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, IN n Ob S P of it LF It 0 1 1 T TA I M 0 0 0 m b w n is 0 .1 at 0 a 0 .4 + A Ai 00 V-1 S411imstol to. tTech. Sm.) WWI n 747-For the ic & induib4o 40 h C i mm . i ft the bitter nsay be rxtd~ utuler m we, u In beriv f Ire o sul . with "ter at 7.% W wit"t pewlimiumv tl~,- Sw tj;r the pulp with I-b w"Me. I* trawd to FK,lllv. ; *I the muse valtiev art obtained lot pg-med jusce, ition joke or hot-41ismim Joke (pmvemivc heating to ; i o l i t) crix t coww .5, IW for V% tuirt.); but the latter metivu Rtmwt &L~wmtr than the othm 4wing to the climinAtionol i The inittlentVol tdesmol pit. itill.el" too - 09 j , Io 1.1 All'. 1-4. Awl lw~litls . 0, I-t it O vtmo~ A. Pajooem.- -00 ass 00 :;Go of 00 0# S A S A W~k1k,'GK.' OfF40609 Ct M-M-1101 t:* 0 8 hoe u ~ 0 t, f. .1 Or a 1 ; 41 4 1 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 o 0 o 9 0 0 0 * 4 600 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 We 0 0 a 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0: Ttfttm#nt III m I war bie"s with time for Olaftip In NUCks 41111-1 1 . A, Nalcli-mmy. 1"... 2z, I-21(IV48); CA- Z-11- (9-1-co- Z- FJ I 9. 1. 1 110-Sluilks SuAde in the V.S S,R. cibocced that the effe,:tivescrim of powdered CaO or uu'lk of Unit In prct~ ~tvlajg =apt beirts in a*-kv viLrW with the lotulity. In :"test Rumid, the magar low for beets, I".1"I with Mor ois. icily IV-74% the notinal lues for untreoled b"Im In the I'kialn the lic's *1111 Allmit 7u, of "orsool. .4de in the Ki K &I Agaill MCIOIS iIIIIIIII bdol Ito sorti IF 6 114 1, and ics t~ccsis (t' S S.R.) It out is,jis,ilouic, %1 (1. 111. GIRDA, A. D., VOROBIYEVA, YE. A. Weaving Stand for weaving mats. Sakh. prom. 26 no. 6, 1952 Monthly List of AmRsian Accessions, Library of Congress, lu~~ust 1952. Unclassified. V IOC L! aced (50 F1 r, d 3 S C~ V e n !:,o nt hs -?,ith P, Cate 1-Y CUUMATCL) PLANTSX-1vii-JERCIA', 'Se Fir i ntp, Ah3. Jour. REF NUA ~GC86 Su4ghr- 13' e d t a t 11 t t 1'. lhioh ' - D Yj 0 !f~ d 01i rLA)t her-w-u', ', H'i 13 P~3p-,c~.-ijl.v rctlitmbIt, 'aith. *11-.3 f,.,'kllL!.r)n of urtim'.1 a oe tji r "oun innfitis-) ~,i ro,A yield mas aiotten with ~1(!Ld --nn 'onthylacetic .' d !n, 1W.rh th- co- rol' T-reaTment ,9c, I A b 1. ij, n ijo d u eh i I i t v by C -~ A -j. o, and t.- oonc#! nf. ri.i t i ~n c, e 10/mf,/I 0.224. T h i! Li - I.A. r, r 'ie't!".1it. "u, C.1%, 'Action of u r ~! Z 4 -T) d t ~ r-!ie 1 v v ~~ I c rhu control], U, '17i, jrnr c- il-0-u-cc-A, G.~ ::'C'scalical L--st-ititto cf C; cf G -,n (:.i: Di,xiitle i,.-, Larl-c- t,~ Secure rr-L-:~a:. C, Ori "'nualm'. IVcr~x. SlLii-i cu I 1957, 26j-2'(1. lustract: To c1luch C:,. "-!~e -Joc-lacy f "..-Isocus il~. t':.c_- ~-,.-ro ~Yze LiclL.11;7~",)--s "-,"GCJ c ~,.u;.:--ors t:.(- air Lli(- fm vr~.rjL)J.'r, (J~'.Y.' (.*,I S i1-;", -as 1/3 -.i.lFair-. D,-,jicst7c-- d Foul. .1ji; -Ju%ir. '..c-f 2~; 1-1-~"b, cxc:,a,,~ _;c wcc u3t~d for zinco caz~~cn cl 1 -=i ~lc was by bar-llll~, i-dth itz s-ubscquc,.,, tit.rc-tion. Tlic Lluctcl fur Virce ye, .'.ri increctsed carbc,i-. c-f lLr) tk; clLtrinr- was durin.] t*-.e first 2 yQ,,.rs . 'fair tio-ri was !.nr-ful t-j ror-i-cl. lintcliinr~ cf I;Iic c~:i~hs rn-l 'latcldl~:-- was m(lucccl to 51.3 63.o,,,. sic-1 of fresli air f,,-r tlircc On-r, bc.,for(; ratchine- rcclucco, the CO "U" J.- t i;':c ~10:-.L-~--t tlic ct &iel:s CrL-.:c --J o 76". -1A ia~crcasccL "Ll i r , Gas lu-Sillec'. ~-,)r (20,000 - 30,000 0.-.'(~s ant a ti-10- Ir -1-955 50,000 -.,crc incllbr~tcd siuultal"coasly L"~c -Av w,:.s chn,--~,-~&. ii-, the incubcdWr by tl,,c clz~ily 2/3 69 SA1401M, Z.A.; GIRDA, T.B.; COMMEA, A. gxperimental results on the transformation of the 1krdus stricta L. association-by agrotechnical surface measures and radical remaking. Studii corc biol veget 15 n0.3:401,420 163. 1. Comunicare, prezentata do 1. Popescu-Zoletin, membru corespondent al Academiei R. P. R. GIRMIAMB, X.A. Quantity of totat iron and its dynamics in bone narrow and peripheral blood during treatment for hnochromic-hyporegenerAtive anscia: Soob. AN Gruz. SSR 22 no.4:491-498 Ap 159. (MIRA 12:9) l.Inatitut pordlivaniya krovi im..a~md. Mukhadzo, Tbilini. Predstwr- lano akademikot K.D. Bristavi. ' (IRON IN THS BODT) (AIMMIA) GIRDALADZZE, M.A. Study of the hypotensive effect of increpan. Soob, AN Grua. SM 33 no.l.-239-246 Ja 164. (MM 17:7) 1. Institut klinicheskoy i eksperimentallnoy kardiologil. Predstavleno akademikom I.Ya. Tatishvili. *A. an -f T* nL;. "'c .t: VEPKHVADZE, K.F. (Tbilisi); GIRDAUDZE, R.A. (Tbilisi) Diagnosis and surgical treatment of rectal cancers Vops onks 9 no.8t86-90 163 (MIRA 17t4) 1. Iz Respublikanskgo ankologicheskogo dispansera Ministeretva zdravookhran=iya Gruzinskoy SSR (glavnyy vrach - A.V.Uereteli) i kafedry onkologii Thilisako o gosudarstvennogo instituta dlya usovershenstvvvaniya vrachey f zav. - prof. K.F. Tepkhvudxe). Ad,res avtorovt Tbilisi, ulitsa Pavlova, 21, Gruzinskiy respubli- kanskiy onkologicheskiy dispanser. GIRDASOV, M.S.: PLAKSIN, I.N. Recovering, Mld frnm cyanide oolutiono by ion-exchange rosins. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; tavet. met. 2 no-1:74-R2 '59. (MIPL 12:5) 1. Moskovskiy institut tevetqrkh metallov i volota. Kafedra motallurgii blagorodnykh metellov. Wnla--Metallurgy) (Cyanide procaso) Lion exchange) I 37-58-4-t)394 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Metalturgiya, 1958, Nr-1, p9-USSR) AUTHORS: KarEsev, P. M. , Girdasova, Z. M. TITLE- The Process Investigation of the Ore of the SovetshV Deposit (Yeniseyzoloto Trust) [ Tekhnologicheskove issledovaniye rudy mestorozlideniya Sovetskogo (trest Yenisey-zoloto) J PERIODICAL: Tr. N.-i. gornorazved, in-ta "Nigrizolow, " 1957, Nr 2-2, pp 167-168 ABSTRACT: The object of the work was to develop zi practicable procedure for beneficiation of the ores of the lower levels of the Sovetskiy vein in order to design a new gold refining plant or to recorstruct the existing one. Three procedures were tested in investigating the given sample: amalgamation of the ore with subsequent cyaniding of the amalgamation tailings; amalgamation of the raw ore (with removal of free Au at the start of the process), and cyaniding of the flotation concentrate; and amalgamation of the raw ore and flotation of the amalgamation tailings. Thc major technological criteria for the various processes are presented. The investigation made it possible to recommend a Card 1/1 system for flotation of the ore followed by cyaniding of flotation concent rate. A, Sh 1 Ores--Processes 2 Flotation--Appli'cati-ons S/137/62/00()/001/020/237 Ao6o/Aloi AUTHORS- Rossovskiy. S. N., Frenkina, Ts. B., Girdasova, Z. ~1. TITLE: Testing of carbonatite pyrochlore ores for their ability to be concentrated PERIODICAL,, Referativriyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no, 1, 1962, 8, abstract 1060 ("Tr. Tsentr. n.-i. go.-morazved. in-ta", 1960, no. 39, 35-37) TEXT: The principal useful component in the samples Is Kb, concentra-;ed In the pyrochlore. The NbS'-5 ~orcantra-rion is equal to 0.1%. The grain size of the pyrochlore is 0 .5 - 0.0 ~~ mm. As a method for primary concentrating it is recommended to -asA rcAsting cf the original ore with subsequent crienching it In water a.-Lid wasning off t-he finely dispersed slimes of Ca(OH)2 and Mg(OH)2 thlis formed. The sandy porrion after this processing represents a product enriched in bb2oq and F2':t5, which may be subjected to '.'~Lrther concentration on a concent'ra"Lag :cable '.1.,y magnetic separation or by flotation, depending on the assay. A. Shmeleva [Abstracter's n~~te.- Compiete -:.ransiation] -ard 1/I S/137/62/000/005/M/150 AOO6/AiOl AUMORS: Rossovskiy, 3. N., Frenkina, Ts. B., Girdasova, Z. M. TITLE: Concentration of carbonatite pyrochlorotis oros PERIODICAL: Referativnyi zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. ~), 1962, 3-9, abstract 5G49 ("Sb. materialov po gorn. delu, obogashcheniyu 1. metal'hirgil. -sentr, n.-i. gornorazved. in-t", 1961, no. 6, 4(-)-511) TEXT: The basic effective component is N-b, concentrated In pyrochlore. The content of Yb205 in the initial ore is 0.1%, dissemination is 0.5 - 0.003 m1n, basically 0.01 - 0.003 mm. The gravitation methods of concentratini-, this material did not yield positive results; flotation is mwie difflt~ult by the presence of great amounts of carbonate and apatite, which are more flotation- active in an alkaline medium than pyrochlore. Reverse flotation Is poorly effective. Ore roasting with subsequent extinction In water and washing of lime slurries is an effective operation of initial concentration and makes it possible to obtain sand products with a content and extraction of Nb20 which are for sample I and 2 (in %) 0.48 and 85.4, and 0.74 and 88.5 respelvely of the initial ore. Sands of sample no. 2 were subjected to concentration on a table Card 1/2 137/62/000/005/0:23/150 Concentration of carbonatite pyrochlorous ores A006/A101 ruid magnetlc soparation; subsequent1y the non-magneth., Ivacl;lon was I'lot"ted with Na oleate. As a result crude concentrate was obtained, contn InIng ~. 19% Nb205 at 50.7% extraction from the ore. Finishing was made by aoid proce.,-,sing of the crude concentrate; subsequently pyrochloric acids were obtalned with conditional Nb2 05 content (37 - 53.5%). A. Shmeleva FAbstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 KUMAY, D.G.; GIRDO, B.M, Induced synthesis of colicins. kntibiotiki 10 Y 165. (MIRA 1815) 1. Institut apidemiologil I Mik-r-Oblo1rgil iMerd Gainal-el W S.SSR, Moskva. ~i 1! 61) ~ ~z -' ' : , __ "It ~v . T~ e ll~,,c. rdq,ie of :icasurin,,- thc =diaticn lmlanc,-~ --~- -lr~:' F-,~ nidiation at sea. 1:otcor. i ~idrol. no.3:4~-51 :~!r "I. C ~ -1, -, , : - ) (Sol-r radiation 43Q91-66 E,'.7 ( i -3 114 - - -------- ACC NR1 AT6021617 SOURCE CODE: U10631/66/000,1187/0171/0176 AUTHOR: Glrdyuk. G. V. 7/ ORG: none,'~,- r TITLE.- Determination of die effective radiation of the sea urface during daylight SOURCE Aeningrad. Glaynaypt geofizicheskaya observato Trudy, no. 187, 1966. Fizika pogriullchnogo sloya atmosfery (Physics of the atmospheric boundary layer), 171-176 TOPIC TAGS: solar 'radiation, radiation measurement, ocean property, error measurement, actinometry, M-r,,no'300AIFleir 90901--g-r".04) ABSTRACT: A brief analysis of the accuracy of measuring global and reflected radiation and the radiation balance of the sea surface during daylight from aboard ships showed that the acc=cy of determining the effective radiation of the sea surface by the formula Eeff Q-Rk-B (where Eeff Is effective radiation, Q is global radiation, Rk to reflected radiation, and: B Is'the radiation balance) Is determined mainly by the accuracy of measuring the radiation balance. The measufed magnitude of the radiation balance of the sea surface proves to be underestimated not only as a result of the effect of the side of the ship but also as a consequenoq'- of the dependence of the sensitivity of the actinometer on the angle of Incidence of solar radia- Card L 43991-66 ACC NR: AT602161~ tion. It Is shown that the side of the ship increases the measurement results of reflected radiation. Consequently, when calculating the effective radiation by the formula presented the errors Introduced by the side of the ship are to some extent mu"t1ly compensated. How- ever, the specific characteristics of sea observations introduce additional errors &rising as a result of the Instruments not being horizontal and the splashing of their receiving surfaces by sea water, difficulties of taking readings from the galvanometer, the vertical blowing of the receiving surfaces of the Instruments as the ship rocks, and other factors which increase the error. Therefore, to determine the effective radiation during the daytime sind, especially, at sea, direct measurements of the fluxes of long-wave radiation should be directly measured by means of special equipment, Orig. art. has: 3 tables and 3 formulas. SUB CODE: 14,18/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 008 2/2 ()6,P, C112YUK, C.1r, DtFl,rllnutlon r' tAal. :,clar radiat.*.cn on the Kc2a Peniriou-11, Trudy GGO "45. (MrRA 18:8) DOBROV, Yu.V.; KOWDIT, V.V.; GIRDTUK, O.P. Formation waters of the Ifebit-Dag field. Izv.AN ?urIc.SSR no.6: 9P~102 '59. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Institut geologii AN Turkmensko7 SSR.Turkmenakiy filial Vassoymnogo nefte sovogo nauchno-issledovatellelcogo instituta. (Nabit 9:g region--Oil field brines) KOLODIY, V.V.; GIRDYUI,, O.P. Characteristics of' the aischarge fbei of urderErourid sfaLor5 in tte- West-Turkmen Lowland. Izv. All Turk. SSR. Ser. fiz.-tr!kh., Him. i gool.nauk no.5:99-104 161. (MIRA 14: 11) 1. Tur-kmenskiy filial Vsesoyu?,nog;o neftegazovop nauchni-Issledo- vatel'skopo instituta. (Balkhan region-Water, Underground) EIZRILENKO, YU.F.; VOLT, L.A.; MEGS, A.I.; GIRDYUK, V.V. Modification of polyvinyl alcohol and fibers ba3ed on it by means of diene synthesis. Zhur. prikl. khIm. 33 no.7:1638 J1 '65. (MIRA 18:7) 1. Leningradskiy institut tekstilnoy;Jelkoy prmr,(shlennosti imeni Kirova. L 42034-66 !JF(c) milm ACC NR- AP6011223 CA) SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/006/0060/0060 V. V. INVENTOR: Meos, A. I.; Vol' f, L~ A.; Kirilenko, Yu. K.; qtEdVk ORG: none Class 29, No. 179877 TITLE: Method of chemical processing of polyyinyl alcohol. SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye Pbraztsy, tovarnyye znRki, ro, 61 1P66, 60; TOPICTAGS: polyvinyl alcohol, monomer, acrylonitrile, chernicaltreatment ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for a method of chemical M, processing of polyvinyl alcohol. To impart new properties such ail a light resistanct; dehydrated polyvinyl alcohol and its byproducts are treated with dien~WRMC m-o,n"o- mers such as an acrylonitrile.1 (Translation] INT] SUB CODE: 07/ SUBM DATE: 120ct641 1/1 af UDC:677.494.744.72:677.864.512.1,'i:5,17.:i3E,.-211 Gj 5LZI~'i.USK.-tS, Vi V 7, n e - AN SMLISXIY, A.V.; GIRM-RIYAUSUM, B.A.; KLMOTA, L.A. Raission spectra of aromatic hydrocarbons at low temperatures. Fiz. abor. no.3t24-36 '57. (MIRA M8) 1. Moskovskly gomA&ratvennyy pedagogloheakiy Institut in. V.I. Isnine. Orlectron emission) (E~ydrocarbone-Spectra) (Low temperature research) AUTHORS: Shpol'skiy, E.V. and Girdzhiyauskayta, 2.A. TITLE. Luminescence and Absorption of Pyrone and in Frozen Solutions of Normal Faraffir-s j pogloshchaniya pirena -.* 3,4-bonzo-ira.-aa v PERIODICAL: optika. i SpelctrosLopiy-a, 1953, Vol IV, !L- !-). pp. ABSTRACT: In a series of papers from the authorb, it vias shown that certain aromatic hydrucarL:i-riti c-or-,nene, pyr-3--le , in frozen and cooled to La norrial paraff-irl.s exhibit. flaore~;ccjnco aad plicsphorisctylea ~!-.ectra consisting- of narrow li;-,es simi-,.ar to the line)., of in gas es . The list of substa,,jcea exj-jjbjbjrj.Z tqi afj.'ect "s 71ft 3 considerably extended by Bowen endl (Ref 7j. Until rocautly only the spectra of coronanowero 4nver'--'g tod In (jetail. The present paper deals -XIt", tAa spectra of anJ 3,4--banzpyr-3ne. Fluoresc:enca mas exc--Ite~~ ?-cu,-, cr inercury near 36501. Phoaohorescvnca val" exr--.Ited' .r~'; I LtereO r,t,,t frLx-.i amereury igri A .~ctr)--raih ISP-51 and a Bausch Arr! Lcub qua,~t:; Card 1/3 Luminescence and Absorption of Pyrene and 3,tL-BenLpyrerw 51~ r-!'GZ,3r1 Solutions of Nori!iai Paraffins spectra were studied using a hydrogen or kn lawD as a source. The-ioncentratiou of pyrene ur 3,1-benzpyrene vas of the order of 10 - 10-5 male/litre: to stud-v ahsarption this concentration -was Increased to mole/lItre. 1ho results for pyrene in paraffin oil, ra-heaane, n-pertane,and n-hupiane and n-octane are given in Figs 1-4 and Table 1. Similar rdsiJ.ts for 3,4-benzpyrene are given in Figs 5-7 and Tabl" 2, -'-. It Is found that the line spectra observed depend stronSly on the solvent used. A vibrational analysis of these spectra sho-w6 that their general nature is preserved in all solvents. It iii cc;i~lu!jed, thlrefore, that these line spectra belong to the nolaznalas o1' pyraL3 5Lnd 3,4-benzpyrene. The long -vsvel ength portion, of rlie~ abssrztlon spectrum exhibits a structure sDailar to thtv f1uc~ro3scen-e 5pectrum in the same solvent but there is no mirror timuiielcxy between the frequencies of the fluorescence and the long-viav4lati6th absorption spectra. The short-wavelength parts ~-f ';h,) aUorption zpa-~tra of both pyrene and 3,4-benzpyrene show a certaln (juall-t-ative iir-ilarity with the fluorescence spectra. The obsezv-i,~ P.!~operties of t1re long- Card 2/3 wavelength portions of the absorption spectra sugj!est that they Luminescence and Absorption of Pyrene and "',i-Benzoyrane in Frozer. ~"ol-;.tions of Normal Paraffins are esBentially different 1'roia the strong fundwwintal absorption bande at short-wavelengths. rhere are " fi:ruros tables and 11 references , d of which. dre L;avi it, 2 A-orl-in, 2 Jwl~lan and 1 French ALSOCIATION.- Mosicovskiy gosudarstvannyy r .pedago6ic~,asLly fastitut im. V.I. Lenina (Yoscaw State Pedago-ical Inati-viite Lz:. V,1. BUWITTED: July 8, 1957 63 s C'. - r, ccm.)Curds- A") S () r P t L c) n Pa ra f f i n a n 5 1; . So- C t Card .3/3 ~-aphs - A-)j-L1cnt1o*.n3 V WIN, V.G., kandidat meditainskikh nauk (Vi1'aYUs)__GTr_vz:rPU11L8F'; korrespondent Akademii nauk Litovskoy SSR., professor, direktor. Determination of erythrocyte volume In Panchenkov's cs;piiiaries. 31 no.3:86-87 Mr '53. (viRA 6:5) 1. Patofiziologicheskiv otdel lnstituta eksperimental'noy meditsiny Almdemii nauk litovskoy SSR. 2. Akademiya nauk LItov8koy SSR (for GirdTiyauskas). (Blood-Corpuscles and Platelets) 17(2) AUTHOR: GirdzjYa-i.;kas, 1,1 7 TITLE: Dysentery arid ito Et i,~ 1 1 al S! ur.~? i:i t;!il- L'- h';, --i an Author's Summary PERIODICAL: Zhu rna 1, :-.1 i.k rob io I og i i ,i i ~, I n j7i i111:'. 1 i 11 r 9, p r) ', 2 1 - L 22 ABSTRACT: The article rives on the incidonce In Lithuania from 19 5'-) u,.. to the ~re:3ent ASSOCIATTOIJ: Vil'nyussiiy gcsu -1arstve-nn ,,-.-,, un--.-rsitet i:icni 3 t University imeni Kapsuvas) . '.1-il'nylis SUBIMITTED: Saptember ij, 10!~581 Card 1/1 VASILMV11019, D.P. [Vasilevlene, D.P.]; GIRMIYAUSKAS, V.I. [G-irdsiauskas, V.I.] Use of a selection method in the production of derrvLl small'-pox detritils. Yop.virus. 4 no-3:353-355 Xy~Je '59. (MIRA 12:8) 1. Vil'n:russkiy institut opideniologii i gigiyeny I meditain- alciy falaLl'tet Vil'nyusakogo gosudarstvannogo univerotteta imeni V.Kapsukaaa. (b%kLLPQX, immnol. vaccine, selection of calves GIRDZIYAUSKAS _V. doktor med. nauk; VIKONYTE-VASILTEVIRIE, D., -kand. med. nauk; DORISEVICIEDIE, H.; YXITAUSKAS, V.; RI14KMIAS, A., red.; ARAITIS, J., tekhn. red. (Practical handbook of medical microbiology] Nedicininev mikrobiologijos praktinis vadovas. Vilnius, Valstybine poLitines ir moklines literaturos leidykla, 1961. 431 p. (b[IfUl 15-3) 1. kkademiya nauk Litovskoy SSR (for Girdzijauskas). (MICROBIOLOGY) TIMONOV, V.V.; GI , A.A. I I Investigation of changes in the state of the system ocean - atmov!ihere. Trudy Wan. kom. 10 no.1:47-49 160. (KULA l1+;6)' 1. Leningradskiy gidrometeorologicheskiy institut. (Atlantic Ocean-Meteorology, Maritime) TI TLE: 0,~ PERIODICAL: T.v.tnyy. --tully. 1,~g , Nr 7. ;p d4-87 (V-'R) ABSTRACT: On 23-26 February 1959 s Conference -3 A,ld ocow for r', a summing-up and cooraicaticZ work on autoclare,aa in the metallurgy or boavy, non-forroua, raze and ..ble, 1. Th. confer-ac. heard r.;~t. .3 follo- D.M. YukAtanoT, Glatsvotmet, on progress throuCAout the Mrld on the use Of bydrometallurgical, yarticularly autO. .14T..methods fo r noo-for rGus and rare metal Ploductio.; 0 N 20brokbotow. Giproaikell , on nickel leaching practice Card 1/5 . L ; Soviet iworkm; N. 2_OaUChkI- ad 5. N. Dohr an the t" 00 Aad kinetics or the sall-tive reduc. Modyz 1 eT an arbon moaox4do uzd.r pressure of 4 " tion, by b dragen ; 1, , hit 1 and Cobalt rrom solution; 1. A-jo~shcb and X. X__ P9vw, Olpronikell , on design decisions on the ap-,II- * Shqj ~7atio. of the flowallocto dealt with by G. X. Doarokbotcy S_ at tn. T%zhurfilaik.11 and r,.varonLk.1 Combine. and -.b. Of"l.""Ll (Uf&) Nickel ;Works; 1. 11. ra31e=It1k.Ly,. LoningraAftly gor.yy institut LaizZrad Ulzl.g Institute) ! ona-bIn In dowat t s the " ' ' r . . had N Iolyal al t=e3 coatalzind .at for nick 1-: . . * tr r * ,.roz.k 1. platinum-group a's -B- comb* zw~- V T't .: n the . datial. or the a"Io4b*' . ., . t el & Rt CAU tod o; o each, ad or nickel concenzrat Izin m I m: : p r fr*a cone ter-matto flotation; x4. 1. Sabo - on pralialm , t' ; ~ lurous- investigations an the d:volopm=t of-W sulp ulph do metb*4 for Is obing nickel and cobalt rrm d on 0 xi Med nickel area; _X .1. Usloaltakly. U.XtaAobr Us a in results of Of the & Card 2/3 prooo ss for treating tuagst~2-ore bonefloistion produ-.ta: T-a-ka;zukaylo, Makhonabr, and D_L, XAkxk:.=w, Unpin- oplask) Toor, B.Pa.r.t.1y, on problems in tn. kara (Sk 1PI to atiaof an autcalave-ods. flowsbeet to ochadlito o z rsoa, X. Ya. and mirrmito raw mate,,lal; G. JL. L:ey R. A. -P.Tlyuk ad A. P. : Shapiro, ff. X. Xh5y~,~Iy y rNAItUt t&V.tCyk.- _i*tAI.IDT ,r, k t 12, Y =u Mstale Institute) on the treat- r , We . , f tungsten conat~.. in al. heated hall- r * Q t ! -r o I -tn a-id. or : .: tic - -. :, I . T , ; 3. 3abol To . Culmova, L, B,rl~. I.1 -Rud nk atevetmet' on tn troa and a,;. 0, at .r - I. ";rr -Affd "wrepard,1 3ulpbldo molybdenum raw matoria~ 7 QxIdI%1a8 autoclave alkaline lunching; 1. V. 'felon- 9 and a. I_ S.tol. on the klaot1c* of Oxidizing su-oclaro ILr n ,y, r ,, e loachind- A. U. Z-111cme.n a Z-9. Lyl;jas . , , ut tu ft re;4.."Utals Inaz't .. on th~ r, ult or : , of Conditions for tbv sole~tlve separet-oz of lower oxides Oftudgetan and molyb-, aum from their melt oLutlco. by .ydroEen under p-ca5tLr:; AL.- T. D~bLayaz, C.r4 3/5 Is-tallorgi-boakiy iasti%-~t of tit.So wkhcz aoun4l!) Q~ toe ArmT4=sJk:y% =R v an, local uc SM), on his Investigations of mcmit.t Arm an also. lWhind Under oxygen MolYt,*Z= oool,m- tmt.3; f.--r of I 1..cbIng; A. 1. - Kra no ..P* rr Lna.t Instit to on a- ;Hizi.4 rsk No. ~ gol't t2ntatnt- raw matcrial N. I- : , out al a ; 01,55 ro Tyuz,lz,, Ur.11.klly .= to, -.hall r n I41t -d 4"~ tu A 1. IfA T t and D.a4x -T., D.Iit, 1~;,, ;. 4 _j; 0; tI La 1. ~ %b -1 6 3%. D. a IJS 5. , . and 5 .. fQ_,4t1o_ ;natItut, .,^ to, AS X.. SSR)~ on cu. ph autoz_,avc j h.h, Qz tt, Uzriltatl-.~7 --f L A. t~_ Tn, 1: chin& for ~t-*.L.: ~j : ~ VW, on ln!,strl.I ..To --L~o of I-ohind pro44&a for t4i%'.tdz; V. 1. rr-'. :0 n AN !~ -mr.c. it Card 4/5 S= (I=Za AS USCR!, c.. '=13,47.!~ zf ~~ r,r~ various, -acy states under oxygen no Zra-c- ;:rc.-r. in the PZ. L. B-rlin. res.nee or salaydr-; Wet, on U.-,m and Y. -1.koviti, Gipr..ik.11 . -d Y.. Vistco-1,17, =11 to do"- the design or Q. L.a...... HIT TIM= h. 'I.. t"i for a blae of rbelt ~14 :c'd I ?I Y-- 1. zrakzv. 71111-nertt-khIn. c'. n.__ c to l r~ F~.j 121(hV, W-SIM -1 10;N7D Mo. o r in 4. ,1 4"..1'.r# the ;r-c.- ~f -~Tal N r tn~ GIRELI, A.M. Self-disengaging chuck for cut-Ing and rolling-in screw threads. Stan.i instr. 32 no.707-38 JI '61. (MM 11-:6) : (Chucks) GIREL', A.M.; MASHINSKIY, Ya.B. . . .............. 1-1 Drillinp deep holes in drills. Stan.i instr. 32 0 10. (Drilling and Loring) 1 no..0-38-39 (MIP-k 14- S i I I I I GM-1 A.M.; 'AASINTSMIJ, J.D.; L-JILLILS, Kalman [~--~inuatorj .1 u Deep-hole drilling by twist drills. Gepgyartastachn 2 rio.12: 472-473 D 1&.. GIRENKO, A.Kh. . Some cbnnical characteristics of atvqoapberic watnrn. Gidrokhtm. ,At. 28:101-111 '59. (MIRA 12:9) 1. GidrokhImicheskiy Institut Akademit nauk SSSR, g.Novocharkasok. (Precipitation (Meteorology)) (Water-Coupositinn) ,~4r_G,WW9--A.Xh, Chemical regimen of atmospheric precipitation baned on observations in Rostov Province. Gidrokhim.mat. 28:112-119 '59. (MIRA. 12:9) 1. Gidrokhtmichaskiy infltitut Akadnmii nauk SSSR Novocherkaosk. (Rostov Province--Precipitation (Xeteorolo~)5* (Water-Coitposition) GIRFNKO, A.Kh.; SHIDOVICH, A.V. Conditioning Gf feed water by a magnetic field. Energ. i elektrotekh. prom. no.3:70-72 JI-S 163. (M-DU 16-.10) 1. Donbassenergo. GIRENKC, A.KI., inzh.; FOSIIKO, A.Ye., inzh. Use o: hydrazine in thermal electric power plan-ts. Energ. i elektrotekh. prom. no.1!51.-53 Ja-Mr'U. (MI-Rh P-5) USSR /themical Technologi. Chemical FroductE5 1-26 and Their Application Lacquers. Paints. Drying oils. Siccativers. Abs Jour: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 9, 1957, 32591? Author : Uspenskaya L.N., Girenko A. Kh. Title : Use of the Method of Quantitative Determination of Coloration in the Study of the Effect Temperature Conditions of Calcining on the Process of Preparation of "Red Oxide of Iron" Pigment from Iron Vitriol Orig Pub: Zh. prikl. khimii, 1956, 29, No 7, lo4o-lo44 Abstract: An investigation was made of the quantitative correlations between final temperature, rate and duration of calcining, and the color of the pigment (P) obtained from iron vitriol of C ard 1/3 USSR /themical Technology. Chemical Products 1-26 and Their Application Lacquers. Paints. Drying oils. Siccatives. Abs Jour: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 9, 1957, 32592 different degree of dispersion. With increase of the calcination temperature, up to 6000, sbade and brillance of the resulting P are appreciably decreased, they Increase In the in- terval of 600-800* and at a temperature above 800* the values of the shade index decrease again. The saturation varies in the reverBe order, Increasing somewhat UP to 5000, then de- creasing down to a minimum at 7000, increasing in the 700-900* range and decreasing thereafter. Duration of calcining, at a constant temperature has practically no effect on the color of the P. A change In the initial particle size of the iron vitriol subjected to calcining produces no C ard 2A USSR /themical Technology. Chemical Products 1-26 and Their Application Lacquers. Paints. Drying oils. Siccatives. Abs Jour: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 9, 1957, 32592 decisive effect on the color of the resulting P. Rate of heating of the furnace and rate of cooling of the finished product have practically no effect on the color and yield of the P. The best temperature conditions for obtaining a P the color of which approximates most closely the red color, is a gradual increase of the tempera- ture in the furnace up to 750-800', at a rate of 2.5-5* per minute. Macrodispersity of the Init- ial iron vitriol does not affect the color of the P. C ard 3/~ USSR /themical Technology. Chemical Products 1-26) and Their Application Lacquers. Paints. Drying oils. Siccatives. Abs, Jour: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 9, 1957, 32593 Author : Uspenskaya L.N., Girenko A. Kh. Title : Study of the Effect of Mineral Admixtures on the Coloration of the "Red Oxide of Iron" Pigment Produced by Thermal Decomposition of Iron Vitriol Orig Pub: Zh. priki. khimii, 1956, 29, No 8, 1142-1147 Abstract: A study was made of a number of binary systems consisting of iron vistriol and mineral oalt5, and in one series of experiments 01 was passed, Card 1/5 USSR /t:hemical Technology. Chemical Products 1-26 ar.Ki Their Application Lacquers. Paints. Drying oils. Siccatives. Abs, Jour: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 9, 1957, 32593 in addition, into the iron vitriol undergoing calcining. The pigments (P) were washed, three times, with hot water (800) and dried at 80-100'. In most of the experiments the tem- perature of calcination was gr3$ually raised to 800*. It was found that Al (in the case of an addition of All(SO4)j) decreases very slightly the coloration of Fej.0,3 . In th-.! ays- tem FeSO~_KA1 (SOjj),, the coloration of th4! P Is decreased much more with increase of the amount of alum, due to the effect of K'~: Addi- tion of CaSO4 and Mg;104 does not change the Card 2/5 USSR /themical Technology. Chemical Products 1-26 and Their Application Lacquers. Paints. Drying oils. Siccatives. Abs Jour: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 9, 1957, 32593 color of the P; CuSOjV increases it somewhat, especially on addition of up to about 1%; NaCl decreases the coloration, over a wide range of concentration (0-5-50%). KC10.y causes a still greater decrease of the colora- tion, and therefore Cloq also promotes a lowering of shade and brillance of the P (the saturation remains, in this instance also, almost unchanged). Addition of Nat.CO,3 in amounts up to 10% decreases the coloration, MnSO4 even in amounts up to 1% strongly de- creases shade and brillance of P, Mn-oxides Card 3/5 I -_ I USSR //Chemical Technology. Chemical Products c0 and Their Application Lacquers. Paints. Drying oils. Siccative6. Abs Jour: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 9, 1957, 32593 intensify the lowering of coloration of Fe203' On addition of S, with an increase of the con- centration of SO, and S03, coloration of P de- creases. Any mineral admixtures lower the col- oration of the re-d Pe203 P, and to the greatest extent the cathions the ion radii of which are considerably smaller, or larger, than the radius of Fek'~'. which is o.61& - Maximum of colora- tion is attained at 70 -, and above this tem- perature the coloration decreases. Preaence of 02 within the zone of occurence of the thermal card 4/5 USSR /themical Technology. Chemical Products 1-26 and Their Application Lacquers. Paints. Drying oils. Slccativis. Abs Jour: Referat Zhur - Khtmiya, No 9, '957.. 32593 dissociation of FeSOy on heating up to 70()0, increases the brillance and saturation of red Fe.Oj P and decreases the shade of Its colora- tion. Card 5A USPINSKATA, L.N.; GIRINKO, A.Kh. The application of quantitative methods of color measurement to the study of the effect of temperature on the pigments "red iron oxide" obtained from iron copperas. Zhur.prikl.khim. 29 no-7:1040-1044 Jl 157. (MI-RA 10:10) (Color measurement) (Thermochomistry) (Iron oxide) *. '-- I ,:,.. :~.- " -:&~~ J!r ",)C Mw, ---c ;*:-, t,. ' ~ . 3k-tro!.eV*- , I -- . I - I , .(!. -3. , t :: , ', -1 1 , Y, I- ,! ~Jrl. f.. 11 ~:. , -) '' -~ I '~! I , --- - . GIRENKO, Audrey Pavlovich[Elyrenko, A.P.], kand. ael'khoz.nauk; IIVMS-Kff, Armtoliy lvanovich[Livenslkyi, M.], rituchr*-y soty.; ZADOITTSEIT, A'I zasl. deyatel' nauki USSR, skedenik, red.; LIMSYMA, O.I:[Livenslka, 0.1.1, red ; GLUSEKO, G.I. (HIushko, H.I.], tekhn. red. [Sowing corn along with soybean for silage] Zmi0miti posivy kuk-urudzy z soieiu na sylos. Dnipropetrovsk, Dxipropetrovrl- ke kryzhkove vyd-vo, 1961. 26 p. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Vsesoyuzn~y nEruchno-issledovatel'skiy institut kukuruzy (for Livenekaya).2. Direktor Vsesovuznogo nauchno-issledovE- tel'skogo instituta Icukuruzy i Vaesoyuznaya akaderiya Hall- kokhozyaystvcmykh iauk imeni V.I.Lenina (for Zadontsev). ('Ukraine-Corn (Ijaize)) (Ukra:Lne-Soybean) (Ensilege) Gn=KO, A.S. Strengthen the authority of zootechnicians at machine-trwtor stations, Zhivotnovodstvo 19 no.11:90 N 157 (KIRA 10:12) - I 1. Glavnyy zootekhnik Hatemenovskoy mashinno-traktornoy stantaii Sakmarskogo rayona, Chkalovskoy oblasti. (Stock and stockbreeding) (Machine-tractor stations) FE11IR cc y,,,,,;, "'. F. , 1. rrff. ; C. .-PEN-KO, 0.11. . .., i.,7i . Effect of' a decarboriLze,:I layt_.r r,j-, c~~ plastic deforma- tion of the raL!_he!7.d metal. Tt-w.ty K-HIAF 165. (MIRA 18:9) GIREITKO, G.D.j iri,,,,h, Effect of a decarbon.-~zccl, 1 iyer on Lhe contact breakdo-,m of the rall rietal. Trudy KHIJT r 76:28-32 165. (,,aRA 18:9) BRIRD, S.A. (Kiyev); GIRENKOL C~.S. (Kiyev); SWIRL), O,L% (KVev) Is ammonification neo9ssar7 in the chlorination of artesian waters? Vod.i san.takh. no.4:32-33 AP '60- OWU 13 t 6) (Kiev-Wata -4-blorination) GMNKO, L.; SOLOVIYIV, L.; RADZIMMSM, K. Oatstanding scientist of the Ukrainian S.S.R., ProfeBsor IAkov Aleksandrovich Shvartaborg; 40 years of medical, scientLflc. pedagogical and social activity. Vast. oto-rin. 16 no.(;:?(~-80 N-D 154. MRA 8:1) 1. Po porucheniyu kollektiva kliniki bolezney ukha, gorla i nosa Kiyevskogo meditsinskogo institute. (SHYARTSBERG, IAKOV AMMMOVIGH) G I==. %L. **mom" Distribution of the blaak rat In the Ukrainian B.S.R. Klev.un.9 ne.6:75-95 150. (Km 9:10) (Ukraine--Rat~) GIR~21KCI L. L. "Comnarative -EcolcEy of Eusi . ~~ray, anc- Red Vcl-,~." (band -.:io." -Zci) Zoolo~7ical inct, 1"cad Sci Ulkrainian -S~'R, Ki v, 1954. (;--L-~Rll, i,c; E, Dec 1:14) Survey of -scientific ar'6 Tecl~nical L!,-.~fe-%Jec' 7--il ,.i-i-r iixiucaticral li-tiLut-Ons (1'~) Sc : Sum. No . - 5 C., l, J un 57 5 GIRMO. L. L. On the possible extension of the season for using poison bait In controlling spotted gophers. Dop. AN URSR no.2:192-193 '55. (MIRA 8:11) 1. Insitutut zoologil Akademii nauk URSR. Predstaviv dlyaniy chlen Akademii nauk URSR P.O.Sviridenko (Ukraine-Rodent control) GIRMO, L.L. Some remarks on the use of poisoned bait in controlling rodents. Dop. UN URSR no.2:197-199 156# (14IRL 9:12) 1. Institut zoologii Akademii nauk UHSR. Predstavleno akademikom Akademii nauk USSR P.A. Sviridenko. I (Rodent control) j _zRF_A1k6) )-, /_ USSIR/Pharmacology. Toxicology. Toxicoloov. V ,kbs Jour Ref Zhur-Biol., No 8, 1958, 37732 Author Girenko L. L. Inst Not__*77~~ Title Methods of Determination of Lethal Doses of Zink Phosphide (Metodika ustanovleniya smer- tellnykh dose fosfida tsinka) Orig tub Dopovid NN URSR, 1957, No 4, 410-412 Abstract Zink phosphide (1) is widely used for the con- trol of rodents. 1 is insoluble in water. The method of administering a suspension of 1 -uo the animals by mouth in small packets made from thin cigarette paper has been DroDosed. In view of the fact thab the content of 1. in different F:rouz,,s of factory products has considerably varied the lethal dose must be based on the factiial con- tent of I established by chemical analysis. Card 1/1 GIRERIO, L.L. [Elranko, L.Z.] Recent data on the ecolog7 and geographical d-istribution of the Vkrainian subterranean vole (Hicrotus (Pltymus) subterraneus ucrainicus Vinogr. 19ZZ). Fratei Inut.zool* AN URM 16:31-42 160. (MM 13:7) (Ukraine-Field mice) ir. 4 GIRENKO, M.M. Variability of indices and classification of Sbc)r. trud. asp. i mol. nauch. sotr. VIR no-5:95-103 164. (MIRA 1-8:3) GIRENKO, P., Garoy Sotsialisticheakogo Truda; jUU)RITEVSK-,kTA, A.: TOLSTOV, A. On Nishnly Tagil construction sites. Stroitfil' no.11: 2-13 N 159. (MIRA 13:3) 1. Upravlyayushcbiy traston Tagilatroy- (for Gironlco). 2. Spatsial'nVye korrespondenty zhurnala "Stroitel"' (for Andriyevskaya, Tolatov). MzhM7 Tagil-CouBtruction Industry) GIRENKO, P. Give free play to new building materials and elements. Ma stroi. Ros. 3 no.1:5-8 Ja 162. (KRA 160) 1. Nachallnik upravlonlya atroitellstva Sverdlavokogo ooveta narodnogo khozyaystva. (Building materials industry) AGEYEVA, A.P.; AKSENOVA-CHERKASOVA, A.S., aspiranka-, VELIKANOV, L.N., bibliotekar'; GAVVA, F.M.; 1q_IFE~KO,_P._D,, Geroy Sots. truda; GUBANOV, M.M., pensioner; GUSIKOVA, T.K., nauchnyy sotr.; DAVYDOV, A.G., prepodavatell; DANIJIVSKIY, M., prof., dvazhdy laureat Stalinskoy premil; DOVGOPOL, V.I., laureat Stalinskoy premii; YELOKHIN, M.F.; YERMAKOV, A.D.; IVPJ1OV, V.G., prepoda- vatell; KOVALEVICH, V.K,; KOVALEVSKAYA, Ye.S., zhurnaliatka; PANKRATOV, A.G.; Ni~j`jk, F.M.; URYASHOV, A.V.1 FEDORIN, I.M., kand. ist. nauk; FILIPPOV, F.R.; CHUMAKOV, N.P.; SHEFTAYEV, K.T., zhurne-list; VASIKOVSKIY, O.A., kand. ist. nauk, retsenzent; KULAGINA, G.A., kand. ist. nauk, retsenzent; CORCHAKOVSKIY, P.L., prof., doktor biol. nauk, retaonzent; BAKHMUTOVA, V., red.; SAKNYNI, Yu., tekhn. red. [Nizhniy Tagil]Nizhnii Tagil. Sverdlovsk, Sverdlovskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1961. 294 p. (M111A 16:1) 1. Nizhne-Tagillskiy krayevedcheskiy muzey (for Ageyeva, Guslkova). 2. Zaveduyushchly gorodskim otdelom narodnogo zdravookhraneniya, Nizhniy Tagil (for Velikanov). 3. Zaveduyushchiy gorodakim sell- skokhozyaystvennym otdalom goroda Nizhniy Tagil (for GavYa). 4. Nachallnik upravleniya stroitel'stvom Sverdlovskogo sovnar- khoza (for Girenko). 5. Deyatvitellnyy chlen Akademii nauk Ukr. SSR, Leningradskiy politekhnicheskiy institut (for Danilevskiy). (Continutd on next card) ALEKSEYEV, V.S.; BILYUGA, T.G.; TALDYKIN, O.Ye.; OLEKSAMIIUK, A.M., TIMOSHENKO, A.G.; MALUYJIA, N.N.; XVIKO, A.F.; SIUBELINIUK, V.S.; GITRIKO) F.F.; MAZU-1KO, V.V. Amount of alkaloids of the 1-methylpyrrolizidoric serie3 in the groundsel Senecio boryathenicus Andz. during different vegetation periods and the effect of mowing upon the alkaloid content of the afte~growth. Nauch. dokl. vys. shkoly; biol. nauki no.2: 152-154 '62. (MIRA 15:5) 1. Rekomendovana kafedroy farmatsev-ticheakoy khimii Dnepropetravskogo meditsinakogo instituta. (SEITECIO) (PYRROLIZIIFL) GIRENK0Vp V, , Arkhipov, M. Arkhipov, M. -- Engr-Lt. Col, Candidate of Technical Science:3 is coauthor with Eng-Lt V. GIRENKO of article, I'The Atomic Explosion at Sea (Light Radiation)." (SF, 20 Nov. 54) (Severnyy Flot) SO: Sum. 369, 2 Feb 1955 e. ~ ve v. o. 21(2) " PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/Z708 Atcmnaya energiya I flot; sbornik statey (Atomic Energy and the Navy; Collection of Articles) Moscow, Voyenizdat, 1959. 232 p. (Series: Nauchno-populvarnaya biblioteka) Number of copies-printed not given. Ed.: Ya. M. Kader; Tech. Ed.: A.M. Gavrilova; Ed. and Compiler: L. D. ChernousIko, Engineer, Captain. PURPOSE: This book is intended for the general reader. COVERAGE: The papers in this collection discuss ;La popular style, and on the basis of data published in the Soviet and non-Soviet press, problems of the use of atomic and hydrogen weapons in combat operations at sea. The collection includes reports on the da ging factors of a nuclear explosion said on the im- mense power of this weapon of mass destruction. A number of articles are de- voted to the &ntizucleaxr defense of ships and of shore objects, and to the introduction of nuclear power plants in naval vessels. Also included in the collection are pELpers dealing with the future prospects for naval use of nuclear energy, and with the construction of the world's first atomic icebreaker, the rLe-nin", which is expected to play an important part in the further conquest Card 1/6 Atz%aLLc Energy and the Navy (Cont. ) SOV,/2-,-08 of the Arcti~~ regions. The collection also contains papers published in the jou--nal Sovetskiy flot in 1955 - 1958, in revised and supplemented form. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Introduction 3 Sergeyev, S., Captain. ExplosLons in Air, Over Water, and Under Water 9 Ryabehuk, V., Captain. Shock Wave 19 Arkhipov, M., Docent, Candidate of Ttchnical Sciendes, Engineer Lieutenant Colonel, and V. Girenko, Engineer Lieutenant Command r. Visible Radiation 29 Frolov, I., Engineer Co-nde-.. Penetrating Radiation 45 Aleksandrov, A., Engineer Lieutenant Colonel, and 0. Kogtev, Engineer Major. Base Surge and Its Shock Effect 53 Card 2/6 Atomic Energy and the Namy (Cont.) SOV/2708 Frolov, I., Engineer Co-nder. Radioactive Contamination 58 Abrosimov, P.,Captain, and V. Vladimirov, Engineer Captain. Antinuclear Defense of a Ship 66 Mirgirenko, G., Professor, Doctor of Tealmical Sciences, Engineer Captain. Defense of Ships Against Explosions 75 Abolishin, P., Captain. Means of Antinuclear Protection of Shi-ps of Foreiga Navies 82 Khokhlov, P., Candidate of TLchnical Sciences, Engineer Commander. Antinuclear Defense of Light Ships 89 Galin, V., Engineer Colonel. Antinuclear Defense of Objects Ashore 96 Frolov, I., Engineer ComAnder. Radiation Reconnskisamce 110 Alekseyev, M., Engineer Colonel. Decontamination on a Ship 121 Card 3/6 Atomic Energy and the Navy (Cont.) SOV/2708 Polyakov) N., Engineer Captain. Protecting Ships Againat Radioactive Contamination 128 Sedovp A., Docent, Candidate of Tlechnical Sciences, EngLneer Lieute-nant Colonel. What*-Is Dangerous in Testing of Nuclear 1,4-~apuas 154 Khokhlov. P., Candidate of Technical Sciencesp Eng:bleer-Cou=nder. Microclimatizers on Ships A7 Nikiforov, Ye., Lieutenant Colonel of Medical Serrir-.f--. Sanitary Pro- cessing on a B~ip 151 Bal-, A., Docent, Ckndidate of Historical Sciences, CaptiLin. Atomic Weapons and Some Problems of Naval Tactics (According to Data pmm the Foreign Press) Card 4 6 Atomic Energy and the Navy (Cont. ) 90V,2708 Uvarov, A., Docent, Candid~te of Technical Sciences, Engineer Sub- Comn-ader. American Submarines With Atomic Engines (According to Data From the Foreiga Press 170 Mikhaylov, P., Candidate of Ttchnical Sciences, Ffugineer Lieutenant Colonel. Atomic Depth Bomb (According to Data from the Foreign Press) 194 Foadnitskiy, M., Engineer Rear Admiral. Atomic Power Plants on Ships 197 Solatsev, N., Docent, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Engineer Captain. Use of Atomic Engines In Ships 203 Zvonkov, V., Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Honored Worker in the Field of Science and Technology of the RSFSR. Atom-Powered Ships 211 Varvaroy, N., Guards Colonel. Atomic Seaplane of the Future (Ac- cording to D%ta From the Foreign Press) 217 Card 5/6 Atomic Energy and the Navy (Cont.) SOV112708 Chemouslko, L., Engineer Captain. The World's First Atomic Icebreak- er, "Ienin" 225 AVAZLk%Et Librar7 of Congress (UY(67.C39) IS/fal card 6/6 1-2-19-59 r1rr"rVol, V. NT. GTIllr"vC, V. ". "Tnfluence of ')o-*I. Penction and Voisture the Tntermal F-ust of' -:)tatc rru'rers," 'rrudv rc Zashchite rastenil Ser4la 2, no. 2, 1932, pT. (,5-72. 4.-.3.C?2 L541: So: Tra SI-Oc 51, 15 Tlec 1953 GTpr~!Vc V. "I (',IP-'!vC,, V. -. "Brown Srot Diseases of Potato St,~irs,ll Fabcty Vqe::-,oiuzn,,) c, Nauchno- '7 9 pr Issledo,ratell9kcvoInstituta Vartofellnogo M,ozia-i-itya, n,~. 4, 1935, 22-11. .5. So: lo ra SI-9(' 53, l) rlec 1951 GIRMO, V. N. Processing of vegetables, fruits, berries and mushrooms Leningrad I-eningrads-oe gazetno-zhurnallnoe i kinzhnoe izd-vo, 1945. 151 p. 1. GIRENKO, V.M., GOLWND, M.I. 2. USSR (600) 7. "Application of Lminescent Analysis for Exposure of the E&Tly Stages of Fruit Diseases", Pi-Iroda, No 6, 1951, PP 83-84. 9. MUrobiolodya, Vol XXI, Issue 1, Moscow, Jan-Feb 1952, pp 121-132. Unclassifted. LITVIROV, M.A.; GIRh;NKO. V.N.; GOLAND, M.I.; BARKOVSKAYA, R.N. Application of luminiscence analysis to the study of species characteristics of microscopic fungi of the genus Aspergillue Mich. Trudy Bot.inst. Ser.2 no.8:45-48 '53. (MIRA 7:1) (Fungi. Pathogenic) USSR Chemi-~al Techr.-Iow.~ -y. Chemical Products and Their Application -- Food industri, T 1.-28 Abst j=,rnal: Referat Zhur - Xhimiya, No 2, 1957? 6611 Auth.-,r: GireqI-L-3L. G.,-~,'.Iand, M. Ins,~itutl:n: None Tit'-e: Apparatus f -~r Lminescent, Analysis of Fruit and !'~-.Itatoes Original Publ'-catf-,-:3: S-v- t--r9c,vIYa, 1953, No 7, 26-27 Abstract: N:-, a,7-3*.~ract, Card 1/11 GIRIM, VA., inzh. Calculating the floating capacity of pound nets. Zvudy VNIRO 41: l62-169 159. (MIRA 13:8) (Fishing nets) SHEVERNITSKIYO V.V.; WWRIJ21INIKOV, J.V.; GIUNKV, V.S. Designs of two structural elaments joi td at an angle. Aytom. evar. 16 no.6t45-48 Je 163. "1 (MBU 16 t 7) 1. Institut elektrofivarki im.. Ye.Qatona LN Ukr!33R. (Structural frames--Weldiiig) '23415::~� Ev(r(d)/EWT(m)/EWP(w) WA(d)/Ww/ ACC NR. AP6004137 SOIMCK CODIS: UR/0125i66/000/dOl/ 34/0039 AUTHOR: Zhemchuzhnikov, 0. V.; Girdhko, V._,S~; Karets, N.-L.; Xotw&6, S. V. ORG: Institute of Electric Welding is. Ye. 0. VatoUj AN UkrS varki) TITLE- Effect of streop,concentrators on the strength of $test following prelial"" deformatio9vand aging SOURCE: Avtomaticheakaya avarka, no. 1, 1966, 34-39 TOPIC T&GS: stress concentration, low carbon steel, low alloy steel, plastic de- formation, metal aging, britt ness ABSTRACT: The brittle cracks, arising in metal structure under, the action of static loads in most cases originate f7om structural or technological stress concentra tors'ZAP , 1: and hence in recent years spa al attention has been paid to r~searcfi Into.the-effect. of notching on brittle strend This, is particularly important considering that 4ork! t hardening due to the jw!a~ldin ~,_%traightenina or overloading of the structural eleften 5; and the concomitant aging o .the metal, although it greatly affects the fiusceptlbllity-_~- of steel to geometric streaXoncentrators, has previously been relatively uninvaist- j! igated although it is an important factor in stru.ctural stren0h. otk ~the basis at tensile tests of notched specimens oflriwm*~-Aow-~csrbon aheet !eel at from +30 to r_1 1 /7 UDC: 621.791.762:539.5fit669.140 j- L 23415-66 ACC NR, AP6004137 -190*C it is established that the transition from ductile (fibxpus) to brittle fracture (at +20*C) is not accompanied by any significant,decro4se In strength: if the loading is applied uniformly, the rated rupture stresses remain abolie the yield point. This implies that the ductile-to-brittl * transition t gratu 113 far from. always dangerous. The critical temperature at which rated streutth sharply decreases (in the above case, -700C) is several tons of degrees lower th66 the trhit6ition temperature, and for most grades of low-carbon and law-alloy steels this critical temperature is below -60*C. This means that when in natural state (in tb.e form of. structural, elements at normal tempera&res of the atmosphere) these steals are suffi- ciently resistant to brittle cracking. Work hardening and the attendant caging, however, may markedly enhance the brittleness of steel and displace the threshold of rated strength in the direction of positive temperatures, as established by:ptalWnary 10% plastic deformation of notched specimens with their subsequent furnace aging at up to +2500C for 2 hr. Thus, prelist"iy deformation at 100-2506C., causes particularly marked embrittlement: the critical temperature of transition from ducil'to to, brittle fracture'rises nearly 100*C as compared with metal in natumal state. CA94 art. hao: 3 tables, 6 figures. SUB CODS: 11, 13/ SM DAM 063ulGS/ ORIC Rgh. 604/ OTH RHF: 006 U Ard, Lit, C "is 2ZO23-66 9fiT(d)/2WT C NR, AR6007922 JD/ ,AC AUTHOR: Girenko, V. S. ORG. none TITLE; Second All Decembei_i_DC5T7~_ SOURCE: Avtomticheakaya avarka, no. 2, 1966, 79 tance ~eldmem_t& CY4ev. 1-3 TOPIC TAGS: low temperature effeer, weld evaluation, brittleness, loaterial fracture, metal stress, mh~U-01 W&V-1 ABSTRACT; This Conference, convened by the_Coordinatin Council on Welding, was attended by 215 representatives of various research organizations, plants and Govern- ment departments. The opening address was delivered by AcademLcian B. :Yo. Paton. At the Conference 36 papers on the principal factors in the resistancei-oCm-eta-fe-to brittle fracture and other aspects of the problem of the cold resistance of weldmentq were presentedo chiefly on the following topi-q! Causes Determining the Nature of, Fracture (and particularly the criteria tle fracture)(N. ,roe probability ot brit 9&1iip'oi); Mechanics of Brittle Fracture S. V, Serensen and N. A. Mikhutov), wi S, special reference to the critical temperatures, stresses and loads at Which struetu. ral elements become embrittled; Methods of DeteradnIng Resistants to Rupture (L. A, Card )/EWP(W)/MVA(d)/gt'IP(Y)/T/ZVP(t w157- SOURCS COORt W/0125/ UDC: 621,791.008.1 L 22023-66 ACC NRI AP6007922 Kopellma ); Participation of Normal and Tangential Streases in Brittle Fracture 0_~_~. Smirnoy, V. D. Yaroshevich): Proneness of Steals to Brittle fXactura _131ft - qu toy and V. H. Nikitin), iii-th t6_ conclusion that impact atrengthkU d more:valiable : criterion than type of fracture; Selection of the CriterioiFfoi 9valuation of Stud, (B. S. Kasatkin) (showing that the optimal criterion is ourfacti Plastic energy, : 1( directly asso-clated with local plEstic deformation on fractured; Effect of R~Uiduftl Stresses and Plastic Deformationoi--bn Breaking Strength of Steels at Low Temperate as* Further, new data an the effe f various typeu of deformation a,-trt'g at% the cold- cracking proneness of steels were preianted by G. V. Zhemchuzhiii1cov; B. .. 4anatkin and A. K. Tsaryuk described the effect of Inatic deformation in rhe n~ar.woda-zone on the cold rears-tance of welded jointsAVhile K. L. Karate, V. S. Girenko and V. kozachek reported on the4evelopment of plastic-7&e-formation during the brittli-frac- ture of low-carbon steel.~'Several other papers were devoted to the effect of pr Iior on the resistance -:cyclic loadin of steel to brittle fracture. V. P. Lirionov and Wssociates.Fe-poitYd on the features of open-air welding and performance of welded joints in the climate of Northeastern Siberia, describing instances of rupture of Aridges, vehicles and road machinery. V. V. Pavlov examined the cauees of the most ',~qommon instances of the brittle fractu strut ral elemqpts', machinery and uetba-, ~isms, while M. M. Kraychik dwelled on instances of fatigu r'breakdown and brittla~ racture of rolling stock elements. The Conference adopted resolutions in favor of the ~'Eurther expansion of research into the causes of brittle fracture and the developmt.~ ard 2/3 ACC NRS 'AP, 7922 of affecrtive counter-masures, The next conference an the problem of cold resist- ance Vill be held In 1968. SUB CODE; 13, 20 Sam I)AM none/ (,- / /CC ;r#/ o v /~ C . I 'i ", i DE!17,-. m,;t *~ i ir, a ty, ; ri r f,- :i t- i 1 ,~ f r 1, t L, . - ; :) i " ". ~ - ~ ! '. ~ ; - '. 4 ~, I :)., ,s I ,_, ! . 17 0 i c ", I "! -, *;.I ,,~ t :. ). 1 . In -9 ~ ~ , Li -~ e-, -.,K I r - --- ve., rir. i , ~ Y,-X~ !!,: " . -1 - -SK. CZECHOSLOVAKIA PAULOV, S., GIRETHOVA, G. and VESELOVSKY, J.; Chair of Zoology of the Faculty of Natural Science's' al-Conenius University (Katedra Zoolo,,ie Prirodovedeckej fakulty) and Department of Zoolo3y of the Biology institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (Oddelenie zoologie Biologickeho ustavu S,'.V,) Bratislava. "Modified Electrophoretic-Polarographic Analysis of Serum Proteins.-' Prague, Ceskoslovenska Fysiologie, Vol 12, No 4, July 1963; pp 284-ZB5. Abstract: Slight modification of llomulka~,1953 method; polaro~;raphy of paper-electrophoresis - isolated fractions of rabbit sera; 0.03 MI. specimens suffice. Two graphs, 1 Czech reference. 1/1 3 ;A -G'R9T-K--rY, V. (In F.P.'drange 1 '.- ~b. - ~,- ::i '4~, --:: '., .3-75 ). Ag 16"'. 1, ~ .R, GMETTT, F. of or rlar-*np a::;T--rtls- 71TH'I 10 no. 6:6P4-608 165 Cl-M-A 19:1) KOZKO.9 A.I. inzh.; KONOVALOVA, L.N., inzh.; Prininali uchastiye: RYUKIM, A.I.; PONOMAREVA, L.A.i GVWA, L.M. Comparative evaluation of methods for d-e-teftining the coking capacity of coals. ObogA brik.ugl. no.14:47-76 16b. (MIM 140) (Goal-Testing)