., I'Vestnik mashinostroyeniyal~, 1959, no.!), i.e. that the diEpersion of the life values in fatigue tests decreases with increasing ctresses, that the dispersion also decreases with rising stress concentr-iti~.-n if the comparison is made at equal nominal stresses or at equal mean liveD. but that there is no apparent dependence between the dispersion of the life value-, and the level of the stress concentration, if the comparison is made at equal maximun stresses in the concentration zone. The chamizal compvsitior- of' the alloy is (in 1.75 Cu, 2.45 Mg, 0.32 Mn, M4 Fe, 0.22 Si. 6.41) Zn, Card 1/3 31648 3/536/61/000/05111'00.3/006 The effect of stress ... DOWD112 OJk Gr, 0.07 Zr. Teat specimens were prepared from pressed metal of *nly One heat. The testa consisted in torsional bending at 3000 Yoles Per min,;~-.t#, ';,,me r~f the spel-imens were notched vith nearly hyperbolical notch-es, ths hype.-bcla was straightened by means of O.V.Uzbikta method and 4he their-'-- !:,ai strens s,,oncentration factors (OC~-) were calculated by Neyber's formuls~ T'.Iift obtained data are presented in a table and three of the deviation of the liio 6:, tht on the nominal stress , and cn'the maximum stress. Tbe 5h-W a .3ha--l., an:-ea--:e of thip root-aean-square deiriation (-) of the J~ 'arj4.~,L- 7..f till! .)j- S ~,,f cycles Ig W upnn an increase of the mear life cr upcn a de-iaa3i, of the noltlznal stresses, but the effect of the nonuniformity of the t-t7esv- bution in the zone of styesg concentration is not iefle-ted by "lie ~,Ir*79~ when the comparison isi made at equal maximum stresses, TbJ3 regll"I,ar~*,Y, Tt,- Vealed in the tests of 45 steel and V95 aluminum all,j, may OCn81-!e,-P-b).)- fa-114-tate the plotfiri; of compIcte fatiguo-probability curV83 and '.-ut the riecesaa-,y experimental work by using the characterdstl~s olt+ained ,n ,qecimenq for estimating the probability of fallurs~ in --tr#tts con~ent-at.ion LR PC t s .T! 1.9 pointed out that the formerly ampl,--~Pd of tnt sen64~ canclasion i~3 madf, triat Itivity factor is not entirely sorrect. The Care 211'~ 3164S S/536/61/000/0511/005/006 The effect of stress D040/Dll,-, A, d-Max d, 's the maxmum .urther studies of tho dependence of dr_l 1:iaN stress in the stress concentration zone and dr-I the endurance limi- -r the stress gradients and absolute dimensions in 1:.cht alloys will lsxad to more accurate strength calculation methods for nt,,Ichine :,art-,. I'licre -are. figaies, 3 tables and 4 Soviet references. Card 3/3 GIATSINTOV, Ye,V.; STUNCV, M,11,; KOGAYEV, V.P. Fatigue Froperties of aluminum alloys used for helicopter blades. Trudy 14ATI no.51:39-66 I&L, (MIRA 15:1) (Alumimm. alloya-FaTigue) (Helicopters-Rotors) prl~TsLEN OV. yrV(FN1 V)9~k1V71/V0vZH PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/6290 3erensen, Sergey Vladimirovich, TYevgetiy Valentinovich Gi"-tsintov, Vladimir Petrovich Kogayev, a_na_ftZ_aT1_Y1kT"VTc-h-3Fe_pnov Konstruktotonnaya prochnost' aviatsionnykh splavov (structural Strength of Aircraft Alloys Used in Aviation Engineering). Moscow, Oborogiz; 1962. 100 p. (Series: Moscow. Aviats- ionnyy tekhnologichaskiy institut. Trudy, vy~- 54). 2100 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Ninisterstvo vysshego, i srednego spetsiallnogo obrazovaniya "?SR. Moskov skiy aviatsionny tekhnologicheskiy institut. Ed.: B. V. Zakavskiy, Candidate of Technical Sciences; Ed. of Publishing House: B. V. Zdalavksiy; Tech. Ed.: A. Ya. Novik; Managing Ed.3 A. S. Zaymovskaya, Engineer. PURPOSE: The book is intended for scientific research workers, as well as for design and process engineers working in various branches of the machine-building industry using light alloys. Card StructuralStrength of Aircraft (Cont.) SOV/6290 COVERAM Results of fatigue tests of aluminum alloys used for mainufacturing rotor blades of helicopters are presented. The effect of the state of the surface layer, corrosive media, dimensions, and certain coatings on fatigue resistance Is discussed, along with experimental data which may be used for determining the carrying capacity of structures. F. K. Bal'zoviAtly, N. A. Borodin, I. I. Vetkin, and a. T. Ivanov took part In the experimntal work. The authors express their thanks to M. I. Poretskiy and Z. Ye. Shnurov for their assistance. There are 41 references,. 19 Soviet, 12 English, 9 German, and 1 French. TABLE OF CONTE1(T3-. Introduction 3 Ch. I. Factors Affecting the Fatigue Resistance of Aluminum- Alloy Parts (Review of Literature) 5 1. Effect of the state of the surface, the surface layer, and corrosion on fatigue resistance 7 Card 2/4.;1- ACCESSION NR: AT4044778 S/2536/64/000/061/0006/0018 AUTHOR: K09ayev, V. P., Giatainbov, Ye. V., Stepnov, M. N. TITLE: Fatigue strength of AVT alloy and the scale factor SOURCE: Moscow. Aviatsionny*y tokhnologichookiy institut, Trudy*, no. 61, 1964. Konstruktsionnaya prochnoat' legkikh splavov i stalay (Structural strength of light alloys and alloy steels ), 5-18 TOPIC TAGS: AVT alloy, aluminum alloy, alloy fatigue, fatigue strength, scale factor, stress concenlyntion, i4atisticat strength theory, fatigue limit distribution ABMIACT: Samples (if AVT alloy (diam, , 40 or 8 rinn: tensile strength 36. 4 kg/mmz yi-Ad J)"Ant 33.5 Kr/11111-12, relative clongration 14. 21,W11 were fatigue tested (rotary bending, '26 - 108 cycles, to - 19 kill/mm") to determine the eflects of absolute dimensions of gample cross section on fatij,,11C 6t1-C11r7tl1. SWUSUL%111V PrOCCOMI results were plotted as fatipc curves correoponding to Various faill1ro probabilities, as endurance distribution funcLions in relation to sailij)IO diameter or i4ress lovel, or an fatigue limit distribution functions in relation to sample diameter or number of cycles. Ration of primary signifi- cance to principles governing tJ)o offects of the scale factor anti of stress concentrations on andurmice (conoiderbig diapersion) are illustrated, a nomogram is evolved for detor- Card ACCESSION XR: AT404,1778 c-111ax/u in relation to d/G, P in % and the distribution function parameters rn and u7,.,,, JP = failure probability, u = minimal strength threshold below which P = 0) J the authorii prefient nuilleriCa.] calculationt, of strers concentration sensitivity. It is concluded that t1lese basic ratios describe adequatc.1y tho effects of scale factor and stresa oo;icent-ration on fatigue strength, considering dispersion of endurance characteristics. Values found for m, u naid Z-C, can serve for the calculation of fatigue limits of actual parts in relation to 11, and can therefore be used in fatigue catculations based on assumptions of probability. Orig. axt. has- 3 tables, 9 graiiis, and 18 numbered formulas. ASSOCIATION: Aviatsionny,*y tokhnologielieskiy inBtitut, Moi3cow (Institute of Aviation Technology) SUBMITTED: 00 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: MM NO REF SOV: 006 OTIIER- 003 Card 2/2 ACCE8SION Nit: AT4044700 8/2636/64/000/061/0026/0037 AUTHOR: Borodin, N. A., Giatsintov, Ye. V., Kogayev, V. P. , Stepnov, M. N. TITLE: Fatiguo strength of aluminum alloys during an asymmetric stress cycle SOURCE! Moscow. Avintnionny*y tekhnologicheskiy inatitut. Trudy*, no. 61, IDG4. Konstruldsionnaya prochnostl legkIkh splavov I staley (Structural strength of light alloys and alloy steels), 26-37 TOPIC TAGS: aluminum alloy, alloy fatigue strength, asymmetric stress cycle, critical v stress amplitude, mean stroess, endurance characteristic dispersad, mean alloy life, alloy AVT, alloy AVG, alloy AVTI, alloy VD17, alloy AK4-1, alloy 24S-T4, alloy 14S-T6, alloy 75S-T6 ABSTRACT: Expcrimentad data obtained by others were processed statisticall to analyze y the effects of an asymmetric stress cycle on fatigue strength of aluminum alloys. Results for a group of ten alloys IV! cate that the latter are quite sensitive to cycle asymmetry, with y.~ 0. 25 - 0. 4 for N 10 cycles. A sharper decrease In the peak stress amplitudes 0-. accompanied low values of mean stresse M for a number of the tested alloys and y' proved variable. The function ie, e-1 (I - em), where d. is tensile strength and id UV %Card- 1/2 A ACCESSION NR: AT4044780 is stress amplitude, is evolved for approximate evaluations of U'a p for asymmetric cycles when d m varies by 0 - 0. 3 from the tensile strength. Ilic factor Y-1 decreases as endurance increases, down to 50% of its initial value when N increases from 104 to 107, Dispersal of endurance characteristics increases for an asymmetric cycle as e a drops and endurance increases. It is lower for the asymmetric than for the symmetric cycle at equal absolute oa- Ile discrepancy in mean square deviation ~ decreases as 2a increases. Dispersal Is nearly Identical at equal average endurance for either stress cycle, except that it is somewhat lower for the symmetric cycle at high average endurance values. Orig. art. has: 5 tables, 12 grapbs and 3 formulas. .kSSOCIA770N.- Aviatsionny*y tekhnologichoskly Institut, Moscow (Institute of Aviation rechnology) ;UBMrITED: 00 ENCL: 00 IUB CODE: MM NO REF SOV- 002 O711ER: 001 Card 2/2 ACCESSION NR. AT404785 S/2536/64/000/06 1 /00%10104 AUTHOR: Stepnov, M. N.; Glatsintov, Ye. V.; Kagayev, V. P. TITLE: Resistance of alloyed Cr-NI-V steel to recurrent loads In the elastic- plastic range SOURCE: Moscow. Avlat.slonny*y tekhnologichaskly Institut. Trudrv, no. 61, 1964. Konstruktsionnaya prochnost' legklkh splavov I staley (Structural strength of light alloys and alloy steels), 86-104 TOPIC TAGS: alloy steel, martensitic steel, chromium nickel vanadium steel, re- current load resistance, recurrent stress test, recurrent stress compression test, recurrent bending test, pulsating recurrent stress cycle, plastic deformation growth, hysteresis loop width, stainless steel ABSTRACT: Samples of a martensitic ~r-1114 steel (yield point 59.3 and 51.9 kq1mm2 t tensile strength 71.0 and 60.0 kg/mml at 20 and 325C, respectively) were subjected to pulsating cycles of recurrent stress (7-10 cpm, asymmetry factor 0.1), recurrent S rest-cression (7--10 cpm,9 - -08 to -1-0, deformation 0,30-- 2 Xand re- 33.2~ 1-5%, N - 4 --2 --59.0 kg/m. , Crmln = -17.8-54.8 kg/mm current bending lioeelxyles duration 15-20 sec., N v 1000 cycles, max load 26.7 T or 32 T for one sample, 29*3 T for another). The results Indicate that rupture Card 1/2 "DridinF, Ir t1w ;-: ~j . " ! . 'I" , * ", , , , , ... " 3 1 ;A ~ ., . ! , ; 1, 1 . .: -. - I , , ~ I , .1i 1-.4 1.43 re ,) i . . , . -]., 'A 'I. :: ~!. - ~ 1- J.-, I;t-*. . ~, I :j ~! 31 ' ~ 7 C 1.1;,"' 7 U , : -' ' :1. : -. r _ -J'~ f . _ . Pl, 7' T ............ ACC MRs AT5021520 JD/WW SOURCR CODE: UR/2536165/DOO/062/0057/006 AUTHOR-- (Csioidats of technical sciences);.~~e yr~ov, M. X. rj (CaMidatelflTsPhnitiii, iciences) ORO; Moscow ~~t4-01100hnojogy Institute .(Moalcovekiy aviatsionnyy tekhnologi(;5e8JY indtitut) TITLE: Study v4 the liml of SAM sintered aluminum powder SOME: Moscow, Avi4stoanyy temjlpologich'~elskly institut. Trudy, no. 62, 1965. Obr*botka davtonilem 14~tikh. splavov (Pressure working of light alloys), 57-66 T0?jC TACAS: OtLotered aluminum powder, fatigue test, metal cladding, corrosion sheet metal, Oetol stress/ SAP-1 sintered aluminum powder AIDSMM ThrOG tyPO0,;Qf specimens of SkP-l sintered aluminum powder were investi- Igatiod with ros?O:t to their fatigue 11imit: flat bare sheets and flat Al-clad sheets (be~,dinr, tests ~ ad cylindrical specimens cut ftom pressed strips (loading tests). Vatigue tests Mvays i~061ve a coosiderable scatter of experimental findings owing ~to the statisOc4 nat4is, of thi;rocess of fatigue breakdown. Hence the authors em- ~loyiW a statUtical m4~hod of processing the findings on the fatigue tests of the specimens. The;n4ture of this method was as follows: a curve of service life as a function of proibdbilit~ of rupture for a given ttress is plotted on the basis of test UDCt 669.716:539-434 64o.66 ACC'; Mki 415027920 i1ndlogs for a 6roup of, specimens at some stress level-To this end the experimental #vd1bgs (numerical totols, of cyclea.until rupture) are ordered as follows M, < JVj < JVj N I N, The Orobability of rupoure is estimated according to the accumulated frequency L_~4 AS Aere n is the oober of specimens tested at a given stress level and i is the ordinal numbeir of the c6rr*sponAAq9 OPYWon in progressively increasing series of cycle totais. Tinding6i' the godit shbit4speciers of SAP-1 reduces the fatigue limit in the ca'esof a #Orvice lif 0 N < 5-10 cycles when the probability p of rupture is 50% ~rd in the case of ~ 14 < I.8-105 cycles when p - 5% (Fig. 1). if V > > S-IDS cyclesi~~oh the 6thir hand, the service life of clad sheets virtually coin- cides. with that'!,of uonaat eheeti,,(The fatigue limit of the cylindrical specimens prove4 to be so#w~dmt 66:r.) Thua's ~ cladding sharply reduces the scatter of points Ott the curve of 40tvicwjifei, The .~ddditioaally porforised corrosion-fatigue tests in fresh'~wster sh~ I that Iho rolstiOt corrosion resistance of SAY is extremely high, T~e decrease In 10tigue 1U*it as a function of stress (Fig. 2) owing to the corro- 2/5 Lsord IV* Fit. 1. bliltigue curves ,.*Opecimens nonclad specimns card 3/5 L 15 ACC NR, ATS027920 life Irom 0ivo affect 0i ots ter $we Napa 2 kg/s=2 *"r the interval -3f service N 5-105 to 5o 10 oiyclem. orig. art, has: 2 forwdsa, 5 tables, 11 Uprose ~FMCMi 110AV Gft!~MM n=n/ MW IUW.- 000/ OTH~RV- 000 AI k,41ATSIXTOVA.. K. V". Improving the quality of connentrates. TSvet. met- 33 no-9;77-78 3 060, (MIRA 13:10) 1. Karamazarskly rudalks (Ore dressing) GIRSINTOVA. LA, live year application of bar splints in amphodontosts. Stomatologlia n0,4:43-46 Jl-A,9 154, MU 7:9) 1. Is kafedry ortopedichookoy stomatologii (zav. prof. Y.Tu.lurlyand- skiy) Mookovskogo meditsinskogo stomatologicheekogo institute. (dire doteent Me Beletakiy) i UpiOMIya (nachallnik prof. A.M.Markov) MinIsterstva sdravookhranentya SSSR. (PNRIODONTIIXO diseases, there, splinting) GIATSINTOVA, P.P. Method for detecting iodine in biological material. Izv. AN Kir. SSR. Sor. biol. nauk 2 no.6:95-99 160. (MIRA 14:6) (IODINE-4MYSIS) GIATSINTOVA, P.P. Some characteristics of iodine metabolism in different forms of endende goitere Sovezdrav.Kir, no.2832-34 Mr-Ap 163, (MIRA 1615) 1. 1z laboratorii endemicheskikh zabolovaniy (naAcbnyy rukovo- ditell - Prof. I.K. J&bunabayev) Instituta Mrayevoy meditsiny (dir. - 144. Aliyev) AN Kirgizakoy SSR, (IODIVE METABOLISM) (KnMIZISTAN-GOITE:R) KHRUSTALEV, A.A.; AIZKSANDROVAt N.N.; GIAUT-OVA, --- AJ-. Foading of miners in the mines. Vop. pit. 19 no.3315-17 My-Je ,60. (MIRA 1493) 1. Iz kafedry gigiyeny pitaniya (zav. - prof. A.A.Khrustalev) I Mookovskogo ordens. Lanina meditainakogo instituta ineni I.M. Sechonova i sanitaxnD-apidemiologicheskoy stantaii. Shchakinakogo rayona Tullskoy oblasti. (CCAL MINEld-DISEASIZ AVD HYGIM) (NUTRITION) GIBADULIN F.A. - ----------- Compensatory hypertrophy of the thyroid gland. Biul.ekop.biol.1 med. 54 no.7:84-M J1 t62. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Is Uboratorii root& i razvitiya (zav. - prof. L.D.Liozner) Instituta eksperimentgllnoy biologii (cir. - prof. I.N.Mayskiy) AM SSSR, Moskva. Predstavlena, deystvitellnym chlenom ANN SSSR N.N.Zhukovyx-Vere%hnikovym. (THYPOID GLAND) GIBAPV,WI..A,,At,;, BELOUSOV, L.V.; SHABADASH, A.L.; YEPIFANOVA, 0.1.; CMIV,&A, I.A.; ZALETAYEVA, T.A.; TIPOMIROV, V.N. Brief naws. Biul. MIP. Otd. biol. 69 no.1:145-156 Ja-F 164. (MIRA 17W GIBADUl"Ifif 11.4. Roo Lvri; t,vc r:r,r;,!iises in the thyro'd gland following Imly MOIP. Otd. 14ol. .171,2:-55 164. (MIRA 18;1) 1. Lab.-, rp.?. p., roota i ra2vit!ya Ins'..Itu*,a eknp9-1rLmen'.a'-0ricy ,"I cg ~ , It % l.)- . 11,11 b L 46646-66 EWTI FACC (T ijp(c) 0 NRI AR6021267 (A SOURCE COM UR/0081/66/000/004/3006/sOO6 'AUTHOR: Mysechenkovp V. A.; Gibadullin, L, A. ITLE: Thermomachanical investigations of a series of mjLhj1 9 etbacrylat copolymers l SOURCE: Ref zh. Kbim, Part II, Abs. 031 REF SOURCE: Tr. Kazonsk. kbim.-tekbnolt in-too vyp. 33, 1964# 259-262 TOPIC TAGS! metbacrylate plastic, thermal decomposition, beat property, copolymer, methylmethaorylate ABSTRACT: The relationship between the glass temperature T and yield ,Point T and the composition of a series of copolymers of m9thyl ~nethacr5lqte and methacrylic scidl(I) containing up to 20 mol of the lsecond componetit was examined theimomechanically. It was established i !that T and T increase linearly as the content of I increases, while the regge of The highly elastic state remains almost constant. T for pure polymethylmethacrylate was calculated (3700) assuminS additi;eness of the contribution of I as Its content is further increases. Direct evaluation of this value Is impossible because of the low decomposition t8MDeratura of polymethylmethoorylots. Additions of up to 1% lithium L 46646.r66 ACC NR. AR6021267 i'and potassium in the m9thacrylath :characteristics of the !that t~e new component ;molecular weights Yu# 1 SUB CODE: 11$ 20 system hardly change the given copolymer; this unequivocally indicates does not cause significant changes in its Panove - 0 ZTranalation of abstra 9. GIBADULLINA, H.S. (Kassm'). Chlorona dia&mosed during lifetims. 31 no,3:83-84 )(r '53. (MLRA 6:5) (Tumors) GI BA"y 1(;!i H. ". --- - *~ w orgaijisational forms for the constructioi. a -z uaititenance 0 rural roads. Avt.dor. 23 no.11:8-10 NOW. 'khIW- 13: 11) ~. Varballnik Zal,oroshokogo oblupravtoshosdora. (Zaporosblye Province-Road conatruction) (Collective farms--Interfarm cooperation) POMM/Magmetism, &jxrlmental Methods of Magnetism F-2 Abs Jour : Ref i2iur - Fizika, No 5, 1958, No 10779 Author : Malecki, J., Surma M., Xsibalewicz, J. Inst : Adam Michiowich UaiversitY_,7FO_Z_W_n_,TO_9nd Title : Measurement of the Intensity of Transient Magnetic Fields by the Yaraday hYfect. Orig Pub : Acts phys. polon., 1957, 16, No 1-2, 151-156 Abstract : Pulsed magnetic fields were obtained by discharging a bank of capacitors through a coil. The magneto-optical Faraday effect was used to measure the intensity of the pulsed mag- netic fields. A change in the intensity of light, due to the rotation of the plsae of polarization, was determined by means of a photomultiplier and a cathode ray oscillograph. Magnetic fields up to 100,000 oersteds were measured. The optical media employed were CS2, CC14, and H20' Card 1/1 ;' Di T ~ - " 111. ~ 4%~ .,t, , ~. ff~ of i,i.(! i"A i'-214 vroducvd Lin ;'iii-',#,. .p. 11. I i . Po2skicl, i Teri,ni.k(w lQmcr~vw&, oI. IL, No. 21, Mcnthl~ IdEt cl* Emit -,.iircj-wkui accession 6.~,J-;), 1,('. "'u-2. ' , 'c. Q Septcrnl~er, 191 ~ . ','-I C.1 . (IMAIAN, G;.P.t kand. toki,l;. lltlll~ -.-I.- ................ .... 116fiv t'li-hine of sh'I"I" by F.'I.Robro"'. b-. G.P. 13--' wi, o;. 'k~j l.ka I ' i-,o.(., I')) .- I , A I tp:s, I ~ ('' ~ -, ~! i ALIMARIN. 0 14~1. Rodiametric titration. Zxv.lab.21 no.1:1022-1027 155. (KW 9:1) I.Mor,kwakiy gosudaretmW univervitet. (Volumetric analysis) 16 MYAVSXLTA,T.A.-, 31BALO.I.M. MQU,ontitative analysis." V.N.Alaheov. Reviewed by T.A.Beliarskaia, I.M.Gibalo. Zav.lab.21 no-7:884-885 '55. (HIMA 8:10) 1. Kafedrn analitichaskoy khimii Hookovskogo gosudarstvannogo universiteta. (Chemistry, Analytic--Quentitative) ji: . . ........ iol: ~.jjjjj I.z iA OR, 11 a ! ~~,4 L r, I.) v;, , I TOPCHITZYA, X.V.; PBSUOTA. V-M.; SHMOTA, Z.F.; ALIMARIN, I.P.; NOVOSBWTA, A.T.; SPITSYN, V.I.; LUTSBNXO, IJ.; GIRASIMOV, Ta.I.; NESKIYANOV. A,N.; T31HANTITIV, A.P.; PMAPOV, VA; Gll~~ ~11, -woo' I.&. Prrhevallekii; obLtuary. That. Moak. un. Ser. mt. makh., aotron., fis., khim. 11 no.2r205-207 156. (MIRA 10f12) (Prihavallskil, livganit Stepanovich, 1879-1956) USSWAnalytical Chomistry Ck~n,~rO. 4j,,teations G-1 Abs Jour : &'-,Terat 4hur - Khimiya, no 3, 1957, 8369 --uthor :Alivirin, I. P. and Gibalo, Ilia t Moccoti Univerajty Title The Application o4'' Comple% Forontion In the Separation and Detercdnatlon. of Elements by Extrac-.ion. Orig 11~ib Vastn. Wok. un-ta, 195b/iNo 5, 55-59 Abstract Acetylacetorie (I) and Discdium the thyl-,~nediarmoni =te traace - tate (11) Corm complexes o~' vLkrying stabilitj with various elements. The acetylacQt~)natvs In zontrast to the complexo- n,Ites tLre- easily extracted by organic solvents, such as CC14- The behavior oi' the acetylac3to-nateB oi' Fe, Be, Cd, Co, Ni, tin, Cu, Fb, and Zn during extraction with CC14 in the presence oi~ II has bean investigo,tea. &, is completely extracted with CC14 at pH 9. For the sejxLration o2 Be from Fe, 5 ml of a 15% solution of 1, 1 ml of 0-05M solution of 11, 2 drops of conc. NH40R, and 'j ml 01' CC14 arc added to 1~ ml of a solu- tiun (plff P-3) contuining 'L'S04 and FeC13 in a separatok-y Tun- nal. The mixture is shaken ~or i~ive minutes and the organic plxaqe is saparatedi the extraction is repeated a second time, Card 1/2 -6. Category: USNVAnalytical Chemistry - Gener&i Questions. G-1 Abe Jour: Referat Zhur-Khimiya, No 9, 1957, 30939 Author : Alimarin I. P., Gibalo 1. Me Inst : Aca4jemy of Sciences USS7 Title : Extraction of the Cupfeibnates of Niobium, Tantalum and Titanium. Orig Pub: Dokl- AN SM, 1956, 109, No 6, 1137--U39 Abstract: XTeriments with fib have shovn that n-cupferonate (o.6-o-9 mg/iil NbaO.O is extracted most coWletely, from solutions in 2$ azwnium axalate, turtrate and citrate, HCI and HASOf acidified vith HC1, by means of chloroform) ethyl acetate, ether and iso- butyric aldehyde (amount of the organic solvent 2 ml, volume of aqueous phase 13.5 ml). Alkali metals, NH,~"', 190;, SO.,' and increase of tenperature up to 25-300 do not affect the extent of extraction. By analogous experiments it was shown that the Ta- cupferonate is readily extracted by organic solvents from acid solutions.. A study has been made of the extraction of the cupfer- cam 112 -16- I~s ti lik, GIRAW, I. MI, SIROITTNA, I. A. and AMMARIN, L. P., state uni~v in m. V. U)lWlIOG3V; Irst A, 11,;q?odlemistry and Aiial~tlcu-7 T. Vernadskfy ~S USSR,) T:~mlli lon i:,f' R re Elemonts," f i'-ad Id AUTHORS. G*'-1qQi.-), I.E. , Byr' ko, V.M. 32-3-11/5,' TITLE! The Radiometric Titration of Zinc and Cadmium With Potassium Ferril-yanide (Radiometricheskoye titrovaniye tsinka i kadmiya f errots lanidom kaliya) EMIOD'ACAL: Zwclshaya Ln'borntnriv%, 1958, Vol. 24, Nr 3, pp. 2811-283 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A titmtiou method was worked out in which potassium ferrocyanide --'rlth Fe-59 is used as a reagent and samples can be taken during I titmtior, the actizity of which is determined. 'dork was carried ~)u,t Ln a inedium of sulfuric acid (1-2n) and a maximum error limit of 12.f~,4 was determined. In order to accelerate determination ( to 10--Ir, mirrates) only two activities are determined and the re.- --;u2t fs c~almjlated according to e. given formula- In the titration x' it i= observed that there must be a surplus of potassl,= salt. From a sample oontaininj both cadmium and zinc the :ILUP IMS determincd titrimetrioally with potassium ferrocyanide (vllt~l Fe-59) , with a surplus of potassium sulfate, after -ffiich the ctidmium vnis precipitated -elth,~-naphtoquinoline, and zinc was de- .'rn-iir-l in the fil-trate. Th,! cadmium vas then (,omputed from the Th,! RnE.,-..Y!.ptrlz Ti4ration of Zirc nnd Cadmium With Fer:'icyanide 32-3-11/52 I, I' fercnoe. There Rre 3 lulaj 5 refel--tlces 5 of Alich are rjlavi~~. ASSOCLM011- hoscow State University imen.' Y.V. Lccionosov (Iloskovskiy g~>:-,u,3a.rstv-!-inyy universitet im. V,.V. Lomonosova) AVAILABLE; LLbrary of Congres.,3 1. Zinc-Mtration 2. Cadmiuit-Titration 3. Potassium ferricyanide- Applications CarJ1 Z/2 ALIMAJOI, I.P.; GIBAW, I.M.; THIN' GUAN-MUN [Chlin l.u.,.i,l,-Juiig] Separation of niobium and tantalum from titwiim and iron by the cizomatographic mathod. lzv.vy,9.uchob.z,-,v.;khim.i khin..tekh. 5 no.3:374-377 1620 (,JRA 15:7) 1. Illookavokiy goBudarstvannyy univerz;itet imeni Lwlonooova, kafedza analitichoskoy kldmii. (Moblim) (TantalUlln) (Ion excham,-e reuins) B,o6,,'B ~o' , I A 77 T tic, R3 A'.,-,mari n, I F ,'Yibai(- I It and Ch'.n K,ian,-Jj-unj7 ~!etera:i.nata~,n by tht. inot~.,-~: of 4"~fv-r t, a' F:~R--.OD', AL analiticheskoy khimii v "i i, c~ ' '9621, 60-6ij T --" ): 'A' .Nio~,Junj -n liydrocchloric acid med2um was Jetermirled by d, fferenta!ij s,: c- r o p h o t --, tv. eAcccrding to published data, niobi~~n in concentrated C1 nylrush-'oric forms the compound B[Nb',011), I whc:se 1~ 4 1 ' Mrixia'.1r, at 28, mp Spec tropho tome t. rit; utud-.f~s that real. a---J :;olutions of niobium are pr,~pared -e,-,th d:fficulty. and .,'-'y ~n the presence of tantalum Tc pr-,P-re real n~obi-;m ME C S = L . - u---d so.lut'.4ons, a weighed port.ion of ~ur- N't 205 'ov as 1: 1 as 4 1 um py ro - 9u I f at P. Th-~, :,, 1,1 m t~', * o; q q 1, s s c~: ve i '. ii tE-ar--z ai~,d s-'Iut,.on. anti the solution mixed with -,on,~ent rated hyarc- L "I ~i- I The light absorption of this h,,-droch'-cr-' : a~-.d solut.Jon was an Cj, spe:!trophotc-moter Comp-1, ex ncb.,um z-h' crl-dp, S'/0'7:%',"F mj t-m n -,i t D n b ; the tj IN't (Oli" 2c xa..; formed with high 2hlor-,ne ion ~-cnc.,nt r%*-un in ao. r. C. 4 1 ..~.I Maulm,~m density of the aolut~ --.ns N L : C, c r I t a ~i a f zi~ c: r ' N HCI. or in .1 N HCI N 0 1 Turtar*.2 acA and small amou%ts -f su"'Rte ions dc) n~~t -iffto' t 1.!.(t I'LCht absorption The solutions of the complex -ire stab'.e o - un-1-mi ed period an] follow Beer'3 law in the range f C: i S '0 :)f Nb 2 cj'~ m I The apparent molar abs~~rpt:cn :oeffilcient '"e va...,E. of 9COO IrDn. molybden-i~-.. titaniur. (anJ. -~ a sma~-- ~-I.t . als) disturb the niobium Jeterminati~-n de3cribed. S m it 11 s t ~~tana 11r. Nb 0, : TiO ' 14 an,; iron :Nb O~ : Fe,O . 46 2 2 2 ~i.s w;- . 1 as tantalum lip to a rat-to Nb 2 0') Ts 20' 5 do not affec,. ~,f d~--:;rmination Z,-r-cn,urr, tungslt-r,, .:i%; -are earths have 11,: -J'fe!~- ~n the determnation The nioni~.m let t-rmi-natior b was, in princip:e. car.-ied 0~',t ac-crding to Ila t a R e fs see below; Ref 4: Dobk,,na, j s k Anai C h- -m 3 t N C, C1~' Sc.-.'Zqz S,t75/62/0 -. 7,!O0 '/CO 1/005 iet-~raiination by the BIC6,'B'O- :-)n:e-it.-at"or. in the solt:tion to te analyzed was 0 ~'12-0 4-120 mg,'2, ml Thf? meth,-~d was used for determinint~ niobium in thre(~ alloys with a majo,- 6.m-.~r-t ~)f nx,-,b--m, 5-30 ',~ tantalum and mincr amounts of 41:tanium and %n. "ne ii~.igh-i pc-r'ion 4 of al loy w as di. s,-~ o'. v ed ' n ar. HF H 250 4 M . X TL,! i:~ I a. ~,:n was fumtA off 2. - ~ timo-, 'A it!, 91,11 ar; d. and thc~ 7-~ :HI at, 800-9000C T,;(-- resu' ting ox~,des aere d,~Tom-osed gi. 'h p:)Iassium pyro- su. fate , After coolinC, the melt was d' ss, in 20 lav'ari~ acH and mixei with concentrated hydroch'oric acid An aliquoz thi~~, 9c;'utIcn was diluted tith 10 N IiCI arid tavtari, acid, II.'-I "Ien b~ differential spectrophotom"try Tne standard d 0 ! 7 2 - 0 16 2 mE, o f w,,, s 1)7~ pi re-I , n a Sim i I a r way ; i t c on tai ne d 0~1'2- ml The niotcum content of the samile was determined from a .-.brat~.c,i -:urve, and calculated from the formula C C- - FD ~C '.I- -ntr,9*,ion in the solution to be ana"yzed; C niobium concentrar 2 n th-~ F;I andard soluti on; F - &C//D; AC = C, Ttiu rusults were -omp,,red w,-,',, results of gravimetric determinat. n- The differential m e t i. s no 1" supe-t,ior in accuracy to the gravimetr:c metl-xd but reduces Card '4 S/07;~/ b2"V' /0o' "'0021 N I' C,b do?,~rm'. a at i on by the.. B 106,B 10~ thfl~ fl,r the analysis to '/4 - Th4? err-~r of the nicbiu-m des rihol --s :t 0.2-0 There are firlres: 4 tatles. anij 6 rt.,fereno,~s. Soviet and ') non-Soviet The thret~ most re-ent ref-:rpnces to Engli:-h ianeuaF,.- publications rpad as folllcws: Ref. 1: Blw'ks C V , B-.irke B E Laugh:1n J "lo , Thompson J A , Anal. Chem, 995 (19~7). Ref. 3: Susano C D., Menis 0. Talbott C K. Anal. Ch-?m H, 10712 (19.56); Majumdar A K Mukherjee A K- Analyt. Chim A,,,, - ti - ~? 23 (19~,B) ASSOCIATION~ Mc5koysk.',,- j~osadarstvennyy un.-vers-,te- im M V Lomcnc'sova ~Yicsc~t)w State University imeni M V Lomonc'90v) S','13Y I TTS;'D: 24' 196' C;.rd 41'. , Al 00, st A. re to H rep,-- %%I 101':.tbef one i~ ihe'40 A or W1141up i 1 0" V, lip brought At -normil KOH4cl 106 4.4%' 4c1 to AA . -.N, dw 51 14" On s aft mat If a amk~' Icho0o'' khJ W I t r*'14 I OM i If, ~j k Ail 4 16. ri It fq~ ~Jil 1 di . . . . . . . . . . . 41 777-7 Tim., to 't i T, I ro"at 4 .00 ti~ --Q prldluldW Loot kaynt, j Olimil'or, Alby a; of the tot MR ]M'MK and ll"ltulli~, JL d**8 not % I W. IMM4".pmmxv Voir t map *home 14M magly tl k M, v AaadmW bf k no ytia. t' to auable, arAl. (N& D*) +a1w deavatives- thU V 4malm lift) I 1.4 r6agant that is are been Used for thev 00* by the preatA i 4% 0" or the 0 6f. tU rose- t'b ifith (Nb -PM) ii-000ti $09d in the to= df ai:*~ Ions 'Inet S+r' a` t he' Presence of acieftis v""& to be the best w- I"' =~ ad4ity of solution is, OtOt LM* X. V. Lomonosova ("CO14- i SUMITTEDs Javiuary 22jIM: .1 AccEsmom NR.. APW33643 8/00T5/64/O19/OOh/0467/0V$ AMOR: Oibaao,, 1. M*; Alimarim, 1. Pe) Davasdorzh,, Po I'TITM. Separation of aidbim fna-tentelm " titanima by extraction vith i amonius pyrramizedi SO=: Mum& analiticheskoy kblmdi,, ve 19 . no 6 4,, lg&,, ' 467 469 TOPIC TAGS: nidbium aaalymis# tentalm,, titgAimp extraction, pumim.. pyMjjAjn8djtbjoQaXbsftt0 i'AMUCT: Tba article describes the possibility of Bepamting niobim frm tants- i I I= and titanim by tbt wdractim of niabium pyMlidinm1ithiocatamate (PMC) - In veakly acidi* as well as In concentmted Id. For cbecking tbe efficiency =awndftaii I of extraction., use vu no" of I The experiments have shoun that in umkmim *estate buffer (qH -- 5) Ta. does not react with N04M either in purepoluticam or In the prdsence of niabium. The XbPDTC is satisfactoA extracted with ablmfozm In the prosence of tant4m up to the ratio 0 ~ 2 jiTat;6z ltl*5. At a hiftbe content of taetLUn It is not possible to obtain J U in Concentrated :quan a sm (so) the wftwum is analopuse GIBALOs I. H. The Second All-Union Conference on the Preparation and Analysis of _g.-,-Purit~ Elements, held on 24-28 December 1963 at Gorky State Uni- v,!rsity im. N. 1. Lobachevskly, was sponsored by the Institute of Chemi- stry of the Gorky State University, the Physicochemical and Technological Department for Inorganic Materials of the Academy of Sciences USSR, and the Gorky Section of the AH-Union Chemical Society im. D. 1. Mendeleyev. The opening address was made by Academician N. M. Zhavoronkov. Some 90 papers were preaented, among them the following: I I. P. Alimartn, 1. M. Gibalo, A. P. Golovina, and Yu. A. Mittsell. Determination of Ta in W_Oh~-PM silicon (up to 0'.05 micr~jrams .. of- T.a.205 in 2 9 Siod by an extraction- luminesce nc e method. 9/ Mn - 6 f6 'K /C 77- ACC NM AFtU1-949J SOMM 00DEt LM/0075/66/0211006/0718/0728 AUTHORs I-Gib40-i..I-- j ORGt Moid-WME-FITHWiffil (Moskovaiij gooudarnAVennyy u TITLE: Determination of Impurities I n4igh-purityPhiobiumLind tantalum SOURCE: Zhurnal analitichookoy Wall, v. 2a, no. 6P-19b6o 718-728 TOPIC TAGS: n1obium# tantalum# flamep photometry, crystal impurity, niobium alloy, tantalum alloy, trace analysis, impurity contort spectrophotometric analysis, apoo- trometry, polarographie analysis ABSTAACTz Hethods for determining impurities in high-purity n1obim and tantalum were revieved. Direct determination of traces of impurities (10 10 %) Is, in most case impossible and requi"s their concentration by such methods as extraction, coprecip - t&tion of distillation. In some Instances# Impurities in niobium, tantalum, and niobium, or tantalum pentoxides can be determined by spectrophotmetry orospectrometry. The sensitivity of these methods can be improved by combining them with chemical methods. Brief data on the direct determination of impurities by the spectrophotemstr method and on the determination of impurities by the spectroscopic and combined speo- troscopie and chemical methods are given in the form of tables. Among other methods for determining Impurities in high-purity n1oblum and tantalum, the following are briefly reviewed: polarographio determination of Pbp Sn, Cd, and Can in niobium and niobium alloyal determination of tantalum impurities in niobium and Nb2O'; by radioac- tivation analysis; determination of alakli metals by flame photometry. In conclusiono -methods for deterning nonmetallic impurities (su-1furp carbon and phosphorus) and gases (oxygen, hydrogen, aro nitrogen) in ni bium and tantalum are briefly revievad, Orig. art. hne 3 tables. LUD PRESS: 5015_0 SUB C019t Up07/ SUBM DATEt 27jul65/ ORIG REFt 060/ OTH REF-. 027 Card I /I at UDCa 543.70 11 3 1:,. )/Ewll ~' V ) "17up (k hUT- AcCOV, AP6029o66 SOURCE CODE: UR10413166looololislOl.-210122' INVkMOR: Filonov, S. P. Khakharev, Gibalov, A. I.; Chugunov, V. K.; MaB V G ORG: none TITLE: Device for transferring gas of a free-piston generator. Class 46, No. 184065 /announced by Lypnsk Order of Lenin D esel Locomotive Building Plant im. October Ifevol jiM (Lu- iWfj zavoaT7-'---' Lenina teplovozostroitellnyy--- gan or SOURCE: Izobret prom obraz tov zn, no. 14, 1966, 122 TOPIC TAGS: free piston generator, gas generator, pipeline, pneumatic servomechanisms valve, piston engine 1, ABSTRACT: The proposed device for the transfer of gas from a free piston generator (operating in a group of generators on a common gas pipeline) exhaust to the gas pipeline inlet contains atmospheric and main valves. In order to automate the gas transfer, the values are equipped with pjumatic servo drives, interlocked with a slide valve, controlling the main val y a servodrive, and rigidly connected with the servodrive of atmospheric va3ve whi-ch receives a command signal from a electro- pneumatic valve (see Fig. 1). In a modified version of the above-described device, Card 112 UDC:-621.432.9-129-31-577 L 47373-66 6 ' 'el N ki AP 02900) FIJ to atmosphere.- compressed, Fig. 1. Gas transfer device air air f rom 1 - Atmospheric valve; 2 - main valve; d shpel~ 3 - servodrive of the atmospheric-valvai- 4 4 - servodrive of the main valve; to 5 - slide valve; 6 - electropneumatic urbine vabre. the servodrive of atmospheric valve was equipped with a damper in order to ensure gradual charging of the generator during the transfer of gas. Orig. art. has: 1 figure. [AV] SUB COrE:1*IIYdizUBM DATE: 15Mar65/ r- 2/2 mjs W-6 WwAk. I pi 00* rVR/0229/66/0 1/0 Wo 0~ :10 ~JtqtqbpX Revolution (Lugdia~kiO 6, i4xite ~iljton psif ieks for river: a 41:J lvo 34 n gas turbine a ins Toto 'A stam4turbinal Dla, desi~Aed and .-Asn ea, by, the seen 13 '16 "low onsisted of two 990-Ir yet 1A t to vatol 'Ott a Wme Irree piston Poitiers of tonolve ILA A oa* t.V' 1850 hp ftt A! 6~s r iity (;~rmkrl) 2035 hp 0apA at d ~ papit y -I bal4wardl 640 hp nit il-JInal, 10 195 g7hp-hr Re 300 rpm PA. 0 ISO rnm .32 it 16 car 36 ton VA t i ld lobs punt 19.5 kg/hp M 621#431#74t621AM ...j 1/3 No L 1 010" 77,77"; . 4ats on 5 O Vie are: Sliven, below: to 280 mm * .111", 11 750 mm Et 0 375 mm 31.5 4 1 OW ,1 4, 20t 5k4/8(1 4a Oli Av 8.9 M/600 tic) Br)o hp 935 h A' , me, p Gas 0i 0 ' 4.5 atm 2.3 kg/se ii A 490 0 bf: ISO 735 oyoli JL52 g7hp-hV 6 5 41 . 7 4000 x 1500 x 2300 mm J, 6000 kg MIS bow fi, j: 1 tim conowing ratings: 925 hy If 320 hp forward) 9000 hp 78e5 % 9000 k,9 4018 2 2550 x 2616 m he ifuel ot t 61. mart U d The lubrioants vvere of irs 12-5 he, d t4ind ops-riatioA of turbines and gasiff iers *0 100064, r a o i6ationo-were ohm in two figunoo now A 41A r".0, so tho; ntions of fuel ant fog d obtf pasumatio oyotes wwas 63xwp in- is btt I 4,06 Odor various operating 6 onUt 6 ions s Is rt 4o1 7 tigurome 3 ORIG hUs "000 OTH M. 000 Ocm:' am* IAl NARTCV, Igor' Mikhaylovich# insb.; BORISOV$ G.P., kand. takhn.nauk, kand. takhn.nauk.. re- taenzeyit; MOIMEV, A.I.p prof., nauchrryy red.; FOLYAKOV, I.L.,red.; XONTOROVICH, A.I.# tekbia. red. [English-Russian dictionary on gas turbine syatems; with a supplementary alphabetical Index of Russian terms)Anglo- rusakil, elovart po gazoturbinnym ustanovkam; s i-rilozheniem alfavitnogo ukazatella rusekikh teminov. Leningrnd, 9ud- proitgi2, 1962. 21L p. K[RA15:11) (Oka turblnes-Dlctlonarles~ (English-language.-Dictionaries-itu3sian) (Russian language-Dictionaries--English) Y , - ~ I j . ..I . ,y I ~~ , I . "Cemented u I un!. nurl Oxide, Its Uzisiv j,n)pr-M I es ,tzij iii ! I ic,,., I. ion" , I. . 33f I V)I. 6, N~). 2, Fel . ',Annd) SO: ~';,)rjt I,,] y T 'I -;t -) f A Co 7p~ -,j (ML) , IC , 'N - 4, ',.*,) - 5, 1,11aY 1955, I . . 3 f , , Unol. I - I . I .. . i I I . I . I . . . - I . - I j : . - . I I ~ ~ I . . . - . I I , r ,JW)t T. Influence of cementite liquation on quality of tools nanufactured from high-speed steel* P. 57 MECHANIK Warszawa (Stowarzyszenie Inmierow i techikow Polskich) Vol. 28, no. 2p February 1955 SOMCE: MU TL Vol- 5, no. 7. July 1956 POL~YD Chemical Technology. Ghemical ProCucts and 11-13 Their Application Cerani cs. Glass. Binding -e n c r IYO I Abs Jour: "Ref Zlitir-I'Wraiya, 3, 195), Author : Gibas$ T. lrj--t : 77ot given Title - A i,ethov of Icourir~g MnRe~oed '.otal OxiL'~es, fur CeraiLographic -urpoces Ori.c.- Pubt. liechanik, 1-c,57, 301 Fo 12"~ 541; 1 jibstract; The preparation of spocimens of metal oxides by grinding, poliohing, and scouring of the fractured surface is de5cribeC. For gr-Inding 011 C"'!:t-iron di,,k at 140 revolutions rer ir~inuto, novdcr of 320, 600, and, 800 mesh In paraffin POLA;'D Tcc' nc,1,7 iy. er ic-a' Procl-,~-cts ~~Il~ li 7.1 1 Tlic I r c~.t I ~7n,: .Cerp-:. ics Ab,- Jour li~159# 11c, .10 N517. 'I'Amisz. I i's t olv7n. Tltlp P-tal Compounds . Part I . CrIn Pu',: S~:i:!n J. ccrai,~.A 50, Al C, tll~Js and t I I - s c N, i ri qoC, v c I _ i for combining cera-ilc~ bil, incans (nr!hp!-,J0n), -inplications -r- , R . -,. dh e~ s i c n of 0, cr-Aings a:-id use of cci ~rt- Fo I, , . ccfL-,,,.iic heFds to bl. ~csy nluc:;p (~po-.,,; rcs aid 'Itirrilditc" (3wf tzer 1-1,-~rc uscd, the stabi I- f t f vl I i c h v a s c or n I P- t,. Is i i f', i c i , nt , r. t'k I C, scctic,i 9nd comprisc3 (hri/cln2 ).- z,t ZOO 1 .9-5.3~ -t 1000 019-3.2. (7ard 1/i1 172 0 POLAND / Chemical Technology. Chemical Products anci Th---,ir Cer:-,nIcS. fAbs Jour: qcT 1951P 1-o -1j, 121517. Ai)~,trnct Cer-mic coatj ngs P11 vzrious !,c ca.,j be r)r)l, b~ th~'; ),,",~thod of !-.praylng, :~y filsion fjii!:-,~rsfen, (1cnr?tIon ~,f ?,,e vapors (on the ccranic) -r thc 311itcring of t~'e poiiders in ri!-APA forim. (Al 203 ~ Zro? and ZrO2 (-.513' plus SiCI, patcnt,~o by tvv,~ Anrican fir.,ins and. i~, u-d fcT applyinn T.)rc- tective ceramic ccs-tinq~, (,.,-i dctall, of avlatIon engin-2s and other objects. In the ILISSR~ incthods nrc usr--d ,-,f cn~~t!n,~ ccrn: 1c hlocl~s lith Cu or a perr.-Iloy (7,5'~', NI plus ~2.2- "o) for the -nurnose (~f tiwir stibsc(iticnt sold,--rIng to 1;-the-cutilng tools. k-n th, surfocc forr,~vs a 1-.v,--r ol' CuzO mixed with a sclution cf Card 2/tI "herr..'cal Technolngy. Chcmic~! -ro(lucts sinr; P, 'li,~r I I c at i o r. s . (: e r,-;~ cs Ab3 Jrur: ~tn' 19 IP517. Abstrnct: in tur!,cntiiv~ voll; aftcr 5-? ni, Sinterinq nt 10i"P_11 ~" :,:I i~c n J, s I c r y cc, a t in -)btai 'I'A .C o Z7 t i ill of 'I is , po-,~,rjcrs are well obtnined ~r, cm'i-mics i;~tn z 10",0' g1:, ~s additive ( ir. the form of z-, paste in th~, sam- solvcrits ) after s`ntcring -A -1150-10,500. A s-rios -,f methods w,,,s d~valoncd f-r obtnining, ccr'v.;.Ic coverings on !~ c or !.,c on c~,raEiics b~,., mean7, OT rc-,-cing Ve c-mpovnds int.- a 9,iseous stacle, for C;t 8 T.. ~t c 0 n t i n gon m~t;Allc Cr froir. Cr3.- on Cr, on ~1. I;c,., fro~i C,11 Tf 1, 0:-. j ~O 1! f r o;.n, T f P WSi; on an), Ve from A1,0 bv -c-)ns of thc inter- 3 , - ' r~?].,-Aion in th- nnseous nhli,., -A" .1ACI,! olus CO Card 3/'1 33 t,,,jcT,jcr! Techn(.,Ioov. Chrmic-O Pro:~i,cts Abs J)i-,r: li'lef Zhu r-K'li im iy-,,,f 1~,)5,)$ ',!o di IZ517. C~bstr,-ct: nl-~s 'i - frr. SIO 1xi r:cans o-(' thc cf Z, - 1. .2 ~ - SiCilo. olus C02 Plus from ZrO, by rneans cf tha M-.Ction ~,f ZrCl,, plus (-'C)., H,. -- S. ~.'71cbov. ard -1,A Tccllr'OIOLY, Chond cal rroducts and Theiv d a ,),.uAcati on. Coran.'es . G) asa. Din i ng I htc~ri, 1S - ConcrAu. Ab3 Jcur: Mur-lliin., No 10: 1~59, 35661. 'uLlIor : Gibas, T. lc lk!tal-CcmAc Cm-rpLu,,ds- fS,-Ido J. Cermi, 9, a,2-,)67 (10~5~) thc" C,.- CIC ~Ivoductiw b s", i- (:f curacts (c) arc aj.:;ciIszua. The produc'- -i, ~ f stable- -k;grc-gatcs af ccrari,.c powdcrs with i~tals (1~) a decrea5c in frcc urcrmv. Durii-.,- a Q nAual wut~li~iG of ~Iiu cur-arde and IM cc-o~,,cz- s Should tonsion kc placi--- l5iiL del)encls oil t:l(l surfacc~ Of thL! thL S at thu .~Nk2ull -,d POL-XD/Chemical Technology. Chunical Products and Their H Application. Coramcs. Glass. Dinding Materials. 'Concrete - :,bu Jour: Baf Zhur-Khiri., Ito 10, 1959, 35661. thc- solid and liquid phases caid on thQ Burface energy o~ the principal fecramic) compo- nent ("( .),,arid aw be expressed by the cquation: f, 3 Itt ajog% + jl'~10, co,39, whoic 9 is the C111tac Ctw A M and the cc=.dc m, tarlal. Mica 9 4,900, C;ood wetting will be observed and the, surface anurQr Arill be less tlian 1000 dvn/ cu. Por 9 >, 900 the iretting and the p::oduc'%'I-oi of n strmg C am" made inom clifficul-~. Va&(-3 0: 9 and f i for r4 nwiibor or comde aiLer,'als wid M G'4t' 1'.1, Bi, Ila, C11, wid 311) n1-(-- 'Alu C ewi bc; divided into four -roups, &PLIICI-'-~IL, Oil ih(,-.'Lr Card : '1/4