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-t; r P: L C) ~c i rl'~! 1 011 T)-L'O C :!!3 r)I- C il"- Uo SLudy t j s s t I,, ed and Vi TITLE: On -.he 'Px1jry of !Ufifit-tiOC , ','ell 0,101 Continuous - I t, I ", 1 , 'I.; ic,i t,i,~n t.,:* I "'i ; :i vri.,. I., Fee,J (K a ---2 -h:~'~i i: PERIODICAL J , 9- 1 enno s t r 4 ,! 1'a - ich om Kh : - - . 3 ~ , ( u 3 ~ -, " ), ABSTRACT: Ia the contiTiU01IJ -.b.)-ie for Since- tnlzi eell t`,e ~',:e liouid 'lcl,i ~J~, i:-ieanL; of h,;drDd-;n-Ll-..1c L. i i ~ I ~ ~ r f -1 ') ; . A -~ " I i -j ~ r i c_,, cn t r i ~, u i~ e- li;uid felz-,~ ill "t~..,d uni tile t cl,lcul-L~tioa3 ur,~ ccLr.-i-,d --,ut. u,3.-, of t n to rjci~'.e t,1,2 oien~tun.:~d ~;eri*,ri,-u1:1,? 0 thc! Card 1 '2 t'l On tile of 1 i coritil.uo-'; of., t,.t-, :1tjI-Lrat,,-d .!.ich ::iove dw~iy froi,i the froc, i, I I e i- -.h-2 ieriCth oC th,! .:L,- hich the i C, L tO -n I i i~ -.1 -i ro c t j. o ii h e a i;, h e r .I, L tt~d io~! I flow d i'rom tl,,,~ of L;Ie ~;,JiLl of tht.' ~LL thO d r 0 ;,r;!~; dv,.~., -,C) itocke,;~ Lind 1* 0 f r 'I(' ~13 hic h Card 21 2 GOLIDIN, To. 14. - I . ..I.., ... ";.. 2~;~ ", - Hydrodynamic stream of. viscous fluid in a partially filled cylindrical centrifugo. Trudy LTIKHP 15:123-131 '59- (MIN, 13-4) 1. Prodsta'vInna Kafedroy proteessov i apparatoir Lontw-sAskogo tekhnologichnsko m, Instituta kholodil 'noy i)rata, alilpmInsti. (Cant. ri hign t ion )(Yluld dy;)Rnic f3 GOLTIN, YO.I.". Votion of a viscous fluid in platn separators vith radDil fins. '~ridy LTIKh? 15:112-140 '58- 04TRI, 13:4) 1. ProdqUevInna Kafodroy prot-stisuov i apparatnN, t,*hnoIogi(.-hqskoj,,o Institiita khnlodil'noy promyt3blonnogtA. (Fluid dynamics) GOLIDIN, Ye.M. Criterional valuns charfLctorigtic Of t he hydrodynnni(.-S of the flow between the plates of a separator.; niahch.tekh. no. 1: 104-111 '60. (IflU 1-1:6) I. Kafedra protsvesov i ap~)uratov 1-~,-nin~-radskoilo toklinologicheallot--o ingtituta khololtl'noy I)romyshlennosti. (Separatora(Machimq) (HYdroc,~rwritcii -GOLIDIN, Ye.M. Kinematics of vibrating centrifueals. Izv.vYB. u&igb.za7.;?i~hck. tekli. no-5:139-148 160. WIRA 13 :12) 1. lmoningradakiy tekhnologichesl,-.iy institat k.,Iolodi'l.Inoy lromy- B filennoo ti. Knfedra protsosoov i aplinnitov. (Centrifuges) :-)c c `q e,, r c o ~l T 0 S, c CW e c o. r- d a s rv o-f Ij " L I29b2nO AP6013219 SOURCE CODE: UR/Olt2l/66/000/00c"/0152/0155 AUTHOR: Golldin, Y6 - M- (Leningrad) ORG: none TITLE: Stability of flow between the plates of a �_ejLv-ratQr SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya, Mekhanika zbidkosti I gaze, no. 2, 1966, 152-155 TOPIC TAGSt fluid flow, flow separation ABSTRACT: Normal operation of a separator requires JAMI= conditions. The present article examines the c stabil bydrodynami ~ty Of ur 0 a interplate flow and proposes specific criteria lic ble industrially and which have pby31Cal meaning. For treatment of the basic flow, the author starts with the Navier-Stolces 6qugtion with appropriate boundary conditions. For the case of disturbed flow, the ecuations are formulated in a form analorous to that for the first case, taking account 'of axial symmetry, steady state movement, and an additional velocity component perpendicular to the plate. Final result of the calculations is acriterion expressing the ratio of the peripheral velocity of the liquid relative to the plate to the transport A P6013219 velocity of the platen. Orig. art. bas.0 28 formulas and 2 figures. SUB CODE: 201 SUBM DATE: 27Sep65/ ORIG REF: 0021 OTH REF: 001 Card 2/2 ACC NR.. AP700133? SOUBCE CODE: UVo~36/06/C,')'4/oIl/C44I/C4~5I ,,t1b'T!,!O,3: GoVdin, YU. A.; Dmitriyev, V. G.; Tarasov, V. K.; Shh-Lqov, I.' V. ORG. none T .IT=: Observation of generation at the sum frequency in electro-opti(, nonlinear crystals 90TzCR: Zhurnal ek"perimentual'noy i teorcticheskoy fiziki. Pis1ma v redaktsiyu. Prilozheniye, v. 4,~no. 11, 1966, 441-445 iTOPIC TAGS: laser r and d, ruby laser, neodymium glass, emission sp-actl-um., electro- I ioptic effect 10STEvICT: The authors present the results of experiments aimed at obse:-iing the 3~ generation of the sum frequency of tvo Q-zwitcbed lasers, ruby (o.6943 p) and Nd glass (1.058 P), which falls in the blue-violet band (0.4192 p). -Ine frequencies were' added in a nonlinear electro-optic MR cz-ystal cut in the synchronism direction. The main difficulty of synchronizing the laser spikes within -5 nsac was -circumvented by fusing a cavity with confocal geomet,- U y (Fig. 1). Tne parameters of the ruby and neodymium-glass lasers and of the output radiation were: laser purrfp power Wo joule each, pulse duration 40 4o, and 10 nsec, output energy 0.1, 0.4, an(l .10-3 Joule, JI power density 2.5, 10, and 0.1 mw/cm~-. The radiation transformation coefficient et the suze frequency was thus -1%. The obtained emission apectinim at the sum frequenc' is presented and is compared with that of a mercury lamp. The feasibility of real- i Card :~/2 USSR/General Problems of Pathology - Comparative Oncoloc U-1 .-'ibs Jour : Ref ZatEr - Biol., No. 18i 1958, 8491- .'oithor : Golldin, Y Inst : -no-"M5V1'- ~uteis given Title : Multiple Primary Malignant Tumors Orig Pub : In the collection: Materialy 20-y nauchn. 'nonfer- Pntsii po probleme Frofilaktiki i lecheniyi :,,loka- chestv. novoobrnzovnniy, Ryazan'. 1256, 72-131 Abstract - Of 4028 patients with m.-dignant tumors) 13 (0.3 percent) were found to have multiple primary malignant tumors. In two of these., it was questionable whather all tumors were primary. Short histories are given of eleven witipnts with multiplo primary tumoro) of ifhom ten patients had vartous combinations of carcinoma caid orly one had a c,-.rcincma "omL)in(-,d with a -,arcoma. Involve- ment of the skin of the face was seen in two patients, of the skin of the face and lower lip in tvc, and of 'tu, su organs si ated in iMITIodiate fiinction,-,l ccntipuity ( ch Card 1/2 as both breists, or .7i breist and the iiterus) in two,, GOL:DIN, ~7- C,. T-I 17:5) 163. K:,.f*:~ir'~t f'-Q ill-d. na,,LK k, v . 1. As io, I V H 77 59 jp(~) ) A il-ji . ......... ... AP e a/ 510 1003/60 V e '2~ 530 J3 WUISOR: GoIldin, Yu. A;; Marebienko,. V. F. TITLE: Generation of the seond harmouic :of light In ~.!#~in cv."Is-tal layer SOURCE- Moscow. Universitet Vestnik. Seriya 3, F zikiL Di 0~;Jl estro!1co ya, n 1065, 84-88 TOPIC TAGS: nonlinear optics, harionie ge4Oratibn, secolldl iar=~nfic no~u-1-41W effL%ct, frequency converter ABSTRACT. The authors suggest &.6ystmt for. ge~qrating thO~ necorid: fharsimic n7ock 1 the fundamental which consists of a thin Ibcyer (df nonl~bi!iji di4jeiitiii embediLed. in I another dielectric medium. The fund-a5t-irt-alundergoes 61 ~61es:&i1cqmpletej6t(.-r.:. nal reflections in the layer, and the 1harm6nics generatieddAth 4.4;0 xaflectibn a!?e superimposed. The conditions utider vhlcb the tundaten~al~ill j;nq i~rgo complete In- ternal reflection, while the h 1~ the bouti44,Y at, br '! -1" er a I a6glii,l ammics fall or are stated for the three axial orientations of the optf6kj. z 61~ atuniartal crYs tal layer. The intensity of the bia~wije:thua developt~ls founds: bk a the u0mation i It"a rd 1/2 j L 55999-65 ~A_ ACCWSION KR: APM663o miff it method used in the theory )f Mult.btam i,nteile0metek.0 AI ~ 6 1 t1g: Cd$ m be,used in such a system are suggested, snd'Ue,~p astbiti4 'i~f 00, bedded in C&C03 to fulfill the reiiiAsite cb~ditl4s in da6; blermd.~ i!ri clv;ail~ Ttli.' described system can be used U a' low-power. Treq` ~ency C6 'V~ ker, d ak k M11 .2 figures and 6 formulas. [Y ASSOCIATON- Kafedra radiotekhniki vera~.t ta Mskovsk~46 i6sudarityk i~i)go i6q, 6 j, (Departmentof Radio Te St chnologyo,kepow at -Unt*ers4y) 4, ENCL. !SU SUBMITM: 3oAug64 _00 ~NO REF SOV: 002 OTHER: -OW jA 17 Z IN I KOVA, It. L. ; GOL'D INA, A. S. "'re I ating, lunbosncrnl periphernl nerves with bpe vetioc,_ V rnch. dolo sumlement 15?:?9-,90 (MMA 11:3) 1. Nevrologichaskoye otdeleniye Pervov Simferonol'skay gorodskoy bol 'ni t sy (nauchnyy rukovodi t e1 I-prof . 11. N - Pyn t rA tskly) (ITERVOUS SYSTEM-DIS7,ASES) USE) * *44-414 T o * :1 0 0 4 11111 a 0 o AA L D IL f, It I, t 04 -04, go & 0 go -0 0 00 1 .1.X I-J. N,, 111 0 2.1 1 11,111 S"I"f." I vwal- V111'.1"mug "Ittrut InIluf I"'m 1 1.1 1:"'~ -I'1. ot of j tuht- III ga-IIIII. 1111N."I With 31'~ S, 1;1~ It 0 ; /w) And 5,; Mit o 111,10 W1.1 00 j of zoo ' "a tr 00 1-0- ." 00 00 N A .00 00 .0'1 o0 400 Ve ;vs 00 io 1b ~ 0 u ", i 1 t 0. IST44: : 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 1. 1 0 0 ol: 00 40 0 0 0 a 4 0 0 41 It go 0 9 0 IN Ad GOLIDTHA, B.G. Certain compensatory changes in the lungs. Ark. pat,, Moslcva 14 no. 2:44-53 Mar-Apr 1952. (GLML 22:5) 1. Of the Institute of Normal and Pathological Morphology of the Acadew of Medical Sciences USSR and of the Dopartm~sint of Pathologic&l Anatomy of First Moscow Order of Lenin Medical Infltitute (Head -- Acadenician A. 1. Abrikosov. GOLIDINA, B.G.; SHAPIRD, I.M. "Studies In forensic histology.U M.I.Kas''anov. R(!rviawd by B.G.Golldina, T.H.Shapiro. Arkh.pat. 17 n0-3:73-75 JI-S 155. NLIU 8:12) (HISTOIDGv. PATHOWGICAL) (IMICAD JURISPRUMCIC) (KA,SJTAW)V, M.1.) VELISHWA, L.S.; GOLIDINA, B.G. Analysis- of cases of natural death as shown by data from nedico- legal morgu-9s. Sud.-med.ekspert. 2 no.4:32-35 O-D t59. (MILRI1 13:5) 1. Byuro Moskovskoy gorodskoy sudebnomeditaimskoy ekspertizy. (DUMI--CAUSSS) GOLIDINA, B.G.; ODINA, K.M. Waterhouse-Friderichsen's syndrome in the sudden death of children. Sud.-med. ekspert. 3 no-3:3~-35 Jl-S 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Byuro sudebnomeditsinakoy ek5pertizy (zav. L.S.Vehsheva) Moskovskogo gorodskogo otdola zdravookhraneniya, (COCCAL IM-CTIONS) (DEATH-CAUSES) GARIN. N.,D.; GOLIDI I TA3 G - MELOUNTSEVA, N'.N.; SMUTULLIN, A.Kh. li I . ~, of' criprorl meoli for corriji-tinp, soff, dol`octs. E"tipar. khir, 5 tio.4,9-13 Je-A,7 160. (MI-U 13:129) Waal) (ABDONEN-SURGEi,.1) GOLIDINA, B.G.; GLTTYI,'I, V.S.; KF1TJ'-'HFO'.'A, S.S.; PatholoFical anatomical data an the use of ,ip-,aratus fr,)m the Research Institute for Experimental Sur~,.ical Apparatus and Instruments in the clinic. Trudy NINMIA1 no.:1:55-64 161. 0mT--.,A i 5 : S) 1. Nauchno-issledovatel.'skiy institut ekspi-rimentallnov khirur,uli- cheskoy apparatury i instrumentov. (,,UTIJ,2E~3 'I (SUEGEFY, JFBAII~,-F' ANAWYEV, M.G.; V Ye.A.; -O~BOVITSKIY, Y-.'tl.,- Yu."'.-, L. it,; -ITFK" KASH-CE,77SKAYA, L.A.; L-.','11'3KAYA, j) N.S.; F.IANOVA, L.Nr.; UNIK) V.I. "Artificial kid-iey" apparatus built by th,-, Research Institutp for Experimental SurElcal Apparatus and Instrumen's and th~, remLlts of u3in.- it in an e:,cperiment. Trudy (',-II--A 15:8) 1. Nauchno-issleclovatellskly institut r-knpo~ri7pntallnoy killrurgi- cheskoy apparatury i instrumentov. (ARTIFICIAL KIDEY) i,OGOfTGLO',',!, SOMC, fil")bIO: S ii~ thl-,' "I ro.IG!9F.-64 161. 1-4-,W) tell skoc, o irsti-, tutti OBERMID, 11.11-; FED07,C"') S.F..; Tend( T, u '1-c- 'I! -1C)c study) Y]14,,Llrf,.4ia ped i IT ner.4 jr.s t j t,u U u V-,li-v -,,entov (dir. `xmilveA 1-3-ristel-ol"t"I GOL7DINA, B. G.; GORBOVITSKlY, Ye. B, (Moslrva) Some morpholoFical changes arisinF in dop-s follow4rir~ thr! use of the "artificial 'kidney" apparat,,,,s. Arl~,h. pit, n,.2:70-77 162. (11:TTttj '1~.2) 1. Iz "iai.ichno-i-srledovritel'skopo inFtit,ita ekF-per-frenlal.,no-T khirurgichesk'oy apparatury i inrtrmenfov (di-, M. G. Ana-i'vev) T-:inisterstva zdravookhraneniya SSSR. pr (KIDITIEY6, ARTIFICIAL) i.?ENAL ~s Xy ANAN'Y"EV, M.G.; GORPOVITSKIY, Ye.B.; KOZLOV, Yu.G.;,CDLIDIN,~, B.G.; KASHCHEVSKAYA, L.A.; LEVITSKAYA, L.A.; IVAfOA~--E-M-;-SUF~ t f I N.S.; TKACHFNKO, A.S.; UNIK, V.I. Study of and experience in the use of the Soviet artificial kidney apparLtus. 26 no.7:15-20 Jl '62. (MIRA 15:11) 1. 1z tlauclino-issledovitell,,gKago instiluta eksperim-mitul'noy khirurgicheskoy apparatury i Insti-wentov (dir, M.G,knanvyev). (KNUEYS, ARTIFICIAL) 'L 19790-65 ''ACCESSION NR: AR4045764 9/6L 0161 MM6, 3/09 SOURCE: Ref. zh, Biologiya.: Ovodny~71,02n~ Abi,.I~~ AUTHOR.' Gr.~t an Yu* yas; dil~ao: Q%i~o6y4ya, h", j?.. Eyn gorn, TITLE: Iiivestigation of possible long-term, lddmy~!~reo~' 1tv ~Jteion (tt posi1-0ive temperatures) CITED SOURCE: Sb- 3 Vses. konferexxta~-ya ro ~iwe ti:~~4e-yi ~,q p0 organov, 1963. yeib'Vihp 1963p'- 123-~.~i n~ TOPIC TAGS: kidney, dog, preservatiari, transplantation, temperature TRANSLATION: Autotransplantation of n6npreservea. 10,.dnbYz was r 1,3 performed on the neckof one group o~- dogs* Tho* Wl~ 41unotioned. iii of 9 experimrants. With autotil,ansp;a~ntationo dys1V charq~os appeared in the kidneywhich did not deprive the qrlioarnli functional capacity. In the second series of oxp6j.#:Lme,hWi kidneys were preserved at +2j +400. Dystrophic apithell'airt' ph-a6g4s which: iterd: Card 1/2 ROME, L 1979o-65 ACCESSION KR: AR4045764 apparently irreversible (in the,main parts of the appeared in the kidney structure. : In the thixd. serloiii alAdtranspl tation of kidneys, preserved 0:10W positive tempeiaUire i~! 14 performed on 16 dogs. The transplarktad'Iddh6l sho: period in 7 dogs, for 4, days in 1 dog, abd '1z I doicr' lilinokviaa oioretad. f t4t~o intact ki i~ for 39 days and then,, with removal o '41 W17, 3h0, an died. In all cases histological Investigation diticill4sed *hlD:. ~Prei_sier&O of changes in all parts -of the nopbron#:' The glomeimt~4 ail'i i4tronkt.: the kid:Rey were damaged aonsid~rietblj'U44. " sioma~1319'0 :11.)t, 4tL91 Thus, the advisability or pro ae;~vlng, kidjisy~ * undor~ ~re conditions of +1 to 400 is dubidual boniuse, ehanp's! jiavelilpl kidney destroying its function.; SUB CODE: t3l Card GOLIDINA, B.G.; LIPOVETSM, G.S. (Moskva) Reparntive procevicon in prontlhetic re~,,tora,,ion of t*,.fj 'Ale ducts. Arkh. pat. 25 no.5:62--67 '63~ (Plal 1,/:;!) 1. 1z Nauchno-issladovatellskogo instituta el(rperimentall- noy khirurgicheskoy apparatux7 i instramentov N-Inistorstva zdravookhraneniva SSSR Wir~ M,G. Anaillyev.', CORLO""TSKIY, of thx-- oks p. t)j (-.I. I f 60 rO.'7:43 T I u i- 165. lp:p, ("tSinskiv otj~j IT: ..'luchno - 4~ S3 s-, ri n:p,,l ,,,j -17 (dirkp%or- ~'-G. Anan;v~~V*', . I , kv!, f,' !NA C o!TI" V F~ L 'u a C) npircikh~r. nc n -,6~ L -rj 1083i.-67 T 7AR603 46 47 SOURCE CODE: UP,/'0299/66/000/008/~1,1017/1~1017 AUTHOR: Gritsman, Yu. Ya. ; Lipovitskiy, G. S. Colldina,_.B. G. ; Orlova, R. B. TITLE: Experimenial 6;ita on c-~Lt-erjjit'J after preservation for 46 hr SOURCE.': REF d fj 1. 3 Pic t 7.0 1'. 0; .C,~ GOLIDIRA, B.V. A case of u a ro-yrma I my ople,~! a. ziov. me d. R I nc U-I"I A-g 1. Iz kliniki nervnyk-h holezney MoskovskoF:o meditsinskogo stamo- tolo-~-ichpskogo Instituta (?-ukc.vodltA' - prof. V.11JIlkheyev) I narvnoro otdplaniy!i roredskoy klLnIrni~skcy -7!E.'V . .A.A.Ostroumovn (, n,,T vrach L.V.Abaslrikina) (MUSCUS, dis. par~ily,;is, paroxysrrml (Rus)) Case reportu, paraxysm,ql myooleria (Rus)) ZINOVKIII, G.S., otv. za vypuok; GOLIDINA, E.I., red.; GERASIMOVA, Yu.S., [Standard work and tim nornB for loading, Lind unlvading of railroad cars, motor vehiclet3, and work in warahouseel Bdiayo normy vyrqbotki i vretioni no va~-,onnyo, avtotranaportnyu i skladskie I)o:-,riizk)cluio-riizl,-rii,,octinyo raboty. Moil'K.V,,I, Gooplan- izdat, Igoo. )01 P. (MIRA 14:2) 1. Mos,~ow. TSentrol'noyo byuro proilyulllonnyl-h normfitirov po trud,,i. (Loading and unloading) ZINOVKIII, G.5., otv. za vypusk; GOVDINA, R.I., red.; W-uIRASIMOVA, Ye.S., toklin.rod. ........ [Unified production and time stn-ndnrds for 911i'D loading iind linloading operations in river htirboral Edliiye normy vyi-abotki i vremani na Budovye pogruzoehno-rasgruzocluiye raboty, rypoiniaemye! v rechnykh portakh. Hook-va, Gosplani2da~. 1960. 276 p. (MIRA- 1,4,:4) 1. Yzscow. TSentrallnoye byuro promyshlennykh normativov po trudu. (HarborB) (Loading and unloading--StcindFirda) 2111OVKIII, G.S., otv. za vypusk; GOL'DIIL4, B.I., rod.; PONOMMI'VA, A.A., tokhn.rod. (Unified production and time norms for Bhip loading and unloading operations in sea harbors] Edinye normy vyrnbot;kl i normy vremeni na sudovye pogruzochno-razgm12ochnye raboty, vyj)olniaom:ye v morskikh portakh. Moskva, Gooplanisdat, 1960. 381 p. (PIDA 14:4) 1. Moscow. TSentrallnoye byaro promyahlennyUi normntivov po trudu. (Harbors) (Loading and unloading-Stan(larda) MARK66 j G.A.; Prinimali uchastiye. ZRIVOGLAZOVA, L.Ye.; 111KITINA, V.A.; AKIMUVA, N.V.; GULIDINA, F.M.; SLAIX;~V`A, A.M. New reagents oased on pfoducts f ch ~he coal chemicals industry. Koks i khim. no.2:52-54 163. OURA A6.2) 1. Fenollnyy zavod (for Mark,,o). institut (for a-U except Markus). (Coke industrjj;-~ ,-By~-products) 2. Ukraiiisliy uglekhimicheskiy (Chemical bmts ,,nd reagents) Se rl~,,t L!.o u:c- c- tu L e Yc, ~s ta n t -12; ka va rc rc)dsl--ye s 1: in 1, -:4F (I VT FiC/A ACC NR, A110014013 Y-I. --'b'rov-~-aya ~-Olotova' A.; Fhol~iova: '-" i 5tom.hova . Ya --3 t oro z! i n -.ra ,Lo 'L! A. li.; Fliralo, k 1:-,:; :~rtlshcld (Hvtlshchlt.';:;klya 1~orr~lsknya ntnntn- J'LgrL. Ta:;hl:')nt (Tash tyll) Dt Q~~f ';~"jLa ,Vaya ,,,init,,ii-no--opi(loriiolo,~iclor~ktya ~. ~sm-qi ~r'JCLJI Tashkent (Ta:hlcantslczLya gorodskaya s, tiop tation. Unsk (!Unskaya ~;arodskaya cio:~infn!ctf;lonnaya !;tan-siya);L !'L y lanttary i'pidondo r. Drost (1-roat3!zaya orixisk.Va an-itarno-opl(lo-dolo- gichoskay.1 st"llitsiya); )rnrt ObliLrt. Sajiif,!Li:~: 5~-Lt ~n (Frnstsknya oblastnaya sanitarno-opideniologiclio:;Ic~Vi stantflyal TITU-'., Sonsitivity of the house fV population to chlorophon, trichloromotapho-S-3, DDT, hoxachlorocyclolioxano, and poljciiloropJ none aftor irany yotrg of applicAtion of these insecticides SM-i,,CF: Zhurnal rdkrobiologii, epidemialogii i no. 8, 1965. 7-14 TOPIC TAGS: ontonology, insecticide, or,-,anic phosphorus compound, chlorinated orranic compoiiW C-d 1/3 L 2?hC,: -e.~ ACC NR: A?6011:1013 -111~ scn.'3itivitv of flies to n-'I'licd ill .1 an ice of cities. Tests ware carried mit on f1i,:1 1,. s' Iiiticn of tho inncctici,ic to the ~--- iri,i no o - and brtat., where svrirlklill~.' of W'111':~ w~t.;I .1 of cnIorophos was applied for 7 and 0 ye.Lrq, repectivo'-y, incrna!;el to'~eranco of flies to tili3 imo.,cticido was oboor"ved. At lfiaro chICITiII10:1 11,LiL3 w-re used, part icularly in tho forin or ru:0.11r'm x~mnmlm Carbon'tto, the sm5itivity of flies to this inuecticil'; 1111,ii;.14niOIC.A. No incl'-~Aju in the tolerance of southern house flj.,~:] (~~JJSCj dCMe5t;CI ViCin.1 :~.ACjl.) t0 chlorophas after applicatim of this innucticide in 7a3hkent f07 L-5 years was ob3ci-ved. Use of trichlorometaphos as a larvicide rcd,iced the sensitivity of flies to this insecticide to a T-,-Lll extent in ::~tishchL, Minsk, and Brest, but not to a doCroe which could b, rej-,arded in incrca--,e in tolerance (de- fined as a decrease or sensitivity a factor of 2-0. The stimitivity of flies to trIchloropho3 was unaffected Ifte'. 117.0 of thi 3 insecticide in Tash- kent. Flies at ~Unsk and Brest whicn had dcvelo;~id a tolarance to c)lloro,,)",Ioo i also showed an increased resistance to DD-, and hey,'ichiorocyclohcAant (this increase in resistance also developed to a r-d-gor extent at !;Yti3hchi). H:)w- ever, the increase in the resistance to hexachlorocyl~o hexane was presumably .~-' '~ut duo to tile aj:pU- not related to the use of orm.,ovho3iJ)l-na_go cation of polychloropinene in these localities. Yod5tence of a. relation between increased resistance to DOT and tolerance to chlorophoo was more likeV. Southern flies in Tashkent, which retained sonsitiv'it,% to chlomphoa to the full extent, did nat "hibit an increase in the resistance to DUr. kf~sr a Card 2/3__.--- 1, 2M05-66 ACC NR. u6o14013 Yex'diocontinuance 6 to 7 of the twe of clilorinatod hyllrocarimns In raflikont, a moderate tolerance to DDT that wij on tho initial level romilirml. l,.tljle tile resistance to hexachlorocychlohax-ine decroased b~ a factor of t'Aroe- Tile nost expedient methods for the &xtormination of flioz are uml Of chlomphoo armonium carbonate baits to exterminate ivago and application o! ~'arvLcLdvs, opccifically those containing trichloromotaphos - ) in optir= dooos, so that development of tolerance vill be proventad. 01-19, art. litst 4 figures ans 2 tables. fj-PRS SUB CODEi 06, 07 / SUM DATEt 21rsop65 / ORIG M-Ft OV~ / CL-11 IF F, Or,4 Card NI K ITITI Fo Lr Ivnnovich, kiind . gool .-v. i ii-!r. nauk ; WJEATUOI, , surom Tom,isovich; k.M,TSUN'OVA, Aidu Tatevo;~iovm; :jA~ICI', Sergeyevna; GOLIDINA, Lilya 1,,):;I!'ovna; LI T! .-, NA ,it -I.I-r:Fanara Grigorlyevna; STAIII.MVICH, Yu.1,17., red.; ?'IAGIR(NA~ S., [Devalopment, of ~,001 01" Lhe ii"1*1!0-111~rCV in the Peschanyy-11,11ora oil fi,~-~Jfl liiazra)x)tka mnogorol~a.'tovol zalezhi balakh,-nskoi ovity nei%JnnL).~!O u~est~~vazhclarilia cfmW; i-moro. liiiku, A-.,orn,:Iir. 11 ~,I L! ~A J~I' 11i Al 1j; 'Alt 1A. WIN I , IN 11 4 ilk] IT 'r'. Up Mat IM V? RIM 1: i 4 Vill EWT(m)/BDS/ES(b)--AFF'rC/ASP-77W4 L 107 78-63 ACCWSION IIR: AP3003936 S/0205/63/0Drj'004/0582/G AIMOR- Skavronskaya, A. G.; Fradkin, 0. Yo.; L. A Gol I dina,-L. P. TITLE; Influence of the intensity of synthesis of nucleit tiejd nd albumin on 4 the lethal and mutagenic effects of p~na radiekti2a q SOURCE- RadiobiologAye, v. 3, no. 4o 1963, 582-586 !!j TOPIC TAGS- gamma raclia~ion, nuclelc acid, tabumin, mutageoeiiis, anthetic proc- ess intensity, radiation, DNA, RNA ABSTRACT: The influence of the Intensity of eynthaois of nucleic acids and albumin an the lethal and mutagenic effects of ga=a radiation vas exanined by reproducing the process of mutability and varying the intem3~1; of the, synthetil., processec. In this way the role of inaividual cell componeats jn dete~rmjaing ~nd changing the hereditary traits of microorganisms was exandmed. 'Zxperiments -qere conducted with E. coli B cultures in a glucose salt "mini-maWl medium, using C060 gama-ray source. LevouWcetin was used to vexy the intt,~-usity of the hetic processes in the cell. it was found that the latiml md trutagenic Card 1/2 L 10778,,;63 ACCESSION NR: AP3003936 effects of radiation increase under the action of gamma rays al!:ainat a background of an almost complete block of albumin cynthesis and of -retardipl nucleic acid synthesis, Irradiation of the cultnre tinder conditions of retwried albumin synthesis and negligibly stimulated LUA and RTIA synLhesia leadii -to Doine lessen- ing of these effects. The presence of a correlative relationabip batween the intensity of DNA and RNA synthesis, on the one band, and mutalgoixLc aud lethal action of gamma irradiation, on the other, confirms the genetic rol'~ of nucleic acids and attests to the dynamic character of the functioalrg of tae (xillular genetic structures. Orig. art. has: 1 figure and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Institut epidemiologii i mik_~obiologii im. akad. '11. F. Clamaleya AMN SSSR, Moscow (Institute of Epidemioloff and Microbiology ADM S8113,R) SMMIMD: l7ju162 DATE ACQ: 15Auz63 Him: 00 SUB COLE: AN 110 RV* SOV: 001 OTWI 005 Card 2/2 , , - I- - ~ ~ , - I - - - I ~ I . - ;; -. I . : I . " . I -.- .I ,-.~! , !"., " I -, (.- , - . . . t, - . I -I.. . ob-il "I z I. - ", . I,,., ~: . .. "v- L, . -. il~ 1 s : s I TII,UKOV, V.D.; PHOZOROVSK'.1, S.V.; GOLIDINA, L.R. ... Continuous cultivation of microorganisms. Zhur.irdkrobiol., evid. i irrun. 32 no. 10: 5-L1 0 161. (m-L'a 1~:10) 1. Izz Listituta op-lderAoloi,li i rdki-obiologii im. Gamalei A~-ill SSO"R. ICROBIOLOGY) (m SKAVROiIISKAYA, A.G.; FRADMI, G.Ye.; BORLSOVA, N.B.; ZAKCIIIIN, ~,.A.; GOLIDIIIIA, L.R. Influence of the intensity of nucleic acid and protein synthesis on lethal and mutagenetic effects of' 'f-irredia- tion. Radiobiologiia 3 no-40F2-586 161. (~!.ERA 17:2) 1. Iristitilt epidemiolo,gii i miki-obiologLi im. II.F. Garp.aleya A14N SSSR, Moskva. SKAVRONSKAYA, A.G.j BORISOVA, N.D.; -I 'I ~N, , ~ j,- Effect of lavomycetin on n~ acid synthesis In Escherichifi 13. Aiur,, i immun, 40 tic. 5,139-143 MY 't 3 1, 1 z In St. ',tut a epid a mio I 0i'll, 1 1:- '. .1 ' :!'~ AMN ACC N.~: SOURCE COD-`: U` /C)-'7-'/ '6/060/30~/O,324/0,024 V. S) Calc'-`.aLion of the reliability of direct-act4o S7G'LF,CZ Rcf. -1-libornetika, Nos. 9G!56 V .~E~ . S3URCE: Sb. A,,rtomatiz. khim. i nefte~him. proiL-v. ,rD 3. X - -L965 69-30 Tl'~' I:C TAOS: automatic regulation, reliGibilit probability,circuit -"Dilure %J rocedure~; are developed for ti~x crdculaL-.14an oC tht., of a zlirect-action regulator. in the calculatioa the follaw--'nG charactt.:i-Li5tics of rcl,~a- bility are observed; a) probability of absence of failure of ti-ic "open circuit" ty-pe -b) probability of the absence of failure of the type "short circuit," c) t'-Ie effi- c-.ency of t1ne functioning of the reGulator, which is defined as nathematical e;:- pectatIon of its output effect, i.e. the probability of fulfilling; the 'task for possible states of the regulator. 2 illustrations. V. L. (Tr,-msl.atio:a of abstract] SUB CODE:11 /09, 13 C.,d 1/1 UDC: 62-507.019.3 Ex r.,l nf- [I. "D lie. RA 18:4) 7~ V. AN C, C, :f: 17' r f n a I y F, 19 a c I!i s ~c s t i 11., q c; gc! fi z r., ~ . ") c C 51.(:,'.-) 1 (, J E .14 (MRA 118-7) ~n2titut geologLi i AN SSSR, vuRC'N-.- N, Yll. of, the of ce o, ngi Ca I GA01. .'flZIU 11 S SR ~-, A /) / A// /,~ /t, ~--, f1l, r TSYGANOVA, 1I.Ya. (Tyazniki, V'ladimirokaya obl. ); GOLIDINJI, N.P. (Vyazni:ki, Vla&imirskaya obl.). . ~, 7- -, ~ From the teaching experience of A.Y.Kolesova. Kat. 7 shkole no-5: 64-70 5-0 154, (MIU 7:11 ) (Mat~iematjcs--Study and teachinog) (Kolesova, Anna Vas:Lllev- na, 1887- 7777777777 77 - .d - I ,, ';, , - I . I ! . GOLIDINA, N.P. Frm6 nilpotent groups. Dokl. AN SSSR Ill no.3:5211--530 N 156. (~MRA 10:2) 1. Moskovskiy ~osudarstvnnnyy pedagogichaskiv Inatttut in~eemi V.T. Lenina. Predstavletio aka4emikonn A.N. Kolmngarovym. (Groups, Theor.v of) AUTHOR: ~01 I dina, TITLE: The Solution of So-me AlCorithmic Problem-9 for Free and FreL, 'Tilpotent -,rou,~s (Resheniye nekotorykh proble.!--. dlya svobodnvkh i svobodnykh nillpotentnykh ~,rupp) PERIOrICAL: Uspekhi ~che:ikikh Nauk, Vol 1 13" 1 AB3T RAC The au"lor :evelops a siuiple ;il,-,-orithi-,. tiLe !iid of thi!; al~-Orit",,.m -"'. i,,; Possible to come to know -or n.very --,:lement of --. free , roltp F C,ivon by three grenertitor~i ul,.ethpr thi:; belonj-,,,i to L'.w n-th ter:.-, F of tile lowor cent'r!'.1 "wrio:; 1, 11,~t Yo r I - a froo a-ste~ nilpotent L;roup t1iis al~,orit,i~:i sol-ips the problem of identity. For a free metabelian -rcup, with tho ai" of the aljorith::i one obtains, the neces!iary afi~ suffic~-~nt ,~,)iiditioris th;-t t,,,;o elements, t, are -ind 6 ~Luthor u:ico oidy the general propertiei of th,-, and the nilpotence of the ,roup. Therefore th;-~ describeC; process can bo realized in every nilpotent Frc,,,,u and every nilpotent ring.; mod nF it can be realized ever- in evprT jrou-p an~ every assiciative ring. There are 10 references, 4 of which are Soviit, I ~)';:iss, '? (;erman, 1 .71n~lish and ) American. Curi GOLI DINA, N.P. Subgroups of metabelian products of cyclic groups of the p-order. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.-, mat. no. 3:118-126 160. (MULL 13:129) 1. Moskovskiy zaochnyy peddgegigeheskiy inatLtut. (Groups, Theory of) -prob. rwoe-,., I~o.`, LYLY; ur a ,tive ~,uj,.c~jrj )f, tiie of 'uhercul sis yaita ,Ilst., P Clinic PuLr.,Dflarl GOLII)TINA, :-. M. "The C)I-qe ~-,f -ri t'ii! `,)!~st ),' tho! 4' i~ I -in ri th,- by :!i an ';5 n. N;). t'~ TUI,. 55 DTNKEVICH, B.S.-, GOWDIMk, R.M. Organization of medicalcare for children indiy- nurseries and kinder- gartens of collective farms in Gorkiy Province. Vop.okh.rrat. I det. 4 no.6:60-63 N-D. 159. (KIRA 13:4) 1. Iz Gorlkovskogo pediatricheskogo mauchno-lseladovatsllsko.go inatituta ministerstva zdra,.,ookhraneniya RSFSR (diraktor N.P. Zhukova, nauchW r&.ovoditell - prof. A.G. Maytlin). (GORKIY PROVIIICS--CHILD-RRN--INSTITI-r-IOITAL U113) Co mAnjanese, And ijon in kok sigh -yx pUnli '.'epa NIk0t;%koN .:],I M Got I'll ~ O~k, I - , , WN11- 'till, \-k R 7J. ; ltx; lh-t lot 1, pr, ,y'-111 11"t I'll it 1111pro" [hv vu 1.1 111, I'lolt clitittlit [if Cis and 1-t 1~ Am-( 1111111"tt-I 1-% IIo%rvvr,th[-Ic%tIof ofT-riti.d. in fi,rm. .10c m-t of Cu i, ut 11~1 1 -.1 thv pI mt F, t. r~lthl I tightis 1-und .-l.t ... 11 -v It., w -1. 1 It,, tuhh, , t, dm-t f- .,I It. IM, 1- ch--t.. Mnl, th,y lf, Lag, N . ..... .I 'l, It, fl-', 1--, .. ,I ill, I at, pluc Ruld.t IT Ili, 1-1, In . t-.11 ".lll ~Aj tunes As ttiuOi I.v A. Cu. .-.1 %Ili t, mt,r- ..6,11t 1) 1XXIII; , I It.. ('It 1, k. 1 1.1 0, 111111-vt 1. h t r, - .1 , I 't I'% d -.I jI ,. 1 0.1, 1".". 1-- It, 1 .1, , k USBRItiology Plant Physiology Card 1 1/1 Authors t Mashtakov, S. M., Golldine, S. M., and Prolaidina, R. I. Title Increase in the strength of cereal grain stalks by the use of 2, 4-dichlorophenoxyaoetle &aid Periodical Dokl. AN MSH, 96, Ed. 4, 845 - 848, June 1064 Abstract Experiments with cats showed, that spraying or plants, dur- Ing complete growt1i of the sprouts, ivith w, 4-DLT (Dich:Lo- rophanoxyacetic acid) in 2 kg dosages per liectare of land, leads to a reduction in grain yield. Nine re:rerences. Table. Institution Acad. of Sc. Byelorus-s-SSR, Inst. of Melioration Water and Swamp Control Presented by: Academician A. L. Kursanov, April 1, 1954 GoeDIN A./ S.M - USsR/ Agriculture - Melioration Card 1/1 1 Pub. 22 - ";7A4 Autbors I llashtrdcov, S. M.; ltulakovslwya, T. N.; tind Golldina, S~ M, Titla j Activity of formetits wid brenLhing intensity tio indicntors of biological activity of the soil Perloclical t DoIc. All :~.SSR 98/1, 11,1-144, 5eP 1s 1954 Abetract I Report is mado on the bioloCical activity or the ,3o-;'L its determined by the breathing inLenoi-ty of the Ditter anJ the activity of ferments epplied to the soil. TabJes, sliowing the number of micro-orgaiismo, forment acti-wity and briMthing intonsity of porit and inineri~! soils, are included. Hi(Iht WSR refcrences (193-1-1953). Institlition : Ac~~d. of W'c. i~relorviss-S,,R, In-,tituto of 114-jjOj-Aion Presented by : Acndemician 111. L. Kuronnov, June 4, 1954 MRAioloCr - Plant physiolog7 Card 1/1 Pub. 22 - 45A5 Authors jMashtakov, S. M.; Kulakovskaya, T. N.; and Golldba, S.-A, Title~ SAbout rubber bearing properties of wild growing Kok-Saodm plAhts Periodical iDok. AN SSSR 103/2, 341-344, Jul 11, 1955 Abatraot iSnientific data are presented on the rubber baming properties of wild growing Kok-Ughis plants. Four US-SR refererces (3-936-1.951). Tables, Institution t Presented :Aeademicia A. L. Kurganov, May 20, 1955 U!,1:,1R/Cu1U.vat.Qd 111.rint,; - Fodder,,,- M Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biol. , Ito IP, 1998, 53(71 Author Mithtakov, S.M. , (;cVdiria, S.M. Inst AS Eelorussian SOR Title The E-Cfect of Azototabacterin and 1,11olybdenum on the Uptake of Nutrients and on the Accumulation of' Drv Matter in Corn Grown on Peat-Eog Soil )rig Pub Kukiiru7it v B6511. NLInik, All WSSM, -225 Abotract Expe-,iments conducted ill 1955 rAt the 111.nuk Bog E;Merimen- tal Station on peat-bo6 soil showed that treatment of the corn seeds (?,b-Idavakaya Ryadovaya) with azotcbacterin in- creased the weight of a single plant from 136.61 c, (CO11- trol) to 166.45 g, and the 24-hour increment or the &-y vubstance was Licreased from 1-717 to 2.5-'-, g per single plant.- the leaf surface area was lncrea!ied from 3220 to Card 1/2 170)) AUTHORS: Ma nh takov, S. Go I I di na, S. M. , 71/20-124-1-66,16 c! Matrosov, B. F. - T Il LE: Effect of '~'!olybdenun Upon the Supply of Mineral Nutrition Elements to the I'lluits and 17pon the Develormant, of 11'icroflora Under Conditions of Peat Bor Soils (Vliy;--ni-.,(o mclibdara na Postupleniye v rast,-,niya elementov minori~.llno,~-o pitaniy- i I ra,-vitiya mikroflory v usloviyalch t.(.)rfyano-b0lotny':h npoclo'r) PEINDICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSH, 1959, Vol 12.1,., i"r 1, pp 211-2~ (USSR) A 1: 1'.: AC' .1he f.LVO-rable of trac-r uporl th- of p1c,-zito i_.-. yeat boC, soil.9 haa -111:-eady ;~.everal timeo been emphasized (Refs 1-4). In spite of the ir--.-jort:,nt rcle of 11olybil'-1111111 In tho lifo of h-ildlor plall'o effe,-t has been little investi':".ted. It th, aim 0" the authors to observe the chan.i-es of soil .-icrofl1:1ra in the case of a molybdenum introduction into peat soils. In this connection they wanted to determine the amount of accumulated in thO DlantS (riinorai nutrition nitro~gen, phosphorus, potassium). Barley (H0rL;11UM !,.U-.;- Chmen, Card 1/3 3olozernyy) and maize of the type Moldav~~kaya ryadovaya wer-a The Effect of Molybdenum Upon the Supply of Yinrral SOV 20-124-1-66/69 Nutrition Elements to the Plants and Upon the Develo~jm~2rt of '.~icroflora Under Conditions of Feat BoE Soils used for the experiments. The peat soil had PE 4.78 . It was fertilized with potassium phosphide. In addition to that the soil was sprayed with aqueous ammonium molybdate Solution (5 and 10 mG per I kr absolutely dry soil.). 'cables 1, 2 show that molybdenum promotes the absorption of MIK-elements and the protein synthesis. T'hi.,i effect can be explained by an increased activity of the microflora Within the ran[~-p or root systemn. It is a well-known fact that molybdenum stimulates the development of azotobacter in the soil (Refs A-8). Thus the amount of assimilable nitro,~en is increa_-ied. In the experiments carried out by the authors azotobacter had a favorable 1," 't,14 - influence upon other physiological group of soil microorEanisms (Table 3)- It was furthermore proved that as a result of the intensified development of azotobacter in the. "rhizosphero" of' innize, the leaf of tht, latter ~;row conoiderably 'big;-,er. 'I'lius th(:- Card 2/3 Phe Ef'ect ':i)oq t~-,e ~~7i 12 1 - r, Nutrition 3 ~o the and :.--i,~roflora Under Conlitions f~f i-e~t -.,,o:7 Soils ~imount of carbohydrates Cu:-med I),- ~I!c-toa-,vtithesi~3 is incrinAsed bind "ore ~tl uo the zv bl~ !.:-icrc)o --.~--a ".-J o,:2s r-2 determi.-ed by F. i. 7~vulo nnd 1. --'Xiiashevich. are ta'j-'Ies and 15 r~ferencez,16 of whic'. arc. Soviet. AJ'SOGIA.1IUi:: rnstitnt. I~iolo;,,ii. A!-td(!;-.iJi naul.. ~3Sjl, (In,;t.i',uto of bioloE,~', Academy of Scionces, Ph -r"-; E, Septembez- 2, 195S., 1),.r A. L. ~.ursanov, SUBI.',If'--7D: Sopte-mber 1, V)5q Card 3/3 USER/Chem --- Is-t-.7 - Sulfur DioXido :an 49 C_)i--jat_r7 - A-Ir -Purification "Rapid Colorimetric Dbtarmination of Sulfur Dioxide in Air," M. V, AlekBeYOVa, TB~ A. Golldina, Moscow last for WoriA7r' Protection, 2 pp ;2ZAvod Lab' .A Wo 1, lpf, i / 0 - / I Several methods use highly sensitive reaction caused b7 sulfur d1tozide and iodine= 'Itese methods, how- ever, are wor~thlesa under conditions vhere *Ir cco- taina cubct=e!e other than sulfur dioxide. Now method involves creation of a 'violet coloration caused by reartion of sulf-i_r dioxide and same 9ft 60 Z119T18 USM/Chemistr7 - Sulfur Dioxide (Contd) Jan 49 fuchein-formaldehyde agent. Method permits de- termination of hundredths of a percent 802 in air. 60/49T18 Jecrtminstion at all-411 11"Antifirs ot he.101, It N -.1 1. A j App!,rd Ch. ,t A. 121 1 II.-I till t-'hl 1 7. M 1'.. .0 0 lee 000000000000 W!", - - - - - '03;0 4 1 6 1 1 0 a 11 ti 11 1. it 16 It IN 4 Im 11 Is U16 0 1. OF R. 1. t F 1 11 j I I 'j v p A_1 '] ;.b WOOS eV 4, o0 A 00 5064. FWURE6CENT -Xn1uD Wi DSN~-Ail,~TIQPI UF oli ,avodakuya Lab. (lactury A. ( *0 Si in rNinm. mbittv., 44, The tog tit Or Id j.%'OttnS firvi III 1ow4f go to vottle -ut, than or* tokon i&p in (CJQC1_1),j mmi tha solution to citumicied in ultrtiviolat 11j;ht tilp1mi't. oolutlono of kncwn conowitrationti or the oll. $zimVloos mint.aintrig 00 00 0.005-0.k-5 mg oil ur,: tinulyned wlt.h~n O.NJ5 la's. 00 Ck aloe *0 j -CIA 0 --:1& 0 pip 1: V. I 's o 'too '0O -fill, 11-Of Ot w a IN fit d It it si w4 n i 0 0 0 'o 0 0 0 0 9 * 0 40 : :10 0 0 0 is 10 0 111 0 111, 111 0 0 0 0 0 qb 0 o 0 04 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 * All fit 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1# TOROPOV, S.A..",OLIDINA, ?S.A. -.-I. -111--~,, Device for determinim., silicon dioxide by the thermal mnthn-d. ?,av. lab. 22 no.9:111&1120 '56. (HLU 9:12) 1. Moskovskiy institut okhrany truda VBesoyuznor7o TSentrallnogo soveta profesqioaal3nykh soyuzov. (Silica) (Thermal analysis) RUB,U1011,9KIY, B. R., kand. med. GOL'DI?11,, M. T,wo car-r ,C mrroleucotds. Vrnch. delc no.~'.,,111, 1. Gosp~tal'n,,.iyn tempewticheskaya klinil,!i (zav, Voronov) Donets~-o~, moditvinsl~.ofl lnFtltllt~ 7a ,o tSentr,11:1107 ~,-.Iinlchnsko; (LEUK&IA) . ". ~ 1; 1 ( A lioT~da.L3ty tic- .-if the -izidetr ex- (ld-,l 16:71 j- 17. w.-it~,,exuya hh--rui-Pji p1shch-ov dIL (zav-pr:if. Yu.Y~.i.LEILZOV) ~-rltdnoy !Cl"-irLLI-j:Ji Wr-prof. S.A. -..)I--!qn~ikov) LIM S= ~zjn-.----! V.G. Gol 'Clit"a) in.-itituLa okspErimentallnoy im3tnw,),Wk)%r ~tllr.-dotcvift T.G. i,~~ u P 1,161 W-'- G A; (SULGERY, PL&Sl:Ill) GOIDBA, V.N.; IVASIIKII~, A.M.; hDICIMOVA, T. L. ; ll'SHLISKIY, A.K., ---rof., red.; KNMLCA-!CHEIIKO, F.I., red. izd-va; SUI-GLFiOV, V.S., te.1ch:--red. [Problems of elementary muthernat]cs essential for the study of geodesyj~oprogy elementarnoi iiatematilci neobkhou-'imoi p-i izuche- nii geodezii. Sost. V.N.Golciina, A.! Ivashkin, T.L.Kirchalcova. Pod red. A.K.Uspenskogo. '-',oskva, Izd-vc, Eeodcz. lit-ry, ICb2. 89 P. (1-MIA 15:12) 1. Voscow. InAitut inzbcr,,rov ., eLleuq troy stva. Kafedra jy,-,.,;!,.ey matematiki. (Mathercatics) GOLIDINA, V.11., professor Atelectasis in the clinical treatmert of privimortia in rhildrea. Report no.2. Padistria 39 no.1:26-31 J,9-? 156. (14LTIA 10:1) 1. Iz kafedry propedevtiki detskikh bolezney (znv. - prof. B.N. Golldina) Voronezhskogo meditsinskofo instituta. (PNETMONIA, compl. at6lectasis, in child.) (AT'ILEGTASIS, eticl. and onthogen. pneumonia, in child.) GOVDINA, V-N-,professor Nondygenteric colitis in small children. Vop. oldt. amt. I dot. 2 no.2:70-7.2 Mr-Ap '57 (MLRA 10:4) 1. Iz kafedry detakikh lufaktsionnykh bolezney (zav.-prof. V.H. Golldina) Voronazhekogo maditsinskogo instituta. (COLITIS) GOL' )IN,' , V.111. Timt- for dischqrping young children reco7erlng from ncutp dysp-.ter,,,. Von.oldi.m.qf. i dot. 3 no.3:12-1~ liy-Jp ' ",q . (14116, 11:5) 1 . 1z kif ndry dotskikh id ekts ionn~ kh b,)lp7np.,, ~ -,-v . T .1i . Gol , dinq ) Voronp.~Oiqkooo meditsinskogo institutR (dir.-nrof. N.I. Odnornlov). (DYSEIITF,RY) GOLID.I.?U, VA, Secondary 'uo:,-icoses follcrair~-, in youn:7 --hildren. Vop. oldi. mat. i det. 5 no. 2:14-1F Mr-Ap 160. (MIRR 13:10) 1. Iz kafedry detskikh infalctsionnykh pro.f. V.N. Golldira) GOIDINA, V.V. Lnte results of antibiotic thernpy in chronic cholecyntonngio- cholitia. Vrnch.delo au-mlement '57:20 (MIRA 11:3) 1. Otdel funktsionnllnoy pntolopiI(znv.-dots. B.T.,Xrister) Ukr,qinskogo institute klinicheakoy meditsiny im. n1rad. II.D. Strazhesko. (BILIARY TRACT-DISBASES) (ANTIBIOTICS) KIMSTER, E.E dotsent LYAYZ~Ay 0.14; GOLDITIA, V.V.; T.K.; LLSHblIMTKO, A.OKiye Coronary insufficiency in people engaged in mental work. Xhip-med. no.12:3-6 ",l. (MIRA 15--9) 1. Iz otdele. A&ftsionallroy patologii (zav. - clintsent S.E. Krister) Ukrainsicogo nauclino-isslerlovatellsl-.o;::o lmstitut-~. ',"Iini- cheskoy meditsiny iriiieni ?.',,ad. N.D. Strazhesko (d--*r. doyatell naiiki proll. A.L. 1,11-ikhnev). (COV11LIY HEART DISEASE) rAT,'DINJI't, Y,-.L. (Yqltri) . I Romirks fin thp artivIn by N.P.Sokolov nn "Deitimlining thm volimp of Prythrocytpq in the Panclienkov ap1mitwi." 11111". m-O.-i3 io.7:c)2 JI '55. (111.11 9: 111) (FqvTqFOCM'S) ( S:~,KO LO V . N . P . ) ANDREYEV, K.K., prof., red.; BELYAYEV, A.F., prof., red.; (~CVDINIESRG, A.I., prof., red.; GORST, A.G., prof., red.; YARIYU, S.Ya., inzh., red.; STEPANGVA, A.A., re~. izd-va; NOV11C, A.Ya.P tekhn. red. (Theory of explosiveslTaoriia vzt-yvchatykh veshchestv; abornik statei. Moskva, Obarongiz, 1963. 578 p. (MIRA 16:4) (Explosives) SOFINSKIY, I.D.; BLOKHIM, P.N.; GKLH9HG, L.A.; ZHDAIIOV, P.M.: ITASHCHMO, I.P.; LEVINA, G.P.; HAUMOYA, N.A.; 5MIHN07, N.S.; IROROYA, R.1., NIKOLATEV, N.A.; SEMIRMSIS, A.A.; KOVALEVSKIY, I.I.; LOBACUV, P.T.; SLADKOV, S.P.; DZIGAN, A.Y.: FORAFONOV, N.K. Prinimli uchastiye: ARGANSKIT, A.S.; ASMUS, Te.N.: BNZHAWVA, YeA., BOGAIPYKH, Ya.D.; BMENIN. V.A.; GOLIDING, N.P.- DOMSIU-W, I.P.; MOSM3VI S.A.; KHOKEMOVA, L.P.; SUSTOPAL, N.M.. WINOVICH, S,G., RUBANENKO, B.R., glavnyy red.; GALKIN, Ys.G., znmast.glavno.-o red.; SAPRTKIN, V.A., red.; SHCHEPETOV, V.M., red.; NOTITCEUMO, K,M., n,Ruchnvy red.; VILKOT, G.N.,inzh., red.izd-va; TTAPKIII, B.G., red. Izd-va; ELIKINA, E.M., [Building your own home] Spravochnilc individuallnogo sastroishchilce. Mogk-va, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry Do stroit.materialam, 1958. 442 p. ()(IRA 12:2) 1. -Aksdemiya stroitalletva i arkhitaktury SSSR. (Buildin,-) GOLDTNGER) Rezso (Budapest) /0. A letter to the editor! UJIt lap 12 n0-4:31 25 T 10 CHRFJIOVA, V.S~-, MIZIMITTO, V.T,, GOLIDIN07, A.I., J11?7 jp(,' I.' U(Sli"I Y ,A.A. ; I 1411,K0, P. IT. Dmaign of a two-way prmqsure-ty-pa menhaninal filter for the mirification of wter in mter-condigionir4; linitli in ~Idi~tric power p1nats, SiWe.8tian by V.S. Charnav and others. Prcm.ene:rg.11 no.12:16-17 D '56. (1-9,RA 10: 1) (Feed-wL,Ater nurif Icition) (Filt-rs !%nd f iltration) 11b 5 J~ ' R L ,ur 1~-,ur T: tj A.L. -Ir , ) LI.C. Method f-,,,. tj- in 11-2 1 lilt, rj yL, L)56y tract r Ll L! t~j,~ wizh 1',Itf2 Cl' 2-5 Liu v!1, ~I 1~ -. 11 !,_. "j I Lim, P'13 0 t d. Tu tit", c , I') 1, LL s UtLil-, 5 :~d,'rd 2 Ono of C~ y C J,)Ur C", C,. ',,21TATt"~ V _~ v 1" A Cto I c 17 i:.Is AC, ) I.LL :TC L _:n_,r~tcd :317, ro,, by ., ,-j, ~1-, tc, - I )f % 51k 1~ -~ .: 'utAl-AT an Vi C,ird i~/? 't 1 4 , I - : , - ,. ~) I .. 1- - . -.1 ~, - - I 1 -1 1 .., . I . . . -1 - - - , . . - . , - , I " - .:. - I . I I I- ~ GGV Dl'-~GV , 4'. L, , LUKF()VIT~,;KIY,. V. 1. ~ '-V,I, ~ K, 0~'!, 7 6~,Ya, D,,~ten.u: natior of watk-_- ~hur. anal. "-hL-i. 16 nc,.6: N-D 161~ Oi.-Tpji. D1.112) (W-Aer- --Co-Tosition) ,K,L IDI-Nov, A., L, -Z~ 3iJ-AJJ:,, A,A, PUr' ficetion y-contain.-W, Wllstt2 Kh Lin- promo ORJIU~ 15:)) GOLI,DINOV, A.L.; LUKHOVITSKIY, V.I.; SRUFINSKAYA, G.Z. Determination of water with the use of' cAlcitmi hydrld,~. Zhur. - anal.khim. 17 no.4:532-534 Jl 162. (MIRA 15:8) (Water) (Calcium hydride)