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r I P TT DarLbolic qU&SI linear equation, I-Lraboiic equalL, -m .1:1.1. +w, :-h v-. kBSTRA'-" in the re:!tsngular domain G(O < t T, C) < X < vi th certain bow-Alatj and initis- -:dl! i Dr., a-. nu ci -w-itC-jzed. Ceirt aAn aux-I liai7 formulas ar- ,;er Card 112 L 2,63114-6~-' ACCESSIOn VR: AP5005559 of enm ut a, ion in annlv!z-PA- Tt i f, Ithou-p th4t whpn h An4l I are the di i-w-rislon.9 of Tric- mcum Df a rectangular net satl,,~t'vlnp c-or-FOr the -,ro,,~es f i-ge rir, fume r i-Ei I ~jr,3 culldiLlo.-15 are E3ntl2l"-c- rit-' V tLLUIC'S C) IU! X! CLUCU-latea IDY =-I' are obtain-!d with an error of Vie order of OWL It Is asnerted that the resultg -p--. be tx+en,J~~, vitll-. ins'pm4fic-mt T~'odi 4'~ -at of ine equition ipsi P. X) + B (1, x) "u + c (11 X, (2) lax, q f: Orig. art, has. 30 forzulass A S' OCIATION! Thilleshili ggos-udw!~nt-vvrx~r ortittet fTi-rlla State U lvarsiti,~ S d BUBMITIM: 16Mar64 MICL, 00 SUB CODR: MA NO REF SOU 001 (YTHER- 000 AILD PRESS: 31,67 2/2 -A L 51082=65 VW7 d PS-4 T=CSION NTRi 015012K-24 AUTHOR i TIT1Sj UsO Of rhomboid 91-1&1 for solving tho heat equation SGURCEi M Gru7MR. Soobshcbenbra, v, 38~ no, 2,~ 3.965, 3.5-22 TOPIC TAGS- firite differome) ~Lw-~o-rentualmmugx-& ABSTRACT., Under the assumption *f a sixth order smooth solution of dy, G, (2) satiat (44)-Ey~ for 0 t T wbere G is a.reglon,ln the x,y. piano,, Y Is the boimdnvj ccntotr jx,y -at*- continuoun of G3, > f (x'T.) anA CP and f(x~ x,7 C- r and vith A' 1 0 4) G(A. Continuous on D ftxty) G, t E [0,T) t Card 3.A 77- ENT(d) ACC 11IRs AP6000731 11 AVMOF! s Gordezieni, D. 0. LI ORG: Acad2N of Sciences, Ize (Akademiya neuk GjLuiD.Lx&vjLwj _4/~ i/66_~/0~3576~f SMCS CODEt UR/025 5/03 MISSR. Tbilisi Mathematical Institute in* A* M. upsms &w&..L.LPox6xj xvmwv~wau"~w-4 --.j Tlml Fjoe of a localIX one-dimensional ~saod for solving a multidimensional pax,abAia eQuation of order 2m SOURCZS: AN GruzSSR. Soobehcherlyap v. 39P no. 39 1965, 535-541 TOPIC TLOSt differential equation, parabolic equation ABSn .ACTt- The author shows tho applicability of the locally one-dimensional method of I A. A.. Saaarsky (0b odmon skonoidabnom raznastnom m6tode resheniya mnogomarnogo - peralalicheakogo ursynwdys v Imoisvolluoy oblastio Zhurnal. vychislitelluoy matematiki 1-nal-maticheakoy fisikip 2u-No. 787-811) to the solution of -59 19620_ 77 (P cr (M- (Ot 410 t..1 (2) x - (J(1) X19 Cori] /2 %.Wiwi -7 GDRDEZjffi;_,._~arlo ShAlvovichz GORDEZIANI, Marlen Shalvovich; GAPRIND .ASHVI ILI.,.1021f SilOvanOvich - (Labeled atoms and their use in agriculture] [Mechenys atomy i ikh-primenenie v selfaltom khoziaistva. Tbilisi, Sabchota. Sakartivelcol 1965. 138 p. (In,Georgian] (KIRA IM) G)RDEZIANI, Karlo, Shalvovichl MRI)vZwIA,'j,,j4srl9n Shalvov~ch; GAPRINDASHVILIy losif Silovanoirich , [Labeled atoms and their use in agriculture) (Macharqe atomy i ikh.primatenie v sel'alcom khosiaistvet Tbilisi, Sabohote. Sakartyelol 1965. 1311 p. (In.Georgian] i (KIRA 160) RIJKHADZI, D.A.0 inzh.; GORDULAXI, N.Y., Insh. Determining the optimum height of higb-basicity sinter burdenit. Stall 20 no. 12:1074 D l6o.' (XIU 13.-12) (Sintering) IqALYSHEV) S.Ls inzh,; KHOSHTARIYA, Sh,F.j inzh.,- GLADKOSKOK, P.P., inzh.; RADCHENKO, F,G,, -inzho,- '11rinJimli uchastiye; BOKOLISHVILI) Sh.S.; RUJUM) R.I.) SHARASIIIDZF,,, S.Sh.; BEREUVOY, RUKHADZE.,, IF. TATAHADZE, Z. Mastering the sintering of-Dashkesan ores as acceptable charge for open-hearth furnaces. Stall 20 no* 741~-00 V1 160. (MIRA 140) I., Zakavkazqkiy me-tallurgichookiy zavod. (Dashkesm.-Iron aedv) (Sintering) (Open-hearth furnacei3-:-Eqxdpment and supplies) 7 RUKWZ1, D.A., inzh.; (kORDRZIANIL N.*,R!jL_inzh. Blast furnace operations on mitural gas. Stall 20 no. 12:1074 D 16 o-. (MIRA 13:12) '(Blast furnaces-3qui-pment and supplies) I XASHAKASHVILIq N.V,; GLADKOSKOK~ F.P.1 KHOSHTARnAi Sh.F.; MINDEUs M.Sh. Prinimali uohastiyRe PARASTASHITU, V.V.; KOBMDZE, V.G.1 CHKHEIDZE, LA.; HJKUM; B*A4,; MEKEWHVIILT, 06Aeps SHAWHIDZE) S. Sh.; GOGISH71U, Me; MEMMUO N.V.; DZ2WHVMI; A.T.; GORDEZIANII N.F.; ABRAMISHVILIj R.N. Performance of Transcaucasia Metallurgical Plant blast fur- naces operating on natural gas. Trudy GPI [Mruz. I no,401-23 t62 (MIRA 1798) KASHAKASJIVILI, N.V.1 SHA-RADZENIDZE, S.A.; MALYSHEV,,S.I.; CHKHK=j Z.A. GIBRADZE.. Sh.S.; KHOSHTARMA, Sh.Fo; RUKHADZE, D.A6; SHARASHIDZ j S. Sh. Prinimali uohastl~m* SHRIGELAYA,V.; OKRMICHEDLISHVM.. Sh.; POPIASHVILI, Sh.,- LOLUA,.?:.; MINDELIp M.; TSKHELISHVILI, D.; GORDEZIANI, CDIWZE, Ch.1 TATARADZE, Z.; KIIUTSISHVILI.. A. Production and use of highly Imsic, open-heart-h furnace sinters from Dashkesan iron ore. Trudy GPI [(braz. ] no.4:25-32 262 (MIRA 17:8) RUKMZE, D.A,, inzh.; Gf~ -w MA., inzh. Mg Sintering higb-basicity mixtures at the Rustavi metallurgical plant. Stall 23 no.61499 Je 163. (MIRA 16:10) 1. Rustavskiy me-tallurgichaskiy zavod. UISSR / Human azA Animal Physiology. Heart* T Xbs Jour Rof Zhur - BiDl., No 15.. 3.956,, No- W156 kathor Go i S~-- A.- Inst iliBi Modical Instituto Titlo Collaterals and Collateral. Circulation in tho Hoart in Erporimntal Owntocardiopoxy Orig Pub Tr. Kafodry cporativn. khltrurgii i topogr. anatomii. Tbiliesk, mod.. in-tp 1956., vol l.. 181-187 Abstract In 14 dogs a ligature vas applied to the doscending branch of tho loft coronary artory., and tho omontum. was eatwed to tho, myoaazdiuz- rn tom dap, throo, monthsp and six months., corrosion propar&blons wore mado. By six months aftor oporatKon., vascular anastomooos botwoon tho nVocardium and tho cmonimm could bo'soon. Card 1/1 54 KAY)'A ILI C, r. "Material on eurgicnl treatment of coronnry insufficiency" by. Sh.G. Gortle2iani. Z�viewed by Fe Maizill. Khirurgiia 14 no.6:143 Je 158 (MIRA '11:6) (CORONARr TgSSELS--SURGrRT) (GCRIMZIANI, Sh.G.) Goni, u. 33915. Mikrovolnovaya Spyokirodicopiya(Pyar. S JUigl.) Uspyekhi Fiz. Ilauk, T.. XXXIX., VYP. 2, 1949, C.201-98. -Bibliogr- C. 293-98. SO: Letopis' Zhurnallnykh Stator; Vols 46p Yoskva, 1949. 10 USSR/Microbiology Antibiosis and Symbiosis. Antibiotics. F-2 Abs -Jour : Ref Zhur - Biologiya) No 7) 1957) 26291 Author : Margolina, M.I., g2KqLan N.JM.~Kamraz, M.I. .A_ _ Inst Kharkov Institute of Vaccines and Serums Title. Experimental Study of the Effect of Garlic Phytoncides on Dysenteric Bacteria. Orig Pub Kharlkovsk. n.-i. in-ta vaktsin i ey'vorotok, 1953, 22, 75-79 Abst All 123 of the dysentery bacteria cultures were found to be sensitive to garlic phytoncides (I). Culture growth in bouillon was arreated by garlic juice when diluted to 1: 400 - 1: 80. The greatest sensitivity to I was evidenced by the Grigoryev-Shig dysenteria bacil- lus. No difference vas.noted in the sensitivities of freshly cultured and museum strains. Culture in a me- dium containin~;I did not increase the resistance of the cultures. Continued cultiviLtion in media containing I Card 1/2 USSR/Kicrobio.logy - Antibiosis and Symbiosis. Antibiotics. F-2 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biologiya, No 7, 1957, 26291 brought about modifications in the morphological proper- ties of dysenteric cultures (large numbers of long fila- mentous and coccus-type forms appeared, R-colonies predo- minated), but biochemical properties and agglutinability remained the smae. I is not toxic for vhite mice. Over one month, the activity of I decreased by 2, and by 4 to 10 times in three months. Card. 2/2 GORPIC 2 Z. 7_7, >~ "Local roads in Serbia.11 p. 3,5 (Put I Saobracaj) No. 7., July 1957 Belgrade, Yugoslavia 30:; Monthly Index of East European Acce9sions (EEAI) LC. Vol. 7, no. 4, April 1958 Gk")RDIKOV, A.V~; ITIOSSOMMIN., M.V. Transverse gradients of the water surface of an inundated flood pIE-4n (exemplified by the Irtyah River).(,Trudy GGI no.88-.109.424 161. IIRA 15%2). (Irtysh River- -.Hydrology) ANMYBV, S.G.-, g~UPYL.~J.;- WKWUN, A.T., red.; KCBEMO, Te.G., red.; DETBV.R# Y.N. ,, [Local fertilizers'; advanced practices in their acquisition and usage] Hestnys udobreniia:; peredovoi opyt nako'pleniia i primneniia. Moskva, Goo.isit-vo sellkhoz.lit-ry, 1960. 206 p. (xim 14:2) (Fertilizers and manures) BUZMIKOVp G.M.; GORDIKOV9 V.V.; AINDREYXV9 l").G.; KORHYSHOp Ye.G.f rod.; GORIKOVA, Z-T-79m---~W- [Corn in new regions; wlv=o*d cultivation practices] Kukuraza v novykh raionakh; peredovol- opyt, vowlel7vaniia. Mookyal Goo. izd- vo sellkho2. lit-ry, 1960. 136 p. (MIRA 106) (rA)rn (maize)) 11 prof*; NAIJMENKOI V.G., kand. med. nauk; A.T.P K., prof.; ,EyEV, S.V., prof.; WMENKOP YESIPOVA, 1. ANDI ORDIIDVA,. -V-V,. , prof Prinimaii uchastiYe: ILJOV vM.I., prof. S140LIYANINOV, V.14., prof.; SOK( log cal problems; current thological jind microbiO i je ,64. Dissertations on pa ospects. SOr_ med. 27 no.6:147-151 o4jPA 18-1) state and future Pr Subject USSR/ElectricitY AID P - 3002 Card 1/1 Pub. 29 - 17/28 Authors Tarakanovai Ye. N., I. I. Ryabushkino and A. M. Oordinj EngB. Title Movable installations of power capacitors Periodical Energetik, 6, 26-21 F, Je 1955 Abstract A major work was done at the establishments of the Karaganda Coal Combine in order to raise the power factor. The basic measure consisted in introducing synchronous motors in ventilating and compressor installations and also synchronous convertors and static capacitors at the central substations of the combine. The author describes the details of these installations. Three diagrams, one table. Institution : None Submitted : No date GORDli, A.Yu.; HILL', L.A. Industrial training, abops. Politakh.obueb. no,5:11-17 * '59- (AIM 32:7) 1. Sreanyava shkole, 36.544 g-Ncskv7- (Hoscow-manual training) HYGIENE AND SANITATION MWY GORDIN, B.S., inzhener. Manufacti=e nf wall brick from power plunt slag. Biul.stroi.tekh. 10 no.12: 13-14 JI 153. OaaA 6: 8 ) (Bricks) (Slag) GORDINt I.I. lhe Besla'n corn combine. Uck# say. ftd. inst. Geri;z 169:193-199 159. (MM 1431) (Baslan-Fload IrAtotry) GORDINj G.A. Berlyand, A.S. and Gordin, G.A, "On a method of determining the speed of blood circulation" Vracheb. delo, 194~',-No- 11 paragraphs 33-36o SOs U-3042, 11 Marth 53, (Letopis Inykh Statey, No. 9p 1949) SORKIVA, A.I.; GORDINO G.B. -1---l- 11 ''. -1.1- Late results of operative trea'Ment of a serious form of hyperparathyroid osteodystrophy with calcareous metantans. Probl. endok. i gorm. 11 no.1:58-60 ja-F 165. (WIZA 18:5' 1. Kafedra obahchey-khirurgil (zav. - prof. A.I. Sorkina) Irkutskogo meditainskogo instituta. na bate gorodskoy kli- nicheskoy boltnitqr (glavnyy vrach A.F. Demidova). TI361PPOV, L,A.; GORDIN I.K. Inshener, redaktor. " (Bricklaying by a 4-=n teanj lirpichnats kladka svenon-chatyerkoi. Loningradl Goo. Ixd-vo lit-ry po stroltalletyu i arkhitakture, 195)o 41 pe 4 (MLIA ~:Q (Bricklaying) ODRDIN A*bw TODAXOT, A,,A., Inshoner, nauchVy rodaktor; X.T&.. it": LINDr4f - P.UL'XIJW-'To.A.. tokhnich*skly rodaktor. (Igtonsible panel scal.l.olding.for bricklaying] Ponelloye ra.alvish- Bye podmost 'idlim, kirpichnot kladki. lon1upad, Gov. izd-vo lit-ry po stroltelistvu L arititekture, 1954'. 46 p. (MLPA a -.I:) (Bricklaying) (II.caffolding) WHIM= I=EIXM MUMMY, V.P.; GORDIN, I.M.; SPIVAKOV, H.S.; ALIMSXM, K.P.; YODAKOV, A.A. M, Adjustable scaffoldiAg for bricklaying. Rate. i isobr. predl. v stroi. no.91:7-9 154. OMRA 8: 8) 1. Treat Isimmakhmonta-shstroy Impolkom longormoveta. (BrickIVIng) (3caffolding) IOOV,, Ivan/Vasil'yovich T ly, inthener, nauchnyy redaktor; KAPIAN, K-Ya.. redaktor isdhtel stva; PULIKINA, Te.A., tekhaicheakiy redaktor [Asesubling precast concrete elioments.- for work superintendents and foremn] Montash sbornago shelezobetons dlim proisvoditelet rabot i materove laningrad, Gos,lzd-v,o lit-ry po stroit, I arkhtte, 1957. 131 P. (MMA 10:9) (Precast concrete constm,%tion) MILPRATHAN, V.P.; PANOV, V.K.; KRIVTSOV, G.Ya., red.; PARAKHRIA, N.L.j tekhn. red.; Pr-'.OKOFIYEVA, L.N.s (Organization and performance of land improvement construc- tion work) Organizatsiia i prois.-vodstvo meliorativno- stroitelfrykh rabot. Moskva, SEillkhozizdatp 1963. 327 p. (MIRA 17:3) GCM)III, L.Yu.; KORMV. V-X- "Tales of the life of the brain." Z.Kosanko, A. Remesova. Reviewed by LJU. Gordin, T.M. KorotOT. zet. v shkole uo.3:66-89 (ML'RA 7-7) 1. Uehitell shkoly no.700 g. Moskvy.(for Gordin) 2. Uchitell shkoly no.200.g. Moskvy (for Korotov) (Kosenko9Z.) (Remsova. A.) (Blain) GORlDI9,-X,A,jwWRISOTIGH, G,.Y. 'V mmmmmm~ T4sks of the synthotic rubber irdustry in the sixth five-year plan. Khtm. uauka 11 prom.'2 no.3:274-2?9 157. (KLU 1018) . . (Rubber, industry) AUTHORS: 1'. D, Bor! r3ov A:, oh, G. F. 64 7 - 2112 TITLE: The Indu,-~tzy of llynthet-'-t Rubber (Caoutchouc) on the 00-'a:4-10W of t~je 40th Anniversary of the Soviet Republif~ (Promyshleiinc,3441 sinteticheskogo kauchuka k Sovetlik-,,)g!~ gosudarstvaN PERIODICAL: Rhi-Pd.cheskaya Promyshlennost', 1957, Nr 7, pp-1392)6 - (396)12 (USSR) ABSTRACT: As earlv as in the yeEzs around 1920, Soviet scientific qxpertLt sucoesded ir. producing synthetic rubber oaoutchov--) from lllbut-4,dienll (obtained from ethyl alcohol by rneana cf r. on,~-stagta catalysis) which was subsequently subiocted to polymeri:;ation under the influence of metal!Jia In S~ ,,,ring 1931 the Sovieto began with the ~-Cns'.ruotion of t:,ie first factories in Yaroslavl', Voronezh ani Yefromov) and on July 4, 1932, the first 400 kg, oS synthet-lo S3vjet rubber were obtained. Large scale pr.7ductior in other oountries was carried out much lat6-- only: In Germany, in 1937, in the United States only in 1942, A survey of the further development CARD 1/3 up to the present is givenr The projects for the period The Industry of Synthetic Rubber (CROUt0ho'-0) - on the 64 - 7 - 2/12 Occasion of the 40th Ai1)11v-;r;jd7Y Of the Soviet Republic of 1951 to 19r,c could not be acoomplinhed for lack of both m~kteri,~_' at-A workmen, But the Sovjeta want to make up for this, now. The assortment of synthetic rubber has become vpry rich: SKB-iodium- butadiene caouchouc, DAB-biitadiene-latex DI[KhB-70- butadiene-Vinyliden- chloride-Latex, b,,itad:Lene-nit-.--,il-caoutchouc SKN of three diffe,r~~n.', make6, poly,~ub~aty'pne, some makes of Nairit, SIOM, chlo_-oprene-lat,~x, bQkdiejie-styro1-c&outchouc SKS 30, and many others. Thi! butadiene-methyl- styrol-oaoutchollo (SIUS 70) is produced on an industrial basis in the Soviet-Unior only. It is used on a large scale for the manafacture of tires. Further the oil- filled caoutebouc, SKS-30 AM ite produced, the technological properties of whioh by far surpass the "But~idie,-,"-Styrol-cacutchoua. In 1956 the production of (SKT) was substantially increased. It retai-:_,~ It:j propel,ties at a temperature of - 60 to - 250c' C. It is water, -acid- and oil-resistant and is CARD 2/3 The Industry of Synthetio Rubber (cao-itchoue) - on the 64 - 7 - 2/12 Occasion of the 40th Anniversary of the Soviet Republic proof agaia8t ultra-violet radiation. In the second half of 19.56 the production of brombutyl-caoutchouc (for the insulating layer in solid tires) was begun. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress CARD 3/3 ODRDINO MOM*p_Anzh. I Puller tool for the driving wheml of the S-80 and S.100 tractors. Mekb.stroi. 19 no*3:26 Mr 162. OMU 15:3) (Tractors) SHF-IVDLERp D.L.;,- GORDI1;p M.P. Effect of aholagogues on tha milk and butterfat yield of cower. Uch, zap* Yumakhe un. 41t:L86-187 161. (MIRA 16t6) (CHOTAGOGUES) (DAIRY CATTIE.-FREDING AFD FEM) GOILAN) M.N.; KARIXOTI, R.F. Hypownsive and sore other proporties of the herbaga of Lhe perlwinIfte Vinca ninor. Vest. IN Kavikfi. SSR. 19 n-,.5:91-95 Nbr 163. (Mll-V, 17:7) GCILDIN, M.N. Mechanism of the resiction of peripheral blood vessels to strophanthin. ftrm. I tokm. 18 no.6:44-47 N-D 155, WaA 90) 1. Kafedra, farmakol(gii (sav.-profe I.I. Sivertsev) Kazakhokogo gosudarstvannogo meditsinskogo instituts imeni V.K. mosotdia. (STROPHANTHDI. effects. on blood'vesmelm of amputated extremity with neural. connection with body, conditioned reflex mechanism of action) (BLOOD VRSSWA' effect of drugs on, strophanil.hin', In ampmtsted extremity with neural connections with boi4r, conditionedreflex: mechanism of action) (RV=6 COW)ITIOM. conditioned reactions of blood vessels to strophanthin in amputated extremity with neural connections with body) GORIU, N.V.; TURGANMYEV, A.T. The effect of santonin on intestinal contraction Lwith aummary in English]. Farm. i toks. 21 no.1:71-73 Ja-F 158. (MIRK 11:4) 1. Kafedra farmakolDgii (zav'.-prof. I.I. Sivertsev) KazRkhekogo gosudnretvannogo meRtainskogo institutR I rentganovskiy knbin*t- Instituta klinicheo'koy i eksperittentAllnoy khirurgii AS Uzakhok6y SSR. (ANTHRIMIRICS, effects santoni-a on intestinal motility & contractions in eats (Rua) (IMSTINES,. physiology motility & contractions, Off. Of HAntonin on eats (Run) GORDIN, N.N., kand.mod.nm* Change in body reaction to the influence of local anesthetics during various periods In radiation sickness. Zdrav. KazaJch. 21 no.IS65- 69 1619 (MIRA 14:3) 1. Iz kafedr farmakologiiq (sav. - professor I.I.Sivertsev [deceased)) rentgenologii I. radiologii tzav. - doktor meditsinskikh nauk S.B. Balmikhanov) lazakhokogo meditainskogo institutat. (LOCAL ANEStHESIA) (RADIATION siqkNEss) (BODY T&PERATURE) "W: WI*2nM-P* GOVOROV, A.A.; KOSHKIN, V.A..; GORDIN, O.V.; TUZOVSKIY, A.I.; SAKHARDVAt N.A.; LYMARI, A.I. Effect of the temperature of the and of rolling on the mechanical properties of rail steel, Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 6 no.8:137-140 .163. (MIRA 16:11) 1. Sibirskiy metallurgicheskiy Institut i Kuznetskiy metallurgicheskiy kombinat. GRDINA, Yu.V.; KOSHKIN, V.A.; GORDIN, O.V.; SAKHAROVA, N.A. Inoculation of rail steel* Izv,, vys, uchebs zave; chern, mete 6 no.lOtl29-133 163. (KM !6:12) 1. Sibirskiy metallurgichaskiy Institut. ORDINA, Yu.V.; GORDIN 0.1r. ~ Characteristics of the mecballim of inoculating rail steel. Izv. VYS. ucbeb,. zav.; chern., met. 6 no.22:152-157 163. (MIRA 17:1) It RbIroldy moUllurglobamIdy inatitut. GRDINA, Yu.V.,* LIRI~Iy, O.V~. Dependence of impact toughness in rail steel on the finishing temperature. Izv.-vys.ucheb.zavo; chern.met. 8 no.82114-117 165- (IMA 18:8) 1. Sibirskly metal-lurgicheskiy institut. _1Te0mN"R7_WP6007 �-2-8- CODE p___ Mt-4- 0 0 0 0-2-Y-0-1-1-9p,off ii-7 -I UR 0148/-. -AUT1101.1% Grdina, Yu. V.; I'larasko, D.:,Z.; Dadochkin, N. V.; Gordin, 00 Vt. _ji --------- ORG v ~~Siberian Metallurgio!~l 'Ina titq!~~e (Sibirskiy metallurgicheskiy -inatitut) TITLis Rapid oxidstlon-iilio hes-tins" of metals for rolling SOURCE IVUZ. Che n& a:.!, llurgiypo no*.20 1966, 119 1-2_1_ TOPIC. -TAGS: steel, refraostory metal, molybdenumo tuogsten, niobiuto, a tee 1, heating,. jrefractory~~metal heatingp oxidation free heating, metal oxidation. oxidatioli prevention] 60S2,steel, 45C steel, 'steel 5 ABSTRACT; In a search foil. an effective and inexpensive method of hcating-steels and refractory metalwfor forging, rolling, and extru- heatin edLim. Spef4m /sion2: Mo I tend 5 L a s~ has4be;~n tested as 7n 4' 1,T e s 0 L69 tee I G S t5 am . tun st .60S2 molybdenu.m ten and niobiumOke mo I ten- gl In 8% S1029 1-112 Al 20 heat A Tp to 1100-13 0 a 3 t 1.5Z',Fe2O39 7*32 Z Ca C2.~27% HgO, 14.15% K 0 + Na2O) for 5 min 0 hr. 2 No si,gn of oxidation as Observed on any specimen. On the other hand$, 60S2 steel conventi.onally~;,heatedlto,1150C was extensively oxidized af tai., holding 20 mLnqi ThIs type of'steel, badly affacted by decarbani- zation in+cofiventionij.he~tings' showed no sign of decarbonization vhen Card IL12 669.046-947 GORDJX, P.V.j_i4zh. Studying the tension of the basic parts of the D-170 diesel engine. Trakt. i sellkhozmash. no.11:/+-6 N t65. (MMA 18:12) 1. TSentralInyy nauchno-isslodovatellskiy dizelInyy institut. 'N GORDIN xh. Lowering the cost of (ionstructing industrial buildings by modifying the crane system. Biu%, stroi. takh. 14 no.12:16 D 157. (KIM 11:1) 1, Isningradskoys ot&Olenlye Goandarstyennogo proyektnogo Instituta ProyaktstallkonstruktBiy'a. (Building-Costs) (Cranes. derricks, etc.) LEHWKH, Izrall MoiseyevIch; GORDIN Veniandn Avseyevich-, VAGINI A.A., red.; ATTOPOVICHO M.r.7,T--:Fe*dr.--re-d,.T,7deceasedj (High temperature prehoating of air in ferrous metallurgy]Vy- mokotemperaturnyi nagrev Yozdukha.v chernoi metallurgii. M,o- skva,, Metallurgizdat,, 1963. 352 p. (MIPA 16%3) (Airpreb6&ters) I (Metallurgleal furnaees) i GORDINt V.A. Standardization burestu at the Rybinsk Road-Mgchinery Plant. Standartizatsiia 27 no.12:40-41 D 163. (KRA 17:4) S/1 37/6 1/000/t0 1/0 13/043 A0061AOol Translation from: Referativny3t zhurnal, Pletallurgiya, 1961, No. 1, p. 23A 1D1,98 AUTHOR: Gordin, V.B. TITM Problems of Cali3ulating a Kydraulic Forging Press With Multiplica- tor and Pump-Ao.:umulator Drives PERIODICAL: V. ab. 110snovn, vopr. raz.vitiya kuznechno-shtamp. proiz-va!'J. Moscow, 1958, pp. 553 - 575 TM:; The operational stroke, the baak stroke and the filling stroke are cj~lculated for accumulator and multiplicator drives. It is shown that the speed of the operational stroke depends, basically, on the dimensions of the pressure pipeline, the moving masses and the law of changes in the resistance of the forg. ing. To maintain a constant vapor pressure, the dimensions of the vapor inlet valve have to be increased. It is recommended to use a pneumatic pistonless ac- cunnilator in presses intended to be used for processes with falling technological resistance. The hoisting force depends on the hoisting rate, pressure in the Card 1/2 S/1.37/6 1/000/00 1A 13A43 A0061AO01 Problems of Calculating a Hydraullo Forging Press With Multipliaator and Pump-Ac- cumulator Drives filling tank and the dimensionis of the reverse pipe, The given coefficient of resintance of the reverse pipe is determined from the given hoisting speed. The pipe is calculated from the faond coefficient. The speed of the Idle stroke Is detei.mined from the dimensions of the filling pipe and the pressure in the filling tank. For vprtical presses the pressure in the filling tank should be used equal to 4-5 kg/cm.. Ye. M. Translator's note: This is the full translation of the original Russian abstract. Carl 2/2 SOV/4713 PHASE I BOO EXPLOITATION ac,7din, Vul'f Bor:18oviallp Candidate of Technical Sciences %-.- -akoeo rascheta koVOchnykh pressov osnovy g1dravliohe, presses) Teoreticheilk-Vl ;igning Hydraulic Forging 3 000 (TheoreticELl principles of Del Errata slip inBerteds Moscow., Mashgiz, 1960. 83 P. copies printedo olookov; Ed.: V. A. Reviewers: I* M. Din, Engineeri and Ea Io.G Machine 1janaging Ed. for Literature on lqikheyevp Engineer; d Departmentlp Mashgiz): Ye. P. 1 14. A. Chf as; Tech. .Building Technology (Leningra g Houset NauMOvp Engineer; Ede-of publishin 0. V. SperanskELYA. engineers of hydraulic POSE: This book is Intended for design raulio-preas shops and PUR ~ ical engineers in hyd presses and meohan anical engineering in schools may be useful to stuAents of Ejeoh of'higher education, of the working cycle of a book 0011tains an analysis rmining COVERAoE: -. The )Ieess and oalculation-formulas for dete hydraulic forging I the press and the drive. the dimensions~ of the working Parts Of Theoretical Principles (Cont.) SOV/4713 The calculation formulas piesented In the book show the in- :rluence of separate P8.ramet6re of the press unit on its perfor- inance. The formulas also make it Possible to select a suitable press arrangement, to determine the pressure of the hydraulic fluid and the steam pressure for steam-hydraulic presses,, and o,.an be used as an aid for making judgments as to the merits of various designs. No personalities are mentioned. There are ;26 references, all SovIet. TABIZ OF CONTENTS: Int roduction 3 Ch. 1. The Working Stroke 10 Ch. 2. The Opening Stroke 33 Ch. 3. The Filling Stroke (The Idle Downstroke) 41 Ch. 40 Investigating the iniluence of' Certain Parameters of the Unit on the Performance of the )?reas 48 Card '27~ Q:- \PIN, PHASE I BOOK MCPLOITATION SOV/5658 Iv&nov, Aleksandr Petrovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences, and .*Viktor Dmitriyevioh U,sitsyn, Candidate of Technical Sciences, eds. Modernizaf6iya kuzneohno.-shtampovochnogo oborudovaniya. Moderni- zation of Die-Forging Equipment) Moscow, Mashgiz, 194. 226 p., Er~Ata slip inserted. 10,000 copies printed'. Reviewer: V. Ye. Ned#ezov, Candidate of Technical Sciences; Ed. of Publishing House: T. L. Leykina; Tech. Ed.: A. A. Bardina; Managing Ed. for Idterature on Maehine*-Bailding Technology (Leningrad Department, Mashgiz): Ye. P. Naumov, Engineer. PURPOSE: This book is intended for foremen, machinists, designers, and process engineere concerned with the modernization and de- signing of die-forging equipment". It may also be used by students at schools of higher education. COVERAGE: The book contains material presented at the Conference Card 1/8 Modernization of Die-Forging Equipment SOV/5658 on Problems in the Modernization and Operation of Die-Forging Equipment, held in November 1958 in ThnIngrad. The Conference was called by Leningradskiy Sovet narodnogo khozyaystva, Sektslya obrabbtki. metallov dairleniyem Leningradskogo oblastnogo pravlenlya WTO Mashprom (Leningrad Council of the National Economy, Section of Metal Pressworking at the Leningrad Oblast Board of the Sci- entific and Technical 3ociety of the Machine Industry) and Len- ingradskiy mekhanicheskiy institut (Leningrad Mechanical Engi- neering Institute). ktual problems in the modernization, oper- ation, and repair of die-forging equipment are described. Ana- lyses are provided for problems involved in the mechanization and automation of die-forging and stamping operations. Also in- cluded are practical data to be used in the modernization of equip- Dient. No personalities are mentioned. There are 59 references: !56 Soviet, 2 German,'and I English. TABIZ OF CONTENTS: Foreword Card 2/8 3 Modernization of Die-Forging Equipment SOV/5658 Ch. I. General Problems in the Modernization of Die-Forging Equipment 5 1. Basic trends in the modernization of die-forging equipment (V. B. Gordin, Candidate of Technical Sciences) 5 :2. 'The 'RqUI-r-ements for die-forgin~ equipment (A. P. Ivanov, Candidate of Technical Sciences) 8 Ch. II. Modernizatiop of'Forging and Die-Forging Steam Hammers 18 I. Hammers and their role in modern die-forging equipment (Z. M. Ginsburg, Engineer) 18 2 . The modernization-Df steam-distributing devices of hammers (A. L. Ashkinazi, Candidate-of Technical Sciences, and 1. 1. Kozhinskiy,, Engineer) 19 3.. Modernization of hinmer control and drive (A. L. Ashkinazi, Z. 1. Ginzburg, and K. K. Yekimov, Engineer) 26 4. Modernization and repair of foundations and anvil blocks of hammers (Yu. V. Belyayev, Candidate of-Technical Sci- ences, Z. M. Ginzbmrg, and I. I. Kozhinskiy) 31 Card 3/8 Modernilzation of Die-Forging Equipment Sov/5658 -5. Modernization and repair of,hammer frames and guides (V. A. Zhivchikov, Engineier, a~d I. I. Kozhinskiy) 38 6. Modernization and repair of hammer cylinders and piston rods (Z. M. Ginzburg, V. A. Zhivchikov I I Kozhinskiy, , , A. M. Kazhacheyev, and'M. V. Tilinskiyl 41 7. Modernization and repair of rams ( I. I. Kozhinskiy) 50 8. Lubrication of hammers (I. A. Gorbunov, I. I, Kozhinskiy, and A. 1. Kaznachayev) 53 Ch,, III. Modernization of Steam-Hydraulic and Hydraulic Presses 56 1. Modern trends and the outlook for modernization of hy- draulic presses (A. L. Ashle-inazi and V. B. Gordi ) 5',1 2. The ways for decreasing the weight and -6#6-r-all _.e.-sions of hydraulic presses (Yu. P. Kyzko, Engineer) 58 3. Modernization of steam-hydraulic "United" 2,000-ton for - :tng press (B. F. Vasil"yev and V. A. Yelezov,, EngineeM 63 .4. Automation of stoam-bydraulic nUnited" presses (S. P. Moiseyev, Engine(.,%r) 71 Card 4/8 Modernizationof Die-Forging Equipment SOV/5658 Ch. IV. Modernization of Mechanical Crankshaft Presses T 1. Basic methods for the complete modernization of crankshaft presses (M. A. Ooncharenko ' Engineer, and V. D. Li3itsyn, Candidate of Technical Sciences) 7, 2. Modernization of the drives of mechanical presses (A. P. Ivanciv and V. B. 99rdin, Candidates of Technical Sciences) 8' 3. Modernization- d'66- aging and disengaging mechanisms of crankshaft presses IV. A. Zhivchikov, A. M. Kaznacheyev,, and V. D. Lisitsyn) 81 4. Mode'rnizatickn of control system of mechanical presses (V. D. LisitSY71) - 10, 5. Modernization and repair of individual subassemblies and parts of mechw,,iical presses (1. 1. Kozhinskiy, and V. D. L 10 isitsyn) 6. Modernization of mechanical presses for the purpose of protecting them against overloading:(Yu. M. Buzikov, En- gineer)' J. Safety technique in the modernization of mechanical presses (V. D,*. Lisitsyn) Card 5/8 Modernization of Die-Forging Equipment Sov/5658 Ch. V. Modernization cif Horizontal7Forging Machines (Upsetters], Percussion Prefises, and Shears 13--3 1. Modernization of horizontal-forging machines (V. A. Zhivchikov and I. I. Kozhinskiy) 13] 2. Modernization of power-screw percussion presses Kozhinskiy, and A. M. Kaznacheyev) 14"L 3. Modernization o:r eccentric shears for blanking 0 erations (1. 1. Kozhinskly and V. N. Cherkasov, Engineer~ 144 Ch. V1. Mechanization of Forging and Hot Die-Forging Operations in the Modernization of Hammers and Hydraulic Presses 145 1. Mechanisms and equipment for for4ing and die forging on hammers (K. K. Yekimov, Engineer) 14S 2. Mechanisms and equipment:for press-forging (K. K. Yekimov, and S. P. Molseyev) Ch. VII. Meebanization, and Automation of Stamping Operations In The ModerniZation of Crankshaft Presses 16( Card 6/8 Modernization of Die-Forging Equipment SOV/5658 1. Trends in appl~cetion of mechanizing and automatizing devices in the modernization of presses (Vi D. Lisitsyn and M. A. Goncharenko). 160 2. Mechanical devicos for feeding band and strip stock (M. A. Gutnik, Engineer, V. D. Lisitsyn, and Ye. S. Nizarenko, Engineer) 163 3. Mechanical devicas for feeding piece-blanks (V. D. Lisitsyn,and Ye. S. Nazarenko) 177 4. Fully automated [production] lines (E. E. Roytershteyn, Engineer) 186 Ch. VIII. Experimental. Investigation of Die-Forging Equipment 191 1. General sequence for the calculation and design of ma- chines in the modernization of die-forging equipment (A. P. Ivanov) 191 2. Pasic problems of the drive-system dynamics and of the automatic feed of stock in the modernization of presses (A. P. Ivanov and Ye. S. Nazarenko) 193 Card T/B Modernization of Die-Fdrging Equipment SOV/56,58 3. Methods and meant; for the experimental investigation of die-forging equipment (V. 1. Zaytsev and M. P. Pavlov, Candidates of Technical Sciences) 203 Bibliography 223 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress VK1wrVec Card 8/8 11-7-01 ACC NR, AT7003268 'jo-5jc-z&~a i_'W2543/66/060/263/007 9/0088 AuTjjoRs~: Gordin, V. B.; Yefieng 1. A. ORG: none TITLEt Determining the parameters ofLapperatue for finish rolling of blades SOURCE: Leningrad. Politekhnicbeakiy institut. Trudye no. 263, 1966. mashiny i tekhnologiya obrabotki met&llov davleniyou (Machinery and technology of metalworking by pressure)t 79-88 TOPIC TAGS: cold rolling, turbine blade, rolling mill, metal forming press, steel alloy, metal deformation hardneseq steel/ B1765 ateelt 20 steelt UICA steelg 2Kh13 steel ABSTRACT: Determination of the parameters of a cold-rolling mill for turbine blades of 90 x 500 = of E1765 steel (see Fig. 1) is discussed. The specific flow pressure and maximum allowable deformation were deterzined with specimens of E1765 steel with width of 16 mm and thicknesses of 3P 49 7P 9P 11, and 14 mm. The hardness was HRC 26s' and the surface roughness was V 7. The blocks were made of U10A steel heat-treated t:i_ iERC 62. The degree of deformation at which failure of the specimens occurred increased with a decrease in-thiolmess. The allowable degree of deformation wa.8 foun to be 8.5% (see Pig. 2). Specimens of 20 and 2Kh13 steel were also used in determin-I ing the torque required for blade twisting. A formula is given for determining the Card 113 0 ---- - ... AAL 1 ww.7cou Card i Fig. I, - Kinwatio diagns of oold- rolling .jaill forturbins blades ACC NR, ATjOO3266 A kg/m2 79 1 IV Fig. 2. S]peoific flow pressure p versus 8A degree of deformation F- for SPOOiDWS of various thicknesses ;~clamping force. The force required with the described rolling mill in lower by a factor of 28 than that revired with medhanioal Prossese Docent. A. P. Atroshenko and engineer Yu. I. Yegorov partici]P&WAA the QxWiumtsl work- Orig~ arto b": 6 graphs,. 2 diagramaj and 12 formulaae SO CODE 13/ SuBM nLTys nmt(/ OM REFs 001 L;.rd $;/078/62/007/003/019/019 B110138 AUTHORS t Ugay, Ya. A-t TITLE: Production and investigation of some of the properties of Hg Sb 3 2 PERIODICALi Zhurnal neorganioheskoy khimiif v. 7, no. 3, 1962, 703 - 705 TUT: Bb which in a chemical analogy to the metallides Zn Bb and. Hg3 21 3 2 Cd Sb could not be produced directly from its elements by 3 21 S.A. Yekshinskiy's method (Novyy metod metallografioheakogo iseledovaniya splavov (New method for the metallographioal study of alloys), GONTI, 19441 Stibine, obtained by the a,~-tion of hydrochloric acid solution of SbCI 3 on gar. A tall Mg metal, was passed throAg.h,a mixture of HgC1 2 with su molybdenum glass column 3 Dm in diameter was filled up to 2/3 with Mg metal type tAri-1 (Mg-1). CaCl on a porous diaphragm at the top of the 2 column was ice cooled fromoutaide. A No'.-~.-,VSchott funnel inserted in the column contained twice recrystallized. HgOl 2 mixed with sugar. The hydro Oa:rd 5/078/62/007/003/019/019 B11 Production and investigation... 6A13 chloric'acid solution of SbCl , introduced into the lower end of the colitasn producedt SbOl + 3ia3 + 3mg - 3mgcl +SbH t. SbH was dried with, 3 2 3 3 Cac]. 2and reacted as follows, 3HgCl2 + 2SbH3 - Hg3Sb2 + 6HClT. The reaction took -2 -'3,hra. The specifics gravity of the powdery heavy. gray its 6.0 g/cm3.. When heated in air R9 Sts I determined pyknomel;ricallyt w 3 2 Sts decomposes to merewry and antimony oxides around 4000C, and if 1~g 3 2 heated in vacuum, into its elements at above 4500C- it is practically in- soluble in water, alkalis and hydrochloric acid, partly soluble in con- and aqua regia. When centrated HNO,,.and highly soluble in boiling H2804 left in air it moistens after 2-3 weeks and Rg drops sep arate. Its electrical resistivity, by-the compensation method and a TMTb-1 (PPTVil) potentiometer measured on a tablet pressed from the powder (250 kg/om was, 1012 ohms-cm. In cast Hg3Sb 2 at room temperature conductivity is /.0,10 ohm cm~ The nign of the thermo-e.m.f. pointe to hole con- duativity. The logarithmic temperature'dependenoes, log d a f(103/T), of fio conductivity at,7-10-3 speoi mm, Hg shows that dissociation begins at Card 2/3 S/078/62/007/003/019/019 Production and investigationfle B110/3138 3700(!'(3-8 t 0.2 ev). As the valence and conduction bands ar'e farapart, Hg Sb is close to the dielectrics, Good absorption properties prove the 3 2 nonmetallio character of its chemical bond. There are 2 figures and 9 referencess 7 Soviet~and 2 non-Soviet. The reference to the English- language publication reads as followst', Mellor's Comprehensive Treatise on Inorganic and Theoretical Chemistryo'qp. p. 391, 1947- ASSOCIATIONs Voronezhakiy gosudaretyennyy (Voronezh State University) SUBMITTED i September 269 1~)60 Card 3/3 L .1464f~~ EWT(l) GN XCE; 1017MOO4295 SOURM CODE: UR/3175/65/000/026/0044/004.8 AUTHOR.:T A Filipp ov, V. A. _Ab3 E. A.; Gordinj~V-~~; Levitin, 1. ORG: ncine portable source of ul*aviolet radiation SOURCE: LESR. Gosudarstvennn_gi~lopicheikiy~komitet. Osobo konstruk ye torsk9le para~turNk, no. 26, 1955, 44-48- byuro. Geofizichtslaya L3p TOPIC TAGS: W-light,source, spiictral distribution. ABSTRACT., The authors describe ik portable radiation source designed for operation ,in the OV region of the spectrumlat about 254;,and.320-400,miA. The spherical en- velope of the tube is made from 4rdinary uviol glass and is about 15 mm in diameter, with a Wall-thicknessof the ordtir of fractions of-a millimeter- The-radiation-spec-_ trum ofthe tube may be expanded~by coating the inside of the envelope with a phos- Phorescent material whichemitsA,%diation in the desired. spectral region.- -If part of the mirface of -the- envelope. iii left, unceat,td (a "window"), the same tube may be used for~bidirectional.radiatiowiin differen spectral regions. optimum sup ly.fre- t p Card 1/2~ 3 -L 14646-4 ACC NR: AT600429 5 quency wwi found to be of the.*=40 of 100 Me. ~A.power of the order of 12 w md a frequency::of about 100 Mc gave a iu'rface radiation density in the 254 mp range ap- proximately fifty times that of,BUV-15 tubes,(15 w)-and nearly equal to the surface density for PRK tubes. Applicatio6 of L-33 phosphor increases emission in the 320- -400.mij wJth a surface radiation density approximately 30-40 times that of-the UFO-4A tulle which has similat, spectral distribution. An increase in tube power is not recomended since it-may darken'- or melt the glass of the envelope. Tables and curves ar4i given illustrating thetharacteristits of spectral distribution for emis- sion fromAhese tubes. The authorp are sincerely grateft-a to L. A. Khutsishvili and N. N. Klimenko for their*parti~ipation in this work. Orig. art. Eas: 3 figures, 2 tali-I-es. SUB ODDEC 20/ SUBM DATE: OD' ORIG REF., 004/ OTH REFe. 001 Card 2/~~ _1855'~5'6 EWT (1)/EPA (s) -2/1-1d jjP(c) 1700 ACCOSION NRi UR 363/ 5/001/007/1051/1053 546.6821181. !54b. 55 MVMO1Ri Ugay, Ya. A~ Gordini,:4. L. TITLE: Growing indium phosphide single crystals SOURM AN SSSA~ lzvestiyst. 11organicheakiye materlaly, v. 1, no., 7. 1965, 1051-1053 TOPIC TAGS.- single crystal, ,pdium, indium compound, phosphide, semiconductor single crystal, single crystaligrowth, singfe crystal growing, crystallization crystal property, electric prooerty, indiumphosphide, melt crystallization, cx7B- tal'electric property rl ABSTRA.M: Indium pbosphide hingle er-yet t have been obtained by a slow (1-3-1.5 mm/hr) crystallization from melt4f stoichiometric composition under 40 atm of phosphorus presnure~ 'in a thick-vallt-d. horizontal q7aartz ampul. Origi- nally, the ampul contained in4ium and phosphorus separated by a drawn-out portion. The ampul was heated in atwo-,zone resistanee furnace. A gradual increase in Volte4;e made possible a graduaLl progress of: crystallization front in the indium. zone of the ampul. The advantages of this technique were stressed in comparison- Card 1/2 L 1855-61) ACCESSItO W AP5022252 with tbe-technique of pulling Vie, crystal frcm the melt.. The x-ray diffraction pattern shoved that the ingot ol~tained was sl:ngle crystalline over nearly 213 of its length. Single cry6thle. 410-12 mm in,diameter and 70-100 M long vefe ob- tained. The crystals. bad an n-t,irpe conductiviLty, thermoelectric power 'of 150 uv/de- gree, carrier concentration of ;(2.0-3-0) X :LO16 car3, -and a carrier mobility of 6000 cm 2/v.6ec at room teMeratu~e. The lattibr value exceeded all previously known from the literature and.indicaie'd.the good pality of the.crystale. The electrical characteristics W be improveO'O e-.g., by criicibleleas zone-melting. Orig. art. has: 3figures. [JK] ASSOCIATIONt Voronezhokly gok4&rstvewW univerbitet (Voronizh State University) SUBMITIM, iqApr65 tm: 00 SUB CODE., ES No ~X'F':So4i o01 O"M 11 004 ATD'PRESS.- Cori .02~'. ACC N R3 AP701-3719 SOURCE CODE: UR/0154/66/000/001/0079/0083 AUTHOR: Aronov. V. 1. (Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences); Qqrdin (Student) ORGt Moscow State University Im. H. V. Lotionosov (Hoskovskly gosudarstvannyy universitet) TITL91 Computation of the values Vsr, In a mountainous region SOURCE: IVUZ. Geodeziya I aerofotos"yomkop no. 19 1966, 79-83 TOPIC TAGS: Poisson equation., earth gravity SUB CODEt 08 ABSTRACT: For computing -the iralues Vzz from gravity' in6maies,lt 3.3 cus- tcmar-y to use a fomula obtained by differentiation of tho Poisson in- togral for the vertical ct)ordinato. In mmitain regions a the ob- servations are made atdIfferent elevations the accuracy of computatiom* is low idien that Toximila is used. The errors may be tens or even Mindreda of parcent. of thD computed va:Lue and in some, cases the Vzz artmA14 as my reverse signse A method was proposed by, H. K. Kartve1ish- vJai for computing Vzz, taking into account the difference in elevation of stations*- The method was based on the No' Be MolodwWkiy oc~iations_ Card 1/ 2 ACC NRs AP7013719 proposed for computing plumb-Iffie deflections and reduction of gravity anomalies to an external plane, but computations were not given on nodels characterizing the accuracy of the methods Accordingly, the author of this paper proposes a relatively simple method for conputing VZz In a mountainous region. Three examples of computations are given. Even under difficult conditions the accuracy Is high. In the case of a large number of Iterations the method is eq'uikl In accuracy to computati'ons based directly on the theoretical values &g given on a plane passing directly through the-corpuVed point, and in sone.cases exceeding it. The accuracy in computing VZZ In a 'mountainous region by this method Is equal to the accuracy for a lowland region. The some can be demonstrated for the com- putation of the horizontal derivative Of potential and.reduction of gravity anomalies, Orig. art. hesi I figure, 3 formulas.and 4 tables* [JPRSt 40,496_7 tard. 2/2 PEASE I WCK EXPIDITATZON 5071_1~7:: Vaeooyuxnoye soveshchanlye po Mike, Miko-Icbt-Ichasklm svoyvtvam rerritav 1 rizIcheskim osnovm Ikh prImenenlya. 3d, Minsic. 1959 Ferri=jItIchasklys I fIzlkO-khlAIchGBk1ye avoy3tva. Doklady (y tea; Physical and Thyalcochamical. rropertl Reports) emi nserted. aftsk, lad vo AN BSSR, 1960. 655 P. Zrrata slip 4.000 copies printed. N,L.chnyy savet DO inagnatIzzu AN SWR. Otd*l I poluprvvWnlkov AN SM. ZdItorU2 Board: Reap. M. 31rota, Academician of the Acadazy of Sclenc*s MRS; L P. Below, Professor; To. 1. Xondor- skly Professor; K. K. ftIIvsm9v; Professor- R. V. TolesnIn. Pro- Soolenskly, Professor; X. H. Shol't$. Candidate Of a- A- 0bystcal and Rathematical ScIanceal 9. X SftoI7sxvnkQ% and L. A. MaWrov; Zd. of PublIshing 11ouse; 3. Abol7avskly; Tach. 24.t 1. Tolokhanavleb. Intended ror pn7exclars. Qc92n0w" " "!---l anamaed in the production and us* of iftrrcMagn*t1e materials. Xt may also b* us d b7-students in advanced courses In radio electronics. N s# and physical chemistry. oft" COVIRMI The bonit contains rwWrt& Presented at the 7h1rd All- VDIon Conference an F*rrIts& held in HU21c, Belorussian WR. The reports deal vith magnetic tr&r'BfOrm&ticrs, electrical and Ga2vanowspetle W'cV&rt1a& of ferrite$, etudl*x of the growth or ferrite ftngle crystals, Vrobleme In the cht=ic&l and phyal. c*ch*ulc&l analysis Or fcfflt0s, studio* or farritea hs,%,,g r*ctansular hysteresis Loops am Ittcompoftenz ferrite systems -thLbItIng ~Pmtan*Ou4 MctAngularity, problems in magnetic Attroctlons higilly coero!" sovetroseopy. f*rrc"Pvtl* resonance, DR-_m*t*-cPtIcx, PhYlUal principles or % ;xIbS ferrite components In electrical circuits, anisotropy of electrical and magnetic pro rtles, etc. The Committee on Keg- aetlzu- AS USSR (3- V- VmsovskiY. ChaIrman) organIxed the con- rereact- -References ILec-pamy Individual mrtIcle*. Ferrite* (Cont.) SOV/74993 ftlaskovat &WLr_'3- ~k=2~x_xagnetochfffflcal In- ilz ~Qorr ton 137 veaticttion , icim and L_LJhM1In& NOw Ferrite* for the 100-10004a Frequency 142 R&bkIn__L_J_&nd Z. 1. Novtkvn_,Aom~ rropartt,s of WrQW2-Zlnc Ferri t*T_oWP_G_nff*_nt Ugn the Conditions of S-Ithmais and Their Content of Ps Ions 146 Xselov 1 1. Discussion of the Irraceding) Report * W. X. 31rota. X-Ry ~U&k'j L A_~ A P. Ptlkin, and , t.. t'.~ I we tructural we Its ~;nH ~, Ternary System S NIY~2Q4-ftF4204-ZnF&204 159 I tl*n of ff $IrQta Inv 911 `Lt- a L T 1 . . :: MoWf.. t of ComPosit an an the Pro rt of JoAwwslum- P4 Mengeneed ?errItax card 6/18 Card 4A v -ej(~y ~.,Y-n up.,I s of wl"Ih a 20 nf~#.W.7-70 ":-:3. (MIRA 18:B) C- ~f /~,O /x W, G42DINA. A.?. Rapid method for d4itermining the resistance of tubercle bacilli in sputum to streptozovin and phthivasid. lab.delo 3 n0-6125-26 N-D 157- (Kin 11:1) le Is J[harlkovskogo nauchno-Issladovatellskogo institute vaktain i syvorotok in* Mecludkova.. (MYCOUCTIRIUM TUMCUU)SIS) (STREMOM IN) (ISONIOMINIC ACID) GORDINL-,--G.V,,- IAZUREMO, I.S.; KASPAROVA., T.Yu. Duration of immrdty in children inoculated with a vhooping cough vaccine. 2,bur. mikrobiol.,, epid. i immin. 33 no,,2:33-37 F 62.' (MIR& 15-3) 1. 1z Institutalepidemiologii i mikrobiologii imeni N.F. Gamalei AMN SSSR., (wHoopm couGli-pimEnTivE iNocuumov) KRAVCHENKot M., QtRDWj M. Vowels New method of treating kymographic curves for madng agraph of the movement of basic vaiml tones. Vest. Len. un. 6, No;, 8, 1951. 9.\ Monthl, List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, 1953. Unclassified YMLTOVA, A.D., starehly vauchay sotrvAnlk; GODnU, K,L, (Eharlkov) Vibration neuritic among shoo factory workers. Trach.delo no.l: 2$-29 160. (MIRA 13.-6) 1. Otdol uevTologll (sav. - Prof. Loll. Lltvak) Mmainskogo nauchno- issledovatellskogo pelkhonevrologleheskogo tuntituta. (SHMUMRS--])ISUUS AND MM) (WRITIS) DINERSHTEYN, P,A, MAKSIYDVAp V.G.; YELISEYEVA, K,G.; GORDINA# Finishing of vood articles witli P&-219N maleic sold polyester by means of the flow coat method. Iakokras. mat. i ikh prim. no.4:38-41 t63. (KMA 16:10) OSR / Microbiology. M~croboa, Pathogenic to Man a.nd F Animals. General Froblome. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biologiya, No 5, 1959, No. 19541 Author : Gordina, P. V.; La,zurenko, I. S.; Remova, A. V.; Tsetkov, V. S. Inst : Not given TAle : The Reaction of Whooping Cough and Whooping Cough-Diphtheria Vaccine Orig Pub : Zh. mikrobiol- ., epidemiol. I Immunoblol., 1958, No 6, 21-26 Abstract : No abstract given Card 1/1 GORDINA, R. V. Epidsektora United Inst. Epidemiol. and Microbiol., NKZDRAVA (People's Commissariat of Public Health), (-191,4-). "Analysis of the strains of paratyphus group observed in.the USSR (S. peratyphi B and S. typhi inurium)." Zhur. M-1krobiol., Epidemiol., i Immunobiol., No. 1-2, 1944. GORDINA, R. V. Epidemiological sector of TsIEM -~ Central Tnst. of Epidemiology and Microbioloryll (-1944-:) "Differentiation of the Strains of Paratypbus-B.GrouD.11 Zhur. KLkrobiol., Epldemiol.p i Immunobiol., No. 4-5, 1944. GORDINA R. V. =U "Fbage Types of parstyphoid B Bacteria, and the Action on Them off Vi Bacteriopbage and Ot'hers." Proceedings of Inst. Epidem and Microbiol im. Gamaleya 1954-56. Disser4tation Critically Analyzed at Sessions of the Scientific Council During 1953- Inst. 1-"Epidem and P!icrobiol im.Gamoleya AMS USSR SO: Sum 3.186, 11 Jan 57. Name GORDINA, Raisa Vladimirovna Dissertation phagotypes of Paratyphoid B Bacteria and.the affect upon them of Vi- Bacteriophages Degree Doc Med Sci Affiliation Cnot indicateg Defense Date, Place 14 Jan 56, Council of the Department of Hygiene, Microbiology, and Epidemiology, Acad Med Sci USSR Certification Date Z9 Doc 56 Source BMVO ?15? n it A s n a 3 Aa I Ail Ss AM " 9 1- 1 *4 f i v 3 : i Ell lit j0 I I I i Ia. i a 11 -311 .1,3 1 t i_ i 3 all JU it d r J.3 si J iHMINA, R.V. doktor medatauk (Mosky,a) - lc prevention of whooping cough. Felld. i akush. 23 n0.12: Spe~ii z4-26 D '58 (MMA ILIZ) (WHOOPIRG COUGH)